The SDL 2 build system does not support dash-binsh when using the autotools
build system:
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
./configure: 1: ./configure: objects: not found
make: *** No rule to make target 'build/SDL.lo', needed by
'build/libSDL2.la'. Stop.
Even when forcing shell to bash and running configure under bash, libtool
fails to work:
./libtool: 1569: ./libtool: preserve_args+= --quiet: not found
The CMake build system works with dash-binsh, so let's just use that.