diff options
authorHarmen Stoppels <>2023-04-19 14:36:29 +0200
committerGitHub <>2023-04-19 14:36:29 +0200
commitae909b3688a36797e5ac4ce575b88013d4d5f281 (patch)
parent3a5e48f47686f2ed8ec296dccba81087010b2814 (diff)
Extract depfile logic from cli command into a core module (#36995)
3 files changed, 317 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 085757ca0f..3f06e1e4eb 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import argparse
-import io
import os
import shutil
import sys
@@ -24,10 +23,11 @@ import spack.cmd.modules
import spack.cmd.uninstall
import spack.config
import spack.environment as ev
+import spack.environment.depfile as depfile
import spack.schema.env
+import spack.spec
import spack.tengine
-import spack.traverse as traverse
import spack.util.string as string
from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications
@@ -637,161 +637,23 @@ def env_depfile_setup_parser(subparser):
-def _deptypes(use_buildcache):
- """What edges should we follow for a given node? If it's a cache-only
- node, then we can drop build type deps."""
- return ("link", "run") if use_buildcache == "only" else ("build", "link", "run")
-class MakeTargetVisitor(object):
- """This visitor produces an adjacency list of a (reduced) DAG, which
- is used to generate Makefile targets with their prerequisites."""
- def __init__(self, target, pkg_buildcache, deps_buildcache):
- """
- Args:
- target: function that maps dag_hash -> make target string
- pkg_buildcache (str): "only", "never", "auto": when "only",
- redundant build deps of roots are dropped
- deps_buildcache (str): same as pkg_buildcache, but for non-root specs.
- """
- self.adjacency_list = []
- = target
- self.pkg_buildcache = pkg_buildcache
- self.deps_buildcache = deps_buildcache
- self.deptypes_root = _deptypes(pkg_buildcache)
- self.deptypes_deps = _deptypes(deps_buildcache)
- def neighbors(self, node):
- """Produce a list of spec to follow from node"""
- deptypes = self.deptypes_root if node.depth == 0 else self.deptypes_deps
- return traverse.sort_edges(node.edge.spec.edges_to_dependencies(deptype=deptypes))
- def build_cache_flag(self, depth):
- setting = self.pkg_buildcache if depth == 0 else self.deps_buildcache
- if setting == "only":
- return "--use-buildcache=only"
- elif setting == "never":
- return "--use-buildcache=never"
- return ""
- def accept(self, node):
- fmt = "{name}-{version}-{hash}"
- tgt = node.edge.spec.format(fmt)
- spec_str = node.edge.spec.format(
- "{name}{@version}{%compiler}{variants}{arch=architecture}"
- )
- buildcache_flag = self.build_cache_flag(node.depth)
- prereqs = " ".join([ for dep in self.neighbors(node)])
- self.adjacency_list.append(
- (tgt, prereqs, node.edge.spec.dag_hash(), spec_str, buildcache_flag)
- )
- # We already accepted this
- return True
def env_depfile(args):
# Currently only make is supported.
spack.cmd.require_active_env(cmd_name="env depfile")
- env = ev.active_environment()
- # Special make targets are useful when including a makefile in another, and you
- # need to "namespace" the targets to avoid conflicts.
- if args.make_prefix is None:
- prefix = os.path.join(env.env_subdir_path, "makedeps")
- else:
- prefix = args.make_prefix
- def get_target(name):
- # The `all` and `clean` targets are phony. It doesn't make sense to
- # have /abs/path/to/env/metadir/{all,clean} targets. But it *does* make
- # sense to have a prefix like `env/all`, `env/clean` when they are
- # supposed to be included
- if name in ("all", "clean") and os.path.isabs(prefix):
- return name
- else:
- return os.path.join(prefix, name)
- def get_install_target(name):
- return os.path.join(prefix, "install", name)
- def get_install_deps_target(name):
- return os.path.join(prefix, "install-deps", name)
# What things do we build when running make? By default, we build the
# root specs. If specific specs are provided as input, we build those.
- if args.specs:
- abstract_specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.specs)
- roots = [env.matching_spec(s) for s in abstract_specs]
- else:
- roots = [s for _, s in env.concretized_specs()]
- # We produce a sub-DAG from the DAG induced by roots, where we drop build
- # edges for those specs that are installed through a binary cache.
- pkg_buildcache, dep_buildcache = args.use_buildcache
- make_targets = MakeTargetVisitor(get_install_target, pkg_buildcache, dep_buildcache)
- traverse.traverse_breadth_first_with_visitor(
- roots, traverse.CoverNodesVisitor(make_targets, key=lambda s: s.dag_hash())
- )
- # Root specs without deps are the prereqs for the environment target
- root_install_targets = [get_install_target(h.format("{name}-{version}-{hash}")) for h in roots]
- all_pkg_identifiers = []
- # The SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS variable is "exported", which can be used when including
- # generated makefiles to add post-install hooks, like pushing to a buildcache,
- # running tests, etc.
- # NOTE: GNU Make allows directory separators in variable names, so for consistency
- # we can namespace this variable with the same prefix as targets.
- if args.make_prefix is None:
- pkg_identifier_variable = "SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS"
- else:
- pkg_identifier_variable = os.path.join(prefix, "SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS")
- # All install and install-deps targets
- all_install_related_targets = []
- # Convenience shortcuts: ensure that `make install/pkg-version-hash` triggers
- # <absolute path to env>/.spack-env/makedeps/install/pkg-version-hash in case
- # we don't have a custom make target prefix.
- phony_convenience_targets = []
- for tgt, _, _, _, _ in make_targets.adjacency_list:
- all_pkg_identifiers.append(tgt)
- all_install_related_targets.append(get_install_target(tgt))
- all_install_related_targets.append(get_install_deps_target(tgt))
- if args.make_prefix is None:
- phony_convenience_targets.append(os.path.join("install", tgt))
- phony_convenience_targets.append(os.path.join("install-deps", tgt))
- buf = io.StringIO()
+ filter_specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.specs) if args.specs else None
template = spack.tengine.make_environment().get_template(os.path.join("depfile", "Makefile"))
- rendered = template.render(
- {
- "all_target": get_target("all"),
- "env_target": get_target("env"),
- "clean_target": get_target("clean"),
- "all_install_related_targets": " ".join(all_install_related_targets),
- "root_install_targets": " ".join(root_install_targets),
- "dirs_target": get_target("dirs"),
- "environment": env.path,
- "install_target": get_target("install"),
- "install_deps_target": get_target("install-deps"),
- "any_hash_target": get_target("%"),
- "jobserver_support": "+" if args.jobserver else "",
- "adjacency_list": make_targets.adjacency_list,
- "phony_convenience_targets": " ".join(phony_convenience_targets),
- "pkg_ids_variable": pkg_identifier_variable,
- "pkg_ids": " ".join(all_pkg_identifiers),
- }
- )
- buf.write(rendered)
- makefile = buf.getvalue()
+ model = depfile.MakefileModel.from_env(
+ ev.active_environment(),
+ filter_specs=filter_specs,
+ pkg_buildcache=depfile.UseBuildCache.from_string(args.use_buildcache[0]),
+ dep_buildcache=depfile.UseBuildCache.from_string(args.use_buildcache[1]),
+ make_prefix=args.make_prefix,
+ jobserver=args.jobserver,
+ )
+ makefile = template.render(model.to_dict())
# Finally write to stdout/file.
if args.output:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/environment/ b/lib/spack/spack/environment/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f4087d055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/environment/
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+This module contains the traversal logic and models that can be used to generate
+depfiles from an environment.
+import os
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import List, Optional
+import spack.environment.environment as ev
+import spack.spec
+import spack.traverse as traverse
+class UseBuildCache(Enum):
+ ONLY = 1
+ NEVER = 2
+ AUTO = 3
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_string(s: str) -> "UseBuildCache":
+ if s == "only":
+ return UseBuildCache.ONLY
+ elif s == "never":
+ return UseBuildCache.NEVER
+ elif s == "auto":
+ return UseBuildCache.AUTO
+ raise ValueError(f"invalid value for UseBuildCache: {s}")
+def _deptypes(use_buildcache: UseBuildCache):
+ """What edges should we follow for a given node? If it's a cache-only
+ node, then we can drop build type deps."""
+ return ("link", "run") if use_buildcache == UseBuildCache.ONLY else ("build", "link", "run")
+class DepfileNode:
+ """Contains a spec, a subset of its dependencies, and a flag whether it should be
+ buildcache only/never/auto."""
+ def __init__(
+ self, target: spack.spec.Spec, prereqs: List[spack.spec.Spec], buildcache: UseBuildCache
+ ):
+ = target
+ self.prereqs = prereqs
+ if buildcache == UseBuildCache.ONLY:
+ self.buildcache_flag = "--use-buildcache=only"
+ elif buildcache == UseBuildCache.NEVER:
+ self.buildcache_flag = "--use-buildcache=never"
+ else:
+ self.buildcache_flag = ""
+class DepfileSpecVisitor:
+ """This visitor produces an adjacency list of a (reduced) DAG, which
+ is used to generate depfile targets with their prerequisites. Currently
+ it only drops build deps when using buildcache only mode.
+ Note that the DAG could be reduced even more by dropping build edges of specs
+ installed at the moment the depfile is generated, but that would produce
+ stateful depfiles that would not fail when the database is wiped later."""
+ def __init__(self, pkg_buildcache: UseBuildCache, deps_buildcache: UseBuildCache):
+ self.adjacency_list: List[DepfileNode] = []
+ self.pkg_buildcache = pkg_buildcache
+ self.deps_buildcache = deps_buildcache
+ self.deptypes_root = _deptypes(pkg_buildcache)
+ self.deptypes_deps = _deptypes(deps_buildcache)
+ def neighbors(self, node):
+ """Produce a list of spec to follow from node"""
+ deptypes = self.deptypes_root if node.depth == 0 else self.deptypes_deps
+ return traverse.sort_edges(node.edge.spec.edges_to_dependencies(deptype=deptypes))
+ def accept(self, node):
+ self.adjacency_list.append(
+ DepfileNode(
+ target=node.edge.spec,
+ prereqs=[edge.spec for edge in self.neighbors(node)],
+ buildcache=self.pkg_buildcache if node.depth == 0 else self.deps_buildcache,
+ )
+ )
+ # We already accepted this
+ return True
+class MakefileModel:
+ """This class produces all data to render a makefile for specs of an environment."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ env: ev.Environment,
+ roots: List[spack.spec.Spec],
+ adjacency_list: List[DepfileNode],
+ make_prefix: Optional[str],
+ jobserver: bool,
+ ):
+ """
+ Args:
+ env: environment to generate the makefile for
+ roots: specs that get built in the default target
+ adjacency_list: list of DepfileNode, mapping specs to their dependencies
+ make_prefix: prefix for makefile targets
+ jobserver: when enabled, make will invoke Spack with jobserver support. For
+ dry-run this should be disabled.
+ """
+ # Currently we can only use depfile with an environment since Spack needs to
+ # find the concrete specs somewhere.
+ self.env_path = env.path
+ # These specs are built in the default target.
+ self.roots = roots
+ # The SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS variable is "exported", which can be used when including
+ # generated makefiles to add post-install hooks, like pushing to a buildcache,
+ # running tests, etc.
+ if make_prefix is None:
+ self.make_prefix = os.path.join(env.env_subdir_path, "makedeps")
+ self.pkg_identifier_variable = "SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS"
+ else:
+ # NOTE: GNU Make allows directory separators in variable names, so for consistency
+ # we can namespace this variable with the same prefix as targets.
+ self.make_prefix = make_prefix
+ self.pkg_identifier_variable = os.path.join(make_prefix, "SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS")
+ # And here we collect a tuple of (target, prereqs, dag_hash, nice_name, buildcache_flag)
+ self.make_adjacency_list = [
+ (
+ self._safe_name(,
+ " ".join(self._install_target(self._safe_name(s)) for s in item.prereqs),
+ item.buildcache_flag,
+ )
+ for item in adjacency_list
+ ]
+ # Root specs without deps are the prereqs for the environment target
+ self.root_install_targets = [self._install_target(self._safe_name(s)) for s in roots]
+ self.jobserver_support = "+" if jobserver else ""
+ # All package identifiers, used to generate the SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS variable
+ self.all_pkg_identifiers: List[str] = []
+ # All install and install-deps targets
+ self.all_install_related_targets: List[str] = []
+ # Convenience shortcuts: ensure that `make install/pkg-version-hash` triggers
+ # <absolute path to env>/.spack-env/makedeps/install/pkg-version-hash in case
+ # we don't have a custom make target prefix.
+ self.phony_convenience_targets: List[str] = []
+ for node in adjacency_list:
+ tgt = self._safe_name(
+ self.all_pkg_identifiers.append(tgt)
+ self.all_install_related_targets.append(self._install_target(tgt))
+ self.all_install_related_targets.append(self._install_deps_target(tgt))
+ if make_prefix is None:
+ self.phony_convenience_targets.append(os.path.join("install", tgt))
+ self.phony_convenience_targets.append(os.path.join("install-deps", tgt))
+ def _safe_name(self, spec: spack.spec.Spec) -> str:
+ return spec.format("{name}-{version}-{hash}")
+ def _target(self, name: str) -> str:
+ # The `all` and `clean` targets are phony. It doesn't make sense to
+ # have /abs/path/to/env/metadir/{all,clean} targets. But it *does* make
+ # sense to have a prefix like `env/all`, `env/clean` when they are
+ # supposed to be included
+ if name in ("all", "clean") and os.path.isabs(self.make_prefix):
+ return name
+ else:
+ return os.path.join(self.make_prefix, name)
+ def _install_target(self, name: str) -> str:
+ return os.path.join(self.make_prefix, "install", name)
+ def _install_deps_target(self, name: str) -> str:
+ return os.path.join(self.make_prefix, "install-deps", name)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ return {
+ "all_target": self._target("all"),
+ "env_target": self._target("env"),
+ "clean_target": self._target("clean"),
+ "all_install_related_targets": " ".join(self.all_install_related_targets),
+ "root_install_targets": " ".join(self.root_install_targets),
+ "dirs_target": self._target("dirs"),
+ "environment": self.env_path,
+ "install_target": self._target("install"),
+ "install_deps_target": self._target("install-deps"),
+ "any_hash_target": self._target("%"),
+ "jobserver_support": self.jobserver_support,
+ "adjacency_list": self.make_adjacency_list,
+ "phony_convenience_targets": " ".join(self.phony_convenience_targets),
+ "pkg_ids_variable": self.pkg_identifier_variable,
+ "pkg_ids": " ".join(self.all_pkg_identifiers),
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_env(
+ env: ev.Environment,
+ *,
+ filter_specs: Optional[List[spack.spec.Spec]] = None,
+ pkg_buildcache: UseBuildCache = UseBuildCache.AUTO,
+ dep_buildcache: UseBuildCache = UseBuildCache.AUTO,
+ make_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
+ jobserver: bool = True,
+ ) -> "MakefileModel":
+ """Produces a MakefileModel from an environment and a list of specs.
+ Args:
+ env: the environment to use
+ filter_specs: if provided, only these specs will be built from the environment,
+ otherwise the environment roots are used.
+ pkg_buildcache: whether to only use the buildcache for top-level specs.
+ dep_buildcache: whether to only use the buildcache for non-top-level specs.
+ make_prefix: the prefix for the makefile targets
+ jobserver: when enabled, make will invoke Spack with jobserver support. For
+ dry-run this should be disabled.
+ """
+ # If no specs are provided as a filter, build all the specs in the environment.
+ if filter_specs:
+ entrypoints = [env.matching_spec(s) for s in filter_specs]
+ else:
+ entrypoints = [s for _, s in env.concretized_specs()]
+ visitor = DepfileSpecVisitor(pkg_buildcache, dep_buildcache)
+ traverse.traverse_breadth_first_with_visitor(
+ entrypoints, traverse.CoverNodesVisitor(visitor, key=lambda s: s.dag_hash())
+ )
+ return MakefileModel(env, entrypoints, visitor.adjacency_list, make_prefix, jobserver)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
index 9bd623df35..348c46261c 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -3025,6 +3025,15 @@ def test_read_legacy_lockfile_and_reconcretize(mock_stage, mock_fetch, install_m
assert current_versions == expected_versions
+def _parse_dry_run_package_installs(make_output):
+ """Parse `spack install ... # <spec>` output from a make dry run."""
+ return [
+ Spec(line.split("# ")[1]).name
+ for line in make_output.splitlines()
+ if line.startswith("spack")
+ ]
@@ -3108,15 +3117,66 @@ def test_environment_depfile_makefile(depfile_flags, expected_installs, tmpdir,
# Do make dry run.
out = make("-n", "-f", makefile, output=str)
- # Spack install commands are of the form "spack install ... # <spec>",
- # so we just parse the spec again, for simplicity.
- specs_that_make_would_install = [
- Spec(line.split("# ")[1]).name for line in out.splitlines() if line.startswith("spack")
- ]
+ specs_that_make_would_install = _parse_dry_run_package_installs(out)
# Check that all specs are there (without duplicates)
assert set(specs_that_make_would_install) == set(expected_installs)
- assert len(specs_that_make_would_install) == len(expected_installs)
+ assert len(specs_that_make_would_install) == len(set(specs_that_make_would_install))
+ "picked_package,expected_installs",
+ [
+ (
+ "dttop",
+ [
+ "dtbuild2",
+ "dtlink2",
+ "dtrun2",
+ "dtbuild1",
+ "dtlink4",
+ "dtlink3",
+ "dtlink1",
+ "dtlink5",
+ "dtbuild3",
+ "dtrun3",
+ "dtrun1",
+ "dttop",
+ ],
+ ),
+ ("dtrun1", ["dtlink5", "dtbuild3", "dtrun3", "dtrun1"]),
+ ],
+def test_depfile_phony_convenience_targets(
+ picked_package, expected_installs: set, tmpdir, mock_packages
+ """Check whether convenience targets "install/%" and "install-deps/%" are created for
+ each package if "--make-prefix" is absent."""
+ make = Executable("make")
+ with fs.working_dir(str(tmpdir)):
+ with ev.Environment("."):
+ add("dttop")
+ concretize()
+ with ev.Environment(".") as e:
+ picked_spec = e.matching_spec(picked_package)
+ env("depfile", "-o", "Makefile", "--make-disable-jobserver")
+ # Phony install/* target should install picked package and all its deps
+ specs_that_make_would_install = _parse_dry_run_package_installs(
+ make("-n", picked_spec.format("install/{name}-{version}-{hash}"), output=str)
+ )
+ assert set(specs_that_make_would_install) == set(expected_installs)
+ assert len(specs_that_make_would_install) == len(set(specs_that_make_would_install))
+ # Phony install-deps/* target shouldn't install picked package
+ specs_that_make_would_install = _parse_dry_run_package_installs(
+ make("-n", picked_spec.format("install-deps/{name}-{version}-{hash}"), output=str)
+ )
+ assert set(specs_that_make_would_install) == set(expected_installs) - {picked_package}
+ assert len(specs_that_make_would_install) == len(set(specs_that_make_would_install))
def test_environment_depfile_out(tmpdir, mock_packages):