diff options
26 files changed, 1531 insertions, 1154 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yaml b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yaml
index 828cc44773..ad70cd82ee 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yaml
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ jobs:
shell: runuser -u spack-test -- bash {0}
run: |
source share/spack/
- spack -d solve zlib
+ spack -d bootstrap now --dev
spack unit-test -k 'not cvs and not svn and not hg' -x --verbose
# Test for the clingo based solver (using clingo-cffi)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4cd1b1dd7..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1066 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-from __future__ import print_function
-import contextlib
-import copy
-import fnmatch
-import functools
-import json
-import os
-import os.path
-import platform
-import re
-import sys
-import sysconfig
-import uuid
-from typing import List
-import archspec.cpu
-import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
-import llnl.util.tty as tty
-from llnl.util.lang import GroupedExceptionHandler
-import spack.binary_distribution
-import spack.config
-import spack.detection
-import spack.environment
-import spack.modules
-import spack.paths
-import spack.platforms
-import spack.repo
-import spack.spec
-import spack.user_environment
-import spack.util.environment
-import spack.util.executable
-import spack.util.path
-import spack.util.spack_yaml
-import spack.util.url
-import spack.version
-#: Name of the file containing metadata about the bootstrapping source
-METADATA_YAML_FILENAME = "metadata.yaml"
-is_windows = sys.platform == "win32"
-#: Map a bootstrapper type to the corresponding class
-_bootstrap_methods = {}
-def _bootstrapper(type):
- """Decorator to register classes implementing bootstrapping
- methods.
- Args:
- type (str): string identifying the class
- """
- def _register(cls):
- _bootstrap_methods[type] = cls
- return cls
- return _register
-def _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec, query_info=None):
- """Return True if the module can be imported from an already
- installed spec, False otherwise.
- Args:
- module: Python module to be imported
- query_spec: spec that may provide the module
- query_info (dict or None): if a dict is passed it is populated with the
- command found and the concrete spec providing it
- """
- # If it is a string assume it's one of the root specs by this module
- if isinstance(query_spec, str):
- # We have to run as part of this python interpreter
- query_spec += " ^" + spec_for_current_python()
- installed_specs =, installed=True)
- for candidate_spec in installed_specs:
- pkg = candidate_spec["python"].package
- module_paths: List[str] = [
- os.path.join(candidate_spec.prefix, pkg.purelib),
- os.path.join(candidate_spec.prefix, pkg.platlib),
- ]
- path_before = list(sys.path)
- # NOTE: try module_paths first and last, last allows an existing version in path
- # to be picked up and used, possibly depending on something in the store, first
- # allows the bootstrap version to work when an incompatible version is in
- # sys.path
- orders = [
- module_paths + sys.path,
- sys.path + module_paths,
- ]
- for path in orders:
- sys.path = path
- try:
- _fix_ext_suffix(candidate_spec)
- if _python_import(module):
- msg = (
- '[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {0}] The installed spec "{1}/{2}" '
- 'provides the "{0}" Python module'
- ).format(module, query_spec, candidate_spec.dag_hash())
- tty.debug(msg)
- if query_info is not None:
- query_info["spec"] = candidate_spec
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- msg = (
- "unexpected error while trying to import module "
- '"{0}" from spec "{1}" [error="{2}"]'
- )
- tty.warn(msg.format(module, candidate_spec, str(e)))
- else:
- msg = "Spec {0} did not provide module {1}"
- tty.warn(msg.format(candidate_spec, module))
- sys.path = path_before
- return False
-def _fix_ext_suffix(candidate_spec):
- """Fix the external suffixes of Python extensions on the fly for
- platforms that may need it
- Args:
- candidate_spec (Spec): installed spec with a Python module
- to be checked.
- """
- # Here we map target families to the patterns expected
- # by pristine CPython. Only architectures with known issues
- # are included. Known issues:
- #
- # [RHEL + ppc64le]:
- #
- _suffix_to_be_checked = {
- "ppc64le": {
- "glob": "*.cpython-*",
- "re": r".cpython-[\w]*",
- "fmt": r"{module}.cpython-{major}{minor}",
- }
- }
- # If the current architecture is not problematic return
- generic_target =
- if str(generic_target) not in _suffix_to_be_checked:
- return
- # If there's no EXT_SUFFIX (Python < 3.5) or the suffix matches
- # the expectations, return since the package is surely good
- ext_suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var("EXT_SUFFIX")
- if ext_suffix is None:
- return
- expected = _suffix_to_be_checked[str(generic_target)]
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(ext_suffix, expected["glob"]):
- return
- # If we are here it means the current interpreter expects different names
- # than pristine CPython. So:
- # 1. Find what we have installed
- # 2. Create symbolic links for the other names, it they're not there already
- # Check if standard names are installed and if we have to create
- # link for this interpreter
- standard_extensions = fs.find(candidate_spec.prefix, expected["glob"])
- link_names = [re.sub(expected["re"], ext_suffix, s) for s in standard_extensions]
- for file_name, link_name in zip(standard_extensions, link_names):
- if os.path.exists(link_name):
- continue
- os.symlink(file_name, link_name)
- # Check if this interpreter installed something and we have to create
- # links for a standard CPython interpreter
- non_standard_extensions = fs.find(candidate_spec.prefix, "*" + ext_suffix)
- for abs_path in non_standard_extensions:
- directory, filename = os.path.split(abs_path)
- module = filename.split(".")[0]
- link_name = os.path.join(
- directory,
- expected["fmt"].format(
- module=module, major=sys.version_info[0], minor=sys.version_info[1]
- ),
- )
- if os.path.exists(link_name):
- continue
- os.symlink(abs_path, link_name)
-def _executables_in_store(executables, query_spec, query_info=None):
- """Return True if at least one of the executables can be retrieved from
- a spec in store, False otherwise.
- The different executables must provide the same functionality and are
- "alternate" to each other, i.e. the function will exit True on the first
- executable found.
- Args:
- executables: list of executables to be searched
- query_spec: spec that may provide the executable
- query_info (dict or None): if a dict is passed it is populated with the
- command found and the concrete spec providing it
- """
- executables_str = ", ".join(executables)
- msg = "[BOOTSTRAP EXECUTABLES {0}] Try installed specs with query '{1}'"
- tty.debug(msg.format(executables_str, query_spec))
- installed_specs =, installed=True)
- if installed_specs:
- for concrete_spec in installed_specs:
- bin_dir = concrete_spec.prefix.bin
- # IF we have a "bin" directory and it contains
- # the executables we are looking for
- if (
- os.path.exists(bin_dir)
- and os.path.isdir(bin_dir)
- and spack.util.executable.which_string(*executables, path=bin_dir)
- ):
- spack.util.environment.path_put_first("PATH", [bin_dir])
- if query_info is not None:
- query_info["command"] = spack.util.executable.which(*executables, path=bin_dir)
- query_info["spec"] = concrete_spec
- return True
- return False
-class _BootstrapperBase(object):
- """Base class to derive types that can bootstrap software for Spack"""
- config_scope_name = ""
- def __init__(self, conf):
- = conf["name"]
- self.url = conf["info"]["url"]
- @property
- def mirror_url(self):
- # Absolute paths
- if os.path.isabs(self.url):
- return spack.util.url.format(self.url)
- # Check for :// and assume it's an url if we find it
- if "://" in self.url:
- return self.url
- # Otherwise, it's a relative path
- return spack.util.url.format(os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, self.url))
- @property
- def mirror_scope(self):
- return spack.config.InternalConfigScope(
- self.config_scope_name, {"mirrors:": { self.mirror_url}}
- )
-class _BuildcacheBootstrapper(_BootstrapperBase):
- """Install the software needed during bootstrapping from a buildcache."""
- def __init__(self, conf):
- super(_BuildcacheBootstrapper, self).__init__(conf)
- self.metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(conf["metadata"])
- self.last_search = None
- self.config_scope_name = "bootstrap_buildcache-{}".format(uuid.uuid4())
- @staticmethod
- def _spec_and_platform(abstract_spec_str):
- """Return the spec object and platform we need to use when
- querying the buildcache.
- Args:
- abstract_spec_str: abstract spec string we are looking for
- """
- # This import is local since it is needed only on Cray
- import spack.platforms.linux
- # Try to install from an unsigned binary cache
- abstract_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str)
- # On Cray we want to use Linux binaries if available from mirrors
- bincache_platform = spack.platforms.real_host()
- return abstract_spec, bincache_platform
- def _read_metadata(self, package_name):
- """Return metadata about the given package."""
- json_filename = "{0}.json".format(package_name)
- json_dir = self.metadata_dir
- json_path = os.path.join(json_dir, json_filename)
- with open(json_path) as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- return data
- def _install_by_hash(self, pkg_hash, pkg_sha256, index, bincache_platform):
- index_spec = next(x for x in index if x.dag_hash() == pkg_hash)
- # Reconstruct the compiler that we need to use for bootstrapping
- compiler_entry = {
- "modules": [],
- "operating_system": str(index_spec.os),
- "paths": {
- "cc": "/dev/null",
- "cxx": "/dev/null",
- "f77": "/dev/null",
- "fc": "/dev/null",
- },
- "spec": str(index_spec.compiler),
- "target": str(,
- }
- with spack.platforms.use_platform(bincache_platform):
- with spack.config.override("compilers", [{"compiler": compiler_entry}]):
- spec_str = "/" + pkg_hash
- query = spack.binary_distribution.BinaryCacheQuery(all_architectures=True)
- matches =[spec_str], multiple=False, query_fn=query)
- for match in matches:
- spack.binary_distribution.install_root_node(
- match, allow_root=True, unsigned=True, force=True, sha256=pkg_sha256
- )
- def _install_and_test(self, abstract_spec, bincache_platform, bincache_data, test_fn):
- # Ensure we see only the buildcache being used to bootstrap
- with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope):
- # This index is currently needed to get the compiler used to build some
- # specs that we know by dag hash.
- spack.binary_distribution.binary_index.regenerate_spec_cache()
- index = spack.binary_distribution.update_cache_and_get_specs()
- if not index:
- raise RuntimeError("The binary index is empty")
- for item in bincache_data["verified"]:
- candidate_spec = item["spec"]
- # This will be None for things that don't depend on python
- python_spec = item.get("python", None)
- # Skip specs which are not compatible
- if not abstract_spec.satisfies(candidate_spec):
- continue
- if python_spec is not None and python_spec not in abstract_spec:
- continue
- for pkg_name, pkg_hash, pkg_sha256 in item["binaries"]:
- # TODO: undo installations that didn't complete?
- self._install_by_hash(pkg_hash, pkg_sha256, index, bincache_platform)
- info = {}
- if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec, query_info=info):
- self.last_search = info
- return True
- return False
- def try_import(self, module, abstract_spec_str):
- test_fn, info = functools.partial(_try_import_from_store, module), {}
- if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
- return True
-"Bootstrapping {0} from pre-built binaries".format(module))
- abstract_spec, bincache_platform = self._spec_and_platform(
- abstract_spec_str + " ^" + spec_for_current_python()
- )
- data = self._read_metadata(module)
- return self._install_and_test(abstract_spec, bincache_platform, data, test_fn)
- def try_search_path(self, executables, abstract_spec_str):
- test_fn, info = functools.partial(_executables_in_store, executables), {}
- if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
- self.last_search = info
- return True
- abstract_spec, bincache_platform = self._spec_and_platform(abstract_spec_str)
-"Bootstrapping {0} from pre-built binaries".format(
- data = self._read_metadata(
- return self._install_and_test(abstract_spec, bincache_platform, data, test_fn)
-class _SourceBootstrapper(_BootstrapperBase):
- """Install the software needed during bootstrapping from sources."""
- def __init__(self, conf):
- super(_SourceBootstrapper, self).__init__(conf)
- self.metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(conf["metadata"])
- self.conf = conf
- self.last_search = None
- self.config_scope_name = "bootstrap_source-{}".format(uuid.uuid4())
- def try_import(self, module, abstract_spec_str):
- info = {}
- if _try_import_from_store(module, abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
- self.last_search = info
- return True
-"Bootstrapping {0} from sources".format(module))
- # If we compile code from sources detecting a few build tools
- # might reduce compilation time by a fair amount
- _add_externals_if_missing()
- # Try to build and install from sources
- with spack_python_interpreter():
- # Add hint to use frontend operating system on Cray
- concrete_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str + " ^" + spec_for_current_python())
- if module == "clingo":
- # TODO: remove when the old concretizer is deprecated
- concrete_spec._old_concretize(deprecation_warning=False)
- else:
- concrete_spec.concretize()
- msg = "[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {0}] Try installing '{1}' from sources"
- tty.debug(msg.format(module, abstract_spec_str))
- # Install the spec that should make the module importable
- with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope):
- concrete_spec.package.do_install(fail_fast=True)
- if _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec=concrete_spec, query_info=info):
- self.last_search = info
- return True
- return False
- def try_search_path(self, executables, abstract_spec_str):
- info = {}
- if _executables_in_store(executables, abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
- self.last_search = info
- return True
-"Bootstrapping {0} from sources".format(abstract_spec_str))
- # If we compile code from sources detecting a few build tools
- # might reduce compilation time by a fair amount
- _add_externals_if_missing()
- concrete_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str)
- if == "patchelf":
- concrete_spec._old_concretize(deprecation_warning=False)
- else:
- concrete_spec.concretize()
- msg = "[BOOTSTRAP] Try installing '{0}' from sources"
- tty.debug(msg.format(abstract_spec_str))
- with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope):
- concrete_spec.package.do_install()
- if _executables_in_store(executables, concrete_spec, query_info=info):
- self.last_search = info
- return True
- return False
-def _make_bootstrapper(conf):
- """Return a bootstrap object built according to the
- configuration argument
- """
- btype = conf["type"]
- return _bootstrap_methods[btype](conf)
-def source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf):
- """Raise ValueError if the source is not enabled for bootstrapping"""
- trusted, name = spack.config.get("bootstrap:trusted"), conf["name"]
- if not trusted.get(name, False):
- raise ValueError("source is not trusted")
-def spec_for_current_python():
- """For bootstrapping purposes we are just interested in the Python
- minor version (all patches are ABI compatible with the same minor).
- See:
- """
- version_str = ".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])
- return "python@{0}".format(version_str)
-def spack_python_interpreter():
- """Override the current configuration to set the interpreter under
- which Spack is currently running as the only Python external spec
- available.
- """
- python_prefix = sys.exec_prefix
- external_python = spec_for_current_python()
- entry = {
- "buildable": False,
- "externals": [{"prefix": python_prefix, "spec": str(external_python)}],
- }
- with spack.config.override("packages:python::", entry):
- yield
-def ensure_module_importable_or_raise(module, abstract_spec=None):
- """Make the requested module available for import, or raise.
- This function tries to import a Python module in the current interpreter
- using, in order, the methods configured in bootstrap.yaml.
- If none of the methods succeed, an exception is raised. The function exits
- on first success.
- Args:
- module (str): module to be imported in the current interpreter
- abstract_spec (str): abstract spec that might provide the module. If not
- given it defaults to "module"
- Raises:
- ImportError: if the module couldn't be imported
- """
- # If we can import it already, that's great
- tty.debug("[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {0}] Try importing from Python".format(module))
- if _python_import(module):
- return
- abstract_spec = abstract_spec or module
- h = GroupedExceptionHandler()
- for current_config in bootstrapping_sources():
- with h.forward(current_config["name"]):
- source_is_enabled_or_raise(current_config)
- b = _make_bootstrapper(current_config)
- if b.try_import(module, abstract_spec):
- return
- assert h, (
- "expected at least one exception to have been raised at this point: "
- "while bootstrapping {0}".format(module)
- )
- msg = 'cannot bootstrap the "{0}" Python module '.format(module)
- if abstract_spec:
- msg += 'from spec "{0}" '.format(abstract_spec)
- if tty.is_debug():
- msg += h.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=True)
- else:
- msg += h.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=False)
- msg += "\nRun `spack --debug ...` for more detailed errors"
- raise ImportError(msg)
-def ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(executables, abstract_spec, cmd_check=None):
- """Ensure that some executables are in path or raise.
- Args:
- executables (list): list of executables to be searched in the PATH,
- in order. The function exits on the first one found.
- abstract_spec (str): abstract spec that provides the executables
- cmd_check (object): callable predicate that takes a
- ``spack.util.executable.Executable`` command and validate it. Should return
- ``True`` if the executable is acceptable, ``False`` otherwise.
- Can be used to, e.g., ensure a suitable version of the command before
- accepting for bootstrapping.
- Raises:
- RuntimeError: if the executables cannot be ensured to be in PATH
- Return:
- Executable object
- """
- cmd = spack.util.executable.which(*executables)
- if cmd:
- if not cmd_check or cmd_check(cmd):
- return cmd
- executables_str = ", ".join(executables)
- h = GroupedExceptionHandler()
- for current_config in bootstrapping_sources():
- with h.forward(current_config["name"]):
- source_is_enabled_or_raise(current_config)
- b = _make_bootstrapper(current_config)
- if b.try_search_path(executables, abstract_spec):
- # Additional environment variables needed
- concrete_spec, cmd = b.last_search["spec"], b.last_search["command"]
- env_mods = spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications()
- for dep in concrete_spec.traverse(
- root=True, order="post", deptype=("link", "run")
- ):
- env_mods.extend(
- spack.user_environment.environment_modifications_for_spec(
- dep, set_package_py_globals=False
- )
- )
- cmd.add_default_envmod(env_mods)
- return cmd
- assert h, (
- "expected at least one exception to have been raised at this point: "
- "while bootstrapping {0}".format(executables_str)
- )
- msg = "cannot bootstrap any of the {0} executables ".format(executables_str)
- if abstract_spec:
- msg += 'from spec "{0}" '.format(abstract_spec)
- if tty.is_debug():
- msg += h.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=True)
- else:
- msg += h.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=False)
- msg += "\nRun `spack --debug ...` for more detailed errors"
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
-def _python_import(module):
- try:
- __import__(module)
- except ImportError:
- return False
- return True
-def _bootstrap_config_scopes():
- tty.debug("[BOOTSTRAP CONFIG SCOPE] name=_builtin")
- config_scopes = [spack.config.InternalConfigScope("_builtin", spack.config.config_defaults)]
- configuration_paths = (spack.config.configuration_defaults_path, ("bootstrap", _config_path()))
- for name, path in configuration_paths:
- platform =
- platform_scope = spack.config.ConfigScope(
- "/".join([name, platform]), os.path.join(path, platform)
- )
- generic_scope = spack.config.ConfigScope(name, path)
- config_scopes.extend([generic_scope, platform_scope])
- msg = "[BOOTSTRAP CONFIG SCOPE] name={0}, path={1}"
- tty.debug(msg.format(, generic_scope.path))
- tty.debug(msg.format(, platform_scope.path))
- return config_scopes
-def _add_compilers_if_missing():
- arch = spack.spec.ArchSpec.frontend_arch()
- if not spack.compilers.compilers_for_arch(arch):
- new_compilers = spack.compilers.find_new_compilers()
- if new_compilers:
- spack.compilers.add_compilers_to_config(new_compilers, init_config=False)
-def _add_externals_if_missing():
- search_list = [
- # clingo
- spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("cmake"),
- spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("bison"),
- # GnuPG
- spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("gawk"),
- ]
- if is_windows:
- search_list.append(spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("winbison"))
- detected_packages = spack.detection.by_executable(search_list)
- spack.detection.update_configuration(detected_packages, scope="bootstrap")
-#: Reference counter for the bootstrapping configuration context manager
-def is_bootstrapping():
- global _REF_COUNT
- return _REF_COUNT > 0
-def ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- # The context manager is reference counted to ensure we don't swap multiple
- # times if there's nested use of it in the stack. One compelling use case
- # is bootstrapping patchelf during the bootstrap of clingo.
- global _REF_COUNT
- already_swapped = bool(_REF_COUNT)
- _REF_COUNT += 1
- try:
- if already_swapped:
- yield
- else:
- with _ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- yield
- finally:
- _REF_COUNT -= 1
-def _ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- bootstrap_store_path = store_path()
- user_configuration = _read_and_sanitize_configuration()
- with spack.environment.no_active_environment():
- with spack.platforms.prevent_cray_detection():
- with spack.platforms.use_platform(spack.platforms.real_host()):
- with spack.repo.use_repositories(spack.paths.packages_path):
- with
- # Default configuration scopes excluding command line
- # and builtin but accounting for platform specific scopes
- config_scopes = _bootstrap_config_scopes()
- with spack.config.use_configuration(*config_scopes):
- # We may need to compile code from sources, so ensure we
- # have compilers for the current platform
- _add_compilers_if_missing()
- spack.config.set("bootstrap", user_configuration["bootstrap"])
- spack.config.set("config", user_configuration["config"])
- with spack.modules.disable_modules():
- with spack_python_interpreter():
- yield
-def _read_and_sanitize_configuration():
- """Read the user configuration that needs to be reused for bootstrapping
- and remove the entries that should not be copied over.
- """
- # Read the "config" section but pop the install tree (the entry will not be
- # considered due to the use_store context manager, so it will be confusing
- # to have it in the configuration).
- config_yaml = spack.config.get("config")
- config_yaml.pop("install_tree", None)
- user_configuration = {"bootstrap": spack.config.get("bootstrap"), "config": config_yaml}
- return user_configuration
-def store_path():
- """Path to the store used for bootstrapped software"""
- enabled = spack.config.get("bootstrap:enable", True)
- if not enabled:
- msg = "bootstrapping is currently disabled. " 'Use "spack bootstrap enable" to enable it'
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- return _store_path()
-def _root_path():
- """Root of all the bootstrap related folders"""
- return spack.config.get("bootstrap:root", spack.paths.default_user_bootstrap_path)
-def _store_path():
- bootstrap_root_path = _root_path()
- return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "store"))
-def _config_path():
- bootstrap_root_path = _root_path()
- return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "config"))
-def _root_spec(spec_str):
- """Add a proper compiler and target to a spec used during bootstrapping.
- Args:
- spec_str (str): spec to be bootstrapped. Must be without compiler and target.
- """
- # Add a proper compiler hint to the root spec. We use GCC for
- # everything but MacOS and Windows.
- if str( == "darwin":
- spec_str += " %apple-clang"
- elif str( == "windows":
- spec_str += " %msvc"
- else:
- spec_str += " %gcc"
- target =
- spec_str += " target={0}".format(target)
- tty.debug("[BOOTSTRAP ROOT SPEC] {0}".format(spec_str))
- return spec_str
-def clingo_root_spec():
- """Return the root spec used to bootstrap clingo"""
- return _root_spec("clingo-bootstrap@spack+python")
-def ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise():
- """Ensure that the clingo module is available for import."""
- ensure_module_importable_or_raise(module="clingo", abstract_spec=clingo_root_spec())
-def gnupg_root_spec():
- """Return the root spec used to bootstrap GnuPG"""
- return _root_spec("gnupg@2.3:")
-def ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise():
- """Ensure gpg or gpg2 are in the PATH or raise."""
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(
- executables=["gpg2", "gpg"], abstract_spec=gnupg_root_spec()
- )
-def patchelf_root_spec():
- """Return the root spec used to bootstrap patchelf"""
- # 0.13.1 is the last version not to require C++17.
- return _root_spec("patchelf@0.13.1:")
-def verify_patchelf(patchelf):
- """Older patchelf versions can produce broken binaries, so we
- verify the version here.
- Arguments:
- patchelf (spack.util.executable.Executable): patchelf executable
- """
- out = patchelf("--version", output=str, error=os.devnull, fail_on_error=False).strip()
- if patchelf.returncode != 0:
- return False
- parts = out.split(" ")
- if len(parts) < 2:
- return False
- try:
- version = spack.version.Version(parts[1])
- except ValueError:
- return False
- return version >= spack.version.Version("0.13.1")
-def ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise():
- """Ensure patchelf is in the PATH or raise."""
- # The old concretizer is not smart and we're doing its job: if the latest patchelf
- # does not concretize because the compiler doesn't support C++17, we try to
- # concretize again with an upperbound @:13.
- try:
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(
- executables=["patchelf"], abstract_spec=patchelf_root_spec(), cmd_check=verify_patchelf
- )
- except RuntimeError:
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(
- executables=["patchelf"],
- abstract_spec=_root_spec("patchelf@0.13.1:0.13"),
- cmd_check=verify_patchelf,
- )
-# Development dependencies
-def isort_root_spec():
- return _root_spec("py-isort@4.3.5:")
-def ensure_isort_in_path_or_raise():
- """Ensure that isort is in the PATH or raise."""
- executable, root_spec = "isort", isort_root_spec()
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise([executable], abstract_spec=root_spec)
-def mypy_root_spec():
- return _root_spec("py-mypy@0.900:")
-def ensure_mypy_in_path_or_raise():
- """Ensure that mypy is in the PATH or raise."""
- executable, root_spec = "mypy", mypy_root_spec()
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise([executable], abstract_spec=root_spec)
-def black_root_spec():
- return _root_spec("py-black")
-def ensure_black_in_path_or_raise():
- """Ensure that black is in the PATH or raise."""
- root_spec = black_root_spec()
- def check_black(black_cmd):
- """Ensure sutable black version."""
- try:
- output = black_cmd("--version", output=str)
- except Exception as e:
- tty.debug("Error getting version of %s: %s" % (black_cmd, e))
- return False
- match = re.match("black, ([^ ]+)", output)
- if not match:
- return False
- black_version = spack.version.Version(
- return black_version.satisfies(spack.spec.Spec(root_spec).versions)
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(["black"], root_spec, check_black)
-def flake8_root_spec():
- return _root_spec("py-flake8")
-def ensure_flake8_in_path_or_raise():
- """Ensure that flake8 is in the PATH or raise."""
- executable, root_spec = "flake8", flake8_root_spec()
- return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise([executable], abstract_spec=root_spec)
-def all_root_specs(development=False):
- """Return a list of all the root specs that may be used to bootstrap Spack.
- Args:
- development (bool): if True include dev dependencies
- """
- specs = [clingo_root_spec(), gnupg_root_spec(), patchelf_root_spec()]
- if development:
- specs += [isort_root_spec(), mypy_root_spec(), black_root_spec(), flake8_root_spec()]
- return specs
-def _missing(name, purpose, system_only=True):
- """Message to be printed if an executable is not found"""
- msg = '[{2}] MISSING "{0}": {1}'
- if not system_only:
- return msg.format(name, purpose, "@*y{{B}}")
- return msg.format(name, purpose, "@*y{{-}}")
-def _required_system_executable(exes, msg):
- """Search for an executable is the system path only."""
- if isinstance(exes, str):
- exes = (exes,)
- if spack.util.executable.which_string(*exes):
- return True, None
- return False, msg
-def _required_python_module(module, query_spec, msg):
- """Check if a Python module is available in the current interpreter or
- if it can be loaded from the bootstrap store
- """
- if _python_import(module) or _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec):
- return True, None
- return False, msg
-def _required_executable(exes, query_spec, msg):
- """Search for an executable in the system path or in the bootstrap store."""
- if isinstance(exes, str):
- exes = (exes,)
- if spack.util.executable.which_string(*exes) or _executables_in_store(exes, query_spec):
- return True, None
- return False, msg
-def _core_requirements():
- _core_system_exes = {
- "make": _missing("make", "required to build software from sources"),
- "patch": _missing("patch", "required to patch source code before building"),
- "bash": _missing("bash", "required for Spack compiler wrapper"),
- "tar": _missing("tar", "required to manage code archives"),
- "gzip": _missing("gzip", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
- "unzip": _missing("unzip", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
- "bzip2": _missing("bzip2", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
- "git": _missing("git", "required to fetch/manage git repositories"),
- }
- if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
- _core_system_exes["xz"] = _missing("xz", "required to compress/decompress code archives")
- # Executables that are not bootstrapped yet
- result = [_required_system_executable(exe, msg) for exe, msg in _core_system_exes.items()]
- # Python modules
- result.append(
- _required_python_module(
- "clingo", clingo_root_spec(), _missing("clingo", "required to concretize specs", False)
- )
- )
- return result
-def _buildcache_requirements():
- _buildcache_exes = {
- "file": _missing("file", "required to analyze files for buildcaches"),
- ("gpg2", "gpg"): _missing("gpg2", "required to sign/verify buildcaches", False),
- }
- if platform.system().lower() == "darwin":
- _buildcache_exes["otool"] = _missing("otool", "required to relocate binaries")
- # Executables that are not bootstrapped yet
- result = [_required_system_executable(exe, msg) for exe, msg in _buildcache_exes.items()]
- if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
- result.append(
- _required_executable(
- "patchelf",
- patchelf_root_spec(),
- _missing("patchelf", "required to relocate binaries", False),
- )
- )
- return result
-def _optional_requirements():
- _optional_exes = {
- "zstd": _missing("zstd", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
- "svn": _missing("svn", "required to manage subversion repositories"),
- "hg": _missing("hg", "required to manage mercurial repositories"),
- }
- # Executables that are not bootstrapped yet
- result = [_required_system_executable(exe, msg) for exe, msg in _optional_exes.items()]
- return result
-def _development_requirements():
- return [
- _required_executable(
- "isort", isort_root_spec(), _missing("isort", "required for style checks", False)
- ),
- _required_executable(
- "mypy", mypy_root_spec(), _missing("mypy", "required for style checks", False)
- ),
- _required_executable(
- "flake8", flake8_root_spec(), _missing("flake8", "required for style checks", False)
- ),
- _required_executable(
- "black", black_root_spec(), _missing("black", "required for code formatting", False)
- ),
- ]
-def status_message(section):
- """Return a status message to be printed to screen that refers to the
- section passed as argument and a bool which is True if there are missing
- dependencies.
- Args:
- section (str): either 'core' or 'buildcache' or 'optional' or 'develop'
- """
- pass_token, fail_token = "@*g{[PASS]}", "@*r{[FAIL]}"
- # Contain the header of the section and a list of requirements
- spack_sections = {
- "core": ("{0} @*{{Core Functionalities}}", _core_requirements),
- "buildcache": ("{0} @*{{Binary packages}}", _buildcache_requirements),
- "optional": ("{0} @*{{Optional Features}}", _optional_requirements),
- "develop": ("{0} @*{{Development Dependencies}}", _development_requirements),
- }
- msg, required_software = spack_sections[section]
- with ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- missing_software = False
- for found, err_msg in required_software():
- if not found:
- missing_software = True
- msg += "\n " + err_msg
- msg += "\n"
- msg = msg.format(pass_token if not missing_software else fail_token)
- return msg, missing_software
-def bootstrapping_sources(scope=None):
- """Return the list of configured sources of software for bootstrapping Spack
- Args:
- scope (str or None): if a valid configuration scope is given, return the
- list only from that scope
- """
- source_configs = spack.config.get("bootstrap:sources", default=None, scope=scope)
- source_configs = source_configs or []
- list_of_sources = []
- for entry in source_configs:
- current = copy.copy(entry)
- metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(entry["metadata"])
- metadata_yaml = os.path.join(metadata_dir, METADATA_YAML_FILENAME)
- with open(metadata_yaml) as f:
- current.update(spack.util.spack_yaml.load(f))
- list_of_sources.append(current)
- return list_of_sources
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e3737657c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Function and classes needed to bootstrap Spack itself."""
+from .config import ensure_bootstrap_configuration, is_bootstrapping
+from .core import (
+ all_core_root_specs,
+ ensure_core_dependencies,
+ ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise,
+from .environment import BootstrapEnvironment, ensure_environment_dependencies
+from .status import status_message
+__all__ = [
+ "is_bootstrapping",
+ "ensure_bootstrap_configuration",
+ "ensure_core_dependencies",
+ "ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise",
+ "all_core_root_specs",
+ "ensure_environment_dependencies",
+ "BootstrapEnvironment",
+ "status_message",
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0798c5a0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Common basic functions used through the spack.bootstrap package"""
+import fnmatch
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+import sysconfig
+import warnings
+import archspec.cpu
+import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
+from llnl.util import tty
+import spack.util.environment
+import spack.util.executable
+from .config import spec_for_current_python
+def _python_import(module):
+ try:
+ __import__(module)
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+ return True
+def _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec, query_info=None):
+ """Return True if the module can be imported from an already
+ installed spec, False otherwise.
+ Args:
+ module: Python module to be imported
+ query_spec: spec that may provide the module
+ query_info (dict or None): if a dict is passed it is populated with the
+ command found and the concrete spec providing it
+ """
+ # If it is a string assume it's one of the root specs by this module
+ if isinstance(query_spec, str):
+ # We have to run as part of this python interpreter
+ query_spec += " ^" + spec_for_current_python()
+ installed_specs =, installed=True)
+ for candidate_spec in installed_specs:
+ pkg = candidate_spec["python"].package
+ module_paths = [
+ os.path.join(candidate_spec.prefix, pkg.purelib),
+ os.path.join(candidate_spec.prefix, pkg.platlib),
+ ] # type: list[str]
+ path_before = list(sys.path)
+ # NOTE: try module_paths first and last, last allows an existing version in path
+ # to be picked up and used, possibly depending on something in the store, first
+ # allows the bootstrap version to work when an incompatible version is in
+ # sys.path
+ orders = [
+ module_paths + sys.path,
+ sys.path + module_paths,
+ ]
+ for path in orders:
+ sys.path = path
+ try:
+ _fix_ext_suffix(candidate_spec)
+ if _python_import(module):
+ msg = (
+ f"[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {module}] The installed spec "
+ f'"{query_spec}/{candidate_spec.dag_hash()}" '
+ f'provides the "{module}" Python module'
+ )
+ tty.debug(msg)
+ if query_info is not None:
+ query_info["spec"] = candidate_spec
+ return True
+ except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ msg = (
+ "unexpected error while trying to import module "
+ f'"{module}" from spec "{candidate_spec}" [error="{str(exc)}"]'
+ )
+ warnings.warn(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "Spec {0} did not provide module {1}"
+ warnings.warn(msg.format(candidate_spec, module))
+ sys.path = path_before
+ return False
+def _fix_ext_suffix(candidate_spec):
+ """Fix the external suffixes of Python extensions on the fly for
+ platforms that may need it
+ Args:
+ candidate_spec (Spec): installed spec with a Python module
+ to be checked.
+ """
+ # Here we map target families to the patterns expected
+ # by pristine CPython. Only architectures with known issues
+ # are included. Known issues:
+ #
+ # [RHEL + ppc64le]:
+ #
+ _suffix_to_be_checked = {
+ "ppc64le": {
+ "glob": "*.cpython-*",
+ "re": r".cpython-[\w]*",
+ "fmt": r"{module}.cpython-{major}{minor}",
+ }
+ }
+ # If the current architecture is not problematic return
+ generic_target =
+ if str(generic_target) not in _suffix_to_be_checked:
+ return
+ # If there's no EXT_SUFFIX (Python < 3.5) or the suffix matches
+ # the expectations, return since the package is surely good
+ ext_suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var("EXT_SUFFIX")
+ if ext_suffix is None:
+ return
+ expected = _suffix_to_be_checked[str(generic_target)]
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(ext_suffix, expected["glob"]):
+ return
+ # If we are here it means the current interpreter expects different names
+ # than pristine CPython. So:
+ # 1. Find what we have installed
+ # 2. Create symbolic links for the other names, it they're not there already
+ # Check if standard names are installed and if we have to create
+ # link for this interpreter
+ standard_extensions = fs.find(candidate_spec.prefix, expected["glob"])
+ link_names = [re.sub(expected["re"], ext_suffix, s) for s in standard_extensions]
+ for file_name, link_name in zip(standard_extensions, link_names):
+ if os.path.exists(link_name):
+ continue
+ os.symlink(file_name, link_name)
+ # Check if this interpreter installed something and we have to create
+ # links for a standard CPython interpreter
+ non_standard_extensions = fs.find(candidate_spec.prefix, "*" + ext_suffix)
+ for abs_path in non_standard_extensions:
+ directory, filename = os.path.split(abs_path)
+ module = filename.split(".")[0]
+ link_name = os.path.join(
+ directory,
+ expected["fmt"].format(
+ module=module, major=sys.version_info[0], minor=sys.version_info[1]
+ ),
+ )
+ if os.path.exists(link_name):
+ continue
+ os.symlink(abs_path, link_name)
+def _executables_in_store(executables, query_spec, query_info=None):
+ """Return True if at least one of the executables can be retrieved from
+ a spec in store, False otherwise.
+ The different executables must provide the same functionality and are
+ "alternate" to each other, i.e. the function will exit True on the first
+ executable found.
+ Args:
+ executables: list of executables to be searched
+ query_spec: spec that may provide the executable
+ query_info (dict or None): if a dict is passed it is populated with the
+ command found and the concrete spec providing it
+ """
+ executables_str = ", ".join(executables)
+ msg = "[BOOTSTRAP EXECUTABLES {0}] Try installed specs with query '{1}'"
+ tty.debug(msg.format(executables_str, query_spec))
+ installed_specs =, installed=True)
+ if installed_specs:
+ for concrete_spec in installed_specs:
+ bin_dir = concrete_spec.prefix.bin
+ # IF we have a "bin" directory and it contains
+ # the executables we are looking for
+ if (
+ os.path.exists(bin_dir)
+ and os.path.isdir(bin_dir)
+ and spack.util.executable.which_string(*executables, path=bin_dir)
+ ):
+ spack.util.environment.path_put_first("PATH", [bin_dir])
+ if query_info is not None:
+ query_info["command"] = spack.util.executable.which(*executables, path=bin_dir)
+ query_info["spec"] = concrete_spec
+ return True
+ return False
+def _root_spec(spec_str):
+ """Add a proper compiler and target to a spec used during bootstrapping.
+ Args:
+ spec_str (str): spec to be bootstrapped. Must be without compiler and target.
+ """
+ # Add a proper compiler hint to the root spec. We use GCC for
+ # everything but MacOS and Windows.
+ if str( == "darwin":
+ spec_str += " %apple-clang"
+ elif str( == "windows":
+ spec_str += " %msvc"
+ else:
+ spec_str += " %gcc"
+ target =
+ spec_str += f" target={target}"
+ tty.debug(f"[BOOTSTRAP ROOT SPEC] {spec_str}")
+ return spec_str
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fdda20966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Manage configuration swapping for bootstrapping purposes"""
+import contextlib
+import os.path
+import sys
+from llnl.util import tty
+import spack.compilers
+import spack.config
+import spack.environment
+import spack.paths
+import spack.platforms
+import spack.repo
+import spack.spec
+import spack.util.path
+#: Reference counter for the bootstrapping configuration context manager
+def is_bootstrapping():
+ """Return True if we are in a bootstrapping context, False otherwise."""
+ return _REF_COUNT > 0
+def spec_for_current_python():
+ """For bootstrapping purposes we are just interested in the Python
+ minor version (all patches are ABI compatible with the same minor).
+ See:
+ """
+ version_str = ".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])
+ return f"python@{version_str}"
+def root_path():
+ """Root of all the bootstrap related folders"""
+ return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(
+ spack.config.get("bootstrap:root", spack.paths.default_user_bootstrap_path)
+ )
+def store_path():
+ """Path to the store used for bootstrapped software"""
+ enabled = spack.config.get("bootstrap:enable", True)
+ if not enabled:
+ msg = 'bootstrapping is currently disabled. Use "spack bootstrap enable" to enable it'
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ return _store_path()
+def spack_python_interpreter():
+ """Override the current configuration to set the interpreter under
+ which Spack is currently running as the only Python external spec
+ available.
+ """
+ python_prefix = sys.exec_prefix
+ external_python = spec_for_current_python()
+ entry = {
+ "buildable": False,
+ "externals": [{"prefix": python_prefix, "spec": str(external_python)}],
+ }
+ with spack.config.override("packages:python::", entry):
+ yield
+def _store_path():
+ bootstrap_root_path = root_path()
+ return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "store"))
+def _config_path():
+ bootstrap_root_path = root_path()
+ return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "config"))
+def ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
+ """Swap the current configuration for the one used to bootstrap Spack.
+ The context manager is reference counted to ensure we don't swap multiple
+ times if there's nested use of it in the stack. One compelling use case
+ is bootstrapping patchelf during the bootstrap of clingo.
+ """
+ global _REF_COUNT # pylint: disable=global-statement
+ already_swapped = bool(_REF_COUNT)
+ _REF_COUNT += 1
+ try:
+ if already_swapped:
+ yield
+ else:
+ with _ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
+ yield
+ finally:
+ _REF_COUNT -= 1
+def _read_and_sanitize_configuration():
+ """Read the user configuration that needs to be reused for bootstrapping
+ and remove the entries that should not be copied over.
+ """
+ # Read the "config" section but pop the install tree (the entry will not be
+ # considered due to the use_store context manager, so it will be confusing
+ # to have it in the configuration).
+ config_yaml = spack.config.get("config")
+ config_yaml.pop("install_tree", None)
+ user_configuration = {"bootstrap": spack.config.get("bootstrap"), "config": config_yaml}
+ return user_configuration
+def _bootstrap_config_scopes():
+ tty.debug("[BOOTSTRAP CONFIG SCOPE] name=_builtin")
+ config_scopes = [spack.config.InternalConfigScope("_builtin", spack.config.config_defaults)]
+ configuration_paths = (spack.config.configuration_defaults_path, ("bootstrap", _config_path()))
+ for name, path in configuration_paths:
+ platform =
+ platform_scope = spack.config.ConfigScope(
+ "/".join([name, platform]), os.path.join(path, platform)
+ )
+ generic_scope = spack.config.ConfigScope(name, path)
+ config_scopes.extend([generic_scope, platform_scope])
+ msg = "[BOOTSTRAP CONFIG SCOPE] name={0}, path={1}"
+ tty.debug(msg.format(, generic_scope.path))
+ tty.debug(msg.format(, platform_scope.path))
+ return config_scopes
+def _add_compilers_if_missing():
+ arch = spack.spec.ArchSpec.frontend_arch()
+ if not spack.compilers.compilers_for_arch(arch):
+ new_compilers = spack.compilers.find_new_compilers()
+ if new_compilers:
+ spack.compilers.add_compilers_to_config(new_compilers, init_config=False)
+def _ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
+ bootstrap_store_path = store_path()
+ user_configuration = _read_and_sanitize_configuration()
+ with spack.environment.no_active_environment():
+ with spack.platforms.prevent_cray_detection(), spack.platforms.use_platform(
+ spack.platforms.real_host()
+ ), spack.repo.use_repositories(spack.paths.packages_path),
+ bootstrap_store_path
+ ):
+ # Default configuration scopes excluding command line
+ # and builtin but accounting for platform specific scopes
+ config_scopes = _bootstrap_config_scopes()
+ with spack.config.use_configuration(*config_scopes):
+ # We may need to compile code from sources, so ensure we
+ # have compilers for the current platform
+ _add_compilers_if_missing()
+ spack.config.set("bootstrap", user_configuration["bootstrap"])
+ spack.config.set("config", user_configuration["config"])
+ with spack.modules.disable_modules():
+ with spack_python_interpreter():
+ yield
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cf25b29e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Bootstrap Spack core dependencies from binaries.
+This module contains logic to bootstrap software required by Spack from binaries served in the
+bootstrapping mirrors. The logic is quite different from an installation done from a Spack user,
+because of the following reasons:
+ 1. The binaries are all compiled on the same OS for a given platform (e.g. they are compiled on
+ ``centos7`` on ``linux``), but they will be installed and used on the host OS. They are also
+ targeted at the most generic architecture possible. That makes the binaries difficult to reuse
+ with other specs in an environment without ad-hoc logic.
+ 2. Bootstrapping has a fallback procedure where we try to install software by default from the
+ most recent binaries, and proceed to older versions of the mirror, until we try building from
+ sources as a last resort. This allows us not to be blocked on architectures where we don't
+ have binaries readily available, but is also not compatible with the working of environments
+ (they don't have fallback procedures).
+ 3. Among the binaries we have clingo, so we can't concretize that with clingo :-)
+ 4. clingo, GnuPG and patchelf binaries need to be verified by sha256 sum (all the other binaries
+ we might add on top of that in principle can be verified with GPG signatures).
+import copy
+import functools
+import json
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import uuid
+from llnl.util import tty
+from llnl.util.lang import GroupedExceptionHandler
+import spack.binary_distribution
+import spack.config
+import spack.detection
+import spack.environment
+import spack.modules
+import spack.paths
+import spack.platforms
+import spack.platforms.linux
+import spack.repo
+import spack.spec
+import spack.user_environment
+import spack.util.environment
+import spack.util.executable
+import spack.util.path
+import spack.util.spack_yaml
+import spack.util.url
+import spack.version
+from ._common import (
+ _executables_in_store,
+ _python_import,
+ _root_spec,
+ _try_import_from_store,
+from .config import spack_python_interpreter, spec_for_current_python
+#: Name of the file containing metadata about the bootstrapping source
+METADATA_YAML_FILENAME = "metadata.yaml"
+#: Whether the current platform is Windows
+IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == "win32"
+#: Map a bootstrapper type to the corresponding class
+_bootstrap_methods = {}
+def bootstrapper(bootstrapper_type):
+ """Decorator to register classes implementing bootstrapping
+ methods.
+ Args:
+ bootstrapper_type (str): string identifying the class
+ """
+ def _register(cls):
+ _bootstrap_methods[bootstrapper_type] = cls
+ return cls
+ return _register
+class Bootstrapper:
+ """Interface for "core" software bootstrappers"""
+ config_scope_name = ""
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ self.conf = conf
+ = conf["name"]
+ self.url = conf["info"]["url"]
+ self.metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(conf["metadata"])
+ @property
+ def mirror_url(self):
+ """Mirror url associated with this bootstrapper"""
+ # Absolute paths
+ if os.path.isabs(self.url):
+ return spack.util.url.format(self.url)
+ # Check for :// and assume it's an url if we find it
+ if "://" in self.url:
+ return self.url
+ # Otherwise, it's a relative path
+ return spack.util.url.format(os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, self.url))
+ @property
+ def mirror_scope(self):
+ """Mirror scope to be pushed onto the bootstrapping configuration when using
+ this bootstrapper.
+ """
+ return spack.config.InternalConfigScope(
+ self.config_scope_name, {"mirrors:": { self.mirror_url}}
+ )
+ def try_import(self, module: str, abstract_spec_str: str): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ """Try to import a Python module from a spec satisfying the abstract spec
+ passed as argument.
+ Args:
+ module (str): Python module name to try importing
+ abstract_spec_str (str): abstract spec that can provide the Python module
+ Return:
+ True if the Python module could be imported, False otherwise
+ """
+ return False
+ def try_search_path(self, executables, abstract_spec_str): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ """Try to search some executables in the prefix of specs satisfying the abstract
+ spec passed as argument.
+ Args:
+ executables (list of str): executables to be found
+ abstract_spec_str (str): abstract spec that can provide the Python module
+ Return:
+ True if the executables are found, False otherwise
+ """
+ return False
+class BuildcacheBootstrapper(Bootstrapper):
+ """Install the software needed during bootstrapping from a buildcache."""
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ super().__init__(conf)
+ self.last_search = None
+ self.config_scope_name = f"bootstrap_buildcache-{uuid.uuid4()}"
+ @staticmethod
+ def _spec_and_platform(abstract_spec_str):
+ """Return the spec object and platform we need to use when
+ querying the buildcache.
+ Args:
+ abstract_spec_str: abstract spec string we are looking for
+ """
+ # Try to install from an unsigned binary cache
+ abstract_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str)
+ # On Cray we want to use Linux binaries if available from mirrors
+ bincache_platform = spack.platforms.real_host()
+ return abstract_spec, bincache_platform
+ def _read_metadata(self, package_name):
+ """Return metadata about the given package."""
+ json_filename = f"{package_name}.json"
+ json_dir = self.metadata_dir
+ json_path = os.path.join(json_dir, json_filename)
+ with open(json_path, encoding="utf-8") as stream:
+ data = json.load(stream)
+ return data
+ def _install_by_hash(self, pkg_hash, pkg_sha256, index, bincache_platform):
+ index_spec = next(x for x in index if x.dag_hash() == pkg_hash)
+ # Reconstruct the compiler that we need to use for bootstrapping
+ compiler_entry = {
+ "modules": [],
+ "operating_system": str(index_spec.os),
+ "paths": {
+ "cc": "/dev/null",
+ "cxx": "/dev/null",
+ "f77": "/dev/null",
+ "fc": "/dev/null",
+ },
+ "spec": str(index_spec.compiler),
+ "target": str(,
+ }
+ with spack.platforms.use_platform(bincache_platform):
+ with spack.config.override("compilers", [{"compiler": compiler_entry}]):
+ spec_str = "/" + pkg_hash
+ query = spack.binary_distribution.BinaryCacheQuery(all_architectures=True)
+ matches =[spec_str], multiple=False, query_fn=query)
+ for match in matches:
+ spack.binary_distribution.install_root_node(
+ match, allow_root=True, unsigned=True, force=True, sha256=pkg_sha256
+ )
+ def _install_and_test(self, abstract_spec, bincache_platform, bincache_data, test_fn):
+ # Ensure we see only the buildcache being used to bootstrap
+ with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope):
+ # This index is currently needed to get the compiler used to build some
+ # specs that we know by dag hash.
+ spack.binary_distribution.binary_index.regenerate_spec_cache()
+ index = spack.binary_distribution.update_cache_and_get_specs()
+ if not index:
+ raise RuntimeError("The binary index is empty")
+ for item in bincache_data["verified"]:
+ candidate_spec = item["spec"]
+ # This will be None for things that don't depend on python
+ python_spec = item.get("python", None)
+ # Skip specs which are not compatible
+ if not abstract_spec.satisfies(candidate_spec):
+ continue
+ if python_spec is not None and python_spec not in abstract_spec:
+ continue
+ for _, pkg_hash, pkg_sha256 in item["binaries"]:
+ self._install_by_hash(pkg_hash, pkg_sha256, index, bincache_platform)
+ info = {}
+ if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec, query_info=info):
+ self.last_search = info
+ return True
+ return False
+ def try_import(self, module, abstract_spec_str):
+ test_fn, info = functools.partial(_try_import_from_store, module), {}
+ if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
+ return True
+ tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {module} from pre-built binaries")
+ abstract_spec, bincache_platform = self._spec_and_platform(
+ abstract_spec_str + " ^" + spec_for_current_python()
+ )
+ data = self._read_metadata(module)
+ return self._install_and_test(abstract_spec, bincache_platform, data, test_fn)
+ def try_search_path(self, executables, abstract_spec_str):
+ test_fn, info = functools.partial(_executables_in_store, executables), {}
+ if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
+ self.last_search = info
+ return True
+ abstract_spec, bincache_platform = self._spec_and_platform(abstract_spec_str)
+ tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {} from pre-built binaries")
+ data = self._read_metadata(
+ return self._install_and_test(abstract_spec, bincache_platform, data, test_fn)
+class SourceBootstrapper(Bootstrapper):
+ """Install the software needed during bootstrapping from sources."""
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ super().__init__(conf)
+ self.last_search = None
+ self.config_scope_name = f"bootstrap_source-{uuid.uuid4()}"
+ def try_import(self, module, abstract_spec_str):
+ info = {}
+ if _try_import_from_store(module, abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
+ self.last_search = info
+ return True
+ tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {module} from sources")
+ # If we compile code from sources detecting a few build tools
+ # might reduce compilation time by a fair amount
+ _add_externals_if_missing()
+ # Try to build and install from sources
+ with spack_python_interpreter():
+ # Add hint to use frontend operating system on Cray
+ concrete_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str + " ^" + spec_for_current_python())
+ if module == "clingo":
+ # TODO: remove when the old concretizer is deprecated # pylint: disable=fixme
+ concrete_spec._old_concretize( # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ deprecation_warning=False
+ )
+ else:
+ concrete_spec.concretize()
+ msg = "[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {0}] Try installing '{1}' from sources"
+ tty.debug(msg.format(module, abstract_spec_str))
+ # Install the spec that should make the module importable
+ with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope):
+ concrete_spec.package.do_install(fail_fast=True)
+ if _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec=concrete_spec, query_info=info):
+ self.last_search = info
+ return True
+ return False
+ def try_search_path(self, executables, abstract_spec_str):
+ info = {}
+ if _executables_in_store(executables, abstract_spec_str, query_info=info):
+ self.last_search = info
+ return True
+ tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {abstract_spec_str} from sources")
+ # If we compile code from sources detecting a few build tools
+ # might reduce compilation time by a fair amount
+ _add_externals_if_missing()
+ concrete_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str)
+ if == "patchelf":
+ concrete_spec._old_concretize( # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ deprecation_warning=False
+ )
+ else:
+ concrete_spec.concretize()
+ msg = "[BOOTSTRAP] Try installing '{0}' from sources"
+ tty.debug(msg.format(abstract_spec_str))
+ with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope):
+ concrete_spec.package.do_install()
+ if _executables_in_store(executables, concrete_spec, query_info=info):
+ self.last_search = info
+ return True
+ return False
+def create_bootstrapper(conf):
+ """Return a bootstrap object built according to the configuration argument"""
+ btype = conf["type"]
+ return _bootstrap_methods[btype](conf)
+def source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf):
+ """Raise ValueError if the source is not enabled for bootstrapping"""
+ trusted, name = spack.config.get("bootstrap:trusted"), conf["name"]
+ if not trusted.get(name, False):
+ raise ValueError("source is not trusted")
+def ensure_module_importable_or_raise(module, abstract_spec=None):
+ """Make the requested module available for import, or raise.
+ This function tries to import a Python module in the current interpreter
+ using, in order, the methods configured in bootstrap.yaml.
+ If none of the methods succeed, an exception is raised. The function exits
+ on first success.
+ Args:
+ module (str): module to be imported in the current interpreter
+ abstract_spec (str): abstract spec that might provide the module. If not
+ given it defaults to "module"
+ Raises:
+ ImportError: if the module couldn't be imported
+ """
+ # If we can import it already, that's great
+ tty.debug(f"[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {module}] Try importing from Python")
+ if _python_import(module):
+ return
+ abstract_spec = abstract_spec or module
+ exception_handler = GroupedExceptionHandler()
+ for current_config in bootstrapping_sources():
+ with exception_handler.forward(current_config["name"]):
+ source_is_enabled_or_raise(current_config)
+ current_bootstrapper = create_bootstrapper(current_config)
+ if current_bootstrapper.try_import(module, abstract_spec):
+ return
+ assert exception_handler, (
+ f"expected at least one exception to have been raised at this point: "
+ f"while bootstrapping {module}"
+ )
+ msg = f'cannot bootstrap the "{module}" Python module '
+ if abstract_spec:
+ msg += f'from spec "{abstract_spec}" '
+ if tty.is_debug():
+ msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=True)
+ else:
+ msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=False)
+ msg += "\nRun `spack --debug ...` for more detailed errors"
+ raise ImportError(msg)
+def ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(executables, abstract_spec, cmd_check=None):
+ """Ensure that some executables are in path or raise.
+ Args:
+ executables (list): list of executables to be searched in the PATH,
+ in order. The function exits on the first one found.
+ abstract_spec (str): abstract spec that provides the executables
+ cmd_check (object): callable predicate that takes a
+ ``spack.util.executable.Executable`` command and validate it. Should return
+ ``True`` if the executable is acceptable, ``False`` otherwise.
+ Can be used to, e.g., ensure a suitable version of the command before
+ accepting for bootstrapping.
+ Raises:
+ RuntimeError: if the executables cannot be ensured to be in PATH
+ Return:
+ Executable object
+ """
+ cmd = spack.util.executable.which(*executables)
+ if cmd:
+ if not cmd_check or cmd_check(cmd):
+ return cmd
+ executables_str = ", ".join(executables)
+ exception_handler = GroupedExceptionHandler()
+ for current_config in bootstrapping_sources():
+ with exception_handler.forward(current_config["name"]):
+ source_is_enabled_or_raise(current_config)
+ current_bootstrapper = create_bootstrapper(current_config)
+ if current_bootstrapper.try_search_path(executables, abstract_spec):
+ # Additional environment variables needed
+ concrete_spec, cmd = (
+ current_bootstrapper.last_search["spec"],
+ current_bootstrapper.last_search["command"],
+ )
+ env_mods = spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications()
+ for dep in concrete_spec.traverse(
+ root=True, order="post", deptype=("link", "run")
+ ):
+ env_mods.extend(
+ spack.user_environment.environment_modifications_for_spec(
+ dep, set_package_py_globals=False
+ )
+ )
+ cmd.add_default_envmod(env_mods)
+ return cmd
+ assert exception_handler, (
+ f"expected at least one exception to have been raised at this point: "
+ f"while bootstrapping {executables_str}"
+ )
+ msg = f"cannot bootstrap any of the {executables_str} executables "
+ if abstract_spec:
+ msg += f'from spec "{abstract_spec}" '
+ if tty.is_debug():
+ msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=True)
+ else:
+ msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=False)
+ msg += "\nRun `spack --debug ...` for more detailed errors"
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+def _add_externals_if_missing():
+ search_list = [
+ # clingo
+ spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("cmake"),
+ spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("bison"),
+ # GnuPG
+ spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("gawk"),
+ ]
+ search_list.append(spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("winbison"))
+ detected_packages = spack.detection.by_executable(search_list)
+ spack.detection.update_configuration(detected_packages, scope="bootstrap")
+def clingo_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap clingo"""
+ return _root_spec("clingo-bootstrap@spack+python")
+def ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise():
+ """Ensure that the clingo module is available for import."""
+ ensure_module_importable_or_raise(module="clingo", abstract_spec=clingo_root_spec())
+def gnupg_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap GnuPG"""
+ return _root_spec("gnupg@2.3:")
+def ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise():
+ """Ensure gpg or gpg2 are in the PATH or raise."""
+ return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(
+ executables=["gpg2", "gpg"], abstract_spec=gnupg_root_spec()
+ )
+def patchelf_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap patchelf"""
+ # 0.13.1 is the last version not to require C++17.
+ return _root_spec("patchelf@0.13.1:")
+def verify_patchelf(patchelf):
+ """Older patchelf versions can produce broken binaries, so we
+ verify the version here.
+ Arguments:
+ patchelf (spack.util.executable.Executable): patchelf executable
+ """
+ out = patchelf("--version", output=str, error=os.devnull, fail_on_error=False).strip()
+ if patchelf.returncode != 0:
+ return False
+ parts = out.split(" ")
+ if len(parts) < 2:
+ return False
+ try:
+ version = spack.version.Version(parts[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return version >= spack.version.Version("0.13.1")
+def ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise():
+ """Ensure patchelf is in the PATH or raise."""
+ # The old concretizer is not smart and we're doing its job: if the latest patchelf
+ # does not concretize because the compiler doesn't support C++17, we try to
+ # concretize again with an upperbound @:13.
+ try:
+ return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(
+ executables=["patchelf"], abstract_spec=patchelf_root_spec(), cmd_check=verify_patchelf
+ )
+ except RuntimeError:
+ return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(
+ executables=["patchelf"],
+ abstract_spec=_root_spec("patchelf@0.13.1:0.13"),
+ cmd_check=verify_patchelf,
+ )
+def ensure_core_dependencies():
+ """Ensure the presence of all the core dependencies."""
+ if sys.platform.lower() == "linux":
+ ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise()
+ ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise()
+ ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise()
+def all_core_root_specs():
+ """Return a list of all the core root specs that may be used to bootstrap Spack"""
+ return [clingo_root_spec(), gnupg_root_spec(), patchelf_root_spec()]
+def bootstrapping_sources(scope=None):
+ """Return the list of configured sources of software for bootstrapping Spack
+ Args:
+ scope (str or None): if a valid configuration scope is given, return the
+ list only from that scope
+ """
+ source_configs = spack.config.get("bootstrap:sources", default=None, scope=scope)
+ source_configs = source_configs or []
+ list_of_sources = []
+ for entry in source_configs:
+ current = copy.copy(entry)
+ metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(entry["metadata"])
+ metadata_yaml = os.path.join(metadata_dir, METADATA_YAML_FILENAME)
+ with open(metadata_yaml, encoding="utf-8") as stream:
+ current.update(spack.util.spack_yaml.load(stream))
+ list_of_sources.append(current)
+ return list_of_sources
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f92fd451d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Bootstrap non-core Spack dependencies from an environment."""
+import glob
+import hashlib
+import os
+import pathlib
+import sys
+import warnings
+import archspec.cpu
+from llnl.util import tty
+import spack.build_environment
+import spack.environment
+import spack.tengine
+import spack.util.executable
+from ._common import _root_spec
+from .config import root_path, spec_for_current_python, store_path
+class BootstrapEnvironment(spack.environment.Environment):
+ """Environment to install dependencies of Spack for a given interpreter and architecture"""
+ @classmethod
+ def spack_dev_requirements(cls):
+ """Spack development requirements"""
+ return [
+ isort_root_spec(),
+ mypy_root_spec(),
+ black_root_spec(),
+ flake8_root_spec(),
+ pytest_root_spec(),
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def environment_root(cls):
+ """Environment root directory"""
+ bootstrap_root_path = root_path()
+ python_part = spec_for_current_python().replace("@", "")
+ arch_part =
+ interpreter_part = hashlib.md5(sys.exec_prefix.encode()).hexdigest()[:5]
+ environment_dir = f"{python_part}-{arch_part}-{interpreter_part}"
+ return pathlib.Path(
+ spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(
+ os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "environments", environment_dir)
+ )
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def view_root(cls):
+ """Location of the view"""
+ return cls.environment_root().joinpath("view")
+ @classmethod
+ def pythonpaths(cls):
+ """Paths to be added to sys.path or PYTHONPATH"""
+ python_dir_part = f"python{'.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])}"
+ glob_expr = str(cls.view_root().joinpath("**", python_dir_part, "**"))
+ result = glob.glob(glob_expr)
+ if not result:
+ msg = f"Cannot find any Python path in {cls.view_root()}"
+ warnings.warn(msg)
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def bin_dirs(cls):
+ """Paths to be added to PATH"""
+ return [cls.view_root().joinpath("bin")]
+ @classmethod
+ def spack_yaml(cls):
+ """Environment spack.yaml file"""
+ return cls.environment_root().joinpath("spack.yaml")
+ def __init__(self):
+ if not self.spack_yaml().exists():
+ self._write_spack_yaml_file()
+ super().__init__(self.environment_root())
+ def update_installations(self):
+ """Update the installations of this environment.
+ The update is done using a depfile on Linux and macOS, and using the ``install_all``
+ method of environments on Windows.
+ """
+ with tty.SuppressOutput(msg_enabled=False, warn_enabled=False):
+ specs = self.concretize()
+ if specs:
+ colorized_specs = [
+ spack.spec.Spec(x).cformat("{name}{@version}")
+ for x in self.spack_dev_requirements()
+ ]
+ tty.msg(f"[BOOTSTRAPPING] Installing dependencies ({', '.join(colorized_specs)})")
+ self.write(regenerate=False)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.install_all()
+ else:
+ self._install_with_depfile()
+ self.write(regenerate=True)
+ def update_syspath_and_environ(self):
+ """Update ``sys.path`` and the PATH, PYTHONPATH environment variables to point to
+ the environment view.
+ """
+ # Do minimal modifications to sys.path and environment variables. In particular, pay
+ # attention to have the smallest PYTHONPATH / sys.path possible, since that may impact
+ # the performance of the current interpreter
+ sys.path.extend(self.pythonpaths())
+ os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(
+ [str(x) for x in self.bin_dirs()] + os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)
+ )
+ os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join(
+ os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "").split(os.pathsep)
+ + [str(x) for x in self.pythonpaths()]
+ )
+ def _install_with_depfile(self):
+ spackcmd = spack.util.executable.which("spack")
+ spackcmd(
+ "-e",
+ str(self.environment_root()),
+ "env",
+ "depfile",
+ "-o",
+ str(self.environment_root().joinpath("Makefile")),
+ )
+ make = spack.util.executable.which("make")
+ kwargs = {}
+ if not tty.is_debug():
+ kwargs = {"output": os.devnull, "error": os.devnull}
+ make(
+ "-C",
+ str(self.environment_root()),
+ "-j",
+ str(spack.build_environment.determine_number_of_jobs(parallel=True)),
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ def _write_spack_yaml_file(self):
+ tty.msg(
+ "[BOOTSTRAPPING] Spack has missing dependencies, creating a bootstrapping environment"
+ )
+ env = spack.tengine.make_environment()
+ template = env.get_template("bootstrap/spack.yaml")
+ context = {
+ "python_spec": spec_for_current_python(),
+ "python_prefix": sys.exec_prefix,
+ "architecture":,
+ "environment_path": self.environment_root(),
+ "environment_specs": self.spack_dev_requirements(),
+ "store_path": store_path(),
+ }
+ self.environment_root().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ self.spack_yaml().write_text(template.render(context), encoding="utf-8")
+def isort_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap isort"""
+ return _root_spec("py-isort@4.3.5:")
+def mypy_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap mypy"""
+ return _root_spec("py-mypy@0.900:")
+def black_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap black"""
+ return _root_spec("py-black")
+def flake8_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap flake8"""
+ return _root_spec("py-flake8")
+def pytest_root_spec():
+ """Return the root spec used to bootstrap flake8"""
+ return _root_spec("py-pytest")
+def ensure_environment_dependencies():
+ """Ensure Spack dependencies from the bootstrap environment are installed and ready to use"""
+ with BootstrapEnvironment() as env:
+ env.update_installations()
+ env.update_syspath_and_environ()
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8569ce7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Query the status of bootstrapping on this machine"""
+import platform
+import spack.util.executable
+from ._common import _executables_in_store, _python_import, _try_import_from_store
+from .config import ensure_bootstrap_configuration
+from .core import clingo_root_spec, patchelf_root_spec
+from .environment import (
+ BootstrapEnvironment,
+ black_root_spec,
+ flake8_root_spec,
+ isort_root_spec,
+ mypy_root_spec,
+ pytest_root_spec,
+def _required_system_executable(exes, msg):
+ """Search for an executable is the system path only."""
+ if isinstance(exes, str):
+ exes = (exes,)
+ if spack.util.executable.which_string(*exes):
+ return True, None
+ return False, msg
+def _required_executable(exes, query_spec, msg):
+ """Search for an executable in the system path or in the bootstrap store."""
+ if isinstance(exes, str):
+ exes = (exes,)
+ if spack.util.executable.which_string(*exes) or _executables_in_store(exes, query_spec):
+ return True, None
+ return False, msg
+def _required_python_module(module, query_spec, msg):
+ """Check if a Python module is available in the current interpreter or
+ if it can be loaded from the bootstrap store
+ """
+ if _python_import(module) or _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec):
+ return True, None
+ return False, msg
+def _missing(name, purpose, system_only=True):
+ """Message to be printed if an executable is not found"""
+ msg = '[{2}] MISSING "{0}": {1}'
+ if not system_only:
+ return msg.format(name, purpose, "@*y{{B}}")
+ return msg.format(name, purpose, "@*y{{-}}")
+def _core_requirements():
+ _core_system_exes = {
+ "make": _missing("make", "required to build software from sources"),
+ "patch": _missing("patch", "required to patch source code before building"),
+ "bash": _missing("bash", "required for Spack compiler wrapper"),
+ "tar": _missing("tar", "required to manage code archives"),
+ "gzip": _missing("gzip", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
+ "unzip": _missing("unzip", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
+ "bzip2": _missing("bzip2", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
+ "git": _missing("git", "required to fetch/manage git repositories"),
+ }
+ if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
+ _core_system_exes["xz"] = _missing("xz", "required to compress/decompress code archives")
+ # Executables that are not bootstrapped yet
+ result = [_required_system_executable(exe, msg) for exe, msg in _core_system_exes.items()]
+ # Python modules
+ result.append(
+ _required_python_module(
+ "clingo", clingo_root_spec(), _missing("clingo", "required to concretize specs", False)
+ )
+ )
+ return result
+def _buildcache_requirements():
+ _buildcache_exes = {
+ "file": _missing("file", "required to analyze files for buildcaches"),
+ ("gpg2", "gpg"): _missing("gpg2", "required to sign/verify buildcaches", False),
+ }
+ if platform.system().lower() == "darwin":
+ _buildcache_exes["otool"] = _missing("otool", "required to relocate binaries")
+ # Executables that are not bootstrapped yet
+ result = [_required_system_executable(exe, msg) for exe, msg in _buildcache_exes.items()]
+ if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
+ result.append(
+ _required_executable(
+ "patchelf",
+ patchelf_root_spec(),
+ _missing("patchelf", "required to relocate binaries", False),
+ )
+ )
+ return result
+def _optional_requirements():
+ _optional_exes = {
+ "zstd": _missing("zstd", "required to compress/decompress code archives"),
+ "svn": _missing("svn", "required to manage subversion repositories"),
+ "hg": _missing("hg", "required to manage mercurial repositories"),
+ }
+ # Executables that are not bootstrapped yet
+ result = [_required_system_executable(exe, msg) for exe, msg in _optional_exes.items()]
+ return result
+def _development_requirements():
+ # Ensure we trigger environment modifications if we have an environment
+ if BootstrapEnvironment.spack_yaml().exists():
+ with BootstrapEnvironment() as env:
+ env.update_syspath_and_environ()
+ return [
+ _required_executable(
+ "isort", isort_root_spec(), _missing("isort", "required for style checks", False)
+ ),
+ _required_executable(
+ "mypy", mypy_root_spec(), _missing("mypy", "required for style checks", False)
+ ),
+ _required_executable(
+ "flake8", flake8_root_spec(), _missing("flake8", "required for style checks", False)
+ ),
+ _required_executable(
+ "black", black_root_spec(), _missing("black", "required for code formatting", False)
+ ),
+ _required_python_module(
+ "pytest", pytest_root_spec(), _missing("pytest", "required to run unit-test", False)
+ ),
+ ]
+def status_message(section):
+ """Return a status message to be printed to screen that refers to the
+ section passed as argument and a bool which is True if there are missing
+ dependencies.
+ Args:
+ section (str): either 'core' or 'buildcache' or 'optional' or 'develop'
+ """
+ pass_token, fail_token = "@*g{[PASS]}", "@*r{[FAIL]}"
+ # Contain the header of the section and a list of requirements
+ spack_sections = {
+ "core": ("{0} @*{{Core Functionalities}}", _core_requirements),
+ "buildcache": ("{0} @*{{Binary packages}}", _buildcache_requirements),
+ "optional": ("{0} @*{{Optional Features}}", _optional_requirements),
+ "develop": ("{0} @*{{Development Dependencies}}", _development_requirements),
+ }
+ msg, required_software = spack_sections[section]
+ with ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
+ missing_software = False
+ for found, err_msg in required_software():
+ if not found:
+ missing_software = True
+ msg += "\n " + err_msg
+ msg += "\n"
+ msg = msg.format(pass_token if not missing_software else fail_token)
+ return msg, missing_software
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 6536cec10f..bef1979f0a 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path
-import platform
import shutil
import tempfile
@@ -15,6 +14,8 @@ import llnl.util.tty.color
import spack
import spack.bootstrap
+import spack.bootstrap.config
+import spack.bootstrap.core
import spack.cmd.common.arguments
import spack.config
import spack.main
@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ def _add_scope_option(parser):
def setup_parser(subparser):
sp = subparser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand")
- sp.add_parser("now", help="Spack ready, right now!")
+ now = sp.add_parser("now", help="Spack ready, right now!")
+ now.add_argument("--dev", action="store_true", help="bootstrap dev dependencies too")
status = sp.add_parser("status", help="get the status of Spack")
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ def _root(args):
def _list(args):
- sources = spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources(scope=args.scope)
+ sources = spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources(scope=args.scope)
if not sources:
llnl.util.tty.msg("No method available for bootstrapping Spack's dependencies")
@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ def _status(args):
header = "@*b{{Spack v{0} - {1}}}".format(
- spack.spack_version, spack.bootstrap.spec_for_current_python()
+ spack.spack_version, spack.bootstrap.config.spec_for_current_python()
@@ -323,7 +325,7 @@ def _status(args):
def _add(args):
- initial_sources = spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources()
+ initial_sources = spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources()
names = [s["name"] for s in initial_sources]
# If the name is already used error out
@@ -353,7 +355,7 @@ def _add(args):
def _remove(args):
- initial_sources = spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources()
+ initial_sources = spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources()
names = [s["name"] for s in initial_sources]
if not in names:
msg = (
@@ -386,7 +388,10 @@ def _mirror(args):
# TODO: Here we are adding gnuconfig manually, but this can be fixed
# TODO: as soon as we have an option to add to a mirror all the possible
# TODO: dependencies of a spec
- root_specs = spack.bootstrap.all_root_specs( + ["gnuconfig"]
+ root_specs = spack.bootstrap.all_core_root_specs() + ["gnuconfig"]
+ if
+ root_specs += spack.bootstrap.BootstrapEnvironment.spack_dev_requirements()
for spec_str in root_specs:
msg = 'Adding "{0}" and dependencies to the mirror at {1}'
llnl.util.tty.msg(msg.format(spec_str, mirror_dir))
@@ -436,10 +441,9 @@ def _mirror(args):
def _now(args):
with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise()
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise()
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise()
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies()
+ if
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_environment_dependencies()
def bootstrap(parser, args):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 0172c9f6d4..2be043425c 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import re
@@ -15,7 +12,6 @@ import llnl.util.tty as tty
import llnl.util.tty.color as color
from llnl.util.filesystem import working_dir
-import spack.bootstrap
import spack.paths
from spack.util.executable import which
@@ -25,7 +21,7 @@ level = "long"
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
- "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
+ """Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"""
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
for group in zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue):
@@ -41,16 +37,13 @@ exclude_directories = [
#: double-check the results of other tools (if, e.g., --fix was provided)
#: The list maps an executable name to a method to ensure the tool is
#: bootstrapped or present in the environment.
-tool_order = [
- ("isort", spack.bootstrap.ensure_isort_in_path_or_raise),
- ("mypy", spack.bootstrap.ensure_mypy_in_path_or_raise),
- ("black", spack.bootstrap.ensure_black_in_path_or_raise),
- ("flake8", spack.bootstrap.ensure_flake8_in_path_or_raise),
+tool_names = [
+ "isort",
+ "mypy",
+ "black",
+ "flake8",
-#: list of just the tool names -- for argparse
-tool_names = [k for k, _ in tool_order]
#: tools we run in spack style
tools = {}
@@ -222,10 +215,8 @@ def rewrite_and_print_output(
-def print_style_header(file_list, args, selected):
- tools = [tool for tool in tool_names if tool in selected]
- tty.msg("Running style checks on spack", "selected: " + ", ".join(tools))
+def print_style_header(file_list, args, tools_to_run):
+ tty.msg("Running style checks on spack", "selected: " + ", ".join(tools_to_run))
# translate modified paths to cwd_relative if needed
paths = [filename.strip() for filename in file_list]
if not args.root_relative:
@@ -384,6 +375,17 @@ def validate_toolset(arg_value):
return tools
+def missing_tools(tools_to_run):
+ return [t for t in tools_to_run if which(t) is None]
+def _bootstrap_dev_dependencies():
+ import spack.bootstrap
+ with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_environment_dependencies()
def style(parser, args):
# save initial working directory for relativizing paths later
args.initial_working_dir = os.getcwd()
@@ -418,25 +420,20 @@ def style(parser, args):
tty.msg("Nothing to run.")
+ tools_to_run = [t for t in tool_names if t in selected]
+ if missing_tools(tools_to_run):
+ _bootstrap_dev_dependencies()
return_code = 0
with working_dir(args.root):
if not file_list:
file_list = changed_files(args.base, args.untracked, args.all)
- print_style_header(file_list, args, selected)
- tools_to_run = [(tool, fn) for tool, fn in tool_order if tool in selected]
- commands = {}
- with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- # bootstrap everything first to get commands
- for tool_name, bootstrap_fn in tools_to_run:
- commands[tool_name] = bootstrap_fn()
- # run tools once bootstrapping is done
- for tool_name, bootstrap_fn in tools_to_run:
- run_function, required = tools[tool_name]
- print_tool_header(tool_name)
- return_code |= run_function(commands[tool_name], file_list, args)
+ print_style_header(file_list, args, tools_to_run)
+ for tool_name in tools_to_run:
+ run_function, required = tools[tool_name]
+ print_tool_header(tool_name)
+ return_code |= run_function(which(tool_name), file_list, args)
if return_code == 0:
tty.msg(color.colorize("@*{spack style checks were clean}"))
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 55c8b17f9c..8583c35710 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import llnl.util.filesystem
import llnl.util.tty.color as color
from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify
-import spack.bootstrap
import spack.paths
description = "run spack's unit tests (wrapper around pytest)"
@@ -207,6 +206,7 @@ def add_back_pytest_args(args, unknown_args):
def unit_test(parser, args, unknown_args):
global pytest
+ import spack.bootstrap
# Ensure clingo is available before switching to the
# mock configuration used by unit tests
@@ -214,12 +214,10 @@ def unit_test(parser, args, unknown_args):
# clingo is wholly unsupported from bootstrap
if not is_windows:
with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise()
- if pytest is None:
- vendored_pytest_dir = os.path.join(spack.paths.external_path, "pytest-fallback")
- sys.path.append(vendored_pytest_dir)
- import pytest
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies()
+ if pytest is None:
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_environment_dependencies()
+ import pytest
if args.pytest_help:
# make the pytest.main help output more accurate
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/environment/ b/lib/spack/spack/environment/
index 6ac6908ff3..7d23f6aa6c 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/environment/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/environment/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.lang import dedupe
from llnl.util.symlink import symlink
-import spack.bootstrap
import spack.compilers
import spack.concretize
import spack.config
@@ -1344,6 +1343,8 @@ class Environment(object):
"""Concretization strategy that concretizes separately one
user spec after the other.
+ import spack.bootstrap
# keep any concretized specs whose user specs are still in the manifest
old_concretized_user_specs = self.concretized_user_specs
old_concretized_order = self.concretized_order
@@ -1368,7 +1369,7 @@ class Environment(object):
# Ensure we don't try to bootstrap clingo in parallel
if spack.config.get("config:concretizer", "clingo") == "clingo":
with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise()
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies()
# Ensure all the indexes have been built or updated, since
# otherwise the processes in the pool may timeout on waiting
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index f7231a9b34..ec864c2d84 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.lang import memoized
from llnl.util.symlink import symlink
-import spack.bootstrap
import spack.paths
import spack.platforms
import spack.repo
@@ -92,6 +91,8 @@ class CannotShrinkCString(BinaryTextReplaceError):
def _patchelf():
"""Return the full path to the patchelf binary, if available, else None."""
+ import spack.bootstrap
if is_macos:
return None
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/solver/ b/lib/spack/spack/solver/
index 8809121e1d..c15793a230 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/solver/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/solver/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import llnl.util.tty as tty
import spack
import spack.binary_distribution
-import spack.bootstrap
import spack.cmd
import spack.compilers
import spack.config
@@ -541,8 +540,10 @@ def bootstrap_clingo():
global clingo, ASTType, parse_files
if not clingo:
+ import spack.bootstrap
with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise()
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies()
import clingo
from clingo.ast import ASTType
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index bfb8eee194..5823800751 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -191,18 +191,6 @@ def _store():
root, unpadded_root, projections = parse_install_tree(config_dict)
hash_length = spack.config.get("config:install_hash_length")
- # Check that the user is not trying to install software into the store
- # reserved by Spack to bootstrap its own dependencies, since this would
- # lead to bizarre behaviors (e.g. cleaning the bootstrap area would wipe
- # user installed software)
- enable_bootstrap = spack.config.get("bootstrap:enable", True)
- if enable_bootstrap and spack.bootstrap.store_path() == root:
- msg = (
- 'please change the install tree root "{0}" in your '
- "configuration [path reserved for Spack internal use]"
- )
- raise ValueError(msg.format(root))
return Store(
root=root, unpadded_root=unpadded_root, projections=projections, hash_length=hash_length
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index 06e9e5f2bc..507bcf5e54 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import sys
import pytest
import spack.bootstrap
+import spack.bootstrap.config
+import spack.bootstrap.core
import spack.compilers
import spack.environment
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ def test_store_is_restored_correctly_after_bootstrap(mutable_config, tmpdir):
# Test that within the context manager we use the bootstrap store
# and that outside we restore the correct location
with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- assert == spack.bootstrap.store_path()
+ assert == spack.bootstrap.config.store_path()
assert == user_path
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ def test_store_path_customization(config_value, expected, mutable_config):
spack.config.set("bootstrap:root", config_value)
# Check the store path
- current = spack.bootstrap.store_path()
+ current = spack.bootstrap.config.store_path()
assert current == spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(expected)
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ def test_raising_exception_if_bootstrap_disabled(mutable_config):
# Check the correct exception is raised
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="bootstrapping is currently disabled"):
- spack.bootstrap.store_path()
+ spack.bootstrap.config.store_path()
def test_raising_exception_module_importable():
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ def test_raising_exception_module_importable():
match='cannot bootstrap the "asdf" Python module',
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_module_importable_or_raise("asdf")
+ spack.bootstrap.core.ensure_module_importable_or_raise("asdf")
def test_raising_exception_executables_in_path():
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ def test_raising_exception_executables_in_path():
match="cannot bootstrap any of the asdf, fdsa executables",
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(["asdf", "fdsa"], "python")
+ spack.bootstrap.core.ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise(["asdf", "fdsa"], "python")
@@ -175,13 +177,15 @@ def test_nested_use_of_context_manager(mutable_config):
def test_status_function_find_files(
mutable_config, mock_executable, tmpdir, monkeypatch, expected_missing
+ import spack.bootstrap.status
if not expected_missing:
mock_executable("foo", "echo Hello WWorld!")
- spack.bootstrap,
+ spack.bootstrap.status,
- lambda: [spack.bootstrap._required_system_executable("foo", "NOT FOUND")],
+ lambda: [spack.bootstrap.status._required_system_executable("foo", "NOT FOUND")],
monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", str(tmpdir.join("bin")))
@@ -192,15 +196,15 @@ def test_status_function_find_files(
def test_source_is_disabled(mutable_config):
# Get the configuration dictionary of the current bootstrapping source
- conf = next(iter(spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources()))
+ conf = next(iter(spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources()))
# The source is not explicitly enabled or disabled, so the following
# call should raise to skip using it for bootstrapping
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- spack.bootstrap.source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf)
+ spack.bootstrap.core.source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf)
# Try to explicitly disable the source and verify that the behavior
# is the same as above
spack.config.add("bootstrap:trusted:{0}:{1}".format(conf["name"], False))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- spack.bootstrap.source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf)
+ spack.bootstrap.core.source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index 68d8c8abaf..410799a011 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="does not run on
-def wrapper_environment():
+def wrapper_environment(working_env):
with set_env(
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
index e969f7fc6f..7c39806ac1 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import sys
import pytest
+import spack.bootstrap
+import spack.bootstrap.core
import spack.config
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.main
@@ -157,17 +159,17 @@ def test_remove_failure_for_non_existing_names(mutable_config):
def test_remove_and_add_a_source(mutable_config):
# Check we start with a single bootstrapping source
- sources = spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources()
+ sources = spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources()
assert len(sources) == 1
# Remove it and check the result
_bootstrap("remove", "github-actions")
- sources = spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources()
+ sources = spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources()
assert not sources
# Add it back and check we restored the initial state
_bootstrap("add", "github-actions", "$spack/share/spack/bootstrap/github-actions-v0.3")
- sources = spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources()
+ sources = spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources()
assert len(sources) == 1
@@ -206,4 +208,4 @@ def test_bootstrap_mirror_metadata(mutable_config, linux_os, monkeypatch, tmpdir
_bootstrap("add", "--trust", "test-mirror", str(metadata_dir))
assert _bootstrap.returncode == 0
- assert any(m["name"] == "test-mirror" for m in spack.bootstrap.bootstrapping_sources())
+ assert any(m["name"] == "test-mirror" for m in spack.bootstrap.core.bootstrapping_sources())
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/util/ b/lib/spack/spack/util/
index ffee274c3f..0efdef99c2 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/util/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import functools
import os
import re
-import spack.bootstrap
import spack.error
import spack.paths
import spack.util.executable
@@ -47,6 +46,8 @@ def init(gnupghome=None, force=False):
global objects are set already
+ import spack.bootstrap
if force:
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ def init(gnupghome=None, force=False):
# Set the executable objects for "gpg" and "gpgconf"
with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration():
- spack.bootstrap.ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise()
+ spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies()
GPG, GPGCONF = _gpg(), _gpgconf()
GPG.add_default_env("GNUPGHOME", GNUPGHOME)
diff --git a/share/spack/spack-completion.bash b/share/spack/spack-completion.bash
index b66f4cb1aa..5c90b1b5f3 100755
--- a/share/spack/spack-completion.bash
+++ b/share/spack/spack-completion.bash
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ _spack_bootstrap() {
_spack_bootstrap_now() {
- SPACK_COMPREPLY="-h --help"
+ SPACK_COMPREPLY="-h --help --dev"
_spack_bootstrap_status() {
diff --git a/share/spack/templates/bootstrap/spack.yaml b/share/spack/templates/bootstrap/spack.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4573bb485e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/spack/templates/bootstrap/spack.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This environment contains Spack non-core dependencies for the
+# following configuration
+# Python spec: {{ python_spec }}
+# Python interpreter: {{ python_prefix }}
+# Architecture: {{ architecture }}
+ specs:
+{% for spec in environment_specs %}
+ - "{{ spec }}"
+{% endfor %}
+ view: {{ environment_path }}/view
+ config:
+ install_tree:
+ root: {{ store_path }}
+ packages:
+ python:
+ buildable: false
+ externals:
+ - spec: "{{ python_spec }}"
+ prefix: "{{ python_prefix }}"
+ py-typed-ast:
+ require: "+wheel"
+ py-platformdirs:
+ require: "+wheel"
+ concretizer:
+ reuse: false
+ unify: true
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-black/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-black/
index d2d3cd286f..21c114aa0b 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-black/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-black/
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ class PyBlack(PythonPackage):
depends_on("py-ipython@7.8:", when="+jupyter", type=("build", "run"))
depends_on("py-tokenize-rt@3.2:", when="+jupyter", type=("build", "run"))
+ # Needed because this package is used to bootstrap Spack (Spack supports Python 3.6+)
+ depends_on("py-dataclasses@0.6:", when="^python@:3.6", type=("build", "run"))
# see:
# note that pip doesn't know this constraint.
depends_on("py-click@:8.0", when="@:22.2", type=("build", "run"))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dataclasses/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dataclasses/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3de7b2313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-dataclasses/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class PyDataclasses(PythonPackage):
+ """A backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6"""
+ homepage = ""
+ pypi = "dataclasses/dataclasses-0.7.tar.gz"
+ version("0.8", sha256="8479067f342acf957dc82ec415d355ab5edb7e7646b90dc6e2fd1d96ad084c97")
+ version("0.7", sha256="494a6dcae3b8bcf80848eea2ef64c0cc5cd307ffc263e17cdf42f3e5420808e6")
+ depends_on("python@3.6.00:3.6", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-setuptools", type="build")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-platformdirs/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-platformdirs/
index f226506db5..ee5a832315 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-platformdirs/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-platformdirs/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+import spack.build_systems.python
from spack.package import *
@@ -18,9 +19,24 @@ class PyPlatformdirs(PythonPackage):
version("2.4.0", sha256="367a5e80b3d04d2428ffa76d33f124cf11e8fff2acdaa9b43d545f5c7d661ef2")
version("2.3.0", sha256="15b056538719b1c94bdaccb29e5f81879c7f7f0f4a153f46086d155dffcd4f0f")
+ variant(
+ "wheel",
+ default=False,
+ sticky=True,
+ description="Install from wheel (required for bootstrapping Spack)",
+ )
depends_on("python@3.7:", when="@2.4.1:", type=("build", "run"))
depends_on("python@3.6:", type=("build", "run"))
depends_on("py-setuptools@44:", when="@:2.5.1", type="build")
depends_on("py-setuptools-scm@5:+toml", when="@:2.5.1", type="build")
depends_on("py-hatchling@0.22.0:", when="@2.5.2:", type="build")
depends_on("py-hatch-vcs", when="@2.5.2:", type="build")
+class PythonPipBuilder(spack.build_systems.python.PythonPipBuilder):
+ @when("+wheel")
+ def install(self, pkg, spec, prefix):
+ args = list(filter(lambda x: x != "--no-index", self.std_args(self.pkg)))
+ args += [f"--prefix={prefix}", self.spec.format("platformdirs=={version}")]
+ pip(*args)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-typed-ast/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-typed-ast/
index 4dc338e06a..16f6fc03ab 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-typed-ast/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-typed-ast/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+import spack.build_systems.python
from spack.package import *
@@ -23,7 +23,22 @@ class PyTypedAst(PythonPackage):
+ variant(
+ "wheel",
+ default=False,
+ sticky=True,
+ description="Install from wheel (required for bootstrapping Spack)",
+ )
depends_on("python@3.3:", type=("build", "link", "run"))
depends_on("python@3.6:", when="@1.5.4:", type=("build", "link", "run"))
depends_on("python@:3.8", when="@:1.4.0") # build errors with 3.9 until 1.4.1
depends_on("py-setuptools", type="build")
+class PythonPipBuilder(spack.build_systems.python.PythonPipBuilder):
+ @when("+wheel")
+ def install(self, pkg, spec, prefix):
+ args = list(filter(lambda x: x != "--no-index", self.std_args(self.pkg)))
+ args += [f"--prefix={prefix}", self.spec.format("typed-ast=={version}")]
+ pip(*args)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
index 513364e05e..3d3e955024 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Python(Package):
#: phase
install_targets = ["install"]
- build_targets = [] # type: List[str]
+ build_targets: List[str] = []
version("3.11.0", sha256="64424e96e2457abbac899b90f9530985b51eef2905951febd935f0e73414caeb")
@@ -107,6 +107,13 @@ class Python(Package):
version("3.7.1", sha256="36c1b81ac29d0f8341f727ef40864d99d8206897be96be73dc34d4739c9c9f06")
version("3.7.0", sha256="85bb9feb6863e04fb1700b018d9d42d1caac178559ffa453d7e6a436e259fd0d")
+ # Python 3.6.15 has been added back only to allow bootstrapping Spack on Python 3.6
+ version(
+ "3.6.15",
+ sha256="54570b7e339e2cfd72b29c7e2fdb47c0b7b18b7412e61de5b463fc087c13b043",
+ deprecated=True,
+ )
extendable = True
# Variants to avoid cyclical dependencies for concretizer
@@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ class Python(Package):
# Used to cache various attributes that are expensive to compute
- _config_vars = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
+ _config_vars: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
# An in-source build with --enable-optimizations fails for python@3.X
build_directory = "spack-build"
@@ -727,6 +734,12 @@ class Python(Package):
return Executable(path)
+ # Give a last try at rhel8 platform python
+ if self.spec.external and self.prefix == "/usr" and self.spec.satisfies("os=rhel8"):
+ path = os.path.join(self.prefix, "libexec", "platform-python")
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return Executable(path)
msg = "Unable to locate {0} command in {1}"
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(, self.prefix.bin))