path: root/var
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-hail/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-hail/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53a0d4f4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-hail/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class PyHail(MakefilePackage):
+ """Cloud-native genomic dataframes and batch computing (Python API)"""
+ homepage = ""
+ git = ""
+ # We can't use tarballs because HAIL needs to look up git commit metadata
+ # to determine its version. We could patch this, but that is not yet
+ # implemented.
+ # url = ""
+ maintainers("teaguesterling")
+ license("MIT", checked_by="teaguesterling")
+ version("0.2.132", commit="678e1f52b9999cb05ebf03fd360e5c4506bd6dad")
+ version("0.2.131", commit="11d9b2ff89da9ef6a4f576be89f1f06959580ea4")
+ version("0.2.130", commit="bea04d9c79b5ca739364e8c121132845475f617a")
+ version("0.2.129", commit="41126be2df04e4ef823cefea40fba4cadbe5db8a")
+ resource(
+ name="catch",
+ url="",
+ sha256="a86133b34d4721b6e1cf7171981ea469789f83f2475907b4033012577e4975fe",
+ destination="hail/src/main/resources/include/catch.hpp",
+ expand=False,
+ )
+ resource(
+ name="libsimdpp-2.1",
+ extension="tar.gz",
+ url="",
+ sha256="b0e986b20bef77cd17004dd02db0c1ad9fab9c70d4e99594a9db1ee6a345be93",
+ destination="hail/src/main/c",
+ )
+ resource(
+ name="mill-0.11.7",
+ url="",
+ sha256="278b430150af899495d360d1f886e223e78bb4a20e67144a240bfb7e2d4f6085",
+ destination="hail/mill",
+ expand=False,
+ )
+ variant("native", default=True, description="Compile C & C++ HAIL optimizations")
+ variant(
+ "query_backend",
+ values=["undefined", "spark", "batch"],
+ default="spark",
+ description="Configure HAIL query backend at build",
+ )
+ depends_on("python@3.9:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-pip", type="build")
+ depends_on("py-wheel", type="build")
+ depends_on("py-build@1.1+virtualenv", type="build", when="@0.2.131:")
+ depends_on("c", type="build", when="+native")
+ depends_on("cxx", type="build", when="+native")
+ # HAIL bundle is tied to specific runtime versions
+ # HAIL spec, Java sec, Spark spec, Scala spec
+ # We're not accurately capturing previous versions
+ for hail, java, spark, scala in [
+ # 0.2.130 and before (to somwhere around 0.2.64) used Spark 3.3
+ # And either Java 8 or Java 11
+ (":0.2.130", "8,11", "3.3", "2.12"),
+ # 0.2.131 updated to Java 11 and Spark 3.5
+ # Undocumented bump was to scala 2.12.13 for scala.annotation.noerror
+ ("0.2.131:", "11", "3.5", "2.12.18:2.12"),
+ ]:
+ with default_args(type=("build", "run"), when=f"@{hail}"):
+ depends_on(f"java@{java}")
+ depends_on(f"scala@{scala}")
+ depends_on(f"spark@{spark}")
+ # This should match spark but isn't actually enforced
+ # by the PySpark package and they can conflit.
+ depends_on(f"py-pyspark@{spark}")
+ with default_args(type=("build", "link"), when="+native"):
+ # Hail build requirements
+ depends_on("blas")
+ depends_on("lapack")
+ depends_on("lz4")
+ with default_args(type=("build", "run")):
+ depends_on("py-avro@1.10:1.11")
+ depends_on("py-bokeh@3:3.3")
+ depends_on("py-decorator@:4")
+ depends_on("py-deprecated@1.2.10:1.2")
+ depends_on("py-numpy@:1")
+ depends_on("py-pandas@2:2")
+ depends_on("py-parsimonious@:0")
+ depends_on("py-plotly@5.18:5")
+ depends_on("py-protobuf@3.20.2")
+ depends_on("py-requests@2.31:2")
+ depends_on("py-scipy@1.3:1.11")
+ # hailtop requirements
+ depends_on("py-aiodns@2")
+ depends_on("py-aiohttp@3.9")
+ depends_on("py-azure-identity@1.6:1")
+ depends_on("py-azure-mgmt-storage@20.1.0")
+ depends_on("py-azure-storage-blob@12.11:12")
+ depends_on("py-boto3@1.17:1")
+ depends_on("py-botocore@1.20:1")
+ depends_on("py-dill@0.3.6:0.3")
+ depends_on("py-frozenlist@1.3.1:1")
+ depends_on("py-google-auth@2.14.1:2")
+ depends_on("py-google-auth-oauthlib@0.5.2:0")
+ depends_on("py-humanize@1.0.0:1")
+ depends_on("py-janus@0.6:1.0")
+ depends_on("py-nest-asyncio@1.5.8:1")
+ depends_on("py-rich@12.6.0:12")
+ depends_on("py-orjson@3.9.15:3")
+ depends_on("py-typer@0.9.0:0")
+ depends_on("py-python-json-logger@2.0.2:2")
+ depends_on("py-pyyaml@6.0:7")
+ depends_on("py-sortedcontainers@2.4.0:2")
+ depends_on("py-tabulate@0.8.9:0")
+ depends_on("py-uvloop@0.19.0:0")
+ depends_on("py-jproperties@2.1.1:2")
+ # Undocumented runtime requirements for hailtop
+ # These are also required to use the HAIL API
+ # but are not explicitly mentioned anywhere
+ depends_on("py-azure-mgmt-core")
+ depends_on("py-typing-extensions")
+ build_directory = "hail"
+ def patch(self):
+ # Hail will fail to build if it cannot determine a commit hash from git
+ # which will not be available in a spack cache. Since we know it from
+ # the package, we can inject it in the failure and move forward.
+ revision = self.hail_revision
+ version = self.hail_pip_version
+ filter_file(
+ r'\$\(error "git rev-parse HEAD" failed to produce output\)',
+ f"REVISION := {revision}",
+ "hail/",
+ )
+ filter_file(
+ r'\$\(error "git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD" failed to produce output\)',
+ f"SHORT_REVISION := {revision[:12]}",
+ "hail/",
+ )
+ filter_file(
+ r'\$\(error "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" failed to produce output\)',
+ f"BRANCH := tags/{version}",
+ "hail/",
+ )
+ # Also need to make sure that gets the right revision
+ # which ends up improperly calculated in scala and will crash at runtime
+ filter_file(
+ r"val revision = VcsVersion\.vcsState\(\)\.currentRevision",
+ "val vcs_revision = VcsVersion.vcsState().currentRevision\n"
+ f' val revision = if(vcs_revision == "no-vcs") "{revision}" else vcs_revision\n',
+ "hail/",
+ )
+ @property
+ def hail_revision(self):
+ version = self.version
+ version_info = self.versions[version]
+ # REVISION must look like a hash or Hail crashes at startup
+ # Technically, it needs to be at least 12 characters
+ revision = version_info.get("commit", version.joined.string.ljust(40, "0"))
+ return revision
+ @property
+ def hail_pip_version(self):
+ # This is the same behavior is as is defined in hail/
+ return f"{self.spec.version.up_to(3)}"
+ @property
+ def build_wheel_file_path(self):
+ wheel_file = f"hail-{self.hail_pip_version}-py3-none-any.whl"
+ wheel_dir = join_path("build", "deploy", "dist")
+ return join_path(wheel_dir, wheel_file)
+ def flag_handler(self, name, flags):
+ if name == "cxxflags" and self.spec.satisfies("+native"):
+ # HAIL build doesn't find lz4:
+ flags.append(f"-I{self.spec['lz4'].prefix.include}")
+ return (flags, None, None)
+ @property
+ def build_targets(self):
+ spec = self.spec
+ # Hail likes variables passed in to Make
+ variables = [
+ f"HAIL_PYTHON3={spec['python'].home.bin.python3}",
+ f"PIP={spec['py-pip'].home.bin.pip}",
+ f"SCALA_VERSION={spec['scala'].version}",
+ f"SPARK_VERSION={spec['spark'].version}",
+ ]
+ if spec.satisfies("+native"):
+ variables += ["HAIL_COMPILE_NATIVES=1"]
+ # We're not using the documented target to
+ # because it depends on pip to install and resolve
+ # dependencies directly. This does everything in one step.
+ # and ends up downloading all of the dependencies via pip.
+ # The documented target is `install-on-cluster`
+ targets = [
+ # This may be too specific but it would detect failures
+ # and fail to build instead of taking a long time to build
+ # and then failing at install time.
+ self.build_wheel_file_path
+ ]
+ return targets + variables
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ spec = self.spec
+ pip = which("pip")
+ wheel = self.build_wheel_file_path
+ # This mimics the install-on-cluster target but avoids anything
+ # that utilizes pip to resolve dependencies
+ with working_dir(join_path(self.stage.source_path, "hail")):
+ pip("install", "--use-pep517", "--no-deps", f"--prefix={prefix}", wheel)
+ backend = spec.variants["query_backend"].value
+ if backend != "undefined":
+ hailctl = which("hailctl") # Should be installed from above
+ if hailctl is not None: # but it might not be
+ hailctl("config", "set", "query/backend", f"{backend}")