path: root/lib
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7 files changed, 243 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst b/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
index 6efed83621..2eed9dddd4 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/basic_usage.rst
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ that the packages is installed:
==> adept-utils is already installed in /home/gamblin2/spack/opt/chaos_5_x86_64_ib/gcc@4.4.7/adept-utils@1.0-5adef8da.
==> Trying to fetch from
######################################################################## 100.0%
- ==> Staging archive: /home/gamblin2/spack/var/spack/stage/mpileaks@1.0%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-59f6ad23/mpileaks-1.0.tar.gz
- ==> Created stage in /home/gamblin2/spack/var/spack/stage/mpileaks@1.0%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-59f6ad23.
+ ==> Staging archive: /home/gamblin2/spack/var/spack/stage/mpileaks@1.0%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-59f6ad23/mpileaks-1.0.tar.gz
+ ==> Created stage in /home/gamblin2/spack/var/spack/stage/mpileaks@1.0%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-59f6ad23.
==> No patches needed for mpileaks.
==> Building mpileaks.
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ sites, as installing a version that one user needs will not disrupt
existing installations for other users.
In addition to different versions, Spack can customize the compiler,
-compile-time options (variants), and platform (for cross compiles) of
-an installation. Spack is unique in that it can also configure the
-*dependencies* a package is built with. For example, two
-configurations of the same version of a package, one built with boost
+compile-time options (variants), compiler flags, and platform (for
+cross compiles) of an installation. Spack is unique in that it can
+also configure the *dependencies* a package is built with. For example,
+two configurations of the same version of a package, one built with boost
1.39.0, and the other version built with version 1.43.0, can coexist.
This can all be done on the command line using the *spec* syntax.
@@ -334,6 +334,11 @@ of libelf would look like this:
-- chaos_5_x86_64_ib / gcc@4.4.7 --------------------------------
+We can also search for packages that have a certain attribute. For example,
+``spack find -l libdwarf +debug`` will show only installations of libdwarf
+with the 'debug' compile-time option enabled, while ``spack find -l +debug``
+will find every installed package with a 'debug' compile-time option enabled.
The full spec syntax is discussed in detail in :ref:`sec-specs`.
@@ -463,6 +468,26 @@ For compilers, like ``clang``, that do not support Fortran, put
Once you save the file, the configured compilers will show up in the
list displayed by ``spack compilers``.
+You can also add compiler flags to manually configured compilers. The
+valid flags are ``cflags``, ``cxxflags``, ``fflags``, ``cppflags``,
+``ldflags``, and ``ldlibs``. For example,::
+ ...
+ chaos_5_x86_64_ib:
+ ...
+ intel@15.0.0:
+ cc: /usr/local/bin/icc-15.0.024-beta
+ cxx: /usr/local/bin/icpc-15.0.024-beta
+ f77: /usr/local/bin/ifort-15.0.024-beta
+ fc: /usr/local/bin/ifort-15.0.024-beta
+ cppflags: -O3 -fPIC
+ ...
+These flags will be treated by spack as if they were enterred from
+the command line each time this compiler is used. The compiler wrappers
+then inject those flags into the compiler command. Compiler flags
+enterred from the command line will be discussed in more detail in the
+following section.
.. _sec-specs:
@@ -480,7 +505,7 @@ the full syntax of specs.
Here is an example of a much longer spec than we've seen thus far::
- mpileaks @1.2:1.4 %gcc@4.7.5 +debug -qt =bgqos_0 ^callpath @1.1 %gcc@4.7.2
+ mpileaks @1.2:1.4 %gcc@4.7.5 +debug -qt arch=bgq_os ^callpath @1.1 %gcc@4.7.2
If provided to ``spack install``, this will install the ``mpileaks``
library at some version between ``1.2`` and ``1.4`` (inclusive),
@@ -498,8 +523,12 @@ More formally, a spec consists of the following pieces:
* ``%`` Optional compiler specifier, with an optional compiler version
(``gcc`` or ``gcc@4.7.3``)
* ``+`` or ``-`` or ``~`` Optional variant specifiers (``+debug``,
- ``-qt``, or ``~qt``)
-* ``=`` Optional architecture specifier (``bgqos_0``)
+ ``-qt``, or ``~qt``) for boolean variants
+* ``name=<value>`` Optional variant specifiers that are not restricted to
+boolean variants
+* ``name=<value>`` Optional compiler flag specifiers. Valid flag names are
+``cflags``, ``cxxflags``, ``fflags``, ``cppflags``, ``ldflags``, and ``ldlibs``.
+* ``arch=<value>`` Optional architecture specifier (``arch=bgq_os``)
* ``^`` Dependency specs (``^callpath@1.1``)
There are two things to notice here. The first is that specs are
@@ -579,7 +608,7 @@ compilers, variants, and architectures just like any other spec.
Specifiers are associated with the nearest package name to their left.
For example, above, ``@1.1`` and ``%gcc@4.7.2`` associates with the
``callpath`` package, while ``@1.2:1.4``, ``%gcc@4.7.5``, ``+debug``,
-``-qt``, and ``=bgqos_0`` all associate with the ``mpileaks`` package.
+``-qt``, and ``arch=bgq_os`` all associate with the ``mpileaks`` package.
In the diagram above, ``mpileaks`` depends on ``mpich`` with an
unspecified version, but packages can depend on other packages with
@@ -635,22 +664,25 @@ based on site policies.
-.. Note::
- Variants are not yet supported, but will be in the next Spack
- release (0.9), due in Q2 2015.
-Variants are named options associated with a particular package, and
-they can be turned on or off. For example, above, supplying
-``+debug`` causes ``mpileaks`` to be built with debug flags. The
-names of particular variants available for a package depend on what
-was provided by the package author. ``spack info <package>`` will
+Variants are named options associated with a particular package. They are
+optional, as each package must provide default values for each variant it
+makes available. Variants can be specified using
+a flexible parameter syntax ``name=<value>``. For example,
+``spack install libelf debug=True`` will install libelf build with debug
+flags. The names of particular variants available for a package depend on
+what was provided by the package author. ``spack into <package>`` will
provide information on what build variants are available.
-Depending on the package a variant may be on or off by default. For
-``mpileaks`` here, ``debug`` is off by default, and we turned it on
-with ``+debug``. If a package is on by default you can turn it off by
-either adding ``-name`` or ``~name`` to the spec.
+For compatibility with earlier versions, variants which happen to be
+boolean in nature can be specified by a syntax that represents turning
+options on and off. For example, in the previous spec we could have
+supplied ``libelf +debug`` with the same effect of enabling the debug
+compile time option for the libelf package.
+Depending on the package a variant may have any default value. For
+``libelf`` here, ``debug`` is ``False`` by default, and we turned it on
+with ``debug=True`` or ``+debug``. If a package is ``True`` by default
+you can turn it off by either adding ``-name`` or ``~name`` to the spec.
There are two syntaxes here because, depending on context, ``~`` and
``-`` may mean different things. In most shells, the following will
@@ -662,7 +694,7 @@ result in the shell performing home directory substitution:
mpileaks~debug # use this instead
If there is a user called ``debug``, the ``~`` will be incorrectly
-expanded. In this situation, you would want to write ``mpileaks
+expanded. In this situation, you would want to write ``libelf
-debug``. However, ``-`` can be ambiguous when included after a
package name without spaces:
@@ -677,12 +709,35 @@ package, not a request for ``mpileaks`` built without ``debug``
options. In this scenario, you should write ``mpileaks~debug`` to
avoid ambiguity.
-When spack normalizes specs, it prints them out with no spaces and
-uses only ``~`` for disabled variants. We allow ``-`` and spaces on
-the command line is provided for convenience and legibility.
+When spack normalizes specs, it prints them out with no spaces boolean
+variants using the backwards compatibility syntax and uses only ``~``
+for disabled boolean variants. We allow ``-`` and spaces on the command
+line is provided for convenience and legibility.
-Architecture specifier
+Compiler Flags
+Compiler flags are specified using the same syntax as non-boolean variants,
+but fulfill a different purpose. While the function of a variant is set by
+the package, compiler flags are used by the compiler wrappers to inject
+flags into the compile line of the build. Additionally, compiler flags are
+inherited by dependencies. ``spack install libdwarf cppflags=\"-g\"`` will
+install both libdwarf and libelf with the ``-g`` flag injected into their
+compile line.
+Notice that the value of the compiler flags must be escape quoted on the
+command line. From within python files, the same spec would be specified
+``libdwarf cppflags="-g"``. This is necessary because of how the shell
+handles the quote symbols.
+The six compiler flags are injected in the order of implicit make commands
+in gnu autotools. If all flags are set, the order is
+``$cppflags $cflags|$cxxflags $ldflags command $ldlibs`` for C and C++ and
+``$fflags $cppflags $ldflags command $ldlibs`` for fortran.
+Architecture specifiers
.. Note::
@@ -690,12 +745,9 @@ Architecture specifier
Architecture specifiers are part of specs but are not yet
functional. They will be in Spack version 1.0, due in Q3 2015.
-The architecture specifier starts with a ``=`` and also comes after
-some package name within a spec. It allows a user to specify a
-particular architecture for the package to be built. This is mostly
-used for architectures that need cross-compilation, and in most cases,
-users will not need to specify the architecture when they install a
+The architecture specifier looks identical to a variant specifier for a
+non-boolean variant. The architecture can be specified only using the
+reserved name ``arch`` (``arch=bgq_os``).
.. _sec-virtual-dependencies:
@@ -773,6 +825,23 @@ any MPI implementation will do. If another package depends on
error. Likewise, if you try to plug in some package that doesn't
provide MPI, Spack will raise an error.
+Specifying Specs by Hash
+Complicated specs can become cumbersome to enter on the command line,
+especially when many of the qualifications are necessary to
+distinguish between similar installs, for example when using the
+``uninstall`` command. To avoid this, when referencing an existing spec,
+Spack allows you to reference specs by their hash. We previously
+discussed the spec hash that Spack computes. In place of a spec in any
+command, substitute ``/<hash>`` where ``<hash>`` is any amount from
+the beginning of a spec hash. If the given spec hash is sufficient
+to be unique, Spack will replace the reference with the spec to which
+it refers. Otherwise, it will prompt for a more qualified hash.
+Note that this will not work to reinstall a depencency uninstalled by
+``spack uninstall -f``.
.. _spack-providers:
``spack providers``
@@ -1002,8 +1071,8 @@ than one installed package matches it), then Spack will warn you:
$ spack load libelf
==> Error: Multiple matches for spec libelf. Choose one:
- libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib
- libelf@0.8.13%intel@15.0.0=chaos_5_x86_64_ib
+ libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib
+ libelf@0.8.13%intel@15.0.0 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib
You can either type the ``spack load`` command again with a fully
qualified argument, or you can add just enough extra constraints to
@@ -1282,7 +1351,7 @@ You can find extensions for your Python installation like this:
.. code-block:: sh
$ spack extensions python
- ==> python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-703c7a96
+ ==> python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-703c7a96
==> 36 extensions:
geos py-ipython py-pexpect py-pyside py-sip
py-basemap py-libxml2 py-pil py-pytz py-six
@@ -1372,9 +1441,9 @@ installation:
.. code-block:: sh
$ spack activate py-numpy
- ==> Activated extension py-setuptools@11.3.1%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-3c74eb69 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
- ==> Activated extension py-nose@1.3.4%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-5f70f816 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
- ==> Activated extension py-numpy@1.9.1%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-66733244 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
+ ==> Activated extension py-setuptools@11.3.1%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-3c74eb69 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
+ ==> Activated extension py-nose@1.3.4%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-5f70f816 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
+ ==> Activated extension py-numpy@1.9.1%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-66733244 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
Several things have happened here. The user requested that
``py-numpy`` be activated in the ``python`` installation it was built
@@ -1389,7 +1458,7 @@ packages listed as activated:
.. code-block:: sh
$ spack extensions python
- ==> python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-703c7a96
+ ==> python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-703c7a96
==> 36 extensions:
geos py-ipython py-pexpect py-pyside py-sip
py-basemap py-libxml2 py-pil py-pytz py-six
@@ -1437,7 +1506,7 @@ dependencies, you can use ``spack activate -f``:
.. code-block:: sh
$ spack activate -f py-numpy
- ==> Activated extension py-numpy@1.9.1%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-66733244 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
+ ==> Activated extension py-numpy@1.9.1%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib-66733244 for python@2.7.8%gcc@4.4.7.
.. _spack-deactivate:
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/configuration.rst b/lib/spack/docs/configuration.rst
index c0b79a7f44..c613071c65 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/configuration.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/configuration.rst
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ directory. Here's an example of an external configuration:
- openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3
- openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib+debug: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug
- openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel
+ openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3
+ openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib+debug: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug
+ openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel
This example lists three installations of OpenMPI, one built with gcc,
one built with gcc and debug information, and another built with Intel.
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ be:
- openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3
- openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7=chaos_5_x86_64_ib+debug: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug
- openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel
+ openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3
+ openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib+debug: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug
+ openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel
buildable: False
The addition of the ``buildable`` flag tells Spack that it should never build
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/features.rst b/lib/spack/docs/features.rst
index 0998ba8da4..27a3b4b435 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/features.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/features.rst
@@ -31,14 +31,21 @@ platform, all on the command line.
# Specify a compiler (and its version), with %
$ spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 %gcc@4.7.3
- # Add special compile-time options with +
+ # Add special compile-time options by name
+ $ spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 %gcc@4.7.3 debug=True
+ # Add special boolean compile-time options with +
$ spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 %gcc@4.7.3 +debug
- # Cross-compile for a different architecture with =
- $ spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 =bgqos_0
+ # Add compiler flags using the conventional names
+ $ spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 %gcc@4.7.3 cppflags=\"-O3 -floop-block\"
+ # Cross-compile for a different architecture with arch=
+ $ spack install mpileaks@1.1.2 arch=bgqos_0
-Users can specify as many or few options as they care about. Spack
-will fill in the unspecified values with sensible defaults.
+Users can specify as many or few options as they care about. Spack
+will fill in the unspecified values with sensible defaults. The two listed
+syntaxes for variants are identical when the value is boolean.
Customize dependencies
diff --git a/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst b/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
index 63c411ffb5..1f83f611b0 100644
--- a/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
+++ b/lib/spack/docs/packaging_guide.rst
@@ -1221,11 +1221,13 @@ just as easily provide a version range:
-Or a requirement for a particular variant:
+Or a requirement for a particular variant or compiler flags:
.. code-block:: python
+ depends_on('libelf debug=True')
+ depends_on('libelf cppflags="-fPIC")
Both users *and* package authors can use the same spec syntax to refer
to different package configurations. Users use the spec syntax on the
@@ -1623,21 +1625,21 @@ the user runs ``spack install`` and the time the ``install()`` method
is called. The concretized version of the spec above might look like
- mpileaks@2.3%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
- ^callpath@1.0%gcc@4.7.3+debug=linux-ppc64
- ^dyninst@8.1.2%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
- ^libdwarf@20130729%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
- ^libelf@0.8.11%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
- ^mpich@3.0.4%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
+ mpileaks@2.3%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^callpath@1.0%gcc@4.7.3+debug arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^dyninst@8.1.2%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^libdwarf@20130729%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^libelf@0.8.11%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^mpich@3.0.4%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
.. graphviz::
digraph {
- "mpileaks@2.3\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64" -> "mpich@3.0.4\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64"
- "mpileaks@2.3\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64" -> "callpath@1.0\n%gcc@4.7.3+debug\n=linux-ppc64" -> "mpich@3.0.4\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64"
- "callpath@1.0\n%gcc@4.7.3+debug\n=linux-ppc64" -> "dyninst@8.1.2\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64"
- "dyninst@8.1.2\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64" -> "libdwarf@20130729\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64" -> "libelf@0.8.11\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64"
- "dyninst@8.1.2\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64" -> "libelf@0.8.11\n%gcc@4.7.3\n=linux-ppc64"
+ "mpileaks@2.3\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "mpich@3.0.4\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64"
+ "mpileaks@2.3\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "callpath@1.0\n%gcc@4.7.3+debug\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "mpich@3.0.4\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64"
+ "callpath@1.0\n%gcc@4.7.3+debug\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "dyninst@8.1.2\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64"
+ "dyninst@8.1.2\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "libdwarf@20130729\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "libelf@0.8.11\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64"
+ "dyninst@8.1.2\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64" -> "libelf@0.8.11\n%gcc@4.7.3\n arch=linux-ppc64"
Here, all versions, compilers, and platforms are filled in, and there
@@ -1666,9 +1668,9 @@ running ``spack spec``. For example:
- dyninst@8.0.1%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
- ^libdwarf@20130729%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
- ^libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.7.3=linux-ppc64
+ dyninst@8.0.1%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^libdwarf@20130729%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
+ ^libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.7.3 arch=linux-ppc64
This is useful when you want to know exactly what Spack will do when
you ask for a particular spec.
@@ -1908,6 +1910,12 @@ the command line.
``$rpath_flag`` can be overriden on a compiler specific basis in
+The compiler wrappers also pass the compiler flags specified by the user from
+the command line (``cflags``, ``cxxflags``, ``fflags``, ``cppflags``, ``ldflags``,
+and/or ``ldlibs``). They do not override the canonical autotools flags with the
+same names (but in ALL-CAPS) that may be passed into the build by particularly
+challenging package scripts.
Compiler flags
In rare circumstances such as compiling and running small unit tests, a package
@@ -2154,12 +2162,12 @@ example:
def install(self, prefix):
# Do default install
- @when('=chaos_5_x86_64_ib')
+ @when('arch=chaos_5_x86_64_ib')
def install(self, prefix):
# This will be executed instead of the default install if
# the package's sys_type() is chaos_5_x86_64_ib.
- @when('=bgqos_0")
+ @when('arch=bgqos_0")
def install(self, prefix):
# This will be executed if the package's sys_type is bgqos_0
@@ -2749,11 +2757,11 @@ build it:
$ spack stage libelf
==> Trying to fetch from
######################################################################## 100.0%
- ==> Staging archive: /Users/gamblin2/src/spack/var/spack/stage/libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.8.3=linux-ppc64/libelf-0.8.13.tar.gz
- ==> Created stage in /Users/gamblin2/src/spack/var/spack/stage/libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.8.3=linux-ppc64.
+ ==> Staging archive: /Users/gamblin2/src/spack/var/spack/stage/libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.8.3 arch=linux-ppc64/libelf-0.8.13.tar.gz
+ ==> Created stage in /Users/gamblin2/src/spack/var/spack/stage/libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.8.3 arch=linux-ppc64.
$ spack cd libelf
$ pwd
- /Users/gamblin2/src/spack/var/spack/stage/libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.8.3=linux-ppc64/libelf-0.8.13
+ /Users/gamblin2/src/spack/var/spack/stage/libelf@0.8.13%gcc@4.8.3 arch=linux-ppc64/libelf-0.8.13
``spack cd`` here changed he current working directory to the
directory containing the expanded ``libelf`` source code. There are a
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
index c22268d534..93c10a910f 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
@@ -180,6 +180,29 @@ def display_specs(specs, **kwargs):
"deps, short)." % mode) # NOQA: ignore=E501
+def query_arguments(args):
+ # Check arguments
+ if args.explicit and args.implicit:
+ tty.error('You can\'t pass -E and -e options simultaneously.')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ # Set up query arguments.
+ installed, known = True, any
+ if args.only_missing:
+ installed = False
+ elif args.missing:
+ installed = any
+ if args.unknown:
+ known = False
+ explicit = any
+ if args.explicit:
+ explicit = True
+ if args.implicit:
+ explicit = False
+ q_args = {'installed': installed, 'known': known, "explicit": explicit}
+ return q_args
def find(parser, args):
# Filter out specs that don't exist.
query_specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.query_specs)
@@ -194,22 +217,7 @@ def find(parser, args):
if not query_specs:
- # Set up query arguments.
- installed, known = True, any
- if args.only_missing:
- installed = False
- elif args.missing:
- installed = any
- if args.unknown:
- known = False
- explicit = any
- if args.explicit:
- explicit = False
- if args.implicit:
- explicit = True
- q_args = {'installed': installed, 'known': known, "explicit": explicit}
+ q_args = query_arguments(args)
# Get all the specs the user asked for
if not query_specs:
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index 1668e271fa..891dc873fd 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ test_names = ['versions', 'url_parse', 'url_substitution', 'packages', 'stage',
'svn_fetch', 'hg_fetch', 'mirror', 'modules', 'url_extrapolate',
'cc', 'link_tree', 'spec_yaml', 'optional_deps',
'make_executable', 'configure_guess', 'lock', 'database',
- 'namespace_trie', 'yaml', 'sbang', 'environment',
+ 'namespace_trie', 'yaml', 'sbang', 'environment', 'cmd.find',
'cmd.uninstall', 'cmd.test_install']
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..371e9650e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Created by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import spack.cmd.find
+import unittest
+class Bunch(object):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+class FindTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_query_arguments(self):
+ query_arguments = spack.cmd.find.query_arguments
+ # Default arguments
+ args = Bunch(only_missing=False, missing=False,
+ unknown=False, explicit=False, implicit=False)
+ q_args = query_arguments(args)
+ self.assertTrue('installed' in q_args)
+ self.assertTrue('known' in q_args)
+ self.assertTrue('explicit' in q_args)
+ self.assertEqual(q_args['installed'], True)
+ self.assertEqual(q_args['known'], any)
+ self.assertEqual(q_args['explicit'], any)
+ # Check that explicit works correctly
+ args.explicit = True
+ q_args = query_arguments(args)
+ self.assertEqual(q_args['explicit'], True)
+ args.explicit = False
+ args.implicit = True
+ q_args = query_arguments(args)
+ self.assertEqual(q_args['explicit'], False)
+ args.explicit = True
+ self.assertRaises(SystemExit, query_arguments, args)