path: root/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets')
2 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets/js/minified/customizer-preview.min.js b/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets/js/minified/customizer-preview.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15bb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets/js/minified/customizer-preview.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(){var o="#astra-footer-menu",i=astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point||768,a=astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point||544;wp.customize("astra-settings[footer-menu-alignment]",function(t){t.bind(function(t){var e;""==t.desktop&&""==t.tablet&&""||(e="",e+='.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {',e+="align-items: "+t.desktop+";",e+="} ",e+='.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {',e+="justify-content: "+t.desktop+";",e+="} ",e+="@media (max-width: "+i+"px) {",e+='.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {',e+="align-items: "+t.tablet+";",e+="} ",e+='.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {',e+="justify-content: "+t.tablet+";",e+="} ",e+="} ",e+="@media (max-width: "+a+"px) {",e+='.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {',e+="align-items: "";",e+="} ",e+='.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {',e+="justify-content: "";",e+="} ",e+="} ",astra_add_dynamic_css("footer-menu-alignment",e))})}),astra_responsive_font_size("astra-settings[footer-menu-font-size]",o+" .menu-item > a"),astra_color_responsive_css("astra-footer-menu-preview","astra-settings[footer-menu-color-responsive]","color",o+" .menu-item > a"),astra_color_responsive_css("astra-footer-menu-preview","astra-settings[footer-menu-h-color-responsive]","color",o+" .menu-item:hover > a"),astra_color_responsive_css("astra-footer-menu-preview","astra-settings[footer-menu-a-color-responsive]","color",o+" .menu-item.current-menu-item > a"),astra_apply_responsive_background_css("astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]",o,"desktop"),astra_apply_responsive_background_css("astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]",o,"tablet"),astra_apply_responsive_background_css("astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]",o,"mobile"),astra_color_responsive_css("astra-footer-menu-preview","astra-settings[footer-menu-h-bg-color-responsive]","background",o+" .menu-item:hover > a"),astra_color_responsive_css("astra-footer-menu-preview","astra-settings[footer-menu-a-bg-color-responsive]","background",o+" .menu-item.current-menu-item > a"),wp.customize("astra-settings[footer-main-menu-spacing]",function(t){t.bind(function(t){var e;""==t.desktop.bottom&&""""==t.desktop.left&&""==t.desktop.right&&""==t.tablet.bottom&&""""==t.tablet.left&&""==t.tablet.right&&""""""""||(e="",e+=o+" .menu-item > a {",e+="padding-left: "+t.desktop.left+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="padding-right: "+t.desktop.right+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="padding-top: "["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="padding-bottom: "+t.desktop.bottom+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="} ",e+="@media (max-width: "+i+"px) {",e+=o+" .menu-item > a {",e+="padding-left: "+t.tablet.left+t["tablet-unit"]+";",e+="padding-right: "+t.tablet.right+t["tablet-unit"]+";",e+="padding-top: "["tablet-unit"]+";",e+="padding-bottom: "+t.tablet.bottom+t["tablet-unit"]+";",e+="} ",e+="} ",e+="@media (max-width: "+a+"px) {",e+=o+" .menu-item > a {",e+="padding-left: "["mobile-unit"]+";",e+="padding-right: "["mobile-unit"]+";",e+="padding-top: "["mobile-unit"]+";",e+="padding-bottom: "["mobile-unit"]+";",e+="} ",e+="} ",astra_add_dynamic_css("footer-menu-spacing",e))})}),wp.customize("astra-settings[section-footer-menu-margin]",function(t){t.bind(function(t){var e;""==t.desktop.bottom&&""""==t.desktop.left&&""==t.desktop.right&&""==t.tablet.bottom&&""""==t.tablet.left&&""==t.tablet.right&&""""""""||(e="",e+=o+" {",e+="margin-left: "+t.desktop.left+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="margin-right: "+t.desktop.right+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="margin-top: "["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="margin-bottom: "+t.desktop.bottom+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="} ",e+="@media (max-width: "+i+"px) {",e+=o+" {",e+="margin-left: "+t.tablet.left+t["tablet-unit"]+";",e+="margin-right: "+t.tablet.right+t["tablet-unit"]+";",e+="margin-top: "["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="margin-bottom: "+t.tablet.bottom+t["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="} ",e+="} ",e+="@media (max-width: "+a+"px) {",e+=o+" {",e+="margin-left: "["mobile-unit"]+";",e+="margin-right: "["mobile-unit"]+";",e+="margin-top: "["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="margin-bottom: "["desktop-unit"]+";",e+="} ",e+="} ",astra_add_dynamic_css("section-footer-menu-margin",e))})}),astra_builder_visibility_css("section-footer-menu",'.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"]',"block")}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets/js/unminified/customizer-preview.js b/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets/js/unminified/customizer-preview.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050aa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/builder/type/footer/menu/assets/js/unminified/customizer-preview.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * This file adds some LIVE to the Customizer live preview. To leverage
+ * this, set your custom settings to 'postMessage' and then add your handling
+ * here. Your javascript should grab settings from customizer controls, and
+ * then make any necessary changes to the page using jQuery.
+ *
+ * @package Astra
+ * @since 3.0.0
+ */
+( function( $ ) {
+ var selector = '#astra-footer-menu';
+ var visibility_selector = '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"]';
+ var tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768,
+ mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544;
+ wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-alignment]', function( value ) {
+ value.bind( function( alignment ) {
+ if( alignment.desktop != '' || alignment.tablet != '' || != '' ) {
+ var dynamicStyle = '';
+ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'align-items: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['desktop'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {';
+ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'align-items: ' + alignment['tablet'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['tablet'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {';
+ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-vertical-menu .menu-item {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'align-items: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '.footer-widget-area[data-section="section-footer-menu"] .astra-footer-horizontal-menu {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'justify-content: ' + alignment['mobile'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-menu-alignment', dynamicStyle );
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Typography CSS.
+ */
+ astra_responsive_font_size(
+ 'astra-settings[footer-menu-font-size]',
+ selector + ' .menu-item > a'
+ );
+ /**
+ * Menu - Colors
+ */
+ astra_color_responsive_css(
+ 'astra-footer-menu-preview',
+ 'astra-settings[footer-menu-color-responsive]',
+ 'color',
+ selector + ' .menu-item > a'
+ );
+ // Menu - Hover Color
+ astra_color_responsive_css(
+ 'astra-footer-menu-preview',
+ 'astra-settings[footer-menu-h-color-responsive]',
+ 'color',
+ selector + ' .menu-item:hover > a'
+ );
+ // Menu - Active Color
+ astra_color_responsive_css(
+ 'astra-footer-menu-preview',
+ 'astra-settings[footer-menu-a-color-responsive]',
+ 'color',
+ selector + ' .menu-item.current-menu-item > a'
+ );
+ // Responsive BG styles > Footer Menu.
+ astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]', selector, 'desktop' );
+ astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]', selector, 'tablet' );
+ astra_apply_responsive_background_css( 'astra-settings[footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive]', selector, 'mobile' );
+ // Menu - Hover Background
+ astra_color_responsive_css(
+ 'astra-footer-menu-preview',
+ 'astra-settings[footer-menu-h-bg-color-responsive]',
+ 'background',
+ selector + ' .menu-item:hover > a'
+ );
+ // Menu - Active Background
+ astra_color_responsive_css(
+ 'astra-footer-menu-preview',
+ 'astra-settings[footer-menu-a-bg-color-responsive]',
+ 'background',
+ selector + ' .menu-item.current-menu-item > a'
+ );
+ /**
+ * Spacing CSS.
+ */
+ wp.customize( 'astra-settings[footer-main-menu-spacing]', function( value ) {
+ value.bind( function( padding ) {
+ if(
+ padding.desktop.bottom != '' || != '' || padding.desktop.left != '' || padding.desktop.right != '' ||
+ padding.tablet.bottom != '' || != '' || padding.tablet.left != '' || padding.tablet.right != '' ||
+ != '' || != '' || != '' || != ''
+ ) {
+ var dynamicStyle = '';
+ dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item > a {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['desktop']['left'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['desktop']['right'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['desktop']['top'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['desktop']['bottom'] + padding['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {';
+ dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item > a {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['tablet']['left'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['tablet']['right'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['tablet']['top'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['tablet']['bottom'] + padding['tablet-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {';
+ dynamicStyle += selector + ' .menu-item > a {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-left: ' + padding['mobile']['left'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-right: ' + padding['mobile']['right'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-top: ' + padding['mobile']['top'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'padding-bottom: ' + padding['mobile']['bottom'] + padding['mobile-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ astra_add_dynamic_css( 'footer-menu-spacing', dynamicStyle );
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+ // Margin.
+ wp.customize( 'astra-settings[section-footer-menu-margin]', function( value ) {
+ value.bind( function( margin ) {
+ if(
+ margin.desktop.bottom != '' || != '' || margin.desktop.left != '' || margin.desktop.right != '' ||
+ margin.tablet.bottom != '' || != '' || margin.tablet.left != '' || margin.tablet.right != '' ||
+ != '' || != '' || != '' || != ''
+ ) {
+ var dynamicStyle = '';
+ dynamicStyle += selector + ' {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['desktop']['left'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['desktop']['right'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['desktop']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['desktop']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) {';
+ dynamicStyle += selector + ' {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['tablet']['left'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['tablet']['right'] + margin['tablet-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['tablet']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['tablet']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) {';
+ dynamicStyle += selector + ' {';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-left: ' + margin['mobile']['left'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-right: ' + margin['mobile']['right'] + margin['mobile-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-top: ' + margin['mobile']['top'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += 'margin-bottom: ' + margin['mobile']['bottom'] + margin['desktop-unit'] + ';';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ dynamicStyle += '} ';
+ astra_add_dynamic_css( 'section-footer-menu-margin', dynamicStyle );
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+ // Advanced Visibility CSS Generation.
+ astra_builder_visibility_css( 'section-footer-menu', visibility_selector, 'block' );
+} )( jQuery );