path: root/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/spack/cmd/')
1 files changed, 607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78baf81263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+from jsonschema import validate, ValidationError
+from six import iteritems
+import llnl.util.tty as tty
+from spack.architecture import sys_type
+from spack.dependency import all_deptypes
+from spack.spec import Spec, CompilerSpec
+from spack.paths import spack_root
+from spack.error import SpackError
+from spack.schema.os_container_mapping import schema as mapping_schema
+from spack.schema.specs_deps import schema as specs_deps_schema
+from spack.spec_set import CombinatorialSpecSet
+import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
+description = "generate release build set as .gitlab-ci.yml"
+section = "build"
+level = "long"
+def setup_parser(subparser):
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--spec-set', default=None,
+ help="path to release spec-set yaml file")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-m', '--mirror-url', default=None,
+ help="url of binary mirror where builds should be pushed")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-o', '--output-file', default=".gitlab-ci.yml",
+ help="path to output file to write")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--shared-runner-tag', default=None,
+ help="tag to add to jobs for shared runner selection")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-k', '--signing-key', default=None,
+ help="hash of gpg key to use for package signing")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--cdash-url', default='',
+ help="Base url of CDash instance jobs should communicate with")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '-p', '--print-summary', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help="Print summary of staged jobs to standard output")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '--resolve-deps-locally', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help="Use only the current machine to concretize specs, " +
+ "instead of iterating over items in os-container-mapping.yaml " +
+ "and using docker run. Assumes the current machine architecure " +
+ "is listed in the os-container-mapping.yaml config file.")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ '--specs-deps-output', default='/dev/stdout',
+ help="A file path to which spec deps should be written. This " +
+ "argument is generally for internal use, and should not be " +
+ "provided by end-users under normal conditions.")
+ subparser.add_argument(
+ 'specs', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
+ help="These positional arguments are generally for internal use. " +
+ "The --spec-set argument should be used to identify a yaml " +
+ "file describing the set of release specs to include in the " +
+ ".gitlab-ci.yml file.")
+def get_job_name(spec, osarch):
+ return '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(, spec.version,
+ spec.compiler, osarch)
+def get_spec_string(spec):
+ format_elements = [
+ '${package}@${version}',
+ '%${compilername}@${compilerversion}',
+ ]
+ if spec.architecture:
+ format_elements.append(' arch=${architecture}')
+ return spec.format(''.join(format_elements))
+def spec_deps_key_label(s):
+ return s.dag_hash(), "%s/%s" % (, s.dag_hash(7))
+def _add_dependency(spec_label, dep_label, deps):
+ if spec_label == dep_label:
+ return
+ if spec_label not in deps:
+ deps[spec_label] = set()
+ deps[spec_label].add(dep_label)
+def get_deps_using_container(specs, image):
+ image_home_dir = '/home/spackuser'
+ repo_mount_location = '{0}/spack'.format(image_home_dir)
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp')
+ # The paths this module will see (from outside the container)
+ temp_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'spec_deps.json')
+ temp_err = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'std_err.log')
+ # The paths the bash_command will see inside the container
+ json_output = '/work/spec_deps.json'
+ std_error = '/work/std_err.log'
+ specs_arg = ' '.join([str(spec) for spec in specs])
+ bash_command = " ".join(["source {0}/share/spack/ ;",
+ "spack release-jobs",
+ "--specs-deps-output {1}",
+ "{2}",
+ "2> {3}"]).format(
+ repo_mount_location, json_output, specs_arg, std_error)
+ docker_cmd_to_run = [
+ 'docker', 'run', '--rm',
+ '-v', '{0}:{1}'.format(spack_root, repo_mount_location),
+ '-v', '{0}:{1}'.format(temp_dir, '/work'),
+ '--entrypoint', 'bash',
+ '-t', str(image),
+ '-c',
+ bash_command,
+ ]
+ tty.debug('Running subprocess command:')
+ tty.debug(' '.join(docker_cmd_to_run))
+ # Docker is going to merge the stdout/stderr from the script and write it
+ # all to the stdout of the running container. For this reason, we won't
+ # pipe any stdout/stderr from the docker command, but rather write the
+ # output we care about to a file in a mounted directory. Similarly, any
+ # errors from running the spack command inside the container are redirected
+ # to another file in the mounted directory.
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(docker_cmd_to_run)
+ proc.wait()
+ # Check for errors from spack command
+ if os.path.exists(temp_err) and os.path.getsize(temp_err) > 0:
+ # Spack wrote something to stderr inside the container. We will
+ # print out whatever it is, but attempt to carry on with the process.
+ tty.error('Encountered spack error running command in container:')
+ with open(temp_err, 'r') as err:
+ tty.error(
+ spec_deps_obj = {}
+ try:
+ # Finally, try to read/parse the output we really care about: the
+ # specs and dependency edges for the provided spec, as it was
+ # concretized in the appropriate container.
+ with open(temp_file, 'r') as fd:
+ spec_deps_obj = json.loads(
+ except ValueError as val_err:
+ tty.error('Failed to read json object from spec-deps output file:')
+ tty.error(str(val_err))
+ except IOError as io_err:
+ tty.error('Problem reading from spec-deps json output file:')
+ tty.error(str(io_err))
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
+ return spec_deps_obj
+def get_spec_dependencies(specs, deps, spec_labels, image=None):
+ if image:
+ spec_deps_obj = get_deps_using_container(specs, image)
+ else:
+ spec_deps_obj = compute_spec_deps(specs)
+ try:
+ validate(spec_deps_obj, specs_deps_schema)
+ except ValidationError as val_err:
+ tty.error('Ill-formed specs dependencies JSON object')
+ tty.error(spec_deps_obj)
+ tty.debug(val_err)
+ return
+ if spec_deps_obj:
+ dependencies = spec_deps_obj['dependencies']
+ specs = spec_deps_obj['specs']
+ for entry in specs:
+ spec_labels[entry['label']] = {
+ 'spec': Spec(entry['spec']),
+ 'rootSpec': entry['root_spec'],
+ }
+ for entry in dependencies:
+ _add_dependency(entry['spec'], entry['depends'], deps)
+def stage_spec_jobs(spec_set, containers, current_system=None):
+ """Take a set of release specs along with a dictionary describing the
+ available docker containers and what compilers they have, and generate
+ a list of "stages", where the jobs in any stage are dependent only on
+ jobs in previous stages. This allows us to maximize build parallelism
+ within the gitlab-ci framework.
+ Arguments:
+ spec_set (CombinatorialSpecSet): Iterable containing all the specs
+ to build.
+ containers (dict): Describes the docker containers available to use
+ for concretizing specs (and also for the gitlab runners to use
+ for building packages). The schema can be found at
+ "lib/spack/spack/schema/"
+ current_system (string): If provided, this indicates not to use the
+ containers for concretizing the release specs, but rather just
+ assume the current system is in the "containers" dictionary. A
+ SpackError will be raised if the current system is not in that
+ dictionary.
+ Returns: A tuple of information objects describing the specs, dependencies
+ and stages:
+ spec_labels: A dictionary mapping the spec labels which are made of
+ (pkg-name/hash-prefix), to objects containing "rootSpec" and "spec"
+ keys. The root spec is the spec of which this spec is a dependency
+ and the spec is the formatted spec string for this spec.
+ deps: A dictionary where the keys should also have appeared as keys in
+ the spec_labels dictionary, and the values are the set of
+ dependencies for that spec.
+ stages: An ordered list of sets, each of which contains all the jobs to
+ built in that stage. The jobs are expressed in the same format as
+ the keys in the spec_labels and deps objects.
+ """
+ # The convenience method below, "remove_satisfied_deps()", does not modify
+ # the "deps" parameter. Instead, it returns a new dictionary where only
+ # dependencies which have not yet been satisfied are included in the
+ # return value.
+ def remove_satisfied_deps(deps, satisfied_list):
+ new_deps = {}
+ for key, value in iteritems(deps):
+ new_value = set([v for v in value if v not in satisfied_list])
+ if new_value:
+ new_deps[key] = new_value
+ return new_deps
+ deps = {}
+ spec_labels = {}
+ if current_system:
+ if current_system not in containers:
+ error_msg = ' '.join(['Current system ({0}) does not appear in',
+ 'os_container_mapping.yaml, ignoring',
+ 'request']).format(
+ current_system)
+ raise SpackError(error_msg)
+ os_names = [current_system]
+ else:
+ os_names = [name for name in containers]
+ container_specs = {}
+ for name in os_names:
+ container_specs[name] = {'image': None, 'specs': []}
+ # Collect together all the specs that should be concretized in each
+ # container so they can all be done at once, avoiding the need to
+ # run the docker container for each spec separately.
+ for spec in spec_set:
+ for osname in os_names:
+ container_info = containers[osname]
+ image = None if current_system else container_info['image']
+ if image:
+ container_specs[osname]['image'] = image
+ if 'compilers' in container_info:
+ found_at_least_one = False
+ for item in container_info['compilers']:
+ container_compiler_spec = CompilerSpec(item['name'])
+ if spec.compiler == container_compiler_spec:
+ container_specs[osname]['specs'].append(spec)
+ found_at_least_one = True
+ if not found_at_least_one:
+ tty.warn('No compiler in {0} satisfied {1}'.format(
+ osname, spec.compiler))
+ for osname in container_specs:
+ if container_specs[osname]['specs']:
+ image = container_specs[osname]['image']
+ specs = container_specs[osname]['specs']
+ get_spec_dependencies(specs, deps, spec_labels, image)
+ # Save the original deps, as we need to return them at the end of the
+ # function. In the while loop below, the "dependencies" variable is
+ # overwritten rather than being modified each time through the loop,
+ # thus preserving the original value of "deps" saved here.
+ dependencies = deps
+ unstaged = set(spec_labels.keys())
+ stages = []
+ while dependencies:
+ dependents = set(dependencies.keys())
+ next_stage = unstaged.difference(dependents)
+ stages.append(next_stage)
+ unstaged.difference_update(next_stage)
+ # Note that "dependencies" is a dictionary mapping each dependent
+ # package to the set of not-yet-handled dependencies. The final step
+ # below removes all the dependencies that are handled by this stage.
+ dependencies = remove_satisfied_deps(dependencies, next_stage)
+ if unstaged:
+ stages.append(unstaged.copy())
+ return spec_labels, deps, stages
+def print_staging_summary(spec_labels, dependencies, stages):
+ if not stages:
+ return
+ tty.msg('Staging summary:')
+ stage_index = 0
+ for stage in stages:
+ tty.msg(' stage {0} ({1} jobs):'.format(stage_index, len(stage)))
+ for job in sorted(stage):
+ s = spec_labels[job]['spec']
+ tty.msg(' {0} -> {1}'.format(job, get_spec_string(s)))
+ stage_index += 1
+def compute_spec_deps(spec_list, stream_like=None):
+ """
+ Computes all the dependencies for the spec(s) and generates a JSON
+ object which provides both a list of unique spec names as well as a
+ comprehensive list of all the edges in the dependency graph. For
+ example, given a single spec like 'readline@7.0', this function
+ generates the following JSON object:
+ .. code-block:: JSON
+ {
+ "dependencies": [
+ {
+ "depends": "readline/ip6aiun",
+ "spec": "readline/ip6aiun"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends": "ncurses/y43rifz",
+ "spec": "readline/ip6aiun"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends": "ncurses/y43rifz",
+ "spec": "readline/ip6aiun"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends": "pkgconf/eg355zb",
+ "spec": "ncurses/y43rifz"
+ },
+ {
+ "depends": "pkgconf/eg355zb",
+ "spec": "readline/ip6aiun"
+ }
+ ],
+ "specs": [
+ {
+ "root_spec": "readline@7.0%clang@9.1.0-apple arch=darwin-...",
+ "spec": "readline@7.0%clang@9.1.0-apple arch=darwin-highs...",
+ "label": "readline/ip6aiun"
+ },
+ {
+ "root_spec": "readline@7.0%clang@9.1.0-apple arch=darwin-...",
+ "spec": "ncurses@6.1%clang@9.1.0-apple arch=darwin-highsi...",
+ "label": "ncurses/y43rifz"
+ },
+ {
+ "root_spec": "readline@7.0%clang@9.1.0-apple arch=darwin-...",
+ "spec": "pkgconf@1.5.4%clang@9.1.0-apple arch=darwin-high...",
+ "label": "pkgconf/eg355zb"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ The object can be optionally written out to some stream. This is
+ useful, for example, when we need to concretize and generate the
+ dependencies of a spec in a specific docker container.
+ """
+ deptype = all_deptypes
+ spec_labels = {}
+ specs = []
+ dependencies = []
+ def append_dep(s, d):
+ dependencies.append({
+ 'spec': s,
+ 'depends': d,
+ })
+ for spec in spec_list:
+ spec.concretize()
+ root_spec = get_spec_string(spec)
+ rkey, rlabel = spec_deps_key_label(spec)
+ for s in spec.traverse(deptype=deptype):
+ skey, slabel = spec_deps_key_label(s)
+ spec_labels[slabel] = {
+ 'spec': get_spec_string(s),
+ 'root': root_spec,
+ }
+ append_dep(rlabel, slabel)
+ for d in s.dependencies(deptype=deptype):
+ dkey, dlabel = spec_deps_key_label(d)
+ append_dep(slabel, dlabel)
+ for l, d in spec_labels.items():
+ specs.append({
+ 'label': l,
+ 'spec': d['spec'],
+ 'root_spec': d['root'],
+ })
+ deps_json_obj = {
+ 'specs': specs,
+ 'dependencies': dependencies,
+ }
+ if stream_like:
+ stream_like.write(json.dumps(deps_json_obj))
+ return deps_json_obj
+def release_jobs(parser, args):
+ share_path = os.path.join(spack_root, 'share', 'spack', 'docker')
+ os_container_mapping_path = os.path.join(
+ share_path, 'os-container-mapping.yaml')
+ with open(os_container_mapping_path, 'r') as fin:
+ os_container_mapping = syaml.load(fin)
+ try:
+ validate(os_container_mapping, mapping_schema)
+ except ValidationError as val_err:
+ tty.error('Ill-formed os-container-mapping configuration object')
+ tty.error(os_container_mapping)
+ tty.debug(val_err)
+ return
+ containers = os_container_mapping['containers']
+ if args.specs:
+ # Just print out the spec labels and all dependency edges in
+ # a json format.
+ spec_list = [Spec(s) for s in args.specs]
+ with open(args.specs_deps_output, 'w') as out:
+ compute_spec_deps(spec_list, out)
+ return
+ current_system = sys_type() if args.resolve_deps_locally else None
+ release_specs_path = args.spec_set
+ if not release_specs_path:
+ raise SpackError('Must provide path to release spec-set')
+ release_spec_set = CombinatorialSpecSet.from_file(release_specs_path)
+ mirror_url = args.mirror_url
+ if not mirror_url:
+ raise SpackError('Must provide url of target binary mirror')
+ cdash_url = args.cdash_url
+ spec_labels, dependencies, stages = stage_spec_jobs(
+ release_spec_set, containers, current_system)
+ if not stages:
+ tty.msg('No jobs staged, exiting.')
+ return
+ if args.print_summary:
+ print_staging_summary(spec_labels, dependencies, stages)
+ output_object = {}
+ job_count = 0
+ stage_names = ['stage-{0}'.format(i) for i in range(len(stages))]
+ stage = 0
+ for stage_jobs in stages:
+ stage_name = stage_names[stage]
+ for spec_label in stage_jobs:
+ release_spec = spec_labels[spec_label]['spec']
+ root_spec = spec_labels[spec_label]['rootSpec']
+ pkg_compiler = release_spec.compiler
+ pkg_hash = release_spec.dag_hash()
+ osname = str(release_spec.architecture)
+ job_name = get_job_name(release_spec, osname)
+ container_info = containers[osname]
+ build_image = container_info['image']
+ job_scripts = ['./bin/']
+ if 'setup_script' in container_info:
+ job_scripts.insert(
+ 0, container_info['setup_script'] % pkg_compiler)
+ job_dependencies = []
+ if spec_label in dependencies:
+ job_dependencies = (
+ [get_job_name(spec_labels[dep_label]['spec'], osname)
+ for dep_label in dependencies[spec_label]])
+ job_object = {
+ 'stage': stage_name,
+ 'variables': {
+ 'MIRROR_URL': mirror_url,
+ 'CDASH_BASE_URL': cdash_url,
+ 'HASH': pkg_hash,
+ 'DEPENDENCIES': ';'.join(job_dependencies),
+ 'ROOT_SPEC': str(root_spec),
+ },
+ 'script': job_scripts,
+ 'image': build_image,
+ 'artifacts': {
+ 'paths': [
+ 'local_mirror/build_cache',
+ 'jobs_scratch_dir',
+ 'cdash_report',
+ ],
+ 'when': 'always',
+ },
+ 'dependencies': job_dependencies,
+ }
+ # If we see 'compilers' in the container iformation, it's a
+ # filter for the compilers this container can handle, else we
+ # assume it can handle any compiler
+ if 'compilers' in container_info:
+ do_job = False
+ for item in container_info['compilers']:
+ container_compiler_spec = CompilerSpec(item['name'])
+ if pkg_compiler == container_compiler_spec:
+ do_job = True
+ else:
+ do_job = True
+ if args.shared_runner_tag:
+ job_object['tags'] = [args.shared_runner_tag]
+ if args.signing_key:
+ job_object['variables']['SIGN_KEY_HASH'] = args.signing_key
+ if do_job:
+ output_object[job_name] = job_object
+ job_count += 1
+ stage += 1
+ tty.msg('{0} build jobs generated in {1} stages'.format(
+ job_count, len(stages)))
+ final_stage = 'stage-rebuild-index'
+ final_job = {
+ 'stage': final_stage,
+ 'variables': {
+ 'MIRROR_URL': mirror_url,
+ },
+ 'image': build_image,
+ 'script': './bin/',
+ }
+ if args.shared_runner_tag:
+ final_job['tags'] = [args.shared_runner_tag]
+ output_object['rebuild-index'] = final_job
+ stage_names.append(final_stage)
+ output_object['stages'] = stage_names
+ with open(args.output_file, 'w') as outf:
+ outf.write(syaml.dump(output_object))