path: root/lib/spack/spack/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/spack/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc38fc04ac..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2018 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import itertools
-from jsonschema import validate
-import llnl.util.tty as tty
-from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify
-import spack
-import spack.compilers
-import spack.architecture as sarch
-import spack.schema.spec_set as spec_set_schema
-import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
-from spack.error import SpackError
-from spack.spec import Spec, ArchSpec
-class CombinatorialSpecSet:
- """Set of combinatorial Specs constructed from YAML file."""
- def __init__(self, yaml_like, ignore_invalid=True):
- """Construct a combinatorial Spec set.
- Args:
- yaml_like: either raw YAML data as a dict, a file-like object
- to read the YAML from, or a string containing YAML. In the
- first case, we assume already-parsed YAML data. In the second
- two cases, we just run yaml.load() on the data.
- ignore_invalid (bool): whether to ignore invalid specs when
- expanding the values of this spec set.
- """
- self.ignore_invalid = ignore_invalid
- if isinstance(yaml_like, dict):
- # if it's raw data, just assign it to
- = yaml_like
- else:
- # otherwise try to load it.
- = syaml.load(yaml_like)
- # validate against the spec set schema
- validate(, spec_set_schema.schema)
- # chop off the initial spec-set label after valiation.
- =['spec-set']
- # initialize these from data.
- self.cdash ='cdash', None)
- if isinstance(self.cdash, str):
- self.cdash = [self.cdash]
- self.project ='project', None)
- # _spec_lists is a list of lists of specs, to be combined as a
- # cartesian product when we iterate over all specs in the set.
- # it's initialized lazily.
- self._spec_lists = None
- self._include = []
- self._exclude = []
- @staticmethod
- def from_file(path):
- try:
- with open(path, 'r') as fin:
- specs_yaml = syaml.load(
- # For now, turn off ignoring invalid specs, as it prevents
- # iteration if the specified compilers can't be found.
- return CombinatorialSpecSet(specs_yaml, ignore_invalid=False)
- except Exception as e:
- emsg = e.message
- if not emsg:
- emsg = e.problem
- msg = ('Unable to create CombinatorialSpecSet from file ({0})'
- ' due to {1}'.format(path, emsg))
- raise SpackError(msg)
- def all_package_versions(self):
- """Get package/version combinations for all spack packages."""
- for name in spack.repo.all_package_names():
- pkg = spack.repo.get(name)
- for v in pkg.versions:
- yield Spec('{0}@{1}'.format(name, v))
- def _specs(self, data):
- """Read a list of specs from YAML data"""
- return [Spec(s) for s in data]
- def _compiler_specs(self, data):
- """Read compiler specs from YAML data.
- Example YAML:
- gcc:
- versions: [4.4.8, 4.9.3]
- clang:
- versions: [3.6.1, 3.7.2, 3.8]
- Optionally, data can be 'all', in which case all compilers for
- the current platform are returned.
- """
- # get usable compilers for current platform.
- arch = ArchSpec(str(sarch.platform()), 'default_os', 'default_target')
- available_compilers = [
- c.spec for c in spack.compilers.compilers_for_arch(arch)]
- # return compilers for this platform if asked for everything.
- if data == 'all':
- return [cspec.copy() for cspec in available_compilers]
- # otherwise create specs from the YAML file.
- cspecs = set([
- Spec('%{0}@{1}'.format(compiler, version))
- for compiler in data for version in data[compiler]['versions']])
- # filter out invalid specs if caller said to ignore them.
- if self.ignore_invalid:
- missing = [c for c in cspecs if not any(
- c.compiler.satisfies(comp) for comp in available_compilers)]
- tty.warn("The following compilers were unavailable:")
- colify(sorted(m.compiler for m in missing))
- cspecs -= set(missing)
- return cspecs
- def _package_specs(self, data):
- """Read package/version specs from YAML data.
- Example YAML:
- gmake:
- versions: [4.0, 4.1, 4.2]
- qt:
- versions: [4.8.6, 5.2.1, 5.7.1]
- Optionally, data can be 'all', in which case all packages and
- versions from the package repository are returned.
- """
- if data == 'all':
- return set(self.all_package_versions())
- return set([
- Spec('{0}@{1}'.format(name, version))
- for name in data for version in data[name]['versions']])
- def _get_specs(self, matrix_dict):
- """Parse specs out of an element in the build matrix."""
- readers = {
- 'packages': self._package_specs,
- 'compilers': self._compiler_specs,
- 'specs': self._specs
- }
- key = next(iter(matrix_dict), None)
- assert key in readers
- return readers[key](matrix_dict[key])
- def __iter__(self):
- # read in data from YAML file lazily.
- if self._spec_lists is None:
- self._spec_lists = [self._get_specs(spec_list)
- for spec_list in['matrix']]
- if 'include' in
- self._include = [Spec(s) for s in['include']]
- if 'exclude' in
- self._exclude = [Spec(s) for s in['exclude']]
- for spec_list in itertools.product(*self._spec_lists):
- # if there is an empty array in spec_lists, we'll get this.
- if not spec_list:
- yield spec_list
- continue
- # merge all the constraints in spec_list with each other
- spec = spec_list[0].copy()
- for s in spec_list[1:]:
- spec.constrain(s)
- # test each spec for include/exclude
- if (self._include and
- not any(spec.satisfies(s) for s in self._include)):
- continue
- if any(spec.satisfies(s) for s in self._exclude):
- continue
- # we now know we can include this spec in the set
- yield spec