diff options
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tau/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tau/
index 75472681ab..81f48e5bd4 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tau/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tau/
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class Tau(Package):
variant("level_zero", default=False, description="Activates Intel OneAPI Level Zero support")
variant("rocprofiler", default=False, description="Activates ROCm rocprofiler support")
variant("roctracer", default=False, description="Activates ROCm roctracer support")
+ variant("rocprofv2", default=False, description="Activates ROCm rocprofiler support")
variant("opencl", default=False, description="Activates OpenCL support")
variant("fortran", default=darwin_default, description="Activates Fortran support")
variant("io", default=True, description="Activates POSIX I/O support")
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ class Tau(Package):
depends_on("sqlite", when="+sqlite")
depends_on("rocprofiler-dev", when="+rocprofiler")
+ depends_on("rocprofiler-dev@6.0.0:", when="@2.34: +rocprofv2")
depends_on("roctracer-dev", when="+roctracer")
depends_on("hsa-rocr-dev", when="+rocm")
depends_on("rocm-smi-lib", when="@2.32.1: +rocm")
@@ -161,15 +163,18 @@ class Tau(Package):
patch("unwind.patch", when="@2.29.0")
conflicts("+rocprofiler", when="+roctracer", msg="Use either rocprofiler or roctracer")
+ conflicts("+rocprofv2", when="+rocprofiler", msg="Rocprofv2 does not need rocprofiler")
+ conflicts("+rocprofv2", when="+roctracer", msg="Rocprofv2 does not need roctracer")
requires("+rocm", when="+rocprofiler", msg="Rocprofiler requires ROCm")
requires("+rocm", when="+roctracer", msg="Roctracer requires ROCm")
+ "+rocprofv2",
- msg="When using ROCm, you need to select either +rocprofiler or +roctracer",
+ msg="Using ROCm, select either +rocprofiler, +roctracer or +rocprofv2",
filter_compiler_wrappers("Makefile", relative_root="include")
@@ -344,6 +349,10 @@ class Tau(Package):
if spec.satisfies("@2.34:"):
options.append("-hip=%s" % spec["hip"].prefix)
+ if "+rocprofv2" in spec:
+ options.append("-rocprofiler=%s" % spec["rocprofiler-dev"].prefix)
+ options.append("-rocprofv2")
if "+adios2" in spec:
options.append("-adios=%s" % spec["adios2"].prefix)
@@ -442,9 +451,9 @@ class Tau(Package):
syscall_test = join_path("examples", "syscall")
ompt_test = join_path("examples", "openmp", "c++")
python_test = join_path("examples", "python")
+ disable_tests = False
- # Disabled, see PR#43682 comments
- # @run_after("install")
+ @run_after("install")
def setup_build_tests(self):
"""Copy the build test files after the package is installed to an
install test subdirectory for use during `spack test run`."""
@@ -466,157 +475,106 @@ class Tau(Package):
if "+python" in self.spec:
- def _run_dyninst_test(self, test_dir):
- dyn_dir = join_path(test_dir, self.dyninst_test)
- flags = "serial"
- if "+mpi" in self.spec:
- flags = "mpi"
- self.run_test("make", ["all"], [], 0, False, "Build example code", False, dyn_dir)
- self.run_test(
- "tau_run",
- ["-T", flags, "./klargest", "-v", "-o", "./klargest.i"],
- [],
- 0,
- False,
- "Instrument code with dyninst",
- False,
- dyn_dir,
- )
- self.run_test(
- "./klargest.i", [], [], 0, False, "Execute instrumented code", False, dyn_dir
- )
- self.run_test(
- "pprof",
- [],
- [],
- 0,
- False,
- "Run pprof profile analysis tool on profile output",
- False,
- dyn_dir,
- )
- def _run_tau_test(
- self, main_test_dir, test_dir, test_name, test_exe, tau_exec_flags=[], use_tau_exec=False
- ):
- inst_test_dir = join_path(main_test_dir, test_dir)
- print(inst_test_dir)
- test_description = "Build {} test code".format(test_name)
- self.run_test("make", ["all"], [], 0, False, test_description, False, inst_test_dir)
- if "+mpi" in self.spec:
- if use_tau_exec:
- test_args = ["-n", "4", "tau_exec", "-T", "mpi"] + tau_exec_flags
+ def _run_python_test(self, test_name, purpose, work_dir):
+ tau_python = which(self.prefix.bin.tau_python)
+ tau_py_inter = "-tau-python-interpreter=" + self.spec["python"].prefix.bin.python
+ pprof = which(self.prefix.bin.pprof)
+ with test_part(self, f"{test_name}", purpose, work_dir):
+ if "+mpi" in self.spec:
+ flag = "mpi"
+ mpirun = which(self.spec["mpi"].prefix.bin.mpirun)
+ mpirun(
+ "-np",
+ "4",
+ self.prefix.bin.tau_python,
+ tau_py_inter,
+ "-T",
+ flag,
+ "",
+ )
- test_args = ["-n", "4"] + tau_exec_flags
- test_args.append(test_exe)
- mpiexe_list = ["mpirun", "mpiexec", "srun"]
- for mpiexe in mpiexe_list:
- if which(mpiexe) is not None:
- test_description = "Run {} test with mpi".format(test_name)
- self.run_test(
- mpiexe, test_args, [], 0, False, test_description, False, inst_test_dir
- )
- break
- else:
- if use_tau_exec:
- test_app = "tau_exec"
- test_args = ["-T", "serial"] + tau_exec_flags
- test_args.append(test_exe)
+ flag = "serial"
+ tau_python(tau_py_inter, "-T", flag, "")
+ pprof()
+ def _run_default_test(self, test_name, purpose, work_dir):
+ tau_exec = which(self.prefix.bin.tau_exec)
+ pprof = which(self.prefix.bin.pprof)
+ with test_part(self, f"{test_name}", purpose, work_dir):
+ make("all")
+ if "+mpi" in self.spec:
+ flags = ["-T", "mpi"]
+ mpirun = which(self.spec["mpi"].prefix.bin.mpirun)
+ mpirun("-np", "4", self.prefix.bin.tau_exec, *flags, "./matmult")
- test_app = test_exe
- test_args = []
- test_description = "Run sequential {} test".format(test_name)
- self.run_test(
- test_app, test_args, [], 0, False, test_description, False, inst_test_dir
- )
- self.run_test(
- "pprof",
- [],
- [],
- 0,
- False,
- "Run pprof profile analysis tool on profile output",
- False,
- inst_test_dir,
- )
- def _run_python_test(self, test_dir):
- python_dir = join_path(test_dir, self.python_test)
- flags = "serial"
- if "+mpi" in self.spec:
- flags = "mpi"
- self.run_test(
- "tau_python",
- ["-T", flags, ""],
- [],
- 0,
- False,
- "Pyhon example",
- False,
- python_dir,
- )
- self.run_test(
- "pprof",
- [],
- [],
- 0,
- False,
- "Run pprof profile analysis tool on profile output",
- False,
- python_dir,
- )
- def test(self):
- # Temporarily disable tests, will update them with the new test method.
- return
- test_dir = self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir
- # Run mm test program pulled from the build
- if "+ompt" in self.spec:
- tau_exec_flags = ["-ompt"]
- self._run_tau_test(test_dir, self.ompt_test, "OMPT example", "mandel", tau_exec_flags)
- else:
- self._run_tau_test(test_dir, self.matmult_test, "matrix multiplication", "matmult")
- if "+dyninst" in self.spec:
- self._run_dyninst_test(test_dir)
+ flags = ["-T", "serial"]
+ tau_exec(*flags, "./matmult")
+ pprof()
+ def _run_ompt_test(self, test_name, purpose, work_dir):
+ tau_exec = which(self.prefix.bin.tau_exec)
+ pprof = which(self.prefix.bin.pprof)
+ with test_part(self, f"{test_name}", purpose, work_dir):
+ make("all")
+ if "+mpi" in self.spec:
+ flags = ["-T", "mpi", "-ompt"]
+ mpirun = which(self.spec["mpi"].prefix.bin.mpirun)
+ mpirun("-np", "4", self.prefix.bin.tau_exec, *flags, "./mandel")
+ else:
+ flags = ["-T", "serial", "-ompt"]
+ tau_exec(*flags, "./mandel")
+ pprof()
+ def _run_rocm_test(self, test_name, purpose, work_dir):
+ tau_exec = which(self.prefix.bin.tau_exec)
+ pprof = which(self.prefix.bin.pprof)
+ with test_part(self, f"{test_name}", purpose, work_dir):
+ make("all")
+ if "+mpi" in self.spec:
+ flags = ["-T", "mpi", "-rocm"]
+ mpirun = which(self.spec["mpi"].prefix.bin.mpirun)
+ mpirun("-np", "4", self.prefix.bin.tau_exec, *flags, "./gpu-stream-hip")
+ else:
+ flags = ["-T", "serial", "-rocm"]
+ tau_exec(*flags, "./gpu-stream-hip")
+ pprof()
+ def test_python(self):
+ """test python variant"""
+ if self.disable_tests:
+ return
if "+python" in self.spec:
- self._run_python_test(test_dir)
- if "+cuda" in self.spec:
- tau_exec_flags = ["-cupti"]
- self._run_tau_test(
- test_dir,
- self.cuda_test,
- "CUDA example",
- "dataElem_um",
- tau_exec_flags,
- use_tau_exec=True,
- )
- if "+level_zero" in self.spec:
- tau_exec_flags = ["-l0"]
- self._run_tau_test(
- test_dir,
- self.level_zero_test,
- "Level Zero example",
- "complex_mult.exe",
- tau_exec_flags,
- use_tau_exec=True,
- )
- if "+rocm" in self.spec and ("+rocprofiler" in self.spec or "+roctracer" in self.spec):
- tau_exec_flags = ["-rocm"]
- self._run_tau_test(
- test_dir,
- self.rocm_test,
- "Rocm example",
- "vectoradd_hip.exe",
- tau_exec_flags,
- use_tau_exec=True,
- )
- if "+syscall" in self.spec:
- tau_exec_flags = ["-syscall"]
- self._run_tau_test(
- test_dir,
- self.syscall_test,
- "Syscall example",
- "syscall_test",
- tau_exec_flags,
- use_tau_exec=True,
- )
+ # current_test_cache_dir.examples.python
+ python_test_dir = join_path(self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir, self.python_test)
+ self._run_python_test("test_tau_python", "Testing tau_python", python_test_dir)
+ def test_default(self):
+ """default matmult test"""
+ if self.disable_tests:
+ return
+ if "+ompt" in self.spec:
+ return
+ default_test_dir = join_path(self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir, self.matmult_test)
+ self._run_default_test("test_default", "Testing TAU", default_test_dir)
+ def test_ompt(self):
+ """ompt test"""
+ if self.disable_tests:
+ return
+ if "+ompt" in self.spec:
+ ompt_test_dir = join_path(self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir, self.ompt_test)
+ self._run_ompt_test("test_ompt", "Testing ompt", ompt_test_dir)
+ def test_rocm(self):
+ """rocm test"""
+ # Disabled, see PR#43682
+ # make is unable to find rocm_agent_enumerator
+ # when testing, with spack load, there is no issue
+ return
+ if self.disable_tests:
+ return
+ if "+rocm" in self.spec and (
+ "+rocprofiler" in self.spec or "+roctracer" in self.spec or "+rocprofv2" in self.spec
+ ):
+ rocm_test_dir = join_path(self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir, self.rocm_test)
+ self._run_rocm_test("test_rocm", "Testing rocm", rocm_test_dir)