path: root/lib/spack/spack/test/llnl/util/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/spack/test/llnl/util/')
1 files changed, 902 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/llnl/util/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/llnl/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..208777ae51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/llnl/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Created by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+"""These tests ensure that our lock works correctly.
+This can be run in two ways.
+First, it can be run as a node-local test, with a typical invocation like
+ spack test lock
+You can *also* run it as an MPI program, which allows you to test locks
+across nodes. So, e.g., you can run the test like this::
+ mpirun -n 7 spack test lock
+And it will test locking correctness among MPI processes. Ideally, you
+want the MPI processes to span across multiple nodes, so, e.g., for SLURM
+you might do this::
+ srun -N 7 -n 7 -m cyclic spack test lock
+You can use this to test whether your shared filesystem properly supports
+POSIX reader-writer locking with byte ranges through fcntl.
+If you want to test on multiple filesystems, you can modify the
+``locations`` list below. By default it looks like this::
+ locations = [
+ tempfile.gettempdir(), # standard tmp directory (potentially local)
+ '/nfs/tmp2/%u', # NFS tmp mount
+ '/p/lscratch*/%u' # Lustre scratch mount
+ ]
+Add names and paths for your preferred filesystem mounts to test on them;
+the tests are parametrized to run on all the filesystems listed in this
+dict. Note that 'tmp' will be skipped for MPI testing, as it is often a
+node-local filesystem, and multi-node tests will fail if the locks aren't
+actually on a shared filesystem.
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+import glob
+import getpass
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from multiprocessing import Process
+import pytest
+from llnl.util.filesystem import join_path, touch
+from llnl.util.lock import *
+from spack.util.multiproc import Barrier
+# This test can be run with MPI. MPI is "enabled" if we can import
+# mpi4py and the number of total MPI processes is greater than 1.
+# Otherwise it just runs as a node-local test.
+# NOTE: MPI mode is different from node-local mode in that node-local
+# mode will spawn its own test processes, while MPI mode assumes you've
+# run this script as a SPMD application. In MPI mode, no additional
+# processes are spawned, and you need to ensure that you mpirun the
+# script with enough processes for all the multiproc_test cases below.
+# If you don't run with enough processes, tests that require more
+# processes than you currently have will be skipped.
+mpi = False
+comm = None
+ from mpi4py import MPI
+ if comm.size > 1:
+ mpi = True
+ pass
+"""This is a list of filesystem locations to test locks in. Paths are
+expanded so that %u is replaced with the current username. '~' is also
+legal and will be expanded to the user's home directory.
+Tests are skipped for directories that don't exist, so you'll need to
+update this with the locations of NFS, Lustre, and other mounts on your
+locations = [
+ tempfile.gettempdir(),
+ os.path.join('/nfs/tmp2/', getpass.getuser()),
+ os.path.join('/p/lscratch*/', getpass.getuser()),
+"""This is the longest a failed multiproc test will take.
+Barriers will time out and raise an exception after this interval.
+In MPI mode, barriers don't time out (they hang). See mpi_multiproc_test.
+barrier_timeout = 5
+"""This is the lock timeout for expected failures.
+This may need to be higher for some filesystems."""
+lock_fail_timeout = 0.1
+def read_only(path):
+ orginal_mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
+ os.chmod(path, 0o444)
+ yield
+ os.chmod(path, orginal_mode)
+@pytest.fixture(scope='session', params=locations)
+def lock_test_directory(request):
+ """This fixture causes tests to be executed for many different mounts.
+ See the ``locations`` dict above for details.
+ """
+ return request.param
+def lock_dir(lock_test_directory):
+ parent = next((p for p in glob.glob(lock_test_directory)
+ if os.path.exists(p) and os.access(p, os.W_OK)), None)
+ if not parent:
+ # Skip filesystems that don't exist or aren't writable
+ pytest.skip("requires filesystem: '%s'" % lock_test_directory)
+ elif mpi and parent == tempfile.gettempdir():
+ # Skip local tmp test for MPI runs
+ pytest.skip("skipping local tmp directory for MPI test.")
+ tempdir = None
+ if not mpi or comm.rank == 0:
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=parent)
+ if mpi:
+ tempdir = comm.bcast(tempdir)
+ yield tempdir
+ if mpi:
+ # rank 0 may get here before others, in which case it'll try to
+ # remove the directory while other processes try to re-create the
+ # lock. This will give errno 39: directory not empty. Use a
+ # barrier to ensure everyone is done first.
+ comm.barrier()
+ if not mpi or comm.rank == 0:
+ shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
+def private_lock_path(lock_dir):
+ """In MPI mode, this is a private lock for each rank in a multiproc test.
+ For other modes, it is the same as a shared lock.
+ """
+ lock_file = join_path(lock_dir, 'lockfile')
+ if mpi:
+ lock_file += '.%s' % comm.rank
+ yield lock_file
+def lock_path(lock_dir):
+ """This lock is shared among all processes in a multiproc test."""
+ lock_file = join_path(lock_dir, 'lockfile')
+ yield lock_file
+def local_multiproc_test(*functions):
+ """Order some processes using simple barrier synchronization."""
+ b = Barrier(len(functions), timeout=barrier_timeout)
+ procs = [Process(target=f, args=(b,)) for f in functions]
+ for p in procs:
+ p.start()
+ for p in procs:
+ p.join()
+ assert p.exitcode == 0
+def mpi_multiproc_test(*functions):
+ """SPMD version of multiproc test.
+ This needs to be run like so:
+ srun spack test lock
+ Each process executes its corresponding function. This is different
+ from ``multiproc_test`` above, which spawns the processes. This will
+ skip tests if there are too few processes to run them.
+ """
+ procs = len(functions)
+ if procs > comm.size:
+ pytest.skip("requires at least %d MPI processes" % procs)
+ comm.Barrier() # barrier before each MPI test
+ include = comm.rank < len(functions)
+ subcomm = comm.Split(include)
+ class subcomm_barrier(object):
+ """Stand-in for multiproc barrier for MPI-parallel jobs."""
+ def wait(self):
+ subcomm.Barrier()
+ if include:
+ try:
+ functions[subcomm.rank](subcomm_barrier())
+ except:
+ # aborting is the best we can do for MPI tests without
+ # hanging, since we're using MPI barriers. This will fail
+ # early and it loses the nice pytest output, but at least it
+ # gets use a stacktrace on the processes that failed.
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ comm.Abort()
+ subcomm.Free()
+ comm.Barrier() # barrier after each MPI test.
+"""``multiproc_test()`` should be called by tests below.
+``multiproc_test()`` will work for either MPI runs or for local runs.
+multiproc_test = mpi_multiproc_test if mpi else local_multiproc_test
+# Process snippets below can be composed into tests.
+def acquire_write(lock_path, start=0, length=0):
+ def fn(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path, start, length)
+ lock.acquire_write() # grab exclusive lock
+ barrier.wait()
+ barrier.wait() # hold the lock until timeout in other procs.
+ return fn
+def acquire_read(lock_path, start=0, length=0):
+ def fn(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path, start, length)
+ lock.acquire_read() # grab shared lock
+ barrier.wait()
+ barrier.wait() # hold the lock until timeout in other procs.
+ return fn
+def timeout_write(lock_path, start=0, length=0):
+ def fn(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path, start, length)
+ barrier.wait() # wait for lock acquire in first process
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait()
+ return fn
+def timeout_read(lock_path, start=0, length=0):
+ def fn(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path, start, length)
+ barrier.wait() # wait for lock acquire in first process
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait()
+ return fn
+# Test that exclusive locks on other processes time out when an
+# exclusive lock is held.
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_3(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 0, 1))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 64),
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 65, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 63, 1))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges_3(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 1, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges_4(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 1, 1),
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 2, 456),
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 500, 64),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+# Test that shared locks on other processes time out when an
+# exclusive lock is held.
+def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_read(lock_path))
+def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_read(lock_path))
+def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_3(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_read(lock_path))
+def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges(lock_path):
+ """small write lock, read whole file."""
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_read(lock_path))
+def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges_2(lock_path):
+ """small write lock, small read lock"""
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_read(lock_path, 0, 1))
+def test_read_lock_timeout_on_write_ranges_3(lock_path):
+ """two write locks, overlapping read locks"""
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ acquire_write(lock_path, 64, 128),
+ timeout_read(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_read(lock_path, 128, 256))
+# Test that exclusive locks time out when shared locks are held.
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_3(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_ranges(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_ranges_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 0, 1))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_ranges_3(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 10, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 10, 1))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_ranges_4(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 64),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 10, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 32, 1))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_on_read_ranges_5(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 64, 128),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 65, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 127, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 90, 10))
+# Test that exclusive locks time while lots of shared locks are held.
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_2_1(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_2_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_3_1(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_3_2(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ acquire_read(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path),
+ timeout_write(lock_path))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_2_1_ranges(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 10),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0.5, 10),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 5, 5))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_2_3_ranges(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 10),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 5, 15),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 0, 1),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 11, 3),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 7, 1))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_3_1_ranges(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 5),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 5, 5),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 10, 5),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 0, 15))
+def test_write_lock_timeout_with_multiple_readers_3_2_ranges(lock_path):
+ multiproc_test(
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 0, 5),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 5, 5),
+ acquire_read(lock_path, 10, 5),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 3, 10),
+ timeout_write(lock_path, 5, 1))
+# Test that read can be upgraded to write.
+def test_upgrade_read_to_write(private_lock_path):
+ """Test that a read lock can be upgraded to a write lock.
+ Note that to upgrade a read lock to a write lock, you have the be the
+ only holder of a read lock. Client code needs to coordinate that for
+ shared locks. For this test, we use a private lock just to test that an
+ upgrade is possible.
+ """
+ # ensure lock file exists the first time, so we open it read-only
+ # to begin wtih.
+ touch(private_lock_path)
+ lock = Lock(private_lock_path)
+ assert lock._reads == 0
+ assert lock._writes == 0
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ assert lock._reads == 1
+ assert lock._writes == 0
+ assert lock._file.mode == 'r+'
+ lock.acquire_write()
+ assert lock._reads == 1
+ assert lock._writes == 1
+ assert lock._file.mode == 'r+'
+ lock.release_write()
+ assert lock._reads == 1
+ assert lock._writes == 0
+ assert lock._file.mode == 'r+'
+ lock.release_read()
+ assert lock._reads == 0
+ assert lock._writes == 0
+ assert lock._file is None
+# Test that read-only file can be read-locked but not write-locked.
+def test_upgrade_read_to_write_fails_with_readonly_file(private_lock_path):
+ # ensure lock file exists the first time, so we open it read-only
+ # to begin wtih.
+ touch(private_lock_path)
+ with read_only(private_lock_path):
+ lock = Lock(private_lock_path)
+ assert lock._reads == 0
+ assert lock._writes == 0
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ assert lock._reads == 1
+ assert lock._writes == 0
+ assert lock._file.mode == 'r'
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write()
+# Longer test case that ensures locks are reusable. Ordering is
+# enforced by barriers throughout -- steps are shown with numbers.
+def test_complex_acquire_and_release_chain(lock_path):
+ def p1(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ lock.acquire_write()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 1
+ # others test timeout
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 2
+ lock.release_write() # release and others acquire read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 3
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 4
+ lock.release_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 5
+ # p2 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 6
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 7
+ # p2 releases write and read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 8
+ # p3 acquires read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 9
+ # p3 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 10
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 11
+ # p3 releases locks
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 12
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 13
+ lock.release_read()
+ def p2(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ # p1 acquires write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 1
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 2
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 3
+ # p1 tests shared read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 4
+ # others release reads
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 5
+ lock.acquire_write() # upgrade read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 6
+ # others test timeout
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 7
+ lock.release_write() # release read AND write (need both)
+ lock.release_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 8
+ # p3 acquires read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 9
+ # p3 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 10
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 11
+ # p3 releases locks
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 12
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 13
+ lock.release_read()
+ def p3(barrier):
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ # p1 acquires write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 1
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 2
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 3
+ # p1 tests shared read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 4
+ lock.release_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 5
+ # p2 upgrades read to write
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 6
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_write(lock_fail_timeout)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.acquire_read(lock_fail_timeout)
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 7
+ # p2 releases write & read
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 8
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 9
+ lock.acquire_write()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 10
+ # others test timeout
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 11
+ lock.release_read() # release read AND write in opposite
+ lock.release_write() # order from before on p2
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 12
+ lock.acquire_read()
+ barrier.wait() # ---------------------------------------- 13
+ lock.release_read()
+ multiproc_test(p1, p2, p3)
+def test_transaction(lock_path):
+ def enter_fn():
+ vals['entered'] = True
+ def exit_fn(t, v, tb):
+ vals['exited'] = True
+ vals['exception'] = (t or v or tb)
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exception': False}
+ with ReadTransaction(lock, enter_fn, exit_fn):
+ pass
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert not vals['exception']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exception': False}
+ with WriteTransaction(lock, enter_fn, exit_fn):
+ pass
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert not vals['exception']
+def test_transaction_with_exception(lock_path):
+ def enter_fn():
+ vals['entered'] = True
+ def exit_fn(t, v, tb):
+ vals['exited'] = True
+ vals['exception'] = (t or v or tb)
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ def do_read_with_exception():
+ with ReadTransaction(lock, enter_fn, exit_fn):
+ raise Exception()
+ def do_write_with_exception():
+ with WriteTransaction(lock, enter_fn, exit_fn):
+ raise Exception()
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exception': False}
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ do_read_with_exception()
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert vals['exception']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exception': False}
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ do_write_with_exception()
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert vals['exception']
+def test_transaction_with_context_manager(lock_path):
+ class TestContextManager(object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ vals['entered'] = True
+ def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
+ vals['exited'] = True
+ vals['exception'] = (t or v or tb)
+ def exit_fn(t, v, tb):
+ vals['exited_fn'] = True
+ vals['exception_fn'] = (t or v or tb)
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with ReadTransaction(lock, TestContextManager, exit_fn):
+ pass
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert not vals['exception']
+ assert vals['exited_fn']
+ assert not vals['exception_fn']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with ReadTransaction(lock, TestContextManager):
+ pass
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert not vals['exception']
+ assert not vals['exited_fn']
+ assert not vals['exception_fn']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with WriteTransaction(lock, TestContextManager, exit_fn):
+ pass
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert not vals['exception']
+ assert vals['exited_fn']
+ assert not vals['exception_fn']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with WriteTransaction(lock, TestContextManager):
+ pass
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert not vals['exception']
+ assert not vals['exited_fn']
+ assert not vals['exception_fn']
+def test_transaction_with_context_manager_and_exception(lock_path):
+ class TestContextManager(object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ vals['entered'] = True
+ def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
+ vals['exited'] = True
+ vals['exception'] = (t or v or tb)
+ def exit_fn(t, v, tb):
+ vals['exited_fn'] = True
+ vals['exception_fn'] = (t or v or tb)
+ lock = Lock(lock_path)
+ def do_read_with_exception(exit_fn):
+ with ReadTransaction(lock, TestContextManager, exit_fn):
+ raise Exception()
+ def do_write_with_exception(exit_fn):
+ with WriteTransaction(lock, TestContextManager, exit_fn):
+ raise Exception()
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ do_read_with_exception(exit_fn)
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert vals['exception']
+ assert vals['exited_fn']
+ assert vals['exception_fn']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ do_read_with_exception(None)
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert vals['exception']
+ assert not vals['exited_fn']
+ assert not vals['exception_fn']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ do_write_with_exception(exit_fn)
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert vals['exception']
+ assert vals['exited_fn']
+ assert vals['exception_fn']
+ vals = {'entered': False, 'exited': False, 'exited_fn': False,
+ 'exception': False, 'exception_fn': False}
+ with pytest.raises(Exception):
+ do_write_with_exception(None)
+ assert vals['entered']
+ assert vals['exited']
+ assert vals['exception']
+ assert not vals['exited_fn']
+ assert not vals['exception_fn']