path: root/var
diff options
authorPeter Scheibel <>2016-01-11 15:51:02 -0800
committerPeter Scheibel <>2016-01-11 15:51:59 -0800
commit50727527bc69a1b8ed26aa84a40039086db33827 (patch)
treecba0f4b310460860806dff36208f73e79d137e9a /var
parent7ad3e2b56bca4aca3a1ed5a157380070ea17514f (diff)
This commit makes the following changes:
There are two sensible defaults for building boost libraries: build all of them or build none of them. Previously the Spack boost package took the first approach. This commit changes to building no libraries by default. The user can specify which libraries they need using variants (e.g. +iostreams to compile the boost iostreams library). If no libraries are built then a header-only install is performed (no compilation, just copy header files to prefix). The consequence of this change is that packages which specify a dependency on boost may now fail (until they are updated to specify exactly which boost libraries they need compiled). The user may now specify whether to build shared libraries (static libraries are always built) and whether to build libraries with/out multi-threading support (default is to only build with multi-threading support). The executable on the user-config.jam toolset line is set to Spack's cc script. Before, without this, the desired toolset was used but Spack deferred to the boost build system to choose the compiler version. bzip2 and zlib are always specified as dependencies when iostreams is built (before this could be controlled with the +compression variant).
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/boost/ b/var/spack/packages/boost/
index 3427b74ad6..5fb6c9dc04 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/boost/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/boost/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from spack import *
+import spack
class Boost(Package):
"""Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source
@@ -44,15 +45,35 @@ class Boost(Package):
version('1.34.1', '2d938467e8a448a2c9763e0a9f8ca7e5')
version('1.34.0', 'ed5b9291ffad776f8757a916e1726ad0')
+ libs = ['chrono',
+ 'date_time',
+ 'filesystem',
+ 'iostreams',
+ 'random',
+ 'regex',
+ 'serialization',
+ 'signals',
+ 'system',
+ 'thread',
+ 'wave',
+ 'mpi',
+ 'python']
+ for lib in libs:
+ variant(lib, default=False, description="Compile with {0} library"
+ .format(lib))
variant('debug', default=False, description='Switch to the debug version of Boost')
- variant('python', default=False, description='Activate the component Boost.Python')
- variant('mpi', default=False, description='Activate the component Boost.MPI')
- variant('compression', default=True, description='Activate the compression Boost.iostreams')
+ variant('shared', default=True, description="Additionally build shared libraries")
+ variant('multithreaded', default=True, description="Build multi-threaded versions of libraries")
+ variant('singlethreaded', default=False, description="Build single-threaded versions of libraries")
+ variant('regex_icu', default=False, description="Include regex ICU support (by default false even if regex library is compiled)")
+ depends_on('icu', when='+regex_icu')
depends_on('python', when='+python')
depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
- depends_on('bzip2', when='+compression')
- depends_on('zlib', when='+compression')
+ depends_on('bzip2', when='+iostreams')
+ depends_on('zlib', when='+iostreams')
def url_for_version(self, version):
"""Handle Boost's weird URLs, which write the version two different ways."""
@@ -77,22 +98,20 @@ class Boost(Package):
# fallback to gcc if no toolset found
return 'gcc'
- def determine_bootstrap_options(self, spec, options):
- options.append('--with-toolset=%s' % self.determine_toolset(spec))
+ def determine_bootstrap_options(self, spec, withLibs, options):
+ boostToolsetId = self.determine_toolset(spec)
+ options.append('--with-toolset=%s' % boostToolsetId)
+ options.append("--with-libraries=%s" % ','.join(withLibs))
- without_libs = []
- if '~mpi' in spec:
- without_libs.append('mpi')
- if '~python' in spec:
- without_libs.append('python')
- else:
+ if '+python' in spec:
options.append('--with-python=%s' %
join_path(spec['python'].prefix.bin, 'python'))
- if without_libs:
- options.append('--without-libraries=%s' % ','.join(without_libs))
with open('user-config.jam', 'w') as f:
+ compiler_wrapper = join_path(spack.build_env_path, 'c++')
+ f.write("using {0} : : {1} ;\n".format(boostToolsetId,
+ compiler_wrapper))
if '+mpi' in spec:
f.write('using mpi : %s ;\n' %
join_path(spec['mpi'].prefix.bin, 'mpicxx'))
@@ -107,12 +126,7 @@ class Boost(Package):
- if '~compression' in spec:
- options.extend([
- '-s', 'NO_BZIP2=1',
- '-s', 'NO_ZLIB=1'])
- if '+compression' in spec:
+ if '+iostreams' in spec:
'-s', 'BZIP2_INCLUDE=%s' % spec['bzip2'].prefix.include,
'-s', 'BZIP2_LIBPATH=%s' % spec['bzip2'].prefix.lib,
@@ -120,20 +134,44 @@ class Boost(Package):
'-s', 'ZLIB_LIBPATH=%s' % spec['zlib'].prefix.lib,
+ linkTypes = ['static']
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ linkTypes.append('shared')
+ #TODO: at least one of these two options must be active
+ threadingOpts = []
+ if '+multithreaded' in spec:
+ threadingOpts.append('multi')
+ if '+singlethreaded' in spec:
+ threadingOpts.append('single')
'toolset=%s' % self.determine_toolset(spec),
- 'link=static,shared',
- 'threading=single,multi',
+ 'link=%s' % ','.join(linkTypes),
+ 'threading=%s' % ','.join(threadingOpts),
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ withLibs = list()
+ for lib in Boost.libs:
+ if "+{0}".format(lib) in spec:
+ withLibs.append(lib)
+ if not withLibs:
+ # if no libraries are specified for compilation, then you dont have
+ # to configure/build anything, just copy over to the prefix directory.
+ src = join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'boost')
+ mkdirp(join_path(prefix, 'include'))
+ dst = join_path(prefix, 'include', 'boost')
+ install_tree(src, dst)
+ return
# to make Boost find the user-config.jam
env['BOOST_BUILD_PATH'] = './'
bootstrap = Executable('./')
bootstrap_options = ['--prefix=%s' % prefix]
- self.determine_bootstrap_options(spec, bootstrap_options)
+ self.determine_bootstrap_options(spec, withLibs, bootstrap_options)