path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 453 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/data/unparse/legion.txt b/lib/spack/spack/test/data/unparse/legion.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4c937f0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/data/unparse/legion.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""This is an unparser test package.
+``legion`` was chosen because it was very complex and because it was the only package in
+Spack that used a multi-argument print statement, which needs to be handled consistently
+across python versions *despite* the fact that it produces different ASTs and different
+semantics for Python 2 and 3.
+import os
+from spack import *
+class Legion(CMakePackage):
+ """Legion is a data-centric parallel programming system for writing
+ portable high performance programs targeted at distributed heterogeneous
+ architectures. Legion presents abstractions which allow programmers to
+ describe properties of program data (e.g. independence, locality). By
+ making the Legion programming system aware of the structure of program
+ data, it can automate many of the tedious tasks programmers currently
+ face, including correctly extracting task- and data-level parallelism
+ and moving data around complex memory hierarchies. A novel mapping
+ interface provides explicit programmer controlled placement of data in
+ the memory hierarchy and assignment of tasks to processors in a way
+ that is orthogonal to correctness, thereby enabling easy porting and
+ tuning of Legion applications to new architectures."""
+ homepage = ""
+ git = ""
+ maintainers = ['pmccormick', 'streichler']
+ tags = ['e4s']
+ version('21.03.0', tag='legion-21.03.0')
+ version('stable', branch='stable')
+ version('master', branch='master')
+ version('cr', branch='control_replication')
+ depends_on("cmake@3.16:", type='build')
+ # TODO: Need to spec version of MPI v3 for use of the low-level MPI transport
+ # layer. At present the MPI layer is still experimental and we discourge its
+ # use for general (not legion development) use cases.
+ depends_on('mpi', when='network=mpi')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='network=gasnet') # MPI is required to build gasnet (needs mpicc).
+ depends_on('ucx', when='conduit=ucx')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='conduit=mpi')
+ depends_on('cuda@10.0:11.9', when='+cuda_unsupported_compiler')
+ depends_on('cuda@10.0:11.9', when='+cuda')
+ depends_on('hdf5', when='+hdf5')
+ depends_on('hwloc', when='+hwloc')
+ # cuda-centric
+ # reminder for arch numbers to names: 60=pascal, 70=volta, 75=turing, 80=ampere
+ # TODO: we could use a map here to clean up and use naming vs. numbers.
+ cuda_arch_list = ('60', '70', '75', '80')
+ for nvarch in cuda_arch_list:
+ depends_on('kokkos@3.3.01+cuda+cuda_lambda+wrapper cuda_arch={0}'.format(nvarch),
+ when='%gcc+kokkos+cuda cuda_arch={0}'.format(nvarch))
+ depends_on("kokkos@3.3.01+cuda+cuda_lambda~wrapper cuda_arch={0}".format(nvarch),
+ when="%clang+kokkos+cuda cuda_arch={0}".format(nvarch))
+ depends_on('kokkos@3.3.01~cuda', when='+kokkos~cuda')
+ depends_on("kokkos@3.3.01~cuda+openmp", when='+kokkos+openmp')
+ depends_on('python@3', when='+python')
+ depends_on('papi', when='+papi')
+ depends_on('zlib', when='+zlib')
+ # TODO: Need a AMD/HIP variant to match support landing in 21.03.0.
+ # Network transport layer: the underlying data transport API should be used for
+ # distributed data movement. For Legion, gasnet is the currently the most
+ # mature. We have many users that default to using no network layer for
+ # day-to-day development thus we default to 'none'. MPI support is new and
+ # should be considered as a beta release.
+ variant('network', default='none',
+ values=('gasnet', 'mpi', 'none'),
+ description="The network communications/transport layer to use.",
+ multi=False)
+ # Add Gasnet tarball dependency in spack managed manner
+ # TODO: Provide less mutable tag instead of branch
+ resource(name='stanfordgasnet',
+ git='',
+ destination='stanfordgasnet',
+ branch='master',
+ when='network=gasnet')
+ # We default to automatically embedding a gasnet build. To override this
+ # point the package a pre-installed version of GASNet-Ex via the gasnet_root
+ # variant.
+ #
+ # make sure we have a valid directory provided for gasnet_root...
+ def validate_gasnet_root(value):
+ if value == 'none':
+ return True
+ if not os.path.isdir(value):
+ print(("gasnet_root:", value, "-- no such directory."))
+ print("gasnet_root:", value, "-- no such directory.")
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ variant('gasnet_root',
+ default='none',
+ values=validate_gasnet_root,
+ description="Path to a pre-installed version of GASNet (prefix directory).",
+ multi=False)
+ conflicts('gasnet_root', when="network=mpi")
+ variant('conduit', default='none',
+ values=('aries', 'ibv', 'udp', 'mpi', 'ucx', 'none'),
+ description="The gasnet conduit(s) to enable.",
+ multi=False)
+ conflicts('conduit=none', when='network=gasnet',
+ msg="a conduit must be selected when 'network=gasnet'")
+ gasnet_conduits = ('aries', 'ibv', 'udp', 'mpi', 'ucx')
+ for c in gasnet_conduits:
+ conflict_str = 'conduit=%s' % c
+ conflicts(conflict_str, when='network=mpi',
+ msg="conduit attribute requires 'network=gasnet'.")
+ conflicts(conflict_str, when='network=none',
+ msg="conduit attribute requires 'network=gasnet'.")
+ variant('gasnet_debug', default=False,
+ description="Build gasnet with debugging enabled.")
+ conflicts('+gasnet_debug', when='network=mpi')
+ conflicts('+gasnet_debug', when='network=none')
+ variant('shared', default=False,
+ description="Build shared libraries.")
+ variant('bounds_checks', default=False,
+ description="Enable bounds checking in Legion accessors.")
+ variant('privilege_checks', default=False,
+ description="Enable runtime privildge checks in Legion accessors.")
+ variant('enable_tls', default=False,
+ description="Enable thread-local-storage of the Legion context.")
+ variant('output_level', default='warning',
+ # Note: these values are dependent upon those used in the cmake config.
+ values=("spew", "debug", "info", "print", "warning", "error", "fatal",
+ "none"),
+ description="Set the compile-time logging level.",
+ multi=False)
+ variant('spy', default=False,
+ description="Enable detailed logging for Legion Spy debugging.")
+ # note: we will be dependent upon spack's latest-and-greatest cuda version...
+ variant('cuda', default=False,
+ description="Enable CUDA support.")
+ variant('cuda_hijack', default=False,
+ description="Hijack application calls into the CUDA runtime (+cuda).")
+ variant('cuda_arch', default='70',
+ values=cuda_arch_list,
+ description="GPU/CUDA architecture to build for.",
+ multi=False)
+ variant('cuda_unsupported_compiler', default=False,
+ description="Disable nvcc version check (--allow-unsupported-compiler).")
+ conflicts('+cuda_hijack', when='~cuda')
+ variant('fortran', default=False,
+ description="Enable Fortran bindings.")
+ variant('hdf5', default=False,
+ description="Enable support for HDF5.")
+ variant('hwloc', default=False,
+ description="Use hwloc for topology awareness.")
+ variant('kokkos', default=False,
+ description="Enable support for interoperability with Kokkos.")
+ variant('bindings', default=False,
+ description="Build runtime language bindings (excl. Fortran).")
+ variant('libdl', default=True,
+ description="Enable support for dynamic object/library loading.")
+ variant('openmp', default=False,
+ description="Enable support for OpenMP within Legion tasks.")
+ variant('papi', default=False,
+ description="Enable PAPI performance measurements.")
+ variant('python', default=False,
+ description="Enable Python support.")
+ variant('zlib', default=True,
+ description="Enable zlib support.")
+ variant('redop_complex', default=False,
+ description="Use reduction operators for complex types.")
+ variant('max_dims', values=int, default=3,
+ description="Set max number of dimensions for logical regions.")
+ variant('max_fields', values=int, default=512,
+ description="Maximum number of fields allowed in a logical region.")
+ def cmake_args(self):
+ spec = self.spec
+ cmake_cxx_flags = []
+ options = []
+ if 'network=gasnet' in spec:
+ options.append('-DLegion_NETWORKS=gasnetex')
+ if spec.variants['gasnet_root'].value != 'none':
+ gasnet_dir = spec.variants['gasnet_root'].value
+ options.append('-DGASNet_ROOT_DIR=%s' % gasnet_dir)
+ else:
+ gasnet_dir = join_path(self.stage.source_path,
+ "stanfordgasnet",
+ "gasnet")
+ options.append('-DLegion_EMBED_GASNet=ON')
+ options.append('-DLegion_EMBED_GASNet_LOCALSRC=%s' % gasnet_dir)
+ gasnet_conduit = spec.variants['conduit'].value
+ options.append('-DGASNet_CONDUIT=%s' % gasnet_conduit)
+ if '+gasnet_debug' in spec:
+ options.append('-DLegion_EMBED_GASNet_CONFIGURE_ARGS=--enable-debug')
+ elif 'network=mpi' in spec:
+ options.append('-DLegion_NETWORKS=mpi')
+ if spec.variants['gasnet_root'].value != 'none':
+ raise InstallError("'gasnet_root' is only valid when 'network=gasnet'.")
+ else:
+ if spec.variants['gasnet_root'].value != 'none':
+ raise InstallError("'gasnet_root' is only valid when 'network=gasnet'.")
+ options.append('-DLegion_EMBED_GASNet=OFF')
+ if '+shared' in spec:
+ options.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON')
+ else:
+ options.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF')
+ if '+bounds_checks' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_BOUNDS_CHECKS=ON')
+ if '+privilege_checks' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_PRIVILEGE_CHECKS=ON')
+ if '+enable_tls' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_ENABLE_TLS=ON')
+ if 'output_level' in spec:
+ level = str.upper(spec.variants['output_level'].value)
+ options.append('-DLegion_OUTPUT_LEVEL=%s' % level)
+ if '+spy' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_SPY=ON')
+ if '+cuda' in spec:
+ cuda_arch = spec.variants['cuda_arch'].value
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_CUDA=ON')
+ options.append('-DLegion_GPU_REDUCTIONS=ON')
+ options.append('-DLegion_CUDA_ARCH=%s' % cuda_arch)
+ if '+cuda_hijack' in spec:
+ options.append('-DLegion_HIJACK_CUDART=ON')
+ else:
+ options.append('-DLegion_HIJACK_CUDART=OFF')
+ if '+cuda_unsupported_compiler' in spec:
+ options.append('-DCUDA_NVCC_FLAGS:STRING=--allow-unsupported-compiler')
+ if '+fortran' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_Fortran=ON')
+ if '+hdf5' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_HDF5=ON')
+ if '+hwloc' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_HWLOC=ON')
+ if '+kokkos' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_Kokkos=ON')
+ os.environ['KOKKOS_CXX_COMPILER'] = spec['kokkos'].kokkos_cxx
+ if '+libdl' in spec:
+ # default is on.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_LIBDL=ON')
+ else:
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_LIBDL=OFF')
+ if '+openmp' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_OpenMP=ON')
+ if '+papi' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_PAPI=ON')
+ if '+python' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_Python=ON')
+ if '+zlib' in spec:
+ # default is on.
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_ZLIB=ON')
+ else:
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_ZLIB=OFF')
+ if '+redop_complex' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_REDOP_COMPLEX=ON')
+ if '+bindings' in spec:
+ # default is off.
+ options.append('-DLegion_BUILD_BINDINGS=ON')
+ options.append('-DLegion_REDOP_COMPLEX=ON') # required for bindings
+ options.append('-DLegion_USE_Fortran=ON')
+ if spec.variants['build_type'].value == 'Debug':
+ cmake_cxx_flags.extend([
+ '-ggdb',
+ ])
+ maxdims = int(spec.variants['max_dims'].value)
+ # TODO: sanity check if maxdims < 0 || > 9???
+ options.append('-DLegion_MAX_DIM=%d' % maxdims)
+ maxfields = int(spec.variants['max_fields'].value)
+ if (maxfields <= 0):
+ maxfields = 512
+ # make sure maxfields is a power of two. if not,
+ # find the next largest power of two and use that...
+ if (maxfields & (maxfields - 1) != 0):
+ while maxfields & maxfields - 1:
+ maxfields = maxfields & maxfields - 1
+ maxfields = maxfields << 1
+ options.append('-DLegion_MAX_FIELDS=%d' % maxfields)
+ # This disables Legion's CMake build system's logic for targeting the native
+ # CPU architecture in favor of Spack-provided compiler flags
+ options.append('-DBUILD_MARCH:STRING=')
+ return options
+ @run_after('install')
+ def cache_test_sources(self):
+ """Copy the example source files after the package is installed to an
+ install test subdirectory for use during `spack test run`."""
+ self.cache_extra_test_sources([join_path('examples', 'local_function_tasks')])
+ def run_local_function_tasks_test(self):
+ """Run stand alone test: local_function_tasks"""
+ test_dir = join_path(self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir,
+ 'examples', 'local_function_tasks')
+ if not os.path.exists(test_dir):
+ print('Skipping local_function_tasks test')
+ return
+ exe = 'local_function_tasks'
+ cmake_args = ['-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER={0}'.format(,
+ '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER={0}'.format(self.compiler.cxx),
+ '-DLegion_DIR={0}'.format(join_path(self.prefix,
+ 'share',
+ 'Legion',
+ 'cmake'))]
+ self.run_test('cmake',
+ options=cmake_args,
+ purpose='test: generate makefile for {0} example'.format(exe),
+ work_dir=test_dir)
+ self.run_test('make',
+ purpose='test: build {0} example'.format(exe),
+ work_dir=test_dir)
+ self.run_test(exe,
+ purpose='test: run {0} example'.format(exe),
+ work_dir=test_dir)
+ def test(self):
+ self.run_local_function_tasks_test()
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/util/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/util/
index 410f02ac80..d410817303 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/util/
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def test_remove_directives():
("amdfftw", "nfrk76xyu6wxs4xb4nyichm3om3kb7yp"),
("grads", "rrlmwml3f2frdnqavmro3ias66h5b2ce"),
("llvm", "ngact4ds3xwgsbn5bruxpfs6f4u4juba"),
- # has @when("@4.1.0")
+ # has @when("@4.1.0") and raw unicode literals
("mfem", "65xryd5zxarwzqlh2pojq7ykohpod4xz"),
("mfem@4.0.0", "65xryd5zxarwzqlh2pojq7ykohpod4xz"),
("mfem@4.1.0", "2j655nix3oe57iwvs2mlgx2mresk7czl"),
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ def test_remove_directives():
("py-torch", "lnwmqk4wadtlsc2badrt7foid5tl5vaw"),
("py-torch@1.0", "lnwmqk4wadtlsc2badrt7foid5tl5vaw"),
("py-torch@1.6", "5nwndnknxdfs5or5nrl4pecvw46xc5i2"),
+ # has a print with multiple arguments
+ ("legion", "ba4tleyb3g5mdhhsje6t6jyitqj3yfpz"),
def test_package_hash_consistency(package_spec, expected_hash):
"""Ensure that that package hash is consistent python version to version.
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/util/unparse/ b/lib/spack/spack/util/unparse/
index 8f1f366e81..7d3a7b69f7 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/util/unparse/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/util/unparse/
@@ -305,26 +305,57 @@ class Unparser:
def _Print(self, t):
# Use print function so that python 2 unparsing is consistent with 3
if self._py_ver_consistent:
- self.fill("print(")
+ self.fill("print")
+ with self.delimit("(", ")"):
+ values = t.values
+ # Can't tell print(foo, bar, baz) and print((foo, bar, baz)) apart in
+ # python 2 and 3, so treat them the same to make hashes consistent.
+ # Single-tuple print are rare and unlikely to affect package hashes,
+ # esp. as they likely print to stdout.
+ if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], ast.Tuple):
+ values = t.values[0].elts
+ do_comma = False
+ for e in values:
+ if do_comma:
+ self.write(", ")
+ else:
+ do_comma = True
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ if not
+ if do_comma:
+ self.write(", ")
+ else:
+ do_comma = True
+ self.write("end=''")
+ if t.dest:
+ if do_comma:
+ self.write(", ")
+ else:
+ do_comma = True
+ self.write("file=")
+ self.dispatch(t.dest)
+ # unparse Python 2 print statements
self.fill("print ")
- do_comma = False
- if t.dest:
- self.write(">>")
- self.dispatch(t.dest)
- do_comma = True
- for e in t.values:
- if do_comma:
- self.write(", ")
- else:
+ do_comma = False
+ if t.dest:
+ self.write(">>")
+ self.dispatch(t.dest)
do_comma = True
- self.dispatch(e)
- if not
- self.write(",")
- if self._py_ver_consistent:
- self.write(")")
+ for e in t.values:
+ if do_comma:
+ self.write(", ")
+ else:
+ do_comma = True
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ if not
+ self.write(",")
def _Global(self, t):
self.fill("global ")
@@ -934,6 +965,15 @@ class Unparser:
def _Call(self, t):
self.set_precedence(_Precedence.ATOM, t.func)
+ args = t.args
+ if self._py_ver_consistent:
+ # make print(a, b, c) and print((a, b, c)) equivalent, since you can't
+ # tell them apart between Python 2 and 3. See _Print() for more details.
+ if getattr(t.func, "id", None) == "print":
+ if len(t.args) == 1 and isinstance(t.args[0], ast.Tuple):
+ args = t.args[0].elts
with self.delimit("(", ")"):
comma = False
@@ -942,7 +982,7 @@ class Unparser:
star_and_kwargs = []
move_stars_last = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5)
- for e in t.args:
+ for e in args:
if move_stars_last and isinstance(e, ast.Starred):