path: root/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b3979a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/suite-sparse/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from spack import *
+class SuiteSparse(Package):
+ """
+ SuiteSparse is a suite of sparse matrix algorithms
+ """
+ homepage = ''
+ url = ''
+ version('4.5.1', 'f0ea9aad8d2d1ffec66a5b6bfeff5319')
+ # FIXME: (see below)
+ # variant('tbb', default=True, description='Build with Intel TBB')
+ depends_on('blas')
+ depends_on('lapack')
+ depends_on('metis@5.1.0', when='@4.5.1')
+ # FIXME:
+ # in @4.5.1. TBB support in SPQR seems to be broken as TBB-related linkng flags
+ # does not seem to be used, which leads to linking errors on Linux.
+ # Try re-enabling in future versions.
+ # depends_on('tbb', when='+tbb')
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ # The build system of SuiteSparse is quite old-fashioned
+ # It's basically a plain Makefile which include an header (SuiteSparse_config/
+ # with a lot of convoluted logic in it.
+ # Any kind of customization will need to go through filtering of that file
+ make_args = ['INSTALL=%s' % prefix]
+ # inject Spack compiler wrappers
+ make_args.extend([
+ 'AUTOCC=no',
+ 'CC=cc',
+ 'CXX=c++',
+ 'F77=f77',
+ ])
+ # use Spack's metis in CHOLMOD/Partition module,
+ # otherwise internal Metis will be compiled
+ make_args.extend([
+ 'MY_METIS_LIB=-L%s -lmetis' % spec['metis'].prefix.lib,
+ 'MY_METIS_INC=%s' % spec['metis'].prefix.include,
+ ])
+ # Intel TBB in SuiteSparseQR
+ if '+tbb' in spec:
+ make_args.extend([
+ 'TBB=-L%s -ltbb' % spec['tbb'].prefix.lib,
+ ])
+ # BLAS arguments require path to libraries
+ # FIXME : (blas / lapack always provide libblas and liblapack as aliases)
+ make_args.extend([
+ 'BLAS=-lblas',
+ 'LAPACK=-llapack'
+ ])
+ make('install', *make_args)