path: root/src/regex/tre.h
blob: bfd171f4c48c817c0d3efd23c651a84ddd10f0fa (plain) (tree)

  tre-internal.h - TRE internal definitions

  Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ville Laurikari <>.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


#include <regex.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wctype.h>

#define TRE_WCHAR 1

#define NDEBUG

#define TRE_REGEX_T_FIELD __opaque
typedef int reg_errcode_t;

typedef wchar_t tre_char_t;

#ifdef TRE_DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#define DPRINT(msg) do {printf msg; fflush(stdout);} while(0)
#else /* !TRE_DEBUG */
#define DPRINT(msg) do { } while(0)
#endif /* !TRE_DEBUG */

#define elementsof(x)	( sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) )

#if 1
int __mbtowc(wchar_t *, const char *);
#define tre_mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (__mbtowc((pwc), (s)))
#define tre_mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbtowc((pwc), (s), (n)))

/* Wide characters. */
typedef wint_t tre_cint_t;

#else /* !TRE_MULTIBYTE */
#define TRE_MB_CUR_MAX 1
#endif /* !TRE_MULTIBYTE */

#define tre_isalnum iswalnum
#define tre_isalpha iswalpha
#define tre_isblank iswblank
#define tre_iscntrl iswcntrl
#define tre_isdigit iswdigit
#define tre_isgraph iswgraph
#define tre_islower iswlower
#define tre_isprint iswprint
#define tre_ispunct iswpunct
#define tre_isspace iswspace
#define tre_isupper iswupper
#define tre_isxdigit iswxdigit

#define tre_tolower towlower
#define tre_toupper towupper
#define tre_strlen  wcslen

/* Use system provided iswctype() and wctype(). */
typedef wctype_t tre_ctype_t;
#define tre_isctype iswctype
#define tre_ctype   wctype

/* Returns number of bytes to add to (char *)ptr to make it
   properly aligned for the type. */
#define ALIGN(ptr, type) \
  ((((long)ptr) % sizeof(type)) \
   ? (sizeof(type) - (((long)ptr) % sizeof(type))) \
   : 0)

#undef MAX
#undef MIN
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) >= (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) <= (b)) ? (a) : (b))

/* Define STRF to the correct printf formatter for strings. */
#define STRF "ls"

/* TNFA transition type. A TNFA state is an array of transitions,
   the terminator is a transition with NULL `state'. */
typedef struct tnfa_transition tre_tnfa_transition_t;

struct tnfa_transition {
  /* Range of accepted characters. */
  tre_cint_t code_min;
  tre_cint_t code_max;
  /* Pointer to the destination state. */
  tre_tnfa_transition_t *state;
  /* ID number of the destination state. */
  int state_id;
  /* -1 terminated array of tags (or NULL). */
  int *tags;
  /* Assertion bitmap. */
  int assertions;
  /* Assertion parameters. */
  union {
    /* Character class assertion. */
    tre_ctype_t class;
    /* Back reference assertion. */
    int backref;
  } u;
  /* Negative character class assertions. */
  tre_ctype_t *neg_classes;

/* Assertions. */
#define ASSERT_AT_BOL		  1   /* Beginning of line. */
#define ASSERT_AT_EOL		  2   /* End of line. */
#define ASSERT_CHAR_CLASS	  4   /* Character class in `class'. */
#define ASSERT_CHAR_CLASS_NEG	  8   /* Character classes in `neg_classes'. */
#define ASSERT_AT_BOW		 16   /* Beginning of word. */
#define ASSERT_AT_EOW		 32   /* End of word. */
#define ASSERT_AT_WB		 64   /* Word boundary. */
#define ASSERT_AT_WB_NEG	128   /* Not a word boundary. */
#define ASSERT_BACKREF		256   /* A back reference in `backref'. */
#define ASSERT_LAST		256

/* Tag directions. */
typedef enum {
} tre_tag_direction_t;

/* Instructions to compute submatch register values from tag values
   after a successful match.  */
struct tre_submatch_data {
  /* Tag that gives the value for rm_so (submatch start offset). */
  int so_tag;
  /* Tag that gives the value for rm_eo (submatch end offset). */
  int eo_tag;
  /* List of submatches this submatch is contained in. */
  int *parents;

typedef struct tre_submatch_data tre_submatch_data_t;

/* TNFA definition. */
typedef struct tnfa tre_tnfa_t;

struct tnfa {
  tre_tnfa_transition_t *transitions;
  unsigned int num_transitions;
  tre_tnfa_transition_t *initial;
  tre_tnfa_transition_t *final;
  tre_submatch_data_t *submatch_data;
  unsigned int num_submatches;
  tre_tag_direction_t *tag_directions;
  int num_tags;
  int end_tag;
  int num_states;
  int cflags;
  int have_backrefs;

#if 0
static int
tre_compile(regex_t *preg, const tre_char_t *regex, size_t n, int cflags);

static void
tre_free(regex_t *preg);

static void
tre_fill_pmatch(size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int cflags,
		const tre_tnfa_t *tnfa, int *tags, int match_eo);

static reg_errcode_t
tre_tnfa_run_parallel(const tre_tnfa_t *tnfa, const void *string, int len,
		      tre_str_type_t type, int *match_tags, int eflags,
		      int *match_end_ofs);

static reg_errcode_t
tre_tnfa_run_parallel(const tre_tnfa_t *tnfa, const void *string, int len,
		      tre_str_type_t type, int *match_tags, int eflags,
		      int *match_end_ofs);

static reg_errcode_t
tre_tnfa_run_backtrack(const tre_tnfa_t *tnfa, const void *string,
		       int len, tre_str_type_t type, int *match_tags,
		       int eflags, int *match_end_ofs);

/* from tre-mem.h: */

#define TRE_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE 1024

typedef struct tre_list {
  void *data;
  struct tre_list *next;
} tre_list_t;

typedef struct tre_mem_struct {
  tre_list_t *blocks;
  tre_list_t *current;
  char *ptr;
  size_t n;
  int failed;
  void **provided;
} *tre_mem_t;

#define tre_mem_new_impl   __tre_mem_new_impl
#define tre_mem_alloc_impl __tre_mem_alloc_impl
#define tre_mem_destroy    __tre_mem_destroy

tre_mem_t tre_mem_new_impl(int provided, void *provided_block);
void *tre_mem_alloc_impl(tre_mem_t mem, int provided, void *provided_block,
			 int zero, size_t size);

/* Returns a new memory allocator or NULL if out of memory. */
#define tre_mem_new()  tre_mem_new_impl(0, NULL)

/* Allocates a block of `size' bytes from `mem'.  Returns a pointer to the
   allocated block or NULL if an underlying malloc() failed. */
#define tre_mem_alloc(mem, size) tre_mem_alloc_impl(mem, 0, NULL, 0, size)

/* Allocates a block of `size' bytes from `mem'.  Returns a pointer to the
   allocated block or NULL if an underlying malloc() failed.  The memory
   is set to zero. */
#define tre_mem_calloc(mem, size) tre_mem_alloc_impl(mem, 0, NULL, 1, size)

/* alloca() versions.  Like above, but memory is allocated with alloca()
   instead of malloc(). */

#define tre_mem_newa() \
  tre_mem_new_impl(1, alloca(sizeof(struct tre_mem_struct)))

#define tre_mem_alloca(mem, size)					      \
  ((mem)->n >= (size)							      \
   ? tre_mem_alloc_impl((mem), 1, NULL, 0, (size))			      \
   : tre_mem_alloc_impl((mem), 1, alloca(TRE_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE), 0, (size)))
#endif /* TRE_USE_ALLOCA */

/* Frees the memory allocator and all memory allocated with it. */
void tre_mem_destroy(tre_mem_t mem);

#define xmalloc malloc
#define xcalloc calloc
#define xfree free
#define xrealloc realloc

/* EOF */