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14 files changed, 3039 insertions, 943 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst b/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
index ae180c0659..622860b75f 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
@@ -596,6 +596,9 @@ name or compiler specifier to their left in the spec.
If the compiler spec is omitted, Spack will choose a default compiler
based on site policies.
+.. _basic-variants:
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/build_systems/intelpackage.rst b/lib/spack/docs/build_systems/intelpackage.rst
index a21a0beb32..c03bbc30e0 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/build_systems/intelpackage.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/build_systems/intelpackage.rst
@@ -4,10 +4,1052 @@
-Intel provides many licensed software packages, which all share the
-same basic steps for configuring and installing, as well as license
+.. contents::
-This build system is a work-in-progress. See
- and
- for more information.
+Intel packages in Spack
+Spack can install and use several software development products offered by Intel.
+Some of these are available under no-cost terms, others require a paid license.
+All share the same basic steps for configuration, installation, and, where
+applicable, license management. The Spack Python class ``IntelPackage`` implements
+these steps.
+Spack interacts with Intel tools in several routes, like it does for any
+other package:
+.. _`route 1`:
+1. Accept system-provided tools after you declare them to Spack as *external packages*.
+.. _`route 2`:
+2. Install the products for you as *internal packages* in Spack.
+.. _`route 3`:
+3. *Use* the packages, regardless of installation route, to install what we'll
+ call *client packages* for you, this being Spack's primary purpose.
+An auxiliary route follows from route 2, as it would for most Spack
+packages, namely:
+.. _`route 4`:
+4. Make Spack-installed Intel tools available outside of Spack for ad-hoc use,
+ typically through Spack-managed modulefiles.
+This document covers routes 1 through 3.
+Packages under no-cost license
+Intel's standalone performance library products, notably MKL and MPI, are
+available for use under a `simplified license
+since 2017 [fn1]_. They are packaged in Spack as:
+* ``intel-mkl`` -- Math Kernel Library (linear algebra and FFT),
+* ``intel-mpi`` -- The Intel-MPI implementation (derived from MPICH),
+* ``intel-ipp`` -- Primitives for image-, signal-, and data-processing,
+* ``intel-daal`` -- Machine learning and data analytics.
+Some earlier versions of these libraries were released under a paid license.
+For these older versions, the license must be available at installation time of
+the products and during compilation of client packages.
+The library packages work well with the Intel compilers but do not require them
+-- those packages can just as well be used with other compilers. The Intel
+compiler invocation commands offer custom options to simplify linking Intel
+libraries (sometimes considerably), but Spack always uses fairly explicit
+linkage anyway.
+Licensed packages
+Intel's core software development products that provide compilers, analyzers,
+and optimizers do require a paid license. In Spack, they are packaged as:
+* ``intel-parallel-studio`` -- the entire suite of compilers and libraries,
+* ``intel`` -- a subset containing just the compilers and the Intel-MPI runtime [fn2]_.
+ TODO: Confirm and possible change(!) the scope of MPI components (runtime
+ vs. devel) in current (and previous?) *cluster/professional/composer*
+ editions, i.e., presence in downloads, possibly subject to license
+ coverage(!); see `disussion in PR #4300
+ <>`_. [NB:
+ An "mpi" subdirectory is not indicative of the full MPI SDK being present
+ (i.e., ``mpicc``, ..., and header files). The directory may just as well
+ contain only the MPI runtime (``mpirun`` and shared libraries) .]
+ See also issue #8632.
+The license is needed at installation time and to compile client packages, but
+never to merely run any resulting binaries. The license status for a given
+Spack package is normally specified in the *package code* through directives like
+`license_required` (see :ref:`Licensed software <license>`).
+For the Intel packages, however, the *class code* provides these directives (in
+exchange of forfeiting a measure of OOP purity) and takes care of idiosyncasies
+like historic version dependence.
+The libraries that are provided in the standalone packages are also included in the
+all-encompassing ``intel-parallel-studio``. To complicate matters a bit, that
+package is sold in 3 "editions", of which only the upper-tier ``cluster``
+edition supports *compiling* MPI applications, and hence only that edition can
+provide the ``mpi`` virtual package. (As mentioned [fn2]_, all editions
+provide support for *running* MPI applications.)
+The edition forms the leading part of the version number for Spack's
+``intel*`` packages discussed here. This differs from the primarily numeric
+version numbers seen with most other Spack packages. For example, we have:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack info intel-parallel-studio
+ ...
+ Preferred version:
+ professional.2018.3 http:...
+ Safe versions:
+ professional.2018.3 http:...
+ ...
+ composer.2018.3 http:...
+ ...
+ cluster.2018.3 http:...
+ ...
+ ...
+The full studio suite, capable of compiling MPI applications, currently
+requires about 12 GB of disk space when installed (see section `Install steps
+for packages with compilers and libraries`_ for detailed instructions).
+If you need to save disk space or installation time, you could install the
+``intel`` compilers-only subset (0.6 GB) and just the library packages you
+need, for example ``intel-mpi`` (0.5 GB) and ``intel-mkl`` (2.5 GB).
+Unrelated packages
+The following packages do not use the Intel installer and are not in class ``IntelPackage``
+that is discussed here:
+* ``intel-gpu-tools`` -- Test suite and low-level tools for the Linux `Direct
+ Rendering Manager <>`_
+* ``intel-mkl-dnn`` -- Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (``CMakePackage``)
+* ``intel-xed`` -- X86 machine instructions encoder/decoder
+* ``intel-tbb`` -- Standalone version of Intel Threading Building Blocks. Note that
+ a TBB runtime version is included with ``intel-mkl``, and development
+ versions are provided by the packages ``intel-parallel-studio`` (all
+ editions) and its ``intel`` subset.
+Configuring Spack to use Intel licenses
+If you wish to integrate licensed Intel products into Spack as external packages
+(`route 1`_ above) we assume that their license configuration is in place and
+is working [fn3]_. In this case, skip to section `Integration of Intel tools
+installed external to Spack`_.
+If you plan to have Spack install licensed products for you (`route 2`_ above),
+the Intel product installer that Spack will run underneath must have access to
+a license that is either provided by a *license server* or as a *license file*.
+The installer may be able to locate a license that is already configured on
+your system. If it cannot, you must configure Spack to provide either the
+server location or the license file.
+For authoritative information on Intel licensing, see:
+Pointing to an existing license server
+Installing and configuring a license server is outside the scope of Spack. We
+assume that:
+* Your system administrator has a license server running.
+* The license server offers valid licenses for the Intel packages of interest.
+* You can access these licenses under the user id running Spack.
+Be aware of the difference between (a) installing and configuring a license
+server, and (b) configuring client software to *use* a server's
+so-called floating licenses. We are concerned here with (b) only. The
+process of obtaining a license from a server for temporary use is called
+"checking out a license". For that, a client application such as the Intel
+package installer or a compiler needs to know the host name and port number of
+one or more license servers that it may query [fn4]_.
+Follow one of three methods to `point client software to a floating license server
+Ideally, your license administrator will already have implemented one that can
+be used unchanged in Spack: Look for the environment variable
+``INTEL_LICENSE_FILE`` or for files
+``/opt/intel/licenses/*.lic`` that contain::
+ SERVER hostname hostid_or_ANY portnum
+The relevant tokens, among possibly others, are the ``USE_SERVER`` line,
+intended specifically for clients, and one or more ``SERVER`` lines above it
+which give the network address.
+If you cannot find pre-existing ``/opt/intel/licenses/*.lic`` files and the
+``INTEL_LICENSE_FILE`` environment variable is not set (even after you loaded
+any relevant modulefiles), ask your license administrator for the server
+address(es) and place them in a "global" license file within your Spack
+directory tree `as shown below <Spack-managed file_>`_).
+Installing a standalone license file
+If you purchased a user-specific license, follow `Intel's instructions
+to "activate" it for your serial number, then download the resulting license file.
+If needed, `request to have the file re-sent
+<>`_ to you.
+Intel's license files are text files that contain tokens in the proprietary
+"FLEXlm" format and whose name ends in ``.lic``.
+Intel installers and compilers look for license files in several locations when they run.
+Place your license by one of the following means, in order of decreasing preference:
+* Default directory
+ Install your license file in the directory ``/opt/intel/licenses/`` if you
+ have write permission to it. This directory is inspected by all Intel tools
+ and is therefore preferred, as no further configuration will be needed.
+ Create the directory if it does not yet exist. For the file name, either
+ keep the downloaded name or use another suitably plain yet descriptive
+ name that ends in ``.lic``. Adjust file permissions for access by licensed
+ users.
+* Directory given in environment variable
+ If you cannot use the default directory, but your system already has set the
+ environment variable ``INTEL_LICENSE_FILE`` independent from Spack [fn5]_,
+ then, if you have the necessary write permissions, place your license file in
+ one of the directories mentioned in this environment variable. Adjust file
+ permissions to match licensed users.
+ .. tip::
+ If your system has not yet set and used the environment variable
+ ``INTEL_LICENSE_FILE``, you could start using it with the ``spack
+ install`` stage of licensed tools and subsequent client packages. You
+ would, however, be in a bind to always set that variable in the same
+ manner, across updates and re-installations, and perhaps accommodate
+ additions to it. As this may be difficult in the long run, we recommend
+ that you do *not* attempt to start using the variable solely for Spack.
+.. _`Spack-managed file`:
+* Spack-managed file
+ The first time Spack encounters an Intel package that requires a license, it
+ will initialize a Spack-global Intel-specific license file for you, as a
+ template with instructional comments, and bring up an editor [fn6]_. Spack
+ will do this *even if you have a working license elsewhere* on the system.
+ * To proceed with an externally configured license, leave the newly templated
+ file as is (containing comments only) and close the editor. You do not need
+ to touch the file again.
+ * To configure your own standalone license, copy the contents of your
+ downloaded license file into the opened file, save it, and close the editor.
+ * To use a license server (i.e., a floating network license) that is not
+ already configured elsewhere on the system, supply your license server
+ address(es) in the form of ``SERVER`` and ``USE_SERVER`` lines at the
+ *beginning of the file* [fn7]_, in the format shown in section `Pointing to
+ an existing license server`_. Save the file and close the editor.
+ To revisit and manually edit this file, such as prior to a subsequent
+ installation attempt, find it at
+ ``$SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/licenses/intel/intel.lic`` .
+ Spack will place symbolic links to this file in each directory where licensed
+ Intel binaries were installed. If you kept the template unchanged, Intel tools
+ will simply ignore it.
+.. _integrate-external-intel:
+Integration of Intel tools installed *external* to Spack
+This section discusses `route 1`_ from the introduction.
+A site that already uses Intel tools, especially licensed ones, will likely
+have some versions already installed on the system, especially at a time when
+Spack is just being introduced. It will be useful to make such previously
+installed tools available for use by Spack as they are. How to do this varies
+depending on the type of the tools:
+Integrating external compilers
+For Spack to use external Intel compilers, you must tell it both *where* to
+find them and *when* to use them. The present section documents the "where"
+aspect, involving ``compilers.yaml`` and, in most cases, long absolute paths.
+The "when" aspect actually relates to `route 3`_ and requires explicitly
+stating the compiler as a spec component (in the form ``foo %intel`` or ``foo
+%intel@compilerversion``) when installing client packages or altering Spack's
+compiler default in ``packages.yaml``.
+See section `Selecting Intel compilers <Selecting Intel compilers_>`_ for details.
+To integrate a new set of externally installed Intel compilers into Spack
+follow section
+:ref:`Compiler configuration <compiler-config>`.
+Briefly, prepare your shell environment like you would if you were to use these
+compilers normally, i.e., typically by a ``module load ...`` or a shell
+``source ...`` command, then use ``spack compiler find`` to make Spack aware of
+these compilers. This will create a new entry in a suitably scoped and possibly new
+``compilers.yaml`` file. You could certainly create such a compiler entry
+manually, but this is error-prone due to the indentation and different data
+types involved.
+The Intel compilers need and use the system's native GCC compiler (``gcc`` on
+most systems, ``clang`` on macOS) to provide certain functionality, notably to
+support C++. To provide a different GCC compiler for the Intel tools, or more
+generally set persistent flags for all invocations of the Intel compilers, locate
+the ``compilers.yaml`` entry that defines your Intel compiler, and, using a
+text editor, change one or both of the following:
+1. At the ``modules:`` tag, add a ``gcc`` module to the list.
+2. At the ``flags:`` tag, add ``cflags:``, ``cxxflags:``, and ``fflags:`` key-value entries.
+Consult the examples under
+:ref:`Compiler configuration <compiler-config>`
+:ref:`Vendor-Specific Compiler Configuration <vendor-specific-compiler-configuration>`
+in the Spack documentation.
+When done, validate your compiler definition by running
+``spack compiler info intel@compilerversion`` (replacing ``compilerversion`` by
+the version that you defined).
+Be aware that both the GCC integration and persistent compiler flags can also be
+affected by an advanced third method:
+3. A modulefile that provides the Intel compilers for you
+ could, for the benefit of users outside of Spack, implicitly
+ integrate a specific ``gcc`` version via compiler flag environment variables
+ or (hopefully not) via a sneaky extra ``PATH`` addition.
+Next, visit section `Selecting Intel Compilers`_ to learn how to tell
+Spack to use the newly configured compilers.
+Integrating external libraries
+Configure external library-type packages (as opposed to compilers)
+in the files ``$SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/packages.yaml`` or
+``~/.spack/packages.yaml``, following the Spack documentation under
+:ref:`External Packages <sec-external-packages>`.
+Similar to ``compilers.yaml``, the ``packages.yaml`` files define a package
+external to Spack in terms of a Spack spec and resolve each such spec via
+either the ``paths`` or ``modules`` tokens to a specific pre-installed package
+version on the system. Since Intel tools generally need environment variables
+to interoperate, which cannot be conveyed in a mere ``paths`` specification,
+the ``modules`` token will be more sensible to use. It resolves the Spack-side
+spec to a modulefile generated and managed outside of Spack's purview,
+which Spack will load internally and transiently when the corresponding spec is
+called upon to compile client packages.
+Unlike for compilers, where ``spack find compilers [spec]`` generates an entry
+in an existing or new ``compilers.yaml`` file, Spack does not offer a command
+to generate an entirely new ``packages.yaml`` entry. You must create
+new entries yourself in a text editor, though the command ``spack config
+[--scope=...] edit packages`` can help with selecting the proper file.
+See section
+:ref:`Configuration Scopes <configuration-scopes>`
+for an explanation about the different files
+and section
+:ref:`Build customization <build-settings>`
+for specifics and examples for ``packages.yaml`` files.
+.. If your system administrator did not provide modules for pre-installed Intel
+ tools, you could do well to ask for them, because installing multiple copies
+ of the Intel tools, as is wont to happen once Spack is in the picture, is
+ bound to stretch disk space and patience thin. If you *are* the system
+ administrator and are still new to modules, then perhaps it's best to follow
+ the `next section <Installing Intel tools within Spack_>`_ and install the tools
+ solely within Spack.
+The following example integrates packages embodied by hypothetical
+external modulefiles ``intel-mkl/18/...`` into
+Spack as packages ``intel-mkl@...``:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack config edit packages
+Make sure the file begins with:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+Adapt the following example. Be sure to maintain the indentation:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # other content ...
+ intel-mkl:
+ modules:
+ intel-mkl@2018.2.199 arch=linux-centos6-x86_64: intel-mkl/18/18.0.2
+ intel-mkl@2018.3.222 arch=linux-centos6-x86_64: intel-mkl/18/18.0.3
+The version numbers for the ``intel-mkl`` specs defined here correspond to file
+and directory names that Intel uses for its products because they were adopted
+and declared as such within Spack's package repository. You can inspect the
+versions known to your current Spack installation by:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack info intel-mkl
+Using the same version numbers for external packages as for packages known
+internally is useful for clarity, but not strictly necessary. Moreover, with a
+``packages.yaml`` entry, you can go beyond internally known versions.
+.. _compiler-neutral-package:
+Note that the Spack spec in the example does not contain a compiler
+specification. This is intentional, as the Intel library packages can be used
+unmodified with different compilers.
+A slightly more advanced example illustrates how to provide
+:ref:`variants <basic-variants>`
+and how to use the ``buildable: False`` directive to prevent Spack from installing
+other versions or variants of the named package through its normal internal
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+ intel-parallel-studio:
+ modules:
+ intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.2.199 +mkl+mpi+ipp+tbb+daal arch=linux-centos6-x86_64: intel/18/18.0.2
+ intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.3.222 +mkl+mpi+ipp+tbb+daal arch=linux-centos6-x86_64: intel/18/18.0.3
+ buildable: False
+One additional example illustrates the use of ``paths:`` instead of
+``modules:``, useful when external modulefiles are not available or not
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+ intel-parallel-studio:
+ paths:
+ intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.2.199 +mkl+mpi+ipp+tbb+daal: /opt/intel
+ intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.3.222 +mkl+mpi+ipp+tbb+daal: /opt/intel
+ buildable: False
+Note that for the Intel packages discussed here, the directory values in the
+``paths:`` entries must be the high-level and typically version-less
+"installation directory" that has been used by Intel's product installer.
+Such a directory will typically accumulate various product versions. Amongst
+them, Spack will select the correct version-specific product directory based on
+the ``@version`` spec component that each path is being defined for.
+For further background and details, see
+:ref:`External Packages <sec-external-packages>`.
+Installing Intel tools *within* Spack
+This section discusses `route 2`_ from the introduction.
+When a system does not yet have Intel tools installed already, or the installed
+versions are undesirable, Spack can install these tools like any regular Spack
+package for you and, with appropriate pre- and post-install configuration, use its
+compilers and/or libraries to install client packages.
+.. _intel-install-studio:
+Install steps for packages with compilers and libraries
+The packages ``intel-parallel-studio`` and ``intel`` (which is a subset of the
+former) are many-in-one products that contain both compilers and a set of
+library packages whose scope depends on the edition.
+Because they are general products geared towards shell environments,
+it can be somewhat involved to integrate these packages at their full extent
+into Spack.
+Note: To install library-only packages like ``intel-mkl``, ``intel-mpi``, and ``intel-daal``
+follow `the next section <intel-install-libs_>`_ instead.
+1. Review the section `Configuring spack to use intel licenses`_.
+.. _intel-compiler-anticipation:
+2. To install a version of ``intel-parallel-studio`` that provides Intel
+ compilers at a version that you have *not yet declared in Spack*,
+ the following preparatory steps are recommended:
+ A. Determine the compiler spec that the new ``intel-parallel-studio`` package
+ will provide, as follows: From the package version, combine the last two
+ digits of the version year, a literal "0" (zero), and the version component
+ that immediately follows the year.
+ ========================================== ======================
+ Package version Compiler spec provided
+ ------------------------------------------ ----------------------
+ ``intel-parallel-studio@edition.YYyy.u`` ``intel@yy.0.u``
+ ========================================== ======================
+ Example: The package ``intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.3`` will provide
+ the compiler with spec ``intel@18.0.3``.
+ .. _`config-compiler-anticipated`:
+ B. Add a new compiler section with the newly anticipated version at the
+ end of a ``compilers.yaml`` file in a suitable scope. For example, run:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack config --scope=user/linux edit compilers
+ and append a stub entry:
+ .. code-block:: yaml
+ - compiler:
+ target: x86_64
+ operating_system: centos6
+ modules: []
+ spec: intel@18.0.3
+ paths:
+ cc: stub
+ cxx: stub
+ f77: stub
+ fc: stub
+ Replace ``18.0.3`` with the version that you determined in the preceeding
+ step. The contents under ``paths:`` do not matter yet.
+ You are right to ask: "Why on earth is that necessary?" [fn8]_.
+ The answer lies in Spack striving for strict compiler consistency.
+ Consider what happens without such a pre-declared compiler stub:
+ Say, you ask Spack to install a particular version
+ ``intel-parallel-studio@edition.V``. Spack will apply an unrelated compiler
+ spec to concretize and install your request, resulting in
+ ``intel-parallel-studio@edition.V %X``. That compiler ``%X`` is not going to
+ be the version that this new package itself provides. Rather, it would
+ typically be ``%gcc@...`` in a default Spack installation or possibly indeed
+ ``%intel@...``, but at a version that precedes ``V``.
+ The problem comes to the fore as soon as you try to use any virtual ``mkl``
+ or ``mpi`` packages that you would expect to now be provided by
+ ``intel-parallel-studio@edition.V``. Spack will indeed see those virtual
+ packages, but only as being tied to the compiler that the package
+ ``intel-parallel-studio@edition.V`` was concretized with *at installation*.
+ If you were to install a client package with the new compilers now available
+ to you, you would naturally run ``spack install foo +mkl %intel@V``, yet
+ Spack will either complain about ``mkl%intel@V`` being missing (because it
+ only knows about ``mkl%X``) or it will go and attempt to install *another
+ instance* of ``intel-parallel-studio@edition.V %intel@V`` so as to match the
+ compiler spec ``%intel@V`` that you gave for your client package ``foo``.
+ This will be unexpected and will quickly get annoying because each
+ reinstallation takes up time and extra disk space.
+ To escape this trap, put the compiler stub declaration shown here in place,
+ then use that pre-declared compiler spec to install the actual package, as
+ shown next. This approach works because during installation only the
+ package's own self-sufficient installer will be used, not any compiler.
+ .. _`verify-compiler-anticipated`:
+3. Verify that the compiler version provided by the new ``studio`` version
+ would be used as expected if you were to compile a client package:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack spec zlib %intel
+ If the version does not match, explicitly state the anticipated compiler version, e.g.:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack spec zlib %intel@18.0.3
+ if there are problems, review and correct the compiler's ``compilers.yaml``
+ entry, be it still in stub form or already complete (as it would be for a
+ re-installation).
+4. Install the new ``studio`` package using Spack's regular ``install``
+ command.
+ It may be wise to provide the anticipated compiler (`see above
+ <verify-compiler-anticipated_>`_) as an explicit concretization
+ element:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.3 %intel@18.0.3
+5. Follow the same steps as under `Integrating external compilers`_ to tell
+ Spack the minutiae for actually using those compilers with client packages.
+ If you placed a stub entry in a ``compilers.yaml`` file, now is the time to
+ edit it and fill in the particulars.
+ * Under ``paths:``, give the full paths to the actual compiler binaries (``icc``,
+ ``ifort``, etc.) located within the Spack installation tree, in all their
+ unsightly length [fn9]_.
+ To determine the full path to the C compiler, adapt and run:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ find `spack location -i intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018.3` \
+ -name icc -type f -ls
+ If you get hits for both ``intel64`` and ``ia32``, you almost certainly will
+ want to use the ``intel64`` variant. The ``icpc`` and ``ifort`` compilers
+ will be located in the same directory as ``icc``.
+ * Use the ``modules:`` and/or ``cflags:`` tokens to specify a suitable accompanying
+ ``gcc`` version to help pacify picky client packages that ask for C++
+ standards more recent than supported by your system-provided ``gcc`` and its
+ ````.
+ * To set the Intel compilers for default use in Spack, instead of the usual ``%gcc``,
+ follow section `Selecting Intel compilers`_.
+.. tip::
+ Compiler packages like ``intel-parallel-studio`` can easily be above 10 GB
+ in size, which can tax the disk space available for temporary files on
+ small, busy, or restricted systems (like virtual machines). The Intel
+ installer will stop and report insufficient space as::
+ ==> './' '--silent' 'silent.cfg'
+ ...
+ Missing critical prerequisite
+ -- Not enough disk space
+ As first remedy, clean Spack's existing staging area:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack clean --stage
+ then retry installing the large package. Spack normally cleans staging
+ directories but certain failures may prevent it from doing so.
+ If the error persists, tell Spack to use an alternative location for
+ temporary files:
+ 1. Run ``df -h`` to identify an alternative location on your system.
+ 2. Tell Spack to use that location for staging. Do **one** of the following:
+ * Run Spack with the environment variable ``TMPDIR`` altered for just a
+ single command. For example, to use your ``$HOME`` directory:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ TMPDIR="$HOME/spack-stage" spack install ....
+ This example uses Bourne shell syntax. Adapt for other shells as needed.
+ * Alternatively, customize
+ Spack's ``build_stage`` :ref:`configuration setting <config-overrides>`.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack config edit config
+ Append:
+ .. code-block:: yaml
+ config:
+ build_stage:
+ - /home/$user/spack-stage
+ Do not duplicate the ``config:`` line if it already is present.
+ Adapt the location, which here is the same as in the preceeding example.
+ 3. Retry installing the large package.
+.. _intel-install-libs:
+Install steps for library-only packages
+To install library-only packages like ``intel-mkl``, ``intel-mpi``, and ``intel-daal``
+follow the steps given here.
+For packages that contain a compiler, follow `the previous section
+<intel-install-studio_>`_ instead.
+1. For pre-2017 product releases, review the section `Configuring Spack to use Intel licenses`_.
+2. Inspect the package spec. Specify an explicit compiler if necessary, e.g.:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack spec intel-mpi@2018.3.199
+ $ spack spec intel-mpi@2018.3.199 %intel
+ Check that the package will use the compiler flavor and version that you expect.
+3. Install the package normally within Spack. Use the same spec as in the
+ previous command, i.e., as general or as specific as needed:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install intel-mpi@2018.3.199
+ $ spack install intel-mpi@2018.3.199 %intel@18
+4. To prepare the new packages for use with client packages,
+ follow `Selecting libraries to satisfy virtual packages`_.
+Debug notes
+* You can trigger a wall of additional diagnostics using Spack options, e.g.:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack --debug -v install intel-mpi
+ The ``--debug`` option can also be useful while installing client
+ packages `(see below) <Using Intel tools in Spack to install client
+ packages_>`_ to confirm the integration of the Intel tools in Spack, notably
+ MKL and MPI.
+* The ``.spack/`` subdirectory of an installed ``IntelPackage`` will contain,
+ besides Spack's usual archival items, a copy of the ``silent.cfg`` file that
+ was passed to the Intel installer:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ grep COMPONENTS<hash>/.spack/silent.cfg
+* If an installation error occurs, Spack will normally clean up and remove a
+ partially installed target directory. You can direct Spack to keep it using
+ ``--keep-prefix``, e.g.:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install --keep-prefix intel-mpi
+ You must, however, *remove such partial installations* prior to subsequent
+ installation attempts. Otherwise, the Intel installer will behave
+ incorrectly.
+Using Intel tools in Spack to install client packages
+Finally, this section pertains to `route 3`_ from the introduction.
+Once Intel tools are installed within Spack as external or internal packages
+they can be used as intended for installing client packages.
+.. _`select-intel-compilers`:
+Selecting Intel compilers
+Select Intel compilers to compile client packages, like any compiler in Spack,
+by one of the following means:
+* Request the Intel compilers explicitly in the client spec, e.g.:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install libxc@3.0.0%intel
+* Alternatively, request Intel compilers implicitly by concretization preferences.
+ Configure the order of compilers in the appropriate ``packages.yaml`` file,
+ under either an ``all:`` or client-package-specific entry, in a
+ ``compiler:`` list. Consult the Spack documentation for
+ :ref:`Configuring Package Preferences <configs-tutorial-package-prefs>`
+ and
+ :ref:`Concretization Preferences <concretization-preferences>`.
+Example: ``etc/spack/packages.yaml`` might simply contain:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+ all:
+ compiler: [ intel, gcc, ]
+To be more specific, you can state partial or full compiler version numbers,
+for example:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+ all:
+ compiler: [ intel@18, intel@17, gcc@4.4.7, gcc@4.9.3, gcc@7.3.0, ]
+Selecting libraries to satisfy virtual packages
+Intel packages, whether integrated into Spack as external packages or
+installed within Spack, can be called upon to satisfy the requirement of a
+client package for a library that is available from different providers.
+The relevant virtual packages for Intel are ``blas``, ``lapack``,
+``scalapack``, and ``mpi``.
+In both integration routes, Intel packages can have optional
+:ref:`variants <basic-variants>`
+which alter the list of virtual packages they can satisfy. For Spack-external
+packages, the active variants are a combination of the defaults declared in
+Spack's package repository and the spec it is declared as in ``packages.yaml``.
+Needless to say, those should match the components that are actually present in
+the external product installation. Likewise, for Spack-internal packages, the
+active variants are determined, persistently at installation time, from the
+defaults in the repository and the spec selected to be installed.
+To have Intel packages satisfy virtual package requests for all or selected
+client packages, edit the ``packages.yaml`` file. Customize, either in the
+``all:`` or a more specific entry, a ``providers:`` dictionary whose keys are
+the virtual packages and whose values are the Spack specs that satisfy the
+virtual package, in order of decreasing preference. To learn more about the
+``providers:`` settings, see the Spack tutorial for
+:ref:`Configuring Package Preferences <configs-tutorial-package-prefs>`
+and the section
+:ref:`Concretization Preferences <concretization-preferences>`.
+Example: The following fairly minimal example for ``packages.yaml`` shows how
+to exclusively use the standalone ``intel-mkl`` package for all the linear
+algebra virtual packages in Spack, and ``intel-mpi`` as the preferred MPI
+implementation. Other providers can still be chosen on a per-package basis.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+ all:
+ providers:
+ mpi: [intel-mpi]
+ blas: [intel-mkl]
+ lapack: [intel-mkl]
+ scalapack: [intel-mkl]
+If you have access to the ``intel-parallel-studio@cluster`` edition, you can
+use instead:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ all:
+ providers:
+ mpi: [intel-parallel-studio+mpi]
+ # Note: +mpi vs. +mkl
+ blas: [intel-parallel-studio+mkl]
+ lapack: [intel-parallel-studio+mkl]
+ scalapack: [intel-parallel-studio+mkl]
+If you installed ``intel-parallel-studio`` within Spack ("`route 2`_"), make
+sure you followed the `special installation step
+<intel-compiler-anticipation_>`_ to ensure that its virtual packages match the
+compilers it provides.
+Using Intel tools as explicit dependency
+With the proper installation as detailed above, no special steps should be
+required when a client package specifically (and thus deliberately) requests an
+Intel package as dependency, this being one of the target use cases for Spack.
+Tips for configuring client packages to use MKL
+The Math Kernel Library (MKL) is provided by several Intel packages, currently
+``intel-parallel-studio`` when variant ``+mkl`` is active (it is by default)
+and the standalone ``intel-mkl``. Because of these different provider packages,
+a *virtual* ``mkl`` package is declared in Spack.
+* To use MKL-specific APIs in a client package:
+ Declare a dependency on ``mkl``, rather than a specific provider like
+ ``intel-mkl``. Declare the dependency either absolutely or conditionally
+ based on variants that your package might have declared:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # Examples for absolute and conditional dependencies:
+ depends_on('mkl')
+ depends_on('mkl', when='+mkl')
+ depends_on('mkl', when='fftw=mkl')
+ The ``MKLROOT`` environment variable (part of the documented API) will be set
+ during all stages of client package installation, and is available to both
+ the Spack packaging code and the client code.
+* To use MKL as provider for BLAS, LAPACK, or ScaLAPACK:
+ The packages that provide ``mkl`` also provide the narrower
+ virtual ``blas``, ``lapack``, and ``scalapack`` packages.
+ See the relevant :ref:`Packaging Guide section <blas_lapack_scalapack>`
+ for an introduction.
+ To portably use these virtual packages, construct preprocessor and linker
+ option strings in your package configuration code using the package functions
+ ``.headers`` and ``.libs`` in conjunction with utility functions from the
+ following classes:
+ * :py:class:`llnl.util.filesystem.FileList`,
+ * :py:class:`llnl.util.filesystem.HeaderList`,
+ * :py:class:`llnl.util.filesystem.LibraryList`.
+ .. tip::
+ *Do not* use constructs like ``.prefix.include`` or ``.prefix.lib``, with
+ Intel or any other implementation of ``blas``, ``lapack``, and
+ ``scalapack``.
+ For example, for an
+ :ref:`AutotoolsPackage <autotoolspackage>`
+ use ``.libs.ld_flags`` to transform the library file list into linker options
+ passed to ``./configure``:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ def configure_args(self):
+ args = []
+ ...
+ args.append('--with-blas=%s' % self.spec['blas'].libs.ld_flags)
+ args.append('--with-lapack=%s' % self.spec['lapack'].libs.ld_flags)
+ ...
+ .. tip::
+ Even though ``.ld_flags`` will return a string of multiple words, *do not*
+ use quotes for options like ``--with-blas=...`` because Spack passes them
+ to ``./configure`` without invoking a shell.
+ Likewise, in a
+ :ref:`MakefilePackage <makefilepackage>`
+ or similiar package that does not use AutoTools you may need to provide include
+ and link options for use on command lines or in environment variables.
+ For example, to generate an option string of the form ``-I<dir>``, use:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ self.spec['blas'].headers.include_flags
+ and to generate linker options (``-L<dir> -llibname ...``), use the same as above,
+ .. code-block:: python
+ self.spec['blas'].libs.ld_flags
+ See
+ :ref:`MakefilePackage <makefilepackage>`
+ and more generally the
+ :ref:`Packaging Guide <blas_lapack_scalapack>`
+ for background and further examples.
+.. [fn1] Strictly speaking, versions from ``2017.2`` onward.
+.. [fn2] The package ``intel`` intentionally does not have a ``+mpi`` variant since
+ it is meant to be small. The native installer will always add MPI *runtime*
+ components because it follows defaults defined in the download package, even
+ when ``intel-parallel-studio ~mpi`` has been requested.
+ For ``intel-parallel-studio +mpi``, the class function
+ :py:func:``.IntelPackage.pset_components``
+ will include ``"intel-mpi intel-imb"`` in a list of component patterns passed
+ to the Intel installer. The installer will extend each pattern word with an
+ implied glob-like ``*`` to resolve it to package names that are
+ *actually present in the product BOM*.
+ As a side effect, this pattern approach accommodates occasional package name
+ changes, e.g., capturing both ``intel-mpirt`` and ``intel-mpi-rt`` .
+.. [fn3] How could the external installation have succeeded otherwise?
+.. [fn4] According to Intel's documentation, there is supposedly a way to install a
+ product using a network license even `when a FLEXlm server is not running
+ <>`_:
+ Specify the license in the form ``port@serverhost`` in the
+ ``INTEL_LICENSE_FILE`` environment variable. All other means of specifying a
+ network license require that the license server be up.
+.. [fn5] Despite the name, ``INTEL_LICENSE_FILE`` can hold several and diverse entries.
+ They can be either directories (presumed to contain ``*.lic`` files), file
+ names, or network locations in the form ``port@host`` (on Linux and Mac),
+ with all items separated by ":" (on Linux and Mac).
+.. [fn6] Should said editor turn out to be ``vi``, you better be in a position
+ to know how to use it.
+.. [fn7] Comment lines in FLEXlm files, indicated by ``#`` as the first
+ non-whitespace character on the line, are generally allowed anywhere in the file.
+ There `have been reports <>`_,
+ however, that as of 2018, ``SERVER`` and ``USE_SERVER`` lines must precede
+ any comment lines.
+ .. [fnX] The name component ``intel`` of the compiler spec is separate from (in
+ a different namespace than) the names of the Spack packages
+ ``intel-parallel-studio`` and ``intel``. Both of the latter provide the former.
+.. [fn8] Spack's close coupling of installed packages to compilers, which both
+ necessitates the detour for installing ``intel-parallel-studio``, and
+ largely limits any of its provided virtual packages to a single compiler, heavily
+ favors `recommending to install Intel Parallel Studio outside of Spack
+ <integrate-external-intel_>`_ and declare it for Spack in ``packages.yaml``
+ by a `compiler-less spec <compiler-neutral-package_>`_.
+.. [fn9] With some effort, you can convince Spack to use shorter paths.
+ .. warning:: Altering the naming scheme means that Spack will lose track of
+ all packages it has installed for you so far.
+ That said, the time is right for this kind of customization
+ when you are defining a new set of compilers.
+ The relevant tunables are:
+ 1. Set the ``install_tree`` location in ``config.yaml``
+ (:ref:`see doc <config-yaml>`).
+ 2. Set the hash length in ``install-path-scheme``, also in ``config.yaml``
+ (:ref:`q.v. <config-yaml>`).
+ 3. You will want to set the *same* hash length for
+ :ref:`tcl module files <modules-naming-scheme>`
+ if you have Spack produce them for you, under ``naming_scheme`` in
+ ``modules.yaml``. Other module dialects cannot be altered in this manner.
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/getting_started.rst b/lib/spack/docs/getting_started.rst
index 1ea3c1a0e9..aaaeb9dec7 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/getting_started.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/getting_started.rst
@@ -484,6 +484,9 @@ simple package. For example:
$ spack install zlib%gcc@5.3.0
+.. _vendor-specific-compiler-configuration:
Vendor-Specific Compiler Configuration
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/module_file_support.rst b/lib/spack/docs/module_file_support.rst
index 41e1245d9a..e699f4244a 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/module_file_support.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/module_file_support.rst
@@ -479,6 +479,9 @@ you will prevent the generation of module files for any package that
is compiled with ``gcc@4.4.7``, with the only exception of any ``gcc``
or any ``llvm`` installation.
+.. _modules-naming-scheme:
Customize the naming scheme
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst b/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
index 12abcfd7ea..683bb01503 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
@@ -2759,6 +2759,8 @@ is handy when a package supports additional variants like
variant('openmp', default=True, description="Enable OpenMP support.")
+.. _blas_lapack_scalapack:
Blas, Lapack and ScaLapack libraries
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/tutorial_configuration.rst b/lib/spack/docs/tutorial_configuration.rst
index f185b8b722..2e97eab590 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/tutorial_configuration.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/tutorial_configuration.rst
@@ -325,6 +325,8 @@ license server, you can set this in ``compilers.yaml`` as follows:
+.. _configs-tutorial-package-prefs:
Configuring Package Preferences
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/README-intel.rst b/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/README-intel.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6efbd09dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/README-intel.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+Development Notes on Intel Packages
+These are notes for concepts and development of
+lib/spack/spack/build_systems/ .
+For documentation on how to *use* ``IntelPackage``, see
+lib/spack/docs/build_systems/intelpackage.rst .
+Installation and path handling as implemented in ./
+Prefix differences between Spack-external and Spack-internal installations
+Problem summary
+For Intel packages that were installed external to Spack, ``self.prefix`` will
+be a *component-specific* path (e.g. to an MKL-specific dir hierarchy), whereas
+for a package installed by Spack itself, ``self.prefix`` will be a
+*vendor-level* path that holds one or more components (or parts thereof), and
+must be further qualified down to a particular desired component.
+It is possible that a similar conceptual difference is inherent to other
+package families that use a common vendor-style installer.
+Spack makes packages available through two routes, let's call them A and B:
+A. Packages pre-installed external to Spack and configured *for* Spack
+B. Packages built and installed *by* Spack.
+For a user who is interested in building end-user applications, it should not
+matter through which route any of its dependent packages has been installed.
+Most packages natively support a ``prefix`` concept which unifies the two
+routes just fine.
+Intel packages, however, are more complicated because they consist of a number
+of components that are released as a suite of varying extent, like "Intel
+Parallel Studio *Foo* Edition", or subsetted into products like "MKL" or "MPI",
+each of which also contain libraries from other components like the compiler
+runtime and multithreading libraries. For this reason, an Intel package is
+"anchored" during installation at a directory level higher than just the
+user-facing directory that has the conventional hierarchy of ``bin``, ``lib``,
+and others relevant for the end-product.
+As a result, internal to Spack, there is a conceptual difference in what
+``self.prefix`` represents for the two routes.
+For route A, consider MKL installed outside of Spack. It will likely be one
+product component among other products, at one particular release among others
+that are installed in sibling or cousin directories on the local system.
+Therefore, the path given to Spack in ``packages.yaml`` should be a
+*product-specific and fully version-specific* directory. E.g., for an
+``intel-mkl`` package, ``self.prefix`` should look like::
+ /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mkl
+In this route, the interaction point with the user is encapsulated in an
+environment variable which will be (in pseudo-code)::
+ MKLROOT := {self.prefix}
+For route B, a Spack-based installation of MKL will be placed in the directory
+given to the ``./`` script of Intel's package distribution. This
+directory is taken to be the *vendor*-specific anchor directory, playing the
+same role as the default ``/opt/intel``. In this case, ``self.prefix`` will
+ $SPACK_ROOT/opt/spack/linux-centos6-x86_64/gcc-4.9.3/intel-mkl-2018.1.163-<HASH>
+However, now the environment variable will have to be constructed as *several
+directory levels down*::
+ MKLROOT := {self.prefix}/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mkl
+A recent post on the Spack mailing list illustrates the confusion when route A
+was taken while route B was the only one that was coded in Spack:
+Introduce a series of functions which will return the appropriate
+directories, regardless of whether the Intel package has been installed
+external or internal to Spack:
+========================== ==================================================
+Function Example return values
+-------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
+normalize_suite_dir() Spack-external installation:
+ /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163
+ Spack-internal installation:
+ $SPACK_ROOT/...<HASH>/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163
+-------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
+normalize_path('mkl') <suite_dir>/linux/mkl
+component_bin_dir() <suite_dir>/linux/mkl/bin
+component_lib_dir() <suite_dir>/linux/mkl/lib/intel64
+-------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
+normalize_path('mpi') <suite_dir>/linux/mpi
+component_bin_dir('mpi') <suite_dir>/linux/mpi/intel64/bin
+component_lib_dir('mpi') <suite_dir>/linux/mpi/intel64/lib
+========================== ==================================================
+Analysis of directory layouts
+Let's look at some sample directory layouts, using ``ls -lF``,
+but focusing on names and symlinks only.
+Spack-born installation of ``intel-mkl@2018.1.163``
+ $ ls -l <prefix>
+ bin/
+ - compilervars.*sh (symlinked) ONLY
+ compilers_and_libraries -> compilers_and_libraries_2018
+ - generically-named entry point, stable across versions (one hopes)
+ compilers_and_libraries_2018/
+ - vaguely-versioned dirname, holding a stub hierarchy --ignorable
+ $ ls -l compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/
+ bin - actual compilervars.*sh (reg. files) ONLY
+ documentation -> ../../documentation_2018/
+ lib -> ../../compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/compiler/lib/
+ mkl -> ../../compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mkl/
+ pkg_bin -> ../../compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/bin/
+ samples -> ../../samples_2018/
+ tbb -> ../../compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/tbb/
+ compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/
+ - Main "product" + a minimal set of libs from related products
+ $ ls -l compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/
+ bin/ - compilervars.*sh, link_install*sh ONLY
+ mkl/ - Main Product ==> to be assigned to MKLROOT
+ compiler/ - lib/intel64_lin/libiomp5* ONLY
+ tbb/ - tbb/lib/intel64_lin/gcc4.[147]/libtbb*.so* ONLY
+ parallel_studio_xe_2018 -> parallel_studio_xe_2018.1.038/
+ parallel_studio_xe_2018.1.038/
+ - Alternate product packaging - ignorable
+ $ ls -l parallel_studio_xe_2018.1.038/
+ bin/ - actual psxevars.*sh (reg. files)
+ compilers_and_libraries_2018 -> <full_path>/comp...aries_2018.1.163
+ documentation_2018 -> <full_path_prefix>/documentation_2018
+ samples_2018 -> <full_path_prefix>/samples_2018
+ ...
+ documentation_2018/
+ samples_2018/
+ lib -> compilers_and_libraries/linux/lib/
+ mkl -> compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/
+ tbb -> compilers_and_libraries/linux/tbb/
+ - auxiliaries and convenience links
+Spack-external installation of Intel-MPI 2018
+For MPI, the layout is slightly different than MKL. The prefix will have to
+include an architecture directory (typically ``intel64``), which then contains
+bin/, lib/, ..., all without further architecture branching. The environment
+variable ``I_MPI_ROOT`` from the API documentation, however, must be the
+package's top directory, not including the architecture.
+FIXME: For MANPATH, need the parent dir.
+ $ ls -lF /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/
+ bin64 -> intel64/bin/
+ etc64 -> intel64/etc/
+ include64 -> intel64/include/
+ lib64 -> intel64/lib/
+ benchmarks/
+ binding/
+ intel64/
+ man/
+ test/
+The package contains an MPI-2019 preview; Curiously, its release notes contain
+the tag: "File structure clean-up." I could not find further documentation on
+this, however, so it is unclear what, if any, changes will make it to release.
+ $ ls -lF /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi_2019/
+ binding/
+ doc/
+ imb/
+ intel64/
+ man/
+ test/
+Spack-external installation of Intel Parallel Studio 2018
+This is the main product bundle that I actually downloaded and installed on my
+system. Its nominal installation directory mostly holds merely symlinks
+to components installed in sibling dirs::
+ $ ls -lF /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2018.1.038/
+ advisor_2018 -> /opt/intel/advisor_2018/
+ clck_2018 -> /opt/intel/clck/2018.1/
+ compilers_and_libraries_2018 -> /opt/intel/comp....aries_2018.1.163/
+ documentation_2018 -> /opt/intel/documentation_2018/
+ ide_support_2018 -> /opt/intel/ide_support_2018/
+ inspector_2018 -> /opt/intel/inspector_2018/
+ itac_2018 -> /opt/intel/itac/2018.1.017/
+ man -> /opt/intel/man/
+ samples_2018 -> /opt/intel/samples_2018/
+ vtune_amplifier_2018 -> /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_2018/
+ psxevars.csh -> ./bin/psxevars.csh*
+ -> ./bin/*
+ bin/ - *vars.*sh scripts + sshconnectivity.exp ONLY
+ licensing/
+ uninstall*
+The only relevant regular files are ``*vars.*sh``, but those also just churn
+through the subordinate vars files of the components.
+Installation model
+Intel packages come with an ```` script that is normally run
+interactively (in either text or GUI mode) but can run unattended with a
+``--silent <file>`` option, which is of course what Spack uses.
+Format of configuration file
+The configuration file is conventionally called ``silent.cfg`` and has a simple
+``token=value`` syntax. Before using the configuration file, the installer
+calls ``<staging_dir>/pset/check.awk`` to validate it. Example paths to the
+validator are::
+ .../l_mkl_2018.1.163/pset/check.awk .
+ .../parallel_studio_xe_2018_update1_cluster_edition/pset/check.awk
+The tokens that are accepted in the configuration file vary between packages.
+Tokens not supported for a given package **will cause the installer to stop
+and fail.** This is particularly relevant for license-related tokens, which are
+accepted only for packages that actually require a license.
+Reference: [Intel's documentation](
+See also:
+The following is from ``.../parallel_studio_xe_2018_update1_cluster_edition/pset/check.awk``:
+* Tokens valid for all packages encountered::
+ ACCEPT_EULA {accept, decline}
+ PSET_INSTALL_DIR {/opt/intel, , filepat}
+ COMPONENTS {ALL, DEFAULTS, , anythingpat}
+ PSET_MODE {install, repair, uninstall}
+ NONRPM_DB_DIR {, filepat}
+* Mentioned but unexplained in ``check.awk``::
+* Only for licensed packages::
+ ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE {, lspat, filepat}
+ ACTIVATION_TYPE {exist_lic, license_server,
+ license_file, trial_lic,
+ serial_number}
+* Only for Amplifier (obviously)::
+ AMPLIFIER_DRIVER_ACCESS_GROUP {, anythingpat, vtune}
+ AMPLIFIER_C_COMPILER {, filepat, auto, none}
+ AMPLIFIER_KERNEL_SRC_DIR {, filepat, auto, none}
+ AMPLIFIER_MAKE_COMMAND {, filepat, auto, none}
+* Only for MKL and Studio::
+* "backward compatibility" (?)::
+ download_only {yes}
+ download_dir {, filepat}
+Details for licensing tokens
+Quoted from
+for reference:
+[ed. note: As of 2018-05, the page incorrectly references ``ACTIVATION``, which
+was used only until about 2012; this is corrected to ``ACTIVATION_TYPE`` here.]
+ ...
+ ``ACTIVATION_TYPE=exist_lic``
+ This directive tells the install program to look for an existing
+ license during the install process. This is the preferred method for
+ silent installs. Take the time to register your serial number and get
+ a license file (see below). Having a license file on the system
+ simplifies the process. In addition, as an administrator it is good
+ practice to know WHERE your licenses are saved on your system.
+ License files are plain text files with a .lic extension. By default
+ these are saved in /opt/intel/licenses which is searched by default.
+ If you save your license elsewhere, perhaps under an NFS folder, set
+ environment variable **INTEL_LICENSE_FILE** to the full path to your
+ license file prior to starting the installation or use the
+ configuration file directive ``ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE`` to specify the
+ full pathname to the license file.
+ Options for ``ACTIVATION_TYPE`` are ``{ exist_lic, license_file, server_lic,
+ serial_number, trial_lic }``
+ ``exist_lic``
+ directs the installer to search for a valid license on the server.
+ Searches will utilize the environment variable **INTEL_LICENSE_FILE**,
+ search the default license directory /opt/intel/licenses, or use the
+ ``ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE`` directive to find a valid license file.
+ ``license_file``
+ is similar to exist_lic but directs the installer to use
+ ``ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE`` to find the license file.
+ ``server_lic``
+ is similar to exist_lic and exist_lic but directs the installer that
+ this is a client installation and a floating license server will be
+ contacted to active the product. This option will contact your
+ floating license server on your network to retrieve the license
+ information. BEFORE using this option make sure your client is
+ correctly set up for your network including all networking, routing,
+ name service, and firewall configuration. Insure that your client has
+ direct access to your floating license server and that firewalls are
+ set up to allow TCP/IP access for the 2 license server ports.
+ server_lic will use **INTEL_LICENSE_FILE** containing a port@host format
+ OR a client license file. The formats for these are described here
+ ``serial_number``
+ directs the installer to use directive ``ACTIVATION_SERIAL_NUMBER`` for
+ activation. This method will require the installer to contact an
+ external Intel activation server over the Internet to confirm your
+ serial number. Due to user and company firewalls, this method is more
+ complex and hence error prone of the available activation methods. We
+ highly recommend using a license file or license server for activation
+ instead.
+ ``trial_lic``
+ is used only if you do not have an existing license and intend to
+ temporarily evaluate the compiler. This method creates a temporary
+ trial license in Trusted Storage on your system.
+ ...
+vars files
+Intel's product packages contain a number of shell initialization files let's call them vars files.
+There are three kinds:
+#. Component-specific vars files, such as `mklvars` or `tbbvars`.
+#. Toplevel vars files such as "psxevars". They will scan for all
+ component-specific vars files associated with the product, and source them
+ if found.
+#. Symbolic links to either of them. Links may appear under a different name
+ for backward compatibility.
+At present, IntelPackage class is only concerned with the toplevel vars files,
+generally found in the product's toplevel bin/ directory.
+For reference, here is an overview of the names and locations of the vars files
+in the 2018 product releases, as seen for Spack-native installation. NB: May be
+incomplete as some components may have been omitted during installation.
+Names of vars files seen::
+ $ cd opt/spack/linux-centos6-x86_64
+ $ find intel* -name \* -printf '%f\n' | sort -u | nl
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ 13
+ 14
+ 15
+ 16
+Names and locations of vars files, sorted by Spack package name::
+ $ cd opt/spack/linux-centos6-x86_64
+ $ find intel* -name \* -printf '%y\t%-15f\t%h\n' \
+ | cut -d/ -f1,4- \
+ | sed '/iccvars\|ifortvars/d; s,/,\t\t,; s,\.sh,,; s, */\(intel[/-]\),\1,' \
+ | sort -k3,3 -k2,2 \
+ | nl \
+ | awk '{printf "%6i %-2s %-16s %-24s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5}'
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ item no.
+ file or link
+ name of vars file
+ Spack package name
+ dir relative to Spack install dir
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 f mpivars intel compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/bin
+ 2 f mpivars intel compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpirt/bin/ia32_lin
+ 3 f tbbvars intel compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/tbb/bin
+ 4 f pstlvars intel compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/pstl/bin
+ 5 f compilervars intel compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/bin
+ 6 f compilervars intel compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin
+ 7 l compilervars intel bin
+ 8 f daalvars intel-daal compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/daal/bin
+ 9 f psxevars intel-daal parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046/bin
+ 10 l psxevars intel-daal parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046
+ 11 f compilervars intel-daal compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/bin
+ 12 f compilervars intel-daal compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin
+ 13 l compilervars intel-daal bin
+ 14 f ippvars intel-ipp compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/ipp/bin
+ 15 f psxevars intel-ipp parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046/bin
+ 16 l psxevars intel-ipp parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046
+ 17 f compilervars intel-ipp compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/bin
+ 18 f compilervars intel-ipp compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin
+ 19 l compilervars intel-ipp bin
+ 20 f mklvars intel-mkl compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mkl/bin
+ 21 f psxevars intel-mkl parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046/bin
+ 22 l psxevars intel-mkl parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046
+ 23 f compilervars intel-mkl compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/bin
+ 24 f compilervars intel-mkl compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin
+ 25 l compilervars intel-mkl bin
+ 26 f mpivars intel-mpi compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi_2019/intel64/bin
+ 27 f mpivars intel-mpi compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64/bin
+ 28 f psxevars intel-mpi parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046/bin
+ 29 l psxevars intel-mpi parallel_studio_xe_2018.2.046
+ 30 f compilervars intel-mpi compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/bin
+ 31 f compilervars intel-mpi compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin
+ 32 l compilervars intel-mpi bin
+ 33 f apsvars intel-parallel-studio vtune_amplifier_2018.1.0.535340
+ 34 l apsvars intel-parallel-studio performance_snapshots_2018.1.0.535340
+ 35 f ippvars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/ipp/bin
+ 36 f ippvars intel-parallel-studio composer_xe_2015.6.233/ipp/bin
+ 37 f mklvars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mkl/bin
+ 38 f mklvars intel-parallel-studio composer_xe_2015.6.233/mkl/bin
+ 39 f mpivars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/bin
+ 40 f mpivars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpirt/bin/ia32_lin
+ 41 f tbbvars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/tbb/bin
+ 42 f tbbvars intel-parallel-studio composer_xe_2015.6.233/tbb/bin
+ 43 f daalvars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/daal/bin
+ 44 f pstlvars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/pstl/bin
+ 45 f psxevars intel-parallel-studio parallel_studio_xe_2018.1.038/bin
+ 46 l psxevars intel-parallel-studio parallel_studio_xe_2018.1.038
+ 47 f sep_vars intel-parallel-studio vtune_amplifier_2018.1.0.535340
+ 48 f sep_vars intel-parallel-studio vtune_amplifier_2018.1.0.535340/target/android_v4.1_x86_64
+ 49 f advixe-vars intel-parallel-studio advisor_2018.1.1.535164
+ 50 f amplxe-vars intel-parallel-studio vtune_amplifier_2018.1.0.535340
+ 51 f inspxe-vars intel-parallel-studio inspector_2018.1.1.535159
+ 52 f compilervars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/bin
+ 53 f compilervars intel-parallel-studio compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin
+ 54 l compilervars intel-parallel-studio bin
+ 55 f debuggervars intel-parallel-studio debugger_2018/bin
+MPI linkage
+Library selection
+In the Spack code so far, the library selections for MPI are:
+ libnames = ['libmpifort', 'libmpi']
+ if 'cxx' in self.spec.last_query.extra_parameters:
+ libnames = ['libmpicxx'] + libnames
+ return find_libraries(libnames,
+ root=self.component_lib_dir('mpi'),
+ shared=True, recursive=False)
+The problem is that there are multiple library versions under ``component_lib_dir``::
+ $ cd $I_MPI_ROOT
+ $ find . -name | sort
+ ./intel64/lib/debug/
+ ./intel64/lib/debug_mt/
+ ./intel64/lib/
+ ./intel64/lib/release/
+ ./intel64/lib/release_mt/
+"mt" refers to multi-threading, not in the explicit sense but in the sense of being thread-safe::
+ $ mpiifort -help | grep mt
+ -mt_mpi link the thread safe version of the Intel(R) MPI Library
+Well, why should we not inspect what the canonical script does? The wrapper
+has its own hardcoded "prefix=..." and can thus tell us what it will do, from a
+*wiped environment* no less!::
+ $ env - intel64/bin/mpiicc -show hello.c | ld-unwrap-args
+ icc 'hello.c' \
+ -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/include \
+ -L/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/release_mt \
+ -L/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/lib \
+ -Xlinker --enable-new-dtags \
+ -Xlinker -rpath=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/release_mt \
+ -Xlinker -rpath=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/mpi/intel64/lib \
+ -Xlinker -rpath=/opt/intel/mpi-rt/2017.0.0/intel64/lib/release_mt \
+ -Xlinker -rpath=/opt/intel/mpi-rt/2017.0.0/intel64/lib \
+ -lmpifort \
+ -lmpi \
+ -lmpigi \
+ -ldl \
+ -lrt \
+ -lpthread
+MPI Wrapper options
+For reference, here's the wrapper's builtin help output::
+ $ mpiifort -help
+ Simple script to compile and/or link MPI programs.
+ Usage: mpiifort [options] <files>
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The following options are supported:
+ -fc=<name> | -f90=<name>
+ specify a FORTRAN compiler name: i.e. -fc=ifort
+ -echo print the scripts during their execution
+ -show show command lines without real calling
+ -config=<name> specify a configuration file: i.e. -config=ifort for mpif90-ifort.conf file
+ -v print version info of mpiifort and its native compiler
+ -profile=<name> specify a profile configuration file (an MPI profiling
+ library): i.e. -profile=myprofile for the myprofile.cfg file.
+ As a special case, lib<name>.so or lib<name>.a may be used
+ if the library is found
+ -check_mpi link against the Intel(R) Trace Collector (-profile=vtmc).
+ -static_mpi link the Intel(R) MPI Library statically
+ -mt_mpi link the thread safe version of the Intel(R) MPI Library
+ -ilp64 link the ILP64 support of the Intel(R) MPI Library
+ -no_ilp64 disable ILP64 support explicitly
+ -fast the same as -static_mpi + pass -fast option to a compiler.
+ -t or -trace
+ link against the Intel(R) Trace Collector
+ -trace-imbalance
+ link against the Intel(R) Trace Collector imbalance library
+ (-profile=vtim)
+ -dynamic_log link against the Intel(R) Trace Collector dynamically
+ -static use static linkage method
+ -nostrip turn off the debug information stripping during static linking
+ -O enable optimization
+ -link_mpi=<name>
+ link against the specified version of the Intel(R) MPI Library
+ All other options will be passed to the compiler without changing.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The following environment variables are used:
+ I_MPI_ROOT the Intel(R) MPI Library installation directory path
+ I_MPI_F90 or MPICH_F90
+ the path/name of the underlying compiler to be used
+ the name of profile file (without extension)
+ the folder which contains configuration files *.conf
+ specify a default profile for the -trace option
+ specify a default profile for the -check_mpi option
+ enable compiler setup checks
+ I_MPI_LINK specify the version of the Intel(R) MPI Library
+ turn on/off the debug information stripping during static linking
+ special flags needed for compilation
+ special flags needed for linking
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Side Note: MPI version divergence in 2015 release
+The package `intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2015.6` contains both a full MPI
+development version in `$prefix/impi` and an MPI Runtime under the
+`composer_xe*` suite directory. Curiously, these have *different versions*,
+with a release date nearly 1 year apart::
+ $ $SPACK_ROOT/...uaxaw7/impi/ --version
+ Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 5.0 Update 3 Build 20150804 (build id: 12452)
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ $ $SPACK_ROOT/...uaxaw7/composer_xe_2015.6.233/mpirt/bin/intel64/mpiexec --version
+ Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 5.0 Update 1 Build 20140709
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+I'm not sure what to make of it.
+macOS support
+- On macOS, the Spack methods here only include support to integrate an
+ externally installed MKL.
+- URLs in child packages will be Linux-specific; macOS download packages
+ are located in differently numbered dirs and are named m_*.dmg.
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/ b/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/
index 3a67da7e09..0c5707a8ef 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/build_systems/
@@ -24,22 +24,79 @@
import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import tempfile
+import re
+import inspect
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import llnl.util.tty as tty
-from llnl.util.filesystem import install
-from spack.package import PackageBase, run_after
+from llnl.util.filesystem import \
+ install, ancestor, filter_file, \
+ HeaderList, find_headers, \
+ LibraryList, find_libraries, find_system_libraries
+from spack.version import Version, ver
+from spack.package import PackageBase, run_after, InstallError
from spack.util.executable import Executable
+from spack.util.prefix import Prefix
+from spack.build_environment import dso_suffix
+from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
+# A couple of utility functions that might be useful in general. If so, they
+# should really be defined elsewhere, unless deemed heretical.
+# (Or na"ive on my part).
+def debug_print(msg, *args):
+ '''Prints a message (usu. a variable) and the callers' names for a couple
+ of stack frames.
+ '''
+ #
+ stack = inspect.stack()
+ _func_name = 3
+ tty.debug("%s.%s:\t%s" % (stack[2][_func_name], stack[1][_func_name], msg),
+ *args)
+def raise_lib_error(*args):
+ '''Bails out with an error message. Shows args after the first as one per
+ line, tab-indented, useful for long paths to line up and stand out.
+ '''
+ raise InstallError("\n\t".join(str(i) for i in args))
+def _expand_fields(s):
+ '''[Experimental] Expand arch-related fields in a string, typically a
+ filename.
-def _valid_components():
- """A generator that yields valid components."""
+ Supported fields and their typical expansions are::
- tree = ET.parse('pset/mediaconfig.xml')
- root = tree.getroot()
+ {platform} linux, mac
+ {arch} intel64 (including on Mac)
+ {libarch} intel64, empty on Mac
+ {bits} 64
- components = root.findall('.//Abbr')
- for component in components:
- yield component.text
+ '''
+ # Python-native string formatting requires arg list counts to match the
+ # replacement field count; optional fields are far easier with regexes.
+ _bits = '64'
+ _arch = 'intel64' # TBD: ia32
+ if 'linux' in sys.platform: # NB: linux2 vs. linux
+ s = re.sub('{platform}', 'linux', s)
+ s = re.sub('{libarch}', _arch, s)
+ elif 'darwin' in sys.platform:
+ s = re.sub('{platform}', 'mac', s)
+ s = re.sub('{libarch}', '', s) # no arch dirs are used (as of 2018)
+ # elif 'win' in sys.platform: # TBD
+ # s = re.sub('{platform}', 'windows', s)
+ s = re.sub('{arch}', _arch, s)
+ s = re.sub('{bits}', _bits, s)
+ return s
class IntelPackage(PackageBase):
@@ -51,7 +108,7 @@ class IntelPackage(PackageBase):
2. :py:meth:`~.IntelPackage.install`
They both have sensible defaults and for many packages the
- only thing necessary will be to override ``setup_environment``
+ only thing necessary will be to override setup_environment
to set the appropriate environment variables.
#: Phases of an Intel package
@@ -61,15 +118,31 @@ class IntelPackage(PackageBase):
#: system base class
build_system_class = 'IntelPackage'
- #: By default, we assume that all Intel software requires a license.
- #: This can be overridden for packages that do not require a license.
- license_required = True
+ #: A dict that maps Spack version specs to release years, needed to infer
+ #: the installation directory layout for pre-2016 versions in the family of
+ #: Intel packages.
+ #
+ # Like any property, it can be overridden in client packages, should older
+ # versions ever be added there. The initial dict here contains the
+ # packages defined in Spack as of 2018-04. Keys could conceivably overlap
+ # but preferably should not - only the first key in hash traversal order
+ # that satisfies self.spec will be used.
+ version_years = {
+ # intel-daal is versioned 2016 and later, no divining is needed
+ 'intel-ipp@9.0:9.99': 2016,
+ 'intel-mkl@11.3.0:11.3.999': 2016,
+ 'intel-mpi@5.1:5.99': 2016,
+ }
- #: Comment symbol used in the ``license.lic`` file
- license_comment = '#'
+ @property
+ def license_required(self):
+ # The Intel libraries are provided without requiring a license as of
+ # version 2017.2. Trying to specify one anyway will fail. See:
+ #
+ return self._has_compilers or self.version < ver('2017.2')
- #: Location where Intel searches for a license file
- license_files = ['Licenses/license.lic']
+ #: Comment symbol used in the license.lic file
+ license_comment = '#'
#: Environment variables that Intel searches for a license file
license_vars = ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE']
@@ -77,116 +150,1115 @@ class IntelPackage(PackageBase):
#: URL providing information on how to acquire a license key
license_url = ''
- #: Components of the package to install.
- #: By default, install 'ALL' components.
- components = ['ALL']
+ #: Location where Intel searches for a license file
+ @property
+ def license_files(self):
+ dirs = ['Licenses']
+ if self._has_compilers:
+ dirs.append(self.component_bin_dir('compiler'))
+ for variant, component_suite_dir in {
+ '+advisor': 'advisor',
+ '+inspector': 'inspector',
+ '+itac': 'itac',
+ '+vtune': 'vtune_amplifier',
+ }.items():
+ if variant in self.spec:
+ dirs.append(self.normalize_path(
+ 'licenses', component_suite_dir, relative=True))
+ files = [os.path.join(d, 'license.lic') for d in dirs]
+ return files
+ #: Components to install (list of name patterns from pset/mediaconfig.xml)
+ # NB: Renamed from plain components() for coding and maintainability.
- def _filtered_components(self):
- """Returns a list or set of valid components that match
- the requested components from ``components``."""
+ def pset_components(self):
+ # Do not detail single-purpose client packages.
+ if not self._has_compilers:
+ return ['ALL']
- # Don't filter 'ALL'
- if self.components == ['ALL']:
- return self.components
+ # tty.warn('DEBUG: installing ALL components')
+ # return ['ALL']
+ # Always include compilers and closely related components.
+ # Pre-2016 compiler components have different names - throw in all.
+ # Later releases have overlapping minor parts that differ by "edition".
+ # NB: The spack package 'intel' is a subset of
+ # 'intel-parallel-studio@composer' without the lib variants.
+ c = ' intel-icc intel-ifort' \
+ ' intel-ccomp intel-fcomp intel-comp-' \
+ ' intel-compilerproc intel-compilerprof intel-compilerpro-' \
+ ' intel-psxe intel-openmp'
+ additions_for = {
+ 'cluster': ' intel-icsxe',
+ 'professional': ' intel-ips-',
+ 'composer': ' intel-compxe',
+ }
+ if self._edition in additions_for:
+ c += additions_for[self._edition]
+ for variant, components_to_add in {
+ '+daal': ' intel-daal', # Data Analytics Acceleration Lib
+ '+gdb': ' intel-gdb', # Integrated Performance Primitives
+ '+ipp': ' intel-ipp intel-crypto-ipp',
+ '+mkl': ' intel-mkl', # Math Kernel Library
+ '+mpi': ' intel-mpi intel-imb', # MPI runtime, SDK, benchm.
+ '+tbb': ' intel-tbb', # Threading Building Blocks
+ '+advisor': ' intel-advisor',
+ '+clck': ' intel_clck', # Cluster Checker
+ '+inspector': ' intel-inspector',
+ '+itac': ' intel-itac intel-ta intel-tc'
+ ' intel-trace-analyzer intel-trace-collector',
+ # Trace Analyzer and Collector
+ '+vtune': ' intel-vtune-amplifier', # VTune
+ }.items():
+ if variant in self.spec:
+ c += components_to_add
+ debug_print(c)
+ return c.split()
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Utilities
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def _filtered_components(self):
+ '''Expands the list of desired component patterns to the exact names
+ present in the given download.
+ '''
+ c = self.pset_components
+ if 'ALL' in c or 'DEFAULTS' in c: # No filter needed
+ return c
# mediaconfig.xml is known to contain duplicate components.
# If more than one copy of the same component is used, you
# will get an error message about invalid components.
- # Use a set to store components to prevent duplicates.
- matches = set()
+ # Use sets to prevent duplicates and for efficient traversal.
+ requested = set(c)
+ confirmed = set()
+ # NB: To get a reasonable overview in pretty much the documented way:
+ #
+ # grep -E '<Product|<Abbr|<Name>..[a-z]' pset/mediaconfig.xml
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ xmltree = ET.parse('pset/mediaconfig.xml')
+ for entry in xmltree.getroot().findall('.//Abbr'): # XPath expression
+ name_present = entry.text
+ for name_requested in requested:
+ if name_present.startswith(name_requested):
+ confirmed.add(name_present)
+ return list(confirmed)
+ @property
+ def intel64_int_suffix(self):
+ '''Provide the suffix for Intel library names to match a client
+ application's desired int size, conveyed by the active spec variant.
+ The possible suffixes and their meanings are:
+ ``ilp64`` all of int, long, and pointer are 64 bit,
+ `` lp64`` only long and pointer are 64 bit; int will be 32bit.
+ '''
+ if '+ilp64' in self.spec:
+ return 'ilp64'
+ else:
+ return 'lp64'
+ @property
+ def _has_compilers(self):
+ return in ['intel', 'intel-parallel-studio']
+ @property
+ def _edition(self):
+ if == 'intel-parallel-studio':
+ return self.version[0] # clearer than .up_to(1), I think.
+ elif == 'intel':
+ return 'composer'
+ else:
+ return ''
+ @property
+ def version_yearlike(self):
+ '''Return the version in a unified style, suitable for Version class
+ conditionals.
+ '''
+ # Input data for this routine: self.version
+ # Returns: YYYY.Nupdate[.Buildseq]
+ #
+ # Specifics by package:
+ #
+ # Package Format of self.version
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # 'intel-parallel-studio' <edition>.YYYY.Nupdate
+ # 'intel' YY.0.Nupdate (some assigned ad-hoc)
+ # Recent lib packages YYYY.Nupdate.Buildseq
+ # Early lib packages Major.Minor.Patch.Buildseq
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # Package Output
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # 'intel-parallel-studio' YYYY.Nupdate
+ # 'intel' YYYY.Nupdate
+ # Recent lib packages YYYY.Nupdate.Buildseq
+ # Known early lib packages YYYY.Minor.Patch.Buildseq (*)
+ # Unknown early lib packages (2000 + Major).Minor.Patch.Buildseq
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # (*) YYYY is taken from @property "version_years" (a dict of specs)
+ #
+ try:
+ if == 'intel':
+ # Has a "Minor" version element, but it is always set as 0. To
+ # be useful for comparisons, drop it and get YYYY.Nupdate.
+ v_tail = self.version[2:] # coerced just fine via __getitem__
+ else:
+ v_tail = self.version[1:]
+ except IndexError:
+ # Hmm - this happens on "spack install intel-mkl@11".
+ # I thought concretization picks an actual version??
+ return self.version # give up
+ if == 'intel-parallel-studio':
+ return v_tail
+ v_year = self.version[0]
+ if v_year < 2000:
+ # Shoehorn Major into release year until we know better.
+ v_year += 2000
+ for spec, year in self.version_years.items():
+ if self.spec.satisfies(spec):
+ v_year = year
+ break
+ return ver('%s.%s' % (v_year, v_tail))
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Directory handling common to all Intel components
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # For reference: classes using IntelPackage, as of Spack-0.11:
+ #
+ # intel/ intel-ipp/ intel-mpi/
+ # intel-daal/ intel-mkl/ intel-parallel-studio/
+ #
+ # Not using class IntelPackage:
+ # intel-gpu-tools/ intel-mkl-dnn/ intel-tbb/
+ #
+ def normalize_suite_dir(self, suite_dir_name, version_globs=['*.*.*']):
+ '''Returns the version-specific and absolute path to the directory of
+ an Intel product or a suite of product components.
+ Parameters:
+ suite_dir_name (str):
+ Name of the product directory, without numeric version.
+ - Examples::
+ composer_xe, parallel_studio_xe, compilers_and_libraries
+ The following will work as well, even though they are not
+ directly targets for Spack installation::
+ advisor_xe, inspector_xe, vtune_amplifier_xe,
+ performance_snapshots (new name for vtune as of 2018)
+ These are single-component products without subordinate
+ components and are normally made available to users by a
+ toplevel or equivalent file to source (and thus by
+ the modulefiles that Spack produces).
+ version_globs (list of str): Suffix glob patterns (most specific
+ first) expected to qualify suite_dir_name to its fully
+ version-specific install directory (as opposed to a
+ compatibility directory or symlink).
+ '''
+ # See ./README-intel.rst for background and analysis of dir layouts.
+ d = self.prefix
+ # Distinguish between product installations that were done external to
+ # Spack (integrated via packages.yaml) and Spack-internal ones. The
+ # resulting prefixes may differ in directory depth and specificity.
+ unversioned_dirname = ''
+ if suite_dir_name and suite_dir_name in d:
+ # If e.g. MKL was installed outside of Spack, it is likely just one
+ # product or product component among possibly many other Intel
+ # products and their releases that were installed in sibling or
+ # cousin directories. In such cases, the prefix given to Spack
+ # will inevitably be a highly product-specific and preferably fully
+ # version-specific directory. This is what we want and need, and
+ # nothing more specific than that, i.e., if needed, convert, e.g.:
+ # .../compilers_and_libraries*/* -> .../compilers_and_libraries*
+ d = re.sub('(%s%s.*?)%s.*' %
+ (os.sep, re.escape(suite_dir_name), os.sep), r'\1', d)
+ # The Intel installer scripts try hard to place compatibility links
+ # named like this in the install dir to convey upgrade benefits to
+ # traditional client apps. But such a generic name can be trouble
+ # when given to Spack: the link target is bound to change outside
+ # of Spack's purview and when it does, the outcome of subsequent
+ # builds of dependent packages may be affected. (Though Intel has
+ # been remarkably good at backward compatibility.)
+ # I'm not sure if Spack's package hashing includes link targets.
+ if d.endswith(suite_dir_name):
+ # NB: This could get tiresome without a seen++ test.
+ # tty.warn('Intel product found in a version-neutral directory'
+ # ' - future builds may not be reproducible.')
+ #
+ # Simply doing realpath() would not be enough, because:
+ # compilers_and_libraries -> compilers_and_libraries_2018
+ # which is mostly a staging directory for symlinks (see next).
+ unversioned_dirname = d
+ else:
+ # By contrast, a Spack-internal MKL installation will inherit its
+ # prefix from of Intel's package distribution, where it
+ # means the high-level installation directory that is specific to
+ # the *vendor* (think of the default "/opt/intel"). We must now
+ # step down into the *product* directory to get the usual
+ # hierarchy. But let's not do that in haste ...
+ #
+ # For a Spack-born install, the fully-qualified release directory
+ # desired above may seem less important since product upgrades
+ # won't land in the same parent. However, only the fully qualified
+ # directory contains the regular files for the compiler commands:
+ #
+ # $ ls -lF <HASH>/compilers_and_libraries*/linux/bin/intel64/icc
+ #
+ # <HASH>/compilers_and_libraries_2018.1.163/linux/bin/intel64/icc*
+ # A regular file in the actual release directory. Bingo!
+ #
+ # <HASH>/compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/bin/intel64/icc -> ...
+ # A symlink - no good. Note that "compilers_and_libraries_2018/"
+ # is itself a directory (not symlink) but it merely holds a
+ # compatibility dir hierarchy with lots of symlinks into the
+ # release dir.
+ #
+ # <HASH>/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/intel64/icc -> ...
+ # Ditto.
+ #
+ # Now, the Spack packages for MKL and MPI packges use version
+ # triplets, but the one for intel-parallel-studio does not.
+ # So, we can't have it quite as easy as:
+ # d = Prefix(d.append('compilers_and_libraries_' + self.version))
+ # Alright, let's see what we can find instead:
+ unversioned_dirname = os.path.join(d, suite_dir_name)
+ if unversioned_dirname:
+ for g in version_globs:
+ try_glob = unversioned_dirname + g
+ debug_print('trying %s' % try_glob)
+ matching_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(try_glob))
+ # NB: Python glob() returns results in arbitrary order - ugh!
+ # NB2: sorted() is a shortcut that is NOT number-aware.
+ if matching_dirs:
+ debug_print('found %d:' % len(matching_dirs),
+ matching_dirs)
+ # Take the highest and thus presumably newest match, which
+ # better be the sole one anyway.
+ d = matching_dirs[-1]
+ break
+ if not matching_dirs:
+ # No match -- this *will* happen during pre-build call to
+ # setup_environment() when the destination dir is still empty.
+ # Return a sensible value anyway.
+ d = unversioned_dirname
+ debug_print(d)
+ return Prefix(d)
+ def normalize_path(self, component_path, component_suite_dir=None,
+ relative=False):
+ '''Returns the absolute or relative path to a component or file under a
+ component suite directory.
+ Intel's product names, scope, and directory layout changed over the
+ years. This function provides a unified interface to their directory
+ names.
+ Parameters:
+ component_path (str): a component name like 'mkl', or 'mpi', or a
+ deeper relative path.
+ component_suite_dir (str): _Unversioned_ name of the expected
+ parent directory of component_path. When absent or `None`, an
+ appropriate default will be used. A present but empty string
+ `""` requests that `component_path` refer to `self.prefix`
+ directly.
+ Typical values: `compilers_and_libraries`, `composer_xe`,
+ `parallel_studio_xe`.
+ Also supported: `advisor`, `inspector`, `vtune`. The actual
+ directory name for these suites varies by release year. The
+ name will be corrected as needed for use in the return value.
+ relative (bool): When True, return path relative to self.prefix,
+ otherwise, return an absolute path (the default).
+ '''
+ # Design note: Choosing the default for `component_suite_dir` was a bit
+ # tricky since there better be a sensible means to specify direct
+ # parentage under self.prefix (even though you normally shouldn't need
+ # a function for that). I chose "" to allow that case be represented,
+ # and 'None' or the absence of the kwarg to represent the most relevant
+ # case for the time of writing.
+ #
+ # In the 2015 releases (the earliest in Spack as of 2018), there were
+ # nominally two separate products that provided the compilers:
+ # "Composer" as lower tier, and "Parallel Studio" as upper tier. In
+ # Spack, we justifiably retcon both as "intel-parallel-studio@composer"
+ # and "...@cluster", respectively. Both of these use the older
+ # "composer_xe" dir layout, as do their virtual package personas.
+ #
+ # All other "intel-foo" packages in Spack as of 2018-04 use the
+ # "compilers_and_libraries" layout, including the 2016 releases that
+ # are not natively versioned by year.
+ cs = component_suite_dir
+ if cs is None and component_path.startswith('ism'):
+ cs = 'parallel_studio_xe'
+ v = self.version_yearlike
+ # Glob variants to complete component_suite_dir.
+ # Helper var for older MPI versions - those are reparented, with each
+ # version in their own version-named dir.
+ standalone_glob = '[1-9]*.*.*'
+ # Most other components; try most specific glob first.
+ # flake8 is far too opinionated about lists - ugh.
+ normalize_kwargs = {
+ 'version_globs': [
+ '_%s' % self.version,
+ '_%s.*' % v.up_to(2), # should be: YYYY.Nupdate
+ '_*.*.*', # last resort
+ ]
+ }
+ for rename_rule in [
+ # cs given as arg, in years, dir actually used, [version_globs]
+ [None, ':2015', 'composer_xe'],
+ [None, '2016:', 'compilers_and_libraries'],
+ ['advisor', ':2016', 'advisor_xe'],
+ ['inspector', ':2016', 'inspector_xe'],
+ ['vtune_amplifier', ':2017', 'vtune_amplifier_xe'],
+ ['vtune', ':2017', 'vtune_amplifier_xe'], # alt.
+ ['itac', ':', 'itac', [os.sep + standalone_glob]],
+ ]:
+ if cs == rename_rule[0] and v.satisfies(ver(rename_rule[1])):
+ cs = rename_rule[2]
+ if len(rename_rule) > 3:
+ normalize_kwargs = {'version_globs': rename_rule[3]}
+ break
+ d = self.normalize_suite_dir(cs, **normalize_kwargs)
+ # Help find components not located directly under d.
+ # NB: ancestor() not well suited if version_globs may contain os.sep .
+ parent_dir = re.sub(os.sep + re.escape(cs) + '.*', '', d)
+ reparent_as = {}
+ if cs == 'compilers_and_libraries': # must qualify further
+ d = os.path.join(d, _expand_fields('{platform}'))
+ elif cs == 'composer_xe':
+ reparent_as = {'mpi': 'impi'}
+ # ignore 'imb' (MPI Benchmarks)
+ for nominal_p, actual_p in reparent_as.items():
+ if component_path.startswith(nominal_p):
+ dirs = glob.glob(
+ os.path.join(parent_dir, actual_p, standalone_glob))
+ debug_print('reparent dirs: %s' % dirs)
+ # Brazenly assume last match is the most recent version;
+ # convert back to relative of parent_dir, and re-assemble.
+ rel_dir = dirs[-1].split(parent_dir + os.sep, 1)[-1]
+ component_path = component_path.replace(nominal_p, rel_dir, 1)
+ d = parent_dir
+ d = os.path.join(d, component_path)
+ if relative:
+ d = os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(d), parent_dir)
+ debug_print(d)
+ return d
+ def component_bin_dir(self, component, **kwargs):
+ d = self.normalize_path(component, **kwargs)
+ if component == 'compiler': # bin dir is always under PARENT
+ d = os.path.join(ancestor(d), 'bin', _expand_fields('{libarch}'))
+ d = d.rstrip(os.sep) # cosmetics, when {libarch} is empty
+ # NB: Works fine even with relative=True, e.g.:
+ # composer_xe/compiler -> composer_xe/bin/intel64
+ elif component == 'mpi':
+ d = os.path.join(d, _expand_fields('{libarch}'), 'bin')
+ else:
+ d = os.path.join(d, 'bin')
+ debug_print(d)
+ return d
+ def component_lib_dir(self, component, **kwargs):
+ '''Provide directory suitable for find_libraries() and
+ '''
+ d = self.normalize_path(component, **kwargs)
+ if component == 'mpi':
+ d = os.path.join(d, _expand_fields('{libarch}'), 'lib')
+ else:
+ d = os.path.join(d, 'lib', _expand_fields('{libarch}'))
+ d = d.rstrip(os.sep) # cosmetics, when {libarch} is empty
+ if component == 'tbb': # must qualify further for abi
+ d = os.path.join(d, self._tbb_abi)
+ debug_print(d)
+ return d
+ def component_include_dir(self, component, **kwargs):
+ d = self.normalize_path(component, **kwargs)
+ if component == 'mpi':
+ d = os.path.join(d, _expand_fields('{libarch}'), 'include')
+ else:
+ d = os.path.join(d, 'include')
+ debug_print(d)
+ return d
+ @property
+ def file_to_source(self):
+ '''Full path of file to source for initializing an Intel package.
+ A client package could override as follows:
+ ` @property`
+ ` def file_to_source(self):`
+ ` return self.normalize_path("", "vtune_amplifier")`
+ '''
+ vars_file_info_for = {
+ # key (usu. spack package name) -> [rel_path, component_suite_dir]
+ # Extension note: handle additions by Spack name or ad-hoc keys.
+ '@early_compiler': ['bin/compilervars', None],
+ 'intel-parallel-studio': ['bin/psxevars', 'parallel_studio_xe'],
+ 'intel': ['bin/compilervars', None],
+ 'intel-daal': ['daal/bin/daalvars', None],
+ 'intel-ipp': ['ipp/bin/ippvars', None],
+ 'intel-mkl': ['mkl/bin/mklvars', None],
+ 'intel-mpi': ['mpi/{libarch}/bin/mpivars', None],
+ }
+ key =
+ if self.version_yearlike.satisfies(ver(':2015')):
+ # Same file as 'intel' but 'None' for component_suite_dir will
+ # resolve differently. Listed as a separate entry to serve as
+ # example and to avoid pitfalls upon possible refactoring.
+ key = '@early_compiler'
- for valid in _valid_components():
- for requested in self.components:
- if valid.startswith(requested):
- matches.add(valid)
+ f, component_suite_dir = vars_file_info_for[key]
+ f = _expand_fields(f) + '.sh'
+ # TODO?? win32 would have to handle os.sep, '.bat' (unless POSIX??)
- return matches
+ f = self.normalize_path(f, component_suite_dir)
+ return f
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Threading, including (WIP) support for virtual 'tbb'
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def openmp_libs(self):
+ '''Supply LibraryList for linking OpenMP'''
+ if '%intel' in self.spec:
+ # NB: Hunting down explicit library files may be the Spack way of
+ # doing things, but be aware that "{icc|ifort} --help openmp"
+ # steers us towards options instead: -qopenmp-link={dynamic,static}
+ omp_libnames = ['libiomp5']
+ omp_libs = find_libraries(
+ omp_libnames,
+ root=self.component_lib_dir('compiler'),
+ shared=('+shared' in self.spec))
+ # Note about search root here: For MKL, the directory
+ # "$MKLROOT/../compiler" will be present even for an MKL-only
+ # product installation (as opposed to one being ghosted via
+ # packages.yaml), specificially to provide the 'iomp5' libs.
+ elif '%gcc' in self.spec:
+ gcc = Executable(
+ omp_lib_path = gcc(
+ '--print-file-name', 'libgomp.%s' % dso_suffix, output=str)
+ omp_libs = LibraryList(omp_lib_path)
+ if len(omp_libs) < 1:
+ raise_lib_error('Cannot locate OpenMP libraries:', omp_libnames)
+ debug_print(omp_libs)
+ return omp_libs
+ @property
+ def tbb_libs(self):
+ '''Supply LibraryList for linking TBB'''
+ # TODO: When is 'libtbbmalloc' needed?
+ tbb_lib = find_libraries(
+ ['libtbb'], root=self.component_lib_dir('tbb'))
+ # NB: Like icc with -qopenmp, so does icpc steer us towards using an
+ # option: "icpc -tbb"
+ # TODO: clang(?)
+ gcc = Executable('gcc') # must be gcc, not
+ cxx_lib_path = gcc(
+ '--print-file-name', 'libstdc++.%s' % dso_suffix, output=str)
+ libs = tbb_lib + LibraryList(cxx_lib_path)
+ debug_print(libs)
+ return libs
+ @property
+ def _tbb_abi(self):
+ '''Select the ABI needed for linking TBB'''
+ # Match the available gcc, as it's done in
+ gcc = Executable('gcc')
+ matches ='(gcc|LLVM).* ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*',
+ gcc('--version', output=str), re.I | re.M)
+ abi = ''
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ pass
+ elif matches:
+ # TODO: Confirm that this covers clang (needed on Linux only)
+ gcc_version = Version(matches.groups()[1])
+ if gcc_version >= ver('4.7'):
+ abi = 'gcc4.7'
+ elif gcc_version >= ver('4.4'):
+ abi = 'gcc4.4'
+ else:
+ abi = 'gcc4.1' # unlikely, one hopes.
+ # Alrighty then ...
+ debug_print(abi)
+ return abi
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Support for virtual 'blas/lapack/scalapack'
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def blas_libs(self):
+ # Main magic here.
+ # For reference, see The Intel Math Kernel Library Link Line Advisor:
+ #
+ mkl_integer = 'libmkl_intel_' + self.intel64_int_suffix
+ if self.spec.satisfies('threads=openmp'):
+ if '%intel' in self.spec:
+ mkl_threading = 'libmkl_intel_thread'
+ elif '%gcc' in self.spec:
+ mkl_threading = 'libmkl_gnu_thread'
+ threading_engine_libs = self.openmp_libs()
+ elif self.spec.satisfies('threads=tbb'):
+ mkl_threading = 'libmkl_tbb_thread'
+ threading_engine_libs = self.tbb_libs()
+ elif self.spec.satisfies('threads=none'):
+ mkl_threading = 'libmkl_sequential'
+ threading_engine_libs = LibraryList([])
+ else:
+ raise_lib_error('Cannot determine MKL threading libraries.')
+ mkl_libnames = [mkl_integer, mkl_threading, 'libmkl_core']
+ mkl_libs = find_libraries(
+ mkl_libnames,
+ root=self.component_lib_dir('mkl'),
+ shared=('+shared' in self.spec))
+ debug_print(mkl_libs)
+ if len(mkl_libs) < 3:
+ raise_lib_error('Cannot locate core MKL libraries:', mkl_libnames)
+ # The Intel MKL link line advisor recommends these system libraries
+ system_libs = find_system_libraries(
+ 'libpthread libm libdl'.split(),
+ shared=('+shared' in self.spec))
+ debug_print(system_libs)
+ return mkl_libs + threading_engine_libs + system_libs
+ @property
+ def lapack_libs(self):
+ return self.blas_libs
+ @property
+ def scalapack_libs(self):
+ # Intel MKL does not directly depend on MPI but the BLACS library
+ # which underlies ScaLapack does. It comes in several personalities;
+ # we must supply a personality matching the MPI implementation that
+ # is active for the root package that asked for ScaLapack.
+ spec_root = self.spec.root
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin' and '^mpich' in spec_root:
+ # The only supported choice for MKL 2018 on Mac.
+ blacs_lib = 'libmkl_blacs_mpich'
+ elif '^openmpi' in spec_root:
+ blacs_lib = 'libmkl_blacs_openmpi'
+ elif '^mpich@1' in spec_root:
+ # Was supported only up to 2015.
+ blacs_lib = 'libmkl_blacs'
+ elif ('^mpich@2:' in spec_root or
+ '^mvapich2' in spec_root or
+ '^intel-mpi' in spec_root):
+ blacs_lib = 'libmkl_blacs_intelmpi'
+ elif '^mpt' in spec_root:
+ blacs_lib = 'libmkl_blacs_sgimpt'
+ else:
+ raise_lib_error('Cannot find a BLACS library for the given MPI.')
+ int_suff = '_' + self.intel64_int_suffix
+ scalapack_libnames = [
+ 'libmkl_scalapack' + int_suff,
+ blacs_lib + int_suff,
+ ]
+ sca_libs = find_libraries(
+ scalapack_libnames,
+ root=self.component_lib_dir('mkl'),
+ shared=('+shared' in self.spec))
+ debug_print(sca_libs)
+ if len(sca_libs) < 2:
+ raise_lib_error(
+ 'Cannot locate ScaLapack/BLACS libraries:', scalapack_libnames)
+ # NB: ScaLapack is installed as "cluster" components within MKL or
+ # MKL-encompassing products. But those were *optional* for the ca.
+ # 2015/2016 product releases, which was easy to overlook, and I have
+ # been bitten by that. Thus, complain early because it'd be a sore
+ # disappointment to have missing ScaLapack libs show up as a link error
+ # near the end phase of a client package's build phase.
+ return sca_libs
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Support for virtual 'mpi'
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def mpi_compiler_wrappers(self):
+ '''Return paths to compiler wrappers as a dict of env-like names
+ '''
+ # Intel comes with 2 different flavors of MPI wrappers:
+ #
+ # * mpiicc, mpiicpc, and mpiifort are hardcoded to wrap around
+ # the Intel compilers.
+ # * mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90, and mpif77 allow you to set which
+ # compilers to wrap using I_MPI_CC and friends. By default,
+ # wraps around the GCC compilers.
+ #
+ # In theory, these should be equivalent as long as I_MPI_CC
+ # and friends are set to point to the Intel compilers, but in
+ # practice, mpicc fails to compile some applications while
+ # mpiicc works.
+ bindir = self.component_bin_dir('mpi')
+ if == 'intel':
+ wrapper_vars = {
+ # eschew Prefix objects -- emphasize the command strings.
+ 'MPICC': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpiicc'),
+ 'MPICXX': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpiicpc'),
+ 'MPIF77': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpiifort'),
+ 'MPIF90': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpiifort'),
+ 'MPIFC': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpiifort'),
+ }
+ else:
+ wrapper_vars = {
+ 'MPICC': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpicc'),
+ 'MPICXX': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpicxx'),
+ 'MPIF77': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpif77'),
+ 'MPIF90': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpif90'),
+ 'MPIFC': os.path.join(bindir, 'mpif90'),
+ }
+ # debug_print("wrapper_vars =", wrapper_vars)
+ return wrapper_vars
+ def mpi_setup_dependent_environment(
+ self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec, compilers_of_client={}):
+ '''Unified back-end for setup_dependent_environment() of Intel packages
+ that provide 'mpi'.
+ Parameters:
+ spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec: same as in
+ setup_dependent_environment().
+ compilers_of_client (dict): Conveys spack_cc, spack_cxx, etc.,
+ from the scope of dependent packages; constructed in caller.
+ '''
+ # See also: setup_dependent_package()
+ wrapper_vars = {
+ 'I_MPI_CC': compilers_of_client['CC'],
+ 'I_MPI_CXX': compilers_of_client['CXX'],
+ 'I_MPI_F77': compilers_of_client['F77'],
+ 'I_MPI_F90': compilers_of_client['F90'],
+ 'I_MPI_FC': compilers_of_client['FC'],
+ # NB: Normally set by the modulefile, but that is not active here:
+ 'I_MPI_ROOT': self.normalize_path('mpi'),
+ }
+ # CAUTION - SIMILAR code in:
+ # var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mpich/
+ # var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/openmpi/
+ # var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/mvapich2/
+ #
+ # On Cray, the regular compiler wrappers *are* the MPI wrappers.
+ if 'platform=cray' in self.spec:
+ # TODO: Confirm
+ wrapper_vars.update({
+ 'MPICC': compilers_of_client['CC'],
+ 'MPICXX': compilers_of_client['CXX'],
+ 'MPIF77': compilers_of_client['F77'],
+ 'MPIF90': compilers_of_client['F90'],
+ })
+ else:
+ compiler_wrapper_commands = self.mpi_compiler_wrappers
+ wrapper_vars.update({
+ 'MPICC': compiler_wrapper_commands['MPICC'],
+ 'MPICXX': compiler_wrapper_commands['MPICXX'],
+ 'MPIF77': compiler_wrapper_commands['MPIF77'],
+ 'MPIF90': compiler_wrapper_commands['MPIF90'],
+ })
+ for key, value in wrapper_vars.items():
+ spack_env.set(key, value)
+ debug_print("adding to spack_env:", wrapper_vars)
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # General support for child packages
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def headers(self):
+ result = HeaderList([])
+ if '+mpi' in self.spec or self.provides('mpi'):
+ result += find_headers(
+ ['mpi'],
+ root=self.component_include_dir('mpi'),
+ recursive=False)
+ if '+mkl' in self.spec or self.provides('mkl'):
+ result += find_headers(
+ ['mkl_cblas', 'mkl_lapacke'],
+ root=self.component_include_dir('mkl'),
+ recursive=False)
+ debug_print(result)
+ return result
+ @property
+ def libs(self):
+ result = LibraryList([])
+ if '+mpi' in self.spec or self.provides('mpi'):
+ # If prefix is too general, recursive searches may get files from
+ # supported but inappropriate sub-architectures like 'mic'.
+ libnames = ['libmpifort', 'libmpi']
+ if 'cxx' in self.spec.last_query.extra_parameters:
+ libnames = ['libmpicxx'] + libnames
+ result += find_libraries(
+ libnames,
+ root=self.component_lib_dir('mpi'),
+ shared=True, recursive=True)
+ # NB: MKL uses domain-specifics: blas_libs/lapack_libs/scalapack_libs
+ debug_print(result)
+ return result
+ def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
+ """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
+ These environment variables come from running:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ source parallel_studio_xe_2017/bin/ intel64
+ [and likewise for MKL, MPI, and other components]
+ """
+ #
+ #
+ # spack_env -> Applied when dependent is built within Spack.
+ # Not used here.
+ # run_env -> Applied to the modulefile of dependent.
+ #
+ # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
+ # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
+ # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
+ # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
+ # so check for its existence before sourcing.
+ # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
+ # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
+ # this problem.
+ f = self.file_to_source
+ if not f or not os.path.isfile(f):
+ return
+ tty.debug("sourcing " + f)
+ # All Intel packages expect at least the architecture as argument.
+ # Some accept more args, but those are not (yet?) handled here.
+ args = (_expand_fields('{arch}'),)
+ # On Mac, the platform is *also required*, at least as of 2018.
+ # I am not sure about earlier versions.
+ # if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # args = ()
+ run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(f, *args))
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
+ #
+ #
+ # spack_env -> Applied when dependent is built within Spack.
+ # run_env -> Applied to the modulefile of dependent.
+ # Not used here.
+ #
+ # NB: This function is overwritten by 'mpi' provider packages:
+ #
+ # var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mpi/
+ # var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-parallel-studio/
+ #
+ # They call _setup_dependent_env_callback() as well, but with the
+ # dictionary kwarg compilers_of_client{} present and populated.
+ # Handle everything in a callback version.
+ self._setup_dependent_env_callback(spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec)
+ def _setup_dependent_env_callback(
+ self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec, compilers_of_client={}):
+ # Expected to be called from a client's setup_dependent_environment(),
+ # with args extended to convey the client's compilers as needed.
+ if '+mkl' in self.spec or self.provides('mkl'):
+ # Spack's env philosophy demands that we replicate some of the
+ # settings normally handled by file_to_source ...
+ #
+ # TODO: Why is setup_environment() [which uses file_to_source()]
+ # not called as a matter of course upon entering the current
+ # function? (guarding against multiple calls notwithstanding)
+ #
+ # Use a local dict to facilitate debug_print():
+ env_mods = {
+ 'MKLROOT': self.normalize_path('mkl'),
+ 'SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS': self.component_lib_dir('mkl'),
+ }
+ spack_env.set('MKLROOT', env_mods['MKLROOT'])
+ spack_env.append_path('SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS',
+ debug_print("adding/modifying spack_env:", env_mods)
+ if '+mpi' in self.spec or self.provides('mpi'):
+ if compilers_of_client:
+ self.mpi_setup_dependent_environment(
+ spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec, compilers_of_client)
+ # We could forego this nonce function and inline its code here,
+ # but (a) it sisters mpi_compiler_wrappers() [needed twice]
+ # which performs dizzyingly similar but necessarily different
+ # actions, and (b) function code leaves a bit more breathing
+ # room within the suffocating corset of flake8 line length.
+ else:
+ raise InstallError('compilers_of_client arg required for MPI')
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dep_spec):
+ #
+ # Reminder: "module" refers to Python module.
+ # Called before the install() method of dependents.
+ if '+mpi' in self.spec or self.provides('mpi'):
+ compiler_wrapper_commands = self.mpi_compiler_wrappers
+ self.spec.mpicc = compiler_wrapper_commands['MPICC']
+ self.spec.mpicxx = compiler_wrapper_commands['MPICXX']
+ self.spec.mpif77 = compiler_wrapper_commands['MPIF77']
+ self.spec.mpifc = compiler_wrapper_commands['MPIFC']
+ debug_print(("spec '%s' received .mpi* properties:" % self.spec),
+ compiler_wrapper_commands)
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Specifics for installation phase
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def global_license_file(self):
- """Returns the path where a global license file should be stored.
+ """Returns the path where a Spack-global license file should be stored.
All Intel software shares the same license, so we store it in a
common 'intel' directory."""
- return os.path.join(self.global_license_dir, 'intel',
- os.path.basename(self.license_files[0]))
+ return os.path.join(self.global_license_dir, 'intel', 'license.lic')
+ @property
+ def _determine_license_type(self):
+ '''Provide appropriate license tokens for the installer (silent.cfg).
+ '''
+ # See:
+ # ./README-intel.rst, section "Details for licensing tokens".
+ # ./build_systems/README-intel.rst, section "Licenses"
+ #
+ # Ideally, we just tell the installer to look around on the system.
+ # Thankfully, we neither need to care nor emulate where it looks:
+ license_type = {'ACTIVATION_TYPE': 'exist_lic', }
+ # However (and only), if the spack-internal Intel license file has been
+ # populated beyond its templated explanatory comments, proffer it to
+ # the installer instead:
+ f = self.global_license_file
+ if os.path.isfile(f):
+ # The file will have been created upon self.license_required AND
+ # self.license_files having been populated, so the "if" is usually
+ # true by the time the present function runs; ../hooks/
+ with open(f) as fh:
+ if'^[ \t]*[^' + self.license_comment + '\n]',
+ license_type = {
+ 'ACTIVATION_TYPE': 'license_file',
+ }
+ debug_print(license_type)
+ return license_type
def configure(self, spec, prefix):
- """Writes the ``silent.cfg`` file used to configure the installation.
+ '''Generates the silent.cfg file to pass to
- """
- # Patterns used to check silent configuration file
- #
- # anythingpat - any string
- # filepat - the file location pattern (/path/to/license.lic)
- # lspat - the license server address pattern (0123@hostname)
- # snpat - the serial number pattern (ABCD-01234567)
- config = {
- # Accept EULA, valid values are: {accept, decline}
- 'ACCEPT_EULA': 'accept',
+ '''
- # Optional error behavior, valid values are: {yes, no}
- # Install location, valid values are: {/opt/intel, filepat}
- 'PSET_INSTALL_DIR': prefix,
+ # Both tokens AND values of the configuration file are validated during
+ # the run of the underlying binary installer. Any unknown token or
+ # unacceptable value will cause that installer to fail. Notably, this
+ # applies to trying to specify a license for a product that does not
+ # require one.
+ #
+ # Fortunately, the validator is a script from a solid code base that is
+ # only lightly adapted to the token vocabulary of each product and
+ # release. Let's get that script so we can preempt its objections.
+ #
+ # Rather than running the script on a trial file and dissecting its
+ # pronouncements, let's brazenly skim it for supported tokens and build
+ # our configuration accordingly. We can do this because the tokens are
+ # quite long and specific.
- # Continue with overwrite of existing installation directory,
- # valid values are: {yes, no}
+ validator_code = open('pset/check.awk', 'r').read()
+ # Let's go a little further and distill the tokens (plus some noise).
+ tokenlike_words = set(re.findall(r'[A-Z_]{4,}', validator_code))
- # List of components to install,
- # valid values are: {ALL, DEFAULTS, anythingpat}
- 'COMPONENTS': ';'.join(self._filtered_components),
+ # NB: .cfg files generated with the "--duplicate filename" option have
+ # the COMPONENTS string begin with a separator - do not worry about it.
+ components_joined = ';'.join(self._filtered_components)
+ nonrpm_db_dir = os.path.join(prefix, 'nonrpm-db')
- # Installation mode, valid values are: {install, repair, uninstall}
- 'PSET_MODE': 'install',
+ config_draft = {
+ # Basics first - these should be accepted in all products.
+ 'ACCEPT_EULA': 'accept',
+ 'PSET_MODE': 'install',
- # Directory for non-RPM database, valid values are: {filepat}
- 'NONRPM_DB_DIR': prefix,
+ # Highly variable package specifics:
+ 'PSET_INSTALL_DIR': prefix,
+ 'NONRPM_DB_DIR': nonrpm_db_dir,
+ 'COMPONENTS': components_joined,
- # Perform validation of digital signatures of RPM files,
- # valid values are: {yes, no}
+ # Conditional tokens; the first is supported post-2015 only.
+ # Ignore ia32; most recent products don't even provide it.
+ 'ARCH_SELECTED': 'INTEL64', # was: 'ALL'
- # Select target architecture of your applications,
- # valid values are: {IA32, INTEL64, ALL}
+ # 'ism' component -- see uninstall_ism(); also varies by release.
+ # Ah, as of 2018.2, that somewhat loaded term got replaced by one
+ # in business-speak. We uphold our preference, both out of general
+ # principles and for technical reasons like overhead and non-routed
+ # compute nodes.
+ # Deal with licensing only if truly needed.
+ # NB: Token was 'ACTIVATION' pre ~2013, so basically irrelevant here.
+ if 'ACTIVATION_TYPE' in tokenlike_words:
+ config_draft.update(self._determine_license_type)
- # Not all Intel software requires a license. Trying to specify
- # one anyway will cause the installation to fail.
- if self.license_required:
- config.update({
- # License file or license server,
- # valid values are: {lspat, filepat}
- 'ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE': self.global_license_file,
- # Activation type, valid values are: {exist_lic,
- # license_server, license_file, trial_lic, serial_number}
- 'ACTIVATION_TYPE': 'license_file',
- # Intel(R) Software Improvement Program opt-in,
- # valid values are: {yes, no}
- })
- with open('silent.cfg', 'w') as cfg:
- for key in config:
- cfg.write('{0}={1}\n'.format(key, config[key]))
+ # Write sorted *by token* so the file looks less like a hash dump.
+ f = open('silent.cfg', 'w')
+ for token, value in sorted(config_draft.items()):
+ if token in tokenlike_words:
+ f.write('%s=%s\n' % (token, value))
+ f.close()
def install(self, spec, prefix):
- """Runs the ```` installation script."""
+ '''Runs Intel's installation script. Afterwards, save the
+ installer config and logs to <prefix>/.spack
+ '''
+ # prepare
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='spack-intel-')
install_script = Executable('./')
+ install_script.add_default_env('TMPDIR', tmpdir)
+ # perform
install_script('--silent', 'silent.cfg')
+ # preserve config and logs
+ dst = os.path.join(self.prefix, '.spack')
+ install('silent.cfg', dst)
+ for f in glob.glob('%s/intel*log' % tmpdir):
+ install(f, dst)
+ @run_after('install')
+ def configure_rpath(self):
+ if '+rpath' not in self.spec:
+ return
+ #
+ compilers_bin_dir = self.component_bin_dir('compiler')
+ compilers_lib_dir = self.component_lib_dir('compiler')
+ for compiler_name in 'icc icpc ifort'.split():
+ f = os.path.join(compilers_bin_dir, compiler_name)
+ if not os.path.isfile(f):
+ raise InstallError(
+ 'Cannot find compiler command to configure rpath:\n\t' + f)
+ compiler_cfg = os.path.abspath(f + '.cfg')
+ with open(compiler_cfg, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write('-Xlinker -rpath={0}\n'.format(compilers_lib_dir))
- def save_silent_cfg(self):
- """Copies the silent.cfg configuration file to ``<prefix>/.spack``."""
- install('silent.cfg', os.path.join(self.prefix, '.spack'))
+ def filter_compiler_wrappers(self):
+ if (('+mpi' in self.spec or self.provides('mpi')) and
+ '~newdtags' in self.spec):
+ bin_dir = self.component_bin_dir('mpi')
+ for f in 'mpif77 mpif90 mpigcc mpigxx mpiicc mpiicpc ' \
+ 'mpiifort'.split():
+ f = os.path.join(bin_dir, f)
+ filter_file('-Xlinker --enable-new-dtags', ' ', f, string=True)
+ @run_after('install')
+ def uninstall_ism(self):
+ # The "Intel(R) Software Improvement Program" [ahem] gets installed,
+ # apparently regardless of PHONEHOME_SEND_USAGE_DATA.
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Hubert H. (Intel) Mon, 03/10/2014 - 03:02 wrote:
+ # "... you can also uninstall the Intel(R) Software Manager
+ # completely: <installdir>/intel/ism/"
+ f = os.path.join(self.normalize_path('ism'), '')
+ if os.path.isfile(f):
+ tty.warn('Uninstalling "Intel Software Improvement Program"'
+ 'component')
+ uninstall = Executable(f)
+ uninstall('--silent')
+ # TODO? also try
+ # ~/intel/ism/uninstall --silent
+ debug_print(os.getcwd())
+ return
# Check that self.prefix is there after installation
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-daal/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-daal/
index 434ecf0f73..420f8e009a 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-daal/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-daal/
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import os
from spack import *
-from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
class IntelDaal(IntelPackage):
@@ -57,36 +54,3 @@ class IntelDaal(IntelPackage):
- @property
- def license_required(self):
- # The Intel libraries are provided without requiring a license as of
- # version 2017.2. Trying to specify the license will fail. See:
- #
- if self.version >= Version('2017.2'):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
- """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
- These environment variables come from running:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ source daal/bin/ intel64
- """
- # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
- # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
- # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
- # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
- # so check for its existence before sourcing.
- # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
- # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
- # this problem.
- daalvars = os.path.join(self.prefix.daal.bin, '')
- if os.path.isfile(daalvars):
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- daalvars, 'intel64'))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-ipp/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-ipp/
index e7dfe3d4e6..3e4a553090 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-ipp/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-ipp/
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import os
from spack import *
-from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
class IntelIpp(IntelPackage):
@@ -49,40 +46,8 @@ class IntelIpp(IntelPackage):
version('2017.0.098', 'e7be757ebe351d9f9beed7efdc7b7118',
+ # built from parallel_studio_xe_2016.3.067
version('', '0e1520dd3de7f811a6ef6ebc7aa429a3',
- @property
- def license_required(self):
- # The Intel libraries are provided without requiring a license as of
- # version 2017.2. Trying to specify the license will fail. See:
- #
- if self.version >= Version('2017.2'):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
- """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
- These environment variables come from running:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ source ipp/bin/ intel64
- """
- # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
- # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
- # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
- # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
- # so check for its existence before sourcing.
- # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
- # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
- # this problem.
- ippvars = os.path.join(self.prefix.ipp.bin, '')
- if os.path.isfile(ippvars):
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- ippvars, 'intel64'))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mkl/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mkl/
index b8ce9a96aa..7eb217ac38 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mkl/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mkl/
@@ -22,11 +22,9 @@
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import os
import sys
from spack import *
-from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
class IntelMkl(IntelPackage):
@@ -52,8 +50,10 @@ class IntelMkl(IntelPackage):
version('2017.0.098', '3cdcb739ab5ab1e047eb130b9ffdd8d0',
+ # built from parallel_studio_xe_2016.3.x
version('', 'f72546df27f5ebb0941b5d21fd804e34',
+ # built from parallel_studio_xe_2016.2.062
version('', '536dbd82896d6facc16de8f961d17d65',
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class IntelMkl(IntelPackage):
'threads', default='none',
description='Multithreading support',
- values=('openmp', 'none'),
+ values=('openmp', 'tbb', 'none'),
@@ -74,166 +74,3 @@ class IntelMkl(IntelPackage):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# there is no libmkl_gnu_thread on macOS
conflicts('threads=openmp', when='%gcc')
- @property
- def license_required(self):
- # The Intel libraries are provided without requiring a license as of
- # version 2017.2. Trying to specify the license will fail. See:
- #
- if self.version >= Version('2017.2'):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- @property
- def blas_libs(self):
- spec = self.spec
- prefix = self.prefix
- shared = '+shared' in spec
- if '+ilp64' in spec:
- mkl_integer = ['libmkl_intel_ilp64']
- else:
- mkl_integer = ['libmkl_intel_lp64']
- mkl_threading = ['libmkl_sequential']
- omp_libs = LibraryList([])
- if spec.satisfies('threads=openmp'):
- if '%intel' in spec:
- mkl_threading = ['libmkl_intel_thread']
- omp_threading = ['libiomp5']
- if sys.platform != 'darwin':
- omp_root = prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.lib.intel64
- else:
- omp_root = prefix.lib
- omp_libs = find_libraries(
- omp_threading, root=omp_root, shared=shared)
- elif '%gcc' in spec:
- mkl_threading = ['libmkl_gnu_thread']
- gcc = Executable(
- libgomp = gcc('--print-file-name', 'libgomp.{0}'.format(
- dso_suffix), output=str)
- omp_libs = LibraryList(libgomp)
- # TODO: TBB threading: ['libmkl_tbb_thread', 'libtbb', 'libstdc++']
- if sys.platform != 'darwin':
- mkl_root = prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.lib.intel64
- else:
- mkl_root = prefix.mkl.lib
- mkl_libs = find_libraries(
- mkl_integer + mkl_threading + ['libmkl_core'],
- root=mkl_root,
- shared=shared
- )
- # Intel MKL link line advisor recommends these system libraries
- system_libs = find_system_libraries(
- ['libpthread', 'libm', 'libdl'],
- shared=shared
- )
- return mkl_libs + omp_libs + system_libs
- @property
- def lapack_libs(self):
- return self.blas_libs
- @property
- def scalapack_libs(self):
- libnames = ['libmkl_scalapack']
- # Intel MKL does not directly depend on mpi but the scalapack
- # interface does and the corresponding BLACS library changes
- # depending on the MPI implementation we are using. We need then to
- # inspect the root package which asked for Scalapack and check which
- # MPI it depends on.
- root = self.spec.root
- if sys.platform == 'darwin' and '^mpich' in root:
- # MKL 2018 supports only MPICH on darwin
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_mpich')
- elif '^openmpi' in root:
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_openmpi')
- elif '^mpich@1' in root:
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs')
- elif '^mpich@2:' in root:
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_intelmpi')
- elif '^mvapich2' in root:
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_intelmpi')
- elif '^mpt' in root:
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_sgimpt')
- elif '^intel-mpi' in root:
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_intelmpi')
- else:
- raise InstallError('No MPI found for scalapack')
- integer = 'ilp64' if '+ilp64' in self.spec else 'lp64'
- mkl_root = self.prefix.mkl.lib if sys.platform == 'darwin' else \
- self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.lib.intel64
- shared = True if '+shared' in self.spec else False
- libs = find_libraries(
- ['{0}_{1}'.format(l, integer) for l in libnames],
- root=mkl_root,
- shared=shared
- )
- return libs
- @property
- def headers(self):
- prefix = self.spec.prefix
- if sys.platform != 'darwin':
- include_dir = prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.include
- else:
- include_dir = prefix.include
- cblas_h = join_path(include_dir, 'mkl_cblas.h')
- lapacke_h = join_path(include_dir, 'mkl_lapacke.h')
- return HeaderList([cblas_h, lapacke_h])
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
- # set up MKLROOT for everyone using MKL package
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- mkl_lib = self.prefix.mkl.lib
- mkl_root = self.prefix.mkl
- else:
- mkl_lib = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.lib.intel64
- mkl_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl
- spack_env.set('MKLROOT', mkl_root)
- spack_env.append_path('SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS', mkl_lib)
- def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
- """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
- These environment variables come from running:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ source mkl/bin/ intel64
- """
- # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
- # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
- # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
- # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
- # so check for its existence before sourcing.
- # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
- # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
- # this problem.
- mklvars = os.path.join(self.prefix.mkl.bin, '')
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- if os.path.isfile(mklvars):
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- mklvars))
- else:
- if os.path.isfile(mklvars):
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- mklvars, 'intel64'))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mpi/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mpi/
index 44b501fbe1..ed2f87a0cc 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mpi/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-mpi/
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import os
from spack import *
-from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
class IntelMpi(IntelPackage):
@@ -49,95 +46,21 @@ class IntelMpi(IntelPackage):
version('2017.1.132', 'd5e941ac2bcf7c5576f85f6bcfee4c18',
+ # built from parallel_studio_xe_2016.3.068
version('', '4316e78533a932081b1a86368e890800',
- @property
- def license_required(self):
- # The Intel libraries are provided without requiring a license as of
- # version 2017.2. Trying to specify the license will fail. See:
- #
- if self.version >= Version('2017.2'):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- @property
- def mpi_libs(self):
- mpi_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.lib64
- query_parameters = self.spec.last_query.extra_parameters
- libraries = ['libmpifort', 'libmpi']
- if 'cxx' in query_parameters:
- libraries = ['libmpicxx'] + libraries
- return find_libraries(
- libraries, root=mpi_root, shared=True, recursive=True
- )
- @property
- def mpi_headers(self):
- # recurse from self.prefix will find too many things for all the
- # supported sub-architectures like 'mic'
- mpi_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.include64
- return find_headers('mpi', root=mpi_root, recursive=False)
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_CC', spack_cc)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_CXX', spack_cxx)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_F77', spack_fc)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_F90', spack_f77)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_FC', spack_fc)
- def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dep_spec):
- # Intel comes with 2 different flavors of MPI wrappers:
- #
- # * mpiicc, mpiicpc, and mpifort are hardcoded to wrap around
- # the Intel compilers.
- # * mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90, and mpif77 allow you to set which
- # compilers to wrap using I_MPI_CC and friends. By default,
- # wraps around the GCC compilers.
- #
- # In theory, these should be equivalent as long as I_MPI_CC
- # and friends are set to point to the Intel compilers, but in
- # practice, mpicc fails to compile some applications while
- # mpiicc works.
- bindir = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.intel64.bin
- if == 'intel':
- self.spec.mpicc = bindir.mpiicc
- self.spec.mpicxx = bindir.mpiicpc
- self.spec.mpifc = bindir.mpiifort
- self.spec.mpif77 = bindir.mpiifort
- else:
- self.spec.mpicc = bindir.mpicc
- self.spec.mpicxx = bindir.mpicxx
- self.spec.mpifc = bindir.mpif90
- self.spec.mpif77 = bindir.mpif77
- def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
- """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
- These environment variables come from running:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ source compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/
- """
- # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
- # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
- # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
- # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
- # so check for its existence before sourcing.
- # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
- # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
- # this problem.
- mpivars = os.path.join(
- self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.intel64.bin,
- '')
- if os.path.isfile(mpivars):
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- mpivars))
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, *args):
+ # Handle in callback, conveying client's compilers in additional arg.
+ # CAUTION - DUP code in:
+ # ../intel-mpi/
+ # ../intel-parallel-studio/
+ self._setup_dependent_env_callback(*args, compilers_of_client={
+ 'CC': spack_cc,
+ 'CXX': spack_cxx,
+ 'F77': spack_f77,
+ 'F90': spack_fc,
+ 'FC': spack_fc,
+ })
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-parallel-studio/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-parallel-studio/
index e1f8c208d3..ab72c95fc1 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-parallel-studio/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel-parallel-studio/
@@ -22,11 +22,7 @@
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import glob
-import os
from spack import *
-from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
class IntelParallelStudio(IntelPackage):
@@ -34,80 +30,85 @@ class IntelParallelStudio(IntelPackage):
homepage = ""
- version('professional.2018.3', 'e0fb828de0a5f238f775b6122cc7e2c5',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2018.3', '7112837d20a100b895d9cd9ba9b6748d',
- url='')
- version('composer.2018.3', '234223cc470717c2095456d9f048d690',
- url='')
- version('professional.2018.1', '91669ff7afbfd07868a429a122c90357',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2018.1', '9c007011e0e3fc72747b58756fbf01cd',
- url='')
- version('composer.2018.1', '28cb807126d713350f4aa6f9f167448a',
- url='')
- version('professional.2018.0', '9a233854e9218937bc5f46f02b3c7542',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2018.0', 'fa9baeb83dd2e8e4a464e3db38f28d0f',
- url='')
- version('composer.2018.0', '31ba768fba6e7322957b03feaa3add28',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2017.5', 'baeb8e584317fcdf1f60b8208bd4eab5',
- url='')
- version('professional.2017.4', '27398416078e1e4005afced3e9a6df7e',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2017.4', '27398416078e1e4005afced3e9a6df7e',
- url='')
- version('composer.2017.4', 'd03d351809e182c481dc65e07376d9a2',
- url='')
- version('professional.2017.3', '691874735458d3e88fe0bcca4438b2a9',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2017.3', '691874735458d3e88fe0bcca4438b2a9',
- url='')
- version('composer.2017.3', '52344df122c17ddff3687f84ceb21623',
- url='')
- version('professional.2017.2', '70e54b33d940a1609ff1d35d3c56e3b3',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2017.2', '70e54b33d940a1609ff1d35d3c56e3b3',
- url='')
- version('composer.2017.2', '2891ab1ece43eb61b6ab892f07c47f01',
- url='')
- version('professional.2017.1', '7f75a4a7e2c563be778c377f9d35a542',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2017.1', '7f75a4a7e2c563be778c377f9d35a542',
- url='')
- version('composer.2017.1', '1f31976931ed8ec424ac7c3ef56f5e85',
- url='')
- version('professional.2017.0', '34c98e3329d6ac57408b738ae1daaa01',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2017.0', '34c98e3329d6ac57408b738ae1daaa01',
- url='')
- version('composer.2017.0', 'b67da0065a17a05f110ed1d15c3c6312',
- url='')
- version('professional.2016.4', '16a641a06b156bb647c8a56e71f3bb33',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2016.4', '16a641a06b156bb647c8a56e71f3bb33',
- url='')
- version('composer.2016.4', '2bc9bfc9be9c1968a6e42efb4378f40e',
- url='')
- version('professional.2016.3', 'eda19bb0d0d19709197ede58f13443f3',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2016.3', 'eda19bb0d0d19709197ede58f13443f3',
- url='')
- version('composer.2016.3', '3208eeabee951fc27579177b593cefe9',
- url='')
- version('professional.2016.2', '70be832f2d34c9bf596a5e99d5f2d832',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2016.2', '70be832f2d34c9bf596a5e99d5f2d832',
- url='')
- version('composer.2016.2', '1133fb831312eb519f7da897fec223fa',
- url='')
- version('professional.2015.6', 'd460f362c30017b60f85da2e51ad25bf',
- url='')
- version('cluster.2015.6', 'd460f362c30017b60f85da2e51ad25bf',
- url='')
- version('composer.2015.6', 'da9f8600c18d43d58fba0488844f79c9',
- url='')
+ # As of 2016, the product comes in three "editions" that vary by scope.
+ #
+ # In Spack, select the edition via the version number in the spec, e.g.:
+ # intel-parallel-studio@cluster.2018
+ # Cluster Edition (top tier; all components included)
+ version('cluster.2018.3', '7112837d20a100b895d9cd9ba9b6748d', url='')
+ version('cluster.2018.2', '3b8d93a3fa10869dde024b739b96a9c4', url='')
+ version('cluster.2018.1', '9c007011e0e3fc72747b58756fbf01cd', url='')
+ version('cluster.2018.0', 'fa9baeb83dd2e8e4a464e3db38f28d0f', url='')
+ #
+ version('cluster.2017.7', '158461b000b31f0ef8169b6f0277bfb5', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.6', 'b0bbddeec3e78a84b967c9ca70dade77', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.5', 'baeb8e584317fcdf1f60b8208bd4eab5', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.4', '27398416078e1e4005afced3e9a6df7e', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.3', '691874735458d3e88fe0bcca4438b2a9', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.2', '70e54b33d940a1609ff1d35d3c56e3b3', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.1', '7f75a4a7e2c563be778c377f9d35a542', url='')
+ version('cluster.2017.0', '34c98e3329d6ac57408b738ae1daaa01', url='')
+ #
+ version('cluster.2016.4', '16a641a06b156bb647c8a56e71f3bb33', url='')
+ version('cluster.2016.3', 'eda19bb0d0d19709197ede58f13443f3', url='')
+ version('cluster.2016.2', '70be832f2d34c9bf596a5e99d5f2d832', url='')
+ version('cluster.2016.1', '83b260ef3fcfd4e30afbeb7eb31b6b20', url='')
+ version('cluster.2016.0', '00b4de9727a906a3aff468c26dd3f89c', url='')
+ #
+ version('cluster.2015.6', 'd460f362c30017b60f85da2e51ad25bf', url='')
+ version('cluster.2015.1', '542b78c86beff9d7b01076a7be9c6ddc', url='')
+ # Professional Edition (middle tier; excluded: MPI/TAC/Cluster Checker)
+ #
+ # NB: Pre-2018 download packages for Professional are the same as for
+ # Cluster; differences manifest only in the tokens present in the license
+ # file delivered as part of the purchase.
+ version('professional.2018.3', 'e0fb828de0a5f238f775b6122cc7e2c5', url='')
+ version('professional.2018.2', '91ed14aeb6157d60a0ec39929d0bc778', url='')
+ version('professional.2018.1', '91669ff7afbfd07868a429a122c90357', url='')
+ version('professional.2018.0', '9a233854e9218937bc5f46f02b3c7542', url='')
+ #
+ version('professional.2017.7', '158461b000b31f0ef8169b6f0277bfb5', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.6', 'b0bbddeec3e78a84b967c9ca70dade77', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.5', 'baeb8e584317fcdf1f60b8208bd4eab5', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.4', '27398416078e1e4005afced3e9a6df7e', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.3', '691874735458d3e88fe0bcca4438b2a9', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.2', '70e54b33d940a1609ff1d35d3c56e3b3', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.1', '7f75a4a7e2c563be778c377f9d35a542', url='')
+ version('professional.2017.0', '34c98e3329d6ac57408b738ae1daaa01', url='')
+ #
+ version('professional.2016.4', '16a641a06b156bb647c8a56e71f3bb33', url='')
+ version('professional.2016.3', 'eda19bb0d0d19709197ede58f13443f3', url='')
+ version('professional.2016.2', '70be832f2d34c9bf596a5e99d5f2d832', url='')
+ version('professional.2016.1', '83b260ef3fcfd4e30afbeb7eb31b6b20', url='')
+ version('professional.2016.0', '00b4de9727a906a3aff468c26dd3f89c', url='')
+ #
+ version('professional.2015.6', 'd460f362c30017b60f85da2e51ad25bf', url='')
+ version('professional.2015.1', '542b78c86beff9d7b01076a7be9c6ddc', url='')
+ # Composer Edition (basic tier; excluded: MPI/..., Advisor/Inspector/Vtune)
+ version('composer.2018.3', '234223cc470717c2095456d9f048d690', url='')
+ version('composer.2018.2', '76f820f53de4c1ff998229c983cf4f53', url='')
+ version('composer.2018.1', '28cb807126d713350f4aa6f9f167448a', url='')
+ version('composer.2018.0', '31ba768fba6e7322957b03feaa3add28', url='')
+ #
+ version('composer.2017.7', '4c02a4a29a8f2424f31baa23116a1001', url='')
+ version('composer.2017.6', 'd96cce0c3feef20091efde458f581a9f', url='')
+ # version('composer.2017.5', -- TBD --
+ version('composer.2017.4', 'd03d351809e182c481dc65e07376d9a2', url='')
+ version('composer.2017.3', '52344df122c17ddff3687f84ceb21623', url='')
+ version('composer.2017.2', '2891ab1ece43eb61b6ab892f07c47f01', url='')
+ version('composer.2017.1', '1f31976931ed8ec424ac7c3ef56f5e85', url='')
+ version('composer.2017.0', 'b67da0065a17a05f110ed1d15c3c6312', url='')
+ #
+ version('composer.2016.4', '2bc9bfc9be9c1968a6e42efb4378f40e', url='')
+ version('composer.2016.3', '3208eeabee951fc27579177b593cefe9', url='')
+ version('composer.2016.2', '1133fb831312eb519f7da897fec223fa', url='')
+ #
+ # Pre-2016, the only product was "Composer XE"; dir structure is different.
+ version('composer.2015.6', 'da9f8600c18d43d58fba0488844f79c9', url='')
+ version('composer.2015.1', '85beae681ae56411a8e791a7c44a5c0a', url='')
# Generic Variants
variant('rpath', default=True,
@@ -151,373 +152,46 @@ class IntelParallelStudio(IntelPackage):
variant('vtune', default=False,
description='Install the Intel VTune Amplifier XE')
- provides('daal', when='+daal')
- provides('ipp', when='+ipp')
+ provides('daal', when='+daal')
+ provides('ipp', when='+ipp')
- provides('mkl', when='+mkl')
- provides('blas', when='+mkl')
- provides('lapack', when='+mkl')
- provides('scalapack', when='+mkl')
+ provides('mkl', when='+mkl')
+ provides('blas', when='+mkl')
+ provides('lapack', when='+mkl')
+ provides('scalapack', when='+mkl')
- provides('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ provides('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ provides('tbb', when='+tbb')
- provides('tbb', when='+tbb')
+ # For TBB, static linkage is not and has never been supported by Intel:
+ #
+ conflicts('+tbb', when='~shared')
- # The following components are not available in the Composer Edition
conflicts('+advisor', when='@composer.0:composer.9999')
conflicts('+clck', when='@composer.0:composer.9999')
conflicts('+inspector', when='@composer.0:composer.9999')
conflicts('+itac', when='@composer.0:composer.9999')
+ conflicts('+mpi', when='@composer.0:composer.9999')
conflicts('+vtune', when='@composer.0:composer.9999')
- @property
- def blas_libs(self):
- spec = self.spec
- prefix = self.prefix
- shared = '+shared' in spec
- if '+ilp64' in spec:
- mkl_integer = ['libmkl_intel_ilp64']
- else:
- mkl_integer = ['libmkl_intel_lp64']
- mkl_threading = ['libmkl_sequential']
- omp_libs = LibraryList([])
- if spec.satisfies('threads=openmp'):
- if '%intel' in spec:
- mkl_threading = ['libmkl_intel_thread']
- omp_threading = ['libiomp5']
- omp_root = prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.lib.intel64
- omp_libs = find_libraries(
- omp_threading, root=omp_root, shared=shared)
- elif '%gcc' in spec:
- mkl_threading = ['libmkl_gnu_thread']
- gcc = Executable(
- omp_libs = gcc('--print-file-name', 'libgomp.{0}'.format(
- dso_suffix), output=str)
- omp_libs = LibraryList(omp_libs)
- # TODO: TBB threading: ['libmkl_tbb_thread', 'libtbb', 'libstdc++']
- mkl_root = prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.lib.intel64
- mkl_libs = find_libraries(
- mkl_integer + mkl_threading + ['libmkl_core'],
- root=mkl_root,
- shared=shared
- )
- # Intel MKL link line advisor recommends these system libraries
- system_libs = find_system_libraries(
- ['libpthread', 'libm', 'libdl'],
- shared=shared
- )
- return mkl_libs + omp_libs + system_libs
- @property
- def lapack_libs(self):
- return self.blas_libs
- @property
- def scalapack_libs(self):
- libnames = ['libmkl_scalapack']
- if self.spec.satisfies('^openmpi'):
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_openmpi')
- elif self.spec.satisfies('^mpich@1'):
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs')
- elif self.spec.satisfies('^mpich@2:'):
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_intelmpi')
- elif self.spec.satisfies('^mvapich2'):
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_intelmpi')
- elif self.spec.satisfies('^mpt'):
- libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_sgimpt')
- # TODO: ^intel-parallel-studio can mean intel mpi, a compiler or a lib
- # elif self.spec.satisfies('^intel-parallel-studio'):
- # libnames.append('libmkl_blacs_intelmpi')
- else:
- raise InstallError('No MPI found for scalapack')
- integer = 'ilp64' if '+ilp64' in self.spec else 'lp64'
- mkl_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.lib.intel64
- shared = True if '+shared' in self.spec else False
- libs = find_libraries(
- ['{0}_{1}'.format(l, integer) for l in libnames],
- root=mkl_root,
- shared=shared
- )
- return libs
- @property
- def mpi_libs(self):
- mpi_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.lib64
- query_parameters = self.spec.last_query.extra_parameters
- libraries = ['libmpifort', 'libmpi']
- if 'cxx' in query_parameters:
- libraries = ['libmpicxx'] + libraries
- return find_libraries(
- libraries, root=mpi_root, shared=True, recursive=True
- )
- @property
- def mpi_headers(self):
- # recurse from self.prefix will find too many things for all the
- # supported sub-architectures like 'mic'
- mpi_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.include64
- return find_headers('mpi', root=mpi_root, recursive=False)
- @property
- def components(self):
- spec = self.spec
- edition = self.version[0]
- # Intel(R) Compilers
- components = [
- # Common files
- 'intel-comp-',
- 'intel-openmp',
- # C/C++
- 'intel-icc',
- # Fortran
- 'intel-ifort',
- # Parallel Studio Documentation and Licensing Files
- 'intel-psxe',
- ]
- # Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE Suite Files and Documentation
- if edition == 'cluster':
- components.append('intel-icsxe')
- elif edition == 'professional':
- components.extend(['intel-ips', 'intel-ipsc', 'intel-ipsf'])
- elif edition == 'composer':
- components.extend([
- 'intel-compxe', 'intel-ccompxe', 'intel-fcompxe'
- ])
- # Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library
- if '+daal' in spec:
- components.append('intel-daal')
- # Intel(R) Debugger for Heterogeneous Compute
- if '+gdb' in spec:
- components.append('intel-gdb')
- # Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
- if '+ipp' in spec:
- components.extend(['intel-ipp', 'intel-crypto-ipp'])
- # Intel(R) Math Kernel Library
- if '+mkl' in spec:
- components.append('intel-mkl')
- # Intel(R) MPI Library
- if '+mpi' in spec:
- components.extend(['intel-mpi', 'intel-mpirt', 'intel-imb'])
- # Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks
- if '+tbb' in spec:
- components.append('intel-tbb')
- # Intel(R) Advisor
- if '+advisor' in spec:
- components.append('intel-advisor')
- # Intel(R) Cluster Checker
- if '+clck' in spec:
- components.append('intel_clck')
- # Intel(R) Inspector
- if '+inspector' in spec:
- components.append('intel-inspector')
- # Intel(R) Trace Analyzer and Collector
- if '+itac' in spec:
- components.extend(['intel-itac', 'intel-ta', 'intel-tc'])
- # Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE
- if '+vtune' in spec:
- components.append('intel-vtune-amplifier')
- return components
- @property
- def bin_dir(self):
- """The relative path to the bin directory with symlinks resolved."""
- bin_path = os.path.join(self.prefix.bin, 'icc')
- absolute_path = os.path.realpath(bin_path) # resolve symlinks
- relative_path = os.path.relpath(absolute_path, self.prefix)
- return os.path.dirname(relative_path)
- @property
- def lib_dir(self):
- """The relative path to the lib directory with symlinks resolved."""
- lib_path = os.path.join(self.prefix.lib, 'intel64', 'libimf.a')
- absolute_path = os.path.realpath(lib_path) # resolve symlinks
- relative_path = os.path.relpath(absolute_path, self.prefix)
- return os.path.dirname(relative_path)
- @property
- def license_files(self):
- spec = self.spec
- year = self.version[1]
- directories = [
- 'Licenses',
- self.bin_dir
- ]
- if '+advisor' in spec:
- advisor_dir = 'advisor_xe/licenses'
- if year >= 2017:
- advisor_dir = 'advisor/licenses'
- directories.append(advisor_dir)
- if '+inspector' in spec:
- inspector_dir = 'inspector_xe/licenses'
- if year >= 2017:
- inspector_dir = 'inspector/licenses'
- directories.append(inspector_dir)
- if '+itac' in spec:
- itac_dir = 'itac_{0}'.format(year)
- directories.append(itac_dir)
- if '+vtune' in spec:
- vtune_dir = 'vtune_amplifier_xe/licenses'
- if year >= 2018:
- vtune_dir = 'vtune_amplifier/licenses'
- directories.append(vtune_dir)
- return [os.path.join(dir, 'license.lic') for dir in directories]
- @run_after('install')
- def filter_compiler_wrappers(self):
- spec = self.spec
- if '+mpi' in spec:
- if '~newdtags' in spec:
- wrappers = [
- 'mpif77', 'mpif90', 'mpigcc', 'mpigxx',
- 'mpiicc', 'mpiicpc', 'mpiifort'
- ]
- wrapper_paths = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(spec.prefix):
- for name in files:
- if name in wrappers:
- wrapper_paths.append(os.path.join(spec.prefix,
- root, name))
- for wrapper in wrapper_paths:
- filter_file('-Xlinker --enable-new-dtags', ' ',
- wrapper, string=True)
- @run_after('install')
- def rpath_configuration(self):
- spec = self.spec
- if '+rpath' in spec:
- lib_dir = os.path.join(self.prefix, self.lib_dir)
- for compiler in ['icc', 'icpc', 'ifort']:
- cfgfilename = os.path.join(
- self.prefix, self.bin_dir, '{0}.cfg'.format(compiler))
- cfgfilename = os.path.abspath(cfgfilename)
- with open(cfgfilename, 'w') as f:
- f.write('-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker {0}\n'.format(lib_dir))
- @run_after('install')
- def fix_psxevars(self):
- """Newer versions (>2016) of Intel Parallel Studio have a bug in the
- ```` script."""
- bindir = glob.glob(join_path(
- self.prefix, 'parallel_studio*', 'bin'))[0]
- bindir = os.path.abspath(bindir)
- if self.version[1] > 2016:
- filter_file('^SCRIPTPATH=.*', 'SCRIPTPATH={0}'.format(self.prefix),
- os.path.join(bindir, ''),
- os.path.join(bindir, 'psxevars.csh'))
- def setup_dependent_environment(self, spack_env, run_env, dependent_spec):
- if '+mpi' in self.spec:
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_CC', spack_cc)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_CXX', spack_cxx)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_F77', spack_fc)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_F90', spack_f77)
- spack_env.set('I_MPI_FC', spack_fc)
- # set up MKLROOT for everyone using MKL package
- if '+mkl' in self.spec:
- mkl_root = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mkl.lib.intel64 # noqa
- spack_env.set('MKLROOT', self.prefix)
- spack_env.append_path('SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS', mkl_root)
- def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dep_spec):
- if '+mpi' in self.spec:
- # Intel comes with 2 different flavors of MPI wrappers:
- #
- # * mpiicc, mpiicpc, and mpifort are hardcoded to wrap around
- # the Intel compilers.
- # * mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90, and mpif77 allow you to set which
- # compilers to wrap using I_MPI_CC and friends. By default,
- # wraps around the GCC compilers.
- #
- # In theory, these should be equivalent as long as I_MPI_CC
- # and friends are set to point to the Intel compilers, but in
- # practice, mpicc fails to compile some applications while
- # mpiicc works.
- bindir = self.prefix.compilers_and_libraries.linux.mpi.intel64.bin
- if == 'intel':
- self.spec.mpicc = bindir.mpiicc
- self.spec.mpicxx = bindir.mpiicpc
- self.spec.mpifc = bindir.mpiifort
- self.spec.mpif77 = bindir.mpiifort
- else:
- self.spec.mpicc = bindir.mpicc
- self.spec.mpicxx = bindir.mpicxx
- self.spec.mpifc = bindir.mpif90
- self.spec.mpif77 = bindir.mpif77
- def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
- """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
- These environment variables come from running:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ source parallel_studio_xe_2017/bin/ intel64
- """
- # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
- # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
- # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
- # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
- # so check for its existence before sourcing.
- # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
- # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
- # this problem.
- psxevars = glob.glob(join_path(
- self.prefix, 'parallel_studio*', 'bin', ''))
- if psxevars:
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- psxevars[0], 'intel64'))
+ conflicts('+clck', when='@professional.0:professional.9999')
+ conflicts('+itac', when='@professional.0:professional.9999')
+ conflicts('+mpi', when='@professional.0:professional.9999')
+ # The following components are not available before 2016
+ conflicts('+daal', when='@professional.0:professional.2015.7')
+ conflicts('+daal', when='@cluster.0:cluster.2015.7')
+ conflicts('+daal', when='@composer.0:composer.2015.7')
+ def setup_dependent_environment(self, *args):
+ # Handle in callback, conveying client's compilers in additional arg.
+ # CAUTION - DUP code in:
+ # ../intel-mpi/
+ # ../intel-parallel-studio/
+ self._setup_dependent_env_callback(*args, compilers_of_client={
+ 'CC': spack_cc,
+ 'CXX': spack_cxx,
+ 'F77': spack_f77,
+ 'F90': spack_fc,
+ 'FC': spack_fc,
+ })
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel/
index 220ff5bcf0..edb4526462 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/intel/
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-import os
from spack import *
-from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications
class Intel(IntelPackage):
@@ -33,82 +30,31 @@ class Intel(IntelPackage):
homepage = ""
- version('18.0.3', '234223cc470717c2095456d9f048d690',
- url='')
- version('18.0.1', '28cb807126d713350f4aa6f9f167448a',
- url='')
- version('18.0.0', '31ba768fba6e7322957b03feaa3add28',
- url='')
- version('17.0.4', 'd03d351809e182c481dc65e07376d9a2',
- url='')
- version('17.0.3', '52344df122c17ddff3687f84ceb21623',
- url='')
- version('17.0.2', '2891ab1ece43eb61b6ab892f07c47f01',
- url='')
- version('17.0.1', '1f31976931ed8ec424ac7c3ef56f5e85',
- url='')
- version('17.0.0', 'b67da0065a17a05f110ed1d15c3c6312',
- url='')
- version('16.0.4', '2bc9bfc9be9c1968a6e42efb4378f40e',
- url='')
- version('16.0.3', '3208eeabee951fc27579177b593cefe9',
- url='')
- version('16.0.2', '1133fb831312eb519f7da897fec223fa',
- url='')
+ # Same as in ../intel-parallel-studio/, Composer Edition,
+ # but the version numbering in Spack differs.
+ version('18.0.3', '234223cc470717c2095456d9f048d690', url='')
+ version('18.0.2', '76f820f53de4c1ff998229c983cf4f53', url='')
+ version('18.0.1', '28cb807126d713350f4aa6f9f167448a', url='')
+ version('18.0.0', '31ba768fba6e7322957b03feaa3add28', url='')
+ #
+ version('17.0.7', '4c02a4a29a8f2424f31baa23116a1001', url='')
+ version('17.0.6', 'd96cce0c3feef20091efde458f581a9f', url='')
+ # version('17.0.5', -- TBD --
+ version('17.0.4', 'd03d351809e182c481dc65e07376d9a2', url='')
+ version('17.0.3', '52344df122c17ddff3687f84ceb21623', url='')
+ version('17.0.2', '2891ab1ece43eb61b6ab892f07c47f01', url='')
+ version('17.0.1', '1f31976931ed8ec424ac7c3ef56f5e85', url='')
+ version('17.0.0', 'b67da0065a17a05f110ed1d15c3c6312', url='')
+ #
+ version('16.0.4', '2bc9bfc9be9c1968a6e42efb4378f40e', url='')
+ version('16.0.3', '3208eeabee951fc27579177b593cefe9', url='')
+ version('16.0.2', '1133fb831312eb519f7da897fec223fa', url='')
+ #
+ # Grandfathered release; different directory structure.
+ version('15.0.6', 'da9f8600c18d43d58fba0488844f79c9', url='')
+ version('15.0.1', '85beae681ae56411a8e791a7c44a5c0a', url='')
variant('rpath', default=True, description='Add rpath to .cfg files')
- components = [
- # Common files
- 'intel-comp-',
- 'intel-openmp',
- # C/C++
- 'intel-icc',
- # Fortran
- 'intel-ifort',
- ]
- @property
- def license_files(self):
- return [
- 'Licenses/license.lic',
- join_path('compilers_and_libraries', 'linux', 'bin',
- 'intel64', 'license.lic')
- ]
- @run_after('install')
- def rpath_configuration(self):
- if '+rpath' in self.spec:
- bin_dir = join_path(self.prefix, 'compilers_and_libraries',
- 'linux', 'bin', 'intel64')
- lib_dir = join_path(self.prefix, 'compilers_and_libraries',
- 'linux', 'compiler', 'lib', 'intel64_lin')
- for compiler in ['icc', 'icpc', 'ifort']:
- cfgfilename = join_path(bin_dir, '{0}.cfg'.format(compiler))
- with open(cfgfilename, 'w') as f:
- f.write('-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker {0}\n'.format(lib_dir))
- def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env):
- """Adds environment variables to the generated module file.
- These environment variables come from running:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ source bin/ intel64
- """
- # NOTE: Spack runs setup_environment twice, once pre-build to set up
- # the build environment, and once post-installation to determine
- # the environment variables needed at run-time to add to the module
- # file. The script we need to source is only present post-installation,
- # so check for its existence before sourcing.
- # TODO: At some point we should split setup_environment into
- # setup_build_environment and setup_run_environment to get around
- # this problem.
- compilervars = os.path.join(self.prefix.bin, '')
- if os.path.isfile(compilervars):
- run_env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file(
- compilervars, 'intel64'))
+ # Since the current package is a subset of 'intel-parallel-studio',
+ # all remaining Spack actions are handled in the package class.