* network.hh - Definition of the Key classes for network configuration
* libhscript, the HorizonScript library for
* Project Horizon
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved.
* This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the
* LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
#include <map>
#include "key.hh"
#include "util/output.hh"
namespace Horizon {
namespace Keys {
class Network : public BooleanKey {
Network(const Script *_s, const ScriptLocation &_p, bool _value) :
BooleanKey(_s, _p, _value) {}
static Key *parseFromData(const std::string &, const ScriptLocation &pos,
int*, int*, const Script *);
bool execute() const override;
class NetConfigType : public Key {
enum ConfigSystem {
ConfigSystem _sys;
NetConfigType(const Script *_sc, const ScriptLocation &_p,
const ConfigSystem _s) : Key(_sc, _p), _sys(_s) {}
static Key *parseFromData(const std::string &, const ScriptLocation &,
int*, int*, const Script *);
/*! Retrieve the desired network configuration system. */
ConfigSystem type() const { return this->_sys; }
bool validate() const override;
bool execute() const override;
class NetAddress : public Key {
/*! Determines the type of address an interface will obtain. */
enum AddressType {
/*! DHCP address, obtained automatically from an addressing server. */
/*! IPv6 address automatically derived from router solicitation. */
/*! Static address obtained from the netaddress key. */
const std::string _iface;
const AddressType _type;
const std::string _address;
const uint8_t _prefix;
const std::string _gw;
NetAddress(const Script *sc, const ScriptLocation &p, const std::string &_i,
const AddressType &_t, const std::string &_a, const uint8_t _p,
const std::string &_g) : Key(sc, p), _iface(_i), _type(_t),
_address(_a), _prefix(_p), _gw(_g)
static Key *parseFromData(const std::string &, const ScriptLocation &,
int*, int*, const Script *);
/*! Retrieve the interface to which this 'netaddress' key is associated. */
const std::string iface() const { return this->_iface; }
/*! Retrieve the address type of this 'netadress' key. */
AddressType type() const { return this->_type; }
/*! Retrieve the static address, if any. */
const std::string address() const { return this->_address; }
/*! Retreive the prefix length for the static address. */
uint8_t prefix() const { return this->_prefix; }
/*! Retrieve the gateway, if any. */
const std::string gateway() const { return this->_gw; }
bool validate() const override;
bool execute() const override;
class PPPoE : public Key {
const std::string _iface;
const std::map<std::string, std::string> _params;
PPPoE(const Script *_sc, const ScriptLocation &_pos, const std::string &_i,
const std::map<std::string, std::string> &_p) : Key(_sc, _pos),
_iface(_i), _params(_p) {}
static Key *parseFromData(const std::string &, const ScriptLocation &,
int*, int*, const Script *);
/*! Retrieve the interface to which this PPPoE link is associated. */
const std::string iface() const { return this->_iface; }
/*! Retrieve the parameters for this PPPoE link. */
const std::map<std::string, std::string> params() const {
return this->_params;
bool validate() const override;
bool execute() const override;
class Nameserver : public StringKey {
Nameserver(const Script *_s, const ScriptLocation &_pos,
const std::string &ns) : StringKey(_s, _pos, ns) {}
static Key *parseFromData(const std::string &, const ScriptLocation &_pos,
int*, int*, const Script *);
bool execute() const override;
class NetSSID : public Key {
/*! The type of security used by the SSID. */
enum SecurityType {
const std::string _iface;
const std::string _ssid;
const SecurityType _sec;
const std::string _pw;
NetSSID(const Script *_sc, const ScriptLocation &p, const std::string &_if,
const std::string &_s, SecurityType _t, const std::string &_p) :
Key(_sc, p), _iface(_if), _ssid(_s), _sec(_t), _pw(_p) {}
static Key *parseFromData(const std::string &, const ScriptLocation &,
int*, int*, const Script *);
/*! Retrieve the interface to which this 'netssid' key is associated. */
const std::string iface() const { return this->_iface; }
/*! Retrieve the named SSID for this 'netssid' key. */
const std::string ssid() const { return this->_ssid; }
/*! Retrieve the security type of this 'netssid' key. */
SecurityType type() const { return this->_sec; }
/*! Retrieve the passphrase for this 'netssid' key.
* @note Only valid if type() is not None.
const std::string passphrase() const { return this->_pw; }
bool validate() const override;
bool execute() const override;
#endif /* !__HSCRIPT_NETWORK_HH */