diff options
2 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/exciting/dfgather.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/exciting/dfgather.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c0a847b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/exciting/dfgather.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- dfgather.F90_old 2020-09-16 17:19:18.000000000 -0600
++++ dfgather.F90 2020-09-16 17:19:21.000000000 -0600
+@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
+ ! loop over q-points
+ Do iq = 1, nqpt
+ tq0 = tqgamma (iq)
++ call genfilname(basename='X0', bzsampl=bzsampl,&
++ & acont=input%xs%tddft%acont, nar= .not. input%xs%tddft%aresdf,&
++ & tord=input%xs%tddft%torddf, markfxcbse=tfxcbse, iqmt=iq, filnam=fnchi0)
+ ! calculate k+q and G+k+q related variables
+ Call init1offs (qvkloff(1, iq))
+ ! size of local field effects
+@@ -54,6 +59,12 @@
+ call mpi_bcast(chi0hd,3*3,MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,iproc,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+ #endif
+ if(rank.eq.0.or.(firstinnode.and. .not.input%sharedfs))then
++ if (iw == wpari) then
++ print *, 'procs=', procs
++ print *, 'rank=', rank
++ print *, 'iq=', iq, '/', nqpt
++ print *, 'fnchi0=',trim(fnchi0)
++ end if
+ Call putx0 (tq0, iq, iw, trim(fnchi0), '', chi0, chi0wg, &
+ & chi0hd)
+ endif
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/exciting/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/exciting/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b083b5dc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/exciting/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack import *
+class Exciting(MakefilePackage):
+ """
+ exciting is a full-potential all-electron density-functional-theory package
+ implementing the families of linearized augmented planewave methods. It can
+ be applied to all kinds of materials, irrespective of the atomic species in
+ volved, and also allows for exploring the physics of core electrons. A
+ particular focus are excited states within many-body perturbation theory.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('14', sha256='a7feaffdc23881d6c0737d2f79f94d9bf073e85ea358a57196d7f7618a0a3eff')
+ # as-of-yet unpublished fix to version 14
+ patch('dfgather.patch', when='@14', working_dir='src/src_xs', level=0)
+ variant('mpi', default=False, description='Use MPI')
+ variant('mkl', default=False, description='Use MKL')
+ variant('omp', default=True, description='Use OpenMP')
+ variant('scalapack', default=False, description='Use ScaLAPACK')
+ depends_on('blas')
+ depends_on('lapack')
+ depends_on('fftw', when='~mkl')
+ depends_on('mkl', when='+mkl')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ depends_on('scalapack', when='+scalapack')
+ conflicts('%gcc@10:', msg='exciting cannot be built with GCC 10')
+ for __compiler in spack.compilers.supported_compilers():
+ if __compiler != 'intel':
+ conflicts('%{0}'.format(__compiler), when='^mkl',
+ msg='MKL only works with the Intel compiler')
+ def edit(self, spec, prefix):
+ opts = {}
+ opts['BUILDSMP'] = 'true'
+ opts['F90_OPTS'] = '-cpp '
+ opts['F77_OPTS'] = '-cpp -O3 '
+ opts['CPP_ON_OPTS'] = '-cpp -DXS -DISO -DLIBXC'
+ opts['LIB_ARP'] = 'libarpack.a'
+ opts['F90'] = spack_fc
+ opts['F77'] = spack_f77
+ if '+omp' in spec:
+ opts['LDFLAGS'] = self.compiler.openmp_flag + ' -DUSEOMP'
+ opts['F90_OPTS'] += self.compiler.openmp_flag + ' -DUSEOMP'
+ opts['F77_OPTS'] += self.compiler.openmp_flag + ' -DUSEOMP'
+ if '%intel' in spec:
+ opts['F90_OPTS'] += ' -O3 -cpp -ip -unroll -scalar_rep '
+ opts['CPP_ON_OPTS'] += ' -DIFORT -DFFTW'
+ if '%gcc' in spec:
+ opts['F90_OPTS'] += '-O3 -march=native -ffree-line-length-0'
+ filter_file('FCFLAGS = @FCFLAGS@',
+ ' '.join(['FCFLAGS = @FCFLAGS@', '-cpp',
+ self.compiler.openmp_flag]),
+ 'src/libXC/src/')
+ if '+mkl' in spec:
+ if '%intel' in spec:
+ opts['LIB_LPK'] = '-mkl=parallel'
+ opts['INC_MKL'] = spec['mkl'].headers.include_flags
+ opts['LIB_MKL'] = spec['mkl'].libs.ld_flags
+ else:
+ opts['LIB_LPK'] = ' '.join([spec['lapack'].libs.ld_flags,
+ spec['blas'].libs.ld_flags,
+ self.compiler.openmp_flag])
+ if '+mpi' in spec:
+ opts['BUILDMPI'] = 'true'
+ opts['MPIF90'] = spec['mpi'].mpifc
+ opts['MPIF90_CPP_OPTS'] = self.compiler.openmp_flag
+ opts['MPIF90_OPTS'] = ' '.join(['$(F90_OPTS)', '$(CPP_ON_OPTS) '
+ '$(MPIF90_CPP_OPTS)'])
+ opts['MPIF90MT'] = '$(MPIF90)'
+ else:
+ opts['BUILDMPI'] = 'false'
+ if '+scalapack' in spec:
+ opts['LIB_SCLPK'] = spec['scalapack'].libs.ld_flags
+ opts['LIB_SCLPK'] += ' ' + self.compiler.openmp_flag
+ opts['CPP_SCLPK'] = ' -DSCAL '
+ opts['LIBS_MPI'] = '$(LIB_SCLPK)'
+ opts['MPIF90_CPP_OPTS'] += ' $(CPP_SCLPK) '
+ opts['USE_SYS_LAPACK'] = 'true'
+ opts['LIB_FFT'] = 'fftlib.a'
+ opts['LIB_BZINT'] = 'libbzint.a'
+ opts['LIBS'] = '$(LIB_ARP) $(LIB_LPK) $(LIB_FFT) $(LIB_BZINT)'
+ with open('build/', 'a') as inc:
+ for key in opts:
+ inc.write('{0} = {1}\n'.format(key, opts[key]))
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ install_tree('bin', prefix)
+ install_tree('species', prefix.species)
+ install_tree('tools',
+ def setup_run_environment(self, env):
+ env.set('WNHOME', self.prefix)
+ env.set('EXCITINGROOT', self.prefix)
+ env.set('EXCITINGBIN', self.prefix.bin)
+ env.set('EXCITINGTOOLS',
+ env.set('EXCITINGSTM',
+ env.set('EXCITINGVISUAL', self.prefix.xml.visualizationtemplates)
+ env.set('EXCITINGCONVERT', self.prefix.xml.inputfileconverter)
+ env.set('TIMEFORMAT', ' Elapsed time = %0lR')
+ env.set('WRITEMINMAX', '1')
+ env.append_path('PYTHONPATH',
+ env.append_path('PATH',
+ env.append_path('PATH', self.prefix)
+ env.append_path('PATH',