diff options
-rwxr-xr-xshare/spack/logo/favicon.icobin0 -> 1150 bytes
-rw-r--r--share/spack/logo/spack-logo-text-64.pngbin0 -> 18644 bytes
-rw-r--r--share/spack/logo/spack-logo-white-text-48.pngbin0 -> 12201 bytes
-rw-r--r--var/spack/packages/netlib-lapack/ (renamed from var/spack/packages/lapack/
94 files changed, 3012 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 74d618ed2f..3a2c535d4e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+![image](share/spack/logo/spack-logo-text-64.png "Spack")
Spack is a package management tool designed to support multiple
versions and configurations of software on a wide variety of platforms
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ can coexist on the same system.
Most importantly, Spack is simple. It offers a simple spec syntax so
that users can specify versions and configuration options
concisely. Spack is also simple for package authors: package files are
-writtin in pure Python, and specs allow package authors to write a
+written in pure Python, and specs allow package authors to write a
single build script for many different builds of the same package.
See the
@@ -62,21 +62,9 @@ latest stable release.
-Spack was written by Todd Gamblin,
-Significant contributions were also made by:
- * David Beckingsale
- * David Boehme
- * Alfredo Gimenez
- * Luc Jaulmes
- * Matt Legendre
- * Greg Lee
- * Adam Moody
- * Saravan Pantham
- * Joachim Protze
- * Bob Robey
- * Justin Too
+Many thanks go to Spack's [contributors](
+Spack was originally written by Todd Gamblin,
diff --git a/bin/spack b/bin/spack
index 5c042edd2d..127a85f6fe 100755
--- a/bin/spack
+++ b/bin/spack
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def main():
# If the user asked for it, don't check ssl certs.
if args.insecure:
- tty.warn("You asked for --insecure, which does not check SSL certificates or checksums.")
+ tty.warn("You asked for --insecure, which does not check SSL certificates.")
# Try to load the particular command asked for and run it
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/ b/lib/spack/docs/
index 7303d7fef6..bce9ef0e94 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
-#html_theme_options = [('show_copyright', False)]
+html_theme_options = { 'logo_only' : True }
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
html_theme_path = ["_themes"]
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ html_theme_path = ["_themes"]
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
# of the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
+html_logo = '../../../share/spack/logo/spack-logo-white-text-48.png'
# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
# pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
+html_favicon = '../../../share/spack/logo/favicon.ico'
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
diff --git a/lib/spack/llnl/util/ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
index 029a7536df..03f25d3dff 100644
--- a/lib/spack/llnl/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def working_dir(dirname, **kwargs):
def touch(path):
"""Creates an empty file at the specified path."""
- with closing(open(path, 'a')) as file:
+ with open(path, 'a') as file:
os.utime(path, None)
diff --git a/lib/spack/llnl/util/ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
index 9e1bef18ca..156ee34c9e 100644
--- a/lib/spack/llnl/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
@@ -87,10 +87,7 @@ def index_by(objects, *funcs):
result = {}
for o in objects:
key = f(o)
- if key not in result:
- result[key] = [o]
- else:
- result[key].append(o)
+ result.setdefault(key, []).append(o)
for key, objects in result.items():
result[key] = index_by(objects, *funcs[1:])
diff --git a/lib/spack/llnl/util/ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac3684bd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import fcntl
+import errno
+import time
+import socket
+# Default timeout in seconds, after which locks will raise exceptions.
+_default_timeout = 60
+# Sleep time per iteration in spin loop (in seconds)
+_sleep_time = 1e-5
+class Lock(object):
+ def __init__(self,file_path):
+ self._file_path = file_path
+ self._fd = None
+ self._reads = 0
+ self._writes = 0
+ def _lock(self, op, timeout):
+ """This takes a lock using POSIX locks (``fnctl.lockf``).
+ The lock is implemented as a spin lock using a nonblocking
+ call to lockf().
+ On acquiring an exclusive lock, the lock writes this process's
+ pid and host to the lock file, in case the holding process
+ needs to be killed later.
+ If the lock times out, it raises a ``LockError``.
+ """
+ start_time = time.time()
+ while (time.time() - start_time) < timeout:
+ try:
+ if self._fd is None:
+ self._fd =, os.O_RDWR)
+ fcntl.lockf(self._fd, op | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
+ if op == fcntl.LOCK_EX:
+ os.write(self._fd, "pid=%s,host=%s" % (os.getpid(), socket.getfqdn()))
+ return
+ except IOError as error:
+ if error.errno == errno.EAGAIN or error.errno == errno.EACCES:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ time.sleep(_sleep_time)
+ raise LockError("Timed out waiting for lock.")
+ def _unlock(self):
+ """Releases a lock using POSIX locks (``fcntl.lockf``)
+ Releases the lock regardless of mode. Note that read locks may
+ be masquerading as write locks, but this removes either.
+ """
+ fcntl.lockf(self._fd,fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ os.close(self._fd)
+ self._fd = None
+ def acquire_read(self, timeout=_default_timeout):
+ """Acquires a recursive, shared lock for reading.
+ Read and write locks can be acquired and released in arbitrary
+ order, but the POSIX lock is held until all local read and
+ write locks are released.
+ Returns True if it is the first acquire and actually acquires
+ the POSIX lock, False if it is a nested transaction.
+ """
+ if self._reads == 0 and self._writes == 0:
+ self._lock(fcntl.LOCK_SH, timeout) # can raise LockError.
+ self._reads += 1
+ return True
+ else:
+ self._reads += 1
+ return False
+ def acquire_write(self, timeout=_default_timeout):
+ """Acquires a recursive, exclusive lock for writing.
+ Read and write locks can be acquired and released in arbitrary
+ order, but the POSIX lock is held until all local read and
+ write locks are released.
+ Returns True if it is the first acquire and actually acquires
+ the POSIX lock, False if it is a nested transaction.
+ """
+ if self._writes == 0:
+ self._lock(fcntl.LOCK_EX, timeout) # can raise LockError.
+ self._writes += 1
+ return True
+ else:
+ self._writes += 1
+ return False
+ def release_read(self):
+ """Releases a read lock.
+ Returns True if the last recursive lock was released, False if
+ there are still outstanding locks.
+ Does limited correctness checking: if a read lock is released
+ when none are held, this will raise an assertion error.
+ """
+ assert self._reads > 0
+ if self._reads == 1 and self._writes == 0:
+ self._unlock() # can raise LockError.
+ self._reads -= 1
+ return True
+ else:
+ self._reads -= 1
+ return False
+ def release_write(self):
+ """Releases a write lock.
+ Returns True if the last recursive lock was released, False if
+ there are still outstanding locks.
+ Does limited correctness checking: if a read lock is released
+ when none are held, this will raise an assertion error.
+ """
+ assert self._writes > 0
+ if self._writes == 1 and self._reads == 0:
+ self._unlock() # can raise LockError.
+ self._writes -= 1
+ return True
+ else:
+ self._writes -= 1
+ return False
+class LockError(Exception):
+ """Raised when an attempt to acquire a lock times out."""
+ pass
diff --git a/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/
index 66c52c3968..db928444c7 100644
--- a/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/
+++ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ import struct
from StringIO import StringIO
from llnl.util.tty import terminal_size
-from llnl.util.tty.color import clen
+from llnl.util.tty.color import clen, cextra
class ColumnConfig:
def __init__(self, cols):
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ class ColumnConfig:
self.line_length = 0
self.valid = True
self.widths = [0] * cols # does not include ansi colors
- self.cwidths = [0] * cols # includes ansi colors
def __repr__(self):
attrs = [(a,getattr(self, a)) for a in dir(self) if not a.startswith("__")]
@@ -66,8 +64,6 @@ def config_variable_cols(elts, console_width, padding, cols=0):
# Get a bound on the most columns we could possibly have.
# 'clen' ignores length of ansi color sequences.
lengths = [clen(e) for e in elts]
- clengths = [len(e) for e in elts]
max_cols = max(1, console_width / (min(lengths) + padding))
max_cols = min(len(elts), max_cols)
@@ -85,7 +81,6 @@ def config_variable_cols(elts, console_width, padding, cols=0):
if conf.widths[col] < (length + p):
conf.line_length += length + p - conf.widths[col]
conf.widths[col] = length + p
- conf.cwidths[col] = clengths[i] + p
conf.valid = (conf.line_length < console_width)
@@ -118,7 +113,6 @@ def config_uniform_cols(elts, console_width, padding, cols=0):
config = ColumnConfig(cols)
config.widths = [max_len] * cols
- config.cwidths = [max_clen] * cols
return config
@@ -147,9 +141,6 @@ def colify(elts, **options):
method=<string> Method to use to fit columns. Options are variable or uniform.
Variable-width columns are tighter, uniform columns are all the
same width and fit less data on the screen.
- len=<func> Function to use for calculating string length.
- Useful for ignoring ansi color. Default is 'len'.
# Get keyword arguments or set defaults
cols = options.pop("cols", 0)
@@ -199,9 +190,6 @@ def colify(elts, **options):
raise ValueError("method must be one of: " + allowed_methods)
cols = config.cols
- formats = ["%%-%ds" % width for width in config.cwidths[:-1]]
- formats.append("%s") # last column has no trailing space
rows = (len(elts) + cols - 1) / cols
rows_last_col = len(elts) % rows
@@ -209,7 +197,9 @@ def colify(elts, **options):
output.write(" " * indent)
for col in xrange(cols):
elt = col * rows + row
- output.write(formats[col] % elts[elt])
+ width = config.widths[col] + cextra(elts[elt])
+ fmt = '%%-%ds' % width
+ output.write(fmt % elts[elt])
row += 1
diff --git a/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/
index 22080a7b37..0d09303da0 100644
--- a/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/
+++ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/
@@ -158,6 +158,11 @@ def clen(string):
return len(re.sub(r'\033[^m]*m', '', string))
+def cextra(string):
+ """"Length of extra color characters in a string"""
+ return len(''.join(re.findall(r'\033[^m]*m', string)))
def cwrite(string, stream=sys.stdout, color=None):
"""Replace all color expressions in string with ANSI control
codes and write the result to the stream. If color is
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index caa09eb6e0..1ecf662178 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -27,24 +27,26 @@ import tempfile
from llnl.util.filesystem import *
# This lives in $prefix/lib/spack/spack/__file__
-prefix = ancestor(__file__, 4)
+spack_root = ancestor(__file__, 4)
# The spack script itself
-spack_file = join_path(prefix, "bin", "spack")
+spack_file = join_path(spack_root, "bin", "spack")
# spack directory hierarchy
-etc_path = join_path(prefix, "etc")
-lib_path = join_path(prefix, "lib", "spack")
+lib_path = join_path(spack_root, "lib", "spack")
build_env_path = join_path(lib_path, "env")
module_path = join_path(lib_path, "spack")
compilers_path = join_path(module_path, "compilers")
test_path = join_path(module_path, "test")
hooks_path = join_path(module_path, "hooks")
-var_path = join_path(prefix, "var", "spack")
+var_path = join_path(spack_root, "var", "spack")
stage_path = join_path(var_path, "stage")
+share_path = join_path(spack_root, "share", "spack")
+prefix = spack_root
opt_path = join_path(prefix, "opt")
install_path = join_path(opt_path, "spack")
-share_path = join_path(prefix, "share", "spack")
+etc_path = join_path(prefix, "etc")
# Set up the packages database.
@@ -54,6 +56,12 @@ packages_path = join_path(var_path, "packages")
db = PackageDB(packages_path)
+# Set up the installed packages database
+from spack.database import Database
+installed_db = Database(install_path)
# Paths to mock files for testing.
mock_packages_path = join_path(var_path, "mock_packages")
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 0c4b605e91..6c874e30be 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import os
-import platform as py_platform
+import re
+import platform
from llnl.util.lang import memoized
import spack
import spack.error as serr
-from spack.version import Version
class InvalidSysTypeError(serr.SpackError):
@@ -59,14 +59,11 @@ def get_sys_type_from_environment():
return os.environ.get('SYS_TYPE')
-def get_mac_sys_type():
- """Return a Mac OS SYS_TYPE or None if this isn't a mac."""
- mac_ver = py_platform.mac_ver()[0]
- if not mac_ver:
- return None
- return "macosx_%s_%s" % (
- Version(mac_ver).up_to(2), py_platform.machine())
+def get_sys_type_from_platform():
+ """Return the architecture from Python's platform module."""
+ sys_type = platform.system() + '-' + platform.machine()
+ sys_type = re.sub(r'[^\w-]', '_', sys_type)
+ return sys_type.lower()
@@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ def sys_type():
"""Returns a SysType for the current machine."""
methods = [get_sys_type_from_spack_globals,
- get_mac_sys_type]
+ get_sys_type_from_platform]
# search for a method that doesn't return None
sys_type = None
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index a133faa629..dac25d9940 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -296,4 +296,9 @@ def fork(pkg, function):
# message. Just make the parent exit with an error code.
pid, returncode = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
if returncode != 0:
- sys.exit(1)
+ raise InstallError("Installation process had nonzero exit code."
+ .format(str(returncode)))
+class InstallError(spack.error.SpackError):
+ """Raised when a package fails to install"""
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index b96ac5af51..6ce6fa0960 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def elide_list(line_list, max_num=10):
def disambiguate_spec(spec):
- matching_specs = spack.db.get_installed(spec)
+ matching_specs = spack.installed_db.query(spec)
if not matching_specs:
tty.die("Spec '%s' matches no installed packages." % spec)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index e44be41029..1f0e303cdf 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def deactivate(parser, args):
if args.all:
if pkg.extendable:
tty.msg("Deactivating all extensions of %s" % pkg.spec.short_spec)
- ext_pkgs = spack.db.installed_extensions_for(spec)
+ ext_pkgs = spack.installed_db.installed_extensions_for(spec)
for ext_pkg in ext_pkgs:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 6e7f10fba6..9f8a6d39db 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -58,36 +58,38 @@ def diy(self, args):
if len(specs) > 1:
tty.die("spack diy only takes one spec.")
- spec = specs[0]
- if not spack.db.exists(
- tty.warn("No such package: %s" %
- create = tty.get_yes_or_no("Create this package?", default=False)
- if not create:
- tty.msg("Exiting without creating.")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- tty.msg("Running 'spack edit -f %s'" %
- edit_package(, True)
- return
+ # Take a write lock before checking for existence.
+ with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
+ spec = specs[0]
+ if not spack.db.exists(
+ tty.warn("No such package: %s" %
+ create = tty.get_yes_or_no("Create this package?", default=False)
+ if not create:
+ tty.msg("Exiting without creating.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ tty.msg("Running 'spack edit -f %s'" %
+ edit_package(, True)
+ return
- if not spec.version.concrete:
- tty.die("spack diy spec must have a single, concrete version.")
+ if not spec.version.concrete:
+ tty.die("spack diy spec must have a single, concrete version.")
- spec.concretize()
- package = spack.db.get(spec)
+ spec.concretize()
+ package = spack.db.get(spec)
- if package.installed:
- tty.error("Already installed in %s" % package.prefix)
- tty.msg("Uninstall or try adding a version suffix for this DIY build.")
- sys.exit(1)
+ if package.installed:
+ tty.error("Already installed in %s" % package.prefix)
+ tty.msg("Uninstall or try adding a version suffix for this DIY build.")
+ sys.exit(1)
- # Forces the build to run out of the current directory.
- package.stage = DIYStage(os.getcwd())
+ # Forces the build to run out of the current directory.
+ package.stage = DIYStage(os.getcwd())
- # TODO: make this an argument, not a global.
- spack.do_checksum = False
+ # TODO: make this an argument, not a global.
+ spack.do_checksum = False
- package.do_install(
- keep_prefix=args.keep_prefix,
- ignore_deps=args.ignore_deps,
- keep_stage=True) # don't remove source dir for DIY.
+ package.do_install(
+ keep_prefix=args.keep_prefix,
+ ignore_deps=args.ignore_deps,
+ keep_stage=True) # don't remove source dir for DIY.
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index fc8e6842c3..7cadc424b0 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def extensions(parser, args):
colify( for ext in extensions)
# List specs of installed extensions.
- installed = [s.spec for s in spack.db.installed_extensions_for(spec)]
+ installed = [s.spec for s in spack.installed_db.installed_extensions_for(spec)]
if not installed:
tty.msg("None installed.")
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 3c993990b1..0b0dd6ef6f 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ def setup_parser(subparser):
help='Show dependency hashes as well as versions.')
+ '-u', '--unknown', action='store_true', dest='unknown',
+ help='Show only specs Spack does not have a package for.')
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-m', '--missing', action='store_true', dest='missing',
+ help='Show missing dependencies as well as installed specs.')
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-M', '--only-missing', action='store_true', dest='only_missing',
+ help='Show only missing dependencies.')
+ subparser.add_argument(
'query_specs', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='optional specs to filter results')
@@ -113,6 +123,7 @@ def display_specs(specs, **kwargs):
if hashes:
string += gray_hash(s, hlen) + ' '
string += s.format('$-_$@$+', color=True)
return string
colify(fmt(s) for s in specs)
@@ -136,11 +147,21 @@ def find(parser, args):
if not query_specs:
+ # Set up query arguments.
+ installed, known = True, any
+ if args.only_missing:
+ installed = False
+ elif args.missing:
+ installed = any
+ if args.unknown:
+ known = False
+ q_args = { 'installed' : installed, 'known' : known }
# Get all the specs the user asked for
if not query_specs:
- specs = set(spack.db.installed_package_specs())
+ specs = set(spack.installed_db.query(**q_args))
- results = [set(spack.db.get_installed(qs)) for qs in query_specs]
+ results = [set(spack.installed_db.query(qs, **q_args)) for qs in query_specs]
specs = set.union(*results)
if not args.mode:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index c6209523f0..085e4db44d 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -65,11 +65,21 @@ def print_text_info(pkg):
print "None"
pad = padder(pkg.variants, 4)
+ maxv = max(len(v) for v in sorted(pkg.variants))
+ fmt = "%%-%ss%%-10s%%s" % (maxv + 4)
+ print " " + fmt % ('Name', 'Default', 'Description')
+ print
for name in sorted(pkg.variants):
v = pkg.variants[name]
- print " %s%s" % (
- pad(('+' if v.default else '-') + name + ':'),
- "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(v.description)))
+ default = 'on' if v.default else 'off'
+ lines = textwrap.wrap(v.description)
+ lines[1:] = [" " + (" " * maxv) + l for l in lines[1:]]
+ desc = "\n".join(lines)
+ print " " + fmt % (name, default, desc)
print "Dependencies:"
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index acb688a092..836a6260c8 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ def install(parser, args):
specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.packages, concretize=True)
for spec in specs:
package = spack.db.get(spec)
- package.do_install(
- keep_prefix=args.keep_prefix,
- keep_stage=args.keep_stage,
- ignore_deps=args.ignore_deps,
- verbose=args.verbose,
- fake=args.fake)
+ with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
+ package.do_install(
+ keep_prefix=args.keep_prefix,
+ keep_stage=args.keep_stage,
+ ignore_deps=args.ignore_deps,
+ verbose=args.verbose,
+ fake=args.fake)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index 34f0855a50..654b0cb2fa 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def module_find(mtype, spec_array):
tty.die("You can only pass one spec.")
spec = specs[0]
- specs = [s for s in spack.db.installed_package_specs() if s.satisfies(spec)]
+ specs = spack.installed_db.query(spec)
if len(specs) == 0:
tty.die("No installed packages match spec %s" % spec)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def module_find(mtype, spec_array):
def module_refresh():
"""Regenerate all module files for installed packages known to
spack (some packages may no longer exist)."""
- specs = [s for s in spack.db.installed_known_package_specs()]
+ specs = [s for s in spack.installed_db.query(installed=True, known=True)]
for name, cls in module_types.items():
tty.msg("Regenerating %s module files." % name)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b584729ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from external import argparse
+import spack
+description = "Rebuild Spack's package database."
+def reindex(parser, args):
+ spack.installed_db.reindex(spack.install_layout)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68b761d5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+from external import argparse
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import itertools
+import re
+import os
+import codecs
+import llnl.util.tty as tty
+from llnl.util.filesystem import *
+import spack
+from spack.build_environment import InstallError
+from spack.fetch_strategy import FetchError
+import spack.cmd
+description = "Treat package installations as unit tests and output formatted test results"
+def setup_parser(subparser):
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-j', '--jobs', action='store', type=int,
+ help="Explicitly set number of make jobs. Default is #cpus.")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-n', '--no-checksum', action='store_true', dest='no_checksum',
+ help="Do not check packages against checksum")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-o', '--output', action='store', help="test output goes in this file")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ 'package', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="spec of package to install")
+class JunitResultFormat(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.root = ET.Element('testsuite')
+ self.tests = []
+ def add_test(self, buildId, testResult, buildInfo=None):
+ self.tests.append((buildId, testResult, buildInfo))
+ def write_to(self, stream):
+ self.root.set('tests', '{0}'.format(len(self.tests)))
+ for buildId, testResult, buildInfo in self.tests:
+ testcase = ET.SubElement(self.root, 'testcase')
+ testcase.set('classname',
+ testcase.set('name', buildId.stringId())
+ if testResult == TestResult.FAILED:
+ failure = ET.SubElement(testcase, 'failure')
+ failure.set('type', "Build Error")
+ failure.text = buildInfo
+ elif testResult == TestResult.SKIPPED:
+ skipped = ET.SubElement(testcase, 'skipped')
+ skipped.set('type', "Skipped Build")
+ skipped.text = buildInfo
+ ET.ElementTree(self.root).write(stream)
+class TestResult(object):
+ PASSED = 0
+ FAILED = 1
+class BuildId(object):
+ def __init__(self, spec):
+ =
+ self.version = spec.version
+ self.hashId = spec.dag_hash()
+ def stringId(self):
+ return "-".join(str(x) for x in (, self.version, self.hashId))
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((, self.version, self.hashId))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, BuildId):
+ return False
+ return ((, self.version, self.hashId) ==
+ (, other.version, other.hashId))
+def fetch_log(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ return list()
+ with, 'rb', 'utf-8') as F:
+ return list(line.strip() for line in F.readlines())
+def failed_dependencies(spec):
+ return set(childSpec for childSpec in spec.dependencies.itervalues() if not
+ spack.db.get(childSpec).installed)
+def create_test_output(topSpec, newInstalls, output, getLogFunc=fetch_log):
+ # Post-order traversal is not strictly required but it makes sense to output
+ # tests for dependencies first.
+ for spec in topSpec.traverse(order='post'):
+ if spec not in newInstalls:
+ continue
+ failedDeps = failed_dependencies(spec)
+ package = spack.db.get(spec)
+ if failedDeps:
+ result = TestResult.SKIPPED
+ dep = iter(failedDeps).next()
+ depBID = BuildId(dep)
+ errOutput = "Skipped due to failed dependency: {0}".format(
+ depBID.stringId())
+ elif (not package.installed) and (not package.stage.source_path):
+ result = TestResult.FAILED
+ errOutput = "Failure to fetch package resources."
+ elif not package.installed:
+ result = TestResult.FAILED
+ lines = getLogFunc(package.build_log_path)
+ errMessages = list(line for line in lines if
+'error:', line, re.IGNORECASE))
+ errOutput = errMessages if errMessages else lines[-10:]
+ errOutput = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(
+ [spec.to_yaml(), "Errors:"], errOutput,
+ ["Build Log:", package.build_log_path]))
+ else:
+ result = TestResult.PASSED
+ errOutput = None
+ bId = BuildId(spec)
+ output.add_test(bId, result, errOutput)
+def test_install(parser, args):
+ if not args.package:
+ tty.die("install requires a package argument")
+ if is not None:
+ if <= 0:
+ tty.die("The -j option must be a positive integer!")
+ if args.no_checksum:
+ spack.do_checksum = False # TODO: remove this global.
+ specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.package, concretize=True)
+ if len(specs) > 1:
+ tty.die("Only 1 top-level package can be specified")
+ topSpec = iter(specs).next()
+ newInstalls = set()
+ for spec in topSpec.traverse():
+ package = spack.db.get(spec)
+ if not package.installed:
+ newInstalls.add(spec)
+ if not args.output:
+ bId = BuildId(topSpec)
+ outputDir = join_path(os.getcwd(), "test-output")
+ if not os.path.exists(outputDir):
+ os.mkdir(outputDir)
+ outputFpath = join_path(outputDir, "test-{0}.xml".format(bId.stringId()))
+ else:
+ outputFpath = args.output
+ for spec in topSpec.traverse(order='post'):
+ # Calling do_install for the top-level package would be sufficient but
+ # this attempts to keep going if any package fails (other packages which
+ # are not dependents may succeed)
+ package = spack.db.get(spec)
+ if (not failed_dependencies(spec)) and (not package.installed):
+ try:
+ package.do_install(
+ keep_prefix=False,
+ keep_stage=True,
+ ignore_deps=False,
+ verbose=True,
+ fake=False)
+ except InstallError:
+ pass
+ except FetchError:
+ pass
+ jrf = JunitResultFormat()
+ handled = {}
+ create_test_output(topSpec, newInstalls, jrf)
+ with open(outputFpath, 'wb') as F:
+ jrf.write_to(F)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index aa62510fed..e80f2d2636 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -53,51 +53,52 @@ def uninstall(parser, args):
if not args.packages:
tty.die("uninstall requires at least one package argument.")
- specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.packages)
+ with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
+ specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.packages)
- # For each spec provided, make sure it refers to only one package.
- # Fail and ask user to be unambiguous if it doesn't
- pkgs = []
- for spec in specs:
- matching_specs = spack.db.get_installed(spec)
- if not args.all and len(matching_specs) > 1:
- tty.error("%s matches multiple packages:" % spec)
- print
- display_specs(matching_specs, long=True)
- print
- print "You can either:"
- print " a) Use a more specific spec, or"
- print " b) use spack uninstall -a to uninstall ALL matching specs."
- sys.exit(1)
+ # For each spec provided, make sure it refers to only one package.
+ # Fail and ask user to be unambiguous if it doesn't
+ pkgs = []
+ for spec in specs:
+ matching_specs = spack.installed_db.query(spec)
+ if not args.all and len(matching_specs) > 1:
+ tty.error("%s matches multiple packages:" % spec)
+ print
+ display_specs(matching_specs, long=True)
+ print
+ print "You can either:"
+ print " a) Use a more specific spec, or"
+ print " b) use spack uninstall -a to uninstall ALL matching specs."
+ sys.exit(1)
- if len(matching_specs) == 0:
- if args.force: continue
- tty.die("%s does not match any installed packages." % spec)
+ if len(matching_specs) == 0:
+ if args.force: continue
+ tty.die("%s does not match any installed packages." % spec)
- for s in matching_specs:
- try:
- # should work if package is known to spack
- pkgs.append(s.package)
+ for s in matching_specs:
+ try:
+ # should work if package is known to spack
+ pkgs.append(s.package)
- except spack.packages.UnknownPackageError, e:
- # The file has gone away -- but still want to uninstall.
- spack.Package(s).do_uninstall(force=True)
+ except spack.packages.UnknownPackageError, e:
+ # The file has gone away -- but still want to uninstall.
+ spack.Package(s).do_uninstall(force=True)
- # Sort packages to be uninstalled by the number of installed dependents
- # This ensures we do things in the right order
- def num_installed_deps(pkg):
- return len(pkg.installed_dependents)
- pkgs.sort(key=num_installed_deps)
+ # Sort packages to be uninstalled by the number of installed dependents
+ # This ensures we do things in the right order
+ def num_installed_deps(pkg):
+ return len(pkg.installed_dependents)
+ pkgs.sort(key=num_installed_deps)
- # Uninstall packages in order now.
- for pkg in pkgs:
- try:
- pkg.do_uninstall(force=args.force)
- except PackageStillNeededError, e:
- tty.error("Will not uninstall %s" % e.spec.format("$_$@$%@$#", color=True))
- print
- print "The following packages depend on it:"
- display_specs(e.dependents, long=True)
- print
- print "You can use spack uninstall -f to force this action."
- sys.exit(1)
+ # Uninstall packages in order now.
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ try:
+ pkg.do_uninstall(force=args.force)
+ except PackageStillNeededError, e:
+ tty.error("Will not uninstall %s" % e.spec.format("$_$@$%@$#", color=True))
+ print
+ print "The following packages depend on it:"
+ display_specs(e.dependents, long=True)
+ print
+ print "You can use spack uninstall -f to force this action."
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 646050d267..1e800a8979 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -227,14 +227,32 @@ class Compiler(object):
for d in dicts:
- compilers = []
+ compilers = {}
for k in all_keys:
ver, pre, suf = k
+ # Skip compilers with unknown version.
+ if ver == 'unknown':
+ continue
paths = tuple(pn[k] if k in pn else None for pn in dicts)
spec = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(, ver)
- compilers.append(cls(spec, *paths))
- return compilers
+ if ver in compilers:
+ prev = compilers[ver]
+ # prefer the one with more compilers.
+ prev_paths = [, prev.cxx, prev.f77, prev.fc]
+ newcount = len([p for p in paths if p is not None])
+ prevcount = len([p for p in prev_paths if p is not None])
+ # Don't add if it's not an improvement over prev compiler.
+ if newcount <= prevcount:
+ continue
+ compilers[ver] = cls(spec, *paths)
+ return list(compilers.values())
def __repr__(self):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0c14a0455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+"""Spack's installation tracking database.
+The database serves two purposes:
+ 1. It implements a cache on top of a potentially very large Spack
+ directory hierarchy, speeding up many operations that would
+ otherwise require filesystem access.
+ 2. It will allow us to track external installations as well as lost
+ packages and their dependencies.
+Prior ot the implementation of this store, a direcotry layout served
+as the authoritative database of packages in Spack. This module
+provides a cache and a sanity checking mechanism for what is in the
+import os
+import time
+import socket
+from external import yaml
+from external.yaml.error import MarkedYAMLError, YAMLError
+import llnl.util.tty as tty
+from llnl.util.filesystem import *
+from llnl.util.lock import *
+import spack.spec
+from spack.version import Version
+from spack.spec import Spec
+from spack.error import SpackError
+# DB goes in this directory underneath the root
+_db_dirname = '.spack-db'
+# DB version. This is stuck in the DB file to track changes in format.
+_db_version = Version('0.9')
+# Default timeout for spack database locks is 5 min.
+_db_lock_timeout = 60
+def _autospec(function):
+ """Decorator that automatically converts the argument of a single-arg
+ function to a Spec."""
+ def converter(self, spec_like, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(spec_like, spack.spec.Spec):
+ spec_like = spack.spec.Spec(spec_like)
+ return function(self, spec_like, *args, **kwargs)
+ return converter
+class InstallRecord(object):
+ """A record represents one installation in the DB.
+ The record keeps track of the spec for the installation, its
+ install path, AND whether or not it is installed. We need the
+ installed flag in case a user either:
+ a) blew away a directory, or
+ b) used spack uninstall -f to get rid of it
+ If, in either case, the package was removed but others still
+ depend on it, we still need to track its spec, so we don't
+ actually remove from the database until a spec has no installed
+ dependents left.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, spec, path, installed, ref_count=0):
+ self.spec = spec
+ self.path = str(path)
+ self.installed = bool(installed)
+ self.ref_count = ref_count
+ def to_dict(self):
+ return { 'spec' : self.spec.to_node_dict(),
+ 'path' : self.path,
+ 'installed' : self.installed,
+ 'ref_count' : self.ref_count }
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, spec, dictionary):
+ d = dictionary
+ return InstallRecord(spec, d['path'], d['installed'], d['ref_count'])
+class Database(object):
+ def __init__(self, root, db_dir=None):
+ """Create a Database for Spack installations under ``root``.
+ A Database is a cache of Specs data from ``$prefix/spec.yaml``
+ files in Spack installation directories.
+ By default, Database files (data and lock files) are stored
+ under ``root/.spack-db``, which is created if it does not
+ exist. This is the ``db_dir``.
+ The Database will attempt to read an ``index.yaml`` file in
+ ``db_dir``. If it does not find one, it will be created when
+ needed by scanning the entire Database root for ``spec.yaml``
+ files according to Spack's ``DirectoryLayout``.
+ Caller may optionally provide a custom ``db_dir`` parameter
+ where data will be stored. This is intended to be used for
+ testing the Database class.
+ """
+ self.root = root
+ if db_dir is None:
+ # If the db_dir is not provided, default to within the db root.
+ self._db_dir = join_path(self.root, _db_dirname)
+ else:
+ # Allow customizing the database directory location for testing.
+ self._db_dir = db_dir
+ # Set up layout of database files within the db dir
+ self._index_path = join_path(self._db_dir, 'index.yaml')
+ self._lock_path = join_path(self._db_dir, 'lock')
+ # Create needed directories and files
+ if not os.path.exists(self._db_dir):
+ mkdirp(self._db_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(self._lock_path):
+ touch(self._lock_path)
+ # initialize rest of state.
+ self.lock = Lock(self._lock_path)
+ self._data = {}
+ def write_transaction(self, timeout=_db_lock_timeout):
+ """Get a write lock context manager for use in a `with` block."""
+ return WriteTransaction(self, self._read, self._write, timeout)
+ def read_transaction(self, timeout=_db_lock_timeout):
+ """Get a read lock context manager for use in a `with` block."""
+ return ReadTransaction(self, self._read, None, timeout)
+ def _write_to_yaml(self, stream):
+ """Write out the databsae to a YAML file.
+ This function does not do any locking or transactions.
+ """
+ # map from per-spec hash code to installation record.
+ installs = dict((k, v.to_dict()) for k, v in self._data.items())
+ # database includes installation list and version.
+ # NOTE: this DB version does not handle multiple installs of
+ # the same spec well. If there are 2 identical specs with
+ # different paths, it can't differentiate.
+ # TODO: fix this before we support multiple install locations.
+ database = {
+ 'database' : {
+ 'installs' : installs,
+ 'version' : str(_db_version)
+ }
+ }
+ try:
+ return yaml.dump(database, stream=stream, default_flow_style=False)
+ except YAMLError as e:
+ raise SpackYAMLError("error writing YAML database:", str(e))
+ def _read_spec_from_yaml(self, hash_key, installs, parent_key=None):
+ """Recursively construct a spec from a hash in a YAML database.
+ Does not do any locking.
+ """
+ if hash_key not in installs:
+ parent = read_spec(installs[parent_key]['path'])
+ spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']
+ # Build spec from dict first.
+ spec = Spec.from_node_dict(spec_dict)
+ # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
+ # form a full spec.
+ for dep_hash in spec_dict[]['dependencies'].values():
+ child = self._read_spec_from_yaml(dep_hash, installs, hash_key)
+ spec._add_dependency(child)
+ return spec
+ def _read_from_yaml(self, stream):
+ """
+ Fill database from YAML, do not maintain old data
+ Translate the spec portions from node-dict form to spec form
+ Does not do any locking.
+ """
+ try:
+ if isinstance(stream, basestring):
+ with open(stream, 'r') as f:
+ yfile = yaml.load(f)
+ else:
+ yfile = yaml.load(stream)
+ except MarkedYAMLError as e:
+ raise SpackYAMLError("error parsing YAML database:", str(e))
+ if yfile is None:
+ return
+ def check(cond, msg):
+ if not cond: raise CorruptDatabaseError(self._index_path, msg)
+ check('database' in yfile, "No 'database' attribute in YAML.")
+ # High-level file checks
+ db = yfile['database']
+ check('installs' in db, "No 'installs' in YAML DB.")
+ check('version' in db, "No 'version' in YAML DB.")
+ # TODO: better version checking semantics.
+ version = Version(db['version'])
+ if version != _db_version:
+ raise InvalidDatabaseVersionError(_db_version, version)
+ # Iterate through database and check each record.
+ installs = db['installs']
+ data = {}
+ for hash_key, rec in installs.items():
+ try:
+ # This constructs a spec DAG from the list of all installs
+ spec = self._read_spec_from_yaml(hash_key, installs)
+ # Validate the spec by ensuring the stored and actual
+ # hashes are the same.
+ spec_hash = spec.dag_hash()
+ if not spec_hash == hash_key:
+ tty.warn("Hash mismatch in database: %s -> spec with hash %s"
+ % (hash_key, spec_hash))
+ continue # TODO: is skipping the right thing to do?
+ # Insert the brand new spec in the database. Each
+ # spec has its own copies of its dependency specs.
+ # TODO: would a more immmutable spec implementation simplify this?
+ data[hash_key] = InstallRecord.from_dict(spec, rec)
+ except Exception as e:
+ tty.warn("Invalid database reecord:",
+ "file: %s" % self._index_path,
+ "hash: %s" % hash_key,
+ "cause: %s" % str(e))
+ raise
+ self._data = data
+ def reindex(self, directory_layout):
+ """Build database index from scratch based from a directory layout.
+ Locks the DB if it isn't locked already.
+ """
+ with self.write_transaction():
+ old_data = self._data
+ try:
+ self._data = {}
+ # Ask the directory layout to traverse the filesystem.
+ for spec in directory_layout.all_specs():
+ # Create a spec for each known package and add it.
+ path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
+ self._add(spec, path, directory_layout)
+ self._check_ref_counts()
+ except:
+ # If anything explodes, restore old data, skip write.
+ self._data = old_data
+ raise
+ def _check_ref_counts(self):
+ """Ensure consistency of reference counts in the DB.
+ Raise an AssertionError if something is amiss.
+ Does no locking.
+ """
+ counts = {}
+ for key, rec in self._data.items():
+ counts.setdefault(key, 0)
+ for dep in rec.spec.dependencies.values():
+ dep_key = dep.dag_hash()
+ counts.setdefault(dep_key, 0)
+ counts[dep_key] += 1
+ for rec in self._data.values():
+ key = rec.spec.dag_hash()
+ expected = counts[key]
+ found = rec.ref_count
+ if not expected == found:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "Invalid ref_count: %s: %d (expected %d), in DB %s."
+ % (key, found, expected, self._index_path))
+ def _write(self):
+ """Write the in-memory database index to its file path.
+ Does no locking.
+ """
+ temp_file = self._index_path + (
+ '.%s.%s.temp' % (socket.getfqdn(), os.getpid()))
+ # Write a temporary database file them move it into place
+ try:
+ with open(temp_file, 'w') as f:
+ self._write_to_yaml(f)
+ os.rename(temp_file, self._index_path)
+ except:
+ # Clean up temp file if something goes wrong.
+ if os.path.exists(temp_file):
+ os.remove(temp_file)
+ raise
+ def _read(self):
+ """Re-read Database from the data in the set location.
+ This does no locking.
+ """
+ if os.path.isfile(self._index_path):
+ # Read from YAML file if a database exists
+ self._read_from_yaml(self._index_path)
+ else:
+ # The file doesn't exist, try to traverse the directory.
+ # reindex() takes its own write lock, so no lock here.
+ self.reindex(spack.install_layout)
+ def _add(self, spec, path, directory_layout=None):
+ """Add an install record for spec at path to the database.
+ This assumes that the spec is not already installed. It
+ updates the ref counts on dependencies of the spec in the DB.
+ This operation is in-memory, and does not lock the DB.
+ """
+ key = spec.dag_hash()
+ if key in self._data:
+ rec = self._data[key]
+ rec.installed = True
+ # TODO: this overwrites a previous install path (when path !=
+ # self._data[key].path), and the old path still has a
+ # dependent in the DB. We could consider re-RPATH-ing the
+ # dependents. This case is probably infrequent and may not be
+ # worth fixing, but this is where we can discover it.
+ rec.path = path
+ else:
+ self._data[key] = InstallRecord(spec, path, True)
+ for dep in spec.dependencies.values():
+ self._increment_ref_count(dep, directory_layout)
+ def _increment_ref_count(self, spec, directory_layout=None):
+ """Recursively examine dependencies and update their DB entries."""
+ key = spec.dag_hash()
+ if key not in self._data:
+ installed = False
+ path = None
+ if directory_layout:
+ path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
+ installed = os.path.isdir(path)
+ self._data[key] = InstallRecord(spec.copy(), path, installed)
+ for dep in spec.dependencies.values():
+ self._increment_ref_count(dep)
+ self._data[key].ref_count += 1
+ @_autospec
+ def add(self, spec, path):
+ """Add spec at path to database, locking and reading DB to sync.
+ ``add()`` will lock and read from the DB on disk.
+ """
+ # TODO: ensure that spec is concrete?
+ # Entire add is transactional.
+ with self.write_transaction():
+ self._add(spec, path)
+ def _get_matching_spec_key(self, spec, **kwargs):
+ """Get the exact spec OR get a single spec that matches."""
+ key = spec.dag_hash()
+ if not key in self._data:
+ match = self.query_one(spec, **kwargs)
+ if match:
+ return match.dag_hash()
+ raise KeyError("No such spec in database! %s" % spec)
+ return key
+ @_autospec
+ def get_record(self, spec, **kwargs):
+ key = self._get_matching_spec_key(spec, **kwargs)
+ return self._data[key]
+ def _decrement_ref_count(self, spec):
+ key = spec.dag_hash()
+ if not key in self._data:
+ # TODO: print something here? DB is corrupt, but
+ # not much we can do.
+ return
+ rec = self._data[key]
+ rec.ref_count -= 1
+ if rec.ref_count == 0 and not rec.installed:
+ del self._data[key]
+ for dep in spec.dependencies.values():
+ self._decrement_ref_count(dep)
+ def _remove(self, spec):
+ """Non-locking version of remove(); does real work.
+ """
+ key = self._get_matching_spec_key(spec)
+ rec = self._data[key]
+ if rec.ref_count > 0:
+ rec.installed = False
+ return rec.spec
+ del self._data[key]
+ for dep in rec.spec.dependencies.values():
+ self._decrement_ref_count(dep)
+ # Returns the concrete spec so we know it in the case where a
+ # query spec was passed in.
+ return rec.spec
+ @_autospec
+ def remove(self, spec):
+ """Removes a spec from the database. To be called on uninstall.
+ Reads the database, then:
+ 1. Marks the spec as not installed.
+ 2. Removes the spec if it has no more dependents.
+ 3. If removed, recursively updates dependencies' ref counts
+ and remvoes them if they are no longer needed.
+ """
+ # Take a lock around the entire removal.
+ with self.write_transaction():
+ return self._remove(spec)
+ @_autospec
+ def installed_extensions_for(self, extendee_spec):
+ """
+ Return the specs of all packages that extend
+ the given spec
+ """
+ for s in self.query():
+ try:
+ if s.package.extends(extendee_spec):
+ yield s.package
+ except UnknownPackageError as e:
+ continue
+ # skips unknown packages
+ # TODO: conditional way to do this instead of catching exceptions
+ def query(self, query_spec=any, known=any, installed=True):
+ """Run a query on the database.
+ ``query_spec``
+ Queries iterate through specs in the database and return
+ those that satisfy the supplied ``query_spec``. If
+ query_spec is `any`, This will match all specs in the
+ database. If it is a spec, we'll evaluate
+ ``spec.satisfies(query_spec)``.
+ The query can be constrained by two additional attributes:
+ ``known``
+ Possible values: True, False, any
+ Specs that are "known" are those for which Spack can
+ locate a ```` file -- i.e., Spack "knows" how to
+ install them. Specs that are unknown may represent
+ packages that existed in a previous version of Spack, but
+ have since either changed their name or been removed.
+ ``installed``
+ Possible values: True, False, any
+ Specs for which a prefix exists are "installed". A spec
+ that is NOT installed will be in the database if some
+ other spec depends on it but its installation has gone
+ away since Spack installed it.
+ TODO: Specs are a lot like queries. Should there be a
+ wildcard spec object, and should specs have attributes
+ like installed and known that can be queried? Or are
+ these really special cases that only belong here?
+ """
+ with self.read_transaction():
+ results = []
+ for key, rec in self._data.items():
+ if installed is not any and rec.installed != installed:
+ continue
+ if known is not any and spack.db.exists( != known:
+ continue
+ if query_spec is any or rec.spec.satisfies(query_spec):
+ results.append(rec.spec)
+ return sorted(results)
+ def query_one(self, query_spec, known=any, installed=True):
+ """Query for exactly one spec that matches the query spec.
+ Raises an assertion error if more than one spec matches the
+ query. Returns None if no installed package matches.
+ """
+ concrete_specs = self.query(query_spec, known, installed)
+ assert len(concrete_specs) <= 1
+ return concrete_specs[0] if concrete_specs else None
+ def missing(self, spec):
+ with self.read_transaction():
+ key = spec.dag_hash()
+ return key in self._data and not self._data[key].installed
+class _Transaction(object):
+ """Simple nested transaction context manager that uses a file lock.
+ This class can trigger actions when the lock is acquired for the
+ first time and released for the last.
+ Timeout for lock is customizable.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, db, acquire_fn=None, release_fn=None,
+ timeout=_db_lock_timeout):
+ self._db = db
+ self._timeout = timeout
+ self._acquire_fn = acquire_fn
+ self._release_fn = release_fn
+ def __enter__(self):
+ if self._enter() and self._acquire_fn:
+ self._acquire_fn()
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ if self._exit() and self._release_fn:
+ self._release_fn()
+class ReadTransaction(_Transaction):
+ def _enter(self):
+ return self._db.lock.acquire_read(self._timeout)
+ def _exit(self):
+ return self._db.lock.release_read()
+class WriteTransaction(_Transaction):
+ def _enter(self):
+ return self._db.lock.acquire_write(self._timeout)
+ def _exit(self):
+ return self._db.lock.release_write()
+class CorruptDatabaseError(SpackError):
+ def __init__(self, path, msg=''):
+ super(CorruptDatabaseError, self).__init__(
+ "Spack database is corrupt: %s. %s" %(path, msg))
+class InvalidDatabaseVersionError(SpackError):
+ def __init__(self, expected, found):
+ super(InvalidDatabaseVersionError, self).__init__(
+ "Expected database version %s but found version %s"
+ % (expected, found))
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 9297d6dac3..78039ac6f9 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -239,12 +239,10 @@ def patch(pkg, url_or_filename, level=1, when=None):
when =
when_spec = parse_anonymous_spec(when,
- if when_spec not in pkg.patches:
- pkg.patches[when_spec] = [Patch(, url_or_filename, level)]
- else:
- # if this spec is identical to some other, then append this
- # patch to the existing list.
- pkg.patches[when_spec].append(Patch(, url_or_filename, level))
+ cur_patches = pkg.patches.setdefault(when_spec, [])
+ # if this spec is identical to some other, then append this
+ # patch to the existing list.
+ cur_patches.append(Patch(, url_or_filename, level))
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index e61929d8fd..da8f4187cc 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import tempfile
from external import yaml
import llnl.util.tty as tty
-from llnl.util.lang import memoized
from llnl.util.filesystem import join_path, mkdirp
from spack.spec import Spec
@@ -187,14 +186,9 @@ class YamlDirectoryLayout(DirectoryLayout):
def relative_path_for_spec(self, spec):
- enabled_variants = (
- '-' + for v in spec.variants.values()
- if v.enabled)
- dir_name = "%s-%s%s-%s" % (
+ dir_name = "%s-%s-%s" % (,
- ''.join(enabled_variants),
path = join_path(
@@ -263,7 +257,6 @@ class YamlDirectoryLayout(DirectoryLayout):
self.write_spec(spec, spec_file_path)
- @memoized
def all_specs(self):
if not os.path.isdir(self.root):
return []
@@ -274,7 +267,6 @@ class YamlDirectoryLayout(DirectoryLayout):
return [self.read_spec(s) for s in spec_files]
- @memoized
def specs_by_hash(self):
by_hash = {}
for spec in self.all_specs():
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index bfa7951a47..b3b24e6105 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ class SpackError(Exception):
def __str__(self):
msg = self.message
- if self.long_message:
- msg += "\n %s" % self.long_message
+ if self._long_message:
+ msg += "\n %s" % self._long_message
return msg
class UnsupportedPlatformError(SpackError):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 3507807373..c631a35bf3 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -438,9 +438,16 @@ class Package(object):
raise ValueError("Can only get a stage for a concrete package.")
if self._stage is None:
+ # Construct a mirror path (TODO: get this out of
mp = spack.mirror.mirror_archive_path(self.spec)
- self._stage = Stage(
- self.fetcher, mirror_path=mp, name=self.spec.short_spec)
+ # Construct a path where the stage should build..
+ s = self.spec
+ stage_name = "%s-%s-%s" % (, s.version, s.dag_hash())
+ # Build the stage
+ self._stage = Stage(self.fetcher, mirror_path=mp, name=stage_name)
return self._stage
@@ -563,9 +570,12 @@ class Package(object):
def installed_dependents(self):
"""Return a list of the specs of all installed packages that depend
- on this one."""
+ on this one.
+ TODO: move this method to
+ """
dependents = []
- for spec in spack.db.installed_package_specs():
+ for spec in spack.installed_db.query():
if ==
for dep in spec.traverse():
@@ -779,6 +789,7 @@ class Package(object):
"Manually remove this directory to fix:",
def real_work():
tty.msg("Building %s." %
@@ -838,6 +849,10 @@ class Package(object):
# Do the build.
spack.build_environment.fork(self, real_work)
+ # note: PARENT of the build process adds the new package to
+ # the database, so that we don't need to re-read from file.
+ spack.installed_db.add(self.spec, self.prefix)
# Once everything else is done, run post install hooks
@@ -857,6 +872,14 @@ class Package(object):
+ def build_log_path(self):
+ if self.installed:
+ return spack.install_layout.build_log_path(self.spec)
+ else:
+ return join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'spack-build.out')
+ @property
def module(self):
"""Use this to add variables to the class's module's scope.
This lets us use custom syntax in the install method.
@@ -910,6 +933,7 @@ class Package(object):
# Uninstalling in Spack only requires removing the prefix.
+ spack.installed_db.remove(self.spec)
tty.msg("Successfully uninstalled %s." % self.spec.short_spec)
# Once everything else is done, run post install hooks
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index adfbc26c1d..2e3e95ca40 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -96,12 +96,6 @@ class PackageDB(object):
- def get_installed(self, spec):
- """Get all the installed specs that satisfy the provided spec constraint."""
- return [s for s in self.installed_package_specs() if s.satisfies(spec)]
- @_autospec
def providers_for(self, vpkg_spec):
if self.provider_index is None:
self.provider_index = ProviderIndex(self.all_package_names())
@@ -117,19 +111,6 @@ class PackageDB(object):
return [p for p in self.all_packages() if p.extends(extendee_spec)]
- @_autospec
- def installed_extensions_for(self, extendee_spec):
- for s in self.installed_package_specs():
- try:
- if s.package.extends(extendee_spec):
- yield s.package
- except UnknownPackageError, e:
- # Skip packages we know nothing about
- continue
- # TODO: add some conditional way to do this instead of
- # catching exceptions.
def dirname_for_package_name(self, pkg_name):
"""Get the directory name for a particular package. This is the
directory that contains its file."""
@@ -150,29 +131,6 @@ class PackageDB(object):
return join_path(pkg_dir, _package_file_name)
- def installed_package_specs(self):
- """Read installed package names straight from the install directory
- layout.
- """
- # Get specs from the directory layout but ensure that they're
- # all normalized properly.
- installed = []
- for spec in spack.install_layout.all_specs():
- spec.normalize()
- installed.append(spec)
- return installed
- def installed_known_package_specs(self):
- """Read installed package names straight from the install
- directory layout, but return only specs for which the
- package is known to this version of spack.
- """
- for spec in spack.install_layout.all_specs():
- if self.exists(
- yield spec
def all_package_names(self):
"""Generator function for all packages. This looks for
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index e1fbb84423..7b79feb311 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -640,7 +640,9 @@ class Spec(object):
def dag_hash(self, length=None):
- """Return a hash of the entire spec DAG, including connectivity."""
+ """
+ Return a hash of the entire spec DAG, including connectivity.
+ """
yaml_text = yaml.dump(
self.to_node_dict(), default_flow_style=True, width=sys.maxint)
sha = hashlib.sha1(yaml_text)
@@ -710,7 +712,7 @@ class Spec(object):
yfile = yaml.load(stream)
except MarkedYAMLError, e:
- raise SpackYAMLError("error parsing YMAL spec:", str(e))
+ raise SpackYAMLError("error parsing YAML spec:", str(e))
for node in yfile['spec']:
name = next(iter(node))
@@ -1998,4 +2000,4 @@ class UnsatisfiableDependencySpecError(UnsatisfiableSpecError):
class SpackYAMLError(spack.error.SpackError):
def __init__(self, msg, yaml_error):
- super(SpackError, self).__init__(msg, str(yaml_error))
+ super(SpackYAMLError, self).__init__(msg, str(yaml_error))
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 008c5f0429..78930ecb5b 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -261,7 +261,8 @@ class Stage(object):
- tty.die("All fetchers failed for %s" %
+ errMessage = "All fetchers failed for %s" %
+ raise fs.FetchError(errMessage, None)
def check(self):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index 6b3715be6f..0f776bfea4 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ test_names = ['versions',
- 'configure_guess']
+ 'configure_guess',
+ 'unit_install',
+ 'lock',
+ 'database']
def list_tests():
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ def run(names, verbose=False):
if test not in test_names:
tty.error("%s is not a valid spack test name." % test,
"Valid names are:")
- colify(test_names, indent=4)
+ colify(sorted(test_names), indent=4)
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8416143f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+These tests check the database is functioning properly,
+both in memory and in its file
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import multiprocessing
+from llnl.util.lock import *
+from llnl.util.filesystem import join_path
+import spack
+from spack.database import Database
+from spack.directory_layout import YamlDirectoryLayout
+from spack.test.mock_packages_test import *
+from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify
+def _print_ref_counts():
+ """Print out all ref counts for the graph used here, for debugging"""
+ recs = []
+ def add_rec(spec):
+ cspecs = spack.installed_db.query(spec, installed=any)
+ if not cspecs:
+ recs.append("[ %-7s ] %-20s-" % ('', spec))
+ else:
+ key = cspecs[0].dag_hash()
+ rec = spack.installed_db.get_record(cspecs[0])
+ recs.append("[ %-7s ] %-20s%d" % (key[:7], spec, rec.ref_count))
+ with spack.installed_db.read_transaction():
+ add_rec('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ add_rec('callpath ^mpich')
+ add_rec('mpich')
+ add_rec('mpileaks ^mpich2')
+ add_rec('callpath ^mpich2')
+ add_rec('mpich2')
+ add_rec('mpileaks ^zmpi')
+ add_rec('callpath ^zmpi')
+ add_rec('zmpi')
+ add_rec('fake')
+ add_rec('dyninst')
+ add_rec('libdwarf')
+ add_rec('libelf')
+ colify(recs, cols=3)
+class DatabaseTest(MockPackagesTest):
+ def _mock_install(self, spec):
+ s = Spec(spec)
+ pkg = spack.db.get(s.concretized())
+ pkg.do_install(fake=True)
+ def _mock_remove(self, spec):
+ specs = spack.installed_db.query(spec)
+ assert(len(specs) == 1)
+ spec = specs[0]
+ spec.package.do_uninstall(spec)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(DatabaseTest, self).setUp()
+ #
+ # TODO: make the mockup below easier.
+ #
+ # Make a fake install directory
+ self.install_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.spack_install_path = spack.install_path
+ spack.install_path = self.install_path
+ self.install_layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(self.install_path)
+ self.spack_install_layout = spack.install_layout
+ spack.install_layout = self.install_layout
+ # Make fake database and fake install directory.
+ self.installed_db = Database(self.install_path)
+ self.spack_installed_db = spack.installed_db
+ spack.installed_db = self.installed_db
+ # make a mock database with some packages installed note that
+ # the ref count for dyninst here will be 3, as it's recycled
+ # across each install.
+ #
+ # Here is what the mock DB looks like:
+ #
+ # o mpileaks o mpileaks' o mpileaks''
+ # |\ |\ |\
+ # | o callpath | o callpath' | o callpath''
+ # |/| |/| |/|
+ # o | mpich o | mpich2 o | zmpi
+ # | | o | fake
+ # | | |
+ # | |______________/
+ # | .____________/
+ # |/
+ # o dyninst
+ # |\
+ # | o libdwarf
+ # |/
+ # o libelf
+ #
+ # Transaction used to avoid repeated writes.
+ with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
+ self._mock_install('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ self._mock_install('mpileaks ^mpich2')
+ self._mock_install('mpileaks ^zmpi')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(DatabaseTest, self).tearDown()
+ shutil.rmtree(self.install_path)
+ spack.install_path = self.spack_install_path
+ spack.install_layout = self.spack_install_layout
+ spack.installed_db = self.spack_installed_db
+ def test_005_db_exists(self):
+ """Make sure db cache file exists after creating."""
+ index_file = join_path(self.install_path, '.spack-db', 'index.yaml')
+ lock_file = join_path(self.install_path, '.spack-db', 'lock')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(index_file))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(lock_file))
+ def test_010_all_install_sanity(self):
+ """Ensure that the install layout reflects what we think it does."""
+ all_specs = spack.install_layout.all_specs()
+ self.assertEqual(len(all_specs), 13)
+ # query specs with multiple configurations
+ mpileaks_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('mpileaks')]
+ callpath_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('callpath')]
+ mpi_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('mpi')]
+ self.assertEqual(len(mpileaks_specs), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(len(callpath_specs), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(len(mpi_specs), 3)
+ # query specs with single configurations
+ dyninst_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('dyninst')]
+ libdwarf_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('libdwarf')]
+ libelf_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('libelf')]
+ self.assertEqual(len(dyninst_specs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(libdwarf_specs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(libelf_specs), 1)
+ # Query by dependency
+ self.assertEqual(len([s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('mpileaks ^mpich')]), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len([s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('mpileaks ^mpich2')]), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len([s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies('mpileaks ^zmpi')]), 1)
+ def test_015_write_and_read(self):
+ # write and read DB
+ with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
+ specs = spack.installed_db.query()
+ recs = [spack.installed_db.get_record(s) for s in specs]
+ for spec, rec in zip(specs, recs):
+ new_rec = spack.installed_db.get_record(spec)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rec.ref_count, rec.ref_count)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rec.spec, rec.spec)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rec.path, rec.path)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rec.installed, rec.installed)
+ def _check_db_sanity(self):
+ """Utiilty function to check db against install layout."""
+ expected = sorted(spack.install_layout.all_specs())
+ actual = sorted(self.installed_db.query())
+ self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(actual))
+ for e, a in zip(expected, actual):
+ self.assertEqual(e, a)
+ def test_020_db_sanity(self):
+ """Make sure query() returns what's actually in the db."""
+ self._check_db_sanity()
+ def test_030_db_sanity_from_another_process(self):
+ def read_and_modify():
+ self._check_db_sanity() # check that other process can read DB
+ with self.installed_db.write_transaction():
+ self._mock_remove('mpileaks ^zmpi')
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=read_and_modify, args=())
+ p.start()
+ p.join()
+ # ensure child process change is visible in parent process
+ with self.installed_db.read_transaction():
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^zmpi')), 0)
+ def test_040_ref_counts(self):
+ """Ensure that we got ref counts right when we read the DB."""
+ self.installed_db._check_ref_counts()
+ def test_050_basic_query(self):
+ """Ensure that querying the database is consistent with what is installed."""
+ # query everything
+ self.assertEqual(len(spack.installed_db.query()), 13)
+ # query specs with multiple configurations
+ mpileaks_specs = self.installed_db.query('mpileaks')
+ callpath_specs = self.installed_db.query('callpath')
+ mpi_specs = self.installed_db.query('mpi')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mpileaks_specs), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(len(callpath_specs), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(len(mpi_specs), 3)
+ # query specs with single configurations
+ dyninst_specs = self.installed_db.query('dyninst')
+ libdwarf_specs = self.installed_db.query('libdwarf')
+ libelf_specs = self.installed_db.query('libelf')
+ self.assertEqual(len(dyninst_specs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(libdwarf_specs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(libelf_specs), 1)
+ # Query by dependency
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^mpich')), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^mpich2')), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^zmpi')), 1)
+ def _check_remove_and_add_package(self, spec):
+ """Remove a spec from the DB, then add it and make sure everything's
+ still ok once it is added. This checks that it was
+ removed, that it's back when added again, and that ref
+ counts are consistent.
+ """
+ original = self.installed_db.query()
+ self.installed_db._check_ref_counts()
+ # Remove spec
+ concrete_spec = self.installed_db.remove(spec)
+ self.installed_db._check_ref_counts()
+ remaining = self.installed_db.query()
+ # ensure spec we removed is gone
+ self.assertEqual(len(original) - 1, len(remaining))
+ self.assertTrue(all(s in original for s in remaining))
+ self.assertTrue(concrete_spec not in remaining)
+ # add it back and make sure everything is ok.
+ self.installed_db.add(concrete_spec, "")
+ installed = self.installed_db.query()
+ self.assertEqual(len(installed), len(original))
+ # sanity check against direcory layout and check ref counts.
+ self._check_db_sanity()
+ self.installed_db._check_ref_counts()
+ def test_060_remove_and_add_root_package(self):
+ self._check_remove_and_add_package('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ def test_070_remove_and_add_dependency_package(self):
+ self._check_remove_and_add_package('dyninst')
+ def test_080_root_ref_counts(self):
+ rec = self.installed_db.get_record('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ # Remove a top-level spec from the DB
+ self.installed_db.remove('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ # record no longer in DB
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^mpich', installed=any), [])
+ # record's deps have updated ref_counts
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record('callpath ^mpich').ref_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record('mpich').ref_count, 1)
+ # put the spec back
+ self.installed_db.add(rec.spec, rec.path)
+ # record is present again
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^mpich', installed=any)), 1)
+ # dependencies have ref counts updated
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record('callpath ^mpich').ref_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record('mpich').ref_count, 2)
+ def test_090_non_root_ref_counts(self):
+ mpileaks_mpich_rec = self.installed_db.get_record('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ callpath_mpich_rec = self.installed_db.get_record('callpath ^mpich')
+ # "force remove" a non-root spec from the DB
+ self.installed_db.remove('callpath ^mpich')
+ # record still in DB but marked uninstalled
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query('callpath ^mpich', installed=True), [])
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query('callpath ^mpich', installed=any)), 1)
+ # record and its deps have same ref_counts
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record('callpath ^mpich', installed=any).ref_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record('mpich').ref_count, 2)
+ # remove only dependent of uninstalled callpath record
+ self.installed_db.remove('mpileaks ^mpich')
+ # record and parent are completely gone.
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query('mpileaks ^mpich', installed=any), [])
+ self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query('callpath ^mpich', installed=any), [])
+ # mpich ref count updated properly.
+ mpich_rec = self.installed_db.get_record('mpich')
+ self.assertEqual(mpich_rec.ref_count, 0)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5664e71b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+These tests ensure that our lock works correctly.
+import unittest
+import os
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from multiprocessing import Process
+from llnl.util.lock import *
+from llnl.util.filesystem import join_path, touch
+from spack.util.multiproc import Barrier
+# This is the longest a failed test will take, as the barriers will
+# time out and raise an exception.
+barrier_timeout = 5
+class LockTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.lock_path = join_path(self.tempdir, 'lockfile')
+ touch(self.lock_path)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ def multiproc_test(self, *functions):
+ """Order some processes using simple barrier synchronization."""
+ b = Barrier(len(functions), timeout=barrier_timeout)
+ procs = [Process(target=f, args=(b,)) for f in functions]
+ for p in procs: p.start()
+ for p in procs:
+ p.join()
+ self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, 0)
+ #
+ # Process snippets below can be composed into tests.
+ #
+ def acquire_write(self, barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ lock.acquire_write() # grab exclusive lock
+ barrier.wait()
+ barrier.wait() # hold the lock until exception raises in other procs.
+ def acquire_read(self, barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ lock.acquire_read() # grab shared lock
+ barrier.wait()
+ barrier.wait() # hold the lock until exception raises in other procs.
+ def timeout_write(self, barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ barrier.wait() # wait for lock acquire in first process
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait()
+ def timeout_read(self, barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ barrier.wait() # wait for lock acquire in first process
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait()
+ #
+ # Test that exclusive locks on other processes time out when an
+ # exclusive lock is held.
+ #
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_write, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_2(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_write, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_3(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_write, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write)
+ #
+ # Test that shared locks on other processes time out when an
+ # exclusive lock is held.
+ #
+ def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_write, self.timeout_read)
+ def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_2(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_write, self.timeout_read, self.timeout_read)
+ def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_3(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_write, self.timeout_read, self.timeout_read, self.timeout_read)
+ #
+ # Test that exclusive locks time out when shared locks are held.
+ #
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_2(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_3(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write)
+ #
+ # Test that exclusive locks time while lots of shared locks are held.
+ #
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_2_1(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_2_2(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_3_1(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.acquire_read, self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write)
+ def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_3_2(self):
+ self.multiproc_test(self.acquire_read, self.acquire_read, self.acquire_read, self.timeout_write, self.timeout_write)
+ #
+ # Longer test case that ensures locks are reusable. Ordering is
+ # enforced by barriers throughout -- steps are shown with numbers.
+ #
+ def test_complex_acquire_and_release_chain(self):
+ def p1(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ lock.acquire_write()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 1
+ # others test timeout
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 2
+ lock.release_write() # release and others acquire read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 3
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 4
+ lock.release_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 5
+ # p2 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 6
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 7
+ # p2 releases write and read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 8
+ # p3 acquires read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 9
+ # p3 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 10
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 11
+ # p3 releases locks
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 12
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 13
+ lock.release_read()
+ def p2(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ # p1 acquires write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 1
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 2
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 3
+ # p1 tests shared read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 4
+ # others release reads
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 5
+ lock.acquire_write() # upgrade read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 6
+ # others test timeout
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 7
+ lock.release_write() # release read AND write (need both)
+ lock.release_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 8
+ # p3 acquires read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 9
+ # p3 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 10
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 11
+ # p3 releases locks
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 12
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 13
+ lock.release_read()
+ def p3(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(self.lock_path)
+ # p1 acquires write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 1
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 2
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 3
+ # p1 tests shared read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 4
+ lock.release_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 5
+ # p2 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 6
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_write, 0.1)
+ self.assertRaises(LockError, lock.acquire_read, 0.1)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 7
+ # p2 releases write & read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 8
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 9
+ lock.acquire_write()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 10
+ # others test timeout
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 11
+ lock.release_read() # release read AND write in opposite
+ lock.release_write() # order from before on p2
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 12
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 13
+ lock.release_read()
+ self.multiproc_test(p1, p2, p3)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4b9092f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import unittest
+import itertools
+import spack
+test_install = __import__("spack.cmd.test-install",
+ fromlist=["BuildId", "create_test_output", "TestResult"])
+class MockOutput(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.results = {}
+ def add_test(self, buildId, passed=True, buildInfo=None):
+ self.results[buildId] = passed
+ def write_to(self, stream):
+ pass
+class MockSpec(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, version, hashStr=None):
+ self.dependencies = {}
+ = name
+ self.version = version
+ self.hash = hashStr if hashStr else hash((name, version))
+ def traverse(self, order=None):
+ allDeps = itertools.chain.from_iterable(i.traverse() for i in
+ self.dependencies.itervalues())
+ return set(itertools.chain([self], allDeps))
+ def dag_hash(self):
+ return self.hash
+ def to_yaml(self):
+ return "<<<MOCK YAML {0}>>>".format(test_install.BuildId(self).stringId())
+class MockPackage(object):
+ def __init__(self, buildLogPath):
+ self.installed = False
+ self.build_log_path = buildLogPath
+specX = MockSpec("X", "1.2.0")
+specY = MockSpec("Y", "2.3.8")
+specX.dependencies['Y'] = specY
+pkgX = MockPackage('logX')
+pkgY = MockPackage('logY')
+bIdX = test_install.BuildId(specX)
+bIdY = test_install.BuildId(specY)
+class UnitInstallTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests test-install where X->Y"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(UnitInstallTest, self).setUp()
+ pkgX.installed = False
+ pkgY.installed = False
+ pkgDb = MockPackageDb({specX:pkgX, specY:pkgY})
+ spack.db = pkgDb
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(UnitInstallTest, self).tearDown()
+ def test_installing_both(self):
+ mo = MockOutput()
+ pkgX.installed = True
+ pkgY.installed = True
+ test_install.create_test_output(specX, [specX, specY], mo, getLogFunc=test_fetch_log)
+ self.assertEqual(mo.results,
+ {bIdX:test_install.TestResult.PASSED,
+ bIdY:test_install.TestResult.PASSED})
+ def test_dependency_already_installed(self):
+ mo = MockOutput()
+ pkgX.installed = True
+ pkgY.installed = True
+ test_install.create_test_output(specX, [specX], mo, getLogFunc=test_fetch_log)
+ self.assertEqual(mo.results, {bIdX:test_install.TestResult.PASSED})
+ #TODO: add test(s) where Y fails to install
+class MockPackageDb(object):
+ def __init__(self, init=None):
+ self.specToPkg = {}
+ if init:
+ self.specToPkg.update(init)
+ def get(self, spec):
+ return self.specToPkg[spec]
+def test_fetch_log(path):
+ return []
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 58838306af..6adbfe156d 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ def parse_version_offset(path):
# e.g. foobar-4.5.1
(r'-((\d+\.)*\d+)$', stem),
- # e.g. foobar-4.5.1b
- (r'-((\d+\.)*\d+\-?([a-z]|rc|RC|tp|TP)\d*)$', stem),
+ # e.g. foobar-4.5.1b, foobar4.5RC, foobar.v4.5.1b
+ (r'[-._]?v?((\d+\.)*\d+[-._]?([a-z]|rc|RC|tp|TP?)\d*)$', stem),
# e.g. foobar-4.5.0-beta1, or foobar-4.50-beta
(r'-((\d+\.)*\d+-beta(\d+)?)$', stem),
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/util/ b/lib/spack/spack/util/
index 9e045a090f..21cd6f543d 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/util/
@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ This implements a parallel map operation but it can accept more values
than multiprocessing.Pool.apply() can. For example, apply() will fail
to pickle functions if they're passed indirectly as parameters.
-from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
+from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, Semaphore, Value
from itertools import izip
+__all__ = ['spawn', 'parmap', 'Barrier']
def spawn(f):
def fun(pipe,x):
@@ -43,3 +45,49 @@ def parmap(f,X):
[p.join() for p in proc]
return [p.recv() for (p,c) in pipe]
+class Barrier:
+ """Simple reusable semaphore barrier.
+ Python 2.6 doesn't have multiprocessing barriers so we implement this.
+ See, p. 41.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, n, timeout=None):
+ self.n = n
+ = timeout
+ self.count = Value('i', 0)
+ self.mutex = Semaphore(1)
+ self.turnstile1 = Semaphore(0)
+ self.turnstile2 = Semaphore(1)
+ def wait(self):
+ if not self.mutex.acquire(
+ raise BarrierTimeoutError()
+ self.count.value += 1
+ if self.count.value == self.n:
+ if not self.turnstile2.acquire(
+ raise BarrierTimeoutError()
+ self.turnstile1.release()
+ self.mutex.release()
+ if not self.turnstile1.acquire(
+ raise BarrierTimeoutError()
+ self.turnstile1.release()
+ if not self.mutex.acquire(
+ raise BarrierTimeoutError()
+ self.count.value -= 1
+ if self.count.value == 0:
+ if not self.turnstile1.acquire(
+ raise BarrierTimeoutError()
+ self.turnstile2.release()
+ self.mutex.release()
+ if not self.turnstile2.acquire(
+ raise BarrierTimeoutError()
+ self.turnstile2.release()
+class BarrierTimeoutError: pass
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index fa070e6bd5..c77b259d61 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -73,10 +73,8 @@ class ProviderIndex(object):
for provided_spec, provider_spec in pkg.provided.iteritems():
if provider_spec.satisfies(spec, deps=False):
provided_name =
- if provided_name not in self.providers:
- self.providers[provided_name] = {}
- provider_map = self.providers[provided_name]
+ provider_map = self.providers.setdefault(provided_name, {})
if not provided_spec in provider_map:
provider_map[provided_spec] = set()
@@ -133,9 +131,7 @@ class ProviderIndex(object):
if ==
const = lp_spec.copy().constrain(rp_spec,deps=False)
- if constrained not in result:
- result[constrained] = set()
- result[constrained].add(const)
+ result.setdefault(constrained, set()).add(const)
except spack.spec.UnsatisfiableSpecError:
return result
diff --git a/share/spack/logo/favicon.ico b/share/spack/logo/favicon.ico
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..95a67ae5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/spack/logo/favicon.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/share/spack/logo/spack-logo-text-64.png b/share/spack/logo/spack-logo-text-64.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dad4c519f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/spack/logo/spack-logo-text-64.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/share/spack/logo/spack-logo-white-text-48.png b/share/spack/logo/spack-logo-white-text-48.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e60867e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/spack/logo/spack-logo-white-text-48.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/activeharmony/ b/var/spack/packages/activeharmony/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45dcc7c0e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/activeharmony/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from spack import *
+class Activeharmony(Package):
+ """Active Harmony: a framework for auto-tuning (the automated search for values to improve the performance of a target application)."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('4.5', 'caee5b864716d376e2c25d739251b2a9')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ make("CFLAGS=-O3")
+ make("install", 'PREFIX=%s' % prefix)
+from spack import *
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/apex/ b/var/spack/packages/apex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6404d5208a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/apex/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from spack import *
+from spack.util.environment import *
+class Apex(Package):
+ homepage = ""
+ #url = ""
+ url = ""
+ #version('0.1', '6e039c224387348296739f6bf360d081')
+ #version('master', branch='master', git='')
+ version('2015-10-21', git='', commit='d2e66ddde689120472fc57fc546d8cd80aab745c')
+ depends_on("binutils+libiberty")
+ depends_on("boost@1.54:")
+ depends_on("cmake@2.8.12:")
+ depends_on("activeharmony@4.5:")
+ depends_on("ompt-openmp")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ path=get_path("PATH")
+ path.remove(spec["binutils"].prefix.bin)
+ path_set("PATH", path)
+ with working_dir("build", create=True):
+ cmake('-DBOOST_ROOT=%s' % spec['boost'].prefix,
+ '-DBFD_ROOT=%s' % spec['binutils'].prefix,
+ '-DACTIVEHARMONY_ROOT=%s' % spec['activeharmony'].prefix,
+ '-DOMPT_ROOT=%s' % spec['ompt-openmp'].prefix,
+ '..', *std_cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/binutils/ b/var/spack/packages/binutils/
index c939822cdb..be89b01026 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/binutils/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/binutils/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ class Binutils(Package):
variant('libiberty', default=False, description='Also install libiberty.')
+ variant('libiberty', default=False, description='Also install libiberty.')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure_args = [
'--prefix=%s' % prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/boost/ b/var/spack/packages/boost/
index 254d1afda1..35824d53a2 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/boost/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/boost/
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ class Boost(Package):
list_url = ""
list_depth = 2
+ version('1.59.0', '6aa9a5c6a4ca1016edd0ed1178e3cb87')
+ version('1.58.0', 'b8839650e61e9c1c0a89f371dd475546')
+ version('1.57.0', '1be49befbdd9a5ce9def2983ba3e7b76')
+ version('1.56.0', 'a744cf167b05d72335f27c88115f211d')
version('1.55.0', 'd6eef4b4cacb2183f2bf265a5a03a354')
version('1.54.0', '15cb8c0803064faef0c4ddf5bc5ca279')
version('1.53.0', 'a00d22605d5dbcfb4c9936a9b35bc4c2')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/bowtie2/bowtie2-2.5.patch b/var/spack/packages/bowtie2/bowtie2-2.5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..290be39c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/bowtie2/bowtie2-2.5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- Makefile 2015-02-26 10:50:00.000000000 -0800
++++ 2015-07-29 18:03:59.891357399 -0700
+@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
+ #
+ INC =
+-GCC_PREFIX = $(shell dirname `which gcc`)
++CC = cc
++CPP = c++
+ CXX = $(CPP)
+ HEADERS = $(wildcard *.h)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/bowtie2/ b/var/spack/packages/bowtie2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..339aab6598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/bowtie2/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from spack import *
+from glob import glob
+class Bowtie2(Package):
+ """Description"""
+ homepage = ""
+ version('2.2.5','51fa97a862d248d7ee660efc1147c75f', url = "")
+ patch('bowtie2-2.5.patch',when='@2.2.5', level=0)
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ make()
+ mkdirp(prefix.bin)
+ for bow in glob("bowtie2*"):
+ install(bow, prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-align-l',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-align-s',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-build',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-build-l',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-build-s',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-inspect',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-inspect-l',prefix.bin)
+ # install('bowtie2-inspect-s',prefix.bin)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/bzip2/ b/var/spack/packages/bzip2/
index fbd5869a53..638ba1fa4d 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/bzip2/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/bzip2/
@@ -1,34 +1,60 @@
from spack import *
-from glob import glob
class Bzip2(Package):
"""bzip2 is a freely available, patent free high-quality data
compressor. It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15%
of the best available techniques (the PPM family of statistical
compressors), whilst being around twice as fast at compression
- and six times faster at decompression."""
+ and six times faster at decompression.
+ """
homepage = ""
url = ""
version('1.0.6', '00b516f4704d4a7cb50a1d97e6e8e15b')
- def install(self, spec, prefix):
- # No configure system -- have to filter the makefile for this package.
- filter_file(r'CC=gcc', 'CC=cc', 'Makefile', string=True)
+ def patch(self):
+ mf = FileFilter('Makefile-libbz2_so')
+ mf.filter(r'^CC=gcc', 'CC=cc')
+ # Below stuff patches the link line to use RPATHs on Mac OS X.
+ if 'darwin' in self.spec.architecture:
+ v = self.spec.version
+ v1, v2, v3 = (v.up_to(i) for i in (1,2,3))
+ mf.filter('$(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname -Wl,{0} -o{1} $(OBJS)'.format(v2, v3),
+ '$(CC) -dynamiclib -Wl,-install_name -Wl,@rpath/libbz2.{0}.dylib -current_version {1} -compatibility_version {2} -o libbz2.{3}.dylib $(OBJS)'.format(v1, v2, v3, v3), string=True)
+ mf.filter('$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o bzip2-shared bzip2.c{0}'.format(v3),
+ '$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o bzip2-shared bzip2.c libbz2.{0}.dylib'.format(v3), string=True)
+ mf.filter('rm -f{0}'.format(v2),
+ 'rm -f libbz2.{0}.dylib'.format(v2), string=True)
+ mf.filter('ln -s{0}{1}'.format(v3, v2),
+ 'ln -s libbz2.{0}.dylib libbz2.{1}.dylib'.format(v3, v2), string=True)
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
make('-f', 'Makefile-libbz2_so')
make("install", "PREFIX=%s" % prefix)
- bzip2_exe = join_path(prefix.bin, 'bzip2')
- install('bzip2-shared', bzip2_exe)
- for libfile in glob('*'):
- install(libfile, prefix.lib)
+ install('bzip2-shared', join_path(prefix.bin, 'bzip2'))
+ v1, v2, v3 = (self.spec.version.up_to(i) for i in (1,2,3))
+ if 'darwin' in self.spec.architecture:
+ lib = 'libbz2.dylib'
+ lib1, lib2, lib3 = ('libbz2.{0}.dylib'.format(v) for v in (v1, v2, v3))
+ else:
+ lib = ''
+ lib1, lib2, lib3 = ('{0}'.format(v) for v in (v1, v2, v3))
- bunzip2 = join_path(prefix.bin, 'bunzip2')
- remove(bunzip2)
- symlink(bzip2_exe, bunzip2)
+ install(lib3, join_path(prefix.lib, lib3))
+ with working_dir(prefix.lib):
+ for l in (lib, lib1, lib2):
+ symlink(lib3, l)
- bzcat = join_path(prefix.bin, 'bzcat')
- remove(bzcat)
- symlink(bzip2_exe, bzcat)
+ with working_dir(prefix.bin):
+ force_remove('bunzip2', 'bzcat')
+ symlink('bzip2', 'bunzip2')
+ symlink('bzip2', 'bzcat')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/clang/ b/var/spack/packages/clang/
index 4f10385dbd..4f977bf9a4 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/clang/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/clang/
@@ -28,11 +28,16 @@ class Clang(Package):
"""The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++,
Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler.
- homepage = ""
- list_url = ""
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
- depends_on("llvm")
- version('3.4.2', '87945973b7c73038871c5f849a818588', url='')
+ depends_on('llvm@3.7.0', when='@3.7.0')
+ depends_on('llvm@3.6.2', when='@3.6.2')
+ depends_on('llvm@3.5.1', when='@3.5.1')
+ version('3.7.0', '8f9d27335e7331cf0a4711e952f21f01', url='')
+ version('3.6.2', 'ff862793682f714bb7862325b9c06e20', url='')
+ version('3.5.1', '93f9532f8f7e6f1d8e5c1116907051cb', url='')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
env['CXXFLAGS'] = self.compiler.cxx11_flag
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/dbus/ b/var/spack/packages/dbus/
index f7f394498c..f7c302d611 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/dbus/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/dbus/
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ class Dbus(Package):
version('1.8.2', 'd6f709bbec0a022a1847c7caec9d6068')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
+ configure(
+ "--prefix=%s" % prefix,
+ "--disable-systemd")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/doxygen/ b/var/spack/packages/doxygen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d4a4e47a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/doxygen/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Author: Justin Too <>
+# Date: September 11, 2015
+from spack import *
+class Doxygen(Package):
+ """Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation
+ from annotated C++ sources, but it also supports other popular programming
+ languages such as C, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Java, Python, IDL (Corba,
+ Microsoft, and UNO/OpenOffice flavors), Fortran, VHDL, Tcl, and to some extent D..
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.8.10', '79767ccd986f12a0f949015efb5f058f')
+ depends_on("cmake@2.8.12:")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ cmake('.', *std_cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/elfutils/ b/var/spack/packages/elfutils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..926d234584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/elfutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from spack import *
+class Elfutils(Package):
+ """elfutils is a collection of various binary tools such as
+ eu-objdump, eu-readelf, and other utilities that allow you to
+ inspect and manipulate ELF files. Refer to Table 5.Tools Included
+ in elfutils for Red Hat Developer for a complete list of binary
+ tools that are distributed with the Red Hat Developer Toolset
+ version of elfutils."""
+ homepage = ""
+ version('0.163',
+ git='git://',
+ tag='elfutils-0.163')
+ provides('elf')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ autoreconf = which('autoreconf')
+ autoreconf('-if')
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix, '--enable-maintainer-mode')
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/fish/ b/var/spack/packages/fish/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1225558705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/fish/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from spack import *
+class Fish(Package):
+ """fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and
+ the rest of the family.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ list_url = homepage
+ version('2.2.0', 'a76339fd14ce2ec229283c53e805faac48c3e99d9e3ede9d82c0554acfc7b77a')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/gcc/ b/var/spack/packages/gcc/
index 5e3d1a3efa..a49a1348aa 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/gcc/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/gcc/
@@ -36,21 +36,25 @@ class Gcc(Package):
list_url = ''
list_depth = 2
+ version('5.2.0', 'a51bcfeb3da7dd4c623e27207ed43467')
+ version('4.9.3', '6f831b4d251872736e8e9cc09746f327')
version('4.9.2', '4df8ee253b7f3863ad0b86359cd39c43')
version('4.9.1', 'fddf71348546af523353bd43d34919c1')
+ version('4.8.5', '80d2c2982a3392bb0b89673ff136e223')
version('4.8.4', '5a84a30839b2aca22a2d723de2a626ec')
version('4.7.4', '4c696da46297de6ae77a82797d2abe28')
version('4.6.4', 'b407a3d1480c11667f293bfb1f17d1a4')
version('4.5.4', '27e459c2566b8209ab064570e1b378f7')
depends_on("mpc") # when @4.5:
- depends_on("libelf")
- depends_on("binutils")
+ depends_on("binutils~libiberty")
# Save these until we can do optional deps.
- #depends_on("isl")
+ depends_on("isl", when=DEPENDS_ON_ISL_PREDICATE)
@@ -62,23 +66,31 @@ class Gcc(Package):
if spec.satisfies("@4.7.1:"):
+ # Generic options to compile GCC
+ options = ["--prefix=%s" % prefix,
+ "--libdir=%s/lib64" % prefix,
+ "--disable-multilib",
+ "--enable-languages=" + ','.join(enabled_languages),
+ "--with-mpc=%s" % spec['mpc'].prefix,
+ "--with-mpfr=%s" % spec['mpfr'].prefix,
+ "--with-gmp=%s" % spec['gmp'].prefix,
+ "--enable-lto",
+ "--with-gnu-ld",
+ "--with-gnu-as",
+ "--with-quad"]
+ # Binutils
+ binutils_options = ["--with-stage1-ldflags=%s" % self.rpath_args,
+ "--with-boot-ldflags=%s" % self.rpath_args,
+ "--with-ld=%s/bin/ld" % spec['binutils'].prefix,
+ "--with-as=%s/bin/as" % spec['binutils'].prefix]
+ options.extend(binutils_options)
+ # Isl
+ if spec.satisfies(Gcc.DEPENDS_ON_ISL_PREDICATE):
+ isl_options = ["--with-isl=%s" % spec['isl'].prefix]
+ options.extend(isl_options)
# Rest of install is straightforward.
- configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix,
- "--libdir=%s/lib64" % prefix,
- "--disable-multilib",
- "--enable-languages=" + ','.join(enabled_languages),
- "--with-mpc=%s" % spec['mpc'].prefix,
- "--with-mpfr=%s" % spec['mpfr'].prefix,
- "--with-gmp=%s" % spec['gmp'].prefix,
- "--with-libelf=%s" % spec['libelf'].prefix,
- "--with-stage1-ldflags=%s" % self.rpath_args,
- "--with-boot-ldflags=%s" % self.rpath_args,
- "--enable-lto",
- "--with-gnu-ld",
- "--with-ld=%s/bin/ld" % spec['binutils'].prefix,
- "--with-gnu-as",
- "--with-as=%s/bin/as" % spec['binutils'].prefix,
- "--with-quad")
+ configure(*options)
@@ -100,13 +112,11 @@ class Gcc(Package):
gcc = Executable(join_path(self.prefix.bin, 'gcc'))
- lines = gcc('-dumpspecs', return_output=True).split("\n")
- for i, line in enumerate(lines):
- if line.startswith("*link:"):
- specs_file = join_path(self.spec_dir, 'specs')
- with closing(open(specs_file, 'w')) as out:
- out.write(lines[i] + "\n")
- out.write("-rpath %s/lib:%s/lib64 \\\n"
- % (self.prefix, self.prefix))
- out.write(lines[i+1] + "\n")
- set_install_permissions(specs_file)
+ lines = gcc('-dumpspecs', return_output=True).strip().split("\n")
+ specs_file = join_path(self.spec_dir, 'specs')
+ with closing(open(specs_file, 'w')) as out:
+ for line in lines:
+ out.write(line + "\n")
+ if line.startswith("*link:"):
+ out.write("-rpath %s/lib:%s/lib64 \\\n"% (self.prefix, self.prefix))
+ set_install_permissions(specs_file)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/gflags/ b/var/spack/packages/gflags/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62dd80a094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/gflags/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Gflags(Package):
+ """The gflags package contains a C++ library that implements
+ commandline flags processing. It includes built-in support for
+ standard types such as string and the ability to define flags
+ in the source file in which they are used. Online documentation
+ available at:"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('2.1.2', 'ac432de923f9de1e9780b5254884599f')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ cmake("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=" + prefix,
+ make()
+ make("test")
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/ghostscript/ b/var/spack/packages/ghostscript/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ab49d425f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/ghostscript/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from spack import *
+class Ghostscript(Package):
+ """an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF. """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('9.16', '829319325bbdb83f5c81379a8f86f38f')
+ parallel = False
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure("--prefix=%s" %prefix, "--enable-shared")
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/glm/ b/var/spack/packages/glm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d00c301b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/glm/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from spack import *
+class Glm(Package):
+ """
+ OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on
+ the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('', '61af6639cdf652d1cdd7117190afced8')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
+ cmake('..', *std_cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/glog/ b/var/spack/packages/glog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73386b394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/glog/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Glog(Package):
+ """C++ implementation of the Google logging module."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('0.3.3', 'c1f86af27bd9c73186730aa957607ed0')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure("--prefix=" + prefix)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/graphviz/ b/var/spack/packages/graphviz/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7af7da1881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/graphviz/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from spack import *
+class Graphviz(Package):
+ """Graph Visualization Software"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('2.38.0', '5b6a829b2ac94efcd5fa3c223ed6d3ae')
+ parallel = False
+ depends_on("swig")
+ depends_on("python")
+ depends_on("ghostscript")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure("--prefix=%s" %prefix)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/hdf5/ b/var/spack/packages/hdf5/
index 992dd8ec70..15e0ef9338 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/hdf5/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/hdf5/
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ class Hdf5(Package):
url = ""
list_url = ""
list_depth = 3
+ version('1.8.15', '03cccb5b33dbe975fdcd8ae9dc021f24')
version('1.8.13', 'c03426e9e77d7766944654280b467289')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/leveldb/ b/var/spack/packages/leveldb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da68a9cbcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/leveldb/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import os
+import glob
+from spack import *
+class Leveldb(Package):
+ """LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google
+ that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.18', '73770de34a2a5ab34498d2e05b2b7fa0')
+ depends_on("snappy")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ make()
+ mkdirp(prefix.include)
+ mkdirp(prefix.lib)
+ cp = which('cp')
+ # cp --preserve=links libleveldb.* prefix/lib
+ args = glob.glob('libleveldb.*')
+ args.append(prefix + '/lib')
+ cp('--preserve=links', *args)
+ cp('-r', 'include/leveldb', prefix + '/include')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/libelf/ b/var/spack/packages/libelf/
index bf2fefabd5..9338b8f393 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/libelf/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/libelf/
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class Libelf(Package):
version('0.8.13', '4136d7b4c04df68b686570afa26988ac')
version('0.8.12', 'e21f8273d9f5f6d43a59878dc274fec7')
+ provides('elf')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=" + prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/libffi/ b/var/spack/packages/libffi/
index 2c1c4eed4d..acec031717 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/libffi/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/libffi/
@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ class Libffi(Package):
to call any function specified by a call interface description at
run time."""
homepage = ""
- url = ""
- version('3.1', 'f5898b29bbfd70502831a212d9249d10')
+ version('3.2.1','83b89587607e3eb65c70d361f13bab43',url = "")
+ #version('3.1', 'f5898b29bbfd70502831a212d9249d10',url = "") # Has a bug $(lib64) instead of ${lib64} in libffi.pc
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/libxcb/ b/var/spack/packages/libxcb/
index 521cd0d475..16a5525c0d 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/libxcb/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/libxcb/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Libxcb(Package):
url = ""
version('1.11', '1698dd837d7e6e94d029dbe8b3a82deb')
+ version('1.11.1', '118623c15a96b08622603a71d8789bf3')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/libxml2/ b/var/spack/packages/libxml2/
index 3a0af6b368..df311bfaba 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/libxml2/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/libxml2/
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class Libxml2(Package):
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
+ configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix,
+ "--with-python=%s" % spec['python'].prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/llvm/ b/var/spack/packages/llvm/
index 9d2be690bb..a6759c3033 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/llvm/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/llvm/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
from spack import *
class Llvm(Package):
"""The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies. Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with
@@ -31,14 +32,14 @@ class Llvm(Package):
that can be used to build them. The name "LLVM" itself is not an acronym;
it is the full name of the project.
- homepage = ""
- list_url = ""
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('3.7.0', 'b98b9495e5655a672d6cb83e1a180f8e', url='')
+ version('3.6.2', '0c1ee3597d75280dee603bae9cbf5cc2', url='')
version('3.5.1', '2d3d8004f38852aa679e5945b8ce0b14', url='')
- version('3.4.2', 'a20669f75967440de949ac3b1bad439c', url='')
- version('3.0', 'a8e5f5f1c1adebae7b4a654c376a6005', url='')
- version('2.9', '793138412d2af2c7c7f54615f8943771', url='')
- version('2.8', '220d361b4d17051ff4bb21c64abe05ba', url='')
+ depends_on('python@2.7:')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
env['CXXFLAGS'] = self.compiler.cxx11_flag
@@ -46,9 +47,7 @@ class Llvm(Package):
with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
- '-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python',
- '-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python2.6',
- '-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/',
+ '-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s/bin/python' % spec['python'].prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/lmdb/ b/var/spack/packages/lmdb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..875b8100c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/lmdb/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Lmdb(Package):
+ """Read-only mirror of official repo on Issues and
+ pull requests here are ignored. Use OpenLDAP ITS for issues.
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('0.9.16', '0de89730b8f3f5711c2b3a4ba517b648')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ os.chdir('libraries/liblmdb')
+ make()
+ mkdirp(prefix.bin)
+ mkdirp(prefix + '/man/man1')
+ mkdirp(prefix.lib)
+ mkdirp(prefix.include)
+ bins = ['mdb_stat', 'mdb_copy', 'mdb_dump', 'mdb_load']
+ for f in bins:
+ install(f, prefix.bin)
+ mans = ['mdb_stat.1', 'mdb_copy.1', 'mdb_dump.1', 'mdb_load.1']
+ for f in mans:
+ install(f, prefix + '/man/man1')
+ libs = ['liblmdb.a', '']
+ for f in libs:
+ install(f, prefix.lib)
+ includes = ['lmdb.h']
+ for f in includes:
+ install(f, prefix.include)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/matio/ b/var/spack/packages/matio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12cfb80926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/matio/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from spack import *
+class Matio(Package):
+ """matio is an C library for reading and writing Matlab MAT files"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.5.2', '85b007b99916c63791f28398f6a4c6f1')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/mpich/ b/var/spack/packages/mpich/
index 6aa8f2eca4..d48bf878f6 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/mpich/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/mpich/
@@ -33,11 +33,15 @@ class Mpich(Package):
list_url = ""
list_depth = 2
+ version('3.1.4', '2ab544607986486562e076b83937bba2')
+ version('3.1.3', '93cb17f91ac758cbf9174ecb03563778')
+ version('3.1.2', '7fbf4b81dcb74b07ae85939d1ceee7f1')
+ version('3.1.1', '40dc408b1e03cc36d80209baaa2d32b7')
+ version('3.1', '5643dd176499bfb7d25079aaff25f2ec')
version('3.0.4', '9c5d5d4fe1e17dd12153f40bc5b6dbc0')
- provides('mpi@:3', when='@3:')
- provides('mpi@:1', when='@1:')
+ provides('mpi@:3.0', when='@3:')
+ provides('mpi@:1.3', when='@1:')
def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, dep_spec):
"""For dependencies, make mpicc's use spack wrapper."""
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/ncdu/ b/var/spack/packages/ncdu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..234f9730d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/ncdu/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from spack import *
+class Ncdu(Package):
+ """
+ Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. It is designed
+ to find space hogs on a remote server where you don't have an entire
+ gaphical setup available, but it is a useful tool even on regular desktop
+ systems. Ncdu aims to be fast, simple and easy to use, and should be able
+ to run in any minimal POSIX-like environment with ncurses installed.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.11', '9e44240a5356b029f05f0e70a63c4d12')
+ version('1.10', '7535decc8d54eca811493e82d4bfab2d')
+ version('1.9' , '93258079db897d28bb8890e2db89b1fb')
+ version('1.8' , '94d7a821f8a0d7ba8ef3dd926226f7d5')
+ version('1.7' , '172047c29d232724cc62e773e82e592a')
+ depends_on("ncurses")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix,
+ '--with-ncurses=%s' % spec['ncurses'])
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/ncurses/ b/var/spack/packages/ncurses/
index 8f5763bfdd..cc180bbae1 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/ncurses/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/ncurses/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class Ncurses(Package):
version('5.9', '8cb9c412e5f2d96bc6f459aa8c6282a1',
+ version('6.0', 'ee13d052e1ead260d7c28071f46eefb1',
+ url='')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/netcdf/netcdf-4.3.3-mpi.patch b/var/spack/packages/netcdf/netcdf-4.3.3-mpi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46dda5fc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/netcdf/netcdf-4.3.3-mpi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+diff -Nur netcdf-4.3.3/CMakeLists.txt netcdf-4.3.3.mpi/CMakeLists.txt
+--- netcdf-4.3.3/CMakeLists.txt 2015-02-12 16:44:35.000000000 -0500
++++ netcdf-4.3.3.mpi/CMakeLists.txt 2015-10-14 16:44:41.176300658 -0400
+@@ -753,6 +753,7 @@
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Cannot find HDF5 library built with parallel support. Disabling parallel build.")
+ ELSE()
+diff -Nur netcdf-4.3.3/liblib/CMakeLists.txt netcdf-4.3.3.mpi/liblib/CMakeLists.txt
+--- netcdf-4.3.3/liblib/CMakeLists.txt 2015-02-12 16:44:35.000000000 -0500
++++ netcdf-4.3.3.mpi/liblib/CMakeLists.txt 2015-10-14 16:44:57.757793634 -0400
+@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/netcdf/ b/var/spack/packages/netcdf/
index 34284ea725..e1e0d836c6 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/netcdf/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/netcdf/
@@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
from spack import *
class Netcdf(Package):
- """NetCDF is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent
- data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented
- scientific data."""
+ """NetCDF is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent
+ data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented
+ scientific data."""
homepage = ""
url = ""
version('4.3.3', '5fbd0e108a54bd82cb5702a73f56d2ae')
+ patch('netcdf-4.3.3-mpi.patch')
# Dependencies:
- # >HDF5
+ # >HDF5
- def install(self, spec, prefix):
- configure(
- "--prefix=%s" % prefix,
- "--disable-dap", # Disable DAP.
- "--disable-shared", # Don't build shared libraries (use static libs).
- "CPPFLAGS=-I%s/include" % spec['hdf5'].prefix, # Link HDF5's include dir.
- "LDFLAGS=-L%s/lib" % spec['hdf5'].prefix) # Link HDF5's lib dir.
- make("install")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
+ cmake('..',
+ "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF") # Don't build shared libraries (use static libs).
- # Check the newly installed netcdf package. Currently disabled.
- # make("check")
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/netlib-blas/ b/var/spack/packages/netlib-blas/
index 0a6cdb0442..85e97323d3 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/netlib-blas/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/netlib-blas/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ class NetlibBlas(Package):
version('3.5.0', 'b1d3e3e425b2e44a06760ff173104bdf')
+ variant('fpic', default=False, description="Build with -fpic compiler option")
# virtual dependency
@@ -23,6 +25,10 @@ class NetlibBlas(Package):
mf.filter('^LOADER.*', 'LOADER = f90')
mf.filter('^CC =.*', 'CC = cc')
+ if '+fpic' in self.spec:
+ mf.filter('^OPTS.*=.*', 'OPTS = -O2 -frecursive -fpic')
+ mf.filter('^CFLAGS =.*', 'CFLAGS = -O3 -fpic')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/lapack/ b/var/spack/packages/netlib-lapack/
index d9d37e3e4a..fb6b99e27c 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/lapack/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/netlib-lapack/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from spack import *
-class Lapack(Package):
+class NetlibLapack(Package):
LAPACK version 3.X is a comprehensive FORTRAN library that does
linear algebra operations including matrix inversions, least
@@ -18,9 +18,16 @@ class Lapack(Package):
version('3.4.0', '02d5706ec03ba885fc246e5fa10d8c70')
version('3.3.1', 'd0d533ec9a5b74933c2a1e84eedc58b4')
+ variant('shared', default=False, description="Build shared library version")
+ # virtual dependency
+ provides('lapack')
# blas is a virtual dependency.
+ depends_on('cmake')
# Doesn't always build correctly in parallel
parallel = False
@@ -39,7 +46,14 @@ class Lapack(Package):
def install(self, spec, prefix):
blas_libs = ";".join(self.get_blas_libs())
- cmake(".", '-DBLAS_LIBRARIES=' + blas_libs, *std_cmake_args)
+ cmake_args = [".", '-DBLAS_LIBRARIES=' + blas_libs]
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ cmake_args.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON')
+ cmake_args += std_cmake_args
+ cmake(*cmake_args)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/ompt-openmp/ b/var/spack/packages/ompt-openmp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d380ebd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/ompt-openmp/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from spack import *
+class OmptOpenmp(Package):
+ """LLVM/Clang OpenMP runtime with OMPT support. This is a fork of the OpenMPToolsInterface/LLVM-openmp fork of the official LLVM OpenMP mirror. This library provides a drop-in replacement of the OpenMP runtimes for GCC, Intel and LLVM/Clang."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('spack', '35227b2726e377faa433fc841226e036')
+ # depends_on("foo")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir("runtime/build", create=True):
+ # FIXME: Modify the configure line to suit your build system here.
+ cmake('-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%s' %,
+ '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%s' % self.compiler.cxx,
+ '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % prefix,
+ '..', *std_cmake_args)
+ # FIXME: Add logic to build and install here
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/openmpi/ b/var/spack/packages/openmpi/
index 7e84cbaf65..5e429dedf5 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/openmpi/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/openmpi/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+import os
from spack import *
class Openmpi(Package):
"""Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from
several other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and PACX-MPI)
@@ -11,15 +14,28 @@ class Openmpi(Package):
homepage = ""
- version('1.8.2', 'ab538ed8e328079d566fc797792e016e',
- url='')
+ version('1.10.0', '280cf952de68369cebaca886c5ce0304',
+ url = "")
+ version('1.8.8', '0dab8e602372da1425e9242ae37faf8c',
+ url = '')
version('1.6.5', '03aed2a4aa4d0b27196962a2a65fc475',
url = "")
patch('ad_lustre_rwcontig_open_source.patch', when="@1.6.5")
patch('llnl-platforms.patch', when="@1.6.5")
- provides('mpi@:2')
+ provides('mpi@:2.2', when='@1.6.5') # Open MPI 1.6.5 supports MPI-2.2
+ provides('mpi@:3.0', when='@1.8.8') # Open MPI 1.8.8 supports MPI-3.0
+ provides('mpi@:3.0', when='@1.10.0') # Open MPI 1.10.0 supports MPI-3.0
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, module, spec, dep_spec):
+ """For dependencies, make mpicc's use spack wrapper."""
+ os.environ['OMPI_CC'] = 'cc'
+ os.environ['OMPI_CXX'] = 'c++'
+ os.environ['OMPI_FC'] = 'f90'
+ os.environ['OMPI_F77'] = 'f77'
def install(self, spec, prefix):
config_args = ["--prefix=%s" % prefix]
@@ -39,3 +55,55 @@ class Openmpi(Package):
+ self.filter_compilers()
+ def filter_compilers(self):
+ """Run after install to make the MPI compilers use the
+ compilers that Spack built the package with.
+ If this isn't done, they'll have CC, CXX and FC set
+ to Spack's generic cc, c++ and f90. We want them to
+ be bound to whatever compiler they were built with.
+ """
+ kwargs = { 'ignore_absent' : True, 'backup' : False, 'string' : False }
+ dir = os.path.join(self.prefix, 'share/openmpi/')
+ cc_wrappers = ['mpicc-vt-wrapper-data.txt', 'mpicc-wrapper-data.txt',
+ 'ortecc-wrapper-data.txt', 'shmemcc-wrapper-data.txt']
+ cxx_wrappers = ['mpic++-vt-wrapper-data.txt', 'mpic++-wrapper-data.txt',
+ 'ortec++-wrapper-data.txt']
+ fc_wrappers = ['mpifort-vt-wrapper-data.txt',
+ 'mpifort-wrapper-data.txt', 'shmemfort-wrapper-data.txt']
+ for wrapper in cc_wrappers:
+ filter_file('compiler=.*', 'compiler=%s' %,
+ os.path.join(dir, wrapper), **kwargs)
+ for wrapper in cxx_wrappers:
+ filter_file('compiler=.*', 'compiler=%s' % self.compiler.cxx,
+ os.path.join(dir, wrapper), **kwargs)
+ for wrapper in fc_wrappers:
+ filter_file('compiler=.*', 'compiler=%s' % self.compiler.fc,
+ os.path.join(dir, wrapper), **kwargs)
+ # These are symlinks in newer versions, so check that here
+ f77_wrappers = ['mpif77-vt-wrapper-data.txt', 'mpif77-wrapper-data.txt']
+ f90_wrappers = ['mpif90-vt-wrapper-data.txt', 'mpif90-wrapper-data.txt']
+ for wrapper in f77_wrappers:
+ path = os.path.join(dir, wrapper)
+ if not os.path.islink(path):
+ filter_file('compiler=.*', 'compiler=%s' % self.compiler.f77,
+ path, **kwargs)
+ for wrapper in f90_wrappers:
+ path = os.path.join(dir, wrapper)
+ if not os.path.islink(path):
+ filter_file('compiler=.*', 'compiler=%s' % self.compiler.fc,
+ path, **kwargs)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/paraview/ b/var/spack/packages/paraview/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0ff812ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/paraview/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+from spack import *
+class Paraview(Package):
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('4.4.0', 'fa1569857dd680ebb4d7ff89c2227378', url='')
+ variant('python', default=False, description='Enable Python support')
+ variant('matplotlib', default=False, description='Enable Matplotlib support')
+ variant('numpy', default=False, description='Enable NumPy support')
+ variant('tcl', default=False, description='Enable TCL support')
+ variant('mpi', default=False, description='Enable MPI support')
+ variant('osmesa', default=False, description='Enable OSMesa support')
+ variant('qt', default=False, description='Enable Qt support')
+ depends_on('python', when='+python')
+ depends_on('py-numpy', when='+python+numpy')
+ depends_on('py-matplotlib', when='+python+matplotlib')
+ depends_on('tcl', when='+tcl')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ depends_on('qt', when='+qt')
+ depends_on('bzip2')
+ depends_on('freetype')
+ depends_on('hdf5') # drags in mpi
+ depends_on('jpeg')
+ depends_on('libpng')
+ depends_on('libtiff')
+ #depends_on('libxml2') # drags in python
+ depends_on('netcdf')
+ #depends_on('protobuf') # version mismatches?
+ #depends_on('sqlite') # external version not supported
+ depends_on('zlib')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
+ def feature_to_bool(feature, on='ON', off='OFF'):
+ if feature in spec:
+ return on
+ return off
+ def nfeature_to_bool(feature):
+ return feature_to_bool(feature, on='OFF', off='ON')
+ feature_args = std_cmake_args[:]
+ feature_args.append('-DPARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI:BOOL=%s' % feature_to_bool('+qt'))
+ feature_args.append('-DPARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON:BOOL=%s' % feature_to_bool('+python'))
+ feature_args.append('-DPARAVIEW_USE_MPI:BOOL=%s' % feature_to_bool('+mpi'))
+ feature_args.append('-DVTK_ENABLE_TCL_WRAPPING:BOOL=%s' % feature_to_bool('+tcl'))
+ feature_args.append('-DVTK_OPENGL_HAS_OSMESA:BOOL=%s' % feature_to_bool('+osmesa'))
+ feature_args.append('-DVTK_USE_X:BOOL=%s' % nfeature_to_bool('+osmesa'))
+ feature_args.append('-DVTK_RENDERING_BACKEND:STRING=%s' % feature_to_bool('+opengl2', 'OpenGL2', 'OpenGL'))
+ feature_args.extend(std_cmake_args)
+ cmake('..',
+ *feature_args)
+ make()
+ make('install')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/pidx/ b/var/spack/packages/pidx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81aed62fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/pidx/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from spack import *
+class Pidx(Package):
+ """PIDX Parallel I/O Library.
+ PIDX is an efficient parallel I/O library that reads and writes
+ multiresolution IDX data files.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ version('1.0', git='',
+ commit='6afa1cf71d1c41263296dc049c8fabaf73c296da')
+ depends_on("mpi")
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
+ cmake('..', *std_cmake_args)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/pkg-config/ b/var/spack/packages/pkg-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9964c6ce34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/pkg-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from spack import *
+class PkgConfig(Package):
+ """pkg-config is a helper tool used when compiling applications and libraries"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('0.28', 'aa3c86e67551adc3ac865160e34a2a0d')
+ parallel = False
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure("--prefix=%s" %prefix, "--enable-shared")
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/protobuf/ b/var/spack/packages/protobuf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34085c7ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/protobuf/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Protobuf(Package):
+ """Google's data interchange format."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('2.5.0', 'a72001a9067a4c2c4e0e836d0f92ece4')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure("--prefix=" + prefix)
+ make()
+ make("check")
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/py-numpy/ b/var/spack/packages/py-numpy/
index 6534e063d2..efa109a3e9 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/py-numpy/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/py-numpy/
@@ -7,9 +7,22 @@ class PyNumpy(Package):
version('1.9.1', '78842b73560ec378142665e712ae4ad9')
version('1.9.2', 'a1ed53432dbcd256398898d35bc8e645')
+ depends_on('netlib-blas+fpic')
+ depends_on('netlib-lapack+shared')
+ def patch(self):
+ filter_file(
+ "possible_executables = \['(gfortran|g77|ifort|efl)",
+ "possible_executables = ['fc",
+ "numpy/distutils/fcompiler/",
+ "numpy/distutils/fcompiler/")
def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ with open('site.cfg', 'w') as f:
+ f.write('[DEFAULT]\n')
+ f.write('libraries=lapack,blas\n')
+ f.write('library_dirs=%s/lib:%s/lib\n' % (spec['blas'].prefix, spec['lapack'].prefix))
python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/py-scipy/ b/var/spack/packages/py-scipy/
index cdcf74534b..3a1124cc15 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/py-scipy/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/py-scipy/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class PyScipy(Package):
+ depends_on('blas')
+ depends_on('lapack')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/py-sphinx/ b/var/spack/packages/py-sphinx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec2e89a098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/py-sphinx/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from spack import *
+class PySphinx(Package):
+ """Sphinx Documentation Generator."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.3.1', '8786a194acf9673464c5455b11fd4332')
+ extends('python')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/samtools/ b/var/spack/packages/samtools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72900398d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/samtools/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from spack import *
+class Samtools(Package):
+ """SAM Tools provide various utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format,
+ including sorting, merging, indexing and generating
+ alignments in a per-position format"""
+ homepage = ""
+ version('1.2','988ec4c3058a6ceda36503eebecd4122',url = "")
+ depends_on("zlib")
+ depends_on("mpc")
+ parallel=False
+ patch("samtools1.2.patch",level=0)
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ make("prefix=%s" % prefix, "install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/samtools/samtools1.2.patch b/var/spack/packages/samtools/samtools1.2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ead3ab4e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/samtools/samtools1.2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- Makefile 2015-02-03 08:27:34.000000000 -0800
++++ 2015-07-21 10:38:27.881406892 -0700
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O2
+ LOBJS= bam_aux.o bam.o bam_import.o sam.o \
+ sam_header.o bam_plbuf.o
+ AOBJS= bam_index.o bam_plcmd.o sam_view.o \
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
+ faidx.o stats.o stats_isize.o bam_flags.o bam_split.o \
+ bam_tview.o bam_tview_curses.o bam_tview_html.o bam_lpileup.o
+-LIBCURSES= -lcurses # -lXCurses
++#LIBCURSES= -lcurses # -lXCurses
+ prefix = /usr/local
+ exec_prefix = $(prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/scorep/ b/var/spack/packages/scorep/
index 32a772e3db..f013bd1cbb 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/scorep/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/scorep/
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# FIXME: Add copyright statement
from spack import *
-from contextlib import closing
class Scorep(Package):
- """The Score-P measurement infrastructure is a highly scalable and
- easy-to-use tool suite for profiling, event tracing, and online
+ """The Score-P measurement infrastructure is a highly scalable and
+ easy-to-use tool suite for profiling, event tracing, and online
analysis of HPC applications."""
# FIXME: add a proper url for your package's homepage here.
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ class Scorep(Package):
# depends_on("otf2@1.2:1.2.1") # only Score-P 1.2.x
- depends_on("otf2")
+ depends_on("otf2")
@@ -53,12 +52,12 @@ MPI_CXXFLAGS=-fPIC
# Use a custom compiler configuration, otherwise the score-p
# build system messes with spack's compiler settings.
# Create these three files in the build directory
- with closing(open("platform-backend-user-provided", "w")) as backend_file:
+ with open("platform-backend-user-provided", "w") as backend_file:
- with closing(open("platform-frontend-user-provided", "w")) as frontend_file:
+ with open("platform-frontend-user-provided", "w") as frontend_file:
- with closing(open("platform-mpi-user-provided", "w")) as mpi_file:
- mpi_file.write(self.mpi_user_provided)
+ with open("platform-mpi-user-provided", "w") as mpi_file:
+ mpi_file.write(self.mpi_user_provided)
configure_args = ["--prefix=%s" % prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/scr/ b/var/spack/packages/scr/
index 74b75a8742..9fb758f072 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/scr/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/scr/
@@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ class Scr(Package):
"""SCR caches checkpoint data in storage on the compute nodes of a
Linux cluster to provide a fast, scalable checkpoint/restart
capability for MPI codes"""
homepage = ""
- url = ""
+# depends_on("dtcmp")
- version('1.1-7', 'a5930e9ab27d1b7049447c2fd7734ebd')
+ version('1.1-7', 'a5930e9ab27d1b7049447c2fd7734ebd', url='')
+ version('1.1.8', '6a0f11ad18e27fcfc00a271ff587b06e', url='')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=" + prefix,
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/snappy/ b/var/spack/packages/snappy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8f9ceef7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/snappy/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Snappy(Package):
+ """A fast compressor/decompressor:"""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('1.1.3', '7358c82f133dc77798e4c2062a749b73')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ configure("--prefix=" + prefix)
+ make()
+ make("install")
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/stat/ b/var/spack/packages/stat/
index c40d65ae78..5d81e62731 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/stat/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/stat/
@@ -9,17 +9,20 @@ class Stat(Package):
version('2.1.0', 'ece26beaf057aa9134d62adcdda1ba91')
version('2.0.0', 'c7494210b0ba26b577171b92838e1a9b')
+ variant('dysect', default=False, description="enable DySectAPI")
+ depends_on('graphviz')
patch('configure_mpicxx.patch', when='@2.1.0')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- configure(
+ configure_args = [
"--prefix=%s" % prefix,
"--disable-examples", # Examples require MPI: avoid this dependency.
@@ -27,7 +30,11 @@ class Stat(Package):
"--with-mrnet=%s" % spec['mrnet'].prefix,
"--with-graphlib=%s" % spec['graphlib'].prefix,
"--with-stackwalker=%s" % spec['dyninst'].prefix,
- "--with-libdwarf=%s" % spec['libdwarf'].prefix)
+ "--with-libdwarf=%s" % spec['libdwarf'].prefix
+ ]
+ if '+dysect' in spec:
+ configure_args.append('--enable-dysectapi')
+ configure(*configure_args)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/swig/ b/var/spack/packages/swig/
index d7a3d815b9..ee536d7063 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/swig/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/swig/
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ class Swig(Package):
version('3.0.2', '62f9b0d010cef36a13a010dc530d0d41')
+ depends_on('pcre')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/trilinos/ b/var/spack/packages/trilinos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c43f796a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/packages/trilinos/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from spack import *
+class Trilinos(Package):
+ """
+ The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented
+ software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems.
+ A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('12.2.1', '6161926ea247863c690e927687f83be9')
+ version('12.0.1', 'bd99741d047471e127b8296b2ec08017')
+ version('11.14.3', '2f4f83f8333e4233c57d0f01c4b57426')
+ version('11.14.2', 'a43590cf896c677890d75bfe75bc6254')
+ version('11.14.1', '40febc57f76668be8b6a77b7607bb67f')
+ variant('mpi', default=True, description='Add a dependency on MPI and enables MPI dependent packages')
+ # Everything should be compiled with -fpic
+ depends_on('blas')
+ depends_on('lapack')
+ depends_on('boost')
+ depends_on('netcdf')
+ depends_on('matio')
+ depends_on('glm')
+ depends_on('swig')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ options = [
+ '-DBLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['blas'].prefix,
+ '-DLAPACK_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=%s' % spec['lapack'].prefix
+ ]
+ if '+mpi' in spec:
+ mpi_options = ['-DTPL_ENABLE_MPI:BOOL=ON']
+ options.extend(mpi_options)
+ # -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and all the likes...
+ options.extend(std_cmake_args)
+ with working_dir('spack-build', create=True):
+ cmake('..', *options)
+ make()
+ make('install')
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/xz/ b/var/spack/packages/xz/
index 88c5793018..ba6c9733a7 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/xz/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/xz/
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ class Xz(Package):
homepage = ""
url = ""
- version('5.2.0', '867cc8611760240ebf3440bd6e170bb9')
+ version('5.2.0', '867cc8611760240ebf3440bd6e170bb9',
+ url = '')
+ version('5.2.2', 'f90c9a0c8b259aee2234c4e0d7fd70af',
+ url = '')
def install(self, spec, prefix):
configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)
diff --git a/var/spack/packages/zsh/ b/var/spack/packages/zsh/
index 99ef9de2e5..06665f0c83 100644
--- a/var/spack/packages/zsh/
+++ b/var/spack/packages/zsh/
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
from spack import *
class Zsh(Package):
- """ The ZSH shell """
+ """
+ Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful
+ scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh were
+ incorporated into zsh; many original features were added.
+ """
homepage = ""
- url = ""
+ url = ""
- version('5.0.8', 'e6759e8dd7b714d624feffd0a73ba0fe')
+ version('5.1.1', checksum='8ba28a9ef82e40c3a271602f18343b2f')