path: root/lib/spack/external/nose/tools
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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
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-Tools for testing
- provides a few convenience functions to make writing tests
-easier. You don't have to use them; nothing in the rest of nose depends
-on any of these methods.
-from import *
-from import __all__ as nontrivial_all
-from import *
-from import __all__ as trivial_all
-__all__ = trivial_all + nontrivial_all
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-"""Tools not exempt from being descended into in tracebacks"""
-import time
-__all__ = ['make_decorator', 'raises', 'set_trace', 'timed', 'with_setup',
- 'TimeExpired', 'istest', 'nottest']
-class TimeExpired(AssertionError):
- pass
-def make_decorator(func):
- """
- Wraps a test decorator so as to properly replicate metadata
- of the decorated function, including nose's additional stuff
- (namely, setup and teardown).
- """
- def decorate(newfunc):
- if hasattr(func, 'compat_func_name'):
- name = func.compat_func_name
- else:
- name = func.__name__
- newfunc.__dict__ = func.__dict__
- newfunc.__doc__ = func.__doc__
- newfunc.__module__ = func.__module__
- if not hasattr(newfunc, 'compat_co_firstlineno'):
- newfunc.compat_co_firstlineno = func.func_code.co_firstlineno
- try:
- newfunc.__name__ = name
- except TypeError:
- # can't set func name in 2.3
- newfunc.compat_func_name = name
- return newfunc
- return decorate
-def raises(*exceptions):
- """Test must raise one of expected exceptions to pass.
- Example use::
- @raises(TypeError, ValueError)
- def test_raises_type_error():
- raise TypeError("This test passes")
- @raises(Exception)
- def test_that_fails_by_passing():
- pass
- If you want to test many assertions about exceptions in a single test,
- you may want to use `assert_raises` instead.
- """
- valid = ' or '.join([e.__name__ for e in exceptions])
- def decorate(func):
- name = func.__name__
- def newfunc(*arg, **kw):
- try:
- func(*arg, **kw)
- except exceptions:
- pass
- except:
- raise
- else:
- message = "%s() did not raise %s" % (name, valid)
- raise AssertionError(message)
- newfunc = make_decorator(func)(newfunc)
- return newfunc
- return decorate
-def set_trace():
- """Call pdb.set_trace in the calling frame, first restoring
- sys.stdout to the real output stream. Note that sys.stdout is NOT
- reset to whatever it was before the call once pdb is done!
- """
- import pdb
- import sys
- stdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
- pdb.Pdb().set_trace(sys._getframe().f_back)
-def timed(limit):
- """Test must finish within specified time limit to pass.
- Example use::
- @timed(.1)
- def test_that_fails():
- time.sleep(.2)
- """
- def decorate(func):
- def newfunc(*arg, **kw):
- start = time.time()
- result = func(*arg, **kw)
- end = time.time()
- if end - start > limit:
- raise TimeExpired("Time limit (%s) exceeded" % limit)
- return result
- newfunc = make_decorator(func)(newfunc)
- return newfunc
- return decorate
-def with_setup(setup=None, teardown=None):
- """Decorator to add setup and/or teardown methods to a test function::
- @with_setup(setup, teardown)
- def test_something():
- " ... "
- Note that `with_setup` is useful *only* for test functions, not for test
- methods or inside of TestCase subclasses.
- """
- def decorate(func, setup=setup, teardown=teardown):
- if setup:
- if hasattr(func, 'setup'):
- _old_s = func.setup
- def _s():
- setup()
- _old_s()
- func.setup = _s
- else:
- func.setup = setup
- if teardown:
- if hasattr(func, 'teardown'):
- _old_t = func.teardown
- def _t():
- _old_t()
- teardown()
- func.teardown = _t
- else:
- func.teardown = teardown
- return func
- return decorate
-def istest(func):
- """Decorator to mark a function or method as a test
- """
- func.__test__ = True
- return func
-def nottest(func):
- """Decorator to mark a function or method as *not* a test
- """
- func.__test__ = False
- return func
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-"""Tools so trivial that tracebacks should not descend into them
-We define the ``__unittest`` symbol in their module namespace so unittest will
-skip them when printing tracebacks, just as it does for their corresponding
-methods in ``unittest`` proper.
-import re
-import unittest
-__all__ = ['ok_', 'eq_']
-# Use the same flag as unittest itself to prevent descent into these functions:
-__unittest = 1
-def ok_(expr, msg=None):
- """Shorthand for assert. Saves 3 whole characters!
- """
- if not expr:
- raise AssertionError(msg)
-def eq_(a, b, msg=None):
- """Shorthand for 'assert a == b, "%r != %r" % (a, b)
- """
- if not a == b:
- raise AssertionError(msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b))
-# Expose assert* from unittest.TestCase
-# - give them pep8 style names
-caps = re.compile('([A-Z])')
-def pep8(name):
- return caps.sub(lambda m: '_' + m.groups()[0].lower(), name)
-class Dummy(unittest.TestCase):
- def nop():
- pass
-_t = Dummy('nop')
-for at in [ at for at in dir(_t)
- if at.startswith('assert') and not '_' in at ]:
- pepd = pep8(at)
- vars()[pepd] = getattr(_t, at)
- __all__.append(pepd)
-del Dummy
-del _t
-del pep8