path: root/var
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/berkeleygw/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/berkeleygw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1cf9397f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/berkeleygw/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack import *
+class Berkeleygw(MakefilePackage):
+ """BerkeleyGW is a many-body perturbation theory code for excited states,
+ using the GW method and the GW plus Bethe-Salpeter equation (GW-BSE) method
+ to solve respectively for quasiparticle excitations and optical properties of
+ materials."""
+ homepage = ""
+ version('3.0.1',
+ '7d8c2cc1ee679afb48efbdd676689d4d537226b50e13a049dbcb052aaaf3654f',
+ url='',
+ expand=False)
+ version('3.0',
+ 'ab411acead5e979fd42b8d298dbb0a12ce152e7be9eee0bb87e9e5a06a638e2a',
+ url='',
+ expand=False)
+ version('2.1',
+ '31f3b643dd937350c3866338321d675d4a1b1f54c730b43ad74ae67e75a9e6f2',
+ url='',
+ expand=False)
+ variant('mpi', default=True, description='Builds with MPI support')
+ variant('elpa', default=True, description='Build with ELPA support')
+ variant('python', default=False, description='Build with Python support')
+ variant('openmp', default=True, description='Build with OpenMP support')
+ variant('scalapack', default=True, description='Build with ScaLAPACK support')
+ variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Builds with HDF5 support')
+ variant('debug', default=False, description='Builds with DEBUG flag')
+ variant('verbose', default=False, description='Builds with VERBOSE flag')
+ depends_on('blas')
+ depends_on('lapack')
+ depends_on('scalapack')
+ depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')
+ depends_on('hdf5+fortran+hl', when='+hdf5~mpi')
+ depends_on('hdf5+fortran+hl+mpi', when='+hdf5+mpi')
+ depends_on('scalapack', when='+scalapack+mpi')
+ depends_on('elpa+openmp', when='+elpa+openmp')
+ depends_on('elpa~openmp', when='+elpa~openmp')
+ depends_on('fftw-api@3+openmp', when='+openmp')
+ depends_on('fftw-api@3~openmp', when='~openmp')
+ depends_on('python@:2', type=('build', 'run'), when='+python')
+ depends_on('py-numpy@:1.16', type=('build', 'run'), when='+python')
+ depends_on('py-setuptools@:44', type=('build', 'run'), when='+python')
+ depends_on('py-h5py@:2', type=('build', 'run'), when='+hdf5+python')
+ depends_on('perl', type='test')
+ conflicts(
+ '+scalapack',
+ when='~mpi',
+ msg='scalapack is a parallel library and needs MPI support'
+ )
+ conflicts(
+ '+elpa',
+ when='~mpi',
+ msg='elpa is a parallel library and needs MPI support'
+ )
+ # the concretizer is selecting non threaded versions of fftw and openblas
+ # even though +openmp is set... as a workaround, the conflicts below force
+ # the user to spec ^fftw+openmp ^openblas threads=openmp
+ # but this may also happen for other providers of fftw and blas...
+ conflicts('^fftw~openmp', when='+openmp')
+ conflicts('^openblas threads=none', when='+openmp')
+ conflicts('^openblas threads=pthreads', when='+openmp')
+ parallel = False
+ def edit(self, spec, prefix):
+ # archive is a tar file, despite the .gz expension
+ tar = which('tar')
+ tar('-x', '-f', self.stage.archive_file, '--strip-components=1')
+ # get generic template
+ copy(join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'config', ''),
+ '')
+ if self.version == Version('2.1'):
+ # don't try to install missing file
+ filter_file('install manual.html', '#install manual.html', 'Makefile')
+ # don't rebuild in the install and test steps
+ filter_file('install: all', 'install:', 'Makefile')
+ filter_file('check: all', 'check:', 'Makefile')
+ # use parallelization in tests
+ filter_file(r'cd testsuite \&\& \$\(MAKE\) check$',
+ 'cd testsuite && $(MAKE) check-parallel',
+ 'Makefile')
+ # remove stack ulimit in order to run openmp tests
+ filter_file(r'function run_testsuite\(\) {',
+ 'function run_testsuite() {\nulimit -s unlimited',
+ 'testsuite/')
+ def setup_build_environment(self, env):
+ if self.run_tests:
+ env.set('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '2')
+ env.set('BGW_TEST_MPI_NPROCS', '2')
+ def build(self, spec, prefix):
+ buildopts = []
+ paraflags = []
+ if '+mpi' in spec:
+ paraflags.append('-DMPI')
+ if '+openmp' in spec:
+ paraflags.append('-DOMP')
+ spec.compiler_flags['fflags'].append(self.compiler.openmp_flag)
+ buildopts.append('C_PARAFLAG=-DPARA')
+ buildopts.append('PARAFLAG=%s' % ' '.join(paraflags))
+ debugflag = ""
+ if '+debug' in spec:
+ debugflag += "-DDEBUG "
+ if '+verbose' in spec:
+ debugflag += "-DVERBOSE "
+ buildopts.append('DEBUGFLAG=%s' % debugflag)
+ buildopts.append('LINK=%s' % spec['mpi'].mpifc)
+ buildopts.append('C_LINK=%s' % spec['mpi'].mpicxx)
+ buildopts.append('FOPTS=%s' % ' '.join(spec.compiler_flags['fflags']))
+ buildopts.append('C_OPTS=%s' % ' '.join(spec.compiler_flags['cflags']))
+ mathflags = []
+ mathflags.append('-DUSEFFTW3')
+ buildopts.append('FFTWINCLUDE=%s' % spec['fftw-api'].prefix.include)
+ fftwspec = spec['fftw-api:openmp' if '+openmp' in spec else 'fftw-api']
+ buildopts.append('FFTWLIB=%s' % fftwspec.libs.ld_flags)
+ buildopts.append('LAPACKLIB=%s' % spec['lapack'].libs.ld_flags)
+ if '+scalapack' in spec:
+ mathflags.append('-DUSESCALAPACK')
+ buildopts.append('SCALAPACKLIB=%s' % spec['scalapack'].libs.ld_flags)
+ if spec.satisfies('%intel'):
+ buildopts.append('COMPFLAG=-DINTEL')
+ buildopts.append('MOD_OPT=-module ')
+ buildopts.append('F90free=%s -free' % spec['mpi'].mpifc)
+ buildopts.append('FCPP=cpp -C -P -ffreestanding')
+ buildopts.append('C_COMP=%s' % spec['mpi'].mpicc)
+ buildopts.append('CC_COMP=%s' % spec['mpi'].mpicxx)
+ buildopts.append('BLACSDIR=%s' % spec['scalapack'].libs)
+ buildopts.append('BLACS=%s' % spec['scalapack'].libs.ld_flags)
+ buildopts.append('FOPTS=%s' % ' '.join(spec.compiler_flags['fflags']))
+ elif spec.satisfies('%gcc'):
+ c_flags = '-std=c99'
+ cxx_flags = '-std=c++0x'
+ f90_flags = "-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fno-second-underscore"
+ if spec.satisfies('%gcc@10:'):
+ c_flags += ' -fcommon'
+ cxx_flags += ' -fcommon'
+ f90_flags += ' -fallow-argument-mismatch'
+ buildopts.append('COMPFLAG=-DGNU')
+ buildopts.append('MOD_OPT=-J ')
+ buildopts.append('F90free=%s %s' % (spec['mpi'].mpifc, f90_flags))
+ buildopts.append('FCPP=cpp -C -nostdinc')
+ buildopts.append('C_COMP=%s %s' % (spec['mpi'].mpicc, c_flags))
+ buildopts.append('CC_COMP=%s %s' % (spec['mpi'].mpicxx, cxx_flags))
+ buildopts.append('FOPTS=%s' % ' '.join(spec.compiler_flags['fflags']))
+ elif spec.satisfies('%fj'):
+ c_flags = '-std=c99'
+ cxx_flags = '-std=c++0x'
+ f90_flags = "-Free"
+ buildopts.append('COMPFLAG=')
+ buildopts.append('MOD_OPT=-module ')
+ buildopts.append('F90free=%s %s' % (spec['mpi'].mpifc, f90_flags))
+ buildopts.append('FCPP=cpp -C -nostdinc')
+ buildopts.append('C_COMP=%s %s' % (spec['mpi'].mpicc, c_flags))
+ buildopts.append('CC_COMP=%s %s' % (spec['mpi'].mpicxx, cxx_flags))
+ buildopts.append('FOPTS=-Kfast -Knotemparraystack %s' %
+ ' '.join(spec.compiler_flags['fflags']))
+ else:
+ raise InstallError("Spack does not yet have support for building "
+ "BerkeleyGW with compiler %s" % spec.compiler)
+ if '+hdf5' in spec:
+ mathflags.append('-DHDF5')
+ buildopts.append('HDF5INCLUDE=%s' % spec['hdf5'].prefix.include)
+ buildopts.append('HDF5LIB=%s' % spec['hdf5:hl,fortran'].libs.ld_flags)
+ if '+elpa' in spec:
+ mathflags.append('-DUSEELPA')
+ elpa = spec['elpa']
+ if '+openmp' in spec:
+ elpa_suffix = '_openmp'
+ else:
+ elpa_suffix = ''
+ elpa_incdir = elpa.headers.directories[0]
+ elpa_libs = join_path(elpa.libs.directories[0],
+ 'libelpa%s.%s' % (elpa_suffix, dso_suffix))
+ buildopts.append('ELPALIB=%s' % elpa_libs)
+ buildopts.append('ELPAINCLUDE=%s' % join_path(elpa_incdir, 'modules'))
+ buildopts.append('MATHFLAG=%s' % ' '.join(mathflags))
+ make('all-flavors', *buildopts)
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ make('install', 'INSTDIR=%s' % prefix)