diff options
8 files changed, 18 insertions, 646 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/pipelines.rst b/lib/spack/docs/pipelines.rst
index 8aeefd116e..0a72793a89 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/pipelines.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/pipelines.rst
@@ -253,17 +253,6 @@ can easily happen if it is not updated frequently, this behavior ensures that
spack has a way to know for certain about the status of any concrete spec on
the remote mirror, but can slow down pipeline generation significantly.
-The ``--optimize`` argument is experimental and runs the generated pipeline
-document through a series of optimization passes designed to reduce the size
-of the generated file.
-The ``--dependencies`` is also experimental and disables what in Gitlab is
-referred to as DAG scheduling, internally using the ``dependencies`` keyword
-rather than ``needs`` to list dependency jobs. The drawback of using this option
-is that before any job can begin, all jobs in previous stages must first
-complete. The benefit is that Gitlab allows more dependencies to be listed
-when using ``dependencies`` instead of ``needs``.
The optional ``--output-file`` argument should be an absolute path (including
file name) to the generated pipeline, and if not given, the default is
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 7237c95e69..956b19abdc 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -553,10 +553,9 @@ def generate_gitlab_ci_yaml(
+ *,
- run_optimizer=False,
- use_dependencies=False,
@@ -577,12 +576,6 @@ def generate_gitlab_ci_yaml(
this mode results in faster yaml generation time). Otherwise, also
check each spec directly by url (useful if there is no index or it
might be out of date).
- run_optimizer (bool): If True, post-process the generated yaml to try
- try to reduce the size (attempts to collect repeated configuration
- and replace with definitions).)
- use_dependencies (bool): If true, use "dependencies" rather than "needs"
- ("needs" allows DAG scheduling). Useful if gitlab instance cannot
- be configured to handle more than a few "needs" per job.
artifacts_root (str): Path where artifacts like logs, environment
files (spack.yaml, spack.lock), etc should be written. GitLab
requires this to be within the project directory.
@@ -1273,17 +1266,6 @@ def generate_gitlab_ci_yaml(
with open(copy_specs_file, "w") as fd:
- # TODO(opadron): remove this or refactor
- if run_optimizer:
- import spack.ci_optimization as ci_opt
- output_object = ci_opt.optimizer(output_object)
- # TODO(opadron): remove this or refactor
- if use_dependencies:
- import spack.ci_needs_workaround as cinw
- output_object = cinw.needs_to_dependencies(output_object)
# No jobs were generated
noop_job = spack_ci_ir["jobs"]["noop"]["attributes"]
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
deleted file mode 100644
index b89de48f8f..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-get_job_name = lambda needs_entry: (
- needs_entry.get("job")
- if (isinstance(needs_entry, and needs_entry.get("artifacts", True))
- else needs_entry if isinstance(needs_entry, str) else None
-def convert_job(job_entry):
- if not isinstance(job_entry,
- return job_entry
- needs = job_entry.get("needs")
- if needs is None:
- return job_entry
- new_job = {}
- new_job.update(job_entry)
- del new_job["needs"]
- new_job["dependencies"] = list(
- filter((lambda x: x is not None), (get_job_name(needs_entry) for needs_entry in needs))
- )
- return new_job
-def needs_to_dependencies(yaml):
- return dict((k, convert_job(v)) for k, v in yaml.items())
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d799fc907..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import collections
-import copy
-import hashlib
-import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
-def sort_yaml_obj(obj):
- if isinstance(obj,
- return syaml.syaml_dict(
- (k, sort_yaml_obj(v)) for k, v in sorted(obj.items(), key=(lambda item: str(item[0])))
- )
- if isinstance(obj, and not isinstance(obj, str):
- return syaml.syaml_list(sort_yaml_obj(x) for x in obj)
- return obj
-def matches(obj, proto):
- """Returns True if the test object "obj" matches the prototype object
- "proto".
- If obj and proto are mappings, obj matches proto if (key in obj) and
- (obj[key] matches proto[key]) for every key in proto.
- If obj and proto are sequences, obj matches proto if they are of the same
- length and (a matches b) for every (a,b) in zip(obj, proto).
- Otherwise, obj matches proto if obj == proto.
- Precondition: proto must not have any reference cycles
- """
- if isinstance(obj,
- if not isinstance(proto,
- return False
- return all((key in obj and matches(obj[key], val)) for key, val in proto.items())
- if isinstance(obj, and not isinstance(obj, str):
- if not (isinstance(proto, and not isinstance(proto, str)):
- return False
- if len(obj) != len(proto):
- return False
- return all(matches(obj[index], val) for index, val in enumerate(proto))
- return obj == proto
-def subkeys(obj, proto):
- """Returns the test mapping "obj" after factoring out the items it has in
- common with the prototype mapping "proto".
- Consider a recursive merge operation, merge(a, b) on mappings a and b, that
- returns a mapping, m, whose keys are the union of the keys of a and b, and
- for every such key, "k", its corresponding value is:
- - merge(a[key], b[key]) if a[key] and b[key] are mappings, or
- - b[key] if (key in b) and not matches(a[key], b[key]),
- or
- - a[key] otherwise
- If obj and proto are mappings, the returned object is the smallest object,
- "a", such that merge(a, proto) matches obj.
- Otherwise, obj is returned.
- """
- if not (
- isinstance(obj, and isinstance(proto,
- ):
- return obj
- new_obj = {}
- for key, value in obj.items():
- if key not in proto:
- new_obj[key] = value
- continue
- if matches(value, proto[key]) and matches(proto[key], value):
- continue
- if isinstance(value,
- new_obj[key] = subkeys(value, proto[key])
- continue
- new_obj[key] = value
- return new_obj
-def add_extends(yaml, key):
- """Modifies the given object "yaml" so that it includes an "extends" key
- whose value features "key".
- If "extends" is not in yaml, then yaml is modified such that
- yaml["extends"] == key.
- If yaml["extends"] is a str, then yaml is modified such that
- yaml["extends"] == [yaml["extends"], key]
- If yaml["extends"] is a list that does not include key, then key is
- appended to the list.
- Otherwise, yaml is left unchanged.
- """
- has_key = "extends" in yaml
- extends = yaml.get("extends")
- if has_key and not isinstance(extends, (str,
- return
- if extends is None:
- yaml["extends"] = key
- return
- if isinstance(extends, str):
- if extends != key:
- yaml["extends"] = [extends, key]
- return
- if key not in extends:
- extends.append(key)
-def common_subobject(yaml, sub):
- """Factor prototype object "sub" out of the values of mapping "yaml".
- Consider a modified copy of yaml, "new", where for each key, "key" in yaml:
- - If yaml[key] matches sub, then new[key] = subkeys(yaml[key], sub).
- - Otherwise, new[key] = yaml[key].
- If the above match criteria is not satisfied for any such key, then (yaml,
- None) is returned. The yaml object is returned unchanged.
- Otherwise, each matching value in new is modified as in
- add_extends(new[key], common_key), and then new[common_key] is set to sub.
- The common_key value is chosen such that it does not match any preexisting
- key in new. In this case, (new, common_key) is returned.
- """
- match_list = set(k for k, v in yaml.items() if matches(v, sub))
- if not match_list:
- return yaml, None
- common_prefix = ".c"
- common_index = 0
- while True:
- common_key = "".join((common_prefix, str(common_index)))
- if common_key not in yaml:
- break
- common_index += 1
- new_yaml = {}
- for key, val in yaml.items():
- new_yaml[key] = copy.deepcopy(val)
- if not matches(val, sub):
- continue
- new_yaml[key] = subkeys(new_yaml[key], sub)
- add_extends(new_yaml[key], common_key)
- new_yaml[common_key] = sub
- return new_yaml, common_key
-def print_delta(name, old, new, applied=None):
- delta = new - old
- reldelta = (1000 * delta) // old
- reldelta = (reldelta // 10, reldelta % 10)
- if applied is None:
- applied = new <= old
- print(
- "\n".join(
- (
- "{0} {1}:",
- " before: {2: 10d}",
- " after : {3: 10d}",
- " delta : {4:+10d} ({5:=+3d}.{6}%)",
- )
- ).format(name, ("+" if applied else "x"), old, new, delta, reldelta[0], reldelta[1])
- )
-def try_optimization_pass(name, yaml, optimization_pass, *args, **kwargs):
- """Try applying an optimization pass and return information about the
- result
- "name" is a string describing the nature of the pass. If it is a non-empty
- string, summary statistics are also printed to stdout.
- "yaml" is the object to apply the pass to.
- "optimization_pass" is the function implementing the pass to be applied.
- "args" and "kwargs" are the additional arguments to pass to optimization
- pass. The pass is applied as
- >>> (new_yaml, *other_results) = optimization_pass(yaml, *args, **kwargs)
- The pass's results are greedily rejected if it does not modify the original
- yaml document, or if it produces a yaml document that serializes to a
- larger string.
- Returns (new_yaml, yaml, applied, other_results) if applied, or
- (yaml, new_yaml, applied, other_results) otherwise.
- """
- result = optimization_pass(yaml, *args, **kwargs)
- new_yaml, other_results = result[0], result[1:]
- if new_yaml is yaml:
- # pass was not applied
- return (yaml, new_yaml, False, other_results)
- pre_size = len(syaml.dump_config(sort_yaml_obj(yaml), default_flow_style=True))
- post_size = len(syaml.dump_config(sort_yaml_obj(new_yaml), default_flow_style=True))
- # pass makes the size worse: not applying
- applied = post_size <= pre_size
- if applied:
- yaml, new_yaml = new_yaml, yaml
- if name:
- print_delta(name, pre_size, post_size, applied)
- return (yaml, new_yaml, applied, other_results)
-def build_histogram(iterator, key):
- """Builds a histogram of values given an iterable of mappings and a key.
- For each mapping "m" with key "key" in iterator, the value m[key] is
- considered.
- Returns a list of tuples (hash, count, proportion, value), where
- - "hash" is a sha1sum hash of the value.
- - "count" is the number of occurences of values that hash to "hash".
- - "proportion" is the proportion of all values considered above that
- hash to "hash".
- - "value" is one of the values considered above that hash to "hash".
- Which value is chosen when multiple values hash to the same "hash" is
- undefined.
- The list is sorted in descending order by count, yielding the most
- frequently occuring hashes first.
- """
- buckets = collections.defaultdict(int)
- values = {}
- num_objects = 0
- for obj in iterator:
- num_objects += 1
- try:
- val = obj[key]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- continue
- value_hash = hashlib.sha1()
- value_hash.update(syaml.dump_config(sort_yaml_obj(val)).encode())
- value_hash = value_hash.hexdigest()
- buckets[value_hash] += 1
- values[value_hash] = val
- return [
- (h, buckets[h], float(buckets[h]) / num_objects, values[h])
- for h in sorted(buckets.keys(), key=lambda k: -buckets[k])
- ]
-def optimizer(yaml):
- original_size = len(syaml.dump_config(sort_yaml_obj(yaml), default_flow_style=True))
- # try factoring out commonly repeated portions
- common_job = {
- "variables": {"SPACK_COMPILER_ACTION": "NONE"},
- "after_script": ['rm -rf "./spack"'],
- "artifacts": {"paths": ["jobs_scratch_dir", "cdash_report"], "when": "always"},
- }
- # look for a list of tags that appear frequently
- _, count, proportion, tags = next(iter(build_histogram(yaml.values(), "tags")), (None,) * 4)
- # If a list of tags is found, and there are more than one job that uses it,
- # *and* the jobs that do use it represent at least 70% of all jobs, then
- # add the list to the prototype object.
- if tags and count > 1 and proportion >= 0.70:
- common_job["tags"] = tags
- # apply common object factorization
- yaml, other, applied, rest = try_optimization_pass(
- "general common object factorization", yaml, common_subobject, common_job
- )
- # look for a common script, and try factoring that out
- _, count, proportion, script = next(
- iter(build_histogram(yaml.values(), "script")), (None,) * 4
- )
- if script and count > 1 and proportion >= 0.70:
- yaml, other, applied, rest = try_optimization_pass(
- "script factorization", yaml, common_subobject, {"script": script}
- )
- # look for a common before_script, and try factoring that out
- _, count, proportion, script = next(
- iter(build_histogram(yaml.values(), "before_script")), (None,) * 4
- )
- if script and count > 1 and proportion >= 0.70:
- yaml, other, applied, rest = try_optimization_pass(
- "before_script factorization", yaml, common_subobject, {"before_script": script}
- )
- # Look specifically for the SPACK_ROOT_SPEC environment variables.
- # Try to factor them out.
- h = build_histogram(
- (getattr(val, "get", lambda *args: {})("variables") for val in yaml.values()),
- )
- # In this case, we try to factor out *all* instances of the SPACK_ROOT_SPEC
- # environment variable; not just the one that appears with the greatest
- # frequency. We only require that more than 1 job uses a given instance's
- # value, because we expect the value to be very large, and so expect even
- # few-to-one factorizations to yield large space savings.
- counter = 0
- for _, count, proportion, spec in h:
- if count <= 1:
- continue
- counter += 1
- yaml, other, applied, rest = try_optimization_pass(
- "SPACK_ROOT_SPEC factorization ({count})".format(count=counter),
- yaml,
- common_subobject,
- {"variables": {"SPACK_ROOT_SPEC": spec}},
- )
- new_size = len(syaml.dump_config(sort_yaml_obj(yaml), default_flow_style=True))
- print("\n")
- print_delta("overall summary", original_size, new_size)
- print("\n")
- return yaml
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 811da010b7..934acc0d4e 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import json
import os
import shutil
+import warnings
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ def setup_parser(subparser):
- help="(experimental) optimize the gitlab yaml file for size\n\n"
+ help="(DEPRECATED) optimize the gitlab yaml file for size\n\n"
"run the generated document through a series of optimization passes "
"designed to reduce the size of the generated file",
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ def setup_parser(subparser):
- help="(experimental) disable DAG scheduling (use 'plain' dependencies)",
+ help="(DEPRECATED) disable DAG scheduling (use 'plain' dependencies)",
@@ -200,6 +201,18 @@ def ci_generate(args):
before invoking this command. the value must be the CDash authorization token needed to create
a build group and register all generated jobs under it
+ if args.optimize:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The --optimize option has been deprecated, and currently has no effect. "
+ "It will be removed in Spack v0.24."
+ )
+ if args.dependencies:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The --dependencies option has been deprecated, and currently has no effect. "
+ "It will be removed in Spack v0.24."
+ )
env = spack.cmd.require_active_env(cmd_name="ci generate")
if args.copy_to:
@@ -212,8 +225,6 @@ def ci_generate(args):
output_file = args.output_file
copy_yaml_to = args.copy_to
- run_optimizer = args.optimize
- use_dependencies = args.dependencies
prune_dag = args.prune_dag
index_only = args.index_only
artifacts_root = args.artifacts_root
@@ -234,8 +245,6 @@ def ci_generate(args):
- run_optimizer=run_optimizer,
- use_dependencies=use_dependencies,
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index f3d47c45e9..cf936eb593 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import itertools
import os
import subprocess
@@ -11,15 +10,12 @@ import pytest
import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import as ci
-import spack.ci_needs_workaround as cinw
-import spack.ci_optimization as ci_opt
import spack.config
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.error
import spack.paths as spack_paths
import spack.util.git
import spack.util.gpg
-import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
@@ -203,164 +199,6 @@ def test_setup_spack_repro_version(tmpdir, capfd, last_two_git_commits, monkeypa
assert "Unable to merge {0}".format(c1) in err
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("obj, proto", [({}, [])])
-def test_ci_opt_argument_checking(obj, proto):
- """Check that matches() and subkeys() return False when `proto` is not a dict."""
- assert not ci_opt.matches(obj, proto)
- assert not ci_opt.subkeys(obj, proto)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("yaml", [{"extends": 1}])
-def test_ci_opt_add_extends_non_sequence(yaml):
- """Check that add_extends() exits if 'extends' is not a sequence."""
- yaml_copy = yaml.copy()
- ci_opt.add_extends(yaml, None)
- assert yaml == yaml_copy
-def test_ci_workarounds():
- fake_root_spec = "x" * 544
- fake_spack_ref = "x" * 40
- common_variables = {"SPACK_IS_PR_PIPELINE": "False"}
- common_before_script = [
- 'git clone ""',
- " && ".join(("pushd ./spack", 'git checkout "{ref}"'.format(ref=fake_spack_ref), "popd")),
- '. "./spack/share/spack/"',
- ]
- def make_build_job(name, deps, stage, use_artifact_buildcache, optimize, use_dependencies):
- variables = common_variables.copy()
- variables["SPACK_JOB_SPEC_PKG_NAME"] = name
- result = {
- "stage": stage,
- "tags": ["tag-0", "tag-1"],
- "artifacts": {
- "paths": ["jobs_scratch_dir", "cdash_report", name + ".spec.json", name],
- "when": "always",
- },
- "retry": {"max": 2, "when": ["always"]},
- "after_script": ['rm -rf "./spack"'],
- "script": ["spack ci rebuild"],
- "image": {"name": "spack/centos7", "entrypoint": [""]},
- }
- if optimize:
- result["extends"] = [".c0", ".c1"]
- else:
- variables["SPACK_ROOT_SPEC"] = fake_root_spec
- result["before_script"] = common_before_script
- result["variables"] = variables
- if use_dependencies:
- result["dependencies"] = list(deps) if use_artifact_buildcache else []
- else:
- result["needs"] = [{"job": dep, "artifacts": use_artifact_buildcache} for dep in deps]
- return {name: result}
- def make_rebuild_index_job(use_artifact_buildcache, optimize, use_dependencies):
- result = {
- "stage": "stage-rebuild-index",
- "script": "spack buildcache update-index s3://mirror",
- "tags": ["tag-0", "tag-1"],
- "image": {"name": "spack/centos7", "entrypoint": [""]},
- "after_script": ['rm -rf "./spack"'],
- }
- if optimize:
- result["extends"] = ".c0"
- else:
- result["before_script"] = common_before_script
- return {"rebuild-index": result}
- def make_factored_jobs(optimize):
- return (
- {
- ".c0": {"before_script": common_before_script},
- ".c1": {"variables": {"SPACK_ROOT_SPEC": fake_root_spec}},
- }
- if optimize
- else {}
- )
- def make_stage_list(num_build_stages):
- return {
- "stages": (
- ["-".join(("stage", str(i))) for i in range(num_build_stages)]
- + ["stage-rebuild-index"]
- )
- }
- def make_yaml_obj(use_artifact_buildcache, optimize, use_dependencies):
- result = {}
- result.update(
- make_build_job(
- "pkg-a", [], "stage-0", use_artifact_buildcache, optimize, use_dependencies
- )
- )
- result.update(
- make_build_job(
- "pkg-b", ["pkg-a"], "stage-1", use_artifact_buildcache, optimize, use_dependencies
- )
- )
- result.update(
- make_build_job(
- "pkg-c",
- ["pkg-a", "pkg-b"],
- "stage-2",
- use_artifact_buildcache,
- optimize,
- use_dependencies,
- )
- )
- result.update(make_rebuild_index_job(use_artifact_buildcache, optimize, use_dependencies))
- result.update(make_factored_jobs(optimize))
- result.update(make_stage_list(3))
- return result
- # test every combination of:
- # use artifact buildcache: true or false
- # run optimization pass: true or false
- # convert needs to dependencies: true or false
- for use_ab in (False, True):
- original = make_yaml_obj(
- use_artifact_buildcache=use_ab, optimize=False, use_dependencies=False
- )
- for opt, deps in itertools.product(*(((False, True),) * 2)):
- # neither optimizing nor converting needs->dependencies
- if not (opt or deps):
- # therefore, nothing to test
- continue
- predicted = make_yaml_obj(
- use_artifact_buildcache=use_ab, optimize=opt, use_dependencies=deps
- )
- actual = original.copy()
- if opt:
- actual = ci_opt.optimizer(actual)
- if deps:
- actual = cinw.needs_to_dependencies(actual)
- predicted = syaml.dump_config(ci_opt.sort_yaml_obj(predicted), default_flow_style=True)
- actual = syaml.dump_config(ci_opt.sort_yaml_obj(actual), default_flow_style=True)
- assert predicted == actual
def test_get_spec_filter_list(mutable_mock_env_path, config, mutable_mock_repo):
"""Test that given an active environment and list of touched pkgs,
we get the right list of possibly-changed env specs"""
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
index 583046df94..edd90bbbd5 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -1432,55 +1432,6 @@ spack:
assert the_elt["after_script"][0] == "post step one"
-def test_ci_generate_with_workarounds(
- tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path, install_mockery, mock_packages, monkeypatch, ci_base_environment
- """Make sure the post-processing cli workarounds do what they should"""
- filename = str(tmpdir.join("spack.yaml"))
- with open(filename, "w") as f:
- f.write(
- """\
- specs:
- - callpath%gcc@=9.5
- mirrors:
- some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
- ci:
- pipeline-gen:
- - submapping:
- - match: ['%gcc@9.5']
- build-job:
- tags:
- - donotcare
- image: donotcare
- enable-artifacts-buildcache: true
- )
- with tmpdir.as_cwd():
- env_cmd("create", "test", "./spack.yaml")
- outputfile = str(tmpdir.join(".gitlab-ci.yml"))
- with"test"):
- ci_cmd("generate", "--output-file", outputfile, "--dependencies")
- with open(outputfile) as f:
- contents =
- yaml_contents = syaml.load(contents)
- found_one = False
- non_rebuild_keys = ["workflow", "stages", "variables", "rebuild-index"]
- for ci_key in yaml_contents.keys():
- if ci_key not in non_rebuild_keys:
- found_one = True
- job_obj = yaml_contents[ci_key]
- assert "needs" not in job_obj
- assert "dependencies" in job_obj
- assert found_one is True
def test_ci_rebuild_index(
diff --git a/share/spack/ b/share/spack/
index 4239faddc8..d2d883ff93 100755
--- a/share/spack/
+++ b/share/spack/
@@ -962,9 +962,9 @@ complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l output-file -r
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l copy-to -r -f -a copy_to
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l copy-to -r -d 'path to additional directory for job files'
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l optimize -f -a optimize
-complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l optimize -d '(experimental) optimize the gitlab yaml file for size'
+complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l optimize -d '(DEPRECATED) optimize the gitlab yaml file for size'
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l dependencies -f -a dependencies
-complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l dependencies -d '(experimental) disable DAG scheduling (use \'plain\' dependencies)'
+complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l dependencies -d '(DEPRECATED) disable DAG scheduling (use \'plain\' dependencies)'
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l buildcache-destination -r -f -a buildcache_destination
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l buildcache-destination -r -d 'override the mirror configured in the environment'
complete -c spack -n '__fish_spack_using_command ci generate' -l prune-dag -f -a prune_dag