diff options
4 files changed, 133 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index bc24766510..0b69ccde38 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ stage_path = join_path(var_path, "stage")
install_path = join_path(prefix, "opt")
share_path = join_path(prefix, "share", "spack")
dotkit_path = join_path(share_path, "dotkit")
-tclmodule_path = join_path(share_path, "tclmodule")
+tclmodule_path = join_path(share_path, "modules")
# Set up the packages database.
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index da5c4f95fc..270ee65b7b 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def module_find(parser, args):
match = specs[0]
- if not os.path.isfile(spack.hooks.tclmodules.tclmodules_file(match.package)):
+ if not os.path.isfile(spack.hooks.tclmodule.module_file(match.package)):
tty.die("No module is installed for package %s." % spec)
print match.format('$_$@$+$%@$=$#')
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ def module_refresh(parser, args):
specs = [s for s in specs
if any(s.satisfies(q) for q in query_specs)]
- shutil.rmtree(spack.module_path, ignore_errors=False)
- mkdirp(spack.module_path)
+ shutil.rmtree(spack.tclmodule_path, ignore_errors=False)
+ mkdirp(spack.tclmodule_path)
for spec in specs:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/hooks/ b/lib/spack/spack/hooks/
index 7df41e267c..d9b4a43831 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/hooks/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/hooks/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import spack
def module_file(pkg):
m_file_name = pkg.spec.format('$_$@$%@$+$=$#')
- return join_path(spack.module_path, m_file_name)
+ return join_path(spack.tclmodule_path, m_file_name)
def post_install(pkg):
@@ -51,26 +51,27 @@ def post_install(pkg):
('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', pkg.prefix.lib64)]:
if os.path.isdir(path):
- alterations.append("prepend_path %s %s\n" % (var, path))
+ alterations.append("prepend-path %s \"%s\"\n" % (var, path))
if not alterations:
- alterations.append("prepend_path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH %s\n" % pkg.prefix)
+ alterations.append("prepend-path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH \"%s\"\n" % pkg.prefix)
m_file = module_file(pkg)
with closing(open(m_file, 'w')) as m:
# Put everything in the spack category.
- m.write('module-whatis \"%s\"\n' % pkg.spec.format("$_ $@"))
+ m.write('module-whatis \"%s\"\n\n' % pkg.spec.format("$_ $@"))
# Recycle the description
if pkg.__doc__:
m.write('proc ModulesHelp { } {\n')
doc = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', pkg.__doc__)
- m.write("puts str \"%s\"\n" % doc)
- m.write('}')
+ doc = re.sub(r'"', '\"', pkg.__doc__)
+ m.write("puts stderr \"%s\"\n" % doc)
+ m.write('}\n\n')
# Write alterations
diff --git a/share/spack/setup-env.zsh b/share/spack/setup-env.zsh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9aba92818d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/spack/setup-env.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Written by David Beckingsale,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# This file is part of Spack and sets up the spack environment for zsh shells.
+# This includes dotkit and module support as well as putting spack
+# in your path. Source it like this:
+# source /path/to/spack/share/spack/setup-env.zsh
+# This is a wrapper around the spack command that forwards calls to
+# 'spack use' and 'spack unuse' to shell functions. This in turn
+# allows them to be used to invoke dotkit functions.
+# 'spack use' is smarter than just 'use' because it converts its
+# arguments into a unique spack spec that is then passed to dotkit
+# commands. This allows the user to use packages without knowing all
+# their installation details.
+# e.g., rather than requring a full spec for libelf, the user can type:
+# spack use libelf
+# This will first find the available libelf dotkits and use a
+# matching one. If there are two versions of libelf, the user would
+# need to be more specific, e.g.:
+# spack use libelf@0.8.13
+# This is very similar to how regular spack commands work and it
+# avoids the need to come up with a user-friendly naming scheme for
+# spack dotfiles.
+function spack {
+ _spack_subcommand=${1}; shift
+ _spack_spec="$@"
+ # Filter out use and unuse. For any other commands, just run the
+ # command.
+ case ${_spack_subcommand} in
+ "use"|"unuse")
+ # Shift any other args for use off before parsing spec.
+ _spack_use_args=""
+ if [[ "$1" =~ ^- ]]; then
+ _spack_use_args="$1"; shift
+ _spack_spec="$@"
+ fi
+ # Here the user has run use or unuse with a spec. Find a matching
+ # spec with a dotkit using spack dotkit, then use or unuse the
+ # result. If spack dotkit comes back with an error, do nothing.
+ if _spack_full_spec=$(command spack dotkit $_spack_spec); then
+ $_spack_subcommand $_spack_use_args $_spack_full_spec
+ fi
+ return
+ ;;
+ "load"|"unload")
+ # Shift any other args for module off before parsing spec.
+ _spack_module_args=""
+ if [[ "$1" =~ ^- ]]; then
+ _spack_module_args="$1"; shift
+ _spack_spec="$@"
+ fi
+ # Here the user has run use or unuse with a spec. Find a matching
+ # spec with a dotkit using spack dotkit, then use or unuse the
+ # result. If spack dotkit comes back with an error, do nothing.
+ if _spack_full_spec=$(command spack tclmodule ${_spack_spec}); then
+ module ${_spack_subcommand} ${_spack_module_args} ${_spack_full_spec}
+ fi
+ return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ command spack $_spack_subcommand "$@"
+ return
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # If no args or -h, just run that command as well.
+ if [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
+ command spack $_spack_subcommand -h
+ return
+ fi
+# Set up dotkit and path in the user environment
+_spack_share_dir="$(dirname $0:A)"
+_spack_prefix="$(dirname $(dirname ${_spack_share_dir}))"
+export DK_NODE="$_spack_share_dir/dotkit:$DK_NODE"
+export MODULEPATH="$_spack_share_dir/modules:$MODULEPATH"
+export PATH="$_spack_prefix/bin:$PATH"