path: root/cdinit.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-01-09CD init: actually use squashroot paramA. Wilcox1-17/+2
2018-11-11cdinit: Parameterise squashfs path (and *almost* scan /proc/cmdline for it)A. Wilcox1-7/+53
2018-04-26cdinit: give proper perms to the root dir to allow live to log inA. Wilcox1-2/+2
2018-01-30cdinit: Wait 5 seconds and try again if no system is foundA. Wilcox1-12/+15
2017-12-15cdinit: use .root for upper rootA. Wilcox1-1/+2
2017-12-12cdinit: use OverlayFS for rootElizabeth Myers1-13/+36
2016-12-09Initial commit to GitA. Wilcox1-0/+329