path: root/ui/qt5/
diff options
authorA. Wilcox <>2019-12-06 21:00:29 -0600
committerA. Wilcox <>2019-12-06 21:00:29 -0600
commitbc55542a602637ea4169b084c1b78aada0382ee7 (patch)
tree07def4734d0608e97b0172eed104d7de068e32c4 /ui/qt5/
parentd3728b38b12b2f9762ba26fc6fc302cb79f7ee6c (diff)
Qt UI: Implement UI.Packages.Choices requirements
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/qt5/')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/qt5/ b/ui/qt5/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d24f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/qt5/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * - Implementation of the UI.Packages.Choices page
+ * horizon-qt5, the Qt 5 user interface for
+ * Project Horizon
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved.
+ * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the
+ * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+ */
+#include "pkgdefaults.hh"
+#include <QButtonGroup>
+#include <QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QRadioButton>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+PkgDefaultsPage::PkgDefaultsPage(QWidget *parent) : HorizonWizardPage(parent) {
+ setTitle(tr("Software Choices"));
+ loadWatermark("software");
+ QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
+ QLabel *descLabel = new QLabel(tr(
+ "You may customise the software used for certain functionality on this computer.\n\n"
+ "Most users do not need to change any of the settings on this page. "
+ "If you're unsure of which options are best for you, review the Help system or keep the defaults."));
+ descLabel->setWordWrap(true);
+ mainLayout->addWidget(descLabel);
+ mainLayout->addStretch();
+ /******************** /bin/sh provider ********************/
+ QButtonGroup *shellGroup = new QButtonGroup;
+ QLabel *shellLabel = new QLabel(tr("Shell to use for /bin/sh:"));
+ QRadioButton *dashShell = new QRadioButton("Dash");
+ dashShell->setChecked(true);
+ dashShell->setWhatsThis(tr("Use the lightweight Dash shell. "
+ "This is an Almquist-style shell, also used as /bin/sh on Debian-derived distributions. "
+ "Choose this option for faster boot times and full POSIX compatibility."));
+ shellGroup->addButton(dashShell, HorizonWizard::Dash);
+ QRadioButton *bashShell = new QRadioButton("Bash");
+ bashShell->setChecked(false);
+ bashShell->setWhatsThis(tr("Use the Bash shell. "
+ "This shell is popular on GNU systems. "
+ "Choose this option for compatibility with non-portable scripts. "
+ "Note that by choosing this option, your system will no longer be able to conform to the POSIX standard."));
+ shellGroup->addButton(bashShell, HorizonWizard::Bash);
+ connect(shellGroup, static_cast<void (QButtonGroup:: *)(int)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked),
+ [=](int choice) {
+ horizonWizard()->binsh = static_cast<HorizonWizard::BinShProvider>(choice);
+ });
+ QHBoxLayout *shellLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ shellLayout->addWidget(dashShell);
+ shellLayout->addWidget(bashShell);
+ mainLayout->addWidget(shellLabel);
+ mainLayout->addLayout(shellLayout);
+ mainLayout->addStretch();
+ /******************** /sbin/init provider ********************/
+ QButtonGroup *initGroup = new QButtonGroup;
+ QLabel *initLabel = new QLabel(tr("Init system (/sbin/init):"));
+ QRadioButton *s6Init = new QRadioButton("s6-linux-init");
+ s6Init->setChecked(true);
+ s6Init->setWhatsThis(tr("Use the lightweight, customisable s6-linux-init init system."));
+ initGroup->addButton(s6Init, HorizonWizard::S6);
+ QRadioButton *sysvInit = new QRadioButton("SysV Init");
+ sysvInit->setChecked(false);
+ sysvInit->setWhatsThis(tr("Use the traditional sysvinit init system."));
+ initGroup->addButton(sysvInit, HorizonWizard::SysVInit);
+ connect(initGroup, static_cast<void (QButtonGroup:: *)(int)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked),
+ [=](int choice) {
+ horizonWizard()->sbininit = static_cast<HorizonWizard::InitSystem>(choice);
+ });
+ QHBoxLayout *initLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ initLayout->addWidget(s6Init);
+ initLayout->addWidget(sysvInit);
+ mainLayout->addWidget(initLabel);
+ mainLayout->addLayout(initLayout);
+ mainLayout->addStretch();
+ /******************** device event handler ********************/
+ QButtonGroup *udevGroup = new QButtonGroup;
+ QLabel *udevLabel = new QLabel(tr("uevent management daemon:"));
+ QRadioButton *eudev = new QRadioButton("eudev");
+ eudev->setChecked(true);
+ eudev->setWhatsThis(tr("Use the traditional, UDev-compatible eudev system. "
+ "It is highly recommended that you use eudev unless you know it is inappropriate for your use case."));
+ udevGroup->addButton(eudev, true);
+ QRadioButton *mdevd = new QRadioButton("mdevd");
+ mdevd->setChecked(false);
+ mdevd->setWhatsThis(tr("Use the minimalist, lightweight mdevd system. "
+ "This is the skarnet fork of mdevd. "
+ "Choosing this option on a desktop system will require manual intervention."));
+ udevGroup->addButton(mdevd, false);
+ connect(udevGroup, static_cast<void (QButtonGroup:: *)(int)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked),
+ [=](int choice) {
+ horizonWizard()->eudev = static_cast<bool>(choice);
+ });
+ QHBoxLayout *udevLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ udevLayout->addWidget(eudev);
+ udevLayout->addWidget(mdevd);
+ mainLayout->addWidget(udevLabel);
+ mainLayout->addLayout(udevLayout);
+ mainLayout->addStretch();
+ setLayout(mainLayout);