path: root/inc/core/common-functions.php
diff options
authorZach van Rijn <>2021-07-21 16:19:29 -0500
committerZach van Rijn <>2021-07-21 16:19:29 -0500
commit69c17f9c1942fd0d6a5ea941636e87723b8a6fe2 (patch)
treee1d0212147048204b0eede0aa6ff79849ed479da /inc/core/common-functions.php
parent74a7109a2a5ab0d191f26c917ae69e46f0d83b32 (diff)
dos2unix on all .php files, begin paring down admin page and site branding.
Diffstat (limited to 'inc/core/common-functions.php')
1 files changed, 1526 insertions, 1526 deletions
diff --git a/inc/core/common-functions.php b/inc/core/common-functions.php
index 3c9ae29..e7888ac 100644
--- a/inc/core/common-functions.php
+++ b/inc/core/common-functions.php
@@ -1,1526 +1,1526 @@
- * Functions for Astra Theme.
- *
- * @package Astra
- * @author Astra
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, Astra
- * @link
- * @since Astra 1.0.0
- */
-if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
- exit;
- * Foreground Color
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_foreground_color' ) ) {
- /**
- * Foreground Color
- *
- * @param string $hex Color code in HEX format.
- * @return string Return foreground color depend on input HEX color.
- */
- function astra_get_foreground_color( $hex ) {
- // bail early if color's not set.
- if ( 'transparent' == $hex || 'false' == $hex || '#' == $hex || empty( $hex ) ) {
- return 'transparent';
- }
- // Get clean hex code.
- $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex );
- if ( 3 == strlen( $hex ) ) {
- $hex = str_repeat( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ), 2 );
- }
- if ( strpos( $hex, 'rgba' ) !== false ) {
- $rgba = preg_replace( '/[^0-9,]/', '', $hex );
- $rgba = explode( ',', $rgba );
- $hex = sprintf( '#%02x%02x%02x', $rgba[0], $rgba[1], $rgba[2] );
- }
- // Return if non hex.
- if ( ! ctype_xdigit( $hex ) ) {
- return $hex;
- }
- // Get r, g & b codes from hex code.
- $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) );
- $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) );
- $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) );
- $hex = ( ( $r * 299 ) + ( $g * 587 ) + ( $b * 114 ) ) / 1000;
- return 128 <= $hex ? '#000000' : '#ffffff';
- }
- * Generate CSS
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_css' ) ) {
- /**
- * Generate CSS
- *
- * @param mixed $value CSS value.
- * @param string $css_property CSS property.
- * @param string $selector CSS selector.
- * @param string $unit CSS property unit.
- * @return void Echo generated CSS.
- */
- function astra_css( $value = '', $css_property = '', $selector = '', $unit = '' ) {
- if ( $selector ) {
- if ( $css_property && $value ) {
- if ( '' != $unit ) {
- $value .= $unit;
- }
- $css = $selector;
- $css .= '{';
- $css .= ' ' . $css_property . ': ' . $value . ';';
- $css .= '}';
- echo $css; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
- }
- }
- }
- * Get Font Size value
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_responsive_font' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get Font CSS value
- *
- * @param array $font CSS value.
- * @param string $device CSS device.
- * @param string $default Default value.
- * @return mixed
- */
- function astra_responsive_font( $font, $device = 'desktop', $default = '' ) {
- if ( isset( $font[ $device ] ) && isset( $font[ $device . '-unit' ] ) ) {
- if ( '' != $default ) {
- $font_size = astra_get_css_value( $font[ $device ], $font[ $device . '-unit' ], $default );
- } else {
- $font_size = astra_get_font_css_value( $font[ $device ], $font[ $device . '-unit' ] );
- }
- } elseif ( is_numeric( $font ) ) {
- $font_size = astra_get_css_value( $font );
- } else {
- $font_size = ( ! is_array( $font ) ) ? $font : '';
- }
- return $font_size;
- }
- * Get Font Size value
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_font_css_value' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get Font CSS value
- *
- * Syntax:
- *
- * astra_get_font_css_value( VALUE, DEVICE, UNIT );
- *
- * E.g.
- *
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'desktop', '%' );
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'tablet' );
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'mobile' );
- *
- * @param string $value CSS value.
- * @param string $unit CSS unit.
- * @param string $device CSS device.
- * @return mixed CSS value depends on $unit & $device
- */
- function astra_get_font_css_value( $value, $unit = 'px', $device = 'desktop' ) {
- // If value is empty or 0 then return blank.
- if ( '' == $value || 0 == $value ) {
- return '';
- }
- $css_val = '';
- switch ( $unit ) {
- case 'em':
- case '%':
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . $unit;
- break;
- case 'px':
- if ( is_numeric( $value ) || strpos( $value, 'px' ) ) {
- $value = intval( $value );
- $fonts = array();
- $body_font_size = astra_get_option( 'font-size-body' );
- $fonts['desktop'] = ( isset( $body_font_size['desktop'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['desktop'] ) ? $body_font_size['desktop'] : 15;
- $fonts['tablet'] = ( isset( $body_font_size['tablet'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['tablet'] ) ? $body_font_size['tablet'] : $fonts['desktop'];
- $fonts['mobile'] = ( isset( $body_font_size['mobile'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['mobile'] ) ? $body_font_size['mobile'] : $fonts['tablet'];
- if ( $fonts[ $device ] ) {
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . 'px;font-size:' . ( esc_attr( $value ) / esc_attr( $fonts[ $device ] ) ) . 'rem';
- }
- } else {
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value );
- }
- }
- return $css_val;
- }
- * Get Font family
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_font_family' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get Font family
- *
- * Syntax:
- *
- * astra_get_font_family( VALUE, DEFAULT );
- *
- * E.g.
- * astra_get_font_family( VALUE, '' );
- *
- * @since 1.0.19
- *
- * @param string $value CSS value.
- * @return mixed CSS value depends on $unit
- */
- function astra_get_font_family( $value = '' ) {
- $system_fonts = Astra_Font_Families::get_system_fonts();
- if ( isset( $system_fonts[ $value ] ) && isset( $system_fonts[ $value ]['fallback'] ) ) {
- $value .= ',' . $system_fonts[ $value ]['fallback'];
- }
- return $value;
- }
- * Get CSS value
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_css_value' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get CSS value
- *
- * Syntax:
- *
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, UNIT );
- *
- * E.g.
- *
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'url' );
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'px' );
- * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'em' );
- *
- * @param string $value CSS value.
- * @param string $unit CSS unit.
- * @param string $default CSS default font.
- * @return mixed CSS value depends on $unit
- */
- function astra_get_css_value( $value = '', $unit = 'px', $default = '' ) {
- if ( '' == $value && '' == $default ) {
- return $value;
- }
- $css_val = '';
- switch ( $unit ) {
- case 'font':
- if ( 'inherit' != $value ) {
- $value = astra_get_font_family( $value );
- $css_val = $value;
- } elseif ( '' != $default ) {
- $css_val = $default;
- } else {
- $css_val = '';
- }
- break;
- case 'px':
- case '%':
- if ( 'inherit' === strtolower( $value ) || 'inherit' === strtolower( $default ) ) {
- return $value;
- }
- $value = ( '' != $value ) ? $value : $default;
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . $unit;
- break;
- case 'url':
- $css_val = $unit . '(' . esc_url( $value ) . ')';
- break;
- case 'rem':
- if ( 'inherit' === strtolower( $value ) || 'inherit' === strtolower( $default ) ) {
- return $value;
- }
- if ( is_numeric( $value ) || strpos( $value, 'px' ) ) {
- $value = intval( $value );
- $body_font_size = astra_get_option( 'font-size-body' );
- if ( is_array( $body_font_size ) ) {
- $body_font_size_desktop = ( isset( $body_font_size['desktop'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['desktop'] ) ? $body_font_size['desktop'] : 15;
- } else {
- $body_font_size_desktop = ( '' != $body_font_size ) ? $body_font_size : 15;
- }
- if ( $body_font_size_desktop ) {
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . 'px;font-size:' . ( esc_attr( $value ) / esc_attr( $body_font_size_desktop ) ) . $unit;
- }
- } else {
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value );
- }
- break;
- default:
- $value = ( '' != $value ) ? $value : $default;
- if ( '' != $value ) {
- $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . $unit;
- }
- }
- return $css_val;
- }
- * Adjust the background obj.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_background_obj' ) ) {
- /**
- * Adjust Brightness
- *
- * @param array $bg_obj Color code in HEX.
- *
- * @return array Color code in HEX.
- */
- function astra_get_background_obj( $bg_obj ) {
- $gen_bg_css = array();
- $bg_img = isset( $bg_obj['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-image'] : '';
- $bg_color = isset( $bg_obj['background-color'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-color'] : '';
- $bg_type = isset( $bg_obj['background-type'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-type'] : '';
- if ( '' !== $bg_type ) {
- switch ( $bg_type ) {
- case 'color':
- if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
- } elseif ( '' === $bg_img ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
- }
- break;
- case 'image':
- if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color && ( ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) && ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
- }
- if ( '' === $bg_color || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) && '' !== $bg_img ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'url(' . $bg_img . ');';
- }
- break;
- case 'gradient':
- if ( isset( $bg_color ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = $bg_color . ';';
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } elseif ( '' !== $bg_color ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
- }
- if ( '' !== $bg_img ) {
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-repeat'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-position'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-position'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-position'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-size'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-size'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-size'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-attachment'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] );
- }
- }
- return $gen_bg_css;
- }
- * Parse CSS
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_parse_css' ) ) {
- /**
- * Parse CSS
- *
- * @param array $css_output Array of CSS.
- * @param string $min_media Min Media breakpoint.
- * @param string $max_media Max Media breakpoint.
- * @return string Generated CSS.
- */
- function astra_parse_css( $css_output = array(), $min_media = '', $max_media = '' ) {
- $parse_css = '';
- if ( is_array( $css_output ) && count( $css_output ) > 0 ) {
- foreach ( $css_output as $selector => $properties ) {
- if ( null === $properties ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( ! count( $properties ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- $temp_parse_css = $selector . '{';
- $properties_added = 0;
- foreach ( $properties as $property => $value ) {
- if ( '' == $value && 0 !== $value ) {
- continue;
- }
- $properties_added++;
- $temp_parse_css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';';
- }
- $temp_parse_css .= '}';
- if ( $properties_added > 0 ) {
- $parse_css .= $temp_parse_css;
- }
- }
- if ( '' != $parse_css && ( '' !== $min_media || '' !== $max_media ) ) {
- $media_css = '@media ';
- $min_media_css = '';
- $max_media_css = '';
- $media_separator = '';
- if ( '' !== $min_media ) {
- $min_media_css = '(min-width:' . $min_media . 'px)';
- }
- if ( '' !== $max_media ) {
- $max_media_css = '(max-width:' . $max_media . 'px)';
- }
- if ( '' !== $min_media && '' !== $max_media ) {
- $media_separator = ' and ';
- }
- $media_css .= $min_media_css . $media_separator . $max_media_css . '{' . $parse_css . '}';
- return $media_css;
- }
- }
- return $parse_css;
- }
- * Return Theme options.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_option' ) ) {
- /**
- * Return Theme options.
- *
- * @param string $option Option key.
- * @param string $default Option default value.
- * @param string $deprecated Option default value.
- * @return Mixed Return option value.
- */
- function astra_get_option( $option, $default = '', $deprecated = '' ) {
- if ( '' != $deprecated ) {
- $default = $deprecated;
- }
- $theme_options = Astra_Theme_Options::get_options();
- /**
- * Filter the options array for Astra Settings.
- *
- * @since 1.0.20
- * @var Array
- */
- $theme_options = apply_filters( 'astra_get_option_array', $theme_options, $option, $default );
- $value = ( isset( $theme_options[ $option ] ) && '' !== $theme_options[ $option ] ) ? $theme_options[ $option ] : $default;
- /**
- * Dynamic filter astra_get_option_$option.
- * $option is the name of the Astra Setting, Refer Astra_Theme_Options::defaults() for option names from the theme.
- *
- * @since 1.0.20
- * @var Mixed.
- */
- return apply_filters( "astra_get_option_{$option}", $value, $option, $default );
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_update_option' ) ) {
- /**
- * Update Theme options.
- *
- * @param string $option option key.
- * @param Mixed $value option value.
- * @return void
- */
- function astra_update_option( $option, $value ) {
- do_action( "astra_before_update_option_{$option}", $value, $option );
- // Get all customizer options.
- $theme_options = get_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS );
- // Update value in options array.
- $theme_options[ $option ] = $value;
- update_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS, $theme_options );
- do_action( "astra_after_update_option_{$option}", $value, $option );
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_delete_option' ) ) {
- /**
- * Update Theme options.
- *
- * @param string $option option key.
- * @return void
- */
- function astra_delete_option( $option ) {
- do_action( "astra_before_delete_option_{$option}", $option );
- // Get all customizer options.
- $theme_options = get_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS );
- // Update value in options array.
- unset( $theme_options[ $option ] );
- update_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS, $theme_options );
- do_action( "astra_after_delete_option_{$option}", $option );
- }
- * Return Theme options from postmeta.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_option_meta' ) ) {
- /**
- * Return Theme options from postmeta.
- *
- * @param string $option_id Option ID.
- * @param string $default Option default value.
- * @param boolean $only_meta Get only meta value.
- * @param string $extension Is value from extension.
- * @param string $post_id Get value from specific post by post ID.
- * @return Mixed Return option value.
- */
- function astra_get_option_meta( $option_id, $default = '', $only_meta = false, $extension = '', $post_id = '' ) {
- $post_id = ( '' != $post_id ) ? $post_id : astra_get_post_id();
- $value = astra_get_option( $option_id, $default );
- // Get value from option 'post-meta'.
- if ( is_singular() || ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() ) ) {
- $value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $option_id, true );
- if ( empty( $value ) || 'default' == $value ) {
- if ( true === $only_meta ) {
- return false;
- }
- $value = astra_get_option( $option_id, $default );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Dynamic filter astra_get_option_meta_$option.
- * $option_id is the name of the Astra Meta Setting.
- *
- * @since 1.0.20
- * @var Mixed.
- */
- return apply_filters( "astra_get_option_meta_{$option_id}", $value, $default, $default );
- }
- * Helper function to get the current post id.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_post_id' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get post ID.
- *
- * @param string $post_id_override Get override post ID.
- * @return number Post ID.
- */
- function astra_get_post_id( $post_id_override = '' ) {
- if ( null == Astra_Theme_Options::$post_id ) {
- global $post;
- $post_id = 0;
- if ( is_home() ) {
- $post_id = get_option( 'page_for_posts' );
- } elseif ( is_archive() ) {
- global $wp_query;
- $post_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
- } elseif ( isset( $post->ID ) && ! is_search() && ! is_category() ) {
- $post_id = $post->ID;
- }
- Astra_Theme_Options::$post_id = $post_id;
- }
- return apply_filters( 'astra_get_post_id', Astra_Theme_Options::$post_id, $post_id_override );
- }
- * Display classes for primary div
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_primary_class' ) ) {
- /**
- * Display classes for primary div
- *
- * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
- * @return void Echo classes.
- */
- function astra_primary_class( $class = '' ) {
- // Separates classes with a single space, collates classes for body element.
- echo 'class="' . esc_attr( join( ' ', astra_get_primary_class( $class ) ) ) . '"';
- }
- * Retrieve the classes for the primary element as an array.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_primary_class' ) ) {
- /**
- * Retrieve the classes for the primary element as an array.
- *
- * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
- * @return array Return array of classes.
- */
- function astra_get_primary_class( $class = '' ) {
- // array of class names.
- $classes = array();
- // default class for content area.
- $classes[] = 'content-area';
- // primary base class.
- $classes[] = 'primary';
- if ( ! empty( $class ) ) {
- if ( ! is_array( $class ) ) {
- $class = preg_split( '#\s+#', $class );
- }
- $classes = array_merge( $classes, $class );
- } else {
- // Ensure that we always coerce class to being an array.
- $class = array();
- }
- // Filter primary div class names.
- $classes = apply_filters( 'astra_primary_class', $classes, $class );
- $classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes );
- return array_unique( $classes );
- }
- * Display classes for secondary div
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_secondary_class' ) ) {
- /**
- * Retrieve the classes for the secondary element as an array.
- *
- * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
- * @return void echo classes.
- */
- function astra_secondary_class( $class = '' ) {
- // Separates classes with a single space, collates classes for body element.
- echo 'class="' . esc_attr( join( ' ', astra_get_secondary_class( $class ) ) ) . '"';
- }
- * Retrieve the classes for the secondary element as an array.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_secondary_class' ) ) {
- /**
- * Retrieve the classes for the secondary element as an array.
- *
- * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
- * @return array Return array of classes.
- */
- function astra_get_secondary_class( $class = '' ) {
- // array of class names.
- $classes = array();
- // default class from widget area.
- $classes[] = 'widget-area';
- // secondary base class.
- $classes[] = 'secondary';
- if ( ! empty( $class ) ) {
- if ( ! is_array( $class ) ) {
- $class = preg_split( '#\s+#', $class );
- }
- $classes = array_merge( $classes, $class );
- } else {
- // Ensure that we always coerce class to being an array.
- $class = array();
- }
- // Filter secondary div class names.
- $classes = apply_filters( 'astra_secondary_class', $classes, $class );
- $classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes );
- return array_unique( $classes );
- }
- * Get post format
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_post_format' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get post format
- *
- * @param string $post_format_override Override post formate.
- * @return string Return post format.
- */
- function astra_get_post_format( $post_format_override = '' ) {
- if ( ( is_home() ) || is_archive() ) {
- $post_format = 'blog';
- } else {
- $post_format = get_post_format();
- }
- return apply_filters( 'astra_get_post_format', $post_format, $post_format_override );
- }
- * Wrapper function for get_the_title() for blog post.
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_the_post_title' ) ) {
- /**
- * Wrapper function for get_the_title() for blog post.
- *
- * Displays title only if the page title bar is disabled.
- *
- * @since 1.0.15
- * @param string $before Optional. Content to prepend to the title.
- * @param string $after Optional. Content to append to the title.
- * @param int $post_id Optional, default to 0. Post id.
- * @param bool $echo Optional, default to true.Whether to display or return.
- * @return string|void String if $echo parameter is false.
- */
- function astra_the_post_title( $before = '', $after = '', $post_id = 0, $echo = true ) {
- $enabled = apply_filters( 'astra_the_post_title_enabled', true );
- if ( $enabled ) {
- $title = astra_get_the_title( $post_id );
- $before = apply_filters( 'astra_the_post_title_before', $before );
- $after = apply_filters( 'astra_the_post_title_after', $after );
- // This will work same as `the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
- if ( $echo ) {
- echo $before . $title . $after; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
- } else {
- return $before . $title . $after;
- }
- }
- }
- * Wrapper function for the_title()
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_the_title' ) ) {
- /**
- * Wrapper function for the_title()
- *
- * Displays title only if the page title bar is disabled.
- *
- * @param string $before Optional. Content to prepend to the title.
- * @param string $after Optional. Content to append to the title.
- * @param int $post_id Optional, default to 0. Post id.
- * @param bool $echo Optional, default to true.Whether to display or return.
- * @return string|void String if $echo parameter is false.
- */
- function astra_the_title( $before = '', $after = '', $post_id = 0, $echo = true ) {
- $title = '';
- $blog_post_title = astra_get_option( 'blog-post-structure' );
- $single_post_title = astra_get_option( 'blog-single-post-structure' );
- if ( ( ! is_singular() && in_array( 'title-meta', $blog_post_title ) ) || ( is_single() && in_array( 'single-title-meta', $single_post_title ) ) || is_page() ) {
- if ( apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_enabled', true ) ) {
- $title = astra_get_the_title( $post_id );
- $before = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_before', $before );
- $after = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_after', $after );
- $title = $before . $title . $after;
- }
- }
- // This will work same as `the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
- if ( $echo ) {
- echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
- } else {
- return $title;
- }
- }
- * Wrapper function for get_the_title()
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_the_title' ) ) {
- /**
- * Wrapper function for get_the_title()
- *
- * Return title for Title Bar and Normal Title.
- *
- * @param int $post_id Optional, default to 0. Post id.
- * @param bool $echo Optional, default to false. Whether to display or return.
- * @return string|void String if $echo parameter is false.
- */
- function astra_get_the_title( $post_id = 0, $echo = false ) {
- $title = '';
- if ( $post_id || is_singular() ) {
- $title = get_the_title( $post_id );
- } else {
- if ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) {
- // Default homepage.
- $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_default_home_page_title', esc_html__( 'Home', 'astra' ) );
- } elseif ( is_home() ) {
- // blog page.
- $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_blog_home_page_title', get_the_title( get_option( 'page_for_posts', true ) ) );
- } elseif ( is_404() ) {
- // for 404 page - title always display.
- $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_404_page_title', esc_html__( 'This page doesn\'t seem to exist.', 'astra' ) );
- // for search page - title always display.
- } elseif ( is_search() ) {
- /* translators: 1: search string */
- $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_search_page_title', sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'astra' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) );
- } elseif ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && is_shop() ) {
- $title = woocommerce_page_title( false );
- } elseif ( is_archive() ) {
- $title = get_the_archive_title();
- }
- }
- $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title', $title, $post_id );
- // This will work same as `get_the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
- if ( $echo ) {
- echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
- } else {
- return $title;
- }
- }
- * Archive Page Title
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_archive_page_info' ) ) {
- /**
- * Wrapper function for the_title()
- *
- * Displays title only if the page title bar is disabled.
- */
- function astra_archive_page_info() {
- if ( apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_enabled', true ) ) {
- // Author.
- if ( is_author() ) { ?>
- <section class="ast-author-box ast-archive-description">
- <div class="ast-author-bio">
- <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
- <h1 class='page-title ast-archive-title'><?php echo get_the_author(); ?></h1>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
- <p><?php echo wp_kses_post( get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) ); ?></p>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
- </div>
- <div class="ast-author-avatar">
- <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'email' ), 120 ); ?>
- </div>
- </section>
- <?php
- // Category.
- } elseif ( is_category() ) {
- ?>
- <section class="ast-archive-description">
- <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
- <h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title"><?php echo single_cat_title(); ?></h1>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
- <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( get_the_archive_description() ) ); ?>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
- </section>
- <?php
- // Tag.
- } elseif ( is_tag() ) {
- ?>
- <section class="ast-archive-description">
- <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
- <h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title"><?php echo single_tag_title(); ?></h1>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
- <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( get_the_archive_description() ) ); ?>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
- </section>
- <?php
- // Search.
- } elseif ( is_search() ) {
- ?>
- <section class="ast-archive-description">
- <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
- <?php
- /* translators: 1: search string */
- $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_search_page_title', sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'astra' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) );
- ?>
- <h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title"> <?php echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?> </h1>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
- </section>
- <?php
- // Other.
- } else {
- ?>
- <section class="ast-archive-description">
- <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
- <?php the_archive_title( '<h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title">', '</h1>' ); ?>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
- <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( get_the_archive_description() ) ); ?>
- <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
- </section>
- <?php
- }
- }
- }
- add_action( 'astra_archive_header', 'astra_archive_page_info' );
- * Adjust the HEX color brightness
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_adjust_brightness' ) ) {
- /**
- * Adjust Brightness
- *
- * @param string $hex Color code in HEX.
- * @param number $steps brightness value.
- * @param string $type brightness is reverse or default.
- * @return string Color code in HEX.
- */
- function astra_adjust_brightness( $hex, $steps, $type ) {
- // Get rgb vars.
- $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex );
- // Return if non hex.
- if ( ! ctype_xdigit( $hex ) ) {
- return $hex;
- }
- $shortcode_atts = array(
- 'r' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ),
- 'g' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ),
- 'b' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ),
- );
- // Should we darken the color?
- if ( 'reverse' == $type && $shortcode_atts['r'] + $shortcode_atts['g'] + $shortcode_atts['b'] > 382 ) {
- $steps = -$steps;
- } elseif ( 'darken' == $type ) {
- $steps = -$steps;
- }
- // Build the new color.
- $steps = max( -255, min( 255, $steps ) );
- $shortcode_atts['r'] = max( 0, min( 255, $shortcode_atts['r'] + $steps ) );
- $shortcode_atts['g'] = max( 0, min( 255, $shortcode_atts['g'] + $steps ) );
- $shortcode_atts['b'] = max( 0, min( 255, $shortcode_atts['b'] + $steps ) );
- $r_hex = str_pad( dechex( $shortcode_atts['r'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
- $g_hex = str_pad( dechex( $shortcode_atts['g'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
- $b_hex = str_pad( dechex( $shortcode_atts['b'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
- return '#' . $r_hex . $g_hex . $b_hex;
- }
-} // End if.
- * Convert colors from HEX to RGBA
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_hex_to_rgba' ) ) :
- /**
- * Convert colors from HEX to RGBA
- *
- * @param string $color Color code in HEX.
- * @param boolean $opacity Color code opacity.
- * @return string Color code in RGB or RGBA.
- */
- function astra_hex_to_rgba( $color, $opacity = false ) {
- $default = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
- // Return default if no color provided.
- if ( empty( $color ) ) {
- return $default;
- }
- // Sanitize $color if "#" is provided.
- if ( '#' == $color[0] ) {
- $color = substr( $color, 1 );
- }
- // Check if color has 6 or 3 characters and get values.
- if ( 6 == strlen( $color ) ) {
- $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[3], $color[4] . $color[5] );
- } elseif ( 3 == strlen( $color ) ) {
- $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[0], $color[1] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[2] );
- } else {
- return $default;
- }
- // Convert HEX to RGB.
- $rgb = array_map( 'hexdec', $hex );
- // Check if opacity is set(RGBA or RGB).
- if ( $opacity ) {
- if ( 1 < abs( $opacity ) ) {
- $opacity = 1.0;
- }
- $output = 'rgba(' . implode( ',', $rgb ) . ',' . $opacity . ')';
- } else {
- $output = 'rgb(' . implode( ',', $rgb ) . ')';
- }
- // Return RGB(a) color string.
- return $output;
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_enable_page_builder_compatibility' ) ) :
- /**
- * Allow filter to enable/disable page builder compatibility.
- *
- * @see
- * @see
- *
- * @since 1.2.2
- * @return bool True - If the page builder compatibility is enabled. False - IF the page builder compatibility is disabled.
- */
- function astra_enable_page_builder_compatibility() {
- return apply_filters( 'astra_enable_page_builder_compatibility', true );
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_pro_url' ) ) :
- /**
- * Returns an URL with utm tags
- * the admin settings page.
- *
- * @param string $url URL fo the site.
- * @param string $source utm source.
- * @param string $medium utm medium.
- * @param string $campaign utm campaign.
- * @return mixed
- */
- function astra_get_pro_url( $url, $source = '', $medium = '', $campaign = '' ) {
- $astra_pro_url = trailingslashit( $url );
- // Set up our URL if we have a source.
- if ( isset( $source ) ) {
- $astra_pro_url = add_query_arg( 'utm_source', sanitize_text_field( $source ), $url );
- }
- // Set up our URL if we have a medium.
- if ( isset( $medium ) ) {
- $astra_pro_url = add_query_arg( 'utm_medium', sanitize_text_field( $medium ), $url );
- }
- // Set up our URL if we have a campaign.
- if ( isset( $campaign ) ) {
- $astra_pro_url = add_query_arg( 'utm_campaign', sanitize_text_field( $campaign ), $url );
- }
- return esc_url( apply_filters( 'astra_get_pro_url', $astra_pro_url, $url ) );
- }
- * Search Form
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_search_form' ) ) :
- /**
- * Display search form.
- *
- * @param bool $echo Default to echo and not return the form.
- * @return string|void String when $echo is false.
- */
- function astra_get_search_form( $echo = true ) {
- $form = get_search_form(
- array(
- 'input_placeholder' => apply_filters( 'astra_search_field_placeholder', esc_attr_x( 'Search &hellip;', 'placeholder', 'astra' ) ),
- 'data_attributes' => apply_filters( 'astra_search_field_toggle_data_attrs', '' ),
- 'input_value' => get_search_query(),
- 'show_input_submit' => false,
- )
- );
- /**
- * Filters the HTML output of the search form.
- *
- * @param string $form The search form HTML output.
- */
- $result = apply_filters( 'astra_get_search_form', $form );
- if ( null === $result ) {
- $result = $form;
- }
- if ( $echo ) {
- echo $result; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
- } else {
- return $result;
- }
- }
- * Check if we're being delivered AMP
- *
- * @return bool
- */
-function astra_is_amp_endpoint() {
- return function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint();
- * Get Responsive Spacing
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_responsive_spacing' ) ) {
- /**
- * Get Spacing value
- *
- * @param array $option CSS value.
- * @param string $side top | bottom | left | right.
- * @param string $device CSS device.
- * @param string $default Default value.
- * @param string $prefix Prefix value.
- * @return mixed
- */
- function astra_responsive_spacing( $option, $side = '', $device = 'desktop', $default = '', $prefix = '' ) {
- if ( isset( $option[ $device ][ $side ] ) && isset( $option[ $device . '-unit' ] ) ) {
- $spacing = astra_get_css_value( $option[ $device ][ $side ], $option[ $device . '-unit' ], $default );
- } elseif ( is_numeric( $option ) ) {
- $spacing = astra_get_css_value( $option );
- } else {
- $spacing = ( ! is_array( $option ) ) ? $option : '';
- }
- if ( '' !== $prefix && '' !== $spacing ) {
- return $prefix . $spacing;
- }
- return $spacing;
- }
- * Get the tablet breakpoint value.
- *
- * @param string $min min.
- * @param string $max max.
- *
- * @since 2.4.0
- *
- * @return number $breakpoint.
- */
-function astra_get_tablet_breakpoint( $min = '', $max = '' ) {
- $update_breakpoint = astra_get_option( 'can-update-theme-tablet-breakpoint', true );
- // Change default for new users.
- $default = ( true === $update_breakpoint ) ? 921 : 768;
- $header_breakpoint = apply_filters( 'astra_tablet_breakpoint', $default );
- if ( '' !== $min ) {
- $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint - $min;
- } elseif ( '' !== $max ) {
- $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint + $max;
- }
- return absint( $header_breakpoint );
- * Get the mobile breakpoint value.
- *
- * @param string $min min.
- * @param string $max max.
- *
- * @since 2.4.0
- *
- * @return number header_breakpoint.
- */
-function astra_get_mobile_breakpoint( $min = '', $max = '' ) {
- $header_breakpoint = apply_filters( 'astra_mobile_breakpoint', 544 );
- if ( '' !== $min ) {
- $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint - $min;
- } elseif ( '' !== $max ) {
- $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint + $max;
- }
- return absint( $header_breakpoint );
- * Apply CSS for the element
- */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_color_responsive_css' ) ) {
- /**
- * Astra Responsive Colors
- *
- * @param array $setting Responsive colors.
- * @param string $css_property CSS property.
- * @param string $selector CSS selector.
- * @return string Dynamic responsive CSS.
- */
- function astra_color_responsive_css( $setting, $css_property, $selector ) {
- $css = '';
- if ( isset( $setting['desktop'] ) && ! empty( $setting['desktop'] ) ) {
- $css .= $selector . '{' . $css_property . ':' . esc_attr( $setting['desktop'] ) . ';}';
- }
- if ( isset( $setting['tablet'] ) && ! empty( $setting['tablet'] ) ) {
- $css .= '@media (max-width:' . astra_get_tablet_breakpoint() . 'px) {' . $selector . '{' . $css_property . ':' . esc_attr( $setting['tablet'] ) . ';} }';
- }
- if ( isset( $setting['mobile'] ) && ! empty( $setting['mobile'] ) ) {
- $css .= '@media (max-width:' . astra_get_mobile_breakpoint() . 'px) {' . $selector . '{' . $css_property . ':' . esc_attr( $setting['mobile'] ) . ';} }';
- }
- return $css;
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_check_is_bb_themer_layout' ) ) :
- /**
- * Check if layout is bb themer's layout
- */
- function astra_check_is_bb_themer_layout() {
- $is_layout = false;
- $post_type = get_post_type();
- $post_id = get_the_ID();
- if ( 'fl-theme-layout' === $post_type && $post_id ) {
- $is_layout = true;
- }
- return $is_layout;
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_is_white_labelled' ) ) :
- /**
- * Check if white label option is enabled in astra pro plugin
- */
- function astra_is_white_labelled() {
- if ( is_callable( 'Astra_Ext_White_Label_Markup::show_branding' ) && ! Astra_Ext_White_Label_Markup::show_branding() ) {
- return apply_filters( 'astra_is_white_labelled', true );
- }
- return apply_filters( 'astra_is_white_labelled', false );
- }
- * Get the value for font-display property.
- *
- * @since 1.8.6
- * @return string
- */
-function astra_get_fonts_display_property() {
- return apply_filters( 'astra_fonts_display_property', 'fallback' );
- * Return Theme options from database.
- *
- * @param string $option Option key.
- * @param string $default Option default value.
- * @param string $deprecated Option default value.
- * @return Mixed Return option value.
- */
-function astra_get_db_option( $option, $default = '', $deprecated = '' ) {
- if ( '' != $deprecated ) {
- $default = $deprecated;
- }
- $theme_options = Astra_Theme_Options::get_db_options();
- /**
- * Filter the options array for Astra Settings.
- *
- * @since 1.0.20
- * @var Array
- */
- $theme_options = apply_filters( 'astra_get_db_option_array', $theme_options, $option, $default );
- $value = ( isset( $theme_options[ $option ] ) && '' !== $theme_options[ $option ] ) ? $theme_options[ $option ] : $default;
- /**
- * Dynamic filter astra_get_option_$option.
- * $option is the name of the Astra Setting, Refer Astra_Theme_Options::defaults() for option names from the theme.
- *
- * @since 1.0.20
- * @var Mixed.
- */
- return apply_filters( "astra_get_db_option_{$option}", $value, $option, $default );
- * Generate Responsive Background Color CSS.
- *
- * @param array $bg_obj_res array of background object.
- * @param string $device CSS for which device.
- * @return array
- */
-function astra_get_responsive_background_obj( $bg_obj_res, $device ) {
- $gen_bg_css = array();
- if ( ! is_array( $bg_obj_res ) ) {
- return;
- }
- $bg_obj = $bg_obj_res[ $device ];
- $bg_img = isset( $bg_obj['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-image'] : '';
- $bg_tab_img = isset( $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] : '';
- $bg_desk_img = isset( $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] : '';
- $bg_color = isset( $bg_obj['background-color'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-color'] : '';
- $tablet_css = ( isset( $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] ) && $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] ) ? true : false;
- $desktop_css = ( isset( $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] ) && $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] ) ? true : false;
- $bg_type = ( isset( $bg_obj['background-type'] ) && $bg_obj['background-type'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-type'] : '';
- if ( '' !== $bg_type ) {
- switch ( $bg_type ) {
- case 'color':
- if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
- } elseif ( 'mobile' === $device ) {
- if ( $desktop_css ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_desk_img . ');';
- } elseif ( $tablet_css ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_tab_img . ');';
- } else {
- $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'none;';
- }
- } elseif ( 'tablet' === $device ) {
- if ( $desktop_css ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_desk_img . ');';
- } else {
- $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'none;';
- }
- } elseif ( '' === $bg_img ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'none;';
- }
- break;
- case 'image':
- if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color && ( ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) && ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
- }
- if ( '' === $bg_color || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) && '' !== $bg_img ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'url(' . $bg_img . ');';
- }
- break;
- case 'gradient':
- if ( isset( $bg_color ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = $bg_color . ';';
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } elseif ( '' !== $bg_color ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
- }
- if ( '' !== $bg_img ) {
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-repeat'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-position'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-position'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-position'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-size'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-size'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-size'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] ) ) {
- $gen_bg_css['background-attachment'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] );
- }
- }
- return $gen_bg_css;
- * Common function to check is pagination is enabled on current page.
- *
- * @since 3.0.1
- * @return boolean
- */
-function is_astra_pagination_enabled() {
- global $wp_query;
- return ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 && apply_filters( 'astra_pagination_enabled', true ) );
- * Verify is current post comments are enabled or not for applying dynamic CSS.
- *
- * @since 3.0.1
- * @return boolean
- */
-function is_current_post_comment_enabled() {
- return ( is_singular() && comments_open() );
+ * Functions for Astra Theme.
+ *
+ * @package Astra
+ * @author Astra
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, Astra
+ * @link
+ * @since Astra 1.0.0
+ */
+if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
+ exit;
+ * Foreground Color
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_foreground_color' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Foreground Color
+ *
+ * @param string $hex Color code in HEX format.
+ * @return string Return foreground color depend on input HEX color.
+ */
+ function astra_get_foreground_color( $hex ) {
+ // bail early if color's not set.
+ if ( 'transparent' == $hex || 'false' == $hex || '#' == $hex || empty( $hex ) ) {
+ return 'transparent';
+ }
+ // Get clean hex code.
+ $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex );
+ if ( 3 == strlen( $hex ) ) {
+ $hex = str_repeat( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ), 2 );
+ }
+ if ( strpos( $hex, 'rgba' ) !== false ) {
+ $rgba = preg_replace( '/[^0-9,]/', '', $hex );
+ $rgba = explode( ',', $rgba );
+ $hex = sprintf( '#%02x%02x%02x', $rgba[0], $rgba[1], $rgba[2] );
+ }
+ // Return if non hex.
+ if ( ! ctype_xdigit( $hex ) ) {
+ return $hex;
+ }
+ // Get r, g & b codes from hex code.
+ $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) );
+ $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) );
+ $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) );
+ $hex = ( ( $r * 299 ) + ( $g * 587 ) + ( $b * 114 ) ) / 1000;
+ return 128 <= $hex ? '#000000' : '#ffffff';
+ }
+ * Generate CSS
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_css' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Generate CSS
+ *
+ * @param mixed $value CSS value.
+ * @param string $css_property CSS property.
+ * @param string $selector CSS selector.
+ * @param string $unit CSS property unit.
+ * @return void Echo generated CSS.
+ */
+ function astra_css( $value = '', $css_property = '', $selector = '', $unit = '' ) {
+ if ( $selector ) {
+ if ( $css_property && $value ) {
+ if ( '' != $unit ) {
+ $value .= $unit;
+ }
+ $css = $selector;
+ $css .= '{';
+ $css .= ' ' . $css_property . ': ' . $value . ';';
+ $css .= '}';
+ echo $css; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Get Font Size value
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_responsive_font' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get Font CSS value
+ *
+ * @param array $font CSS value.
+ * @param string $device CSS device.
+ * @param string $default Default value.
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ function astra_responsive_font( $font, $device = 'desktop', $default = '' ) {
+ if ( isset( $font[ $device ] ) && isset( $font[ $device . '-unit' ] ) ) {
+ if ( '' != $default ) {
+ $font_size = astra_get_css_value( $font[ $device ], $font[ $device . '-unit' ], $default );
+ } else {
+ $font_size = astra_get_font_css_value( $font[ $device ], $font[ $device . '-unit' ] );
+ }
+ } elseif ( is_numeric( $font ) ) {
+ $font_size = astra_get_css_value( $font );
+ } else {
+ $font_size = ( ! is_array( $font ) ) ? $font : '';
+ }
+ return $font_size;
+ }
+ * Get Font Size value
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_font_css_value' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get Font CSS value
+ *
+ * Syntax:
+ *
+ * astra_get_font_css_value( VALUE, DEVICE, UNIT );
+ *
+ * E.g.
+ *
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'desktop', '%' );
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'tablet' );
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'mobile' );
+ *
+ * @param string $value CSS value.
+ * @param string $unit CSS unit.
+ * @param string $device CSS device.
+ * @return mixed CSS value depends on $unit & $device
+ */
+ function astra_get_font_css_value( $value, $unit = 'px', $device = 'desktop' ) {
+ // If value is empty or 0 then return blank.
+ if ( '' == $value || 0 == $value ) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $css_val = '';
+ switch ( $unit ) {
+ case 'em':
+ case '%':
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . $unit;
+ break;
+ case 'px':
+ if ( is_numeric( $value ) || strpos( $value, 'px' ) ) {
+ $value = intval( $value );
+ $fonts = array();
+ $body_font_size = astra_get_option( 'font-size-body' );
+ $fonts['desktop'] = ( isset( $body_font_size['desktop'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['desktop'] ) ? $body_font_size['desktop'] : 15;
+ $fonts['tablet'] = ( isset( $body_font_size['tablet'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['tablet'] ) ? $body_font_size['tablet'] : $fonts['desktop'];
+ $fonts['mobile'] = ( isset( $body_font_size['mobile'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['mobile'] ) ? $body_font_size['mobile'] : $fonts['tablet'];
+ if ( $fonts[ $device ] ) {
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . 'px;font-size:' . ( esc_attr( $value ) / esc_attr( $fonts[ $device ] ) ) . 'rem';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value );
+ }
+ }
+ return $css_val;
+ }
+ * Get Font family
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_font_family' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get Font family
+ *
+ * Syntax:
+ *
+ * astra_get_font_family( VALUE, DEFAULT );
+ *
+ * E.g.
+ * astra_get_font_family( VALUE, '' );
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.19
+ *
+ * @param string $value CSS value.
+ * @return mixed CSS value depends on $unit
+ */
+ function astra_get_font_family( $value = '' ) {
+ $system_fonts = Astra_Font_Families::get_system_fonts();
+ if ( isset( $system_fonts[ $value ] ) && isset( $system_fonts[ $value ]['fallback'] ) ) {
+ $value .= ',' . $system_fonts[ $value ]['fallback'];
+ }
+ return $value;
+ }
+ * Get CSS value
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_css_value' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get CSS value
+ *
+ * Syntax:
+ *
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, UNIT );
+ *
+ * E.g.
+ *
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'url' );
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'px' );
+ * astra_get_css_value( VALUE, 'em' );
+ *
+ * @param string $value CSS value.
+ * @param string $unit CSS unit.
+ * @param string $default CSS default font.
+ * @return mixed CSS value depends on $unit
+ */
+ function astra_get_css_value( $value = '', $unit = 'px', $default = '' ) {
+ if ( '' == $value && '' == $default ) {
+ return $value;
+ }
+ $css_val = '';
+ switch ( $unit ) {
+ case 'font':
+ if ( 'inherit' != $value ) {
+ $value = astra_get_font_family( $value );
+ $css_val = $value;
+ } elseif ( '' != $default ) {
+ $css_val = $default;
+ } else {
+ $css_val = '';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'px':
+ case '%':
+ if ( 'inherit' === strtolower( $value ) || 'inherit' === strtolower( $default ) ) {
+ return $value;
+ }
+ $value = ( '' != $value ) ? $value : $default;
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . $unit;
+ break;
+ case 'url':
+ $css_val = $unit . '(' . esc_url( $value ) . ')';
+ break;
+ case 'rem':
+ if ( 'inherit' === strtolower( $value ) || 'inherit' === strtolower( $default ) ) {
+ return $value;
+ }
+ if ( is_numeric( $value ) || strpos( $value, 'px' ) ) {
+ $value = intval( $value );
+ $body_font_size = astra_get_option( 'font-size-body' );
+ if ( is_array( $body_font_size ) ) {
+ $body_font_size_desktop = ( isset( $body_font_size['desktop'] ) && '' != $body_font_size['desktop'] ) ? $body_font_size['desktop'] : 15;
+ } else {
+ $body_font_size_desktop = ( '' != $body_font_size ) ? $body_font_size : 15;
+ }
+ if ( $body_font_size_desktop ) {
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . 'px;font-size:' . ( esc_attr( $value ) / esc_attr( $body_font_size_desktop ) ) . $unit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $value = ( '' != $value ) ? $value : $default;
+ if ( '' != $value ) {
+ $css_val = esc_attr( $value ) . $unit;
+ }
+ }
+ return $css_val;
+ }
+ * Adjust the background obj.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_background_obj' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Adjust Brightness
+ *
+ * @param array $bg_obj Color code in HEX.
+ *
+ * @return array Color code in HEX.
+ */
+ function astra_get_background_obj( $bg_obj ) {
+ $gen_bg_css = array();
+ $bg_img = isset( $bg_obj['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-image'] : '';
+ $bg_color = isset( $bg_obj['background-color'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-color'] : '';
+ $bg_type = isset( $bg_obj['background-type'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-type'] : '';
+ if ( '' !== $bg_type ) {
+ switch ( $bg_type ) {
+ case 'color':
+ if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
+ } elseif ( '' === $bg_img ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'image':
+ if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color && ( ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) && ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
+ }
+ if ( '' === $bg_color || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) && '' !== $bg_img ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'url(' . $bg_img . ');';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'gradient':
+ if ( isset( $bg_color ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } elseif ( '' !== $bg_color ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $bg_img ) {
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-repeat'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-position'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-position'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-position'] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-size'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-size'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-size'] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-attachment'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] );
+ }
+ }
+ return $gen_bg_css;
+ }
+ * Parse CSS
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_parse_css' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Parse CSS
+ *
+ * @param array $css_output Array of CSS.
+ * @param string $min_media Min Media breakpoint.
+ * @param string $max_media Max Media breakpoint.
+ * @return string Generated CSS.
+ */
+ function astra_parse_css( $css_output = array(), $min_media = '', $max_media = '' ) {
+ $parse_css = '';
+ if ( is_array( $css_output ) && count( $css_output ) > 0 ) {
+ foreach ( $css_output as $selector => $properties ) {
+ if ( null === $properties ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( ! count( $properties ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $temp_parse_css = $selector . '{';
+ $properties_added = 0;
+ foreach ( $properties as $property => $value ) {
+ if ( '' == $value && 0 !== $value ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $properties_added++;
+ $temp_parse_css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';';
+ }
+ $temp_parse_css .= '}';
+ if ( $properties_added > 0 ) {
+ $parse_css .= $temp_parse_css;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( '' != $parse_css && ( '' !== $min_media || '' !== $max_media ) ) {
+ $media_css = '@media ';
+ $min_media_css = '';
+ $max_media_css = '';
+ $media_separator = '';
+ if ( '' !== $min_media ) {
+ $min_media_css = '(min-width:' . $min_media . 'px)';
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $max_media ) {
+ $max_media_css = '(max-width:' . $max_media . 'px)';
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $min_media && '' !== $max_media ) {
+ $media_separator = ' and ';
+ }
+ $media_css .= $min_media_css . $media_separator . $max_media_css . '{' . $parse_css . '}';
+ return $media_css;
+ }
+ }
+ return $parse_css;
+ }
+ * Return Theme options.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_option' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Return Theme options.
+ *
+ * @param string $option Option key.
+ * @param string $default Option default value.
+ * @param string $deprecated Option default value.
+ * @return Mixed Return option value.
+ */
+ function astra_get_option( $option, $default = '', $deprecated = '' ) {
+ if ( '' != $deprecated ) {
+ $default = $deprecated;
+ }
+ $theme_options = Astra_Theme_Options::get_options();
+ /**
+ * Filter the options array for Astra Settings.
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.20
+ * @var Array
+ */
+ $theme_options = apply_filters( 'astra_get_option_array', $theme_options, $option, $default );
+ $value = ( isset( $theme_options[ $option ] ) && '' !== $theme_options[ $option ] ) ? $theme_options[ $option ] : $default;
+ /**
+ * Dynamic filter astra_get_option_$option.
+ * $option is the name of the Astra Setting, Refer Astra_Theme_Options::defaults() for option names from the theme.
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.20
+ * @var Mixed.
+ */
+ return apply_filters( "astra_get_option_{$option}", $value, $option, $default );
+ }
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_update_option' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Update Theme options.
+ *
+ * @param string $option option key.
+ * @param Mixed $value option value.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ function astra_update_option( $option, $value ) {
+ do_action( "astra_before_update_option_{$option}", $value, $option );
+ // Get all customizer options.
+ $theme_options = get_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS );
+ // Update value in options array.
+ $theme_options[ $option ] = $value;
+ update_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS, $theme_options );
+ do_action( "astra_after_update_option_{$option}", $value, $option );
+ }
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_delete_option' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Update Theme options.
+ *
+ * @param string $option option key.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ function astra_delete_option( $option ) {
+ do_action( "astra_before_delete_option_{$option}", $option );
+ // Get all customizer options.
+ $theme_options = get_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS );
+ // Update value in options array.
+ unset( $theme_options[ $option ] );
+ update_option( ASTRA_THEME_SETTINGS, $theme_options );
+ do_action( "astra_after_delete_option_{$option}", $option );
+ }
+ * Return Theme options from postmeta.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_option_meta' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Return Theme options from postmeta.
+ *
+ * @param string $option_id Option ID.
+ * @param string $default Option default value.
+ * @param boolean $only_meta Get only meta value.
+ * @param string $extension Is value from extension.
+ * @param string $post_id Get value from specific post by post ID.
+ * @return Mixed Return option value.
+ */
+ function astra_get_option_meta( $option_id, $default = '', $only_meta = false, $extension = '', $post_id = '' ) {
+ $post_id = ( '' != $post_id ) ? $post_id : astra_get_post_id();
+ $value = astra_get_option( $option_id, $default );
+ // Get value from option 'post-meta'.
+ if ( is_singular() || ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() ) ) {
+ $value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $option_id, true );
+ if ( empty( $value ) || 'default' == $value ) {
+ if ( true === $only_meta ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $value = astra_get_option( $option_id, $default );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dynamic filter astra_get_option_meta_$option.
+ * $option_id is the name of the Astra Meta Setting.
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.20
+ * @var Mixed.
+ */
+ return apply_filters( "astra_get_option_meta_{$option_id}", $value, $default, $default );
+ }
+ * Helper function to get the current post id.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_post_id' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get post ID.
+ *
+ * @param string $post_id_override Get override post ID.
+ * @return number Post ID.
+ */
+ function astra_get_post_id( $post_id_override = '' ) {
+ if ( null == Astra_Theme_Options::$post_id ) {
+ global $post;
+ $post_id = 0;
+ if ( is_home() ) {
+ $post_id = get_option( 'page_for_posts' );
+ } elseif ( is_archive() ) {
+ global $wp_query;
+ $post_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
+ } elseif ( isset( $post->ID ) && ! is_search() && ! is_category() ) {
+ $post_id = $post->ID;
+ }
+ Astra_Theme_Options::$post_id = $post_id;
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'astra_get_post_id', Astra_Theme_Options::$post_id, $post_id_override );
+ }
+ * Display classes for primary div
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_primary_class' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Display classes for primary div
+ *
+ * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
+ * @return void Echo classes.
+ */
+ function astra_primary_class( $class = '' ) {
+ // Separates classes with a single space, collates classes for body element.
+ echo 'class="' . esc_attr( join( ' ', astra_get_primary_class( $class ) ) ) . '"';
+ }
+ * Retrieve the classes for the primary element as an array.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_primary_class' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the classes for the primary element as an array.
+ *
+ * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
+ * @return array Return array of classes.
+ */
+ function astra_get_primary_class( $class = '' ) {
+ // array of class names.
+ $classes = array();
+ // default class for content area.
+ $classes[] = 'content-area';
+ // primary base class.
+ $classes[] = 'primary';
+ if ( ! empty( $class ) ) {
+ if ( ! is_array( $class ) ) {
+ $class = preg_split( '#\s+#', $class );
+ }
+ $classes = array_merge( $classes, $class );
+ } else {
+ // Ensure that we always coerce class to being an array.
+ $class = array();
+ }
+ // Filter primary div class names.
+ $classes = apply_filters( 'astra_primary_class', $classes, $class );
+ $classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes );
+ return array_unique( $classes );
+ }
+ * Display classes for secondary div
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_secondary_class' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the classes for the secondary element as an array.
+ *
+ * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
+ * @return void echo classes.
+ */
+ function astra_secondary_class( $class = '' ) {
+ // Separates classes with a single space, collates classes for body element.
+ echo 'class="' . esc_attr( join( ' ', astra_get_secondary_class( $class ) ) ) . '"';
+ }
+ * Retrieve the classes for the secondary element as an array.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_secondary_class' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the classes for the secondary element as an array.
+ *
+ * @param string|array $class One or more classes to add to the class list.
+ * @return array Return array of classes.
+ */
+ function astra_get_secondary_class( $class = '' ) {
+ // array of class names.
+ $classes = array();
+ // default class from widget area.
+ $classes[] = 'widget-area';
+ // secondary base class.
+ $classes[] = 'secondary';
+ if ( ! empty( $class ) ) {
+ if ( ! is_array( $class ) ) {
+ $class = preg_split( '#\s+#', $class );
+ }
+ $classes = array_merge( $classes, $class );
+ } else {
+ // Ensure that we always coerce class to being an array.
+ $class = array();
+ }
+ // Filter secondary div class names.
+ $classes = apply_filters( 'astra_secondary_class', $classes, $class );
+ $classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes );
+ return array_unique( $classes );
+ }
+ * Get post format
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_post_format' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get post format
+ *
+ * @param string $post_format_override Override post formate.
+ * @return string Return post format.
+ */
+ function astra_get_post_format( $post_format_override = '' ) {
+ if ( ( is_home() ) || is_archive() ) {
+ $post_format = 'blog';
+ } else {
+ $post_format = get_post_format();
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'astra_get_post_format', $post_format, $post_format_override );
+ }
+ * Wrapper function for get_the_title() for blog post.
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_the_post_title' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Wrapper function for get_the_title() for blog post.
+ *
+ * Displays title only if the page title bar is disabled.
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.15
+ * @param string $before Optional. Content to prepend to the title.
+ * @param string $after Optional. Content to append to the title.
+ * @param int $post_id Optional, default to 0. Post id.
+ * @param bool $echo Optional, default to true.Whether to display or return.
+ * @return string|void String if $echo parameter is false.
+ */
+ function astra_the_post_title( $before = '', $after = '', $post_id = 0, $echo = true ) {
+ $enabled = apply_filters( 'astra_the_post_title_enabled', true );
+ if ( $enabled ) {
+ $title = astra_get_the_title( $post_id );
+ $before = apply_filters( 'astra_the_post_title_before', $before );
+ $after = apply_filters( 'astra_the_post_title_after', $after );
+ // This will work same as `the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
+ if ( $echo ) {
+ echo $before . $title . $after; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
+ } else {
+ return $before . $title . $after;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Wrapper function for the_title()
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_the_title' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Wrapper function for the_title()
+ *
+ * Displays title only if the page title bar is disabled.
+ *
+ * @param string $before Optional. Content to prepend to the title.
+ * @param string $after Optional. Content to append to the title.
+ * @param int $post_id Optional, default to 0. Post id.
+ * @param bool $echo Optional, default to true.Whether to display or return.
+ * @return string|void String if $echo parameter is false.
+ */
+ function astra_the_title( $before = '', $after = '', $post_id = 0, $echo = true ) {
+ $title = '';
+ $blog_post_title = astra_get_option( 'blog-post-structure' );
+ $single_post_title = astra_get_option( 'blog-single-post-structure' );
+ if ( ( ! is_singular() && in_array( 'title-meta', $blog_post_title ) ) || ( is_single() && in_array( 'single-title-meta', $single_post_title ) ) || is_page() ) {
+ if ( apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_enabled', true ) ) {
+ $title = astra_get_the_title( $post_id );
+ $before = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_before', $before );
+ $after = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_after', $after );
+ $title = $before . $title . $after;
+ }
+ }
+ // This will work same as `the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
+ if ( $echo ) {
+ echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
+ } else {
+ return $title;
+ }
+ }
+ * Wrapper function for get_the_title()
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_the_title' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Wrapper function for get_the_title()
+ *
+ * Return title for Title Bar and Normal Title.
+ *
+ * @param int $post_id Optional, default to 0. Post id.
+ * @param bool $echo Optional, default to false. Whether to display or return.
+ * @return string|void String if $echo parameter is false.
+ */
+ function astra_get_the_title( $post_id = 0, $echo = false ) {
+ $title = '';
+ if ( $post_id || is_singular() ) {
+ $title = get_the_title( $post_id );
+ } else {
+ if ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) {
+ // Default homepage.
+ $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_default_home_page_title', esc_html__( 'Home', 'astra' ) );
+ } elseif ( is_home() ) {
+ // blog page.
+ $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_blog_home_page_title', get_the_title( get_option( 'page_for_posts', true ) ) );
+ } elseif ( is_404() ) {
+ // for 404 page - title always display.
+ $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_404_page_title', esc_html__( 'This page doesn\'t seem to exist.', 'astra' ) );
+ // for search page - title always display.
+ } elseif ( is_search() ) {
+ /* translators: 1: search string */
+ $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_search_page_title', sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'astra' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) );
+ } elseif ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && is_shop() ) {
+ $title = woocommerce_page_title( false );
+ } elseif ( is_archive() ) {
+ $title = get_the_archive_title();
+ }
+ }
+ $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title', $title, $post_id );
+ // This will work same as `get_the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
+ if ( $echo ) {
+ echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
+ } else {
+ return $title;
+ }
+ }
+ * Archive Page Title
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_archive_page_info' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Wrapper function for the_title()
+ *
+ * Displays title only if the page title bar is disabled.
+ */
+ function astra_archive_page_info() {
+ if ( apply_filters( 'astra_the_title_enabled', true ) ) {
+ // Author.
+ if ( is_author() ) { ?>
+ <section class="ast-author-box ast-archive-description">
+ <div class="ast-author-bio">
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <h1 class='page-title ast-archive-title'><?php echo get_the_author(); ?></h1>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <p><?php echo wp_kses_post( get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) ); ?></p>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ast-author-avatar">
+ <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'email' ), 120 ); ?>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ <?php
+ // Category.
+ } elseif ( is_category() ) {
+ ?>
+ <section class="ast-archive-description">
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title"><?php echo single_cat_title(); ?></h1>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( get_the_archive_description() ) ); ?>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
+ </section>
+ <?php
+ // Tag.
+ } elseif ( is_tag() ) {
+ ?>
+ <section class="ast-archive-description">
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title"><?php echo single_tag_title(); ?></h1>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( get_the_archive_description() ) ); ?>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
+ </section>
+ <?php
+ // Search.
+ } elseif ( is_search() ) {
+ ?>
+ <section class="ast-archive-description">
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <?php
+ /* translators: 1: search string */
+ $title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_search_page_title', sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'astra' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) );
+ ?>
+ <h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title"> <?php echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?> </h1>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
+ </section>
+ <?php
+ // Other.
+ } else {
+ ?>
+ <section class="ast-archive-description">
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_before_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <?php the_archive_title( '<h1 class="page-title ast-archive-title">', '</h1>' ); ?>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_title' ); ?>
+ <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( get_the_archive_description() ) ); ?>
+ <?php do_action( 'astra_after_archive_description' ); ?>
+ </section>
+ <?php
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ add_action( 'astra_archive_header', 'astra_archive_page_info' );
+ * Adjust the HEX color brightness
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_adjust_brightness' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Adjust Brightness
+ *
+ * @param string $hex Color code in HEX.
+ * @param number $steps brightness value.
+ * @param string $type brightness is reverse or default.
+ * @return string Color code in HEX.
+ */
+ function astra_adjust_brightness( $hex, $steps, $type ) {
+ // Get rgb vars.
+ $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex );
+ // Return if non hex.
+ if ( ! ctype_xdigit( $hex ) ) {
+ return $hex;
+ }
+ $shortcode_atts = array(
+ 'r' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ),
+ 'g' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ),
+ 'b' => hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ),
+ );
+ // Should we darken the color?
+ if ( 'reverse' == $type && $shortcode_atts['r'] + $shortcode_atts['g'] + $shortcode_atts['b'] > 382 ) {
+ $steps = -$steps;
+ } elseif ( 'darken' == $type ) {
+ $steps = -$steps;
+ }
+ // Build the new color.
+ $steps = max( -255, min( 255, $steps ) );
+ $shortcode_atts['r'] = max( 0, min( 255, $shortcode_atts['r'] + $steps ) );
+ $shortcode_atts['g'] = max( 0, min( 255, $shortcode_atts['g'] + $steps ) );
+ $shortcode_atts['b'] = max( 0, min( 255, $shortcode_atts['b'] + $steps ) );
+ $r_hex = str_pad( dechex( $shortcode_atts['r'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
+ $g_hex = str_pad( dechex( $shortcode_atts['g'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
+ $b_hex = str_pad( dechex( $shortcode_atts['b'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
+ return '#' . $r_hex . $g_hex . $b_hex;
+ }
+} // End if.
+ * Convert colors from HEX to RGBA
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_hex_to_rgba' ) ) :
+ /**
+ * Convert colors from HEX to RGBA
+ *
+ * @param string $color Color code in HEX.
+ * @param boolean $opacity Color code opacity.
+ * @return string Color code in RGB or RGBA.
+ */
+ function astra_hex_to_rgba( $color, $opacity = false ) {
+ $default = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
+ // Return default if no color provided.
+ if ( empty( $color ) ) {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ // Sanitize $color if "#" is provided.
+ if ( '#' == $color[0] ) {
+ $color = substr( $color, 1 );
+ }
+ // Check if color has 6 or 3 characters and get values.
+ if ( 6 == strlen( $color ) ) {
+ $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[3], $color[4] . $color[5] );
+ } elseif ( 3 == strlen( $color ) ) {
+ $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[0], $color[1] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[2] );
+ } else {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ // Convert HEX to RGB.
+ $rgb = array_map( 'hexdec', $hex );
+ // Check if opacity is set(RGBA or RGB).
+ if ( $opacity ) {
+ if ( 1 < abs( $opacity ) ) {
+ $opacity = 1.0;
+ }
+ $output = 'rgba(' . implode( ',', $rgb ) . ',' . $opacity . ')';
+ } else {
+ $output = 'rgb(' . implode( ',', $rgb ) . ')';
+ }
+ // Return RGB(a) color string.
+ return $output;
+ }
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_enable_page_builder_compatibility' ) ) :
+ /**
+ * Allow filter to enable/disable page builder compatibility.
+ *
+ * @see
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @since 1.2.2
+ * @return bool True - If the page builder compatibility is enabled. False - IF the page builder compatibility is disabled.
+ */
+ function astra_enable_page_builder_compatibility() {
+ return apply_filters( 'astra_enable_page_builder_compatibility', true );
+ }
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_pro_url' ) ) :
+ /**
+ * Returns an URL with utm tags
+ * the admin settings page.
+ *
+ * @param string $url URL fo the site.
+ * @param string $source utm source.
+ * @param string $medium utm medium.
+ * @param string $campaign utm campaign.
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ function astra_get_pro_url( $url, $source = '', $medium = '', $campaign = '' ) {
+ $astra_pro_url = trailingslashit( $url );
+ // Set up our URL if we have a source.
+ if ( isset( $source ) ) {
+ $astra_pro_url = add_query_arg( 'utm_source', sanitize_text_field( $source ), $url );
+ }
+ // Set up our URL if we have a medium.
+ if ( isset( $medium ) ) {
+ $astra_pro_url = add_query_arg( 'utm_medium', sanitize_text_field( $medium ), $url );
+ }
+ // Set up our URL if we have a campaign.
+ if ( isset( $campaign ) ) {
+ $astra_pro_url = add_query_arg( 'utm_campaign', sanitize_text_field( $campaign ), $url );
+ }
+ return esc_url( apply_filters( 'astra_get_pro_url', $astra_pro_url, $url ) );
+ }
+ * Search Form
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_get_search_form' ) ) :
+ /**
+ * Display search form.
+ *
+ * @param bool $echo Default to echo and not return the form.
+ * @return string|void String when $echo is false.
+ */
+ function astra_get_search_form( $echo = true ) {
+ $form = get_search_form(
+ array(
+ 'input_placeholder' => apply_filters( 'astra_search_field_placeholder', esc_attr_x( 'Search &hellip;', 'placeholder', 'astra' ) ),
+ 'data_attributes' => apply_filters( 'astra_search_field_toggle_data_attrs', '' ),
+ 'input_value' => get_search_query(),
+ 'show_input_submit' => false,
+ )
+ );
+ /**
+ * Filters the HTML output of the search form.
+ *
+ * @param string $form The search form HTML output.
+ */
+ $result = apply_filters( 'astra_get_search_form', $form );
+ if ( null === $result ) {
+ $result = $form;
+ }
+ if ( $echo ) {
+ echo $result; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
+ } else {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ * Check if we're being delivered AMP
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+function astra_is_amp_endpoint() {
+ return function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint();
+ * Get Responsive Spacing
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_responsive_spacing' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Get Spacing value
+ *
+ * @param array $option CSS value.
+ * @param string $side top | bottom | left | right.
+ * @param string $device CSS device.
+ * @param string $default Default value.
+ * @param string $prefix Prefix value.
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ function astra_responsive_spacing( $option, $side = '', $device = 'desktop', $default = '', $prefix = '' ) {
+ if ( isset( $option[ $device ][ $side ] ) && isset( $option[ $device . '-unit' ] ) ) {
+ $spacing = astra_get_css_value( $option[ $device ][ $side ], $option[ $device . '-unit' ], $default );
+ } elseif ( is_numeric( $option ) ) {
+ $spacing = astra_get_css_value( $option );
+ } else {
+ $spacing = ( ! is_array( $option ) ) ? $option : '';
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $prefix && '' !== $spacing ) {
+ return $prefix . $spacing;
+ }
+ return $spacing;
+ }
+ * Get the tablet breakpoint value.
+ *
+ * @param string $min min.
+ * @param string $max max.
+ *
+ * @since 2.4.0
+ *
+ * @return number $breakpoint.
+ */
+function astra_get_tablet_breakpoint( $min = '', $max = '' ) {
+ $update_breakpoint = astra_get_option( 'can-update-theme-tablet-breakpoint', true );
+ // Change default for new users.
+ $default = ( true === $update_breakpoint ) ? 921 : 768;
+ $header_breakpoint = apply_filters( 'astra_tablet_breakpoint', $default );
+ if ( '' !== $min ) {
+ $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint - $min;
+ } elseif ( '' !== $max ) {
+ $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint + $max;
+ }
+ return absint( $header_breakpoint );
+ * Get the mobile breakpoint value.
+ *
+ * @param string $min min.
+ * @param string $max max.
+ *
+ * @since 2.4.0
+ *
+ * @return number header_breakpoint.
+ */
+function astra_get_mobile_breakpoint( $min = '', $max = '' ) {
+ $header_breakpoint = apply_filters( 'astra_mobile_breakpoint', 544 );
+ if ( '' !== $min ) {
+ $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint - $min;
+ } elseif ( '' !== $max ) {
+ $header_breakpoint = $header_breakpoint + $max;
+ }
+ return absint( $header_breakpoint );
+ * Apply CSS for the element
+ */
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_color_responsive_css' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Astra Responsive Colors
+ *
+ * @param array $setting Responsive colors.
+ * @param string $css_property CSS property.
+ * @param string $selector CSS selector.
+ * @return string Dynamic responsive CSS.
+ */
+ function astra_color_responsive_css( $setting, $css_property, $selector ) {
+ $css = '';
+ if ( isset( $setting['desktop'] ) && ! empty( $setting['desktop'] ) ) {
+ $css .= $selector . '{' . $css_property . ':' . esc_attr( $setting['desktop'] ) . ';}';
+ }
+ if ( isset( $setting['tablet'] ) && ! empty( $setting['tablet'] ) ) {
+ $css .= '@media (max-width:' . astra_get_tablet_breakpoint() . 'px) {' . $selector . '{' . $css_property . ':' . esc_attr( $setting['tablet'] ) . ';} }';
+ }
+ if ( isset( $setting['mobile'] ) && ! empty( $setting['mobile'] ) ) {
+ $css .= '@media (max-width:' . astra_get_mobile_breakpoint() . 'px) {' . $selector . '{' . $css_property . ':' . esc_attr( $setting['mobile'] ) . ';} }';
+ }
+ return $css;
+ }
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_check_is_bb_themer_layout' ) ) :
+ /**
+ * Check if layout is bb themer's layout
+ */
+ function astra_check_is_bb_themer_layout() {
+ $is_layout = false;
+ $post_type = get_post_type();
+ $post_id = get_the_ID();
+ if ( 'fl-theme-layout' === $post_type && $post_id ) {
+ $is_layout = true;
+ }
+ return $is_layout;
+ }
+if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_is_white_labelled' ) ) :
+ /**
+ * Check if white label option is enabled in astra pro plugin
+ */
+ function astra_is_white_labelled() {
+ if ( is_callable( 'Astra_Ext_White_Label_Markup::show_branding' ) && ! Astra_Ext_White_Label_Markup::show_branding() ) {
+ return apply_filters( 'astra_is_white_labelled', true );
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'astra_is_white_labelled', false );
+ }
+ * Get the value for font-display property.
+ *
+ * @since 1.8.6
+ * @return string
+ */
+function astra_get_fonts_display_property() {
+ return apply_filters( 'astra_fonts_display_property', 'fallback' );
+ * Return Theme options from database.
+ *
+ * @param string $option Option key.
+ * @param string $default Option default value.
+ * @param string $deprecated Option default value.
+ * @return Mixed Return option value.
+ */
+function astra_get_db_option( $option, $default = '', $deprecated = '' ) {
+ if ( '' != $deprecated ) {
+ $default = $deprecated;
+ }
+ $theme_options = Astra_Theme_Options::get_db_options();
+ /**
+ * Filter the options array for Astra Settings.
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.20
+ * @var Array
+ */
+ $theme_options = apply_filters( 'astra_get_db_option_array', $theme_options, $option, $default );
+ $value = ( isset( $theme_options[ $option ] ) && '' !== $theme_options[ $option ] ) ? $theme_options[ $option ] : $default;
+ /**
+ * Dynamic filter astra_get_option_$option.
+ * $option is the name of the Astra Setting, Refer Astra_Theme_Options::defaults() for option names from the theme.
+ *
+ * @since 1.0.20
+ * @var Mixed.
+ */
+ return apply_filters( "astra_get_db_option_{$option}", $value, $option, $default );
+ * Generate Responsive Background Color CSS.
+ *
+ * @param array $bg_obj_res array of background object.
+ * @param string $device CSS for which device.
+ * @return array
+ */
+function astra_get_responsive_background_obj( $bg_obj_res, $device ) {
+ $gen_bg_css = array();
+ if ( ! is_array( $bg_obj_res ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $bg_obj = $bg_obj_res[ $device ];
+ $bg_img = isset( $bg_obj['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-image'] : '';
+ $bg_tab_img = isset( $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] : '';
+ $bg_desk_img = isset( $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] ) ? $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] : '';
+ $bg_color = isset( $bg_obj['background-color'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-color'] : '';
+ $tablet_css = ( isset( $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] ) && $bg_obj_res['tablet']['background-image'] ) ? true : false;
+ $desktop_css = ( isset( $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] ) && $bg_obj_res['desktop']['background-image'] ) ? true : false;
+ $bg_type = ( isset( $bg_obj['background-type'] ) && $bg_obj['background-type'] ) ? $bg_obj['background-type'] : '';
+ if ( '' !== $bg_type ) {
+ switch ( $bg_type ) {
+ case 'color':
+ if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
+ } elseif ( 'mobile' === $device ) {
+ if ( $desktop_css ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_desk_img . ');';
+ } elseif ( $tablet_css ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_tab_img . ');';
+ } else {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'none;';
+ }
+ } elseif ( 'tablet' === $device ) {
+ if ( $desktop_css ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_desk_img . ');';
+ } else {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'none;';
+ }
+ } elseif ( '' === $bg_img ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'none;';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'image':
+ if ( '' !== $bg_img && '' !== $bg_color && ( ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) && ! is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' . $bg_color . ', ' . $bg_color . '), url(' . $bg_img . ');';
+ }
+ if ( '' === $bg_color || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'linear-gradient' ) ) || is_numeric( strpos( $bg_color, 'radial-gradient' ) ) && '' !== $bg_img ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = 'url(' . $bg_img . ');';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'gradient':
+ if ( isset( $bg_color ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-image'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } elseif ( '' !== $bg_color ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-color'] = $bg_color . ';';
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $bg_img ) {
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-repeat'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-repeat'] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-position'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-position'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-position'] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-size'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-size'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-size'] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] ) ) {
+ $gen_bg_css['background-attachment'] = esc_attr( $bg_obj['background-attachment'] );
+ }
+ }
+ return $gen_bg_css;
+ * Common function to check is pagination is enabled on current page.
+ *
+ * @since 3.0.1
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+function is_astra_pagination_enabled() {
+ global $wp_query;
+ return ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 && apply_filters( 'astra_pagination_enabled', true ) );
+ * Verify is current post comments are enabled or not for applying dynamic CSS.
+ *
+ * @since 3.0.1
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+function is_current_post_comment_enabled() {
+ return ( is_singular() && comments_open() );