path: root/var
diff options
authorPeter Scheibel <>2016-03-31 12:56:34 -0700
committerPeter Scheibel <>2016-03-31 12:56:34 -0700
commit9eb314fcaaa9a19d59dee3269bd9ddaf738117a3 (patch)
treeb7f2b0cdeb648b37d92d39ebae26af318d68f3aa /var
parenta0c42a3fd1a8c5319ff8e02313b7f12e8c59349d (diff)
parentd0c8245a58bf184f7921c853ef31734ea2c83e0a (diff)
merge from develop
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
-rw-r--r--var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/ (renamed from var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/SuiteSparse/
87 files changed, 2907 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin.mock/packages/python/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin.mock/packages/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5fed52f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin.mock/packages/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from spack import *
+class Python(Package):
+ """Dummy Python package to demonstrate preferred versions."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ extendable = True
+ version('3.5.1', 'be78e48cdfc1a7ad90efff146dce6cfe')
+ version('3.5.0', 'a56c0c0b45d75a0ec9c6dee933c41c36')
+ version('2.7.11', '6b6076ec9e93f05dd63e47eb9c15728b', preferred=True)
+ version('2.7.10', 'd7547558fd673bd9d38e2108c6b42521')
+ version('2.7.9', '5eebcaa0030dc4061156d3429657fb83')
+ version('2.7.8', 'd4bca0159acb0b44a781292b5231936f')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ pass
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/apr-util/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/apr-util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f19c84d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/apr-util/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from spack import *
+class AprUtil(Package):
+ """Apache Portable Runtime Utility"""
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('1.5.4', '866825c04da827c6e5f53daff5569f42')
+ depends_on('apr')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ # configure, build, install:
+ options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ options.append('--with-apr=%s' % spec['apr'].prefix)
+ configure(*options)
+ make()
+ make('install')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/apr/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/apr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a440766ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/apr/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from spack import *
+class Apr(Package):
+ """Apache portable runtime."""
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('1.5.2', '98492e965963f852ab29f9e61b2ad700')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ configure(*options)
+ make()
+ make('install')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/
index 0b49d14202..6b152f7863 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/
@@ -35,18 +35,32 @@ class ArpackNg(Package):
variant('shared', default=True, description='Enables the build of shared libraries')
variant('mpi', default=False, description='Activates MPI support')
+ # The function pdlamch10 does not set the return variable. This is fixed upstream
+ # see
+ patch('pdlamch10.patch', when='@3.3:')
+ depends_on('automake')
+ depends_on('autoconf')
+ depends_on('libtool@2.4.2:')
depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
# Apparently autotools are not bootstrapped
+ # TODO: switch to use the CMake build in the next version
+ # rather than bootstrapping.
+ which('libtoolize')()
bootstrap = Executable('./bootstrap')
options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
if '+mpi' in spec:
- options.append('--enable-mpi')
+ options.extend([
+ '--enable-mpi',
+ 'F77=mpif77' #FIXME: avoid hardcoding MPI wrapper names
+ ])
if '~shared' in spec:
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/pdlamch10.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/pdlamch10.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..922828909f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/arpack-ng/pdlamch10.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff --git a/PARPACK/SRC/MPI/pdlamch10.f b/PARPACK/SRC/MPI/pdlamch10.f
+index 6571da9..2882c2e 100644
+--- a/PARPACK/SRC/MPI/pdlamch10.f
++++ b/PARPACK/SRC/MPI/pdlamch10.f
+@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
+ *
+ *
+-* End of PDLAMCH
++* End of PDLAMCH10
+ *
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/astyle/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/astyle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7260fd74a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/astyle/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from spack import *
+import os
+class Astyle(Package):
+ """A Free, Fast, and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C#, and Java Source Code."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('2.04', '30b1193a758b0909d06e7ee8dd9627f6')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir('src'):
+ make('-f',
+ join_path(self.stage.source_path,'build','clang','Makefile'),
+ parallel=False)
+ install(join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'src','bin','astyle'), self.prefix.bin)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/atlas/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/atlas/
index fc683363a7..b5504122b7 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/atlas/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/atlas/
@@ -1,31 +1,36 @@
from spack import *
from spack.util.executable import Executable
-import os
+import os.path
class Atlas(Package):
- Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software, generic shared
- ATLAS is an approach for the automatic generation and optimization of
- numerical software. Currently ATLAS supplies optimized versions for the
- complete set of linear algebra kernels known as the Basic Linear Algebra
- Subroutines (BLAS), and a subset of the linear algebra routines in the
- LAPACK library.
+ Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software, generic shared ATLAS is an approach for the automatic generation and
+ optimization of numerical software. Currently ATLAS supplies optimized versions for the complete set of linear
+ algebra kernels known as the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS), and a subset of the linear algebra routines
+ in the LAPACK library.
homepage = ""
+ version('3.10.2', 'a4e21f343dec8f22e7415e339f09f6da',
+ url='', preferred=True)
+ resource(name='lapack',
+ url='',
+ md5='b1d3e3e425b2e44a06760ff173104bdf',
+ destination='spack-resource-lapack',
+ when='@3:')
version('3.11.34', '0b6c5389c095c4c8785fd0f724ec6825',
- version('3.10.2', 'a4e21f343dec8f22e7415e339f09f6da',
- url='')
- # TODO: make this provide BLAS once it works better. Create a way
- # TODO: to mark "beta" packages and require explicit invocation.
+ variant('shared', default=True, description='Builds shared library')
- # provides('blas')
+ provides('blas')
+ provides('lapack')
+ parallel = False
def patch(self):
- # Disable thraed check. LLNL's environment does not allow
+ # Disable thread check. LLNL's environment does not allow
# disabling of CPU throttling in a way that ATLAS actually
# understands.
filter_file(r'^\s+if \(thrchk\) exit\(1\);', 'if (0) exit(1);',
@@ -33,26 +38,21 @@ class Atlas(Package):
# TODO: investigate a better way to add the check back in
# TODO: using, say, MSRs. Or move this to a variant.
- @when('@:3.10')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- with working_dir('ATLAS-Build', create=True):
- configure = Executable('../configure')
- configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix, '-C', 'ic', 'cc', '-C', 'if', 'f77', "--dylibs")
- make()
- make('check')
- make('ptcheck')
- make('time')
- make("install")
+ options = []
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ options.append('--shared')
- def install(self, spec, prefix):
- with working_dir('ATLAS-Build', create=True):
- configure = Executable('../configure')
- configure('--incdir=%s' % prefix.include,
- '--libdir=%s' % prefix.lib,
- '--cc=cc',
- "--shared")
+ # Lapack resource
+ lapack_stage = self.stage[1]
+ lapack_tarfile = os.path.basename(lapack_stage.fetcher.url)
+ lapack_tarfile_path = join_path(lapack_stage.path, lapack_tarfile)
+ options.append('--with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=%s' % lapack_tarfile_path)
+ with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
+ configure = Executable('../configure')
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix, *options)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/boost/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/boost/
index fb1f5daee7..f889da21f2 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/boost/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/boost/
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
from spack import *
import spack
+import sys
+import os
+import sys
class Boost(Package):
"""Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source
@@ -45,34 +49,34 @@ class Boost(Package):
version('1.34.1', '2d938467e8a448a2c9763e0a9f8ca7e5')
version('1.34.0', 'ed5b9291ffad776f8757a916e1726ad0')
- default_install_libs = set(['atomic',
- 'chrono',
- 'date_time',
- 'filesystem',
+ default_install_libs = set(['atomic',
+ 'chrono',
+ 'date_time',
+ 'filesystem',
- 'math',
+ 'math',
- 'random',
- 'regex',
- 'serialization',
- 'signals',
- 'system',
- 'test',
- 'thread',
+ 'random',
+ 'regex',
+ 'serialization',
+ 'signals',
+ 'system',
+ 'test',
+ 'thread',
- # mpi/python are not installed by default because they pull in many
- # dependencies and/or because there is a great deal of customization
+ # mpi/python are not installed by default because they pull in many
+ # dependencies and/or because there is a great deal of customization
# possible (and it would be difficult to choose sensible defaults)
default_noinstall_libs = set(['mpi', 'python'])
all_libs = default_install_libs | default_noinstall_libs
for lib in all_libs:
- variant(lib, default=(lib not in default_noinstall_libs),
+ variant(lib, default=(lib not in default_noinstall_libs),
description="Compile with {0} library".format(lib))
variant('debug', default=False, description='Switch to the debug version of Boost')
@@ -124,9 +128,9 @@ class Boost(Package):
with open('user-config.jam', 'w') as f:
compiler_wrapper = join_path(spack.build_env_path, 'c++')
- f.write("using {0} : : {1} ;\n".format(boostToolsetId,
+ f.write("using {0} : : {1} ;\n".format(boostToolsetId,
if '+mpi' in spec:
f.write('using mpi : %s ;\n' %
join_path(spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpicxx'))
@@ -155,7 +159,7 @@ class Boost(Package):
linkTypes = ['static']
if '+shared' in spec:
threadingOpts = []
if '+multithreaded' in spec:
@@ -163,28 +167,38 @@ class Boost(Package):
if not threadingOpts:
raise RuntimeError("At least one of {singlethreaded, multithreaded} must be enabled")
'toolset=%s' % self.determine_toolset(spec),
'link=%s' % ','.join(linkTypes),
return threadingOpts
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ # On Darwin, Boost expects the Darwin libtool. However, one of the
+ # dependencies may have pulled in Spack's GNU libtool, and these two are
+ # not compatible. We thus create a symlink to Darwin's libtool and add
+ # it at the beginning of PATH.
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ newdir = os.path.abspath('darwin-libtool')
+ mkdirp(newdir)
+ force_symlink('/usr/bin/libtool', join_path(newdir, 'libtool'))
+ env['PATH'] = newdir + ':' + env['PATH']
withLibs = list()
for lib in Boost.all_libs:
if "+{0}".format(lib) in spec:
if not withLibs:
- # if no libraries are specified for compilation, then you dont have
+ # if no libraries are specified for compilation, then you dont have
# to configure/build anything, just copy over to the prefix directory.
src = join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'boost')
mkdirp(join_path(prefix, 'include'))
dst = join_path(prefix, 'include', 'boost')
install_tree(src, dst)
# to make Boost find the user-config.jam
env['BOOST_BUILD_PATH'] = './'
@@ -207,4 +221,7 @@ class Boost(Package):
# Boost.MPI if the threading options are not separated.
for threadingOpt in threadingOpts:
b2('install', 'threading=%s' % threadingOpt, *b2_options)
+ # The shared libraries are not installed correctly on Darwin; correct this
+ if (sys.platform == 'darwin') and ('+shared' in spec):
+ fix_darwin_install_name(prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cmake/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cmake/
index cc93c7067c..91a4e3b415 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cmake/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cmake/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Cmake(Package):
homepage = ''
url = ''
+ version('3.5.1', 'ca051f4a66375c89d1a524e726da0296')
version('3.5.0', '33c5d09d4c33d4ffcc63578a6ba8777e')
version('3.4.3', '4cb3ff35b2472aae70f542116d616e63')
version('3.4.0', 'cd3034e0a44256a0917e254167217fc8')
@@ -38,10 +39,12 @@ class Cmake(Package):
version('', '097278785da7182ec0aea8769d06860c')
variant('ncurses', default=True, description='Enables the build of the ncurses gui')
+ variant('openssl', default=True, description="Enables CMake's OpenSSL features")
variant('qt', default=False, description='Enables the build of cmake-gui')
variant('doc', default=False, description='Enables the generation of html and man page documentation')
depends_on('ncurses', when='+ncurses')
+ depends_on('openssl', when='+openssl')
depends_on('qt', when='+qt')
depends_on('python@2.7.11:', when='+doc')
depends_on('py-sphinx', when='+doc')
@@ -77,8 +80,9 @@ class Cmake(Package):
- options.append('--')
- options.append('-DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL=ON')
+ if '+openssl' in spec:
+ options.append('--')
+ options.append('-DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL=ON')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cryptopp/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cryptopp/
index 1693c4b160..bc83cb2b65 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cryptopp/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cryptopp/
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ class Cryptopp(Package):
public-key encryption (RSA, DSA), and a few obsolete/historical encryption
algorithms (MD5, Panama)."""
- homepage = ""
- url = ""
+ homepage = ""
+ base_url = ""
version('5.6.3', '3c5b70e2ec98b7a24988734446242d07')
version('5.6.2', '7ed022585698df48e65ce9218f6c6a67')
@@ -25,7 +25,5 @@ class Cryptopp(Package):
install('libcryptopp.a', prefix.lib)
def url_for_version(self, version):
- version_tuple = tuple(v for v in iter(version))
- version_string = reduce(lambda vs, nv: vs + str(nv), version_tuple, "")
- return "" % (Cryptopp.homepage, version_string)
+ version_string = str(version).replace('.', '')
+ return '%s/' % (Cryptopp.base_url, version_string)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cuda/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cuda/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea083d8651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cuda/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from spack import *
+from glob import glob
+import os
+class Cuda(Package):
+ """CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by
+ NVIDIA. It enables dramatic increases in computing performance by harnessing
+ the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU).
+ Note: NVIDIA does not provide a download URL for CUDA so you will need to
+ download it yourself. Go to
+ and select your Operating System, Architecture, Distribution, and Version.
+ For the Installer Type, select runfile and click Download. Spack will search
+ your current directory for this file. Alternatively, add this file to a
+ mirror so that Spack can find it. For instructions on how to set up a mirror,
+ see
+ Note: This package does not currently install the drivers necessary to run
+ CUDA. These will need to be installed manually. See:
+ for details."""
+ homepage = ""
+ version('7.5.18', '4b3bcecf0dfc35928a0898793cf3e4c6', expand=False,
+ url="file://%s/" % os.getcwd())
+ version('6.5.14', '90b1b8f77313600cc294d9271741f4da', expand=False,
+ url="file://%s/" % os.getcwd())
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ runfile = glob(os.path.join(self.stage.path, 'cuda*.run'))[0]
+ chmod = which('chmod')
+ chmod('+x', runfile)
+ runfile = which(runfile)
+ # Note: NVIDIA does not officially support many newer versions of compilers.
+ # For example, on CentOS 6, you must use GCC 4.4.7 or older. See:
+ #
+ # for details.
+ runfile(
+ '--silent', # disable interactive prompts
+ '--verbose', # create verbose log file
+ '--toolkit', # install CUDA Toolkit
+ '--toolkitpath=%s' % prefix
+ )
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dbus/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dbus/
index 294b0de54e..422f5a19eb 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dbus/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dbus/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class Dbus(Package):
homepage = ""
url = ""
+ version('1.11.2', '957a07f066f3730d2bb3ea0932f0081b')
version('1.9.0', 'ec6895a4d5c0637b01f0d0e7689e2b36')
version('1.8.8', 'b9f4a18ee3faa1e07c04aa1d83239c43')
version('1.8.6', '6a08ba555d340e9dfe2d623b83c0eea8')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dealii/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dealii/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b76db3827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dealii/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+from spack import *
+import sys
+class Dealii(Package):
+ """C++ software library providing well-documented tools to build finite element codes for a broad variety of PDEs."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('8.4.0', 'ac5dbf676096ff61e092ce98c80c2b00')
+ version('dev', git='')
+ variant('mpi', default=True, description='Compile with MPI')
+ variant('arpack', default=True, description='Compile with Arpack and PArpack (only with MPI)')
+ variant('doc', default=False, description='Compile with documentation')
+ variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Compile with HDF5 (only with MPI)')
+ variant('metis', default=True, description='Compile with Metis')
+ variant('netcdf', default=True, description='Compile with Netcdf (only with MPI)')
+ variant('oce', default=True, description='Compile with OCE')
+ variant('p4est', default=True, description='Compile with P4est (only with MPI)')
+ variant('petsc', default=True, description='Compile with Petsc (only with MPI)')
+ variant('slepc', default=True, description='Compile with Slepc (only with Petsc and MPI)')
+ variant('trilinos', default=True, description='Compile with Trilinos (only with MPI)')
+ # required dependencies, light version
+ depends_on ("blas")
+ depends_on ("boost", when='~mpi')
+ depends_on ("boost+mpi", when='+mpi')
+ depends_on ("bzip2")
+ depends_on ("cmake")
+ depends_on ("lapack")
+ depends_on ("muparser")
+ depends_on ("suite-sparse")
+ depends_on ("tbb")
+ depends_on ("zlib")
+ # optional dependencies
+ depends_on ("mpi", when="+mpi")
+ depends_on ("arpack-ng+mpi", when='+arpack+mpi')
+ depends_on ("doxygen", when='+doc')
+ depends_on ("hdf5+mpi~cxx", when='+hdf5+mpi') #FIXME NetCDF declares dependency with ~cxx, why?
+ depends_on ("metis", when='+metis')
+ depends_on ("netcdf+mpi", when="+netcdf+mpi")
+ depends_on ("netcdf-cxx", when='+netcdf+mpi')
+ depends_on ("oce", when='+oce')
+ depends_on ("p4est", when='+p4est+mpi')
+ depends_on ("petsc+mpi", when='+petsc+mpi')
+ depends_on ("slepc", when='+slepc+petsc+mpi')
+ depends_on ("trilinos", when='+trilinos+mpi')
+ # developer dependnecies
+ #depends_on ("numdiff") #FIXME
+ #depends_on ("astyle") #FIXME
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = []
+ options.extend(std_cmake_args)
+ # CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE should be DebugRelease | Debug | Release
+ for word in options[:]:
+ if word.startswith('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE'):
+ options.remove(word)
+ dsuf = 'dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'so'
+ options.extend([
+ '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DebugRelease',
+ '-DBOOST_DIR=%s' % spec['boost'].prefix,
+ '-DBZIP2_DIR=%s' % spec['bzip2'].prefix,
+ # CMake's FindBlas/Lapack may pickup system's blas/lapack instead of Spack's.
+ # Be more specific to avoid this.
+ # Note that both lapack and blas are provided in -DLAPACK_XYZ variables
+ '-DLAPACK_FOUND=true',
+ (spec['lapack'].prefix.include,
+ spec['blas'].prefix.include),
+ (join_path(spec['lapack'].prefix.lib,'liblapack.%s' % dsuf), # FIXME don't hardcode names
+ join_path(spec['blas'].prefix.lib,'libblas.%s' % dsuf)), # FIXME don't hardcode names
+ '-DMUPARSER_DIR=%s ' % spec['muparser'].prefix,
+ '-DP4EST_DIR=%s' % spec['p4est'].prefix,
+ '-DUMFPACK_DIR=%s' % spec['suite-sparse'].prefix,
+ '-DTBB_DIR=%s' % spec['tbb'].prefix,
+ '-DZLIB_DIR=%s' % spec['zlib'].prefix
+ ])
+ # MPI
+ if '+mpi' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpicc'), # FIXME: avoid hardcoding mpi wrappers names
+ '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpic++'),
+ '-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpif90'),
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # Optional dependencies for which librariy names are the same as CMake variables
+ for library in ('hdf5', 'p4est','petsc', 'slepc','trilinos','metis'):
+ if library in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-D{library}_DIR={value}'.format(library=library.upper(), value=spec[library].prefix),
+ '-DDEAL_II_WITH_{library}:BOOL=ON'.format(library=library.upper())
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DDEAL_II_WITH_{library}:BOOL=OFF'.format(library=library.upper())
+ ])
+ # doxygen
+ options.extend([
+ '-DDEAL_II_COMPONENT_DOCUMENTATION=%s' % ('ON' if '+doc' in spec else 'OFF'),
+ ])
+ # arpack
+ if '+arpack' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DARPACK_DIR=%s' % spec['arpack-ng'].prefix,
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # since Netcdf is spread among two, need to do it by hand:
+ if '+netcdf' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DNETCDF_FOUND=true',
+ (join_path(spec['netcdf-cxx'].prefix.lib,'libnetcdf_c++.%s' % dsuf),
+ join_path(spec['netcdf'].prefix.lib,'libnetcdf.%s' % dsuf)),
+ (spec['netcdf-cxx'].prefix.include,
+ spec['netcdf'].prefix.include),
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # Open Cascade
+ if '+oce' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DOPENCASCADE_DIR=%s' % spec['oce'].prefix,
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ cmake('.', *options)
+ make()
+ make("test")
+ make("install")
+ # run some MPI examples with different solvers from PETSc and Trilinos
+ env['DEAL_II_DIR'] = prefix
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('============ EXAMPLES ===============')
+ print('=====================================')
+ # take bare-bones step-3
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('============ Step-3 =================')
+ print('=====================================')
+ with working_dir('examples/step-3'):
+ cmake('.')
+ make('release')
+ make('run',parallel=False)
+ # take step-40 which can use both PETSc and Trilinos
+ # FIXME: switch step-40 to MPI run
+ with working_dir('examples/step-40'):
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('========== Step-40 PETSc ============')
+ print('=====================================')
+ # list the number of cycles to speed up
+ filter_file(r'(const unsigned int n_cycles = 8;)', ('const unsigned int n_cycles = 2;'), '')
+ cmake('.')
+ if '^petsc' in spec:
+ make('release')
+ make('run',parallel=False)
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('========= Step-40 Trilinos ==========')
+ print('=====================================')
+ # change Linear Algebra to Trilinos
+ filter_file(r'(\/\/ #define FORCE_USE_OF_TRILINOS.*)', ('#define FORCE_USE_OF_TRILINOS'), '')
+ if '^trilinos+hypre' in spec:
+ make('release')
+ make('run',parallel=False)
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('=== Step-40 Trilinos SuperluDist ====')
+ print('=====================================')
+ # change to direct solvers
+ filter_file(r'(LA::SolverCG solver\(solver_control\);)', ('TrilinosWrappers::SolverDirect::AdditionalData data(false,"Amesos_Superludist"); TrilinosWrappers::SolverDirect solver(solver_control,data);'), '')
+ filter_file(r'(LA::MPI::PreconditionAMG preconditioner;)', (''), '')
+ filter_file(r'(LA::MPI::PreconditionAMG::AdditionalData data;)', (''), '')
+ filter_file(r'(preconditioner.initialize\(system_matrix, data\);)', (''), '')
+ filter_file(r'(solver\.solve \(system_matrix, completely_distributed_solution, system_rhs,)', ('solver.solve (system_matrix, completely_distributed_solution, system_rhs);'), '')
+ filter_file(r'(preconditioner\);)', (''), '')
+ if '^trilinos+superlu-dist' in spec:
+ make('release')
+ make('run',paralle=False)
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('====== Step-40 Trilinos MUMPS =======')
+ print('=====================================')
+ # switch to Mumps
+ filter_file(r'(Amesos_Superludist)', ('Amesos_Mumps'), '')
+ if '^trilinos+mumps' in spec:
+ make('release')
+ make('run',parallel=False)
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('============ Step-36 ================')
+ print('=====================================')
+ with working_dir('examples/step-36'):
+ if 'slepc' in spec:
+ cmake('.')
+ make('release')
+ make('run',parallel=False)
+ print('=====================================')
+ print('============ Step-54 ================')
+ print('=====================================')
+ with working_dir('examples/step-54'):
+ if 'oce' in spec:
+ cmake('.')
+ make('release')
+ make('run',parallel=False)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/doxygen/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/doxygen/
index 3d4a4e47a7..3a1deba9e1 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/doxygen/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/doxygen/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
from spack import *
+import sys
class Doxygen(Package):
"""Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation
@@ -17,6 +18,10 @@ class Doxygen(Package):
version('1.8.10', '79767ccd986f12a0f949015efb5f058f')
+ # flex does not build on OSX, but it's provided there anyway
+ depends_on("flex", sys.platform != 'darwin')
+ depends_on("bison", sys.platform != 'darwin')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
cmake('.', *std_cmake_args)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/eigen/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/eigen/
index e40046b452..8d6e672f86 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/eigen/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/eigen/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Eigen(Package):
depends_on('metis', when='+metis')
depends_on('scotch', when='+scotch')
depends_on('fftw', when='+fftw')
- depends_on('SuiteSparse', when='+suitesparse')
+ depends_on('suite-sparse', when='+suitesparse')
depends_on('mpfr@2.3.0:') # Eigen 3.2.7 requires at least 2.3.0
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/espresso/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/espresso/
index a2bf58f585..0dad57a9f6 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/espresso/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/espresso/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Espresso(Package):
depends_on('fftw~mpi', when='~mpi')
depends_on('fftw+mpi', when='+mpi')
depends_on('scalapack', when='+scalapack+mpi') # TODO : + mpi needed to avoid false dependencies installation
def check_variants(self, spec):
error = 'you cannot ask for \'+{variant}\' when \'+mpi\' is not active'
if '+scalapack' in spec and '~mpi' in spec:
@@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ class Espresso(Package):
raise RuntimeError(error.format(variant='elpa'))
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ from glob import glob
- options = ['-prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ options = ['-prefix=%s' % prefix.bin]
if '+mpi' in spec:
@@ -61,5 +62,11 @@ class Espresso(Package):
- make('install')
+ if spec.architecture.startswith('darwin'):
+ mkdirp(prefix.bin)
+ for filename in glob("bin/*.x"):
+ install(filename, prefix.bin)
+ else:
+ make('install')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/darwin/gcc-4.9.patch1 b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/darwin/gcc-4.9.patch1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..444e292786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/darwin/gcc-4.9.patch1
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+diff --git a/gcc/configure b/gcc/configure
+index 9523773..52b0bf7 100755
+--- a/gcc/configure
++++ b/gcc/configure
+@@ -24884,7 +24884,7 @@ if test "${gcc_cv_as_ix86_filds+set}" = set; then :
+ else
+ gcc_cv_as_ix86_filds=no
+ if test x$gcc_cv_as != x; then
+- $as_echo 'filds mem; fists mem' > conftest.s
++ $as_echo 'filds (%ebp); fists (%ebp)' > conftest.s
+ if { ac_try='$gcc_cv_as $gcc_cv_as_flags -o conftest.o conftest.s >&5'
+ { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_try\""; } >&5
+ (eval $ac_try) 2>&5
+@@ -24915,7 +24915,7 @@ if test "${gcc_cv_as_ix86_fildq+set}" = set; then :
+ else
+ gcc_cv_as_ix86_fildq=no
+ if test x$gcc_cv_as != x; then
+- $as_echo 'fildq mem; fistpq mem' > conftest.s
++ $as_echo 'fildq (%ebp); fistpq (%ebp)' > conftest.s
+ if { ac_try='$gcc_cv_as $gcc_cv_as_flags -o conftest.o conftest.s >&5'
+ { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_try\""; } >&5
+ (eval $ac_try) 2>&5
+diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
+index 68b0ee8..bd53978 100644
+--- a/gcc/
++++ b/gcc/
+@@ -3869,13 +3869,13 @@ foo: nop
+ gcc_GAS_CHECK_FEATURE([filds and fists mnemonics],
+ gcc_cv_as_ix86_filds,,,
+- [filds mem; fists mem],,
++ [filds (%ebp); fists (%ebp)],,
+ [Define if your assembler uses filds and fists mnemonics.])])
+ gcc_GAS_CHECK_FEATURE([fildq and fistpq mnemonics],
+ gcc_cv_as_ix86_fildq,,,
+- [fildq mem; fistpq mem],,
++ [fildq (%ebp); fistpq (%ebp)],,
+ [Define if your assembler uses fildq and fistq mnemonics.])])
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/darwin/gcc-4.9.patch2 b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/darwin/gcc-4.9.patch2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b065997f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/darwin/gcc-4.9.patch2
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From 82f81877458ea372176eabb5de36329431dce99b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Iain Sandoe <>
+Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:30:18 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] don't try to mark local symbols as no-dead-strip
+ gcc/config/darwin.c | 5 +++++
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/gcc/config/darwin.c b/gcc/config/darwin.c
+index 40804b8..0080299 100644
+--- a/gcc/config/darwin.c
++++ b/gcc/config/darwin.c
+@@ -1259,6 +1259,11 @@ darwin_encode_section_info (tree decl, rtx rtl, int first ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ void
+ darwin_mark_decl_preserved (const char *name)
+ {
++ /* Actually we shouldn't mark any local symbol this way, but for now
++ this only happens with ObjC meta-data. */
++ if (darwin_label_is_anonymous_local_objc_name (name))
++ return;
+ fprintf (asm_out_file, "\t.no_dead_strip ");
+ assemble_name (asm_out_file, name);
+ fputc ('\n', asm_out_file);
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/
index f8958ee290..6043b62279 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gcc/
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ from spack import *
from contextlib import closing
from glob import glob
+import sys
+import os
class Gcc(Package):
"""The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++,
@@ -47,24 +49,33 @@ class Gcc(Package):
version('4.6.4', 'b407a3d1480c11667f293bfb1f17d1a4')
version('4.5.4', '27e459c2566b8209ab064570e1b378f7')
- variant('gold', default=True, description="Build the gold linker plugin for ld-based LTO")
+ variant('binutils', default=sys.platform != 'darwin',
+ description="Build via binutils")
+ variant('gold', default=sys.platform != 'darwin',
+ description="Build the gold linker plugin for ld-based LTO")
depends_on("mpc", when='@4.5:')
depends_on("isl", when='@5.0:')
- depends_on("binutils~libiberty", when='~gold')
- depends_on("binutils~libiberty+gold", when='+gold')
+ depends_on("binutils~libiberty", when='+binutils ~gold')
+ depends_on("binutils~libiberty+gold", when='+binutils +gold')
+ # TODO: integrate these libraries.
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ patch('darwin/gcc-4.9.patch1', when='@4.9.3')
+ patch('darwin/gcc-4.9.patch2', when='@4.9.3')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
# libjava/configure needs a minor fix to install into spack paths.
- filter_file(r"'@.*@'", "'@[[:alnum:]]*@'", 'libjava/configure', string=True)
+ filter_file(r"'@.*@'", "'@[[:alnum:]]*@'", 'libjava/configure',
+ string=True)
enabled_languages = set(('c', 'c++', 'fortran', 'java', 'objc'))
- if spec.satisfies("@4.7.1:"):
+ if spec.satisfies("@4.7.1:") and sys.platform != 'darwin':
# Generic options to compile GCC
@@ -72,32 +83,40 @@ class Gcc(Package):
"--libdir=%s/lib64" % prefix,
"--enable-languages=" + ','.join(enabled_languages),
- "--with-mpc=%s" % spec['mpc'].prefix,
- "--with-mpfr=%s" % spec['mpfr'].prefix,
- "--with-gmp=%s" % spec['gmp'].prefix,
+ "--with-mpc=%s" % spec['mpc'].prefix,
+ "--with-mpfr=%s" % spec['mpfr'].prefix,
+ "--with-gmp=%s" % spec['gmp'].prefix,
- "--with-gnu-ld",
- "--with-gnu-as",
# Binutils
- static_bootstrap_flags = "-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc"
- binutils_options = ["--with-sysroot=/",
- "--with-stage1-ldflags=%s %s" % (self.rpath_args, static_bootstrap_flags),
- "--with-boot-ldflags=%s %s" % (self.rpath_args, static_bootstrap_flags),
- "--with-ld=%s/bin/ld" % spec['binutils'].prefix,
- "--with-as=%s/bin/as" % spec['binutils'].prefix]
- options.extend(binutils_options)
+ if spec.satisfies('+binutils'):
+ static_bootstrap_flags = "-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc"
+ binutils_options = ["--with-sysroot=/",
+ "--with-stage1-ldflags=%s %s" %
+ (self.rpath_args, static_bootstrap_flags),
+ "--with-boot-ldflags=%s %s" %
+ (self.rpath_args, static_bootstrap_flags),
+ "--with-gnu-ld",
+ "--with-ld=%s/bin/ld" % spec['binutils'].prefix,
+ "--with-gnu-as",
+ "--with-as=%s/bin/as" % spec['binutils'].prefix]
+ options.extend(binutils_options)
# Isl
if 'isl' in spec:
isl_options = ["--with-isl=%s" % spec['isl'].prefix]
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin' :
+ darwin_options = [ "--with-build-config=bootstrap-debug" ]
+ options.extend(darwin_options)
build_dir = join_path(self.stage.path, 'spack-build')
configure = Executable( join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'configure') )
with working_dir(build_dir, create=True):
# Rest of install is straightforward.
- make()
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin' : make("bootstrap")
+ else: make()
@@ -114,7 +133,8 @@ class Gcc(Package):
"""Generate a spec file so the linker adds a rpath to the libs
the compiler used to build the executable."""
if not self.spec_dir:
- tty.warn("Could not install specs for %s." % self.spec.format('$_$@'))
+ tty.warn("Could not install specs for %s." %
+ self.spec.format('$_$@'))
gcc = Executable(join_path(self.prefix.bin, 'gcc'))
@@ -124,5 +144,6 @@ class Gcc(Package):
for line in lines:
out.write(line + "\n")
if line.startswith("*link:"):
- out.write("-rpath %s/lib:%s/lib64 \\\n"% (self.prefix, self.prefix))
+ out.write("-rpath %s/lib:%s/lib64 \\\n" %
+ (self.prefix, self.prefix))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gdal/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gdal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f1f1ec2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gdal/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+from spack import *
+class Gdal(Package):
+ """
+ GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial
+ data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source
+ license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library,
+ it presents a single raster abstract data model and vector
+ abstract data model to the calling application for all supported
+ formats. It also comes with a variety of useful command line
+ utilities for data translation and processing
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ list_url = ""
+ list_depth = 2
+ version('2.0.2', '573865f3f59ba7b4f8f4cddf223b52a5')
+ extends('python')
+ variant('hdf5', default=False, description='Enable HDF5 support')
+ variant('hdf', default=False, description='Enable HDF4 support')
+ variant('openjpeg', default=False, description='Enable JPEG2000 support')
+ variant('geos', default=False, description='Enable GEOS support')
+ variant('kea', default=False, description='Enable KEA support')
+ variant('netcdf', default=False, description='Enable netcdf support')
+ depends_on('swig')
+ depends_on("hdf5", when='+hdf5')
+ depends_on("hdf", when='+hdf')
+ depends_on("openjpeg", when='+openjpeg')
+ depends_on("geos", when='+geos')
+ depends_on("kealib", when='+kea')
+ depends_on("netcdf", when='+netcdf')
+ depends_on("libtiff")
+ depends_on("libpng")
+ depends_on("zlib")
+ depends_on("proj")
+ depends_on("py-numpy")
+ parallel = False
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ args = []
+ args.append("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
+ args.append("--with-liblzma=yes")
+ args.append("--with-zlib=%s" % spec['zlib'].prefix)
+ args.append("--with-python=%s" % spec['python'].prefix.bin + "/python")
+ args.append("--without-libtool")
+ if '+geos' in spec:
+ args.append('--with-geos=yes')
+ if '+hdf' in spec:
+ args.append('--with-hdf4=%s' % spec['hdf'].prefix)
+ if '+hdf5' in spec:
+ args.append('--with-hdf5=%s' % spec['hdf5'].prefix)
+ if '+openjpeg' in spec:
+ args.append('--with-openjpeg=%s' % spec['openjpeg'].prefix)
+ if '+kea' in spec:
+ args.append('--with-kea=yes')
+ if '+netcdf' in spec:
+ args.append('--with-netcdf=%s' % spec['netcdf'].prefix)
+ configure(*args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/geos/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/geos/
index 4a2657e32f..030703f286 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/geos/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/geos/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from spack import *
+import os
class Geos(Package):
"""GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java
@@ -10,6 +11,10 @@ class Geos(Package):
homepage = ""
url = ""
+ # Verison 3.5.0 supports Autotools and CMake
+ version('3.5.0', '136842690be7f504fba46b3c539438dd')
+ # Versions through 3.4.2 have CMake, but only Autotools is supported
version('3.4.2', 'fc5df2d926eb7e67f988a43a92683bae')
version('3.4.1', '4c930dec44c45c49cd71f3e0931ded7e')
version('3.4.0', 'e41318fc76b5dc764a69d43ac6b18488')
@@ -21,11 +26,22 @@ class Geos(Package):
version('3.3.4', '1bb9f14d57ef06ffa41cb1d67acb55a1')
version('3.3.3', '8454e653d7ecca475153cc88fd1daa26')
- extends('python')
- depends_on('swig')
+# # Python3 is not supported.
+# variant('python', default=False, description='Enable Python support')
+# extends('python', when='+python')
+# depends_on('python', when='+python')
+# depends_on('swig', when='+python')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix,
- "--enable-python")
+ args = ["--prefix=%s" % prefix]
+# if '+python' in spec:
+# os.environ['PYTHON'] = join_path(spec['python'].prefix, 'bin',
+# 'python' if spec['python'].version[:1][0] <= 2 else 'python3')
+# os.environ['SWIG'] = join_path(spec['swig'].prefix, 'bin', 'swig')
+# args.append("--enable-python")
+ configure(*args)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gettext/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gettext/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05712d7392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/gettext/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from spack import *
+class Gettext(Package):
+ """GNU internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('0.19.7', 'f81e50556da41b44c1d59ac93474dca5')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = ['--disable-dependency-tracking',
+ '--disable-silent-rules',
+ '--disable-debug',
+ '--prefix=%s' % prefix,
+ '--with-included-gettext',
+ '--with-included-glib',
+ '--with-included-libcroco',
+ '--with-included-libunistring',
+ '--with-emacs',
+ '--with-lispdir=%s/emacs/site-lisp/gettext' % prefix.share,
+ '--disable-java',
+ '--disable-csharp',
+ '--without-git', # Don't use VCS systems to create these archives
+ '--without-cvs',
+ '--without-xz']
+ configure(*options)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/googletest/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/googletest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..663b758747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/googletest/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from spack import *
+class Googletest(Package):
+ """Google test framework for C++. Also called gtest."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.7.0', '5eaf03ed925a47b37c8e1d559eb19bc4')
+ depends_on("cmake")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ which('cmake')('.', *std_cmake_args)
+ make()
+ # Google Test doesn't have a make install
+ # We have to do our own install here.
+ install_tree('include', prefix.include)
+ mkdirp(prefix.lib)
+ install('./libgtest.a', '%s' % prefix.lib)
+ install('./libgtest_main.a', '%s' % prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/graphviz/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/graphviz/
index 7af7da1881..ecf92620d4 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/graphviz/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/graphviz/
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ class Graphviz(Package):
version('2.38.0', '5b6a829b2ac94efcd5fa3c223ed6d3ae')
+ # By default disable optional Perl language support to prevent build issues
+ # related to missing Perl packages. If spack begins support for Perl in the
+ # future, this package can be updated to depend_on('perl') and the
+ # ncecessary devel packages.
+ variant('perl', default=False, description='Enable if you need the optional Perl language bindings.')
parallel = False
@@ -14,8 +20,10 @@ class Graphviz(Package):
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- configure("--prefix=%s" %prefix)
+ options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ if not '+perl' in spec:
+ options.append('--disable-perl')
+ configure(*options)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hoomd-blue/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hoomd-blue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d310b7687a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hoomd-blue/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+from spack import *
+import os
+class HoomdBlue(Package):
+ """HOOMD-blue is a general-purpose particle simulation toolkit. It scales
+ from a single CPU core to thousands of GPUs.
+ You define particle initial conditions and interactions in a high-level
+ python script. Then tell HOOMD-blue how you want to execute the job and it
+ takes care of the rest. Python job scripts give you unlimited flexibility
+ to create custom initialization routines, control simulation parameters,
+ and perform in situ analysis."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.3.3', '1469ef4531dc14b579c0acddbfe6a273')
+ variant('mpi', default=True, description='Compile with MPI enabled')
+ variant('cuda', default=True, description='Compile with CUDA Toolkit')
+ variant('doc', default=True, description='Generate documentation')
+ extends('python')
+ depends_on('py-numpy')
+ depends_on('boost+python')
+ depends_on('cmake')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ depends_on('cuda', when='+cuda')
+ depends_on('doxygen', when='+doc')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ cmake_args = [
+ '-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s/python' % spec['python'].prefix.bin,
+ '-DBOOST_ROOT=%s' % spec['boost' ].prefix
+ ]
+ # MPI support
+ if '+mpi' in spec:
+ os.environ['MPI_HOME'] = spec['mpi'].prefix
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_MPI=ON')
+ else:
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_MPI=OFF')
+ # CUDA support
+ if '+cuda' in spec:
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_CUDA=ON')
+ else:
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_CUDA=OFF')
+ # CUDA-aware MPI library support
+ #if '+cuda' in spec and '+mpi' in spec:
+ # cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_MPI_CUDA=ON')
+ #else:
+ # cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_MPI_CUDA=OFF')
+ # There may be a bug in the MPI-CUDA code. See:
+ #!msg/hoomd-users/2griTESmc5I/E69s_M5fDwAJ
+ # This prevented "make test" from passing for me.
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_MPI_CUDA=OFF')
+ # Documentation
+ if '+doc' in spec:
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_DOXYGEN=ON')
+ else:
+ cmake_args.append('-DENABLE_DOXYGEN=OFF')
+ cmake_args.extend(std_cmake_args)
+ cmake('.', *cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("test")
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hypre/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hypre/
index 242ee100d7..4b915daa68 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hypre/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hypre/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from spack import *
-import os
+import os, sys
class Hypre(Package):
"""Hypre is a library of high performance preconditioners that
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ class Hypre(Package):
version('2.10.1', 'dc048c4cabb3cd549af72591474ad674')
version('2.10.0b', '768be38793a35bb5d055905b271f5b8e')
- variant('shared', default=True, description="Build shared library version (disables static library)")
+ # hypre does not know how to build shared libraries on Darwin
+ variant('shared', default=sys.platform!='darwin', description="Build shared library version (disables static library)")
+ # SuperluDist have conflicting headers with those in Hypre
+ variant('internal-superlu', default=True, description="Use internal Superlu routines")
@@ -37,6 +40,12 @@ class Hypre(Package):
if '+shared' in self.spec:
+ if '~internal-superlu' in self.spec:
+ configure_args.append("--without-superlu")
+ # MLI and FEI do not build without superlu on Linux
+ configure_args.append("--without-mli")
+ configure_args.append("--without-fei")
# Hypre's source is staged under ./src so we'll have to manually
# cd into it.
with working_dir("src"):
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/kealib/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/kealib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..475d21e1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/kealib/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from spack import *
+class Kealib(Package):
+ """An HDF5 Based Raster File Format
+ KEALib provides an implementation of the GDAL data model.
+ The format supports raster attribute tables, image pyramids,
+ meta-data and in-built statistics while also handling very
+ large files and compression throughout.
+ Based on the HDF5 standard, it also provides a base from which
+ other formats can be derived and is a good choice for long
+ term data archiving. An independent software library (libkea)
+ provides complete access to the KEA image format and a GDAL
+ driver allowing KEA images to be used from any GDAL supported software.
+ Development work on this project has been funded by Landcare Research.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.4.5', '112e9c42d980b2d2987a3c15d0833a5d')
+ depends_on("hdf5")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir('trunk', create=False):
+ cmake_args = []
+ cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s" % prefix)
+ cmake_args.append("-DHDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=%s" % spec['hdf5'].prefix.include)
+ cmake_args.append("-DHDF5_LIB_PATH=%s" % spec['hdf5'].prefix.lib)
+ cmake('.', *cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libdrm/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libdrm/
index 00736b7811..d5d779f796 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libdrm/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libdrm/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from spack import *
class Libdrm(Package):
"""A userspace library for accessing the DRM, direct
- rendering manager, on Linux, BSD and other operating
+ rendering manager, on Linux, BSD and other operating
systems that support the ioctl interface."""
homepage = "" # no real website...
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class Libdrm(Package):
version('2.4.59', '105ac7af1afcd742d402ca7b4eb168b6')
version('2.4.33', '86e4e3debe7087d5404461e0032231c8')
+ depends_on('libpciaccess')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libelf/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libelf/
index 9f16708af5..29bc21b65c 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libelf/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libelf/
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ class Libelf(Package):
- sanity_check_is_file = 'include/libelf.h'
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=" + prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libpng/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libpng/
index e02b08663e..73c8c62341 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libpng/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/libpng/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ class Libpng(Package):
version('1.6.15', '829a256f3de9307731d4f52dc071916d')
version('1.6.14', '2101b3de1d5f348925990f9aa8405660')
+ depends_on('zlib')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/llvm/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/llvm/
index 280e400f69..1d25d59e50 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/llvm/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/llvm/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class Llvm(Package):
depends_on('cmake @')
# Universal dependency
- depends_on('python@2.7:')
+ depends_on('python@2.7:2.8') # Seems not to support python 3.X.Y
# lldb dependencies
depends_on('ncurses', when='+lldb')
@@ -133,6 +133,21 @@ class Llvm(Package):
+ 'version' : '3.8.0',
+ 'md5':'07a7a74f3c6bd65de4702bf941b511a0',
+ 'resources' : {
+ 'compiler-rt' : 'd6fcbe14352ffb708e4d1ac2e48bb025',
+ 'openmp' : '8fd7cc35d48051613cf1e750e9f22e40',
+ 'polly' : '1b3b20f52d34a4024e21a4ea7112caa7',
+ 'libcxx' : 'd6e0bdbbee39f7907ad74fd56d03b88a',
+ 'libcxxabi' : 'bbe6b4d72c7c5978550d370af529bcf7',
+ 'clang' : 'cc99e7019bb74e6459e80863606250c5',
+ 'clang-tools-extra' : 'c2344f50e0eea0b402f0092a80ddc036',
+ 'lldb' : 'a5da35ed9cc8c8817ee854e3dbfba00e',
+ 'llvm-libunwind' : '162ade468607f153cca12be90b5194fa',
+ }
+ },
+ {
'version' : '3.7.1',
'resources' : {
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/install_gklib_defs_rename.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/install_gklib_defs_rename.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b182b167b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/install_gklib_defs_rename.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Sean Farley <>
+# Date 1332269671 18000
+# Tue Mar 20 13:54:31 2012 -0500
+# Node ID b95c0c2e1d8bf8e3273f7d45e856f0c0127d998e
+# Parent 88049269953c67c3fdcc4309bf901508a875f0dc
+cmake: add gklib headers to install into include
+diff -r 88049269953c -r b95c0c2e1d8b libmetis/CMakeLists.txt
+Index: libmetis/CMakeLists.txt
+--- a/libmetis/CMakeLists.txt Tue Mar 20 13:54:29 2012 -0500
++++ b/libmetis/CMakeLists.txt Tue Mar 20 13:54:31 2012 -0500
+@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ endif()
+ install(TARGETS metis
++ install(FILES gklib_defs.h DESTINATION include)
++ install(FILES gklib_rename.h DESTINATION include)
+ endif()
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/
index bbfc4de7d1..9301135f9f 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/metis/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
from spack import *
+import glob,sys
class Metis(Package):
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ class Metis(Package):
depends_on('gdb', when='+gdb')
+ patch('install_gklib_defs_rename.patch')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
options = []
@@ -80,4 +82,15 @@ class Metis(Package):
with working_dir(build_directory, create=True):
cmake(source_directory, *options)
- make("install") \ No newline at end of file
+ make("install")
+ # install GKlib headers, which will be needed for ParMETIS
+ GKlib_dist = join_path(prefix.include,'GKlib')
+ mkdirp(GKlib_dist)
+ fs = glob.glob(join_path(source_directory,'GKlib',"*.h"))
+ for f in fs:
+ install(f, GKlib_dist)
+ # The shared library is not installed correctly on Darwin; correct this
+ if (sys.platform == 'darwin') and ('+shared' in spec):
+ fix_darwin_install_name(prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/modules/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b014ee460c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from spack import *
+class Modules(Package):
+ """ The Environment Modules package provides for the dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles. """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('3.2.10', '8b097fdcb90c514d7540bb55a3cb90fb')
+ depends_on("tcl")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix,
+ '--disable-debug',
+ '--disable-dependency-tracking',
+ '--disable-silent-rules',
+ '--disable-versioning',
+ '--datarootdir=%s' % prefix.share,
+ configure(*options)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mpich/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mpich/
index e2b3654c19..2d7955e08d 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mpich/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mpich/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
from spack import *
import os
class Mpich(Package):
"""MPICH is a high performance and widely portable implementation of
the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard."""
@@ -46,14 +47,16 @@ class Mpich(Package):
provides('mpi@:3.0', when='@3:')
provides('mpi@:1.3', when='@1:')
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, dep_spec):
- """For dependencies, make mpicc's use spack wrapper."""
- os.environ['MPICH_CC'] = os.environ['CC']
- os.environ['MPICH_CXX'] = os.environ['CXX']
- os.environ['MPICH_F77'] = os.environ['F77']
- os.environ['MPICH_F90'] = os.environ['FC']
- os.environ['MPICH_FC'] = os.environ['FC']
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, env, dependent_spec):
+ env.set('MPICH_CC', spack_cc)
+ env.set('MPICH_CXX', spack_cxx)
+ env.set('MPICH_F77', spack_f77)
+ env.set('MPICH_F90', spack_f90)
+ env.set('MPICH_FC', spack_fc)
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dep_spec):
+ """For dependencies, make mpicc's use spack wrapper."""
+ # FIXME : is this necessary ? Shouldn't this be part of a contract with MPI providers?
module.mpicc = join_path(self.prefix.bin, 'mpicc')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
@@ -75,6 +78,9 @@ class Mpich(Package):
if not self.compiler.fc:
+ if not self.compiler.fc and not self.compiler.f77:
+ config_args.append("--disable-fortran")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/
index 2e6a041878..22d8f5518a 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/
@@ -8,12 +8,9 @@ IORDERINGSF = $(ISCOTCH)
-LIBEXT = .a
-OUTC = -o
+OUTC = -o
OUTF = -o
RM = /bin/rm -f
-AR = ar vr
-RANLIB = ranlib
INCSEQ = -I$(topdir)/libseq
LIBSEQ = -L$(topdir)/libseq -lmpiseq
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/
index 44a37903cc..26440ab7c8 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mumps/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from spack import *
-import os
+import os, sys
class Mumps(Package):
"""MUMPS: a MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver"""
@@ -19,11 +18,12 @@ class Mumps(Package):
variant('float', default=True, description='Activate the compilation of smumps')
variant('complex', default=True, description='Activate the compilation of cmumps and/or zmumps')
variant('idx64', default=False, description='Use int64_t/integer*8 as default index type')
+ variant('shared', default=True, description='Build shared libraries')
depends_on('scotch + esmumps', when='~ptscotch+scotch')
depends_on('scotch + esmumps + mpi', when='+ptscotch')
- depends_on('metis', when='~parmetis+metis')
+ depends_on('metis', when='+metis')
depends_on('parmetis', when="+parmetis")
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ class Mumps(Package):
def write_makefile_inc(self):
if ('+parmetis' in self.spec or '+ptscotch' in self.spec) and '+mpi' not in self.spec:
raise RuntimeError('You cannot use the variants parmetis or ptscotch without mpi')
makefile_conf = ["LIBBLAS = -L%s -lblas" % self.spec['blas'].prefix.lib]
orderings = ['-Dpord']
if '+ptscotch' in self.spec or '+scotch' in self.spec:
join_lib = ' -l%s' % ('pt' if '+ptscotch' in self.spec else '')
@@ -54,18 +54,25 @@ class Mumps(Package):
if '+ptscotch' in self.spec:
- if '+parmetis' in self.spec or '+metis' in self.spec:
+ if '+parmetis' in self.spec and '+metis' in self.spec:
libname = 'parmetis' if '+parmetis' in self.spec else 'metis'
- ["IMETIS = -I%s" % self.spec[libname].prefix.include,
- "LMETIS = -L%s -l%s" % (self.spec[libname].prefix.lib, libname)])
+ ["IMETIS = -I%s" % self.spec['parmetis'].prefix.include,
+ "LMETIS = -L%s -l%s -L%s -l%s" % (self.spec['parmetis'].prefix.lib, 'parmetis',self.spec['metis'].prefix.lib, 'metis')])
+ orderings.append('-Dparmetis')
+ elif '+metis' in self.spec:
+ makefile_conf.extend(
+ ["IMETIS = -I%s" % self.spec['metis'].prefix.include,
+ "LMETIS = -L%s -l%s" % (self.spec['metis'].prefix.lib, 'metis')])
- if '+parmetis' in self.spec:
- orderings.append('-Dparmetis')
makefile_conf.append("ORDERINGSF = %s" % (' '.join(orderings)))
+ # when building shared libs need -fPIC, otherwise
+ # /usr/bin/ld: graph.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
+ fpic = '-fPIC' if '+shared' in self.spec else ''
# TODO: test this part, it needs a full blas, scalapack and
# partitionning environment with 64bit integers
if '+idx64' in self.spec:
@@ -73,14 +80,14 @@ class Mumps(Package):
# the fortran compilation flags most probably are
# working only for intel and gnu compilers this is
# perhaps something the compiler should provide
- ['OPTF = -O -DALLOW_NON_INIT %s' % '-fdefault-integer-8' if == "gcc" else '-i8',
- 'OPTL = -O ',
- 'OPTC = -O -DINTSIZE64'])
+ ['OPTF = %s -O -DALLOW_NON_INIT %s' % (fpic,'-fdefault-integer-8' if == "gcc" else '-i8'),
+ 'OPTL = %s -O ' % fpic,
+ 'OPTC = %s -O -DINTSIZE64' % fpic])
- 'OPTL = -O ',
- 'OPTC = -O '])
+ ['OPTF = %s -O -DALLOW_NON_INIT' % fpic,
+ 'OPTL = %s -O ' % fpic,
+ 'OPTC = %s -O ' % fpic])
if '+mpi' in self.spec:
@@ -101,12 +108,33 @@ class Mumps(Package):
# compiler possible values are -DAdd_, -DAdd__ and/or -DUPPER
makefile_conf.append("CDEFS = -DAdd_")
+ if '+shared' in self.spec:
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # Building dylibs with mpif90 causes segfaults on 10.8 and 10.10. Use gfortran. (Homebrew)
+ makefile_conf.extend([
+ 'LIBEXT=.dylib',
+ 'AR=%s -dynamiclib -Wl,-install_name -Wl,%s/$(notdir $@) -undefined dynamic_lookup -o ' % (os.environ['FC'],prefix.lib),
+ 'RANLIB=echo'
+ ])
+ else:
+ makefile_conf.extend([
+ '',
+ 'AR=$(FL) -shared -Wl,-soname -Wl,%s/$(notdir $@) -o' % prefix.lib,
+ 'RANLIB=echo'
+ ])
+ else:
+ makefile_conf.extend([
+ 'LIBEXT = .a',
+ 'AR = ar vr',
+ 'RANLIB = ranlib'
+ ])
makefile_inc_template = join_path(os.path.dirname(self.module.__file__),
with open(makefile_inc_template, "r") as fh:
with working_dir('.'):
with open("", "w") as fh:
makefile_inc = '\n'.join(makefile_conf)
@@ -117,7 +145,7 @@ class Mumps(Package):
def install(self, spec, prefix):
make_libs = []
- # the coice to compile ?examples is to have kind of a sanity
+ # the choice to compile ?examples is to have kind of a sanity
# check on the libraries generated.
if '+float' in spec:
@@ -130,10 +158,25 @@ class Mumps(Package):
- make(*make_libs)
+ # Build fails in parallel
+ make(*make_libs, parallel=False)
install_tree('lib', prefix.lib)
install_tree('include', prefix.include)
if '~mpi' in spec:
- install('libseq/libmpiseq.a', prefix.lib)
+ lib_dsuffix = '.dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '.so'
+ lib_suffix = lib_dsuffix if '+shared' in spec else '.a'
+ install('libseq/libmpiseq%s' % lib_suffix, prefix.lib)
+ # FIXME: extend the tests to mpirun -np 2 (or alike) when build with MPI
+ # FIXME: use something like numdiff to compare blessed output with the current
+ with working_dir('examples'):
+ if '+float' in spec:
+ os.system('./ssimpletest < input_simpletest_real')
+ if '+complex' in spec:
+ os.system('./csimpletest < input_simpletest_real')
+ if '+double' in spec:
+ os.system('./dsimpletest < input_simpletest_real')
+ if '+complex' in spec:
+ os.system('./zsimpletest < input_simpletest_cmplx')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/muparser/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/muparser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19ca8ce287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/muparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from spack import *
+class Muparser(Package):
+ """C++ math expression parser library."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('2.2.5', '02dae671aa5ad955fdcbcd3fee313fb7')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = ['--disable-debug',
+ '--disable-dependency-tracking',
+ '--prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ configure(*options)
+ make(parallel=False)
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mvapich2/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mvapich2/
index af5ed1b088..e4e95f92af 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mvapich2/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mvapich2/
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class Mvapich2(Package):
count += 1
if count > 1:
raise RuntimeError('network variants are mutually exclusive (only one can be selected at a time)')
+ network_options = []
# From here on I can suppose that only one variant has been selected
if self.enabled(Mvapich2.PSM) in spec:
network_options = ["--with-device=ch3:psm"]
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf-cxx/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf-cxx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5334dfb853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf-cxx/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from spack import *
+class NetcdfCxx(Package):
+ """C++ compatibility bindings for NetCDF"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('4.2', 'd32b20c00f144ae6565d9e98d9f6204c')
+ depends_on('netcdf')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf/
index 227362399a..b60a2c4e9a 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netcdf/
@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ class Netcdf(Package):
+ # Make sure Netcdf links against Spack's curl
+ # Otherwise it may pick up system's curl, which could lead to link errors:
+ # /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file@OPENSSL_1.0.0'
+ LIBS.append("-lcurl")
+ CPPFLAGS.append("-I%s" % spec['curl'].prefix.include)
+ LDFLAGS.append ("-L%s" % spec['curl'].prefix.lib)
if '+mpi' in spec:
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-blas/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-blas/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e97323d3..0000000000
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-blas/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-from spack import *
-import os
-class NetlibBlas(Package):
- """Netlib reference BLAS"""
- homepage = ""
- url = ""
- version('3.5.0', 'b1d3e3e425b2e44a06760ff173104bdf')
- variant('fpic', default=False, description="Build with -fpic compiler option")
- # virtual dependency
- provides('blas')
- # Doesn't always build correctly in parallel
- parallel = False
- def patch(self):
- os.symlink('', '')
- mf = FileFilter('')
- mf.filter('^FORTRAN.*', 'FORTRAN = f90')
- mf.filter('^LOADER.*', 'LOADER = f90')
- mf.filter('^CC =.*', 'CC = cc')
- if '+fpic' in self.spec:
- mf.filter('^OPTS.*=.*', 'OPTS = -O2 -frecursive -fpic')
- mf.filter('^CFLAGS =.*', 'CFLAGS = -O3 -fpic')
- def install(self, spec, prefix):
- make('blaslib')
- # Tests that blas builds correctly
- make('blas_testing')
- # No install provided
- mkdirp(prefix.lib)
- install('librefblas.a', prefix.lib)
- # Blas virtual package should provide blas.a and libblas.a
- with working_dir(prefix.lib):
- symlink('librefblas.a', 'blas.a')
- symlink('librefblas.a', 'libblas.a')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-lapack/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-lapack/
index 741f4af421..05436332ac 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-lapack/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-lapack/
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
from spack import *
class NetlibLapack(Package):
- LAPACK version 3.X is a comprehensive FORTRAN library that does
- linear algebra operations including matrix inversions, least
- squared solutions to linear sets of equations, eigenvector
- analysis, singular value decomposition, etc. It is a very
- comprehensive and reputable package that has found extensive
- use in the scientific community.
+ LAPACK version 3.X is a comprehensive FORTRAN library that does linear algebra operations including matrix
+ inversions, least squared solutions to linear sets of equations, eigenvector analysis, singular value
+ decomposition, etc. It is a very comprehensive and reputable package that has found extensive use in the
+ scientific community.
homepage = ""
- url = ""
+ url = ""
version('3.6.0', 'f2f6c67134e851fe189bb3ca1fbb5101')
version('3.5.0', 'b1d3e3e425b2e44a06760ff173104bdf')
@@ -19,42 +18,68 @@ class NetlibLapack(Package):
version('3.4.0', '02d5706ec03ba885fc246e5fa10d8c70')
version('3.3.1', 'd0d533ec9a5b74933c2a1e84eedc58b4')
- variant('shared', default=False, description="Build shared library version")
+ variant('debug', default=False, description='Activates the Debug build type')
+ variant('shared', default=True, description="Build shared library version")
+ variant('external-blas', default=False, description='Build lapack with an external blas')
+ variant('lapacke', default=True, description='Activates the build of the LAPACKE C interface')
# virtual dependency
+ provides('blas', when='~external-blas')
- # blas is a virtual dependency.
- depends_on('blas')
+ depends_on('blas', when='+external-blas')
+ def patch(self):
+ # Fix cblas CMakeLists.txt -- has wrong case for subdirectory name.
+ '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/', 'CBLAS/CMakeLists.txt', string=True)
- # Doesn't always build correctly in parallel
- parallel = False
- @when('^netlib-blas')
- def get_blas_libs(self):
- blas = self.spec['netlib-blas']
- return [join_path(blas.prefix.lib, 'blas.a')]
+ def install_one(self, spec, prefix, shared):
+ cmake_args = ['-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=%s' % ('ON' if shared else 'OFF'),
+ '-DCBLAS=ON', # always build CBLAS
+ '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%s' % ('Debug' if '+debug' in spec else 'Release'),
+ '-DLAPACKE:BOOL=%s' % ('ON' if '+lapacke' in spec else 'OFF')]
+ if '+external-blas' in spec:
+ # TODO : the mechanism to specify the library should be more general,
+ # TODO : but this allows to have an hook to an external blas
+ cmake_args.extend([
+ '-DBLAS_LIBRARIES:PATH=%s' % join_path(spec['blas'].prefix.lib, 'libblas.a')
+ ])
+ cmake_args.extend(std_cmake_args)
- @when('^atlas')
- def get_blas_libs(self):
- blas = self.spec['atlas']
- return [join_path(blas.prefix.lib, l)
- for l in ('libf77blas.a', 'libatlas.a')]
+ build_dir = 'spack-build' + ('-shared' if shared else '-static')
+ with working_dir(build_dir, create=True):
+ cmake('..', *cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- blas_libs = ";".join(self.get_blas_libs())
- cmake_args = [".", '-DBLAS_LIBRARIES=' + blas_libs]
+ # Always build static libraries.
+ self.install_one(spec, prefix, False)
+ # Build shared libraries if requested.
if '+shared' in spec:
- cmake_args.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON')
+ self.install_one(spec, prefix, True)
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dspec):
+ # This is WIP for a prototype interface for virtual packages.
+ # We can update this as more builds start depending on BLAS/LAPACK.
+ libdir = find_library_path('libblas.a', self.prefix.lib64, self.prefix.lib)
+ self.spec.blas_static_lib = join_path(libdir, 'libblas.a')
+ self.spec.lapack_static_lib = join_path(libdir, 'liblapack.a')
+ if '+shared' in self.spec:
+ self.spec.blas_shared_lib = join_path(libdir, 'libblas.%s' % dso_suffix)
+ self.spec.lapack_shared_lib = join_path(libdir, 'liblapack.%s' % dso_suffix)
- cmake_args += std_cmake_args
- cmake(*cmake_args)
- make()
- make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-scalapack/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-scalapack/
index 22d538560e..d59f8e41fe 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-scalapack/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/netlib-scalapack/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
from spack import *
+import sys
class NetlibScalapack(Package):
"""ScaLAPACK is a library of high-performance linear algebra routines for parallel distributed memory machines"""
homepage = ""
url = ""
@@ -11,16 +12,16 @@ class NetlibScalapack(Package):
version('2.0.0', '9e76ae7b291be27faaad47cfc256cbfe')
# versions before 2.0.0 are not using cmake and requires blacs as
# a separated package
variant('shared', default=True, description='Build the shared library version')
variant('fpic', default=False, description="Build with -fpic compiler option")
- def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
options = [
"-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=%s" % ('ON' if '+shared' in spec else 'OFF'),
"-DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS:BOOL=%s" % ('OFF' if '+shared' in spec else 'ON'),
@@ -32,19 +33,24 @@ class NetlibScalapack(Package):
with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
cmake('..', *options)
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, dependent_spec):
- # TODO treat OS that are not Linux...
- lib_suffix = '.so' if '+shared' in spec['scalapack'] else '.a'
+ # The shared libraries are not installed correctly on Darwin; correct this
+ if (sys.platform == 'darwin') and ('+shared' in spec):
+ fix_darwin_install_name(prefix.lib)
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dependent_spec):
+ spec = self.spec
+ lib_dsuffix = '.dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '.so'
+ lib_suffix = lib_dsuffix if '+shared' in spec else '.a'
- spec['scalapack'].fc_link = '-L%s -lscalapack' % spec['scalapack'].prefix.lib
- spec['scalapack'].cc_link = spec['scalapack'].fc_link
- spec['scalapack'].libraries = [join_path(spec['scalapack'].prefix.lib,
- 'libscalapack%s' % lib_suffix)]
+ spec.fc_link = '-L%s -lscalapack' % spec.prefix.lib
+ spec.cc_link = spec.fc_link
+ spec.libraries = [join_path(spec.prefix.lib, 'libscalapack%s' % lib_suffix)]
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ninja/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ninja/
index 9e6bf4e358..0722dd49a6 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ninja/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ninja/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Ninja(Package):
cp = which('cp')
- bindir = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin')
+ bindir = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin/')
- cp('-a', '-t', bindir, 'ninja')
- cp('-ra', 'misc', prefix)
+ cp('-a', 'ninja', bindir)
+ cp('-a', 'misc', prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/numdiff/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/numdiff/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e72c60fadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/numdiff/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from spack import *
+import sys
+class Numdiff(Package):
+ """Numdiff is a little program that can be used to compare putatively
+ similar files line by line and field by field, ignoring small numeric
+ differences or/and different numeric formats."""
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('5.8.1', 'a295eb391f6cb1578209fc6b4f9d994e')
+ depends_on('gettext', sys.platform=='darwin')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ configure(*options)
+ make()
+ make('install')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/oce/null.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/oce/null.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42a3f0e44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/oce/null.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+From 61cb965b9ffeca419005bc15e635e67589c421dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Martin Siggel <>
+Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 19:05:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Workaround clang optimizations for null references
+OCCT/OCE includes some evil code that uses NULL references,
+which are normally not possible. Clang removes code in
+branches like if(&myNullRef==NULL) as it assumes this can
+never be true. This fix was inspired from the mantis issue
+ This
+code will be fixed in OCCT 7, but we might require the fix
+for earlier releases as well.
+Fixes issue #576
+ inc/PLib.hxx | 2 +-
+ src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.cxx | 16 ++++++-------
+ src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_2.cxx | 6 ++---
+ src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_CurveComputation.gxx | 26 ++++++++++-----------
+ src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib.cxx | 36 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib_BzSyntaxes.cxx | 2 +-
+ src/PLib/PLib.cxx | 10 ++++-----
+ 7 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/inc/PLib.hxx b/inc/PLib.hxx
+index 7513234..52b1f84 100644
+--- a/inc/PLib.hxx
++++ b/inc/PLib.hxx
+@@ -343,6 +343,6 @@ friend class PLib_DoubleJacobiPolynomial;
++#define IS_NULL_REF(ref) ((reinterpret_cast<size_t>(&ref) & 0xFFFFFF) == 0)
+ #endif // _PLib_HeaderFile
+diff --git a/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.cxx b/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.cxx
+index 683e4ab..2a2d9ea 100644
+--- a/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.cxx
++++ b/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.cxx
+@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void BSplCLib::LocateParameter
+ Standard_Real& NewU)
+ {
+ Standard_Integer first,last;
+- if (&Mults) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Mults)) {
+ if (Periodic) {
+ first = Knots.Lower();
+ last = Knots.Upper();
+@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ void BSplCLib::BuildKnots(const Standard_Integer Degree,
+ const Standard_Real * pkn = &Knots(KLower);
+ pkn -= KLower;
+ Standard_Real *knot = &LK;
+- if (&Mults == NULL) {
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Mults)) {
+ switch (Degree) {
+ case 1 : {
+ Standard_Integer j = Index ;
+@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ Standard_Boolean BSplCLib::PrepareInsertKnots
+ const Standard_Real Tolerance,
+ const Standard_Boolean Add)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean addflat = &AddMults == NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean addflat = IS_NULL_REF(AddMults);
+ Standard_Integer first,last;
+ if (Periodic) {
+@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@ void BSplCLib::InsertKnots
+ const Standard_Real Tolerance,
+ const Standard_Boolean Add)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean addflat = &AddMults == NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean addflat = IS_NULL_REF(AddMults);
+ Standard_Integer i,k,mult,firstmult;
+ Standard_Integer index,kn,curnk,curk;
+@@ -3902,7 +3902,7 @@ void BSplCLib::Resolution( Standard_Real& Poles,
+ num_poles = FlatKnots.Length() - Deg1;
+ switch (ArrayDimension) {
+ case 2 : {
+- if (&Weights != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ const Standard_Real * WG = &Weights(Weights.Lower());
+ min_weights = WG[0];
+@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ void BSplCLib::Resolution( Standard_Real& Poles,
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3 : {
+- if (&Weights != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ const Standard_Real * WG = &Weights(Weights.Lower());
+ min_weights = WG[0];
+@@ -4047,7 +4047,7 @@ void BSplCLib::Resolution( Standard_Real& Poles,
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4 : {
+- if (&Weights != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ const Standard_Real * WG = &Weights(Weights.Lower());
+ min_weights = WG[0];
+@@ -4134,7 +4134,7 @@ void BSplCLib::Resolution( Standard_Real& Poles,
+ }
+ default : {
+ Standard_Integer kk;
+- if (&Weights != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ const Standard_Real * WG = &Weights(Weights.Lower());
+ min_weights = WG[0];
+diff --git a/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_2.cxx b/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_2.cxx
+index 35c4639..653b7cd 100644
+--- a/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_2.cxx
++++ b/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_2.cxx
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void BSplCLib::BuildEval(const Standard_Integer Degree,
+ Standard_Integer i;
+ Standard_Integer ip = PLower + Index - 1;
+ Standard_Real w, *pole = &LP;
+- if (&Weights == NULL) {
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= Degree; i++) {
+ ip++;
+@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ static void PrepareEval
+ // make the knots
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(Degree,index,Periodic,Knots,Mults,*dc.knots);
+- if (&Mults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Mults))
+ index -= Knots.Lower() + Degree;
+ else
+ index = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(Degree,index,Periodic,Mults);
+ // check truly rational
+- rational = (&Weights != NULL);
++ rational = (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights));
+ if (rational) {
+ Standard_Integer WLower = Weights.Lower() + index;
+ rational = BSplCLib::IsRational(Weights, WLower, WLower + Degree);
+diff --git a/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_CurveComputation.gxx b/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_CurveComputation.gxx
+index e71b4e0..9d42643 100644
+--- a/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_CurveComputation.gxx
++++ b/src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_CurveComputation.gxx
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Standard_Boolean BSplCLib::RemoveKnot
+ TColStd_Array1OfInteger& NewMults,
+ const Standard_Real Tolerance)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim;
+ dim = Dimension_gen;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void BSplCLib::InsertKnots
+ const Standard_Real Epsilon,
+ const Standard_Boolean Add)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim;
+ dim = Dimension_gen;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void BSplCLib::IncreaseDegree
+ TColStd_Array1OfReal& NewKnots,
+ TColStd_Array1OfInteger& NewMults)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim;
+ dim = Dimension_gen;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void BSplCLib::Unperiodize
+ Array1OfPoints& NewPoles,
+ TColStd_Array1OfReal& NewWeights)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim;
+ dim = Dimension_gen;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ void BSplCLib::Trimming(const Standard_Integer Degree,
+ Array1OfPoints& NewPoles,
+ TColStd_Array1OfReal& NewWeights)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim;
+ dim = Dimension_gen;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void BSplCLib::BuildEval(const Standard_Integer Degree,
+ Standard_Integer PUpper = Poles.Upper();
+ Standard_Integer i;
+ Standard_Integer ip = PLower + Index - 1;
+- if (&Weights == NULL) {
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= Degree; i++) {
+ ip++;
+ if (ip > PUpper) ip = PLower;
+@@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ static void PrepareEval
+ // make the knots
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(Degree,index,Periodic,Knots,Mults,*dc.knots);
+- if (&Mults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Mults))
+ index -= Knots.Lower() + Degree;
+ else
+ index = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(Degree,index,Periodic,Mults);
+ // check truly rational
+- rational = (&Weights != NULL);
++ rational = (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights));
+ if (rational) {
+ Standard_Integer WLower = Weights.Lower() + index;
+ rational = BSplCLib::IsRational(Weights, WLower, WLower + Degree);
+@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ void BSplCLib::CacheD0(const Standard_Real Parameter,
+ Degree * Dimension_gen,
+ PArray[0],
+ myPoint[0]) ;
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *) &WeightsArray(WeightsArray.Lower()) ;
+ PLib::NoDerivativeEvalPolynomial(NewParameter,
+@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ void BSplCLib::CacheD1(const Standard_Real Parameter,
+ ModifyCoords (LocalPDerivatives + Dimension_gen, /= SpanLenght);
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *) &WeightsArray(WeightsArray.Lower()) ;
+ PLib::EvalPolynomial(NewParameter,
+@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ void BSplCLib::CacheD2(const Standard_Real Parameter,
+ Index += Dimension_gen;
+ }
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *) &WeightsArray(WeightsArray.Lower()) ;
+@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ void BSplCLib::CacheD3(const Standard_Real Parameter,
+ Index += Dimension_gen;
+ }
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *) &WeightsArray(WeightsArray.Lower()) ;
+@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ void BSplCLib::BuildCache
+ LocalValue *= SpanDomain / (Standard_Real) ii ;
+ }
+- if (&Weights != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ for (ii = 1 ; ii <= Degree + 1 ; ii++)
+ CacheWeights(ii) = 0.0e0 ;
+ CacheWeights(1) = 1.0e0 ;
+diff --git a/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib.cxx b/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib.cxx
+index 5ad633c..07040d5 100644
+--- a/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib.cxx
++++ b/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib.cxx
+@@ -309,12 +309,12 @@ static Standard_Boolean PrepareEval (const Standard_Real U,
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(UDegree,uindex,UPer,UKnots,UMults,*dc.knots1);
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(VDegree,vindex,VPer,VKnots,VMults,*dc.knots2);
+- if (&UMults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(UMults))
+ uindex -= UKLower + UDegree;
+ else
+ uindex = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(UDegree,uindex,UPer,UMults);
+- if (&VMults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(VMults))
+ vindex -= VKLower + VDegree;
+ else
+ vindex = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(VDegree,vindex,VPer,VMults);
+@@ -460,12 +460,12 @@ static Standard_Boolean PrepareEval (const Standard_Real U,
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(UDegree,uindex,UPer,UKnots,UMults,*dc.knots2);
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(VDegree,vindex,VPer,VKnots,VMults,*dc.knots1);
+- if (&UMults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(UMults))
+ uindex -= UKLower + UDegree;
+ else
+ uindex = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(UDegree,uindex,UPer,UMults);
+- if (&VMults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(VMults))
+ vindex -= VKLower + VDegree;
+ else
+ vindex = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(VDegree,vindex,VPer,VMults);
+@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ void BSplSLib::Iso(const Standard_Real Param,
+ {
+ Standard_Integer index = 0;
+ Standard_Real u = Param;
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim = rational ? 4 : 3;
+ // compute local knots
+@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ void BSplSLib::Iso(const Standard_Real Param,
+ NCollection_LocalArray<Standard_Real> locknots1 (2*Degree);
+ BSplCLib::LocateParameter(Degree,Knots,Mults,u,Periodic,index,u);
+ BSplCLib::BuildKnots(Degree,index,Periodic,Knots,Mults,*locknots1);
+- if (&Mults == NULL)
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Mults))
+ index -= Knots.Lower() + Degree;
+ else
+ index = BSplCLib::PoleIndex(Degree,index,Periodic,Mults);
+@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ void BSplSLib::Iso(const Standard_Real Param,
+ }
+ // if the input is not rational but weights are wanted
+- if (!rational && (&CWeights != NULL)) {
++ if (!rational && (!IS_NULL_REF(CWeights))) {
+ for (i = CWeights.Lower(); i <= CWeights.Upper(); i++)
+ CWeights(i) = 1.;
+@@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ void BSplSLib::InsertKnots(const Standard_Boolean UDirection,
+ const Standard_Real Epsilon,
+ const Standard_Boolean Add )
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim = 3;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ Standard_Boolean BSplSLib::RemoveKnot
+ TColStd_Array1OfInteger& NewMults,
+ const Standard_Real Tolerance)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim = 3;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ void BSplSLib::IncreaseDegree
+ TColStd_Array1OfReal& NewKnots,
+ TColStd_Array1OfInteger& NewMults)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim = 3;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@ void BSplSLib::Unperiodize
+ TColgp_Array2OfPnt& NewPoles,
+ TColStd_Array2OfReal& NewWeights)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rational = &Weights != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rational = !IS_NULL_REF(Weights);
+ Standard_Integer dim = 3;
+ if (rational) dim++;
+@@ -1929,7 +1929,7 @@ void BSplSLib::BuildCache
+ Standard_Boolean rational,rational_u,rational_v,flag_u_or_v;
+ Standard_Integer kk,d1,d1p1,d2,d2p1,ii,jj,iii,jjj,Index;
+ Standard_Real u1,min_degree_domain,max_degree_domain,f,factor[2],u2;
+- if (&Weights != NULL)
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights))
+ rational_u = rational_v = Standard_True;
+ else
+ rational_u = rational_v = Standard_False;
+@@ -2025,7 +2025,7 @@ void BSplSLib::BuildCache
+ }
+ factor[0] *= max_degree_domain / (Standard_Real) (iii) ;
+ }
+- if (&Weights != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ //
+ // means that PrepareEval did found out that the surface was
+ // locally polynomial but since the surface is constructed
+@@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ void BSplSLib::CacheD0(const Standard_Real UParameter,
+ (min_degree << 1) + min_degree,
+ locpoles[0],
+ myPoint[0]) ;
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ dimension = min_degree + 1 ;
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *)
+@@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@ void BSplSLib::CacheD1(const Standard_Real UParameter,
+ // the coefficients
+ //
+ //
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ local_poles_array [0][0][0] = 0.0e0 ;
+ local_poles_array [0][0][1] = 0.0e0 ;
+@@ -2275,7 +2275,7 @@ void BSplSLib::CacheD1(const Standard_Real UParameter,
+ locpoles[dimension],
+ local_poles_array[1][0][0]) ;
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ dimension = min_degree + 1 ;
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *)
+@@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ void BSplSLib::CacheD2(const Standard_Real UParameter,
+ // the coefficients
+ //
+ //
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ local_poles_and_weights_array[0][0][0] = 0.0e0 ;
+ local_poles_and_weights_array[0][0][1] = 0.0e0 ;
+@@ -2564,7 +2564,7 @@ void BSplSLib::CacheD2(const Standard_Real UParameter,
+ locpoles[dimension + dimension],
+ local_poles_array[2][0][0]) ;
+- if (&WeightsArray != NULL) {
++ if (!IS_NULL_REF(WeightsArray)) {
+ dimension = min_degree + 1 ;
+ Standard_Real *
+ WArray = (Standard_Real *)
+diff --git a/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib_BzSyntaxes.cxx b/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib_BzSyntaxes.cxx
+index 0faf6b6..f2c0f74 100644
+--- a/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib_BzSyntaxes.cxx
++++ b/src/BSplSLib/BSplSLib_BzSyntaxes.cxx
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void BSplSLib::PolesCoefficients (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Poles,
+ biduflatknots,bidvflatknots,
+ Poles,Weights,
+ CPoles,CWeights);
+- if (&Weights == NULL) {
++ if (IS_NULL_REF(Weights)) {
+ for (ii = 1; ii <= uclas; ii++) {
+diff --git a/src/PLib/PLib.cxx b/src/PLib/PLib.cxx
+index 23fa302..7ee231f 100644
+--- a/src/PLib/PLib.cxx
++++ b/src/PLib/PLib.cxx
+@@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@ void PLib::CoefficientsPoles (const Standard_Integer dim,
+ TColStd_Array1OfReal& Poles,
+ TColStd_Array1OfReal& Weights)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rat = &WCoefs != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rat = !IS_NULL_REF(WCoefs);
+ Standard_Integer loc = Coefs.Lower();
+ Standard_Integer lop = Poles.Lower();
+ Standard_Integer lowc=0;
+@@ -2550,7 +2550,7 @@ void PLib::Trimming(const Standard_Real U1,
+ Standard_Integer indc, indw=0;
+ Standard_Integer upc = Coefs.Upper() - dim + 1, upw=0;
+ Standard_Integer len = Coefs.Length()/dim;
+- Standard_Boolean rat = &WCoefs != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rat = !IS_NULL_REF(WCoefs);
+ if (rat) {
+ if(len != WCoefs.Length())
+@@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@ void PLib::CoefficientsPoles (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Coefs,
+ TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Poles,
+ TColStd_Array2OfReal& Weights)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rat = (&WCoefs != NULL);
++ Standard_Boolean rat = (!IS_NULL_REF(WCoefs));
+ Standard_Integer LowerRow = Poles.LowerRow();
+ Standard_Integer UpperRow = Poles.UpperRow();
+ Standard_Integer LowerCol = Poles.LowerCol();
+@@ -2701,7 +2701,7 @@ void PLib::UTrimming(const Standard_Real U1,
+ TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Coeffs,
+ TColStd_Array2OfReal& WCoeffs)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rat = &WCoeffs != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rat = !IS_NULL_REF(WCoeffs);
+ Standard_Integer lr = Coeffs.LowerRow();
+ Standard_Integer ur = Coeffs.UpperRow();
+ Standard_Integer lc = Coeffs.LowerCol();
+@@ -2735,7 +2735,7 @@ void PLib::VTrimming(const Standard_Real V1,
+ TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Coeffs,
+ TColStd_Array2OfReal& WCoeffs)
+ {
+- Standard_Boolean rat = &WCoeffs != NULL;
++ Standard_Boolean rat = !IS_NULL_REF(WCoeffs);
+ Standard_Integer lr = Coeffs.LowerRow();
+ Standard_Integer ur = Coeffs.UpperRow();
+ Standard_Integer lc = Coeffs.LowerCol(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/oce/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/oce/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fe6638e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/oce/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+from spack import *
+import platform, sys
+class Oce(Package):
+ """
+ Open CASCADE Community Edition:
+ patches/improvements/experiments contributed by users over the official Open CASCADE library.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('0.17.1', '36c67b87093c675698b483454258af91')
+ version('0.17' , 'f1a89395c4b0d199bea3db62b85f818d')
+ version('0.16.1', '4d591b240c9293e879f50d86a0cb2bb3')
+ version('0.16' , '7a4b4df5a104d75a537e25e7dd387eca')
+ variant('tbb', default=True, description='Build with Intel Threading Building Blocks')
+ depends_on('cmake@2.8:')
+ depends_on('tbb', when='+tbb')
+ # There is a bug in OCE which appears with Clang (version?) or GCC 6.0
+ # and has to do with compiler optimization, see
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ patch('null.patch',when='@0.16:0.17.1')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = []
+ options.extend(std_cmake_args)
+ options.extend([
+ '-DOCE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % prefix,
+ '-DOCE_MULTITHREAD_LIBRARY:STRING=%s' % ('TBB' if '+tbb' in spec else 'NONE'),
+ ])
+ if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ cmake('.', *options)
+ make("install/strip")
+ # OCE tests build is brocken at least on Darwin.
+ # Unit tests are linked against libTKernel.10.dylib isntead of /full/path/libTKernel.10.dylib
+ # see
+ # make("test")
+ # The shared libraries are not installed correctly on Darwin; correct this
+ if (sys.platform == 'darwin'):
+ fix_darwin_install_name(prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/octave/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/octave/
index 38b355159d..6e99c23652 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/octave/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/octave/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Octave(Package):
depends_on('qrupdate', when='+qrupdate')
#depends_on('qscintilla', when='+qscintilla) # TODO: add package
depends_on('qt', when='+qt')
- depends_on('SuiteSparse', when='+suitesparse')
+ depends_on('suite-sparse',when='+suitesparse')
depends_on('zlib', when='+zlib')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openblas/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openblas/
index e16d3fe89c..4ec829a85b 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openblas/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openblas/
@@ -1,28 +1,70 @@
from spack import *
+import sys
+import os
class Openblas(Package):
"""OpenBLAS: An optimized BLAS library"""
homepage = ""
url = ""
+ version('0.2.17', '664a12807f2a2a7cda4781e3ab2ae0e1')
version('0.2.16', 'fef46ab92463bdbb1479dcec594ef6dc')
version('0.2.15', 'b1190f3d3471685f17cfd1ec1d252ac9')
+ variant('shared', default=True, description="Build shared libraries as well as static libs.")
# virtual dependency
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- make('libs', 'netlib', 'shared', 'CC=cc', 'FC=f77')
- make('install', "PREFIX='%s'" % prefix)
+ make_defs = ['CC=%s' % spack_cc,
+ 'FC=%s' % spack_fc]
+ make_targets = ['libs', 'netlib']
+ # Build shared if variant is set.
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ make_targets += ['shared']
+ else:
+ make_defs += ['NO_SHARED=1']
+ # fix missing _dggsvd_ and _sggsvd_
+ if spec.satisfies('@0.2.16'):
+ make_defs += ['BUILD_LAPACK_DEPRECATED=1']
+ make_args = make_defs + make_targets
+ make(*make_args)
+ make("tests", *make_defs)
+ # no quotes around prefix (spack doesn't use a shell)
+ make('install', "PREFIX=%s" % prefix, *make_defs)
# Blas virtual package should provide blas.a and libblas.a
with working_dir(prefix.lib):
symlink('libopenblas.a', 'blas.a')
symlink('libopenblas.a', 'libblas.a')
- symlink('', '')
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ symlink('libopenblas.%s' % dso_suffix, 'libblas.%s' % dso_suffix)
# Lapack virtual package should provide liblapack.a
with working_dir(prefix.lib):
symlink('libopenblas.a', 'liblapack.a')
- symlink('', '')
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ symlink('libopenblas.%s' % dso_suffix, 'liblapack.%s' % dso_suffix)
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dspec):
+ # This is WIP for a prototype interface for virtual packages.
+ # We can update this as more builds start depending on BLAS/LAPACK.
+ libdir = find_library_path('libopenblas.a', self.prefix.lib64, self.prefix.lib)
+ self.spec.blas_static_lib = join_path(libdir, 'libopenblas.a')
+ self.spec.lapack_static_lib = self.spec.blas_static_lib
+ if '+shared' in self.spec:
+ self.spec.blas_shared_lib = join_path(libdir, 'libopenblas.%s' % dso_suffix)
+ self.spec.lapack_shared_lib = self.spec.blas_shared_lib
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openjpeg/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openjpeg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afec197d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openjpeg/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from spack import *
+class Openjpeg(Package):
+ """
+ OpenJPEG is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language.
+ It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, a
+ still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic
+ Experts Group (JPEG).
+ Since April 2015, it is officially recognized by ISO/IEC and
+ ITU-T as a JPEG 2000 Reference Software.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('2.1' , '3e1c451c087f8462955426da38aa3b3d')
+ version('2.0.1', '105876ed43ff7dbb2f90b41b5a43cfa5')
+ version('2.0' , 'cdf266530fee8af87454f15feb619609')
+ version('1.5.2', '545f98923430369a6b046ef3632ef95c')
+ version('1.5.1', 'd774e4b5a0db5f0f171c4fc0aabfa14e')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ cmake('.', *std_cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openmpi/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openmpi/
index e4484af8c5..9a127f1812 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openmpi/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openmpi/
@@ -41,12 +41,13 @@ class Openmpi(Package):
def url_for_version(self, version):
return "" % (version.up_to(2), version)
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, dep_spec):
- """For dependencies, make mpicc's use spack wrapper."""
- os.environ['OMPI_CC'] = 'cc'
- os.environ['OMPI_CXX'] = 'c++'
- os.environ['OMPI_FC'] = 'f90'
- os.environ['OMPI_F77'] = 'f77'
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
+ spack_env.set('OMPI_CC', spack_cc)
+ spack_env.set('OMPI_CXX', spack_cxx)
+ spack_env.set('OMPI_FC', spack_fc)
+ spack_env.set('OMPI_F77', spack_f77)
def install(self, spec, prefix):
config_args = ["--prefix=%s" % prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/p4est/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/p4est/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e2969fe64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/p4est/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from spack import *
+class P4est(Package):
+ """Dynamic management of a collection (a forest) of adaptive octrees in parallel"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.1', '37ba7f4410958cfb38a2140339dbf64f')
+ # disable by default to make it work on frontend of clusters
+ variant('tests', default=False, description='Run small tests')
+ depends_on('mpi')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = ['--enable-mpi',
+ '--enable-shared',
+ '--disable-vtk-binary',
+ '--without-blas',
+ 'CFLAGS=-O2',
+ 'CC=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpicc'), # TODO: use ENV variables or MPI class wrappers
+ 'CXX=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpic++'),
+ 'FC=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpif90'),
+ 'F77=%s' % join_path(self.spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpif77'),
+ ]
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix, *options)
+ make()
+ if '+tests' in self.spec:
+ make("check")
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/paraview/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/paraview/
index ccf2d14c06..c16054816c 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/paraview/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/paraview/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ class Paraview(Package):
variant('osmesa', default=False, description='Enable OSMesa support')
variant('qt', default=False, description='Enable Qt support')
- variant('opengl2', default=False, description='Enable OPengl2 backend')
+ variant('opengl2', default=False, description='Enable OpenGL2 backend')
- depends_on('python', when='+python')
+ depends_on('python@2:2.7', when='+python')
depends_on('py-numpy', when='+python')
depends_on('py-matplotlib', when='+python')
depends_on('tcl', when='+tcl')
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ class Paraview(Package):
#depends_on('protobuf') # version mismatches?
#depends_on('sqlite') # external version not supported
def url_for_version(self, version):
"""Handle ParaView version-based custom URLs."""
return self._url_str % (version.up_to(2), version)
def install(self, spec, prefix):
with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/enable_external_metis.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/enable_external_metis.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4f2729483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/enable_external_metis.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index ca945dd..aff8b5f 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ else()
+ endif()
+ # List of paths that the compiler will search for header files.
+ # i.e., the -I equivalent
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ include_directories(${GKLIB_PATH})
+ include_directories(${METIS_PATH}/include)
+ # List of directories that cmake will look for CMakeLists.txt
+-add_subdirectory(${METIS_PATH}/libmetis ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/libmetis)
++find_library(METIS_LIBRARY metis PATHS ${METIS_PATH}/lib)
+ add_subdirectory(include)
+ add_subdirectory(libparmetis)
+ add_subdirectory(programs)
+diff --git a/libparmetis/CMakeLists.txt b/libparmetis/CMakeLists.txt
+index 9cfc8a7..e0c4de7 100644
+--- a/libparmetis/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/libparmetis/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ file(GLOB parmetis_sources *.c)
+ # Create libparmetis
+ add_library(parmetis ${ParMETIS_LIBRARY_TYPE} ${parmetis_sources})
+ # Link with metis and MPI libraries.
+-target_link_libraries(parmetis metis ${MPI_LIBRARIES})
++target_link_libraries(parmetis ${METIS_LIBRARY} ${MPI_LIBRARIES})
++ target_link_libraries(parmetis m)
+ set_target_properties(parmetis PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${MPI_LINK_FLAGS}")
+ install(TARGETS parmetis
+diff --git a/libparmetis/parmetislib.h b/libparmetis/parmetislib.h
+index c1daeeb..07511f6 100644
+--- a/libparmetis/parmetislib.h
++++ b/libparmetis/parmetislib.h
+@@ -20,13 +20,12 @@
+ #include <parmetis.h>
+-#include "../metis/libmetis/gklib_defs.h"
++#include <gklib_defs.h>
+-#include <mpi.h>
++#include <mpi.h>
+ #include <rename.h>
+ #include <defs.h>
+ #include <struct.h>
+ #include <macros.h>
+ #include <proto.h>
+diff --git a/programs/parmetisbin.h b/programs/parmetisbin.h
+index e26cd2d..d156480 100644
+--- a/programs/parmetisbin.h
++++ b/programs/parmetisbin.h
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ #include <GKlib.h>
+ #include <parmetis.h>
+-#include "../metis/libmetis/gklib_defs.h"
++#include <gklib_defs.h>
+ #include "../libparmetis/rename.h"
+ #include "../libparmetis/defs.h"
+ #include "../libparmetis/struct.h"
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/
index c897dec7e4..ff4370aa4b 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/
@@ -24,10 +24,7 @@
from spack import *
-# FIXME : lot of code is duplicated from packages/metis/ . Inheriting from there may reduce
-# FIXME : the installation rules to just a few lines
+import sys
class Parmetis(Package):
@@ -43,13 +40,17 @@ class Parmetis(Package):
variant('debug', default=False, description='Builds the library in debug mode')
variant('gdb', default=False, description='Enables gdb support')
- variant('idx64', default=False, description='Use int64_t as default index type')
- variant('double', default=False, description='Use double precision floating point types')
depends_on('cmake @2.8:') # build dependency
- # FIXME : this should conflict with metis as it builds its own version internally
+ patch('enable_external_metis.patch')
+ depends_on('metis')
+ # bug fixes from PETSc developers
+ #
+ patch('pkg-parmetis-1c1a9fd0f408dc4d42c57f5c3ee6ace411eb222b.patch')
+ #
+ patch('pkg-parmetis-82409d68aa1d6cbc70740d0f35024aae17f7d5cb.patch')
depends_on('gdb', when='+gdb')
@@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ class Parmetis(Package):
# FIXME : Once a contract is defined, MPI compilers should be retrieved indirectly via spec['mpi'] in case
# FIXME : they use a non-standard name
- options.extend(['-DGKLIB_PATH:PATH={metis_source}/GKlib'.format(metis_source=metis_source),
- '-DMETIS_PATH:PATH={metis_source}'.format(metis_source=metis_source),
+ options.extend(['-DGKLIB_PATH:PATH={metis_source}/GKlib'.format(metis_source=spec['metis'].prefix.include),
+ '-DMETIS_PATH:PATH={metis_source}'.format(metis_source=spec['metis'].prefix),
@@ -78,18 +79,11 @@ class Parmetis(Package):
if '+gdb' in spec:
- metis_header = join_path(metis_source, 'include', 'metis.h')
- if '+idx64' in spec:
- filter_file('IDXTYPEWIDTH 32', 'IDXTYPEWIDTH 64', metis_header)
- if '+double' in spec:
- filter_file('REALTYPEWIDTH 32', 'REALTYPEWIDTH 64', metis_header)
with working_dir(build_directory, create=True):
cmake(source_directory, *options)
- # Parmetis build system doesn't allow for an external metis to be used, but doesn't copy the required
- # metis header either
- install(metis_header, self.prefix.include)
+ # The shared library is not installed correctly on Darwin; correct this
+ if (sys.platform == 'darwin') and ('+shared' in spec):
+ fix_darwin_install_name(prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/pkg-parmetis-1c1a9fd0f408dc4d42c57f5c3ee6ace411eb222b.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/pkg-parmetis-1c1a9fd0f408dc4d42c57f5c3ee6ace411eb222b.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6b8056c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/pkg-parmetis-1c1a9fd0f408dc4d42c57f5c3ee6ace411eb222b.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+From 1c1a9fd0f408dc4d42c57f5c3ee6ace411eb222b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jed Brown <>
+Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 15:45:10 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] ParMetis bug fixes reported by John Fettig [petsc-maint
+ #133631]
+I have also reported to to Karypis but have received zero
+response and he hasn't released any updates to the original release
+either. At least he approved my forum posting so that other people
+can see the bug and the fix.
+Hg-commit: 1c2b9fe39201d404b493885093b5992028b9b8d4
+ libparmetis/xyzpart.c | 12 ++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libparmetis/xyzpart.c b/libparmetis/xyzpart.c
+index 3a2c289..63abfcb 100644
+--- a/libparmetis/xyzpart.c
++++ b/libparmetis/xyzpart.c
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void IRBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ for (i=0; i<nbins; i++)
+ emarkers[i] = gmin + (gmax-gmin)*i/nbins;
+- emarkers[nbins] = gmax*(1.0+2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
++ emarkers[nbins] = gmax*(1.0+copysign(1.0,gmax)*2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
+ /* get into a iterative backet boundary refinement */
+ for (l=0; l<5; l++) {
+@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void IRBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ }
+ }
+ nemarkers[0] = gmin;
+- nemarkers[nbins] = gmax*(1.0+2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
++ nemarkers[nbins] = gmax*(1.0+copysign(1.0,gmax)*2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
+ rcopy(nbins+1, nemarkers, emarkers);
+ }
+@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ void RBBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ emarkers[0] = gmin;
+ emarkers[1] = gsum/gnvtxs;
+- emarkers[2] = gmax*(1.0+2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
++ emarkers[2] = gmax*(1.0+(gmax < 0 ? -1. : 1.)*2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
+ cnbins = 2;
+ /* get into a iterative backet boundary refinement */
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void RBBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ iset(cnbins, 0, lcounts);
+ rset(cnbins, 0, lsums);
+ for (j=0, i=0; i<nvtxs;) {
+- if (cand[i].key < emarkers[j+1]) {
++ if (cand[i].key <= emarkers[j+1]) {
+ lcounts[j]++;
+ lsums[j] += cand[i].key;
+ i++;
+@@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ void RBBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ rsorti(cnbins, nemarkers);
+ rcopy(cnbins, nemarkers, emarkers);
+- emarkers[cnbins] = gmax*(1.0+2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
++ emarkers[cnbins] = gmax*(1.0+(gmax < 0 ? -1. : 1.)*2.0*REAL_EPSILON);
+ }
+ /* assign the coordinate to the appropriate bin */
+ for (j=0, i=0; i<nvtxs;) {
+- if (cand[i].key < emarkers[j+1]) {
++ if (cand[i].key <= emarkers[j+1]) {
+ bxyz[cand[i].val*ndims+k] = j;
+ i++;
+ }
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/pkg-parmetis-82409d68aa1d6cbc70740d0f35024aae17f7d5cb.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/pkg-parmetis-82409d68aa1d6cbc70740d0f35024aae17f7d5cb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9651d55347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/parmetis/pkg-parmetis-82409d68aa1d6cbc70740d0f35024aae17f7d5cb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 82409d68aa1d6cbc70740d0f35024aae17f7d5cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sean Farley <>
+Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 11:59:44 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] parmetis: fix bug reported by jfettig; '<' to '<=' in xyzpart
+Hg-commit: 2dd2eae596acaabbc80e0ef875182616f868dbc2
+ libparmetis/xyzpart.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libparmetis/xyzpart.c b/libparmetis/xyzpart.c
+index 307aed9..3a2c289 100644
+--- a/libparmetis/xyzpart.c
++++ b/libparmetis/xyzpart.c
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void IRBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ /* determine bucket counts */
+ iset(nbins, 0, lcounts);
+ for (j=0, i=0; i<nvtxs;) {
+- if (cand[i].key < emarkers[j+1]) {
++ if (cand[i].key <= emarkers[j+1]) {
+ lcounts[j]++;
+ i++;
+ }
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void IRBinCoordinates(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t ndims, real_t *xyz,
+ /* assign the coordinate to the appropriate bin */
+ for (j=0, i=0; i<nvtxs;) {
+- if (cand[i].key < emarkers[j+1]) {
++ if (cand[i].key <= emarkers[j+1]) {
+ bxyz[cand[i].val*ndims+k] = j;
+ i++;
+ }
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/
index efe172fc08..5c1fc6cc92 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/
@@ -17,14 +17,18 @@ class Petsc(Package):
version('3.5.1', 'a557e029711ebf425544e117ffa44d8f')
version('3.4.4', '7edbc68aa6d8d6a3295dd5f6c2f6979d')
- variant('shared', default=True, description='Enables the build of shared libraries')
- variant('mpi', default=True, description='Activates MPI support')
- variant('double', default=True, description='Switches between single and double precision')
+ variant('shared', default=True, description='Enables the build of shared libraries')
+ variant('mpi', default=True, description='Activates MPI support')
+ variant('double', default=True, description='Switches between single and double precision')
+ variant('complex', default=False, description='Build with complex numbers')
+ variant('debug', default=False, description='Compile in debug mode')
- variant('metis', default=True, description='Activates support for metis and parmetis')
- variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Activates support for HDF5 (only parallel)')
- variant('boost', default=True, description='Activates support for Boost')
- variant('hypre', default=True, description='Activates support for Hypre')
+ variant('metis', default=True, description='Activates support for metis and parmetis')
+ variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Activates support for HDF5 (only parallel)')
+ variant('boost', default=True, description='Activates support for Boost')
+ variant('hypre', default=True, description='Activates support for Hypre (only parallel)')
+ variant('mumps', default=True, description='Activates support for MUMPS (only parallel)')
+ variant('superlu-dist', default=True, description='Activates support for SuperluDist (only parallel)')
# Virtual dependencies
@@ -40,7 +44,13 @@ class Petsc(Package):
depends_on('hdf5+mpi', when='+hdf5+mpi')
depends_on('parmetis', when='+metis+mpi')
- depends_on('hypre', when='+hypre+mpi')
+ # Hypre does not support complex numbers.
+ # Also PETSc prefer to build it without internal superlu, likely due to conflict in headers
+ # see
+ depends_on('hypre~internal-superlu', when='+hypre+mpi~complex')
+ depends_on('superlu-dist', when='+superlu-dist+mpi')
+ depends_on('mumps+mpi', when='+mumps+mpi')
+ depends_on('scalapack', when='+mumps+mpi')
def mpi_dependent_options(self):
if '~mpi' in self.spec:
@@ -55,7 +65,7 @@ class Petsc(Package):
# If mpi is disabled (~mpi), it's an error to have any of these enabled.
# This generates a list of any such errors.
errors = [error_message_fmt.format(library=x)
- for x in ('hdf5', 'hypre', 'parmetis')
+ for x in ('hdf5', 'hypre', 'parmetis','mumps','superlu-dist')
if ('+'+x) in self.spec]
if errors:
errors = ['incompatible variants given'] + errors
@@ -68,15 +78,17 @@ class Petsc(Package):
return compiler_opts
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- options = []
+ options = ['--with-ssl=0']
'--with-precision=%s' % ('double' if '+double' in spec else 'single'),
+ '--with-scalar-type=%s' % ('complex' if '+complex' in spec else 'real'),
'--with-shared-libraries=%s' % ('1' if '+shared' in spec else '0'),
+ '--with-debugging=%s' % ('1' if '+debug' in spec else '0'),
'--with-blas-lapack-dir=%s' % spec['lapack'].prefix
# Activates library support if needed
- for library in ('metis', 'boost', 'hdf5', 'hypre', 'parmetis'):
+ for library in ('metis', 'boost', 'hdf5', 'hypre', 'parmetis','mumps','scalapack'):
'--with-{library}={value}'.format(library=library, value=('1' if library in spec else '0'))
@@ -84,9 +96,24 @@ class Petsc(Package):
'--with-{library}-dir={path}'.format(library=library, path=spec[library].prefix)
+ # PETSc does not pick up SuperluDist from the dir as they look for superlu_dist_4.1.a
+ if 'superlu-dist' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '--with-superlu_dist-include=%s' % spec['superlu-dist'].prefix.include,
+ '--with-superlu_dist-lib=%s' % join_path(spec['superlu-dist'].prefix.lib, 'libsuperlu_dist.a'),
+ '--with-superlu_dist=1'
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.append(
+ '--with-superlu_dist=0'
+ )
configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix, *options)
# PETSc has its own way of doing parallel make.
make('MAKE_NP=%s' % make_jobs, parallel=False)
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
+ # set up PETSC_DIR for everyone using PETSc package
+ spack_env.set('PETSC_DIR', self.prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-bottleneck/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-bottleneck/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aa4208b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-bottleneck/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from spack import *
+class PyBottleneck(Package):
+ """Bottleneck is a collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.0.0', '380fa6f275bd24f27e7cf0e0d752f5d2')
+ extends('python', ignore=r'bin/f2py$')
+ depends_on('py-numpy')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cython/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cython/
index 68eb735ad9..072355026e 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cython/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cython/
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@ from spack import *
class PyCython(Package):
"""The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language."""
homepage = ""
- url = ""
+ url = ""
- version('0.21.2', 'd21adb870c75680dc857cd05d41046a4')
+ version('0.23.5', '66b62989a67c55af016c916da36e7514')
+ version('0.23.4', '157df1f69bcec6b56fd97e0f2e057f6e')
+ # These versions contain illegal Python3 code...
version('0.22', '1ae25add4ef7b63ee9b4af697300d6b6')
+ version('0.21.2', 'd21adb870c75680dc857cd05d41046a4')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dateutil/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dateutil/
index 0a17f2f2d2..b67e91ace6 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dateutil/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dateutil/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class PyDateutil(Package):
version('2.4.0', '75714163bb96bedd07685cdb2071b8bc')
version('2.4.2', '4ef68e1c485b09e9f034e10473e5add2')
+ version('2.5.2', 'eafe168e8f404bf384514f5116eedbb6')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-libxml2/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-libxml2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59005428e4..0000000000
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-libxml2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-from spack import *
-class PyLibxml2(Package):
- """A Python wrapper around libxml2."""
- homepage = ""
- url = ""
- version('2.6.21', '229dd2b3d110a77defeeaa73af83f7f3')
- extends('python')
- depends_on('libxml2')
- depends_on('libxslt')
- def install(self, spec, prefix):
- python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-matplotlib/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-matplotlib/
index 2167735fb8..45e77dd631 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-matplotlib/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-matplotlib/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class PyMatplotlib(Package):
variant('gui', default=False, description='Enable GUI')
variant('ipython', default=False, description='Enable ipython support')
- extends('python', ignore=r'bin/nosetests.*$|bin/pbr$')
+ extends('python', ignore=r'bin/nosetests.*$|bin/pbr$|bin/f2py$')
depends_on('py-pyside', when='+gui')
depends_on('py-ipython', when='+ipython')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-netcdf/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-netcdf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7faa15ad25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-netcdf/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from spack import *
+class PyNetcdf(Package):
+ """Python interface to the netCDF Library."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('', '4fc4320d4f2a77b894ebf8da1c9895af')
+ extends('python')
+ depends_on('py-numpy')
+ depends_on('py-cython')
+ depends_on('netcdf')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-nose/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-nose/
index e7c6cf0264..c2c2b52e03 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-nose/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-nose/
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
from spack import *
class PyNose(Package):
"""nose extends the test loading and running features of unittest,
making it easier to write, find and run tests."""
homepage = ""
- url = ""
+ url = ""
version('1.3.4', '6ed7169887580ddc9a8e16048d38274d')
version('1.3.6', '0ca546d81ca8309080fc80cb389e7a16')
+ version('1.3.7', '4d3ad0ff07b61373d2cefc89c5d0b20b')
extends('python', ignore=r'bin/nosetests.*$')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numexpr/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numexpr/
index 89f8a525b1..081a79dec6 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numexpr/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numexpr/
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ class PyNumexpr(Package):
url = ""
version('2.4.6', '17ac6fafc9ea1ce3eb970b9abccb4fbd')
+ version('2.5', '84f66cced45ba3e30dcf77a937763aaa')
- extends('python')
+ extends('python', ignore=r'bin/f2py$')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numpy/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numpy/
index 0354811186..40988fb44a 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numpy/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-numpy/
@@ -1,24 +1,44 @@
from spack import *
class PyNumpy(Package):
- """array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects."""
- homepage = ""
+ """NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
+ It contains among other things: a powerful N-dimensional array object,
+ sophisticated (broadcasting) functions, tools for integrating C/C++ and
+ Fortran code, and useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random
+ number capabilities"""
+ homepage = ""
url = ""
- version('1.9.1', '78842b73560ec378142665e712ae4ad9')
- version('1.9.2', 'a1ed53432dbcd256398898d35bc8e645')
+ version('1.11.0', 'bc56fb9fc2895aa4961802ffbdb31d0b')
+ version('1.10.4', 'aed294de0aa1ac7bd3f9745f4f1968ad')
+ version('1.9.2', 'a1ed53432dbcd256398898d35bc8e645')
+ version('1.9.1', '78842b73560ec378142665e712ae4ad9')
- variant('blas', default=True)
+ variant('blas', default=True)
+ variant('lapack', default=True)
- depends_on('netlib-blas+fpic', when='+blas')
- depends_on('netlib-lapack+shared', when='+blas')
+ depends_on('blas', when='+blas')
+ depends_on('lapack', when='+lapack')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ libraries = []
+ library_dirs = []
if '+blas' in spec:
+ libraries.append('blas')
+ library_dirs.append(spec['blas'].prefix.lib)
+ if '+lapack' in spec:
+ libraries.append('lapack')
+ library_dirs.append(spec['lapack'].prefix.lib)
+ if '+blas' in spec or '+lapack' in spec:
with open('site.cfg', 'w') as f:
- f.write('libraries=lapack,blas\n')
- f.write('library_dirs=%s/lib:%s/lib\n' % (spec['blas'].prefix, spec['lapack'].prefix))
+ f.write('libraries=%s\n' % ','.join(libraries))
+ f.write('library_dirs=%s\n' % ':'.join(library_dirs))
python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pandas/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pandas/
index 5b9997faa9..2320b1f92f 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pandas/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pandas/
@@ -8,18 +8,15 @@ class PyPandas(Package):
version('0.16.0', 'bfe311f05dc0c351f8955fbd1e296e73')
version('0.16.1', 'fac4f25748f9610a3e00e765474bdea8')
+ version('0.18.0', 'f143762cd7a59815e348adf4308d2cf6')
- extends('python')
+ extends('python', ignore=r'bin/f2py$')
- depends_on('py-matplotlib')
- depends_on('py-scipy')
- depends_on('libdrm')
- depends_on('libpciaccess')
- depends_on('llvm')
- depends_on('mesa')
+ depends_on('py-numexpr')
+ depends_on('py-bottleneck')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pytz/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pytz/
index da6311a784..060cf0cde4 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pytz/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-pytz/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class PyPytz(Package):
version('2014.10', 'eb1cb941a20c5b751352c52486aa1dd7')
version('2015.4', '417a47b1c432d90333e42084a605d3d8')
+ version('2016.3', 'abae92c3301b27bd8a9f56b14f52cb29')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-scipy/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-scipy/
index 3a1124cc15..4d47c641ee 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-scipy/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-scipy/
@@ -2,17 +2,24 @@ from spack import *
class PyScipy(Package):
"""Scientific Library for Python."""
- homepage = ""
+ homepage = ""
url = ""
- version('0.15.0', '639112f077f0aeb6d80718dc5019dc7a')
+ version('0.17.0', '5ff2971e1ce90e762c59d2cd84837224')
version('0.15.1', 'be56cd8e60591d6332aac792a5880110')
+ version('0.15.0', '639112f077f0aeb6d80718dc5019dc7a')
- depends_on('py-numpy')
- depends_on('blas')
- depends_on('lapack')
+ depends_on('py-numpy+blas+lapack')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ if 'atlas' in spec:
+ # actually isn't always installed, but this
+ # seems to make the build autodetect things correctly.
+ env['ATLAS'] = join_path(spec['atlas'].prefix.lib, 'libatlas.' + dso_suffix)
+ else:
+ env['BLAS'] = spec['blas'].blas_shared_lib
+ env['LAPACK'] = spec['lapack'].lapack_shared_lib
python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-setuptools/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-setuptools/
index 26c048bfd4..c6d9be1add 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-setuptools/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-setuptools/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ class PySetuptools(Package):
version('16.0', '0ace0b96233516fc5f7c857d086aa3ad')
version('18.1', 'f72e87f34fbf07f299f6cb46256a0b06')
version('19.2', '78353b1f80375ca5e088f4b4627ffe03')
+ version('20.5', 'fadc1e1123ddbe31006e5e43e927362b')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-six/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-six/
index 05c5bd00a9..df277100f7 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-six/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-six/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ class PySix(Package):
url = ""
version('1.9.0', '476881ef4012262dfc8adc645ee786c4')
+ version('1.10.0', '34eed507548117b2ab523ab14b2f8b55')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tuiview/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tuiview/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..984b4196b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tuiview/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from spack import *
+class PyTuiview(Package):
+ """
+ TuiView is a lightweight raster GIS with powerful raster attribute
+ table manipulation abilities.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.1.7', '4b3b38a820cc239c8ab4a181ac5d4c30')
+ extends("python")
+ depends_on("py-pyqt")
+ depends_on("py-numpy")
+ depends_on("gdal")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-virtualenv/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-virtualenv/
index 037a6fc59f..09303d37b4 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-virtualenv/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-virtualenv/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class PyVirtualenv(Package):
version('1.11.6', 'f61cdd983d2c4e6aeabb70b1060d6f49')
version('13.0.1', '1ffc011bde6667f0e37ecd976f4934db')
+ version('15.0.1', '28d76a0d9cbd5dc42046dd14e76a6ecc')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
index dd240d1ea0..f5237c3b57 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
+import functools
+import glob
+import inspect
import os
import re
from contextlib import closing
-from llnl.util.lang import match_predicate
-from spack.util.environment import *
-from spack import *
import spack
+from llnl.util.lang import match_predicate
+from spack import *
+from spack.util.environment import *
class Python(Package):
@@ -90,35 +93,46 @@ class Python(Package):
return os.path.join(self.python_lib_dir, 'site-packages')
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, ext_spec):
- """Called before python modules' install() methods.
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, extension_spec):
+ # TODO: do this only for actual extensions.
+ # Set PYTHONPATH to include site-packages dir for the
+ # extension and any other python extensions it depends on.
+ python_paths = []
+ for d in extension_spec.traverse():
+ if d.package.extends(self.spec):
+ python_paths.append(os.path.join(d.prefix, self.site_packages_dir))
+ pythonpath = ':'.join(python_paths)
+ spack_env.set('PYTHONPATH', pythonpath)
+ # For run time environment set only the path for extension_spec and prepend it to PYTHONPATH
+ if extension_spec.package.extends(self.spec):
+ run_env.prepend_path('PYTHONPATH', os.path.join(extension_spec.prefix, self.site_packages_dir))
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, ext_spec):
+ """
+ Called before python modules' install() methods.
In most cases, extensions will only need to have one line::
- python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
+ python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
# Python extension builds can have a global python executable function
if self.version >= Version("3.0.0") and self.version < Version("4.0.0"):
- module.python = Executable(join_path(spec.prefix.bin, 'python3'))
+ module.python = Executable(join_path(self.spec.prefix.bin, 'python3'))
- module.python = Executable(join_path(spec.prefix.bin, 'python'))
+ module.python = Executable(join_path(self.spec.prefix.bin, 'python'))
# Add variables for lib/pythonX.Y and lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages dirs.
module.python_lib_dir = os.path.join(ext_spec.prefix, self.python_lib_dir)
module.python_include_dir = os.path.join(ext_spec.prefix, self.python_include_dir)
module.site_packages_dir = os.path.join(ext_spec.prefix, self.site_packages_dir)
- # Make the site packages directory if it does not exist already.
- mkdirp(module.site_packages_dir)
- # Set PYTHONPATH to include site-packages dir for the
- # extension and any other python extensions it depends on.
- python_paths = []
- for d in ext_spec.traverse():
- if d.package.extends(self.spec):
- python_paths.append(os.path.join(d.prefix, self.site_packages_dir))
- os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(python_paths)
+ # Make the site packages directory for extensions, if it does not exist already.
+ if ext_spec.package.is_extension:
+ mkdirp(module.site_packages_dir)
# ========================================================================
# Handle specifics of activating and deactivating python modules.
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qt/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qt/
index ef5f05601f..ab09469042 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qt/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qt/
@@ -1,41 +1,31 @@
-import os
from spack import *
import os
class Qt(Package):
"""Qt is a comprehensive cross-platform C++ application framework."""
- homepage = ""
- list_url = ''
- list_depth = 2
- version('5.4.2', 'fa1c4d819b401b267eb246a543a63ea5',
- url='')
- version('5.4.0', 'e8654e4b37dd98039ba20da7a53877e6',
- url='')
- version('5.3.2', 'febb001129927a70174467ecb508a682',
- url='')
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
- version('5.2.1', 'a78408c887c04c34ce615da690e0b4c8',
- url='')
+ version('5.5.1', '59f0216819152b77536cf660b015d784')
+ version('5.4.2', 'fa1c4d819b401b267eb246a543a63ea5')
+ version('5.4.0', 'e8654e4b37dd98039ba20da7a53877e6')
+ version('5.3.2', 'febb001129927a70174467ecb508a682')
+ version('5.2.1', 'a78408c887c04c34ce615da690e0b4c8')
+ version('4.8.6', '2edbe4d6c2eff33ef91732602f3518eb')
+ version('3.3.8b', '9f05b4125cfe477cc52c9742c3c09009')
- version('4.8.6', '2edbe4d6c2eff33ef91732602f3518eb',
- url="")
- version('3.3.8b', '9f05b4125cfe477cc52c9742c3c09009',
- url="")
- variant('mesa', default=False, description='depend on mesa')
# Add patch for compile issues with qt3 found with use in the OpenSpeedShop project
- variant('krellpatch', default=False, description="build with openspeedshop based patch.")
+ variant('krellpatch', default=False, description="Build with openspeedshop based patch.")
+ variant('mesa', default=False, description="Depend on mesa.")
+ variant('gtk', default=False, description="Build with gtkplus.")
patch('qt3krell.patch', when='@3.3.8b+krellpatch')
# Use system openssl for security.
- depends_on("gtkplus")
+ depends_on("gtkplus", when='+gtk')
depends_on("dbus", when='@4:')
@@ -56,9 +46,40 @@ class Qt(Package):
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, dep_spec):
- """Dependencies of Qt find it using the QTDIR environment variable."""
- os.environ['QTDIR'] = self.prefix
+ def url_for_version(self, version):
+ url = ""
+ if version >= Version('5'):
+ url += "%s/%s/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(2), version, version)
+ elif version >= Version('4.8'):
+ url += "%s/%s/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(2), version, version)
+ elif version >= Version('4.6'):
+ url += "%s/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(2), version)
+ elif version >= Version('4.0'):
+ url += "%s/qt-x11-opensource-src-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(2), version)
+ elif version >= Version('3'):
+ url += "%s/qt-x11-free-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(1), version)
+ elif version >= Version('2.1'):
+ url += "%s/qt-x11-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(1), version)
+ else:
+ url += "%s/qt-%s.tar.gz" % \
+ (version.up_to(1), version)
+ return url
+ def setup_environment(self, spack_env, env):
+ env.set('QTDIR', self.prefix)
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dspec):
+ spack_env.set('QTDIR', self.prefix)
def patch(self):
@@ -85,7 +106,7 @@ class Qt(Package):
- "-release",
+ '-release',
@@ -94,7 +115,7 @@ class Qt(Package):
# NIS is deprecated in more recent glibc
- "-no-nis"]
+ '-no-nis']
# Don't disable all the database drivers, but should
# really get them into spack at some point.
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ruby/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ruby/
index 6b6242362c..e13677e4d2 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ruby/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ruby/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
from spack import *
-import spack
-import os
class Ruby(Package):
- """A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on
+ """A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on
simplicity and productivity."""
homepage = ""
@@ -15,11 +14,23 @@ class Ruby(Package):
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, ext_spec):
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, extension_spec):
+ # TODO: do this only for actual extensions.
+ # Set GEM_PATH to include dependent gem directories
+ ruby_paths = []
+ for d in extension_spec.traverse():
+ if d.package.extends(self.spec):
+ ruby_paths.append(d.prefix)
+ spack_env.set_path('GEM_PATH', ruby_paths)
+ # The actual installation path for this gem
+ spack_env.set('GEM_HOME', extension_spec.prefix)
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, ext_spec):
"""Called before ruby modules' install() methods. Sets GEM_HOME
and GEM_PATH to values appropriate for the package being built.
@@ -28,14 +39,5 @@ class Ruby(Package):
gem('install', '<gem-name>.gem')
# Ruby extension builds have global ruby and gem functions
- module.ruby = Executable(join_path(spec.prefix.bin, 'ruby'))
- module.gem = Executable(join_path(spec.prefix.bin, 'gem'))
- # Set GEM_PATH to include dependent gem directories
- ruby_paths = []
- for d in ext_spec.traverse():
- if d.package.extends(self.spec):
- ruby_paths.append(d.prefix)
- os.environ['GEM_PATH'] = ':'.join(ruby_paths)
- # The actual installation path for this gem
- os.environ['GEM_HOME'] = ext_spec.prefix
+ module.ruby = Executable(join_path(self.spec.prefix.bin, 'ruby'))
+ module.gem = Executable(join_path(self.spec.prefix.bin, 'gem'))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/silo/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/silo/
index d1aed78e0e..b7894e4d2b 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/silo/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/silo/
@@ -5,24 +5,35 @@ class Silo(Package):
data to binary, disk files."""
homepage = ""
- url = ""
+ base_url = ""
+ version('4.10.2', '9ceac777a2f2469ac8cef40f4fab49c8')
+ version('4.9', 'a83eda4f06761a86726e918fc55e782a')
version('4.8', 'b1cbc0e7ec435eb656dc4b53a23663c9')
variant('fortran', default=True, description='Enable Fortran support')
+ variant('silex', default=False, description='Builds Silex, a GUI for viewing Silo files')
- depends_on("hdf5")
+ depends_on('hdf5')
+ depends_on('qt', when='+silex')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
config_args = [
'--enable-fortran' if '+fortran' in spec else '--disable-fortran',
+ '--enable-silex' if '+silex' in spec else '--disable-silex',
+ if '+silex' in spec:
+ config_args.append('--with-Qt-dir=%s' % spec['qt'].prefix)
- "--prefix=%s" % prefix,
- "--with-hdf5=%s,%s" % (spec['hdf5'].prefix.include, spec['hdf5'].prefix.lib),
- "--with-zlib=%s,%s" % (spec['zlib'].prefix.include, spec['zlib'].prefix.lib),
+ '--prefix=%s' % prefix,
+ '--with-hdf5=%s,%s' % (spec['hdf5'].prefix.include, spec['hdf5'].prefix.lib),
+ '--with-zlib=%s,%s' % (spec['zlib'].prefix.include, spec['zlib'].prefix.lib),
- make("install")
+ make('install')
+ def url_for_version(self, version):
+ return '%s/silo-%s/silo-%s.tar.gz' % (Silo.base_url, version, version)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/slepc/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/slepc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b5f24394f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/slepc/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Slepc(Package):
+ """
+ Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Computations.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('3.6.2', '2ab4311bed26ccf7771818665991b2ea3a9b15f97e29fd13911ab1293e8e65df')
+ variant('arpack', default=False, description='Enables Arpack wrappers')
+ depends_on('petsc')
+ depends_on('arpack-ng~mpi',when='+arpack^petsc~mpi')
+ depends_on('arpack-ng+mpi',when='+arpack^petsc+mpi')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ # set SLEPC_DIR for installation
+ os.environ['SLEPC_DIR'] = self.stage.source_path
+ options = []
+ if '+arpack' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '--with-arpack-dir=%s' % spec['arpack-ng'].prefix.lib,
+ ])
+ if 'arpack-ng~mpi' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '--with-arpack-flags=-larpack'
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ '--with-arpack-flags=-lparpack,-larpack'
+ ])
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix, *options)
+ make('MAKE_NP=%s' % make_jobs, parallel=False)
+ # make('test')
+ make('install')
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
+ # set up SLEPC_DIR for everyone using SLEPc package
+ spack_env.set('SLEPC_DIR', self.prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/subversion/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/subversion/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5db1c3eb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/subversion/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from spack import *
+#import os
+class Subversion(Package):
+ """Apache Subversion - an open source version control system."""
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('1.8.13', '8065b3698d799507fb72dd7926ed32b6')
+ version('1.9.3', 'a92bcfaec4e5038f82c74a7b5bbd2f46')
+ depends_on('apr')
+ depends_on('apr-util')
+ depends_on('zlib')
+ depends_on('sqlite')
+ # Optional: We need swig if we want the Perl, Python or Ruby
+ # bindings.
+ #depends_on('swig')
+ #depends_on('python')
+ #depends_on('perl')
+ #depends_on('ruby')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ # configure, build, install:
+ # Ref:
+ options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ options.append('--with-apr=%s' % spec['apr'].prefix)
+ options.append('--with-apr-util=%s' % spec['apr-util'].prefix)
+ options.append('--with-zlib=%s' % spec['zlib'].prefix)
+ options.append('--with-sqlite=%s' % spec['sqlite'].prefix)
+ #options.append('--with-swig=%s' % spec['swig'].prefix)
+ configure(*options)
+ make()
+ make('install')
+ # python bindings
+ #make('swig-py',
+ # 'swig-pydir=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/libsvn',
+ # 'swig_pydir_extra=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/svn')
+ #make('install-swig-py',
+ # 'swig-pydir=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/libsvn',
+ # 'swig_pydir_extra=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/svn')
+ # perl bindings
+ #make('swig-pl')
+ #make('install-swig-pl')
+ # ruby bindings
+ #make('swig-rb')
+ #make('isntall-swig-rb')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/SuiteSparse/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/
index 6e130d118f..c2196dcec4 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/SuiteSparse/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from spack import *
-class Suitesparse(Package):
+class SuiteSparse(Package):
SuiteSparse is a suite of sparse matrix algorithms
@@ -23,5 +23,14 @@ class Suitesparse(Package):
# FIXME : this actually uses the current workaround
# FIXME : (blas / lapack always provide libblas and liblapack as aliases)
- make('install', 'INSTALL=%s' % prefix, 'BLAS=-lblas', 'LAPACK=-llapack')
+ make('install', 'INSTALL=%s' % prefix,
+ # inject Spack compiler wrappers
+ 'AUTOCC=no',
+ 'CC=cc',
+ 'CXX=c++',
+ 'F77=f77',
+ # BLAS arguments require path to libraries
+ 'BLAS=-lblas',
+ 'LAPACK=-llapack')
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/superlu-dist/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/superlu-dist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddcb7f9225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/superlu-dist/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from spack import *
+import glob
+class SuperluDist(Package):
+ """A general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('4.3', 'ee66c84e37b4f7cc557771ccc3dc43ae')
+ version('4.2', 'ae9fafae161f775fbac6eba11e530a65')
+ version('4.1', '4edee38cc29f687bd0c8eb361096a455')
+ version('4.0', 'c0b98b611df227ae050bc1635c6940e0')
+ depends_on ('mpi')
+ depends_on ('blas')
+ depends_on ('lapack')
+ depends_on ('parmetis')
+ depends_on ('metis')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ makefile_inc = []
+ makefile_inc.extend([
+ 'PLAT = _mac_x',
+ 'DSuperLUroot = %s' % self.stage.source_path, #self.stage.path, prefix
+ 'DSUPERLULIB = $(DSuperLUroot)/lib/libsuperlu_dist.a',
+ 'BLASLIB = -L%s -llapack %s -lblas' % (spec['lapack'].prefix.lib, spec['blas'].prefix.lib), # FIXME: avoid hardcoding blas/lapack lib names
+ 'METISLIB = -L%s -lmetis' % spec['metis'].prefix.lib,
+ 'PARMETISLIB = -L%s -lparmetis' % spec['parmetis'].prefix.lib,
+ 'FLIBS =',
+ 'ARCH = ar',
+ 'ARCHFLAGS = cr',
+ 'RANLIB = true',
+ 'CC = mpicc', # FIXME avoid hardcoding MPI compiler names
+ 'CFLAGS = -fPIC -std=c99 -O2 -I%s -I%s' %(spec['parmetis'].prefix.include, spec['metis'].prefix.include),
+ 'NOOPTS = -fPIC -std=c99',
+ 'FORTRAN = mpif77',
+ 'F90FLAGS = -O2',
+ 'LOADER = mpif77',
+ 'CDEFS = -DAdd_'
+ ])
+ #with working_dir('src'):
+ with open('', 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write('\n'.join(makefile_inc))
+ make("lib", parallel=False)
+ # FIXME:
+ # cd "EXAMPLE" do
+ # system "make"
+ # need to install by hand
+ headers_location = self.prefix.include
+ mkdirp(headers_location)
+ mkdirp(prefix.lib)
+ headers = glob.glob(join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'SRC','*.h'))
+ for h in headers:
+ install(h,headers_location)
+ superludist_lib = join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'lib/libsuperlu_dist.a')
+ install(superludist_lib,self.prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tbb/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tbb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56ffe4c27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tbb/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+from spack import *
+import os
+import glob
+class Tbb(Package):
+ """Widely used C++ template library for task parallelism.
+ Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB) lets you easily write parallel
+ C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are
+ portable and composable, and that have future-proof scalability.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ # Only version-specific URL's work for TBB
+ version('4.4.3', '80707e277f69d9b20eeebdd7a5f5331137868ce1', url='')
+ def coerce_to_spack(self,tbb_build_subdir):
+ for compiler in ["icc","gcc","clang"]:
+ fs = glob.glob(join_path(tbb_build_subdir,"*" % compiler ))
+ for f in fs:
+ lines = open(f).readlines()
+ of = open(f,"w")
+ for l in lines:
+ if l.strip().startswith("CPLUS ="):
+ of.write("# coerced to spack\n")
+ of.write("CPLUS = $(CXX)\n")
+ elif l.strip().startswith("CPLUS ="):
+ of.write("# coerced to spack\n")
+ of.write("CONLY = $(CC)\n")
+ else:
+ of.write(l);
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ #
+ # we need to follow TBB's compiler selection logic to get the proper build + link flags
+ # but we still need to use spack's compiler wrappers
+ # to accomplish this, we do two things:
+ #
+ # * Look at the spack spec to determine which compiler we should pass to tbb's Makefile
+ #
+ # * patch tbb's build system to use the compiler wrappers (CC, CXX) for
+ # icc, gcc, clang
+ # (see coerce_to_spack())
+ #
+ self.coerce_to_spack("build")
+ if spec.satisfies('%clang'):
+ tbb_compiler = "clang"
+ elif spec.satisfies('%intel'):
+ tbb_compiler = "icc"
+ else:
+ tbb_compiler = "gcc"
+ mkdirp(prefix)
+ mkdirp(prefix.lib)
+ #
+ # tbb does not have a configure script or make install target
+ # we simply call make, and try to put the pieces together
+ #
+ make("compiler=%s" %(tbb_compiler))
+ # install headers to {prefix}/include
+ install_tree('include',prefix.include)
+ # install libs to {prefix}/lib
+ tbb_lib_names = ["libtbb",
+ "libtbbmalloc",
+ "libtbbmalloc_proxy"]
+ for lib_name in tbb_lib_names:
+ # install release libs
+ fs = glob.glob(join_path("build","*release",lib_name + ".*"))
+ for f in fs:
+ install(f, prefix.lib)
+ # install debug libs if they exist
+ fs = glob.glob(join_path("build","*debug",lib_name + "_debug.*"))
+ for f in fs:
+ install(f, prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/
index edc40476e3..6223848c68 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
from spack import *
+import os, sys, glob
+# Trilinos is complicated to build, as an inspiration a couple of links to other repositories which build it:
+# and some relevant documentation/examples:
class Trilinos(Package):
- """
- The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented
+ """The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented
software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems.
A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
homepage = ""
url = ""
+ version('12.6.1', 'adcf2d3aab74cdda98f88fee19cd1442604199b0515ee3da4d80cbe8f37d00e4')
version('12.4.2', '7c830f7f0f68b8ad324690603baf404e')
version('12.2.1', '6161926ea247863c690e927687f83be9')
version('12.0.1', 'bd99741d047471e127b8296b2ec08017')
@@ -17,8 +24,16 @@ class Trilinos(Package):
version('11.14.2', 'a43590cf896c677890d75bfe75bc6254')
version('11.14.1', '40febc57f76668be8b6a77b7607bb67f')
- variant('shared', default=True, description='Enables the build of shared libraries')
- variant('debug', default=False, description='Builds a debug version of the libraries')
+ variant('metis', default=True, description='Compile with METIS and ParMETIS')
+ variant('mumps', default=True, description='Compile with support for MUMPS solvers')
+ variant('superlu-dist', default=True, description='Compile with SuperluDist solvers')
+ variant('hypre', default=True, description='Compile with Hypre preconditioner')
+ variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Compile with HDF5')
+ variant('suite-sparse', default=True, description='Compile with SuiteSparse solvers')
+ # not everyone has py-numpy activated, keep it disabled by default to avoid configure errors
+ variant('python', default=False, description='Build python wrappers')
+ variant('shared', default=True, description='Enables the build of shared libraries')
+ variant('debug', default=False, description='Builds a debug version of the libraries')
# Everything should be compiled with -fpic
@@ -27,28 +42,205 @@ class Trilinos(Package):
+ depends_on('metis',when='+metis')
+ depends_on('suite-sparse',when='+suite-sparse')
# MPI related dependencies
+ depends_on('parmetis',when='+metis')
+ # Trilinos' Tribits config system is limited which makes it
+ # very tricky to link Amesos with static MUMPS, see
+ #
+ # One could work it out by getting linking flags from mpif90 --showme:link (or alike)
+ # and adding results to -DTrilinos_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS
+ # together with Blas and Lapack and ScaLAPACK and Blacs and -lgfortran and
+ # it may work at the end. But let's avoid all this by simply using shared libs
+ depends_on('mumps@5.0:+mpi+shared',when='+mumps')
+ depends_on('scalapack',when='+mumps')
+ depends_on('superlu-dist',when='+superlu-dist')
+ depends_on('hypre~internal-superlu',when='+hypre')
+ depends_on('hdf5+mpi',when='+hdf5')
+ depends_on('python',when='+python')
- depends_on('python') # Needs py-numpy activated
+ patch('umfpack_from_suitesparse.patch')
+ # check that the combination of variants makes sense
+ def variants_check(self):
+ if '+superlu-dist' in self.spec and self.spec.satisfies('@:11.4.3'):
+ # For Trilinos v11 we need to force SuperLUDist=OFF,
+ # since only the deprecated SuperLUDist v3.3 together with an Amesos patch
+ # is working.
+ raise RuntimeError('The superlu-dist variant can only be used with Trilinos @12.0.1:')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ self.variants_check()
+ cxx_flags = []
options = []
+ mpi_bin = spec['mpi'].prefix.bin
- '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%s' % ('Debug' if '+debug' in spec else 'Release'),
+ '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%s' % ('DEBUG' if '+debug' in spec else 'RELEASE'),
'-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=%s' % ('ON' if '+shared' in spec else 'OFF'),
- '-DBLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['blas'].prefix,
- '-DLAPACK_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['lapack'].prefix
+ '-DMPI_BASE_DIR:PATH=%s' % spec['mpi'].prefix,
+ '-DBLAS_LIBRARY_NAMES=blas', # FIXME: don't hardcode names
+ '-DBLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS=%s' % spec['blas'].prefix.lib,
+ '-DLAPACK_LIBRARY_DIRS=%s' % spec['lapack'].prefix,
+ '-DBoost_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['boost'].prefix.include,
+ '-DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['boost'].prefix.lib,
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_CXX11:BOOL=ON',
+ '-DTPL_ENABLE_HYPRE:BOOL=%s' % ('ON' if '+hypre' in spec else 'OFF'),
+ '-DTPL_ENABLE_HDF5:BOOL=%s' % ('ON' if '+hdf5' in spec else 'OFF'),
+ # Fortran lib
+ libgfortran = os.path.dirname (os.popen('%s --print-file-name libgfortran.a' % join_path(mpi_bin,'mpif90') ).read())
+ options.extend([
+ '-DTrilinos_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS:STRING=-L%s/ -lgfortran' % libgfortran,
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=ON'
+ ])
+ # for build-debug only:
+ #options.extend([
+ #])
+ # suite-sparse related
+ if '+suite-sparse' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DTPL_ENABLE_Cholmod:BOOL=OFF', # FIXME: Trilinos seems to be looking for static libs only, patch CMake TPL file?
+ #'-DTPL_ENABLE_Cholmod:BOOL=ON',
+ #'-DCholmod_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['suite-sparse'].prefix.lib,
+ #'-DCholmod_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['suite-sparse'].prefix.include,
+ '-DUMFPACK_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['suite-sparse'].prefix.lib,
+ '-DUMFPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['suite-sparse'].prefix.include,
+ '-DUMFPACK_LIBRARY_NAMES=umfpack;amd;colamd;cholmod;suitesparseconfig'
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # metis / parmetis
+ if '+metis' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DMETIS_LIBRARY_DIRS=%s' % spec['metis'].prefix.lib,
+ '-DTPL_METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS=%s' % spec['metis'].prefix.include,
+ '-DParMETIS_LIBRARY_DIRS=%s;%s' % (spec['parmetis'].prefix.lib,spec['metis'].prefix.lib),
+ '-DParMETIS_LIBRARY_NAMES=parmetis;metis',
+ '-DTPL_ParMETIS_INCLUDE_DIRS=%s' % spec['parmetis'].prefix.include
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # mumps / scalapack
+ if '+mumps' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DMUMPS_LIBRARY_DIRS=%s' % spec['mumps'].prefix.lib,
+ '-DMUMPS_LIBRARY_NAMES=dmumps;mumps_common;pord', # order is important!
+ '-DSCALAPACK_LIBRARY_NAMES=scalapack' # FIXME: for MKL it's mkl_scalapack_lp64;mkl_blacs_mpich_lp64
+ ])
+ # see
+ cxx_flags.extend([
+ '-DMUMPS_5_0'
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # superlu-dist:
+ if '+superlu-dist' in spec:
+ # Amesos, conflicting types of double and complex SLU_D
+ # see
+ # and
+ options.extend([
+ '-DKokkosTSQR_ENABLE_Complex:BOOL=OFF'
+ ])
+ options.extend([
+ '-DSuperLUDist_LIBRARY_DIRS=%s' % spec['superlu-dist'].prefix.lib,
+ '-DSuperLUDist_INCLUDE_DIRS=%s' % spec['superlu-dist'].prefix.include
+ ])
+ if spec.satisfies('^superlu-dist@4.0:'):
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ ])
+ # python
+ if '+python' in spec:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_PyTrilinos:BOOL=ON'
+ ])
+ else:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_PyTrilinos:BOOL=OFF'
+ ])
+ # collect CXX flags:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=%s' % (' '.join(cxx_flags)),
+ ])
+ # disable due to compiler / config errors:
+ options.extend([
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Pike=OFF',
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF'
+ ])
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ options.extend([
+ '-DTrilinos_ENABLE_FEI=OFF'
+ ])
with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
cmake('..', *options)
+ # When trilinos is built with Python, libpytrilinos is included through
+ # cmake configure files. Namely, Trilinos_LIBRARIES in TrilinosConfig.cmake
+ # contains pytrilinos. This leads to a run-time error:
+ # Symbol not found: _PyBool_Type
+ # and prevents Trilinos to be used in any C++ code, which links executable
+ # against the libraries listed in Trilinos_LIBRARIES.
+ # See
+ # A workaround it to remove PyTrilinos from the COMPONENTS_LIST :
+ if '+python' in self.spec:
+ filter_file(r'(SET\(COMPONENTS_LIST.*)(PyTrilinos;)(.*)', (r'\1\3'), '%s/cmake/Trilinos/TrilinosConfig.cmake' % prefix.lib)
+ # The shared libraries are not installed correctly on Darwin; correct this
+ if (sys.platform == 'darwin') and ('+shared' in spec):
+ fix_darwin_install_name(prefix.lib)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/umfpack_from_suitesparse.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/umfpack_from_suitesparse.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9defc55527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/trilinos/umfpack_from_suitesparse.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake b/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake
+index 963eb71..998cd02 100644
+--- a/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake
++++ b/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake
+@@ -55,6 +55,6 @@
+- REQUIRED_HEADERS umfpack.h amd.h UFconfig.h
++ REQUIRED_HEADERS umfpack.h amd.h SuiteSparse_config.h
+ )
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vtk/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vtk/
index 4a27a8fedb..24382af406 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vtk/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vtk/
@@ -7,11 +7,23 @@ class Vtk(Package):
homepage = ""
url = ""
+ version("7.0.0", "5fe35312db5fb2341139b8e4955c367d", url="")
+ version("6.3.0", '0231ca4840408e9dd60af48b314c5b6d', url="")
version('6.1.0', '25e4dfb3bad778722dcaec80cd5dab7d')
+ # VTK7 defaults to OpenGL2 rendering backend
+ variant('opengl2', default=True, description='Build with OpenGL instead of OpenGL2 as rendering backend')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ def feature_to_bool(feature, on='ON', off='OFF'):
+ if feature in spec:
+ return on
+ return off
with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
cmake_args = [
@@ -35,6 +47,12 @@ class Vtk(Package):
if spec['qt'].satisfies('@5'):
+ if spec.satisfies("@6.1.0"):
+ cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-DGLX_GLXEXT_LEGACY")
+ cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-DGLX_GLXEXT_LEGACY")
+ cmake_args.append('-DVTK_RENDERING_BACKEND:STRING=%s' % feature_to_bool('+opengl2', 'OpenGL2', 'OpenGL'))