path: root/lib/spack/external/ruamel/yaml/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/external/ruamel/yaml/')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/external/ruamel/yaml/ b/lib/spack/external/ruamel/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a99931615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/external/ruamel/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import print_function
+stuff to deal with comments and formatting on dict/list/ordereddict/set
+these are not really related, formatting could be factored out as
+a separate base
+from collections import MutableSet
+__all__ = ["CommentedSeq", "CommentedMap", "CommentedOrderedMap",
+ "CommentedSet", 'comment_attrib', 'merge_attrib']
+ from .compat import ordereddict
+except ImportError:
+ from ruamel.yaml.compat import ordereddict
+comment_attrib = '_yaml_comment'
+format_attrib = '_yaml_format'
+line_col_attrib = '_yaml_line_col'
+anchor_attrib = '_yaml_anchor'
+merge_attrib = '_yaml_merge'
+tag_attrib = '_yaml_tag'
+class Comment(object):
+ # sys.getsize tested the Comment objects, __slots__ make them bigger
+ # and adding self.end did not matter
+ attrib = comment_attrib
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.comment = None # [post, [pre]]
+ # map key (mapping/omap/dict) or index (sequence/list) to a list of
+ # dict: post_key, pre_key, post_value, pre_value
+ # list: pre item, post item
+ self._items = {}
+ # self._start = [] # should not put these on first item
+ self._end = [] # end of document comments
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self._end:
+ end = ',\n end=' + str(self._end)
+ else:
+ end = ''
+ return "Comment(comment={0},\n items={1}{2})".format(
+ self.comment, self._items, end)
+ @property
+ def items(self):
+ return self._items
+ @property
+ def end(self):
+ return self._end
+ @end.setter
+ def end(self, value):
+ self._end = value
+ @property
+ def start(self):
+ return self._start
+ @start.setter
+ def start(self, value):
+ self._start = value
+# to distinguish key from None
+def NoComment():
+ pass
+class Format(object):
+ attrib = format_attrib
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._flow_style = None
+ def set_flow_style(self):
+ self._flow_style = True
+ def set_block_style(self):
+ self._flow_style = False
+ def flow_style(self, default=None):
+ """if default (the flow_style) is None, the flow style tacked on to
+ the object explicitly will be taken. If that is None as well the
+ default flow style rules the format down the line, or the type
+ of the constituent values (simple -> flow, map/list -> block)"""
+ if self._flow_style is None:
+ return default
+ return self._flow_style
+class LineCol(object):
+ attrib = line_col_attrib
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.line = None
+ self.col = None
+ = None
+ def add_kv_line_col(self, key, data):
+ if is None:
+ = {}
+[key] = data
+ def key(self, k):
+ return self._kv(k, 0, 1)
+ def value(self, k):
+ return self._kv(k, 2, 3)
+ def _kv(self, k, x0, x1):
+ if is None:
+ return None
+ data =[k]
+ return data[x0], data[x1]
+ def item(self, idx):
+ if is None:
+ return None
+ return[idx][0],[idx][1]
+ def add_idx_line_col(self, key, data):
+ if is None:
+ = {}
+[key] = data
+class Anchor(object):
+ attrib = anchor_attrib
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.value = None
+ self.always_dump = False
+class Tag(object):
+ """store tag information for roundtripping"""
+ attrib = tag_attrib
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.value = None
+class CommentedBase(object):
+ @property
+ def ca(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, Comment.attrib):
+ setattr(self, Comment.attrib, Comment())
+ return getattr(self, Comment.attrib)
+ def yaml_end_comment_extend(self, comment, clear=False):
+ if clear:
+ = []
+ def yaml_key_comment_extend(self, key, comment, clear=False):
+ l =, [None, None, None, None])
+ if clear or l[1] is None:
+ if comment[1] is not None:
+ assert isinstance(comment[1], list)
+ l[1] = comment[1]
+ else:
+ l[1].extend(comment[0])
+ l[0] = comment[0]
+ def yaml_value_comment_extend(self, key, comment, clear=False):
+ l =, [None, None, None, None])
+ if clear or l[3] is None:
+ if comment[1] is not None:
+ assert isinstance(comment[1], list)
+ l[3] = comment[1]
+ else:
+ l[3].extend(comment[0])
+ l[2] = comment[0]
+ def yaml_set_start_comment(self, comment, indent=0):
+ """overwrites any preceding comment lines on an object
+ expects comment to be without `#` and possible have mutlple lines
+ """
+ from .error import Mark
+ from .tokens import CommentToken
+ pre_comments = self._yaml_get_pre_comment()
+ if comment[-1] == '\n':
+ comment = comment[:-1] # strip final newline if there
+ start_mark = Mark(None, None, None, indent, None, None)
+ for com in comment.split('\n'):
+ pre_comments.append(CommentToken('# ' + com + '\n', start_mark, None))
+ @property
+ def fa(self):
+ """format attribute
+ set_flow_style()/set_block_style()"""
+ if not hasattr(self, Format.attrib):
+ setattr(self, Format.attrib, Format())
+ return getattr(self, Format.attrib)
+ def yaml_add_eol_comment(self, comment, key=NoComment, column=None):
+ """
+ there is a problem as eol comments should start with ' #'
+ (but at the beginning of the line the space doesn't have to be before
+ the #. The column index is for the # mark
+ """
+ from .tokens import CommentToken
+ from .error import Mark
+ if column is None:
+ column = self._yaml_get_column(key)
+ if comment[0] != '#':
+ comment = '# ' + comment
+ if column is None:
+ if comment[0] == '#':
+ comment = ' ' + comment
+ column = 0
+ start_mark = Mark(None, None, None, column, None, None)
+ ct = [CommentToken(comment, start_mark, None), None]
+ self._yaml_add_eol_comment(ct, key=key)
+ @property
+ def lc(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, LineCol.attrib):
+ setattr(self, LineCol.attrib, LineCol())
+ return getattr(self, LineCol.attrib)
+ def _yaml_set_line_col(self, line, col):
+ = line
+ = col
+ def _yaml_set_kv_line_col(self, key, data):
+, data)
+ def _yaml_set_idx_line_col(self, key, data):
+, data)
+ @property
+ def anchor(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, Anchor.attrib):
+ setattr(self, Anchor.attrib, Anchor())
+ return getattr(self, Anchor.attrib)
+ def yaml_anchor(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, Anchor.attrib):
+ return None
+ return self.anchor
+ def yaml_set_anchor(self, value, always_dump=False):
+ self.anchor.value = value
+ self.anchor.always_dump = always_dump
+ @property
+ def tag(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, Tag.attrib):
+ setattr(self, Tag.attrib, Tag())
+ return getattr(self, Tag.attrib)
+ def yaml_set_tag(self, value):
+ self.tag.value = value
+class CommentedSeq(list, CommentedBase):
+ __slots__ = [Comment.attrib, ]
+ def _yaml_add_comment(self, comment, key=NoComment):
+ if key is not NoComment:
+ self.yaml_key_comment_extend(key, comment)
+ else:
+ = comment
+ def _yaml_add_eol_comment(self, comment, key):
+ self._yaml_add_comment(comment, key=key)
+ def _yaml_get_columnX(self, key):
+ return[key][0].start_mark.column
+ def insert(self, idx, val):
+ """the comments after the insertion have to move forward"""
+ list.insert(self, idx, val)
+ for list_index in sorted(, reverse=True):
+ if list_index < idx:
+ break
+[list_index+1] =
+ def pop(self, idx):
+ res = list.pop(self, idx)
+, None) # might not be there -> default value
+ for list_index in sorted(
+ if list_index < idx:
+ continue
+[list_index-1] =
+ return res
+ def _yaml_get_column(self, key):
+ column = None
+ sel_idx = None
+ pre, post = key-1, key+1
+ if pre in
+ sel_idx = pre
+ elif post in
+ sel_idx = post
+ else:
+ # is not ordered
+ for row_idx, k1 in enumerate(self):
+ if row_idx >= key:
+ break
+ if row_idx not in
+ continue
+ sel_idx = row_idx
+ if sel_idx is not None:
+ column = self._yaml_get_columnX(sel_idx)
+ return column
+ def _yaml_get_pre_comment(self):
+ if is None:
+ pre_comments = []
+ = [None, pre_comments]
+ else:
+ pre_comments =[1] = []
+ return pre_comments
+class CommentedMap(ordereddict, CommentedBase):
+ __slots__ = [Comment.attrib, ]
+ def _yaml_add_comment(self, comment, key=NoComment, value=NoComment):
+ """values is set to key to indicate a value attachment of comment"""
+ if key is not NoComment:
+ self.yaml_key_comment_extend(key, comment)
+ return
+ if value is not NoComment:
+ self.yaml_value_comment_extend(value, comment)
+ else:
+ = comment
+ def _yaml_add_eol_comment(self, comment, key):
+ """add on the value line, with value specified by the key"""
+ self._yaml_add_comment(comment, value=key)
+ def _yaml_get_columnX(self, key):
+ return[key][2].start_mark.column
+ def _yaml_get_column(self, key):
+ column = None
+ sel_idx = None
+ pre, post, last = None, None, None
+ for x in self:
+ if pre is not None and x != key:
+ post = x
+ break
+ if x == key:
+ pre = last
+ last = x
+ if pre in
+ sel_idx = pre
+ elif post in
+ sel_idx = post
+ else:
+ # is not ordered
+ for row_idx, k1 in enumerate(self):
+ if k1 >= key:
+ break
+ if k1 not in
+ continue
+ sel_idx = k1
+ if sel_idx is not None:
+ column = self._yaml_get_columnX(sel_idx)
+ return column
+ def _yaml_get_pre_comment(self):
+ if is None:
+ pre_comments = []
+ = [None, pre_comments]
+ else:
+ pre_comments =[1] = []
+ return pre_comments
+ def update(self, vals):
+ try:
+ ordereddict.update(self, vals)
+ except TypeError:
+ # probably a dict that is used
+ for x in vals:
+ self[x] = vals[x]
+ def insert(self, pos, key, value, comment=None):
+ """insert key value into given position
+ attach comment if provided
+ """
+ ordereddict.insert(self, pos, key, value)
+ if comment is not None:
+ self.yaml_add_eol_comment(comment, key=key)
+ def mlget(self, key, default=None, list_ok=False):
+ """multi-level get that expects dicts within dicts"""
+ if not isinstance(key, list):
+ return self.get(key, default)
+ # assume that the key is a list of recursively accessible dicts
+ def get_one_level(key_list, level, d):
+ if not list_ok:
+ assert isinstance(d, dict)
+ if level >= len(key_list):
+ if level > len(key_list):
+ raise IndexError
+ return d[key_list[level-1]]
+ return get_one_level(key_list, level+1, d[key_list[level-1]])
+ try:
+ return get_one_level(key, 1, self)
+ except KeyError:
+ return default
+ except (TypeError, IndexError):
+ if not list_ok:
+ raise
+ return default
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return ordereddict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ except KeyError:
+ for merged in getattr(self, merge_attrib, []):
+ if key in merged[1]:
+ return merged[1][key]
+ raise
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ try:
+ return self.__getitem__(key)
+ except:
+ return default
+ @property
+ def merge(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, merge_attrib):
+ setattr(self, merge_attrib, [])
+ return getattr(self, merge_attrib)
+ def add_yaml_merge(self, value):
+ self.merge.extend(value)
+class CommentedOrderedMap(CommentedMap):
+ __slots__ = [Comment.attrib, ]
+class CommentedSet(MutableSet, CommentedMap):
+ __slots__ = [Comment.attrib, 'odict']
+ def __init__(self, values=None):
+ self.odict = ordereddict()
+ MutableSet.__init__(self)
+ if values is not None:
+ self |= values
+ def add(self, value):
+ """Add an element."""
+ self.odict[value] = None
+ def discard(self, value):
+ """Remove an element. Do not raise an exception if absent."""
+ del self.odict[value]
+ def __contains__(self, x):
+ return x in self.odict
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for x in self.odict:
+ yield x
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.odict)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'set({0!r})'.format(self.odict.keys())