path: root/lib/spack/spack/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/spack/')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 3073 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 549c71f52b..84053d1cea 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -3,3078 +3,83 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-"""This is where most of the action happens in Spack.
+# flake8: noqa: F401
+"""spack.util.package is a set of useful build tools and directives for packages.
-The spack package class structure is based strongly on Homebrew
-(, mainly because Homebrew makes it very easy to create
+Everything in this module is automatically imported into Spack package files.
-import base64
-import collections
-import contextlib
-import copy
-import functools
-import glob
-import hashlib
-import inspect
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import textwrap
-import time
-import traceback
-import types
-import warnings
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional # novm
-import six
-import llnl.util.filesystem as fsys
-import llnl.util.tty as tty
-from llnl.util.lang import memoized, nullcontext
-from llnl.util.link_tree import LinkTree
-import spack.compilers
-import spack.config
-import spack.dependency
-import spack.directives
-import spack.directory_layout
-import spack.environment
-import spack.error
-import spack.fetch_strategy as fs
-import spack.hooks
-import spack.mirror
-import spack.mixins
-import spack.multimethod
-import spack.paths
-import spack.repo
-import spack.url
-import spack.util.environment
-import spack.util.path
-import spack.util.web
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
-from spack.install_test import TestFailure, TestSuite
-from spack.installer import InstallError, PackageInstaller
-from spack.stage import ResourceStage, Stage, StageComposite, stage_prefix
-from spack.util.executable import ProcessError, which
-from spack.util.package_hash import package_hash
-from spack.util.prefix import Prefix
-from spack.version import Version
-"""Allowed URL schemes for spack packages."""
-_ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES = ["http", "https", "ftp", "file", "git"]
-# Filename for the Spack build/install log.
-_spack_build_logfile = 'spack-build-out.txt'
-# Filename for the Spack build/install environment file.
-_spack_build_envfile = 'spack-build-env.txt'
-# Filename for the Spack build/install environment modifications file.
-_spack_build_envmodsfile = 'spack-build-env-mods.txt'
-# Filename for the Spack install phase-time test log.
-_spack_install_test_log = 'install-time-test-log.txt'
-# Filename of json with total build and phase times (seconds)
-_spack_times_log = 'install_times.json'
-# Filename for the Spack configure args file.
-_spack_configure_argsfile = 'spack-configure-args.txt'
-def preferred_version(pkg):
- """
- Returns a sorted list of the preferred versions of the package.
- Arguments:
- pkg (Package): The package whose versions are to be assessed.
- """
- # Here we sort first on the fact that a version is marked
- # as preferred in the package, then on the fact that the
- # version is not develop, then lexicographically
- key_fn = lambda v: (pkg.versions[v].get('preferred', False),
- not v.isdevelop(),
- v)
- return sorted(pkg.versions, key=key_fn).pop()
-class InstallPhase(object):
- """Manages a single phase of the installation.
- This descriptor stores at creation time the name of the method it should
- search for execution. The method is retrieved at __get__ time, so that
- it can be overridden by subclasses of whatever class declared the phases.
- It also provides hooks to execute arbitrary callbacks before and after
- the phase.
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- self.run_before = []
- self.run_after = []
- def __get__(self, instance, owner):
- # The caller is a class that is trying to customize
- # my behavior adding something
- if instance is None:
- return self
- # If instance is there the caller wants to execute the
- # install phase, thus return a properly set wrapper
- phase = getattr(instance,
- @functools.wraps(phase)
- def phase_wrapper(spec, prefix):
- # Check instance attributes at the beginning of a phase
- self._on_phase_start(instance)
- # Execute phase pre-conditions,
- # and give them the chance to fail
- for callback in self.run_before:
- callback(instance)
- phase(spec, prefix)
- # Execute phase sanity_checks,
- # and give them the chance to fail
- for callback in self.run_after:
- callback(instance)
- # Check instance attributes at the end of a phase
- self._on_phase_exit(instance)
- return phase_wrapper
- def _on_phase_start(self, instance):
- # If a phase has a matching stop_before_phase attribute,
- # stop the installation process raising a StopPhase
- if getattr(instance, 'stop_before_phase', None) ==
- from spack.build_environment import StopPhase
- raise StopPhase('Stopping before \'{0}\' phase'.format(
- def _on_phase_exit(self, instance):
- # If a phase has a matching last_phase attribute,
- # stop the installation process raising a StopPhase
- if getattr(instance, 'last_phase', None) ==
- from spack.build_environment import StopPhase
- raise StopPhase('Stopping at \'{0}\' phase'.format(
- def copy(self):
- try:
- return copy.deepcopy(self)
- except TypeError:
- # This bug-fix was not back-ported in Python 2.6
- #
- other = InstallPhase(
- other.run_before.extend(self.run_before)
- other.run_after.extend(self.run_after)
- return other
-#: Registers which are the detectable packages, by repo and package name
-#: Need a pass of package repositories to be filled.
-detectable_packages = collections.defaultdict(list)
-class DetectablePackageMeta(object):
- """Check if a package is detectable and add default implementations
- for the detection function.
- """
- def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
- if hasattr(cls, 'executables') and hasattr(cls, 'libraries'):
- msg = "a package can have either an 'executables' or 'libraries' attribute"
- msg += " [package '{}' defines both]"
- raise spack.error.SpackError(msg.format(cls))
- # On windows, extend the list of regular expressions to look for
- # filenames ending with ".exe"
- # (in some cases these regular expressions include "$" to avoid
- # pulling in filenames with unexpected suffixes, but this allows
- # for example detecting "foo.exe" when the package writer specified
- # that "foo" was a possible executable.
- # If a package has the executables or libraries attribute then it's
- # assumed to be detectable
- if hasattr(cls, 'executables') or hasattr(cls, 'libraries'):
- @property
- def platform_executables(self):
- def to_windows_exe(exe):
- if exe.endswith('$'):
- exe = exe.replace('$', '%s$' % spack.util.path.win_exe_ext())
- else:
- exe += spack.util.path.win_exe_ext()
- return exe
- plat_exe = []
- if hasattr(self, 'executables'):
- for exe in self.executables:
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- exe = to_windows_exe(exe)
- plat_exe.append(exe)
- return plat_exe
- @classmethod
- def determine_spec_details(cls, prefix, objs_in_prefix):
- """Allow ``spack external find ...`` to locate installations.
- Args:
- prefix (str): the directory containing the executables
- or libraries
- objs_in_prefix (set): the executables or libraries that
- match the regex
- Returns:
- The list of detected specs for this package
- """
- objs_by_version = collections.defaultdict(list)
- # The default filter function is the identity function for the
- # list of executables
- filter_fn = getattr(cls, 'filter_detected_exes',
- lambda x, exes: exes)
- objs_in_prefix = filter_fn(prefix, objs_in_prefix)
- for obj in objs_in_prefix:
- try:
- version_str = cls.determine_version(obj)
- if version_str:
- objs_by_version[version_str].append(obj)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = ('An error occurred when trying to detect '
- 'the version of "{0}" [{1}]')
- tty.debug(msg.format(obj, str(e)))
- specs = []
- for version_str, objs in objs_by_version.items():
- variants = cls.determine_variants(objs, version_str)
- # Normalize output to list
- if not isinstance(variants, list):
- variants = [variants]
- for variant in variants:
- if isinstance(variant, six.string_types):
- variant = (variant, {})
- variant_str, extra_attributes = variant
- spec_str = '{0}@{1} {2}'.format(
-, version_str, variant_str
- )
- # Pop a few reserved keys from extra attributes, since
- # they have a different semantics
- external_path = extra_attributes.pop('prefix', None)
- external_modules = extra_attributes.pop(
- 'modules', None
- )
- try:
- spec = spack.spec.Spec(
- spec_str,
- external_path=external_path,
- external_modules=external_modules
- )
- except Exception as e:
- msg = 'Parsing failed [spec_str="{0}", error={1}]'
- tty.debug(msg.format(spec_str, str(e)))
- else:
- specs.append(spack.spec.Spec.from_detection(
- spec, extra_attributes=extra_attributes
- ))
- return sorted(specs)
- @classmethod
- def determine_variants(cls, objs, version_str):
- return ''
- # Register the class as a detectable package
- detectable_packages[cls.namespace].append(
- # Attach function implementations to the detectable class
- default = False
- if not hasattr(cls, 'determine_spec_details'):
- default = True
- cls.determine_spec_details = determine_spec_details
- if default and not hasattr(cls, 'determine_version'):
- msg = ('the package "{0}" in the "{1}" repo needs to define'
- ' the "determine_version" method to be detectable')
- NotImplementedError(msg.format(, cls.namespace))
- if default and not hasattr(cls, 'determine_variants'):
- cls.determine_variants = determine_variants
- # This function should not be overridden by subclasses,
- # as it is not designed for bespoke pkg detection but rather
- # on a per-platform basis
- if 'platform_executables' in cls.__dict__.keys():
- raise PackageError("Packages should not override platform_executables")
- cls.platform_executables = platform_executables
- super(DetectablePackageMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr_dict)
-class PackageMeta(
- DetectablePackageMeta,
- spack.directives.DirectiveMeta,
- spack.mixins.PackageMixinsMeta,
- spack.multimethod.MultiMethodMeta
- """
- Package metaclass for supporting directives (e.g., depends_on) and phases
- """
- phase_fmt = '_InstallPhase_{0}'
- # These are accessed only through getattr, by name
- _InstallPhase_run_before = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Callable]]
- _InstallPhase_run_after = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Callable]]
- def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
- """
- Instance creation is preceded by phase attribute transformations.
- Conveniently transforms attributes to permit extensible phases by
- iterating over the attribute 'phases' and creating / updating private
- InstallPhase attributes in the class that will be initialized in
- __init__.
- """
- if 'phases' in attr_dict:
- # Turn the strings in 'phases' into InstallPhase instances
- # and add them as private attributes
- _InstallPhase_phases = [PackageMeta.phase_fmt.format(x) for x in attr_dict['phases']] # NOQA: ignore=E501
- for phase_name, callback_name in zip(_InstallPhase_phases, attr_dict['phases']): # NOQA: ignore=E501
- attr_dict[phase_name] = InstallPhase(callback_name)
- attr_dict['_InstallPhase_phases'] = _InstallPhase_phases
- def _flush_callbacks(check_name):
- # Name of the attribute I am going to check it exists
- check_attr = PackageMeta.phase_fmt.format(check_name)
- checks = getattr(cls, check_attr)
- if checks:
- for phase_name, funcs in checks.items():
- phase_attr = PackageMeta.phase_fmt.format(phase_name)
- try:
- # Search for the phase in the attribute dictionary
- phase = attr_dict[phase_attr]
- except KeyError:
- # If it is not there it's in the bases
- # and we added a check. We need to copy
- # and extend
- for base in bases:
- phase = getattr(base, phase_attr, None)
- if phase is not None:
- break
- phase = attr_dict[phase_attr] = phase.copy()
- getattr(phase, check_name).extend(funcs)
- # Clear the attribute for the next class
- setattr(cls, check_attr, {})
- _flush_callbacks('run_before')
- _flush_callbacks('run_after')
- # Reset names for packages that inherit from another
- # package with a different name
- attr_dict['_name'] = None
- return super(PackageMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)
- @staticmethod
- def register_callback(check_type, *phases):
- def _decorator(func):
- attr_name = PackageMeta.phase_fmt.format(check_type)
- check_list = getattr(PackageMeta, attr_name)
- for item in phases:
- checks = check_list.setdefault(item, [])
- checks.append(func)
- setattr(PackageMeta, attr_name, check_list)
- return func
- return _decorator
- @property
- def package_dir(self):
- """Directory where the file lives."""
- return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.module.__file__))
- @property
- def module(self):
- """Module object (not just the name) that this package is defined in.
- We use this to add variables to package modules. This makes
- install() methods easier to write (e.g., can call configure())
- """
- return __import__(self.__module__, fromlist=[self.__name__])
- @property
- def namespace(self):
- """Spack namespace for the package, which identifies its repo."""
- return spack.repo.namespace_from_fullname(self.__module__)
- @property
- def fullname(self):
- """Name of this package, including the namespace"""
- return '%s.%s' % (self.namespace,
- @property
- def fullnames(self):
- """
- Fullnames for this package and any packages from which it inherits.
- """
- fullnames = []
- for cls in inspect.getmro(self):
- namespace = getattr(cls, 'namespace', None)
- if namespace:
- fullnames.append('%s.%s' % (namespace,
- if namespace == 'builtin':
- # builtin packages cannot inherit from other repos
- break
- return fullnames
- @property
- def name(self):
- """The name of this package.
- The name of a package is the name of its Python module, without
- the containing module names.
- """
- if self._name is None:
- self._name = self.module.__name__
- if '.' in self._name:
- self._name = self._name[self._name.rindex('.') + 1:]
- return self._name
- @property
- def global_license_dir(self):
- """Returns the directory where license files for all packages are stored."""
- return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(spack.config.get('config:license_dir'))
-def run_before(*phases):
- """Registers a method of a package to be run before a given phase"""
- return PackageMeta.register_callback('run_before', *phases)
-def run_after(*phases):
- """Registers a method of a package to be run after a given phase"""
- return PackageMeta.register_callback('run_after', *phases)
-def on_package_attributes(**attr_dict):
- """Decorator: executes instance function only if object has attr valuses.
- Executes the decorated method only if at the moment of calling the
- instance has attributes that are equal to certain values.
- Args:
- attr_dict (dict): dictionary mapping attribute names to their
- required values
- """
- def _execute_under_condition(func):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def _wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs):
- # If all the attributes have the value we require, then execute
- has_all_attributes = all(
- [hasattr(instance, key) for key in attr_dict]
- )
- if has_all_attributes:
- has_the_right_values = all(
- [getattr(instance, key) == value for key, value in attr_dict.items()] # NOQA: ignore=E501
- )
- if has_the_right_values:
- func(instance, *args, **kwargs)
- return _wrapper
- return _execute_under_condition
-class PackageViewMixin(object):
- """This collects all functionality related to adding installed Spack
- package to views. Packages can customize how they are added to views by
- overriding these functions.
- """
- def view_source(self):
- """The source root directory that will be added to the view: files are
- added such that their path relative to the view destination matches
- their path relative to the view source.
- """
- return self.spec.prefix
- def view_destination(self, view):
- """The target root directory: each file is added relative to this
- directory.
- """
- return view.get_projection_for_spec(self.spec)
- def view_file_conflicts(self, view, merge_map):
- """Report any files which prevent adding this package to the view. The
- default implementation looks for any files which already exist.
- Alternative implementations may allow some of the files to exist in
- the view (in this case they would be omitted from the results).
- """
- return set(dst for dst in merge_map.values() if os.path.lexists(dst))
- def add_files_to_view(self, view, merge_map, skip_if_exists=True):
- """Given a map of package files to destination paths in the view, add
- the files to the view. By default this adds all files. Alternative
- implementations may skip some files, for example if other packages
- linked into the view already include the file.
- Args:
- view (spack.filesystem_view.FilesystemView): the view that's updated
- merge_map (dict): maps absolute source paths to absolute dest paths for
- all files in from this package.
- skip_if_exists (bool): when True, don't link files in view when they
- already exist. When False, always link files, without checking
- if they already exist.
- """
- if skip_if_exists:
- for src, dst in merge_map.items():
- if not os.path.lexists(dst):
-, dst, spec=self.spec)
- else:
- for src, dst in merge_map.items():
-, dst, spec=self.spec)
- def remove_files_from_view(self, view, merge_map):
- """Given a map of package files to files currently linked in the view,
- remove the files from the view. The default implementation removes all
- files. Alternative implementations may not remove all files. For
- example if two packages include the same file, it should only be
- removed when both packages are removed.
- """
- view.remove_files(merge_map.values())
-def test_log_pathname(test_stage, spec):
- """Build the pathname of the test log file
- Args:
- test_stage (str): path to the test stage directory
- spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test
- Returns:
- (str): the pathname of the test log file
- """
- return os.path.join(test_stage,
- 'test-{0}-out.txt'.format(TestSuite.test_pkg_id(spec)))
-class PackageBase(six.with_metaclass(PackageMeta, PackageViewMixin, object)):
- """This is the superclass for all spack packages.
- ***The Package class***
- At its core, a package consists of a set of software to be installed.
- A package may focus on a piece of software and its associated software
- dependencies or it may simply be a set, or bundle, of software. The
- former requires defining how to fetch, verify (via, e.g., sha256), build,
- and install that software and the packages it depends on, so that
- dependencies can be installed along with the package itself. The latter,
- sometimes referred to as a ``no-source`` package, requires only defining
- the packages to be built.
- Packages are written in pure Python.
- There are two main parts of a Spack package:
- 1. **The package class**. Classes contain ``directives``, which are
- special functions, that add metadata (versions, patches,
- dependencies, and other information) to packages (see
- ````). Directives provide the constraints that are
- used as input to the concretizer.
- 2. **Package instances**. Once instantiated, a package is
- essentially a software installer. Spack calls methods like
- ``do_install()`` on the ``Package`` object, and it uses those to
- drive user-implemented methods like ``patch()``, ``install()``, and
- other build steps. To install software, an instantiated package
- needs a *concrete* spec, which guides the behavior of the various
- install methods.
- Packages are imported from repos (see ````).
- **Package DSL**
- Look in ``lib/spack/docs`` or check for
- the full documentation of the package domain-specific language. That
- used to be partially documented here, but as it grew, the docs here
- became increasingly out of date.
- **Package Lifecycle**
- A package's lifecycle over a run of Spack looks something like this:
- .. code-block:: python
- p = Package() # Done for you by spack
- p.do_fetch() # downloads tarball from a URL (or VCS)
- p.do_stage() # expands tarball in a temp directory
- p.do_patch() # applies patches to expanded source
- p.do_install() # calls package's install() function
- p.do_uninstall() # removes install directory
- although packages that do not have code have nothing to fetch so omit
- ``p.do_fetch()``.
- There are also some other commands that clean the build area:
- .. code-block:: python
- p.do_clean() # removes the stage directory entirely
- p.do_restage() # removes the build directory and
- # re-expands the archive.
- The convention used here is that a ``do_*`` function is intended to be
- called internally by Spack commands (in ``spack.cmd``). These aren't for
- package writers to override, and doing so may break the functionality
- of the Package class.
- Package creators have a lot of freedom, and they could technically
- override anything in this class. That is not usually required.
- For most use cases. Package creators typically just add attributes
- like ``homepage`` and, for a code-based package, ``url``, or functions
- such as ``install()``.
- There are many custom ``Package`` subclasses in the
- ``spack.build_systems`` package that make things even easier for
- specific build systems.
- """
- #
- # These are default values for instance variables.
- #
- #: A list or set of build time test functions to be called when tests
- #: are executed or 'None' if there are no such test functions.
- build_time_test_callbacks = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
- #: By default, packages are not virtual
- #: Virtual packages override this attribute
- virtual = False
- #: Most Spack packages are used to install source or binary code while
- #: those that do not can be used to install a set of other Spack packages.
- has_code = True
- #: A list or set of install time test functions to be called when tests
- #: are executed or 'None' if there are no such test functions.
- install_time_test_callbacks = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
- #: By default we build in parallel. Subclasses can override this.
- parallel = True
- #: By default do not run tests within package's install()
- run_tests = False
- # FIXME: this is a bad object-oriented design, should be moved to Clang.
- #: By default do not setup mockup XCode on macOS with Clang
- use_xcode = False
- #: Most packages are NOT extendable. Set to True if you want extensions.
- extendable = False
- #: When True, add RPATHs for the entire DAG. When False, add RPATHs only
- #: for immediate dependencies.
- transitive_rpaths = True
- #: List of prefix-relative file paths (or a single path). If these do
- #: not exist after install, or if they exist but are not files,
- #: sanity checks fail.
- sanity_check_is_file = [] # type: List[str]
- #: List of prefix-relative directory paths (or a single path). If
- #: these do not exist after install, or if they exist but are not
- #: directories, sanity checks will fail.
- sanity_check_is_dir = [] # type: List[str]
- #: List of glob expressions. Each expression must either be
- #: absolute or relative to the package source path.
- #: Matching artifacts found at the end of the build process will be
- #: copied in the same directory tree as _spack_build_logfile and
- #: _spack_build_envfile.
- archive_files = [] # type: List[str]
- #: Boolean. Set to ``True`` for packages that require a manual download.
- #: This is currently used by package sanity tests and generation of a
- #: more meaningful fetch failure error.
- manual_download = False
- #: Set of additional options used when fetching package versions.
- fetch_options = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
- #
- # Set default licensing information
- #
- #: Boolean. If set to ``True``, this software requires a license.
- #: If set to ``False``, all of the ``license_*`` attributes will
- #: be ignored. Defaults to ``False``.
- license_required = False
- #: String. Contains the symbol used by the license manager to denote
- #: a comment. Defaults to ``#``.
- license_comment = '#'
- #: List of strings. These are files that the software searches for when
- #: looking for a license. All file paths must be relative to the
- #: installation directory. More complex packages like Intel may require
- #: multiple licenses for individual components. Defaults to the empty list.
- license_files = [] # type: List[str]
- #: List of strings. Environment variables that can be set to tell the
- #: software where to look for a license if it is not in the usual location.
- #: Defaults to the empty list.
- license_vars = [] # type: List[str]
- #: String. A URL pointing to license setup instructions for the software.
- #: Defaults to the empty string.
- license_url = ''
- #: Verbosity level, preserved across installs.
- _verbose = None
- #: index of patches by sha256 sum, built lazily
- _patches_by_hash = None
- #: Package homepage where users can find more information about the package
- homepage = None # type: str
- #: Default list URL (place to find available versions)
- list_url = None # type: str
- #: Link depth to which list_url should be searched for new versions
- list_depth = 0
- #: List of strings which contains GitHub usernames of package maintainers.
- #: Do not include @ here in order not to unnecessarily ping the users.
- maintainers = [] # type: List[str]
- #: List of attributes to be excluded from a package's hash.
- metadata_attrs = [
- "homepage",
- "url",
- "urls",
- "list_url",
- "extendable",
- "parallel",
- "make_jobs",
- "maintainers",
- "tags",
- ]
- #: Boolean. If set to ``True``, the smoke/install test requires a compiler.
- #: This is currently used by smoke tests to ensure a compiler is available
- #: to build a custom test code.
- test_requires_compiler = False
- #: List of test failures encountered during a smoke/install test run.
- test_failures = None
- #: TestSuite instance used to manage smoke/install tests for one or more
- #: specs.
- test_suite = None
- def __init__(self, spec):
- # this determines how the package should be built.
- self.spec = spec
- # Allow custom staging paths for packages
- self.path = None
- # Keep track of whether or not this package was installed from
- # a binary cache.
- self.installed_from_binary_cache = False
- # Ensure that only one of these two attributes are present
- if getattr(self, 'url', None) and getattr(self, 'urls', None):
- msg = "a package can have either a 'url' or a 'urls' attribute"
- msg += " [package '{}' defines both]"
- raise ValueError(msg.format(self))
- # init internal variables
- self._stage = None
- self._fetcher = None
- # Set up timing variables
- self._fetch_time = 0.0
- if self.is_extension:
- spack.repo.get(self.extendee_spec)._check_extendable()
- super(PackageBase, self).__init__()
- @classmethod
- def possible_dependencies(
- cls, transitive=True, expand_virtuals=True, deptype='all',
- visited=None, missing=None, virtuals=None):
- """Return dict of possible dependencies of this package.
- Args:
- transitive (bool or None): return all transitive dependencies if
- True, only direct dependencies if False (default True)..
- expand_virtuals (bool or None): expand virtual dependencies into
- all possible implementations (default True)
- deptype (str or tuple or None): dependency types to consider
- visited (dict or None): dict of names of dependencies visited so
- far, mapped to their immediate dependencies' names.
- missing (dict or None): dict to populate with packages and their
- *missing* dependencies.
- virtuals (set): if provided, populate with virtuals seen so far.
- Returns:
- (dict): dictionary mapping dependency names to *their*
- immediate dependencies
- Each item in the returned dictionary maps a (potentially
- transitive) dependency of this package to its possible
- *immediate* dependencies. If ``expand_virtuals`` is ``False``,
- virtual package names wil be inserted as keys mapped to empty
- sets of dependencies. Virtuals, if not expanded, are treated as
- though they have no immediate dependencies.
- Missing dependencies by default are ignored, but if a
- missing dict is provided, it will be populated with package names
- mapped to any dependencies they have that are in no
- repositories. This is only populated if transitive is True.
- Note: the returned dict *includes* the package itself.
- """
- deptype = spack.dependency.canonical_deptype(deptype)
- visited = {} if visited is None else visited
- missing = {} if missing is None else missing
- visited.setdefault(, set())
- for name, conditions in cls.dependencies.items():
- # check whether this dependency could be of the type asked for
- types = [dep.type for cond, dep in conditions.items()]
- types = set.union(*types)
- if not any(d in types for d in deptype):
- continue
- # expand virtuals if enabled, otherwise just stop at virtuals
- if spack.repo.path.is_virtual(name):
- if virtuals is not None:
- virtuals.add(name)
- if expand_virtuals:
- providers = spack.repo.path.providers_for(name)
- dep_names = [ for spec in providers]
- else:
- visited.setdefault(, set()).add(name)
- visited.setdefault(name, set())
- continue
- else:
- dep_names = [name]
- # add the dependency names to the visited dict
- visited.setdefault(, set()).update(set(dep_names))
- # recursively traverse dependencies
- for dep_name in dep_names:
- if dep_name in visited:
- continue
- visited.setdefault(dep_name, set())
- # skip the rest if not transitive
- if not transitive:
- continue
- try:
- dep_cls = spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class(dep_name)
- except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError:
- # log unknown packages
- missing.setdefault(, set()).add(dep_name)
- continue
- dep_cls.possible_dependencies(
- transitive, expand_virtuals, deptype, visited, missing,
- virtuals)
- return visited
- def enum_constraints(self, visited=None):
- """Return transitive dependency constraints on this package."""
- if visited is None:
- visited = set()
- visited.add(
- names = []
- clauses = []
- for name in self.dependencies:
- if name not in visited and not spack.spec.Spec(name).virtual:
- pkg = spack.repo.get(name)
- dvis, dnames, dclauses = pkg.enum_constraints(visited)
- visited |= dvis
- names.extend(dnames)
- clauses.extend(dclauses)
- return visited
- # package_dir and module are *class* properties (see PackageMeta),
- # but to make them work on instances we need these defs as well.
- @property
- def package_dir(self):
- """Directory where the file lives."""
- return type(self).package_dir
- @property
- def module(self):
- """Module object that this package is defined in."""
- return type(self).module
- @property
- def namespace(self):
- """Spack namespace for the package, which identifies its repo."""
- return type(self).namespace
- @property
- def fullname(self):
- """Name of this package, including namespace:"""
- return type(self).fullname
- @property
- def fullnames(self):
- return type(self).fullnames
- @property
- def name(self):
- """Name of this package (the module without parent modules)."""
- return type(self).name
- @property
- def global_license_dir(self):
- """Returns the directory where global license files are stored."""
- return type(self).global_license_dir
- @property
- def global_license_file(self):
- """Returns the path where a global license file for this
- particular package should be stored."""
- if not self.license_files:
- return
- return os.path.join(self.global_license_dir,,
- os.path.basename(self.license_files[0]))
- @property
- def version(self):
- if not self.spec.versions.concrete:
- raise ValueError("Version requested for a package that"
- " does not have a concrete version.")
- return self.spec.versions[0]
- @memoized
- def version_urls(self):
- """OrderedDict of explicitly defined URLs for versions of this package.
- Return:
- An OrderedDict (version -> URL) different versions of this
- package, sorted by version.
- A version's URL only appears in the result if it has an an
- explicitly defined ``url`` argument. So, this list may be empty
- if a package only defines ``url`` at the top level.
- """
- version_urls = collections.OrderedDict()
- for v, args in sorted(self.versions.items()):
- if 'url' in args:
- version_urls[v] = args['url']
- return version_urls
- def nearest_url(self, version):
- """Finds the URL with the "closest" version to ``version``.
- This uses the following precedence order:
- 1. Find the next lowest or equal version with a URL.
- 2. If no lower URL, return the next *higher* URL.
- 3. If no higher URL, return None.
- """
- version_urls = self.version_urls()
- if version in version_urls:
- return version_urls[version]
- last_url = None
- for v, u in self.version_urls().items():
- if v > version:
- if last_url:
- return last_url
- last_url = u
- return last_url
- def url_for_version(self, version):
- """Returns a URL from which the specified version of this package
- may be downloaded.
- version: class Version
- The version for which a URL is sought.
- See Class Version (
- """
- return self._implement_all_urls_for_version(version)[0]
- def all_urls_for_version(self, version, custom_url_for_version=None):
- """Returns all URLs derived from version_urls(), url, urls, and
- list_url (if it contains a version) in a package in that order.
- version: class Version
- The version for which a URL is sought.
- See Class Version (
- """
- uf = None
- if type(self).url_for_version != Package.url_for_version:
- uf = self.url_for_version
- return self._implement_all_urls_for_version(version, uf)
- def _implement_all_urls_for_version(self, version, custom_url_for_version=None):
- if not isinstance(version, Version):
- version = Version(version)
- urls = []
- # If we have a specific URL for this version, don't extrapolate.
- version_urls = self.version_urls()
- if version in version_urls:
- urls.append(version_urls[version])
- # if there is a custom url_for_version, use it
- if custom_url_for_version is not None:
- u = custom_url_for_version(version)
- if u not in urls and u is not None:
- urls.append(u)
- def sub_and_add(u):
- if u is None:
- return
- # skip the url if there is no version to replace
- try:
- spack.url.parse_version(u)
- except spack.url.UndetectableVersionError:
- return
- nu = spack.url.substitute_version(u, self.url_version(version))
- urls.append(nu)
- # If no specific URL, use the default, class-level URL
- sub_and_add(getattr(self, 'url', None))
- for u in getattr(self, 'urls', []):
- sub_and_add(u)
- sub_and_add(getattr(self, 'list_url', None))
- # if no version-bearing URLs can be found, try them raw
- if not urls:
- default_url = getattr(self, "url", getattr(self, "urls", [None])[0])
- # if no exact match AND no class-level default, use the nearest URL
- if not default_url:
- default_url = self.nearest_url(version)
- # if there are NO URLs to go by, then we can't do anything
- if not default_url:
- raise NoURLError(self.__class__)
- urls.append(
- spack.url.substitute_version(
- default_url, self.url_version(version)
- )
- )
- return urls
- def find_valid_url_for_version(self, version):
- """Returns a URL from which the specified version of this package
- may be downloaded after testing whether the url is valid. Will try
- url, urls, and list_url before failing.
- version: class Version
- The version for which a URL is sought.
- See Class Version (
- """
- urls = self.all_urls_for_version(version)
- for u in urls:
- if spack.util.web.url_exists(u):
- return u
- return None
- def _make_resource_stage(self, root_stage, fetcher, resource):
- resource_stage_folder = self._resource_stage(resource)
- mirror_paths = spack.mirror.mirror_archive_paths(
- fetcher,
- os.path.join(, "%s-%s" % (, self.version)))
- stage = ResourceStage(resource.fetcher,
- root=root_stage,
- resource=resource,
- name=resource_stage_folder,
- mirror_paths=mirror_paths,
- path=self.path)
- return stage
- def _download_search(self):
- dynamic_fetcher = fs.from_list_url(self)
- return [dynamic_fetcher] if dynamic_fetcher else []
- def _make_root_stage(self, fetcher):
- # Construct a mirror path (TODO: get this out of
- mirror_paths = spack.mirror.mirror_archive_paths(
- fetcher,
- os.path.join(, "%s-%s" % (, self.version)),
- self.spec)
- # Construct a path where the stage should build..
- s = self.spec
- stage_name = "{0}{1}-{2}-{3}".format(stage_prefix,, s.version,
- s.dag_hash())
- stage = Stage(fetcher, mirror_paths=mirror_paths, name=stage_name,
- path=self.path, search_fn=self._download_search)
- return stage
- def _make_stage(self):
- # If it's a dev package (not transitively), use a DIY stage object
- dev_path_var = self.spec.variants.get('dev_path', None)
- if dev_path_var:
- return spack.stage.DIYStage(dev_path_var.value)
- # Construct a composite stage on top of the composite FetchStrategy
- composite_fetcher = self.fetcher
- composite_stage = StageComposite()
- resources = self._get_needed_resources()
- for ii, fetcher in enumerate(composite_fetcher):
- if ii == 0:
- # Construct root stage first
- stage = self._make_root_stage(fetcher)
- else:
- # Construct resource stage
- resource = resources[ii - 1] # ii == 0 is root!
- stage = self._make_resource_stage(composite_stage[0], fetcher,
- resource)
- # Append the item to the composite
- composite_stage.append(stage)
- return composite_stage
- @property
- def stage(self):
- """Get the build staging area for this package.
- This automatically instantiates a ``Stage`` object if the package
- doesn't have one yet, but it does not create the Stage directory
- on the filesystem.
- """
- if not self.spec.versions.concrete:
- raise ValueError(
- "Cannot retrieve stage for package without concrete version.")
- if self._stage is None:
- self._stage = self._make_stage()
- return self._stage
- @stage.setter
- def stage(self, stage):
- """Allow a stage object to be set to override the default."""
- self._stage = stage
- @property
- def env_path(self):
- """Return the build environment file path associated with staging."""
- # Backward compatibility: Return the name of an existing log path;
- # otherwise, return the current install env path name.
- old_filename = os.path.join(self.stage.path, 'spack-build.env')
- if os.path.exists(old_filename):
- return old_filename
- else:
- return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_build_envfile)
- @property
- def env_mods_path(self):
- """
- Return the build environment modifications file path associated with
- staging.
- """
- return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_build_envmodsfile)
- @property
- def metadata_dir(self):
- """Return the install metadata directory."""
- return
- @property
- def install_env_path(self):
- """
- Return the build environment file path on successful installation.
- """
- # Backward compatibility: Return the name of an existing log path;
- # otherwise, return the current install env path name.
- old_filename = os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, 'build.env')
- if os.path.exists(old_filename):
- return old_filename
- else:
- return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_build_envfile)
- @property
- def log_path(self):
- """Return the build log file path associated with staging."""
- # Backward compatibility: Return the name of an existing log path.
- for filename in ['spack-build.out', 'spack-build.txt']:
- old_log = os.path.join(self.stage.path, filename)
- if os.path.exists(old_log):
- return old_log
- # Otherwise, return the current log path name.
- return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_build_logfile)
- @property
- def phase_log_files(self):
- """Find sorted phase log files written to the staging directory"""
- logs_dir = os.path.join(self.stage.path, "spack-build-*-out.txt")
- log_files = glob.glob(logs_dir)
- log_files.sort()
- return log_files
- @property
- def install_log_path(self):
- """Return the build log file path on successful installation."""
- # Backward compatibility: Return the name of an existing install log.
- for filename in ['build.out', 'build.txt']:
- old_log = os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, filename)
- if os.path.exists(old_log):
- return old_log
- # Otherwise, return the current install log path name.
- return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_build_logfile)
- @property
- def configure_args_path(self):
- """Return the configure args file path associated with staging."""
- return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_configure_argsfile)
- @property
- def test_install_log_path(self):
- """Return the install phase-time test log file path, if set."""
- return getattr(self, 'test_log_file', None)
- @property
- def install_test_install_log_path(self):
- """Return the install location for the install phase-time test log."""
- return fsys.join_path(self.metadata_dir, _spack_install_test_log)
- @property
- def times_log_path(self):
- """Return the times log json file."""
- return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_times_log)
- @property
- def install_configure_args_path(self):
- """Return the configure args file path on successful installation."""
- return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_configure_argsfile)
- @property
- def install_test_root(self):
- """Return the install test root directory."""
- return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, 'test')
- @property
- def installed(self):
- msg = ('the "PackageBase.installed" property is deprecated and will be '
- 'removed in Spack v0.19, use "Spec.installed" instead')
- warnings.warn(msg)
- return self.spec.installed
- @property
- def installed_upstream(self):
- msg = ('the "PackageBase.installed_upstream" property is deprecated and will '
- 'be removed in Spack v0.19, use "Spec.installed_upstream" instead')
- warnings.warn(msg)
- return self.spec.installed_upstream
- def _make_fetcher(self):
- # Construct a composite fetcher that always contains at least
- # one element (the root package). In case there are resources
- # associated with the package, append their fetcher to the
- # composite.
- root_fetcher = fs.for_package_version(self, self.version)
- fetcher = fs.FetchStrategyComposite() # Composite fetcher
- fetcher.append(root_fetcher) # Root fetcher is always present
- resources = self._get_needed_resources()
- for resource in resources:
- fetcher.append(resource.fetcher)
- return fetcher
- @property
- def fetcher(self):
- if not self.spec.versions.concrete:
- raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve fetcher for"
- " package without concrete version.")
- if not self._fetcher:
- self._fetcher = self._make_fetcher()
- return self._fetcher
- @fetcher.setter
- def fetcher(self, f):
- self._fetcher = f
- def dependencies_of_type(self, *deptypes):
- """Get dependencies that can possibly have these deptypes.
- This analyzes the package and determines which dependencies *can*
- be a certain kind of dependency. Note that they may not *always*
- be this kind of dependency, since dependencies can be optional,
- so something may be a build dependency in one configuration and a
- run dependency in another.
- """
- return dict(
- (name, conds) for name, conds in self.dependencies.items()
- if any(dt in self.dependencies[name][cond].type
- for cond in conds for dt in deptypes))
- @property
- def extendee_spec(self):
- """
- Spec of the extendee of this package, or None if it is not an extension
- """
- if not self.extendees:
- return None
- deps = []
- # If the extendee is in the spec's deps already, return that.
- for dep in self.spec.traverse(deptype=('link', 'run')):
- if in self.extendees:
- deps.append(dep)
- # TODO: allow more than one active extendee.
- if deps:
- assert len(deps) == 1
- return deps[0]
- # if the spec is concrete already, then it extends something
- # that is an *optional* dependency, and the dep isn't there.
- if self.spec._concrete:
- return None
- else:
- # TODO: do something sane here with more than one extendee
- # If it's not concrete, then return the spec from the
- # extends() directive since that is all we know so far.
- spec, kwargs = next(iter(self.extendees.items()))
- return spec
- @property
- def extendee_args(self):
- """
- Spec of the extendee of this package, or None if it is not an extension
- """
- if not self.extendees:
- return None
- # TODO: allow multiple extendees.
- name = next(iter(self.extendees))
- return self.extendees[name][1]
- @property
- def is_extension(self):
- # if it is concrete, it's only an extension if it actually
- # dependes on the extendee.
- if self.spec._concrete:
- return self.extendee_spec is not None
- else:
- # If not, then it's an extension if it *could* be an extension
- return bool(self.extendees)
- def extends(self, spec):
- '''
- Returns True if this package extends the given spec.
- If ``self.spec`` is concrete, this returns whether this package extends
- the given spec.
- If ``self.spec`` is not concrete, this returns whether this package may
- extend the given spec.
- '''
- if not in self.extendees:
- return False
- s = self.extendee_spec
- return s and spec.satisfies(s)
- def is_activated(self, view):
- """Return True if package is activated."""
- if not self.is_extension:
- raise ValueError(
- "is_activated called on package that is not an extension.")
- if self.extendee_spec.installed_upstream:
- # If this extends an upstream package, it cannot be activated for
- # it. This bypasses construction of the extension map, which can
- # can fail when run in the context of a downstream Spack instance
- return False
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- exts = extensions_layout.extension_map(self.extendee_spec)
- return ( in exts) and (exts[] == self.spec)
- def provides(self, vpkg_name):
- """
- True if this package provides a virtual package with the specified name
- """
- return any(
- any(self.spec.satisfies(c) for c in constraints)
- for s, constraints in self.provided.items() if == vpkg_name
- )
- @property
- def virtuals_provided(self):
- """
- virtual packages provided by this package with its spec
- """
- return [vspec for vspec, constraints in self.provided.items()
- if any(self.spec.satisfies(c) for c in constraints)]
- @property
- def prefix(self):
- """Get the prefix into which this package should be installed."""
- return self.spec.prefix
- @property # type: ignore[misc]
- @memoized
- def compiler(self):
- """Get the spack.compiler.Compiler object used to build this package"""
- if not self.spec.concrete:
- raise ValueError("Can only get a compiler for a concrete package.")
- return spack.compilers.compiler_for_spec(self.spec.compiler,
- self.spec.architecture)
- def url_version(self, version):
- """
- Given a version, this returns a string that should be substituted
- into the package's URL to download that version.
- By default, this just returns the version string. Subclasses may need
- to override this, e.g. for boost versions where you need to ensure that
- there are _'s in the download URL.
- """
- return str(version)
- def remove_prefix(self):
- """
- Removes the prefix for a package along with any empty parent
- directories
- """
- @property
- def download_instr(self):
- """
- Defines the default manual download instructions. Packages can
- override the property to provide more information.
- Returns:
- (str): default manual download instructions
- """
- required = ('Manual download is required for {0}. '
- .format( if self.manual_download else '')
- return ('{0}Refer to {1} for download instructions.'
- .format(required, self.spec.package.homepage))
- def do_fetch(self, mirror_only=False):
- """
- Creates a stage directory and downloads the tarball for this package.
- Working directory will be set to the stage directory.
- """
- if not self.has_code or self.spec.external:
- tty.debug('No fetch required for {0}'.format(
- return
- checksum = spack.config.get('config:checksum')
- fetch = self.stage.managed_by_spack
- if checksum and fetch and (self.version not in self.versions) \
- and (not self.version.is_commit):
- tty.warn("There is no checksum on file to fetch %s safely." %
- self.spec.cformat('{name}{@version}'))
- # Ask the user whether to skip the checksum if we're
- # interactive, but just fail if non-interactive.
- ck_msg = "Add a checksum or use --no-checksum to skip this check."
- ignore_checksum = False
- if sys.stdout.isatty():
- ignore_checksum = tty.get_yes_or_no(" Fetch anyway?",
- default=False)
- if ignore_checksum:
- tty.debug('Fetching with no checksum. {0}'
- .format(ck_msg))
- if not ignore_checksum:
- raise FetchError("Will not fetch %s" %
- self.spec.format('{name}{@version}'), ck_msg)
- deprecated = spack.config.get('config:deprecated')
- if not deprecated and self.versions.get(
- self.version, {}).get('deprecated', False):
- tty.warn("{0} is deprecated and may be removed in a future Spack "
- "release.".format(
- self.spec.format('{name}{@version}')))
- # Ask the user whether to install deprecated version if we're
- # interactive, but just fail if non-interactive.
- dp_msg = ("If you are willing to be a maintainer for this version "
- "of the package, submit a PR to remove `deprecated=False"
- "`, or use `--deprecated` to skip this check.")
- ignore_deprecation = False
- if sys.stdout.isatty():
- ignore_deprecation = tty.get_yes_or_no(" Fetch anyway?",
- default=False)
- if ignore_deprecation:
- tty.debug("Fetching deprecated version. {0}".format(
- dp_msg))
- if not ignore_deprecation:
- raise FetchError("Will not fetch {0}".format(
- self.spec.format('{name}{@version}')), dp_msg)
- self.stage.create()
- err_msg = None if not self.manual_download else self.download_instr
- start_time = time.time()
- self.stage.fetch(mirror_only, err_msg=err_msg)
- self._fetch_time = time.time() - start_time
- if checksum and self.version in self.versions:
- self.stage.check()
- self.stage.cache_local()
- for patch in self.spec.patches:
- patch.fetch()
- if patch.stage:
- patch.stage.cache_local()
- def do_stage(self, mirror_only=False):
- """Unpacks and expands the fetched tarball."""
- # Always create the stage directory at this point. Why? A no-code
- # package may want to use the installation process to install metadata.
- self.stage.create()
- # Fetch/expand any associated code.
- if self.has_code:
- self.do_fetch(mirror_only)
- self.stage.expand_archive()
- if not os.listdir(self.stage.path):
- raise FetchError("Archive was empty for %s" %
- else:
- # Support for post-install hooks requires a stage.source_path
- fsys.mkdirp(self.stage.source_path)
- def do_patch(self):
- """Applies patches if they haven't been applied already."""
- if not self.spec.concrete:
- raise ValueError("Can only patch concrete packages.")
- # Kick off the stage first. This creates the stage.
- self.do_stage()
- # Package can add its own patch function.
- has_patch_fun = hasattr(self, 'patch') and callable(self.patch)
- # Get the patches from the spec (this is a shortcut for the MV-variant)
- patches = self.spec.patches
- # If there are no patches, note it.
- if not patches and not has_patch_fun:
- tty.msg('No patches needed for {0}'.format(
- return
- # Construct paths to special files in the archive dir used to
- # keep track of whether patches were successfully applied.
- archive_dir = self.stage.source_path
- good_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, '.spack_patched')
- no_patches_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, '.spack_no_patches')
- bad_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, '.spack_patch_failed')
- # If we encounter an archive that failed to patch, restage it
- # so that we can apply all the patches again.
- if os.path.isfile(bad_file):
- tty.debug('Patching failed last time. Restaging.')
- self.stage.restage()
- # If this file exists, then we already applied all the patches.
- if os.path.isfile(good_file):
- tty.msg('Already patched {0}'.format(
- return
- elif os.path.isfile(no_patches_file):
- tty.msg('No patches needed for {0}'.format(
- return
- # Apply all the patches for specs that match this one
- patched = False
- for patch in patches:
- try:
- with fsys.working_dir(self.stage.source_path):
- patch.apply(self.stage)
- tty.msg('Applied patch {0}'.format(patch.path_or_url))
- patched = True
- except spack.error.SpackError as e:
- tty.debug(e)
- # Touch bad file if anything goes wrong.
- tty.msg('Patch %s failed.' % patch.path_or_url)
- fsys.touch(bad_file)
- raise
- if has_patch_fun:
- try:
- with fsys.working_dir(self.stage.source_path):
- self.patch()
- tty.msg('Ran patch() for {0}'.format(
- patched = True
- except spack.multimethod.NoSuchMethodError:
- # We are running a multimethod without a default case.
- # If there's no default it means we don't need to patch.
- if not patched:
- # if we didn't apply a patch from a patch()
- # directive, AND the patch function didn't apply, say
- # no patches are needed. Otherwise, we already
- # printed a message for each patch.
- tty.msg('No patches needed for {0}'.format(
- except spack.error.SpackError as e:
- tty.debug(e)
- # Touch bad file if anything goes wrong.
- tty.msg('patch() function failed for {0}'.format(
- fsys.touch(bad_file)
- raise
- # Get rid of any old failed file -- patches have either succeeded
- # or are not needed. This is mostly defensive -- it's needed
- # if the restage() method doesn't clean *everything* (e.g., for a repo)
- if os.path.isfile(bad_file):
- os.remove(bad_file)
- # touch good or no patches file so that we skip next time.
- if patched:
- fsys.touch(good_file)
- else:
- fsys.touch(no_patches_file)
- @classmethod
- def all_patches(cls):
- """Retrieve all patches associated with the package.
- Retrieves patches on the package itself as well as patches on the
- dependencies of the package."""
- patches = []
- for _, patch_list in cls.patches.items():
- for patch in patch_list:
- patches.append(patch)
- pkg_deps = cls.dependencies
- for dep_name in pkg_deps:
- for _, dependency in pkg_deps[dep_name].items():
- for _, patch_list in dependency.patches.items():
- for patch in patch_list:
- patches.append(patch)
- return patches
- def content_hash(self, content=None):
- """Create a hash based on the artifacts and patches used to build this package.
- This includes:
- * source artifacts (tarballs, repositories) used to build;
- * content hashes (``sha256``'s) of all patches applied by Spack; and
- * canonicalized contents the ```` recipe used to build.
- This hash is only included in Spack's DAG hash for concrete specs, but if it
- happens to be called on a package with an abstract spec, only applicable (i.e.,
- determinable) portions of the hash will be included.
- """
- # list of components to make up the hash
- hash_content = []
- # source artifacts/repositories
- # TODO: resources
- if self.spec.versions.concrete:
- try:
- source_id = fs.for_package_version(self, self.version).source_id()
- except (fs.ExtrapolationError, fs.InvalidArgsError):
- # ExtrapolationError happens if the package has no fetchers defined.
- # InvalidArgsError happens when there are version directives with args,
- # but none of them identifies an actual fetcher.
- source_id = None
- if not source_id:
- # TODO? in cases where a digest or source_id isn't available,
- # should this attempt to download the source and set one? This
- # probably only happens for source repositories which are
- # referenced by branch name rather than tag or commit ID.
- env = spack.environment.active_environment()
- from_local_sources = env and env.is_develop(self.spec)
- if not self.spec.external and not from_local_sources:
- message = 'Missing a source id for {}@{s.version}'
- tty.warn(message.format(s=self))
- hash_content.append(''.encode('utf-8'))
- else:
- hash_content.append(source_id.encode('utf-8'))
- # patch sha256's
- # Only include these if they've been assigned by the concretizer.
- # We check spec._patches_assigned instead of spec.concrete because
- # we have to call package_hash *before* marking specs concrete
- if self.spec._patches_assigned():
- hash_content.extend(
- ':'.join((p.sha256, str(p.level))).encode('utf-8')
- for p in self.spec.patches
- )
- # contents
- hash_content.append(package_hash(self.spec, source=content).encode('utf-8'))
- # put it all together and encode as base32
- b32_hash = base64.b32encode(
- hashlib.sha256(
- bytes().join(sorted(hash_content))
- ).digest()
- ).lower()
- # convert from bytes if running python 3
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- b32_hash = b32_hash.decode('utf-8')
- return b32_hash
- def _has_make_target(self, target):
- """Checks to see if 'target' is a valid target in a Makefile.
- Parameters:
- target (str): the target to check for
- Returns:
- bool: True if 'target' is found, else False
- """
- # Prevent altering LC_ALL for 'make' outside this function
- make = copy.deepcopy(inspect.getmodule(self).make)
- # Use English locale for missing target message comparison
- make.add_default_env('LC_ALL', 'C')
- # Check if we have a Makefile
- for makefile in ['GNUmakefile', 'Makefile', 'makefile']:
- if os.path.exists(makefile):
- break
- else:
- tty.debug('No Makefile found in the build directory')
- return False
- # Check if 'target' is a valid target.
- #
- # `make -n target` performs a "dry run". It prints the commands that
- # would be run but doesn't actually run them. If the target does not
- # exist, you will see one of the following error messages:
- #
- # GNU Make:
- # make: *** No rule to make target `test'. Stop.
- # *** No rule to make target 'test'. Stop.
- #
- # BSD Make:
- # make: don't know how to make test. Stop
- missing_target_msgs = [
- "No rule to make target `{0}'. Stop.",
- "No rule to make target '{0}'. Stop.",
- "don't know how to make {0}. Stop",
- ]
- kwargs = {
- 'fail_on_error': False,
- 'output': os.devnull,
- 'error': str,
- }
- stderr = make('-n', target, **kwargs)
- for missing_target_msg in missing_target_msgs:
- if missing_target_msg.format(target) in stderr:
- tty.debug("Target '{0}' not found in {1}"
- .format(target, makefile))
- return False
- return True
- def _if_make_target_execute(self, target, *args, **kwargs):
- """Runs ``make target`` if 'target' is a valid target in the Makefile.
- Parameters:
- target (str): the target to potentially execute
- """
- if self._has_make_target(target):
- # Execute target
- inspect.getmodule(self).make(target, *args, **kwargs)
- def _has_ninja_target(self, target):
- """Checks to see if 'target' is a valid target in a Ninja build script.
- Parameters:
- target (str): the target to check for
- Returns:
- bool: True if 'target' is found, else False
- """
- ninja = inspect.getmodule(self).ninja
- # Check if we have a Ninja build script
- if not os.path.exists(''):
- tty.debug('No Ninja build script found in the build directory')
- return False
- # Get a list of all targets in the Ninja build script
- #
- all_targets = ninja('-t', 'targets', 'all', output=str).split('\n')
- # Check if 'target' is a valid target
- matches = [line for line in all_targets
- if line.startswith(target + ':')]
- if not matches:
- tty.debug("Target '{0}' not found in"
- .format(target))
- return False
- return True
- def _if_ninja_target_execute(self, target, *args, **kwargs):
- """Runs ``ninja target`` if 'target' is a valid target in the Ninja
- build script.
- Parameters:
- target (str): the target to potentially execute
- """
- if self._has_ninja_target(target):
- # Execute target
- inspect.getmodule(self).ninja(target, *args, **kwargs)
- def _get_needed_resources(self):
- resources = []
- # Select the resources that are needed for this build
- if self.spec.concrete:
- for when_spec, resource_list in self.resources.items():
- if when_spec in self.spec:
- resources.extend(resource_list)
- else:
- for when_spec, resource_list in self.resources.items():
- # Note that variant checking is always strict for specs where
- # the name is not specified. But with strict variant checking,
- # only variants mentioned in 'other' are checked. Here we only
- # want to make sure that no constraints in when_spec
- # conflict with the spec, so we need to invoke
- # when_spec.satisfies(self.spec) vs.
- # self.spec.satisfies(when_spec)
- if when_spec.satisfies(self.spec, strict=False):
- resources.extend(resource_list)
- # Sorts the resources by the length of the string representing their
- # destination. Since any nested resource must contain another
- # resource's name in its path, it seems that should work
- resources = sorted(resources, key=lambda res: len(res.destination))
- return resources
- def _resource_stage(self, resource):
- pieces = ['resource',, self.spec.dag_hash()]
- resource_stage_folder = '-'.join(pieces)
- return resource_stage_folder
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _stage_and_write_lock(self):
- """Prefix lock nested in a stage."""
- with self.stage:
- with
- yield
- def do_install(self, **kwargs):
- """Called by commands to install a package and or its dependencies.
- Package implementations should override install() to describe
- their build process.
- Args:
- cache_only (bool): Fail if binary package unavailable.
- dirty (bool): Don't clean the build environment before installing.
- explicit (bool): True if package was explicitly installed, False
- if package was implicitly installed (as a dependency).
- fail_fast (bool): Fail if any dependency fails to install;
- otherwise, the default is to install as many dependencies as
- possible (i.e., best effort installation).
- fake (bool): Don't really build; install fake stub files instead.
- force (bool): Install again, even if already installed.
- install_deps (bool): Install dependencies before installing this
- package
- install_source (bool): By default, source is not installed, but
- for debugging it might be useful to keep it around.
- keep_prefix (bool): Keep install prefix on failure. By default,
- destroys it.
- keep_stage (bool): By default, stage is destroyed only if there
- are no exceptions during build. Set to True to keep the stage
- even with exceptions.
- restage (bool): Force spack to restage the package source.
- skip_patch (bool): Skip patch stage of build if True.
- stop_before (InstallPhase): stop execution before this
- installation phase (or None)
- stop_at (InstallPhase): last installation phase to be executed
- (or None)
- tests (bool or list or set): False to run no tests, True to test
- all packages, or a list of package names to run tests for some
- use_cache (bool): Install from binary package, if available.
- verbose (bool): Display verbose build output (by default,
- suppresses it)
- """
- # Non-transitive dev specs need to keep the dev stage and be built from
- # source every time. Transitive ones just need to be built from source.
- dev_path_var = self.spec.variants.get('dev_path', None)
- if dev_path_var:
- kwargs['keep_stage'] = True
- builder = PackageInstaller([(self, kwargs)])
- builder.install()
- def cache_extra_test_sources(self, srcs):
- """Copy relative source paths to the corresponding install test subdir
- This method is intended as an optional install test setup helper for
- grabbing source files/directories during the installation process and
- copying them to the installation test subdirectory for subsequent use
- during install testing.
- Args:
- srcs (str or list): relative path for files and or
- subdirectories located in the staged source path that are to
- be copied to the corresponding location(s) under the install
- testing directory.
- """
- paths = [srcs] if isinstance(srcs, six.string_types) else srcs
- for path in paths:
- src_path = os.path.join(self.stage.source_path, path)
- dest_path = os.path.join(self.install_test_root, path)
- if os.path.isdir(src_path):
- fsys.install_tree(src_path, dest_path)
- else:
- fsys.mkdirp(os.path.dirname(dest_path))
- fsys.copy(src_path, dest_path)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _setup_test(self, verbose, externals):
- self.test_failures = []
- if self.test_suite:
- self.test_log_file = self.test_suite.log_file_for_spec(self.spec)
- self.tested_file = self.test_suite.tested_file_for_spec(self.spec)
- pkg_id = self.test_suite.test_pkg_id(self.spec)
- else:
- self.test_log_file = fsys.join_path(
- self.stage.path, _spack_install_test_log)
- pkg_id = self.spec.format('{name}-{version}-{hash:7}')
- fsys.touch(self.test_log_file) # Otherwise log_parse complains
- with tty.log.log_output(self.test_log_file, verbose) as logger:
- with logger.force_echo():
- tty.msg('Testing package {0}'.format(pkg_id))
- # use debug print levels for log file to record commands
- old_debug = tty.is_debug()
- tty.set_debug(True)
- try:
- yield logger
- finally:
- # reset debug level
- tty.set_debug(old_debug)
- def do_test(self, dirty=False, externals=False):
- if self.test_requires_compiler:
- compilers = spack.compilers.compilers_for_spec(
- self.spec.compiler, arch_spec=self.spec.architecture)
- if not compilers:
- tty.error('Skipping tests for package %s\n' %
- self.spec.format('{name}-{version}-{hash:7}') +
- 'Package test requires missing compiler %s' %
- self.spec.compiler)
- return
- kwargs = {
- 'dirty': dirty, 'fake': False, 'context': 'test',
- 'externals': externals
- }
- if tty.is_verbose():
- kwargs['verbose'] = True
- spack.build_environment.start_build_process(
- self, test_process, kwargs)
- def test(self):
- # Defer tests to virtual and concrete packages
- pass
- def run_test(self, exe, options=[], expected=[], status=0,
- installed=False, purpose='', skip_missing=False,
- work_dir=None):
- """Run the test and confirm the expected results are obtained
- Log any failures and continue, they will be re-raised later
- Args:
- exe (str): the name of the executable
- options (str or list): list of options to pass to the runner
- expected (str or list): list of expected output strings.
- Each string is a regex expected to match part of the output.
- status (int or list): possible passing status values
- with 0 meaning the test is expected to succeed
- installed (bool): if ``True``, the executable must be in the
- install prefix
- purpose (str): message to display before running test
- skip_missing (bool): skip the test if the executable is not
- in the install prefix bin directory or the provided work_dir
- work_dir (str or None): path to the smoke test directory
- """
- wdir = '.' if work_dir is None else work_dir
- with fsys.working_dir(wdir, create=True):
- try:
- runner = which(exe)
- if runner is None and skip_missing:
- return
- assert runner is not None, \
- "Failed to find executable '{0}'".format(exe)
- self._run_test_helper(
- runner, options, expected, status, installed, purpose)
- print("PASSED")
- return True
- except BaseException as e:
- # print a summary of the error to the log file
- # so that cdash and junit reporters know about it
- exc_type, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
- print('FAILED: {0}'.format(e))
- import traceback
- # remove the current call frame to exclude the extract_stack
- # call from the error
- stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1]
- # Package files have a line added at import time, so we re-read
- # the file to make line numbers match. We have to subtract two
- # from the line number because the original line number is
- # inflated once by the import statement and the lines are
- # displaced one by the import statement.
- for i, entry in enumerate(stack):
- filename, lineno, function, text = entry
- if spack.repo.is_package_file(filename):
- with open(filename, 'r') as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- new_lineno = lineno - 2
- text = lines[new_lineno]
- stack[i] = (filename, new_lineno, function, text)
- # Format the stack to print and print it
- out = traceback.format_list(stack)
- for line in out:
- print(line.rstrip('\n'))
- if exc_type is spack.util.executable.ProcessError:
- out = six.StringIO()
- spack.build_environment.write_log_summary(
- out, 'test', self.test_log_file, last=1)
- m = out.getvalue()
- else:
- # We're below the package context, so get context from
- # stack instead of from traceback.
- # The traceback is truncated here, so we can't use it to
- # traverse the stack.
- m = '\n'.join(
- spack.build_environment.get_package_context(tb)
- )
- exc = e # e is deleted after this block
- # If we fail fast, raise another error
- if spack.config.get('config:fail_fast', False):
- raise TestFailure([(exc, m)])
- else:
- self.test_failures.append((exc, m))
- return False
- def _run_test_helper(self, runner, options, expected, status, installed,
- purpose):
- status = [status] if isinstance(status, six.integer_types) else status
- expected = [expected] if isinstance(expected, six.string_types) else \
- expected
- options = [options] if isinstance(options, six.string_types) else \
- options
- if purpose:
- tty.msg(purpose)
- else:
- tty.debug('test: {0}: expect command status in {1}'
- .format(, status))
- if installed:
- msg = "Executable '{0}' expected in prefix".format(
- msg += ", found in {0} instead".format(runner.path)
- assert runner.path.startswith(self.spec.prefix), msg
- try:
- output = runner(*options, output=str.split, error=str.split)
- assert 0 in status, \
- 'Expected {0} execution to fail'.format(
- except ProcessError as err:
- output = str(err)
- match ='exited with status ([0-9]+)', output)
- if not (match and int( in status):
- raise
- for check in expected:
- cmd = ' '.join([] + options)
- msg = "Expected '{0}' to match output of `{1}`".format(check, cmd)
- msg += '\n\nOutput: {0}'.format(output)
- assert, output), msg
- def unit_test_check(self):
- """Hook for unit tests to assert things about package internals.
- Unit tests can override this function to perform checks after
- ``Package.install`` and all post-install hooks run, but before
- the database is updated.
- The overridden function may indicate that the install procedure
- should terminate early (before updating the database) by
- returning ``False`` (or any value such that ``bool(result)`` is
- ``False``).
- Return:
- (bool): ``True`` to continue, ``False`` to skip ``install()``
- """
- return True
- def sanity_check_prefix(self):
- """This function checks whether install succeeded."""
- def check_paths(path_list, filetype, predicate):
- if isinstance(path_list, six.string_types):
- path_list = [path_list]
- for path in path_list:
- abs_path = os.path.join(self.prefix, path)
- if not predicate(abs_path):
- raise InstallError(
- "Install failed for %s. No such %s in prefix: %s" %
- (, filetype, path))
- check_paths(self.sanity_check_is_file, 'file', os.path.isfile)
- check_paths(self.sanity_check_is_dir, 'directory', os.path.isdir)
- installed = set(os.listdir(self.prefix))
- installed.difference_update(
- if not installed:
- raise InstallError(
- "Install failed for %s. Nothing was installed!" %
- def apply_macos_rpath_fixups(self):
- """On Darwin, make installed libraries more easily relocatable.
- Some build systems (handrolled, autotools, makefiles) can set their own
- rpaths that are duplicated by spack's compiler wrapper. This fixup
- interrogates, and postprocesses if necessary, all libraries installed
- by the code.
- It should be added as a @run_after to packaging systems (or individual
- packages) that do not install relocatable libraries by default.
- """
- if 'platform=darwin' not in self.spec:
- return
- from spack.relocate import fixup_macos_rpaths
- fixup_macos_rpaths(self.spec)
- @property
- def build_log_path(self):
- """
- Return the expected (or current) build log file path. The path points
- to the staging build file until the software is successfully installed,
- when it points to the file in the installation directory.
- """
- return self.install_log_path if self.spec.installed else self.log_path
- @classmethod
- def inject_flags(cls, name, flags):
- """
- flag_handler that injects all flags through the compiler wrapper.
- """
- return flags, None, None
- @classmethod
- def env_flags(cls, name, flags):
- """
- flag_handler that adds all flags to canonical environment variables.
- """
- return None, flags, None
- @classmethod
- def build_system_flags(cls, name, flags):
- """
- flag_handler that passes flags to the build system arguments. Any
- package using `build_system_flags` must also implement
- `flags_to_build_system_args`, or derive from a class that
- implements it. Currently, AutotoolsPackage and CMakePackage
- implement it.
- """
- return None, None, flags
- def setup_build_environment(self, env):
- """Sets up the build environment for a package.
- This method will be called before the current package prefix exists in
- Spack's store.
- Args:
- env (spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications): environment
- modifications to be applied when the package is built. Package authors
- can call methods on it to alter the build environment.
- """
- pass
- def setup_run_environment(self, env):
- """Sets up the run environment for a package.
- Args:
- env (spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications): environment
- modifications to be applied when the package is run. Package authors
- can call methods on it to alter the run environment.
- """
- pass
- def setup_dependent_build_environment(self, env, dependent_spec):
- """Sets up the build environment of packages that depend on this one.
- This is similar to ``setup_build_environment``, but it is used to
- modify the build environments of packages that *depend* on this one.
- This gives packages like Python and others that follow the extension
- model a way to implement common environment or compile-time settings
- for dependencies.
- This method will be called before the dependent package prefix exists
- in Spack's store.
- Examples:
- 1. Installing python modules generally requires ``PYTHONPATH``
- to point to the ``lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages`` directory in the
- module's install prefix. This method could be used to set that
- variable.
- Args:
- env (spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications): environment
- modifications to be applied when the dependent package is built.
- Package authors can call methods on it to alter the build environment.
- dependent_spec (spack.spec.Spec): the spec of the dependent package
- about to be built. This allows the extendee (self) to query
- the dependent's state. Note that *this* package's spec is
- available as ``self.spec``
- """
- pass
- def setup_dependent_run_environment(self, env, dependent_spec):
- """Sets up the run environment of packages that depend on this one.
- This is similar to ``setup_run_environment``, but it is used to
- modify the run environments of packages that *depend* on this one.
- This gives packages like Python and others that follow the extension
- model a way to implement common environment or run-time settings
- for dependencies.
- Args:
- env (spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications): environment
- modifications to be applied when the dependent package is run.
- Package authors can call methods on it to alter the build environment.
- dependent_spec (spack.spec.Spec): The spec of the dependent package
- about to be run. This allows the extendee (self) to query
- the dependent's state. Note that *this* package's spec is
- available as ``self.spec``
- """
- pass
- def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dependent_spec):
- """Set up Python module-scope variables for dependent packages.
- Called before the install() method of dependents.
- Default implementation does nothing, but this can be
- overridden by an extendable package to set up the module of
- its extensions. This is useful if there are some common steps
- to installing all extensions for a certain package.
- Examples:
- 1. Extensions often need to invoke the ``python`` interpreter
- from the Python installation being extended. This routine
- can put a ``python()`` Executable object in the module scope
- for the extension package to simplify extension installs.
- 2. MPI compilers could set some variables in the dependent's
- scope that point to ``mpicc``, ``mpicxx``, etc., allowing
- them to be called by common name regardless of which MPI is used.
- 3. BLAS/LAPACK implementations can set some variables
- indicating the path to their libraries, since these
- paths differ by BLAS/LAPACK implementation.
- Args:
- module (spack.package.PackageBase.module): The Python ``module``
- object of the dependent package. Packages can use this to set
- module-scope variables for the dependent to use.
- dependent_spec (spack.spec.Spec): The spec of the dependent package
- about to be built. This allows the extendee (self) to
- query the dependent's state. Note that *this*
- package's spec is available as ``self.spec``.
- """
- pass
- flag_handler = inject_flags
- # The flag handler method is called for each of the allowed compiler flags.
- # It returns a triple of inject_flags, env_flags, build_system_flags.
- # The flags returned as inject_flags are injected through the spack
- # compiler wrappers.
- # The flags returned as env_flags are passed to the build system through
- # the environment variables of the same name.
- # The flags returned as build_system_flags are passed to the build system
- # package subclass to be turned into the appropriate part of the standard
- # arguments. This is implemented for build system classes where
- # appropriate and will otherwise raise a NotImplementedError.
- def flags_to_build_system_args(self, flags):
- # Takes flags as a dict name: list of values
- if any(v for v in flags.values()):
- msg = 'The {0} build system'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
- msg += ' cannot take command line arguments for compiler flags'
- raise NotImplementedError(msg)
- @staticmethod
- def uninstall_by_spec(spec, force=False, deprecator=None):
- if not os.path.isdir(spec.prefix):
- # prefix may not exist, but DB may be inconsistent. Try to fix by
- # removing, but omit hooks.
- specs =, installed=True)
- if specs:
- if deprecator:
-[0], deprecator)
- tty.debug('Deprecating stale DB entry for {0}'
- .format(spec.short_spec))
- else:
- tty.debug('Removed stale DB entry for {0}'
- .format(spec.short_spec))
- return
- else:
- raise InstallError(str(spec) + " is not installed.")
- if not force:
- dependents =
- spec,
- direction='parents',
- transitive=True,
- deptype=("link", "run"),
- )
- if dependents:
- raise PackageStillNeededError(spec, dependents)
- # Try to get the package for the spec
- try:
- pkg = spec.package
- except spack.repo.UnknownEntityError:
- pkg = None
- # Pre-uninstall hook runs first.
- with
- if pkg is not None:
- try:
- spack.hooks.pre_uninstall(spec)
- except Exception as error:
- if force:
- error_msg = (
- "One or more pre_uninstall hooks have failed"
- " for {0}, but Spack is continuing with the"
- " uninstall".format(str(spec)))
- if isinstance(error, spack.error.SpackError):
- error_msg += (
- "\n\nError message: {0}".format(str(error)))
- tty.warn(error_msg)
- # Note that if the uninstall succeeds then we won't be
- # seeing this error again and won't have another chance
- # to run the hook.
- else:
- raise
- # Uninstalling in Spack only requires removing the prefix.
- if not spec.external:
- msg = 'Deleting package prefix [{0}]'
- tty.debug(msg.format(spec.short_spec))
- # test if spec is already deprecated, not whether we want to
- # deprecate it now
- deprecated = bool(
-, deprecated)
- # Delete DB entry
- if deprecator:
- msg = 'deprecating DB entry [{0}] in favor of [{1}]'
- tty.debug(msg.format(spec.short_spec, deprecator.short_spec))
-, deprecator)
- else:
- msg = 'Deleting DB entry [{0}]'
- tty.debug(msg.format(spec.short_spec))
- if pkg is not None:
- try:
- spack.hooks.post_uninstall(spec)
- except Exception:
- # If there is a failure here, this is our only chance to do
- # something about it: at this point the Spec has been removed
- # from the DB and prefix, so the post-uninstallation hooks
- # will not have another chance to run.
- error_msg = (
- "One or more post-uninstallation hooks failed for"
- " {0}, but the prefix has been removed (if it is not"
- " external).".format(str(spec)))
- tb_msg = traceback.format_exc()
- error_msg += "\n\nThe error:\n\n{0}".format(tb_msg)
- tty.warn(error_msg)
- tty.msg('Successfully uninstalled {0}'.format(spec.short_spec))
- def do_uninstall(self, force=False):
- """Uninstall this package by spec."""
- # delegate to instance-less method.
- Package.uninstall_by_spec(self.spec, force)
- def do_deprecate(self, deprecator, link_fn):
- """Deprecate this package in favor of deprecator spec"""
- spec = self.spec
- # Check whether package to deprecate has active extensions
- if self.extendable:
- view = spack.filesystem_view.YamlFilesystemView(spec.prefix,
- active_exts = view.extensions_layout.extension_map(spec).values()
- if active_exts:
- short = spec.format('{name}/{hash:7}')
- m = "Spec %s has active extensions\n" % short
- for active in active_exts:
- m += ' %s\n' % active.format('{name}/{hash:7}')
- m += "Deactivate extensions before deprecating %s" % short
- tty.die(m)
- # Check whether package to deprecate is an active extension
- if self.is_extension:
- extendee = self.extendee_spec
- view = spack.filesystem_view.YamlFilesystemView(extendee.prefix,
- if self.is_activated(view):
- short = spec.format('{name}/{hash:7}')
- short_ext = extendee.format('{name}/{hash:7}')
- msg = "Spec %s is an active extension of %s\n" % (short,
- short_ext)
- msg += "Deactivate %s to be able to deprecate it" % short
- tty.die(msg)
- # Install deprecator if it isn't installed already
- if not
- deprecator.package.do_install()
- old_deprecator =
- if old_deprecator:
- # Find this specs yaml file from its old deprecation
- self_yaml =,
- old_deprecator)
- else:
- self_yaml =
- # copy spec metadata to "deprecated" dir of deprecator
- depr_yaml =,
- deprecator)
- fsys.mkdirp(os.path.dirname(depr_yaml))
- shutil.copy2(self_yaml, depr_yaml)
- # Any specs deprecated in favor of this spec are re-deprecated in
- # favor of its new deprecator
- for deprecated in
- deprecated.package.do_deprecate(deprecator, link_fn)
- # Now that we've handled metadata, uninstall and replace with link
- Package.uninstall_by_spec(spec, force=True, deprecator=deprecator)
- link_fn(deprecator.prefix, spec.prefix)
- def _check_extendable(self):
- if not self.extendable:
- raise ValueError("Package %s is not extendable!" %
- def _sanity_check_extension(self):
- if not self.is_extension:
- raise ActivationError("This package is not an extension.")
- extendee_package = self.extendee_spec.package
- extendee_package._check_extendable()
- if not self.extendee_spec.installed:
- raise ActivationError(
- "Can only (de)activate extensions for installed packages.")
- if not self.spec.installed:
- raise ActivationError("Extensions must first be installed.")
- if not in self.extendees:
- raise ActivationError("%s does not extend %s!" %
- (,
- def do_activate(self, view=None, with_dependencies=True, verbose=True):
- """Called on an extension to invoke the extendee's activate method.
- Commands should call this routine, and should not call
- activate() directly.
- """
- if verbose:
- tty.msg('Activating extension {0} for {1}'.format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec))
- self._sanity_check_extension()
- if not view:
- view = YamlFilesystemView(
- self.extendee_spec.prefix,
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- try:
- extensions_layout.check_extension_conflict(
- self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- except spack.directory_layout.ExtensionAlreadyInstalledError as e:
- # already installed, let caller know
- tty.msg(e.message)
- return
- # Activate any package dependencies that are also extensions.
- if with_dependencies:
- for spec in self.dependency_activations():
- if not spec.package.is_activated(view):
- spec.package.do_activate(
- view, with_dependencies=with_dependencies,
- verbose=verbose)
- self.extendee_spec.package.activate(
- self, view, **self.extendee_args)
- extensions_layout.add_extension(self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- if verbose:
- tty.debug('Activated extension {0} for {1}'.format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec))
- def dependency_activations(self):
- return (spec for spec in self.spec.traverse(root=False, deptype='run')
- if spec.package.extends(self.extendee_spec))
- def activate(self, extension, view, **kwargs):
- """
- Add the extension to the specified view.
- Package authors can override this function to maintain some
- centralized state related to the set of activated extensions
- for a package.
- Spack internals (commands, hooks, etc.) should call
- do_activate() method so that proper checks are always executed.
- """
- view.merge(extension.spec, ignore=kwargs.get('ignore', None))
- def do_deactivate(self, view=None, **kwargs):
- """Remove this extension package from the specified view. Called
- on the extension to invoke extendee's deactivate() method.
- `remove_dependents=True` deactivates extensions depending on this
- package instead of raising an error.
- """
- self._sanity_check_extension()
- force = kwargs.get('force', False)
- verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True)
- remove_dependents = kwargs.get('remove_dependents', False)
- if verbose:
- tty.msg('Deactivating extension {0} for {1}'.format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec))
- if not view:
- view = YamlFilesystemView(
- self.extendee_spec.prefix,
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- # Allow a force deactivate to happen. This can unlink
- # spurious files if something was corrupted.
- if not force:
- extensions_layout.check_activated(
- self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- activated = extensions_layout.extension_map(
- self.extendee_spec)
- for name, aspec in activated.items():
- if aspec == self.spec:
- continue
- for dep in aspec.traverse(deptype='run'):
- if self.spec == dep:
- if remove_dependents:
- aspec.package.do_deactivate(**kwargs)
- else:
- msg = ('Cannot deactivate {0} because {1} is '
- 'activated and depends on it')
- raise ActivationError(msg.format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, aspec.cshort_spec))
- self.extendee_spec.package.deactivate(
- self, view, **self.extendee_args)
- # redundant activation check -- makes SURE the spec is not
- # still activated even if something was wrong above.
- if self.is_activated(view):
- extensions_layout.remove_extension(
- self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- if verbose:
- tty.debug('Deactivated extension {0} for {1}'.format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec))
- def deactivate(self, extension, view, **kwargs):
- """
- Remove all extension files from the specified view.
- Package authors can override this method to support other
- extension mechanisms. Spack internals (commands, hooks, etc.)
- should call do_deactivate() method so that proper checks are
- always executed.
- """
- view.unmerge(extension.spec, ignore=kwargs.get('ignore', None))
- def view(self):
- """Create a view with the prefix of this package as the root.
- Extensions added to this view will modify the installation prefix of
- this package.
- """
- return YamlFilesystemView(self.prefix,
- def do_restage(self):
- """Reverts expanded/checked out source to a pristine state."""
- self.stage.restage()
- def do_clean(self):
- """Removes the package's build stage and source tarball."""
- for patch in self.spec.patches:
- patch.clean()
- self.stage.destroy()
- def format_doc(self, **kwargs):
- """Wrap doc string at 72 characters and format nicely"""
- indent = kwargs.get('indent', 0)
- if not self.__doc__:
- return ""
- doc = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', self.__doc__)
- lines = textwrap.wrap(doc, 72)
- results = six.StringIO()
- for line in lines:
- results.write((" " * indent) + line + "\n")
- return results.getvalue()
- @property
- def all_urls(self):
- """A list of all URLs in a package.
- Check both class-level and version-specific URLs.
- Returns:
- list: a list of URLs
- """
- urls = []
- if hasattr(self, 'url') and self.url:
- urls.append(self.url)
- # fetch from first entry in urls to save time
- if hasattr(self, 'urls') and self.urls:
- urls.append(self.urls[0])
- for args in self.versions.values():
- if 'url' in args:
- urls.append(args['url'])
- return urls
- def fetch_remote_versions(self, concurrency=128):
- """Find remote versions of this package.
- Uses ``list_url`` and any other URLs listed in the package file.
- Returns:
- dict: a dictionary mapping versions to URLs
- """
- if not self.all_urls:
- return {}
- try:
- return spack.util.web.find_versions_of_archive(
- self.all_urls,
- self.list_url,
- self.list_depth,
- concurrency,
- reference_package=self,
- )
- except spack.util.web.NoNetworkConnectionError as e:
- tty.die("Package.fetch_versions couldn't connect to:", e.url,
- e.message)
- @property
- def rpath(self):
- """Get the rpath this package links with, as a list of paths."""
- rpaths = [self.prefix.lib, self.prefix.lib64]
- deps = self.spec.dependencies(deptype='link')
- rpaths.extend(d.prefix.lib for d in deps
- if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.lib))
- rpaths.extend(d.prefix.lib64 for d in deps
- if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.lib64))
- return rpaths
- @property
- def rpath_args(self):
- """
- Get the rpath args as a string, with -Wl,-rpath, for each element
- """
- return " ".join("-Wl,-rpath,%s" % p for p in self.rpath)
- def _run_test_callbacks(self, method_names, callback_type='install'):
- """Tries to call all of the listed methods, returning immediately
- if the list is None."""
- if method_names is None:
- return
- fail_fast = spack.config.get('config:fail_fast', False)
- with self._setup_test(verbose=False, externals=False) as logger:
- # Report running each of the methods in the build log
- print_test_message(
- logger, 'Running {0}-time tests'.format(callback_type), True)
- for name in method_names:
- try:
- fn = getattr(self, name)
- msg = 'RUN-TESTS: {0}-time tests [{1}]' \
- .format(callback_type, name),
- print_test_message(logger, msg, True)
- fn()
- except AttributeError as e:
- msg = 'RUN-TESTS: method not implemented [{0}]' \
- .format(name),
- print_test_message(logger, msg, True)
- self.test_failures.append((e, msg))
- if fail_fast:
- break
- # Raise any collected failures here
- if self.test_failures:
- raise TestFailure(self.test_failures)
- @on_package_attributes(run_tests=True)
- def _run_default_build_time_test_callbacks(self):
- """Tries to call all the methods that are listed in the attribute
- ``build_time_test_callbacks`` if ``self.run_tests is True``.
- """
- self._run_test_callbacks(self.build_time_test_callbacks, 'build')
- @on_package_attributes(run_tests=True)
- def _run_default_install_time_test_callbacks(self):
- """Tries to call all the methods that are listed in the attribute
- ``install_time_test_callbacks`` if ``self.run_tests is True``.
- """
- self._run_test_callbacks(self.install_time_test_callbacks, 'install')
-def has_test_method(pkg):
- """Determine if the package defines its own stand-alone test method.
- Args:
- pkg (str): the package being checked
- Returns:
- (bool): ``True`` if the package overrides the default method; else
- ``False``
- """
- if not inspect.isclass(pkg):
- tty.die('{0}: is not a class, it is {1}'.format(pkg, type(pkg)))
- return (
- (issubclass(pkg, PackageBase) and pkg.test != PackageBase.test) or
- (isinstance(pkg, PackageBase) and pkg.test.__func__ != PackageBase.test)
- )
-def print_test_message(logger, msg, verbose):
- if verbose:
- with logger.force_echo():
- tty.msg(msg)
- else:
- tty.msg(msg)
-def test_process(pkg, kwargs):
- verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
- externals = kwargs.get('externals', False)
- with pkg._setup_test(verbose, externals) as logger:
- if pkg.spec.external and not externals:
- print_test_message(
- logger, 'Skipped tests for external package', verbose)
- return
- # run test methods from the package and all virtuals it
- # provides virtuals have to be deduped by name
- v_names = list(set([
- for vspec in pkg.virtuals_provided]))
- # hack for compilers that are not dependencies (yet)
- # TODO: this all eventually goes away
- c_names = ('gcc', 'intel', 'intel-parallel-studio', 'pgi')
- if in c_names:
- v_names.extend(['c', 'cxx', 'fortran'])
- if pkg.spec.satisfies('llvm+clang'):
- v_names.extend(['c', 'cxx'])
- test_specs = [pkg.spec] + [spack.spec.Spec(v_name)
- for v_name in sorted(v_names)]
- ran_actual_test_function = False
- try:
- with fsys.working_dir(pkg.test_suite.test_dir_for_spec(pkg.spec)):
- for spec in test_specs:
- pkg.test_suite.current_test_spec = spec
- # Fail gracefully if a virtual has no package/tests
- try:
- spec_pkg = spec.package
- except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError:
- continue
- # copy installed test sources cache into test cache dir
- if spec.concrete:
- cache_source = spec_pkg.install_test_root
- cache_dir = pkg.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir
- if (os.path.isdir(cache_source) and
- not os.path.exists(cache_dir)):
- fsys.install_tree(cache_source, cache_dir)
- # copy test data into test data dir
- data_source = Prefix(spec_pkg.package_dir).test
- data_dir = pkg.test_suite.current_test_data_dir
- if (os.path.isdir(data_source) and
- not os.path.exists(data_dir)):
- # We assume data dir is used read-only
- # maybe enforce this later
- shutil.copytree(data_source, data_dir)
- # grab the function for each method so we can call
- # it with the package
- test_fn = spec_pkg.__class__.test
- if not isinstance(test_fn, types.FunctionType):
- test_fn = test_fn.__func__
- # Skip any test methods consisting solely of 'pass'
- # since they do not contribute to package testing.
- source = (inspect.getsource(test_fn)).splitlines()[1:]
- lines = (ln.strip() for ln in source)
- statements = [ln for ln in lines if not ln.startswith('#')]
- if len(statements) > 0 and statements[0] == 'pass':
- continue
- # Run the tests
- ran_actual_test_function = True
- context = logger.force_echo if verbose else nullcontext
- with context():
- test_fn(pkg)
- # If fail-fast was on, we error out above
- # If we collect errors, raise them in batch here
- if pkg.test_failures:
- raise TestFailure(pkg.test_failures)
- finally:
- # flag the package as having been tested (i.e., ran one or more
- # non-pass-only methods
- if ran_actual_test_function:
- fsys.touch(pkg.tested_file)
- else:
- print_test_message(logger, 'No tests to run', verbose)
-inject_flags = PackageBase.inject_flags
-env_flags = PackageBase.env_flags
-build_system_flags = PackageBase.build_system_flags
-class BundlePackage(PackageBase):
- """General purpose bundle, or no-code, package class."""
- #: There are no phases by default but the property is required to support
- #: post-install hooks (e.g., for module generation).
- phases = [] # type: List[str]
- #: This attribute is used in UI queries that require to know which
- #: build-system class we are using
- build_system_class = 'BundlePackage'
- #: Bundle packages do not have associated source or binary code.
- has_code = False
-class Package(PackageBase):
- """General purpose class with a single ``install``
- phase that needs to be coded by packagers.
- """
- #: The one and only phase
- phases = ['install']
- #: This attribute is used in UI queries that require to know which
- #: build-system class we are using
- build_system_class = 'Package'
- # This will be used as a registration decorator in user
- # packages, if need be
- run_after('install')(PackageBase.sanity_check_prefix)
- # On macOS, force rpaths for shared library IDs and remove duplicate rpaths
- run_after('install')(PackageBase.apply_macos_rpath_fixups)
-def install_dependency_symlinks(pkg, spec, prefix):
- """
- Execute a dummy install and flatten dependencies.
- This routine can be used in a ```` definition by setting
- ``install = install_dependency_symlinks``.
- This feature comes in handy for creating a common location for the
- the installation of third-party libraries.
- """
- flatten_dependencies(spec, prefix)
-def use_cray_compiler_names():
- """Compiler names for builds that rely on cray compiler names."""
- os.environ['CC'] = 'cc'
- os.environ['CXX'] = 'CC'
- os.environ['FC'] = 'ftn'
- os.environ['F77'] = 'ftn'
-def flatten_dependencies(spec, flat_dir):
- """Make each dependency of spec present in dir via symlink."""
- for dep in spec.traverse(root=False):
- name =
- dep_path =
- dep_files = LinkTree(dep_path)
- os.mkdir(flat_dir + '/' + name)
- conflict = dep_files.find_conflict(flat_dir + '/' + name)
- if conflict:
- raise DependencyConflictError(conflict)
- dep_files.merge(flat_dir + '/' + name)
-def possible_dependencies(*pkg_or_spec, **kwargs):
- """Get the possible dependencies of a number of packages.
- See ``PackageBase.possible_dependencies`` for details.
- """
- packages = []
- for pos in pkg_or_spec:
- if isinstance(pos, PackageMeta):
- packages.append(pos)
- continue
- if not isinstance(pos, spack.spec.Spec):
- pos = spack.spec.Spec(pos)
- if spack.repo.path.is_virtual(
- packages.extend(
- p.package_class
- for p in spack.repo.path.providers_for(
- )
- continue
- else:
- packages.append(pos.package_class)
- visited = {}
- for pkg in packages:
- pkg.possible_dependencies(visited=visited, **kwargs)
- return visited
-class FetchError(spack.error.SpackError):
- """Raised when something goes wrong during fetch."""
- def __init__(self, message, long_msg=None):
- super(FetchError, self).__init__(message, long_msg)
-class PackageStillNeededError(InstallError):
- """Raised when package is still needed by another on uninstall."""
- def __init__(self, spec, dependents):
- super(PackageStillNeededError, self).__init__("Cannot uninstall %s" %
- spec)
- self.spec = spec
- self.dependents = dependents
-class PackageError(spack.error.SpackError):
- """Raised when something is wrong with a package definition."""
- def __init__(self, message, long_msg=None):
- super(PackageError, self).__init__(message, long_msg)
-class PackageVersionError(PackageError):
- """Raised when a version URL cannot automatically be determined."""
- def __init__(self, version):
- super(PackageVersionError, self).__init__(
- "Cannot determine a URL automatically for version %s" % version,
- "Please provide a url for this version in the file.")
-class NoURLError(PackageError):
- """Raised when someone tries to build a URL for a package with no URLs."""
- def __init__(self, cls):
- super(NoURLError, self).__init__(
- "Package %s has no version with a URL." % cls.__name__)
-class InvalidPackageOpError(PackageError):
- """Raised when someone tries perform an invalid operation on a package."""
-class ExtensionError(PackageError):
- """Superclass for all errors having to do with extension packages."""
-class ActivationError(ExtensionError):
- """Raised when there are problems activating an extension."""
- def __init__(self, msg, long_msg=None):
- super(ActivationError, self).__init__(msg, long_msg)
-class DependencyConflictError(spack.error.SpackError):
- """Raised when the dependencies cannot be flattened as asked for."""
- def __init__(self, conflict):
- super(DependencyConflictError, self).__init__(
- "%s conflicts with another file in the flattened directory." % (
- conflict))
+# import most common types used in packages
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+import llnl.util.filesystem
+from llnl.util.filesystem import *
+import spack.util.executable
+from spack.build_systems.aspell_dict import AspellDictPackage
+from spack.build_systems.autotools import AutotoolsPackage
+from spack.build_systems.cached_cmake import (
+ CachedCMakePackage,
+ cmake_cache_option,
+ cmake_cache_path,
+ cmake_cache_string,
+from spack.build_systems.cmake import CMakePackage
+from spack.build_systems.cuda import CudaPackage
+from spack.build_systems.gnu import GNUMirrorPackage
+from import IntelPackage
+from spack.build_systems.lua import LuaPackage
+from spack.build_systems.makefile import MakefilePackage
+from spack.build_systems.maven import MavenPackage
+from spack.build_systems.meson import MesonPackage
+from spack.build_systems.octave import OctavePackage
+from spack.build_systems.oneapi import (
+ IntelOneApiLibraryPackage,
+ IntelOneApiPackage,
+ IntelOneApiStaticLibraryList,
+from spack.build_systems.perl import PerlPackage
+from spack.build_systems.python import PythonPackage
+from spack.build_systems.qmake import QMakePackage
+from spack.build_systems.r import RPackage
+from spack.build_systems.racket import RacketPackage
+from spack.build_systems.rocm import ROCmPackage
+from spack.build_systems.ruby import RubyPackage
+from spack.build_systems.scons import SConsPackage
+from spack.build_systems.sip import SIPPackage
+from spack.build_systems.sourceforge import SourceforgePackage
+from spack.build_systems.sourceware import SourcewarePackage
+from spack.build_systems.waf import WafPackage
+from spack.build_systems.xorg import XorgPackage
+from spack.dependency import all_deptypes
+from spack.directives import *
+from spack.install_test import get_escaped_text_output
+from spack.installer import (
+ ExternalPackageError,
+ InstallError,
+ InstallLockError,
+ UpstreamPackageError,
+from spack.mixins import filter_compiler_wrappers
+from spack.multimethod import when
+from spack.package_base import (
+ BundlePackage,
+ DependencyConflictError,
+ Package,
+ build_system_flags,
+ env_flags,
+ flatten_dependencies,
+ inject_flags,
+ install_dependency_symlinks,
+ on_package_attributes,
+ run_after,
+ run_before,
+from spack.spec import InvalidSpecDetected, Spec
+from spack.util.executable import *
+from spack.variant import (
+ any_combination_of,
+ auto_or_any_combination_of,
+ conditional,
+ disjoint_sets,
+from spack.version import Version, ver \ No newline at end of file