path: root/lib/spack/external/nose/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/external/nose/')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/external/nose/ b/lib/spack/external/nose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49e7939b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/external/nose/
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+"""Implements nose test program and collector.
+from __future__ import generators
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import unittest
+from nose.config import Config, all_config_files
+from nose.loader import defaultTestLoader
+from nose.plugins.manager import PluginManager, DefaultPluginManager, \
+ RestrictedPluginManager
+from nose.result import TextTestResult
+from nose.suite import FinalizingSuiteWrapper
+from nose.util import isclass, tolist
+log = logging.getLogger('nose.core')
+compat_24 = sys.version_info >= (2, 4)
+__all__ = ['TestProgram', 'main', 'run', 'run_exit', 'runmodule', 'collector',
+ 'TextTestRunner']
+class TextTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner):
+ """Test runner that uses nose's TextTestResult to enable errorClasses,
+ as well as providing hooks for plugins to override or replace the test
+ output stream, results, and the test case itself.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, descriptions=1, verbosity=1,
+ config=None):
+ if config is None:
+ config = Config()
+ self.config = config
+ unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity)
+ def _makeResult(self):
+ return TextTestResult(,
+ self.descriptions,
+ self.verbosity,
+ self.config)
+ def run(self, test):
+ """Overrides to provide plugin hooks and defer all output to
+ the test result class.
+ """
+ wrapper = self.config.plugins.prepareTest(test)
+ if wrapper is not None:
+ test = wrapper
+ # plugins can decorate or capture the output stream
+ wrapped = self.config.plugins.setOutputStream(
+ if wrapped is not None:
+ = wrapped
+ result = self._makeResult()
+ start = time.time()
+ try:
+ test(result)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ stop = time.time()
+ result.printErrors()
+ result.printSummary(start, stop)
+ self.config.plugins.finalize(result)
+ return result
+class TestProgram(unittest.TestProgram):
+ """Collect and run tests, returning success or failure.
+ The arguments to TestProgram() are the same as to
+ :func:`main()` and :func:`run()`:
+ * module: All tests are in this module (default: None)
+ * defaultTest: Tests to load (default: '.')
+ * argv: Command line arguments (default: None; sys.argv is read)
+ * testRunner: Test runner instance (default: None)
+ * testLoader: Test loader instance (default: None)
+ * env: Environment; ignored if config is provided (default: None;
+ os.environ is read)
+ * config: :class:`nose.config.Config` instance (default: None)
+ * suite: Suite or list of tests to run (default: None). Passing a
+ suite or lists of tests will bypass all test discovery and
+ loading. *ALSO NOTE* that if you pass a unittest.TestSuite
+ instance as the suite, context fixtures at the class, module and
+ package level will not be used, and many plugin hooks will not
+ be called. If you want normal nose behavior, either pass a list
+ of tests, or a fully-configured :class:`nose.suite.ContextSuite`.
+ * exit: Exit after running tests and printing report (default: True)
+ * plugins: List of plugins to use; ignored if config is provided
+ (default: load plugins with DefaultPluginManager)
+ * addplugins: List of **extra** plugins to use. Pass a list of plugin
+ instances in this argument to make custom plugins available while
+ still using the DefaultPluginManager.
+ """
+ verbosity = 1
+ def __init__(self, module=None, defaultTest='.', argv=None,
+ testRunner=None, testLoader=None, env=None, config=None,
+ suite=None, exit=True, plugins=None, addplugins=None):
+ if env is None:
+ env = os.environ
+ if config is None:
+ config = self.makeConfig(env, plugins)
+ if addplugins:
+ config.plugins.addPlugins(extraplugins=addplugins)
+ self.config = config
+ self.suite = suite
+ self.exit = exit
+ extra_args = {}
+ version = sys.version_info[0:2]
+ if version >= (2,7) and version != (3,0):
+ extra_args['exit'] = exit
+ unittest.TestProgram.__init__(
+ self, module=module, defaultTest=defaultTest,
+ argv=argv, testRunner=testRunner, testLoader=testLoader,
+ **extra_args)
+ def getAllConfigFiles(self, env=None):
+ env = env or {}
+ if env.get('NOSE_IGNORE_CONFIG_FILES', False):
+ return []
+ else:
+ return all_config_files()
+ def makeConfig(self, env, plugins=None):
+ """Load a Config, pre-filled with user config files if any are
+ found.
+ """
+ cfg_files = self.getAllConfigFiles(env)
+ if plugins:
+ manager = PluginManager(plugins=plugins)
+ else:
+ manager = DefaultPluginManager()
+ return Config(
+ env=env, files=cfg_files, plugins=manager)
+ def parseArgs(self, argv):
+ """Parse argv and env and configure running environment.
+ """
+ self.config.configure(argv, doc=self.usage())
+ log.debug("configured %s", self.config)
+ # quick outs: version, plugins (optparse would have already
+ # caught and exited on help)
+ if self.config.options.version:
+ from nose import __version__
+ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+ print "%s version %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), __version__)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if self.config.options.showPlugins:
+ self.showPlugins()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if self.testLoader is None:
+ self.testLoader = defaultTestLoader(config=self.config)
+ elif isclass(self.testLoader):
+ self.testLoader = self.testLoader(config=self.config)
+ plug_loader = self.config.plugins.prepareTestLoader(self.testLoader)
+ if plug_loader is not None:
+ self.testLoader = plug_loader
+ log.debug("test loader is %s", self.testLoader)
+ # FIXME if self.module is a string, add it to self.testNames? not sure
+ if self.config.testNames:
+ self.testNames = self.config.testNames
+ else:
+ self.testNames = tolist(self.defaultTest)
+ log.debug('defaultTest %s', self.defaultTest)
+ log.debug('Test names are %s', self.testNames)
+ if self.config.workingDir is not None:
+ os.chdir(self.config.workingDir)
+ self.createTests()
+ def createTests(self):
+ """Create the tests to run. If a self.suite
+ is set, then that suite will be used. Otherwise, tests will be
+ loaded from the given test names (self.testNames) using the
+ test loader.
+ """
+ log.debug("createTests called with %s", self.suite)
+ if self.suite is not None:
+ # We were given an explicit suite to run. Make sure it's
+ # loaded and wrapped correctly.
+ self.test = self.testLoader.suiteClass(self.suite)
+ else:
+ self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromNames(self.testNames)
+ def runTests(self):
+ """Run Tests. Returns true on success, false on failure, and sets
+ self.success to the same value.
+ """
+ log.debug("runTests called")
+ if self.testRunner is None:
+ self.testRunner = TextTestRunner(,
+ verbosity=self.config.verbosity,
+ config=self.config)
+ plug_runner = self.config.plugins.prepareTestRunner(self.testRunner)
+ if plug_runner is not None:
+ self.testRunner = plug_runner
+ result =
+ self.success = result.wasSuccessful()
+ if self.exit:
+ sys.exit(not self.success)
+ return self.success
+ def showPlugins(self):
+ """Print list of available plugins.
+ """
+ import textwrap
+ class DummyParser:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.options = []
+ def add_option(self, *arg, **kw):
+ self.options.append((arg, kw.pop('help', '')))
+ v = self.config.verbosity
+ self.config.plugins.sort()
+ for p in self.config.plugins:
+ print "Plugin %s" %
+ if v >= 2:
+ print " score: %s" % p.score
+ print '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(,
+ initial_indent=' ',
+ subsequent_indent=' '))
+ if v >= 3:
+ parser = DummyParser()
+ p.addOptions(parser)
+ if len(parser.options):
+ print
+ print " Options:"
+ for opts, help in parser.options:
+ print ' %s' % (', '.join(opts))
+ if help:
+ print '\n'.join(
+ textwrap.wrap(help.strip(),
+ initial_indent=' ',
+ subsequent_indent=' '))
+ print
+ def usage(cls):
+ import nose
+ try:
+ ld = nose.__loader__
+ text = ld.get_data(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), 'usage.txt'))
+ except AttributeError:
+ f = open(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), 'usage.txt'), 'r')
+ try:
+ text =
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ # Ensure that we return str, not bytes.
+ if not isinstance(text, str):
+ text = text.decode('utf-8')
+ return text
+ usage = classmethod(usage)
+# backwards compatibility
+run_exit = main = TestProgram
+def run(*arg, **kw):
+ """Collect and run tests, returning success or failure.
+ The arguments to `run()` are the same as to `main()`:
+ * module: All tests are in this module (default: None)
+ * defaultTest: Tests to load (default: '.')
+ * argv: Command line arguments (default: None; sys.argv is read)
+ * testRunner: Test runner instance (default: None)
+ * testLoader: Test loader instance (default: None)
+ * env: Environment; ignored if config is provided (default: None;
+ os.environ is read)
+ * config: :class:`nose.config.Config` instance (default: None)
+ * suite: Suite or list of tests to run (default: None). Passing a
+ suite or lists of tests will bypass all test discovery and
+ loading. *ALSO NOTE* that if you pass a unittest.TestSuite
+ instance as the suite, context fixtures at the class, module and
+ package level will not be used, and many plugin hooks will not
+ be called. If you want normal nose behavior, either pass a list
+ of tests, or a fully-configured :class:`nose.suite.ContextSuite`.
+ * plugins: List of plugins to use; ignored if config is provided
+ (default: load plugins with DefaultPluginManager)
+ * addplugins: List of **extra** plugins to use. Pass a list of plugin
+ instances in this argument to make custom plugins available while
+ still using the DefaultPluginManager.
+ With the exception that the ``exit`` argument is always set
+ to False.
+ """
+ kw['exit'] = False
+ return TestProgram(*arg, **kw).success
+def runmodule(name='__main__', **kw):
+ """Collect and run tests in a single module only. Defaults to running
+ tests in __main__. Additional arguments to TestProgram may be passed
+ as keyword arguments.
+ """
+ main(defaultTest=name, **kw)
+def collector():
+ """TestSuite replacement entry point. Use anywhere you might use a
+ unittest.TestSuite. The collector will, by default, load options from
+ all config files and execute loader.loadTestsFromNames() on the
+ configured testNames, or '.' if no testNames are configured.
+ """
+ # plugins that implement any of these methods are disabled, since
+ # we don't control the test runner and won't be able to run them
+ # finalize() is also not called, but plugins that use it aren't disabled,
+ # because capture needs it.
+ setuptools_incompat = ('report', 'prepareTest',
+ 'prepareTestLoader', 'prepareTestRunner',
+ 'setOutputStream')
+ plugins = RestrictedPluginManager(exclude=setuptools_incompat)
+ conf = Config(files=all_config_files(),
+ plugins=plugins)
+ conf.configure(argv=['collector'])
+ loader = defaultTestLoader(conf)
+ if conf.testNames:
+ suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(conf.testNames)
+ else:
+ suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(('.',))
+ return FinalizingSuiteWrapper(suite, plugins.finalize)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()