diff options
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qmcpack/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qmcpack/
index 3d34344af3..b03db97727 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qmcpack/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/qmcpack/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# can occasionally change.
# NOTE: 12/19/2017 QMCPACK 3.0.0 does not build properly with Spack.
+ version('3.6.0', tag='v3.6.0')
version('3.5.0', tag='v3.5.0')
version('3.4.0', tag='v3.4.0')
version('3.3.0', tag='v3.3.0')
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# These defaults match those in the QMCPACK manual
variant('debug', default=False, description='Build debug version')
variant('mpi', default=True, description='Build with MPI support')
+ variant('phdf5', default=True, description='Build with parallel collective I/O')
variant('cuda', default=False,
description='Enable CUDA and GPU acceleration')
variant('complex', default=False,
@@ -57,31 +59,70 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# variant('+mixed', default=True, when='+cuda', description="...")
# conflicts
- conflicts('+soa', when='+cuda')
- conflicts('^openblas+ilp64')
- conflicts('^intel-mkl+ilp64')
+ conflicts(
+ '+phdf5',
+ when='~mpi',
+ msg='Parallel collective I/O requires MPI-enabled QMCPACK. ' \
+ 'Please add "~phdf5" to the Spack install line for serial QMCPACK.'
+ )
+ conflicts(
+ '+qe',
+ when='~mpi',
+ msg='QMCPACK QE variant requires MPI due to limitation in QE build ' \
+ 'system. Please add "~qe" to the Spack install line for serial ' \
+ )
+ conflicts(
+ '+soa',
+ when='+cuda',
+ msg='QMCPACK SOA variant does not exist for CUDA'
+ )
+ conflicts(
+ '^openblas+ilp64',
+ msg='QMCPACK does not support OpenBLAS 64-bit integer variant'
+ )
+ conflicts(
+ '^intel-mkl+ilp64',
+ msg='QMCPACK does not support MKL 64-bit integer variant'
+ )
+ # QMCPACK 3.6.0 or later requires support for C++14
+ compiler_warning = 'QMCPACK 3.6.0 or later requires a ' \
+ 'compiler with support for C++14'
+ conflicts('%gcc@:4', when='@3.6.0:', msg=compiler_warning)
+ conflicts('%intel@:17', when='@3.6.0:', msg=compiler_warning)
+ conflicts('%pgi@:17', when='@3.6.0:', msg=compiler_warning)
+ conflicts('%llvm@:3.4', when='@3.6.0:', msg=compiler_warning)
# Dependencies match those in the QMCPACK manual.
# FIXME: once concretizer can unite unconditional and conditional
- # dependencies the some of the '~mpi' will not be necessary.
- depends_on('cmake@3.4.3:', type='build')
- depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
- depends_on('libxml2')
- depends_on('hdf5')
- depends_on('hdf5+mpi', when='+mpi')
- depends_on('hdf5~mpi', when='~mpi')
+ # dependencies, some of the '~mpi' variants below will not be necessary.
+ # Essential libraries
+ depends_on('cmake@3.4.3:', when='@:3.5.0', type='build')
+ depends_on('cmake@3.6.0:', when='@3.6.0:', type='build')
+ depends_on('boost@1.61.0:', when='@3.6.0:')
+ depends_on('libxml2')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ depends_on('cuda', when='+cuda')
+ # HDF5
+ depends_on('hdf5+hl+fortran', when='+qe')
+ depends_on('hdf5+hl+fortran+mpi', when='+qe+mpi')
+ depends_on('hdf5+hl+fortran~mpi', when='+qe~mpi')
+ depends_on('hdf5~hl~fortran', when='~qe')
+ depends_on('hdf5~hl~fortran+mpi', when='~qe+mpi')
+ depends_on('hdf5~hl~fortran~mpi', when='~qe~mpi')
+ # Math libraries
- depends_on('fftw')
- depends_on('fftw+mpi', when='+mpi')
- depends_on('fftw~mpi', when='~mpi')
- depends_on('cuda', when='+cuda')
+ depends_on('fftw-api@3')
# qmcpack data analysis tools
# basic command line tool based on Python and NumPy
- # blas and lapack patching fails often and so are disabled at this time
- depends_on('py-numpy~blas~lapack', when='+da', type='run')
+ # It may be necesseary to disable the blas and lapack
+ # when building the 'py-numpy' package, but it should not be a hard
+ # dependency on the 'py-numpy~blas~lapack' variant
+ depends_on('py-numpy', when='+da', type='run')
# GUI is optional for data anlysis
# py-matplotlib leads to a long complex DAG for dependencies
@@ -93,7 +134,7 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# Spack package
patch_url = ''
patch_checksum = '2ee346e24926479f5e96f8dc47812173a8847a58354bbc32cf2114af7a521c13'
- depends_on('quantum-espresso@6.3~elpa+hdf5',
+ depends_on('quantum-espresso@6.3~elpa+mpi+hdf5',
patches=patch(patch_url, sha256=patch_checksum, when='+qe'),
when='+qe+mpi', type='run')
@@ -141,10 +182,11 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
- fftw_prefix = spec['fftw'].prefix
- args.append('-DFFTW_HOME={0}'.format(fftw_prefix))
- args.append('-DFFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS={0}'.format(fftw_prefix.include))
- args.append('-DFFTW_LIBRARY_DIRS={0}'.format(fftw_prefix.lib))
+ if '^fftw@3:' in spec:
+ fftw_prefix = spec['fftw'].prefix
+ args.append('-DFFTW_HOME={0}'.format(fftw_prefix))
+ args.append('-DFFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS={0}'.format(fftw_prefix.include))
+ args.append('-DFFTW_LIBRARY_DIRS={0}'.format(fftw_prefix.lib))
@@ -152,13 +194,19 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# Default is MPI, serial version is convenient for cases, e.g. laptops
if '+mpi' in spec:
- elif '~mpi' in spec:
+ else:
+ # Default is parallel collective I/O enabled
+ if '+phdf5' in spec:
+ args.append('-DENABLE_PHDF5=1')
+ else:
+ args.append('-DENABLE_PHDF5=0')
# Default is real-valued single particle orbitals
if '+complex' in spec:
- elif '~complex' in spec:
+ else:
# When '-DQMC_CUDA=1', CMake automatically sets:
@@ -169,13 +217,13 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
if '+cuda' in spec:
- elif '~cuda' in spec:
+ else:
# Mixed-precision versues double-precision CPU and GPU code
if '+mixed' in spec:
- elif '~mixed' in spec:
+ else:
# New Structure-of-Array (SOA) code, much faster than default
@@ -183,13 +231,13 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# No support for local atomic orbital basis.
if '+soa' in spec:
- elif '~soa' in spec:
+ else:
# Manual Timers
if '+timers' in spec:
- elif '~timers' in spec:
+ else:
# Proper detection of optimized BLAS and LAPACK.
@@ -209,7 +257,7 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# get properly detected. Intel MKL requires special case due to
# differences in Darwin vs. Linux $MKLROOT naming schemes. This section
# of code is intentionally redundant for backwards compatibility.
- if 'intel-mkl' in self.spec:
+ if 'intel-mkl' in spec:
lapack_dir = format(join_path(env['MKLROOT'], 'include'))
# Next two lines were introduced in QMCPACK 3.5.0 and later.
# Prior to v3.5.0, these lines should be benign.
@@ -228,6 +276,11 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
return args
+ # QMCPACK 3.6.0 release and later has a functional 'make install',
+ # the Spack 'def install' is retained for backwards compatiblity.
+ # Note that the two install methods differ in their directory
+ # structure.
+ @when('@:3.5.0')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
"""Make the install targets"""
@@ -255,6 +308,23 @@ class Qmcpack(CMakePackage):
# install binaries
install_tree('bin', prefix.bin)
+ # QMCPACK 3.6.0 install directory structure changed, thus there
+ # thus are two version of the setup_environment method
+ @when('@:3.5.0')
+ def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
+ """Set-up runtime environment for QMCPACK.
+ Set PYTHONPATH for basic analysis scripts and for Nexus."""
+ run_env.prepend_path('PYTHONPATH',
+ @when('@3.6.0:')
+ def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
+ """Set-up runtime environment for QMCPACK.
+ Set PYTHONPATH for basic analysis scripts and for Nexus. Binaries
+ are in the 'prefix' directory instead of 'prefix.bin' which is
+ not set by the default module environment"""
+ run_env.prepend_path('PATH', self.prefix)
+ run_env.prepend_path('PYTHONPATH', self.prefix)
def check(self):