path: root/lib
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21 files changed, 31 insertions, 1559 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst b/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
index 73895449b0..b26429b248 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
@@ -1114,21 +1114,21 @@ set of arbitrary versions, such as ``@1.0,1.5,1.7`` (``1.0``, ``1.5``,
or ``1.7``). When you supply such a specifier to ``spack install``,
it constrains the set of versions that Spack will install.
-For packages with a ``git`` attribute, ``git`` references
-may be specified instead of a numerical version i.e. branches, tags
-and commits. Spack will stage and build based off the ``git``
+For packages with a ``git`` attribute, ``git`` references
+may be specified instead of a numerical version i.e. branches, tags
+and commits. Spack will stage and build based off the ``git``
reference provided. Acceptable syntaxes for this are:
.. code-block:: sh
# branches and tags
foo@git.develop # use the develop branch
foo@git.0.19 # use the 0.19 tag
# commit hashes
foo@abcdef1234abcdef1234abcdef1234abcdef1234 # 40 character hashes are automatically treated as git commits
Spack versions from git reference either have an associated version supplied by the user,
or infer a relationship to known versions from the structure of the git repository. If an
associated version is supplied by the user, Spack treats the git version as equivalent to that
@@ -1745,13 +1745,13 @@ directly when you run ``python``:
Using Extensions
-There are four ways to get ``numpy`` working in Python. The first is
+There are multiple ways to get ``numpy`` working in Python. The first is
to use :ref:`shell-support`. You can simply ``load`` the extension,
-and it will be added to the ``PYTHONPATH`` in your current shell:
+and it will be added to the ``PYTHONPATH`` in your current shell, and
+Python itself will be available in the ``PATH``:
.. code-block:: console
- $ spack load python
$ spack load py-numpy
Now ``import numpy`` will succeed for as long as you keep your current
@@ -1777,128 +1777,13 @@ load, you can use the ``spack module tcl|lmod loads`` command to get
the name of the module from the Spack spec.
-Activating Extensions in a View
+Extensions in an Environment
Another way to use extensions is to create a view, which merges the
python installation along with the extensions into a single prefix.
-See :ref:`configuring_environment_views` for a more in-depth description
-of views.
-Activating Extensions Globally
-As an alternative to creating a merged prefix with Python and its extensions,
-and prior to support for views, Spack has provided a means to install the
-extension into the Spack installation prefix for the extendee. This has
-typically been useful since extendable packages typically search their own
-installation path for addons by default.
-Global activations are performed with the ``spack activate`` command:
-.. _cmd-spack-activate:
-``spack activate``
-.. code-block:: console
- $ spack activate py-numpy
- ==> Activated extension py-setuptools@11.3.1%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64-3c74eb69 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
- ==> Activated extension py-nose@1.3.4%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64-5f70f816 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
- ==> Activated extension py-numpy@1.9.1%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64-66733244 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
-Several things have happened here. The user requested that
-``py-numpy`` be activated in the ``python`` installation it was built
-with. Spack knows that ``py-numpy`` depends on ``py-nose`` and
-``py-setuptools``, so it activated those packages first. Finally,
-once all dependencies were activated in the ``python`` installation,
-``py-numpy`` was activated as well.
-If we run ``spack extensions`` again, we now see the three new
-packages listed as activated:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ spack extensions python
- ==> python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64-703c7a96
- ==> 36 extensions:
- geos py-ipython py-pexpect py-pyside py-sip
- py-basemap py-libxml2 py-pil py-pytz py-six
- py-biopython py-mako py-pmw py-rpy2 py-sympy
- py-cython py-matplotlib py-pychecker py-scientificpython py-virtualenv
- py-dateutil py-mpi4py py-pygments py-scikit-learn
- py-epydoc py-mx py-pylint py-scipy
- py-gnuplot py-nose py-pyparsing py-setuptools
- py-h5py py-numpy py-pyqt py-shiboken
- ==> 12 installed:
- -- linux-debian7-x86_64 / gcc@4.4.7 --------------------------------
- py-dateutil@2.4.0 py-nose@1.3.4 py-pyside@1.2.2
- py-dateutil@2.4.0 py-numpy@1.9.1 py-pytz@2014.10
- py-ipython@2.3.1 py-pygments@2.0.1 py-setuptools@11.3.1
- py-matplotlib@1.4.2 py-pyparsing@2.0.3 py-six@1.9.0
- ==> 3 currently activated:
- -- linux-debian7-x86_64 / gcc@4.4.7 --------------------------------
- py-nose@1.3.4 py-numpy@1.9.1 py-setuptools@11.3.1
-Now, when a user runs python, ``numpy`` will be available for import
-*without* the user having to explicitly load it. ``python@2.7.8`` now
-acts like a system Python installation with ``numpy`` installed inside
-of it.
-Spack accomplishes this by symbolically linking the *entire* prefix of
-the ``py-numpy`` package into the prefix of the ``python`` package. To the
-python interpreter, it looks like ``numpy`` is installed in the
-``site-packages`` directory.
-The only limitation of global activation is that you can only have a *single*
-version of an extension activated at a time. This is because multiple
-versions of the same extension would conflict if symbolically linked
-into the same prefix. Users who want a different version of a package
-can still get it by using environment modules or views, but they will have to
-explicitly load their preferred version.
-``spack activate --force``
-If, for some reason, you want to activate a package *without* its
-dependencies, you can use ``spack activate --force``:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ spack activate --force py-numpy
- ==> Activated extension py-numpy@1.9.1%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64-66733244 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
-.. _cmd-spack-deactivate:
-``spack deactivate``
-We've seen how activating an extension can be used to set up a default
-version of a Python module. Obviously, you may want to change that at
-some point. ``spack deactivate`` is the command for this. There are
-several variants:
-* ``spack deactivate <extension>`` will deactivate a single
- extension. If another activated extension depends on this one,
- Spack will warn you and exit with an error.
-* ``spack deactivate --force <extension>`` deactivates an extension
- regardless of packages that depend on it.
-* ``spack deactivate --all <extension>`` deactivates an extension and
- all of its dependencies. Use ``--force`` to disregard dependents.
-* ``spack deactivate --all <extendee>`` deactivates *all* activated
- extensions of a package. For example, to deactivate *all* python
- extensions, use:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ spack deactivate --all python
+See :ref:`environments` for a more in-depth description
+of environment views.
Filesystem requirements
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/contribution_guide.rst b/lib/spack/docs/contribution_guide.rst
index 837a850ff9..455a420ff2 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/contribution_guide.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/contribution_guide.rst
@@ -253,27 +253,6 @@ to update them.
multiple runs of ``spack style`` just to re-compute line numbers and
makes it much easier to fix errors directly off of the CI output.
-.. warning::
- Flake8 and ``pep8-naming`` require a number of dependencies in order
- to run. If you installed ``py-flake8`` and ``py-pep8-naming``, the
- easiest way to ensure the right packages are on your ``PYTHONPATH`` is
- to run::
- spack activate py-flake8
- spack activate pep8-naming
- so that all of the dependencies are symlinked to a central
- location. If you see an error message like:
- .. code-block:: console
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File: "/usr/bin/flake8", line 5, in <module>
- from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
- ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
- that means Flake8 couldn't find setuptools in your ``PYTHONPATH``.
Documentation Tests
@@ -309,13 +288,9 @@ All of these can be installed with Spack, e.g.
.. code-block:: console
- $ spack activate py-sphinx
- $ spack activate py-sphinx-rtd-theme
- $ spack activate py-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
+ $ spack load py-sphinx py-sphinx-rtd-theme py-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
- so that all of the dependencies are symlinked into that Python's
- tree. Alternatively, you could arrange for their library
- directories to be added to PYTHONPATH. If you see an error message
+ so that all of the dependencies are added to PYTHONPATH. If you see an error message
.. code-block:: console
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/environments.rst b/lib/spack/docs/environments.rst
index 9f75f789ae..2fd51baafb 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/environments.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/environments.rst
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ packages will be listed as roots of the Environment.
All of the Spack commands that act on the list of installed specs are
Environment-sensitive in this way, including ``install``,
-``uninstall``, ``activate``, ``deactivate``, ``find``, ``extensions``,
-and more. In the :ref:`environment-configuration` section we will discuss
+``uninstall``, ``find``, ``extensions``, and more. In the
+:ref:`environment-configuration` section we will discuss
Environment-sensitive commands further.
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst b/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
index 2ceb4ce051..fb1d5edcab 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
@@ -2722,67 +2722,6 @@ extensions; as a consequence python extension packages (those inheriting from
``PythonPackage``) likewise override ``add_files_to_view`` in order to rewrite
shebang lines which point to the Python interpreter.
-Activation & deactivation
-Adding an extension to a view is referred to as an activation. If the view is
-maintained in the Spack installation prefix of the extendee this is called a
-global activation. Activations may involve updating some centralized state
-that is maintained by the extendee package, so there can be additional work
-for adding extensions compared with non-extension packages.
-Spack's ``Package`` class has default ``activate`` and ``deactivate``
-implementations that handle symbolically linking extensions' prefixes
-into a specified view. Extendable packages can override these methods
-to add custom activate/deactivate logic of their own. For example,
-the ``activate`` and ``deactivate`` methods in the Python class handle
-symbolic linking of extensions, but they also handle details surrounding
-Python's ``.pth`` files, and other aspects of Python packaging.
-Spack's extensions mechanism is designed to be extensible, so that
-other packages (like Ruby, R, Perl, etc.) can provide their own
-custom extension management logic, as they may not handle modules the
-same way that Python does.
-Let's look at Python's activate function:
-.. literalinclude:: _spack_root/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
- :pyobject: Python.activate
- :linenos:
-This function is called on the *extendee* (Python). It first calls
-``activate`` in the superclass, which handles symlinking the
-extension package's prefix into the specified view. It then does
-some special handling of the ``easy-install.pth`` file, part of
-Python's setuptools.
-Deactivate behaves similarly to activate, but it unlinks files:
-.. literalinclude:: _spack_root/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/python/
- :pyobject: Python.deactivate
- :linenos:
-Both of these methods call some custom functions in the Python
-package. See the source for Spack's Python package for details.
-Activation arguments
-You may have noticed that the ``activate`` function defined above
-takes keyword arguments. These are the keyword arguments from
-``extends()``, and they are passed to both activate and deactivate.
-This capability allows an extension to customize its own activation by
-passing arguments to the extendee. Extendees can likewise implement
-custom ``activate()`` and ``deactivate()`` functions to suit their
-The only keyword argument supported by default is the ``ignore``
-argument, which can take a regex, list of regexes, or a predicate to
-determine which files *not* to symlink during activation.
.. _virtual-dependencies:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
deleted file mode 100644
index bfb0de5528..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import llnl.util.tty as tty
-import spack.cmd
-import spack.cmd.common.arguments as arguments
-import spack.environment as ev
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
-description = "activate a package extension"
-section = "extensions"
-level = "long"
-def setup_parser(subparser):
- subparser.add_argument(
- "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="activate without first activating dependencies"
- )
- subparser.add_argument("-v", "--view", metavar="VIEW", type=str, help="the view to operate on")
- arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["installed_spec"])
-def activate(parser, args):
- tty.warn(
- "spack activate is deprecated in favor of " "environments and will be removed in v0.19.0"
- )
- specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.spec)
- if len(specs) != 1:
- tty.die("activate requires one spec. %d given." % len(specs))
- spec = spack.cmd.disambiguate_spec(specs[0], ev.active_environment())
- if not spec.package.is_extension:
- tty.die("%s is not an extension." %
- if args.view:
- target = args.view
- else:
- target = spec.package.extendee_spec.prefix
- view = YamlFilesystemView(target,
- if spec.package.is_activated(view):
- tty.msg("Package %s is already activated." % specs[0].short_spec)
- return
- # TODO: refactor FilesystemView.add_extension and use that here (so there
- # aren't two ways of activating extensions)
- spec.package.do_activate(view, with_dependencies=not args.force)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa18fc2b1..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import llnl.util.tty as tty
-import spack.cmd
-import spack.cmd.common.arguments as arguments
-import spack.environment as ev
-import spack.graph
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
-description = "deactivate a package extension"
-section = "extensions"
-level = "long"
-def setup_parser(subparser):
- subparser.add_argument(
- "-f",
- "--force",
- action="store_true",
- help="run deactivation even if spec is NOT currently activated",
- )
- subparser.add_argument("-v", "--view", metavar="VIEW", type=str, help="the view to operate on")
- subparser.add_argument(
- "-a",
- "--all",
- action="store_true",
- help="deactivate all extensions of an extendable package, or "
- "deactivate an extension AND its dependencies",
- )
- arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["installed_spec"])
-def deactivate(parser, args):
- tty.warn(
- "spack deactivate is deprecated in favor of " "environments and will be removed in v0.19.0"
- )
- specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.spec)
- if len(specs) != 1:
- tty.die("deactivate requires one spec. %d given." % len(specs))
- env = ev.active_environment()
- spec = spack.cmd.disambiguate_spec(specs[0], env)
- pkg = spec.package
- if args.view:
- target = args.view
- elif pkg.is_extension:
- target = pkg.extendee_spec.prefix
- elif pkg.extendable:
- target = spec.prefix
- view = YamlFilesystemView(target,
- if args.all:
- if pkg.extendable:
- tty.msg("Deactivating all extensions of %s" % pkg.spec.short_spec)
- ext_pkgs =, view.extensions_layout)
- for ext_pkg in ext_pkgs:
- ext_pkg.spec.normalize()
- if ext_pkg.is_activated(view):
- ext_pkg.do_deactivate(view, force=True)
- elif pkg.is_extension:
- if not args.force and not spec.package.is_activated(view):
- tty.die("%s is not activated." % pkg.spec.short_spec)
- tty.msg("Deactivating %s and all dependencies." % pkg.spec.short_spec)
- nodes_in_topological_order = spack.graph.topological_sort(spec)
- for espec in reversed(nodes_in_topological_order):
- epkg = espec.package
- if epkg.extends(pkg.extendee_spec):
- if epkg.is_activated(view) or args.force:
- epkg.do_deactivate(view, force=args.force)
- else:
- tty.die("spack deactivate --all requires an extendable package " "or an extension.")
- else:
- if not pkg.is_extension:
- tty.die(
- "spack deactivate requires an extension.", "Did you mean 'spack deactivate --all'?"
- )
- if not args.force and not spec.package.is_activated(view):
- tty.die("Package %s is not activated." % spec.short_spec)
- spec.package.do_deactivate(view, force=args.force)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index fa79f8df2d..f169d0bc21 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import spack.cmd.common.arguments as arguments
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.repo
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
description = "list extensions for package"
section = "extensions"
@@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ def setup_parser(subparser):
- choices=("packages", "installed", "activated", "all"),
+ choices=("packages", "installed", "all"),
help="show only part of output",
- subparser.add_argument("-v", "--view", metavar="VIEW", type=str, help="the view to operate on")
@@ -91,13 +89,6 @@ def extensions(parser, args):
tty.msg("%d extensions:" % len(extensions))
colify( for ext in extensions)
- if args.view:
- target = args.view
- else:
- target = spec.prefix
- view = YamlFilesystemView(target,
if in ("installed", "all"):
# List specs of installed extensions.
installed = [s.spec for s in]
@@ -109,14 +100,3 @@ def extensions(parser, args):
tty.msg("%d installed:" % len(installed))
cmd.display_specs(installed, args)
- if in ("activated", "all"):
- # List specs of activated extensions.
- activated = view.extensions_layout.extension_map(spec)
- if == "all":
- print
- if not activated:
- tty.msg("None activated.")
- else:
- tty.msg("%d activated:" % len(activated))
- cmd.display_specs(activated.values(), args)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 30ec4d8da0..74e2ec98c3 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ from spack.directory_layout import (
from spack.error import SpackError
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
from spack.util.crypto import bit_length
from spack.version import Version
@@ -1379,23 +1378,6 @@ class Database(object):
if spec.package.extends(extendee_spec):
yield spec.package
- @_autospec
- def activated_extensions_for(self, extendee_spec, extensions_layout=None):
- """
- Return the specs of all packages that extend
- the given spec
- """
- if extensions_layout is None:
- view = YamlFilesystemView(extendee_spec.prefix,
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- for spec in self.query():
- try:
- extensions_layout.check_activated(extendee_spec, spec)
- yield spec.package
- except spack.directory_layout.NoSuchExtensionError:
- continue
- # TODO: conditional way to do this instead of catching exceptions
def _get_by_hash_local(self, dag_hash, default=None, installed=any):
# hash is a full hash and is in the data somewhere
if dag_hash in self._data:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 7c49158c79..a4c13c70b7 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -468,14 +468,7 @@ def depends_on(spec, when=None, type=default_deptype, patches=None):
@directive(("extendees", "dependencies"))
def extends(spec, type=("build", "run"), **kwargs):
- """Same as depends_on, but allows symlinking into dependency's
- prefix tree.
- This is for Python and other language modules where the module
- needs to be installed into the prefix of the Python installation.
- Spack handles this by installing modules into their own prefix,
- but allowing ONE module version to be symlinked into a parent
- Python install at a time, using ``spack activate``.
+ """Same as depends_on, but also adds this package to the extendee list.
keyword arguments can be passed to extends() so that extension
packages can pass parameters to the extendee's extension
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index b5848f12a7..607f8bc39d 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ import posixpath
import re
import shutil
import sys
-import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
-import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import six
import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
@@ -389,205 +387,6 @@ class DirectoryLayout(object):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
-class ExtensionsLayout(object):
- """A directory layout is used to associate unique paths with specs for
- package extensions.
- Keeps track of which extensions are activated for what package.
- Depending on the use case, this can mean globally activated extensions
- directly in the installation folder - or extensions activated in
- filesystem views.
- """
- def __init__(self, view, **kwargs):
- self.view = view
- def add_extension(self, spec, ext_spec):
- """Add to the list of currently installed extensions."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def check_activated(self, spec, ext_spec):
- """Ensure that ext_spec can be removed from spec.
- If not, raise NoSuchExtensionError.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def check_extension_conflict(self, spec, ext_spec):
- """Ensure that ext_spec can be activated in spec.
- If not, raise ExtensionAlreadyInstalledError or
- ExtensionConflictError.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def extension_map(self, spec):
- """Get a dict of currently installed extension packages for a spec.
- Dict maps { name : extension_spec }
- Modifying dict does not affect internals of this layout.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def extendee_target_directory(self, extendee):
- """Specify to which full path extendee should link all files
- from extensions."""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def remove_extension(self, spec, ext_spec):
- """Remove from the list of currently installed extensions."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class YamlViewExtensionsLayout(ExtensionsLayout):
- """Maintain extensions within a view."""
- def __init__(self, view, layout):
- """layout is the corresponding YamlDirectoryLayout object for which
- we implement extensions.
- """
- super(YamlViewExtensionsLayout, self).__init__(view)
- self.layout = layout
- self.extension_file_name = "extensions.yaml"
- # Cache of already written/read extension maps.
- self._extension_maps = {}
- def add_extension(self, spec, ext_spec):
- _check_concrete(spec)
- _check_concrete(ext_spec)
- # Check whether it's already installed or if it's a conflict.
- exts = self._extension_map(spec)
- self.check_extension_conflict(spec, ext_spec)
- # do the actual adding.
- exts[] = ext_spec
- self._write_extensions(spec, exts)
- def check_extension_conflict(self, spec, ext_spec):
- exts = self._extension_map(spec)
- if in exts:
- installed_spec = exts[]
- if ext_spec.dag_hash() == installed_spec.dag_hash():
- raise ExtensionAlreadyInstalledError(spec, ext_spec)
- else:
- raise ExtensionConflictError(spec, ext_spec, installed_spec)
- def check_activated(self, spec, ext_spec):
- exts = self._extension_map(spec)
- if ( not in exts) or (ext_spec != exts[]):
- raise NoSuchExtensionError(spec, ext_spec)
- def extension_file_path(self, spec):
- """Gets full path to an installed package's extension file, which
- keeps track of all the extensions for that package which have been
- added to this view.
- """
- _check_concrete(spec)
- normalize_path = lambda p: (os.path.abspath(p).rstrip(os.path.sep))
- view_prefix = self.view.get_projection_for_spec(spec)
- if normalize_path(spec.prefix) == normalize_path(view_prefix):
- # For backwards compatibility, when the view is the extended
- # package's installation directory, do not include the spec name
- # as a subdirectory.
- components = [view_prefix, self.layout.metadata_dir, self.extension_file_name]
- else:
- components = [
- view_prefix,
- self.layout.metadata_dir,
- self.extension_file_name,
- ]
- return os.path.join(*components)
- def extension_map(self, spec):
- """Defensive copying version of _extension_map() for external API."""
- _check_concrete(spec)
- return self._extension_map(spec).copy()
- def remove_extension(self, spec, ext_spec):
- _check_concrete(spec)
- _check_concrete(ext_spec)
- # Make sure it's installed before removing.
- exts = self._extension_map(spec)
- self.check_activated(spec, ext_spec)
- # do the actual removing.
- del exts[]
- self._write_extensions(spec, exts)
- def _extension_map(self, spec):
- """Get a dict<name -> spec> for all extensions currently
- installed for this package."""
- _check_concrete(spec)
- if spec not in self._extension_maps:
- path = self.extension_file_path(spec)
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- self._extension_maps[spec] = {}
- else:
- by_hash = self.layout.specs_by_hash()
- exts = {}
- with open(path) as ext_file:
- yaml_file = yaml.load(ext_file)
- for entry in yaml_file["extensions"]:
- name = next(iter(entry))
- dag_hash = entry[name]["hash"]
- prefix = entry[name]["path"]
- if dag_hash not in by_hash:
- raise InvalidExtensionSpecError(
- "Spec %s not found in %s" % (dag_hash, prefix)
- )
- ext_spec = by_hash[dag_hash]
- if prefix != ext_spec.prefix:
- raise InvalidExtensionSpecError(
- "Prefix %s does not match spec hash %s: %s"
- % (prefix, dag_hash, ext_spec)
- )
- exts[] = ext_spec
- self._extension_maps[spec] = exts
- return self._extension_maps[spec]
- def _write_extensions(self, spec, extensions):
- path = self.extension_file_path(spec)
- if not extensions:
- # Remove the empty extensions file
- os.remove(path)
- return
- # Create a temp file in the same directory as the actual file.
- dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
- fs.mkdirp(dirname)
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=basename, dir=dirname, delete=False)
- # write tmp file
- with tmp:
- yaml.dump(
- {
- "extensions": [
- { {"hash": ext.dag_hash(), "path": str(ext.prefix)}}
- for ext in sorted(extensions.values())
- ]
- },
- tmp,
- default_flow_style=False,
- encoding="utf-8",
- )
- # Atomic update by moving tmpfile on top of old one.
- fs.rename(, path)
class DirectoryLayoutError(SpackError):
"""Superclass for directory layout errors."""
@@ -644,13 +443,3 @@ class ExtensionConflictError(DirectoryLayoutError):
"%s cannot be installed in %s because it conflicts with %s"
% (ext_spec.short_spec, spec.short_spec, conflict.short_spec)
-class NoSuchExtensionError(DirectoryLayoutError):
- """Raised when an extension isn't there on deactivate."""
- def __init__(self, spec, ext_spec):
- super(NoSuchExtensionError, self).__init__(
- "%s cannot be removed from %s because it's not activated."
- % (ext_spec.short_spec, spec.short_spec)
- )
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index db2d6c9477..f8cc382ef7 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -37,10 +37,6 @@ import spack.spec
import spack.util.spack_json as s_json
import spack.util.spack_yaml as s_yaml
-from spack.directory_layout import (
- ExtensionAlreadyInstalledError,
- YamlViewExtensionsLayout,
from spack.error import SpackError
__all__ = ["FilesystemView", "YamlFilesystemView"]
@@ -166,9 +162,6 @@ class FilesystemView(object):
Add given specs to view.
- The supplied specs might be standalone packages or extensions of
- other packages.
Should accept `with_dependencies` as keyword argument (default
True) to indicate wether or not dependencies should be activated as
@@ -176,13 +169,7 @@ class FilesystemView(object):
Should except an `exclude` keyword argument containing a list of
regexps that filter out matching spec names.
- This method should make use of `activate_{extension,standalone}`.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def add_extension(self, spec):
- """
- Add (link) an extension in this view. Does not add dependencies.
+ This method should make use of `activate_standalone`.
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -202,9 +189,6 @@ class FilesystemView(object):
Removes given specs from view.
- The supplied spec might be a standalone package or an extension of
- another package.
Should accept `with_dependencies` as keyword argument (default
True) to indicate wether or not dependencies should be deactivated
as well.
@@ -216,13 +200,7 @@ class FilesystemView(object):
Should except an `exclude` keyword argument containing a list of
regexps that filter out matching spec names.
- This method should make use of `deactivate_{extension,standalone}`.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def remove_extension(self, spec):
- """
- Remove (unlink) an extension from this view.
+ This method should make use of `deactivate_standalone`.
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -296,8 +274,6 @@ class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
msg += " which does not match projections passed manually."
raise ConflictingProjectionsError(msg)
- self.extensions_layout = YamlViewExtensionsLayout(self, layout)
self._croot = colorize_root(self._root) + " "
def write_projections(self):
@@ -332,38 +308,10 @@ class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
self.print_conflict(v, s)
- extensions = set(filter(lambda s: s.package.is_extension, specs))
- standalones = specs - extensions
- set(map(self._check_no_ext_conflicts, extensions))
- # fail on first error, otherwise link extensions as well
- if all(map(self.add_standalone, standalones)):
- all(map(self.add_extension, extensions))
- def add_extension(self, spec):
- if not spec.package.is_extension:
- tty.error(self._croot + "Package %s is not an extension." %
- return False
- if spec.external:
- tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping external package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec))
- return True
- if not spec.package.is_activated(self):
- spec.package.do_activate(self, verbose=self.verbose, with_dependencies=False)
- # make sure the meta folder is linked as well (this is not done by the
- # extension-activation mechnism)
- if not self.check_added(spec):
- self.link_meta_folder(spec)
- return True
+ for s in specs:
+ self.add_standalone(s)
def add_standalone(self, spec):
- if spec.package.is_extension:
- tty.error(self._croot + "Package %s is an extension." %
- return False
if spec.external:
tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping external package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec))
return True
@@ -372,19 +320,6 @@ class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping already linked package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec))
return True
- if spec.package.extendable:
- # Check for globally activated extensions in the extendee that
- # we're looking at.
- activated = [p.spec for p in]
- if activated:
- tty.error(
- "Globally activated extensions cannot be used in "
- "conjunction with filesystem views. "
- "Please deactivate the following specs: "
- )
- spack.cmd.display_specs(activated, flags=True, variants=True, long=False)
- return False
@@ -533,27 +468,10 @@ class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
# Remove the packages from the view
for spec in to_deactivate_sorted:
- if spec.package.is_extension:
- self.remove_extension(spec, with_dependents=with_dependents)
- else:
- self.remove_standalone(spec)
+ self.remove_standalone(spec)
- def remove_extension(self, spec, with_dependents=True):
- """
- Remove (unlink) an extension from this view.
- """
- if not self.check_added(spec):
- tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping package not linked in view: %s" %
- return
- if spec.package.is_activated(self):
- spec.package.do_deactivate(
- self, verbose=self.verbose, remove_dependents=with_dependents
- )
- self.unlink_meta_folder(spec)
def remove_standalone(self, spec):
Remove (unlink) a standalone package from this view.
@@ -575,14 +493,9 @@ class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
Relies on the ordering of projections to avoid ambiguity.
spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)
- # Extensions are placed by their extendee, not by their own spec
- locator_spec = spec
- if spec.package.extendee_spec:
- locator_spec = spec.package.extendee_spec
- proj = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, locator_spec)
+ proj = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, spec)
if proj:
- return os.path.join(self._root, locator_spec.format(proj))
+ return os.path.join(self._root, spec.format(proj))
return self._root
def get_all_specs(self):
@@ -712,18 +625,6 @@ class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
assert os.path.exists(path)
- def _check_no_ext_conflicts(self, spec):
- """
- Check that there is no extension conflict for specs.
- """
- extendee = spec.package.extendee_spec
- try:
- self.extensions_layout.check_extension_conflict(extendee, spec)
- except ExtensionAlreadyInstalledError:
- # we print the warning here because later on the order in which
- # packages get activated is not clear (set-sorting)
- tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping already activated package: %s" %
class SimpleFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
"""A simple and partial implementation of FilesystemView focused on
@@ -842,14 +743,9 @@ class SimpleFilesystemView(FilesystemView):
Relies on the ordering of projections to avoid ambiguity.
spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)
- # Extensions are placed by their extendee, not by their own spec
- locator_spec = spec
- if spec.package.extendee_spec:
- locator_spec = spec.package.extendee_spec
- proj = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, locator_spec)
+ proj = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, spec)
if proj:
- return os.path.join(self._root, locator_spec.format(proj))
+ return os.path.join(self._root, spec.format(proj))
return self._root
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/hooks/ b/lib/spack/spack/hooks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d7c04550..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import spack
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
-def pre_uninstall(spec):
- pkg = spec.package
- assert spec.concrete
- if pkg.is_extension:
- target = pkg.extendee_spec.prefix
- view = YamlFilesystemView(target,
- if pkg.is_activated(view):
- # deactivate globally
- pkg.do_deactivate(force=True)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 48b036e8cf..4e25cb6b04 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -1313,19 +1313,6 @@ class PackageBase(six.with_metaclass(PackageMeta, WindowsRPathMeta, PackageViewM
s = self.extendee_spec
return s and spec.satisfies(s)
- def is_activated(self, view):
- """Return True if package is activated."""
- if not self.is_extension:
- raise ValueError("is_activated called on package that is not an extension.")
- if self.extendee_spec.installed_upstream:
- # If this extends an upstream package, it cannot be activated for
- # it. This bypasses construction of the extension map, which can
- # can fail when run in the context of a downstream Spack instance
- return False
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- exts = extensions_layout.extension_map(self.extendee_spec)
- return ( in exts) and (exts[] == self.spec)
def provides(self, vpkg_name):
True if this package provides a virtual package with the specified name
@@ -2325,30 +2312,6 @@ class PackageBase(six.with_metaclass(PackageMeta, WindowsRPathMeta, PackageViewM
"""Deprecate this package in favor of deprecator spec"""
spec = self.spec
- # Check whether package to deprecate has active extensions
- if self.extendable:
- view = spack.filesystem_view.YamlFilesystemView(spec.prefix,
- active_exts = view.extensions_layout.extension_map(spec).values()
- if active_exts:
- short = spec.format("{name}/{hash:7}")
- m = "Spec %s has active extensions\n" % short
- for active in active_exts:
- m += " %s\n" % active.format("{name}/{hash:7}")
- m += "Deactivate extensions before deprecating %s" % short
- tty.die(m)
- # Check whether package to deprecate is an active extension
- if self.is_extension:
- extendee = self.extendee_spec
- view = spack.filesystem_view.YamlFilesystemView(extendee.prefix,
- if self.is_activated(view):
- short = spec.format("{name}/{hash:7}")
- short_ext = extendee.format("{name}/{hash:7}")
- msg = "Spec %s is an active extension of %s\n" % (short, short_ext)
- msg += "Deactivate %s to be able to deprecate it" % short
- tty.die(msg)
# Install deprecator if it isn't installed already
if not
@@ -2378,155 +2341,6 @@ class PackageBase(six.with_metaclass(PackageMeta, WindowsRPathMeta, PackageViewM
if not self.extendable:
raise ValueError("Package %s is not extendable!" %
- def _sanity_check_extension(self):
- if not self.is_extension:
- raise ActivationError("This package is not an extension.")
- extendee_package = self.extendee_spec.package
- extendee_package._check_extendable()
- if not self.extendee_spec.installed:
- raise ActivationError("Can only (de)activate extensions for installed packages.")
- if not self.spec.installed:
- raise ActivationError("Extensions must first be installed.")
- if not in self.extendees:
- raise ActivationError("%s does not extend %s!" % (,
- def do_activate(self, view=None, with_dependencies=True, verbose=True):
- """Called on an extension to invoke the extendee's activate method.
- Commands should call this routine, and should not call
- activate() directly.
- """
- if verbose:
- tty.msg(
- "Activating extension {0} for {1}".format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec
- )
- )
- self._sanity_check_extension()
- if not view:
- view = YamlFilesystemView(self.extendee_spec.prefix,
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- try:
- extensions_layout.check_extension_conflict(self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- except spack.directory_layout.ExtensionAlreadyInstalledError as e:
- # already installed, let caller know
- tty.msg(e.message)
- return
- # Activate any package dependencies that are also extensions.
- if with_dependencies:
- for spec in self.dependency_activations():
- if not spec.package.is_activated(view):
- spec.package.do_activate(
- view, with_dependencies=with_dependencies, verbose=verbose
- )
- self.extendee_spec.package.activate(self, view, **self.extendee_args)
- extensions_layout.add_extension(self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- if verbose:
- tty.debug(
- "Activated extension {0} for {1}".format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec
- )
- )
- def dependency_activations(self):
- return (
- spec
- for spec in self.spec.traverse(root=False, deptype="run")
- if spec.package.extends(self.extendee_spec)
- )
- def activate(self, extension, view, **kwargs):
- """
- Add the extension to the specified view.
- Package authors can override this function to maintain some
- centralized state related to the set of activated extensions
- for a package.
- Spack internals (commands, hooks, etc.) should call
- do_activate() method so that proper checks are always executed.
- """
- view.merge(extension.spec, ignore=kwargs.get("ignore", None))
- def do_deactivate(self, view=None, **kwargs):
- """Remove this extension package from the specified view. Called
- on the extension to invoke extendee's deactivate() method.
- `remove_dependents=True` deactivates extensions depending on this
- package instead of raising an error.
- """
- self._sanity_check_extension()
- force = kwargs.get("force", False)
- verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True)
- remove_dependents = kwargs.get("remove_dependents", False)
- if verbose:
- tty.msg(
- "Deactivating extension {0} for {1}".format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec
- )
- )
- if not view:
- view = YamlFilesystemView(self.extendee_spec.prefix,
- extensions_layout = view.extensions_layout
- # Allow a force deactivate to happen. This can unlink
- # spurious files if something was corrupted.
- if not force:
- extensions_layout.check_activated(self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- activated = extensions_layout.extension_map(self.extendee_spec)
- for name, aspec in activated.items():
- if aspec == self.spec:
- continue
- for dep in aspec.traverse(deptype="run"):
- if self.spec == dep:
- if remove_dependents:
- aspec.package.do_deactivate(**kwargs)
- else:
- msg = (
- "Cannot deactivate {0} because {1} is "
- "activated and depends on it"
- )
- raise ActivationError(
- msg.format(self.spec.cshort_spec, aspec.cshort_spec)
- )
- self.extendee_spec.package.deactivate(self, view, **self.extendee_args)
- # redundant activation check -- makes SURE the spec is not
- # still activated even if something was wrong above.
- if self.is_activated(view):
- extensions_layout.remove_extension(self.extendee_spec, self.spec)
- if verbose:
- tty.debug(
- "Deactivated extension {0} for {1}".format(
- self.spec.cshort_spec, self.extendee_spec.cshort_spec
- )
- )
- def deactivate(self, extension, view, **kwargs):
- """
- Remove all extension files from the specified view.
- Package authors can override this method to support other
- extension mechanisms. Spack internals (commands, hooks, etc.)
- should call do_deactivate() method so that proper checks are
- always executed.
- """
- view.unmerge(extension.spec, ignore=kwargs.get("ignore", None))
def view(self):
"""Create a view with the prefix of this package as the root.
Extensions added to this view will modify the installation prefix of
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ba35cc988..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import sys
-import pytest
-from spack.main import SpackCommand
-activate = SpackCommand("activate")
-deactivate = SpackCommand("deactivate")
-install = SpackCommand("install")
-extensions = SpackCommand("extensions")
-pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="does not run on windows")
-def test_activate(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery):
- install("extension1")
- activate("extension1")
- output = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1" in output
-def test_deactivate(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery):
- install("extension1")
- activate("extension1")
- deactivate("extension1")
- output = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1" not in output
-def test_deactivate_all(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery):
- install("extension1")
- install("extension2")
- activate("extension1")
- activate("extension2")
- deactivate("--all", "extendee")
- output = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1" not in output
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
index b1fe8ca059..105dadab30 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ install = SpackCommand("install")
uninstall = SpackCommand("uninstall")
deprecate = SpackCommand("deprecate")
find = SpackCommand("find")
-activate = SpackCommand("activate")
pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="does not run on windows")
@@ -89,24 +88,6 @@ def test_deprecate_deps(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, install_mockery
assert sorted(deprecated) == sorted(list(old_spec.traverse()))
-def test_deprecate_fails_active_extensions(
- mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, install_mockery
- """Tests that active extensions and their extendees cannot be
- deprecated."""
- install("extendee")
- install("extension1")
- activate("extension1")
- output = deprecate("-yi", "extendee", "extendee@nonexistent", fail_on_error=False)
- assert "extension1" in output
- assert "Deactivate extensions before deprecating" in output
- output = deprecate("-yiD", "extension1", "extension1@notaversion", fail_on_error=False)
- assert "extendee" in output
- assert "is an active extension of" in output
def test_uninstall_deprecated(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, install_mockery):
"""Tests that we can still uninstall deprecated packages."""
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
index c4e849365f..1ccda8aef1 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -35,12 +35,11 @@ def python_database(mock_packages, mutable_database):
def test_extensions(mock_packages, python_database, config, capsys):
ext2 = Spec("py-extension2").concretized()
- def check_output(ni, na):
+ def check_output(ni):
with capsys.disabled():
output = extensions("python")
packages = extensions("-s", "packages", "python")
installed = extensions("-s", "installed", "python")
- activated = extensions("-s", "activated", "python")
assert "==> python@2.7.11" in output
assert "==> 2 extensions" in output
assert "py-extension1" in output
@@ -50,26 +49,13 @@ def test_extensions(mock_packages, python_database, config, capsys):
assert "py-extension1" in packages
assert "py-extension2" in packages
assert "installed" not in packages
- assert "activated" not in packages
assert ("%s installed" % (ni if ni else "None")) in output
- assert ("%s activated" % (na if na else "None")) in output
assert ("%s installed" % (ni if ni else "None")) in installed
- assert ("%s activated" % (na if na else "None")) in activated
- check_output(2, 0)
- ext2.package.do_activate()
- check_output(2, 2)
- ext2.package.do_deactivate(force=True)
- check_output(2, 1)
- ext2.package.do_activate()
- check_output(2, 2)
+ check_output(2)
- check_output(1, 1)
+ check_output(1)
def test_extensions_no_arguments(mock_packages):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
index 67c4275ddd..84693f1bf4 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import spack.util.spack_yaml as s_yaml
from spack.main import SpackCommand
from spack.spec import Spec
-activate = SpackCommand("activate")
extensions = SpackCommand("extensions")
install = SpackCommand("install")
view = SpackCommand("view")
@@ -135,46 +134,9 @@ def test_view_extension(tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config,
assert "extension1@1.0" in all_installed
assert "extension1@2.0" in all_installed
assert "extension2@1.0" in all_installed
- global_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" not in global_activated
- assert "extension1@2.0" not in global_activated
- assert "extension2@1.0" not in global_activated
- view_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "-v", viewpath, "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" in view_activated
- assert "extension1@2.0" not in view_activated
- assert "extension2@1.0" not in view_activated
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(viewpath, "bin", "extension1"))
-def test_view_extension_projection(
- tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery
- install("extendee@1.0")
- install("extension1@1.0")
- install("extension1@2.0")
- install("extension2@1.0")
- viewpath = str(tmpdir.mkdir("view"))
- view_projection = {"all": "{name}-{version}"}
- projection_file = create_projection_file(tmpdir, view_projection)
- view("symlink", viewpath, "--projection-file={0}".format(projection_file), "extension1@1.0")
- all_installed = extensions("--show", "installed", "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" in all_installed
- assert "extension1@2.0" in all_installed
- assert "extension2@1.0" in all_installed
- global_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" not in global_activated
- assert "extension1@2.0" not in global_activated
- assert "extension2@1.0" not in global_activated
- view_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "-v", viewpath, "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" in view_activated
- assert "extension1@2.0" not in view_activated
- assert "extension2@1.0" not in view_activated
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(viewpath, "extendee-1.0", "bin", "extension1"))
def test_view_extension_remove(
tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery
@@ -185,10 +147,6 @@ def test_view_extension_remove(
view("remove", viewpath, "extension1@1.0")
all_installed = extensions("--show", "installed", "extendee")
assert "extension1@1.0" in all_installed
- global_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" not in global_activated
- view_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "-v", viewpath, "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" not in view_activated
assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(viewpath, "bin", "extension1"))
@@ -217,46 +175,6 @@ def test_view_extension_conflict_ignored(
assert == "1.0"
-def test_view_extension_global_activation(
- tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery
- install("extendee")
- install("extension1@1.0")
- install("extension1@2.0")
- install("extension2@1.0")
- viewpath = str(tmpdir.mkdir("view"))
- view("symlink", viewpath, "extension1@1.0")
- activate("extension1@2.0")
- activate("extension2@1.0")
- all_installed = extensions("--show", "installed", "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" in all_installed
- assert "extension1@2.0" in all_installed
- assert "extension2@1.0" in all_installed
- global_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" not in global_activated
- assert "extension1@2.0" in global_activated
- assert "extension2@1.0" in global_activated
- view_activated = extensions("--show", "activated", "-v", viewpath, "extendee")
- assert "extension1@1.0" in view_activated
- assert "extension1@2.0" not in view_activated
- assert "extension2@1.0" not in view_activated
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(viewpath, "bin", "extension1"))
- assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(viewpath, "bin", "extension2"))
-def test_view_extendee_with_global_activations(
- tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery
- install("extendee")
- install("extension1@1.0")
- install("extension1@2.0")
- install("extension2@1.0")
- viewpath = str(tmpdir.mkdir("view"))
- activate("extension1@2.0")
- output = view("symlink", viewpath, "extension1@1.0")
- assert "Error: Globally activated extensions cannot be used" in output
def test_view_fails_with_missing_projections_file(tmpdir):
viewpath = str(tmpdir.mkdir("view"))
projection_file = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "nonexistent")
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index 3a22abcd7c..8b13c13fbb 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -84,12 +84,6 @@ class TestPackage(object):
# Will error if inheritor package cannot find inherited patch files
- def test_dependency_extensions(self):
- s = Spec("extension2")
- s.concretize()
- deps = set( for x in s.package.dependency_activations())
- assert deps == set(["extension1"])
def test_import_class_from_package(self):
from spack.pkg.builtin.mock.mpich import Mpich # noqa: F401
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a478b5d3..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-"""This includes tests for customized activation logic for specific packages
- (e.g. python and perl).
-import os
-import sys
-import pytest
-from llnl.util.link_tree import MergeConflictError
-import spack.package_base
-import spack.spec
-from spack.directory_layout import DirectoryLayout
-from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
-pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
- sys.platform == "win32",
- reason="Python activation not currently supported on Windows",
-def create_ext_pkg(name, prefix, extendee_spec, monkeypatch):
- ext_spec = spack.spec.Spec(name)
- ext_spec._concrete = True
- ext_spec.package.spec.prefix = prefix
- ext_pkg = ext_spec.package
- # temporarily override extendee_spec property on the package
- monkeypatch.setattr(ext_pkg.__class__, "extendee_spec", extendee_spec)
- return ext_pkg
-def create_python_ext_pkg(name, prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, namespace=None):
- ext_pkg = create_ext_pkg(name, prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch)
- ext_pkg.py_namespace = namespace
- return ext_pkg
-def create_dir_structure(tmpdir, dir_structure):
- for fname, children in dir_structure.items():
- tmpdir.ensure(fname, dir=fname.endswith("/"))
- if children:
- create_dir_structure(tmpdir.join(fname), children)
-def builtin_and_mock_packages():
- # These tests use mock_repo packages to test functionality of builtin
- # packages for python and perl. To test this we put the mock repo at lower
- # precedence than the builtin repo, so we test builtin.perl against
- # builtin.mock.perl-extension.
- repo_dirs = [spack.paths.packages_path, spack.paths.mock_packages_path]
- with spack.repo.use_repositories(*repo_dirs):
- yield
-def python_and_extension_dirs(tmpdir, builtin_and_mock_packages):
- python_dirs = {"bin/": {"python": None}, "lib/": {"python2.7/": {"site-packages/": None}}}
- python_name = "python"
- python_prefix = tmpdir.join(python_name)
- create_dir_structure(python_prefix, python_dirs)
- python_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python@2.7.12")
- python_spec._concrete = True
- python_spec.package.spec.prefix = str(python_prefix)
- ext_dirs = {
- "bin/": {"py-ext-tool": None},
- "lib/": {"python2.7/": {"site-packages/": {"py-extension1/": {"": None}}}},
- }
- ext_name = "py-extension1"
- ext_prefix = tmpdir.join(ext_name)
- create_dir_structure(ext_prefix, ext_dirs)
- easy_install_location = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth"
- with open(str(ext_prefix.join(easy_install_location)), "w") as f:
- f.write(
- """path/to/ext1.egg
- )
- return str(python_prefix), str(ext_prefix)
-def namespace_extensions(tmpdir, builtin_and_mock_packages):
- ext1_dirs = {
- "bin/": {"py-ext-tool1": None},
- "lib/": {
- "python2.7/": {
- "site-packages/": {
- "examplenamespace/": {"": None, "": None}
- }
- }
- },
- }
- ext2_dirs = {
- "bin/": {"py-ext-tool2": None},
- "lib/": {
- "python2.7/": {
- "site-packages/": {
- "examplenamespace/": {"": None, "": None}
- }
- }
- },
- }
- ext1_name = "py-extension1"
- ext1_prefix = tmpdir.join(ext1_name)
- create_dir_structure(ext1_prefix, ext1_dirs)
- ext2_name = "py-extension2"
- ext2_prefix = tmpdir.join(ext2_name)
- create_dir_structure(ext2_prefix, ext2_dirs)
- return str(ext1_prefix), str(ext2_prefix), "examplenamespace"
-def test_python_activation_with_files(
- tmpdir, python_and_extension_dirs, monkeypatch, builtin_and_mock_packages
- python_prefix, ext_prefix = python_and_extension_dirs
- python_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python@2.7.12")
- python_spec._concrete = True
- python_spec.package.spec.prefix = python_prefix
- ext_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg("py-extension1", ext_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch)
- python_pkg = python_spec.package
- python_pkg.activate(ext_pkg, python_pkg.view())
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(python_prefix, "bin/py-ext-tool"))
- easy_install_location = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth"
- with open(os.path.join(python_prefix, easy_install_location), "r") as f:
- easy_install_contents =
- assert "ext1.egg" in easy_install_contents
- assert "setuptools.egg" not in easy_install_contents
-def test_python_activation_view(
- tmpdir, python_and_extension_dirs, builtin_and_mock_packages, monkeypatch
- python_prefix, ext_prefix = python_and_extension_dirs
- python_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python@2.7.12")
- python_spec._concrete = True
- python_spec.package.spec.prefix = python_prefix
- ext_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg("py-extension1", ext_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch)
- view_dir = str(tmpdir.join("view"))
- layout = DirectoryLayout(view_dir)
- view = YamlFilesystemView(view_dir, layout)
- python_pkg = python_spec.package
- python_pkg.activate(ext_pkg, view)
- assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(python_prefix, "bin/py-ext-tool"))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, "bin/py-ext-tool"))
-def test_python_ignore_namespace_init_conflict(
- tmpdir, namespace_extensions, builtin_and_mock_packages, monkeypatch
- """Test the view update logic in PythonPackage ignores conflicting
- instances of __init__ for packages which are in the same namespace.
- """
- ext1_prefix, ext2_prefix, py_namespace = namespace_extensions
- python_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python@2.7.12")
- python_spec._concrete = True
- ext1_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg(
- "py-extension1", ext1_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, py_namespace
- )
- ext2_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg(
- "py-extension2", ext2_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, py_namespace
- )
- view_dir = str(tmpdir.join("view"))
- layout = DirectoryLayout(view_dir)
- view = YamlFilesystemView(view_dir, layout)
- python_pkg = python_spec.package
- python_pkg.activate(ext1_pkg, view)
- # Normally handled by Package.do_activate, but here we activate directly
- view.extensions_layout.add_extension(python_spec, ext1_pkg.spec)
- python_pkg.activate(ext2_pkg, view)
- f1 = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/examplenamespace/"
- f2 = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/examplenamespace/"
- init_file = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/examplenamespace/"
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, f1))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, f2))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, init_file))
-def test_python_keep_namespace_init(
- tmpdir, namespace_extensions, builtin_and_mock_packages, monkeypatch
- """Test the view update logic in PythonPackage keeps the namespace
- __init__ file as long as one package in the namespace still
- exists.
- """
- ext1_prefix, ext2_prefix, py_namespace = namespace_extensions
- python_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python@2.7.12")
- python_spec._concrete = True
- ext1_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg(
- "py-extension1", ext1_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, py_namespace
- )
- ext2_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg(
- "py-extension2", ext2_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, py_namespace
- )
- view_dir = str(tmpdir.join("view"))
- layout = DirectoryLayout(view_dir)
- view = YamlFilesystemView(view_dir, layout)
- python_pkg = python_spec.package
- python_pkg.activate(ext1_pkg, view)
- # Normally handled by Package.do_activate, but here we activate directly
- view.extensions_layout.add_extension(python_spec, ext1_pkg.spec)
- python_pkg.activate(ext2_pkg, view)
- view.extensions_layout.add_extension(python_spec, ext2_pkg.spec)
- f1 = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/examplenamespace/"
- init_file = "lib/python2.7/site-packages/examplenamespace/"
- python_pkg.deactivate(ext1_pkg, view)
- view.extensions_layout.remove_extension(python_spec, ext1_pkg.spec)
- assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, f1))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, init_file))
- python_pkg.deactivate(ext2_pkg, view)
- view.extensions_layout.remove_extension(python_spec, ext2_pkg.spec)
- assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, init_file))
-def test_python_namespace_conflict(
- tmpdir, namespace_extensions, monkeypatch, builtin_and_mock_packages
- """Test the view update logic in PythonPackage reports an error when two
- python extensions with different namespaces have a conflicting __init__
- file.
- """
- ext1_prefix, ext2_prefix, py_namespace = namespace_extensions
- other_namespace = py_namespace + "other"
- python_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python@2.7.12")
- python_spec._concrete = True
- ext1_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg(
- "py-extension1", ext1_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, py_namespace
- )
- ext2_pkg = create_python_ext_pkg(
- "py-extension2", ext2_prefix, python_spec, monkeypatch, other_namespace
- )
- view_dir = str(tmpdir.join("view"))
- layout = DirectoryLayout(view_dir)
- view = YamlFilesystemView(view_dir, layout)
- python_pkg = python_spec.package
- python_pkg.activate(ext1_pkg, view)
- view.extensions_layout.add_extension(python_spec, ext1_pkg.spec)
- with pytest.raises(MergeConflictError):
- python_pkg.activate(ext2_pkg, view)
-def perl_and_extension_dirs(tmpdir, builtin_and_mock_packages):
- perl_dirs = {
- "bin/": {"perl": None},
- "lib/": {"site_perl/": {"5.24.1/": {"x86_64-linux/": None}}},
- }
- perl_name = "perl"
- perl_prefix = tmpdir.join(perl_name)
- create_dir_structure(perl_prefix, perl_dirs)
- perl_spec = spack.spec.Spec("perl@5.24.1")
- perl_spec._concrete = True
- perl_spec.package.spec.prefix = str(perl_prefix)
- ext_dirs = {
- "bin/": {"perl-ext-tool": None},
- "lib/": {"site_perl/": {"5.24.1/": {"x86_64-linux/": {"TestExt/": {}}}}},
- }
- ext_name = "perl-extension"
- ext_prefix = tmpdir.join(ext_name)
- create_dir_structure(ext_prefix, ext_dirs)
- return str(perl_prefix), str(ext_prefix)
-def test_perl_activation(tmpdir, builtin_and_mock_packages, monkeypatch):
- # Note the lib directory is based partly on the perl version
- perl_spec = spack.spec.Spec("perl@5.24.1")
- perl_spec._concrete = True
- perl_name = "perl"
- tmpdir.ensure(perl_name, dir=True)
- perl_prefix = str(tmpdir.join(perl_name))
- # Set the prefix on the package's spec reference because that is a copy of
- # the original spec
- perl_spec.package.spec.prefix = perl_prefix
- ext_name = "perl-extension"
- tmpdir.ensure(ext_name, dir=True)
- ext_pkg = create_ext_pkg(ext_name, str(tmpdir.join(ext_name)), perl_spec, monkeypatch)
- perl_pkg = perl_spec.package
- perl_pkg.activate(ext_pkg, perl_pkg.view())
-def test_perl_activation_with_files(
- tmpdir, perl_and_extension_dirs, monkeypatch, builtin_and_mock_packages
- perl_prefix, ext_prefix = perl_and_extension_dirs
- perl_spec = spack.spec.Spec("perl@5.24.1")
- perl_spec._concrete = True
- perl_spec.package.spec.prefix = perl_prefix
- ext_pkg = create_ext_pkg("perl-extension", ext_prefix, perl_spec, monkeypatch)
- perl_pkg = perl_spec.package
- perl_pkg.activate(ext_pkg, perl_pkg.view())
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(perl_prefix, "bin/perl-ext-tool"))
-def test_perl_activation_view(
- tmpdir, perl_and_extension_dirs, monkeypatch, builtin_and_mock_packages
- perl_prefix, ext_prefix = perl_and_extension_dirs
- perl_spec = spack.spec.Spec("perl@5.24.1")
- perl_spec._concrete = True
- perl_spec.package.spec.prefix = perl_prefix
- ext_pkg = create_ext_pkg("perl-extension", ext_prefix, perl_spec, monkeypatch)
- view_dir = str(tmpdir.join("view"))
- layout = DirectoryLayout(view_dir)
- view = YamlFilesystemView(view_dir, layout)
- perl_pkg = perl_spec.package
- perl_pkg.activate(ext_pkg, view)
- assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(perl_prefix, "bin/perl-ext-tool"))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(view_dir, "bin/perl-ext-tool"))
-def test_is_activated_upstream_extendee(tmpdir, builtin_and_mock_packages, monkeypatch):
- """When an extendee is installed upstream, make sure that the extension
- spec is never considered to be globally activated for it.
- """
- extendee_spec = spack.spec.Spec("python")
- extendee_spec._concrete = True
- python_name = "python"
- tmpdir.ensure(python_name, dir=True)
- python_prefix = str(tmpdir.join(python_name))
- # Set the prefix on the package's spec reference because that is a copy of
- # the original spec
- extendee_spec.package.spec.prefix = python_prefix
- monkeypatch.setattr(extendee_spec.__class__, "installed_upstream", True)
- ext_name = "py-extension1"
- tmpdir.ensure(ext_name, dir=True)
- ext_pkg = create_ext_pkg(ext_name, str(tmpdir.join(ext_name)), extendee_spec, monkeypatch)
- # The view should not be checked at all if the extendee is installed
- # upstream, so use 'None' here
- mock_view = None
- assert not ext_pkg.is_activated(mock_view)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index d2801f12ba..6f9283d9f8 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-import os
import sys
import pytest
@@ -14,26 +13,6 @@ from spack.spec import Spec
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="Not supported on Windows (yet)")
-def test_global_activation(install_mockery, mock_fetch):
- """This test ensures that views which are maintained inside of an extendee
- package's prefix are maintained as expected and are compatible with
- global activations prior to #7152.
- """
- spec = Spec("extension1").concretized()
- pkg = spec.package
- pkg.do_install()
- pkg.do_activate()
- extendee_spec = spec["extendee"]
- extendee_pkg = spec["extendee"].package
- view = extendee_pkg.view()
- assert pkg.is_activated(view)
- expected_path = os.path.join(extendee_spec.prefix, ".spack", "extensions.yaml")
- assert view.extensions_layout.extension_file_path(extendee_spec) == expected_path
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="Not supported on Windows (yet)")
def test_remove_extensions_ordered(install_mockery, mock_fetch, tmpdir):
view_dir = str(tmpdir.join("view"))
layout = DirectoryLayout(view_dir)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 9d910bc43d..e18c98373d 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -162,39 +162,12 @@ def check_spec_manifest(spec):
results.add_error(prefix, "manifest corrupted")
return results
- # Get extensions active in spec
- view = spack.filesystem_view.YamlFilesystemView(prefix,
- active_exts = view.extensions_layout.extension_map(spec).values()
- ext_file = ""
- if active_exts:
- # No point checking contents of this file as it is the only source of
- # truth for that information.
- ext_file = view.extensions_layout.extension_file_path(spec)
- def is_extension_artifact(p):
- if os.path.islink(p):
- if any(os.readlink(p).startswith(e.prefix) for e in active_exts):
- # This file is linked in by an extension. Belongs to extension
- return True
- elif os.path.isdir(p) and p not in manifest:
- if all(is_extension_artifact(os.path.join(p, f)) for f in os.listdir(p)):
- return True
- return False
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(prefix):
for entry in list(dirs + files):
path = os.path.join(root, entry)
- # Do not check links from prefix to active extension
- # TODO: make this stricter for non-linux systems that use symlink
- # permissions
- # Do not check directories that only exist for extensions
- if is_extension_artifact(path):
- continue
# Do not check manifest file. Can't store your own hash
- # Nothing to check for ext_file
- if path == manifest_file or path == ext_file:
+ if path == manifest_file:
data = manifest.pop(path, {})