path: root/lib/spack/docs/workflows.rst
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+The process of using Spack involves building packages, running
+binaries from those packages, and developing software that depends on
+those packages. For example, one might use Spack to build the
+``netcdf`` package, use ``spack load`` to run the ``ncdump`` binary, and
+finally, write a small C program to read/write a particular NetCDF file.
+Spack supports a variety of workflows to suit a variety of situations
+and user preferences, there is no single way to do all these things.
+This chapter demonstrates different workflows that have been
+developed, pointing out the pros and cons of them.
+First some basic definitions.
+Package, Concrete Spec, Installed Package
+In Spack, a package is an abstract recipe to build one piece of software.
+Spack packages may be used to build, in principle, any version of that
+software with any set of variants. Examples of packages include
+``curl`` and ``zlib``.
+A package may be *instantiated* to produce a concrete spec; one
+possible realization of a particular package, out of combinatorially
+many other realizations. For example, here is a concrete spec
+instantiated from ``curl``:
+.. code-block:: console
+ curl@7.50.1%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^openssl@system%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^zlib@1.2.8%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+Spack's core concretization algorithm generates concrete specs by
+instantiating packages from its repo, based on a set of "hints",
+including user input and the ``packages.yaml`` file. This algorithm
+may be accessed at any time with the ``spack spec`` command. For
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack spec curl
+ curl@7.50.1%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^openssl@system%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^zlib@1.2.8%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+Every time Spack installs a package, that installation corresponds to
+a concrete spec. Only a vanishingly small fraction of possible
+concrete specs will be installed at any one Spack site.
+Consistent Sets
+A set of Spack specs is said to be *consistent* if each package is
+only instantiated one way within it --- that is, if two specs in the
+set have the same package, then they must also have the same version,
+variant, compiler, etc. For example, the following set is consistent:
+.. code-block:: console
+ curl@7.50.1%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^openssl@system%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^zlib@1.2.8%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ zlib@1.2.8%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+The following set is not consistent:
+.. code-block:: console
+ curl@7.50.1%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^openssl@system%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ ^zlib@1.2.8%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ zlib@1.2.7%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+The compatibility of a set of installed packages determines what may
+be done with it. It is always possible to ``spack load`` any set of
+installed packages, whether or not they are consistent, and run their
+binaries from the command line. However, a set of installed packages
+can only be linked together in one binary if it is consistent.
+If the user produces a series of ``spack spec`` or ``spack load``
+commands, in general there is no guarantee of consistency between
+them. Spack's concretization procedure guarantees that the results of
+any *single* ``spack spec`` call will be consistent. Therefore, the
+best way to ensure a consistent set of specs is to create a Spack
+package with dependencies, and then instantiate that package. We will
+use this technique below.
+Building Packages
+Suppose you are tasked with installing a set of software packages on a
+system in order to support one application -- both a core application
+program, plus software to prepare input and analyze output. The
+required software might be summed up as a series of ``spack install``
+commands placed in a script. If needed, this script can always be run
+again in the future. For example:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ #!/bin/sh
+ spack install modele-utils
+ spack install emacs
+ spack install ncview
+ spack install nco
+ spack install modele-control
+ spack install py-numpy
+In most cases, this script will not correctly install software
+according to your specific needs: choices need to be made for
+variants, versions and virtual dependency choices may be needed. It
+*is* possible to specify these choices by extending specs on the
+command line; however, the same choices must be specified repeatedly.
+For example, if you wish to use ``openmpi`` to satisfy the ``mpi``
+dependency, then ``^openmpi`` will have to appear on *every* ``spack
+install`` line that uses MPI. It can get repetitive fast.
+Customizing Spack installation options is easier to do in the
+``~/.spack/packages.yaml`` file. In this file, you can specify
+preferred versions and variants to use for packages. For example:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ packages:
+ python:
+ version: [3.5.1]
+ modele-utils:
+ version: [cmake]
+ everytrace:
+ version: [develop]
+ eigen:
+ variants: ~suitesparse
+ netcdf:
+ variants: +mpi
+ all:
+ compiler: [gcc@5.3.0]
+ providers:
+ mpi: [openmpi]
+ blas: [openblas]
+ lapack: [openblas]
+This approach will work as long as you are building packages for just
+one application.
+Multiple Applications
+Suppose instead you're building multiple inconsistent applications.
+For example, users want package A to be built with ``openmpi`` and
+package B with ``mpich`` --- but still share many other lower-level
+dependencies. In this case, a single ``packages.yaml`` file will not
+work. Plans are to implement *per-project* ``packages.yaml`` files.
+In the meantime, one could write shell scripts to switch
+``packages.yaml`` between multiple versions as needed, using symlinks.
+Combinatorial Sets of Installs
+Suppose that you are now tasked with systematically building many
+incompatible versions of packages. For example, you need to build
+``petsc`` 9 times for 3 different MPI implementations on 3 different
+compilers, in order to support user needs. In this case, you will
+need to either create 9 different ``packages.yaml`` files; or more
+likely, create 9 different ``spack install`` command lines with the
+correct options in the spec. Here is a real-life example of this kind
+of usage:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ #!/bin/sh
+ #
+ compilers=(
+ %gcc
+ %intel
+ %pgi
+ )
+ mpis=(
+ openmpi+psm~verbs
+ openmpi~psm+verbs
+ mvapich2+psm~mrail
+ mvapich2~psm+mrail
+ mpich+verbs
+ )
+ for compiler in "${compilers[@]}"
+ do
+ # Serial installs
+ spack install szip $compiler
+ spack install hdf $compiler
+ spack install hdf5 $compiler
+ spack install netcdf $compiler
+ spack install netcdf-fortran $compiler
+ spack install ncview $compiler
+ # Parallel installs
+ for mpi in "${mpis[@]}"
+ do
+ spack install $mpi $compiler
+ spack install hdf5~cxx+mpi $compiler ^$mpi
+ spack install parallel-netcdf $compiler ^$mpi
+ done
+ done
+Running Binaries from Packages
+Once Spack packages have been built, the next step is to use them. As
+with building packages, there are many ways to use them, depending on
+the use case.
+Find and Run
+The simplest way to run a Spack binary is to find it and run it!
+In many cases, nothing more is needed because Spack builds binaries
+with RPATHs. Spack installation directories may be found with ``spack
+location -i`` commands. For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack location -i cmake
+ /home/me/spack2/opt/spack/linux-SuSE11-x86_64/gcc-5.3.0/cmake-3.6.0-7cxrynb6esss6jognj23ak55fgxkwtx7
+This gives the root of the Spack package; relevant binaries may be
+found within it. For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ CMAKE=`spack location -i cmake`/bin/cmake
+Standard UNIX tools can find binaries as well. For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ find ~/spack2/opt -name cmake | grep bin
+ /home/me/spack2/opt/spack/linux-SuSE11-x86_64/gcc-5.3.0/cmake-3.6.0-7cxrynb6esss6jognj23ak55fgxkwtx7/bin/cmake
+These methods are suitable, for example, for setting up build
+processes or GUIs that need to know the location of particular tools.
+However, other more powerful methods are generally preferred for user
+Spack-Generated Modules
+Suppose that Spack has been used to install a set of command-line
+programs, which users now wish to use. One can in principle put a
+number of ``spack load`` commands into ``.bashrc``, for example, to
+load a set of Spack-generated modules:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ spack load modele-utils
+ spack load emacs
+ spack load ncview
+ spack load nco
+ spack load modele-control
+Although simple load scripts like this are useful in many cases, they
+have some drawbacks:
+1. The set of modules loaded by them will in general not be
+ consistent. They are a decent way to load commands to be called
+ from command shells. See below for better ways to assemble a
+ consistent set of packages for building application programs.
+2. The ``spack spec`` and ``spack install`` commands use a
+ sophisticated concretization algorithm that chooses the "best"
+ among several options, taking into account ``packages.yaml`` file.
+ The ``spack load`` and ``spack module loads`` commands, on the
+ other hand, are not very smart: if the user-supplied spec matches
+ more than one installed package, then ``spack module loads`` will
+ fail. This may change in the future. For now, the workaround is to
+ be more specific on any ``spack module loads`` lines that fail.
+Generated Load Scripts
+Another problem with using `spack load` is, it is slow; a typical user
+environment could take several seconds to load, and would not be
+appropriate to put into ``.bashrc`` directly. It is preferable to use
+a series of ``spack module loads`` commands to pre-compute which
+modules to load. These can be put in a script that is run whenever
+installed Spack packages change. For example:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ #!/bin/sh
+ #
+ # Generate module load commands in ~/env/spackenv
+ cat <<EOF | /bin/sh >$HOME/env/spackenv
+ FIND='spack module loads --prefix linux-SuSE11-x86_64/'
+ \$FIND modele-utils
+ \$FIND emacs
+ \$FIND ncview
+ \$FIND nco
+ \$FIND modele-control
+The output of this file is written in ``~/env/spackenv``:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ # binutils@2.25%gcc@5.3.0+gold~krellpatch~libiberty arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/binutils-2.25-gcc-5.3.0-6w5d2t4
+ # python@2.7.12%gcc@5.3.0~tk~ucs4 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/python-2.7.12-gcc-5.3.0-2azoju2
+ # ncview@2.1.7%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/ncview-2.1.7-gcc-5.3.0-uw3knq2
+ # nco@4.5.5%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/nco-4.5.5-gcc-5.3.0-7aqmimu
+ # modele-control@develop%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/modele-control-develop-gcc-5.3.0-7rddsij
+ # zlib@1.2.8%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/zlib-1.2.8-gcc-5.3.0-fe5onbi
+ # curl@7.50.1%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/curl-7.50.1-gcc-5.3.0-4vlev55
+ # hdf5@1.10.0-patch1%gcc@5.3.0+cxx~debug+fortran+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/hdf5-1.10.0-patch1-gcc-5.3.0-pwnsr4w
+ # netcdf@4.4.1%gcc@5.3.0~hdf4+mpi arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/netcdf-4.4.1-gcc-5.3.0-rl5canv
+ # netcdf-fortran@4.4.4%gcc@5.3.0 arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-gcc-5.3.0-stdk2xq
+ # modele-utils@cmake%gcc@5.3.0+aux+diags+ic arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/modele-utils-cmake-gcc-5.3.0-idyjul5
+ # everytrace@develop%gcc@5.3.0+fortran+mpi arch=linux-SuSE11-x86_64
+ module load linux-SuSE11-x86_64/everytrace-develop-gcc-5.3.0-p5wmb25
+Users may now put ``source ~/env/spackenv`` into ``.bashrc``.
+.. note ::
+ Some module systems put a prefix on the names of modules created
+ by Spack. For example, that prefix is ``linux-SuSE11-x86_64/`` in
+ the above case. If a prefix is not needed, you may omit the
+ ``--prefix`` flag from ``spack module loads``.
+Transitive Dependencies
+In the script above, each ``spack module loads`` command generates a
+*single* ``module load`` line. Transitive dependencies do not usually
+need to be loaded, only modules the user needs in in ``$PATH``. This is
+because Spack builds binaries with RPATH. Spack's RPATH policy has
+some nice features:
+#. Modules for multiple inconsistent applications may be loaded
+ simultaneously. In the above example (Multiple Applications),
+ package A and package B can coexist together in the user's $PATH,
+ even though they use different MPIs.
+#. RPATH eliminates a whole class of strange errors that can happen
+ in non-RPATH binaries when the wrong ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` is
+ loaded.
+#. Recursive module systems such as LMod are not necessary.
+#. Modules are not needed at all to execute binaries. If a path to a
+ binary is known, it may be executed. For example, the path for a
+ Spack-built compiler can be given to an IDE without requiring the
+ IDE to load that compiler's module.
+Unfortunately, Spack's RPATH support does not work in all case. For example:
+#. Software comes in many forms --- not just compiled ELF binaries,
+ but also as interpreted code in Python, R, JVM bytecode, etc.
+ Those systems almost universally use an environment variable
+ analogous to ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` to dynamically load libraries.
+#. Although Spack generally builds binaries with RPATH, it does not
+ currently do so for compiled Python extensions (for example,
+ ``py-numpy``). Any libraries that these extensions depend on
+ (``blas`` in this case, for example) must be specified in the
+#. In some cases, Spack-generated binaries end up without a
+ functional RPATH for no discernible reason.
+In cases where RPATH support doesn't make things "just work," it can
+be necessary to load a module's dependencies as well as the module
+itself. This is done by adding the ``--dependencies`` flag to the
+``spack module loads`` command. For example, the following line,
+added to the script above, would be used to load SciPy, along with
+Numpy, core Python, BLAS/LAPACK and anything else needed:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ spack module loads --dependencies py-scipy
+Extension Packages
+:ref:`packaging_extensions` may be used as an alternative to loading
+Python (and similar systems) packages directly. If extensions are
+activated, then ``spack load python`` will also load all the
+extensions activated for the given ``python``. This reduces the need
+for users to load a large number of modules.
+However, Spack extensions have two potential drawbacks:
+#. Activated packages that involve compiled C extensions may still
+ need their dependencies to be loaded manually. For example,
+ ``spack load openblas`` might be required to make ``py-numpy``
+ work.
+#. Extensions "break" a core feature of Spack, which is that multiple
+ versions of a package can co-exist side-by-side. For example,
+ suppose you wish to run a Python package in two different
+ environments but the same basic Python --- one with
+ ``py-numpy@1.7`` and one with ``py-numpy@1.8``. Spack extensions
+ will not support this potential debugging use case.
+Dummy Packages
+As an alternative to a series of ``module load`` commands, one might
+consider dummy packages as a way to create a *consistent* set of
+packages that may be loaded as one unit. The idea here is pretty
+#. Create a package (say, ``mydummy``) with no URL and no
+ ``install()`` method, just dependencies.
+#. Run ``spack install mydummy`` to install.
+An advantage of this method is the set of packages produced will be
+consistent. This means that you can reliably build software against
+it. A disadvantage is the set of packages will be consistent; this
+means you cannot load up two applications this way if they are not
+consistent with each other.
+Filesystem Views
+Filesystem views offer an alternative to environment modules, another
+way to assemble packages in a useful way and load them into a user's
+A filesystem view is a single directory tree that is the union of the
+directory hierarchies of a number of installed packages; it is similar
+to the directory hiearchy that might exist under ``/usr/local``. The
+files of the view's installed packages are brought into the view by
+symbolic or hard links, referencing the original Spack installation.
+When software is built and installed, absolute paths are frequently
+"baked into" the software, making it non-relocatable. This happens
+not just in RPATHs, but also in shebangs, configuration files, and
+assorted other locations.
+Therefore, programs run out of a Spack view will typically still look
+in the original Spack-installed location for shared libraries and
+other resources. This behavior is not easily changed; in general,
+there is no way to know where absolute paths might be written into an
+installed package, and how to relocate it. Therefore, the original
+Spack tree must be kept in place for a filesystem view to work, even
+if the view is built with hardlinks.
+.. FIXME: reference the relocation work of Hegner and Gartung (PR #1013)
+Using Filesystem Views
+A filesystem view is created, and packages are linked in, by the ``spack
+view`` command's ``symlink`` and ``hardlink`` sub-commands. The
+``spack view remove`` command can be used to unlink some or all of the
+filesystem view.
+The following example creates a filesystem view based
+on an installed ``cmake`` package and then removes from the view the
+files in the ``cmake`` package while retaining its dependencies.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack view --verbose symlink myview cmake@3.5.2
+ ==> Linking package: "ncurses"
+ ==> Linking package: "zlib"
+ ==> Linking package: "openssl"
+ ==> Linking package: "cmake"
+ $ ls myview/
+ bin doc etc include lib share
+ $ ls myview/bin/
+ captoinfo clear cpack ctest infotocap openssl tabs toe tset
+ ccmake cmake c_rehash infocmp ncurses6-config reset tic tput
+ $ spack view --verbose --dependencies false rm myview cmake@3.5.2
+ ==> Removing package: "cmake"
+ $ ls myview/bin/
+ captoinfo c_rehash infotocap openssl tabs toe tset
+ clear infocmp ncurses6-config reset tic tput
+.. note::
+ If the set of packages being included in a view is inconsistent,
+ then it is possible that two packages will provide the same file. Any
+ conflicts of this type are handled on a first-come-first-served basis,
+ and a warning is printed.
+.. note::
+ When packages are removed from a view, empty directories are
+ purged.
+Fine-Grain Control
+The ``--exclude`` and ``--dependencies`` option flags allow for
+fine-grained control over which packages and dependencies do or not
+get included in a view. For example, suppose you are developing the
+``appsy`` package. You wish to build against a view of all ``appsy``
+dependencies, but not ``appsy`` itself:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack view symlink --dependencies yes --exclude appsy appsy
+Alternately, you wish to create a view whose purpose is to provide
+binary executables to end users. You only need to include
+applications they might want, and not those applications'
+dependencies. In this case, you might use:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack view symlink --dependencies no cmake
+Hybrid Filesystem Views
+Although filesystem views are usually created by Spack, users are free
+to add to them by other means. For example, imagine a filesystem
+view, created by Spack, that looks something like:
+.. code-block:: console
+ /path/to/MYVIEW/bin/programA -> /path/to/spack/.../bin/programA
+ /path/to/MYVIEW/lib/ -> /path/to/spack/.../lib/
+Now, the user may add to this view by non-Spack means; for example, by
+running a classic install script. For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ tar -xf B.tar.gz
+ $ cd B/
+ $ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/MYVIEW \
+ --with-A=/path/to/MYVIEW
+ $ make && make install
+The result is a hybrid view:
+.. code-block:: console
+ /path/to/MYVIEW/bin/programA -> /path/to/spack/.../bin/programA
+ /path/to/MYVIEW/bin/programB
+ /path/to/MYVIEW/lib/ -> /path/to/spack/.../lib/
+ /path/to/MYVIEW/lib/
+In this case, real files coexist, interleaved with the "view"
+symlinks. At any time one can delete ``/path/to/MYVIEW`` or use
+``spack view`` to manage it surgically. None of this will affect the
+real Spack install area.
+Discussion: Running Binaries
+Modules, extension packages and filesystem views are all ways to
+assemble sets of Spack packages into a useful environment. They are
+all semantically similar, in that conflicting installed packages
+cannot simultaneously be loaded, activated or included in a view.
+With all of these approaches, there is no guarantee that the
+environment created will be consistent. It is possible, for example,
+to simultaneously load application A that uses OpenMPI and application
+B that uses MPICH. Both applications will run just fine in this
+inconsistent environment because they rely on RPATHs, not the
+environment, to find their dependencies.
+In general, environments set up using modules vs. views will work
+similarly. Both can be used to set up ephemeral or long-lived
+testing/development environments. Operational differences between the
+two approaches can make one or the other preferable in certain
+* Filesystem views do not require environment module infrastructure.
+ Although Spack can install ``environment-modules``, users might be
+ hostile to its use. Filesystem views offer a good solution for
+ sysadmins serving users who just "want all the stuff I need in one
+ place" and don't want to hear about Spack.
+* Although modern build systems will find dependencies wherever they
+ might be, some applications with hand-built make files expect their
+ dependencies to be in one place. One common problem is makefiles
+ that assume that ``netcdf`` and ``netcdf-fortran`` are installed in
+ the same tree. Or, one might use an IDE that requires tedious
+ configuration of dependency paths; and it's easier to automate that
+ administration in a view-building script than in the IDE itself.
+ For all these cases, a view will be preferable to other ways to
+ assemble an environment.
+* On systems with I-node quotas, modules might be preferable to views
+ and extension packages.
+* Views and activated extensions maintain state that is semantically
+ equivalent to the information in a ``spack module loads`` script.
+ Administrators might find things easier to maintain without the
+ added "heavyweight" state of a view.
+Developing Software with Spack
+For any project, one needs to assemble an
+environment of that application's dependencies. You might consider
+loading a series of modules or creating a filesystem view. This
+approach, while obvious, has some serious drawbacks:
+1. There is no guarantee that an environment created this way will be
+ consistent. Your application could end up with dependency A
+ expecting one version of MPI, and dependency B expecting another.
+ The linker will not be happy...
+2. Suppose you need to debug a package deep within your software DAG.
+ If you build that package with a manual environment, then it
+ becomes difficult to have Spack auto-build things that depend on
+ it. That could be a serious problem, depending on how deep the
+ package in question is in your dependency DAG.
+3. At its core, Spack is a sophisticated concretization algorithm that
+ matches up packages with appropriate dependencies and creates a
+ *consistent* environment for the package it's building. Writing a
+ list of ``spack load`` commands for your dependencies is at least
+ as hard as writing the same list of ``depends_on()`` declarations
+ in a Spack package. But it makes no use of Spack concretization
+ and is more error-prone.
+4. Spack provides an automated, systematic way not just to find a
+ packages's dependencies --- but also to build other packages on
+ top. Any Spack package can become a dependency for another Spack
+ package, offering a powerful vision of software re-use. If you
+ build your package A outside of Spack, then your ability to use it
+ as a building block for other packages in an automated way is
+ diminished: other packages depending on package A will not
+ be able to use Spack to fulfill that dependency.
+5. If you are reading this manual, you probably love Spack. You're
+ probably going to write a Spack package for your software so
+ prospective users can install it with the least amount of pain.
+ Why should you go to additional work to find dependencies in your
+ development environment? Shouldn't Spack be able to help you build
+ your software based on the package you've already written?
+In this section, we show how Spack can be used in the software
+development process to greatest effect, and how development packages
+can be seamlessly integrated into the Spack ecosystem. We will show
+how this process works by example, assuming the software you are
+creating is called ``mylib``.
+Write the CMake Build
+For now, the techniques in this section only work for CMake-based
+projects, although they could be easily extended to other build
+systems in the future. We will therefore assume you are using CMake
+to build your project.
+The ``CMakeLists.txt`` file should be written as normal. A few caveats:
+1. Your project should produce binaries with RPATHs. This will ensure
+ that they work the same whether built manually or automatically by
+ Spack. For example:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ # enable @rpath in the install name for any shared library being built
+ # note: it is planned that a future version of CMake will enable this by default
+ # Always use full RPATH
+ #
+ #
+ # use, i.e. don't skip the full RPATH for the build tree
+ # when building, don't use the install RPATH already
+ # (but later on when installing)
+ # add the automatically determined parts of the RPATH
+ # which point to directories outside the build tree to the install RPATH
+ # the RPATH to be used when installing, but only if it's not a system directory
+ IF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1")
+ ENDIF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1")
+2. Spack provides a CMake variable called
+ ``SPACK_TRANSITIVE_INCLUDE_PATH``, which contains the ``include/``
+ directory for all of your project's transitive dependencies. It
+ can be useful if your project ``#include``s files from package B,
+ which ``#include`` files from package C, but your project only
+ lists project B as a dependency. This works in traditional
+ single-tree build environments, in which B and C's include files
+ live in the same place. In order to make it work with Spack as
+ well, you must add the following to ``CMakeLists.txt``. It will
+ have no effect when building without Spack:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ # Include all the transitive dependencies determined by Spack.
+ # If we're not running with Spack, this does nothing...
+ include_directories($ENV{SPACK_TRANSITIVE_INCLUDE_PATH})
+ .. note::
+ Note that this feature is controversial and could break with
+ future versions of GNU ld. The best practice is to make sure
+ anything you ``#include`` is listed as a dependency in your
+ CMakeLists.txt (and Spack package).
+.. _write-the-spack-package:
+Write the Spack Package
+The Spack package also needs to be written, in tandem with setting up
+the build (for example, CMake). The most important part of this task
+is declaring dependencies. Here is an example of the Spack package
+for the ``mylib`` package (ellipses for brevity):
+.. code-block:: python
+ class Mylib(CMakePackage):
+ """Misc. reusable utilities used by Myapp."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ version('0.1.2', '3a6acd70085e25f81b63a7e96c504ef9')
+ version('develop', git='',
+ branch='develop')
+ variant('everytrace', default=False,
+ description='Report errors through Everytrace')
+ ...
+ extends('python')
+ depends_on('eigen')
+ depends_on('everytrace', when='+everytrace')
+ depends_on('proj', when='+proj')
+ ...
+ depends_on('cmake', type='build')
+ depends_on('doxygen', type='build')
+ def configure_args(self):
+ spec = self.spec
+ return [
+ '-DUSE_EVERYTRACE=%s' % ('YES' if '+everytrace' in spec else 'NO'),
+ '-DUSE_PROJ4=%s' % ('YES' if '+proj' in spec else 'NO'),
+ ...
+ '-DUSE_UDUNITS2=%s' % ('YES' if '+udunits2' in spec else 'NO'),
+ '-DUSE_GTEST=%s' % ('YES' if '+googletest' in spec else 'NO')]
+This is a standard Spack package that can be used to install
+``mylib`` in a production environment. The list of dependencies in
+the Spack package will generally be a repeat of the list of CMake
+dependencies. This package also has some features that allow it to be
+used for development:
+1. It subclasses ``CMakePackage`` instead of ``Package``. This
+ eliminates the need to write an ``install()`` method, which is
+ defined in the superclass. Instead, one just needs to write the
+ ``configure_args()`` method. That method should return the
+ arguments needed for the ``cmake`` command (beyond the standard
+ CMake arguments, which Spack will include already). These
+ arguments are typically used to turn features on/off in the build.
+2. It specifies a non-checksummed version ``develop``. Running
+ ``spack install mylib@develop`` the ``@develop`` version will
+ install the latest version off the develop branch. This method of
+ download is useful for the developer of a project while it is in
+ active development; however, it should only be used by developers
+ who control and trust the repository in question!
+3. The ``url``, ``url_for_version()`` and ``homepage`` attributes are
+ not used in development. Don't worry if you don't have any, or if
+ they are behind a firewall.
+Build with Spack
+Now that you have a Spack package, you can use Spack to find its
+dependencies automatically. For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ cd mylib
+ $ spack setup mylib@local
+The result will be a file ```` in the top-level
+``mylib/`` directory. It is a short script that calls CMake with the
+dependencies and options determined by Spack --- similar to what
+happens in ``spack install``, but now written out in script form.
+From a developer's point of view, you can think of ```` as
+a stand-in for the ``cmake`` command.
+.. note::
+ You can invent any "version" you like for the ``spack setup``
+ command.
+.. note::
+ Although ``spack setup`` does not build your package, it does
+ create and install a module file, and mark in the database that
+ your package has been installed. This can lead to errors, of
+ course, if you don't subsequently install your package.
+ Also... you will need to ``spack uninstall`` before you run
+ ``spack setup`` again.
+You can now build your project as usual with CMake:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ mkdir build; cd build
+ $ ../ .. # Instead of cmake ..
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+Once your ``make install`` command is complete, your package will be
+installed, just as if you'd run ``spack install``. Except you can now
+edit, re-build and re-install as often as needed, without checking
+into Git or downloading tarballs.
+.. note::
+ The build you get this way will be *almost* the same as the build
+ from ``spack install``. The only difference is, you will not be
+ using Spack's compiler wrappers. This difference has not caused
+ problems in our experience, as long as your project sets
+ RPATHs as shown above. You DO use RPATHs, right?
+Build Other Software
+Now that you've built ``mylib`` with Spack, you might want to build
+another package that depends on it --- for example, ``myapp``. This
+is accomplished easily enough:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install myapp ^mylib@local
+Note that auto-built software has now been installed *on top of*
+manually-built software, without breaking Spack's "web." This
+property is useful if you need to debug a package deep in the
+dependency hierarchy of your application. It is a *big* advantage of
+using ``spack setup`` to build your package's environment.
+If you feel your software is stable, you might wish to install it with
+``spack install`` and skip the source directory. You can just use,
+for example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install mylib@develop
+.. _release-your-software:
+Release Your Software
+You are now ready to release your software as a tarball with a
+numbered version, and a Spack package that can build it. If you're
+hosted on GitHub, this process will be a bit easier.
+#. Put tag(s) on the version(s) in your GitHub repo you want to be
+ release versions. For example, a tag ``v0.1.0`` for version 0.1.0.
+#. Set the ``url`` in your ```` to download a tarball for
+ the appropriate version. GitHub will give you a tarball for any
+ commit in the repo, if you tickle it the right way. For example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ url = ''
+#. Use Spack to determine your version's hash, and cut'n'paste it into
+ your ````:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack checksum mylib 0.1.2
+ ==> Found 1 versions of mylib
+ 0.1.2
+ How many would you like to checksum? (default is 5, q to abort)
+ ==> Downloading...
+ ==> Trying to fetch from
+ ######################################################################## 100.0%
+ ==> Checksummed new versions of mylib:
+ version('0.1.2', '3a6acd70085e25f81b63a7e96c504ef9')
+#. You should now be able to install released version 0.1.2 of your package with:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ spack install mylib@0.1.2
+#. There is no need to remove the `develop` version from your package.
+ Spack concretization will always prefer numbered version to
+ non-numeric versions. Users will only get it if they ask for it.
+Distribute Your Software
+Once you've released your software, other people will want to build
+it; and you will need to tell them how. In the past, that has meant a
+few paragraphs of pros explaining which dependencies to install. But
+now you use Spack, and those instructions are written in executable
+Python code. But your software has many dependencies, and you know
+Spack is the best way to install it:
+#. First, you will want to fork Spack's ``develop`` branch. Your aim
+ is to provide a stable version of Spack that you KNOW will install
+ your software. If you make changes to Spack in the process, you
+ will want to submit pull requests to Spack core.
+#. Add your software's ```` to that fork. You should submit
+ a pull request for this as well, unless you don't want the public
+ to know about your software.
+#. Prepare instructions that read approximately as follows:
+ #. Download Spack from your forked repo.
+ #. Install Spack; see :ref:`getting_started`.
+ #. Set up an appropriate ``packages.yaml`` file. You should tell
+ your users to include in this file whatever versions/variants
+ are needed to make your software work correctly (assuming those
+ are not already in your ``packages.yaml``).
+ #. Run ``spack install mylib``.
+ #. Run this script to generate the ``module load`` commands or
+ filesystem view needed to use this software.
+#. Be aware that your users might encounter unexpected bootstrapping
+ issues on their machines, especially if they are running on older
+ systems. The :ref:`getting_started` section should cover this, but
+ there could always be issues.
+Other Build Systems
+``spack setup`` currently only supports CMake-based builds, in
+packages that subclass ``CMakePackage``. The intent is that this
+mechanism should support a wider range of build systems; for example,
+GNU Autotools. Someone well-versed in Autotools is needed to develop
+this patch and test it out.
+Python Distutils is another popular build system that should get
+``spack setup`` support. For non-compiled languages like Python,
+``spack diy`` may be used. Even better is to put the source directory
+directly in the user's ``PYTHONPATH``. Then, edits in source files
+are immediately available to run without any install process at all!
+The ``spack setup`` development workflow provides better automation,
+flexibility and safety than workflows relying on environment modules
+or filesystem views. However, it has some drawbacks:
+#. It currently works only with projects that use the CMake build
+ system. Support for other build systems is not hard to build, but
+ will require a small amount of effort for each build system to be
+ supported. It might not work well with some IDEs.
+#. It only works with packages that sub-class ``StagedPackage``.
+ Currently, most Spack packages do not. Converting them is not
+ hard; but must be done on a package-by-package basis.
+#. It requires that users are comfortable with Spack, as they
+ integrate Spack explicitly in their workflow. Not all users are
+ willing to do this.
+Upstream Bug Fixes
+It is not uncommon to discover a bug in an upstream project while
+trying to build with Spack. Typically, the bug is in a package that
+serves a dependency to something else. This section describes
+procedure to work around and ultimately resolve these bugs, while not
+delaying the Spack user's main goal.
+Buggy New Version
+Sometimes, the old version of a package works fine, but a new version
+is buggy. For example, it was once found that `Adios did not build
+with hdf5@1.10 <>`_. If the
+old version of ``hdf5`` will work with ``adios``, the suggested
+procedure is:
+#. Revert ``adios`` to the old version of ``hdf5``. Put in its
+ ``adios/``:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # Adios does not build with HDF5 1.10
+ # See:
+ depends_on('hdf5@:1.9')
+#. Determine whether the problem is with ``hdf5`` or ``adios``, and
+ report the problem to the appropriate upstream project. In this
+ case, the problem was with ``adios``.
+#. Once a new version of ``adios`` comes out with the bugfix, modify
+ ``adios/`` to reflect it:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # Adios up to v1.10.0 does not build with HDF5 1.10
+ # See:
+ depends_on('hdf5@:1.9', when='@:1.10.0')
+ depends_on('hdf5', when='@1.10.1:')
+No Version Works
+Sometimes, *no* existing versions of a dependency work for a build.
+This typically happens when developing a new project: only then does
+the developer notice that existing versions of a dependency are all
+buggy, or the non-buggy versions are all missing a critical feature.
+In the long run, the upstream project will hopefully fix the bug and
+release a new version. But that could take a while, even if a bugfix
+has already been pushed to the project's repository. In the meantime,
+the Spack user needs things to work.
+The solution is to create an unofficial Spack release of the project,
+as soon as the bug is fixed in *some* repository. A study of the `Git
+history <>`_
+of ``py-proj/`` is instructive here:
+#. On `April 1 <>`_, an initial bugfix was identified for the PyProj project
+ and a pull request submitted to PyProj. Because the upstream
+ authors had not yet fixed the bug, the ``py-proj`` Spack package
+ downloads from a forked repository, set up by the package's author.
+ A non-numeric version number is used to make it easy to upgrade the
+ package without recomputing checksums; however, this is an
+ untrusted download method and should not be distributed. The
+ package author has now become, temporarily, a maintainer of the
+ upstream project:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # We need the benefits of this PR
+ #
+ version('citibeth-latlong2',
+ git='',
+ branch='latlong2')
+#. By May 14, the upstream project had accepted a pull request with
+ the required bugfix. At this point, the forked repository was
+ deleted. However, the upstream project still had not released a
+ new version with a bugfix. Therefore, a Spack-only release was
+ created by specifying the desired hash in the main project
+ repository. The version number ``@`` was chosen for this
+ "release" because it's a descendent of the officially released
+ version ``@``. This is a trusted download method, and can
+ be released to the Spack community:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # This is not a tagged release of pyproj.
+ # The changes in this "version" fix some bugs, especially with Python3 use.
+ version('', 'd035e4bc704d136db79b43ab371b27d2',
+ url='')
+ .. note::
+ It would have been simpler to use Spack's Git download method,
+ which is also a trusted download in this case:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # This is not a tagged release of pyproj.
+ # The changes in this "version" fix some bugs, especially with Python3 use.
+ version('',
+ git='',
+ commit='0be612cc9f972e38b50a90c946a9b353e2ab140f')
+ .. note::
+ In this case, the upstream project fixed the bug in its
+ repository in a relatively timely manner. If that had not been
+ the case, the numbered version in this step could have been
+ released from the forked repository.
+#. The author of the Spack package has now become an unofficial
+ release engineer for the upstream project. Depending on the
+ situation, it may be advisable to put ``preferred=True`` on the
+ latest *officially released* version.
+#. As of August 31, the upstream project still had not made a new
+ release with the bugfix. In the meantime, Spack-built ``py-proj``
+ provides the bugfix needed by packages depending on it. As long as
+ this works, there is no particular need for the upstream project to
+ make a new official release.
+#. If the upstream project releases a new official version with the
+ bugfix, then the unofficial ``version()`` line should be removed
+ from the Spack package.
+Spack's source patching mechanism provides another way to fix bugs in
+upstream projects. This has advantages and disadvantages compared to the procedures above.
+ 1. It can fix bugs in existing released versions, and (probably)
+ future releases as well.
+ 2. It is lightweight, does not require a new fork to be set up.
+ 1. It is harder to develop and debug a patch, vs. a branch in a
+ repository. The user loses the automation provided by version
+ control systems.
+ 2. Although patches of a few lines work OK, large patch files can be
+ hard to create and maintain.