diff options
9 files changed, 525 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/adelie-build-cd b/adelie-build-cd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a7ee3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adelie-build-cd
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+def_arch=$(uname -m)
+declare -r PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
+warn() {
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>>\n'
+fatal() {
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>> '
+ printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
+ printf '>>>\n'
+ensure_commands() {
+ if ! type apk>/dev/null; then
+ fatal
+ printf 'You must have apk installed. On Gentoo, see sys-devel/apk-tools.\n'
+ exit -1
+ fi
+ if ! type cpio>/dev/null; then
+ fatal
+ printf 'You must have cpio installed. On Gentoo, see app-arch/cpio.\n'
+ exit -1
+ fi
+ if ! type mksquashfs>/dev/null; then
+ fatal
+ printf 'You must have mksquashfs installed. On Gentoo, see sys-fs/squashfs-tools.\n'
+ exit -1
+ fi
+ if ! type mkisofs>/dev/null; then
+ fatal
+ printf 'You must have mkisofs installed. Try cdrtools or cdrkit.\n'
+ exit -1
+ fi
+usage() {
+ printf 'usage: %s [-a ARCH] [-f|--full] [-p|--phase PHASE] [--help]\n\n' $PROGNAME
+ printf 'Create an Adélie Linux CD image (.ISO) using the specified parameters.\n'
+ printf 'Default ARCH: %s\n' $def_arch
+ printf 'Valid phases: clean install initrd iso all\n'
+while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -a | --arch)
+ shift
+ declare -r MY_ARCH=$1
+ ;;
+ -h | --help)
+ usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+ -f | --full)
+ shift
+ declare -r DO_FULL=full
+ ;;
+ -p | --phase)
+ shift
+ declare -r PHASE=$1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage >&2
+ exit -1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+set -a
+declare -r ARCH=${MY_ARCH:-$def_arch}
+declare -r LDARCH=${LDARCH:-$ARCH}
+declare -r PHASE=${PHASE:-all}
+set +a
+header() {
+ printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37m%s\033[00;39m\n' "$1"
+header 'Adélie Linux CD Creation Tool'
+printf '\n'
+clean_dirs() {
+ warn
+ printf 'This will erase all files at the directories %s/cdroot-%s\n' `pwd` $ARCH
+ printf '%s/initrd-%s and %s/squashroot-%s.\n\n' `pwd` $ARCH `pwd` $ARCH
+ printf 'When you are ready, press RETURN. To cancel, press Ctrl-C.\n'
+ read
+ rm -rf cdroot-$ARCH
+ rm -rf initrd-$ARCH
+ rm -rf squashroot-$ARCH
+ mkdir cdroot-$ARCH
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH
+ mkdir squashroot-$ARCH
+install_pkgs() {
+ header "Installing base system to squash root..."
+ declare -r PACKAGES="
+ shadow \
+ libffi \
+ adelie-base \
+ bash \
+ openrc openrc-openrc \
+ hwids eudev udev-init-scripts-openrc \
+ parted \
+ lvm2-openrc \
+ easy-kernel easy-kernel-modules easy-kernel-firmware genkernel \
+ dhcpcd net-tools bind-tools s6-dns \
+ ca-certificates \
+ rfkill wireless-tools wpa_supplicant \
+ pciutils libusb1 usbutils \
+ hdparm \
+ less \
+ bzip2 \
+ netifrc netifrc-doc netifrc-openrc \
+ diskdev_cmds hfsutils mtools
+ dropbear dropbear-openrc openssh openssh-openrc
+ "
+ declare -r ARCH_PKGS=$(cat packages-$ARCH 2>/dev/null || echo '')
+ mkdir -p squashroot-$ARCH/etc/apk/keys
+ cp '' squashroot-$ARCH/etc/apk/keys/
+ apk --arch $ARCH -X "$EXTRA_MIRROR" -U --root squashroot-$ARCH --initdb add $PACKAGES $ARCH_PKGS
+make_structure() {
+ mkdir -p squashroot-$ARCH/home/live
+ mkdir squashroot-$ARCH/target
+ mkdir -p squashroot-$ARCH/media/live
+ ln -s /bin/bash squashroot-$ARCH/bin/sh
+ echo 'hostname="adelie"' > squashroot-$ARCH/etc/conf.d/hostname
+ echo 'mtab_is_file=no' > squashroot-$ARCH/etc/conf.d/mtab
+ cp -RPp squashroot-$ARCH/usr/share/openrc/runlevels squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels
+ ln -s /etc/init.d/udev squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev
+ ln -s /etc/init.d/udev-trigger squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev-trigger
+ ln -s /etc/init.d/lvmetad squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels/sysinit/lvmetad
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/fstab <<- FSTAB
+ # Welcome to Adélie Linux.
+ # This fstab(5) is for the live media only. Do not edit or use for your installation.
+ tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 1
+ tmpfs /var/log tmpfs size=8m 0 1
+ tmpfs /root tmpfs size=16m 0 1
+ tmpfs /home/live tmpfs size=16m 0 1
+ proc /proc proc defaults 0 1
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/passwd <<- PASSWD
+ root:x:0:0:Charlie Root:/root:/bin/bash
+ man:x:13:15:man-db:/usr/share/man:/sbin/nologin
+ sshd:x:22:22:SSH daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
+ at:x:25:25:at:/var/spool/at/atjobs:/sbin/nologin
+ fcron:x:101:206:fcron:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
+ messagebus:x:103:203:DBus unprivileged user:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
+ polkit:x:104:202:PolicyKit unprivileged user:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
+ rtkit:x:105:200:RTKit unprivileged user:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
+ postfix:x:207:207:postfix:/var/spool/postfix:/sbin/nologin
+ live:x:1000:1000:Live User:/home/live:/bin/bash
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/group <<- GROUP
+ root:x:0:
+ tty:x:5:
+ wheel:x:10:live
+ mail:x:12:postfix
+ uucp:x:14:
+ cron:x:16:
+ audio:x:18:
+ sshd:x:22:
+ at:x:25:
+ rtkit:x:200:
+ plugdev:x:201:
+ polkitd:x:202:
+ messagebus:x:203:
+ input:x:205:
+ fcron:x:206:
+ postfix:x:207:
+ postdrop:x:208:
+ postmaster:x:249:
+ utmp:x:406:
+ live:x:1000:
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/shadow <<- SHADOW
+ root::::::::
+ man::::::::
+ sshd::::::::
+ at::::::::
+ fcron::::::::
+ messagebus::::::::
+ polkit::::::::
+ rtkit::::::::
+ postfix::::::::
+ live::::::::
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/shells <<- SHELLS
+ /bin/bash
+ /bin/zsh
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/resolv.conf <<- RESOLVE
+ nameserver
+ nameserver 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/apk/repositories <<-REPOS
+ cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/issue <<-ISSUE
+ Welcome to Adélie Linux!
+ You may log in as 'root' to install, or 'live' to play around.
+ Have fun.
+ chmod 600 squashroot-$ARCH/etc/shadow
+ if test -n "${DO_FULL+full}"; then
+ declare -r PACKAGES_DIR=squashroot-$ARCH/packages/$ARCH
+ mkdir -p $PACKAGES_DIR
+ apk --arch $ARCH --root squashroot-$ARCH fetch -o $PACKAGES_DIR $(apk --root squashroot-$ARCH info)
+ if test -n "${SIGNING_KEY+use_key}"; then
+ apk index -o .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz $PACKAGES_DIR/*.apk
+ openssl dgst -sha256 -sign $SIGNING_KEY -out .SIGN.RSA.packages\ .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz
+ tar cf .tmp.signature.tar .SIGN.RSA.packages\
+ cat .tmp.signature.tar | abuild-tar --cut | gzip -9 > .tmp.signature.tar.gz
+ cat .tmp.signature.tar.gz .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz > .tmp.APKINDEX.tar.gz
+ rm .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz .tmp.signature.tar.gz .tmp.signature.tar .SIGN.RSA.packages\
+ mv .tmp.APKINDEX.tar.gz $PACKAGES_DIR/APKINDEX.tar.gz
+ fi
+ fi
+ cp AdelieTux.icns cdroot-$ARCH/.VolumeIcon.icns
+squash_it() {
+ header 'Creating compressed file system image...'
+ mksquashfs squashroot-$ARCH cdroot-$ARCH/adelie.squashfs
+make_initrd() {
+ header 'Creating initrd structure...'
+ # mount points
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/dev
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/media
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/newroot
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/proc
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/sys
+ # manual /dev nodes for initial udev startup
+ mknod -m 600 initrd-$ARCH/dev/console c 5 1
+ mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/null c 1 3
+ mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/ptmx c 5 2
+ mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/random c 1 8
+ mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/tty c 5 0
+ mknod -m 620 initrd-$ARCH/dev/tty1 c 4 1
+ mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/urandom c 1 9
+ mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/zero c 1 5
+ # base
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/lib
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/usr/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/ld-musl-$
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
+ # udev
+ mkdir -p initrd-$ARCH/etc/udev
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/run
+ mkdir initrd-$ARCH/sbin
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/bin/udevadm initrd-$ARCH/sbin/
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/sbin/udevd initrd-$ARCH/sbin/
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/etc/udev/hwdb.bin initrd-$ARCH/etc/udev/
+ # init
+ cp cdinit-$ARCH initrd-$ARCH/init
+ header 'Compressing initrd...'
+ pushd initrd-$ARCH
+ find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../cdroot-$ARCH/initrd
+ popd
+ gzip -9 cdroot-$ARCH/initrd
+ mv cdroot-$ARCH/initrd.gz cdroot-$ARCH/initrd
+prepare_cdroot() {
+ header 'Adding kernel...'
+ cp squashroot-$ARCH/boot/vmlinu* cdroot-$ARCH/bzImage
+ if test -f post-$; then
+ header 'Running architecture-specific scripts...'
+ sh post-$
+ fi
+create_iso() {
+ header 'Creating the CD...'
+ declare -r CD_PARAMS=$(cat iso-params-$ARCH)
+ mkisofs -o adelie-${DO_FULL:-live}-$ARCH-1.0-ALPHA2-$(date +%Y%m%d).iso -joliet -rational-rock -V "Adelie 1.0a2 $ARCH" ${CD_PARAMS} cdroot-$ARCH
diff --git a/adelie-build-cd.8 b/adelie-build-cd.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56d019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adelie-build-cd.8
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+.Dd January 29, 2017
+.Os "Adélie Linux"
+.Nm adelie-build-cd
+.Nd create an Adélie Linux live CD image or install media
+.Op Fl a Ar ARCH
+.Op Fl f
+.Op Fl p Ar PHASE
+creates a live CD image or installer CD image for Adélie Linux using
+.Xr apk 8
+.Xr mkisofs 8 .
+.Bl -tag -width "-p PHASE" -offset indent -compact
+.It Fl a Ar ARCH
+You may specify any architecture available in the Adélie repository for
+.Ar ARCH ;
+however, some architectures may require you to have additional utilities
+present on your system to be made bootable. Specifically, x86 and x86_64
+.Xr syslinux 1
+to be installed. This defaults to the currently running system's architecture
+as reported by
+.Xr uname 1 .
+.It Fl f
+Specifies that a full installation image should be created, including a
+.Pa packages/
+directory containing .apk files that can be used for an offline install. If
+this flag is not specified, a live image will be created instead.
+.It Fl p Ar PHASE
+Specifies the phase of image creation to make as specified in the
+.Sy Phases
+.Ss Phases
+utility defines the following phases for
+.Fl p ,
+which can be run independently, or can be run in order by specifying the special
+.Sy all
+.Bl -tag -width "install" -offset indent -compact
+.It clean
+Erase all temporary files. Typically required for predictable build results.
+.It install
+Install packages to the squash root. If
+.Fl f
+is specified, additionally create the package root and copy .apk files to it.
+.It initrd
+Generate the initrd contents in the initrd root, and create the initrd file
+from it.
+.It iso
+.Xr mksquashfs 1
+on the squash root, copy the kernel to the CD root, run any
+architecture-specific scripts necessary to make the CD bootable, and then run
+.Xr mkisofs 8
+to create the .ISO file.
+.It all
+Run all of the above phases in the above order. This is the default if
+.Fl p
+is not specified.
+.Bl -tag -width "EXTRA_MIRROR" -offset indent -compact
+If the musl ld library file is different from the apk arch (such as ppc vs, you may specify the name of the ld architecture as
+For architectures that have subarchitectures (such as x86 with i486 and i525),
+you may specify the extra mirror directory to use as
+If you specify
+.Fl f
+you may sign the created package index by pointing to your private key in
+.Bl -ohang -width "iso-params-$ARCH" -offset indent -compact
+.It Pa iso-params-$ARCH
+A list of additional parameters to provide to
+.Xr mkisofs 8
+when generating the ISO image for the specified architecture. This is used to
+specify the correct layout for bootable discs on that architecture.
+.It Pa packages-$ARCH
+A list of architecture-specific packages to install on the created media, in
+addition to the default packages installed on every architecture. This is
+typically used for bootloaders and firmware manipulation packages. It can also
+be used to provide further debugging tools (such as
+.Xr gdb 1
+.Xr strace 1
+and so on) on architectures that are still experimental.
+.It Pa post-$
+If this file exists and is executable, it will be run just before
+.Xr mkisofs 8
+to do any final preparation to the disc root before creating the image.
+adelie-build-cd -a x86_64
+LDARCH=powerpc adelie-build-cd -a ppc
+EXTRA_MIRROR=i525 LDARCH=i386 SIGNING_KEY=/etc/portage/adelie.key ./build-cd -a x86
+.Xr mksquashfs 1 ,
+.Xr apk 8 ,
+.Xr mkisofs 8 .
+command first appeared during the 1.0 ALPHA1 phase. It is written in portable
+.St -p1003.2a-92
+shell language. Any deviation from the standard should be considered a bug.
+.An A. Wilcox
+There is no way to specify packages that should only be included on a full disc
+or live disc. All disc types have the same packages installed.
diff --git a/build-cd b/build-cd
deleted file mode 100755
index b2e6e5f..0000000
--- a/build-cd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-def_arch=$(uname -m)
-declare -r PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
-warn() {
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;33mWARNING\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>>\n'
-fatal() {
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>> '
- printf '\033[01;31mERROR\033[00;39m '
- printf '>>>\n'
-ensure_commands() {
- if ! type apk>/dev/null; then
- fatal
- printf 'You must have apk installed. On Gentoo, see sys-devel/apk-tools.\n'
- exit -1
- fi
- if ! type cpio>/dev/null; then
- fatal
- printf 'You must have cpio installed. On Gentoo, see app-arch/cpio.\n'
- exit -1
- fi
- if ! type mksquashfs>/dev/null; then
- fatal
- printf 'You must have mksquashfs installed. On Gentoo, see sys-fs/squashfs-tools.\n'
- exit -1
- fi
- if ! type mkisofs>/dev/null; then
- fatal
- printf 'You must have mkisofs installed. Try cdrtools or cdrkit.\n'
- exit -1
- fi
-usage() {
- printf 'usage: %s [-a ARCH] [-f|--full] [--help]\n\n' $PROGNAME
- printf 'Create an Adélie Linux CD image (.ISO) using the specified parameters.\n'
- printf 'Default ARCH: %s\n' $def_arch
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- case $1 in
- -a | --arch)
- shift
- declare -r MY_ARCH=$1
- ;;
- -h | --help)
- usage
- exit
- ;;
- -f | --full)
- shift
- declare -r DO_FULL=full
- ;;
- *)
- usage >&2
- exit -1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-set -a
-declare -r ARCH=${MY_ARCH:-$def_arch}
-declare -r LDARCH=${LDARCH:-$ARCH}
-set +a
-printf 'This will erase all files at the directories %s/cdroot-%s\n' `pwd` $ARCH
-printf '%s/initrd-%s and %s/squashroot-%s.\n\n' `pwd` $ARCH `pwd` $ARCH
-printf 'When you are ready, press RETURN. To cancel, press Ctrl-C.\n'
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mAdélie Linux CD Creation Tool\033[00;39m\n\n'
-rm -rf cdroot-$ARCH
-rm -rf initrd-$ARCH
-rm -rf squashroot-$ARCH
-mkdir cdroot-$ARCH
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH
-mkdir squashroot-$ARCH
-declare -r PACKAGES="
- shadow \
- libffi \
- adelie-base \
- bash \
- openrc openrc-openrc \
- hwids eudev udev-init-scripts-openrc \
- parted \
- lvm2-openrc \
- easy-kernel easy-kernel-modules easy-kernel-firmware genkernel \
- dhcpcd net-tools \
- ca-certificates \
- rfkill wireless-tools wpa_supplicant \
- pciutils libusb1 usbutils \
- hdparm \
- less \
- bzip2 \
- netifrc netifrc-doc netifrc-openrc \
- diskdev_cmds exfat-utils hfsutils mtools
-declare -r ARCH_PKGS=$(cat packages-$ARCH 2>/dev/null || echo '')
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mInstalling base system to squash root...\033[00;39m\n'
-mkdir -p squashroot-$ARCH/etc/apk/keys
-cp '' squashroot-$ARCH/etc/apk/keys/
-apk --arch $ARCH -X "$EXTRA_MIRROR" -U --root squashroot-$ARCH --initdb add $PACKAGES $ARCH_PKGS
-mkdir -p squashroot-$ARCH/home/live
-mkdir squashroot-$ARCH/target
-mkdir -p squashroot-$ARCH/media/live
-ln -s /bin/bash squashroot-$ARCH/bin/sh
-echo 'hostname="adelie"' > squashroot-$ARCH/etc/conf.d/hostname
-echo 'mtab_is_file=no' > squashroot-$ARCH/etc/conf.d/mtab
-cp -RPp squashroot-$ARCH/usr/share/openrc/runlevels squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels
-ln -s /etc/init.d/udev squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev
-ln -s /etc/init.d/udev-trigger squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev-trigger
-ln -s /etc/init.d/lvmetad squashroot-$ARCH/etc/runlevels/sysinit/lvmetad
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/fstab <<- FSTAB
- # Welcome to Adélie Linux.
- # This fstab(5) is for the live media only. Do not edit or use for your installation.
- tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 1
- tmpfs /var/log tmpfs size=8m 0 1
- tmpfs /root tmpfs size=16m 0 1
- tmpfs /home/live tmpfs size=16m 0 1
- proc /proc proc defaults 0 1
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/passwd <<- PASSWD
- root:x:0:0:Charlie Root:/root:/bin/bash
- man:x:13:15:man-db:/usr/share/man:/sbin/nologin
- sshd:x:22:22:SSH daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
- at:x:25:25:at:/var/spool/at/atjobs:/sbin/nologin
- fcron:x:101:206:fcron:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
- messagebus:x:103:203:DBus unprivileged user:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
- polkit:x:104:202:PolicyKit unprivileged user:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
- rtkit:x:105:200:RTKit unprivileged user:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
- postfix:x:207:207:postfix:/var/spool/postfix:/sbin/nologin
- live:x:1000:1000:Live User:/home/live:/bin/bash
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/group <<- GROUP
- root:x:0:
- tty:x:5:
- wheel:x:10:live
- mail:x:12:postfix
- uucp:x:14:
- cron:x:16:
- audio:x:18:
- sshd:x:22:
- at:x:25:
- rtkit:x:200:
- plugdev:x:201:
- polkitd:x:202:
- messagebus:x:203:
- input:x:205:
- fcron:x:206:
- postfix:x:207:
- postdrop:x:208:
- postmaster:x:249:
- utmp:x:406:
- live:x:1000:
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/shadow <<- SHADOW
- root::::::::
- man::::::::
- sshd::::::::
- at::::::::
- fcron::::::::
- messagebus::::::::
- polkit::::::::
- rtkit::::::::
- postfix::::::::
- live::::::::
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/shells <<- SHELLS
- /bin/bash
- /bin/zsh
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/resolv.conf <<- RESOLVE
- nameserver
- nameserver 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/apk/repositories <<-REPOS
-cat >squashroot-$ARCH/etc/issue <<-ISSUE
- Welcome to Adélie Linux!
- You may log in as 'root' to install, or 'live' to play around.
- Have fun.
-chmod 600 squashroot-$ARCH/etc/shadow
-if test -n "${DO_FULL+full}"; then
- declare -r PACKAGES_DIR=squashroot-$ARCH/packages/$ARCH
- mkdir -p $PACKAGES_DIR
- apk --arch $ARCH --root squashroot-$ARCH fetch -o $PACKAGES_DIR $(apk --root squashroot-$ARCH info)
- if test -n "${SIGNING_KEY+use_key}"; then
- apk index -o .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz $PACKAGES_DIR/*.apk
- openssl dgst -sha256 -sign $SIGNING_KEY -out .SIGN.RSA.packages\ .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz
- tar cf .tmp.signature.tar .SIGN.RSA.packages\
- cat .tmp.signature.tar | abuild-tar --cut | gzip -9 > .tmp.signature.tar.gz
- cat .tmp.signature.tar.gz .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz > .tmp.APKINDEX.tar.gz
- rm .tmp.APKINDEX.unsigned.tar.gz .tmp.signature.tar.gz .tmp.signature.tar .SIGN.RSA.packages\
- mv .tmp.APKINDEX.tar.gz $PACKAGES_DIR/APKINDEX.tar.gz
- fi
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mCreating compressed file system image...\033[00;39m\n'
-mksquashfs squashroot-$ARCH cdroot-$ARCH/adelie.squashfs
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mCreating initrd structure...\033[00;39m\n'
-# mount points
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/dev
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/media
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/newroot
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/proc
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/sys
-# manual /dev nodes for initial udev startup
-mknod -m 600 initrd-$ARCH/dev/console c 5 1
-mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/null c 1 3
-mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/ptmx c 5 2
-mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/random c 1 8
-mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/tty c 5 0
-mknod -m 620 initrd-$ARCH/dev/tty1 c 4 1
-mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/urandom c 1 9
-mknod -m 666 initrd-$ARCH/dev/zero c 1 5
-# base
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/lib
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/usr/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/ld-musl-$
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
-# udev
-mkdir -p initrd-$ARCH/etc/udev
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/run
-mkdir initrd-$ARCH/sbin
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/bin/udevadm initrd-$ARCH/sbin/
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/sbin/udevd initrd-$ARCH/sbin/
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/lib/ initrd-$ARCH/lib/
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/etc/udev/hwdb.bin initrd-$ARCH/etc/udev/
-# init
-cp cdinit-$ARCH initrd-$ARCH/init
-cp AdelieTux.icns cdroot-$ARCH/.VolumeIcon.icns
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mCompressing initrd...\033[00;39m\n'
-pushd initrd-$ARCH
-find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../cdroot-$ARCH/initrd
-gzip -9 cdroot-$ARCH/initrd
-mv cdroot-$ARCH/initrd.gz cdroot-$ARCH/initrd
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mAdding kernel...\033[00;39m\n'
-cp squashroot-$ARCH/boot/vmlinuz* cdroot-$ARCH/bzImage
-if test -f post-$; then
- printf '\033]01;32m * \033]37mRunning architecture-specific scripts...\033[00;39m\n'
- sh post-$
-printf '\033[01;32m * \033[37mCreating the CD...\033[00;39m\n'
-declare -r CD_PARAMS=$(cat iso-params-$ARCH)
-mkisofs -o adelie-${DO_FULL:-live}-$ARCH-1.0-ALPHA2-$(date +%Y%m%d).iso ${CD_PARAMS} -joliet -rational-rock -V "Adélie 1.0a2 $ARCH" cdroot-$ARCH
diff --git a/iso-params-ppc b/iso-params-ppc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757041f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iso-params-ppc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-hfs -hfs-volid Adelie_1.0a2 -part -no-desktop -map mapping-ppc -chrp-boot -prep-boot -hfs-bless cdroot-ppc/boot
diff --git a/mapping-ppc b/mapping-ppc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c945c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mapping-ppc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.b Raw 'chrp' 'tbxi' "Macintosh Toolbox ROM file"
+.squashfs Raw 'UNIX' 'UNIX' "Linux Root File System"
+* Raw '????' '????' "Unknown"
diff --git a/packages-ppc b/packages-ppc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc001c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages-ppc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/packages-x86 b/packages-x86
index 5b6da92..017b7e9 100644
--- a/packages-x86
+++ b/packages-x86
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/packages-x86_64 b/packages-x86_64
index 1b175af..41ae1b9 100644
--- a/packages-x86_64
+++ b/packages-x86_64
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e7cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mkdir -p cdroot-ppc/boot
+curl "" > cdroot-ppc/boot/grubcore.img
+curl "" > cdroot-ppc/boot/ofboot.b
+cp cdroot-ppc/boot/ofboot.b cdroot-ppc/boot/bootinfo.txt