path: root/system
diff options
authorDan Theisen <>2021-10-04 12:02:56 +0000
committerDan Theisen <>2021-10-04 12:02:56 +0000
commit21bc83d0b4ab1b70bfabf4636ca9f7ddbf92dd4f (patch)
treee98eb42a714ca79ead3000a5c1ca4a6263ab119e /system
parent60d40f63686a393751f67db8bb03846f8f671944 (diff)
system/net-tools: bump to 2.10
Diffstat (limited to 'system')
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 26275 deletions
diff --git a/system/net-tools/APKBUILD b/system/net-tools/APKBUILD
index cb33d5c48..2b95aecc0 100644
--- a/system/net-tools/APKBUILD
+++ b/system/net-tools/APKBUILD
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
# Contributor: Natanael Copa <>
# Maintainer: Dan Theisen <>
pkgdesc="Linux networking base tools"
@@ -13,11 +12,7 @@ depends="mii-tool"
makedepends="$depends_dev bash linux-headers"
subpackages="$pkgname-doc $pkgname-lang $pkgname-dbg mii-tool:mii_tool"
- git.patch
- musl-fixes.patch
- "
prepare() {
@@ -79,6 +74,4 @@ mii_tool() {
mv "$pkgdir"/sbin/mii-tool "$subpkgdir"/sbin/
-sha512sums="8e1ae9bca726ad7d795a06c58388f9e11c1d617d94eebb9ed18bd11e5f34c6541e1ffe631706c407996db86e78df6e5cf1968a2d90b242b473596fda3b6d1eae net-tools-1.60.tar.bz2
-5edc92e8cf46da11898ac1999cfccb5b7ae3407f649c75c2da43c4264e1271b010eafbc84283e4c41219870bf89722e09666b25d28c84cb4ac60ceebee9adb2d git.patch
-08c9e7681e069a42f4da714faf0b93ad1c569cf942a94a1b41103e86850235b507c0291e2f3839c84dd02aba0b1a16d79580fbfc55dd2af8d09b0ff71d714e9f musl-fixes.patch"
+sha512sums="aa8f631772da6c16b165065fc5929a206504f2dce19e74a4ffc680f09b40f3a9180bd4bbeaac67e0b32693358b01383bae4fbfcb6061180c130e9e0801d536bf net-tools-2.10.tar.xz"
diff --git a/system/net-tools/git.patch b/system/net-tools/git.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eb35885e8..000000000
--- a/system/net-tools/git.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26170 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
-index 1d4a063..ff65062 100644
---- a/.cvsignore
-+++ b/.cvsignore
-@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
- arp hostname ifconfig ipmaddr iptunnel netstat plipconfig rarp route slattach
- version.h config.make config.status config.h nameif mii-tool
-diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9184162
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/.gitignore
-@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
-index a43ea21..d159169 100644
---- a/COPYING
-+++ b/COPYING
-@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-- Version 2, June 1991
-+ Version 2, June 1991
-- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
-+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-- Preamble
-+ Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
- freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
- General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
- Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
- using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
--the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
- your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
- modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
- These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
- identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
- and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
- access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
- distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
- compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
- except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
- otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ impose that choice.
- This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
- be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
- certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
- original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
- of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
- of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
- possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
- the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
-+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-@@ -303,16 +303,16 @@ the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
- If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
- when it starts in an interactive mode:
-- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
-+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-@@ -335,5 +335,5 @@ necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
- proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
- consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
--library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
- Public License instead of this License.
-index c49f21f..f6180c8 100644
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ of the other options should work as well.
- To compile simply use "make".
- There should be no warnings or errors.
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 8fcc55c..edf80ec 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -5,14 +5,10 @@
- # NET-3 Networking Distribution for the LINUX operating
- # system.
- #
--# Version: 2001-02-13
- # Author: Bernd Eckenfels <>
- # Copyright 1995-1996 Bernd Eckenfels, Germany
- #
--# URLs:
-+# URLs:
- #
- # Based on: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- # Copyright 1988-1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -22,55 +18,16 @@
- # Alan Cox <>
- # Copyright 1993-1994 Swansea University Computer Society
- #
--# Be careful!
-+# Be careful!
- # This Makefile doesn't describe complete dependencies for all include files.
--# If you change include files you might need to do make clean.
--# {1.20} Bernd Eckenfels: Even more modifications for the new
--# package layout
--# {1.21} Bernd Eckenfels: Check if is newer than
--# config.status
--# {1.22} Bernd Eckenfels: Include ypdomainname and nisdomainame
--# 1.3.50-BETA6 private Release
--#960125 {1.23} Bernd Eckenfels: Peter Tobias' rewrite for
--# makefile-based installation
--# 1.3.50-BETA6a private Release
--#960201 {1.24} Bernd Eckenfels: net-features.h added
--#960201 1.3.50-BETA6b private Release
--#960203 1.3.50-BETA6c private Release
--#960204 1.3.50-BETA6d private Release
--#960204 {1.25} Bernd Eckenfels: DISTRIBUTION added
--#960205 1.3.50-BETA6e private Release
--#960206 {1.26} Bernd Eckenfels: afrt.o removed (cleaner solution)
--#960215 1.3.50-BETA6f Release
--#960216 {1.30} Bernd Eckenfels: net-lib support
--#960322 {1.31} Bernd Eckenfels: moveable netlib, TOPDIR
--#960424 {1.32} Bernd Eckenfels: included the URLs in the Comment
--#960514 1.31-alpha release
--#960518 {1.33} Bernd Eckenfels: -I/usr/src/linux/include comment added
--# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
--# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
--# Public License as published by the Free Software
--# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
--# your option) any later version.
-+# If you change include files you might need to do make clean.
- #
--# set the base of the Installation
-+# set the base of the Installation
- # BASEDIR = /mnt
-+BINDIR ?= /bin
-+SBINDIR ?= /sbin
- # path to the net-lib support library. Default: lib
- NET_LIB_PATH = lib
-@@ -88,20 +45,26 @@ endif
- # Compiler and Linker Options
- # You may need to uncomment and edit these if you are using libc5 and IPv6.
--COPTS = -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -Wall -g # -I/usr/inet6/include
--ifeq ($(origin LOPTS), undefined)
-+CFLAGS ?= -O2 -g
-+CFLAGS += -Wall
-+CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing # code needs a lot of work before strict aliasing is safe
- RESLIB = # -L/usr/inet6/lib -linet6
- ifeq ($(HAVE_AFDECnet),1)
- DNLIB = -ldnet
- endif
-+ifeq ($(origin CC), undefined)
-+CC = gcc
-+LD = $(CC)
-+PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
- # -------- end of user definitions --------
--RELEASE = 1.60
-+RELEASE = 2.10-alpha
-@@ -113,22 +76,22 @@ endif
--CFLAGS = $(COPTS) -I. -idirafter ./include/ -I$(NET_LIB_PATH)
-+ifeq ($(HAVE_SELINUX),1)
-+SE_PC_CFLAGS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags libselinux)
-+SE_PC_LIBS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs libselinux || echo -lselinux)
-+CPPFLAGS += -I. -I$(TOPDIR)/include -I$(NET_LIB_PATH)
--ifeq ($(origin CC), undefined)
--CC = gcc
--LD = $(CC)
--%.o: %.c config.h version.h intl.h net-features.h $<
-- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-+%.o: %.c config.h version.h intl.h lib/net-features.h $<
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $<
- all: config.h version.h subdirs $(PROGS)
-@@ -154,12 +117,21 @@ clobber: clean
- @for i in $(SUBDIRS); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) clobber) ; done
--dist: clobber
-- @echo Creating net-tools-$(RELEASE) in ..
-- @tar -cvz -f ../net-tools-$(RELEASE).tar.gz -C .. net-tools
-+ rm -rf net-tools-$(RELEASE)
-+ git archive --prefix=net-tools-$(RELEASE)/ HEAD | tar xf -
-+ $(MAKE) -C net-tools-$(RELEASE)/po $@
-+ tar cf - net-tools-$(RELEASE)/ | xz > net-tools-$(RELEASE).tar.xz
-+ rm -rf net-tools-$(RELEASE)
-+distcheck: dist
-+ tar xf net-tools-$(RELEASE).tar.xz
-+ yes "" | $(MAKE) -C net-tools-$(RELEASE) config
-+ $(MAKE) -C net-tools-$(RELEASE)
-+ rm -rf net-tools-$(RELEASE)
-+ @printf "\nThe tarball is ready to go:\n%s\n" "`du -b net-tools-$(RELEASE).tar.xz`"
--config.h: Makefile
-+config.h: Makefile
- @echo "Configuring the Linux net-tools (NET-3 Base Utilities)..." ; echo
- @if [ config.status -nt ]; \
- then ./ config.status; \
-@@ -175,85 +147,91 @@ $(NET_LIB): config.h version.h intl.h libdir
- i18n.h: i18ndir
-+libdir: version.h
-+ @$(MAKE) -C $(NET_LIB_PATH)
- i18ndir:
- @$(MAKE) -C po
-- @for i in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i $(MDEFINES) ; done
-+# use libdir target for lib/ to avoid parallel build issues
-+subdirs: libdir
-+ @for i in $(SUBDIRS:$(NET_LIB_PATH)/=); do $(MAKE) -C $$i || exit $$? ; done
- ifconfig: $(NET_LIB) ifconfig.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o ifconfig ifconfig.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
--nameif: nameif.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o nameif nameif.o
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ ifconfig.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
-+nameif: $(NET_LIB) nameif.o
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ nameif.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
- hostname: hostname.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o hostname hostname.o $(DNLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ hostname.o $(DNLIB)
- route: $(NET_LIB) route.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o route route.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ route.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
- arp: $(NET_LIB) arp.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o arp arp.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ arp.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
- rarp: $(NET_LIB) rarp.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o rarp rarp.o $(NLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ rarp.o $(NLIB)
- slattach: $(NET_LIB) slattach.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o slattach slattach.o $(NLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ slattach.o $(NLIB)
- plipconfig: $(NET_LIB) plipconfig.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o plipconfig plipconfig.o $(NLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ plipconfig.o $(NLIB)
- netstat: $(NET_LIB) netstat.o statistics.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o netstat netstat.o statistics.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ netstat.o statistics.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB) $(SELIB)
- iptunnel: $(NET_LIB) iptunnel.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o iptunnel iptunnel.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ iptunnel.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
- ipmaddr: $(NET_LIB) ipmaddr.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o ipmaddr ipmaddr.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ ipmaddr.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
--mii-tool: mii-tool.o
-- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o mii-tool mii-tool.o
-+mii-tool: $(NET_LIB) mii-tool.o
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mii-tool.o $(NLIB) $(RESLIB)
- installbin:
-- install -m 0755 -d ${BASEDIR}/sbin
-- install -m 0755 -d ${BASEDIR}/bin
-- install -m 0755 arp ${BASEDIR}/sbin
-- install -m 0755 hostname ${BASEDIR}/bin
-- install -m 0755 ifconfig ${BASEDIR}/sbin
-- install -m 0755 nameif ${BASEDIR}/sbin
-- install -m 0755 netstat ${BASEDIR}/bin
-- install -m 0755 plipconfig $(BASEDIR)/sbin
-- install -m 0755 rarp ${BASEDIR}/sbin
-- install -m 0755 route ${BASEDIR}/sbin
-- install -m 0755 slattach $(BASEDIR)/sbin
-+ @echo
-+ @echo "######################################################"
-+ @echo "Notice: ifconfig and route are now installed into /bin"
-+ @echo "######################################################"
-+ @echo
-+ install -m 0755 -d ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 -d ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 arp ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 hostname ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 ifconfig ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 nameif ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 netstat ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 plipconfig $(BASEDIR)${SBINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 rarp ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 route ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 slattach $(BASEDIR)${SBINDIR}
- ifeq ($(HAVE_IP_TOOLS),1)
-- install -m 0755 ipmaddr $(BASEDIR)/sbin
-- install -m 0755 iptunnel $(BASEDIR)/sbin
-+ install -m 0755 ipmaddr $(BASEDIR)${SBINDIR}
-+ install -m 0755 iptunnel $(BASEDIR)${SBINDIR}
- endif
- ifeq ($(HAVE_MII),1)
-- install -m 0755 mii-tool $(BASEDIR)/sbin
-+ install -m 0755 mii-tool $(BASEDIR)${SBINDIR}
- endif
-- ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)/bin/dnsdomainname
-- ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)/bin/ypdomainname
-- ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)/bin/nisdomainname
-- ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)/bin/domainname
-+ ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)${BINDIR}/dnsdomainname
-+ ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)${BINDIR}/ypdomainname
-+ ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)${BINDIR}/nisdomainname
-+ ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)${BINDIR}/domainname
- ifeq ($(HAVE_AFDECnet),1)
-- ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)/bin/nodename
-+ ln -fs hostname $(BASEDIR)${BINDIR}/nodename
- endif
- savebin:
-- @for i in ${BASEDIR}/sbin/arp ${BASEDIR}/sbin/ifconfig \
-- ${BASEDIR}/bin/netstat \
-- ${BASEDIR}/sbin/rarp ${BASEDIR}/sbin/route \
-- ${BASEDIR}/bin/hostname ${BASEDIR}/bin/ypdomainname \
-- ${BASEDIR}/bin/dnsdomainname ${BASEDIR}/bin/nisdomainname \
-- ${BASEDIR}/bin/domainname ; do \
-+ @for i in ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}/arp ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}/ifconfig \
-+ ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}/netstat \
-+ ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}/rarp ${BASEDIR}${SBINDIR}/route \
-+ ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}/hostname ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}/ypdomainname \
-+ ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}/dnsdomainname ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}/nisdomainname \
-+ ${BASEDIR}${BINDIR}/domainname ; do \
- [ -f $$i ] && cp -f $$i $$i.old ; done ; echo Saved.
- installdata:
-diff --git a/README b/README
-index 4e35868..aa6cc9a 100644
---- a/README
-+++ b/README
-@@ -10,29 +10,35 @@ This package includes the important tools for controlling the network
- subsystem of the Linux kernel. This includes arp, hostname, ifconfig,
- netstat, rarp and route. Additionally, this package contains
- utilities relating to particular network hardware types (plipconfig,
--slattach) and advanced aspects of IP configuration (iptunnel,
-+slattach, mii-tool) and advanced aspects of IP configuration (iptunnel,
- ipmaddr).
- Please include the output of "program --version" when reporting bugs.
- Contents:
- README This file.
- README.ipv6 Notes for people hacking IPv6.
- INSTALLING Installation instructions.
-- COPYING Your free copy of the GNU Public License.
-+ COPYING Your free copy of the GNU General Public License.
- TODO Some things that need to be done.
-+The Homepage (including Git repository, release downloads, bug tracker and
-+mailing list) is hosted by Please consider to
-+join the project if you want to contribute:
- Notes
- -----
--This is net-tools 1.60.
-+This is net-tools 1.6x.
- You need kernel 2.0 or later to use these programs. These programs
- should compile cleanly with both glibc (version 2.0 or 2.1) and libc5,
-@@ -59,6 +65,8 @@ all common environments but some of the more esoteric hardware and
- protocol families may be more touchy. Feel free to send patches if
- you have problems.
-+For this release, the localized man pages are installed with UTF-8 encoding.
- Phil Blundell
-diff --git a/RPM/net-tools.spec b/RPM/net-tools.spec
-index 86b45db..b12f785 100644
---- a/RPM/net-tools.spec
-+++ b/RPM/net-tools.spec
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ make BASEDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
- strip arp ifconfig rarp route slattach plipconfig ipmaddr iptunnel
- cd ../bin
- strip hostname netstat
- %clean
- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- * Fri Feb 27 1998 Jason Spangler <>
- - changed to net-tools 1.432
- - removed old glibc 2.1 patch
- * Wed Oct 22 1997 Erik Troan <>
- - added extra patches for glibc 2.1
-diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
-index ec6aae8..c8a10dc 100644
---- a/TODO
-+++ b/TODO
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ TODO for net-tools
- [ ] supply some informations about new features to HOWTOs
- [ ] Config file only works with bash not ash.
- [ ] Token ring is almost totally untested.
--[ ] additional tools for IPX, AX.25 etc be bundled [ipxripd004, ipx_* tools
-+[ ] additional tools for IPX, AX.25 etc be bundled [ipxripd004, ipx_* tools
- from caldera, axattach] into existing bins
- [ ] "SIOCAX25OPTRT" [Joerg (DL1BKE)]. 1.3.75
- [ ] dummy NOARP?! (2. default route for preveting hostunreachables on linedrop)
-diff --git a/arp.c b/arp.c
-index 509a804..5db71a7 100644
---- a/arp.c
-+++ b/arp.c
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- * NET-3 Networking Distribution for the LINUX operating
- * system.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: arp.c,v 1.20 2001/04/08 17:05:05 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: arp.c,v 1.27 2009/09/06 22:50:11 vapier Exp $
- *
- * Maintainer: Bernd 'eckes' Eckenfels, <>
- *
-@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
- * Andrew Tridgell : proxy arp netmasks
- * Bernd Eckenfels : -n option
- * Bernd Eckenfels : Use only /proc for display
-- * {1.60} Bernd Eckenfels : new arpcode (-i) for 1.3.42 but works
-+ * {1.60} Bernd Eckenfels : new arpcode (-i) for 1.3.42 but works
- * with 1.2.x, too
- * {1.61} Bernd Eckenfels : more verbose messages
- * {1.62} Bernd Eckenfels : check -t for hw adresses and try to
- * explain EINVAL (jeff)
- *970125 {1.63} Bernd Eckenfels : -a print hardwarename instead of tiltle
- *970201 {1.64} Bernd Eckenfels : net-features.h support
-- *970203 {1.65} Bernd Eckenfels : "#define" in "#if",
-+ *970203 {1.65} Bernd Eckenfels : "#define" in "#if",
- * -H|-A additional to -t|-p
- *970214 {1.66} Bernd Eckenfels : Fix optarg required for -H and -A
- *970412 {1.67} Bernd Eckenfels : device=""; is default
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- *970517 {1.69} Bernd Eckenfels : usage() fixed
- *970622 {1.70} Bernd Eckenfels : arp -d priv
- *970106 {1.80} Bernd Eckenfels : new syntax without -D and with "dev <If>",
-- * ATF_MAGIC, ATF_DONTPUB support.
-+ * ATF_MAGIC, ATF_DONTPUB support.
- * Typo fix (Debian Bug#5728 Giuliano Procida)
- *970803 {1.81} Bernd Eckenfels : removed junk comment line 1
- *970925 {1.82} Bernd Eckenfels : include fix for libc6
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
- #define FEATURE_ARP
- #include "lib/net-features.h"
--char *Release = RELEASE, *Version = "arp 1.88 (2001-04-04)";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE;
- int opt_n = 0; /* do not resolve addresses */
- int opt_N = 0; /* use symbolic names */
-@@ -100,9 +100,10 @@ static int arp_del(char **args)
- {
- char host[128];
- struct arpreq req;
-- struct sockaddr sa;
-+ struct sockaddr_storage ss;
-+ struct sockaddr *sa;
- int flags = 0;
-- int err;
-+ int deleted = 0;
- memset((char *) &req, 0, sizeof(req));
-@@ -112,12 +113,13 @@ static int arp_del(char **args)
- return (-1);
- }
- safe_strncpy(host, *args, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-+ sa = (struct sockaddr *)&ss;
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* If a host has more than one address, use the correct one! */
-- memcpy((char *) &req.arp_pa, (char *) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy((char *) &req.arp_pa, (char *) sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- if (hw_set)
- req.arp_ha.sa_family = hw->type;
-@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ static int arp_del(char **args)
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(*args, "dontpub")) {
-+#ifdef ATF_DONTPUB
- req.arp_flags |= ATF_DONTPUB;
- #else
-@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ static int arp_del(char **args)
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(*args, "auto")) {
-+#ifdef ATF_MAGIC
- req.arp_flags |= ATF_MAGIC;
- #else
- ENOSUPP("arp", "ATF_MAGIC");
-@@ -176,12 +178,12 @@ static int arp_del(char **args)
- if (*++args == NULL)
- usage();
- if (strcmp(*args, "") != 0) {
-- strcpy(host, *args);
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-+ safe_strncpy(host, *args, (sizeof host));
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- return (-1);
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &req.arp_netmask, (char *) &sa,
-+ memcpy((char *) &req.arp_netmask, (char *) sa,
- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- req.arp_flags |= ATF_NETMASK;
- }
-@@ -190,35 +192,41 @@ static int arp_del(char **args)
- }
- usage();
- }
-+ // if neighter priv nor pub is given, work on both
- if (flags == 0)
- flags = 3;
-- strcpy(req.arp_dev, device);
-+ safe_strncpy(req.arp_dev, device, sizeof(req.arp_dev));
-- err = -1;
-+ /* unfortuatelly the kernel interface does not allow us to
-+ delete private entries anlone, so we need this hack
-+ to avoid "not found" errors if we try both. */
-+ deleted = 0;
- /* Call the kernel. */
- if (flags & 2) {
- if (opt_v)
-- fprintf(stderr, "arp: SIOCDARP(nopub)\n");
-- if ((err = ioctl(sockfd, SIOCDARP, &req) < 0)) {
-- if (errno == ENXIO) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, "arp: SIOCDARP(dontpub)\n");
-+ if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCDARP, &req) < 0) {
-+ if ((errno == ENXIO) || (errno == ENOENT)) {
- if (flags & 1)
-- goto nopub;
-+ goto dontpub;
- printf(_("No ARP entry for %s\n"), host);
- return (-1);
- }
-- perror("SIOCDARP(priv)");
-+ perror("SIOCDARP(dontpub)");
- return (-1);
-- }
-+ } else
-+ deleted = 1;
- }
-- if ((flags & 1) && (err)) {
-- nopub:
-+ if (!deleted && (flags & 1)) {
-+ dontpub:
- req.arp_flags |= ATF_PUBL;
- if (opt_v)
- fprintf(stderr, "arp: SIOCDARP(pub)\n");
- if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCDARP, &req) < 0) {
-- if (errno == ENXIO) {
-+ if ((errno == ENXIO) || (errno == ENOENT)) {
- printf(_("No ARP entry for %s\n"), host);
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -235,7 +243,7 @@ static int arp_getdevhw(char *ifname, struct sockaddr *sa, struct hwtype *hw)
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct hwtype *xhw;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("arp: cant get HW-Address for `%s': %s.\n"), ifname, strerror(errno));
- return (-1);
-@@ -260,7 +268,8 @@ static int arp_set(char **args)
- {
- char host[128];
- struct arpreq req;
-- struct sockaddr sa;
-+ struct sockaddr_storage ss;
-+ struct sockaddr *sa;
- int flags;
- memset((char *) &req, 0, sizeof(req));
-@@ -271,12 +280,13 @@ static int arp_set(char **args)
- return (-1);
- }
- safe_strncpy(host, *args++, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-+ sa = (struct sockaddr *)&ss;
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* If a host has more than one address, use the correct one! */
-- memcpy((char *) &req.arp_pa, (char *) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy((char *) &req.arp_pa, (char *) sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- /* Fetch the hardware address. */
- if (*args == NULL) {
-@@ -317,7 +327,7 @@ static int arp_set(char **args)
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(*args, "dontpub")) {
-+#ifdef ATF_DONTPUB
- flags |= ATF_DONTPUB;
- #else
-@@ -326,7 +336,7 @@ static int arp_set(char **args)
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(*args, "auto")) {
-+#ifdef ATF_MAGIC
- flags |= ATF_MAGIC;
- #else
- ENOSUPP("arp", "ATF_MAGIC");
-@@ -345,12 +355,12 @@ static int arp_set(char **args)
- if (*++args == NULL)
- usage();
- if (strcmp(*args, "") != 0) {
-- strcpy(host, *args);
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-+ safe_strncpy(host, *args, (sizeof host));
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- return (-1);
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &req.arp_netmask, (char *) &sa,
-+ memcpy((char *) &req.arp_netmask, (char *) sa,
- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- flags |= ATF_NETMASK;
- }
-@@ -363,7 +373,7 @@ static int arp_set(char **args)
- /* Fill in the remainder of the request. */
- req.arp_flags = flags;
-- strcpy(req.arp_dev, device);
-+ safe_strncpy(req.arp_dev, device, sizeof(req.arp_dev));
- /* Call the kernel. */
- if (opt_v)
-@@ -424,7 +434,7 @@ static int arp_file(char *name)
- /* Print the contents of an ARP request block. */
--static void arp_disp_2(char *name, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, char *mask, char *dev)
-+static void arp_disp_2(const char *name, int type, int arp_flags, const char *hwa, const char *mask, const char *dev)
- {
- static int title = 0;
- struct hwtype *xhw;
-@@ -445,11 +455,11 @@ static void arp_disp_2(char *name, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, char *mas
- strcat(flags, "M");
- if (arp_flags & ATF_PUBL)
- strcat(flags, "P");
-+#ifdef ATF_MAGIC
- if (arp_flags & ATF_MAGIC)
- strcat(flags, "A");
- #endif
-+#ifdef ATF_DONTPUB
- if (arp_flags & ATF_DONTPUB)
- strcat(flags, "!");
- #endif
-@@ -463,7 +473,7 @@ static void arp_disp_2(char *name, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, char *mas
- if (!(arp_flags & ATF_COM)) {
- if (arp_flags & ATF_PUBL)
-- printf("%-8.8s%-20.20s", "*", "*");
-+ printf("%-8.8s%-20.20s", "*", _("<from_interface>"));
- else
- printf("%-8.8s%-20.20s", "", _("(incomplete)"));
- } else {
-@@ -474,7 +484,7 @@ static void arp_disp_2(char *name, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, char *mas
- }
- /* Print the contents of an ARP request block. */
--static void arp_disp(char *name, char *ip, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, char *mask, char *dev)
-+static void arp_disp(const char *name, const char *ip, int type, int arp_flags, const char *hwa, const char *mask, const char *dev)
- {
- struct hwtype *xhw;
-@@ -486,7 +496,7 @@ static void arp_disp(char *name, char *ip, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, c
- if (!(arp_flags & ATF_COM)) {
- if (arp_flags & ATF_PUBL)
-- printf("* ");
-+ printf("<from_interface> ");
- else
- printf(_("<incomplete> "));
- } else {
-@@ -499,12 +509,12 @@ static void arp_disp(char *name, char *ip, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, c
- if (arp_flags & ATF_PERM)
- printf("PERM ");
- if (arp_flags & ATF_PUBL)
-- printf("PUP ");
-+ printf("PUB ");
-+#ifdef ATF_MAGIC
- if (arp_flags & ATF_MAGIC)
- printf("AUTO ");
- #endif
-+#ifdef ATF_DONTPUB
- if (arp_flags & ATF_DONTPUB)
- printf("DONTPUB ");
- #endif
-@@ -519,7 +529,8 @@ static void arp_disp(char *name, char *ip, int type, int arp_flags, char *hwa, c
- static int arp_show(char *name)
- {
- char host[100];
-- struct sockaddr sa;
-+ struct sockaddr_storage ss;
-+ struct sockaddr *sa;
- char ip[100];
- char hwa[100];
- char mask[100];
-@@ -527,19 +538,20 @@ static int arp_show(char *name)
- char dev[100];
- int type, flags;
- FILE *fp;
-- char *hostname;
-+ const char *hostname;
- int num, entries = 0, showed = 0;
- host[0] = '\0';
-+ sa = (struct sockaddr *)&ss;
- if (name != NULL) {
- /* Resolve the host name. */
- safe_strncpy(host, name, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- return (-1);
- }
-- safe_strncpy(host, ap->sprint(&sa, 1), sizeof(host));
-+ safe_strncpy(host, ap->sprint(sa, 1), sizeof(host));
- }
- /* Open the PROCps kernel table. */
- if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_ARP, "r")) == NULL) {
-@@ -548,11 +560,11 @@ static int arp_show(char *name)
- }
- /* Bypass header -- read until newline */
- if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != (char *) NULL) {
-- strcpy(mask, "-");
-- strcpy(dev, "-");
-+ safe_strncpy(mask, "-", sizeof(mask));
-+ safe_strncpy(dev, "-", sizeof(dev));
- /* Read the ARP cache entries. */
- for (; fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp);) {
-- num = sscanf(line, "%s 0x%x 0x%x %100s %100s %100s\n",
-+ num = sscanf(line, "%s 0x%x 0x%x %99s %99s %99s\n",
- ip, &type, &flags, hwa, mask, dev);
- if (num < 4)
- break;
-@@ -575,10 +587,10 @@ static int arp_show(char *name)
- if (opt_n)
- hostname = "?";
- else {
-- if (ap->input(0, ip, &sa) < 0)
-+ if (ap->input(0, ip, sa) < 0)
- hostname = ip;
- else
-- hostname = ap->sprint(&sa, opt_n | 0x8000);
-+ hostname = ap->sprint(sa, opt_n | 0x8000);
- if (strcmp(hostname, ip) == 0)
- hostname = "?";
- }
-@@ -605,20 +617,20 @@ static int arp_show(char *name)
- static void version(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Features);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", Release, Features);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
- static void usage(void)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, _("Usage:\n arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<hostname>] <-Display ARP cache\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <hostname> [pub][nopub] <-Delete ARP entry\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from file\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [temp][nopub] <-Add entry\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub <-''-\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <hostname> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub <-''-\n\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <host> [pub] <-Delete ARP entry\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from file\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <host> <hwaddr> [temp] <-Add entry\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <host> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub <-''-\n\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -a display (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) style\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" -e display (all) hosts in default (Linux) style\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -s, --set set a new ARP entry\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -d, --delete delete a specified entry\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -v, --verbose be verbose\n"));
-diff --git a/ b/
-index f3310d6..e080937 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- #
--# source for the net-tools.
-+# source for the net-tools.
- # This file contains the definition of what the support
- # library contains. Most of all, it defines which types
- # of address families and hardware we know of.
-@@ -46,19 +46,20 @@ bool 'Does your system support GNU gettext?' I18N n
- *
- *
- * Protocol Families.
- bool 'UNIX protocol family' HAVE_AFUNIX y
- bool 'INET (TCP/IP) protocol family' HAVE_AFINET y
--bool 'INET6 (IPv6) protocol family' HAVE_AFINET6 n
-+bool 'INET6 (IPv6) protocol family' HAVE_AFINET6 y
- bool 'Novell IPX/SPX protocol family' HAVE_AFIPX y
- bool 'Appletalk DDP protocol family' HAVE_AFATALK y
- bool 'AX25 (packet radio) protocol family' HAVE_AFAX25 y
- bool 'NET/ROM (packet radio) protocol family' HAVE_AFNETROM y
--bool 'Rose (packet radio) protocol family' HAVE_AFROSE n
-+bool 'Rose (packet radio) protocol family' HAVE_AFROSE y
- bool 'X.25 (CCITT) protocol family' HAVE_AFX25 y
--bool 'Econet protocol family' HAVE_AFECONET n
-+bool 'Econet protocol family' HAVE_AFECONET y
- bool 'DECnet protocol family' HAVE_AFDECnet n
--bool 'Ash protocol family' HAVE_AFASH n
-+bool 'Ash protocol family' HAVE_AFASH y
-+bool 'Bluetooth protocol family' HAVE_AFBLUETOOTH n
- *
- *
- * Device Hardware types.
-@@ -68,24 +69,27 @@ bool 'ARCnet support' HAVE_HWARC y
- bool 'SLIP (serial line) support' HAVE_HWSLIP y
- bool 'PPP (serial line) support' HAVE_HWPPP y
- bool 'IPIP Tunnel support' HAVE_HWTUNNEL y
--bool 'STRIP (Metricom radio) support' HAVE_HWSTRIP y
--bool 'Token ring (generic) support' HAVE_HWTR y
-+bool 'STRIP (Metricom radio) support' HAVE_HWSTRIP n
-+bool 'Token ring (generic) support' HAVE_HWTR n
- bool 'AX25 (packet radio) support' HAVE_HWAX25 y
--bool 'Rose (packet radio) support' HAVE_HWROSE n
-+bool 'Rose (packet radio) support' HAVE_HWROSE y
- bool 'NET/ROM (packet radio) support' HAVE_HWNETROM y
- bool 'X.25 (generic) support' HAVE_HWX25 y
- bool 'DLCI/FRAD (frame relay) support' HAVE_HWFR y
--bool 'SIT (IPv6-in-IPv4) support' HAVE_HWSIT n
--bool 'FDDI (generic) support' HAVE_HWFDDI n
--bool 'HIPPI (generic) support' HAVE_HWHIPPI n
--bool 'Ash hardware support' HAVE_HWASH n
--bool '(Cisco)-HDLC/LAPB support' HAVE_HWHDLCLAPB n
-+bool 'SIT (IPv6-in-IPv4) support' HAVE_HWSIT y
-+bool 'FDDI (generic) support' HAVE_HWFDDI y
-+bool 'HIPPI (generic) support' HAVE_HWHIPPI y
-+bool 'Ash hardware support' HAVE_HWASH y
-+bool '(Cisco)-HDLC/LAPB support' HAVE_HWHDLCLAPB y
- bool 'IrDA support' HAVE_HWIRDA y
--bool 'Econet hardware support' HAVE_HWEC n
-+bool 'Econet hardware support' HAVE_HWEC y
-+bool 'Generic EUI-64 hardware support' HAVE_HWEUI64 y
-+bool 'InfiniBand hardware support' HAVE_HWIB y
- *
- *
- * Other Features.
- *
--bool 'IP Masquerading support' HAVE_FW_MASQUERADE n
--bool 'Build iptunnel and ipmaddr' HAVE_IP_TOOLS n
--bool 'Build mii-tool' HAVE_MII n
-+bool 'IP Masquerading support' HAVE_FW_MASQUERADE y
-+bool 'Build iptunnel and ipmaddr' HAVE_IP_TOOLS y
-+bool 'Build mii-tool' HAVE_MII y
-+bool 'SELinux support' HAVE_SELINUX n
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 9859b59..64b594f 100755
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- #
--# Generates interactively a config.h from
-+# Generates interactively a config.h from
- #
- # net-tools A collection of programs that form the base set of the
- # NET-3 Networking Distribution for the LINUX operating
-@@ -37,7 +37,15 @@ CONFIG=config.h
- MAKECONFIG=config.make
--[ -z "$BASH" ] && { echo "Configure requires bash" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-+[ -z "$BASH" ] && { echo " requires bash" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-+cat <<EOF
-+Notice: ifconfig and route are now installed into /bin
- # Disable filename globbing once and for all.
- # Enable function cacheing.
-@@ -106,7 +114,7 @@ function int()
- }
- #
-- # Make sure we start out with a clean slate.
-+ # Make sure we start out with a clean state.
- #
- >
- > ${CONFIG}
-diff --git a/hostname.c b/hostname.c
-index 8793fb9..ae98ca6 100644
---- a/hostname.c
-+++ b/hostname.c
-@@ -6,23 +6,22 @@
- * Usage: hostname [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n]
- * hostname [-h|-V]
- * hostname {name|-F file}
-- * dnsdmoainname
-+ * dnsdmoainname
- * nisdomainname {name|-F file}
- *
-- * Version: hostname 1.96 (1996-02-18)
-+ * Version: hostname 1.101 (2003-10-11)
- *
- * Author: Peter Tobias <>
- *
- * Changes:
-- * {1.90} Peter Tobias : Added -a and -i options.
-- * {1.91} Bernd Eckenfels : -v,-V rewritten, long_opts
-- * (major rewrite), usage.
-- *960120 {1.95} Bernd Eckenfels : -y/nisdomainname - support for get/
-- * setdomainname added
-- *960218 {1.96} Bernd Eckenfels : netinet/in.h added
-- *980629 {1.97} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo : gettext instead of catgets for i18n
-- *20000213 {1.99} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo : fixed some i18n strings
-+ * {1.90} Peter Tobias : Added -a and -i options.
-+ * {1.91} Bernd Eckenfels : -v,-V rewritten, long_opts (major rewrite), usage.
-+ *19960120 {1.95} Bernd Eckenfels : -y/nisdomainname - support for get/setdomainname added
-+ *19960218 {1.96} Bernd Eckenfels : netinet/in.h added
-+ *19980629 {1.97} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo : gettext instead of catgets for i18n
-+ *20000213 {1.99} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo : fixed some i18n strings
- *20010404 {1.100} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo: use setlocale
-+ *20031011 {1.101} Maik Broemme: gcc 3.x fixes (default: break)
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-@@ -31,7 +30,9 @@
- * your option) any later version.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
-@@ -41,13 +42,19 @@
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "version.h"
-+#include "net-support.h"
- #include "../intl.h"
-+#include <sys/socket.h> /* for PF_INET6 */
-+#include <sys/types.h> /* for inet_ntop */
- #if HAVE_AFDECnet
- #include <netdnet/dn.h>
- #endif
--char *Release = RELEASE, *Version = "hostname 1.100 (2001-04-14)";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE;
- static char *program_name;
- static int opt_v;
-@@ -72,12 +79,13 @@ static void setnname(char *nname)
- if (setnodename(nname, strlen(nname))) {
- switch(errno) {
- case EPERM:
-- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: you must be root to change the node name\n"), program_name);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: you don't have permission to set the node name\n"), program_name);
- break;
- case EINVAL:
- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: name too long\n"), program_name);
- break;
- default:
-+ break;
- }
- exit(1);
- }
-@@ -92,12 +100,11 @@ static void sethname(char *hname)
- if (sethostname(hname, strlen(hname))) {
- switch (errno) {
- case EPERM:
-- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: you must be root to change the host name\n"), program_name);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: you don't have permission to set the host name\n"), program_name);
- break;
- case EINVAL:
- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: name too long\n"), program_name);
- break;
-- default:
- }
- exit(1);
- };
-@@ -111,12 +118,11 @@ static void setdname(char *dname)
- if (setdomainname(dname, strlen(dname))) {
- switch (errno) {
- case EPERM:
-- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: you must be root to change the domain name\n"), program_name);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: you don't have permission to set the domain name\n"), program_name);
- break;
- case EINVAL:
- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: name too long\n"), program_name);
- break;
-- default:
- }
- exit(1);
- };
-@@ -125,15 +131,23 @@ static void setdname(char *dname)
- static void showhname(char *hname, int c)
- {
- struct hostent *hp;
-+ struct in6_addr **ip6;
- register char *p, **alias;
- struct in_addr **ip;
- if (opt_v)
- fprintf(stderr, _("Resolving `%s' ...\n"), hname);
-- if (!(hp = gethostbyname(hname))) {
-+ if (
-+ !(hp = gethostbyname2(hname, PF_INET6)) &&
-+ !(hp = gethostbyname(hname))) {
- herror(program_name);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (opt_v) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("Result: h_name=`%s'\n"),
- hp->h_name);
-@@ -142,11 +156,28 @@ static void showhname(char *hname, int c)
- while (alias[0])
- fprintf(stderr, _("Result: h_aliases=`%s'\n"),
- *alias++);
-- ip = (struct in_addr **) hp->h_addr_list;
-- while (ip[0])
-- fprintf(stderr, _("Result: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"),
-- inet_ntoa(**ip++));
-+ if (hp->h_addrtype == PF_INET6) {
-+ char addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-+ addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = '\0';
-+ ip6 = (struct in6_addr **) hp->h_addr_list;
-+ while (ip6[0]) {
-+ if (inet_ntop(PF_INET6, *ip6++, addr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Result: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"), addr);
-+ else if (errno == EAFNOSUPPORT)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: protocol family not supported\n"),
-+ program_name);
-+ else if (errno == ENOSPC)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: name too long\n"), program_name);
-+ }
-+ } else
-+ {
-+ ip = (struct in_addr **) hp->h_addr_list;
-+ while (ip[0])
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Result: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"),
-+ inet_ntoa(**ip++));
-+ }
- }
- if (!(p = strchr(hp->h_name, '.')) && (c == 'd'))
- return;
-@@ -158,8 +189,29 @@ static void showhname(char *hname, int c)
- printf("\n");
- break;
- case 'i':
-- while (hp->h_addr_list[0])
-- printf("%s ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) *hp->h_addr_list++));
-+ if (hp->h_addrtype == PF_INET6) {
-+ char addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-+ addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = '\0';
-+ while (hp->h_addr_list[0]) {
-+ if (inet_ntop(PF_INET6, (struct in6_addr *)*hp->h_addr_list++,
-+ addr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) {
-+ printf("%s ", addr);
-+ } else if (errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("\n%s: protocol family not supported\n"),
-+ program_name);
-+ exit(1);
-+ } else if (errno == ENOSPC) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("\n%s: name too long\n"), program_name);
-+ exit(1);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else
-+ {
-+ while (hp->h_addr_list[0])
-+ printf("%s ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)*hp->h_addr_list++));
-+ }
- printf("\n");
- break;
- case 'd':
-@@ -173,7 +225,6 @@ static void showhname(char *hname, int c)
- *p = '\0';
- printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
- break;
-- default:
- }
- }
-@@ -215,8 +266,8 @@ static void setfilename(char *name, int what)
- static void version(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", Release, Version);
-- exit(5); /* E_VERSION */
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", Release);
-+ exit(E_VERSION);
- }
- static void usage(void)
-@@ -247,7 +298,7 @@ static void usage(void)
- " FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and the DNS domain name (which is\n"
- " part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.\n"));
-- exit(4); /* E_USAGE */
-+ exit(E_USAGE);
- }
-@@ -326,11 +377,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- break;
- case 'V':
- version();
-+ break; // not reached
- case '?':
- case 'h':
- default:
- usage();
-+ break; // not reached
- };
-@@ -371,7 +423,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- setdname(argv[optind]);
- break;
- }
-- getdomainname(myname, sizeof(myname));
-+ if (getdomainname(myname, sizeof(myname)) < 0) {
-+ perror("getdomainname()");
-+ exit(1);
-+ }
- if (opt_v)
- fprintf(stderr, _("getdomainname()=`%s'\n"), myname);
- printf("%s\n", myname);
-diff --git a/ifconfig.c b/ifconfig.c
-index 73a4e9b..df9793a 100644
---- a/ifconfig.c
-+++ b/ifconfig.c
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- * that either displays or sets the characteristics of
- * one or more of the system's networking interfaces.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: ifconfig.c,v 1.50 2001/04/13 18:25:18 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: ifconfig.c,v 1.59 2011-01-01 03:22:31 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * and others. Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
- *
- * {1.34} - 19980630 - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
- * - gettext instead of catgets for i18n
-- * 10/1998 - Andi Kleen. Use interface list primitives.
-- * 20001008 - Bernd Eckenfels, Patch from RH for setting mtu
-+ * 10/1998 - Andi Kleen. Use interface list primitives.
-+ * 20001008 - Bernd Eckenfels, Patch from RH for setting mtu
- * (default AF was wrong)
- * 20010404 - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo, use setlocale
- */
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
- #include <asm/types.h>
--#ifdef HAVE_HWSLIP
- #include <linux/if_slip.h>
- #endif
-@@ -85,19 +85,16 @@ struct in6_ifreq {
- #include "sockets.h"
- #include "util.h"
--char *Release = RELEASE, *Version = "ifconfig 1.42 (2001-04-13)";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE;
- int opt_a = 0; /* show all interfaces */
--int opt_i = 0; /* show the statistics */
- int opt_v = 0; /* debugging output flag */
- int addr_family = 0; /* currently selected AF */
- /* for ipv4 add/del modes */
--static int get_nmbc_parent(char *parent, unsigned long *nm,
-- unsigned long *bc);
--static int set_ifstate(char *parent, unsigned long ip,
-- unsigned long nm, unsigned long bc,
-+static int get_nmbc_parent(char *parent, in_addr_t *nm, in_addr_t *bc);
-+static int set_ifstate(char *parent, in_addr_t ip, in_addr_t nm, in_addr_t bc,
- int flag);
- static int if_print(char *ifname)
-@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ static int if_print(char *ifname)
- int res;
- if (ife_short)
-- printf(_("Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg\n"));
-+ printf(_("Iface MTU RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg\n"));
- if (!ifname) {
- res = for_all_interfaces(do_if_print, &opt_a);
-@@ -113,11 +110,14 @@ static int if_print(char *ifname)
- struct interface *ife;
- ife = lookup_interface(ifname);
-- res = do_if_fetch(ife);
-- if (res >= 0)
-+ if (!ife) {
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ res = do_if_fetch(ife);
-+ if (res >= 0)
- ife_print(ife);
- }
-- return res;
-+ return res;
- }
- /* Set a certain interface flag. */
-@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static int set_flag(char *ifname, short flag)
- safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unknown interface: %s\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: ERROR while getting interface flags: %s\n"),
- ifname, strerror(errno));
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ static int clr_flag(char *ifname, short flag)
- safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unknown interface: %s\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: ERROR while getting interface flags: %s\n"),
- ifname, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
-@@ -172,9 +172,35 @@ static int clr_flag(char *ifname, short flag)
- return (0);
- }
-+/** test is a specified flag is set */
-+static int test_flag(char *ifname, short flags)
-+ struct ifreq ifr;
-+ int fd;
-+ if (strchr(ifname, ':')) {
-+ /* This is a v4 alias interface. Downing it via a socket for
-+ another AF may have bad consequences. */
-+ fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET);
-+ if (fd < 0) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("No support for INET on this system.\n"));
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ } else
-+ fd = skfd;
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("%s: ERROR while testing interface flags: %s\n"),
-+ ifname, strerror(errno));
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ return (ifr.ifr_flags & flags);
- static void usage(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("Usage:\n ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Usage:\n ifconfig [-a] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"));
-@@ -184,7 +210,7 @@ static void usage(void)
- fprintf(stderr, _(" [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"));
- #endif
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" [hw <HW> <address>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" [hw <HW> <address>] [mtu <NN>]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <type>]\n"));
-@@ -207,38 +233,39 @@ static void usage(void)
- static void version(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", Release, Version);
-- exit(0);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", Release);
-+ exit(E_VERSION);
- }
- static int set_netmask(int skfd, struct ifreq *ifr, struct sockaddr *sa)
- {
- int err = 0;
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr->ifr_netmask, (char *) sa,
-- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr->ifr_netmask, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSIFNETMASK, ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFNETMASK: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
- err = 1;
- }
-- return 0;
-+ return err;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
-- struct sockaddr sa;
-- struct sockaddr_in sin;
-+ struct sockaddr_storage _sa, _samask;
-+ struct sockaddr *sa = (struct sockaddr *)&_sa;
-+ struct sockaddr *samask = (struct sockaddr *)&_samask;
-+ struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)sa;
- char host[128];
- struct aftype *ap;
- struct hwtype *hw;
- struct ifreq ifr;
-- int goterr = 0, didnetmask = 0;
-+ int goterr = 0, didnetmask = 0, neednetmask=0;
- char **spp;
- int fd;
- extern struct aftype inet6_aftype;
-- struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
-+ struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa;
- struct in6_ifreq ifr6;
- unsigned long prefix_len;
- char *cp;
-@@ -248,7 +275,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- #endif
- #if I18N
-- setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
-+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
- bindtextdomain("net-tools", "/usr/share/locale");
- textdomain("net-tools");
- #endif
-@@ -265,7 +292,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-v"))
- opt_v = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-V") || !strcmp(*argv, "-version") ||
- !strcmp(*argv, "--version"))
- version();
-@@ -275,7 +302,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- usage();
- else {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: option `%s' not recognised.\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: option `%s' not recognised.\n"),
- argv[0]);
- fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.\n"));
- exit(1);
-@@ -309,9 +336,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- /* The next argument is either an address family name, or an option. */
- if ((ap = get_aftype(*spp)) != NULL)
- spp++; /* it was a AF name */
-- else
-+ else
- ap = get_aftype(DFLT_AF);
- if (ap) {
- addr_family = ap->af;
- skfd = ap->fd;
-@@ -356,7 +383,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- goterr = 1;
- } else {
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
-- perror("port: SIOCGIFMAP");
-+ perror("port: SIOCGIFMAP");
- goterr = 1;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -388,6 +415,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "-promisc")) {
- goterr |= clr_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_PROMISC);
-+ if (test_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_PROMISC) > 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: Interface %s still in promisc mode... maybe other application is running?\n"), ifr.ifr_name);
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -398,6 +427,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "-multicast")) {
- goterr |= clr_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_MULTICAST);
-+ if (test_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_MULTICAST) > 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: Interface %s still in MULTICAST mode.\n"), ifr.ifr_name);
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -408,6 +439,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "-allmulti")) {
- goterr |= clr_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_ALLMULTI);
-+ if (test_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_ALLMULTI) > 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: Interface %s still in ALLMULTI mode.\n"), ifr.ifr_name);
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -430,21 +463,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "-dynamic")) {
- goterr |= clr_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_DYNAMIC);
- spp++;
-+ if (test_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_DYNAMIC) > 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: Interface %s still in DYNAMIC mode.\n"), ifr.ifr_name);
- continue;
- }
- #endif
-- if (!strcmp(*spp, "metric")) {
-- if (*++spp == NULL)
-- usage();
-- ifr.ifr_metric = atoi(*spp);
-- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSIFMETRIC, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFMETRIC: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-- goterr = 1;
-- }
-- spp++;
-- continue;
-- }
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "mtu")) {
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
-@@ -460,7 +484,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "keepalive")) {
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
-- ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) atoi(*spp);
-+ ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) (uintptr_t) atoi(*spp);
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSKEEPALIVE, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSKEEPALIVE: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goterr = 1;
-@@ -474,7 +498,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "outfill")) {
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
-- ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) atoi(*spp);
-+ ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) (uintptr_t) atoi(*spp);
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSOUTFILL, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSOUTFILL: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goterr = 1;
-@@ -486,20 +510,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "-broadcast")) {
- goterr |= clr_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_BROADCAST);
-+ if (test_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_BROADCAST) > 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: Interface %s still in BROADCAST mode.\n"), ifr.ifr_name);
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "broadcast")) {
- if (*++spp != NULL) {
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-- ap->herror(host);
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
-+ if (ap->herror)
-+ ap->herror(host);
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for broadcast\n"), host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr.ifr_broadaddr, (char *) &sa,
-- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr.ifr_broadaddr, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- if (ioctl(ap->fd, SIOCSIFBRDADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFBRDADDR: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
-@@ -514,14 +542,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-- ap->herror(host);
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
-+ if (ap->herror)
-+ ap->herror(host);
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for dstaddr\n"), host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr.ifr_dstaddr, (char *) &sa,
-- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr.ifr_dstaddr, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- if (ioctl(ap->fd, SIOCSIFDSTADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFDSTADDR: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
-@@ -534,14 +564,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (*++spp == NULL || didnetmask)
- usage();
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-- ap->herror(host);
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
-+ if (ap->herror)
-+ ap->herror(host);
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for netmask\n"), host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
- didnetmask++;
-- goterr = set_netmask(ap->fd, &ifr, &sa);
-+ goterr |= set_netmask(ap->fd, &ifr, sa);
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -563,8 +596,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "mem_start: SIOCGIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-- spp++;
-+ fprintf(stderr, "mem_start: SIOCGIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ spp++;
- goterr = 1;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -580,8 +613,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "io_addr: SIOCGIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-- spp++;
-+ fprintf(stderr, "io_addr: SIOCGIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ spp++;
- goterr = 1;
- continue;
- }
-@@ -597,9 +630,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "irq: SIOCGIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ fprintf(stderr, "irq: SIOCGIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goterr = 1;
-- spp++;
-+ spp++;
- continue;
- }
- ifr.ifr_map.irq = atoi(*spp);
-@@ -613,20 +646,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "-pointopoint")) {
- goterr |= clr_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_POINTOPOINT);
- spp++;
-+ if (test_flag(ifr.ifr_name, IFF_POINTOPOINT) > 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: Interface %s still in POINTOPOINT mode.\n"), ifr.ifr_name);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(*spp, "pointopoint")) {
- if (*(spp + 1) != NULL) {
- spp++;
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa)) {
-- ap->herror(host);
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa)) {
-+ if (ap->herror)
-+ ap->herror(host);
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for pointopoint\n"), host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr.ifr_dstaddr, (char *) &sa,
-- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr.ifr_dstaddr, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- if (ioctl(ap->fd, SIOCSIFDSTADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFDSTADDR: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
-@@ -652,17 +689,20 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (*++spp == NULL)
- usage();
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (hw->input(host, &sa) < 0) {
-+ if (hw->input(host, sa) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: invalid %s address.\n"), host, hw->name);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr.ifr_hwaddr, (char *) &sa,
-- sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr.ifr_hwaddr, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFHWADDR: %s\n",
-- strerror(errno));
-+ if (errno == EBUSY)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFHWADDR: %s - you may need to down the interface\n",
-+ strerror(errno));
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFHWADDR: %s\n",
-+ strerror(errno));
- goterr = 1;
- }
- spp++;
-@@ -681,22 +721,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- usage();
- *cp = 0;
- } else {
-- prefix_len = 0;
-+ prefix_len = 128;
- }
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (inet6_aftype.input(1, host,
-- (struct sockaddr *) &sa6) < 0) {
-- inet6_aftype.herror(host);
-+ if (inet6_aftype.input(1, host, sa) < 0) {
-+ if (inet6_aftype.herror)
-+ inet6_aftype.herror(host);
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for add\n"), host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr6.ifr6_addr, (char *) &sa6.sin6_addr,
-- sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr6.ifr6_addr, &sin6->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET6);
- if (fd < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr,
-+ fprintf(stderr,
- _("No support for INET6 on this system.\n"));
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
-@@ -718,11 +759,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- continue;
- }
- #endif
--#ifdef HAVE_AFINET
- { /* ipv4 address a.b.c.d */
-- unsigned long ip, nm, bc;
-+ in_addr_t ip, nm, bc;
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (inet_aftype.input(0, host, (struct sockaddr *)&sin) < 0) {
-+ if (inet_aftype.input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
-@@ -730,15 +771,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET);
- if (fd < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr,
-+ fprintf(stderr,
- _("No support for INET on this system.\n"));
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy(&ip, &sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(unsigned long));
-+ memcpy(&ip, &sin->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(ip));
- if (get_nmbc_parent(ifr.ifr_name, &nm, &bc) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("Interface %s not initialized\n"),
- ifr.ifr_name);
-@@ -747,7 +788,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- continue;
- }
- set_ifstate(ifr.ifr_name, ip, nm, bc, 1);
- }
- spp++;
- continue;
-@@ -771,22 +812,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- usage();
- *cp = 0;
- } else {
-- prefix_len = 0;
-+ prefix_len = 128;
- }
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (inet6_aftype.input(1, host,
-- (struct sockaddr *) &sa6) < 0) {
-+ if (inet6_aftype.input(1, host, sa) < 0) {
- inet6_aftype.herror(host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr6.ifr6_addr, (char *) &sa6.sin6_addr,
-+ memcpy(&ifr6.ifr6_addr, &sin6->sin6_addr,
- sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET6);
- if (fd < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr,
-+ fprintf(stderr,
- _("No support for INET6 on this system.\n"));
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
-@@ -800,6 +840,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- ifr6.ifr6_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
- ifr6.ifr6_prefixlen = prefix_len;
-+ if (opt_v)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "now deleting: ioctl(SIOCDIFADDR,{ifindex=%d,prefixlen=%ld})\n",ifr.ifr_ifindex,prefix_len);
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCDIFADDR, &ifr6) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCDIFADDR: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
-@@ -809,12 +851,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- continue;
- }
- #endif
--#ifdef HAVE_AFINET
- {
- /* ipv4 address a.b.c.d */
-- unsigned long ip, nm, bc;
-+ in_addr_t ip, nm, bc;
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (inet_aftype.input(0, host, (struct sockaddr *)&sin) < 0) {
-+ if (inet_aftype.input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
- ap->herror(host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
-@@ -827,9 +869,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy(&ip, &sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(unsigned long));
-+ /* Clear "ip" in case sizeof(unsigned long) > sizeof(sin.sin_addr.s_addr) */
-+ ip = 0;
-+ memcpy(&ip, &sin->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(ip));
- if (get_nmbc_parent(ifr.ifr_name, &nm, &bc) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("Interface %s not initialized\n"),
- ifr.ifr_name);
-@@ -859,17 +903,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- usage();
- *cp = 0;
- } else {
-- prefix_len = 0;
-+ prefix_len = 128;
- }
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- if (inet6_aftype.input(1, host, (struct sockaddr *) &sa6) < 0) {
-+ if (inet6_aftype.input(1, host, sa) < 0) {
- inet6_aftype.herror(host);
- goterr = 1;
- spp++;
- continue;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr6.ifr6_addr, (char *) &sa6.sin6_addr,
-- sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr6.ifr6_addr, &sin6->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET6);
- if (fd < 0) {
-@@ -900,10 +943,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- /* If the next argument is a valid hostname, assume OK. */
- safe_strncpy(host, *spp, (sizeof host));
-- /* FIXME: sa is too small for INET6 addresses, inet6 should use that too,
-+ /* FIXME: sa is too small for INET6 addresses, inet6 should use that too,
- broadcast is unexpected */
- if (ap->getmask) {
-- switch (ap->getmask(host, &sa, NULL)) {
-+ switch (ap->getmask(host, samask, NULL)) {
- case -1:
- usage();
- break;
-@@ -911,8 +954,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (didnetmask)
- usage();
-- goterr = set_netmask(skfd, &ifr, &sa);
-- didnetmask++;
-+ // remeber to set the netmask from samask later
-+ neednetmask = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
-@@ -920,12 +963,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: Cannot set address for this protocol family.\n"));
- exit(1);
- }
-- if (ap->input(0, host, &sa) < 0) {
-- ap->herror(host);
-- fprintf(stderr, _("ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.\n"));
-- exit(1);
-+ if (ap->input(0, host, sa) < 0) {
-+ if (ap->herror)
-+ ap->herror(host);
-+ else
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("ifconfig: error resolving '%s' to set address for af=%s\n"), host, ap->name); fprintf(stderr,
-+ _("ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.\n")); exit(1);
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &ifr.ifr_addr, (char *) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-+ memcpy(&ifr.ifr_addr, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- {
- int r = 0; /* to shut gcc up */
- switch (ap->af) {
-@@ -965,14 +1010,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- * end, since it's deleted already! - Roman
- *
- * Should really use regex.h here, not sure though how well it'll go
-- * with the cross-platform support etc.
-+ * with the cross-platform support etc.
- */
- {
- char *ptr;
- short int found_colon = 0;
- for (ptr = ifr.ifr_name; *ptr; ptr++ )
- if (*ptr == ':') found_colon++;
- if (!(found_colon && *(ptr - 1) == '-'))
- goterr |= set_flag(ifr.ifr_name, (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING));
- }
-@@ -980,6 +1025,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- spp++;
- }
-+ if (neednetmask) {
-+ goterr |= set_netmask(skfd, &ifr, samask);
-+ didnetmask++;
-+ }
-+ if (opt_v && goterr)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("WARNING: at least one error occured. (%d)\n"), goterr);
- return (goterr);
- }
-@@ -1012,7 +1065,7 @@ static int do_ifcmd(struct interface *x, struct ifcmd *ptr)
- char *z, *e;
- struct sockaddr_in *sin;
- int i;
- if (do_if_fetch(x) < 0)
- return 0;
- if (strncmp(x->name, ptr->base, ptr->baselen) != 0)
-@@ -1028,13 +1081,13 @@ static int do_ifcmd(struct interface *x, struct ifcmd *ptr)
- if (i < 0 || i > 255)
- abort();
- searcher[i] = 1;
- /* copy */
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&x->dstaddr;
- if (sin->sin_addr.s_addr != ptr->addr) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (ptr->flag) {
- /* turn UP */
- if (set_flag(x->name, IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING) == -1)
-@@ -1044,49 +1097,48 @@ static int do_ifcmd(struct interface *x, struct ifcmd *ptr)
- if (clr_flag(x->name, IFF_UP) == -1)
- return -1;
- }
- return 1; /* all done! */
- }
- static int get_nmbc_parent(char *parent,
-- unsigned long *nm, unsigned long *bc)
-+ in_addr_t *nm, in_addr_t *bc)
- {
- struct interface *i;
- struct sockaddr_in *sin;
- i = lookup_interface(parent);
- if (!i)
- return -1;
- if (do_if_fetch(i) < 0)
- return 0;
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&i->netmask;
-- memcpy(nm, &sin->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(unsigned long));
-+ memcpy(nm, &sin->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(*nm));
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&i->broadaddr;
-- memcpy(bc, &sin->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(unsigned long));
-+ memcpy(bc, &sin->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(*bc));
- return 0;
- }
--static int set_ifstate(char *parent, unsigned long ip,
-- unsigned long nm, unsigned long bc,
-+static int set_ifstate(char *parent, in_addr_t ip, in_addr_t nm, in_addr_t bc,
- int flag)
- {
- char buf[IFNAMSIZ];
- struct ifcmd pt;
- int i;
- pt.base = parent;
- pt.baselen = strlen(parent);
- pt.addr = ip;
- pt.flag = flag;
- memset(searcher, 0, sizeof(searcher));
-- i = for_all_interfaces((int (*)(struct interface *,void *))do_ifcmd,
-+ i = for_all_interfaces((int (*)(struct interface *,void *))do_ifcmd,
- &pt);
- if (i == -1)
- return -1;
- if (i == 1)
- return 0;
- /* add a new interface */
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- if (searcher[i] == 0)
-@@ -1094,7 +1146,7 @@ static int set_ifstate(char *parent, unsigned long ip,
- if (i == 256)
- return -1; /* FAILURE!!! out of ip addresses */
- if (snprintf(buf, IFNAMSIZ, "%s:%d", parent, i) > IFNAMSIZ)
- return -1;
- if (set_ip_using(buf, SIOCSIFADDR, ip) == -1)
-diff --git a/include/interface.h b/include/interface.h
-index f95555c..1b58599 100644
---- a/include/interface.h
-+++ b/include/interface.h
-@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ struct user_net_device_stats {
- };
- struct interface {
-- struct interface *next, *prev;
-+ struct interface *next, *prev;
- char name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* interface name */
- short type; /* if type */
- short flags; /* various flags */
-- int metric; /* routing metric */
- int mtu; /* MTU value */
- int tx_queue_len; /* transmit queue length */
- struct ifmap map; /* hardware setup */
-@@ -64,13 +63,17 @@ struct interface {
- extern int if_fetch(struct interface *ife);
- extern int for_all_interfaces(int (*)(struct interface *, void *), void *);
--extern int free_interface_list(void);
-+extern int if_cache_free(void);
- extern struct interface *lookup_interface(char *name);
- extern int if_readlist(void);
- extern int do_if_fetch(struct interface *ife);
- extern int do_if_print(struct interface *ife, void *cookie);
-+extern int procnetdev_version(char *buf);
-+extern int get_dev_fields(char *bp, struct interface *ife);
-+extern char * get_name(char *name, char *p);
- extern void ife_print(struct interface *ptr);
- extern int ife_short;
-@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ extern const char *if_port_text[][4];
- #endif
- #if !defined(ifr_qlen)
--/* Actually it is ifru_ivalue, but that is not present in 2.0 kernel headers */
-+/* Actually it is ifru_ivalue, but that is not present in 2.0 kernel headers */
- #define ifr_qlen ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu
- #endif
-diff --git a/include/mii.h b/include/mii.h
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 1ef7ccc..0000000
---- a/include/mii.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-- * mii.h 1.4 2000/04/25 22:06:15
-- *
-- * Media Independent Interface support: register layout and ioctl's
-- *
-- * Copyright (C) 2000 David A. Hinds --
-- */
--#ifndef _LINUX_MII_H
--#define _LINUX_MII_H
--/* network interface ioctl's for MII commands */
--#define SIOCGMIIPHY (SIOCDEVPRIVATE) /* Read from current PHY */
--#define SIOCGMIIREG (SIOCDEVPRIVATE+1) /* Read any PHY register */
--#define SIOCSMIIREG (SIOCDEVPRIVATE+2) /* Write any PHY register */
--#define SIOCGPARAMS (SIOCDEVPRIVATE+3) /* Read operational parameters */
--#define SIOCSPARAMS (SIOCDEVPRIVATE+4) /* Set operational parameters */
--#include <linux/types.h>
--/* This data structure is used for all the MII ioctl's */
--struct mii_data {
-- __u16 phy_id;
-- __u16 reg_num;
-- __u16 val_in;
-- __u16 val_out;
--/* Basic Mode Control Register */
--#define MII_BMCR 0x00
--#define MII_BMCR_RESET 0x8000
--#define MII_BMCR_LOOPBACK 0x4000
--#define MII_BMCR_100MBIT 0x2000
--#define MII_BMCR_AN_ENA 0x1000
--#define MII_BMCR_ISOLATE 0x0400
--#define MII_BMCR_RESTART 0x0200
--#define MII_BMCR_DUPLEX 0x0100
--#define MII_BMCR_COLTEST 0x0080
--/* Basic Mode Status Register */
--#define MII_BMSR 0x01
--#define MII_BMSR_CAP_MASK 0xf800
--#define MII_BMSR_100BASET4 0x8000
--#define MII_BMSR_100BASETX_FD 0x4000
--#define MII_BMSR_100BASETX_HD 0x2000
--#define MII_BMSR_10BASET_FD 0x1000
--#define MII_BMSR_10BASET_HD 0x0800
--#define MII_BMSR_NO_PREAMBLE 0x0040
--#define MII_BMSR_AN_COMPLETE 0x0020
--#define MII_BMSR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x0010
--#define MII_BMSR_AN_ABLE 0x0008
--#define MII_BMSR_LINK_VALID 0x0004
--#define MII_BMSR_JABBER 0x0002
--#define MII_BMSR_EXT_CAP 0x0001
--#define MII_PHY_ID1 0x02
--#define MII_PHY_ID2 0x03
--/* Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register */
--#define MII_ANAR 0x04
--/* Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register */
--#define MII_ANLPAR 0x05
--#define MII_AN_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000
--#define MII_AN_ACK 0x4000
--#define MII_AN_REMOTE_FAULT 0x2000
--#define MII_AN_ABILITY_MASK 0x07e0
--#define MII_AN_FLOW_CONTROL 0x0400
--#define MII_AN_100BASET4 0x0200
--#define MII_AN_100BASETX_FD 0x0100
--#define MII_AN_100BASETX_HD 0x0080
--#define MII_AN_10BASET_FD 0x0040
--#define MII_AN_10BASET_HD 0x0020
--#define MII_AN_PROT_MASK 0x001f
--#define MII_AN_PROT_802_3 0x0001
--/* Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register */
--#define MII_ANER 0x06
--#define MII_ANER_MULT_FAULT 0x0010
--#define MII_ANER_LP_NP_ABLE 0x0008
--#define MII_ANER_NP_ABLE 0x0004
--#define MII_ANER_PAGE_RX 0x0002
--#define MII_ANER_LP_AN_ABLE 0x0001
--#endif /* _LINUX_MII_H */
-diff --git a/include/util-ank.h b/include/util-ank.h
-index 04ab16c..c8fcd08 100644
---- a/include/util-ank.h
-+++ b/include/util-ank.h
-@@ -75,6 +75,6 @@ extern int do_qdisc(int argc, char **argv);
- extern int do_class(int argc, char **argv);
- extern int do_filter(int argc, char **argv);
--extern const char *format_host(int af, void *addr, __u8 *abuf, int alen);
-+extern const char *format_host(int af, void *addr, char *abuf, int alen);
- #endif /* __UTILS_H__ */
-diff --git a/ipmaddr.c b/ipmaddr.c
-index 2134e81..e4ed41d 100644
---- a/ipmaddr.c
-+++ b/ipmaddr.c
-@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
- #include "config.h"
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- #include "util-ank.h"
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "version.h"
-@@ -44,13 +45,11 @@ int filter_family;
- #define NEWADDR 1
- #define DELADDR 2
--char *Release = RELEASE,
-- *Version = "ipmaddr 1.1",
-- *Signature = "Alexey Kuznetsov, <>";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE, *Signature = "Alexey Kuznetsov";
- static void version(void)
- {
-- printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Signature);
-+ printf("%s\n%s\n", Release, Signature);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
-@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ static void usage(void)
- fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" ipmaddr show [ dev STRING ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" ipmaddr -V | -version\n"));
-- exit(-1);
-+ exit(E_USAGE);
- }
- static void print_lla(FILE *fp, int len, unsigned char *addr)
-@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ static void print_lla(FILE *fp, int len, unsigned char *addr)
- }
- }
--static int parse_lla(char *str, unsigned char *addr)
-+static int parse_lla(char *str, char *addr)
- {
- int len=0;
-@@ -159,8 +158,7 @@ void read_dev_mcast(struct ma_info **result_p)
- len = parse_hex(hexa, (unsigned char*)&;
- if (len >= 0) {
-- struct ma_info *ma = malloc(sizeof(m));
-+ struct ma_info *ma = xmalloc(sizeof(m));
- memcpy(ma, &m, sizeof(m));
- ma->addr.bytelen = len;
- ma->addr.bitlen = len<<3;
-@@ -174,22 +172,21 @@ void read_dev_mcast(struct ma_info **result_p)
- void read_igmp(struct ma_info **result_p)
- {
-- struct ma_info m;
-+ struct ma_info m, *ma = NULL;
- char buf[256];
- FILE *fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IGMP, "r");
- if (!fp)
- return;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
-- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
-+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))
-+ /* eat line */;
- = AF_INET;
- m.addr.bitlen = 32;
- m.addr.bytelen = 4;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
-- struct ma_info *ma = malloc(sizeof(m));
- if (buf[0] != '\t') {
- sscanf(buf, "%d%s", &m.index,;
- continue;
-@@ -200,7 +197,7 @@ void read_igmp(struct ma_info **result_p)
- sscanf(buf, "%08x%d", (__u32*)&, &m.users);
-- ma = malloc(sizeof(m));
-+ ma = xmalloc(sizeof(m));
- memcpy(ma, &m, sizeof(m));
- maddr_ins(result_p, ma);
- }
-@@ -231,8 +228,7 @@ void read_igmp6(struct ma_info **result_p)
- len = parse_hex(hexa, (unsigned char*)&;
- if (len >= 0) {
-- struct ma_info *ma = malloc(sizeof(m));
-+ struct ma_info *ma = xmalloc(sizeof(m));
- memcpy(ma, &m, sizeof(m));
- ma->addr.bytelen = len;
-@@ -291,13 +287,15 @@ static void print_mlist(FILE *fp, struct ma_info *list)
- static int multiaddr_list(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- struct ma_info *list = NULL;
-+ size_t l;
- while (argc > 0) {
- if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
-- if (filter_dev[0])
-+ l = strlen(*argv);
-+ if (l <= 0 || l >= sizeof(filter_dev))
- usage();
-- strcpy(filter_dev, *argv);
-+ strncpy(filter_dev, *argv, sizeof (filter_dev));
- } else if (strcmp(*argv, "all") == 0) {
- filter_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- } else if (strcmp(*argv, "ipv4") == 0) {
-@@ -307,9 +305,10 @@ static int multiaddr_list(int argc, char **argv)
- } else if (strcmp(*argv, "link") == 0) {
- filter_family = AF_PACKET;
- } else {
-- if (filter_dev[0])
-+ l = strlen(*argv);
-+ if (l <= 0 || l >= sizeof(filter_dev))
- usage();
-- strcpy(filter_dev, *argv);
-+ strncpy(filter_dev, *argv, sizeof (filter_dev));
- }
- argv++; argc--;
- }
-@@ -401,7 +400,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- basename = argv[0];
- else
- basename++;
- while (argc > 1) {
- if (argv[1][0] != '-')
- break;
-diff --git a/iptunnel.c b/iptunnel.c
-index 4943d83..ddf43b2 100644
---- a/iptunnel.c
-+++ b/iptunnel.c
-@@ -68,13 +68,11 @@
- #include "util-ank.h"
--char *Release = RELEASE,
-- *Version = "iptunnel 1.01",
-- *Signature = "Alexey Kuznetsov, <>";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE, *Signature = "Alexey Kuznetsov";
- static void version(void)
- {
-- printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Signature);
-+ printf("%s\n%s\n", Release, Signature);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
-@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ static void usage(void)
- fprintf(stderr, _(" TOS := { NUMBER | inherit }\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" TTL := { 1..255 | inherit }\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" KEY := { DOTTED_QUAD | NUMBER }\n"));
-- exit(-1);
-+ exit(E_USAGE);
- }
- static int do_ioctl_get_ifindex(char *dev)
-@@ -101,11 +99,12 @@ static int do_ioctl_get_ifindex(char *dev)
- int fd;
- int err;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev, IFNAMSIZ);
- fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- err = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr);
- if (err) {
- perror("ioctl");
-+ close(fd);
- return 0;
- }
- close(fd);
-@@ -118,11 +117,12 @@ static int do_ioctl_get_iftype(char *dev)
- int fd;
- int err;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev, IFNAMSIZ);
- fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- err = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr);
- if (err) {
- perror("ioctl");
-+ close(fd);
- return -1;
- }
- close(fd);
-@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ static char * do_ioctl_get_ifname(int idx)
- err = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr);
- if (err) {
- perror("ioctl");
-+ close(fd);
- return NULL;
- }
- close(fd);
-@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ static int do_get_ioctl(char *basedev, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
- int fd;
- int err;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, basedev);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, basedev, IFNAMSIZ);
- ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_data = (void*)p;
- fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- err = ioctl(fd, SIOCGETTUNNEL, &ifr);
-@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ static int do_add_ioctl(int cmd, char *basedev, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
- int fd;
- int err;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, basedev);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, basedev, IFNAMSIZ);
- ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_data = (void*)p;
- fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- err = ioctl(fd, cmd, &ifr);
-@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ static int do_del_ioctl(char *basedev, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
- int fd;
- int err;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, basedev);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, basedev, IFNAMSIZ);
- ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_data = (void*)p;
- fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- err = ioctl(fd, SIOCDELTUNNEL, &ifr);
-@@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ static int do_add(int cmd, int argc, char **argv)
- return do_add_ioctl(cmd, "gre0", &p);
- case IPPROTO_IPV6:
- return do_add_ioctl(cmd, "sit0", &p);
-- default:
-+ default:
- fprintf(stderr, _("cannot determine tunnel mode (ipip, gre or sit)\n"));
- return -1;
- }
-@@ -390,13 +391,13 @@ int do_del(int argc, char **argv)
- return -1;
- switch (p.iph.protocol) {
- return do_del_ioctl([0] ? : "tunl0", &p);
-- case IPPROTO_GRE:
-+ case IPPROTO_GRE:
- return do_del_ioctl([0] ? : "gre0", &p);
-- case IPPROTO_IPV6:
-+ case IPPROTO_IPV6:
- return do_del_ioctl([0] ? : "sit0", &p);
-- default:
-+ default:
- return do_del_ioctl(, &p);
- }
- return -1;
-@@ -476,8 +477,10 @@ static int do_tunnels_list(struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
- return -1;
- }
-- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
-- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
-+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))
-+ /* eat line */;
-+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
- char *ptr;
-@@ -485,9 +488,10 @@ static int do_tunnels_list(struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
- if ((ptr = strchr(buf, ':')) == NULL ||
- (*ptr++ = 0, sscanf(buf, "%s", name) != 1)) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("Wrong format of /proc/net/dev. Sorry.\n"));
-+ fclose(fp);
- return -1;
- }
-- if (sscanf(ptr, "%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%*d%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld",
-+ if (sscanf(ptr, "%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%*u%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu",
- &rx_bytes, &rx_packets, &rx_errs, &rx_drops,
- &rx_fifo, &rx_frame, &rx_multi,
- &tx_bytes, &tx_packets, &tx_errs, &tx_drops,
-@@ -521,6 +525,7 @@ static int do_tunnels_list(struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
- tx_packets, tx_bytes, tx_errs, tx_colls, tx_carrier, tx_drops);
- }
- }
-+ fclose(fp);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -533,7 +538,7 @@ static int do_show(int argc, char **argv)
- return -1;
- switch (p.iph.protocol) {
- err = do_get_ioctl([0] ? : "tunl0", &p);
- break;
-@@ -592,7 +597,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- basename = argv[0];
- else
- basename++;
- while (argc > 1) {
- if (argv[1][0] != '-')
- break;
-diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
-index d714b2e..431f258 100644
---- a/lib/Makefile
-+++ b/lib/Makefile
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- #
--HWOBJS = hw.o loopback.o slip.o ether.o ax25.o ppp.o arcnet.o tr.o tunnel.o frame.o sit.o rose.o ash.o fddi.o hippi.o hdlclapb.o strip.o irda.o ec_hw.o x25.o
-+HWOBJS = hw.o loopback.o slip.o ether.o ax25.o ppp.o arcnet.o tr.o tunnel.o frame.o sit.o rose.o ash.o fddi.o hippi.o hdlclapb.o strip.o irda.o ec_hw.o x25.o eui64.o ib.o
- AFOBJS = unix.o inet.o inet6.o ax25.o ipx.o ddp.o ipx.o netrom.o af.o rose.o econet.o x25.o
- AFGROBJS = inet_gr.o inet6_gr.o ipx_gr.o ddp_gr.o netrom_gr.o ax25_gr.o rose_gr.o getroute.o x25_gr.o
- AFSROBJS = inet_sr.o inet6_sr.o netrom_sr.o ipx_sr.o setroute.o x25_sr.o
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ OBJS = $(sort $(VARIA) $(AFOBJS) $(HWOBJS) \
- # This can be overwritten by the TOPLEVEL Makefile
--CFLAGS += -I$(TOPDIR) -idirafter $(TOPDIR)/include # -fPIC
-+CFLAGS += -I$(TOPDIR) -I$(TOPDIR)/include # -fPIC
- .SUFFIXES: .a .so
-diff --git a/lib/af.c b/lib/af.c
-index 4f002c4..0500a0a 100644
---- a/lib/af.c
-+++ b/lib/af.c
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * lib/af.c This file contains the top-level part of the protocol
- * support functions module for the NET-2 base distribution.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: af.c,v 1.13 2000/05/20 13:38:10 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: af.c,v 1.14 2007/12/01 17:49:35 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ int flag_netrom;
- int flag_inet;
- int flag_inet6;
- int flag_econet;
-+int flag_rose;
- int flag_x25 = 0;
- int flag_ash;
-+int flag_bluetooth;
- struct aftrans_t {
-@@ -58,6 +60,9 @@ struct aftrans_t {
- "ipx", "ipx", &flag_ipx
- },
- {
-+ "rose", "rose", &flag_rose
-+ },
-+ {
- "appletalk", "ddp", &flag_ddp
- },
- {
-@@ -88,6 +93,9 @@ struct aftrans_t {
- "ash", "ash", &flag_ash
- },
- {
-+ "bluetooth", "bluetooth", &flag_bluetooth
-+ },
-+ {
- 0, 0, 0
- }
- };
-@@ -193,15 +201,14 @@ void aftrans_def(char *tool, char *argv0, char *dflt)
- char *tmp;
- char *buf;
-- strcpy(afname, dflt);
-+ safe_strncpy(afname, dflt, sizeof(afname));
- if (!(tmp = strrchr(argv0, '/')))
- tmp = argv0; /* no slash?! */
- else
- tmp++;
-- if (!(buf = strdup(tmp)))
-- return;
-+ buf = xstrdup(tmp);
- if (strlen(tool) >= strlen(tmp)) {
- free(buf);
-@@ -219,7 +226,7 @@ void aftrans_def(char *tool, char *argv0, char *dflt)
- afname[0] = '\0';
- if (aftrans_opt(buf))
-- strcpy(afname, buf);
-+ safe_strncpy(afname, buf, sizeof(afname));
- free(buf);
- }
-@@ -296,7 +303,6 @@ int aftrans_opt(const char *arg)
- if (tmp2)
- *(tmp2++) = '\0';
-- paft = aftrans;
- for (paft = aftrans; paft->alias; paft++) {
- if (strcmp(tmp1, paft->alias))
- continue;
-@@ -335,7 +341,7 @@ void print_aflist(int type) {
- if ((type == 1 && ((*afp)->rprint == NULL)) || ((*afp)->af == 0)) {
- afp++; continue;
- }
-- if ((count % 3) == 0) fprintf(stderr,count?"\n ":" ");
-+ if ((count % 3) == 0) fprintf(stderr,count?"\n ":" ");
- txt = (*afp)->name; if (!txt) txt = "..";
- fprintf(stderr,"%s (%s) ",txt,(*afp)->title);
- count++;
-diff --git a/lib/arcnet.c b/lib/arcnet.c
-index eb0f46e..9bc3267 100644
---- a/lib/arcnet.c
-+++ b/lib/arcnet.c
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ extern struct hwtype arcnet_hwtype;
- /* Display an ARCnet address in readable format. */
--static char *pr_arcnet(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_arcnet(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
-@@ -43,11 +43,16 @@ static char *pr_arcnet(unsigned char *ptr)
- return (buff);
- }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- /* Input an ARCnet address and convert to binary. */
- static int in_arcnet(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char c, *orig;
- int i, val;
-@@ -66,9 +71,8 @@ static int in_arcnet(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val = c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_arcnet(%s): invalid arcnet address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_arcnet(%s): invalid arcnet address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -81,9 +85,8 @@ static int in_arcnet(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val |= c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_arcnet(%s): invalid arcnet address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_arcnet(%s): invalid arcnet address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -92,28 +95,21 @@ static int in_arcnet(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
- if (*bufp == ':') {
-- if (i == ETH_ALEN) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && i == ETH_ALEN)
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_arcnet(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"),
-- orig)
-- ; /* nothing */
-- }
-+ orig);
- bufp++;
- }
- }
- /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-- if ((i == ETH_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && (i == ETH_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_arcnet(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "in_arcnet(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_arcnet(sap->sa_data));
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_arcnet(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_arcnet(sap->sa_data));
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/ash.c b/lib/ash.c
-index c64667c..6cfc154 100644
---- a/lib/ash.c
-+++ b/lib/ash.c
-@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ static unsigned char hamming[16] =
- };
- /* Display an Ash address in readable format. */
--static char *
--pr_ash(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *
-+pr_ash(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[128];
- char *p = buff;
-@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ pr_ash(unsigned char *ptr)
- struct hwtype ash_hwtype;
--static int
-+static int
- in_ash(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- sap->sa_family = ash_hwtype.type;
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ struct hwtype ash_hwtype =
- /* Display an Ash socket address. */
--static char *
-+static const char *
- pr_sash(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buf[64];
-diff --git a/lib/ax25.c b/lib/ax25.c
-index 11521d2..d57abe7 100644
---- a/lib/ax25.c
-+++ b/lib/ax25.c
-@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ static char AX25_errmsg[128];
- extern struct aftype ax25_aftype;
--static char *AX25_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *AX25_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[8];
- int i;
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static char *AX25_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display an AX.25 socket address. */
--static char *
-+static const char *
- AX25_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buf[64];
-@@ -76,10 +76,15 @@ static char *
- return (AX25_print(((struct sockaddr_ax25 *) sap)->sax25_call.ax25_call));
- }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- static int AX25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char *orig, c;
- int i;
-@@ -95,9 +100,8 @@ static int AX25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- c = toupper(c);
- if (!(isupper(c) || isdigit(c))) {
- safe_strncpy(AX25_errmsg, _("Invalid callsign"), sizeof(AX25_errmsg));
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "ax25_input(%s): %s !\n", AX25_errmsg, orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "ax25_input(%s): %s !\n", AX25_errmsg, orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -107,10 +111,9 @@ static int AX25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* Callsign too long? */
- if ((i == 6) && (*bufp != '-') && (*bufp != '\0')) {
-- strcpy(AX25_errmsg, _("Callsign too long"));
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "ax25_input(%s): %s !\n", AX25_errmsg, orig);
-+ safe_strncpy(AX25_errmsg, _("Callsign too long"), sizeof(AX25_errmsg));
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "ax25_input(%s): %s !\n", AX25_errmsg, orig);
- errno = E2BIG;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -128,12 +131,12 @@ static int AX25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- }
- /* All done. */
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "ax25_input(%s): ", orig);
-- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ax25_address); i++)
-- fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", sap->sa_data[i] & 0377);
-- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-+ if (_DEBUG) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, "ax25_input(%s): ", orig);
-+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ax25_address); i++)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", sap->sa_data[i] & 0377);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-+ }
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/ax25_gr.c b/lib/ax25_gr.c
-index 4dce92d..46a67ee 100644
---- a/lib/ax25_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/ax25_gr.c
-@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ int AX25_rprint(int options)
- }
- printf(_("Kernel AX.25 routing table\n")); /* xxx */
- printf(_("Destination Iface Use\n")); /* xxx */
-- fgets(buffer, 256, f);
-+ if (fgets(buffer, 256, f))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buffer, 256, f)) {
- buffer[9] = 0;
- buffer[14] = 0;
-diff --git a/lib/ddp.c b/lib/ddp.c
-index 9b5e829..0a08fd2 100644
---- a/lib/ddp.c
-+++ b/lib/ddp.c
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- #include "util.h"
- /* Display a ddp domain address. */
--static char *ddp_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *ddp_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
- struct sockaddr_at *sat = (struct sockaddr_at *) (ptr - 2);
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static char *ddp_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display a ddp domain address. */
--static char *ddp_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *ddp_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buf[64];
-diff --git a/lib/ddp_gr.c b/lib/ddp_gr.c
-index 94169f0..d05c431 100644
---- a/lib/ddp_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/ddp_gr.c
-@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
-+ * lib/ddp_gr.c Prinbting of DDP (AppleTalk) routing table
-+ * used by the NET-LIB.
-+ *
-+ * NET-LIB
-+ *
-+ * Version: $Id: ddp_gr.c,v 1.4 2002/06/02 05:25:15 ecki Exp $
-+ *
-+ * Author: Ajax <>
-+ *
-+ * Modification:
-+ * 2002-06-02 integrated into main source by Bernd Eckenfels
-+ *
-+ */
-+/* TODO: name lookups (/etc/atalk.names? NBP?) */
- #include "config.h"
-@@ -16,9 +33,62 @@
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "intl.h"
-+/* stolen from inet_gr.c */
-+#define flags_decode(i,o) do { \
-+ o[0] = '\0'; \
-+ if (i & RTF_UP) strcat(o, "U"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_GATEWAY) strcat(o, "G"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_REJECT) strcat(o, "!"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_HOST) strcat(o, "H"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_REINSTATE) strcat(o, "R"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_DYNAMIC) strcat(o, "D"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_MODIFIED) strcat(o, "M"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_DEFAULT) strcat(o, "d"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_ALLONLINK) strcat(o, "a"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_ADDRCONF) strcat(o, "c"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_NONEXTHOP) strcat(o, "o"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_EXPIRES) strcat(o, "e"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_CACHE) strcat(o, "c"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_FLOW) strcat(o, "f"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_POLICY) strcat(o, "p"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_LOCAL) strcat(o, "l"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_MTU) strcat(o, "u"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_WINDOW) strcat(o, "w"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_IRTT) strcat(o, "i"); \
-+ if (i & RTF_NOTCACHED) strcat(o, "n"); \
-+ } while (0)
- int DDP_rprint(int options)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("Routing table for `ddp' not yet supported.\n"));
-- return (1);
-+ FILE *fp;
-+ char *dest, *gw, *dev, *flags;
-+ char oflags[32];
-+ char *hdr = "Destination Gateway Device Flags";
-+ fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_ATALK_ROUTE, "r");
-+ if (!fp) {
-+ perror("Error opening " _PATH_PROCNET_ATALK_ROUTE);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "DDP (AppleTalk) not configured on this system.\n");
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ if (fscanf(fp, "%ms %ms %ms %ms\n", &dest, &gw, &flags, &dev))
-+ /* eat line */;
-+ free(dest); free(gw); free(flags); free(dev);
-+ printf("%s\n", hdr);
-+ while (fscanf(fp, "%ms %ms %ms %ms\n", &dest, &gw, &flags, &dev) == 4) {
-+ int iflags = atoi(flags);
-+ flags_decode(iflags, oflags);
-+ printf("%-16s%-16s%-16s%-s\n", dest, gw, dev, oflags);
-+ free(dest); free(gw); free(flags); free(dev);
-+ }
-+ fclose(fp);
-+ return 0;
- }
- #endif
-diff --git a/lib/ec_hw.c b/lib/ec_hw.c
-index 825e501..088d125 100644
---- a/lib/ec_hw.c
-+++ b/lib/ec_hw.c
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * lib/ec_hw.c This file contains an implementation of the Econet
- * hardware support functions.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: ec_hw.c,v 1.2 1999/09/27 11:00:46 philip Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: ec_hw.c,v 1.3 2009/09/06 22:39:20 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Author: Philip Blundell <>
- *
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <net/if_arp.h>
- #include "net-support.h"
-diff --git a/lib/econet.c b/lib/econet.c
-index 1229a28..6cf8a9a 100644
---- a/lib/econet.c
-+++ b/lib/econet.c
-@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
- /* Display an Econet address */
--static char *
--ec_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *
-+ec_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
- struct ec_addr *ec = (struct ec_addr *) ptr;
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ec_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display an Econet socket address */
--static char *
-+static const char *
- ec_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- struct sockaddr_ec *sec = (struct sockaddr_ec *) sap;
-@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ ec_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- if (sap->sa_family != AF_ECONET)
- return _("[NONE SET]");
-- return ec_print((unsigned char *) &sec->addr);
-+ return ec_print((const char *) &sec->addr);
- }
--static int
-+static int
- ec_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
- struct sockaddr_ec *sec = (struct sockaddr_ec *) sap;
-diff --git a/lib/ether.c b/lib/ether.c
-index a71aed7..dee9c73 100644
---- a/lib/ether.c
-+++ b/lib/ether.c
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * lib/ether.c This file contains an implementation of the "Ethernet"
- * support functions.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: ether.c,v 1.7 1999/09/27 11:00:47 philip Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: ether.c,v 1.8 2002/07/30 05:17:29 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -35,22 +35,27 @@ extern struct hwtype ether_hwtype;
- /* Display an Ethernet address in readable format. */
--static char *pr_ether(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_ether(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
-- snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
-+ snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
- (ptr[0] & 0377), (ptr[1] & 0377), (ptr[2] & 0377),
- (ptr[3] & 0377), (ptr[4] & 0377), (ptr[5] & 0377)
- );
- return (buff);
- }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- /* Input an Ethernet address and convert to binary. */
- static int in_ether(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char c, *orig;
- int i;
- unsigned val;
-@@ -70,9 +75,8 @@ static int in_ether(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val = c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -87,9 +91,8 @@ static int in_ether(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c == ':' || c == 0)
- val >>= 4;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -100,28 +103,21 @@ static int in_ether(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
- if (*bufp == ':') {
-- if (i == ETH_ALEN) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && i == ETH_ALEN)
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_ether(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"),
-- orig)
-- ; /* nothing */
-- }
-+ orig);
- bufp++;
- }
- }
- /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-- if ((i == ETH_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && (i == ETH_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_ether(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "in_ether(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_ether(sap->sa_data));
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_ether(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_ether(sap->sa_data));
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/eui64.c b/lib/eui64.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..94831c0
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/lib/eui64.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
-+ * lib/eui64.c This file contains support for generic EUI-64 hw addressing
-+ *
-+ * Version: $Id: eui64.c,v 1.1 2001/11/12 02:12:05 ecki Exp $
-+ *
-+ * Author: Daniel Stodden <>
-+ * Copyright 2001 Daniel Stodden
-+ *
-+ * blueprinted from ether.c
-+ * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-+ * Public License as published by the Free Software
-+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-+ * your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include "config.h"
-+#if HAVE_HWEUI64
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-+#include <sys/socket.h>
-+#include <net/if_arp.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <fcntl.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <termios.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include "net-support.h"
-+#include "pathnames.h"
-+#include "intl.h"
-+ * EUI-64 constants
-+ */
-+#define EUI64_ALEN 8
-+#ifndef ARPHRD_EUI64
-+#define ARPHRD_EUI64 27
-+#warning "ARPHRD_EUI64 not defined in <net/if_arp.h>. Using private value 27"
-+struct hwtype eui64_hwtype;
-+/* Display an EUI-64 address in readable format. */
-+static const char *pr_eui64(const char *ptr)
-+ static char buff[64];
-+ snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
-+ (ptr[0] & 0377), (ptr[1] & 0377), (ptr[2] & 0377), (ptr[3] & 0377),
-+ (ptr[4] & 0377), (ptr[5] & 0377), (ptr[6] & 0377), (ptr[7] & 0377)
-+ );
-+ return (buff);
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
-+/* Start the PPP encapsulation on the file descriptor. */
-+static int in_eui64( char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap )
-+ char *ptr;
-+ char c, *orig;
-+ int i;
-+ unsigned val;
-+ sap->sa_family = eui64_hwtype.type;
-+ ptr = sap->sa_data;
-+ i = 0;
-+ orig = bufp;
-+ while ((*bufp != '\0') && (i < EUI64_ALEN)) {
-+ val = 0;
-+ c = *bufp++;
-+ if (isdigit(c))
-+ val = c - '0';
-+ else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-+ val = c - 'a' + 10;
-+ else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-+ val = c - 'A' + 10;
-+ else {
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf( stderr, _("in_eui64(%s): invalid eui64 address!\n"),
-+ orig );
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ val <<= 4;
-+ c = *bufp;
-+ if (isdigit(c))
-+ val |= c - '0';
-+ else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-+ val |= c - 'a' + 10;
-+ else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-+ val |= c - 'A' + 10;
-+ else if (c == ':' || c == 0)
-+ val >>= 4;
-+ else {
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf( stderr, _("in_eui64(%s): invalid eui64 address!\n"),
-+ orig );
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ if (c != 0)
-+ bufp++;
-+ *ptr++ = (unsigned char) (val & 0377);
-+ i++;
-+ /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
-+ if (*bufp == ':') {
-+ if (_DEBUG && i == EUI64_ALEN)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_eui64(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"),
-+ orig);
-+ bufp++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-+ if (_DEBUG && (i == EUI64_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_eui64(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_eui64(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_eui64(sap->sa_data));
-+ return (0);
-+struct hwtype eui64_hwtype =
-+ "eui64", NULL, /*"EUI-64 addressing", */ ARPHRD_EUI64, EUI64_ALEN,
-+ pr_eui64, in_eui64, NULL, 0
-+#endif /* HAVE_EUI64 */
-diff --git a/lib/fddi.c b/lib/fddi.c
-index f6bf5ca..c18696e 100644
---- a/lib/fddi.c
-+++ b/lib/fddi.c
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ extern struct hwtype fddi_hwtype;
- /* Display an FDDI address in readable format. */
--static char *pr_fddi(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_fddi(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
-@@ -57,11 +57,16 @@ static char *pr_fddi(unsigned char *ptr)
- return (buff);
- }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- /* Input an FDDI address and convert to binary. */
- static int in_fddi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char c, *orig;
- int i, val;
-@@ -80,9 +85,8 @@ static int in_fddi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val = c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_fddi(%s): invalid fddi address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_fddi(%s): invalid fddi address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -95,9 +99,8 @@ static int in_fddi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val |= c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_fddi(%s): invalid fddi address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_fddi(%s): invalid fddi address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -106,28 +109,21 @@ static int in_fddi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
- if (*bufp == ':') {
-- if (i == FDDI_K_ALEN) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && i == FDDI_K_ALEN)
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_fddi(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"),
-- orig)
-- ; /* nothing */
-- }
-+ orig);
- bufp++;
- }
- }
- /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-- if ((i == FDDI_K_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && (i == FDDI_K_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_fddi(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "in_fddi(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_fddi(sap->sa_data));
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_fddi(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_fddi(sap->sa_data));
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/frame.c b/lib/frame.c
-index 58d1ad4..ad265d6 100644
---- a/lib/frame.c
-+++ b/lib/frame.c
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
--char *pr_dlci(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_dlci(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buf[12];
-diff --git a/lib/getargs.c b/lib/getargs.c
-index 4170097..6952777 100644
---- a/lib/getargs.c
-+++ b/lib/getargs.c
-@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- /* Split the input string into multiple fields. */
- int getargs(char *string, char *arguments[])
- {
-- int len = strlen(string);
-+ int len = strlen(string);
- char temp[len+1];
- char *sp, *ptr;
- int i, argc;
-@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ int getargs(char *string, char *arguments[])
- */
- sp = string;
- i = 0;
-- strcpy(temp, string);
-+ safe_strncpy(temp, string, sizeof(temp));
- ptr = temp;
- /*
-diff --git a/lib/hdlclapb.c b/lib/hdlclapb.c
-index c4ed074..b7d563e 100644
---- a/lib/hdlclapb.c
-+++ b/lib/hdlclapb.c
-@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- /*
-- * lib/hdlclapb.c
-+ * lib/hdlclapb.c
- * This file contains the HDLC/LAPB support for the NET-2 base
- * distribution.
- *
- * Version: $Id: hdlclapb.c,v 1.5 2000/03/05 11:26:02 philip Exp $
- *
-- * Original Author:
-+ * Original Author:
- * Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
- *
-diff --git a/lib/hippi.c b/lib/hippi.c
-index 308db00..43e7a79 100644
---- a/lib/hippi.c
-+++ b/lib/hippi.c
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ extern struct hwtype hippi_hwtype;
- /* Display an HIPPI address in readable format. */
--static char *pr_hippi(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_hippi(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
-@@ -57,11 +57,16 @@ static char *pr_hippi(unsigned char *ptr)
- return (buff);
- }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- /* Input an HIPPI address and convert to binary. */
- static int in_hippi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char c, *orig;
- int i, val;
-@@ -80,9 +85,8 @@ static int in_hippi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val = c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): invalid hippi address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): invalid hippi address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -95,9 +99,8 @@ static int in_hippi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val |= c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): invalid hippi address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): invalid hippi address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -106,27 +109,20 @@ static int in_hippi(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
- if (*bufp == ':') {
-- if (i == HIPPI_ALEN) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"), orig)
-- ; /* nothing */
-- }
-+ if (_DEBUG && i == HIPPI_ALEN)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"), orig);
- bufp++;
- }
- }
- /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-- if ((i == HIPPI_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && (i == HIPPI_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_hippi(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "in_hippi(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_hippi(sap->sa_data));
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_hippi(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_hippi(sap->sa_data));
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/hw.c b/lib/hw.c
-index 4989748..71dfcf9 100644
---- a/lib/hw.c
-+++ b/lib/hw.c
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * lib/hw.c This file contains the top-level part of the hardware
- * support functions module.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: hw.c,v 1.17 2000/05/20 13:38:10 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: hw.c,v 1.19 2008/10/03 01:52:04 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Maintainer: Bernd 'eckes' Eckenfels, <>
- *
-@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ extern struct hwtype irda_hwtype;
- extern struct hwtype ec_hwtype;
-+extern struct hwtype ib_hwtype;
-+extern struct hwtype eui64_hwtype;
- static struct hwtype *hwtypes[] =
- {
-@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ static struct hwtype *hwtypes[] =
- &tr_hwtype,
- #ifdef ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR
-- &tr_hwtype1,
-+ &tr_hwtype1,
- #endif
- #endif
- #if HAVE_HWAX25
-@@ -144,6 +148,12 @@ static struct hwtype *hwtypes[] =
- #if HAVE_HWX25
- &x25_hwtype,
- #endif
-+ &ib_hwtype,
-+#if HAVE_HWEUI64
-+ &eui64_hwtype,
- &unspec_hwtype,
- };
-@@ -211,12 +221,18 @@ void hwinit()
- tr_hwtype.title = _("16/4 Mbps Token Ring");
- #ifdef ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR
-- tr_hwtype1.title = _("16/4 Mbps Token Ring (New)") ;
-+ tr_hwtype1.title = _("16/4 Mbps Token Ring (New)") ;
- #endif
- #endif
- ec_hwtype.title = _("Econet");
- #endif
-+ ib_hwtype.title = _("InfiniBand");
-+#if HAVE_HWEUI64
-+ eui64_hwtype.title = _("Generic EUI-64");
- sVhwinit = 1;
- }
-@@ -269,7 +285,7 @@ void print_hwlist(int type) {
- if (((type == 1) && ((*hwp)->alen == 0)) || ((*hwp)->type == -1)) {
- hwp++; continue;
- }
-- if ((count % 3) == 0) fprintf(stderr,count?"\n ":" ");
-+ if ((count % 3) == 0) fprintf(stderr,count?"\n ":" ");
- txt = (*hwp)->name; if (!txt) txt = "..";
- fprintf(stderr,"%s (%s) ",txt,(*hwp)->title);
- count++;
-diff --git a/lib/ib.c b/lib/ib.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..1eeb7f0
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/lib/ib.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
-+ * lib/ib.c This file contains an implementation of the "Infiniband"
-+ * support functions.
-+ *
-+ * Version: $Id: ib.c,v 1.1 2008/10/03 01:52:03 ecki Exp $
-+ *
-+ * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
-+ * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-+ * Tom Duffy <>
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-+ * Public License as published by the Free Software
-+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-+ * your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <sys/socket.h>
-+#include <net/if_arp.h>
-+#include <linux/if_infiniband.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include "net-support.h"
-+#include "pathnames.h"
-+#include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+extern struct hwtype ib_hwtype;
-+/* Display an InfiniBand address in readable format. */
-+static const char *pr_ib(const char *ptr)
-+ static char buff[128];
-+ char *pos;
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ pos = buff;
-+ for (i = 0; i < INFINIBAND_ALEN; i++) {
-+ pos += sprintf(pos, "%02X:", (*ptr++ & 0377));
-+ }
-+ buff[strlen(buff) - 1] = '\0';
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Infiniband hardware address can be incorrect! Please read BUGS section in ifconfig(8).\n"));
-+ /* snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
-+ (ptr[0] & 0377), (ptr[1] & 0377), (ptr[2] & 0377),
-+ (ptr[3] & 0377), (ptr[4] & 0377), (ptr[5] & 0377)
-+ );
-+ */
-+ return (buff);
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
-+/* Input an Infiniband address and convert to binary. */
-+static int in_ib(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
-+ char *ptr;
-+ char c, *orig;
-+ int i;
-+ unsigned val;
-+ sap->sa_family = ib_hwtype.type;
-+ ptr = sap->sa_data;
-+ i = 0;
-+ orig = bufp;
-+ while ((*bufp != '\0') && (i < INFINIBAND_ALEN)) {
-+ val = 0;
-+ c = *bufp++;
-+ if (isdigit(c))
-+ val = c - '0';
-+ else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-+ val = c - 'a' + 10;
-+ else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-+ val = c - 'A' + 10;
-+ else {
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_ib(%s): invalid infiniband address!\n"), orig);
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ val <<= 4;
-+ c = *bufp;
-+ if (isdigit(c))
-+ val |= c - '0';
-+ else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-+ val |= c - 'a' + 10;
-+ else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-+ val |= c - 'A' + 10;
-+ else if (c == ':' || c == 0)
-+ val >>= 4;
-+ else {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_ib(%s): invalid infiniband address!\n"), orig);
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ if (c != 0)
-+ bufp++;
-+ *ptr++ = (unsigned char) (val & 0377);
-+ i++;
-+ /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
-+ if (*bufp == ':') {
-+ if (i == INFINIBAND_ALEN) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_ib(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"),
-+ orig)
-+ ; /* nothing */
-+ }
-+ bufp++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-+ if ((i == INFINIBAND_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_ib(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_ib(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_ib(sap->sa_data));
-+ return (0);
-+struct hwtype ib_hwtype =
-+ pr_ib, in_ib, NULL
-+#endif /* HAVE_HWIB */
-diff --git a/lib/inet.c b/lib/inet.c
-index ae90664..fc23b17 100644
---- a/lib/inet.c
-+++ b/lib/inet.c
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- * support functions for the net-tools.
- * (NET-3 base distribution).
- *
-- * Version: $Id: inet.c,v 1.13 1999/12/11 13:35:56 freitag Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: inet.c,v 1.14 2003/10/19 11:57:37 pb Exp $
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
- *960203 {1.23} Bernd Eckenfels : net-features support
- *960217 {1.24} Bernd Eckenfels : get_sname
- *960219 {1.25} Bernd Eckenfels : extern int h_errno
-- *960329 {1.26} Bernd Eckenfels : resolve
-+ *960329 {1.26} Bernd Eckenfels : resolve
- *980101 {1.27} Bernd Eckenfels : resolve raw sockets in /etc/protocols
- *990302 {1.28} Phil Blundell : add netmask to INET_rresolve
- *991007 Kurt Garloff : rresolve, resolve: may be hosts
-- * <> store type (host?) in cache
-+ * <> store type (host?) in cache
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ static int INET_resolve(char *name, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int hostfirst)
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (hostfirst) fprintf (stderr, "gethostbyname (%s)\n", name);
- #endif
-- if (hostfirst &&
-+ if (hostfirst &&
- (hp = gethostbyname(name)) != (struct hostent *) NULL) {
-- memcpy((char *) &sin->sin_addr, (char *) hp->h_addr_list[0],
-+ memcpy((char *) &sin->sin_addr, (char *) hp->h_addr_list[0],
- sizeof(struct in_addr));
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -127,24 +127,24 @@ static int INET_resolve(char *name, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int hostfirst)
- errno = h_errno;
- return -1;
- }
-- memcpy((char *) &sin->sin_addr, (char *) hp->h_addr_list[0],
-+ memcpy((char *) &sin->sin_addr, (char *) hp->h_addr_list[0],
- sizeof(struct in_addr));
- return 0;
- }
--/* numeric: & 0x8000: default instead of *,
-- * & 0x4000: host instead of net,
-+/* numeric: & 0x8000: default instead of *,
-+ * & 0x4000: host instead of net,
- * & 0x0fff: don't resolve
- */
--static int INET_rresolve(char *name, size_t len, struct sockaddr_in *sin,
-+static int INET_rresolve(char *name, size_t len, struct sockaddr_in *sin,
- int numeric, unsigned int netmask)
- {
- struct hostent *ent;
- struct netent *np;
- struct addr *pn;
-- unsigned long ad, host_ad;
-+ u_int32_t ad, host_ad;
- int host = 0;
- /* Grmpf. -FvK */
-@@ -155,24 +155,34 @@ static int INET_rresolve(char *name, size_t len, struct sockaddr_in *sin,
- return (-1);
- }
-- ad = (unsigned long) sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
-+ ad = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
- #ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf (stderr, "rresolve: %08lx, mask %08x, num %08x \n", ad, netmask, numeric);
-+ fprintf (stderr, "rresolve: %08lx, mask %08x, num %08x, len %d\n", ad, netmask, numeric, len);
- #endif
-+ // if no symbolic names are requested we shortcut with ntoa
-+ if (numeric & 0x0FFF) {
-+ safe_strncpy(name, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), len);
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ // we skip getnetbyaddr for and
- if (ad == INADDR_ANY) {
-- if ((numeric & 0x0FFF) == 0) {
-+ if (netmask == INADDR_ANY) {
-+ // for we hardcode symbolic name
- if (numeric & 0x8000)
- safe_strncpy(name, "default", len);
- else
- safe_strncpy(name, "*", len);
- return (0);
-+ } else {
-+ // for we skip getnetbyname()
-+ safe_strncpy(name, "", len);
-+ return (0);
- }
- }
-- if (numeric & 0x0FFF) {
-- safe_strncpy(name, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), len);
-- return (0);
-- }
-+ // it is a host address if flagged or any host bits set
- if ((ad & (~netmask)) != 0 || (numeric & 0x4000))
- host = 1;
- #if 0
-@@ -183,7 +193,7 @@ static int INET_rresolve(char *name, size_t len, struct sockaddr_in *sin,
- if (pn->addr.sin_addr.s_addr == ad && pn->host == host) {
- safe_strncpy(name, pn->name, len);
- #ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf (stderr, "rresolve: found %s %08lx in cache\n", (host? "host": "net"), ad);
-+ fprintf (stderr, "rresolve: found %s %08lx in cache (name=%s, len=%d)\n", (host? "host": "net"), ad, name, len);
- #endif
- return (0);
- }
-@@ -210,12 +220,11 @@ static int INET_rresolve(char *name, size_t len, struct sockaddr_in *sin,
- }
- if ((ent == NULL) && (np == NULL))
- safe_strncpy(name, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), len);
-- pn = (struct addr *) malloc(sizeof(struct addr));
-+ pn = (struct addr *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct addr));
- pn->addr = *sin;
- pn->next = INET_nn;
- pn->host = host;
-- pn->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(name) + 1);
-- strcpy(pn->name, name);
-+ pn->name = xstrdup(name);
- INET_nn = pn;
- return (0);
-@@ -229,35 +238,35 @@ static void INET_reserror(char *text)
- /* Display an Internet socket address. */
--static char *INET_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *INET_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- return (inet_ntoa((*(struct in_addr *) ptr)));
- }
- /* Display an Internet socket address. */
--static char *INET_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *INET_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buff[128];
- if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
- return safe_strncpy(buff, _("[NONE SET]"), sizeof(buff));
-- if (INET_rresolve(buff, sizeof(buff), (struct sockaddr_in *) sap,
-+ if (INET_rresolve(buff, sizeof(buff), (struct sockaddr_in *) sap,
- numeric, 0xffffff00) != 0)
- return (NULL);
- return (buff);
- }
--char *INET_sprintmask(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric,
-+char *INET_sprintmask(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric,
- unsigned int netmask)
- {
- static char buff[128];
- if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
- return safe_strncpy(buff, _("[NONE SET]"), sizeof(buff));
-- if (INET_rresolve(buff, sizeof(buff), (struct sockaddr_in *) sap,
-+ if (INET_rresolve(buff, sizeof(buff), (struct sockaddr_in *) sap,
- numeric, netmask) != 0)
- return (NULL);
- return (buff);
-@@ -385,10 +394,8 @@ static int read_services(void)
- setservent(1);
- while ((se = getservent())) {
- /* Allocate a service entry. */
-- item = (struct service *) malloc(sizeof(struct service));
-- if (item == NULL)
-- perror("netstat");
-- item->name = strdup(se->s_name);
-+ item = (struct service *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct service));
-+ item->name = xstrdup(se->s_name);
- item->number = se->s_port;
- /* Fill it in. */
-@@ -398,16 +405,17 @@ static int read_services(void)
- add2list(&udp_name, item);
- } else if (!strcmp(se->s_proto, "raw")) {
- add2list(&raw_name, item);
-+ } else { /* sctp, ddp, dccp */
-+ free(item->name);
-+ free(item);
- }
- }
- endservent();
- setprotoent(1);
- while ((pe = getprotoent())) {
- /* Allocate a service entry. */
-- item = (struct service *) malloc(sizeof(struct service));
-- if (item == NULL)
-- perror("netstat");
-- item->name = strdup(pe->p_name);
-+ item = (struct service *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct service));
-+ item->name = xstrdup(pe->p_name);
- item->number = htons(pe->p_proto);
- add2list(&raw_name, item);
- }
-@@ -416,35 +424,38 @@ static int read_services(void)
- }
--char *get_sname(int socknumber, char *proto, int numeric)
-+const char *get_sname(int socknumber, const char *proto, int numeric)
- {
- static char buffer[64], init = 0;
- struct service *item;
- if (socknumber == 0)
- return ("*");
-- if (numeric) {
-- sprintf(buffer, "%d", ntohs(socknumber));
-- return (buffer);
-- }
-+ if (numeric)
-+ goto do_ntohs;
- if (!init) {
- (void) read_services();
- init = 1;
- }
- buffer[0] = '\0';
-- if (!strcmp(proto, "tcp")) {
-- if ((item = searchlist(tcp_name, socknumber)) != NULL)
-- sprintf(buffer, "%s", item->name);
-- } else if (!strcmp(proto, "udp")) {
-- if ((item = searchlist(udp_name, socknumber)) != NULL)
-- sprintf(buffer, "%s", item->name);
-- } else if (!strcmp(proto, "raw")) {
-- if ((item = searchlist(raw_name, socknumber)) != NULL)
-- sprintf(buffer, "%s", item->name);
-+ if (!strcmp(proto, "tcp"))
-+ item = searchlist(tcp_name, socknumber);
-+ else if (!strcmp(proto, "udp"))
-+ item = searchlist(udp_name, socknumber);
-+ else if (!strcmp(proto, "raw"))
-+ item = searchlist(raw_name, socknumber);
-+ else
-+ item = NULL;
-+ if (item) {
-+ strncpy(buffer, item->name, sizeof(buffer));
-+ buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- }
-- if (!buffer[0])
-+ if (!buffer[0]) {
-+ do_ntohs:
- sprintf(buffer, "%d", ntohs(socknumber));
-+ }
- return (buffer);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/inet6.c b/lib/inet6.c
-index 1f936b3..b428d07 100644
---- a/lib/inet6.c
-+++ b/lib/inet6.c
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- * support functions for the net-tools.
- * (most of it copied from lib/inet.c 1.26).
- *
-- * Version: $Id: inet6.c,v 1.10 2000/10/28 11:04:00 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: inet6.c,v 1.13 2010-07-05 22:52:00 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -44,6 +44,21 @@
- extern int h_errno; /* some netdb.h versions don't export this */
-+char * fix_v4_address(char *buf, struct in6_addr *in6)
-+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(in6->s6_addr)) {
-+ char *s =strchr(buf, '.');
-+ if (s) {
-+ while (s > buf && *s != ':')
-+ --s;
-+ if (*s == ':') ++s;
-+ else s = NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (s) return s;
-+ }
-+ return buf;
- static int INET6_resolve(char *name, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6)
- {
- struct addrinfo req, *ai;
-@@ -69,10 +84,9 @@ static int INET6_resolve(char *name, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6)
- #endif
--static int INET6_rresolve(char *name, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6, int numeric)
-+static int INET6_rresolve(char *name, size_t namelen,
-+ struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6, int numeric)
- {
-- int s;
- /* Grmpf. -FvK */
- if (sin6->sin6_family != AF_INET6) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
-@@ -83,21 +97,20 @@ static int INET6_rresolve(char *name, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6, int numeric)
- return (-1);
- }
- if (numeric & 0x7FFF) {
-- inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sin6->sin6_addr, name, 80);
-+ inet_ntop( AF_INET6, &sin6->sin6_addr, name, namelen);
- return (0);
- }
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&sin6->sin6_addr)) {
- if (numeric & 0x8000)
-- strcpy(name, "default");
-+ safe_strncpy(name, "default", namelen);
- else
-- strcpy(name, "*");
-+ safe_strncpy(name, "[::]", namelen);
- return (0);
- }
-- if ((s = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) sin6, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),
-- name, 255 /* !! */ , NULL, 0, 0))) {
-- fputs("getnameinfo failed\n", stderr);
-- return -1;
-+ if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) sin6, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),
-+ name, namelen , NULL, 0, 0)) {
-+ inet_ntop( AF_INET6, &sin6->sin6_addr, name, namelen);
- }
- return (0);
- }
-@@ -109,41 +122,48 @@ static void INET6_reserror(char *text)
- }
- /* Display an Internet socket address. */
--static char *INET6_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *INET6_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char name[80];
- inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (struct in6_addr *) ptr, name, 80);
-- return name;
-+ return fix_v4_address(name, (struct in6_addr *)ptr);
- }
- /* Display an Internet socket address. */
- /* dirty! struct sockaddr usually doesn't suffer for inet6 addresses, fst. */
--static char *INET6_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *INET6_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buff[128];
- if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
- return safe_strncpy(buff, _("[NONE SET]"), sizeof(buff));
-- if (INET6_rresolve(buff, (struct sockaddr_in6 *) sap, numeric) != 0)
-+ if (INET6_rresolve(buff, sizeof(buff),
-+ (struct sockaddr_in6 *) sap, numeric) != 0)
- return safe_strncpy(buff, _("[UNKNOWN]"), sizeof(buff));
-- return (buff);
-+ return (fix_v4_address(buff, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sap)->sin6_addr));
- }
- static int INET6_getsock(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
-+ char *p;
- sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) sap;
- sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sin6->sin6_port = 0;
-+ sin6->sin6_scope_id = 0;
-+ sin6->sin6_flowinfo = 0;
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, bufp, sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr) <= 0)
- return (-1);
-+ p = fix_v4_address(bufp, &sin6->sin6_addr);
-+ if (p != bufp)
-+ memcpy(bufp, p, strlen(p)+1);
- return 16; /* ?;) */
- }
-diff --git a/lib/inet6_gr.c b/lib/inet6_gr.c
-index 14f32eb..72b4a66 100644
---- a/lib/inet6_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet6_gr.c
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-+ /*
- Modifications:
- 1998-07-01 - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo - GNU gettext instead of catgets,
- snprintf instead of sprintf
-@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "intl.h"
- #include "net-features.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- /* neighbour discovery from linux-2.4.0/include/net/neighbour.h */
-@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ int rprint_fib6(int ext, int numeric)
- struct sockaddr_in6 saddr6, snaddr6;
- int num, iflags, metric, refcnt, use, prefix_len, slen;
- FILE *fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_ROUTE6, "r");
- char addr6p[8][5], saddr6p[8][5], naddr6p[8][5];
- if (!fp) {
-@@ -71,14 +72,18 @@ int rprint_fib6(int ext, int numeric)
- printf(_("INET6 (IPv6) not configured in this system.\n"));
- return 1;
- }
-- printf(_("Kernel IPv6 routing table\n"));
-- printf(_("Destination "
-- "Next Hop "
-- "Flags Metric Ref Use Iface\n"));
-+ if (numeric & RTF_CACHE)
-+ printf(_("Kernel IPv6 routing cache\n"));
-+ else
-+ printf(_("Kernel IPv6 routing table\n"));
-+ printf(_("Destination "
-+ "Next Hop "
-+ "Flag Met Ref Use If\n"));
- while (fgets(buff, 1023, fp)) {
-- num = sscanf(buff, "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %08x %08x %08x %08x %s\n",
-+ num = sscanf(buff, "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %08x %08x %08x %08x %15s\n",
- addr6p[0], addr6p[1], addr6p[2], addr6p[3],
- addr6p[4], addr6p[5], addr6p[6], addr6p[7],
- &prefix_len,
-@@ -87,20 +92,24 @@ int rprint_fib6(int ext, int numeric)
- &slen,
- naddr6p[0], naddr6p[1], naddr6p[2], naddr6p[3],
- naddr6p[4], naddr6p[5], naddr6p[6], naddr6p[7],
-- &metric, &use, &refcnt, &iflags, iface);
--#if 0
-- if (num < 23)
-- continue;
-- if (!(iflags & RTF_UP))
-+ &metric, &refcnt, &use, &iflags, iface);
-+ if (0 && num < 23)
- continue;
-+ if (iflags & RTF_CACHE) {
-+ if (!(numeric & RTF_CACHE))
-+ continue;
-+ } else {
-+ if (numeric & RTF_CACHE)
-+ continue;
-+ }
- /* Fetch and resolve the target address. */
- snprintf(addr6, sizeof(addr6), "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",
- addr6p[0], addr6p[1], addr6p[2], addr6p[3],
- addr6p[4], addr6p[5], addr6p[6], addr6p[7]);
- inet6_aftype.input(1, addr6, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr6);
- snprintf(addr6, sizeof(addr6), "%s/%d",
-- inet6_aftype.sprint((struct sockaddr *) &saddr6, 1),
-+ inet6_aftype.sprint((struct sockaddr *) &saddr6, numeric),
- prefix_len);
- /* Fetch and resolve the nexthop address. */
-@@ -109,10 +118,15 @@ int rprint_fib6(int ext, int numeric)
- naddr6p[4], naddr6p[5], naddr6p[6], naddr6p[7]);
- inet6_aftype.input(1, naddr6, (struct sockaddr *) &snaddr6);
- snprintf(naddr6, sizeof(naddr6), "%s",
-- inet6_aftype.sprint((struct sockaddr *) &snaddr6, 1));
-+ inet6_aftype.sprint((struct sockaddr *) &snaddr6, numeric));
- /* Decode the flags. */
-- strcpy(flags, "U");
-+ flags[0]=0;
-+ if (iflags & RTF_UP)
-+ strcat(flags, "U");
-+ if (iflags & RTF_REJECT)
-+ strcat(flags, "!");
- if (iflags & RTF_GATEWAY)
- strcat(flags, "G");
- if (iflags & RTF_HOST)
-@@ -123,9 +137,19 @@ int rprint_fib6(int ext, int numeric)
- strcat(flags, "A");
- if (iflags & RTF_CACHE)
- strcat(flags, "C");
-+ if (iflags & RTF_ALLONLINK)
-+ strcat(flags, "a");
-+ if (iflags & RTF_EXPIRES)
-+ strcat(flags, "e");
-+ if (iflags & RTF_MODIFIED)
-+ strcat(flags, "m");
-+ if (iflags & RTF_NONEXTHOP)
-+ strcat(flags, "n");
-+ if (iflags & RTF_FLOW)
-+ strcat(flags, "f");
- /* Print the info. */
-- printf("%-43s %-39s %-5s %-6d %-2d %7d %-8s\n",
-+ printf("%-30s %-26s %-4s %-3d %-1d%6d %s\n",
- addr6, naddr6, flags, metric, refcnt, use, iface);
- }
-@@ -138,14 +162,13 @@ int rprint_cache6(int ext, int numeric)
- char buff[4096], iface[16], flags[16];
- char addr6[128], haddr[20], statestr[20];
- struct sockaddr_in6 saddr6;
-- int type, num, refcnt, prefix_len, location, state, gc;
-+ int type, refcnt, prefix_len, location, state, gc;
- long tstamp, expire, ndflags, reachable, stale, delete;
- FILE *fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_NDISC, "r");
- char addr6p[8][5], haddrp[6][3];
- if (!fp) {
-- ESYSNOT("nd_print", "ND Table");
-- return 1;
-+ return rprint_fib6(ext, numeric | RTF_CACHE);
- }
- printf(_("Kernel IPv6 Neighbour Cache\n"));
-@@ -160,7 +183,7 @@ int rprint_cache6(int ext, int numeric)
- while (fgets(buff, 1023, fp)) {
-- num = sscanf(buff, "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %02x %02x %02x %08lx %08lx %08lx %04x %04x %04lx %8s %2s%2s%2s%2s%2s%2s\n",
-+ sscanf(buff, "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %02x %02x %02x %08lx %08lx %08lx %04x %04x %04lx %8s %2s%2s%2s%2s%2s%2s\n",
- addr6p[0], addr6p[1], addr6p[2], addr6p[3],
- addr6p[4], addr6p[5], addr6p[6], addr6p[7],
- &location, &prefix_len, &type, &state, &expire, &tstamp, &reachable, &gc, &refcnt,
-@@ -194,31 +217,31 @@ int rprint_cache6(int ext, int numeric)
- /* Decode the state */
- switch (state) {
- case NUD_NONE:
-- strcpy(statestr, "NONE");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "NONE", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
-- strcpy(statestr, "INCOMPLETE");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "INCOMPLETE", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
-- strcpy(statestr, "REACHABLE");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "REACHABLE", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
- case NUD_STALE:
-- strcpy(statestr, "STALE");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "STALE", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
- case NUD_DELAY:
-- strcpy(statestr, "DELAY");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "DELAY", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
- case NUD_PROBE:
-- strcpy(statestr, "PROBE");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "PROBE", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
- case NUD_FAILED:
-- strcpy(statestr, "FAILED");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "FAILED", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
- case NUD_NOARP:
-- strcpy(statestr, "NOARP");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "NOARP", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
-- strcpy(statestr, "PERM");
-+ safe_strncpy(statestr, "PERM", sizeof(statestr));
- break;
- default:
- snprintf(statestr, sizeof(statestr), "UNKNOWN(%02x)", state);
-diff --git a/lib/inet6_sr.c b/lib/inet6_sr.c
-index fbfe033..1ad9510 100644
---- a/lib/inet6_sr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet6_sr.c
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "intl.h"
- #include "net-features.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- extern struct aftype inet6_aftype;
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static int INET6_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- if (*args == NULL)
- return (usage());
-- strcpy(target, *args++);
-+ safe_strncpy(target, *args++, sizeof(target));
- if (!strcmp(target, "default")) {
- prefix_len = 0;
- memset(&sa6, 0, sizeof(sa6));
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static int INET6_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- return (usage());
- if (rt.rtmsg_flags & RTF_GATEWAY)
- return (usage());
-- strcpy(gateway, *args);
-+ safe_strncpy(gateway, *args, sizeof(gateway));
- if (inet6_aftype.input(1, gateway,
- (struct sockaddr *) &sa6) < 0) {
- inet6_aftype.herror(gateway);
-@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ static int INET6_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- }
- if (devname) {
- memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0) {
- perror("SIOGIFINDEX");
-diff --git a/lib/inet_gr.c b/lib/inet_gr.c
-index d1e5efc..f67e89d 100644
---- a/lib/inet_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet_gr.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- /*
-- $Id: inet_gr.c,v 1.13 2000/10/08 01:00:44 ecki Exp $
-+ $Id: inet_gr.c,v 1.14 2009/07/08 00:24:03 ecki Exp $
- Modifications:
- 1998-07-01 - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo - GNU gettext instead of catgets
-@@ -31,14 +31,15 @@
- #include "intl.h"
- #include "net-features.h"
- #include "proc.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- extern struct aftype inet_aftype;
--extern char *INET_sprintmask(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric,
-+extern char *INET_sprintmask(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric,
- unsigned int netmask);
- int rprint_fib(int ext, int numeric)
- {
-- char buff[1024], iface[16], flags[64];
-+ char buff[1024], iface[17], flags[64];
- char gate_addr[128], net_addr[128];
- char mask_addr[128];
- int num, iflags, metric, refcnt, use, mss, window, irtt;
-@@ -68,19 +69,19 @@ int rprint_fib(int ext, int numeric)
- mss = 0;
- fmt = proc_gen_fmt(_PATH_PROCNET_ROUTE, 0, fp,
-- "Iface", "%16s",
-- "Destination", "%128s",
-- "Gateway", "%128s",
-+ "Iface", "%15s",
-+ "Destination", "%127s",
-+ "Gateway", "%127s",
- "Flags", "%X",
- "RefCnt", "%d",
- "Use", "%d",
- "Metric", "%d",
-- "Mask", "%128s",
-+ "Mask", "%127s",
- "MTU", "%d",
- "Window", "%d",
- "IRTT", "%d",
- NULL);
-- /* "%16s %128s %128s %X %d %d %d %128s %d %d %d\n" */
-+ /* "%15s %127s %127s %X %d %d %d %127s %d %d %d\n" */
- if (!fmt)
- return 1;
-@@ -104,18 +105,19 @@ int rprint_fib(int ext, int numeric)
- /* Fetch and resolve the genmask. */
- (void) inet_aftype.input(1, mask_addr, &snet_mask);
- sin_netmask = (struct sockaddr_in *)&snet_mask;
-- strcpy(net_addr, INET_sprintmask(&snet_target,
-+ safe_strncpy(net_addr, INET_sprintmask(&snet_target,
- (numeric | 0x8000 | (iflags & RTF_HOST? 0x4000: 0)),
-- sin_netmask->sin_addr.s_addr));
-- net_addr[15] = '\0';
-+ sin_netmask->sin_addr.s_addr), sizeof(net_addr));
-+ net_addr[15] = '\0';
-- strcpy(gate_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet_gateway, numeric | 0x4000));
-- gate_addr[15] = '\0';
-+ safe_strncpy(gate_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet_gateway, numeric | 0x4000),
-+ sizeof(gate_addr));
-+ gate_addr[15] = '\0';
-- strcpy(mask_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet_mask, 1));
-- mask_addr[15] = '\0';
-+ safe_strncpy(mask_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet_mask, 1), sizeof(mask_addr));
-+ mask_addr[15] = '\0';
- /* Decode the flags. */
- flags[0] = '\0';
-@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ int rprint_fib(int ext, int numeric)
- strcat(flags, "G");
- if (iflags & RTF_REJECT)
-- strcpy(flags, "!");
-+ safe_strncpy(flags, "!", sizeof(flags));
- #endif
- if (iflags & RTF_HOST)
- strcat(flags, "H");
-@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ int rprint_fib(int ext, int numeric)
- int rprint_cache(int ext, int numeric)
- {
-- char buff[1024], iface[16], flags[64];
-+ char buff[1024], iface[17], flags[64];
- char gate_addr[128], dest_addr[128], specdst[128];
- char src_addr[128];
- struct sockaddr snet;
-@@ -221,17 +223,17 @@ int rprint_cache(int ext, int numeric)
- return 1;
- }
-- /* Okay, first thing we need to know is the format of the rt_cache.
-+ /* Okay, first thing we need to know is the format of the rt_cache.
- * I am aware of two possible layouts:
- * 2.2.0
- * "Iface\tDestination\tGateway \tFlags\t\tRefCnt\tUse\tMetric\tSource\t\tMTU\tWindow\tIRTT\tTOS\tHHRef\tHHUptod\tSpecDst"
-- * "%s\t%08lX\t%08lX\t%8X\t%d\t%u\t%d\t%08lX\t%d\t%u\t%u\t%02X\t%d\t%1d\t%08X"
-+ * "%s\t%08lX\t%08lX\t%8X\t%d\t%u\t%d\t%08lX\t%d\t%u\t%u\t%02X\t%d\t%1d\t%08X"
- *
- * 2.0.36
- * "Iface\tDestination\tGateway \tFlags\tRefCnt\tUse\tMetric\tSource\t\tMTU\tWindow\tIRTT\tHH\tARP"
- * "%s\t%08lX\t%08lX\t%02X\t%d\t%u\t%d\t%08lX\t%d\t%lu\t%u\t%d\t%1d"
- */
- format = proc_guess_fmt(_PATH_PROCNET_RTCACHE, fp, "IRTT",1,"TOS",2,"HHRef",4,"HHUptod",8,"SpecDst",16,"HH",32,"ARP",64,NULL);
- printf(_("Kernel IP routing cache\n"));
-@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ int rprint_cache(int ext, int numeric)
- printf("ERROR: proc_guess_fmt(%s,... returned: %d\n",_PATH_PROCNET_RTCACHE, format);
- break;
- }
- rewind(fp);
- if (ext == 1)
-@@ -268,21 +270,21 @@ int rprint_cache(int ext, int numeric)
- "MSS Window irtt HH Arp\n"));
- fmt = proc_gen_fmt(_PATH_PROCNET_RTCACHE, 0, fp,
-- "Iface", "%16s",
-- "Destination", "%128s",
-- "Gateway", "%128s",
-+ "Iface", "%15s",
-+ "Destination", "%127s",
-+ "Gateway", "%127s",
- "Flags", "%X",
- "RefCnt", "%d",
- "Use", "%d",
- "Metric", "%d",
-- "Source", "%128s",
-+ "Source", "%127s",
- "MTU", "%d",
- "Window", "%d",
- "IRTT", "%d",
- "HH", "%d",
- "ARP", "%d",
- NULL);
-- /* "%16s %128s %128s %X %d %d %d %128s %d %d %d %d %d\n" */
-+ /* "%15s %127s %127s %X %d %d %d %127s %d %d %d %d %d\n" */
- }
- if (format == 2) {
-@@ -291,23 +293,23 @@ int rprint_cache(int ext, int numeric)
- "Flags Metric Ref Use Iface "
- "MSS Window irtt TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst\n"));
- fmt = proc_gen_fmt(_PATH_PROCNET_RTCACHE, 0, fp,
-- "Iface", "%16s",
-- "Destination", "%128s",
-- "Gateway", "%128s",
-+ "Iface", "%15s",
-+ "Destination", "%127s",
-+ "Gateway", "%127s",
- "Flags", "%X",
- "RefCnt", "%d",
- "Use", "%d",
- "Metric", "%d",
-- "Source", "%128s",
-+ "Source", "%127s",
- "MTU", "%d",
- "Window", "%d",
- "IRTT", "%d",
- "TOS", "%d",
- "HHRef", "%d",
- "HHUptod", "%d",
-- "SpecDst", "%128s",
-+ "SpecDst", "%127s",
- NULL);
-- /* "%16s %128s %128s %X %d %d %d %128s %d %d %d %d %d %128s\n" */
-+ /* "%15s %127s %127s %X %d %d %d %127s %d %d %d %d %d %127s\n" */
- }
-@@ -333,27 +335,23 @@ int rprint_cache(int ext, int numeric)
- if (num < 12)
- continue;
- }
- /* Fetch and resolve the target address. */
- (void) inet_aftype.input(1, dest_addr, &snet);
-- strcpy(dest_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric));
-- dest_addr[15] = '\0';
-+ safe_strncpy(dest_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric), sizeof(dest_addr));
- /* Fetch and resolve the gateway address. */
- (void) inet_aftype.input(1, gate_addr, &snet);
-- strcpy(gate_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric));
-- gate_addr[15] = '\0';
-+ safe_strncpy(gate_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric), sizeof(gate_addr));
- /* Fetch and resolve the source. */
- (void) inet_aftype.input(1, src_addr, &snet);
-- strcpy(src_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric));
-- src_addr[15] = '\0';
-+ safe_strncpy(src_addr, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric), sizeof(src_addr));
- /* Fetch and resolve the SpecDst addrerss. */
- (void) inet_aftype.input(1, specdst, &snet);
-- strcpy(specdst, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric));
-- specdst[15] = '\0';
-+ safe_strncpy(specdst, inet_aftype.sprint(&snet, numeric), sizeof(specdst));
- /* Decode the flags. */
- flags[0] = '\0';
-@@ -367,7 +365,7 @@ if (format == 1) {
- strcat(flags, "G");
- if (iflags & RTF_REJECT)
-- strcpy(flags, "!");
-+ safe_strncpy(flags, "!", sizeof(flags));
- #endif
- if (iflags & RTF_REINSTATE)
- strcat(flags, "R");
-diff --git a/lib/inet_sr.c b/lib/inet_sr.c
-index 6d010d5..1a876ae 100644
---- a/lib/inet_sr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet_sr.c
-@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- 1998-07-01 - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo - GNU gettext instead of catgets
- 1999-10-07 - Kurt Garloff - for -host and gws: prefer host names
- over networks (or even reject)
-+ 2003-10-11 - Maik Broemme - gcc 3.x warnign fixes (default: break;)
- */
- #include "config.h"
-@@ -104,7 +105,6 @@ static int INET_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- isnet = 1; break;
- case 2:
- isnet = 0; break;
-- default:
- }
- /* Fill in the other fields. */
-diff --git a/lib/interface.c b/lib/interface.c
-index f4d2a9a..67f0d8f 100644
---- a/lib/interface.c
-+++ b/lib/interface.c
-@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- /* Code to manipulate interface information, shared between ifconfig and
-- netstat.
-+ netstat.
-- 10/1998 partly rewriten by Andi Kleen to support an interface list.
-- I don't claim that the list operations are efficient @).
-+ 10/1998 partly rewriten by Andi Kleen to support an interface list.
-+ I don't claim that the list operations are efficient @).
- 8/2000 Andi Kleen make the list operations a bit more efficient.
- People are crazy enough to use thousands of aliases now.
-- $Id: interface.c,v 1.14 2001/02/10 19:31:15 pb Exp $
-+ $Id: interface.c,v 1.35 2011-01-01 03:22:31 ecki Exp $
- */
- #include "config.h"
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
-+#include <string.h>
- #if (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1)
-@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
- #include <neteconet/ec.h>
- #endif
--#ifdef HAVE_HWSLIP
- #include <linux/if_slip.h>
- #include <net/if_arp.h>
- #endif
-@@ -87,49 +88,58 @@ int procnetdev_vsn = 1;
- int ife_short;
-+int if_list_all = 0; /* do we have requested the complete proc list, yet? */
- static struct interface *int_list, *int_last;
- static int if_readlist_proc(char *);
--static struct interface *add_interface(char *name)
-+static struct interface *if_cache_add(char *name)
- {
- struct interface *ife, **nextp, *new;
-+ if (!int_list)
-+ int_last = NULL;
-+ /* the cache is sorted, so if we hit a smaller if, exit */
- for (ife = int_last; ife; ife = ife->prev) {
-- int n = nstrcmp(ife->name, name);
-- if (n == 0)
-- return ife;
-- if (n < 0)
-- break;
-+ int n = nstrcmp(ife->name, name);
-+ if (n == 0)
-+ return ife;
-+ if (n < 0)
-+ break;
- }
-- new(new);
-- safe_strncpy(new->name, name, IFNAMSIZ);
-- nextp = ife ? &ife->next : &int_list;
-+ new(new);
-+ safe_strncpy(new->name, name, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ nextp = ife ? &ife->next : &int_list; // keep sorting
- new->prev = ife;
-- new->next = *nextp;
-- if (new->next)
-- new->next->prev = new;
-+ new->next = *nextp;
-+ if (new->next)
-+ new->next->prev = new;
- else
-- int_last = new;
-- *nextp = new;
-- return new;
-+ int_last = new;
-+ *nextp = new;
-+ return new;
- }
- struct interface *lookup_interface(char *name)
- {
-- struct interface *ife = NULL;
-+ /* if we have read all, use it */
-+ if (if_list_all)
-+ return if_cache_add(name);
-- if (if_readlist_proc(name) < 0)
-- return NULL;
-- ife = add_interface(name);
-- return ife;
-+ /* otherwise we read a limited list */
-+ if (if_readlist_proc(name) < 0)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return if_cache_add(name);
- }
- int for_all_interfaces(int (*doit) (struct interface *, void *), void *cookie)
- {
- struct interface *ife;
-- if (!int_list && (if_readlist() < 0))
-+ if (!if_list_all && (if_readlist() < 0))
- return -1;
- for (ife = int_list; ife; ife = ife->next) {
- int err = doit(ife, cookie);
-@@ -139,13 +149,15 @@ int for_all_interfaces(int (*doit) (struct interface *, void *), void *cookie)
- return 0;
- }
--int free_interface_list(void)
-+int if_cache_free(void)
- {
- struct interface *ife;
- while ((ife = int_list) != NULL) {
- int_list = ife->next;
- free(ife);
- }
-+ int_last = NULL;
-+ if_list_all = 0;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -158,7 +170,7 @@ static int if_readconf(void)
- int skfd;
- /* SIOCGIFCONF currently seems to only work properly on AF_INET sockets
-- (as of 2.1.128) */
-+ (as of 2.1.128) */
- skfd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET);
- if (skfd < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("warning: no inet socket available: %s\n"),
-@@ -180,7 +192,7 @@ static int if_readconf(void)
- }
- if (ifc.ifc_len == sizeof(struct ifreq) * numreqs) {
- /* assume it overflowed and try again */
-- numreqs += 10;
-+ numreqs *= 2;
- continue;
- }
- break;
-@@ -188,7 +200,7 @@ static int if_readconf(void)
- ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
- for (n = 0; n < ifc.ifc_len; n += sizeof(struct ifreq)) {
-- add_interface(ifr->ifr_name);
-+ if_cache_add(ifr->ifr_name);
- ifr++;
- }
- err = 0;
-@@ -198,7 +210,7 @@ out:
- return err;
- }
--static char *get_name(char *name, char *p)
-+char *get_name(char *name, char *p)
- {
- while (isspace(*p))
- p++;
-@@ -206,16 +218,19 @@ static char *get_name(char *name, char *p)
- if (isspace(*p))
- break;
- if (*p == ':') { /* could be an alias */
-- char *dot = p, *dotname = name;
-- *name++ = *p++;
-- while (isdigit(*p))
-- *name++ = *p++;
-- if (*p != ':') { /* it wasn't, backup */
-- p = dot;
-- name = dotname;
-+ char *dot = p++;
-+ while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++;
-+ if (*p == ':') {
-+ /* Yes it is, backup and copy it. */
-+ p = dot;
-+ *name++ = *p++;
-+ while (*p && isdigit(*p)) {
-+ *name++ = *p++;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* No, it isn't */
-+ p = dot;
- }
-- if (*p == '\0')
-- return NULL;
- p++;
- break;
- }
-@@ -225,7 +240,7 @@ static char *get_name(char *name, char *p)
- return p;
- }
--static int procnetdev_version(char *buf)
-+int procnetdev_version(char *buf)
- {
- if (strstr(buf, "compressed"))
- return 3;
-@@ -234,12 +249,12 @@ static int procnetdev_version(char *buf)
- return 1;
- }
--static int get_dev_fields(char *bp, struct interface *ife)
-+int get_dev_fields(char *bp, struct interface *ife)
- {
- switch (procnetdev_vsn) {
- case 3:
- sscanf(bp,
-- "%llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
-+ "%Lu %Lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %Lu %Lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
- &ife->stats.rx_bytes,
- &ife->stats.rx_packets,
- &ife->stats.rx_errors,
-@@ -259,7 +274,7 @@ static int get_dev_fields(char *bp, struct interface *ife)
- &ife->stats.tx_compressed);
- break;
- case 2:
-- sscanf(bp, "%llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
-+ sscanf(bp, "%Lu %Lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %Lu %Lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
- &ife->stats.rx_bytes,
- &ife->stats.rx_packets,
- &ife->stats.rx_errors,
-@@ -277,7 +292,7 @@ static int get_dev_fields(char *bp, struct interface *ife)
- ife->stats.rx_multicast = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
-- sscanf(bp, "%llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
-+ sscanf(bp, "%Lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %Lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
- &ife->stats.rx_packets,
- &ife->stats.rx_errors,
- &ife->stats.rx_dropped,
-@@ -300,25 +315,21 @@ static int get_dev_fields(char *bp, struct interface *ife)
- static int if_readlist_proc(char *target)
- {
-- static int proc_read;
- FILE *fh;
- char buf[512];
- struct interface *ife;
- int err;
-- if (proc_read)
-- return 0;
-- if (!target)
-- proc_read = 1;
- fh = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_DEV, "r");
- if (!fh) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: cannot open %s (%s). Limited output.\n"),
-- _PATH_PROCNET_DEV, strerror(errno));
-- return if_readconf();
-- }
-- fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fh); /* eat line */
-- fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fh);
-+ _PATH_PROCNET_DEV, strerror(errno));
-+ return -2;
-+ }
-+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fh))
-+ /* eat line */;
-+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fh))
-+ /* eat line */;
- #if 0 /* pretty, but can't cope with missing fields */
- fmt = proc_gen_fmt(_PATH_PROCNET_DEV, 1, fh,
-@@ -349,8 +360,8 @@ static int if_readlist_proc(char *target)
- err = 0;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fh)) {
- char *s, name[IFNAMSIZ];
-- s = get_name(name, buf);
-- ife = add_interface(name);
-+ s = get_name(name, buf);
-+ ife = if_cache_add(name);
- get_dev_fields(s, ife);
- ife->statistics_valid = 1;
- if (target && !strcmp(target,name))
-@@ -359,7 +370,6 @@ static int if_readlist_proc(char *target)
- if (ferror(fh)) {
- perror(_PATH_PROCNET_DEV);
- err = -1;
-- proc_read = 0;
- }
- #if 0
-@@ -369,13 +379,23 @@ static int if_readlist_proc(char *target)
- return err;
- }
--int if_readlist(void)
-- int err = if_readlist_proc(NULL);
-- if (!err)
-- err = if_readconf();
-- return err;
-+int if_readlist(void)
-+ /* caller will/should check not to call this too often
-+ * (i.e. only if if_list_all == 0
-+ */
-+ int proc_err, conf_err;
-+ proc_err = if_readlist_proc(NULL);
-+ conf_err = if_readconf();
-+ if_list_all = 1;
-+ if (proc_err < 0 && conf_err < 0)
-+ return -1;
-+ else
-+ return 0;
- /* Support for fetching an IPX address */
-@@ -392,14 +412,14 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- {
- struct ifreq ifr;
- int fd;
-- char *ifname = ife->name;
-+ char *ifname = ife->name;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
- return (-1);
- ife->flags = ifr.ifr_flags;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0)
- memset(ife->hwaddr, 0, 32);
- else
-@@ -407,53 +427,47 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- ife->type = ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMETRIC, &ifr) < 0)
-- ife->metric = 0;
-- else
-- ife->metric = ifr.ifr_metric;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr) < 0)
- ife->mtu = 0;
- else
- ife->mtu = ifr.ifr_mtu;
--#ifdef HAVE_HWSLIP
- if (ife->type == ARPHRD_SLIP || ife->type == ARPHRD_CSLIP ||
- ife->type == ARPHRD_SLIP6 || ife->type == ARPHRD_CSLIP6 ||
- ife->type == ARPHRD_ADAPT) {
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGOUTFILL, &ifr) < 0)
- ife->outfill = 0;
- else
-- ife->outfill = (unsigned int) ifr.ifr_data;
-+ ife->outfill = (unsigned long) ifr.ifr_data;
- #endif
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGKEEPALIVE, &ifr) < 0)
- ife->keepalive = 0;
- else
-- ife->keepalive = (unsigned int) ifr.ifr_data;
-+ ife->keepalive = (unsigned long) ifr.ifr_data;
- #endif
- }
- #endif
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0)
- memset(&ife->map, 0, sizeof(struct ifmap));
- else
- memcpy(&ife->map, &ifr.ifr_map, sizeof(struct ifmap));
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0)
- memset(&ife->map, 0, sizeof(struct ifmap));
- else
- ife->map = ifr.ifr_map;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFTXQLEN, &ifr) < 0)
- ife->tx_queue_len = -1; /* unknown value */
- else
-@@ -466,24 +480,24 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- /* IPv4 address? */
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_INET);
- if (fd >= 0) {
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) == 0) {
- ife->has_ip = 1;
- ife->addr = ifr.ifr_addr;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFDSTADDR, &ifr) < 0)
- memset(&ife->dstaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- else
- ife->dstaddr = ifr.ifr_dstaddr;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, &ifr) < 0)
- memset(&ife->broadaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- else
- ife->broadaddr = ifr.ifr_broadaddr;
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &ifr) < 0)
- memset(&ife->netmask, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- else
-@@ -497,7 +511,7 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- /* DDP address maybe ? */
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_APPLETALK);
- if (fd >= 0) {
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) == 0) {
- ife->ddpaddr = ifr.ifr_addr;
- ife->has_ddp = 1;
-@@ -509,22 +523,22 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- /* Look for IPX addresses with all framing types */
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_IPX);
- if (fd >= 0) {
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (!ipx_getaddr(fd, IPX_FRAME_ETHERII, &ifr)) {
- ife->has_ipx_bb = 1;
- ife->ipxaddr_bb = ifr.ifr_addr;
- }
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (!ipx_getaddr(fd, IPX_FRAME_SNAP, &ifr)) {
- ife->has_ipx_sn = 1;
- ife->ipxaddr_sn = ifr.ifr_addr;
- }
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (!ipx_getaddr(fd, IPX_FRAME_8023, &ifr)) {
- ife->has_ipx_e3 = 1;
- ife->ipxaddr_e3 = ifr.ifr_addr;
- }
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (!ipx_getaddr(fd, IPX_FRAME_8022, &ifr)) {
- ife->has_ipx_e2 = 1;
- ife->ipxaddr_e2 = ifr.ifr_addr;
-@@ -536,7 +550,7 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- /* Econet address maybe? */
- fd = get_socket_for_af(AF_ECONET);
- if (fd >= 0) {
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) == 0) {
- ife->ecaddr = ifr.ifr_addr;
- ife->has_econet = 1;
-@@ -548,29 +562,29 @@ int if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- }
- int do_if_fetch(struct interface *ife)
- if (if_fetch(ife) < 0) {
-- char *errmsg;
-- if (errno == ENODEV) {
-- /* Give better error message for this case. */
-- errmsg = _("Device not found");
-- } else {
-- errmsg = strerror(errno);
-+ char *errmsg;
-+ if (errno == ENODEV) {
-+ /* Give better error message for this case. */
-+ errmsg = _("Device not found");
-+ } else {
-+ errmsg = strerror(errno);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, _("%s: error fetching interface information: %s\n"),
- ife->name, errmsg);
- return -1;
- }
-- return 0;
-+ return 0;
- }
- int do_if_print(struct interface *ife, void *cookie)
- {
- int *opt_a = (int *) cookie;
-- int res;
-+ int res;
-- res = do_if_fetch(ife);
-- if (res >= 0) {
-+ res = do_if_fetch(ife);
-+ if (res >= 0) {
- if ((ife->flags & IFF_UP) || *opt_a)
- ife_print(ife);
- }
-@@ -579,11 +593,11 @@ int do_if_print(struct interface *ife, void *cookie)
- void ife_print_short(struct interface *ptr)
- {
-- printf("%-5.5s ", ptr->name);
-- printf("%5d %3d", ptr->mtu, ptr->metric);
-+ printf("%-8.8s ", ptr->name);
-+ printf("%5d ", ptr->mtu);
- /* If needed, display the interface statistics. */
- if (ptr->statistics_valid) {
-- printf("%8llu %6lu %6lu %6lu",
-+ printf("%8llu %6lu %6lu %-6lu ",
- ptr->stats.rx_packets, ptr->stats.rx_errors,
- ptr->stats.rx_dropped, ptr->stats.rx_fifo_errors);
- printf("%8llu %6lu %6lu %6lu ",
-@@ -636,8 +650,9 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- int hf;
- int can_compress = 0;
- unsigned long long rx, tx, short_rx, short_tx;
-- char Rext[5]="b";
-- char Text[5]="b";
-+ const char *Rext = "B";
-+ const char *Text = "B";
-+ static char flags[200];
- static struct aftype *ipxtype = NULL;
-@@ -650,7 +665,7 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- #endif
- FILE *f;
-- char addr6[40], devname[20];
-+ char addr6[40], devname[21];
- struct sockaddr_in6 sap;
- int plen, scope, dad_status, if_idx;
- extern struct aftype inet6_aftype;
-@@ -663,39 +678,79 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- hf = ptr->type;
- if (hf == ARPHRD_CSLIP || hf == ARPHRD_CSLIP6)
- can_compress = 1;
- hw = get_hwntype(hf);
- if (hw == NULL)
- hw = get_hwntype(-1);
-- printf(_("%-9.9s Link encap:%s "), ptr->name, hw->title);
-- /* For some hardware types (eg Ash, ATM) we don't print the
-- hardware address if it's null. */
-- if (hw->print != NULL && (! (hw_null_address(hw, ptr->hwaddr) &&
-- hw->suppress_null_addr)))
-- printf(_("HWaddr %s "), hw->print(ptr->hwaddr));
--#ifdef IFF_PORTSEL
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_PORTSEL) {
-- printf(_("Media:%s"), if_port_text[ptr->map.port][0]);
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_AUTOMEDIA)
-- printf(_("(auto)"));
-- }
-+ sprintf(flags, "flags=%d<", ptr->flags);
-+ /* DONT FORGET TO ADD THE FLAGS IN ife_print_short, too */
-+ if (ptr->flags == 0)
-+ strcat(flags,">");
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_UP)
-+ strcat(flags,_("UP,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_BROADCAST)
-+ strcat(flags,_("BROADCAST,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_DEBUG)
-+ strcat(flags,_("DEBUG,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)
-+ strcat(flags,_("LOOPBACK,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)
-+ strcat(flags,_("POINTOPOINT,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_NOTRAILERS)
-+ strcat(flags,_("NOTRAILERS,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_RUNNING)
-+ strcat(flags,_("RUNNING,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_NOARP)
-+ strcat(flags,_("NOARP,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
-+ strcat(flags,_("PROMISC,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)
-+ strcat(flags,_("ALLMULTI,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_SLAVE)
-+ strcat(flags,_("SLAVE,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_MASTER)
-+ strcat(flags,_("MASTER,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_MULTICAST)
-+ strcat(flags,_("MULTICAST,"));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_DYNAMIC)
-+ strcat(flags,_("DYNAMIC,"));
-+ /* DONT FORGET TO ADD THE FLAGS IN ife_print_short */
-+ if (flags[strlen(flags)-1] == ',')
-+ flags[strlen(flags)-1] = '>';
-+ else
-+ flags[strlen(flags)-1] = 0;
-+ printf(_("%s: %s mtu %d"),
-+ ptr->name, flags, ptr->mtu);
-+ if (ptr->outfill || ptr->keepalive)
-+ printf(_(" outfill %d keepalive %d"),
-+ ptr->outfill, ptr->keepalive);
- #endif
- printf("\n");
- if (ptr->has_ip) {
-- printf(_(" %s addr:%s "), ap->name,
-+ printf(_(" %s %s"), ap->name,
- ap->sprint(&ptr->addr, 1));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) {
-- printf(_(" P-t-P:%s "), ap->sprint(&ptr->dstaddr, 1));
-- }
-+ printf(_(" netmask %s"), ap->sprint(&ptr->netmask, 1));
- if (ptr->flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
-- printf(_(" Bcast:%s "), ap->sprint(&ptr->broadaddr, 1));
-+ printf(_(" broadcast %s"), ap->sprint(&ptr->broadaddr, 1));
- }
-- printf(_(" Mask:%s\n"), ap->sprint(&ptr->netmask, 1));
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) {
-+ printf(_(" destination %s"), ap->sprint(&ptr->dstaddr, 1));
-+ }
-+ printf("\n");
- }
- #endif
-@@ -703,7 +758,7 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- /* FIXME: should be integrated into interface.c. */
- if ((f = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IFINET6, "r")) != NULL) {
-- while (fscanf(f, "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %02x %02x %02x %20s\n",
-+ while (fscanf(f, "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %08x %02x %02x %02x %20s\n",
- addr6p[0], addr6p[1], addr6p[2], addr6p[3],
- addr6p[4], addr6p[5], addr6p[6], addr6p[7],
- &if_idx, &plen, &scope, &dad_status, devname) != EOF) {
-@@ -712,29 +767,30 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- addr6p[0], addr6p[1], addr6p[2], addr6p[3],
- addr6p[4], addr6p[5], addr6p[6], addr6p[7]);
- inet6_aftype.input(1, addr6, (struct sockaddr *) &sap);
-- printf(_(" inet6 addr: %s/%d"),
-- inet6_aftype.sprint((struct sockaddr *) &sap, 1), plen);
-- printf(_(" Scope:"));
-- switch (scope) {
-- case 0:
-- printf(_("Global"));
-- break;
-- printf(_("Link"));
-- break;
-- printf(_("Site"));
-- break;
-- case IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4:
-- printf(_("Compat"));
-- break;
-- printf(_("Host"));
-- break;
-- default:
-- printf(_("Unknown"));
-+ printf(_(" %s %s prefixlen %d"),
-+ inet6_aftype.sprint((struct sockaddr *) &sap, 1),
-+ plen);
-+ printf(_(" scopeid 0x%x"), scope);
-+ flags[0] = '<'; flags[1] = 0;
-+ if (scope & IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4) {
-+ strcat(flags, _("compat,"));
-+ scope -= IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4;
- }
-- printf("\n");
-+ if (scope == 0)
-+ strcat(flags, _("global,"));
-+ if (scope & IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL)
-+ strcat(flags, _("link,"));
-+ if (scope & IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL)
-+ strcat(flags, _("site,"));
-+ if (scope & IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK)
-+ strcat(flags, _("host,"));
-+ if (flags[strlen(flags)-1] == ',')
-+ flags[strlen(flags)-1] = '>';
-+ else
-+ flags[strlen(flags)-1] = 0;
-+ printf("%s\n", flags);
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
-@@ -747,17 +803,17 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- if (ipxtype != NULL) {
- if (ptr->has_ipx_bb)
-- printf(_(" IPX/Ethernet II addr:%s\n"),
-- ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_bb, 1));
-+ printf(_(" %s Ethernet-II %s\n"),
-+ ipxtype->name, ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_bb, 1));
- if (ptr->has_ipx_sn)
-- printf(_(" IPX/Ethernet SNAP addr:%s\n"),
-- ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_sn, 1));
-+ printf(_(" %s Ethernet-SNAP %s\n"),
-+ ipxtype->name, ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_sn, 1));
- if (ptr->has_ipx_e2)
-- printf(_(" IPX/Ethernet 802.2 addr:%s\n"),
-- ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_e2, 1));
-+ printf(_(" %s Ethernet802.2 %s\n"),
-+ ipxtype->name, ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_e2, 1));
- if (ptr->has_ipx_e3)
-- printf(_(" IPX/Ethernet 802.3 addr:%s\n"),
-- ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_e3, 1));
-+ printf(_(" %s Ethernet802.3 %s\n"),
-+ ipxtype->name, ipxtype->sprint(&ptr->ipxaddr_e3, 1));
- }
- #endif
-@@ -766,7 +822,7 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- ddptype = get_afntype(AF_APPLETALK);
- if (ddptype != NULL) {
- if (ptr->has_ddp)
-- printf(_(" EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:%s\n"), ddptype->sprint(&ptr->ddpaddr, 1));
-+ printf(_(" %s %s\n"), ddptype->name, ddptype->sprint(&ptr->ddpaddr, 1));
- }
- #endif
-@@ -775,53 +831,30 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- ectype = get_afntype(AF_ECONET);
- if (ectype != NULL) {
- if (ptr->has_econet)
-- printf(_(" econet addr:%s\n"), ectype->sprint(&ptr->ecaddr, 1));
-+ printf(_(" %s %s\n"), ectype->name, ectype->sprint(&ptr->ecaddr, 1));
- }
- #endif
-- printf(" ");
-- /* DONT FORGET TO ADD THE FLAGS IN ife_print_short, too */
-- if (ptr->flags == 0)
-- printf(_("[NO FLAGS] "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_UP)
-- printf(_("UP "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_BROADCAST)
-- printf(_("BROADCAST "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_DEBUG)
-- printf(_("DEBUG "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)
-- printf(_("LOOPBACK "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)
-- printf(_("POINTOPOINT "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_NOTRAILERS)
-- printf(_("NOTRAILERS "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_RUNNING)
-- printf(_("RUNNING "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_NOARP)
-- printf(_("NOARP "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
-- printf(_("PROMISC "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)
-- printf(_("ALLMULTI "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_SLAVE)
-- printf(_("SLAVE "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_MASTER)
-- printf(_("MASTER "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_MULTICAST)
-- printf(_("MULTICAST "));
-- if (ptr->flags & IFF_DYNAMIC)
-- printf(_("DYNAMIC "));
-- /* DONT FORGET TO ADD THE FLAGS IN ife_print_short */
-- printf(_(" MTU:%d Metric:%d"),
-- ptr->mtu, ptr->metric ? ptr->metric : 1);
-- if (ptr->outfill || ptr->keepalive)
-- printf(_(" Outfill:%d Keepalive:%d"),
-- ptr->outfill, ptr->keepalive);
-+ /* For some hardware types (eg Ash, ATM) we don't print the
-+ hardware address if it's null. */
-+ if (hw->print != NULL && (! (hw_null_address(hw, ptr->hwaddr) &&
-+ hw->suppress_null_addr)))
-+ printf(_(" %s %s"), hw->name, hw->print(ptr->hwaddr));
-+ else
-+ printf(_(" %s"), hw->name);
-+ if (ptr->tx_queue_len != -1)
-+ printf(_(" txqueuelen %d"), ptr->tx_queue_len);
-+ printf(" (%s)\n", hw->title);
-+#ifdef IFF_PORTSEL
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_PORTSEL) {
-+ printf(_(" media %s"), if_port_text[ptr->map.port][0]);
-+ if (ptr->flags & IFF_AUTOMEDIA)
-+ printf(_("autoselect"));
-+ printf("\n");
-+ }
- #endif
-- printf("\n");
- /* If needed, display the interface statistics. */
-@@ -830,55 +863,87 @@ void ife_print_long(struct interface *ptr)
- * not for the aliases, although strictly speaking they're shared
- * by all addresses.
- */
-- printf(" ");
-- printf(_("RX packets:%llu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu\n"),
-- ptr->stats.rx_packets, ptr->stats.rx_errors,
-- ptr->stats.rx_dropped, ptr->stats.rx_fifo_errors,
-- ptr->stats.rx_frame_errors);
-- if (can_compress)
-- printf(_(" compressed:%lu\n"), ptr->stats.rx_compressed);
-- rx = ptr->stats.rx_bytes;
-+ rx = ptr->stats.rx_bytes;
-+ short_rx = rx * 10;
-+ if (rx > 1125899906842624ull) {
-+ short_rx /= 1125899906842624ull;
-+ Rext = "PiB";
-+ } else if (rx > 1099511627776ull) {
-+ short_rx /= 1099511627776ull;
-+ Rext = "TiB";
-+ } else if (rx > 1073741824ull) {
-+ short_rx /= 1073741824ull;
-+ Rext = "GiB";
-+ } else if (rx > 1048576) {
-+ short_rx /= 1048576;
-+ Rext = "MiB";
-+ } else if (rx > 1024) {
-+ short_rx /= 1024;
-+ Rext = "KiB";
-+ }
- tx = ptr->stats.tx_bytes;
-- short_rx = rx * 10;
- short_tx = tx * 10;
-- if (rx > 1048576) { short_rx /= 1048576; strcpy(Rext, "Mb"); }
-- else if (rx > 1024) { short_rx /= 1024; strcpy(Rext, "Kb"); }
-- if (tx > 1048576) { short_tx /= 1048576; strcpy(Text, "Mb"); }
-- else if (tx > 1024) { short_tx /= 1024; strcpy(Text, "Kb"); }
-+ if (tx > 1125899906842624ull) {
-+ short_tx /= 1125899906842624ull;
-+ Text = "PiB";
-+ } else if (tx > 1099511627776ull) {
-+ short_tx /= 1099511627776ull;
-+ Text = "TiB";
-+ } else if (tx > 1073741824ull) {
-+ short_tx /= 1073741824ull;
-+ Text = "GiB";
-+ } else if (tx > 1048576) {
-+ short_tx /= 1048576;
-+ Text = "MiB";
-+ } else if (tx > 1024) {
-+ short_tx /= 1024;
-+ Text = "KiB";
-+ }
-- printf(" ");
-- printf(_("TX packets:%llu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu\n"),
-- ptr->stats.tx_packets, ptr->stats.tx_errors,
-+ printf(" ");
-+ printf(_("RX packets %llu bytes %llu (%lu.%lu %s)\n"),
-+ ptr->stats.rx_packets,
-+ rx, (unsigned long)(short_rx / 10),
-+ (unsigned long)(short_rx % 10), Rext);
-+ if (can_compress) {
-+ printf(" ");
-+ printf(_("RX compressed:%lu\n"), ptr->stats.rx_compressed);
-+ }
-+ printf(" ");
-+ printf(_("RX errors %lu dropped %lu overruns %lu frame %lu\n"),
-+ ptr->stats.rx_errors, ptr->stats.rx_dropped,
-+ ptr->stats.rx_fifo_errors, ptr->stats.rx_frame_errors);
-+ printf(" ");
-+ printf(_("TX packets %llu bytes %llu (%lu.%lu %s)\n"),
-+ ptr->stats.tx_packets,
-+ tx, (unsigned long)(short_tx / 10),
-+ (unsigned long)(short_tx % 10), Text);
-+ if (can_compress) {
-+ printf(" ");
-+ printf(_("TX compressed %lu\n"), ptr->stats.tx_compressed);
-+ }
-+ printf(" ");
-+ printf(_("TX errors %lu dropped %lu overruns %lu carrier %lu collisions %lu\n"),
-+ ptr->stats.tx_errors,
- ptr->stats.tx_dropped, ptr->stats.tx_fifo_errors,
-- ptr->stats.tx_carrier_errors);
-- printf(_(" collisions:%lu "), ptr->stats.collisions);
-- if (can_compress)
-- printf(_("compressed:%lu "), ptr->stats.tx_compressed);
-- if (ptr->tx_queue_len != -1)
-- printf(_("txqueuelen:%d "), ptr->tx_queue_len);
-- printf("\n ");
-- printf(_("RX bytes:%llu (%lu.%lu %s) TX bytes:%llu (%lu.%lu %s)\n"),
-- rx, (unsigned long)(short_rx / 10),
-- (unsigned long)(short_rx % 10), Rext,
-- tx, (unsigned long)(short_tx / 10),
-- (unsigned long)(short_tx % 10), Text);
-+ ptr->stats.tx_carrier_errors, ptr->stats.collisions);
- }
- if ((ptr->map.irq || ptr->map.mem_start || ptr->map.dma ||
-- ptr->map.base_addr)) {
-- printf(" ");
-+ ptr->map.base_addr >= 0x100)) {
-+ printf(" device ");
- if (ptr->map.irq)
-- printf(_("Interrupt:%d "), ptr->map.irq);
-- if (ptr->map.base_addr >= 0x100) /* Only print devices using it for
-+ printf(_("interrupt %d "), ptr->map.irq);
-+ if (ptr->map.base_addr >= 0x100) /* Only print devices using it for
- I/O maps */
-- printf(_("Base address:0x%x "), ptr->map.base_addr);
-+ printf(_("base 0x%x "), ptr->map.base_addr);
- if (ptr->map.mem_start) {
-- printf(_("Memory:%lx-%lx "), ptr->map.mem_start, ptr->map.mem_end);
-+ printf(_("memory 0x%lx-%lx "), ptr->map.mem_start, ptr->map.mem_end);
- }
- if (ptr->map.dma)
-- printf(_("DMA chan:%x "), ptr->map.dma);
-+ printf(_(" dma 0x%x"), ptr->map.dma);
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n");
-diff --git a/lib/ipx.c b/lib/ipx.c
-index 0e760a3..837788c 100644
---- a/lib/ipx.c
-+++ b/lib/ipx.c
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- #endif
- /* Display a ipx domain address. */
--static char *IPX_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *IPX_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
- struct sockaddr_ipx *sipx = (struct sockaddr_ipx *) (ptr - 2);
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static char *IPX_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display a ipx domain address. */
--static char *IPX_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *IPX_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buf[64];
-@@ -87,12 +87,10 @@ static int IPX_getsock(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
- char *sp = bufp, *bp;
- unsigned int i;
-- unsigned char val;
- struct sockaddr_ipx *sipx = (struct sockaddr_ipx *) sap;
- sipx->sipx_port = 0;
-- val = 0;
- bp = (char *) sipx->sipx_node;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sipx->sipx_node); i++) {
- *sp = toupper(*sp);
-@@ -133,6 +131,9 @@ static int IPX_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- char *ep;
- int nbo;
-+ if (!sai)
-+ return (-1);
- sai->sipx_family = AF_IPX;
- sai->sipx_network = htonl(0);
- sai->sipx_node[0] = sai->sipx_node[1] = sai->sipx_node[2] =
-diff --git a/lib/ipx_gr.c b/lib/ipx_gr.c
-index 3d7ef1d..09c8dcd 100644
---- a/lib/ipx_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/ipx_gr.c
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- /* UGLY */
-@@ -38,25 +39,32 @@ int IPX_rprint(int options)
- char net[128], router_net[128];
- char router_node[128];
- int num;
-- FILE *fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE, "r");
-+ FILE *fp;
- struct aftype *ap;
- struct sockaddr sa;
-- if ((ap = get_afntype(AF_IPX)) == NULL) {
-- EINTERN("lib/ipx_rt.c", "AF_IPX missing");
-- return (-1);
-+ fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE1, "r");
-+ if (!fp) {
-+ fp = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE2, "r");
- }
- if (!fp) {
-- printf(_("IPX not configured in this system.\n"));
-+ perror(NULL);
-+ printf(_("IPX routing not in file %s or %s found.\n"), _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE1, _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE2);
- return 1;
- }
-+ if ((ap = get_afntype(AF_IPX)) == NULL) {
-+ EINTERN("lib/ipx_rt.c", "AF_IPX missing");
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
- printf(_("Kernel IPX routing table\n")); /* xxx */
- printf(_("Destination Router Net Router Node\n"));
-- fgets(buff, 1023, fp);
-+ if (fgets(buff, 1023, fp))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buff, 1023, fp)) {
- num = sscanf(buff, "%s %s %s", net, router_net, router_node);
-@@ -65,15 +73,15 @@ int IPX_rprint(int options)
- /* Fetch and resolve the Destination */
- (void) ap->input(5, net, &sa);
-- strcpy(net, ap->sprint(&sa, numeric));
-+ safe_strncpy(net, ap->sprint(&sa, numeric), sizeof(net));
- /* Fetch and resolve the Router Net */
- (void) ap->input(5, router_net, &sa);
-- strcpy(router_net, ap->sprint(&sa, numeric));
-+ safe_strncpy(router_net, ap->sprint(&sa, numeric), sizeof(router_net));
- /* Fetch and resolve the Router Node */
- (void) ap->input(2, router_node, &sa);
-- strcpy(router_node, ap->sprint(&sa, numeric));
-+ safe_strncpy(router_node, ap->sprint(&sa, numeric), sizeof(router_node));
- printf("%-25s %-25s %-25s\n", net, router_net, router_node);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/irda.c b/lib/irda.c
-index fa147fe..3658673 100644
---- a/lib/irda.c
-+++ b/lib/irda.c
-@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
- /*********************************************************************
-- *
-+ *
- * Filename: irda.c
-- * Version: 0.1
-- * Description: A first attempt to make ifconfig understand IrDA
-+ * Version: 0.2
-+ * Description: A second attempt to make ifconfig understand IrDA
- * Status: Experimental.
- * Author: Dag Brattli <>
- * Created at: Wed Apr 21 09:03:09 1999
- * Modified at: Wed Apr 21 09:17:05 1999
- * Modified by: Dag Brattli <>
-- *
-- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * Modified at: Wed May 1 11:51:44 CEST 2002
-+ * Modified by: Christoph Bartelmus <>
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- *
-+ *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
-- *
-- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
-- *
-+ *
- ********************************************************************/
- #include "config.h"
-@@ -57,11 +59,11 @@
- * Print hardware address of interface
- *
- */
--static char *irda_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *irda_print(const char *ptr)
- {
-- static char buff[8];
-+ static char buff[12];
-- sprintf(&buff[strlen(buff)], "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", ptr[3], ptr[2],
-+ snprintf(buff, 12, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", ptr[3], ptr[2],
- ptr[1], ptr[0]);
- return (buff);
-diff --git a/lib/loopback.c b/lib/loopback.c
-index 0f08ac2..1b7e9cc 100644
---- a/lib/loopback.c
-+++ b/lib/loopback.c
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- #include "util.h"
- /* Display an UNSPEC address. */
--static char *pr_unspec(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_unspec(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
- char *pos;
-diff --git a/lib/masq_info.c b/lib/masq_info.c
-index 45ca689..3a97a98 100644
---- a/lib/masq_info.c
-+++ b/lib/masq_info.c
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- * NET-3 Networking Distribution for the LINUX operating
- * system. (net-tools, net-drivers)
- *
-- * Version: $Id: masq_info.c,v 1.7 2000/10/08 01:00:44 ecki Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: masq_info.c,v 1.8 2009/09/06 22:52:01 vapier Exp $
- *
- * Author: Bernd 'eckes' Eckenfels <>
- * Copyright 1999 Bernd Eckenfels, Germany
-@@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ static int read_masqinfo(FILE * f, struct masq *mslist, int nmslist)
- ms->src.sin_family = AF_INET;
- ms->dst.sin_family = AF_INET;
-- if (strcmp("TCP", buf) == 0)
-+ if (strcmp("IP", buf) == 0)
-+ ms->proto = "ip";
-+ else if (strcmp("TCP", buf) == 0)
- ms->proto = "tcp";
- else if (strcmp("UDP", buf) == 0)
- ms->proto = "udp";
-@@ -206,10 +208,9 @@ int ip_masq_info(int numeric_host, int numeric_port, int ext)
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ntotal; i++)
- print_masq(&(mslist[i]), numeric_host, numeric_port, ext);
-- if (mslist)
-- free(mslist);
- }
-+ free(mslist);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
-diff --git a/lib/net-features.h b/lib/net-features.h
-index 0de2730..569f4a5 100644
---- a/lib/net-features.h
-+++ b/lib/net-features.h
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- * your option) any later version.
- */
- * This needs to be included AFTER the KErnel Header Files
- * one of the FEATURE_ should be defined to get the Feature Variable
- * definition included
-@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ static char *Features =
- "-I18N"
- #endif /* I18N */
- "\nAF: "
- #ifdef DFLT_AF
-@@ -183,6 +186,12 @@ static char *Features =
- "-"
- #endif
- "ROSE "
- "\nHW: "
-@@ -295,6 +304,13 @@ static char *Features =
- "-"
- #endif
-+#if HAVE_HWEUI64
-+"EUI64 "
- ;
-diff --git a/lib/net-support.h b/lib/net-support.h
-index 568fe81..0841170 100644
---- a/lib/net-support.h
-+++ b/lib/net-support.h
-@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ struct aftype {
- char *title;
- int af;
- int alen;
-- char *(*print) (unsigned char *);
-- char *(*sprint) (struct sockaddr *, int numeric);
-+ const char *(*print) (const char *);
-+ const char *(*sprint) (struct sockaddr *, int numeric);
- int (*input) (int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *);
- void (*herror) (char *text);
- int (*rprint) (int options);
- int (*rinput) (int typ, int ext, char **argv);
- /* may modify src */
-- int (*getmask) (char *src, struct sockaddr * mask, char *name);
-+ int (*getmask) (char *src, struct sockaddr *mask, char *name);
- int fd;
- char *flag_file;
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ struct hwtype {
- char *title;
- int type;
- int alen;
-- char *(*print) (unsigned char *);
-+ const char *(*print) (const char *);
- int (*input) (char *, struct sockaddr *);
- int (*activate) (int fd);
- int suppress_null_addr;
-@@ -119,11 +119,12 @@ extern int IPX_rinput(int action, int flags, char **argv);
- extern int NETROM_rinput(int action, int flags, char **argv);
- extern int AX25_rinput(int action, int flags, char **argv);
- extern int X25_rinput(int action, int flags, char **argv);
-+extern int ROSE_rinput(int action, int flags, char **argv);
- extern int aftrans_opt(const char *arg);
- extern void aftrans_def(char *tool, char *argv0, char *dflt);
--extern char *get_sname(int socknumber, char *proto, int numeric);
-+extern const char *get_sname(int socknumber, const char *proto, int numeric);
- extern int flag_unx;
- extern int flag_ipx;
-@@ -131,14 +132,16 @@ extern int flag_ax25;
- extern int flag_ddp;
- extern int flag_netrom;
- extern int flag_x25;
-+extern int flag_rose;
- extern int flag_inet;
- extern int flag_inet6;
-+extern int flag_bluetooth;
--extern char afname[];
-+extern char afname[256];
- #define AFTRANS_OPTS \
- {"ax25", 0, 0, 1}, \
-- {"x25", 0, 0, 1}, \
-+ {"x25", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"ip", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"ipx", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"appletalk", 0, 0, 1}, \
-@@ -146,9 +149,11 @@ extern char afname[];
- {"inet", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"inet6", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"ddp", 0, 0, 1}, \
-+ {"rose", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"unix", 0, 0, 1}, \
-+ {"bluetooth", 0, 0, 1}, \
- {"tcpip", 0, 0, 1}
--#define AFTRANS_CNT 11
-+#define AFTRANS_CNT 12
- #define EINTERN(file, text) fprintf(stderr, \
- _("%s: Internal Error `%s'.\n"),file,text);
-@@ -163,8 +168,8 @@ extern char afname[];
- #define E_NOTFOUND 8
- #define E_SOCK 7
- #define E_LOOKUP 6
--#define E_VERSION 5
--#define E_USAGE 4
- #define E_OPTERR 3
- #define E_INTERN 2
- #define E_NOSUPP 1
-@@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ extern char afname[];
- /* this is a 2.0.36 flag from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/route.h */
- #define RTF_NOTCACHED 0x0400 /* this route isn't cached */
- #ifndef AF_ECONET
- #define AF_ECONET 19 /* Acorn Econet */
- #endif
-diff --git a/lib/netrom.c b/lib/netrom.c
-index 1de9dc3..dfe1ae3 100644
---- a/lib/netrom.c
-+++ b/lib/netrom.c
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-- *
-+ *
- * Changes:
- * 980701 {1.21} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo - GNU gettext instead of catgets,
- * strncpy instead of strcpy for
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static char netrom_errmsg[128];
- extern struct aftype netrom_aftype;
--static char *NETROM_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *NETROM_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[8];
- int i;
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static char *NETROM_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display an AX.25 socket address. */
--static char *NETROM_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *NETROM_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- char buf[64];
- if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
-@@ -79,10 +79,15 @@ static char *NETROM_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- return (NETROM_print(((struct sockaddr_ax25 *) sap)->sax25_call.ax25_call));
- }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- static int NETROM_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char *orig, c;
- unsigned int i;
-@@ -98,9 +103,8 @@ static int NETROM_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- c = toupper(c);
- if (!(isupper(c) || isdigit(c))) {
- safe_strncpy(netrom_errmsg, _("Invalid callsign"), sizeof(netrom_errmsg));
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "netrom_input(%s): %s !\n", netrom_errmsg, orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "netrom_input(%s): %s !\n", netrom_errmsg, orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -111,9 +115,8 @@ static int NETROM_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* Callsign too long? */
- if ((i == 6) && (*bufp != '-') && (*bufp != '\0')) {
- safe_strncpy(netrom_errmsg, _("Callsign too long"), sizeof(netrom_errmsg));
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "netrom_input(%s): %s !\n", netrom_errmsg, orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "netrom_input(%s): %s !\n", netrom_errmsg, orig);
- errno = E2BIG;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -131,12 +134,12 @@ static int NETROM_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- }
- /* All done. */
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "netrom_input(%s): ", orig);
-- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ax25_address); i++)
-- fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", sap->sa_data[i] & 0377);
-- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-+ if (_DEBUG) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, "netrom_input(%s): ", orig);
-+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ax25_address); i++)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", sap->sa_data[i] & 0377);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-+ }
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/netrom_gr.c b/lib/netrom_gr.c
-index adf54b2..ec82fe8 100644
---- a/lib/netrom_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/netrom_gr.c
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- *
- * Changes:
- * 980701 {0.02} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo GNU gettext instead of catgets
-- *
-+ *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ int NETROM_rprint(int options)
- /*int ext = options & FLAG_EXT;
- int numeric = options & FLAG_NUM_HOST; */
-- f1 = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_NR_NODES, "r");
- if (!f1) perror(_PATH_PROCNET_NR_NODES);
-- f2 = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_NR_NEIGH, "r");
- if (!f2) perror(_PATH_PROCNET_NR_NEIGH);
- if (f1 == NULL || f2 == NULL) {
-@@ -50,7 +48,8 @@ int NETROM_rprint(int options)
- }
- printf(_("Kernel NET/ROM routing table\n"));
- printf(_("Destination Mnemonic Quality Neighbour Iface\n"));
-- fgets(buffer, 256, f1);
-+ if (fgets(buffer, 256, f1))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buffer, 256, f1)) {
- buffer[9] = 0;
- buffer[17] = 0;
-@@ -60,7 +59,8 @@ int NETROM_rprint(int options)
- qual = atoi(buffer + 24 + 15 * w);
- n = atoi(buffer + 32 + 15 * w);
- rewind(f2);
-- fgets(buffer, 256, f2);
-+ if (fgets(buffer, 256, f2))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buffer, 256, f2)) {
- if (atoi(buffer) == n) {
- buffer[15] = 0;
-diff --git a/lib/nstrcmp.c b/lib/nstrcmp.c
-index 8b1ff30..e05c778 100644
---- a/lib/nstrcmp.c
-+++ b/lib/nstrcmp.c
-@@ -1,34 +1,190 @@
- /* Copyright 1998 by Andi Kleen. Subject to the GPL. */
--/* $Id: nstrcmp.c,v 1.2 1998/11/15 20:11:38 freitag Exp $ */
-+/* rewritten by bernd eckenfels because of complicated alias semantic */
-+/* $Id: nstrcmp.c,v 1.4 2004/06/03 22:49:17 ecki Exp $ */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
- #include "util.h"
--/* like strcmp(), but knows about numbers */
--int nstrcmp(const char *astr, const char *b)
-+/* return numerical :999 suffix or null. sideeffect: replace ':' with \0 */
-+char* cutalias(char* name)
-+ int digit = 0;
-+ int pos;
-+ for(pos=strlen(name); pos>0; pos--)
-+ {
-+ if (name[pos-1]==':' && digit)
-+ {
-+ name[pos-1]='\0';
-+ return name+pos;
-+ }
-+ if (!isdigit(name[pos-1]))
-+ break;
-+ digit = 1;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+/* return index of last non digit or -1 if it does not end with digits */
-+int rindex_nondigit(char *name)
-+ int pos = strlen(name);
-+ for(pos=strlen(name); pos>0; pos--)
-+ {
-+ if (!isdigit(name[pos-1]))
-+ return pos;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+/* like strcmp(), but knows about numbers and ':' alias suffix */
-+int nstrcmp(const char *ap, const char *bp)
-+ char *a = xstrdup(ap);
-+ char *b = xstrdup(bp);
-+ char *an, *bn;
-+ int av = 0, bv = 0;
-+ char *aalias=cutalias(a);
-+ char *balias=cutalias(b);
-+ int aindex=rindex_nondigit(a);
-+ int bindex=rindex_nondigit(b);
-+ int complen=(aindex<bindex)?aindex:bindex;
-+ int res = strncmp(a, b, complen);
-+ if (res != 0) {
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (aindex > bindex) {
-+ res = 1;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (aindex < bindex) {
-+ res = -1;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ an = a+aindex;
-+ bn = b+bindex;
-+ av = atoi(an);
-+ bv = atoi(bn);
-+ if (av < bv) {
-+ res = -1;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (av > bv) {
-+ res = 1;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ res = strcmp(a, b);
-+ if (res != 0) {
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ av = -1;
-+ if (aalias != NULL)
-+ av = atoi(aalias);
-+ bv = -1;
-+ if (balias != NULL)
-+ bv = atoi(balias);
-+ if (av < bv) {
-+ res = -1;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (av > bv) {
-+ res = 1;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (aalias && balias) {
-+ res = strcmp(aalias, balias);
-+ }
-+ free(a); free(b);
-+ return res;
-+int cs(int s)
-+ if (s < 0) return -1;
-+ if (s > 0) return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+int dotest(char* a, char* b, int exp)
-+ int res = nstrcmp(a, b);
-+ int err = (cs(res) != cs(exp));
-+ printf("nstrcmp(\"%s\", \"%s\")=%d %d %s\n", a, b, res, exp, err?"WRONG":"OK");
-+ return err;
-+int main()
- {
-- const char *a = astr;
-- while (*a == *b) {
-- if (*a == '\0')
-- return 0;
-- a++;
-- b++;
-- }
-- if (isdigit(*a)) {
-- if (!isdigit(*b))
-- return -1;
-- while (a > astr) {
-- a--;
-- if (!isdigit(*a)) {
-- a++;
-- break;
-- }
-- if (!isdigit(*b))
-- return -1;
-- b--;
-- }
-- return atoi(a) > atoi(b) ? 1 : -1;
-- }
-- return *a - *b;
-+ int err = 0;
-+ err |= dotest("eth1", "eth1", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("eth0:1", "eth0:1", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("lan", "lan", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("100", "100", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("", "", 0);
-+ err |= dotest(":", ":", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("a:b:c", "a:b:c", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("a:", "a:", 0);
-+ err |= dotest(":a", ":a", 0);
-+ err |= dotest("a", "aa", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth0", "eth1", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1", "eth20", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth20", "eth100", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1", "eth13", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth", "eth2", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth0:1", "eth0:2", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1:10", "eth13:10", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1:1", "eth1:13", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("a", "a:", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("aa", "a", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth2", "eth1", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth13", "eth1", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth2", "eth", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth2:10", "eth2:1", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth2:5", "eth2:4", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth3:2", "eth2:3", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth13:1", "eth1:0", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("a:", "a", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("a1b12", "a1b2", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1", "eth01", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth01", "eth1", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1:1", "eth01:1", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth01:1", "eth1:1", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1:1", "eth01:01", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth1:01", "eth01:1", 1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth01:1", "eth1:01", -1);
-+ err |= dotest("eth01:01", "eth1:1", -1);
-+ return err;
- }
-diff --git a/lib/pathnames.h b/lib/pathnames.h
-index 1f7fefb..14b051c 100644
---- a/lib/pathnames.h
-+++ b/lib/pathnames.h
-@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
- /*
-- * lib/pathnames.h This file contains the definitions of the path
-+ * lib/pathnames.h This file contains the definitions of the path
- * names used by the NET-LIB.
- *
-- * NET-LIB
-+ * NET-LIB
- *
- * Version: lib/pathnames.h 1.37 (1997-08-23)
- *
-@@ -17,6 +16,12 @@
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_TCP6 "/proc/net/tcp6"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_UDP "/proc/net/udp"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_UDP6 "/proc/net/udp6"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_UDPLITE "/proc/net/udplite"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_UDPLITE6 "/proc/net/udplite6"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_SCTPEPTS "/proc/net/sctp/eps"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_SCTP6EPTS "/proc/net/sctp6/eps"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_SCTPASSOCS "/proc/net/sctp/assocs"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_SCTP6ASSOCS "/proc/net/sctp6/assocs"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_RAW "/proc/net/raw"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_RAW6 "/proc/net/raw6"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_UNIX "/proc/net/unix"
-@@ -29,8 +34,10 @@
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_NR_NODES "/proc/net/nr_nodes"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_ARP "/proc/net/arp"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_AX25 "/proc/net/ax25"
--#define _PATH_PROCNET_IPX "/proc/net/ipx"
--#define _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE "/proc/net/ipx_route"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_SOCKET1 "/proc/net/ipx/socket"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_SOCKET2 "/proc/net/ipx"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE1 "/proc/net/ipx/route"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_IPX_ROUTE2 "/proc/net/ipx_route"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_ATALK "/proc/net/appletalk"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_IP_BLK "/proc/net/ip_block"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_IP_FWD "/proc/net/ip_forward"
-@@ -42,9 +49,12 @@
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_RARP "/proc/net/rarp"
- #define _PATH_ETHERS "/etc/ethers"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_ROSE_ROUTE "/proc/net/rose_routes"
--#define _PATH_PROCNET_X25 "/proc/net/x25"
--#define _PATH_PROCNET_X25_ROUTE "/proc/net/x25_routes"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_X25 "/proc/net/x25"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_X25_ROUTE "/proc/net/x25/route"
- #define _PATH_PROCNET_DEV_MCAST "/proc/net/dev_mcast"
-+#define _PATH_PROCNET_ATALK_ROUTE "/proc/net/atalk_route"
-+#define _PATH_SYS_BLUETOOTH_L2CAP "/sys/class/bluetooth/l2cap"
-+#define _PATH_SYS_BLUETOOTH_RFCOMM "/sys/class/bluetooth/rfcomm"
- /* pathname for the netlink device */
- #define _PATH_DEV_ROUTE "/dev/route"
-diff --git a/lib/ppp.c b/lib/ppp.c
-index 8bf1499..27d660c 100644
---- a/lib/ppp.c
-+++ b/lib/ppp.c
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
- *
- * Modified by Alan Cox, May 94 to cover NET-3
-- *
-+ *
- * Changes:
- * 980701 {1.12} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo - GNU gettext instead of catgets
- *
-diff --git a/lib/proc.c b/lib/proc.c
-index bf34dbe..8e4711d 100644
---- a/lib/proc.c
-+++ b/lib/proc.c
-@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
- /* Tolerant /proc file parser. Copyright 1998 Andi Kleen */
--/* $Id: proc.c,v 1.4 1999/01/05 20:54:00 philip Exp $ */
--/* Fixme: cannot currently cope with removed fields */
-+/* $Id: proc.c,v 1.5 2007/12/01 18:44:57 ecki Exp $ */
-+/* Fixme: cannot currently cope with removed fields */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include "util.h"
- /* Caller must free return string. */
-@@ -46,10 +49,10 @@ char *proc_gen_fmt(char *name, int more, FILE * fh,...)
- name, title);
- return NULL;
- }
-- return strdup(format);
-+ return xstrdup(format);
- }
- * this will generate a bitmask of present/missing fields in the header of
- * a /proc file.
- */
-@@ -72,3 +75,22 @@ int proc_guess_fmt(char *name, FILE *fh, ...)
- va_end(ap);
- return flag;
- }
-+FILE *proc_fopen(const char *name)
-+ static char *buffer;
-+ static size_t pagesz;
-+ FILE *fd = fopen(name, "r");
-+ if (fd == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ if (!buffer) {
-+ pagesz = getpagesize();
-+ buffer = malloc(pagesz);
-+ }
-+ setvbuf(fd, buffer, _IOFBF, pagesz);
-+ return fd;
-diff --git a/lib/proc.h b/lib/proc.h
-index 91f803c..379de23 100644
---- a/lib/proc.h
-+++ b/lib/proc.h
-@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
--/* Generate a suitable scanf format for a column title line */
-+ * prototypes for proc.c
-+ */
- char *proc_gen_fmt(char *name, int more, FILE * fh,...);
- int proc_guess_fmt(char *name, FILE* fh,...);
-+FILE *proc_fopen(const char *name);
-diff --git a/lib/rose.c b/lib/rose.c
-index 381226b..6286cb1 100644
---- a/lib/rose.c
-+++ b/lib/rose.c
-@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- #ifndef _NETROSE_ROSE_H
- #include <linux/ax25.h>
-@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ static char ROSE_errmsg[128];
- extern struct aftype rose_aftype;
--static char *
-- ROSE_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *
-+ ROSE_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[12];
-@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ static char *
- }
- /* Display a ROSE socket address. */
--static char *
-+static const char *
- ROSE_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
-@@ -73,7 +74,6 @@ static char *
- return (ROSE_print(((struct sockaddr_rose *) sap)->srose_addr.rose_addr));
- }
- static int ROSE_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
- char *ptr;
-@@ -84,10 +84,7 @@ static int ROSE_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* Node address the correct length ? */
- if (strlen(bufp) != 10) {
-- strcpy(ROSE_errmsg, _("Node address must be ten digits"));
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "rose_input(%s): %s !\n", ROSE_errmsg, orig);
-+ safe_strncpy(ROSE_errmsg, _("Node address must be ten digits"), sizeof(ROSE_errmsg));
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -98,13 +95,6 @@ static int ROSE_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- }
- /* All done. */
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "rose_input(%s): ", orig);
-- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rose_address); i++)
-- fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", sap->sa_data[i] & 0377);
-- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/rose_gr.c b/lib/rose_gr.c
-index cf0a60a..a0858fd 100644
---- a/lib/rose_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/rose_gr.c
-@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ int ROSE_rprint(int options)
- }
- printf(_("Kernel ROSE routing table\n"));
- printf(_("Destination Iface Use\n"));
-- fgets(buffer, 256, f);
-+ if (fgets(buffer, 256, f))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buffer, 256, f)) {
- buffer[9] = 0;
- buffer[14] = 0;
-diff --git a/lib/strip.c b/lib/strip.c
-index fd396ba..ced2325 100644
---- a/lib/strip.c
-+++ b/lib/strip.c
-@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
- extern struct hwtype strip_hwtype;
--static char *
--pr_strip(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *
-+pr_strip(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
- if(ptr[1])
-diff --git a/lib/tr.c b/lib/tr.c
-index 8d86aa7..c5314da 100644
---- a/lib/tr.c
-+++ b/lib/tr.c
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * lib/tr.c This file contains an implementation of the "Tokenring"
- * support functions.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: tr.c,v 1.8 2000/02/02 08:56:30 freitag Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: tr.c,v 1.9 2005/05/16 03:15:12 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- * Copyright 1993 MicroWalt Corporation
-@@ -30,10 +30,16 @@
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+/* actual definition at the end of file */
- extern struct hwtype tr_hwtype;
-+#ifdef ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR
-+extern struct hwtype tr_hwtype1;
--static char *pr_tr(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_tr(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
-@@ -42,16 +48,31 @@ static char *pr_tr(unsigned char *ptr)
- (ptr[3] & 0377), (ptr[4] & 0377), (ptr[5] & 0377)
- );
- return (buff);
-+ }
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define _DEBUG 1
-+#define _DEBUG 0
- static int in_tr(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char c, *orig;
- int i, val;
-+#ifdef ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR
-+ if (kernel_version() < KRELEASE(2,3,30)) {
-+ sap->sa_family = tr_hwtype.type;
-+ } else {
-+ sap->sa_family = tr_hwtype1.type;
-+ }
- sap->sa_family = tr_hwtype.type;
-+ #warning "Limited functionality, no support for ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (old kernel headers?)"
- ptr = sap->sa_data;
- i = 0;
-@@ -66,9 +87,8 @@ static int in_tr(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val = c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -81,9 +101,8 @@ static int in_tr(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- val |= c - 'A' + 10;
- else {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, _("in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!\n"), orig);
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -92,28 +111,21 @@ static int in_tr(char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* We might get a semicolon here - not required. */
- if (*bufp == ':') {
-- if (i == TR_ALEN) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && i == TR_ALEN)
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_tr(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"),
-- orig)
-- ; /* nothing */
-- }
-+ orig);
- bufp++;
- }
- }
- /* That's it. Any trailing junk? */
-- if ((i == TR_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (_DEBUG && (i == TR_ALEN) && (*bufp != '\0')) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("in_tr(%s): trailing junk!\n"), orig);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "in_tr(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_tr(sap->sa_data));
-+ if (_DEBUG)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "in_tr(%s): %s\n", orig, pr_tr(sap->sa_data));
- return (0);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/tunnel.c b/lib/tunnel.c
-index 19606c1..8a160bf 100644
---- a/lib/tunnel.c
-+++ b/lib/tunnel.c
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- extern struct hwtype ether_hwtype;
--static char *pr_tunnel(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *pr_tunnel(const char *ptr)
- {
- return ("");
- }
-diff --git a/lib/unix.c b/lib/unix.c
-index fb4dcce..936cd48 100644
---- a/lib/unix.c
-+++ b/lib/unix.c
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- /* Display an UNSPEC address. */
--static char *UNSPEC_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *UNSPEC_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[64];
- char *pos;
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static char *UNSPEC_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display an UNSPEC socket address. */
--static char *UNSPEC_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *UNSPEC_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buf[64];
-@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ static char *UNSPEC_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- /* Display a UNIX domain address. */
--static char *UNIX_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *UNIX_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- return (ptr);
- }
- /* Display a UNIX domain address. */
--static char *UNIX_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
-+static const char *UNIX_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- static char buf[64];
-diff --git a/lib/util-ank.c b/lib/util-ank.c
-index 43a7f1c..b077f35 100644
---- a/lib/util-ank.c
-+++ b/lib/util-ank.c
-@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ int inet_addr_match(inet_prefix *a, inet_prefix *b, int bits)
- return 0;
- }
--const char *format_host(int af, void *addr, __u8 *abuf, int alen)
-+const char *format_host(int af, void *addr, char *abuf, int alen)
- {
- if (resolve_hosts) {
-diff --git a/lib/util.c b/lib/util.c
-index ac932f4..0397f1e 100644
---- a/lib/util.c
-+++ b/lib/util.c
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--/* Copyright 1998 by Andi Kleen. Subject to the GPL. */
-+/* Copyright 1998 by Andi Kleen. Subject to the GPL. */
- /* $Id: util.c,v 1.4 1998/11/17 15:17:02 freitag Exp $ */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-@@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ void *xmalloc(size_t sz)
- return p;
- }
-+/* Like strdup, but oom() instead of NULL */
-+char *xstrdup(const char *s)
-+ char *d = strdup(s);
-+ if (!d)
-+ oom();
-+ return d;
- void *xrealloc(void *oldp, size_t sz)
- {
- void *p = realloc(oldp, sz);
-@@ -33,19 +42,19 @@ void *xrealloc(void *oldp, size_t sz)
- int kernel_version(void)
- {
- struct utsname uts;
-- int major, minor, patch;
-+ int major, minor, patch=0;
- if (uname(&uts) < 0)
- return -1;
-- if (sscanf(uts.release, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch) != 3)
-+ if (sscanf(uts.release, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch) < 2)
- return -1;
- return KRELEASE(major, minor, patch);
- }
--/* Like strncpy but make sure the resulting string is always 0 terminated. */
-+/* Like strncpy but make sure the resulting string is always 0 terminated. */
- char *safe_strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
- dst[size-1] = '\0';
-- return strncpy(dst,src,size-1);
-+ return strncpy(dst,src,size-1);
- }
-diff --git a/lib/util.h b/lib/util.h
-index 6acb158..b7598e8 100644
---- a/lib/util.h
-+++ b/lib/util.h
-@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- void *xmalloc(size_t sz);
- void *xrealloc(void *p, size_t sz);
-+char *xstrdup(const char *src);
- #define new(p) ((p) = xmalloc(sizeof(*(p))))
-@@ -12,5 +13,8 @@ int kernel_version(void);
- int nstrcmp(const char *, const char *);
--char *safe_strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
-+char *safe_strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
-+#define netmin(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
-+#define netmax(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
-diff --git a/lib/x25.c b/lib/x25.c
-index 1ffb569..45de5af 100644
---- a/lib/x25.c
-+++ b/lib/x25.c
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #include "net-locale.h"
- #endif
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- static char X25_errmsg[128];
-@@ -50,8 +51,8 @@ extern struct aftype x25_aftype;
- #endif
--static char *
--X25_print(unsigned char *ptr)
-+static const char *
-+X25_print(const char *ptr)
- {
- static char buff[X25_ADDR_LEN+1];
-@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ X25_print(unsigned char *ptr)
- /* Display an X.25 socket address. */
--static char *
-+static const char *
- X25_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- {
- if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
-@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ X25_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
- static int
- X25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- {
-- unsigned char *ptr;
-+ char *ptr;
- char *p;
- unsigned int sigdigits;
-@@ -88,9 +89,11 @@ X25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* Address the correct length ? */
- if (strlen(bufp)>18) {
-- strcpy(X25_errmsg, _("Address can't exceed eighteen digits with sigdigits"));
-+ safe_strncpy(X25_errmsg,
-+ _("Address can't exceed eighteen digits with sigdigits"),
-+ sizeof(X25_errmsg));
- #ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "x25_input(%s): %s !\n", X25_errmsg, orig);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "x25_input(%s): %s !\n", bufp, X25_errmsg);
- #endif
- errno = EINVAL;
- return(-1);
-@@ -105,10 +108,11 @@ X25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- }
- if (strlen(bufp) < 1 || strlen(bufp) > 15 || sigdigits > strlen(bufp)) {
-- *p = '/';
-- strcpy(X25_errmsg, _("Invalid address"));
-+ if (p != NULL)
-+ *p = '/';
-+ safe_strncpy(X25_errmsg, _("Invalid address"), sizeof(X25_errmsg));
- #ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "x25_input(%s): %s !\n", X25_errmsg, orig);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "x25_input(%s): %s !\n", bufp, X25_errmsg);
- #endif
- errno = EINVAL;
- return(-1);
-@@ -118,10 +122,7 @@ X25_input(int type, char *bufp, struct sockaddr *sap)
- /* All done. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "x25_input(%s): ", orig);
-- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(x25_address); i++)
-- fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", sap->sa_data[i] & 0377);
-- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "x25_input(%s)\n", bufp);
- #endif
- return sigdigits;
-@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ struct hwtype x25_hwtype = {
- };
- struct aftype x25_aftype =
- "x25", NULL, /*"CCITT X.25", */ AF_X25, X25_ADDR_LEN,
- X25_print, X25_sprint, X25_input, X25_herror,
- X25_rprint, X25_rinput, NULL /* getmask */,
-diff --git a/lib/x25_gr.c b/lib/x25_gr.c
-index 187fc05..79682e0 100644
---- a/lib/x25_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/x25_gr.c
-@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
-+#include "proc.h"
- #define EXTERN
- #if 0
- #include "net-locale.h"
-@@ -48,9 +49,18 @@
- #define X25_ADDR_LEN 16
- #endif
-+static FILE *proc_fopen_x25_route(void)
-+ FILE *ret = proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_X25_ROUTE);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ /* try old linux-2.4 name */
-+ return proc_fopen("/proc/net/x25_routes");
- int X25_rprint(int options)
- {
-- FILE *f=fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_X25_ROUTE, "r");
-+ FILE *f=proc_fopen_x25_route();
- char buffer[256];
- char *p;
- int digits;
-@@ -62,7 +72,8 @@ int X25_rprint(int options)
- }
- printf( _("Kernel X.25 routing table\n")); /* xxx */
- printf( _("Destination Iface\n")); /* xxx */
-- fgets(buffer,256,f);
-+ if (fgets(buffer,256,f))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while(fgets(buffer,256,f))
- {
- p = strchr(buffer,'\n');
-diff --git a/lib/x25_sr.c b/lib/x25_sr.c
-index 8637c98..fde79dc 100644
---- a/lib/x25_sr.c
-+++ b/lib/x25_sr.c
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #include "net-locale.h"
- #endif
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- #include "net-features.h"
-@@ -64,10 +65,10 @@ static int X25_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- if (*args == NULL)
- return(usage());
-- strcpy(target, *args++);
-+ safe_strncpy(target, *args++, sizeof(target));
- /* Clean out the x25_route_struct structure. */
-- memset((char *) &rt, 0, sizeof(struct x25_route_struct));
-+ memset((char *) &rt, 0, sizeof(rt));
- if ((sigdigits = x25_aftype.input(0, target, (struct sockaddr *)&sx25)) < 0) {
-@@ -76,8 +77,8 @@ static int X25_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- }
- rt.sigdigits=sigdigits;
-- /* x25_route_struct.address isn't type struct sockaddr_x25, Why? */
-- memcpy(&rt.address, &sx25.sx25_addr, sizeof(x25_address));
-+ /* this works with 2.4 and 2.6 headers struct x25_address vs. typedef */
-+ memcpy(&rt.address, &sx25.sx25_addr, sizeof(sx25.sx25_addr));
- while (*args) {
- if (!strcmp(*args,"device") || !strcmp(*args,"dev")) {
-@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ static int X25_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- return(usage());
- if (rt.device[0])
- return(usage());
-- strcpy(rt.device, *args);
-+ safe_strncpy(rt.device, *args, sizeof(rt.device));
- args++;
- }
- if (rt.device[0]=='\0')
-@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ static int X25_setroute(int action, int options, char **args)
- perror("socket");
- return(E_SOCK);
- }
- /* Tell the kernel to accept this route. */
- if (action==RTACTION_DEL) {
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCDELRT, &rt) < 0) {
-@@ -137,14 +138,14 @@ int X25_rinput(int action, int options, char **args)
- if (action == RTACTION_FLUSH) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Flushing `x25' routing table not supported\n");
- return(usage());
-- }
-+ }
- if (options & FLAG_CACHE) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Modifying `x25' routing cache not supported\n");
- return(usage());
-- }
-+ }
- if ((*args == NULL) || (action == RTACTION_HELP))
- return(usage());
- return(X25_setroute(action, options, args));
- }
- #endif /* HAVE_AFX25 */
-diff --git a/man/Makefile b/man/Makefile
-index 4ef1af8..23f5468 100644
---- a/man/Makefile
-+++ b/man/Makefile
-@@ -29,9 +29,14 @@ mandir=/usr/share/man
- -include ../config.make
- ifeq ($(I18N),1)
--LANGS=`ls -d * | grep -v Makefile`
-+ALL_LANGS = $(filter-out Makefile,$(wildcard *))
-+ifeq ($(LINGUAS),)
- else
-+LANGS = $(sort $(filter $(LINGUAS),$(ALL_LANGS)) en_US)
-+LANGS = en_US
- endif
- all:
-@@ -43,7 +48,7 @@ clean:
- clobber: clean
- install:
-- LANGS=$(LANGS) ; \
-+ LANGS='$(LANGS)' ; \
- for LANG in $$LANGS; do \
- cd $$LANG; \
- for SECTION in 1 5 8; do \
-diff --git a/man/de_DE/arp.8 b/man/de_DE/arp.8
-index debd879..79abfc7 100644
---- a/man/de_DE/arp.8
-+++ b/man/de_DE/arp.8
-@@ -1,149 +1,145 @@
--.TH ARP 8 "6. M\(:arz 1999" "net-tools" "Handbuch f\(:ur Linuxprogrammierer"
-+.TH ARP 8 "17. Oktober 2012" "net-tools" "Handbuch f\(:ur Linuxprogrammierer"
- arp \- Manipulation des ARP-Caches
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-vn ]
--.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
--.RB [ "-i Schnittstelle" ]
--.B -a
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-vn ]
-+.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
-+.RB [ "-i Schnittstelle" ]
-+.B -a
- .RB [ Rechnername ]
- .PP
--.B arp
-+.B arp
- .RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-i if" ]
-+.RB [ "\-i Schnittstelle" ]
- .B "\-d Rechnername"
- .RB [ pub ]
- .PP
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
--.RB [ "\-i Schnittstelle" ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
-+.RB [ "\-i Schnittstelle" ]
- .B -s Rechnername hw_adr
--.RB [ temp ]
-+.RB [ temp ]
- .PP
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
--.RB [ "\-i Interface" ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
-+.RB [ "\-i Interface" ]
- .B -s Rechnername hw_adr
--.RB [ "netmask nm" ]
-+.RB [ "netmask Maske" ]
- .B pub
- .PP
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
--.RB [ "\-i Schnittstelle" ]
--.B -Ds Rechnername ifa
--.RB [ "netmask nm" ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
-+.RB [ "\-i Schnittstelle" ]
-+.B -Ds Rechnername Schnittstelle2
-+.RB [ "netmask Maske" ]
- .B pub
- .PP
--.B arp
-+.B arp
- .RB [ \-vnD ]
--.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
-+.RB [ "\-H Typ" ]
- .RB [ "-i Schnittstelle" ]
- .B -f [Dateiname]
- .B Arp
- kann den ARP-Cache des Kernels auf verschiedene Arten manipulieren. Die
--haupts\(:achliche Verwendung ist es Adresszuordnungseintr\(:age zu
-+haupts\(:achliche Verwendung ist es, Adresszuordnungseintr\(:age zu
- l\(:oschen und von Hand neue zu erzeugen. Zum Zweck der Fehlersuche ist
--moeglich mit dem
--.B arp
--Programm den Inhalt des ARP-Caches vollst\(:andig auszugeben.
-+es m\(:oglich, mit dem
-+.BR arp -Programm
-+den Inhalt des ARP-Caches vollst\(:andig auszugeben.
-+.B ARP
-+steht f\(:ur Address Resolution Protocol, welches dazu verwendet wird, \(:uber
-+die IPv4-Adresse die MAC-Adresse von Nachbarn im Netzwerk zu finden.
- .TP
- .B "\-v, \-\-verbose"
- Ausf\(:uhrlichere Ausgaben.
- .TP
- .B "\-n, \-\-numeric"
--macht numerische Adressausgaben anstatt zu versuche, den symbolischen Rechner-,
-+Numerische Adressausgaben anstatt zu versuchen, den symbolischen Rechner-,
- Port- oder Benutzernamen zu ermitteln.
- .TP
--.B "\-H type, \-\-hw-type type"
-+.B "\-H Typ, \-\-hw-type Typ"
- Beim Setzen oder Auslesen des ARP-Caches schr\(:ankt diese Option
--ein, auf welcher Klasse von Eintr\(:agen
-+ein, auf welcher Klasse von Eintr\(:agen
- .B arp
- operieren soll. Der Standardwert dieses Arguments ist
- .B ether
- (d.h. Hardwarecode 0x01 f\(:ur IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet).
- Andere m\(:ogliche Werte sind Netzwerkstechnologien so wie z.B.
--.RB "ARCnet (" arcnet ")"
--.RB "PROnet (" pronet ")"
--.RB "AX.25 (" ax25 ")"
--.RB "NET/ROM (" netrom ")."
-+.RB "ARCnet (" arcnet "), PROnet (" pronet "), AX.25 (" ax25 ") und NET/ROM (" netrom ")."
- .TP
- .B "\-a [Rechnername], \-\-display [Rechnername]"
- Zeigt die Eintr\(:age der angegebenen Rechner an. Wird kein
--.B hostname
--Argument verwendet, so werden alle Eintr\(:age aufgelistet.
-+.BR hostname -Argument
-+verwendet, so werden alle Eintr\(:age aufgelistet.
- .TP
- .B "\-d Rechnername, \-\-delete Rechnername"
--Alle Eintr\(:age f\(:ur den angegebenen Host entfernen. Dies kann z.B.
--benutzt werden, wenn ein System angehalten wird.
-+Alle Eintr\(:age f\(:ur den angegebenen Host entfernen. Dies kann z.B. benutzt
-+werden, wenn ein System angehalten wird.
- .TP
- .B "\-D, \-\-use-device"
- Die Hardwareadresse der Netzwerksschnittstelle
--.B ifa
-+.B Schnittstelle2
- verwenden.
- .TP
--.B "\-i If, \-\-device Schnittstelle"
-+.B "\-i Schnittstelle, \-\-device Schnittstelle"
- Eine Netzwerksschnittstelle ausw\(:ahlen. Es werden nur Eintr\(:age
--f\(:ur die angegebene Schnittstelle ausgedruckt. Beim Setzen von von
-+f\(:ur die angegebene Schnittstelle ausgegeben. Beim Setzen von
- permanenten oder tempor\(:aren Eintr\(:agen wird diese Schnittstelle mit
- dem Eintrag assoziiert. Wird diese Option nicht verwendet, so versucht der
--Kernel auf Basis der Routentabelle eine Schnittstelle auszuw\(:ahlen. F\(:ur
--.B pub
--Eintr\(:age ist die angegebene Schnittstelle diejenige, auf der ARP-Anfragen
-+Kernel, auf Basis der Routentabelle eine Schnittstelle auszuw\(:ahlen. F\(:ur
-+.BR pub -Eintr\(:age
-+ist die angegebene Schnittstelle diejenige, auf der ARP-Anfragen
- beantwortet werden.
- .br
--Diese Schnittstelle mu\(ss eine andere sein als die, auf die die IP-Datagramme
-+Diese Schnittstelle mu\(ss eine andere sein als die, auf welche die IP-Datagramme
- weitergeleitet werden.
- .TP
--.B "\-s Rechnername hw_addr, \-\-set Rechnername"
--Erzeugt manuel einen ARP Adresseintrag f\(:ur den Rechner
--.B Rechnername
-+.B "\-s Rechnername hw_addr, \-\-set Rechnername hw_addr"
-+Erzeugt manuell einen ARP-Adresseintrag f\(:ur den Rechner
-+.BR Rechnername ,
- in dem die Hardwareadresse auf
- .B hw_addr
- gesetzt ist. Das genaue Format der Hardwareadresse ist abh\(:angig von der
--Hardwareklasse aber f\(:ur die meisten Klassen kann man davon ausgehen, da\(ss
-+Hardwareklasse, aber f\(:ur die meisten Klassen kann man davon ausgehen, da\(ss
- die \(:ubliche Darstellung verwendet wird. F\(:ur die Ethernetklasse sind
--dies sechs hexadezimale, von Doppelpunkten getrennte Bytes. Beim Zuf\(:ugen
--von Proxy-ARP-Entr\(:agen (das sind die mit der gesetzten
--.BR pub lizieren
--Flagge) kann
--.B Netmaske
-+dies sechs hexadezimale, durch Doppelpunkte getrennte Bytes. Beim Zuf\(:ugen
-+von Proxy-ARP-Entr\(:agen (das sind die mit dem gesetzten
-+.BR pub lished-Flag)
-+kann die
-+.B Maske
- f\(:ur ARP-Eintr\(:age f\(:ur ganze Subnetze angegeben werde. Von dieser
- Praxis wird abgeraten. Sie wird von \(:alteren Kerneln unterst\(:utzt, da
--sie gelegentlich n\(:utzlich ist. Wird die
--If the
--.B temp
--Flagge nicht angegeben, so werden die erzeugten Eintr\(:age nicht dauerhaft
--in den ARP-Cache eingetragen.
-+sie gelegentlich n\(:utzlich ist.
-+Der Eintrag wird permanent im ARP-Cache gespeichert,
-+wenn das \fBtemp\fR-Flag nicht angegeben wird.
- .br
--Ab der Kernelversion 2.2.0 ist es nicht mehr m\(:oglich ARP-Eintr\(:age f\(:ur
--ganze Teilnetze zu erzeugen. Statt dessen wird automatisches Proxy ARP
-+Ab der Kernelversion 2.2.0 ist es nicht mehr m\(:oglich, ARP-Eintr\(:age f\(:ur
-+ganze Teilnetze zu erzeugen. Stattdessen wird automatisches Proxy ARP
- durchgef\(:uhrt, d.h. wenn eine Route existiert und Forwarding eingeschaltet
--ist wird automatisch ein tempor\(:arer Proxyarpeintrag erzeugt.
-+ist, wird automatisch ein tempor\(:arer Proxyarpeintrag erzeugt.
- Siehe auch
- .BR arp (7)
- f\(:ur mehr Details.
- .TP
--.B "\-f Dateiname, \-\-file Dateiname"
-+.B "\-f [Dateiname], \-\-file [Dateiname]"
- \(:Ahnlich der
- .B \-s
- Option, au\(sser, da\(ss diesmal die Adressinformation aus der Datei
- .B Dateiname
- verwendet wird. Dies kann verwendet werden, wenn ARP-Eintr\(:age f\(:ur
- etliche Rechner erzeugt werden m\(:ussen. Der Name dieser Datei ist oft
--.IR /etc/ethers ,
--aber dies ist nicht offizieil standardisiert. Wenn kein Dateinamen
-+.IR /etc/ethers ,
-+aber dies ist nicht offizieil standardisiert. Wenn kein Dateinamen
- angeben ist wird /etc/ethers benutzt.
- .sp 1
- Das Format der Datei ist einfach; es enth\(:alt nur ASCII-Textzeilen, die
-@@ -158,16 +154,28 @@ erwartet wird, kann auch eine
- .B "IP-Adresse"
- in Form eines durch Punkte getrennten Dezimalquadrupels angegeben werden.
- .P
--Aus Kompatiblit\(:atsgr\(:unden k\(:onnen Rechnername und die
-+Aus Kompatiblit\(:atsgr\(:unden k\(:onnen Rechnername und die
- Hardwareadresse auch vertauscht werden.
--Jeder vollst\(:andige Eintrag wird im ARP-Cache mit der
--.B C
--Flagge markiert. Permanente Eintr\(:age werden mit
-+Jeder vollst\(:andige Eintrag wird im ARP-Cache mit dem
-+.BR C -Flag
-+markiert. Permanente Eintr\(:age werden mit
- .B M
--und zu publizierende Eintr\(:age mit der
-+und zu publizierende Eintr\(:age mit
- .B P
-+.B /usr/sbin/arp -i eth0 -Ds eth1 pub
-+Beantwortet ARP-Anfragen f\(:ur die auf der Schnittstelle eth0
-+empfangen werden mit der MAC-Adresse f\(:ur eth1.
-+.B /usr/sbin/arp -i eth1 -d
-+Entfernt den ARP-Eintrag f\(:ur auf der Schnittstelle
-+.BR eth1 .
-+Dies betrifft sowohl publizierte Proxy-ARP-Einträge als auch auf permanente ARP-Eintr\(:age.
- .I /proc/net/arp,
- .br
-@@ -176,10 +184,12 @@ Flagge.
- .I /etc/hosts
- .br
- .I /etc/ethers
- ethers(5), rarp(8), route(8), ifconfig(8), netstat(8)
--Fred N. van Kempen, <> mit vielen Verbesserungen vom
--Verwalter der Net-Tools Bernd Eckenfels <>.
-+Fred N. van Kempen, <>, Bernd Eckenfels <>.
- .SH \(:Ubersetzung
--Ralf B\(:achle <>
-+Ralf B\(:achle <>, Simon A. Eugster <>
-diff --git a/man/de_DE/ifconfig.8 b/man/de_DE/ifconfig.8
-index aa2a4a0..9713965 100644
---- a/man/de_DE/ifconfig.8
-+++ b/man/de_DE/ifconfig.8
-@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ Modus. Ist er eingeschaltet, so werden alle Multicastpakete vom Netzwerk
- empfangen unabh\(:angig davon, ob sie an die Schnittstelle adressiert sind
- oder nicht.
- .TP
--.B "metric N"
--Dieses Argument setzt den Metrik-Wert f\(:ur die Schnittstelle auf N.
- .B "mtu N"
- Dieses Argument setzt die Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) der Schnittstelle,
- das ist das gr\(:o\(sste Paket, dass gesendet werden kann.
-@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@ F\(:ugt der Schnittstelle eine IPv6-Adresse zu.
- .B "del addr/prefixlen"
- Entfernt eine IPv6-Adresse von der Schnittstelle.
- .TP
--.B "tunnel"
-+.B "tunnel"
- Erzeugt ein neues SIT (IPv6-in-IPv4) Ger\(:at, das Pakete zum angegebenen
- Ziel tunnelt.
- .TP
-@@ -180,12 +177,10 @@ Seit Kernel Version 2.2 gibt es keine expliziten Statistiken f\(:ur
- Schnittstellenaliase mehr. Die Statistiken f\(:ur die Originaladresse werden
- mit allen Aliasen auf das gleiche Ger\(:at geteilt. Um Statistiken per
- Adresse zu erhalten sollte explizite EIntr\(:age f\(:ur die Adresse mit dem
--.BR ipchains(8)
-+.BR iptables(8)
- Kommando gemacht werden.
--.I /proc/net/socket
- .I /proc/net/dev
- .br
- .I /proc/net/if_inet6
-@@ -193,7 +188,7 @@ Kommando gemacht werden.
- W\(:ahrend AppleTalk DDP und IPX Adressen angezeigt werden, k\(:onnen sie mit
- diesem Kommando nicht ge\(:andert werden.
--route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), ipchains(8)
-+route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), iptables(8)
- Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- .br
-diff --git a/man/de_DE/netstat.8 b/man/de_DE/netstat.8
-index f59aec0..fdb76c9 100644
---- a/man/de_DE/netstat.8
-+++ b/man/de_DE/netstat.8
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- .\" Modified: Tuan Hoang
- .\"
- .\"
--.TH NETSTAT 8 "6. M\(:arz 1999" "net-tools" "Handbuch f\(:ur Linuxprogrammierer"
-+.TH NETSTAT 8 "2007-12-02" "net-tools" "Handbuch f\(:ur Linuxprogrammierer"
- netstat \- Anzeige von Netzwerksverbindungen, Routentabellen, Schnittstellenstatistiken, maskierten Verbindungen, Netlink-Nachrichten und Mitgliedschaft in Multicastgruppen
-@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ netstat \- Anzeige von Netzwerksverbindungen, Routentabellen, Schnittstellenstat
- .RB [ \-venaoc ]
- .RB [ \-\-tcp | \-t ]
- .RB [ \-\-udp | \-u ]
-+.RB [ \-\-udplite | \-U ]
-+.RB [ \-\-sctp | \-S ]
- .RB [ \-\-raw | \-w ]
- .RB [ \-\-groups | \-g ]
- .RB [ \-\-unix | \-x ]
-@@ -44,7 +46,6 @@ netstat \- Anzeige von Netzwerksverbindungen, Routentabellen, Schnittstellenstat
- .B netstat
- .RB [ \-veenpac ]
- .RB { \-\-interfaces | \-i }
--.RI [ Schnittstelle ]
- .PP
-@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ netstat \- Anzeige von Netzwerksverbindungen, Routentabellen, Schnittstellenstat
- .B Netstat
- zeigt Informationen des Linux Netzwerkssystems an.
-+.B Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Inhalt der deutschen man-page nicht vollst\(:andig ist, im Moment.
- .SS "(no option)"
- Ohne Optionen zeigt
-@@ -103,18 +106,17 @@ benutzt das Ausgabeformat von
- Wegen Details siehe
- .BR route (8).
--.SS "\-i, \-\-interface \fISchnittstelle\fI"
-+.SS "\-i, \-\-interfaces"
- Wird die
- .BR -i ", " --interfaces
--Option verwendet, so wird eine Tabelle aller (oder der angegebenen
--.IR Schnittstellen )
-+Option verwendet, so wird eine Tabelle aller Schnittstellen
- ausgedruckt. Die Ausgabe ist im Format von
- .B "ifconfig -e"
- und wird in
- .BR ifconfig (8)
- beschrieben.
- .B "netstat -ei"
--druckt eine Tabelle oder einen Eintrag f\(:ur einen einzelnes Interface wie
-+druckt eine Tabelle f\(:ur Interfaces wie
- .BR ifconfig .
- Die
- .B -a
-@@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ Dies hat den gleichen Effekt wie die Langoptionen
- und
- .BR \-\-ddp.
--.SS "\-c, \-\-continous"
-+.SS "\-c, \-\-continuous"
- Mit dieser Option wiederholt
- .B netstat
- im Sekundenabstand die Ausgabe, bis es abgebrochen wird.
-@@ -414,7 +416,7 @@ werden.)
- Seit der Kern Version 2.2 zeigt netstat -i keine Schnittstellenstatistiken
- von Schnittstellenaliasen mehr an. Um Statistiken per Schnittstelle zur
- erhalten, m\(:ussen jetzt mit dem
--.BR ipchains(8)
-+.BR iptables(8)
- Befehl explizite Regeln zugef\(:ugt werden.
-@@ -477,10 +479,7 @@ Befehl explizite Regeln zugef\(:ugt werden.
- .BR route (8),
- .BR ifconfig (8),
--.BR ipfw (4),
--.BR ipfw (8),
--.BR ipfwadm (8)
--.BR ipchains (8)
-+.BR iptables (8)
- .PP
-diff --git a/man/de_DE/route.8 b/man/de_DE/route.8
-index a28c9d1..1a32712 100644
---- a/man/de_DE/route.8
-+++ b/man/de_DE/route.8
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Schnittstelle]
- .B Route
- wird zum \(:Andern der IP-Routing-Tabelle der Kernels verwendet. Seine
--prim\(:are Verwendung ist statische Routen f\*:ur bestimmte Rechner oder
-+prim\(:are Verwendung ist statische Routen f\(:ur bestimmte Rechner oder
- Netzwerke \(:uber eine Schnittstelle einzutragen, nachdem diese mit dem
- Programm
- .BR ifconfig (8)
-diff --git a/man/en_US/arp.8 b/man/en_US/arp.8
-index d859b46..c065e22 100644
---- a/man/en_US/arp.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/arp.8
-@@ -1,56 +1,111 @@
--.TH ARP 8 "5 Jan 1999" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH ARP 8 "2008\-10\-03" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- arp \- manipulate the system ARP cache
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-vn ]
--.RB [ "\-H type" ]
--.RB [ "-i if" ]
--.B -a
--.RB [ hostname ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-vn ]
-+.RB [ \-H
-+.IR type ]
-+.RB [ \-i
-+.IR if ]
-+.RB [ \-ae ]
-+.RI [ hostname ]
- .PP
--.B arp
-+.B arp
- .RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B "\-d hostname"
-+.RB [ \-i
-+.IR if ]
-+.B \-d
-+.I hostname
- .RB [ pub ]
- .PP
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-H type" ]
--.RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -s hostname hw_addr
--.RB [ temp ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ \-H
-+.IR type ]
-+.RB [ \-i
-+.IR if ]
-+.B \-s
-+.I hostname hw_addr
-+.RB [ temp ]
- .PP
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-H type" ]
--.RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -s hostname hw_addr
--.RB [ "netmask nm" ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ \-H
-+.IR type ]
-+.RB [ \-i
-+.IR if ]
-+.B \-s
-+.I hostname hw_addr
-+.RB [ netmask
-+.IR nm ]
- .B pub
- .PP
--.B arp
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ "\-H type" ]
--.RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -Ds hostname ifa
--.RB [ "netmask nm" ]
-+.B arp
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ \-H
-+.IR type ]
-+.RB [ \-i
-+.IR if ]
-+.B \-Ds
-+.I hostname
-+.I ifname
-+.RB [ netmask
-+.IR nm ]
- .B pub
- .PP
--.B arp
-+.B arp
- .RB [ \-vnD ]
--.RB [ "\-H type" ]
--.RB [ "-i if" ]
--.B -f [filename]
-+.RB [ \-H
-+.IR type ]
-+.RB [ \-i
-+.IR if ]
-+.B \-f
-+.RI [ filename ]
- .B Arp
--manipulates the kernel's ARP cache in various ways. The primary options
--are clearing an address mapping entry and manually setting up one. For
--debugging purposes, the
-+manipulates or displays the kernel's IPv4 network neighbour cache. It can add
-+entries to the table, delete one or display the current content.
-+.B ARP
-+stands for Address Resolution Protocol, which is used to find the media
-+access control address of a network neighbour for a given IPv4 Address.
- .B arp
--program also allows a complete dump of the ARP cache.
-+with no mode specifier will print the current content of the table. It is
-+possible to limit the number of entries printed, by specifying an hardware
-+address type, interface name or host address.
-+.B arp -d
-+.I address
-+will delete a ARP table entry. Root or netadmin privilege is required to do
-+this. The entry is found by IP address. If a hostname is given, it will be
-+resolved before looking up the entry in the ARP table.
-+.B arp -s
-+.I address hw_addr
-+is used to set up a new table entry. The format of the
-+.I hw_addr
-+parameter is dependent on the hardware class, but for most classes one can
-+assume that the usual presentation can be used. For the Ethernet class,
-+this is 6 bytes in hexadecimal, separated by colons. When adding proxy arp
-+entries (that is those with the
-+.BR pub lish
-+flag set) a
-+.B netmask
-+may be specified to proxy arp for entire subnets. This is not good
-+practice, but is supported by older kernels because it can be
-+useful. If the
-+.B temp
-+flag is not supplied entries will be permanent stored into the ARP
-+cache. To simplify setting up entries for one of your own network interfaces, you can use the
-+.B "arp \-Ds"
-+.I address ifname
-+form. In that case the hardware address is taken from the interface with the
-+specified name.
- .TP
- .B "\-v, \-\-verbose"
-@@ -60,7 +115,7 @@ Tell the user what is going on by being verbose.
- shows numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host, port
- or user names.
- .TP
--.B "\-H type, \-\-hw-type type"
-+\fB\-H\fI type\fR, \fB\-\-hw\-type\fI type\fR, \fB\-t\fI type\fR
- When setting or reading the ARP cache, this optional parameter tells
- .B arp
- which class of entries it should check for. The default value of
-@@ -76,23 +131,18 @@ Other values might include network technologies such as
- and
- .RB "NET/ROM (" netrom ")."
- .TP
--.B "\-a [hostname], \-\-display [hostname]"
--Shows the entries of the specified hosts. If the
--.B hostname
--parameter is not used,
--.B all
--entries will be displayed.
-+.B \-a
-+Use alternate BSD style output format (with no fixed columns).
- .TP
--.B "\-d hostname, \-\-delete hostname"
--Remove any entry for the specified host. This can be used if the
--indicated host is brought down, for example.
-+.B \-e
-+Use default Linux style output format (with fixed columns).
- .TP
- .B "\-D, \-\-use-device"
--Use the interface
--.BR ifa "'s"
--hardware address.
-+Instead of a hw_addr, the given argument is the name of an interface.
-+.B arp
-+will use the MAC address of that interface for the table entry. This is usually the best option to set up a proxy ARP entry to yourself.
- .TP
--.B "\-i If, \-\-device If"
-+\fB\-i\fI If\fR, \fB\-\-device\fI If\fR
- Select an interface. When dumping the ARP cache only entries matching
- the specified interface will be printed. When setting a permanent or
- .B temp
-@@ -101,53 +151,36 @@ option is not used, the kernel will guess based on the routing
- table. For
- .B pub
- entries the specified interface is the interface on which ARP requests will
--be answered.
-+be answered.
- .br
- .B NOTE:
- This has to be different from the interface to which the IP
- datagrams will be routed.
--.B "\-s hostname hw_addr, \-\-set hostname"
--Manually create an ARP address mapping entry for host
--.B hostname
--with hardware address set to
--.B hw_addr
--. The format of the hardware address is dependent on the hardware
--class, but for most classes one can assume that the usual presentation
--can be used. For the Ethernet class, this is 6 bytes in hexadecimal,
--separated by colons. When adding proxy arp entries (that is those with
--.BR pub lish
--flag set a
--.B netmask
--may be specified to proxy arp for entire subnets. This is not good
--practice, but is supported by older kernels because it can be
--useful. If the
--.B temp
--flag is not supplied entries will be permanent stored into the ARP
- .B NOTE:
--As of kernel 2.2.0 it is no longer possible to set an ARP entry for an
-+As of kernel 2.2.0 it is no longer possible to set an ARP entry for an
- entire subnet. Linux instead does automagic proxy arp when a route
--exists and it is forwarding. See
-+exists and it is forwarding. See
- .BR arp (7)
--for details.
-+for details. Also the
-+.B dontpub
-+option which is available for delete and set operations cannot be
-+used with 2.4 and newer kernels.
- .TP
--.B "\-f filename, \-\-file filename"
-+\fB\-f\fI filename\fR, \fB\-\-file\fI filename\fR
- Similar to the
- .B \-s
- option, only this time the address info is taken from file
--.B filename
--. This can be used if ARP entries for a lot of hosts have to be
-+.IR filename .
-+This can be used if ARP entries for a lot of hosts have to be
- set up. The name of the data file is very often
--.IR /etc/ethers ,
--but this is not official. If no filename is specified /etc/ethers
-+.IR /etc/ethers ,
-+but this is not official. If no filename is specified
-+.I /etc/ethers
- is used as default.
- .sp 1
- The format of the file is simple; it
- only contains ASCII text lines with a hostname, and a hardware
--address separated by whitespace. Additionally the
-+address separated by whitespace. Additionally the
- .BR "pub" , " temp" " and" " netmask"
- flags can be used.
- .LP
-@@ -157,9 +190,9 @@ is expected, one can also enter an
- .B "IP address"
- in dotted-decimal notation.
- .P
--As a special case for compatibility the order of the hostname and
-+As a special case for compatibility the order of the hostname and
- the hardware address can be exchanged.
- Each complete entry in the ARP cache will be marked with the
- .B C
- flag. Permanent entries are marked with
-@@ -167,8 +200,18 @@ flag. Permanent entries are marked with
- and published entries have the
- .B P
- flag.
-+.B /usr/sbin/arp -i eth0 -Ds eth1 pub
-+This will answer ARP requests for on eth0 with the MAC address for
-+.B /usr/sbin/arp -i eth1 -d
-+Delete the ARP table entry for on interface eth1. This will match
-+published proxy ARP entries and permanent entries.
--.I /proc/net/arp,
-+.I /proc/net/arp
- .br
- .I /etc/networks
- .br
-@@ -178,5 +221,4 @@ flag.
- rarp(8), route(8), ifconfig(8), netstat(8)
--Fred N. van Kempen, <> with a lot of improvements
--from net-tools Maintainer Bernd Eckenfels <>.
-+Fred N. van Kempen <>, Bernd Eckenfels <net\>.
-diff --git a/man/en_US/ethers.5 b/man/en_US/ethers.5
-index f3ba116..5a02892 100644
---- a/man/en_US/ethers.5
-+++ b/man/en_US/ethers.5
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH ETHERS 5 "April 26th, 1996" "" "File formats"
-+.TH ETHERS 5 "2008\-10\-03" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- .SH NAME \"{{{roff}}}\"{{{
- ethers \- Ethernet address to IP number database
- .\"}}}
-@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ ethers \- Ethernet address to IP number database
- IP numbers, one line for each IP number:
- .sp
- .RS
--\fIEthernet-address\fP \fIIP-number\fP
-+\fIEthernet\-address\fP \fIIP\-number\fP
- .RE
- .sp
--The two items are separated by any number of SPACE and/or TAB char
--acters. A \fB#\fP at the beginning of a line starts a comment
--which extends to the end of the line. The \fIEthernet-address\fP is
-+The two items are separated by any number of SPACE and/or TAB characters.
-+A \fB#\fP at the beginning of a line starts a comment
-+which extends to the end of the line. The \fIEthernet\-address\fP is
- written as
- .IR x : x : x : x : x : x ,
- where \fIx\fP is a hexadecimal number between \fB0\fP and \fBff\fP
- which represents one byte of the address, which is in network byte
--order (big-endian). The \fIIP-number\fP may be a hostname which
-+order (big-endian). The \fIIP\-number\fP may be a hostname which
- can be resolved by DNS or a dot separated number.
- .\"}}}
- .SH EXAMPLES \"{{{
-diff --git a/man/en_US/hostname.1 b/man/en_US/hostname.1
-index cea3f6e..c45b7b6 100644
---- a/man/en_US/hostname.1
-+++ b/man/en_US/hostname.1
-@@ -1,66 +1,60 @@
--.TH HOSTNAME 1 "28 Jan 1996" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH HOSTNAME 1 "2013\-08\-29" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- hostname \- show or set the system's host name
- .br
--domainname \- show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
- dnsdomainname \- show the system's DNS domain name
- .br
--nisdomainname \- show or set system's NIS/YP domain name
-+domainname \- show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
- .br
--ypdomainname \- show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
-+nisdomainname \- show or set system's NIS/YP domain name
- .br
- nodename \- show or set the system's DECnet node name
-+ypdomainname \- show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
- .B hostname
- .RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ \-a ]
--.RB [ \-\-alias ]
--.RB [ \-d ]
--.RB [ \-\-domain ]
--.RB [ \-f ]
--.RB [ \-\-fqdn ]
--.RB [ \-i ]
--.RB [ \-\-ip-address ]
--.RB [ \-\-long ]
--.RB [ \-s ]
--.RB [ \-\-short ]
--.RB [ \-y ]
--.RB [ \-\-yp ]
--.RB [ \-\-nis ]
--.RB [ \-n ]
--.RB [ \-\-node ]
-+.RB [ \-s | \-\-short ]
-+.B hostname
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ \-a | \-\-alias ]
-+.RB [ \-d | \-\-domain ]
-+.RB [ \-f | \-\-fqdn | \-\-long ]
-+.RB [ \-i | \-\-ip\-address ]
-+.B hostname
-+.RB [ \-v ]
-+.RB [ \-y | \-\-yp | \-\-nis ]
-+.RB [ \-n | \-\-node ]
- .PP
- .B hostname
- .RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ \-F\ filename ]
--.RB [ \-\-file\ filename ]
--.RB [ hostname ]
-+.RB [ \-F\ filename | \-\-file\ filename ]
-+.RI [ newname ]
- .PP
- .B domainname
- .RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ \-F\ filename ]
--.RB [ \-\-file\ filename ]
--.RB [ name ]
-+.RB [ \-F\ filename | \-\-file\ filename ]
-+.RI [ newname ]
- .PP
- .B nodename
- .RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ \-F\ filename ]
--.RB [ \-\-file\ filename ]
--.RB [ name ]
-+.RB [ \-F\ filename | \-\-file\ filename ]
-+.RI [ newname ]
- .PP
- .B hostname
--.RB [ \-v ]
--.RB [ \-h ]
--.RB [ \-\-help ]
--.RB [ \-V ]
--.RB [ \-\-version ]
-+.RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ]
-+.RB [ \-h | \-\-help ]
-+.RB [ \-V | \-\-version ]
- .PP
- .B dnsdomainname
-@@ -124,12 +118,8 @@ command (see
- below).
- .LP
--The host name is usually set once at system startup in
--.I /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
--.I /etc/init.d/boot
--(normally by reading the contents of a file which contains
--the host name, e.g.
-+The host name is usually set once at system startup by reading the
-+contents of a file which contains the host name, e.g.
- .IR /etc/hostname ).
-@@ -142,16 +132,17 @@ with this command. The FQDN of the system is the name that the
- returns for the host name.
- .LP
--Technically: The FQDN is the name
--.BR gethostbyname (2)
--returns for the host name returned by
--.BR gethostname (2).
--The DNS domain name is the part after the first dot.
-+Technically: The FQDN is the canonical name returned by
-+.BR gethostbyname2 (2)
-+when resolving the result of the
-+.BR gethostname (2)
-+name. The DNS domain name is the part after the first dot.
- .LP
- Therefore it depends on the configuration (usually in
- .IR /etc/host.conf )
--how you can change it. Usually (if the hosts file is parsed before DNS or
--NIS) you can change it in
-+how you can change it. If
-+.B hosts
-+is the first lookup method, you can change the FQDN in
- .IR /etc/hosts .
-@@ -161,27 +152,23 @@ NIS) you can change it in
- Display the alias name of the host (if used).
- .TP
- .I "\-d, \-\-domain"
--Display the name of the DNS domain. Don't use the command
--.B domainname
--to get the DNS domain name because it will show the NIS domain name and
--not the DNS domain name. Use
-+Display the name of the DNS domain (this is the FQDN without the segment up
-+to the first dot). This is equivalent to using the
- .B dnsdomainname
- .TP
- .I "\-F, \-\-file filename"
--Read the host name from the specified file. Comments (lines starting with
-+Read the new host name from the specified file. Comments (lines starting with
- a `#') are ignored.
- .TP
- .I "\-f, \-\-fqdn, \-\-long"
--Display the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). A FQDN consists of a
--short host name and the DNS domain name. Unless you are using bind or NIS
--for host lookups you can change the FQDN and the DNS domain name (which is
--part of the FQDN) in the \fI/etc/hosts\fR file.
-+Display the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). A FQDN consists of name
-+including the DNS domain.
- .TP
- .I "\-h, \-\-help"
- Print a usage message and exit.
- .TP
--.I "\-i, \-\-ip-address"
-+.I "\-i, \-\-ip\-address"
- Display the IP address(es) of the host.
- .TP
- .I "\-n, \-\-node"
-@@ -203,11 +190,13 @@ Display the NIS domain name. If a parameter is given (or
- .B \-\-file name
- ) then root can also set a new NIS domain.
-+.B /etc/hostname
- .B /etc/hosts
-+.B /etc/host.conf
--Peter Tobias, <>
-+Peter Tobias, <tobias@et\-inf.fho\>
- .br
--Bernd Eckenfels, <> (NIS and manpage).
-+Bernd Eckenfels, <net\> (NIS and manpage).
- .br
- Steve Whitehouse, <> (DECnet support and manpage).
-diff --git a/man/en_US/ifconfig.8 b/man/en_US/ifconfig.8
-index e75cf59..0243be3 100644
---- a/man/en_US/ifconfig.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/ifconfig.8
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
--.TH IFCONFIG 8 "14 August 2000" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH IFCONFIG 8 "2008\-10\-03" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- ifconfig \- configure a network interface
--.B "ifconfig [interface]"
-+.B "ifconfig [-v] [-a] [-s] [interface]"
- .br
--.B "ifconfig interface [aftype] options | address ..."
-+.B "ifconfig [-v] interface [aftype] options | address ..."
- .B Ifconfig
- is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ a single
- .B interface
- argument is given, it displays the status of the given interface
- only; if a single
--.B -a
-+.B \-a
- argument is given, it displays the status of all interfaces, even
- those that are down. Otherwise, it configures an interface.
-@@ -39,13 +39,34 @@ supported address families include
- (Novell IPX) and
- .B netrom
- (AMPR Packet radio).
-+All numbers supplied as parts in IPv4 dotted decimal notation may be decimal,
-+octal, or hexadecimal, as specified in the ISO C standard (that is, a leading 0x
-+or 0X implies hexadecimal; otherwise, a leading '0' implies octal; otherwise,
-+the number is interpreted as decimal). Use of hexadecimal and octal numbers
-+is not RFC-compliant and therefore its use is discouraged.
- .TP
-+.B -a
-+display all interfaces which are currently available, even if down
-+.B -s
-+display a short list (like netstat -i)
-+.B -v
-+be more verbose for some error conditions
- .B interface
- The name of the interface. This is usually a driver name followed by
- a unit number, for example
- .B eth0
--for the first Ethernet interface.
-+for the first Ethernet interface. If your kernel supports alias interfaces,
-+you can specify them with
-+.B eth0:0
-+for the first alias of eth0. You can use them to assign a second address. To
-+delete an alias interface use
-+.BR "ifconfig eth0:0 down" .
-+Note: for every scope (i.e. same net with address/netmask combination) all
-+aliases are deleted, if you delete the first (primary).
- .TP
- .B up
- This flag causes the interface to be activated. It is implicitly
-@@ -69,9 +90,6 @@ Enable or disable
- mode. If selected, all multicast packets on the network will be
- received by the interface.
- .TP
--.B "metric N"
--This parameter sets the interface metric.
- .B "mtu N"
- This parameter sets the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of an interface.
- .TP
-@@ -92,7 +110,7 @@ Add an IPv6 address to an interface.
- .B "del addr/prefixlen"
- Remove an IPv6 address from an interface.
- .TP
--.B "tunnel"
-+.B "tunnel"
- Create a new SIT (IPv6-in-IPv4) device, tunnelling to the given destination.
- .TP
- .B "irq addr"
-@@ -122,13 +140,13 @@ are
- can be used to tell the driver to auto-sense the media. Again, not
- all drivers can do this.
- .TP
--.B "[-]broadcast [addr]"
-+.B "[\-]broadcast [addr]"
- If the address argument is given, set the protocol broadcast
- address for this interface. Otherwise, set (or clear) the
- flag for the interface.
- .TP
--.B "[-]pointopoint [addr]"
-+.B "[\-]pointopoint [addr]"
- This keyword enables the
- .B point-to-point
- mode of an interface, meaning that it is a direct link between two
-@@ -173,23 +191,40 @@ alias interfaces anymore. The statistics printed for the original address
- are shared with all alias addresses on the same device. If you want per-address
- statistics you should add explicit accounting
- rules for the address using the
--.BR ipchains(8)
-+.BR iptables (8)
- command.
- .LP
--Interrupt problems with Ethernet device drivers fail with EAGAIN. See
-+Since net\-tools 1.60\-4 ifconfig is printing byte counters and human readable
-+counters with IEC 60027-2 units. So 1 KiB are 2^10 byte. Note, the numbers
-+are truncated to one decimal (which can by quite a large error if you
-+consider 0.1 PiB is 112.589.990.684.262 bytes :)
-+Interrupt problems with Ethernet device drivers fail with EAGAIN
-+.I (SIOCSIIFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable)
-+it is most likely a interrupt conflict. See
- for more information.
--.I /proc/net/socket
- .I /proc/net/dev
- .br
- .I /proc/net/if_inet6
-+Ifconfig uses the ioctl access method to get the full address information,
-+which limits hardware addresses to 8 bytes.
-+Because Infiniband hardware address has 20 bytes,
-+only the first 8 bytes are displayed correctly.
-+Please use
-+.B ip link
-+command from
-+.B iproute2
-+package to display link layer informations including the hardware address.
- While appletalk DDP and IPX addresses will be displayed they cannot be
- altered by this command.
--route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), ipchains(8)
-+route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), iptables(8), ifup(8), interfaces(5).
-+ - Prefixes for binary multiples
- Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- .br
-@@ -198,3 +233,5 @@ Alan Cox, <>
- Phil Blundell, <>
- .br
- Andi Kleen
-+Bernd Eckenfels, <net\>
-diff --git a/man/en_US/mii-tool.8 b/man/en_US/mii-tool.8
-index 6b773ec..7decaac 100644
---- a/man/en_US/mii-tool.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/mii-tool.8
-@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
- .\" Copyright (C) 2000 David A. Hinds --
--.\" mii-tool.8 1.5 2000/04/25 22:58:19
- .\"
--.TH MII-TOOL 8 "2000/04/25 22:58:19" "net-tools"
-+.TH MII\-TOOL 8 "2013\-02\-15" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
--mii-tool \- view, manipulate media-independent interface status
-+mii\-tool \- view, manipulate media-independent interface status
--.B mii-tool
-+.B mii\-tool
- [\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR]
- [\fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR]
- [\fB\-R\fR, \fB\-\-reset\fR]
-@@ -16,7 +15,8 @@ mii-tool \- view, manipulate media-independent interface status
- [\fB\-l\fR, \fB\-\-log\fR]
- [\fB\-A\fR, \fB\-\-advertise=\fImedia,...\fR]
- [\fB\-F\fR, \fB\-\-force=\fImedia\fR]
--.RI [ "interface\ ..." ]
-+[\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-phy=\fIaddr\fR]
-+.RI "interface\ ..."
- This utility checks or sets the status of a network interface's Media
-@@ -32,18 +32,21 @@ single-speed hubs, are unable to autonegotiate. To handle such
- devices, the MII protocol also allows for establishing a link by
- simply detecting either a 10baseT or 100baseT link beat. The \fB\-F\fR
- or \fB\-\-force\fR options can be used to force the MII to operate in
--one mode, instead of autonegotiating. The \fB\-A\fR and \fB-F\fR
-+one mode, instead of autonegotiating. The \fB\-A\fR and \fB\-F\fR
- options are mutually exclusive.
- .PP
- The default short output reports the negotiated link speed and link
--status for each interface. If an interface or interfaces are not
--specified on the command line, then \fBmii-tool\fR will check any
--available interfaces from \fBeth0\fR through \fBeth7\fR.
-+status for each interface.
- .TP
- \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
- Display more detailed MII status information. If used twice, also
- display raw MII register contents.
-+\fBAlert:\fR If used three times, will force reading all MII
-+registers, including non standard ones. It's not guaranteed any
-+valid answer from PHY while PHY communication can even hang.
-+With driver e1000e will fail while reading register 0x07.
- .TP
- \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR
- Display program version information.
-@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ Watch interface(s) and report changes in link status. The MII
- interfaces are polled at one second intervals.
- .TP
- \fB\-l\fR, \fB\-\-log\fR
--Used with \fB-w\fR, records link status changes in the system log
-+Used with \fB\-w\fR, records link status changes in the system log
- instead of printing on standard output.
- .TP
- \fB\-F\fI media\fR, \fB\-\-force=\fImedia\fR
-@@ -71,8 +74,31 @@ Enable and restart autonegotiation, and advertise only the specified
- media technologies. Multiple technologies should be separated by
- commas. Valid media are \fB100baseT4\fR, \fB100baseTx-FD\fR,
- \fB100baseTx-HD\fR, \fB10baseT-FD\fR, and \fB10baseT-HD\fR.
-+\fB\-p\fI addr\fR, \fB\-\-phy=\fIaddr\fR
-+Override the MII address provided by kernel with value \fBaddr\fR.
-+SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth?' failed: Invalid argument
-+If the interface is not running (up), kernel will refuse to report its link state.
-+SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth?' failed: Operation not permitted
-+Most kernels restrict access to root.
-+SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth?' failed: No such device
-+This error is shown, if the kernel does not know about the named device.
-+SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth?' failed: Operation not supported
-+The interface in question does not support MII queries. Most likely, it does not have
-+MII transceivers, at all.
- David Hinds \-
- .br
- Donald Becker \-
-+Bernd Eckenfels \-
-+ \- Homepage of the net-tools project
-diff --git a/man/en_US/nameif.8 b/man/en_US/nameif.8
-index ff2430f..195304d 100644
---- a/man/en_US/nameif.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/nameif.8
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
--.TH NAMEIF 8 "18 Oct 2000" "net-tools" "Linux's Administrator's Manual"
-+.TH NAMEIF 8 "2008\-10\-03" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- nameif \- name network interfaces based on MAC addresses
--.B "nameif [-c configfile] [-s]"
-+.B "nameif [\-c configfile] [\-s]"
- .br
--.B "nameif [-c configfile] [-s] {interface macaddress}"
-+.B "nameif [\-c configfile] [\-s] {interface macaddress}"
- .B nameif
- renames network interfaces based on mac addresses. When no arguments are
-@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ looks for the interface with the given MAC address and renames it to the
- name given.
- When the
--.I -s
-+.I \-s
- argument is given all error messages go to the syslog.
- When the
--.I -c
-+.I \-c
- argument is given with a file name that file is read instead of /etc/mactab.
-diff --git a/man/en_US/netstat.8 b/man/en_US/netstat.8
-index b33996a..3157dc4 100644
---- a/man/en_US/netstat.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/netstat.8
-@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
- .\" Modified:
- .\" Modified: Andi Kleen
- .\" Modified: Tuan Hoang
-+.\" Modified: Brian Micek
- .\"
- .\"
--.TH NETSTAT 8 "19 December 2000" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH NETSTAT 8 "2012\-09\-15" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- netstat \- Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships
-@@ -19,17 +20,20 @@ netstat \- Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masq
- .RI [ address_family_options ]
- .RB [ \-\-tcp | \-t ]
- .RB [ \-\-udp | \-u ]
-+.RB [ \-\-udplite | \-U ]
-+.RB [ \-\-sctp | \-S ]
- .RB [ \-\-raw | \-w ]
- .RB [ \-\-listening | \-l ]
- .RB [ \-\-all | \-a ]
- .RB [ \-\-numeric | \-n ]
--.RB [ \-\-numeric-hosts ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ]
-+.RB [ \-\-numeric\-hosts "] [" \-\-numeric\-ports "] [" \-\-numeric\-users ]
- .RB [ \-\-symbolic | \-N ]
- .RB [ \-\-extend | \-e [ \-\-extend | \-e] ]
- .RB [ \-\-timers | \-o ]
- .RB [ \-\-program | \-p ]
- .RB [ \-\-verbose | \-v ]
- .RB [ \-\-continuous | \-c]
-+.RB [ \-\-wide | \-W]
- .P
- .B netstat
- .RB { \-\-route | \-r }
-@@ -37,37 +41,38 @@ netstat \- Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masq
- .RB [ \-\-extend | \-e [ \-\-extend | \-e] ]
- .RB [ \-\-verbose | \-v ]
- .RB [ \-\-numeric | \-n ]
--.RB [ \-\-numeric-hosts ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ]
-+.RB [ \-\-numeric\-hosts "] [" \-\-numeric\-ports "] [" \-\-numeric\-users ]
- .RB [ \-\-continuous | \-c]
- .P
- .B netstat
- .RB { \-\-interfaces | \-i }
--.RI [ iface ]
- .RB [ \-\-all | \-a ]
- .RB [ \-\-extend | \-e [ \-\-extend | \-e] ]
- .RB [ \-\-verbose | \-v ]
- .RB [ \-\-program | \-p ]
- .RB [ \-\-numeric | \-n ]
--.RB [ \-\-numeric-hosts ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ]
-+.RB [ \-\-numeric-hosts "] [" \-\-numeric-ports "] [" \-\-numeric-users ]
- .RB [ \-\-continuous | \-c]
- .P
- .B netstat
- .RB { \-\-groups | \-g }
- .RB [ \-\-numeric | \-n ]
--.RB [ \-\-numeric-hosts ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ]
-+.RB [ \-\-numeric\-hosts "] [" \-\-numeric\-ports "] [" \-\-numeric\-users ]
- .RB [ \-\-continuous | \-c]
- .P
- .B netstat
- .RB { \-\-masquerade | \-M }
- .RB [ \-\-extend | \-e ]
- .RB [ \-\-numeric | \-n ]
--.RB [ \-\-numeric-hosts ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ] [ \-\-numeric-ports ]
-+.RB [ \-\-numeric\-hosts "] [" \-\-numeric\-ports "] [" \-\-numeric\-users ]
- .RB [ \-\-continuous | \-c]
- .P
- .B netstat
- .RB { \-\-statistics | -s }
- .RB [ \-\-tcp | \-t ]
- .RB [ \-\-udp | \-u ]
-+.RB [ \-\-udplite | \-U ]
-+.RB [ \-\-sctp | \-S ]
- .RB [ \-\-raw | \-w ]
- .P
- .B netstat
-@@ -78,13 +83,26 @@ netstat \- Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masq
- .P
- .IR address_family_options :
- .PP
--.RB [ \-\-protocol= { inet , unix , ipx , ax25 , netrom , ddp }[, ...] ]
-+.RB [ -4 | \-\-inet ]
-+.RB [ -6 | \-\-inet6 ]
-+.RB [ \-\-protocol= { inet , inet6 , unix , ipx , ax25 , netrom , ddp ", ... } ]"
- .RB [ \-\-unix | \-x ]
--.RB [ \-\-inet | \-\-ip ]
-+.RB [ \-\-inet | \-\-ip | \-\-tcpip ]
- .RB [ \-\-ax25 ]
-+.RB [ \-\-x25 ]
-+.RB [ \-\-rose ]
-+.RB [ \-\-ash ]
- .RB [ \-\-ipx ]
- .RB [ \-\-netrom ]
--.RB [ \-\-ddp ]
-+.RB [ \-\-ddp | \-\-appletalk ]
-+.RB [ \-\-econet | \-\-ec ]
-+This program is obsolete.
-+Replacement for \fBnetstat\fR is \fBss\fR.
-+Replacement for \fBnetstat -r\fR is \fBip route\fR.
-+Replacement for \fBnetstat -i\fR is \fBip -s link\fR.
-+Replacement for \fBnetstat -g\fR is \fBip maddr\fR.
- .B Netstat
-@@ -98,12 +116,17 @@ displays a list of open sockets. If you don't specify any
- address families, then the active sockets of all configured address
- families will be printed.
- .SS "\-\-route , \-r"
--Display the kernel routing tables.
-+Display the kernel routing tables. See the description in
-+.BR route (8)
-+for details.
-+.B netstat -r
-+.B route -e
-+produce the same output.
- .SS "\-\-groups , \-g"
- Display multicast group membership information for IPv4 and IPv6.
--.SS "\-\-interface=\fIiface \fR, \fB\-i"
--Display a table of all network interfaces, or the specified
--.IR iface ) .
-+.SS "\-\-interfaces, \-i"
-+Display a table of all network interfaces.
- .SS "\-\-masquerade , \-M"
- Display a list of masqueraded connections.
- .SS "\-\-statistics , \-s"
-@@ -112,16 +135,19 @@ Display summary statistics for each protocol.
- .SS "\-\-verbose , \-v"
- Tell the user what is going on by being verbose. Especially print some
- useful information about unconfigured address families.
-+.SS "\-\-wide , \-W"
-+Do not truncate IP addresses by using output as wide as needed. This is
-+optional for now to not break existing scripts.
- .SS "\-\-numeric , \-n"
- Show numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host, port
- or user names.
--.SS "\-\-numeric-hosts"
-+.SS "\-\-numeric\-hosts"
- shows numerical host addresses but does not affect the resolution of
- port or user names.
--.SS "\-\-numeric-ports"
-+.SS "\-\-numeric\-ports"
- shows numerical port numbers but does not affect the resolution of
- host or user names.
--.SS "\-\-numeric-users"
-+.SS "\-\-numeric\-users"
- shows numerical user IDs but does not affect the resolution of host or
- port names.
-@@ -131,15 +157,18 @@ protocols) for which connections are to be shown.
- .I family
- is a comma (',') separated list of address family keywords like
- .BR inet ,
-+.BR inet6 ,
- .BR unix ,
- .BR ipx ,
- .BR ax25 ,
- .BR netrom ,
-+.BR econet ,
- and
- .BR ddp .
- This has the same effect as using the
--.BR \-\-inet ,
--.BR \-\-unix " (" \-x ),
-+.BR \-\-inet | -4 ,
-+.BR \-\-inet6 | -6 ,
-+.BR \-\-unix | -x ,
- .BR \-\-ipx ,
- .BR \-\-ax25 ,
- .BR \-\-netrom ,
-@@ -149,7 +178,7 @@ options.
- .P
- The address family
- .B inet
--includes raw, udp and tcp protocol sockets.
-+(Iv4) includes raw, udp, udplite and tcp protocol sockets.
- .SS "\-c, \-\-continuous"
- This will cause
- .B netstat
-@@ -164,23 +193,24 @@ Show the PID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.
- Show only listening sockets. (These are omitted by default.)
- .SS "\-a, \-\-all"
- Show both listening and non-listening sockets. With the
--.B --interfaces
--option, show interfaces that are not marked
-+.B \-\-interfaces
-+option, show interfaces that are not up
- .SS "\-F"
- Print routing information from the FIB. (This is the default.)
- .SS "\-C"
- Print routing information from the route cache.
--.IR UP .
- .P
- .P
--.SS Active Internet connections \fR(TCP, UDP, raw)\fR
-+.SS Active Internet connections \fR(TCP, UDP, UDPLite, raw)\fR
- .SS "Proto"
--The protocol (tcp, udp, raw) used by the socket.
--.SS "Recv-Q"
--The count of bytes not copied by the user program connected to this socket.
--.SS "Send-Q"
--The count of bytes not acknowledged by the remote host.
-+The protocol (tcp, udp, udpl, raw) used by the socket.
-+.SS "Recv\-Q"
-+Established: The count of bytes not copied by the user program connected to this socket.
-+Listening: Since Kernel 2.6.18 this column contains the current syn backlog.
-+.SS "Send\-Q"
-+Established: The count of bytes not acknowledged by the remote host.
-+Listening: Since Kernel 2.6.18 this column contains the maximum size of the syn backlog.
- .SS "Local Address"
- Address and port number of the local end of the socket. Unless the
- .BR \-\-numeric " (" \-n )
-@@ -192,7 +222,7 @@ Address and port number of the remote end of the socket.
- Analogous to "Local Address."
- .SS "State"
- The state of the socket. Since there are no states in raw mode and usually no
--states used in UDP, this column may be left blank. Normally this can be one
-+states used in UDP and UDPLite, this column may be left blank. Normally this can be one
- of several values:
- .TP
- .I
-@@ -221,7 +251,7 @@ TIME_WAIT
- The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network.
- .TP
- .I
- The socket is not being used.
- .TP
- .I
-@@ -255,7 +285,7 @@ The username or the user id (UID) of the owner of the socket.
- .SS "PID/Program name"
- Slash-separated pair of the process id (PID) and process name of the
- process that owns the socket.
--.B --program
-+.B \-\-program
- causes this column to be included. You will also need
- .I superuser
- privileges to see this information on sockets you don't own. This
-@@ -356,13 +386,6 @@ to the socket.
- .SS Active AX.25 sockets
- (this needs to be done by somebody who knows it)
- .PP
--Starting with Linux release 2.2
--.B netstat -i
--does not show interface statistics for alias interfaces. To get per
--alias interface counters you need to setup explicit rules using the
--.BR ipchains(8)
- .ta
-@@ -385,6 +408,9 @@ status information via the following files.
- .I /proc/net/udp
- -- UDP socket information
-+.I /proc/net/udplite
-+-- UDPLite socket information
- .I /proc/net/igmp
- -- IGMP multicast information
-@@ -428,9 +454,10 @@ status information via the following files.
- .BR route (8),
- .BR ifconfig (8),
--.BR ipchains (8),
- .BR iptables (8),
- .BR proc (5)
-+.BR ss (8)
-+.BR ip (8)
- .P
- Occasionally strange information may appear if a socket changes
-@@ -438,12 +465,10 @@ as it is viewed. This is unlikely to occur.
- .P
- The netstat user interface was written by Fred Baumgarten
--<> the man page basically
-+<dc6iq@insu1.etec.uni\>, the man page basically
- by Matt Welsh <>. It was updated by
--Alan Cox <> but could do with a bit more
--work. It was updated again by Tuan Hoang
--The man page and the command included in the net-tools
--package is totally rewritten by Bernd Eckenfels
-+Alan Cox <>, updated again by Tuan Hoang
-+<>. The man page and the command included
-+in the net\-tools package is totally rewritten by Bernd Eckenfels
-+<>. UDPLite options were added by Brian Micek
-diff --git a/man/en_US/plipconfig.8 b/man/en_US/plipconfig.8
-index c6d2567..d42a0bc 100644
---- a/man/en_US/plipconfig.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/plipconfig.8
-@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
--.TH PLIPCONFIG 8 "17 February 1995" "" ""
-+.TH PLIPCONFIG 8 "2008\-10\-03" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- plipconfig \- fine tune PLIP device parameters
--.B "plipconfig interface"
-+.B plipconfig interface
-+.RB [ nibble
-+.IR NN ]
-+.RB [ trigger
-+.IR NN ]
- .br
--.B "plipconfig interface [nibble NN] [trigger NN] [unit NN]"
-+.B plipconfig
-+.RB [ \-V ]
-+.RB [ \-\-version ]
-+.RB [ \-h ]
-+.RB [ \-\-help ]
- .B Plipconfig
- is used to (hopefully) improve PLIP performance by changing the default
-diff --git a/man/en_US/rarp.8 b/man/en_US/rarp.8
-index e462799..d9d31f9 100644
---- a/man/en_US/rarp.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/rarp.8
-@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
--.TH RARP 8 "4 August 1997" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH RARP 8 "2008\-10\-03" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- rarp \- manipulate the system RARP table
--.B "rarp [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]"
-+.B "rarp [\-V] [\-\-version] [\-h] [\-\-help]"
- .br
--.B "rarp -a"
-+.B "rarp \-a"
- .br
--.B "rarp [-v] -d hostname ..."
-+.B "rarp [\-v] \-d hostname ..."
- .br
--.B "rarp [-v] [-t type] -s hostname hw_addr"
-+.B "rarp [\-v] [\-t type] \-s hostname hw_addr"
- .P
- This program is obsolete. From version 2.3, the Linux kernel
- no longer contains RARP support. For a replacement RARP daemon, see
- .I
- .B Rarp
- manipulates the kernel's RARP table in various ways. The primary options
-@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ Remove all RARP entries for the specified host.
- Create a RARP address mapping entry for host
- .B hostname
- with hardware address set to
--.B hw_addr
--. The format of the hardware address is dependent on the hardware
-+.BR hw_addr .
-+The format of the hardware address is dependent on the hardware
- class, but for most classes one can assume that the usual presentation
- can be used. For the Ethernet class, this is 6 bytes in hexadecimal,
- separated by colons.
-diff --git a/man/en_US/route.8 b/man/en_US/route.8
-index f59c074..19895e9 100644
---- a/man/en_US/route.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/route.8
-@@ -1,57 +1,62 @@
--.TH ROUTE 8 "2 January 2000" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH ROUTE 8 "2014\-02\-17" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- route \- show / manipulate the IP routing table
- .B route
--.RB [ \-CFvnee ]
-+.RB [ \-CFvnNee ]
-+.RB [ \-A
-+.RB | \-4 | \-6 ]
- .TP
- .B route
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ \-A
-+.RB | \-4 | \-6 ]
- .B add
- .RB [ \-net | \-host ]
-+.I target
- .RB [ netmask
-+.IR Nm ]
- .RB [ gw
-+.IR Gw ]
- .RB [ metric
-+.IR N ]
- .RB [ mss
-+.IR M ]
- .RB [ window
-+.IR W ]
- .RB [ irtt
-+.IR I ]
- .RB [ reject ]
- .RB [ mod ]
- .RB [ dyn ]
- .RB [ reinstate ]
- .RB [[ dev ]
-+.IR If ]
- .TP
- .B route
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ \-A
-+.I family
-+.RB | \-4 | \-6 ]
- .B del
- .RB [ \-net | \-host ]
-+.I target
- .RB [ gw
-+.IR Gw ]
- .RB [ netmask
-+.IR Nm ]
- .RB [ metric
-+.IR M ]
- .RB [[ dev ]
-+.IR If ]
- .TP
- .B route
- .RB [ \-V ]
- .RB [ \-\-version ]
- .RB [ \-h ]
--.RB [ \--help ]
-+.RB [ \-\-help ]
- .B Route
- manipulates the kernel's IP routing tables. Its primary use is to set
-@@ -72,19 +77,27 @@ displays the current contents of the routing tables.
- .TP
--.B \-A family
--use the specified address family (eg `inet'; use `route --help' for a full
-+\fB\-A \fIfamily\fR
-+use the specified address family (eg `inet'). Use
-+.B route \-\-help
-+for a full list. You can use
-+.B \-6
-+as an alias for
-+.B \-\-inet6
-+.B \-4
-+as an alias for
-+.B \-A inet
- .TP
--.B -F
-+.B \-F
- operate on the kernel's FIB (Forwarding Information Base) routing
- table.
- This is the default.
- .TP
--.B -C
-+.B \-C
- operate on the kernel's routing cache.
- .TP
- .B \-v
- select verbose operation.
-@@ -96,11 +109,10 @@ nameserver has vanished.
- .TP
- .B \-e
- use
--.BR netstat (8)-format
-+.BR netstat (8)\-format
- for displaying the routing table.
- .B \-ee
- will generate a very long line with all parameters from the routing table.
- .TP
- .B del
- delete a route.
-@@ -108,25 +120,27 @@ delete a route.
- .B add
- add a new route.
- .TP
--.B target
--the destination network or host. You can provide IP addresses in dotted
--decimal or host/network names.
-+.I target
-+the destination network or host. You can provide an addresses or symbolic
-+network or host name. Optionally you can use \fB/\fIprefixlen\fR notation
-+instead of using the \fBnetmask\fR option.
- .TP
- .B \-net
- the
--.B target
-+.I target
- is a network.
- .TP
--.B -host
-+.B \-host
- the
--.B target
-+.I target
- is a host.
- .TP
--.B netmask NM
-+\fBnetmask \fINM\fR
- when adding a network route, the netmask to be used.
- .TP
--.B gw GW
-+\fBgw \fIGW\fR
- route packets via a gateway.
- .B NOTE:
- The specified gateway must be reachable first. This usually means that
- you have to set up a static route to the gateway beforehand. If you specify
-@@ -134,91 +148,94 @@ the address of one of your local interfaces, it will be used to decide about
- the interface to which the packets should be routed to. This is a BSDism
- compatibility hack.
- .TP
--.B metric M
--set the metric field in the routing table (used by routing daemons) to M.
-+\fBmetric \fIM\fR
-+set the metric field in the routing table (used by routing daemons) to \fIM\fR. If this option is not specified the metric for inet6 (IPv6) address family defaults to '1', for inet (IPv4) it defaults to '0'. You should always specify an explicit metric value to not rely on those defaults - they also differ from iproute2.
- .TP
--.B mss M
--set the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for connections over this route
--to M bytes.
--The default is the device MTU minus headers, or a lower MTU when path mtu
--discovery occured. This setting can be used to force smaller TCP packets on the
--other end when path mtu discovery does not work (usually because of
--misconfigured firewalls that block ICMP Fragmentation Needed)
-+\fBmss \fIM\fR
-+sets MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of the route to \fIM\fR bytes.
-+Note that the current implementation of the route command does not allow
-+the option to set the Maximum Segment Size (MSS).
- .TP
--.B window W
--set the TCP window size for connections over this route to W
-+\fBwindow \fIW\fR
-+set the TCP window size for connections over this route to \fIW\fR
- bytes. This is typically only used on AX.25 networks and with drivers
- unable to handle back to back frames.
- .TP
--.B irtt I
-+\fBirtt \fII\fR
- set the initial round trip time (irtt) for TCP connections over this
--route to I milliseconds (1-12000). This is typically only used on
-+route to \fII\fR milliseconds (1-12000). This is typically only used on
- AX.25 networks. If omitted the RFC 1122 default of 300ms is used.
- .TP
- .B reject
- install a blocking route, which will force a route lookup to fail.
- This is for example used to mask out networks before using the default
--route. This is NOT for firewalling.
-+route. This is NOT for firewalling.
- .TP
- .B mod, dyn, reinstate
- install a dynamic or modified route. These flags are for diagnostic
- purposes, and are generally only set by routing daemons.
- .TP
--.B dev If
-+\fBdev \fIIf\fR
- force the route to be associated with the specified device, as the
- kernel will otherwise try to determine the device on its own (by
- checking already existing routes and device specifications, and where
- the route is added to). In most normal networks you won't need this.
--.B dev If
-+If \fBdev \fIIf\fR
- is the last option on the command line, the word
- .B dev
- may be omitted, as it's the default. Otherwise the order of the route
--modifiers (metric - netmask - gw - dev) doesn't matter.
-+modifiers (\fBmetric netmask gw dev\fR) doesn't matter.
- .TP
--.B route add -net
--adds the normal loopback entry, using netmask (class A net,
--determined from the destination address) and associated with the
--"lo" device (assuming this device was prviously set up correctly with
-+.B route add \-net netmask metric 1024 dev lo
-+adds the normal loopback entry, using netmask and associated with the
-+"lo" device (assuming this device was previously set up correctly with
- .BR ifconfig (8)).
- .TP
--.B route add -net netmask dev eth0
--adds a route to the network 192.56.76.x via
--"eth0". The Class C netmask modifier is not really necessary here because
--192.* is a Class C IP address. The word "dev" can be omitted here.
-+.B route add \-net netmask metric 1024 dev eth0
-+adds a route to the local network 192.56.76.x via
-+"eth0". The word "dev" can be omitted here.
- .TP
--.B route add default gw mango-gw
-+.B route del default
-+deletes the current default route, which is labeled "default" or
-+in the destination field of the current routing table.
-+.B route add default gw mango
- adds a default route (which will be used if no other route matches).
--All packets using this route will be gatewayed through "mango-gw". The
-+All packets using this route will be gatewayed through the address of a node
-+named "mango". The
- device which will actually be used for that route depends on how we
--can reach "mango-gw" - the static route to "mango-gw" will have to be
--set up before.
-+can reach "mango" - "mango" must be on directly reachable route.
- .TP
--.B route add ipx4 sl0
--Adds the route to the "ipx4" host via the SLIP interface (assuming that
--"ipx4" is the SLIP host).
-+.B route add mango sl0
-+Adds the route to the host named "mango" via the SLIP interface (assuming that
-+"mango" is the SLIP host).
- .TP
--.B route add -net netmask gw ipx4
-+.B route add \-net netmask gw mango
- This command adds the net "192.57.66.x" to be gatewayed through the former
- route to the SLIP interface.
- .TP
--.B route add -net netmask dev eth0
-+.B route add \-net netmask dev eth0
- This is an obscure one documented so people know how to do it. This sets
- all of the class D (multicast) IP routes to go via "eth0". This is the
- correct normal configuration line with a multicasting kernel.
- .TP
--.B route add -net netmask reject
-+.B route add \-net netmask metric 1024 reject
- This installs a rejecting route for the private network "10.x.x.x."
-+.B route -6 add 2001:0002::/48 metric 1 dev eth0
-+This adds a IPv6 route with the specified metric to be directly reachable via eth0.
- .LP
- The output of the kernel routing table is organized in the following columns
-@@ -275,21 +292,20 @@ entry)
- route)
- .TP
- .B Metric
--The 'distance' to the target (usually counted in hops). It is not used by
--recent kernels, but may be needed by routing daemons.
-+The 'distance' to the target (usually counted in hops).
- .TP
- .B Ref
- Number of references to this route. (Not used in the Linux kernel.)
- .TP
- .B Use
--Count of lookups for the route. Depending on the use of -F and -C this will
--be either route cache misses (-F) or hits (-C).
-+Count of lookups for the route. Depending on the use of \-F and \-C this will
-+be either route cache misses (\-F) or hits (\-C).
- .TP
- .B Iface
- Interface to which packets for this route will be sent.
- .TP
- .B MSS
--Default maximum segement size for TCP connections over this route.
-+Default maximum segment size for TCP connections over this route.
- .TP
- .B Window
- Default window size for TCP connections over this route.
-@@ -313,8 +329,12 @@ Whether or not the hardware address for the cached route is up to date.
- .br
- .I /proc/net/rt_cache
- .LP
--.I ifconfig(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8)
-+.IR ifconfig (8),
-+.IR netstat (8),
-+.IR arp (8),
-+.IR rarp (8),
-+.IR ip (8)
- .LP
- .B Route
-@@ -323,4 +343,4 @@ for Linux was originally written by Fred N. van Kempen,
- Linus Torvalds for pl15. Alan Cox added the mss and window options for
- Linux 1.1.22. irtt support and merged with netstat from Bernd Eckenfels.
--Currently maintained by Phil Blundell <>.
-+Currently maintained by Phil Blundell <> and Bernd Eckenfels <>.
-diff --git a/man/en_US/slattach.8 b/man/en_US/slattach.8
-index 0c4c863..0e2cfcc 100644
---- a/man/en_US/slattach.8
-+++ b/man/en_US/slattach.8
-@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
--.TH SLATTACH 8 "12 Feb 1994" "" ""
-+.TH SLATTACH 8 "2011\-12\-31" "net\-tools" "Linux System Administrator's Manual"
- slattach \- attach a network interface to a serial line
--.B "slattach [-dehlLmnqv] [-c command] [-p proto] [-s speed] [tty]"
-+.B "slattach [\-dehlLmnqv] [\-c command] [\-p proto] [\-s speed] [tty]"
- .br
- .B Slattach
-@@ -11,47 +11,53 @@ is a tiny little program that can be used to put a normal terminal
- you to use it for point-to-point links to other computers.
- .TP
--.B "[-c command]"
-+.B tty
-+Path to a serial device like
-+.IR /dev/ttyS* ", " /dev/cua* " or " /dev/ptmx
-+to spawn a new pseudo tty.
-+.B "[\-c command]"
- Execute
- .B command
- when the line is hung up. This can be used to run scripts or re-establish
- connections when a link goes down.
- .TP
--.B "[-d]"
-+.B "[\-d]"
- Enable debugging output. Useful when determining why a given
- setup doesn't work.
- .TP
--.B "[-h]"
-+.B "[\-h]"
- Exit when the carrier is lost. This works on both /dev/tty and /dev/cua
- devices by directly monitoring the carrier status every 15 seconds.
--.B "[-v]"
-+.B "[\-v]"
- Enable verbose output. Useful in shell scripts.
- .TP
--.B "[-q]"
-+.B "[\-q]"
- Operate in quiet mode - no messages at all.
- .TP
--.B "[-l]"
-+.B "[\-l]"
- Create an UUCP-style lockfile for the device in /var/lock.
- .TP
--.B "[-n]"
-+.B "[\-n]"
- Equivalent to the "mesg n" command.
- .TP
--.B "[-m]"
-+.B "[\-m]"
- Do \fBnot\fP initialize the line into 8 bits raw mode.
- .TP
--.B "[-e]"
-+.B "[\-e]"
- Exit right after initializing device, instead of waiting for the
--line to hangup.
-+line to hang up.
- .TP
--.B "[-L]"
-+.B "[\-L]"
- Enable 3 wire operation. The terminal is moved into CLOCAL mode,
- carrier watching is disabled.
- .TP
--.B "[-p proto]"
-+.B "[\-p proto]"
- Set a specific kind of protocol to use on the line. The default
- is set to
--.B "cslip"
--, i.e. compressed SLIP. Other possible values are
-+.BR "cslip" ,
-+i.e. compressed SLIP. Other possible values are
- .B "slip"
- (normal SLIP),
- .B "adaptive"
-@@ -70,14 +76,14 @@ to be active on the line. For kiss connections the
- .B axattach
- program should be used.
- .TP
--.B "[-s speed]"
-+.B "[\-s speed]"
- Set a specific line speed, other than the default.
- .PP
- If no arguments are given, the current terminal line (usually: the
- login device) is used. Otherwise, an attempt is made to claim the
- indicated terminal port, lock it, and open it.
--.I /dev/cua* /var/lock/LCK.*
-+.I /dev/cua* /var/lock/LCK.* /dev/ttyS* /dev/ptmx
- None known.
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/arp.8 b/man/fr_FR/arp.8
-index df37e8b..a669469 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/arp.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/arp.8
-@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
--.TH ARP 8 "5 Jan 1999" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH ARP 8 "5 Jan 1999" "net-tools" "Linux Administrator's Manual"
--arp \- manipule la table ARP du syst�me
-+arp \- manipule la table ARP du système
- .B arp
- .RB [ \-vn ]
- .RB [ "\-H type" ]
- .RB [ "-i if" ]
- .B -a
--.RB [ nom_h�te ]
-+.RB [ nom_hôte ]
- .PP
- .B arp
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B "\-d nom_h�te"
-+.B "\-d nom_hôte"
- .RB [ pub ]
- .PP
- .B arp
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-H type" ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -s nom_h�te hw_addr
-+.B -s nom_hôte hw_addr
- .RB [ temp ]
- .PP
- .B arp
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-H type" ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -s nom_h�te hw_addr
-+.B -s nom_hôte hw_addr
- .RB [ "netmask nm" ]
- .B pub
- .PP
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ arp \- manipule la table ARP du syst
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-H type" ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -Ds nom_h�te ifa
-+.B -Ds nom_hôte ifa
- .RB [ "netmask nm" ]
- .B pub
- .PP
-@@ -46,33 +46,33 @@ arp \- manipule la table ARP du syst
- .B Arp
--manipule la table ARP du noyau de diff�rentes fa�ons. Les options principales
--permettent d'effacer une correspondance d'adresses et d'en d�finir
-+manipule la table ARP du noyau de différentes façons. Les options principales
-+permettent d'effacer une correspondance d'adresses et d'en définir
- une manuellement.
--Pour les besoins de d�bogage, le programme
-+Pour les besoins de débogage, le programme
- .B arp
- permet aussi d'effectuer un dump complet de la table ARP.
- .TP
- .B "\-v, \-\-verbose"
--Dit � l'utilisateur ce qui se passe en �tant verbeux.
-+Dit à l'utilisateur ce qui se passe en étant verbeux.
- .TP
- .B "\-n, \-\-numeric"
--Affiche les adresses num�riques au lieu d'essayer de d�terminer les nom
--d'h�tes symboliques.
-+Affiche les adresses numériques au lieu d'essayer de déterminer les nom
-+d'hôtes symboliques.
- .TP
- .B "\-H type, \-\-hw-type type"
--En positionnant ou lisant les entr�es ARP, ce param�tre optionnel indique
-+En positionnant ou lisant les entrées ARP, ce paramètre optionnel indique
- .B arp
--les classes d'entr�es qu'il doit contr�ler. La valeur par d�faut de
--ce param�tre est
-+les classes d'entrées qu'il doit contrôler. La valeur par défaut de
-+ce paramètre est
- .B ether
--(i.e. code de mat�riel
-+(i.e. code de matériel
- .B 0x01
- pour
- .B "IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet".
--D'autres valeurs doivent correspondre � des technologies r�seaux telles que
-+D'autres valeurs doivent correspondre à des technologies réseaux telles que
- .RB "ARCnet (" arcnet ")"
- ,
- .RB "PROnet (" pronet ")"
-@@ -81,89 +81,89 @@ D'autres valeurs doivent correspondre
- and
- .RB "NET/ROM (" netrom ")."
- .TP
--.B "\-a [nom_d_h�te], \-\-display [nom_d_h�te]"
--Affiche les entr�es concernant l'h�te sp�cifi�. Si le param�tre
--.B nom_d_h�te
--n'est pas utilis�,
-+.B "\-a [nom_d_hôte], \-\-display [nom_d_hôte]"
-+Affiche les entrées concernant l'hôte spécifié. Si le paramètre
-+.B nom_d_hôte
-+n'est pas utilisé,
- .B toutes
--les entr�es seront affich�es.
-+les entrées seront affichées.
- .TP
--.B "\-d nom_d_h�te, \-\-delete nom_d_h�te"
--Enl�ve une entr�e pour l'h�te sp�cifi�. Ceci peut �tre
--utilis� si l'h�te concern� ne fonctionne plus, par exemple.
-+.B "\-d nom_d_hôte, \-\-delete nom_d_hôte"
-+Enlève une entrée pour l'hôte spécifié. Ceci peut être
-+utilisé si l'hôte concerné ne fonctionne plus, par exemple.
- .TP
- .B "\-D, \-\-use-device"
--Utilise l'adresse mat�rielle de l'interface
-+Utilise l'adresse matérielle de l'interface
- .BR ifa
- .
- .TP
- .B "\-i If, \-\-device If"
--S�lectionne une interface. Lors du dump du cache ARP, seules les entr�es
--correspondant � l'interface sp�cifi�e seront affich�es. Lorsque l'on d�finit
--une entr�e permanente ou une entr�e
-+Sélectionne une interface. Lors du dump du cache ARP, seules les entrées
-+correspondant à l'interface spécifiée seront affichées. Lorsque l'on définit
-+une entrée permanente ou une entrée
- .B temp
--, cette interface lui sera associ�e; si cette option n'est pas utilis�e,
--le noyau fera des tentatives de r�solution selon la table de routage. Pour
--les entr�es
-+, cette interface lui sera associée; si cette option n'est pas utilisée,
-+le noyau fera des tentatives de résolution selon la table de routage. Pour
-+les entrées
- .B pub
--l'interface sp�cifi�e est celle pour laquelle les requ�tes ARP auront trouv�
--une r�ponse.
-+l'interface spécifiée est celle pour laquelle les requêtes ARP auront trouvé
-+une réponse.
- .br
- .B NOTE:
--Ceci est diff�rent de l'interface vers laquelle les datagrammes IP seront rout�s.
-+Ceci est différent de l'interface vers laquelle les datagrammes IP seront routés.
- .TP
--.B "\-s nom_d_h�te hw_addr, \-\-set hostname hw_addr"
--Cr�e manuellement une correspondance d'adresses ARP pour l'h�te
--.B nom_d_h�te
--avec l'adresse mat�rielle positionn�e �
-+.B "\-s nom_d_hôte hw_addr, \-\-set hostname hw_addr"
-+Crée manuellement une correspondance d'adresses ARP pour l'hôte
-+.B nom_d_hôte
-+avec l'adresse matérielle positionnée à
- .B hw_addr.
--Le format de l'adresse mat�rielle est d�pendant de la classe du mat�riel,
--mais pour la plupart on peut consid�rer que la pr�sentation classique
--peut �tre utilis�e. Pour la classe Ethernet, c'est 6 octets en hexad�cimal,
--s�par�s par des double-points. Pour ajouter des entr�es proxy-arp
-+Le format de l'adresse matérielle est dépendant de la classe du matériel,
-+mais pour la plupart on peut considérer que la présentation classique
-+peut être utilisée. Pour la classe Ethernet, c'est 6 octets en hexadécimal,
-+séparés par des double-points. Pour ajouter des entrées proxy-arp
- (Ce sont celles avec l'indicateur
- .BR pub lish
--un masque r�seau (
-+un masque réseau (
- .B netmask
--) peut �tre sp�cifi� au proxy-arp pour le
--sous-r�seau entier. Ceci n'est pas tr�s recommand�, mais est support� par
-+) peut être spécifié au proxy-arp pour le
-+sous-réseau entier. Ceci n'est pas très recommandé, mais est supporté par
- les anciens noyaux, car c'est utile dans certains cas. Si l'indicateur
- .B temp
--n'est pas fourni, les entr�es ARP seront permanentes.
-+n'est pas fourni, les entrées ARP seront permanentes.
- .br
- .B NOTE:
--A partir du noyau 2.2.0 il n'est plus possible de d�finir des entr�es ARP
--pour un sous r�seau entier.
-+A partir du noyau 2.2.0 il n'est plus possible de définir des entrées ARP
-+pour un sous réseau entier.
- .TP
- .B "\-f nom_de_fichier, \-\-file nom_de_fichier"
--Similaire � l'option
-+Similaire à l'option
- .B \-s
- , mais cette fois les informations d'adresses sont prises dans le fichier
--.B nom_de_fichier
--. Ceci peut �tre utilis� si les entr�es ARP � configurer sont
--nombreuses. Le nom du fichier de donn�es est tr�s souvent nomm�
-+.BR nom_de_fichier .
-+Ceci peut être utilisé si les entrées ARP à configurer sont
-+nombreuses. Le nom du fichier de données est très souvent nommé
- .B /etc/ethers
- , mais ce n'est pas officiel.
- .sp 1
- Le format du fichier est simple; Il contient
--seulement des lignes de texte ASCII avec sur chaque ligne un nom d'h�te et
--une adresse mat�rielle, s�par�s par des espaces. Les indicateurs
-+seulement des lignes de texte ASCII avec sur chaque ligne un nom d'hôte et
-+une adresse matérielle, séparés par des espaces. Les indicateurs
- .BR "pub" , " temp" " et" " netmask"
--peuvent �galement �tre utilis�s.
-+peuvent également être utilisés.
- .LP
--A tous les endroits o� un
--.B nom d'h�te
-+A tous les endroits où un
-+.B nom d'hôte
- est attendu, on peut aussi entrer une
- .B "addresse IP"
--en notation d�cimale point�e.
-+en notation décimale pointée.
- .LP
--Chaque entr�e compl�te se trouvant dans le cache ARP est marqu�e de
-+Chaque entrée complète se trouvant dans le cache ARP est marquée de
- l'indicateur
--.B C
--. Les entr�es permanentes sont marqu�es de l'indicateur
-+.BR C .
-+Les entrées permanentes sont marquées de l'indicateur
- .B M
--et les entr�es 'pub' ont l'indicateur
-+et les entrées 'pub' ont l'indicateur
- .B P
- .
-@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ et les entr
- rarp(8), route(8), ifconfig(8), netstat(8)
--Fred N. van Kempen, <> avec les am�liorations
--apport�es par le mainteneur des net-tools Bernd Eckenfels
-+Fred N. van Kempen, <> avec les améliorations
-+apportées par le mainteneur des net-tools Bernd Eckenfels
- <>.
- Jean Michel VANSTEENE (
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/ethers.5 b/man/fr_FR/ethers.5
-index 5e70929..030fdf6 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/ethers.5
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/ethers.5
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- .\"
- .TH ETHERS 5 "26 Avril 1996" "" "Formats de fichiers"
- .SH NOM \"{{{roff}}}\"{{{
--ethers \- Base de donn�es adresses Ethernet - adresses IP
-+ethers \- Base de données adresses Ethernet - adresses IP
- .\"}}}
- \fB/etc/ethers\fP contient des adresses Ethernet sur 48 bits et leur
-@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ adresse IP correspondante, une ligne par adresses IP:
- \fIAdresse-Ethernet\fP \fIAdresse-IP\fP
- .RE
- .sp
--Les deux items sont s�par�s par un ou plusieurs espaces et/ou tabulations.
--Un \fB#\fP en d�but de ligne est un commentaire pour tout le reste de la ligne.
--L'\fIadresse-Ethernet\fP est �crite sous la forme
-+Les deux items sont séparés par un ou plusieurs espaces et/ou tabulations.
-+Un \fB#\fP en début de ligne est un commentaire pour tout le reste de la ligne.
-+L'\fIadresse-Ethernet\fP est écrite sous la forme
- .IR x : x : x : x : x : x ,
--o� \fIx\fP est une valeur h�xadecimale comprise entre \fB0\fP et \fBff\fP
--repr�sentant un octet de l'adresse, dans l'ordre du r�seau (big-endian).
--L'\fIAdresse-IP\fP peut �tre soit un nom d'h�te r�solu par DNS ou une adresse
--en notation d�cimale point�e.
-+où \fIx\fP est une valeur héxadecimale comprise entre \fB0\fP et \fBff\fP
-+représentant un octet de l'adresse, dans l'ordre du réseau (big-endian).
-+L'\fIAdresse-IP\fP peut être soit un nom d'hôte résolu par DNS ou une adresse
-+en notation décimale pointée.
- .\"}}}
- .SH EXEMPLES \"{{{
- 08:00:20:00:61:CA pal
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/hostname.1 b/man/fr_FR/hostname.1
-index c4cd412..3adaf4b 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/hostname.1
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/hostname.1
-@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- .TH HOSTNAME 1 "15 Mars 1999" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
--hostname \- affiche ou d�finit le nom d'h�te du syst�me
-+hostname \- affiche ou définit le nom d'hôte du système
- .br
--domainname \- affiche le nom de domaine NIS/YP du syst�me
-+domainname \- affiche le nom de domaine NIS/YP du système
- .br
--dnsdomainname \- affiche le nom de domaine du syst�me
-+dnsdomainname \- affiche le nom de domaine du système
- .br
--nisdomainname \- affiche ou d�finit le nom de domaine NIS/YP du syst�me
-+nisdomainname \- affiche ou définit le nom de domaine NIS/YP du système
- .br
--ypdomainname \- affiche ou d�finit le nom de domaine NIS/YP du syst�me
-+ypdomainname \- affiche ou définit le nom de domaine NIS/YP du système
- .br
--nodename \- affiche ou d�finit le nom de domaine DECnet du syst�me
-+nodename \- affiche ou définit le nom de domaine DECnet du système
- .B hostname
-@@ -73,45 +73,45 @@ nodename \- affiche ou d
- .B Hostname
--est le programme utilis� soit pour d�finir le nom d'h�te, soit
--pour visualiser le nom d'h�te ou de domaine du syst�me. Ce nom est
--utilis� par diff�rents programmes r�seaux pour identifier la machine. Le
--nom de domaine est �galement utilis� par les NIS/YP.
-+est le programme utilisé soit pour définir le nom d'hôte, soit
-+pour visualiser le nom d'hôte ou de domaine du système. Ce nom est
-+utilisé par différents programmes réseaux pour identifier la machine. Le
-+nom de domaine est également utilisé par les NIS/YP.
--Appel� sans argument, le programme affiche les noms courants:
-+Appelé sans argument, le programme affiche les noms courants:
- .LP
- .B hostname
--fournit le nom du syst�me tel qu'il est retourn� par la fonction
--.BR getdomainname (2)
--. Ceci est connu comme nom de domaine YP/NIS du syst�me.
-+fournit le nom du système tel qu'il est retourné par la fonction
-+.BR getdomainname (2).
-+Ceci est connu comme nom de domaine YP/NIS du système.
- .LP
- .B nodename
--fournit le nom de noeud DECnet du syst�me tel qu'il est retourn� par la
-+fournit le nom de noeud DECnet du système tel qu'il est retourné par la
- fonction
- .BR getnodename (2)
- .
- .LP
- .B dnsdomainname
--fournit la partie domaine du nom compl�tement qualifi� - FQDN (Fully
--Qualified Domain Name). Le nom FQDN du syst�me est retourn� par la commande
-+fournit la partie domaine du nom complètement qualifié - FQDN (Fully
-+Qualified Domain Name). Le nom FQDN du système est retourné par la commande
- .BR "hostname \-\-fqdn" .
--Appel� avec un argument ou avec l'option
-+Appelé avec un argument ou avec l'option
- .B \-\-file
--, la commande d�finit le nom d'h�te, le nom de domaine NIS/YP ou
-+, la commande définit le nom d'hôte, le nom de domaine NIS/YP ou
- le nom de noeud.
- .LP
- Notez que seul le super-utilisateur peut changer les noms.
- .LP
--Il n'est pas possible de d�finir le nom FQDN ou le nom de domaine DNS avec
-+Il n'est pas possible de définir le nom FQDN ou le nom de domaine DNS avec
- la commande
- .B dnsdomainname
- (voir
-@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ la commande
- ci-dessous).
- .LP
--Le nom d'h�te est g�n�rallement d�finit une seule fois, au
--d�marrage du syst�me, par le script de configuration
-+Le nom d'hôte est générallement définit une seule fois, au
-+démarrage du système, par le script de configuration
- .I /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.
- ou
- .I /etc/init.d/boot
-@@ -132,45 +132,45 @@ Vous pouvez modifier le FQDN (tel que fourni par la commande
- .BR "hostname \-\-fqdn" )
- ou le nom de domaine DNS (tel que fourni par la commande
- .BR "dnsdomainname" )
--avec cette commande. Le FQDN du syst�me est le nom que le resolveur (
-+avec cette commande. Le FQDN du système est le nom que le resolveur (
- .BR resolver (3)
-- ) retourne comme nom d'h�te.
-+ ) retourne comme nom d'hôte.
- .LP
- Techniquement: Le FQDN est le nom fourni par
- .BR gethostbyname (2)
--� partir du nom d'h�te retourn� par
-+à partir du nom d'hôte retourné par
- .BR gethostname (2).
- Le nom de domaine DNS est la partie suivant le premier point.
- .LP
--La fa�on dont vous pouvez le changer d�pend de la configuration
-+La façon dont vous pouvez le changer dépend de la configuration
- (habituellement dans
--.IR /etc/host.conf )
--. Si le fichier 'hosts' est analys� avant d'interroger le DNS ou
-+.IR /etc/host.conf ).
-+Si le fichier 'hosts' est analysé avant d'interroger le DNS ou
- NIS) vous pouvez le changer dans le fichier
- .IR /etc/hosts .
- .TP
- .I "\-a, \-\-alias"
--Affiche l'alias de l'h�te (si utilis�).
-+Affiche l'alias de l'hôte (si utilisé).
- .TP
- .I "\-d, \-\-domain"
- Affiche le nom du domaine DNS. Ne pas utiliser la commande
- .B domainname
--pour obtenir le nom de domaine DNS car vous obtiendrez en r�alit� le
--nom de domaine NIS. Utilisez plut�t la commande
-+pour obtenir le nom de domaine DNS car vous obtiendrez en réalité le
-+nom de domaine NIS. Utilisez plutôt la commande
- .B dnsdomainname
- .
- .TP
- .I "\-F, \-\-file nom_fichier"
--Lit le nom d'h�te � partir du fichier sp�cifi�. Les commentaires (lignes commen�ant
--par un `#') sont ignor�s.
-+Lit le nom d'hôte à partir du fichier spécifié. Les commentaires (lignes commençant
-+par un `#') sont ignorés.
- .TP
- .I "\-f, \-\-fqdn, \-\-long"
--Affiche le nom pleinement qualifi� - FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). un
--FQDN consiste en un nom d'h�te court et un nom de domaine. A moins que vous
--utilisiez 'bind' ou les NIS pour la recherche d'h�tes, vous pouvez changer
-+Affiche le nom pleinement qualifié - FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). un
-+FQDN consiste en un nom d'hôte court et un nom de domaine. A moins que vous
-+utilisiez 'bind' ou les NIS pour la recherche d'hôtes, vous pouvez changer
- le nom FQDN et le nom de domaine (qui fait partie du FQDN) dans le fichier
- \fI/etc/hosts\fR.
- .TP
-@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@ le nom FQDN et le nom de domaine (qui fait partie du FQDN) dans le fichier
- Affiche un message d'aide et se termine.
- .TP
- .I "\-i, \-\-ip-address"
--Affiche la (les) adresse(s) IP de l'h�te.
-+Affiche la (les) adresse(s) IP de l'hôte.
- .TP
- .I "\-n, \-\-node"
--Affiche le nom de noeud DECnet. Si un param�tre est fourni (ou
-+Affiche le nom de noeud DECnet. Si un paramètre est fourni (ou
- .B \-\-file nom_fichier
--) le super-utilisateur peut �galement d�finir un nouveau nom de neud.
-+) le super-utilisateur peut également définir un nouveau nom de neud.
- .TP
- .I "\-s, \-\-short"
--Affiche le nom d'h�te en format court. Il s'agit du nom d'h�te coup� au
-+Affiche le nom d'hôte en format court. Il s'agit du nom d'hôte coupé au
- premier point.
- .TP
- .I "\-V, \-\-version"
-@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ termine correctement.
- Mode verbeux.
- .TP
- .I "\-y, \-\-yp, \-\-nis"
--Affiche le nom de domaine NIS. Si un param�tre est fourni (ou
-+Affiche le nom de domaine NIS. Si un paramètre est fourni (ou
- .B \-\-file nom_fichier
--) le super-utilisateur peut �galement d�finir un nouveau nom de domaine NIS.
-+) le super-utilisateur peut également définir un nouveau nom de domaine NIS.
- .B /etc/hosts
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/ifconfig.8 b/man/fr_FR/ifconfig.8
-index 0c29eb0..821f164 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/ifconfig.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/ifconfig.8
-@@ -1,160 +1,178 @@
--.TH IFCONFIG 8 "4 August 1997" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.\" Traduction : Jean Michel VANSTEENE <>
-+.\" zz/08/1997
-+.\" Màj zz/08/2004 net-tools-1.60 Guillaume Audirac
-+.\" Màj 17/08/2006 net-tools-1.65 Alain Portal
-+.TH IFCONFIG 8 "30 juin 2005" "net-tools" "Manuel de l'administrateur Linux"
--ifconfig \- configure une interface r�seau
-+ifconfig \- Configurer une interface réseau.
--.B "ifconfig [interface]"
-+.B "ifconfig [\-v] [\-a] [\-s] [interface]"
- .br
--.B "ifconfig interface [aftype] options | adresse ..."
-+.B "ifconfig [\-v] interface [aftype] options | adresse ..."
--.B Ifconfig
--est utilis� pour configurer (et maintenir ensuite) les interfaces
--r�seau r�sidentes dans le noyau. Il est utilis� lors du boot pour
--configurer la plupart d'entre-elles et ainsi rendre le syst�me
--op�rationnel. Apr�s, ce n'est quasiment plus utilis� que pour
--le d�bogage ou pour des r�glages si n�cessaire.
-+.B ifconfig
-+permet de configurer les interfaces réseau présentes dans le noyau.
-+On peut les configurer lors du démarrage quand c'est nécessaire. Ensuite,
-+on l'utilise généralement pour le débogage ou pour d'éventuels réglages.
- .LP
--Si aucun argument n'est donn�,
-+Si aucun argument n'est donné,
- .B ifconfig
--affiche simplement l'�tat des interfaces actuellement d�finies. Si
--seul le param�tre
-+affiche l'état des interfaces actives. Si seul le paramètre
- .B interface
--est donn�, il affiche seulement l'�tat de l'interface correspondante;
--si seul le param�tre
--.B -a
--est fourni, il affiche l'�tat de toutes les interfaces, m�me celles qui
--ne sont pas actives.
--Autrement, il consid�re qu'il faut positionner de nouvelles valeurs.
--.SH Familles d'adresses
--Si le premier argument apr�s le nom de l'interface est reconnu comme
--�tant un nom de famille d'adresses support�, cette famille d'adresses
--est utilis�e pour d�coder et afficher toutes les adresses
--protocolaires. Les familles d'adresses actuellement support�es comprennent
-+est donné, il affiche seulement l'état de l'interface correspondante\ ;
-+si seul le paramètre
-+.B \-a
-+est fourni, il affiche l'état de toutes les interfaces, même celles
-+qui sont inactives. Autrement, il permet de configurer une interface.
-+.SH Familles d'Adresses
-+Si le premier argument après le nom d'interface est reconnu comme
-+le nom d'une famille d'adresses prise en charge, alors cette famille
-+d'adresses est utilisée pour décoder et afficher toutes les adresses
-+du protocole. Les familles d'adresses actuellement prises en charge
- .B inet
--(TCP/IP, default)
-+(TCP/IP, par défaut),
-+.B inet6
- .B ax25
--(AMPR Packet Radio.)
-+(AMPR Packet Radio),
- .B ddp
--(Appletalk Phase 2) and
-+(Appletalk Phase 2),
- .B ipx
--(Novell IPX).
-+(Novell IPX) et
-+.B netrom
-+(AMPR Packet Radio).
- .TP
-+.B \-a
-+Afficher toutes les interfaces actuellement disponibles, même celles
-+qui sont inactives.
-+.B \-s
-+Afficher un résumé (comme netstat \-i).
-+.B \-v
-+Mode volubile pour certains types d'erreurs.
- .B interface
--Le nom de l'interface r�seau. C'est g�n�ralement un nom de pilote suivi
--d'un num�ro d'ordre comme
-+Correspond au nom de l'interface de réseau. C'est généralement un nom de
-+pilote suivi d'un chiffre, comme
- .B eth0
--pour la premi�re interface Ethernet.
-+pour la première interface Ethernet. Si votre noyau accepte les alias
-+d'interfaces, vous pouvez les spécifier avec
-+.B eth0:0
-+pour le premier alias de eth0. On peut les utiliser pour les affecter
-+à une seconde adresse. Pour supprimer un alias d'interface, utilisez
-+.BR "ifconfig eth0:0 down" .
-+Note\ : pour chaque groupe (un même noeud donné par une combinaison
-+adresse/masque de réseau), si vous supprimez le premier alias (le
-+principal), tous les alias sont supprimés.
- .TP
- .B up
--Cette option active l'interface. Elle est implicitement sp�cifi�e
--si une nouvelle adresse est affect�e � l'interface (voir plus loin).
-+Activer l'interface donnée. Cette option est implicite si une adresse est
-+affectée à l'interface.
- .TP
- .B down
--Cette option arr�te le fonctionnement du pilote pour cette interface, et
--est utilis�e lorsque les choses commencent � aller mal.
-+Désactiver le pilote pour l'interface donnée.
- .TP
- .B "[\-]arp"
--Valide ou invalide l'utilisation du protocole ARP sur cette interface. Si
--le signe moins (\-) est pr�sent, l'option est invalid�e.
-+Activer ou désactiver l'utilisation du protocole ARP sur une interface.
- .TP
- .B "[\-]promisc"
--Valide ou invalide le mode
--.B promiscuous
--. S'il est valid�, tous les paquets circulant sur le r�seau
--seront re�us sur cette interface.
-+Activer ou désactiver le mode
-+.BR promiscuous .
-+S'il est activé, tous les paquets circulant sur le réseau seront reçus
-+par l'interface.
- .TP
- .B "[\-]allmulti"
--Valide ou invalide le fonctionnement de l'interface en mode
--.B all-multicast
--. S'il est valid�, tous les paquets multicast circulant sur le r�seau
--seront re�us sur cette interface.
-+Activer ou désactiver le mode
-+.BR all-multicast .
-+S'il est activé, l'interface recevra tous les paquets de multidiffusion
-+circulant sur le réseau.
- .TP
- .B "metric N"
--Ce param�tre d�finit la m�trique de l'interface. Il n'est pour
--l'instant pas impl�ment�, mais le sera prochainement.
-+Définir la métrique de l'interface.
- .TP
- .B "mtu N"
--Ce param�tre d�finit le MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) d'une
-+Définir l'unité de transfert maximum ou MTU («\ Maximum Transfer Unit\ »)
-+d'une interface.
- .TP
--.B "dstaddr adr"
--D�finit l'adresse IP de "l'autre bout" dans le cas d'un lien
--point-�-point, comme PPP. Ce param�tre est obsol�te; utilisez plut�t
--le param�tre
--.B pointopoint.
-+.B "dstaddr adresse"
-+Définir l'adresse IP distante dans le cas d'un lien point-à-point
-+(comme PPP). Cette option est obsolète\ ; utilisez à la place l'option
-+.BR pointopoint .
- .TP
--.B "netmask adr"
--D�finit le masque de r�seau IP pour cette interface. La valeur par
--d�faut de cette valeur correspond au masque r�seau usuel pour les
--classes A, B ou C (d�duite de l'adresse IP), mais toute autre valeur peut
--�tre d�finie selon les besoins en sous-r�seaux.
-+.B "netmask adresse"
-+Définir le masque de réseau IP pour cette interface. La valeur par
-+défaut correspond au masque de réseau usuel pour les classes A, B ou C
-+(déduite de l'adresse IP), mais une autre valeur peut être définie.
- .TP
--.B "add adr/lg_prefix"
--Ajoute une adresse IPv6 � une interface.
-+.B "add adresse/long_préfixe"
-+Ajouter une adresse IPv6 à une interface.
- .TP
--.B "del adr/lg_prefix"
--Supprime une adresse IPv6 d'une interface.
-+.B "del adresse/long_préfixe"
-+Supprimer une adresse IPv6 d'une interface.
- .TP
- .B "tunnel"
--Cr�e un nouveau p�riph�rique SIT (IPv6-dans-IPv4), en mode
--tunnel jusqu'� la destination.
-+Créer un nouveau périphérique SIT (IPv6-dans-IPv4), fonctionnant en mode
-+tunnel jusqu'à la destination donnée.
- .TP
--.B "irq adr"
--D�finit la ligne d'interruption utilis�e par ce
--p�riph�rique. Certains p�riph�riques ne supportent pas le
--changement dynamique de l'IRQ.
-+.B "irq adresse"
-+Définir la ligne d'interruption utilisée par un périphérique.
-+Certains périphériques ne sont pas capables de changer
-+dynamiquement d'IRQ.
- .TP
--.B "io_addr adr"
--D�finit pour ce p�riph�rique, l'adresse de d�but dans l'espace
--d'entr�e-sortie I/O.
-+.B "io_addr adresse"
-+Définir l'adresse de début dans l'espace d'entrée-sortie pour un
- .TP
--.B "mem_start adr"
--D�finit l'adresse de d�but de m�moire partag�e pour ce p�riph�rique. Seuls
--quelques p�riph�riques ont besoin de ce param�tre.
-+.B "mem_start adresse"
-+Définir l'adresse de début de la mémoire partagée utilisée par un
-+périphérique. Peu de périphériques ont besoin de ce paramètre.
- .TP
- .B "media type"
--D�finit le port physique ou le type de medium utilis� par ce p�riph�rique.
--Tous les p�riph�riques ne peuvent pas changer de configuration et les
--valeurs support�es varient de l'un � l'autre. Les valeur typiques sont
-+Définir le port physique ou le type de médium utilisé par le périphérique.
-+Tous les périphériques ne peuvent pas changer cette configuration et les
-+types acceptés varient de l'un à l'autre. Les valeurs habituelles du
-+.B type
- .B 10base2
- (Ethernet fin),
- .B 10baseT
--(10Mbps Ethernet paire torsad�e),
--.B AUI
--(transceiver externe) etc. Le type
-+(Ethernet 10Mbps en paire torsadée),
-+.B AUI
-+(émetteur-récepteur externe), etc. Le médium spécial de type
- .B auto
--permet d'indiquer au pilote de d�tecter automatiquement le medium
--utilis�. Une fois de plus, tous les p�riph�riques ne supportent pas cette
--.B "[-]broadcast [adr]"
--Si l'adresse est �galement donn�e, d�finit l'adresse broadcast
--protocolaire pour cette interface. Autrement, il permet d'armer (ou d�sarmer)
-+permet d'indiquer au pilote de détecter automatiquement le médium utilisé.
-+Une fois de plus, tous les pilotes n'acceptent pas cette option.
-+.B "[\-]broadcast [adresse]"
-+Si l'adresse est donnée, elle définit l'adresse de diffusion du
-+protocole pour cette interface. Autrement, on arme
-+(ou désarme) l'indicateur
- de l'interface.
- .TP
--.B "[-]pointopoint [adr]"
--Ce mot cl� valide le mode
--.B point-�-point
--d'une interface, signifiant qu'il existe un lien direct entre 2 machines,
--sans que personne d'autre ne puisse �tre � l'�coute.
-+.B "[\-]pointopoint [adresse]"
-+Valider le mode
-+.B point-à-point
-+d'une interface, signifiant qu'il existe un lien direct entre 2\ machines,
-+sans que personne d'autre ne puisse être à l'écoute.
- .br
--Si l'argument d'adresse est �galement donn�, il d�finit l'adresse
--de l'autre machine, de la m�me mani�re que le param�tre obsol�te
--.B dstaddr
--Autrement il arme (ou d�sarme) l'indicateur
-+Si l'adresse est également donnée, cela définit l'adresse de
-+protocole de l'autre machine, de la même manière que l'option obsolète
-+.BR dstaddr .
-+Autrement, il arme (ou désarme) l'indicateur
- de l'interface.
- .TP
- .B hw classe adresse
--D�finit l'adresse mat�rielle de l'interface, si le pilote du
--p�riph�rique supporte cette op�ration. Le mot cl� doit �tre
--suivi du nom de la classe mat�rielle et de l'adresse mat�rielle en
--caract�res imprimables ASCII. Les classes mat�rielles actuellement
--support�es comprennent
-+Définir l'adresse matérielle de l'interface, si le pilote du périphérique
-+accepte cette opération. L'option doit être suivie du nom de la classe
-+matérielle et de l'adresse matérielle en caractères ASCII affichables.
-+Les classes matérielles actuellement prises en charge comprennent
- .B ether
- (Ethernet),
- .B ax25
-@@ -165,45 +183,82 @@ et
- .TP
- .B multicast
--Positionne l'indicateur multicast sur l'interface. Elle n'est
--g�n�ralement pas n�cessaire puisque les pilotes positionnent
--l'option correcte eux m�me.
-+Positionner l'indicateur de multidiffusion sur l'interface. Ce n'est
-+généralement pas nécessaire puisque les pilotes positionnent correctement
-+l'option eux-mêmes.
- .TP
- .B adresse
--L'adresse IP de cette interface.
-+Correspond à l'adresse IP affectée à cette interface.
- .TP
--.B txqueuelen length
--Set the length of the transmit queue of the device. It is useful to set this
--to small values for slower devices with a high latency (modem links, ISDN)
--to prevent fast bulk transfers from disturbing interactive traffic like
--telnet too much.
-+.B txqueuelen longueur
-+Définir la longueur de la file d'attente de transmission du périphérique.
-+Il est utile de la fixer à des valeurs faibles pour les périphériques
-+lents avec un temps d'attente important (modems, ISDN), pour empêcher
-+d'être perturbé par de rapides transferts de masse issus des trafics
-+interactifs, comme
-+.BR telnet .
--Depuis le noyau 2.2 il n'y a plus de statistiques d'interface explicite
--pour les interfaces en alias. Les statistiques affich�es pour la v�ritable
--adresse sont partag�es avec toutes les adresses alias du m�me p�riph�rique.
--Si vous voulez des adresses par interface, vous devez ajouter des r�gles de
--comptabilit� particuli�res pour l'adresse en utilisant la commande
--.BR ipchains(8)
-+Depuis la version 2.2 du noyau, il n'y a plus de statistiques d'interface
-+explicites pour les alias d'interfaces. Les statistiques affichées pour la
-+véritable adresse sont partagées avec toutes les adresses d'alias du même
-+périphérique. Pour avoir des statistiques par adresse, il faut ajouter
-+des règles de comptabilité particulières pour l'adresse en utilisant
-+la commande
-+.BR ipchains (8)
-+.BR iptables (8).
-+Depuis net-tools 1.61,
-+.B ifconfig
-+affiche les compteurs d'octets et ceux lisibles par un utilisateur en
-+unités IEC\ 60027-2. Ainsi, 1\ KiB vaut 2^10 octets. Notez que les nombres
-+sont tronqués à la première décimale (ce qui peut être une erreur importante
-+si vous considérez que 0,1\ PiB vaut 112.589.990.684.262\ octets\ :)
-+Des problèmes d'interruption avec les pilotes de périphériques Ethernet
-+apparaissent avec EAGAIN
-+(\fISIOCSIIFLAGS\ : Ressource temporairement indisponible\fR)
-+il s'agit sûrement d'un conflit d'interruptions. Voir
-+pour plus d'informations.
--.I /proc/net/socket
-+.I /proc/net/socket
- .br
- .I /proc/net/dev
- .br
- .I /proc/net/if_inet6
--M�me si les adresses appletalk DDP et IPX peuvent �tre affich�es,
--elles ne peuvent �tre modifi�es avec cette commande.
-+Même si les adresses appletalk DDP et IPX peuvent être affichées,
-+elles ne peuvent être modifiées avec cette commande.
--route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), ipchains(8)
-+.BR route (8),
-+.BR netstat (8),
-+.BR arp (8),
-+.BR rarp (8),
-+.BR ipchains (8),
-+.BR iptables (8)
-+ \- Préfixes
-+pour les multiples binaires.
- Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- .br
- Alan Cox, <>
- .br
- Phil Blundell, <>
- .br
--Andi Kleen,
-+Andi Kleen,
-+Bernd Eckenfels, <>
--Jean-Michel VANSTEENE (
-+Ce document est une traduction réalisée par Jean Michel Vansteene
-+<vanstee\ AT\ worldnet\ DOT\ fr> en août\ 1997,
-+mise à jour par Guillaume Audirac en août 2004
-+et révisée le 17\ août\ 2006.
-+L'équipe de traduction a fait le maximum pour réaliser une adaptation
-+française de qualité. La version anglaise la plus à jour de ce document est
-+toujours consultable via la commande\ : «\ \fBLANG=C\ man\ 8\ ifconfig\fR\ ».
-+N'hésitez pas à signaler à l'auteur ou au traducteur, selon le cas, toute
-+erreur dans cette page de manuel.
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/netstat.8 b/man/fr_FR/netstat.8
-index bf16bc6..c65d0be 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/netstat.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/netstat.8
-@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
- .\" Modified: Tuan Hoang
- .\"
- .\"
--.TH NETSTAT 8 "25 F�v 1999" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH NETSTAT 8 "2007-12-02" "net-tools" "Linux Administrator's Manual"
--netstat \- Affiche les connexions r�seau, les tables de routage, les
--statistiques des interfaces, les connexions masqu�es, les messages netlink,
-+netstat \- Affiche les connexions réseau, les tables de routage, les
-+statistiques des interfaces, les connexions masquées, les messages netlink,
- et les membres multicast.
-@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ et les membres multicast.
- .RB [ \-venaoc ]
- .RB [ \-\-tcp | \-t ]
- .RB [ \-\-udp | \-u ]
-+.RB [ \-\-udplite | \-U ]
-+.RB [ \-\-sctp | \-S ]
- .RB [ \-\-raw | \-w ]
- .RB [ \-\-groups | \-g ]
- .RB [ \-\-unix | \-x ]
-@@ -68,34 +70,34 @@ et les membres multicast.
- .PP
- .B Netstat
--affiche les informations du sous-syst�me r�seau de Linux
-+affiche les informations du sous-système réseau de Linux
- .SS "(no option)"
--Vous pouvez voir l'�tat des connexions r�seau en listant les sockets
--ouvertes. C'est l'option par d�faut : si vous ne sp�cifiez aucune famille
-+Vous pouvez voir l'état des connexions réseau en listant les sockets
-+ouvertes. C'est l'option par défaut : si vous ne spécifiez aucune famille
- d'adresses, les sockets actives de toutes les familles d'adresses seront
--Avec le param�tre
-+Avec le paramètre
- .B -e
--vous obtenez quelques informations suppl�mentaires (userid). Avec le param�tre
-+vous obtenez quelques informations supplémentaires (userid). Avec le paramètre
- .B -v
--vous pouvez demander � netstat de signaler des familles d'adresses connues
--non support�es par le noyau. Le param�tre
-+vous pouvez demander à netstat de signaler des familles d'adresses connues
-+non supportées par le noyau. Le paramètre
- .B -o
--affiche des informations suppl�mentaires sur les timers r�seau. En donnant
--le param�tre
-+affiche des informations supplémentaires sur les timers réseau. En donnant
-+le paramètre
- .B -p
--vous verrez le PID et le nom du processus � qui appartient la socket. Le param�tre
-+vous verrez le PID et le nom du processus à qui appartient la socket. Le paramètre
- .B -a
--affiche toutes les sockets, y compris les sockets d'�coute des serveurs. La famille
-+affiche toutes les sockets, y compris les sockets d'écoute des serveurs. La famille
- d'adresses
- .B inet
- affiche les sockets raw, udp et tcp.
- .SS "\-r, \-\-route"
--Avec le param�tre
-+Avec le paramètre
- .BR \-r ", " \-\-route
--vous pouvez visualiser les tables de routage dans le m�me format qu'avec la
-+vous pouvez visualiser les tables de routage dans le même format qu'avec la
- commande
- .B "route -e"
- .
-@@ -104,44 +106,44 @@ utilisera le format de la commande
- .BR route .
- Veuillez consulter
- .BR route (8)
--pour plus de d�tails.
-+pour plus de détails.
--.SS "\-i, \-\-interface \fIiface\fI"
-+.SS "\-i, \-\-interfaces \fIiface\fI"
- Si vous utilisez l'option
- .BR -i ", " --interfaces
- , une table de toutes (ou de l'interface
- .IR iface
--sp�cifi�e) les interfaces r�seau sera affich�e. Le format de sortie est le
--m�me que celui de la commande
-+spécifiée) les interfaces réseau sera affichée. Le format de sortie est le
-+même que celui de la commande
- .B "ifconfig -e"
--, et est d�crit dans
-+, et est décrit dans
- .BR ifconfig (8).
- .B "netstat -ei"
--affiche une table ou une seule entr�e d'interface comme la commande
--.B ifconfig
--. Avec le param�tre
-+affiche une table ou une seule entrée d'interface comme la commande
-+.BR ifconfig .
-+Avec le paramètre
- .B -a
--, vous pouvez inclure les interfaces qui ne sont pas configur�es (c.a.d qui
-+, vous pouvez inclure les interfaces qui ne sont pas configurées (c.a.d qui
- n'ont pas l'indicateur
- .BR U = UP
- .SS "\-M, \-\-masquerade"
--Permet de voir les sessions ayant de l'IP-masquerade. Avec le param�tre
-+Permet de voir les sessions ayant de l'IP-masquerade. Avec le paramètre
- .B -e
--vous pouvez inclure quelques informations concernant les num�ros de
--s�quence et les deltas caus�s par des r��critures de donn�es sur des
--sessions FTP (commande PORT). Le support de l'IP-Masquerade est utilis�
--pour cacher au monde ext�rieur des h�tes appartenant � un r�seau (et ayant
--des adresses) non officiel, tel que d�crit dans
--.BR ipfw (4), ipfwadm "(8) et " ipfw (8).
-+vous pouvez inclure quelques informations concernant les numéros de
-+séquence et les deltas causés par des réécritures de données sur des
-+sessions FTP (commande PORT). Le support de l'IP-Masquerade est utilisé
-+pour cacher au monde extérieur des hôtes appartenant à un réseau (et ayant
-+des adresses) non officiel, tel que décrit dans
-+.BR iptables (8).
- .SS "\-N, \-\-netlink"
--Les noyaux r�cents supportent une communication avec l'utilisateur appel�e
--netlink. Vous pouvez obtenir des messages relatifs � la cr�ation, la
--suppression d'interfaces ou de routes � partir de
-+Les noyaux récents supportent une communication avec l'utilisateur appelée
-+netlink. Vous pouvez obtenir des messages relatifs à la création, la
-+suppression d'interfaces ou de routes à partir de
- .I /dev/route
- (36,0).
-@@ -149,23 +151,23 @@ suppression d'interfaces ou de routes
- .SS "\-v, \-\-verbose"
- active le mode verbeux. Affiche quelques informations utiles concernant les
--familles d'adresses non configur�es.
-+familles d'adresses non configurées.
- .SS "\-n, \-\-numeric"
--affiche les adresses en format num�rique au lieu d'essayer de d�terminer le
--nom symbolique d'h�te, de port ou d'utilisateur.
-+affiche les adresses en format numérique au lieu d'essayer de déterminer le
-+nom symbolique d'hôte, de port ou d'utilisateur.
- .SS "\-p, \-\-programs"
--affiche le nom et le PID des processus propri�taires de chaque socket
--d�crite. Vous devez �tre le propri�taire d'un processus pour visualiser les
--sockets qui lui appartiennent ou �tre l'utilisateur
-+affiche le nom et le PID des processus propriétaires de chaque socket
-+décrite. Vous devez être le propriétaire d'un processus pour visualiser les
-+sockets qui lui appartiennent ou être l'utilisateur
- .B root
- pour disposer de toutes les informations.
- .SS "\-A, \-\-af \fIfamille\fI"
--utilise une m�thode diff�rente pour affecter les familles d'adresses.
-+utilise une méthode différente pour affecter les familles d'adresses.
- .I famille
--est une liste de familles d'adresses s�par�es par des (',') telles que
-+est une liste de familles d'adresses séparées par des (',') telles que
- .BR inet ,
- .BR unix ,
- .BR ipx ,
-@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ est une liste de familles d'adresses s
- .B netrom
- et
- .BR ddp .
--L'utilisation des options longues suivantes a le m�me effet
-+L'utilisation des options longues suivantes a le même effet
- .BR \-\-inet ,
- .BR \-\-unix ,
- .BR \-\-ipx ,
-@@ -183,9 +185,9 @@ et
- .BR \-\-ddp.
- .SS "\-c, \-\-continous"
--Demandera �
-+Demandera à
- .B netstat
--d'afficher la table s�lectionn�e chaque seconde jusqu'� ce que vous
-+d'afficher la table sélectionnée chaque seconde jusqu'à ce que vous
- l'interrompiez.
- .PP
-@@ -195,102 +197,102 @@ l'interrompiez.
- .SS Connexions Internet actives \fR(TCP, UDP, RAW)\fR
- .SS "Proto"
--Le protocole (TCP, UDP, RAW) utilis� par la socket.
-+Le protocole (TCP, UDP, RAW) utilisé par la socket.
- .SS "Recv-Q"
--Le nombre d'octets non encore lus par le programme utilisateur connect�
--� cette socket.
-+Le nombre d'octets non encore lus par le programme utilisateur connecté
-+à cette socket.
- .SS "Send-Q"
--Le nombre d'octets non encore acquitt�s par l'h�te distant.
-+Le nombre d'octets non encore acquittés par l'hôte distant.
- .SS "Local Address (Adresse locale)"
--L'adresse locale (nom d'h�te local) et num�ro de port de la
-+L'adresse locale (nom d'hôte local) et numéro de port de la
- socket. Sauf si l'option
- .B -n
--est donn�e, l'adresse de la prise est traduite en nom d'h�te,
--et le num�ro de port est traduit en nom de service correspondant.
-+est donnée, l'adresse de la prise est traduite en nom d'hôte,
-+et le numéro de port est traduit en nom de service correspondant.
- .SS "Foreign Address (Adresse distante)"
--L'adresse distante (nom d'h�te distant) et le num�ro de port de
--la prise. Comme pour l'adresse locale et le num�ro de port, l'option
-+L'adresse distante (nom d'hôte distant) et le numéro de port de
-+la prise. Comme pour l'adresse locale et le numéro de port, l'option
- .B -n
--invalide la traduction du nom d'h�te et de service.
-+invalide la traduction du nom d'hôte et de service.
- .SS "State (Etat)"
--L'�tat de la socket. Puisqu'il n'y a pas d'�tat dans le mode RAW
--et g�n�ralement pas d'�tat utilis� en UDP, cette colonne
-+L'état de la socket. Puisqu'il n'y a pas d'état dans le mode RAW
-+et généralement pas d'état utilisé en UDP, cette colonne
- peut se trouver vierge. Normalement, on trouvera une des valeur suivante:
- .TP
- .I
--La socket a une connexion �tablie.
-+La socket a une connexion établie.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket attend activement d'�tablir une connexion.
-+La socket attend activement d'établir une connexion.
- .TP
- .I
--Une requ�te de connexion a �t� re�ue du r�seau.
-+Une requête de connexion a été reçue du réseau.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket est ferm�e, et la connexion est en cours de terminaison.
-+La socket est fermée, et la connexion est en cours de terminaison.
- .TP
- .I
--La connexion est ferm�e, et la socket attend une terminaison du distant.
-+La connexion est fermée, et la socket attend une terminaison du distant.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket attend le traitement de tous les paquets encore sur le r�seau
-+La socket attend le traitement de tous les paquets encore sur le réseau
- avant d'entreprendre la fermeture.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket n'est pas utilis�e.
-+La socket n'est pas utilisée.
- .TP
- .I
--Le distant a arr�t�, attendant la fermeture de la socket.
-+Le distant a arrêté, attendant la fermeture de la socket.
- .TP
- .I
--Le distant termine, et la socket est ferm�e. Attente d'acquittement.
-+Le distant termine, et la socket est fermée. Attente d'acquittement.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket est � l'�coute de connexions entrantes. Ces sockets ne sont
--affich�es que si le param�tre
-+La socket est à l'écoute de connexions entrantes. Ces sockets ne sont
-+affichées que si le paramètre
- .BR -a , --listening
- est fourni.
- .TP
- .I
--Les deux prises sont arr�t�es mais toutes les donn�es locales n'ont
--pas encore �t� envoy�es.
-+Les deux prises sont arrêtées mais toutes les données locales n'ont
-+pas encore été envoyées.
- .TP
- .I
--L'�tat de la prise est inconnu.
-+L'état de la prise est inconnu.
- .SS "User (Utilisateur)"
--Le nom d'utilisateur ou l'UID du propri�taire de la socket.
-+Le nom d'utilisateur ou l'UID du propriétaire de la socket.
- .SS "PID/Program name (PID/Nom de Programme)"
--Le PID et le nom du programme (s�par�s par un slash) propri�taire de la
--socket. Le param�tre
-+Le PID et le nom du programme (séparés par un slash) propriétaire de la
-+socket. Le paramètre
- .B -p
- active l'affichage de cette colonne. Vous devez avoir les droits de
- .B root
--puisque vous devez avoir les droits d'acc�s aux processus pour visualiser
-+puisque vous devez avoir les droits d'accès aux processus pour visualiser
- les sockets qui lui correspondent. Ces informations ne sont pas disponibles
- avec les sockets IPX.
- .SS "Timer"
--(Ceci doit �tre r�dig�)
-+(Ceci doit être rédigé)
- .PP
-@@ -298,28 +300,28 @@ avec les sockets IPX.
- .SS "Proto"
--Le protocole (habituellement UNIX) utilis� par la socket.
-+Le protocole (habituellement UNIX) utilisé par la socket.
- .SS "RefCnt"
--Le nombre de r�f�rences (i.e. processus attach�s via cette socket).
-+Le nombre de références (i.e. processus attachés via cette socket).
- .SS "Flags (indicateurs)"
--Les indicateurs affich�e sont SO_ACCEPTON (affich�
-+Les indicateurs affichée sont SO_ACCEPTON (affiché
- .BR ACC ),
- .RB ( W )
- .RB ( N ).
--SO_ACCECPTON est utilis� pour les sockets
--non-connect�es si les processus correspondant sont en attente de
--demande de connexion. Les autres indicateurs sont d'un int�r�t limit�.
-+SO_ACCECPTON est utilisé pour les sockets
-+non-connectées si les processus correspondant sont en attente de
-+demande de connexion. Les autres indicateurs sont d'un intérêt limité.
- .SS "Type"
--Il y a diff�rents types d'acc�s aux sockets :
-+Il y a différents types d'accès aux sockets :
- .TP
- .I
--La prise est utilis�e en mode Datagram (sans connexion).
-+La prise est utilisée en mode Datagram (sans connexion).
- .TP
- .I
-@@ -327,90 +329,89 @@ C'est une socket `stream' (connexion).
- .TP
- .I
--La prise est utilis�e en mode `raw'.
-+La prise est utilisée en mode `raw'.
- .TP
- .I
--Celle-ci est utilis�e pour les messages d�livr�e de mani�re fiable.
-+Celle-ci est utilisée pour les messages délivrée de manière fiable.
- .TP
- .I
--C'est une socket en mode paquets s�quentiels.
-+C'est une socket en mode paquets séquentiels.
- .TP
- .I
--Prise d'acc�s � l'interface RAW.
-+Prise d'accès à l'interface RAW.
- .TP
- .I
--Qui sait ce que l'avenir nous r�serve - Juste � remplir ici :-)
-+Qui sait ce que l'avenir nous réserve - Juste à remplir ici :-)
- .PP
- .SS "State (Etat)"
--Ce champ contient un des mots cl�s suivants :
-+Ce champ contient un des mots clés suivants :
- .TP
- .I
--La socket n'est pas allou�e
-+La socket n'est pas allouée
- .TP
- .I
--La socket est � l'�coute de demandes de connexions. Ces sockets ne sont
--affich�es que si le param�tre
-+La socket est à l'écoute de demandes de connexions. Ces sockets ne sont
-+affichées que si le paramètre
- .BR -a , --listening
- est fourni.
- .TP
- .I
--La prise est en cours d'�tablissement de connexion.
-+La prise est en cours d'établissement de connexion.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket est connect�e.
-+La socket est connectée.
- .TP
- .I
--La socket est en cours de d�connexion.
-+La socket est en cours de déconnexion.
- .TP
- .I
- (empty)
--La socket n'est connect�e � aucune autre.
-+La socket n'est connectée à aucune autre.
- .TP
- .I
--Cet �tat ne devrait pas appara�tre.
-+Cet état ne devrait pas apparaître.
- .SS "PID/Program name (PID/Nom de programme"
--Le PID et le nom du programme propri�taire de la socket. Plus
-+Le PID et le nom du programme propriétaire de la socket. Plus
- d'informations sont disponibles dans la section
- .B "Connexions Internet actives"
- ci-dessus.
- .SS "Path (chemin)"
--Affiche le chemin correspondant � l'attachement des processus � la socket.
-+Affiche le chemin correspondant à l'attachement des processus à la socket.
- .PP
- .SS Sockets IPX actives
--(� faire par quelqu'un qui conna�t)
-+(à faire par quelqu'un qui connaît)
- .PP
- .SS Sockets NET/ROM actives
--(� faire par quelqu'un qui conna�t)
-+(à faire par quelqu'un qui connaît)
- .PP
- .SS Sockets AX.25 actives
--(� faire par quelqu'un qui conna�t)
-+(à faire par quelqu'un qui connaît)
- .PP
- Depuis la version 2.2 du noyau, netstat -i n'affiche plus les statistiques
- des interfaces alias. Pour obtenir les compteurs par interface alias, vous
--devez d�finir des r�gles sp�cifiques � l'aide de la commande
--.BR ipchains(8)
-+devez définir des règles spécifiques à l'aide de la commande
-+.BR iptables(8).
- .ta
-@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ devez d
- -- Le fichier de correspondance des services
- .I /proc/net/dev
---- informations p�riph�riques
-+-- informations périphériques
- .I /proc/net/raw
- -- informations sockets RAW
-@@ -471,31 +472,28 @@ devez d
- .BR route (8),
- .BR ifconfig (8),
--.BR ipfw (4),
--.BR ipfw (8),
--.BR ipfwadm (8)
--.BR ipchains (8)
-+.BR iptables (8)
- .PP
--Des informations �tranges peuvent apparaitre occasionnellement
--si une socket change d'�tat au moment ou elle est visualis�e.
-+Des informations étranges peuvent apparaitre occasionnellement
-+si une socket change d'état au moment ou elle est visualisée.
- Ceci est peut probable.
- .br
--Le param�tre
-+Le paramètre
- .B netstat -i
--est d�crit tel qu'il fonctionnera lorsque le code de la version BETA du
--paquetage net-tools aura �t� nettoy�.
-+est décrit tel qu'il fonctionnera lorsque le code de la version BETA du
-+paquetage net-tools aura été nettoyé.
- .PP
--L'interface utilisateur de netstat a �t� d�velopp�e par
-+L'interface utilisateur de netstat a été développée par
- Fred Baumgarten <>. Les pages du
--manuel essentiellement �crites par Matt Welsh
--<>. Mis � jour par Alan Cox <>.
-+manuel essentiellement écrites par Matt Welsh
-+<>. Mis à jour par Alan Cox <>.
- .br
- La page de manuel et la commande incluse dans le paquetage net-tools
--a �t� totallement r��crite par Bernd Eckenfels
-+a été totallement réécrite par Bernd Eckenfels
- <>.
- Jean Michel VANSTEENE (
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/plipconfig.8 b/man/fr_FR/plipconfig.8
-index cd44449..4d17ea2 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/plipconfig.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/plipconfig.8
-@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
- .TH PLIPCONFIG 8 "17 February 1995" "" ""
--plipconfig \- r�glage fin des param�tres du p�riph�rique PLIP
-+plipconfig \- réglage fin des paramètres du périphérique PLIP
- .B "plipconfig interface"
- .br
- .B "plipconfig interface [nibble NN] [trigger NN] [unit NN]"
- .B Plipconfig
--est utilis� pour am�liorer (esp�rons-le) les performances PLIP
--en changeant les timings par d�faut utilis�s par le protocole PLIP. Les
--r�sultats d�pendent du port parall�le
--utilis�, du cable, et de la vitesse CPU de chaque machine
--� chaque bout du lien PLIP.
-+est utilisé pour améliorer (espérons-le) les performances PLIP
-+en changeant les timings par défaut utilisés par le protocole PLIP. Les
-+résultats dépendent du port parallèle
-+utilisé, du cable, et de la vitesse CPU de chaque machine
-+à chaque bout du lien PLIP.
- .LP
- Si le seul argument est l'
- .B interface
- ,
- .B plipconfig
--affiche seulement l'�tat de cette interface. Autrement, il essaiera de
--positionner les options donn�es.
-+affiche seulement l'état de cette interface. Autrement, il essaiera de
-+positionner les options données.
- .TP
- .B "nibble NN"
--D�finit la valeur d'attente des digits en microsecondes. Par d�fault : 3000.
-+Définit la valeur d'attente des digits en microsecondes. Par défault : 3000.
- .TP
- .B "trigger NN"
--D�finit le d�lai de d�clenchement en microsecondes. Par d�fault : 500.
-+Définit le délai de déclenchement en microsecondes. Par défault : 500.
- .LP
--La vitesse de PLIP peut, dans certains cas, �tre am�lior�e en
--diminuant les valeurs par d�faut.
-+La vitesse de PLIP peut, dans certains cas, être améliorée en
-+diminuant les valeurs par défaut.
- Les valeurs trop petites peuvent engendrer une utilisation excessive de CPU,
--et un temps de r�ponse aux interruptions mauvais, dont le r�sultat est
--la perte de caract�res lus sur le port, ou de paquets PLIP.
-+et un temps de réponse aux interruptions mauvais, dont le résultat est
-+la perte de caractères lus sur le port, ou de paquets PLIP.
- La modification du MTU PLIP peut aussi affecter la vitesse PLIP.
--Si vous n'obtenez aucune r�ponse, il est fort probable que l'IRQ configur�e
--soit mauvaise, et qu'elle n�cessite une configuration avec ifconfig.
--Les quelques cas pour lesquels les timings par d�faut sont trop courts,
--arrivent lorque l'on utilise de longs cables. Quelque chose � ne pas faire,
--puisque le port parall�le n'est pas fait pour fonctionner avec de longs cables.
-+Si vous n'obtenez aucune réponse, il est fort probable que l'IRQ configurée
-+soit mauvaise, et qu'elle nécessite une configuration avec ifconfig.
-+Les quelques cas pour lesquels les timings par défaut sont trop courts,
-+arrivent lorque l'on utilise de longs cables. Quelque chose à ne pas faire,
-+puisque le port parallèle n'est pas fait pour fonctionner avec de longs cables.
- .I ifconfig(8)
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/rarp.8 b/man/fr_FR/rarp.8
-index 73e9328..e68730f 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/rarp.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/rarp.8
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--.TH RARP 8 "4 Ao�t 1997" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH RARP 8 "4 Août 1997" "net-tools" "Linux Administrator's Manual"
--rarp \- manipule la table syst�me RARP
-+rarp \- manipule la table système RARP
- .B "rarp [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]"
- .br
-@@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ rarp \- manipule la table syst
- .B "rarp [-v] [-t type] -s nom_d_hote adr_materiel"
- .B Rarp
--manipule la table RARP du noyau de diff�rentes fa�ons. Les options de base
--permettent d'effacer une entr�e de correspondance d'adresses et d'en
--red�finir une manuellement. Pour des besoins de d�bogage, le programme
-+manipule la table RARP du noyau de différentes façons. Les options de base
-+permettent d'effacer une entrée de correspondance d'adresses et d'en
-+redéfinir une manuellement. Pour des besoins de débogage, le programme
- .B rarp
--permet aussi de vider compl�tement la table RARP.
-+permet aussi de vider complètement la table RARP.
- .TP
- .B \-V
--Affiche la version de RARP utilis�.
-+Affiche la version de RARP utilisé.
- .TP
- .B \-v
--Dit � l'utilisateur ce qui se passe, en �tant verbeux.
-+Dit à l'utilisateur ce qui se passe, en étant verbeux.
- .TP
- .B "\-t type"
--En d�finissant ou lisant la table RARP, ce param�tre optionnel dit �
-+En définissant ou lisant la table RARP, ce paramètre optionnel dit à
- .B rarp
--quelles classes d'entr�es il doit contr�ler. La valeur par d�faut de
--ce param�tre est
-+quelles classes d'entrées il doit contrôler. La valeur par défaut de
-+ce paramètre est
- .B ether
--(i.e. code mat�riel
-+(i.e. code matériel
- .B 0x01
- pour
- .B "IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet".
--D'autres valeurs doivent correspondre � des technologies r�seaux telles que
-+D'autres valeurs doivent correspondre à des technologies réseaux telles que
- .B AX.25 (ax25).
- et
- .B NET/ROM (netrom).
-@@ -42,31 +42,31 @@ et
- .B "\-a"
- .TP
- .B "\-\-list"
--Liste les entr�es de la table RARP.
-+Liste les entrées de la table RARP.
- .TP
- .B "\-d nom_d_hote"
- .TP
- .B "\-\-delete nom_d_hote"
--Supprime toutes les entr�es RARP relatives � l'h�te sp�cifi�.
-+Supprime toutes les entrées RARP relatives à l'hôte spécifié.
- .TP
- .B "\-s nom_d_hote adr_materielle"
- .TP
- .B "\-\-set nom_d_hote adr_materielle"
--Cr�e manuellement une correspondance d'adresses RARP pour l'h�te
--.B nom_d_h�te
--avec l'adresse mat�rielle
--.B adr_materielle
--. Le format de l'adresse mat�rielle est d�pendant du mat�riel,
--mais pour la plupart on peut consid�rer que la pr�sentation classique
--peut �tre utilis�e. Pour la classe Ethernet, c'est 6 octets en hexad�cimal,
--s�par�s par des double-points.
-+Crée manuellement une correspondance d'adresses RARP pour l'hôte
-+.B nom_d_hôte
-+avec l'adresse matérielle
-+.BR adr_materielle .
-+Le format de l'adresse matérielle est dépendant du matériel,
-+mais pour la plupart on peut considérer que la présentation classique
-+peut être utilisée. Pour la classe Ethernet, c'est 6 octets en hexadécimal,
-+séparés par des double-points.
--Certains syst�mes (notamment des vieux Sun's) supposent que l'h�te
--r�pondant � une requ�te RARP peut aussi fournir d'autres services
--de boot � distance. Par cons�quent n'ajoutez jamais
--d'entr�es RARP � la l�g�re � moins que vous souhaitiez affronter la
--col�re de votre administrateur r�seau.
-+Certains systèmes (notamment des vieux Sun's) supposent que l'hôte
-+répondant à une requête RARP peut aussi fournir d'autres services
-+de boot à distance. Par conséquent n'ajoutez jamais
-+d'entrées RARP à la légère à moins que vous souhaitiez affronter la
-+colère de votre administrateur réseau.
- .I /proc/net/rarp,
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/route.8 b/man/fr_FR/route.8
-index 9109e8d..986faf9 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/route.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/route.8
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH ROUTE 8 "8 Ao�t 1997" "net-tools" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
-+.TH ROUTE 8 "8 Août 1997" "net-tools" "Linux Administrator's Manual"
- route \- affiche / manipule la table de routage IP
-@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ If]
- .RB [ \--help ]
- .B Route
--manipule la table de routage IP du noyau. Son utilisation premi�re
--consiste � configurer des routes statiques vers des h�tes ou des r�seaux
--via une interface, apr�s sa configuration par le programme
-+manipule la table de routage IP du noyau. Son utilisation première
-+consiste à configurer des routes statiques vers des hôtes ou des réseaux
-+via une interface, après sa configuration par le programme
- .B ifconfig(8).
-@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ Active le mode verbeux.
- .TP
- .B \-A famille
--Utilise la famille d'adresses sp�cifi�e (p.ex. `inet', `inet6').
-+Utilise la famille d'adresses spécifiée (p.ex. `inet', `inet6').
- .TP
- .B \-n
--Affiche les adresses num�riques, au lieu
--d'essayer de d�terminer les noms d'h�tes. C'est utile si vous essayer de
-+Affiche les adresses numériques, au lieu
-+d'essayer de déterminer les noms d'hôtes. C'est utile si vous essayer de
- savoir pourquoi la route vers votre serveur de nom a disparu.
- .TP
-@@ -80,24 +80,24 @@ utilise
- .BR netstat (8)-format
- pour l'affichage de la table de routage.
- .B \-ee
--G�n�re une tr�s longue ligne avec tous les param�tres � partir de la table
-+Génère une très longue ligne avec tous les paramètres à partir de la table
- de routage.
- .TP
- .B \-net
- la
- .B cible
--est un r�seau.
-+est un réseau.
- .TP
- .B -host
- la
- .B cible
--est un h�te.
-+est un hôte.
- .TP
- .B -F
--affiche la table de routage FIB du noyau. L'organisation peut �tre chang�e avec
-+affiche la table de routage FIB du noyau. L'organisation peut être changée avec
- .B \-e
- et
- .B \-ee
-@@ -117,131 +117,131 @@ ajoute une route.
- .TP
- .B cible
--L'h�te ou le r�seau destination. Vous pouvez fournir une adresse IP en
--notation d�cimale point�e ou un nom d'h�te ou de r�seau.
-+L'hôte ou le réseau destination. Vous pouvez fournir une adresse IP en
-+notation décimale pointée ou un nom d'hôte ou de réseau.
- .TP
- .B netmask Nm
--sp�cifie le masque r�seau de la route � ajouter.
-+spécifie le masque réseau de la route à ajouter.
- .TP
- .B gw Gw
--signifie que tout paquet IP envoy� � cette adresse sera rout� par
--la passerelle sp�cifi�e.
-+signifie que tout paquet IP envoyé à cette adresse sera routé par
-+la passerelle spécifiée.
- .B NOTE:
--La passerelle concern�e doit pouvoir �tre atteinte. Ceci signifie
--qu'une route statique vers cette passerelle doit pr�alablement exister.
--Si vous sp�cifiez l'adresse de l'une de vos interfaces locales, elle sera
--utilis�e pour d�cider de l'interface vers laquelle les paquets seront
--envoy�s. Ceci est une bidouille permettant d'�tre compatible BSD.
-+La passerelle concernée doit pouvoir être atteinte. Ceci signifie
-+qu'une route statique vers cette passerelle doit préalablement exister.
-+Si vous spécifiez l'adresse de l'une de vos interfaces locales, elle sera
-+utilisée pour décider de l'interface vers laquelle les paquets seront
-+envoyés. Ceci est une bidouille permettant d'être compatible BSD.
- .TP
- .B metric M
--Affecte la valeur M au champ m�trique de la table de routage (utilis� par
--les d�mons de routage).
-+Affecte la valeur M au champ métrique de la table de routage (utilisé par
-+les démons de routage).
- .TP
- .B mss M
--Sp�cifie le MSS (Maximum Segment Size, Taille maximum de segment) de TCP,
--pour les connexions empreintant cette route. Ce n'est normalement utilis�
-+Spécifie le MSS (Maximum Segment Size, Taille maximum de segment) de TCP,
-+pour les connexions empreintant cette route. Ce n'est normalement utilisé
- que pour des optimisations fines des configurations de routage.
- .TP
- .B window W
--D�finit la taille de fen�tre TCP � W octets pour les connexions relatives
--� cette route. C'est en g�n�ral uniquement utilis� sur les r�seaux AX.25 et
--avec les pilotes incapables de manipuler les trames dos � dos.
-+Définit la taille de fenêtre TCP à W octets pour les connexions relatives
-+à cette route. C'est en général uniquement utilisé sur les réseaux AX.25 et
-+avec les pilotes incapables de manipuler les trames dos à dos.
- .TP
- .B irtt I
--D�finit le iRTT initial (round trip time) pour les connexions TCP sur cette
--route � I millisecondes (1-12000). C'est en g�n�ral uniquement utilis� sur
--les r�seaux AX.25. Si omis, la valeur par d�faut (300 ms selon le RFC 1122)
--est utilis�e.
-+Définit le iRTT initial (round trip time) pour les connexions TCP sur cette
-+route à I millisecondes (1-12000). C'est en général uniquement utilisé sur
-+les réseaux AX.25. Si omis, la valeur par défaut (300 ms selon le RFC 1122)
-+est utilisée.
- .TP
- .B reject
--Installe une route bloquante, qui forcera l'�chec d'une recherche.
--C'est par exemple utilis� pour masquer les r�seaux avant d'utiliser la
--route par d�faut. Ce n'est pas une fonction de pare-feu.
-+Installe une route bloquante, qui forcera l'échec d'une recherche.
-+C'est par exemple utilisé pour masquer les réseaux avant d'utiliser la
-+route par défaut. Ce n'est pas une fonction de pare-feu.
- .TP
- .B mod, dyn, reinstate
--Installe une route dynamique ou modifi�e. Les deux indicateurs ne sont en
--g�n�ral positionn�s que par le d�mon de routage. Cela ne sert que pour des
-+Installe une route dynamique ou modifiée. Les deux indicateurs ne sont en
-+général positionnés que par le démon de routage. Cela ne sert que pour des
- besoins de diagnostics.
- .TP
- .B dev If
--Force la route � �tre associ�e au p�riph�rique sp�cifi�, sinon le noyau
--tentera de le d�terminer par lui-m�me (en consultant les routes existantes
--et les sp�cifications de p�riph�riques). Dans la plupart des r�seaux
-+Force la route à être associée au périphérique spécifié, sinon le noyau
-+tentera de le déterminer par lui-même (en consultant les routes existantes
-+et les spécifications de périphériques). Dans la plupart des réseaux
- normaux, vous n'aurez pas besoin de ceci.
- If
- .B dev If
--est la derni�re option de la ligne de commande, le mot
-+est la dernière option de la ligne de commande, le mot
- .B dev
--peut �tre omis, puisque c'est la valeur par d�faut. Autrement l'ordre des
-+peut être omis, puisque c'est la valeur par défaut. Autrement l'ordre des
- modificateurs de route (metric - netmask - gw - dev) n'a pas d'importance.
- .TP
- .B route add -net
--ajoute l'entr�e loopback normale, en utilisant le masque (r�seau
--de classe A, selon l'adresse de destination) et associ�e avec l'interface
--"lo" (en supposant que ce p�riph�rique a �t� correctement configur� avec
-+ajoute l'entrée loopback normale, en utilisant le masque (réseau
-+de classe A, selon l'adresse de destination) et associée avec l'interface
-+"lo" (en supposant que ce périphérique a été correctement configuré avec
- .BR ifconfig (8)).
- .TP
- .B route add -net netmask dev eth0
--ajoute une route vers le r�seau 192.56.76.x via
--"eth0". Le masque de classe C n'est pas vraiment n�cessaire ici car
--192.* est une adresse IP de classe C. Le mot "dev" peut �tre omis.
-+ajoute une route vers le réseau 192.56.76.x via
-+"eth0". Le masque de classe C n'est pas vraiment nécessaire ici car
-+192.* est une adresse IP de classe C. Le mot "dev" peut être omis.
- .TP
- .B route add default gw mango-gw
--ajoute une route par d�faut (qui sera utilis�e si aucune autre route ne
-+ajoute une route par défaut (qui sera utilisée si aucune autre route ne
- convient). Tous les paquets empreintant cette route passeront par
--"mango-gw". Le p�riph�rique qui sera effectivement utilis� pour cette route
--d�pend de la fa�on dont on atteint "mango-gw" - la route statique vers
--"mango-gw" devra �tre pr�alablement configur�e.
-+"mango-gw". Le périphérique qui sera effectivement utilisé pour cette route
-+dépend de la façon dont on atteint "mango-gw" - la route statique vers
-+"mango-gw" devra être préalablement configurée.
- .TP
- .B route add ipx4 sl0
--ajoute une route vers l'h�te "ipx4" via l'interface SLIP (en supposant que
--"ipx4" est l'h�te SLIP).
-+ajoute une route vers l'hôte "ipx4" via l'interface SLIP (en supposant que
-+"ipx4" est l'hôte SLIP).
- .TP
- .B route add -net netmask gw ipx4
--Cette commande route le r�seau "192.57.66.x" par l'ancienne route vers l'interface SLIP.
-+Cette commande route le réseau "192.57.66.x" par l'ancienne route vers l'interface SLIP.
- .TP
- .B route add netmask dev eth0
--Ceci est une commande mal document�e et les gens savent ce qu'il faut
--faire? Ceci force toutes les routes IP des classes D (multicast) �
-+Ceci est une commande mal documentée et les gens savent ce qu'il faut
-+faire? Ceci force toutes les routes IP des classes D (multicast) à
- passer par "eth0". C'est la configuration correcte, normale pour un noyau
- supportant le multicast.
- .TP
- .B route add netmask reject
--Installe une route 'rejet�e' pour le r�seau priv� "10.x.x.x."
-+Installe une route 'rejetée' pour le réseau privé "10.x.x.x."
- .LP
--Le contenu des tables de routage du noyaus est affich� en colonnes comme
-+Le contenu des tables de routage du noyaus est affiché en colonnes comme
- suit
- .TP
- .B Destination
--Le r�seau ou h�te destination.
-+Le réseau ou hôte destination.
- .TP
- .B Gateway
--L'adresse de la passerelle ou '*' si ind�fini.
-+L'adresse de la passerelle ou '*' si indéfini.
- .TP
- .B Genmask
--Le masque de r�seau pour le r�seau destinataire; '' pour un h�te
--et '' pour la route par d�faut (
-+Le masque de réseau pour le réseau destinataire; '' pour un hôte
-+et '' pour la route par défaut (
- .B default
- ).
- .TP
-@@ -254,63 +254,63 @@ Les indicateurs possibles sont
- .br
- .B H
- (la cible est un
--.BR h�te )
-+.BR hôte )
- .br
- .B G
- (utilise comme
- .BR passerelle )
- .br
- .B R
--.RB ( r�tablit
-+.RB ( rétablit
- la route pour le routage dynamique)
- .br
- .B D
- .RB ( dynamiquement
--configur�e par le d�mon ou par redirect)
-+configurée par le démon ou par redirect)
- .br
- .B M
--.RB ( modifi�e
--par le d�mon de routage ou par redirect)
-+.RB ( modifiée
-+par le démon de routage ou par redirect)
- .br
- .B !
--.RB ( rej�te
-+.RB ( rejète
- la route)
- .TP
- .B Metric
--La 'distance' � la cible (habituellement compt�e en hops). Ce n'est pas
--utilis� par les noyaux r�cents, mais peut-�tre requis par certains d�mons
-+La 'distance' à la cible (habituellement comptée en hops). Ce n'est pas
-+utilisé par les noyaux récents, mais peut-être requis par certains démons
- de routage.
- .TP
- .B Ref
--Nombre de r�f�rences � cette route. (Pas utilis� dans le noyau Linux.)
-+Nombre de références à cette route. (Pas utilisé dans le noyau Linux.)
- .TP
- .B Use
- Count of lookups for the route. Depending on the use of -F and -C this will
- be either route cache misses (-F) or hits (-C).
- .TP
- .B Iface
--Interface vers laquelle les paquets empruntant cette route seront envoy�s.
-+Interface vers laquelle les paquets empruntant cette route seront envoyés.
- .TP
- .B MSS
--Taille de segment maximum par d�faut pour les connexions TCP sur cette
-+Taille de segment maximum par défaut pour les connexions TCP sur cette
- route.
- .TP
- .B Window
--Taille de fen�tre par d�faut pour les connexions TCP sur cette route.
-+Taille de fenêtre par défaut pour les connexions TCP sur cette route.
- .TP
- .B irtt
- RTT Initial (Round Trip Time). Le noyau utilise ceci pour essayer les
--meilleurs param�tres protocolaires TCP sans attendre de r�ponse
--(�ventuellement tardive).
-+meilleurs paramètres protocolaires TCP sans attendre de réponse
-+(éventuellement tardive).
- .TP
--.B HH (seulement cach�)
--Le nombre d'entr�es ARP et de routes cach�es faisant r�f�rence au cache
--d'en-t�te mat�riel pour la route en cache. Ce sera la valeur \-1 si aucune adresse
--mat�rielle n'est n�cessaire pour l'interface de la route cach�e (p.ex. lo).
-+.B HH (seulement caché)
-+Le nombre d'entrées ARP et de routes cachées faisant référence au cache
-+d'en-tête matériel pour la route en cache. Ce sera la valeur \-1 si aucune adresse
-+matérielle n'est nécessaire pour l'interface de la route cachée (p.ex. lo).
- .TP
--.B Arp (seulement cach�)
--Indique si oui ou non l'adresse mat�rielle pour la route en cache est encore
--� jour.
-+.B Arp (seulement caché)
-+Indique si oui ou non l'adresse matérielle pour la route en cache est encore
-+à jour.
- .LP
- .I /proc/net/ipv6_route
-@@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ Indique si oui ou non l'adresse mat
- .LP
- .B Route
--pour Linux a �t� originellement �crit par Fred N. van Kempen,
--<> puis modifi� par Johannes Stille et
--Linus Torvalds pour pl15. Alan Cox a ajout� les options concernant
--la gestion des fen�tres et MSS pour Linux 1.1.22. Le support de irtt
--et la fusion avec netstat ont �t� r�alis�s par Bernd Eckenfels.
-+pour Linux a été originellement écrit par Fred N. van Kempen,
-+<> puis modifié par Johannes Stille et
-+Linus Torvalds pour pl15. Alan Cox a ajouté les options concernant
-+la gestion des fenêtres et MSS pour Linux 1.1.22. Le support de irtt
-+et la fusion avec netstat ont été réalisés par Bernd Eckenfels.
- Maintenu par Phil Blundell <>.
-diff --git a/man/fr_FR/slattach.8 b/man/fr_FR/slattach.8
-index 512d514..d21d0d7 100644
---- a/man/fr_FR/slattach.8
-+++ b/man/fr_FR/slattach.8
-@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
- .TH SLATTACH 8 "12 Feb 1994" "" ""
--slattach \- attache une interface r�seau � une ligne s�rie
-+slattach \- attache une interface réseau à une ligne série
- .B "slattach [-dehlLmnqv] [-c commande] [-p proto] [-s vitesse] [tty]"
- .br
- .B Slattach
--est un minuscule programme qui peut �tre utilis� pour attacher
--un terminal normal ("s�rie") dans un des diff�rents modes "r�seau",
--ceci vous permettant de l'utiliser pour des liaisons point-�-point
--vers d'autres syst�mes.
-+est un minuscule programme qui peut être utilisé pour attacher
-+un terminal normal ("série") dans un des différents modes "réseau",
-+ceci vous permettant de l'utiliser pour des liaisons point-à-point
-+vers d'autres systèmes.
- .TP
- .B "[-c commande]"
- .B `commande'
--lorsque la ligne est suspendue. Ceci peut �tre utilis� pour lancer
--des scripts ou r��tablir des connexions quand un lien tombe.
-+lorsque la ligne est suspendue. Ceci peut être utilisé pour lancer
-+des scripts ou réétablir des connexions quand un lien tombe.
- .TP
- .B "[-d]"
--Valide le d�bogage. Utile pour d�terminer pourquoi une configuration
-+Valide le débogage. Utile pour déterminer pourquoi une configuration
- ne fonctionne pas.
- .TP
- .B "[-h]"
--Termine lorsque la porteuse est perdue. Ceci fonctionne � la fois sur
--les p�riph�riques /dev/tty et /dev/cua en contr�lant directement
--l'�tat de la porteuse toutes les 15 secondes.
-+Termine lorsque la porteuse est perdue. Ceci fonctionne à la fois sur
-+les périphériques /dev/tty et /dev/cua en contrôlant directement
-+l'état de la porteuse toutes les 15 secondes.
- .TP
- .B "[-v]"
- Valide le mode verbeux. Utile pour les shell scripts.
- .TP
- .B "[-q]"
--Op�re en mode silencieux - pas de messages du tout.
-+Opère en mode silencieux - pas de messages du tout.
- .TP
- .B "[-l]"
--Cr�e un fichier de v�rouillage pour le p�riph�rique comme
-+Crée un fichier de vérouillage pour le périphérique comme
- pour UUCP dans /var/lock.
- .TP
- .B "[-n]"
--Equivalent � la commande "mesg n".
-+Equivalent à la commande "mesg n".
- .TP
- .B "[-m]"
- \fBn'\fPinitialise \fBpas\fP la ligne en mode raw 8 bits.
- .TP
- .B "[-e]"
--Termine correctement apr�s l'initialisation du p�riph�rique,
-+Termine correctement après l'initialisation du périphérique,
- au lieu d'attendre que la ligne soit suspendue.
- .TP
- .B "[-L]"
--Valide les op�rations 3 lignes. Le terminal est mis en mode CLOCAL,
--la surveillance de porteuse est invalid�e.
-+Valide les opérations 3 lignes. Le terminal est mis en mode CLOCAL,
-+la surveillance de porteuse est invalidée.
- .TP
- .B "[-p proto]"
--D�finit le protocole sp�cifique � utiliser sur la ligne.
--La valeur par d�faut est
-+Définit le protocole spécifique à utiliser sur la ligne.
-+La valeur par défaut est
- .B "cslip"
--, c'est-�-dire SLIP compress�. Les autres valeurs possibles sont :
-+, c'est-à-dire SLIP compressé. Les autres valeurs possibles sont :
- .B "slip"
- (SLIP normal),
- .B "adaptive"
- (CSLIP/SLIP adaptatifs),
- .B "ppp"
--(Protocole Point-�-Point)
-+(Protocole Point-à-Point)
- et
- .B "kiss"
--(un protocole utilis� pour communiquer avec des controleurs AX.25 paquets radios).
--L'argument sp�cifique
-+(un protocole utilisé pour communiquer avec des controleurs AX.25 paquets radios).
-+L'argument spécifique
- .B "tty"
--peut �tre utilis� pour refaire passer le p�riph�rique en
--fonctionnement s�rie normal. L'utilisation du mode 'ppp' n'est en
--principe pas utile puisque ppp n�cessite le d�mon additionnel
-+peut être utilisé pour refaire passer le périphérique en
-+fonctionnement série normal. L'utilisation du mode 'ppp' n'est en
-+principe pas utile puisque ppp nécessite le démon additionnel
- .B pppd
--pour �tre actif sur la ligne. Pour les connexions `kiss', le programme
-+pour être actif sur la ligne. Pour les connexions `kiss', le programme
- .B axattach
--doit �tre utilis�.
-+doit être utilisé.
- .TP
- .B "[-s vitesse]"
--D�finit la vitesse de la ligne, diff�rente de la valeur par d�faut.
-+Définit la vitesse de la ligne, différente de la valeur par défaut.
- .PP
--Si aucun argument n'est donn�, la ligne courante du terminal
--(habituellement li�e au login) est utilis�e. Autrement, une tentative
--est effectu�e pour obtenir le port du terminal indiqu�, puis il est
--v�rouill� et ouvert.
-+Si aucun argument n'est donné, la ligne courante du terminal
-+(habituellement liée au login) est utilisée. Autrement, une tentative
-+est effectuée pour obtenir le port du terminal indiqué, puis il est
-+vérouillé et ouvert.
- .I /dev/cua* /var/lock/LCK.*
-diff --git a/man/pt_BR/arp.8 b/man/pt_BR/arp.8
-index 41c8fd6..6c1e7f7 100644
---- a/man/pt_BR/arp.8
-+++ b/man/pt_BR/arp.8
-@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ arp \- manipula o cache ARP do sistema
- .RB [ "\-H tipo" ]
- .RB [ "-i if" ]
- .B -a
--.RB [ m�quina ]
-+.RB [ máquina ]
- .PP
- .B arp
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B "\-d m�quina"
-+.B "\-d máquina"
- .RB [ pub ]
- .RB [ nopub ]
- .PP
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ arp \- manipula o cache ARP do sistema
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-H tipo" ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -s m�quina endere�o_hardware
-+.B -s máquina endereço_hardware
- .RB [ temp ]
- .RB [ nopub ]
- .PP
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ arp \- manipula o cache ARP do sistema
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-H tipo" ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -s m�quina endere�o_hardware
-+.B -s máquina endereço_hardware
- .RB [ "netmask nm" ]
- .B pub
- .PP
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ arp \- manipula o cache ARP do sistema
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ "\-H tipo" ]
- .RB [ "\-i if" ]
--.B -Ds m�quina ifa
-+.B -Ds máquina ifa
- .RB [ "netmask nm" ]
- .B pub
- .PP
-@@ -46,28 +46,28 @@ arp \- manipula o cache ARP do sistema
- .RB [ "-i if" ]
- .B -f arquivo
- .B arp
--manipula o cache ARP do kernel de v�rias maneiras. As principais op��es
--s�o remo��o de uma entrada de mapeamento de endere�o e configura��o manual
--de um endere�o. Para prop�sitos de depura��o, o programa
-+manipula o cache ARP do kernel de várias maneiras. As principais opções
-+são remoção de uma entrada de mapeamento de endereço e configuração manual
-+de um endereço. Para propósitos de depuração, o programa
- .B arp
--tamb�m permite um dump completo do cache ARP.
--.SH OP��ES
-+também permite um dump completo do cache ARP.
- .TP
- .B "\-v, \-\-verbose"
--Mostra ao usu�rio o que est� acontecendo, de modo detalhado.
-+Mostra ao usuário o que está acontecendo, de modo detalhado.
- .TP
- .B "\-n, \-\-numeric"
--mostra endere�os num�ricos, ao inv�s de tentar determinar os nomes simb�licos da
--m�quina, porta e usu�rio.
-+mostra endereços numéricos, ao invés de tentar determinar os nomes simbólicos da
-+máquina, porta e usuário.
- .TP
- .B "\-H type, \-\-hw-type type"
--Quando configurando ou lendo o cache ARP, este par�metro opcional informa ao
-+Quando configurando ou lendo o cache ARP, este parâmetro opcional informa ao
- .B arp
--que classe de entradas devem ser verificadas. O valor padr�o deste par�metro �
-+que classe de entradas devem ser verificadas. O valor padrão deste parâmetro é
- .B ether
--(i.e. c�digo de hardware 0x01 para Ethernet IEEE 802.3 10Mbps).
-+(i.e. código de hardware 0x01 para Ethernet IEEE 802.3 10Mbps).
- Outros valores podem incluir tecnologias de rede como
- .RB "ARCnet (" arcnet ")"
- ,
-@@ -77,86 +77,86 @@ Outros valores podem incluir tecnologias de rede como
- e
- .RB "NET/ROM (" netrom ")."
- .TP
--.B "\-a [m�quina], \-\-display [m�quina]"
--Mostra as entradas das m�quinas especificadas. Se o par�metro
--.B m�quina
--n�o for usado,
-+.B "\-a [máquina], \-\-display [máquina]"
-+Mostra as entradas das máquinas especificadas. Se o parâmetro
-+.B máquina
-+não for usado,
- .B todas
--as entradas ser�o mostradas.
-+as entradas serão mostradas.
- .TP
--.B "\-d m�quina, \-\-delete m�quina"
--Remove quaisquer entradas para a m�quina especificada. Isto pode ser
--usado se a m�quina indicada for desligada, por exemplo. Nos kernels
-+.B "\-d máquina, \-\-delete máquina"
-+Remove quaisquer entradas para a máquina especificada. Isto pode ser
-+usado se a máquina indicada for desligada, por exemplo. Nos kernels
- mais recentes o
- .BR arp (1)
--suporta a especifica��o de
-+suporta a especificação de
- .B pub
- ou
- .B nopub
--para decidir se uma entrada p�blica ou privada deve ser removida. Se voc�
--n�o informar uma destas flags as duas entradas ser�o removidas.
-+para decidir se uma entrada pública ou privada deve ser removida. Se você
-+não informar uma destas flags as duas entradas serão removidas.
- .TP
- .B "\-D, \-\-use-device"
--Usa o endere�o de hardware da interface
-+Usa o endereço de hardware da interface
- .BR ifa
- .TP
- .B "\-i If, \-\-device If"
- Seleciona uma interface. Quando mostrando o cache ARP somente entradas iguais
--� interface ser�o mostradas. Configura uma entrada ARP permanente ou
--tempor�ria que ser� usada no dispositivo especificado. Se nenhum dispositivo for
-+à interface serão mostradas. Configura uma entrada ARP permanente ou
-+temporária que será usada no dispositivo especificado. Se nenhum dispositivo for
- informado, o kernel descobre o dispositivo a partir da tabela de roteamento.
- Para entradas
- .B pub
--a interface especificada � a interface na qual as requisi��es ARP ser�o
-+a interface especificada é a interface na qual as requisições ARP serão
- respondidas.
- .br
- .B NOTA:
--Deve ser diferente da interface para a qual os pacotes IP ser�o roteados.
-+Deve ser diferente da interface para a qual os pacotes IP serão roteados.
- .TP
--.B "\-s m�quina endere�o_hardware, \-\-set m�quina"
--Cria manualmente uma entrada de mapeamento de endere�o ARP para a m�quina
--.B m�quina
--com endere�o de hardware configurado para
--.B endere�o_hardware.
--O formato do endere�o de hardware depende da classe de hardware, mas
--para a maioria das classes pode-se assumir que a apresenta��o usual pode
--ser usada. Para a classe Ethernet, s�o 6 bytes em hexadecimal, separados
--por dois pontos (:). Quando adicionando entradas proxy arp (isto �, aquelas
-+.B "\-s máquina endereço_hardware, \-\-set máquina"
-+Cria manualmente uma entrada de mapeamento de endereço ARP para a máquina
-+.B máquina
-+com endereço de hardware configurado para
-+.B endereço_hardware.
-+O formato do endereço de hardware depende da classe de hardware, mas
-+para a maioria das classes pode-se assumir que a apresentação usual pode
-+ser usada. Para a classe Ethernet, são 6 bytes em hexadecimal, separados
-+por dois pontos (:). Quando adicionando entradas proxy arp (isto é, aquelas
- com a flag
--.BR p�b lico
-+.BR púb lico
- setadas) uma
- .B netmask
- pode ser especificada para o proxy arp de uma subrede inteira.
--Proxy arp para rotear redes inteiras n�o � um bom protocolo, mas algumas
--vezes � �til, ent�o � suportado. Se a flag
-+Proxy arp para rotear redes inteiras não é um bom protocolo, mas algumas
-+vezes é útil, então é suportado. Se a flag
- .B temp
--n�o for fornecida, as entradas ser�o permanentemente armazenadas no cache ARP.
-+não for fornecida, as entradas serão permanentemente armazenadas no cache ARP.
- .TP
- .B "\-f arquivo, \-\-file arquivo"
--Similar � op��o
-+Similar à opção
- .B \-s
--s� que desta vez as informa��es de endere�os s�o obtidas a partir do arquivo
-+só que desta vez as informações de endereços são obtidas a partir do arquivo
- .B arquivo.
--Isto pode ser usado se entradas ARP para muitas m�quinas tiverem que ser
--configuradas. O nome do arquivo de dados � freq�entemente
-+Isto pode ser usado se entradas ARP para muitas máquinas tiverem que ser
-+configuradas. O nome do arquivo de dados é freqüentemente
- .IR /etc/ethers ,
--mas isto n�o � oficial.
-+mas isto não é oficial.
- .sp 1
--O formato deste arquivo � simples; ele somente cont�m linhas de texto ASCII com
--um nome de m�quina e um endere�o de hardware separados por um espa�o em branco.
-+O formato deste arquivo é simples; ele somente contém linhas de texto ASCII com
-+um nome de máquina e um endereço de hardware separados por um espaço em branco.
- Adicionalmente as flags
- .BR "pub" , " nopub" , " temp" " and" " netmask"
- podem ser usadas.
- .LP
- Em todos os lugares onde uma
--.B m�quina
--� esperada, voc� tamb�m pode informar um
--.B "endere�o IP"
--em nota��o decimal separada por pontos.
-+.B máquina
-+é esperada, você também pode informar um
-+.B "endereço IP"
-+em notação decimal separada por pontos.
- .LP
--Cada entrada completa no cache ARP ser� marcada com uma flag
-+Cada entrada completa no cache ARP será marcada com uma flag
- .BR C .
--Entradas permanentes s�o marcadas com um
-+Entradas permanentes são marcadas com um
- .B M
- e entradas publicadas tem uma flag
- .BR P .
-@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ e entradas publicadas tem uma flag
- Fred N. van Kempen, <> com muitas melhorias
- feitas pelo mantenedor do net-tools, Bernd Eckenfels <>.
--Tradu��o para a l�ngua portuguesa feita por
-+Tradução para a língua portuguesa feita por
- Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <> em 11/abril/1998.
- Revisado por
- Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho <> em 15/abril/1998.
-diff --git a/man/pt_BR/hostname.1 b/man/pt_BR/hostname.1
-index fe00879..5880fc8 100644
---- a/man/pt_BR/hostname.1
-+++ b/man/pt_BR/hostname.1
-@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- .TH HOSTNAME 1 "28 de janeiro de 1996" "net-tools" "Manual do Programador Linux"
--hostname \- mostra ou configura o nome da m�quina
-+hostname \- mostra ou configura o nome da máquina
- .BR
--domainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do dom�nio NIS/YP
-+domainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do domínio NIS/YP
- .BR
--dnsdomainname \- mostra o nome do dom�nio DNS
-+dnsdomainname \- mostra o nome do domínio DNS
- .BR
--nisdomainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do dom�nio NIS/YP
-+nisdomainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do domínio NIS/YP
- .BR
--ypdomainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do dom�nio NIS/YP
-+ypdomainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do domínio NIS/YP
- .B hostname
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ypdomainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do dom
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .RB [ \-F\ arquivo ]
- .RB [ \-\-file\ arquivo ]
--.RB [ m�quina ]
-+.RB [ máquina ]
- .PP
- .B domainname
-@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ ypdomainname \- mostra ou configura o nome do dom
- .B ypdomainname
- .RB [ \-v ]
- .B hostname
--� o programa usado para configurar ou mostrar o nome corrente da m�quina
--ou o dom�nio do sistema. Este nome � usado por muitos dos programas de
--rede para identificar a m�quina. O nome do dom�nio tamb�m � usado pelo
-+é o programa usado para configurar ou mostrar o nome corrente da máquina
-+ou o domínio do sistema. Este nome é usado por muitos dos programas de
-+rede para identificar a máquina. O nome do domínio também é usado pelo
-@@ -73,119 +73,119 @@ Quando chamado sem argumentos o programa mostra os nomes correntes:
- .LP
- .B hostname
--mostrar� o nome do sistema conforme retornado pela fun��o
-+mostrará o nome do sistema conforme retornado pela função
- .BR gethostname (2).
- .LP
- .B "domainname, nisdomainname, ypdomainname"
--mostrar� o nome do sistema conforme retornado pela fun��o
-+mostrará o nome do sistema conforme retornado pela função
- .BR getdomainname (2).
--Isto tamb�m � conhecido como o nome de dom�nio YP/NIS do sistema.
-+Isto também é conhecido como o nome de domínio YP/NIS do sistema.
- .LP
- .B dnsdomainname
--mostrara a parte do dom�nio do FQDN (Nome de dom�nio completamente qualificado).
--O FQDN do sistema � retornado pelo comando
-+mostrara a parte do domínio do FQDN (Nome de domínio completamente qualificado).
-+O FQDN do sistema é retornado pelo comando
- .BR "hostname \-\-fqdn" .
--Quando chamado com um argumento ou com a op��o
-+Quando chamado com um argumento ou com a opção
- .B \-\-file
--, o comando configura o nome da m�quina ou do dom�nio NIS/YP.
-+, o comando configura o nome da máquina ou do domínio NIS/YP.
- .LP
--Note que somente o super usu�rio pode mudar os nomes.
-+Note que somente o super usuário pode mudar os nomes.
- .LP
--Nao � poss�vel configurar o FQDN ou o nome do dom�nio DNS com o comando
-+Nao é possível configurar o FQDN ou o nome do domínio DNS com o comando
- .B dnsdomainname
- (veja
- .B "O FQDN"
- abaixo).
- .LP
--O nome da m�quina � normalmente configurado durante a inicializa��o do sistema,
-+O nome da máquina é normalmente configurado durante a inicialização do sistema,
- em
- .I /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
- ou
- .I /etc/init.d/boot
--(normalmente lendo o conte�do de um arquivo que cont�m o nome da m�quina, ex.:
-+(normalmente lendo o conteúdo de um arquivo que contém o nome da máquina, ex.:
- .IR /etc/hostname ).
--Voc� n�o pode mudar o FQDN (conforme retornado por
-+Você não pode mudar o FQDN (conforme retornado por
- .BR "hostname \-\-fqdn" )
--ou o nome do dom�nio DNS (conforme retornado por
-+ou o nome do domínio DNS (conforme retornado por
- .BR "dnsdomainname" )
--com este comando. O FQDN do sistema � o nome que o
-+com este comando. O FQDN do sistema é o nome que o
- .BR resolver (3)
--retorna para o nome da m�quina.
-+retorna para o nome da máquina.
- .LP
--Tecnicamente: O FQDN � o nome retornado pelo
-+Tecnicamente: O FQDN é o nome retornado pelo
- .BR gethostbyname (2)
- para o nome retornado pelo
- .BR gethostname (2).
--O nome do dom�nio DNS � a parte ap�s o primeiro ponto.
-+O nome do domínio DNS é a parte após o primeiro ponto.
- .LP
--Portanto isto depende da configura��o (normalmente em
-+Portanto isto depende da configuração (normalmente em
- .IR /etc/host.conf )
--para que voc� possa mud�-lo. Normalmente (se o arquivo hosts for lido antes
--do DNS ou NIS) voc� pode mud�-lo em
-+para que você possa mudá-lo. Normalmente (se o arquivo hosts for lido antes
-+do DNS ou NIS) você pode mudá-lo em
- .IR /etc/hosts .
--.SH OP��ES
- .TP
- .I "\-a, \-\-alias"
--Mostra o alias da m�quina (se usado).
-+Mostra o alias da máquina (se usado).
- .TP
- .I "\-d, \-\-domain"
--Mostra o nome do dom�nio DNS. N�o use o comando
-+Mostra o nome do domínio DNS. Não use o comando
- .B domainname
--para obter o nome do dom�nio DNS porque ele mostrar� o nome do dom�nio NIS e
--n�o o nome do dom�nio DNS. Use
-+para obter o nome do domínio DNS porque ele mostrará o nome do domínio NIS e
-+não o nome do domínio DNS. Use
- .BR dnsdomainname .
- .TP
- .I "\-F, \-\-file arquivo"
--Leia o nome da m�quina a partir do arquivo especificado. Coment�rios (linhas
--come�ando com um `#') s�o ignorados.
-+Leia o nome da máquina a partir do arquivo especificado. Comentários (linhas
-+começando com um `#') são ignorados.
- .TP
- .I "\-f, \-\-fqdn, \-\-long"
--Mostra o FQDN (Nome de Dom�nio Completamente Qualificado). Um FQDN consiste de
--um nome curto de m�quina e do nome do dom�nio DNS. A menos que voc� esteja
--usando bind ou NIS para resolu��o de nomes voc� pode mudar o FQDN e o nome
--do dom�nio DNS (que � parte do FQDN) no arquivo \fI/etc/hosts\fR.
-+Mostra o FQDN (Nome de Domínio Completamente Qualificado). Um FQDN consiste de
-+um nome curto de máquina e do nome do domínio DNS. A menos que você esteja
-+usando bind ou NIS para resolução de nomes você pode mudar o FQDN e o nome
-+do domínio DNS (que é parte do FQDN) no arquivo \fI/etc/hosts\fR.
- .TP
- .I "\-h, \-\-help"
- Mostra uma mensagem sobre como utilizar o comando e termina.
- .TP
- .I "\-i, \-\-ip-address"
--Mostra o(s) endere�o(s) IP da m�quina.
-+Mostra o(s) endereço(s) IP da máquina.
- .TP
- .I "\-s, \-\-short"
--Mostra o nome curto da m�quina. � o nome da m�quina at� o primeiro ponto.
-+Mostra o nome curto da máquina. É o nome da máquina até o primeiro ponto.
- .TP
- .I "\-V, \-\-version"
--Mostra informa��o de vers�o na sa�da padr�o e termina com sucesso.
-+Mostra informação de versão na saída padrão e termina com sucesso.
- .TP
- .I "\-v, \-\-verbose"
--Mostra uma sa�da detalhada do que est� acontecendo.
-+Mostra uma saída detalhada do que está acontecendo.
- .TP
- .I "\-y, \-\-yp, \-\-nis"
--Mostra o nome do dom�nio NIS. Se um par�metro for especificado (ou
-+Mostra o nome do domínio NIS. Se um parâmetro for especificado (ou
- .B \-\-file arquivo
--) ent�o o root tamb�m pode configurar um novo dom�nio NIS.
-+) então o root também pode configurar um novo domínio NIS.
- .B /etc/hosts
- Peter Tobias, <>
- .BR
--Bernd Eckenfels, <> (NIS e p�gina man).
-+Bernd Eckenfels, <> (NIS e página man).
- .BR
--Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo, <> Tradu��o para a l�ngua
-+Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo, <> Tradução para a língua
- portuguesa.
- .BR
--Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho, <> Revis�o.
-+Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho, <> Revisão.
- .BR
-diff --git a/man/pt_BR/ifconfig.8 b/man/pt_BR/ifconfig.8
-index 0a97683..1432dc5 100644
---- a/man/pt_BR/ifconfig.8
-+++ b/man/pt_BR/ifconfig.8
-@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ ifconfig \- configura uma interface de rede
- .B "ifconfig [interface]"
- .br
--.B "ifconfig interface [aftype] op��es | endere�os ..."
-+.B "ifconfig interface [aftype] opções | endereços ..."
- .B ifconfig
--� usado para configurar (e posteriormente manter) as interfaces de
--rede. � usado durante o boot para configurar a maioria delas para
--um estado us�vel. Depois disto, � normalmente somente necess�rio
--durante depura��es ou quando for necess�ria uma configura��o fina
-+é usado para configurar (e posteriormente manter) as interfaces de
-+rede. É usado durante o boot para configurar a maioria delas para
-+um estado usável. Depois disto, é normalmente somente necessário
-+durante depurações ou quando for necessária uma configuração fina
- do sistema.
- .LP
- Se nenhum argumento for informado,
-@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ somente mostra o estado das interfaces correntemente definidas. Se
- um argumento
- .B interface
- for informado, ele mostra somente o estado da interface informada. De
--outra forma ele assume que os par�metros devem ser configurados.
--.SH Fam�lias de Endere�amento
--Se o primeiro argumento ap�s o nome da interface for reconhecido
--como um nome de uma fam�lia de endere�amento suportada, esta fam�lia
--de endere�amento � usada na decodifica��o e apresenta��o de todos
--os endere�os de protocolos. Atualmente as fam�lias de endere�amento
-+outra forma ele assume que os parâmetros devem ser configurados.
-+.SH Famílias de Endereçamento
-+Se o primeiro argumento após o nome da interface for reconhecido
-+como um nome de uma família de endereçamento suportada, esta família
-+de endereçamento é usada na decodificação e apresentação de todos
-+os endereços de protocolos. Atualmente as famílias de endereçamento
- suportadas incluem
- .B inet
- (TCP/IP, default)
-@@ -36,95 +36,91 @@ suportadas incluem
- (Novell IPX) and
- .B netrom
- (AMPR Packet radio).
--.SH OP��ES
- .TP
- .B interface
--O nome da interface de rede. Usualmente � um nome como
-+O nome da interface de rede. Usualmente é um nome como
- .B eth0
- ,
- .B sl3
- ou algo parecido: um nome de driver de dispositivo seguido por um
- .TP
- .B up
--Esta flag causa a ativa��o da interface. � especificada
--implicitamente se a interface receber um novo endere�o (veja
-+Esta flag causa a ativação da interface. É especificada
-+implicitamente se a interface receber um novo endereço (veja
- abaixo).
- .TP
- .B down
--Esta flag desativa o driver desta interface, � �til quando alguma
--coisa come�ar a ter problemas.
-+Esta flag desativa o driver desta interface, é útil quando alguma
-+coisa começar a ter problemas.
- .TP
- .B "[\-]arp"
- Habilita ou desabilita o uso do protocolo ARP para esta interface. Se
--o sinal de menos (\-) estiver presente a op��o � desligada.
-+o sinal de menos (\-) estiver presente a opção é desligada.
- .TP
- .B "[\-]trailers"
--Habilita ou desabilita o uso de trailer em frames Ethernet. N�o �
--utilizada na implementa��o atual do pacote net-tools.
-+Habilita ou desabilita o uso de trailer em frames Ethernet. Não é
-+utilizada na implementação atual do pacote net-tools.
- .TP
- .B "[\-]allmulti"
- Habilita ou desabilita o modo
- .B promiscuous
--da interface. Isto significa que todos os frames passar�o pela camada
--de rede do kernel, permitindo monitora��o da rede.
--.B "metric N"
--Este par�metro configura a m�trica da interface. N�o � usado atualmente,
--mas ser� implementado no futuro.
-+da interface. Isto significa que todos os frames passarão pela camada
-+de rede do kernel, permitindo monitoração da rede.
- .TP
- .B "mtu N"
--Este par�metro configura a Unidade M�xima de Transfer�ncia (MTU) de uma
--interface. Para Ethernet � um n�mero entre 1000-2000 (o padr�o �
--1500). Para SLIP, use algo entre 200 e 4096. Note que a implementa��o
--atual n�o manipula fragmenta��o IP ainda, ent�o � melhor configurar
-+Este parâmetro configura a Unidade Máxima de Transferência (MTU) de uma
-+interface. Para Ethernet é um número entre 1000-2000 (o padrão é
-+1500). Para SLIP, use algo entre 200 e 4096. Note que a implementação
-+atual não manipula fragmentação IP ainda, então é melhor configurar
- a MTU com um tamanho adequado!
- .TP
- .B "dstaddr addr"
--Configura o endere�o IP do "outro lado" no caso de um link Ponto-A-Ponto,
-+Configura o endereço IP do "outro lado" no caso de um link Ponto-A-Ponto,
- como PPP. Esta palavra-chave tornou-se obsoleta e deve ser usada a nova
- palavra-chave
- .BR pointopoint .
- .TP
- .B "netmask addr"
--Configura a m�scara de rede IP para esta interface. Este valor assume o
--padr�o usual das classes A, B ou C (deduzindo-o a partir do endere�o
-+Configura a máscara de rede IP para esta interface. Este valor assume o
-+padrão usual das classes A, B ou C (deduzindo-o a partir do endereço
- IP da interface), mas pode ser configurado para qualquer valor para o
- uso de sub-redes.
- .TP
- .B "irq addr"
--Configura a linha de interrup��o (IRQ) usada por este dispositivo. Muitos
--dispositivos n�o suportam configura��o din�mica de IRQ.
-+Configura a linha de interrupção (IRQ) usada por este dispositivo. Muitos
-+dispositivos não suportam configuração dinâmica de IRQ.
- .TP
--.B "[-]broadcast [endere�o]"
--Se o argumento endere�o for informado, configura o endere�o de protocolo
-+.B "[-]broadcast [endereço]"
-+Se o argumento endereço for informado, configura o endereço de protocolo
- broadcast para esta interface. De outra forma ele somente configura a flag
- da interface. Se a palavra-chave for precedida por um sinal de menos
- .B (-)
--, ent�o a flag � removida.
-+, então a flag é removida.
- .TP
--.B "[-]pointopoint [endere�o]"
-+.B "[-]pointopoint [endereço]"
- Esta palavra-chave habilita o modo
- .B ponto-a-ponto
--da interface, significando que ela � um link direto entre duas m�quinas
--sem ningu�m ouvindo (ou, pelo menos n�s esperamos que este seja o caso
-+da interface, significando que ela é um link direto entre duas máquinas
-+sem ninguém ouvindo (ou, pelo menos nós esperamos que este seja o caso
- :-)
- .BR
--Se o argumento endere�o for informado, configura o endere�o de protocolo
-+Se o argumento endereço for informado, configura o endereço de protocolo
- do outro lado do link, exatamente como a palavra-chave obsoleta
- .B dstaddr
- faz. De outra forma, ela somente configura a flag
- da interface. Se a palavra-chave for precedida por um sinal de menos
- .B (-)
--, ent�o a flag � removida.
-+, então a flag é removida.
- .TP
- .B "hw"
--Configura o endere�o de hardware para esta interface, se o driver do
--dispositivo suportar esta opera��o. A palavra-chave deve ser seguida
--pelo nome da classe do hardware e o equivalente em ASCII do endere�o
-+Configura o endereço de hardware para esta interface, se o driver do
-+dispositivo suportar esta operação. A palavra-chave deve ser seguida
-+pelo nome da classe do hardware e o equivalente em ASCII do endereço
- de hardware. As classes de hardware atualmente suportadas incluem
- .B ether
- (Ethernet),
-@@ -136,45 +132,34 @@ e
- .TP
- .B multicast
--Inicializa a flag de multicast para a interface. Normalmente, isto n�o ser�
--necess�rio j� que os drivers ajustam as flags corretas por si s�.
-+Inicializa a flag de multicast para a interface. Normalmente, isto não será
-+necessário já que os drivers ajustam as flags corretas por si só.
- .TP
--.B endere�o
--O nome ou endere�o IP da m�quina (um nome de m�quina ser� traduzido para
--um endere�o IP) da interface. Este par�metro � necess�rio, apesar
--da sintaxe atualmente n�o requisit�-lo.
-+.B endereço
-+O nome ou endereço IP da máquina (um nome de máquina será traduzido para
-+um endereço IP) da interface. Este parâmetro é necessário, apesar
-+da sintaxe atualmente não requisitá-lo.
--+Since kernel release 2.2 there are no explicit interface statistics for
--+alias interfaces anymore. The statistics printed for the original address
--+are shared with all alias addresses on the same device. If you want per-address
--+statistics you should add explicit accounting
--+rules for the address using the
--+.BR ipchains(8)
--Deste o kernel 2.2 n�o existem mais estat�sticas expl�citas para os apelidos (aliases)
--de interfaces. As estat�sticas mostradas para o endere�o original s�o compartilhadas
--como todos os endere�os associados ao mesmo dispositivo. Se desejar estat�sticas
--por endere�o voc� deve explicitamente adicionar regras de contabiliza��o para os
--endere�os usando o comando
--.BR ipchains(8)
-+Deste o kernel 2.2 não existem mais estatísticas explícitas para os apelidos (aliases)
-+de interfaces. As estatísticas mostradas para o endereço original são compartilhadas
-+como todos os endereços associados ao mesmo dispositivo. Se desejar estatísticas
-+por endereço você deve explicitamente adicionar regras de contabilização para os
-+endereços usando o comando
-+.BR iptables(8)
- .
--.I /proc/net/socket
- .I /proc/net/dev
--Os endere�os appletalk DDP e IPX ser�o mostrados, mas n�o podem ser alterados
-+Os endereços appletalk DDP e IPX serão mostrados, mas não podem ser alterados
- com este comando.
--route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), ipchains(8)
-+route(8), netstat(8), arp(8), rarp(8), iptables(8)
- Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- Alan Cox, <>
--Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <> (tradu��o)
-+Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <> (tradução)
- .BR
--Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho <> (revis�o)
-+Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho <> (revisão)
-diff --git a/man/pt_BR/netstat.8 b/man/pt_BR/netstat.8
-index b9b359a..d2d04ef 100644
---- a/man/pt_BR/netstat.8
-+++ b/man/pt_BR/netstat.8
-@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
- .\"
- .\" Modificado por:
- .\" Modificado por: Andi Kleen
--.\" Traduzido para portugu�s por Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
-+.\" Traduzido para português por Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
- .\" Revisado por Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho <>
- .\"
--.TH NETSTAT 8 "19 de maio de 1997" "net-tools" "Manual do Programador Linux"
-+.TH NETSTAT 8 "2007-12-02" "net-tools" "Manual do Programador Linux"
--netstat \- Mostra conex�es de rede, tabelas de roteamento, estat�sticas de interface e conex�es
-+netstat \- Mostra conexões de rede, tabelas de roteamento, estatísticas de interface e conexões
- mascaradas.
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ mascaradas.
- .RB [ \-venaoc ]
- .RB [ \-\-tcp | \-t ]
- .RB [ \-\-udp | \-u ]
-+.RB [ \-\-udplite | \-U ]
-+.RB [ \-\-sctp | \-S ]
- .RB [ \-\-raw | \-w ]
- .RB [ \-\-unix | \-x ]
- .RB [ \-\-inet | \-\-ip ]
-@@ -63,90 +65,90 @@ mascaradas.
- .RB { \-h | \-\-help }
- .PP
- .B netstat
--mostra informa��es do subsistema de rede do Linux.
-+mostra informações do subsistema de rede do Linux.
--.SS "(sem op��es)"
--Voc� pode ver o estado das conex�es de rede atrav�s da listagem dos sockets
--abertos. Esta � a opera��o padr�o: se voc� n�o especificar nenhuma
--fam�lia de endere�os, os sockets ativos de todas as fam�lias de endere�os
--configuradas ser�o mostrados. Com
-+.SS "(sem opções)"
-+Você pode ver o estado das conexões de rede através da listagem dos sockets
-+abertos. Esta é a operação padrão: se você não especificar nenhuma
-+família de endereços, os sockets ativos de todas as famílias de endereços
-+configuradas serão mostrados. Com
- .B -e
--voc� obter� informa��es adicionais (userid). Com a chave
-+você obterá informações adicionais (userid). Com a chave
- .B -v
--voc� poder� fazer com que o netstat reclame sobre fam�lias de endere�os
--conhecidas que n�o sejam suportadas pelo kernel. A op��o
-+você poderá fazer com que o netstat reclame sobre famílias de endereços
-+conhecidas que não sejam suportadas pelo kernel. A opção
- .B -o
--mostra algumas informa��es adicionais sobre temporizadores de rede.
-+mostra algumas informações adicionais sobre temporizadores de rede.
- .B -a
--mostra todos os sockets, incluindo sockets de servidores. A fam�lia de
-+mostra todos os sockets, incluindo sockets de servidores. A família de
- .B inet
--mostrar� sockets raw, udp e tcp.
-+mostrará sockets raw, udp e tcp.
- .SS "\-r, \-\-route"
--Com a op��o
-+Com a opção
- .BR \-r ", " \-\-route
--voc� obter� as tabelas de roteamento do kernel no mesmo formato usado por
-+você obterá as tabelas de roteamento do kernel no mesmo formato usado por
- .BR "route -e" .
- .B "netstat -er"
--usar� o formato de apresenta��o do comando
-+usará o formato de apresentação do comando
- .BR route .
- Por favor veja
- .BR route (8)
- para maiores detalhes.
--.SS "\-i, \-\-interface \fIiface\fI"
--Se voc� usar a op��o
-+.SS "\-i, \-\-interfaces \fIiface\fI"
-+Se você usar a opção
- .BR -i ", " --interfaces
- , uma tabela de todas (ou da
- .IR iface
--especificada) as interfaces de rede ser� mostrada. A sa�da usa o formato
-+especificada) as interfaces de rede será mostrada. A saída usa o formato
- .B "ifconfig -e"
--, e � descrita em
-+, e é descrita em
- .BR ifconfig (8).
- .B "netstat -ei"
--mostrar� uma tabela ou uma entrada de interface como
-+mostrará uma tabela ou uma entrada de interface como
- .B ifconfig
- mostra. Com a chave
- .B -a
--, voc� pode incluir interfaces que n�o estejam configuradas (i.e. n�o tem
-+, você pode incluir interfaces que não estejam configuradas (i.e. não tem
- a flag
- .BR U = UP
- configurada).
- .SS "\-M, \-\-masquerade"
--Uma lista de todas as sess�es mascaradas tamb�m pode ser vista. Com a chave
-+Uma lista de todas as sessões mascaradas também pode ser vista. Com a chave
- .B -e
--voc� pode incluir mais algumas informa��es sobre numera��o sequencial e deltas
--, causados por reescritas de dados em sess�es FTP (comando PORT).
--O suporte a mascaramento � usado para esconder m�quinas em endere�os de
--rede n�o oficiais do resto do mundo, como descrito em
--.BR ipfw (4), ipfwadm "(8) e ipfw (8).
-+você pode incluir mais algumas informações sobre numeração sequencial e deltas
-+, causados por reescritas de dados em sessões FTP (comando PORT).
-+O suporte a mascaramento é usado para esconder máquinas em endereços de
-+rede não oficiais do resto do mundo, como descrito em
-+.BR iptables (8).
- .SS "\-s, \-\-statistics"
--Mostra estat�sticas sobre o subsistema de rede do kernel do Linux, que
--s�o lidas a partir de
-+Mostra estatísticas sobre o subsistema de rede do kernel do Linux, que
-+são lidas a partir de
- .IR /proc/net/snmp .
- .PP
--.SH OP��ES
- .SS "\-v, \-\-verbose"
--Informa ao usu�rio o que est� ocorrendo, sendo detalhado. Especialmente
--mostra algumas informa��es �teis sobre fam�lias de endere�os n�o
-+Informa ao usuário o que está ocorrendo, sendo detalhado. Especialmente
-+mostra algumas informações úteis sobre famílias de endereços não
- configuradas.
- .SS "\-n, \-\-numeric"
--Mostra endere�os num�ricos, sem tentar resolver os nomes da m�quina, porta ou
-+Mostra endereços numéricos, sem tentar resolver os nomes da máquina, porta ou
--.SS "\-A, \-\-af \fIfam�lia\fI"
--Usa um m�todo diferente para configurar as fam�lias de endere�os.
--.I fam�lia
--� uma lista de palavras-chave de fam�lias de endere�os separadas por v�rgulas
-+.SS "\-A, \-\-af \fIfamília\fI"
-+Usa um método diferente para configurar as famílias de endereços.
-+.I família
-+é uma lista de palavras-chave de famílias de endereços separadas por vírgulas
- (',') como
- .BR inet ,
- .BR unix ,
-@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ Usa um m
- .B netrom
- e
- .BR ddp .
--Tem o mesmo efeito de usar as op��es longas
-+Tem o mesmo efeito de usar as opções longas
- .BR \-\-inet ,
- .BR \-\-unix ,
- .BR \-\-ipx ,
-@@ -165,99 +167,99 @@ e
- .BR \-\-ddp.
- .SS "\-c, \-\-continuous"
--Isto far� com que
-+Isto fará com que
- .B netstat
--mostre a tabela selecionada a cada segundo, continuamente na tela at� que
--voc� o interrompa.
-+mostre a tabela selecionada a cada segundo, continuamente na tela até que
-+você o interrompa.
- .PP
- .PP
--.SS Conex�es Internet Ativas \fR(TCP, UDP, RAW)\fR
-+.SS Conexões Internet Ativas \fR(TCP, UDP, RAW)\fR
- .SS "Proto"
- O protocolo (tcp, udp, raw) usado pelo socket.
- .SS "Recv-Q"
--O contador de bytes n�o copiados pelo programa conectado a este socket.
-+O contador de bytes não copiados pelo programa conectado a este socket.
- .SS "Send-Q"
--O contador de bytes n�o confirmados pela m�quina remota.
-+O contador de bytes não confirmados pela máquina remota.
--.SS "Endere�o Local"
--O endere�o local (nome da m�quina local) e o numero da porta do socket. A menos
-+.SS "Endereço Local"
-+O endereço local (nome da máquina local) e o numero da porta do socket. A menos
- que a chave
- .B -n
--seja especificada o endere�o do socket ser� resolvido para seu nome de m�quina
--can�nico e o n�mero da porta ser� traduzido para o servi�o correspondente.
-+seja especificada o endereço do socket será resolvido para seu nome de máquina
-+canônico e o número da porta será traduzido para o serviço correspondente.
--.SS "Endere�o Remoto"
--O endere�o remoto (nome da m�quina remota) e o n�mero da porta do socket. Como
--com o endere�o local, a chave
-+.SS "Endereço Remoto"
-+O endereço remoto (nome da máquina remota) e o número da porta do socket. Como
-+com o endereço local, a chave
- .B -n
--desliga a resolu��o do nome da m�quina e do servi�o.
-+desliga a resolução do nome da máquina e do serviço.
- .SS "Estado"
--O estado do socket. Uma vez que n�o existem estados no modo RAW e normalmente
--nenhum estado � usado em UDP, esta linha pode ser deixada em branco. Normalmente
--ele pode assumir um de v�rios valores:
-+O estado do socket. Uma vez que não existem estados no modo RAW e normalmente
-+nenhum estado é usado em UDP, esta linha pode ser deixada em branco. Normalmente
-+ele pode assumir um de vários valores:
- .TP
- .I
--O socket tem uma conex�o estabelecida.
-+O socket tem uma conexão estabelecida.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� ativamente tentando estabelecer uma conex�o.
-+O socket está ativamente tentando estabelecer uma conexão.
- .TP
- .I
--Uma requisi��o de conex�o foi recebida da rede.
-+Uma requisição de conexão foi recebida da rede.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� fechado e a conex�o est� terminando.
-+O socket está fechado e a conexão está terminando.
- .TP
- .I
--A conex�o est� fechada e o socket est� esperando por uma termina��o pela
--m�quina remota.
-+A conexão está fechada e o socket está esperando por uma terminação pela
-+máquina remota.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� esperando ap�s o fechamento para tratar os pacotes ainda na rede.
-+O socket está esperando após o fechamento para tratar os pacotes ainda na rede.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket n�o est� sendo usado.
-+O socket não está sendo usado.
- .TP
- .I
- O lado remoto terminou, esperando pelo fechamento do socket.
- .TP
- .I
--O lado remoto terminou, e o socket est� fechado. Esperando por uma
-+O lado remoto terminou, e o socket está fechado. Esperando por uma
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� ouvindo por conex�es. Estes socket s�o somente mostrados se
-+O socket está ouvindo por conexões. Estes socket são somente mostrados se
- a chave
- .BR -a , --listening
- for especificada.
- .TP
- .I
--Ambos os sockets est�o terminados mas n�s ainda n�o enviamos todos os nossos
-+Ambos os sockets estão terminados mas nós ainda não enviamos todos os nossos
- dados.
- .TP
- .I
--O estado do socket � desconhecido.
-+O estado do socket é desconhecido.
--.SS "Usu�rio"
-+.SS "Usuário"
- O nome ou UID do dono do socket.
- .SS "Temporizador"
-@@ -272,198 +274,195 @@ O nome ou UID do dono do socket.
- O protocolo (normalmente unix) usado pelo socket.
- .SS "CntRef"
--O contador de refer�ncias (i.e. processos conectados via este socket).
-+O contador de referências (i.e. processos conectados via este socket).
- .SS "Flags"
--As flags mostradas s�o SO_ACCEPTON (mostrada como
-+As flags mostradas são SO_ACCEPTON (mostrada como
- .BR ACC ),
- .RB ( W )
- .RB ( N ).
--� usada para sockets n�o-conectados se seus processos correspondentes
--estiverem esperando por uma solicita��o de conex�o. As demais flags n�o
--s�o de interesse comum.
-+é usada para sockets não-conectados se seus processos correspondentes
-+estiverem esperando por uma solicitação de conexão. As demais flags não
-+são de interesse comum.
- .SS "Tipos"
--H� diversos tipos de acesso a sockets:
-+Há diversos tipos de acesso a sockets:
- .TP
- .I
--O socket � usado no modo de Datagramas (sem conex�o).
-+O socket é usado no modo de Datagramas (sem conexão).
- .TP
- .I
--� um socket usado quando h� conex�es (stream socket).
-+É um socket usado quando há conexões (stream socket).
- .TP
- .I
--� usado como o socket b�sico (raw socket).
-+É usado como o socket básico (raw socket).
- .TP
- .I
--Este � usado para confirma��o de entrega de mensagens.
-+Este é usado para confirmação de entrega de mensagens.
- .TP
- .I
--� um socket para um pacote sequencial.
-+É um socket para um pacote sequencial.
- .TP
- .I
--Socket para acesso da interface B�SICA.
-+Socket para acesso da interface BÁSICA.
- .TP
- .I
--Quem sabe o que nos trar� o futuro? Preencha aqui :-)
-+Quem sabe o que nos trará o futuro? Preencha aqui :-)
- .PP
- .SS "Estados"
--Este campo conter� uma das seguintes palavras-chave:
-+Este campo conterá uma das seguintes palavras-chave:
- .TP
- .I
--Este socket n�o est� alocado.
-+Este socket não está alocado.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� aguardando por uma solicita��o de conex�o. S�o mostrados
--apenas se as op��es
-+O socket está aguardando por uma solicitação de conexão. São mostrados
-+apenas se as opções
- .BR -a , --listening
- forem selecionadas.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� por estabelecer uma conex�o.
-+O socket está por estabelecer uma conexão.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� conectado.
-+O socket está conectado.
- .TP
- .I
--O socket est� desconectado.
-+O socket está desconectado.
- .TP
- .I
- (nada)
--O socket n�o est� conectado a nenhum outro.
-+O socket não está conectado a nenhum outro.
- .TP
- .I
--Isto n�o deve acontecer nunca.
-+Isto não deve acontecer nunca.
- .SS "Path"
--Mostra o caminho (path) do processo do qual est� tratando esse socket.
-+Mostra o caminho (path) do processo do qual está tratando esse socket.
- .PP
- .SS Sockets IPX ativos
--(Isso precisa ser feito por algu�m que saiba faz�-lo.)
-+(Isso precisa ser feito por alguém que saiba fazê-lo.)
- .PP
- .SS Sockets NET/ROM ativos
--(Isso precisa ser feito por algu�m que saiba faz�-lo.)
-+(Isso precisa ser feito por alguém que saiba fazê-lo.)
- .PP
- .SS Sockets AX.25 ativos
--(Isso precisa ser feito por algu�m que saiba faz�-lo.)
-+(Isso precisa ser feito por alguém que saiba fazê-lo.)
- .PP
--Desde o kernel 2.2 o netstat -i n�o mostra estat�sticas para apelidos (aliases)
--de interfaces. Para obter contadores por apelido de interface voc� precisa
--configurar regras expl�citas usando o comando
--+.BR ipchains(8)
-+Desde o kernel 2.2 o netstat -i não mostra estatísticas para apelidos (aliases)
-+de interfaces. Para obter contadores por apelido de interface você precisa
-+configurar regras explícitas usando o comando
-++.BR iptables(8)
- .
- .ta
- .I /etc/services
---- O arquivo de "tradu��o" (correspond�ncia) entre socket e servi�o.
-+-- O arquivo de "tradução" (correspondência) entre socket e serviço.
- .I /proc/net/dev
---- Informa��es de dispositivos.
-+-- Informações de dispositivos.
- .I /proc/net/snmp
---- Estat�sticas da rede.
-+-- Estatísticas da rede.
- .I /proc/net/raw
---- Informa��o sobre o socket B�SICO (RAW).
-+-- Informação sobre o socket BÁSICO (RAW).
- .I /proc/net/tcp
---- Informa��o sobre o socket TCP.
-+-- Informação sobre o socket TCP.
- .I /proc/net/udp
---- Informa��o sobre o socket UDP.
-+-- Informação sobre o socket UDP.
- .I /proc/net/unix
---- Informa��o sobre o socket de dom�nio Unix.
-+-- Informação sobre o socket de domínio Unix.
- .I /proc/net/ipx
---- Informa��o sobre o socket IPX.
-+-- Informação sobre o socket IPX.
- .I /proc/net/ax25
---- Informa��o sobre o socket AX25.
-+-- Informação sobre o socket AX25.
- .I /proc/net/appletalk
---- Informa��o sobre o socket DDP (Appletalk).
-+-- Informação sobre o socket DDP (Appletalk).
- .I /proc/net/nr
---- Informa��o sobre o socket NET/ROM.
-+-- Informação sobre o socket NET/ROM.
- .I /proc/net/route
---- Informa��o sobre os roteamentos IP realizados pelo kernel
-+-- Informação sobre os roteamentos IP realizados pelo kernel
- .I /proc/net/ax25_route
---- Informa��o sobre os roteamentos AX25 realizados pelo kernel
-+-- Informação sobre os roteamentos AX25 realizados pelo kernel
- .I /proc/net/ipx_route
---- Informa��o sobre os roteamentos IPX realizados pelo kernel
-+-- Informação sobre os roteamentos IPX realizados pelo kernel
- .I /proc/net/nr_nodes
---- Lista de n�s NET/ROM do kernel
-+-- Lista de nós NET/ROM do kernel
- .I /proc/net/nr_neigh
- -- "Vizinhos" NET/ROM do kernel
- .I /proc/net/ip_masquerade
---- Conex�es mascaradas do kernel
-+-- Conexões mascaradas do kernel
- .fi
- .PP
- .BR route (8),
- .BR ifconfig (8),
--.BR ipfw (4),
--.BR ipfw (8),
--.BR ipfwadm (8)
--.BR ipchains (8)
-+.BR iptables (8)
- .PP
--Ocasionalmente informa��es estranhas podem surgir se um socket mudar
--enquanto � visualizado. Isso � incomum.
-+Ocasionalmente informações estranhas podem surgir se um socket mudar
-+enquanto é visualizado. Isso é incomum.
- .br
--As op��es descritas para
-+As opções descritas para
- .B netstat -i
--foram descritas como dever�o funcionar ap�s alguma limpeza da libera��o
-+foram descritas como deverão funcionar após alguma limpeza da liberação
- BETA do pacote net-tools.
- .PP
--A interface com o usu�rio foi escrita por Fred Baumgarten
--<> a p�gina do manual basicamente
-+A interface com o usuário foi escrita por Fred Baumgarten
-+<> a página do manual basicamente
- por Matt Welsh <>. Foi atualizada por
- Alan Cox <> mas poderia ter sido feita com um pouco
- mais de trabalho.
- .BR
- .LP
--A p�gina do manual e os comandos inclu�dos no pacote net-tools
-+A página do manual e os comandos incluídos no pacote net-tools
- foram totalmente reescritos desde Bernd Eckenfels
- <>.
- .BR
--Traduzido para o portugu�s por Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
-+Traduzido para o português por Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
- <> e Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho <>.
-diff --git a/man/pt_BR/rarp.8 b/man/pt_BR/rarp.8
-index de31931..b19f1b7 100644
---- a/man/pt_BR/rarp.8
-+++ b/man/pt_BR/rarp.8
-@@ -2,30 +2,30 @@
- rarp \- manipula a tabela RARP do sistema
--.B "rarp [-v] [-t tipo] -a [m�quina]"
-+.B "rarp [-v] [-t tipo] -a [máquina]"
- .br
--.B "rarp [-v] -d m�quina ..."
-+.B "rarp [-v] -d máquina ..."
- .br
--.B "rarp [-v] [-t tipo] -s m�quina endere�o_hardware"
-+.B "rarp [-v] [-t tipo] -s máquina endereço_hardware"
- .B Rarp
--manipula as tabelas RARP do kernel de varias formas. As op��es principais
--s�o limpar uma entrada de mapeamento de endere�os e manualmente configurar uma.
--Para prop�sitos de depura��o, o programa
-+manipula as tabelas RARP do kernel de varias formas. As opções principais
-+são limpar uma entrada de mapeamento de endereços e manualmente configurar uma.
-+Para propósitos de depuração, o programa
- .B rarp
--tamb�m permite um dump completo da tabela RARP.
--.SH OP��ES
-+também permite um dump completo da tabela RARP.
- .TP
- .B \-v
--Informe o usu�rio o que esta acontecendo, sendo detalhado.
-+Informe o usuário o que esta acontecendo, sendo detalhado.
- .TP
- .B "\-t tipo"
--quando configurando ou lendo a tabela RARP, este par�metro opcional informa ao
-+quando configurando ou lendo a tabela RARP, este parâmetro opcional informa ao
- .B rarp
--que classe de entradas devem ser verificadas. O valor default para este par�metro
-+que classe de entradas devem ser verificadas. O valor default para este parâmetro
- .B ether
--(i.e. c�digo de hardware
-+(i.e. código de hardware
- .B 0x01
- para
- .B "IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet".
-@@ -34,31 +34,31 @@ Outros valores podem incluir tecnologias de rede como
- e
- .B NET/ROM (netrom).
- .TP
--.B "\-a [m�quina]"
--Mostra as entradas dos m�quinas especificadas. Se o
--Mostra as entradas das m�quinas especificadas. Se o par�metro
--.B m�quina
--n�o for usado
-+.B "\-a [máquina]"
-+Mostra as entradas dos máquinas especificadas. Se o
-+Mostra as entradas das máquinas especificadas. Se o parâmetro
-+.B máquina
-+não for usado
- .B todas
--as entradas ser�o mostradas.
-+as entradas serão mostradas.
- .TP
--.B "\-d m�quina"
--Remove a(s) entrada(s) para a m�quina especificada. Isto pode ser usado se a
--m�quina indicada for desligada, por exemplo.
-+.B "\-d máquina"
-+Remove a(s) entrada(s) para a máquina especificada. Isto pode ser usado se a
-+máquina indicada for desligada, por exemplo.
- .TP
--.B "\-s m�quina endere�o_hardware"
--Cria um mapeamento de endere�os RARP para a m�quina
--.B m�quina
--com endere�o de hardware configurado para
--.B endere�o_hardware
--. O formato do endere�o de hardware depende da classe do hardware, mas
--para a maioria das classes voc� pode assumir que a apresenta��o usual pode
--ser usada. Para a classe Ethernet, s�o 6 bytes em hexadecimal, separados
-+.B "\-s máquina endereço_hardware"
-+Cria um mapeamento de endereços RARP para a máquina
-+.B máquina
-+com endereço de hardware configurado para
-+.B endereço_hardware.
-+O formato do endereço de hardware depende da classe do hardware, mas
-+para a maioria das classes você pode assumir que a apresentação usual pode
-+ser usada. Para a classe Ethernet, são 6 bytes em hexadecimal, separados
- por dois pontos (:).
--Alguns arquivos (principalmente Suns velhas) assumem que a m�quina respondendo
--ao query ARP tamb�m podem oferecer outros servi�os de boot remoto. Portanto
--nunca adiciona gratuitamente entradas rarp a menos que deseje encontrar a f�ria
-+Alguns arquivos (principalmente Suns velhas) assumem que a máquina respondendo
-+ao query ARP também podem oferecer outros serviços de boot remoto. Portanto
-+nunca adiciona gratuitamente entradas rarp a menos que deseje encontrar a fúria
- do administrador da rede.
- .I /proc/net/rarp,
-@@ -66,5 +66,5 @@ do administrador da rede.
- Ross D. Martin, <>
- .br
- Fred N. van Kempen, <>
- Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <> - 13/04/1998
-diff --git a/man/pt_BR/route.8 b/man/pt_BR/route.8
-index c440974..eb152e2 100644
---- a/man/pt_BR/route.8
-+++ b/man/pt_BR/route.8
-@@ -50,44 +50,44 @@ If]
- .RB [ \--help ]
- .B Route
--manipula a tabela de roteamento IP do kernel. Seu principal uso �
--configurar rotas est�ticas para hosts ou redes especificadas atrav�s de
--uma interface, ap�s a mesma ter sido configurada com o programa
-+manipula a tabela de roteamento IP do kernel. Seu principal uso é
-+configurar rotas estáticas para hosts ou redes especificadas através de
-+uma interface, após a mesma ter sido configurada com o programa
- .BR ifconfig (8)
- .
--.SH OP��ES
- .TP
- .B \-v
--flag para detalhamento (n�o usada).
-+flag para detalhamento (não usada).
- .TP
- .B \-n
--mostra endere�os num�ricos, sem tentar resolver o nomes simb�licos das
--m�quinas. �til se voc� esta tentando determinar por que a rota para o seu
-+mostra endereços numéricos, sem tentar resolver o nomes simbólicos das
-+máquinas. Útil se você esta tentando determinar por que a rota para o seu
- servidor de nomes sumiu.
- .TP
- .B \-e
- use o formato
- .BR netstat (8)
--na apresenta��o da tabela de roteamento.
-+na apresentação da tabela de roteamento.
- .B \-ee
--produzira uma linha bem grande com todos os par�metros da tabela de roteamento.
-+produzira uma linha bem grande com todos os parâmetros da tabela de roteamento.
- .TP
- .B \-net
- o
- .B Alvo
--� o endere�o de uma rede (encontrado no arquivo
-+é o endereço de uma rede (encontrado no arquivo
- .I /etc/networks
--pela fun��o
-+pela função
- .BR getnetbyname (2)
- ).
- .TP
- .B -host
--� o endere�o de uma m�quina (descoberto com a fun��o
-+é o endereço de uma máquina (descoberto com a função
- .BR gethostbyname (2)
- ).
-@@ -110,150 +110,150 @@ adiciona uma rota.
- .TP
- .B Alvo
--A m�quina ou rede destino. Voc� pode fornecer endere�os IP em formato
--decimal separado por pontos ou nomes de m�quinas/redes.
-+A máquina ou rede destino. Você pode fornecer endereços IP em formato
-+decimal separado por pontos ou nomes de máquinas/redes.
- .TP
- .B netmask Nm
- modificador para especificar a mascara de rede da rota a ser adicionada.
--Somente faz sentido para uma rota para uma rede e quanto o endere�o
-+Somente faz sentido para uma rota para uma rede e quanto o endereço
- .B Alvo
--� valido com rela��o a mascara especificada. Se nenhuma mascara de rede
-+é valido com relação a mascara especificada. Se nenhuma mascara de rede
- for especificada, o comando
- .B route
--descobre-a, desta forma, para a maioria das configura��es normais voc� n�o
-+descobre-a, desta forma, para a maioria das configurações normais você não
- precisa especificar uma mascara de rede.
- .TP
- .B gw Gw
--Quaisquer pacotes IP para a rede/m�quina destino ser�o roteadas atrav�s
-+Quaisquer pacotes IP para a rede/máquina destino serão roteadas através
- do gateway/roteador especificado.
- .B NOTA:
--O gateway especificado deve ser alcan��vel antes deste comando. Isto
--normalmente significa que voc� ter� que configurar uma rota est�tica para
--o gateway antes de emitir este comando. Se voc� especificar o endere�o
--de uma de suas interfaces locais, isto ser� usado para decidir sobre
--qual interface deve ser usada para rotear os pacotes. Isto esta dispon�vel
-+O gateway especificado deve ser alcançável antes deste comando. Isto
-+normalmente significa que você terá que configurar uma rota estática para
-+o gateway antes de emitir este comando. Se você especificar o endereço
-+de uma de suas interfaces locais, isto será usado para decidir sobre
-+qual interface deve ser usada para rotear os pacotes. Isto esta disponível
- para manter compatibilidade com os sistemas baseados em BSD.
- .TP
- .B metric M
--Configura o campo de m�trica na tabela de roteamento, usado em daemons
--para roteamento din�mico.
-+Configura o campo de métrica na tabela de roteamento, usado em daemons
-+para roteamento dinâmico.
- .TP
- .B mss M
--Especifica o Tamanho M�ximo do Segmento TCP em Bytes (MSS) para conex�es
--TCP atrav�s desta rota. Isto � normalmente usado somente para otimiza��o
--fina de configura��es de roteamento.
-+Especifica o Tamanho Máximo do Segmento TCP em Bytes (MSS) para conexões
-+TCP através desta rota. Isto é normalmente usado somente para otimização
-+fina de configurações de roteamento.
- .TP
- .B window W
--Especifica o tamanho da janela TCP para conex�es TCP atrav�s desta rota.
-+Especifica o tamanho da janela TCP para conexões TCP através desta rota.
- Tipicamente somente usado para redes AX.25 e em drivers incapazes de
- de tratar frames back to back.
- .TP
- .B irtt I
--Especifica o tempo de ida e volta inicial (irtt) para conex�es TCP atrav�s
--desta rota. Tipicamente usado somente em redes AX.25. O numero � especificado
--em milisegundos (1-12000). Se omitido o default da RFC 1122 de 300ms � usado.
-+Especifica o tempo de ida e volta inicial (irtt) para conexões TCP através
-+desta rota. Tipicamente usado somente em redes AX.25. O numero é especificado
-+em milisegundos (1-12000). Se omitido o default da RFC 1122 de 300ms é usado.
- .TP
- .B reject
--Instala uma rota de bloqueio, que for�ar� falha na procura por esta rota.
--Exemplo de utiliza��o: bloquear rotas antes do uso da rota default.
--Isto n�o � firewalling.
-+Instala uma rota de bloqueio, que forçará falha na procura por esta rota.
-+Exemplo de utilização: bloquear rotas antes do uso da rota default.
-+Isto não é firewalling.
- .TP
- .B mod, dyn, reinstate
--Instala uma rota modificada ou din�mica. Ambas as flags s�o geralmente somente
--configuradas por um daemon de roteamento. Somente para prop�sitos de diagnostico.
-+Instala uma rota modificada ou dinâmica. Ambas as flags são geralmente somente
-+configuradas por um daemon de roteamento. Somente para propósitos de diagnostico.
- .TP
- .B dev If
--For�a a associa��o da rota com o dispositivo especificado, pois o kernel
--de outra forma tentara determinar o dispositivo por conta pr�pria
--(atrav�s da checagem de rotas e especifica��es de dispositivos j� existentes
-+Força a associação da rota com o dispositivo especificado, pois o kernel
-+de outra forma tentara determinar o dispositivo por conta própria
-+(através da checagem de rotas e especificações de dispositivos já existentes
- e onde a rota esta adicionada).
- If
- .B dev If
--� a �ltima op��o na linha de comando, a palavra
-+é a última opção na linha de comando, a palavra
- .B dev
--pode ser omitida, pois � o default. De outra forma a ordem dos outros
--modificadores do route (metric - netmask - gw - dev) n�o importa.
-+pode ser omitida, pois é o default. De outra forma a ordem dos outros
-+modificadores do route (metric - netmask - gw - dev) não importa.
- .TP
- .B route add -net
- Adiciona a entrada para a interface loopback normal, usando mascara igual
--a (rede classe A, determinada a partir do endere�o de destino),
-+a (rede classe A, determinada a partir do endereço de destino),
- associada ao dispositivo "lo" (assumindo que este dispositivo tenha sido
- previamente configurado com o
- .BR ifconfig (8)).
- .TP
- .B route add -net netmask dev eth0
--Adiciona uma rota para a rede 192.56.76.x atrav�s da interface "eth0". O
--modificador de mascara classe C n�o � realmente necess�rio aqui por que
--192.* � um endere�o IP de classe C. A palavra "dev" pode ser omitida aqui.
-+Adiciona uma rota para a rede 192.56.76.x através da interface "eth0". O
-+modificador de mascara classe C não é realmente necessário aqui por que
-+192.* é um endereço IP de classe C. A palavra "dev" pode ser omitida aqui.
- .TP
- .B route add default gw mango-gw
--Adiciona uma rota default (que ser� usada se nenhuma outra rota for encontrada).
--Todos os pacotes que usarem esta rota ser�o passados para a m�quina "mango-gw".
--O dispositivo que ser� utilizado para esta rota depende de como � poss�vel
--alcan�ar "mango-gw" - a rota est�tica para "mango-gw" ter� que ser configurada
-+Adiciona uma rota default (que será usada se nenhuma outra rota for encontrada).
-+Todos os pacotes que usarem esta rota serão passados para a máquina "mango-gw".
-+O dispositivo que será utilizado para esta rota depende de como é possível
-+alcançar "mango-gw" - a rota estática para "mango-gw" terá que ser configurada
- previamente.
- .TP
- .B route add ipx4 sl0
--Adiciona uma rota para a m�quina "ipx4" atrav�s da interface SLIP (assumindo
--que "ipx4" � a m�quina SLIP).
-+Adiciona uma rota para a máquina "ipx4" através da interface SLIP (assumindo
-+que "ipx4" é a máquina SLIP).
- .TP
- .B route add -net netmask gw ipx4
--Este comando adiciona a rede "192.57.66.x" para ser alcan�ada atrav�s da
--rota anterior atrav�s da interface SLIP.
-+Este comando adiciona a rede "192.57.66.x" para ser alcançada através da
-+rota anterior através da interface SLIP.
- .TP
- .B route add -net netmask dev eth0
--Isto � bem obscura, documentada para que as pessoas saibam como us�-la.
--Configura para que todas as rotas IP classe D (multicast) v�o atrav�s da
--interface "eth0". Esta � a linha de configura��o normal a ser usada com
-+Isto é bem obscura, documentada para que as pessoas saibam como usá-la.
-+Configura para que todas as rotas IP classe D (multicast) vão através da
-+interface "eth0". Esta é a linha de configuração normal a ser usada com
- um kernel multicast.
- .TP
- .B route add netmask reject
--Esta instala uma rota de rejei��o para a rede privada "10.x.x.x"
-+Esta instala uma rota de rejeição para a rede privada "10.x.x.x"
- .LP
--A sa�da da tabela de roteamento do kernel � organizada nas seguintes colunas
-+A saída da tabela de roteamento do kernel é organizada nas seguintes colunas
- .TP
- .B Destino
--A rede ou m�quina de destino.
-+A rede ou máquina de destino.
- .TP
- .B Roteador
--A m�quina roteador ou '*' se nenhuma estiver configurada.
-+A máquina roteador ou '*' se nenhuma estiver configurada.
- .TP
--.B Mascara Gen�rica
--A mascara para a rede destino. '' para uma m�quina de destino,
--'' para a rota
-+.B Mascara Genérica
-+A mascara para a rede destino. '' para uma máquina de
-+destino, '' para a rota
- .B default
- .
- .TP
- .B Flags
--Os flags poss�veis s�o
-+Os flags possíveis são
- .br
- .B U
- (rota esta
- .BR Up )
- .br
- .B H
--(alvo � uma
--.BR m�quina )
-+(alvo é uma
-+.BR máquina )
- .br
- .B G
- (use
-@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ Os flags poss
- .br
- .B R
- .RB ( reinstate
--rota para roteamento din�mico)
-+rota para roteamento dinâmico)
- .br
- .B D
- Instalada
-@@ -278,29 +278,29 @@ Rota
- )
- .TP
- .B Metric
--A 'dist�ncia' at� o alvo (geralmente contada em hops). N�o � utilizada pelos
-+A 'distância' até o alvo (geralmente contada em hops). Não é utilizada pelos
- kernels recentes, somente daemons de roteamento podem usa-la.
- .TP
- .B Ref
--Numero de refer�ncias a esta rota. N�o usado no kernel do Linux, sempre 0.
-+Numero de referências a esta rota. Não usado no kernel do Linux, sempre 0.
- .TP
- .B Uso
--Contagem de procuras por esta rota. Nos kernels recentes estes n�meros s�o
--bem baixos, pois os sockets tem seu pr�prio cache e n�o precisam procurar
-+Contagem de procuras por esta rota. Nos kernels recentes estes números são
-+bem baixos, pois os sockets tem seu próprio cache e não precisam procurar
- por rotas.
- .TP
- .B Iface
--Interface atrav�s da qual os pacotes IP ser�o enviados.
-+Interface através da qual os pacotes IP serão enviados.
- .TP
- .B MSS
--Tamanho m�ximo de segmento default para conex�es TCP atrav�s desta rota.
-+Tamanho máximo de segmento default para conexões TCP através desta rota.
- .TP
- .B Window
--Tamanho de janela default para conex�es TCP atrav�s desta rota.
-+Tamanho de janela default para conexões TCP através desta rota.
- .TP
- .B irtt
- RTT (Tempo de Ida e Volta) Inicial. O kernel usa isto para inferir os melhores
--par�metros do protocolo TCP sem esperar por respostas (possivelmente lentas).
-+parâmetros do protocolo TCP sem esperar por respostas (possivelmente lentas).
- .LP
- .I /proc/net/route
-@@ -311,17 +311,17 @@ par
- .br
- .I /etc/init.d/network
- .LP
- .I ifconfig(8), netstat(8), arp(8)
- .LP
- .B Route
- para o linux foi originalmente escrito por Fred N. van Kempen,
- <> e depois modificado por Johannes Stille e
--Linus Torvalds para a vers�o pl15. Alan Cox adicionou as op��es para
-+Linus Torvalds para a versão pl15. Alan Cox adicionou as opções para
- mss e window no kernel 1.1.22. O suporte a irtt (compartilhado com o
- netstat) foi feito por Bernd Eckenfels.
- Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <> - 13/04/1998
- nenhum :)
-diff --git a/mii-tool.c b/mii-tool.c
-index ef2d48a..1cfecc2 100644
---- a/mii-tool.c
-+++ b/mii-tool.c
-@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
- */
--static char version[] =
--"mii-tool.c 1.9 2000/04/28 00:56:08 (David Hinds)\n";
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-@@ -46,16 +44,25 @@ static char version[] =
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <net/if.h>
-+#include <linux/sockios.h>
- #ifndef __GLIBC__
- #include <linux/if_arp.h>
- #include <linux/if_ether.h>
- #endif
--#include "mii.h"
-+#include <linux/mii.h>
-+#include <linux/sockios.h>
-+#include "version.h"
-+#include "net-support.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+static char *Release = RELEASE, *Signature = "David Hinds based on Donald Becker's mii-diag";
- #define MAX_ETH 8 /* Maximum # of interfaces */
-+#define LPA_ABILITY_MASK 0x07e0
- /* Table of known MII's */
--static struct {
-+static const struct {
- u_short id1, id2;
- char *name;
- } mii_id[] = {
-@@ -64,16 +71,25 @@ static struct {
- { 0x0000, 0x6b90, "AMD 79C901A HomePNA" },
- { 0x0000, 0x6b70, "AMD 79C901A 10baseT" },
- { 0x0181, 0xb800, "Davicom DM9101" },
-- { 0x0043, 0x7411, "Enable EL40-331" },
-+ { 0x0043, 0x7410, "Enable EL40-331" },
-+ { 0x0243, 0x0c50, "ICPlus IP101A" },
- { 0x0015, 0xf410, "ICS 1889" },
- { 0x0015, 0xf420, "ICS 1890" },
- { 0x0015, 0xf430, "ICS 1892" },
- { 0x02a8, 0x0150, "Intel 82555" },
- { 0x7810, 0x0000, "Level One LXT970/971" },
-+ { 0x0022, 0x1510, "Micrel KSZ8041" },
-+ { 0x0022, 0x1610, "Micrel KSZ9021" },
- { 0x2000, 0x5c00, "National DP83840A" },
-+ { 0x2000, 0x5c70, "National DP83865" },
- { 0x0181, 0x4410, "Quality QS6612" },
- { 0x0282, 0x1c50, "SMSC 83C180" },
-+ { 0x0203, 0x8460, "STMicroelectronics ST802RT" },
-+ { 0x1c04, 0x0010, "STMicroelectronics STE100P" },
- { 0x0300, 0xe540, "TDK 78Q2120" },
-+ { 0x0141, 0x0c20, "Yukon 88E1011" },
-+ { 0x0141, 0x0cc0, "Yukon-EC 88E1111" },
-+ { 0x0141, 0x0c90, "Yukon-2 88E1112" },
- };
- #define NMII (sizeof(mii_id)/sizeof(mii_id[0]))
-@@ -81,10 +97,10 @@ static struct {
- struct option longopts[] = {
- /* { name has_arg *flag val } */
-- {"advertise", 1, 0, 'A'}, /* Change capabilities advertised. */
-- {"force", 1, 0, 'F'}, /* Change capabilities advertised. */
-+ {"advertise", 1, 0, 'A'}, /* Advertise only specified media. */
-+ {"force", 1, 0, 'F'}, /* Force specified media technology. */
- {"phy", 1, 0, 'p'}, /* Set PHY (MII address) to report. */
-- {"log", 0, 0, 'l'}, /* Set PHY (MII address) to report. */
-+ {"log", 0, 0, 'l'}, /* With --watch, write events to syslog. */
- {"restart", 0, 0, 'r'}, /* Restart link negotiation */
- {"reset", 0, 0, 'R'}, /* Reset the transceiver. */
- {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'}, /* Report each action taken. */
-@@ -112,7 +128,7 @@ static struct ifreq ifr;
- static int mdio_read(int skfd, int location)
- {
-- struct mii_data *mii = (struct mii_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
-+ struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
- mii->reg_num = location;
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGMIIREG, &ifr) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCGMIIREG on %s failed: %s\n", ifr.ifr_name,
-@@ -124,7 +140,7 @@ static int mdio_read(int skfd, int location)
- static void mdio_write(int skfd, int location, int value)
- {
-- struct mii_data *mii = (struct mii_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
-+ struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
- mii->reg_num = location;
- mii->val_in = value;
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSMIIREG, &ifr) < 0) {
-@@ -137,40 +153,48 @@ static void mdio_write(int skfd, int location, int value)
- const struct {
- char *name;
-- u_short value;
-+ u_short value[2];
- } media[] = {
- /* The order through 100baseT4 matches bits in the BMSR */
-- { "10baseT-HD", MII_AN_10BASET_HD },
-- { "10baseT-FD", MII_AN_10BASET_FD },
-- { "100baseTx-HD", MII_AN_100BASETX_HD },
-- { "100baseTx-FD", MII_AN_100BASETX_FD },
-- { "100baseT4", MII_AN_100BASET4 },
-- { "100baseTx", MII_AN_100BASETX_FD | MII_AN_100BASETX_HD },
-- { "10baseT", MII_AN_10BASET_FD | MII_AN_10BASET_HD },
-+ { "10baseT-HD", {LPA_10HALF} },
-+ { "10baseT-FD", {LPA_10FULL} },
-+ { "100baseTx-HD", {LPA_100HALF} },
-+ { "100baseTx-FD", {LPA_100FULL} },
-+ { "100baseT4", {LPA_100BASE4} },
-+ { "100baseTx", {LPA_100FULL | LPA_100HALF} },
-+ { "10baseT", {LPA_10FULL | LPA_10HALF} },
-+ { "1000baseT-HD", {0, ADVERTISE_1000HALF} },
-+ { "1000baseT-FD", {0, ADVERTISE_1000FULL} },
-+ { "1000baseT", {0, ADVERTISE_1000HALF|ADVERTISE_1000FULL} },
- };
- #define NMEDIA (sizeof(media)/sizeof(media[0]))
- /* Parse an argument list of media types */
--static int parse_media(char *arg)
-+static int parse_media(char *arg, unsigned *bmcr2)
- {
- int mask, i;
- char *s;
- mask = strtoul(arg, &s, 16);
- if ((*arg != '\0') && (*s == '\0')) {
-- if ((mask & MII_AN_ABILITY_MASK) &&
-- !(mask & ~MII_AN_ABILITY_MASK))
-- return mask;
-+ if ((mask & LPA_ABILITY_MASK) &&
-+ !(mask & ~LPA_ABILITY_MASK)) {
-+ *bmcr2 = 0;
-+ return mask;
-+ }
- goto failed;
-- } else {
-- mask = 0;
-- s = strtok(arg, ", ");
-- do {
-+ }
-+ mask = 0;
-+ *bmcr2 = 0;
-+ s = strtok(arg, ", ");
-+ do {
- for (i = 0; i < NMEDIA; i++)
-- if (strcasecmp(media[i].name, s) == 0) break;
-+ if (s && strcasecmp(media[i].name, s) == 0) break;
- if (i == NMEDIA) goto failed;
-- mask |= media[i].value;
-- } while ((s = strtok(NULL, ", ")) != NULL);
-- }
-+ mask |= media[i].value[0];
-+ *bmcr2 |= media[i].value[1];
-+ } while ((s = strtok(NULL, ", ")) != NULL);
- return mask;
- failed:
- fprintf(stderr, "Invalid media specification '%s'.\n", arg);
-@@ -179,11 +203,25 @@ failed:
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--static char *media_list(int mask, int best)
-+static const char *media_list(unsigned mask, unsigned mask2, int best)
- {
- static char buf[100];
- int i;
- *buf = '\0';
-+ if (mask & BMCR_SPEED1000) {
-+ if (mask2 & ADVERTISE_1000HALF) {
-+ strcat(buf, " ");
-+ strcat(buf, "1000baseT-HD");
-+ if (best) goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (mask2 & ADVERTISE_1000FULL) {
-+ strcat(buf, " ");
-+ strcat(buf, "1000baseT-FD");
-+ if (best) goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
- mask >>= 5;
- for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (mask & (1<<i)) {
-@@ -192,6 +230,7 @@ static char *media_list(int mask, int best)
- if (best) break;
- }
- }
-+ out:
- if (mask & (1<<5))
- strcat(buf, " flow-control");
- return buf;
-@@ -199,49 +238,82 @@ static char *media_list(int mask, int best)
- int show_basic_mii(int sock, int phy_id)
- {
-- char buf[100];
-+ char buf[200];
- int i, mii_val[32];
-- int bmcr, bmsr, advert, lkpar;
-+ unsigned bmcr, bmsr, advert, lkpar, bmcr2, lpa2;
- /* Some bits in the BMSR are latched, but we can't rely on being
- the only reader, so only the current values are meaningful */
- mdio_read(sock, MII_BMSR);
-- for (i = 0; i < ((verbose > 1) ? 32 : 8); i++)
-- mii_val[i] = mdio_read(sock, i);
-+ for (i = 0; i < ((verbose > 1) ? 32 : (MII_STAT1000+1)); i++)
-+ switch (i & 0x1F) {
-+ case MII_BMCR:
-+ case MII_BMSR:
-+ case MII_PHYSID1:
-+ case MII_PHYSID2:
-+ case MII_LPA:
-+ case MII_CTRL1000:
-+ case MII_STAT1000:
-+ case MII_ESTATUS:
-+ case MII_RESV1:
-+ case MII_PHYADDR:
-+ case MII_RESV2:
-+ case MII_NCONFIG:
-+ mii_val[i] = mdio_read(sock, i);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ if (verbose > 2)
-+ mii_val[i] = mdio_read(sock, i);
-+ else
-+ mii_val[i] = 0;
-+ break;
-+ }
-- if (mii_val[MII_BMCR] == 0xffff) {
-+ if (mii_val[MII_BMCR] == 0xffff || mii_val[MII_BMSR] == 0x0000) {
- fprintf(stderr, " No MII transceiver present!.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Descriptive rename. */
- bmcr = mii_val[MII_BMCR]; bmsr = mii_val[MII_BMSR];
-- advert = mii_val[MII_ANAR]; lkpar = mii_val[MII_ANLPAR];
-+ advert = mii_val[MII_ADVERTISE]; lkpar = mii_val[MII_LPA];
-+ bmcr2 = mii_val[MII_CTRL1000]; lpa2 = mii_val[MII_STAT1000];
- sprintf(buf, "%s: ", ifr.ifr_name);
-- if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_AN_ENA) {
-- if (bmsr & MII_BMSR_AN_COMPLETE) {
-+ if (bmcr & BMCR_ANENABLE) {
-+ if (bmsr & BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE) {
- if (advert & lkpar) {
-- strcat(buf, (lkpar & MII_AN_ACK) ?
-+ strcat(buf, (lkpar & LPA_LPACK) ?
- "negotiated" : "no autonegotiation,");
-- strcat(buf, media_list(advert & lkpar, 1));
-+ strcat(buf, media_list(advert & lkpar, bmcr2 & lpa2>>2, 1));
- strcat(buf, ", ");
- } else {
- strcat(buf, "autonegotiation failed, ");
- }
-- } else if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_RESTART) {
-+ } else if (bmcr & BMCR_ANRESTART) {
- strcat(buf, "autonegotiation restarted, ");
- }
- } else {
- sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%s Mbit, %s duplex, ",
-- (bmcr & MII_BMCR_100MBIT) ? "100" : "10",
-- (bmcr & MII_BMCR_DUPLEX) ? "full" : "half");
-+ ((bmcr2 & (ADVERTISE_1000HALF | ADVERTISE_1000FULL)) & lpa2 >> 2)
-+ ? "1000"
-+ : (bmcr & BMCR_SPEED100) ? "100" : "10",
-+ (bmcr & BMCR_FULLDPLX) ? "full" : "half");
- }
-- strcat(buf, (bmsr & MII_BMSR_LINK_VALID) ? "link ok" : "no link");
-+ strcat(buf, (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS) ? "link ok" : "no link");
- if (opt_watch) {
- if (opt_log) {
-- syslog(LOG_INFO, buf);
-+ syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", buf);
- } else {
- char s[20];
- time_t t = time(NULL);
-@@ -273,35 +345,36 @@ int show_basic_mii(int sock, int phy_id)
- ((mii_val[2]<<6)|(mii_val[3]>>10))&0xff,
- (mii_val[3]>>4)&0x3f, mii_val[3]&0x0f);
- printf(" basic mode: ");
-- if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_RESET)
-+ if (bmcr & BMCR_RESET)
- printf("software reset, ");
-- if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_LOOPBACK)
-+ if (bmcr & BMCR_LOOPBACK)
- printf("loopback, ");
-- if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_ISOLATE)
-+ if (bmcr & BMCR_ISOLATE)
- printf("isolate, ");
-- if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_COLTEST)
-+ if (bmcr & BMCR_CTST)
- printf("collision test, ");
-- if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_AN_ENA) {
-+ if (bmcr & BMCR_ANENABLE) {
- printf("autonegotiation enabled\n");
- } else {
- printf("%s Mbit, %s duplex\n",
-- (bmcr & MII_BMCR_100MBIT) ? "100" : "10",
-- (bmcr & MII_BMCR_DUPLEX) ? "full" : "half");
-+ (bmcr & BMCR_SPEED100) ? "100" : "10",
-+ (bmcr & BMCR_FULLDPLX) ? "full" : "half");
- }
- printf(" basic status: ");
-- if (bmsr & MII_BMSR_AN_COMPLETE)
-+ if (bmsr & BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE)
- printf("autonegotiation complete, ");
-- else if (bmcr & MII_BMCR_RESTART)
-+ else if (bmcr & BMCR_ANRESTART)
- printf("autonegotiation restarted, ");
-- if (bmsr & MII_BMSR_REMOTE_FAULT)
-+ if (bmsr & BMSR_RFAULT)
- printf("remote fault, ");
-- printf((bmsr & MII_BMSR_LINK_VALID) ? "link ok" : "no link");
-- printf("\n capabilities:%s", media_list(bmsr >> 6, 0));
-- printf("\n advertising: %s", media_list(advert, 0));
-- if (lkpar & MII_AN_ABILITY_MASK)
-- printf("\n link partner:%s", media_list(lkpar, 0));
-+ printf((bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS) ? "link ok" : "no link");
-+ printf("\n capabilities:%s", media_list(bmsr >> 6, bmcr2, 0));
-+ printf("\n advertising: %s", media_list(advert, bmcr2, 0));
-+ if (lkpar & LPA_ABILITY_MASK)
-+ printf("\n link partner:%s", media_list(lkpar, lpa2 >> 2, 0));
- printf("\n");
- }
-+ fflush(stdout);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -309,10 +382,10 @@ int show_basic_mii(int sock, int phy_id)
- static int do_one_xcvr(int skfd, char *ifname, int maybe)
- {
-- struct mii_data *mii = (struct mii_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
-+ struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
- /* Get the vitals from the interface. */
-- strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &ifr) < 0) {
- if (!maybe || (errno != ENODEV))
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCGMIIPHY on '%s' failed: %s\n",
-@@ -327,23 +400,23 @@ static int do_one_xcvr(int skfd, char *ifname, int maybe)
- if (opt_reset) {
- printf("resetting the transceiver...\n");
-- mdio_write(skfd, MII_BMCR, MII_BMCR_RESET);
-+ mdio_write(skfd, MII_BMCR, BMCR_RESET);
- }
-- if (nway_advertise) {
-- mdio_write(skfd, MII_ANAR, nway_advertise | 1);
-+ if (nway_advertise > 0) {
-+ mdio_write(skfd, MII_ADVERTISE, nway_advertise | 1);
- opt_restart = 1;
- }
- if (opt_restart) {
- printf("restarting autonegotiation...\n");
- mdio_write(skfd, MII_BMCR, 0x0000);
- }
- if (fixed_speed) {
- int bmcr = 0;
-- if (fixed_speed & (MII_AN_100BASETX_FD|MII_AN_100BASETX_HD))
-- bmcr |= MII_BMCR_100MBIT;
-- if (fixed_speed & (MII_AN_100BASETX_FD|MII_AN_10BASET_FD))
-- bmcr |= MII_BMCR_DUPLEX;
-+ if (fixed_speed & (LPA_100FULL|LPA_100HALF))
-+ bmcr |= BMCR_SPEED100;
-+ if (fixed_speed & (LPA_100FULL|LPA_10FULL))
-+ bmcr |= BMCR_FULLDPLX;
- mdio_write(skfd, MII_BMCR, bmcr);
- }
-@@ -357,12 +430,12 @@ static int do_one_xcvr(int skfd, char *ifname, int maybe)
- static void watch_one_xcvr(int skfd, char *ifname, int index)
- {
-- struct mii_data *mii = (struct mii_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
-+ struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&ifr.ifr_data;
- static int status[MAX_ETH] = { 0, /* ... */ };
- int now;
- /* Get the vitals from the interface. */
-- strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &ifr) < 0) {
- if (errno != ENODEV)
- fprintf(stderr, "SIOCGMIIPHY on '%s' failed: %s\n",
-@@ -379,27 +452,38 @@ static void watch_one_xcvr(int skfd, char *ifname, int index)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- const char *usage =
--"usage: %s [-VvRrwl] [-A media,... | -F media] [interface ...]
-- -V, --version display version information
-- -v, --verbose more verbose output
-- -R, --reset reset MII to poweron state
-- -r, --restart restart autonegotiation
-- -w, --watch monitor for link status changes
-- -l, --log with -w, write events to syslog
-- -A, --advertise=media,... advertise only specified media
-- -F, --force=media force specified media technology
--media: 100baseT4, 100baseTx-FD, 100baseTx-HD, 10baseT-FD, 10baseT-HD,
-- (to advertise both HD and FD) 100baseTx, 10baseT\n";
-+"usage: %s [-VvRrwl] [-A media,... | -F media] [-p addr] <interface ...>\n"
-+" -V, --version display version information\n"
-+" -v, --verbose more verbose output\n"
-+" -R, --reset reset MII to poweron state\n"
-+" -r, --restart restart autonegotiation\n"
-+" -w, --watch monitor for link status changes\n"
-+" -l, --log with -w, write events to syslog\n"
-+" -A, --advertise=media,... advertise only specified media\n"
-+" -F, --force=media force specified media technology\n"
-+" -p, --phy=addr set PHY (MII address) to report\n"
-+"media: 1000baseTx-HD, 1000baseTx-FD,\n"
-+" 100baseT4, 100baseTx-FD, 100baseTx-HD,\n"
-+" 10baseT-FD, 10baseT-HD,\n"
-+" (to advertise both HD and FD) 1000baseTx, 100baseTx, 10baseT\n";
-+static void version(void)
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", Release, Signature);
-+ exit(E_VERSION);
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int i, c, ret, errflag = 0;
-- char s[6];
-+ unsigned ctrl1000 = 0;
- while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "A:F:p:lrRvVw?", longopts, 0)) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
-- case 'A': nway_advertise = parse_media(optarg); break;
-- case 'F': fixed_speed = parse_media(optarg); break;
-+ case 'A': nway_advertise = parse_media(optarg, &ctrl1000); break;
-+ case 'F': fixed_speed = parse_media(optarg, &ctrl1000); break;
- case 'p': override_phy = atoi(optarg); break;
- case 'r': opt_restart++; break;
- case 'R': opt_reset++; break;
-@@ -411,6 +495,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- /* Check for a few inappropriate option combinations */
- if (opt_watch) verbose = 0;
-+ if ((nway_advertise < 0) || (fixed_speed < 0))
-+ return 2;
- if (errflag || (fixed_speed & (fixed_speed-1)) ||
- (fixed_speed && (opt_restart || nway_advertise))) {
- fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);
-@@ -418,7 +506,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- }
- if (opt_version)
-- printf(version);
-+ version();
- /* Open a basic socket. */
- if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM,0)) < 0) {
-@@ -426,15 +514,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- exit(-1);
- }
-+ if (verbose > 1)
-+ printf("Using SIOCGMIIPHY=0x%x\n", SIOCGMIIPHY);
- /* No remaining args means show all interfaces. */
- if (optind == argc) {
-- ret = 1;
-- for (i = 0; i < MAX_ETH; i++) {
-- sprintf(s, "eth%d", i);
-- ret &= do_one_xcvr(skfd, s, 1);
-- }
-- if (ret)
-- fprintf(stderr, "no MII interfaces found\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "No interface specified\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);
-+ close(skfd);
-+ return 2;
- } else {
- ret = 0;
- for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
-@@ -445,15 +533,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (opt_watch && (ret == 0)) {
- while (1) {
- sleep(1);
-- if (optind == argc) {
-- for (i = 0; i < MAX_ETH; i++) {
-- sprintf(s, "eth%d", i);
-- watch_one_xcvr(skfd, s, i);
-- }
-- } else {
-- for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
-+ for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
- watch_one_xcvr(skfd, argv[i], i-optind);
-- }
- }
- }
-diff --git a/nameif.c b/nameif.c
-index 8d79b50..b280e59 100644
---- a/nameif.c
-+++ b/nameif.c
-@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- * Name Interfaces based on MAC address.
- * Writen 2000 by Andi Kleen.
-- * Subject to the Gnu Public License, version 2.
-+ * Subject to the Gnu Public License, version 2.
- * TODO: make it support token ring etc.
-- * $Id: nameif.c,v 1.1 2000/10/18 17:26:29 ak Exp $
-- */
--#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-+ * $Id: nameif.c,v 1.4 2003/09/11 03:46:49 ak Exp $
-+ */
-+#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
-@@ -21,73 +21,68 @@
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <linux/sockios.h>
- #include <errno.h>
--#include "intl.h"
--const char default_conf[] = "/etc/mactab";
--const char *fname = default_conf;
--int use_syslog;
--int ctl_sk = -1;
--void err(char *msg)
-- if (use_syslog) {
-- syslog(LOG_ERR,"%s: %m", msg);
-- } else {
-- perror(msg);
-- }
-- exit(1);
-+#include "intl.h"
-+#include "net-support.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+const char default_conf[] = "/etc/mactab";
-+const char *fname = default_conf;
-+int use_syslog;
-+int ctl_sk = -1;
-+void err(char *msg)
-+ if (use_syslog) {
-+ syslog(LOG_ERR,"%s: %m", msg);
-+ } else {
-+ perror(msg);
-+ }
-+ exit(1);
- }
--void complain(char *fmt, ...)
-+void complain(char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,fmt);
-- if (use_syslog) {
-+ if (use_syslog) {
- vsyslog(LOG_ERR,fmt,ap);
- } else {
- vfprintf(stderr,fmt,ap);
-- fputc('\n',stderr);
-+ fputc('\n',stderr);
- }
-- va_end(ap);
-+ va_end(ap);
- exit(1);
--void warning(char *fmt, ...)
-+void warning(char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,fmt);
-- if (use_syslog) {
-+ if (use_syslog) {
- vsyslog(LOG_ERR,fmt,ap);
- } else {
- vfprintf(stderr,fmt,ap);
-- fputc('\n',stderr);
-+ fputc('\n',stderr);
- }
-- va_end(ap);
-+ va_end(ap);
- int parsemac(char *str, unsigned char *mac)
-- char *s;
-- while ((s = strsep(&str, ":")) != NULL) {
-+ char *s;
-+ while ((s = strsep(&str, ":")) != NULL) {
- unsigned byte;
-- if (sscanf(s,"%x", &byte)!=1 || byte > 0xff)
-+ if (sscanf(s,"%x", &byte)!=1 || byte > 0xff)
- return -1;
-- *mac++ = byte;
-- }
-+ *mac++ = byte;
-+ }
- return 0;
--void *xmalloc(unsigned sz)
-- void *p = calloc(sz,1);
-- if (!p) errno=ENOMEM, err("xmalloc");
-- return p;
- void opensock(void)
- {
-- if (ctl_sk < 0)
-- ctl_sk = socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
-+ if (ctl_sk < 0)
-+ ctl_sk = socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
- }
- #ifndef ifr_newname
-@@ -97,10 +92,10 @@ void opensock(void)
- int setname(char *oldname, char *newname)
- {
- struct ifreq ifr;
-- opensock();
-+ opensock();
- memset(&ifr,0,sizeof(struct ifreq));
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, oldname);
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_newname, newname);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, oldname, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_newname, newname, IFNAMSIZ);
- return ioctl(ctl_sk, SIOCSIFNAME, &ifr);
- }
-@@ -108,118 +103,118 @@ int getmac(char *name, unsigned char *mac)
- {
- int r;
- struct ifreq ifr;
-- opensock();
-+ opensock();
- memset(&ifr,0,sizeof(struct ifreq));
-- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, name);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, name, IFNAMSIZ);
- r = ioctl(ctl_sk, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr);
-- memcpy(mac, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
-- return r;
-+ memcpy(mac, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
-+ return r;
- }
--struct change {
-- struct change *next,**pprev;
-+struct change {
-+ struct change *next;
-+ int found;
- char ifname[IFNAMSIZ+1];
- unsigned char mac[6];
- struct change *clist;
--struct change *lookupmac(unsigned char *mac)
-+struct change *lookupmac(unsigned char *mac)
- struct change *ch;
-- for (ch = clist;ch;ch = ch->next)
-+ for (ch = clist;ch;ch = ch->next)
- if (!memcmp(ch->mac, mac, 6))
- return ch;
-- return NULL;
-+ return NULL;
- int addchange(char *p, struct change *ch, char *pos)
- {
- if (strchr(ch->ifname, ':'))
-- warning(_("alias device %s at %s probably has no mac"),
-- ch->ifname, pos);
-- if (parsemac(p,ch->mac) < 0)
-- complain(_("cannot parse MAC `%s' at %s"), p, pos);
-- if (clist)
-- clist->pprev = &ch->next;
-+ warning(_("alias device %s at %s probably has no mac"),
-+ ch->ifname, pos);
-+ if (parsemac(p,ch->mac) < 0)
-+ complain(_("cannot parse MAC `%s' at %s"), p, pos);
- ch->next = clist;
-- ch->pprev = &clist;
- clist = ch;
-- return 0;
-+ return 0;
- }
- void readconf(void)
- {
-- char *line;
-- size_t linel;
-- int linenum;
-+ char *line;
-+ size_t linel;
-+ int linenum;
- FILE *ifh;
- char *p;
- int n;
-+ struct change *ch = NULL;
- ifh = fopen(fname, "r");
-- if (!ifh)
-- complain(_("opening configuration file %s: %s"),fname,strerror(errno));
-+ if (!ifh)
-+ complain(_("opening configuration file %s: %s"),fname,strerror(errno));
-- line = NULL;
-+ line = NULL;
- linel = 0;
-- linenum = 1;
-+ linenum = 1;
- while (getdelim(&line, &linel, '\n', ifh) > 0) {
-- struct change *ch = xmalloc(sizeof(struct change));
-- char pos[20];
-+ char pos[20];
-- sprintf(pos, _("line %d"), linenum);
-+ sprintf(pos, _("line %d"), linenum);
- if ((p = strchr(line,'#')) != NULL)
- *p = '\0';
-- p = line;
-+ p = line;
- while (isspace(*p))
-- ++p;
-+ ++p;
- if (*p == '\0')
-- continue;
-- n = strcspn(p, " \t");
-- if (n > IFNAMSIZ)
-- complain(_("interface name too long at line %d"), line);
-- memcpy(ch->ifname, p, n);
-- ch->ifname[n] = 0;
-- p += n;
-- p += strspn(p, " \t");
-- n = strspn(p, "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef:");
-- p[n] = 0;
-+ continue;
-+ n = strcspn(p, " \t");
-+ if (n > IFNAMSIZ-1)
-+ complain(_("interface name too long at line %d"), line);
-+ ch = xmalloc(sizeof(struct change));
-+ memcpy(ch->ifname, p, n);
-+ ch->ifname[n] = 0;
-+ p += n;
-+ p += strspn(p, " \t");
-+ n = strspn(p, "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef:");
-+ p[n] = 0;
- addchange(p, ch, pos);
- linenum++;
-- }
-- fclose(ifh);
-+ }
-+ fclose(ifh);
- }
--struct option lopt[] = {
-+struct option lopt[] = {
- {"syslog", 0, NULL, 's' },
- {"config-file", 1, NULL, 'c' },
-- {"help", 0, NULL, '?' },
-- {NULL},
-+ {"help", 0, NULL, '?' },
-+ {NULL},
- void usage(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("usage: nameif [-c configurationfile] [-s] {ifname macaddress}"));
-- exit(1);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("usage: nameif [-c configurationfile] [-s] {ifname macaddress}\n"));
-+ exit(E_USAGE);
- }
--int main(int ac, char **av)
-- FILE *ifh;
-+int main(int ac, char **av)
-+ FILE *ifh;
- char *p;
- int n;
-- int linenum;
-+ int linenum;
- char *line = NULL;
- size_t linel = 0;
-+ int ret = 0;
- for (;;) {
- int c = getopt_long(ac,av,"c:s",lopt,NULL);
- if (c == -1) break;
-- switch (c) {
-+ switch (c) {
- default:
- case '?':
-- usage();
-+ usage();
- case 'c':
- fname = optarg;
- break;
-@@ -229,74 +224,76 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
- }
- }
-- if (use_syslog)
-+ if (use_syslog)
- openlog("nameif",0,LOG_LOCAL0);
-- while (optind < ac) {
-- struct change *ch = xmalloc(sizeof(struct change));
-+ while (optind < ac) {
-+ struct change *ch = xmalloc(sizeof(struct change));
- char pos[30];
-- if ((ac-optind) & 1)
-+ if ((ac-optind) & 1)
- usage();
-- if (strlen(av[optind])+1>IFNAMSIZ)
-+ if (strlen(av[optind])+1>IFNAMSIZ)
- complain(_("interface name `%s' too long"), av[optind]);
-- strcpy(ch->ifname, av[optind]);
-- optind++;
-- sprintf(pos,_("argument %d"),optind);
-- addchange(av[optind], ch, pos);
-- optind++;
-- }
-+ safe_strncpy(ch->ifname, av[optind], sizeof(ch->ifname));
-+ optind++;
-+ sprintf(pos,_("argument %d"),optind);
-+ addchange(av[optind], ch, pos);
-+ optind++;
-+ }
-- if (!clist || fname != default_conf)
-- readconf();
-+ if (!clist || fname != default_conf)
-+ readconf();
-- ifh = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r");
-- if (!ifh) complain(_("open of /proc/net/dev: %s"), strerror(errno));
-+ ifh = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r");
-+ if (!ifh) complain(_("open of /proc/net/dev: %s"), strerror(errno));
- linenum = 0;
- while (getdelim(&line, &linel, '\n', ifh) > 0) {
-- struct change *ch;
-+ struct change *ch;
- unsigned char mac[6];
-- if (linenum++ < 2)
-+ if (linenum++ < 2)
- continue;
-- p = line;
-- while (isspace(*p))
-+ p = line;
-+ while (isspace(*p))
- ++p;
-- n = strcspn(p, ": \t");
-- p[n] = 0;
-- if (n > IFNAMSIZ-1)
-- complain(_("interface name `%s' too long"), p);
-- if (getmac(p, mac) < 0)
-+ n = strcspn(p, ": \t");
-+ p[n] = 0;
-+ if (n > IFNAMSIZ-1)
-+ complain(_("interface name `%s' too long"), p);
-+ if (getmac(p, mac) < 0)
- continue;
-- ch = lookupmac(mac);
-- if (!ch)
-+ ch = lookupmac(mac);
-+ if (!ch)
- continue;
-- *ch->pprev = ch->next;
-- if (strcmp(p, ch->ifname)) {
-- if (setname(p, ch->ifname) < 0)
-+ ch->found = 1;
-+ if (strcmp(p, ch->ifname)) {
-+ if (setname(p, ch->ifname) < 0)
- complain(_("cannot change name of %s to %s: %s"),
-- p, ch->ifname, strerror(errno));
-- }
-- free(ch);
-- }
-- fclose(ifh);
-- while (clist) {
-+ p, ch->ifname, strerror(errno));
-+ }
-+ }
-+ fclose(ifh);
-+ while (clist) {
- struct change *ch = clist;
- clist = clist->next;
-- warning(_("interface '%s' not found"), ch->ifname);
-- free(ch);
-+ if (!ch->found){
-+ warning(_("interface '%s' not found"), ch->ifname);
-+ ret = 1;
-+ }
-+ free(ch);
- }
- if (use_syslog)
- closelog();
-- return 0;
-+ return ret;
-diff --git a/netstat.c b/netstat.c
-index 1ef790e..d0c364f 100644
---- a/netstat.c
-+++ b/netstat.c
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- * NET-3 Networking Distribution for the LINUX operating
- * system.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: netstat.c,v 1.43 2001/04/15 14:41:17 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: netstat.c,v 1.73 2011-04-20 01:35:22 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Authors: Fred Baumgarten, <>
- * Fred N. van Kempen, <>
-@@ -23,24 +23,24 @@
- * Modified:
- *
- *960116 {1.01} Bernd Eckenfels: verbose, cleanups
-- *960204 {1.10} Bernd Eckenfels: aftrans, usage, new route_info,
-+ *960204 {1.10} Bernd Eckenfels: aftrans, usage, new route_info,
- *960204 {1.11} Bernd Eckenfels: netlink support
- *960204 {1.12} Bernd Eckenfels: route_init()
- *960215 {1.13} Bernd Eckenfels: netlink_print honors HAVE_
-- *960217 {1.14} Bernd Eckenfels: masq_info from Jos Vos and
-+ *960217 {1.14} Bernd Eckenfels: masq_info from Jos Vos and
- * ax25_info from Jonathan Naylor.
- *960218 {1.15} Bernd Eckenfels: ipx_info rewritten, -e for tcp/ipx
- *960220 {1.16} Bernd Eckenfels: minor output reformats, -a for -x
- *960221 {1.17} Bernd Eckenfels: route_init->getroute_init
- *960426 {1.18} Bernd Eckenfels: new RTACTION, SYM/NUM, FIB/CACHE
-- *960517 {1.19} Bernd Eckenfels: usage() spelling fix and --unix inode,
-+ *960517 {1.19} Bernd Eckenfels: usage() spelling fix and --unix inode,
- * ':' is part of sock_addr for --inet
- *960822 {x.xx} Frank Strauss: INET6 support
- *
- *970406 {1.33} Philip Copeland Added snmp reporting support module -s
- * code provided by Andi Kleen
-- * (relly needs to be kernel hooked but
-+ * (relly needs to be kernel hooked but
- * this will do in the meantime)
- * minor header file misplacement tidy up.
- *980815 {1.xx} Stephane Fillod: X.25 support
-@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
- *
- *990420 {1.38} Tuan Hoang removed a useless assignment from igmp_do_one()
- *20010404 {1.39} Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo - use setlocale
-+ *20081201 {1.42} Brian Micek added -L|--udplite options for RFC 3828
-+ *20020722 {1.51} Thomas Preusser added SCTP over IPv4 support
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-@@ -83,6 +85,7 @@
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-+#include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
-@@ -94,8 +97,18 @@
- #include "sockets.h"
- #include "interface.h"
- #include "util.h"
-+#include "proc.h"
-+#include <selinux/selinux.h>
-+#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
- #define PROGNAME_WIDTH 20
-+#define SELINUX_WIDTH 50
- #if !defined(s6_addr32) && defined(in6a_words)
- #define s6_addr32 in6a_words /* libinet6 */
-@@ -104,6 +117,8 @@
- /* prototypes for statistics.c */
- void parsesnmp(int, int, int);
- void inittab(void);
-+void parsesnmp6(int, int, int);
-+void inittab6(void);
- typedef enum {
- SS_FREE = 0, /* not allocated */
-@@ -122,7 +137,7 @@ typedef enum {
- #include "lib/net-features.h"
--char *Release = RELEASE, *Version = "netstat 1.42 (2001-04-15)", *Signature = "Fred Baumgarten, Alan Cox, Bernd Eckenfels, Phil Blundell, Tuan Hoang and others";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE, *Signature = "Fred Baumgarten, Alan Cox, Bernd Eckenfels, Phil Blundell, Tuan Hoang, Brian Micek and others";
- #define E_READ -1
-@@ -142,18 +157,24 @@ int flag_cf = 0;
- int flag_opt = 0;
- int flag_raw = 0;
- int flag_tcp = 0;
-+int flag_sctp= 0;
- int flag_udp = 0;
-+int flag_udplite = 0;
- int flag_igmp= 0;
- int flag_rom = 0;
- int flag_exp = 1;
-+int flag_wide= 0;
- int flag_prg = 0;
- int flag_arg = 0;
- int flag_ver = 0;
-+int flag_l2cap = 0;
-+int flag_rfcomm = 0;
-+int flag_selinux = 0;
- FILE *procinfo;
--#define INFO_GUTS1(file,name,proc) \
-- procinfo = fopen((file), "r"); \
-+#define INFO_GUTS1(file,name,proc,prot) \
-+ procinfo = proc_fopen((file)); \
- if (procinfo == NULL) { \
- if (errno != ENOENT) { \
- perror((file)); \
-@@ -166,58 +187,63 @@ FILE *procinfo;
- } else { \
- do { \
- if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), procinfo)) \
-- (proc)(lnr++, buffer); \
-+ (proc)(lnr++, buffer,prot); \
- } while (!feof(procinfo)); \
- fclose(procinfo); \
- }
--#define INFO_GUTS2(file,proc) \
-+#define INFO_GUTS2(file,proc,prot) \
- lnr = 0; \
-- procinfo = fopen((file), "r"); \
-+ procinfo = proc_fopen((file)); \
- if (procinfo != NULL) { \
- do { \
- if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), procinfo)) \
-- (proc)(lnr++, buffer); \
-+ (proc)(lnr++, buffer,prot); \
- } while (!feof(procinfo)); \
- fclose(procinfo); \
- }
- #else
--#define INFO_GUTS2(file,proc)
-+#define INFO_GUTS2(file,proc,prot)
- #endif
- #define INFO_GUTS3 \
- return rc;
--#define INFO_GUTS6(file,file6,name,proc) \
-+#define INFO_GUTS6(file,file6,name,proc,prot4,prot6) \
- char buffer[8192]; \
- int rc = 0; \
- int lnr = 0; \
- if (!flag_arg || flag_inet) { \
-- INFO_GUTS1(file,name,proc) \
-+ INFO_GUTS1(file,name,proc,prot4) \
- } \
- if (!flag_arg || flag_inet6) { \
-- INFO_GUTS2(file6,proc) \
-+ INFO_GUTS2(file6,proc,prot6) \
- } \
--#define INFO_GUTS(file,name,proc) \
-+#define INFO_GUTS(file,name,proc,prot) \
- char buffer[8192]; \
- int rc = 0; \
- int lnr = 0; \
-- INFO_GUTS1(file,name,proc) \
-+ INFO_GUTS1(file,name,proc,prot) \
- #define PROGNAME_WIDTH2(s) #s
-+#define SELINUX_WIDTH2(s) #s
- #define PRG_HASH_SIZE 211
- static struct prg_node {
- struct prg_node *next;
-- int inode;
-+ unsigned long inode;
- char name[PROGNAME_WIDTH];
-+ char scon[SELINUX_WIDTH];
- } *prg_hash[PRG_HASH_SIZE];
- static char prg_cache_loaded = 0;
-@@ -225,8 +251,11 @@ static char prg_cache_loaded = 0;
- #define PRG_HASHIT(x) ((x) % PRG_HASH_SIZE)
- #define PROGNAME_BANNER "PID/Program name"
-+#define SELINUX_BANNER "Security Context"
-+#define print_progname_banner() do { if (flag_prg) printf(" %-" PROGNAME_WIDTHs "s",PROGNAME_BANNER); } while (0)
--#define print_progname_banner() do { if (flag_prg) printf("%-" PROGNAME_WIDTHs "s"," " PROGNAME_BANNER); } while (0)
-+#define print_selinux_banner() do { if (flag_selinux) printf("%-" SELINUX_WIDTHs "s"," " SELINUX_BANNER); } while (0)
- #define PRG_LOCAL_ADDRESS "local_address"
- #define PRG_INODE "inode"
-@@ -246,40 +275,57 @@ static char prg_cache_loaded = 0;
- #define PATH_CMDLINE "cmdline"
- #define PATH_CMDLINEl strlen(PATH_CMDLINE)
--/* NOT working as of glibc-2.0.7: */
--static void prg_cache_add(int inode, char *name)
-+static void prg_cache_add(unsigned long inode, char *name, const char *scon)
- {
- unsigned hi = PRG_HASHIT(inode);
- struct prg_node **pnp,*pn;
-- prg_cache_loaded=2;
-- for (pnp=prg_hash+hi;(pn=*pnp);pnp=&pn->next) {
-- if (pn->inode==inode) {
-+ prg_cache_loaded = 2;
-+ for (pnp = prg_hash + hi; (pn = *pnp); pnp = &pn->next) {
-+ if (pn->inode == inode) {
- /* Some warning should be appropriate here
- as we got multiple processes for one i-node */
- return;
- }
- }
-- if (!(*pnp=malloc(sizeof(**pnp))))
-+ if (!(*pnp = malloc(sizeof(**pnp))))
- return;
-- pn=*pnp;
-- pn->next=NULL;
-- pn->inode=inode;
-- if (strlen(name)>sizeof(pn->name)-1)
-- name[sizeof(pn->name)-1]='\0';
-- strcpy(pn->name,name);
-+ pn = *pnp;
-+ pn->next = NULL;
-+ pn->inode = inode;
-+ safe_strncpy(pn->name, name, sizeof(pn->name));
-+ {
-+ int len = (strlen(scon) - sizeof(pn->scon)) + 1;
-+ if (len > 0)
-+ safe_strncpy(pn->scon, &scon[len + 1], sizeof(pn->scon));
-+ else
-+ safe_strncpy(pn->scon, scon, sizeof(pn->scon));
-+ }
-+static const char *prg_cache_get(unsigned long inode)
-+ unsigned hi = PRG_HASHIT(inode);
-+ struct prg_node *pn;
-+ for (pn = prg_hash[hi]; pn; pn = pn->next)
-+ if (pn->inode == inode)
-+ return (pn->name);
-+ return ("-");
- }
--static const char *prg_cache_get(int inode)
-+static const char *prg_cache_get_con(unsigned long inode)
- {
-- unsigned hi=PRG_HASHIT(inode);
-+ unsigned hi = PRG_HASHIT(inode);
- struct prg_node *pn;
-- for (pn=prg_hash[hi];pn;pn=pn->next)
-- if (pn->inode==inode) return(pn->name);
-- return("-");
-+ for (pn = prg_hash[hi]; pn; pn = pn->next)
-+ if (pn->inode == inode)
-+ return (pn->scon);
-+ return ("-");
- }
- static void prg_cache_clear(void)
-@@ -287,143 +333,164 @@ static void prg_cache_clear(void)
- struct prg_node **pnp,*pn;
- if (prg_cache_loaded == 2)
-- for (pnp=prg_hash;pnp<prg_hash+PRG_HASH_SIZE;pnp++)
-- while ((pn=*pnp)) {
-- *pnp=pn->next;
-+ for (pnp = prg_hash; pnp < prg_hash + PRG_HASH_SIZE; pnp++)
-+ while ((pn = *pnp)) {
-+ *pnp = pn->next;
- free(pn);
- }
-- prg_cache_loaded=0;
-+ prg_cache_loaded = 0;
-+static void wait_continous(void)
-+ fflush(stdout);
-+ sleep(1);
- }
--static void extract_type_1_socket_inode(const char lname[], long * inode_p) {
-+static int extract_type_1_socket_inode(const char lname[], unsigned long * inode_p) {
- /* If lname is of the form "socket:[12345]", extract the "12345"
- as *inode_p. Otherwise, return -1 as *inode_p.
- */
-- if (strlen(lname) < PRG_SOCKET_PFXl+3) *inode_p = -1;
-- else if (memcmp(lname, PRG_SOCKET_PFX, PRG_SOCKET_PFXl)) *inode_p = -1;
-- else if (lname[strlen(lname)-1] != ']') *inode_p = -1;
-- else {
-+ if (strlen(lname) < PRG_SOCKET_PFXl+3) return(-1);
-+ if (memcmp(lname, PRG_SOCKET_PFX, PRG_SOCKET_PFXl)) return(-1);
-+ if (lname[strlen(lname)-1] != ']') return(-1);
-+ {
- char inode_str[strlen(lname + 1)]; /* e.g. "12345" */
- const int inode_str_len = strlen(lname) - PRG_SOCKET_PFXl - 1;
- char *serr;
- strncpy(inode_str, lname+PRG_SOCKET_PFXl, inode_str_len);
- inode_str[inode_str_len] = '\0';
-- *inode_p = strtol(inode_str,&serr,0);
-- if (!serr || *serr || *inode_p < 0 || *inode_p >= INT_MAX)
-- *inode_p = -1;
-+ *inode_p = strtoul(inode_str, &serr, 0);
-+ if (!serr || *serr || *inode_p == ~0)
-+ return(-1);
- }
-+ return(0);
- }
--static void extract_type_2_socket_inode(const char lname[], long * inode_p) {
-+static int extract_type_2_socket_inode(const char lname[], unsigned long * inode_p) {
- /* If lname is of the form "[0000]:12345", extract the "12345"
- as *inode_p. Otherwise, return -1 as *inode_p.
- */
-- if (strlen(lname) < PRG_SOCKET_PFX2l+1) *inode_p = -1;
-- else if (memcmp(lname, PRG_SOCKET_PFX2, PRG_SOCKET_PFX2l)) *inode_p = -1;
-- else {
-+ if (strlen(lname) < PRG_SOCKET_PFX2l+1) return(-1);
-+ if (memcmp(lname, PRG_SOCKET_PFX2, PRG_SOCKET_PFX2l)) return(-1);
-+ {
- char *serr;
-- *inode_p=strtol(lname + PRG_SOCKET_PFX2l,&serr,0);
-- if (!serr || *serr || *inode_p < 0 || *inode_p >= INT_MAX)
-- *inode_p = -1;
-+ *inode_p = strtoul(lname + PRG_SOCKET_PFX2l, &serr, 0);
-+ if (!serr || *serr || *inode_p == ~0)
-+ return(-1);
- }
-+ return(0);
- }
- static void prg_cache_load(void)
- {
-- char line[LINE_MAX],eacces=0;
-- int procfdlen,fd,cmdllen,lnamelen;
-- char lname[30],cmdlbuf[512],finbuf[PROGNAME_WIDTH];
-- long inode;
-- const char *cs,*cmdlp;
-- DIR *dirproc=NULL,*dirfd=NULL;
-- struct dirent *direproc,*direfd;
-+ char line[LINE_MAX], eacces=0;
-+ int procfdlen, fd, cmdllen, lnamelen;
-+ char lname[30], cmdlbuf[512], finbuf[PROGNAME_WIDTH];
-+ unsigned long inode;
-+ const char *cs, *cmdlp;
-+ DIR *dirproc = NULL, *dirfd = NULL;
-+ struct dirent *direproc, *direfd;
-+ security_context_t scon = NULL;
- if (prg_cache_loaded || !flag_prg) return;
-- prg_cache_loaded=1;
-- cmdlbuf[sizeof(cmdlbuf)-1]='\0';
-+ prg_cache_loaded = 1;
-+ cmdlbuf[sizeof(cmdlbuf) - 1] = '\0';
- if (!(dirproc=opendir(PATH_PROC))) goto fail;
-- while (errno=0,direproc=readdir(dirproc)) {
-- if (direproc->d_type!=DT_DIR) continue;
-- for (cs=direproc->d_name;*cs;cs++)
-- if (!isdigit(*cs))
-+ while (errno = 0, direproc = readdir(dirproc)) {
-+ for (cs = direproc->d_name; *cs; cs++)
-+ if (!isdigit(*cs))
- break;
-- if (*cs)
-+ if (*cs)
- continue;
-- procfdlen=snprintf(line,sizeof(line),PATH_PROC_X_FD,direproc->d_name);
-- if (procfdlen<=0 || procfdlen>=sizeof(line)-5)
-+ procfdlen = snprintf(line,sizeof(line),PATH_PROC_X_FD,direproc->d_name);
-+ if (procfdlen <= 0 || procfdlen >= sizeof(line) - 5)
- continue;
-- errno=0;
-- dirfd=opendir(line);
-+ errno = 0;
-+ dirfd = opendir(line);
- if (! dirfd) {
-- if (errno==EACCES)
-- eacces=1;
-+ if (errno == EACCES)
-+ eacces = 1;
- continue;
- }
- line[procfdlen] = '/';
- cmdlp = NULL;
- while ((direfd = readdir(dirfd))) {
-- if (direfd->d_type!=DT_LNK)
-- continue;
-- if (procfdlen+1+strlen(direfd->d_name)+1>sizeof(line))
-+ /* Skip . and .. */
-+ if (!isdigit(direfd->d_name[0]))
-+ continue;
-+ if (procfdlen + 1 + strlen(direfd->d_name) + 1 > sizeof(line))
- continue;
- memcpy(line + procfdlen - PATH_FD_SUFFl, PATH_FD_SUFF "/",
-- PATH_FD_SUFFl+1);
-- strcpy(line + procfdlen + 1, direfd->d_name);
-- lnamelen=readlink(line,lname,sizeof(lname)-1);
-+ PATH_FD_SUFFl + 1);
-+ safe_strncpy(line + procfdlen + 1, direfd->d_name,
-+ sizeof(line) - procfdlen - 1);
-+ lnamelen = readlink(line, lname, sizeof(lname) - 1);
-+ if (lnamelen == -1)
-+ continue;
- lname[lnamelen] = '\0'; /*make it a null-terminated string*/
-- extract_type_1_socket_inode(lname, &inode);
-- if (inode < 0) extract_type_2_socket_inode(lname, &inode);
-- if (inode < 0) continue;
-+ if (extract_type_1_socket_inode(lname, &inode) < 0)
-+ if (extract_type_2_socket_inode(lname, &inode) < 0)
-+ continue;
- if (!cmdlp) {
-- if (procfdlen - PATH_FD_SUFFl + PATH_CMDLINEl >=
-- sizeof(line) - 5)
-+ if (procfdlen - PATH_FD_SUFFl + PATH_CMDLINEl >=
-+ sizeof(line) - 5)
- continue;
-- strcpy(line + procfdlen-PATH_FD_SUFFl, PATH_CMDLINE);
-+ safe_strncpy(line + procfdlen - PATH_FD_SUFFl, PATH_CMDLINE,
-+ sizeof(line) - procfdlen + PATH_FD_SUFFl);
- fd = open(line, O_RDONLY);
-- if (fd < 0)
-+ if (fd < 0)
- continue;
- cmdllen = read(fd, cmdlbuf, sizeof(cmdlbuf) - 1);
-- if (close(fd))
-+ if (close(fd))
- continue;
-- if (cmdllen == -1)
-+ if (cmdllen == -1)
- continue;
-- if (cmdllen < sizeof(cmdlbuf) - 1)
-+ if (cmdllen < sizeof(cmdlbuf) - 1)
- cmdlbuf[cmdllen]='\0';
-- if ((cmdlp = strrchr(cmdlbuf, '/')))
-+ if (cmdlbuf[0] == '/' && (cmdlp = strrchr(cmdlbuf, '/')))
- cmdlp++;
-- else
-+ else
- cmdlp = cmdlbuf;
- }
- snprintf(finbuf, sizeof(finbuf), "%s/%s", direproc->d_name, cmdlp);
-- prg_cache_add(inode, finbuf);
-+ if (getpidcon(atoi(direproc->d_name), &scon) == -1) {
-+ scon=xstrdup("-");
-+ }
-+ prg_cache_add(inode, finbuf, scon);
-+ freecon(scon);
-+ prg_cache_add(inode, finbuf, "-");
- }
-- closedir(dirfd);
-+ closedir(dirfd);
- dirfd = NULL;
- }
-- if (dirproc)
-+ if (dirproc)
- closedir(dirproc);
-- if (dirfd)
-+ if (dirfd)
- closedir(dirfd);
-- if (!eacces)
-+ if (!eacces)
- return;
- if (prg_cache_loaded == 1) {
- fail:
-@@ -450,7 +517,7 @@ static int netrom_info(void)
- char buffer[256], dev[16];
- int st, vs, vr, sendq, recvq, ret;
-- f = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_NR, "r");
-+ f = proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_NR);
- if (f == NULL) {
- if (errno != ENOENT) {
- perror(_PATH_PROCNET_NR);
-@@ -465,7 +532,8 @@ static int netrom_info(void)
- }
- printf(_("Active NET/ROM sockets\n"));
- printf(_("User Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-Q\n"));
-- fgets(buffer, 256, f);
-+ if (fgets(buffer, 256, f))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buffer, 256, f)) {
- buffer[9] = 0;
-@@ -527,19 +595,22 @@ static void finish_this_one(int uid, unsigned long inode, const char *timers)
- if (flag_exp > 1) {
- if (!(flag_not & FLAG_NUM_USER) && ((pw = getpwuid(uid)) != NULL))
-- printf("%-10s ", pw->pw_name);
-+ printf(" %-10s ", pw->pw_name);
- else
-- printf("%-10d ", uid);
-- printf("%-10ld ",inode);
-+ printf(" %-10d ", uid);
-+ printf("%-10lu",inode);
- }
- if (flag_prg)
-- printf("%-" PROGNAME_WIDTHs "s",prg_cache_get(inode));
-+ printf(" %-" PROGNAME_WIDTHs "s",prg_cache_get(inode));
-+ if (flag_selinux)
-+ printf(" %-" SELINUX_WIDTHs "s",prg_cache_get_con(inode));
- if (flag_opt)
-- printf("%s", timers);
-+ printf(" %s", timers);
- putchar('\n');
- }
--static void igmp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
-+static void igmp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line,const char *prot)
- {
- char mcast_addr[128];
-@@ -598,8 +669,8 @@ static void igmp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- ((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr)->sa_family);
- return;
- }
-- safe_strncpy(mcast_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(mcast_addr));
-+ safe_strncpy(mcast_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr,
-+ flag_not & FLAG_NUM_HOST), sizeof(mcast_addr));
- printf("%-15s %-6d %s\n", device, refcnt, mcast_addr);
- #endif
- } else { /* IPV4 */
-@@ -630,14 +701,14 @@ static void igmp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus igmp line %d.\n"), lnr);
- return;
- }
- if ((ap = get_afntype(((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr)->sa_family)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"),
- ((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr)->sa_family);
- return;
- }
-- safe_strncpy(mcast_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(mcast_addr));
-+ safe_strncpy(mcast_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &mcastaddr,
-+ flag_not & FLAG_NUM_HOST), sizeof(mcast_addr));
- printf("%-15s %-6d %s\n", device, refcnt, mcast_addr );
- #endif
- } /* IPV4 */
-@@ -646,7 +717,7 @@ static void igmp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- #if HAVE_AFX25
- static int x25_info(void)
- {
-- FILE *f=fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_X25, "r");
-+ FILE *f=proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_X25);
- char buffer[256],dev[16];
- int st,vs,vr,sendq,recvq,lci;
- static char *x25_state[5]=
-@@ -657,7 +728,7 @@ static int x25_info(void)
- };
-- if(!(f=fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_X25, "r")))
-+ if(!f)
- {
- if (errno != ENOENT) {
- perror(_PATH_PROCNET_X25);
-@@ -673,7 +744,8 @@ static int x25_info(void)
- printf( _("Active X.25 sockets\n"));
- /* IMHO, Vr/Vs is not very usefull --SF */
- printf( _("Dest Source Device LCI State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-Q\n"));
-- fgets(buffer,256,f);
-+ if (fgets(buffer,256,f))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while(fgets(buffer,256,f))
- {
- buffer[10]=0;
-@@ -690,21 +762,206 @@ static int x25_info(void)
- vr,vs,sendq,recvq);
- }
- fclose(f);
-- return 0;
-+ return 0;
- }
- #endif
- static int igmp_info(void)
- {
-- igmp_do_one);
-+ igmp_do_one, "igmp", "igmp6");
-+static int ip_parse_dots(uint32_t *addr, char const *src) {
-+ unsigned a, b, c, d;
-+ unsigned ret = 4-sscanf(src, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &a, &b, &c, &d);
-+ *addr = htonl((a << 24)|(b << 16)|(c << 8)|d);
-+ return ret;
-+static void print_ip_service(struct sockaddr_in *addr, char const *protname,
-+ char *buf, unsigned size) {
-+ struct aftype *ap;
-+ if(size == 0) return;
-+ /* print host */
-+ if((ap = get_afntype(addr->sin_family)) == NULL) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"),
-+ addr->sin_family);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ safe_strncpy(buf, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr*)addr, flag_not), size);
-+ /* print service */
-+ if(flag_all || (flag_lst && !addr->sin_port) || (!flag_lst && addr->sin_port)) {
-+ char bfs[32];
-+ snprintf(bfs, sizeof(bfs), "%s",
-+ get_sname(addr->sin_port, (char*)protname, flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-+ /* check if we must cut on host and/or service name */
-+ {
-+ unsigned const bufl = strlen(buf);
-+ unsigned const bfsl = strlen(bfs);
-+ if(bufl+bfsl+2 > size) {
-+ unsigned const half = (size-2)>>1;
-+ if(bufl > half) {
-+ if(bfsl > half) {
-+ buf[size-2-half] = '\0';
-+ bfs[half+1] = '\0';
-+ }
-+ else buf[size-2-bfsl] = '\0';
-+ }
-+ else bfs[size-2-bufl] = '\0';
-+ }
-+ }
-+ strcat(buf, ":");
-+ strcat(buf, bfs);
-+ }
-+/* process single SCTP endpoint */
-+static void sctp_do_ept(int lnr, char const *line, const char *prot)
-+ struct sockaddr_in laddr, raddr;
-+ unsigned uid, inode;
-+ char l_addr[23], r_addr[23];
-+ /* fill sockaddr_in structures */
-+ {
-+ unsigned lport;
-+ unsigned ate;
-+ if(lnr == 0) return;
-+ if(sscanf(line, "%*X %*X %*u %*u %*u %u %u %u %n",
-+ &lport, &uid, &inode, &ate) < 3) goto err;
-+ /* decode IP address */
-+ if(ip_parse_dots(&laddr.sin_addr.s_addr, line+ate)) goto err;
-+ raddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0);
-+ laddr.sin_family = raddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-+ laddr.sin_port = htons(lport);
-+ raddr.sin_port = htons(0);
-+ }
-+ /* print IP:service to l_addr and r_addr */
-+ print_ip_service(&laddr, prot, l_addr, sizeof(l_addr));
-+ print_ip_service(&raddr, prot, r_addr, sizeof(r_addr));
-+ /* Print line */
-+ printf("%-4s %6d %6d %-*s %-*s %-11s",
-+ prot, 0, 0,
-+ (int)netmax(23,strlen(l_addr)), l_addr,
-+ (int)netmax(23,strlen(r_addr)), r_addr,
-+ _(tcp_state[TCP_LISTEN]));
-+ finish_this_one(uid, inode, "");
-+ return;
-+ err:
-+ fprintf(stderr, "SCTP error in line: %d\n", lnr);
-+/* process single SCTP association */
-+static void sctp_do_assoc(int lnr, char const *line, const char *prot)
-+ struct sockaddr_in laddr, raddr;
-+ unsigned long rxq, txq;
-+ unsigned uid, inode;
-+ char l_addr[23], r_addr[23];
-+ /* fill sockaddr_in structures */
-+ {
-+ unsigned lport, rport;
-+ unsigned ate;
-+ char const *addr;
-+ if(lnr == 0) return;
-+ if(sscanf(line, "%*X %*X %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu %lu %u %u %u %u %n",
-+ &txq, &rxq, &uid, &inode, &lport, &rport, &ate) < 6) goto err;
-+ /* decode IP addresses */
-+ addr = strchr(line+ate, '*');
-+ if(addr == 0) goto err;
-+ if(ip_parse_dots(&laddr.sin_addr.s_addr, ++addr)) goto err;
-+ addr = strchr(addr, '*');
-+ if(addr == 0) goto err;
-+ if(ip_parse_dots(&raddr.sin_addr.s_addr, ++addr)) goto err;
-+ /* complete sockaddr_in structures */
-+ laddr.sin_family = raddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-+ laddr.sin_port = htons(lport);
-+ raddr.sin_port = htons(rport);
-+ }
-+ /* print IP:service to l_addr and r_addr */
-+ print_ip_service(&laddr, prot, l_addr, sizeof(l_addr));
-+ print_ip_service(&raddr, prot, r_addr, sizeof(r_addr));
-+ /* Print line */
-+ printf("%-4s %6ld %6ld %-*s %-*s %-11s",
-+ prot, rxq, txq,
-+ (int)netmax(23,strlen(l_addr)), l_addr,
-+ (int)netmax(23,strlen(r_addr)), r_addr,
-+ _(tcp_state[TCP_ESTABLISHED]));
-+ finish_this_one(uid, inode, "");
-+ return;
-+ err:
-+ fprintf(stderr, "SCTP error in line: %d\n", lnr);
-+static int sctp_info_epts(void) {
-+ sctp_do_ept, "sctp", "sctp6");
-+static int sctp_info_assocs(void) {
-+ sctp_do_assoc, "sctp", "sctp6");
-+static int sctp_info(void) {
-+ int res;
-+ res = sctp_info_epts();
-+ if(res) return res;
-+ return sctp_info_assocs();
-+static void addr_do_one(char *buf, size_t buf_len, size_t short_len, struct aftype *ap,
-+ struct sockaddr_in6 *addr,
-+ struct sockaddr_in *addr,
-+ int port, const char *proto
-+ const char *sport, *saddr;
-+ size_t port_len, addr_len;
-+ saddr = ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *)addr, flag_not & FLAG_NUM_HOST);
-+ sport = get_sname(htons(port), proto, flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT);
-+ addr_len = strlen(saddr);
-+ port_len = strlen(sport);
-+ if (!flag_wide && (addr_len + port_len > short_len)) {
-+ /* Assume port name is short */
-+ port_len = netmin(port_len, short_len - 4);
-+ addr_len = short_len - port_len;
-+ strncpy(buf, saddr, addr_len);
-+ buf[addr_len] = '\0';
-+ strcat(buf, ":");
-+ strncat(buf, sport, port_len);
-+ } else
-+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s:%s", saddr, sport);
- }
--static void tcp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
-+static void tcp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line, const char *prot)
- {
- unsigned long rxq, txq, time_len, retr, inode;
- int num, local_port, rem_port, d, state, uid, timer_run, timeout;
-- char rem_addr[128], local_addr[128], timers[64], buffer[1024], more[512];
-+ char rem_addr[128], local_addr[128], timers[64];
- struct aftype *ap;
- struct sockaddr_in6 localaddr, remaddr;
-@@ -719,9 +976,17 @@ static void tcp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- return;
- num = sscanf(line,
-- "%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %ld %512s\n",
-+ "%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %lu %*s\n",
- &d, local_addr, &local_port, rem_addr, &rem_port, &state,
-- &txq, &rxq, &timer_run, &time_len, &retr, &uid, &timeout, &inode, more);
-+ &txq, &rxq, &timer_run, &time_len, &retr, &uid, &timeout, &inode);
-+ if (num < 11) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus tcp line.\n"));
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (!flag_all && ((flag_lst && rem_port) || (!flag_lst && !rem_port)))
-+ return;
- if (strlen(local_addr) > 8) {
-@@ -748,45 +1013,16 @@ static void tcp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- ((struct sockaddr *) &remaddr)->sa_family = AF_INET;
- }
-- if (num < 11) {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus tcp line.\n"));
-- return;
-- }
- if ((ap = get_afntype(((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr)->sa_family)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"),
- ((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr)->sa_family);
- return;
- }
-- if (state == TCP_LISTEN) {
-- time_len = 0;
-- retr = 0L;
-- rxq = 0L;
-- txq = 0L;
-- }
-- safe_strncpy(local_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(local_addr));
-- safe_strncpy(rem_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &remaddr, flag_not),
-- sizeof(rem_addr));
-- if (flag_all || (flag_lst && !rem_port) || (!flag_lst && rem_port)) {
-- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",
-- get_sname(htons(local_port), "tcp",
-- flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-- if ((strlen(local_addr) + strlen(buffer)) > 22)
-- local_addr[22 - strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
-- strcat(local_addr, ":");
-- strcat(local_addr, buffer);
-- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",
-- get_sname(htons(rem_port), "tcp", flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-- if ((strlen(rem_addr) + strlen(buffer)) > 22)
-- rem_addr[22 - strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
-- strcat(rem_addr, ":");
-- strcat(rem_addr, buffer);
-- timers[0] = '\0';
-+ addr_do_one(local_addr, sizeof(local_addr), 22, ap, &localaddr, local_port, "tcp");
-+ addr_do_one(rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr), 22, ap, &remaddr, rem_port, "tcp");
-+ timers[0] = '\0';
- if (flag_opt)
- switch (timer_run) {
- case 0:
-@@ -813,23 +1049,23 @@ static void tcp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- timer_run, (double) time_len / HZ, retr, timeout);
- break;
- }
-- printf("tcp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s",
-- rxq, txq, local_addr, rem_addr, _(tcp_state[state]));
-+ printf("%-4s %6ld %6ld %-*s %-*s %-11s",
-+ prot, rxq, txq, (int)netmax(23,strlen(local_addr)), local_addr, (int)netmax(23,strlen(rem_addr)), rem_addr, _(tcp_state[state]));
- finish_this_one(uid,inode,timers);
-- }
- }
- static int tcp_info(void)
- {
-- tcp_do_one);
-+ tcp_do_one, "tcp", "tcp6");
- }
--static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
-+static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line,const char *prot)
- {
-- char buffer[8192], local_addr[64], rem_addr[64];
-- char *udp_state, timers[64], more[512];
-+ char local_addr[64], rem_addr[64];
-+ char *udp_state, timers[64];
- int num, local_port, rem_port, d, state, timer_run, uid, timeout;
- struct sockaddr_in6 localaddr, remaddr;
-@@ -845,12 +1081,16 @@ static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- if (lnr == 0)
- return;
-- more[0] = '\0';
- num = sscanf(line,
-- "%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %ld %512s\n",
-+ "%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %lu %*s\n",
- &d, local_addr, &local_port,
- rem_addr, &rem_port, &state,
-- &txq, &rxq, &timer_run, &time_len, &retr, &uid, &timeout, &inode, more);
-+ &txq, &rxq, &timer_run, &time_len, &retr, &uid, &timeout, &inode);
-+ if (num < 10) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus udp line.\n"));
-+ return;
-+ }
- if (strlen(local_addr) > 8) {
-@@ -877,13 +1117,7 @@ static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- }
- retr = 0L;
-- if (!flag_opt)
-- more[0] = '\0';
-- if (num < 10) {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus udp line.\n"));
-- return;
-- }
- if ((ap = get_afntype(((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr)->sa_family)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"),
- ((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr)->sa_family);
-@@ -917,24 +1151,8 @@ static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- if (flag_all || (notnull(remaddr) && !flag_lst) || (!notnull(remaddr) && flag_lst))
- {
-- safe_strncpy(local_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(local_addr));
-- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",
-- get_sname(htons(local_port), "udp",
-- flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-- if ((strlen(local_addr) + strlen(buffer)) > 22)
-- local_addr[22 - strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
-- strcat(local_addr, ":");
-- strcat(local_addr, buffer);
-- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",
-- get_sname(htons(rem_port), "udp", flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-- safe_strncpy(rem_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &remaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(rem_addr));
-- if ((strlen(rem_addr) + strlen(buffer)) > 22)
-- rem_addr[22 - strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
-- strcat(rem_addr, ":");
-- strcat(rem_addr, buffer);
-+ addr_do_one(local_addr, sizeof(local_addr), 22, ap, &localaddr, local_port, "udp");
-+ addr_do_one(rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr), 22, ap, &remaddr, rem_port, "udp");
- timers[0] = '\0';
- if (flag_opt)
-@@ -953,8 +1171,8 @@ static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- retr, timeout);
- break;
- }
-- printf("udp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s",
-- rxq, txq, local_addr, rem_addr, udp_state);
-+ printf("%-5s %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-11s",
-+ prot, rxq, txq, local_addr, rem_addr, udp_state);
- finish_this_one(uid,inode,timers);
- }
-@@ -963,13 +1181,19 @@ static void udp_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- static int udp_info(void)
- {
-- udp_do_one);
-+ udp_do_one, "udp", "udp6");
- }
--static void raw_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
-+static int udplite_info(void)
- {
-- char buffer[8192], local_addr[64], rem_addr[64];
-- char timers[64], more[512];
-+ "AF INET (udplite)", udp_do_one, "udpl", "udpl6" );
-+static void raw_do_one(int lnr, const char *line,const char *prot)
-+ char local_addr[64], rem_addr[64];
-+ char timers[64];
- int num, local_port, rem_port, d, state, timer_run, uid, timeout;
- struct sockaddr_in6 localaddr, remaddr;
-@@ -985,11 +1209,15 @@ static void raw_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- if (lnr == 0)
- return;
-- more[0] = '\0';
- num = sscanf(line,
-- "%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %ld %512s\n",
-+ "%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %lu %*s\n",
- &d, local_addr, &local_port, rem_addr, &rem_port, &state,
-- &txq, &rxq, &timer_run, &time_len, &retr, &uid, &timeout, &inode, more);
-+ &txq, &rxq, &timer_run, &time_len, &retr, &uid, &timeout, &inode);
-+ if (num < 10) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus raw line.\n"));
-+ return;
-+ }
- if (strlen(local_addr) > 8) {
-@@ -1026,34 +1254,10 @@ static void raw_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- }
- #endif
-- if (!flag_opt)
-- more[0] = '\0';
-- if (num < 10) {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus raw line.\n"));
-- return;
-- }
- if (flag_all || (notnull(remaddr) && !flag_lst) || (!notnull(remaddr) && flag_lst))
- {
-- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",
-- get_sname(htons(local_port), "raw",
-- flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-- safe_strncpy(local_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &localaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(local_addr));
-- if ((strlen(local_addr) + strlen(buffer)) > 22)
-- local_addr[22 - strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
-- strcat(local_addr, ":");
-- strcat(local_addr, buffer);
-- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",
-- get_sname(htons(rem_port), "raw", flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT));
-- safe_strncpy(rem_addr, ap->sprint((struct sockaddr *) &remaddr,
-- flag_not), sizeof(rem_addr));
-- if ((strlen(rem_addr) + strlen(buffer)) > 22)
-- rem_addr[22 - strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
-- strcat(rem_addr, ":");
-- strcat(rem_addr, buffer);
-+ addr_do_one(local_addr, sizeof(local_addr), 22, ap, &localaddr, local_port, "raw");
-+ addr_do_one(rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr), 22, ap, &remaddr, rem_port, "raw");
- timers[0] = '\0';
- if (flag_opt)
-@@ -1074,8 +1278,8 @@ static void raw_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- retr, timeout);
- break;
- }
-- printf("raw %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12d",
-- rxq, txq, local_addr, rem_addr, state);
-+ printf("%-4s %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-11d",
-+ prot, rxq, txq, local_addr, rem_addr, state);
- finish_this_one(uid,inode,timers);
- }
-@@ -1084,7 +1288,7 @@ static void raw_do_one(int lnr, const char *line)
- static int raw_info(void)
- {
-- raw_do_one);
-+ raw_do_one, "raw", "raw6");
- }
- #endif
-@@ -1094,14 +1298,14 @@ static int raw_info(void)
- #define HAS_INODE 1
--static void unix_do_one(int nr, const char *line)
-+static void unix_do_one(int nr, const char *line, const char *prot)
- {
- static int has = 0;
- char path[MAXPATHLEN], ss_flags[32];
- char *ss_proto, *ss_state, *ss_type;
-- int num, state, type, inode;
-+ int num, state, type;
- void *d;
-- unsigned long refcnt, proto, flags;
-+ unsigned long refcnt, proto, flags, inode;
- if (nr == 0) {
- if (strstr(line, "Inode"))
-@@ -1109,14 +1313,14 @@ static void unix_do_one(int nr, const char *line)
- return;
- }
- path[0] = '\0';
-- num = sscanf(line, "%p: %lX %lX %lX %X %X %d %s",
-+ num = sscanf(line, "%p: %lX %lX %lX %X %X %lu %s",
- &d, &refcnt, &proto, &flags, &type, &state, &inode, path);
- if (num < 6) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus unix line.\n"));
- return;
- }
- if (!(has & HAS_INODE))
-- snprintf(path,sizeof(path),"%d",inode);
-+ snprintf(path,sizeof(path),"%lu",inode);
- if (!flag_all) {
- if ((state == SS_UNCONNECTED) && (flags & SO_ACCEPTCON)) {
-@@ -1195,7 +1399,7 @@ static void unix_do_one(int nr, const char *line)
- ss_state = _("UNKNOWN");
- }
-- strcpy(ss_flags, "[ ");
-+ safe_strncpy(ss_flags, "[ ", sizeof(ss_flags));
- if (flags & SO_ACCEPTCON)
- strcat(ss_flags, "ACC ");
- if (flags & SO_WAITDATA)
-@@ -1208,12 +1412,15 @@ static void unix_do_one(int nr, const char *line)
- printf("%-5s %-6ld %-11s %-10s %-13s ",
- ss_proto, refcnt, ss_flags, ss_type, ss_state);
- if (has & HAS_INODE)
-- printf("%-6d ",inode);
-+ printf("%-8lu",inode);
- else
-- printf("- ");
-+ printf("- ");
- if (flag_prg)
-- printf("%-" PROGNAME_WIDTHs "s",(has & HAS_INODE?prg_cache_get(inode):"-"));
-- puts(path);
-+ printf(" %-" PROGNAME_WIDTHs "s",(has & HAS_INODE?prg_cache_get(inode):"-"));
-+ if (flag_selinux)
-+ printf(" %-" SELINUX_WIDTHs "s",(has & HAS_INODE?prg_cache_get_con(inode):"-"));
-+ printf(" %s\n", path);
- }
- static int unix_info(void)
-@@ -1229,12 +1436,13 @@ static int unix_info(void)
- printf(_("(w/o servers)"));
- }
-- printf(_("\nProto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node"));
-+ printf(_("\nProto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node "));
- print_progname_banner();
-+ print_selinux_banner();
- printf(_(" Path\n")); /* xxx */
- {
-+ INFO_GUTS(_PATH_PROCNET_UNIX, "AF UNIX", unix_do_one, "unix");
- }
- }
- #endif
-@@ -1256,7 +1464,7 @@ static int ax25_info(void)
- };
-- if (!(f = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_AX25, "r"))) {
-+ if (!(f = proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_AX25))) {
- if (errno != ENOENT) {
- perror(_PATH_PROCNET_AX25);
- return (-1);
-@@ -1350,18 +1558,37 @@ static int ipx_info(void)
- char sad[50], dad[50];
- struct sockaddr sa;
- unsigned sport = 0, dport = 0;
-- if (!(f = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX, "r"))) {
-- if (errno != ENOENT) {
-- perror(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX);
-- return (-1);
-- }
-- if (flag_arg || flag_ver)
-- ESYSNOT("netstat", "AF IPX");
-- if (flag_arg)
-- return (1);
-- else
-- return (0);
-+ struct stat s;
-+ f = proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX_SOCKET1);
-+ if (!f) {
-+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ f = proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_IPX_SOCKET2);
-+ /* We need to check for directory */
-+ if (f) {
-+ if (fstat (fileno(f), &s) == -1 ||
-+ !S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) {
-+ fclose(f);
-+ f=NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (!f) {
-+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
-+ return (-1);
-+ }
-+ if (flag_arg || flag_ver)
-+ ESYSNOT("netstat", "AF IPX");
-+ if (flag_arg)
-+ return (1);
-+ else
-+ return (0);
-+ }
- }
- printf(_("Active IPX sockets\nProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State")); /* xxx */
- if (flag_exp > 1)
-@@ -1369,19 +1596,22 @@ static int ipx_info(void)
- printf("\n");
- if ((ap = get_afntype(AF_IPX)) == NULL) {
- EINTERN("netstat.c", "AF_IPX missing");
-+ fclose(f);
- return (-1);
- }
-- fgets(buf, 255, f);
-+ if (fgets(buf, 255, f))
-+ /* eat line */;
- while (fgets(buf, 255, f) != NULL) {
-- sscanf(buf, "%s %s %lX %lX %d %d",
-+ sscanf(buf, "%s %s %lX %lX %u %u",
- sad, dad, &txq, &rxq, &state, &uid);
- if ((st = rindex(sad, ':'))) {
- *st++ = '\0';
- sscanf(st, "%X", &sport); /* net byt order */
- sport = ntohs(sport);
- } else {
-- EINTERN("netstat.c", _PATH_PROCNET_IPX " sport format error");
-+ EINTERN("netstat.c", "ipx socket format error in source port");
-+ fclose(f);
- return (-1);
- }
- nc = 0;
-@@ -1391,7 +1621,8 @@ static int ipx_info(void)
- sscanf(st, "%X", &dport); /* net byt order */
- dport = ntohs(dport);
- } else {
-- EINTERN("netstat.c", _PATH_PROCNET_IPX " dport format error");
-+ EINTERN("netstat.c", "ipx socket format error in destination port");
-+ fclose(f);
- return (-1);
- }
- } else
-@@ -1413,16 +1644,16 @@ static int ipx_info(void)
- /* Fetch and resolve the Source */
- (void) ap->input(4, sad, &sa);
-- safe_strncpy(buf, ap->sprint(&sa, flag_not), sizeof(buf));
-+ safe_strncpy(buf, ap->sprint(&sa, flag_not & FLAG_NUM_HOST), sizeof(buf));
- snprintf(sad, sizeof(sad), "%s:%04X", buf, sport);
- if (!nc) {
- /* Fetch and resolve the Destination */
- (void) ap->input(4, dad, &sa);
-- safe_strncpy(buf, ap->sprint(&sa, flag_not), sizeof(buf));
-+ safe_strncpy(buf, ap->sprint(&sa, flag_not & FLAG_NUM_HOST), sizeof(buf));
- snprintf(dad, sizeof(dad), "%s:%04X", buf, dport);
- } else
-- strcpy(dad, "-");
-+ safe_strncpy(dad, "-", sizeof(dad));
- printf("IPX %6ld %6ld %-26s %-26s %-5s", txq, rxq, sad, dad, st);
- if (flag_exp > 1) {
-@@ -1438,6 +1669,116 @@ static int ipx_info(void)
- }
- #endif
-+const char *bluetooth_state(int state)
-+ switch (state) {
-+ return _("CONNECTED");
-+ case BT_OPEN:
-+ return _("OPEN");
-+ case BT_BOUND:
-+ return _("BOUND");
-+ case BT_LISTEN:
-+ return _("LISTEN");
-+ case BT_CONNECT:
-+ return _("CONNECT");
-+ case BT_CONNECT2:
-+ return _("CONNECT2");
-+ case BT_CONFIG:
-+ return _("CONFIG");
-+ case BT_DISCONN:
-+ return _("DISCONN");
-+ case BT_CLOSED:
-+ return _("CLOSED");
-+ default:
-+ return _("UNKNOWN");
-+ }
-+static void l2cap_do_one(int nr, const char *line, const char *prot)
-+ char daddr[18], saddr[18];
-+ unsigned state, psm, dcid, scid, imtu, omtu, sec_level;
-+ int num;
-+ const char *bt_state, *bt_sec_level;
-+ num = sscanf(line, "%17s %17s %d %d 0x%04x 0x%04x %d %d %d",
-+ daddr, saddr, &state, &psm, &dcid, &scid, &imtu, &omtu, &sec_level);
-+ if (num < 9) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus l2cap line.\n"));
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (flag_lst && !(state == BT_LISTEN || state == BT_BOUND))
-+ return;
-+ if (!(flag_all || flag_lst) && (state == BT_LISTEN || state == BT_BOUND))
-+ return;
-+ bt_state = bluetooth_state(state);
-+ switch (sec_level) {
-+ bt_sec_level = _("SDP");
-+ break;
-+ bt_sec_level = _("LOW");
-+ break;
-+ bt_sec_level = _("MEDIUM");
-+ break;
-+ bt_sec_level = _("HIGH");
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ bt_sec_level = _("UNKNOWN");
-+ }
-+ printf("l2cap %-17s %-17s %-9s %7d 0x%04x 0x%04x %7d %7d %-7s\n",
-+ (strcmp (daddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00") == 0 ? "*" : daddr),
-+ (strcmp (saddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00") == 0 ? "*" : saddr),
-+ bt_state, psm, dcid, scid, imtu, omtu, bt_sec_level);
-+static int l2cap_info(void)
-+ printf("%-6s %-17s %-17s %-9s %7s %-6s %-6s %7s %7s %-7s\n",
-+ "Proto", "Destination", "Source", "State", "PSM", "DCID", "SCID", "IMTU", "OMTU", "Security");
-+ INFO_GUTS(_PATH_SYS_BLUETOOTH_L2CAP, "AF BLUETOOTH", l2cap_do_one, "l2cap");
-+static void rfcomm_do_one(int nr, const char *line, const char *prot)
-+ char daddr[18], saddr[18];
-+ unsigned state, channel;
-+ int num;
-+ const char *bt_state;
-+ num = sscanf(line, "%17s %17s %d %d", daddr, saddr, &state, &channel);
-+ if (num < 4) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("warning, got bogus rfcomm line.\n"));
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (flag_lst && !(state == BT_LISTEN || state == BT_BOUND))
-+ return;
-+ if (!(flag_all || flag_lst) && (state == BT_LISTEN || state == BT_BOUND))
-+ return;
-+ bt_state = bluetooth_state(state);
-+ printf("rfcomm %-17s %-17s %-9s %7d\n",
-+ (strcmp (daddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00") == 0 ? "*" : daddr),
-+ (strcmp (saddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00") == 0 ? "*" : saddr),
-+ bt_state, channel);
-+static int rfcomm_info(void)
-+ printf("%-6s %-17s %-17s %-9s %7s\n", "Proto", "Destination", "Source", "State", "Channel");
-+ INFO_GUTS(_PATH_SYS_BLUETOOTH_RFCOMM, "AF BLUETOOTH", rfcomm_do_one, "rfcomm");
- static int iface_info(void)
- {
- if (skfd < 0) {
-@@ -1449,7 +1790,7 @@ static int iface_info(void)
- }
- if (flag_exp < 2) {
- ife_short = 1;
-- printf(_("Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg\n"));
-+ printf(_("Iface MTU RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg\n"));
- }
- if (for_all_interfaces(do_if_print, &flag_all) < 0) {
-@@ -1457,7 +1798,7 @@ static int iface_info(void)
- exit(1);
- }
- if (flag_cnt)
-- free_interface_list();
-+ if_cache_free();
- else {
- close(skfd);
- skfd = -1;
-@@ -1469,16 +1810,16 @@ static int iface_info(void)
- static void version(void)
- {
-- printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Signature, Features);
-+ printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Signature, Features);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
- static void usage(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("usage: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat {-V|--version|-h|--help}\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }\n\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("usage: netstat [-vWeenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat {-V|--version|-h|--help}\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" netstat [-vWnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" netstat { [-vWeenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s [-6tuw] }\n\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -r, --route display routing table\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -i, --interfaces display interface table\n"));
-@@ -1487,7 +1828,9 @@ static void usage(void)
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -M, --masquerade display masqueraded connections\n\n"));
- #endif
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -v, --verbose be verbose\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" -W, --wide don't truncate IP addresses\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -n, --numeric don't resolve names\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" --numeric-hosts don't resolve host names\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" --numeric-ports don't resolve port names\n"));
-@@ -1495,15 +1838,19 @@ static void usage(void)
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -N, --symbolic resolve hardware names\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -e, --extend display other/more information\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -p, --programs display PID/Program name for sockets\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" -o, --timers display timers\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -c, --continuous continuous listing\n\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -l, --listening display listening server sockets\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" -a, --all, --listening display all sockets (default: connected)\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" -o, --timers display timers\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" -a, --all display all sockets (default: connected)\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -F, --fib display Forwarding Information Base (default)\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" -C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB\n\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" -C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" -Z, --context display SELinux security context for sockets\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx --netrom\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"), DFLT_AF);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("\n <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-U|--udplite} {-S|--sctp} {-w|--raw}\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx --netrom\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" <AF>=Use '-6|-4' or '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"), DFLT_AF);
- fprintf(stderr, _(" List of possible address families (which support routing):\n"));
- print_aflist(1); /* 1 = routeable */
- exit(E_USAGE);
-@@ -1514,7 +1861,7 @@ int main
- (int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i;
- int lop;
-- struct option longopts[] =
-+ static struct option longopts[] =
- {
- {"version", 0, 0, 'V'},
-@@ -1526,9 +1873,13 @@ int main
- #endif
- {"protocol", 1, 0, 'A'},
- {"tcp", 0, 0, 't'},
-+ {"sctp", 0, 0, 'S'},
- {"udp", 0, 0, 'u'},
-+ {"udplite", 0, 0, 'U'},
- {"raw", 0, 0, 'w'},
- {"unix", 0, 0, 'x'},
-+ {"l2cap", 0, 0, '2'},
-+ {"rfcomm", 0, 0, 'f'},
- {"listening", 0, 0, 'l'},
- {"all", 0, 0, 'a'},
- {"timers", 0, 0, 'o'},
-@@ -1537,6 +1888,7 @@ int main
- {"programs", 0, 0, 'p'},
- {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'},
- {"statistics", 0, 0, 's'},
-+ {"wide", 0, 0, 'W'},
- {"numeric", 0, 0, 'n'},
- {"numeric-hosts", 0, 0, '!'},
- {"numeric-ports", 0, 0, '@'},
-@@ -1545,6 +1897,7 @@ int main
- {"cache", 0, 0, 'C'},
- {"fib", 0, 0, 'F'},
- {"groups", 0, 0, 'g'},
-+ {"context", 0, 0, 'Z'},
- {NULL, 0, 0, 0}
- };
-@@ -1556,7 +1909,7 @@ int main
- getroute_init(); /* Set up AF routing support */
- afname[0] = '\0';
-- while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "MCFA:acdegphinNorstuVv?wxl", longopts, &lop)) != EOF)
-+ while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "A:CFMacdeghilnNoprsStuUvVWwx64?Z", longopts, &lop)) != EOF)
- switch (i) {
- case -1:
- break;
-@@ -1600,6 +1953,9 @@ int main
- case 'i':
- flag_int++;
- break;
-+ case 'W':
-+ flag_wide++;
-+ break;
- case 'n':
- flag_not |= FLAG_NUM;
- break;
-@@ -1624,6 +1980,14 @@ int main
- case 'o':
- flag_opt++;
- break;
-+ case '6':
-+ if (aftrans_opt("inet6"))
-+ exit(1);
-+ break;
-+ case '4':
-+ if (aftrans_opt("inet"))
-+ exit(1);
-+ break;
- case 'V':
- version();
-@@ -1633,21 +1997,45 @@ int main
- case 'r':
- flag_rou++;
- break;
- case 't':
- flag_tcp++;
- break;
-+ case 'S':
-+ flag_sctp++;
-+ break;
- case 'u':
- flag_udp++;
- break;
-+ case 'U':
-+ flag_udplite++;
-+ break;
- case 'w':
- flag_raw++;
- break;
-+ case '2':
-+ flag_l2cap++;
-+ break;
-+ case 'f':
-+ flag_rfcomm++;
-+ break;
- case 'x':
- if (aftrans_opt("unix"))
- exit(1);
- break;
-+ case 'Z':
-+ if (is_selinux_enabled() <= 0) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("SELinux is not enabled on this machine.\n"));
-+ exit(1);
-+ }
-+ flag_prg++;
-+ flag_selinux++;
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("SELinux is not enabled for this application.\n"));
-+ exit(1);
-+ break;
- case '?':
- case 'h':
- usage();
-@@ -1658,46 +2046,71 @@ int main
- if (flag_int + flag_rou + flag_mas + flag_sta > 1)
- usage();
-- if ((flag_inet || flag_inet6 || flag_sta) && !(flag_tcp || flag_udp || flag_raw))
-- flag_tcp = flag_udp = flag_raw = 1;
-+ if ((flag_inet || flag_inet6 || flag_sta) &&
-+ !(flag_tcp || flag_sctp || flag_udp || flag_udplite || flag_raw))
-+ flag_tcp = flag_sctp = flag_udp = flag_udplite = flag_raw = 1;
-- if ((flag_tcp || flag_udp || flag_raw || flag_igmp) && !(flag_inet || flag_inet6))
-+ if ((flag_tcp || flag_sctp || flag_udp || flag_udplite || flag_raw || flag_igmp) &&
-+ !(flag_inet || flag_inet6))
- flag_inet = flag_inet6 = 1;
-- flag_arg = flag_tcp + flag_udp + flag_raw + flag_unx + flag_ipx
-- + flag_ax25 + flag_netrom + flag_igmp + flag_x25;
-+ if (flag_bluetooth && !(flag_l2cap || flag_rfcomm))
-+ flag_l2cap = flag_rfcomm = 1;
-+ flag_arg = flag_tcp + flag_sctp + flag_udplite + flag_udp + flag_raw + flag_unx
-+ + flag_ipx + flag_ax25 + flag_netrom + flag_igmp + flag_x25 + flag_rose
-+ + flag_l2cap + flag_rfcomm;
- if (flag_mas) {
- if (!afname[0])
-- strcpy(afname, DFLT_AF);
-+ safe_strncpy(afname, DFLT_AF, sizeof(afname));
- #endif
- for (;;) {
- i = ip_masq_info(flag_not & FLAG_NUM_HOST,
- flag_not & FLAG_NUM_PORT, flag_exp);
- if (i || !flag_cnt)
- break;
-- sleep(1);
-+ wait_continous();
- }
- #else
-- ENOSUPP("netstat.c", "FW_MASQUERADE");
-+ ENOSUPP("netstat", "FW_MASQUERADE");
- i = -1;
- #endif
- return (i);
- }
- if (flag_sta) {
-- inittab();
-- parsesnmp(flag_raw, flag_tcp, flag_udp);
-- exit(0);
-+ if (!afname[0])
-+ safe_strncpy(afname, DFLT_AF, sizeof(afname));
-+ if (!strcmp(afname, "inet")) {
-+ inittab();
-+ parsesnmp(flag_raw, flag_tcp, flag_udp);
-+ ENOSUPP("netstat", "AF INET");
-+ } else if(!strcmp(afname, "inet6")) {
-+ inittab6();
-+ parsesnmp6(flag_raw, flag_tcp, flag_udp);
-+ ENOSUPP("netstat", "AF INET6");
-+ } else {
-+ printf(_("netstat: No statistics support for specified address family: %s\n"), afname);
-+ exit(1);
-+ }
-+ exit(0);
- }
- if (flag_rou) {
- int options = 0;
- if (!afname[0])
-- strcpy(afname, DFLT_AF);
-+ safe_strncpy(afname, DFLT_AF, sizeof(afname));
- if (flag_exp == 2)
- flag_exp = 1;
-@@ -1712,7 +2125,7 @@ int main
- i = route_info(afname, options);
- if (i || !flag_cnt)
- break;
-- sleep(1);
-+ wait_continous();
- }
- return (i);
- }
-@@ -1721,12 +2134,12 @@ int main
- i = iface_info();
- if (!flag_cnt || i)
- break;
-- sleep(1);
-+ wait_continous();
- }
- return (i);
- }
- for (;;) {
-- if (!flag_arg || flag_tcp || flag_udp || flag_raw) {
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_tcp || flag_sctp || flag_udp || flag_udplite || flag_raw) {
- prg_cache_load();
- printf(_("Active Internet connections ")); /* xxx */
-@@ -1743,6 +2156,7 @@ int main
- if (flag_exp > 1)
- printf(_(" User Inode "));
- print_progname_banner();
-+ print_selinux_banner();
- if (flag_opt)
- printf(_(" Timer")); /* xxx */
- printf("\n");
-@@ -1759,11 +2173,25 @@ int main
- if (i)
- return (i);
- }
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_sctp) {
-+ i = sctp_info();
-+ if (i)
-+ return (i);
-+ }
- if (!flag_arg || flag_udp) {
- i = udp_info();
- if (i)
- return (i);
- }
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_udplite) {
-+ i = udplite_info();
-+ if (i)
-+ return (i);
-+ }
- if (!flag_arg || flag_raw) {
- i = raw_info();
- if (i)
-@@ -1845,9 +2273,55 @@ int main
- }
- #endif
- }
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_rose) {
-+#if 0 && HAVE_AFROSE
-+ i = rose_info();
-+ if (i)
-+ return (i);
-+ if (flag_arg) {
-+ i = 1;
-+ ENOSUPP("netstat", "AF ROSE");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_l2cap || flag_rfcomm) {
-+ printf(_("Active Bluetooth connections ")); /* xxx */
-+ if (flag_all)
-+ printf(_("(servers and established)"));
-+ else {
-+ if (flag_lst)
-+ printf(_("(only servers)"));
-+ else
-+ printf(_("(w/o servers)"));
-+ }
-+ printf("\n");
-+ if (flag_arg) {
-+ i = 1;
-+ ENOSUPP("netstat", "AF BLUETOOTH");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_l2cap) {
-+ i = l2cap_info();
-+ if (i)
-+ return (i);
-+ }
-+ if (!flag_arg || flag_rfcomm) {
-+ i = rfcomm_info();
-+ if (i)
-+ return (i);
-+ }
- if (!flag_cnt || i)
- break;
-- sleep(1);
-+ wait_continous();
- prg_cache_clear();
- }
- return (i);
-diff --git a/plipconfig.c b/plipconfig.c
-index 1f972a7..86fa890 100644
---- a/plipconfig.c
-+++ b/plipconfig.c
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Copyright (c) 1994 John Paul Morrison (VE7JPM).
- version 0.2
- Changed by Alan Cox, to reflect the way SIOCDEVPRIVATE is meant to work
- and for the extra parameter added by Niibe.
-@@ -42,31 +42,27 @@
- #include "intl.h"
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "version.h"
-+#include "util.h"
--int opt_a = 0;
--int opt_i = 0;
--int opt_v = 0;
- int skfd = -1;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct plipconf *plip;
--char *Release = RELEASE,
-- *Version = "plipconfig 0.2",
-- *Signature = "John Paul Morrison, Alan Cox et al.";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE, *Signature = "John Paul Morrison, Alan Cox et al.";
- static void version(void)
- {
-- printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Signature);
-+ printf("%s\n%s\n", Release, Signature);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
- void usage(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] interface\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" [nibble NN] [trigger NN]\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: plipconfig interface [nibble NN] [trigger NN]\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" plipconfig -V | --version\n"));
-- exit(-1);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" plipconfig -h | --help\n"));
-+ exit(E_USAGE);
- }
- void print_plip(void)
-@@ -93,12 +89,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- argc--;
- argv++;
- while (argv[0] && *argv[0] == '-') {
-- if (!strcmp(*argv, "-a"))
-- opt_a = 1;
-- if (!strcmp(*argv, "-v"))
-- opt_v = 1;
- if (!strcmp(*argv, "-V") || !strcmp(*argv, "--version"))
- version();
-+ else
-+ usage();
- argv++;
- argc--;
- }
-@@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- usage();
- spp = argv;
-- strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, *spp++, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ safe_strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, *spp++, IFNAMSIZ);
- plip=(struct plipconf *)&ifr.ifr_data;
- plip->pcmd = PLIP_GET_TIMEOUT; /* get current settings for device */
-diff --git a/po/Makefile b/po/Makefile
-index 0fdf82d..c7f27fb 100644
---- a/po/Makefile
-+++ b/po/Makefile
-@@ -3,16 +3,24 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM= ${INSTALL}
- INSTALLNLSDIR=${BASEDIR}/usr/share/locale
--TUPDATE = tupdate
-+TUPDATE = msgmerge
- NLSPACKAGE = net-tools
- -include ../config.make
-+ALL_POS = $(wildcard *.po)
-+ALL_LANGS = $(ALL_POS:%.po=%)
- ifeq ($(I18N),1)
-+ifeq ($(LINGUAS),)
- else
-+LANGS = $(filter $(LINGUAS),$(ALL_LANGS))
- endif
- POTFILES=../arp.c ../hostname.c ../ifconfig.c ../netstat.c ../rarp.c \
- ../route.c ../plipconfig.c ../iptunnel.c ../statistics.c \
-@@ -44,12 +52,12 @@ $(NLSPACKAGE).pot: $(POTFILES)
- update-po: Makefile
-- catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
-- for cat in $$catalogs; do \
-- lang=`echo $$cat | sed 's/.mo//'`; \
-+ langs='$(ALL_LANGS)'; \
-+ for lang in $$langs; do \
-+ cat=$$; \
- mv $$lang.po $$lang.old.po; \
- echo "$$lang:"; \
-- if $(TUPDATE) $(NLSPACKAGE).pot $$lang.old.po > $$lang.po; then \
-+ if $(TUPDATE) $$lang.old.po $(NLSPACKAGE).pot > $$lang.po; then \
- rm -f $$lang.old.po; \
- else \
- echo "tupdate for $$cat failed!"; \
-@@ -61,18 +69,19 @@ update-po: Makefile
- clean:
- rm -f *mo
-+dist: $(ALL_CATALOGS)
- distclean: clean
- rm -f .depend Makefile
- depend:
- install: $(CATALOGS)
-- catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
-- for n in $$catalogs; do \
-- l=`basename $$n .mo`; \
-+ langs='$(LANGS)'; \
-+ for l in $$langs; do \
- $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(INSTALLNLSDIR)/$$l; \
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$n $(INSTALLNLSDIR)/$$l/LC_MESSAGES/; \
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$ $(INSTALLNLSDIR)/$$l/LC_MESSAGES/; \
- done
- %.po
-diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
-index b4b66a1..c1d6a8a 100644
---- a/po/cs.po
-+++ b/po/cs.po
-@@ -1,359 +1,385 @@
- # Czech translation of net-tools
- # Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
--# Ji�� Pavlovsk� <>, 1999.
-+# Jiří Pavlovský <>, 1999.
-+# Petr Pisar <>, 2009.
- #
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
--"Project-Id-Version: net-tools-1.51\n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-02-14 02:31+0100\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 1999-08-29 23:20+0200\n"
--"Last-Translator: Ji�� Pavlovsk� <>\n"
--"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
-+"Project-Id-Version: net-tools cvs-20090825\n"
-+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-25 18:34+0200\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-26 22:18+0200\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Petr Pisar <>\n"
-+"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
--#: ../arp.c:110 ../arp.c:269
-+#: ../arp.c:112 ../arp.c:279
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: need host name\n"
--msgstr "arp: je t�eba jm�no po��ta�e\n"
-+msgstr "arp: je třeba jméno počítače\n"
--#: ../arp.c:207 ../arp.c:221
-+#: ../arp.c:215 ../arp.c:230
- #, c-format
- msgid "No ARP entry for %s\n"
--msgstr "Pro %s neexistuje ARP polo�ka\n"
-+msgstr "Pro %s neexistuje ARP položka\n"
--#: ../arp.c:239
-+#: ../arp.c:248
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cant get HW-Address for `%s': %s.\n"
- msgstr "arp: HW adresu `%s' nelze zjistit: %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:243
-+#: ../arp.c:252
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: protocol type mismatch.\n"
--msgstr "arp: chybn� zadan� typ protokolu\n"
-+msgstr "arp: chybně zadaný typ protokolu\n"
--#: ../arp.c:252
-+#: ../arp.c:261
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: device `%s' has HW address %s `%s'.\n"
--msgstr "arp: za��zen� `%s' m� Hw adresu %s `%s'.\n"
-+msgstr "arp: zařízení `%s' má Hw adresu %s `%s'.\n"
--#: ../arp.c:282
-+#: ../arp.c:293
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: need hardware address\n"
--msgstr "arp: je t�eba hardwarov� adresa\n"
-+msgstr "arp: je třeba hardwarová adresa\n"
--#: ../arp.c:290
-+#: ../arp.c:301
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: invalid hardware address\n"
--msgstr "arp: nespr�vn� hardwarov� adresa\n"
-+msgstr "arp: nesprávná hardwarová adresa\n"
--#: ../arp.c:387
-+#: ../arp.c:398
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cannot open etherfile %s !\n"
--msgstr "arp: datab�zi ethernetov�ch adres %s nelze otev��t!\n"
-+msgstr "arp: databázi ethernetových adres %s nelze otevřít!\n"
--#: ../arp.c:403
-+#: ../arp.c:414
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: format error on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
--msgstr "arp: syntaktick� chyba na ��dku %u datab�ze ethernetov�ch adres %s!\n"
-+msgstr "arp: syntaktická chyba na řádku %u databáze ethernetových adres %s!\n"
--#: ../arp.c:416
-+#: ../arp.c:427
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr ""
--"arp: polo�ku na ��dku %u datab�ze ethernetov�ch adres %s nelze nastavit!\n"
-+"arp: položku na řádku %u databáze ethernetových adres %s nelze nastavit!\n"
-+#: ../arp.c:448
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Adresa HWtyp HWadresa Příz. Maska "
--#: ../arp.c:437
--msgid "Address\t\t\tHWtype\tHWaddress\t Flags Mask\t\t Iface\n"
--msgstr "Adresa\t\t\t HWtyp\t HWadresa\t P��z Maska\t\t Rozhran�\n"
-+#: ../arp.c:476
-+msgid "<from_interface>"
-+msgstr "<z_rozhraní>"
--#: ../arp.c:467
-+#: ../arp.c:478
- msgid "(incomplete)"
--msgstr "(nekompletn�)"
-+msgstr "(nekompletní)"
--#: ../arp.c:484
-+#: ../arp.c:495
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s (%s) at "
- msgstr "%s (%s) na "
--#: ../arp.c:490
-+#: ../arp.c:501
-+#, c-format
- msgid "<incomplete> "
--msgstr "<nekompletn�>"
-+msgstr "<nekompletní>"
--#: ../arp.c:496
-+#: ../arp.c:507
- #, c-format
- msgid "netmask %s "
--msgstr "s��ov� maska %s "
-+msgstr "síťová maska %s "
--#: ../arp.c:513
-+#: ../arp.c:524
- #, c-format
- msgid "on %s\n"
- msgstr "na %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:592
-+#: ../arp.c:605
- #, c-format
- msgid "Entries: %d\tSkipped: %d\tFound: %d\n"
--msgstr "Polo�ky: %d\tVynech�no: %d\tNalezeno: %d\n"
-+msgstr "Položky: %d\tVynecháno: %d\tNalezeno: %d\n"
--#: ../arp.c:596
-+#: ../arp.c:609
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s (%s) -- no entry\n"
--msgstr "%s (%s) -- ��dn� polo�ka\n"
-+msgstr "%s (%s) -- žádná položka\n"
--#: ../arp.c:598
-+#: ../arp.c:611
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: in %d entries no match found.\n"
--msgstr "arp: ��dn� z polo�ek (%d) nevyhovuje.\n"
-+msgstr "arp: žádná z položek (%d) nevyhovuje.\n"
--#: ../arp.c:613
-+#: ../arp.c:626
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage:\n"
- " arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<hostname>] <-Display ARP "
- "cache\n"
- msgstr ""
--" arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <if> [-a] [<po��ta�>] <-Zobraz� ARP "
-+" arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <rozhraní>] [-a] [<počítač>] <-Zobrazí ARP "
- "cache\n"
--#: ../arp.c:614
-+#: ../arp.c:627
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <hostname> [pub][nopub] <-Delete ARP "
-+" arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <host> [pub] <-Delete ARP "
- "entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--" arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <po��ta�> [pub][nopub] <-Sma�e polo�ku "
-+" arp [-v] [-i <rozhraní>] -d <počítač> [pub] <-Smaže položku "
- "ARP\n"
--#: ../arp.c:615
--#, fuzzy
-+#: ../arp.c:628
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from "
-+" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from "
- "file\n"
- msgstr ""
--" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f <soubor> <-P�id� polo�ku "
--" souboru\n"
-+" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <rozhraní>] -f [<soubor>] <-Přidá položku ze "
--#: ../arp.c:616
-+#: ../arp.c:629
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [temp][nopub] <-Add "
-+" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <host> <hwaddr> [temp] <-Add "
- "entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW> [-i <if> -s <po��ta�> <hwadr> [temp][nopub] <-P�id� "
--#: ../arp.c:617
--msgid ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub "
--msgstr ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <soubor> <hwadr> [s��mask <��s>] <-''-\n"
-+" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <rozhraní>] -s <počítač> <hwadr> [temp] <-Přidá "
--#: ../arp.c:618
-+#: ../arp.c:630
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <hostname> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub "
-+" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <host> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub "
- "<-''-\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW> [-i <if> -Ds <po��ta�> <if> [s��mask <��s>] pub "
-+" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <rozhraní>] -Ds <počítač> <rozhraní> [síťmask <čís>] "
-+" <-Totéž\n"
--#: ../arp.c:620
-+#: ../arp.c:632
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -a display (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) "
- "style\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -a zobraz� jmna v�ech po��ta�� alternativn�m\n"
--" (BSD) zp�sobem\n"
-+" -a zobrazí jména všech počítačů alternativním\n"
-+" (BSD) způsobem\n"
--#: ../arp.c:621
-+#: ../arp.c:633
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -s, --set set a new ARP entry\n"
--msgstr " -s, --set nastav� novou ARP polo�ku\n"
-+msgstr " -s, --set nastaví novou ARP položku\n"
--#: ../arp.c:622
-+#: ../arp.c:634
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -d, --delete delete a specified entry\n"
--msgstr " -d, --delete sma�e zadanou ARP polo�ku\n"
-+msgstr " -d, --delete smaže zadanou ARP položku\n"
--#: ../arp.c:623 ../netstat.c:1436 ../route.c:85
-+#: ../arp.c:635 ../netstat.c:1520 ../route.c:86
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -v, --verbose be verbose\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -v, --verbose bude vypisovat podrobn� zpr�vy\n"
--" o �innosti\n"
-+" -v, --verbose bude vypisovat podrobné zprávy o činnosti\n"
--#: ../arp.c:624 ../netstat.c:1437 ../route.c:86
--msgid " -n, --numeric dont resolve names\n"
--msgstr ""
--" -n, --numeric nebude p�ev�d�t ��seln� adresy\n"
--" na kanonick� jm�na\n"
-+#: ../arp.c:636 ../netstat.c:1522 ../route.c:87
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " -n, --numeric don't resolve names\n"
-+msgstr " -n, --numeric nebude převádět jména\n"
--#: ../arp.c:625
-+#: ../arp.c:637
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -i, --device specify network interface (e.g. eth0)\n"
--msgstr " -i, --device zad�v� s��ov� rozhran� (nap�. eth0)\n"
-+msgstr " -i, --device zadává síťové rozhraní (např. eth0)\n"
--#: ../arp.c:626
-+#: ../arp.c:638
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -D, --use-device read <hwaddr> from given device\n"
--msgstr " -D, --use-device �te <hwadr> ze zadan�ho za��zen�\n"
-+msgstr " -D, --use-device čte <hwadr> ze zadaného zařízení\n"
--#: ../arp.c:627
--#, fuzzy
-+#: ../arp.c:639
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -A, -p, --protocol specify protocol family\n"
--msgstr " -r, --route vyp��e sm�rovac� tabulku\n"
-+msgstr " -A, -p, --protocol určuje rodinu protokolů\n"
--#: ../arp.c:628
--#, fuzzy
-+#: ../arp.c:640
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" -f, --file read new entries from file or from "
-+" -f, --file read new entries from file or from /etc/"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -f, --file �te nov� polo�ky ze souboru\n"
-+" -f, --file čte nové položky ze souboru nebo z /etc/"
--#: ../arp.c:630 ../rarp.c:181
-+#: ../arp.c:642 ../rarp.c:183
- #, c-format
- msgid " <HW>=Use '-H <hw>' to specify hardware address type. Default: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--" <HW>=Pou�ijte '-H <hw> pro zad�n� hardwarov�ho typu adresy.\n"
--" Implicitn�: %s\n"
-+" <HW>=Použijte '-H <hw> pro zadání hardwarového typu adresy.\n"
-+" Implicitně: %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:631 ../rarp.c:182
-+#: ../arp.c:643 ../rarp.c:184
-+#, c-format
- msgid " List of possible hardware types (which support ARP):\n"
--msgstr " Seznam mo�n�ch hardwarov�ch typ� (podporuj�c�ch ARP):\n"
-+msgstr " Seznam možných hardwarových typů (podporujících ARP):\n"
--#: ../arp.c:664
-+#: ../arp.c:677 ../arp.c:762
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: hardware type not supported!\n"
--msgstr "hardwarov� typ %s nen� podporov�n!\n"
-+msgstr "hardwarový typ %s není podporován!\n"
--#: ../arp.c:668
-+#: ../arp.c:681
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: address family not supported!\n"
--msgstr "t��da adres %s nen� podporov�na!\n"
-+msgstr "třída adres %s není podporována!\n"
--#: ../arp.c:703
-+#: ../arp.c:716
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: -N not yet supported.\n"
--msgstr "arp: p�ep�na� -N nen� zat�m podporov�n\n"
-+msgstr "arp: přepínač -N není zatím podporován\n"
--#: ../arp.c:713
-+#: ../arp.c:726
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: unknown address family.\n"
--msgstr "arp: nezn�m� t��da adres %s.\n"
-+msgstr "arp: neznámá třída adres %s.\n"
--#: ../arp.c:722
-+#: ../arp.c:735
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: unknown hardware type.\n"
--msgstr "arp: nezn�m� hardwarov� typ %s.\n"
-+msgstr "arp: neznámý hardwarový typ %s.\n"
--#: ../arp.c:741
-+#: ../arp.c:754
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: kernel only supports 'inet'.\n"
--msgstr "arp: %s: j�dro podporuje pouze 'inet'.\n"
-+msgstr "arp: %s: jádro podporuje pouze 'inet'.\n"
--#: ../arp.c:746
-+#: ../arp.c:767
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: hardware type without ARP support.\n"
--msgstr "arp: hardwarov� typ %s nepodporuje ARP.\n"
-+msgstr "arp: hardwarový typ %s nepodporuje ARP.\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:69
-+#: ../hostname.c:71
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting nodename to `%s'\n"
--msgstr "Nastavuji jm�no uzlu na `%s'\n"
-+msgstr "Nastavuji jméno uzlu na `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:74
-+#: ../hostname.c:76
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the node name\n"
--msgstr "%s: jm�no uzlu m��e zm�nit pouze superu�ivatel\n"
-+msgstr "%s: jméno uzlu může změnit pouze superuživatel\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:77 ../hostname.c:97 ../hostname.c:116
-+#: ../hostname.c:79 ../hostname.c:100 ../hostname.c:118
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: name too long\n"
--msgstr "jm�no %s je p��li� dlouh�\n"
-+msgstr "jméno %s je příliš dlouhé\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:89
-+#: ../hostname.c:92
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting hostname to `%s'\n"
--msgstr "Nastavuji jm�no po��ta�e na `%s'\n"
-+msgstr "Nastavuji jméno počítače na `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:94
-+#: ../hostname.c:97
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the host name\n"
--msgstr "%s: jm�no po��ta�e m��e zm�nit pouze superu�ivatel\n"
-+msgstr "%s: jméno počítače může změnit pouze superuživatel\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:108
-+#: ../hostname.c:110
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting domainname to `%s'\n"
--msgstr "Nastavuji jm�no dom�ny na `%s'\n"
-+msgstr "Nastavuji jméno domény na `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:113
-+#: ../hostname.c:115
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the domain name\n"
--msgstr "%s: jm�no dom�ny m��e zm�nit pouze superu�ivatel\n"
-+msgstr "%s: jméno domény může změnit pouze superuživatel\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:131
-+#: ../hostname.c:132
- #, c-format
- msgid "Resolving `%s' ...\n"
--msgstr "Vyhled�v�m `%s' ...\n"
-+msgstr "Vyhledávám `%s' ...\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:137
-+#: ../hostname.c:138
- #, c-format
- msgid "Result: h_name=`%s'\n"
--msgstr "V�sledek: h_name=`%s'\n"
-+msgstr "Výsledek: h_name=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:142
-+#: ../hostname.c:143
- #, c-format
- msgid "Result: h_aliases=`%s'\n"
--msgstr "V�sledek: h_aliases=`%s'\n"
-+msgstr "Výsledek: h_aliases=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:147
-+#: ../hostname.c:148
- #, c-format
- msgid "Result: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"
--msgstr "V�sledek: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"
-+msgstr "Výsledek: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:209
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: can't open `%s'\n"
--msgstr "%s: `%s' nelze otev��t\n"
-+msgstr "%s: `%s' nelze otevřít\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:223
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: hostname [-v] {hostname|-F file} set hostname (from file)\n"
- msgstr ""
--" hostname [-v] {jm�no|-F soubor} nastav� jm�no po��ta�e (ze "
-+" hostname [-v] {jméno|-F soubor} nastaví jméno počítače (ze "
- "souboru)\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:224
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " domainname [-v] {nisdomain|-F file} set NIS domainname (from file)\n"
- msgstr ""
--" domainname [-v] {jm�no|-F soubor} nastav� jm�no NIS dom�ny (ze\n"
-+" domainname [-v] {jméno|-F soubor} nastaví jméno NIS domény (ze\n"
- " souboru)\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:226
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " nodename [-v] {nodename|-F file} set DECnet node name (from "
- "file)\n"
- msgstr ""
--" nodename [-v] {jm�no|-F soubor} nastav� jm�no DECnet uzlu (ze\n"
-+" nodename [-v] {jméno|-F soubor} nastaví jméno DECnet uzlu (ze\n"
- " souboru)\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:228
-+#, c-format
- msgid " hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] display formatted name\n"
--msgstr " hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] vyp��e form�tovan� jm�no\n"
-+msgstr " hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] vypíše formátované jméno\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:229
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " hostname [-v] display hostname\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" hostname [-v] vyp��e jm�no po��ta�e\n"
-+" hostname [-v] vypíše jméno počítače\n"
- "\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:230
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " hostname -V|--version|-h|--help print info and exit\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" hostname -V|--version|-h|--help vyp��e informace a skon��\n"
-+" hostname -V|--version|-h|--help vypíše informace a skončí\n"
- "\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:231
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -362,42 +388,51 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:232
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -s, --short short host name\n"
--msgstr " -s, --short kr�tk� jm�no po��ta�e\n"
-+msgstr " -s, --short krátké jméno počítače\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:233
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -a, --alias alias names\n"
--msgstr " -a, --alias p�ezd�vky\n"
-+msgstr " -a, --alias přezdívky\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:234
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -i, --ip-address addresses for the hostname\n"
--msgstr " -i, --ip-address adresy odpov�daj�c� jm�nu po��ta�e\n"
-+msgstr " -i, --ip-address adresy odpovídající jménu počítače\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:235
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -f, --fqdn, --long long host name (FQDN)\n"
--msgstr " -f, --fqdn, --long dlouh� jm�no po��ta�e (kanonick�)\n"
-+msgstr " -f, --fqdn, --long dlouhé jméno počítače (kanonické)\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:236
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -d, --domain DNS domain name\n"
--msgstr " -d, --domain jm�no DNS dom�ny\n"
-+msgstr " -d, --domain jméno DNS domény\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:237
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -y, --yp, --nis NIS/YP domainname\n"
--msgstr " -y, --yp, --nis jm�no NIS/YP dom�ny\n"
-+msgstr " -y, --yp, --nis jméno NIS/YP domény\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:239
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -n, --node DECnet node name\n"
--msgstr " -n, --node jm�no DECnet uzlu\n"
-+msgstr " -n, --node jméno DECnet uzlu\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:241
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -F, --file read hostname or NIS domainname from given file\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -F, --file �te jm�no po��ta�e �i nis dom�ny ze souboru\n"
-+" -F, --file čte jméno počítače či nis domény ze souboru\n"
- "\n"
- #: ../hostname.c:243
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " This command can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname. You can\n"
- " also read the DNS domain or the FQDN (fully qualified domain name).\n"
-@@ -405,931 +440,929 @@ msgid ""
- " FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and the DNS domain name (which is\n"
- " part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.\n"
- msgstr ""
-+" Tento příkaz může přečíst nebo nastavit název stroje nebo doménové jméno\n"
-+" NIS. Načíst lze rovněž DNS doménu nebo FQDN (plně kvalifikované doménové\n"
-+" jméno). Pokud pro vyhledávání strojů nepoužíváte bind nebo NIS, můžete\n"
-+" změnit FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) a doménové jméno DNS (což je\n"
-+" část FQDN) v souboru /etc/hosts.\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:338
-+#: ../hostname.c:340
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: You can't change the DNS domain name with this command\n"
--msgstr "%s: T�mto p��kazem nelze DNS jm�no dom�ny zm�nit\n"
-+msgstr "%s: Tímto příkazem nelze DNS jméno domény změnit\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:339
-+#: ../hostname.c:341
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the DNS\n"
- msgstr ""
- "\n"
--"Pokud nepou��v�te bind �i NIS pro vyhled�v�n� jmen po��ta��, pak m��ete "
-+"Pokud nepoužíváte bind či NIS pro vyhledávání jmen počítačů, pak můžete "
--#: ../hostname.c:340
-+#: ../hostname.c:342
-+#, c-format
- msgid "domain name (which is part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.\n"
- msgstr ""
--"DNS jm�no dom�ny (je sou��st� kanonick�ho jm�na po��ta�e) v souboru\n"
-+"DNS jméno domény (je součástí kanonického jména počítače) v souboru\n"
- "/etc/hosts\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:357
-+#: ../hostname.c:359
- #, c-format
- msgid "gethostname()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "gethostname()=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:374
-+#: ../hostname.c:376
- #, c-format
- msgid "getdomainname()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "getdomainname()=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:389
-+#: ../hostname.c:391
- #, c-format
- msgid "getnodename()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "getnodename()=`%s'\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:159
--#, c-format
--msgid "%-9.9s Link encap:%s "
--msgstr "%-9.9s Zapouzd�en�:%s "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:164
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:107 ../netstat.c:1482
- #, c-format
--msgid "HWaddr %s "
--msgstr "HWadr %s "
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:167
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:132 ../ifconfig.c:164
- #, c-format
--msgid "Media:%s"
--msgstr "M�dium:%s"
-+msgid "%s: ERROR while getting interface flags: %s\n"
-+msgstr "%s: CHYBA při získávání příznaků rozhraní: %s\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:169
--msgid "(auto)"
--msgstr "(auto)"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:176
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:156 ../ifconfig.c:188 ../ifconfig.c:794 ../ifconfig.c:887
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1000
- #, c-format
--msgid " %s addr:%s "
--msgstr " %s adr:%s "
-+msgid "No support for INET on this system.\n"
-+msgstr "Tento systém nepodporuje INET.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:179
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:196
- #, c-format
--msgid " P-t-P:%s "
--msgstr " P-t-P:%s "
-+msgid "%s: ERROR while testing interface flags: %s\n"
-+msgstr "%s: CHYBA při zkoušení příznaků rozhraní: %s\n"
--# V ostatn�ch kataloz�ch se p�ekl�d� Broadcast -> v�esm�rov� vys�l�n�.
--# Tudi� bcast -> V�esm�r :)
--#: ../ifconfig.c:182
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:205
- #, c-format
--msgid " Bcast:%s "
--msgstr " V�esm�r:%s "
-+msgid ""
-+" ifconfig [-a] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+" ifconfig [-a] [-v] [-s] <rozhraní> [[<AF>] <adresa>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:184
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:207
- #, c-format
--msgid " Mask:%s\n"
--msgstr "Maska:%s\n"
-+msgid " [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
-+msgstr " [add <adresa>[/<délka prefixu>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:201
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:208
- #, c-format
--msgid " inet6 addr: %s/%d"
--msgstr " inet6-adr: %s/%d"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:203
--msgid " Scope:"
--msgstr " Rozsah:"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:206
--msgid "Global"
--msgstr "Glob�l"
-+msgid " [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
-+msgstr " [del <adresa>[/<délka prefixu>]]\n"
- #: ../ifconfig.c:209
--msgid "Link"
--msgstr "Linka"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:212
--msgid "Site"
--msgstr "Stanovi�t�"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:215
--msgid "Compat"
--msgstr "Kompatibilita"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:218
--msgid "Host"
--msgstr "Po��ta�"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:221
--msgid "Unknown"
--msgstr "Nezn�m."
--#: ../ifconfig.c:236
--#, c-format
--msgid " IPX/Ethernet II addr:%s\n"
--msgstr " IPX/Ethernet II adr: %s\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:239
- #, c-format
--msgid " IPX/Ethernet SNAP addr:%s\n"
--msgstr " IPX/Ethernet SNAP adr:%s\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:242
--#, c-format
--msgid " IPX/Ethernet 802.2 addr:%s\n"
--msgstr " IPX/Ethernet 802.2 adr:%s\n"
-+msgid " [[-]broadcast [<address>]] [[-]pointopoint [<address>]]\n"
-+msgstr " [[-]broadcast [<adresa>]] [[-]pointopoint [<adresa>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:245
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:210
- #, c-format
--msgid " IPX/Ethernet 802.3 addr:%s\n"
--msgstr " IPX/Ethernet 802.3 adr:%s\n"
-+msgid " [netmask <address>] [dstaddr <address>] [tunnel <address>]\n"
-+msgstr " [netmask <adresa>] [dstaddr <adresa>] [tunnel <adresa>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:255
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:213
- #, c-format
--msgid " EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:%s\n"
--msgstr " EtherTalk Phase 2 adr:%s\n"
-+msgid " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
-+msgstr " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:264
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:215
- #, c-format
--msgid " econet addr:%s\n"
--msgstr " econet adr:%s\n"
--# Hic sunt leones ...
--#: ../ifconfig.c:270
--msgid "[NO FLAGS] "
--msgstr "[��DN� P��ZNAKY]"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:272
--msgid "UP "
--msgstr "AKTIVOV�NO "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:274
--msgid "BROADCAST "
--msgstr "V�ESM�ROV�_VYS�L�N� "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:276
--msgid "DEBUG "
--msgstr "DEBUG "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:278
--msgid "LOOPBACK "
--msgstr "SMY�KA "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:280
--msgid "POINTOPOINT "
--msgstr "POINTOPOINT "
--# ??
--#: ../ifconfig.c:282
--msgid "NOTRAILERS "
--msgstr "NOTRAILERS "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:284
--msgid "RUNNING "
--msgstr "B̮� "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:286
--msgid "NOARP "
--msgstr "NEARP "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:288
--msgid "PROMISC "
--msgstr "PROMISK "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:290
--msgid "ALLMULTI "
--msgstr "ALLMULTI "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:292
--msgid "SLAVE "
--msgstr "SLAVE "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:294
--msgid "MASTER "
--msgstr "MASTER "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:296
--msgid "MULTICAST "
--msgstr "MULTICAST "
--#: ../ifconfig.c:299
--msgid "DYNAMIC "
--msgstr "DYNAMIC "
-+msgid " [hw <HW> <address>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
-+msgstr " [hw <HW> <adresa>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:302
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:216
- #, c-format
--msgid " MTU:%d Metric:%d"
--msgstr " MTU:%d Metrika:%d"
-+msgid " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
-+msgstr " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:306
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:217
- #, c-format
--msgid " Outfill:%d Keepalive:%d"
--msgstr " Outfill:%d Keepalive:%d"
-+msgid " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
-+msgstr " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:320
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:218
- #, c-format
--msgid "RX packets:%lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu\n"
--msgstr "p�ijmut�ch paket�:%lu chyb:%lu zahozeno:%lu p�ete�en�:%lu r�mc�:%lu\n"
-+msgid " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <type>]\n"
-+msgstr " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <typ>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:325
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:220
- #, c-format
--msgid " compressed:%lu\n"
--msgstr " komprimov�no:%lu\n"
-+msgid " [txqueuelen <NN>]\n"
-+msgstr " [txqueuelen délka]\n"
--# carrier?
--#: ../ifconfig.c:329
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:223
- #, c-format
--msgid "TX packets:%lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu\n"
--msgstr "odeslan�ch paket�:%lu chyb:%lu zahozeno:%lu p�ete�en�:%lu p�enos:%lu\n"
-+msgid " [[-]dynamic]\n"
-+msgstr " [[-]dynamic]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:333
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:225
- #, c-format
--msgid " collisions:%lu "
--msgstr " koliz�:%lu "
-+msgid ""
-+" [up|down] ...\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+" [up|down] ...\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:335
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:227
- #, c-format
--msgid "compressed:%lu "
--msgstr "komprimov�no:%lu "
-+msgid " <HW>=Hardware Type.\n"
-+msgstr " <HW> = Hardwarový Typ.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:337
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:228
- #, c-format
--msgid "txqueuelen:%d "
--msgstr "d�lka odchoz� fronty:%d "
-+msgid " List of possible hardware types:\n"
-+msgstr " Seznam možných hardwarových typů:\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:345
-+#. 1 = ARPable
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:230
- #, c-format
--msgid "Interrupt:%d "
--msgstr "P�eru�en�:%d "
-+msgid " <AF>=Address family. Default: %s\n"
-+msgstr " <AF> = Třída adres. Implicitní: %s\n"
--#. Only print devices using it for
--#. I/O maps
--#: ../ifconfig.c:348
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:231
- #, c-format
--msgid "Base address:0x%x "
--msgstr "Vstupn�/V�stupn� port:0x%x "
-+msgid " List of possible address families:\n"
-+msgstr " Seznam možných tříd adres:\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:350
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:307
- #, c-format
--msgid "Memory:%lx-%lx "
--msgstr "Pam�:%lx-%lx "
-+msgid "ifconfig: option `%s' not recognised.\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: přepínač „%s“ nebyl rozpoznán.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:353
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:309 ../ifconfig.c:990
- #, c-format
--msgid "DMA chan:%x "
--msgstr "Kan�l DMA:%x "
-+msgid "ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: návod na použití lze získat pomocí „--help“\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:384 ../ifconfig.c:405
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:384
- #, c-format
--msgid "%s: unknown interface: %s\n"
--msgstr "%s: rozhran� %s nen� zn�mo\n"
-+msgid "Unknown media type.\n"
-+msgstr "Neznámý typ média.\n"
- #: ../ifconfig.c:421
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"
-+"Warning: Interface %s still in promisc mode... maybe other application is "
- msgstr ""
--" ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] <rozhran�> [[<AF>] <adresa>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:425
--msgid " [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
--msgstr " [add <adresa>[/<d�lka prefixu>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:427
--msgid " [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
--msgstr " [del <adresa>[/<d�lka prefixu>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:432
--msgid " [[-]broadcast [<address>]] [[-]pointopoint [<address>]]\n"
--msgstr " [[-]broadcast [<adresa>]] [[-]pointopoint [<adresa>]]\n"
-+"Pozor: Rozhraní %s je stále v promiskuitním režimu. Neběží jiná aplikace?\n"
- #: ../ifconfig.c:433
--msgid " [netmask <address>] [dstaddr <address>] [tunnel <address>]\n"
--msgstr " [netmask <adresa>] [dstaddr <adresa>] [tunnel <adresa>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:436
--msgid " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
--msgstr " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in MULTICAST mode.\n"
-+msgstr "Pozor: Rozhraní %s je stále v režimu MULTICAST.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:438
--msgid " [hw <HW> <address>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
--msgstr " [hw <HW> <adresa>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:445
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in ALLMULTI mode.\n"
-+msgstr "Pozor: Rozhraní %s je stále v režimu ALLMULTI.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:439
--msgid " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
--msgstr " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:469
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in DYNAMIC mode.\n"
-+msgstr "Pozor: Rozhraní %s je stále v režimu DYNAMIC.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:440
--msgid " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
--msgstr " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:527
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in BROADCAST mode.\n"
-+msgstr "Pozor: Rozhraní %s je stále v režimu VŠESMĚR.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:441
--msgid " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <type>]\n"
--msgstr " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <typ>]\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:538
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for broadcast\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: Chyba při překládání „%s“ pro všesměr\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:443
--msgid " [txqueuelen <NN>]\n"
--msgstr " [txqueuelen d�lka]\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:563
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for dstaddr\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: Chyba při překládání „%s“ pro adresu cíle\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:446
--msgid " [[-]dynamic]\n"
--msgstr " [[-]dynamic]\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:586
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for netmask\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: Chyba při překládání „%s“ pro masku sítě\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:448
--msgid ""
--" [up|down] ...\n"
--msgstr ""
--" [up|down] ...\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:665
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in POINTOPOINT mode.\n"
-+msgstr "Pozor: Rozhraní %s je stále v DVOUBODOVÉM režimu.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:450
--msgid " <HW>=Hardware Type.\n"
--msgstr " <HW>=Hardwarov� Typ.\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:676
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for pointopoint\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: Chyba při překládání „%s“ pro dvoubodové nastavení\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:451
--msgid " List of possible hardware types:\n"
--msgstr " Seznam mo�n�ch hardwarov�ch typ�:\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:700
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "hw address type `%s' has no handler to set address. failed.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Pro typ hardwarové adresy „%s“ neexistuje obsluha na nastavování adresy.\n"
-+"Operace selhala.\n"
--#. 1 = ARPable
--#: ../ifconfig.c:453
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:709
- #, c-format
--msgid " <AF>=Address family. Default: %s\n"
--msgstr " <AF>=t��da adres. Implicitn�: %s\n"
-+msgid "%s: invalid %s address.\n"
-+msgstr "%s: adresa %s je nesprávná.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:454
--msgid " List of possible address families:\n"
--msgstr " Seznam mo�n�ch t��d adres:\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:749
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for add\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: Chyba při překládání „%s“ pro adresu\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:593
--msgid "Unknown media type.\n"
--msgstr "Nezn�m� typ m�dia.\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:760 ../ifconfig.c:850 ../ifconfig.c:938
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No support for INET6 on this system.\n"
-+msgstr "Tento systém nepodporuje INET6.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:881
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:803 ../ifconfig.c:896
- #, c-format
--msgid "%s: invalid %s address.\n"
--msgstr "%s: adresa %s je nespr�vn�.\n"
-+msgid "Interface %s not initialized\n"
-+msgstr "Rozhraní %s není inicializováno\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:920 ../ifconfig.c:963 ../ifconfig.c:1011
--msgid "No support for INET6 on this system.\n"
--msgstr "Tento syst�m nepodporuje INET6.\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:815 ../ifconfig.c:907
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Bad address.\n"
-+msgstr "Chybná adresa.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:983
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:910
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Address deletion not supported on this system.\n"
--msgstr "Tento syst�m nepodporuje maz�n� adres.\n"
-+msgstr "Tento systém nepodporuje mazání adres.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:1066
--msgid "No support for INET on this system.\n"
--msgstr "Tento syst�m nepodporuje INET.\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:982
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Cannot set address for this protocol family.\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: Pro tuto rodinu protokolů nelze nastavit adresu.\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:989
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: error resolving '%s' to set address for af=%s\n"
-+msgstr "ifconfig: chyba při překládání „%s“ za účelem nastavení adresy AF=%s\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:1076
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1010
-+#, c-format
- msgid "No support for ECONET on this system.\n"
--msgstr "Tento syst�m nepodporuje ECONET.\n"
-+msgstr "Tento systém nepodporuje ECONET.\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:1084
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1018
- #, c-format
- msgid "Don't know how to set addresses for family %d.\n"
--msgstr "Nev�m, jak nastavit adresu t��dy %d.\n"
-+msgstr "Nevím, jak nastavit adresu třídy %d.\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1053
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "WARNING: at least one error occured. (%d)\n"
-+msgstr "POZOR: Vyskytla se alespoň jedna chyba. (%d)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:383
-+#: ../netstat.c:434
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "(No info could be read for \"-p\": geteuid()=%d but you should be root.)\n"
- msgstr ""
--"(Pro \"-p\" nelze z�skat ��dn� informace: geteuid()=%d, ale je t�eba, aby "
-+"(Pro \"-p\" nelze získat žádné informace: geteuid()=%d, ale je třeba, aby "
- "jste\n"
--"byl superu�ivatelem)\n"
-+"byl superuživatelem)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:387
-+#: ../netstat.c:438
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info\n"
- " will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)\n"
- msgstr ""
--"(V�echny procesy nemohly b�t identifikov�ny. Budou vypsa�ny informace\n"
--"pouze o procesech, jich� jste vlastn�kem. Aby jste mohl vid�t v�e, musel\n"
--"byste b�t superu�ivatelem.)\n"
-+"(Všechny procesy nemohly být identifikovány. Budou vypsány informace\n"
-+"pouze o procesech, jichž jste vlastníkem. Aby jste mohl vidět vše, musel\n"
-+"byste být superuživatelem.)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:394 ../netstat.c:1089 ../netstat.c:1166
-+#: ../netstat.c:445 ../netstat.c:1186 ../netstat.c:1264
- msgid "LISTENING"
--msgstr "NASLOUCH�"
-+msgstr "NASLOUCHÁ"
--#: ../netstat.c:395
-+#: ../netstat.c:446
- msgid "CONN SENT"
--msgstr "CONN ODESL�N"
-+msgstr "CONN ODESLÁN"
--#: ../netstat.c:396 ../netstat.c:1168
-+#: ../netstat.c:447 ../netstat.c:1266
- msgid "DISC SENT"
--msgstr "DISC ODESL�N"
-+msgstr "DISC ODESLÁN"
--#: ../netstat.c:397 ../netstat.c:464 ../netstat.c:809 ../netstat.c:1169
-+#: ../netstat.c:448 ../netstat.c:515 ../netstat.c:898 ../netstat.c:1267
- msgstr "SPOJENO"
--#: ../netstat.c:419
-+#: ../netstat.c:470
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active NET/ROM sockets\n"
--msgstr "Aktivn� NET/ROM sokety\n"
-+msgstr "Aktivní NET/ROM sokety\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:420
-+#: ../netstat.c:471
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"User Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q "
-+"User Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-"
- msgstr ""
--"U�ivatel C�l Zdroj Za��zen� Stav Vr/Vs Odch-F "
-+"Uživatel Cíl Zdroj Zařízení Stav Vr/Vs Odch-F Přích-"
--#: ../netstat.c:430 ../netstat.c:1208
-+#: ../netstat.c:481 ../netstat.c:1306
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem reading data from %s\n"
--msgstr "Chyba p�i �ten� dat z %s\n"
-+msgstr "Chyba při čtení dat z %s\n"
--# n�sleduj�c� rad�ji ponechat v origin�le ?!
--#: ../netstat.c:465
-+# následující raději ponechat v originále ?!
-+#: ../netstat.c:516
- msgid "SYN_SENT"
- msgstr "SYN_SENT"
--#: ../netstat.c:466
-+#: ../netstat.c:517
- msgid "SYN_RECV"
- msgstr "SYN_RECV"
--#: ../netstat.c:467
-+#: ../netstat.c:518
- msgid "FIN_WAIT1"
- msgstr "FIN_WAIT1"
--#: ../netstat.c:468
-+#: ../netstat.c:519
- msgid "FIN_WAIT2"
- msgstr "FIN_WAIT2"
--#: ../netstat.c:469
-+#: ../netstat.c:520
- msgid "TIME_WAIT"
- msgstr "TIME_WAIT"
--#: ../netstat.c:470
-+#: ../netstat.c:521
- msgid "CLOSE"
--msgstr "ZAV�EN"
-+msgstr "ZAVŘEN"
--#: ../netstat.c:471
-+#: ../netstat.c:522
- msgid "CLOSE_WAIT"
- msgstr "CLOSE_WAIT"
--#: ../netstat.c:472
-+#: ../netstat.c:523
- msgid "LAST_ACK"
--msgstr "POSLEDN� ACK"
-+msgstr "POSLEDNÍ ACK"
--#: ../netstat.c:473
-+#: ../netstat.c:524
- msgid "LISTEN"
--msgstr "LISTEN"
-+msgstr "NASLOUCHÁ"
--#: ../netstat.c:474
-+#: ../netstat.c:525
- msgid "CLOSING"
--msgstr "ZAV�R�"
-+msgstr "ZAVíRÁ"
--#: ../netstat.c:544
-+#: ../netstat.c:596
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus igmp6 line %d.\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�, nesmysln� igmp6 ��dek %d.\n"
-+msgstr "varování, nesmyslný igmp6 řádek %d.\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:549 ../netstat.c:587 ../netstat.c:670 ../netstat.c:803
--#: ../netstat.c:935 ../netstat.c:940
-+#: ../netstat.c:601 ../netstat.c:639 ../netstat.c:763 ../netstat.c:892
-+#: ../netstat.c:1029 ../netstat.c:1034
- #, c-format
- msgid "netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"
--msgstr "netstat: t��da adres %d nen� podporov�na !\n"
-+msgstr "netstat: třída adres %d není podporována !\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:562 ../netstat.c:567 ../netstat.c:575 ../netstat.c:582
-+#: ../netstat.c:614 ../netstat.c:619 ../netstat.c:627 ../netstat.c:634
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus igmp line %d.\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�, nesmysln� igmp ��dek %d.\n"
-+msgstr "varování, nesmyslný igmp řádek %d.\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:677
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Active X.25 sockets\n"
-+msgstr "Aktivní X.25 sokety\n"
-+#. IMHO, Vr/Vs is not very usefull --SF
-+#: ../netstat.c:679
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Dest Source Device LCI State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Cíl Zdroj Zaříz LCI Stav Vr/Vs Odhod-F Přích-"
--#: ../netstat.c:666
-+#: ../netstat.c:759
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus tcp line.\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�, nesmysln� tcp ��dek.\n"
-+msgstr "varování, nesmyslný tcp řádek.\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:704 ../netstat.c:855 ../netstat.c:975
-+#: ../netstat.c:798 ../netstat.c:947 ../netstat.c:1072
- #, c-format
- msgid "off (0.00/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "vyp (0.00/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:708
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#: ../netstat.c:802
-+#, c-format
- msgid "on (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--msgstr "zap%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
-+msgstr "zapnut (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:713
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#: ../netstat.c:807
-+#, c-format
- msgid "keepalive (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--msgstr "zap%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
-+msgstr "keepalive (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:718
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#: ../netstat.c:812
-+#, c-format
- msgid "timewait (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--msgstr "zap%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
-+msgstr "timewait (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:723 ../netstat.c:864 ../netstat.c:985
-+#: ../netstat.c:817 ../netstat.c:956 ../netstat.c:1082
- #, c-format
- msgid "unkn-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "nezn-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:799
-+#: ../netstat.c:888
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus udp line.\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�, nesmysln� udp ��dek.\n"
-+msgstr "varování, nesmyslný udp řádek.\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:817 ../netstat.c:1075 ../netstat.c:1108
-+#: ../netstat.c:906 ../netstat.c:1172 ../netstat.c:1205
- msgid "UNKNOWN"
--msgstr "NEZN�M"
-+msgstr "NEZNÁM"
--#: ../netstat.c:860 ../netstat.c:980
-+#: ../netstat.c:952 ../netstat.c:1077
- #, c-format
- msgid "on%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "zap%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:949
-+#: ../netstat.c:1043
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus raw line.\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�, nesmysln� 'raw' ��dek.\n"
-+msgstr "varování, nesmyslný 'raw' řádek.\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1028
-+#: ../netstat.c:1125
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus unix line.\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�, netstat 'unix' ��dek.\n"
-+msgstr "varování, netstat 'unix' řádek.\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1055
-+#: ../netstat.c:1152
- msgid "STREAM"
- msgstr "STREAM"
--#: ../netstat.c:1059
-+#: ../netstat.c:1156
- msgid "DGRAM"
- msgstr "DGRAM"
--#: ../netstat.c:1063
-+#: ../netstat.c:1160
- msgid "RAW"
- msgstr "RAW"
--#: ../netstat.c:1067
-+#: ../netstat.c:1164
- msgid "RDM"
- msgstr "RDM"
--#: ../netstat.c:1071
-+#: ../netstat.c:1168
- msgid "SEQPACKET"
- msgstr "SEQPACKET"
--#: ../netstat.c:1080
-+#: ../netstat.c:1177
- msgid "FREE"
--msgstr "NEALOKOV�N"
-+msgstr "NEALOKOVÁN"
--#: ../netstat.c:1096
-+#: ../netstat.c:1193
- msgid "CONNECTING"
- msgstr "SPOJUJE"
--#: ../netstat.c:1100
-+#: ../netstat.c:1197
- msgid "CONNECTED"
- msgstr "SPOJEN"
--#: ../netstat.c:1104
-+#: ../netstat.c:1201
- msgstr "ODPOJUJE"
--#: ../netstat.c:1135
-+#: ../netstat.c:1233
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active UNIX domain sockets "
--msgstr "Aktivn� sokety dom�ny UNIX "
-+msgstr "Aktivní sokety domény UNIX "
--#: ../netstat.c:1137 ../netstat.c:1666
-+#: ../netstat.c:1235 ../netstat.c:1801
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(servers and established)"
--msgstr "(servery a nav�zan� spojen�)"
-+msgstr "(servery a navázaná spojení)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1140 ../netstat.c:1669
-+#: ../netstat.c:1238 ../netstat.c:1804
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(only servers)"
- msgstr "(pouze servery)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1142 ../netstat.c:1671
-+#: ../netstat.c:1240 ../netstat.c:1806
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(w/o servers)"
- msgstr "(w/o servery)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1145
-+#: ../netstat.c:1243
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
--"Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node"
-+"Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node "
- msgstr ""
- "\n"
--"Proto ��ta� P��znaky Typ Stav I-Uzel"
-+"Proto Čítač Příznaky Typ Stav I-Uzel "
--#: ../netstat.c:1147
-+#: ../netstat.c:1245
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Path\n"
- msgstr " Cesta\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1167
-+#: ../netstat.c:1265
- msgid "SABM SENT"
--msgstr "SABM ODESL�N"
-+msgstr "SABM ODESLÁN"
--#: ../netstat.c:1170
-+#: ../netstat.c:1268
- msgid "RECOVERY"
- msgstr "OBNOVA"
--#: ../netstat.c:1184
-+#: ../netstat.c:1282
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active AX.25 sockets\n"
--msgstr "Aktivn� AX.25 sokety\n"
-+msgstr "Aktivní AX.25 sokety\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1185
-+#: ../netstat.c:1283
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-Q\n"
--msgstr "C�l Zdroj Za��z Stav Vr/Vs Odhod-F P��ch-F\n"
-+msgstr "Cíl Zdroj Zaříz Stav Vr/Vs Odhod-F Přích-F\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1228
-+#: ../netstat.c:1326
- #, c-format
- msgid "problem reading data from %s\n"
--msgstr "chyba p�i �ten� dat z %s\n"
-+msgstr "chyba při čtení dat z %s\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1279
-+#: ../netstat.c:1396
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Active IPX sockets\n"
- "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address "
- "State"
- msgstr ""
--"Aktivn� IPX sokety\n"
--"Proto P��ch-F Odch-F Lok�l adresa Vzd�len� adresa "
--" Stav"
-+"Aktivní IPX sokety\n"
-+"Proto Přích-F Odch-F Lokál adresa Vzdálená "
-+"adresa Stav"
--#: ../netstat.c:1281
-+#: ../netstat.c:1398
-+#, c-format
- msgid " User"
--msgstr " U�ivatel"
-+msgstr " Uživatel"
--#: ../netstat.c:1315
-+#: ../netstat.c:1432
- msgid "ESTAB"
- msgstr "SPOJEN"
--#: ../netstat.c:1323
-+#: ../netstat.c:1440
- msgid "UNK."
- msgstr "NEZ."
--#: ../netstat.c:1367
--msgid " - no statistics available -"
--msgstr " - statistick� data nejsou dostupn� -"
--#: ../netstat.c:1370
--msgid "[NO FLAGS]"
--msgstr "[��DN� P��ZNAKY]"
--#: ../netstat.c:1400
-+#: ../netstat.c:1478
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel Interface table\n"
--msgstr "Tabulka rozhran� v j�dru\n"
-+msgstr "Tabulka rozhraní v jádru\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1401
--msgid ""
--msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1404
-+#: ../netstat.c:1486
- msgid "missing interface information"
--msgstr "chyb� informace o rozhran�"
-+msgstr "chybí informace o rozhraní"
--#: ../netstat.c:1425
-+#: ../netstat.c:1509
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"usage: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat "
-+"usage: netstat [-vWeenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat {-V|--version|-h|--"
- msgstr ""
--"Pou�it�: netstat [--veenNcCF] [<TA>] -r netstat "
-+"Použití: netstat [-vWeenNcCF] [<AF>] -r netstat {-V|--version|-h|--"
--#: ../netstat.c:1426
--msgid " netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]\n"
--msgstr " netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Soket> ...]\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1510
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " netstat [-vWnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]\n"
-+msgstr " netstat [-vWnNcaeol] [<Socket>…]\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1427
-+#: ../netstat.c:1511
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }\n"
-+" netstat { [-vWeenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s [-6tuw] }\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }\n"
-+" netstat { [-vWeenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s [-6tuw] }\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1429
-+#: ../netstat.c:1513
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -r, --route display routing table\n"
--msgstr " -r, --route vyp��e sm�rovac� tabulku\n"
-+msgstr " -r, --route vypíše směrovací tabulku\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1430
-+#: ../netstat.c:1514
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -i, --interfaces display interface table\n"
--msgstr " -i, --interfaces vyp��e tabulku rozhran�\n"
-+msgstr " -i, --interfaces vypíše tabulku rozhraní\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1431
-+#: ../netstat.c:1515
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -g, --groups display multicast group memberships\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -g, --groups vyp��e �lenstv� v multicast skupin�ch\n"
-+" -g, --groups vypíše členství v multicast skupinách\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1432
-+#: ../netstat.c:1516
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -s, --statistics display networking statistics (like SNMP)\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -s, --statistics vyp��e statistiku s��ov� aktivity (jako "
-+" -s, --statistics vypíše statistiku síťové aktivity (jako "
- "SNMP)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1434
-+#: ../netstat.c:1518
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -M, --masquerade display masqueraded connections\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -M, --masquerade vyp��e maskovan� spojen�\n"
-+" -M, --masquerade vypíše maskovaná spojení\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1438 ../route.c:87
-+#: ../netstat.c:1521
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " -W, --wide don't truncate IP addresses\n"
-+msgstr " -W, --wide nezkracuje IP adresy\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1523
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " --numeric-hosts don't resolve host names\n"
-+msgstr " --numeric-hosts nepřekládá názvy strojů\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1524
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " --numeric-ports don't resolve port names\n"
-+msgstr " --numeric-ports nepřekládá názvy portů\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1525
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " --numeric-users don't resolve user names\n"
-+msgstr " --numeric-users nepřekládá uživatelské jména\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1526
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -N, --symbolic resolve hardware names\n"
--msgstr " -N, --symbolic p�evede hw jm�na\n"
-+msgstr " -N, --symbolic převede hw jména\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1439 ../route.c:88
-+#: ../netstat.c:1527 ../route.c:88
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -e, --extend display other/more information\n"
--msgstr " -e, --extend vyp��e podrobn�j�� informace\n"
-+msgstr " -e, --extend vypíše podrobnější informace\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1440
-+#: ../netstat.c:1528
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -p, --programs display PID/Program name for sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -p, --programs vyp��e PID/jm�no programu pro sokety\n"
-+" -p, --programs vypíše PID/jméno programu pro sokety\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1441
-+#: ../netstat.c:1529
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -c, --continuous continuous listing\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -c, --continuous nep�eru�ovan� v�pis\n"
-+" -c, --continuous nepřerušovaný výpis\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1442
-+#: ../netstat.c:1530
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -l, --listening display listening server sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -l, --listening vyp��e sokety, na nich� je naslouch�no\n"
-+" -l, --listening vypíše sokety, na nichž je nasloucháno\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1443
-+#: ../netstat.c:1531
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -a, --all, --listening display all sockets (default: connected)\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -a, --all, --listening vyp��e v�echny sokety (implicitn�: "
-+" -a, --all, --listening vypíše všechny sokety (implicitně: "
--#: ../netstat.c:1444
-+#: ../netstat.c:1532
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -o, --timers display timers\n"
--msgstr " -o, --timers zobraz� �asova�e\n"
-+msgstr " -o, --timers zobrazí časovače\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1445 ../route.c:89
-+#: ../netstat.c:1533 ../route.c:89
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -F, --fib display Forwarding Information Base "
- "(default)\n"
- msgstr ""
--" -F, --fib zobraz� Forwarding Infomation Base\n"
--" (implicitn�)\n"
-+" -F, --fib zobrazí Forwarding Information Base\n"
-+" (implicitní)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1446 ../route.c:90
-+#: ../netstat.c:1534 ../route.c:90
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB\n"
- "\n"
--msgstr " -C, --cache m�sto FIB zobraz� sm�rovac� cache\n"
-+msgstr " -C, --cache místo FIB zobrazí směrovací cache\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1448
-+#: ../netstat.c:1536
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx "
-+" <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-U|--udplite} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --"
-+"ax25 --ipx --netrom\n"
- msgstr ""
--" <Soket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx "
-+" <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-U|--udplite} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --"
-+"ax25 --ipx --netrom\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1449 ../route.c:92
-+#: ../netstat.c:1537
- #, c-format
--msgid " <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>' Default: %s\n"
--msgstr " <AF>=Pou�ijte '-A <af>' or '--<af>' Implicitn�: %s\n"
-+msgid " <AF>=Use '-6|-4' or '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"
-+msgstr " <AF>=Použijte „-6|-4“ nebo „-A <af>“ nebo „--<af>“. Implicitní: %s\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1450 ../route.c:93
-+#: ../netstat.c:1538 ../route.c:93
-+#, c-format
- msgid " List of possible address families (which support routing):\n"
--msgstr " Seznam mo�n�ch t��d adres (podporuj�c�ch sm�rov�n�):\n"
-+msgstr " Seznam možných tříd adres (podporujících směrování):\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1756
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "netstat: No statistics support for specified address family: %s\n"
-+msgstr "netstat: Pro zadanou rodinu adres není podporována statistika: %s\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1663
-+#: ../netstat.c:1798
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active Internet connections "
--msgstr "Aktivn� Internetov� spojen� "
-+msgstr "Aktivní Internetová spojení "
--#: ../netstat.c:1673
-+#: ../netstat.c:1808
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
--"Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State "
--" "
-+"Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address "
-+"State "
- msgstr ""
- "\n"
--"Proto P��ch-F Odch-F M�stn� Adresa Vzd�len� Adresa Stav "
-+"Proto Přích-F Odch-F Místní Adresa Vzdálená Adresa Stav "
--#: ../netstat.c:1675
-+#: ../netstat.c:1810
-+#, c-format
- msgid " User Inode "
--msgstr " U�ivatel I-uzel "
-+msgstr " Uživatel I-uzel "
--#: ../netstat.c:1678
-+#: ../netstat.c:1813
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Timer"
--msgstr " �asova�"
-+msgstr " Časovač"
--#: ../netstat.c:1708
-+#: ../netstat.c:1851
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IPv4 Group Memberships\n"
--msgstr "�lenstv� v IPv4 skupin�ch\n"
-+msgstr "Členství v IPv4 skupinách\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1709
-+#: ../netstat.c:1852
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Interface RefCnt Group\n"
--msgstr "Rozhran� ��ta� Skupina\n"
-+msgstr "Rozhraní Čítač Skupina\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:43
-+#: ../rarp.c:45
- msgid "This kernel does not support RARP.\n"
--msgstr "Toto j�dro nepodporuje RARP.\n"
-+msgstr "Toto jádro nepodporuje RARP.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:82
-+#: ../rarp.c:84
- #, c-format
- msgid "no RARP entry for %s.\n"
--msgstr "pro %s neexistuje RARP polo�ka.\n"
-+msgstr "pro %s neexistuje RARP položka.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:95
-+#: ../rarp.c:97
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: bad hardware address\n"
--msgstr "hardwarov� adresa %s je nespr�vn�\n"
-+msgstr "hardwarová adresa %s je nesprávná\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:127
-+#: ../rarp.c:129
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: cannot open file %s:%s.\n"
--msgstr "rarp: soubor %s:%s nelze otev��t.\n"
-+msgstr "rarp: soubor %s:%s nelze otevřít.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:139
-+#: ../rarp.c:141
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: format error at %s:%u\n"
--msgstr "rarp: syntaktick� chyba na ��dku %2$u souboru %1$s\n"
-+msgstr "rarp: syntaktická chyba na řádku %2$u souboru %1$s\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:143 ../rarp.c:287
-+#: ../rarp.c:145 ../rarp.c:290
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: %s: unknown host\n"
--msgstr "rarp: po��ta� %s nen� zn�m\n"
-+msgstr "rarp: počítač %s není znám\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:146
-+#: ../rarp.c:148
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: cannot set entry from %s:%u\n"
--msgstr "rarp: nelze nastavit polo�ku z ��dku %2$u souboru %1$s\n"
-+msgstr "rarp: nelze nastavit položku z řádku %2$u souboru %1$s\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:175
-+#: ../rarp.c:177
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: rarp -a list entries in cache.\n"
--msgstr "Pou�it�: rarp -a vyp��e polo�ky z cache.\n"
-+msgstr "Použití: rarp -a vypíše položky z cache.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:176
-+#: ../rarp.c:178
-+#, c-format
- msgid " rarp -d <hostname> delete entry from cache.\n"
--msgstr " rarp -d <jm�no> sma�e polo�ku z cache.\n"
-+msgstr " rarp -d <jméno> smaže položku z cache.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:177
-+#: ../rarp.c:179
-+#, c-format
- msgid " rarp [<HW>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> add entry to cache.\n"
- msgstr ""
--" rarp [<HW>] -s <jm�no> <hwadr> p�id� polo�ku do cache.\n"
-+" rarp [<HW>] -s <jméno> <hwadr> přidá položku do cache.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:178
-+#: ../rarp.c:180
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " rarp -f add entries from /etc/ethers.\n"
- msgstr ""
--" rarp -f p�id� polo�ky z /etc/ethers.\n"
-+" rarp -f přidá položky z /etc/ethers.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:179
-+#: ../rarp.c:181
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " rarp -V display program version.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" rarp -V vyp��e ozna�en� verze "
-+" rarp -V vypíše označení verze "
- "programu.\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:236
-+#: ../rarp.c:239
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: illegal option mix.\n"
--msgstr "Kombinace p�ep�na�� %s je nespr�vn�.\n"
-+msgstr "Kombinace přepínačů %s je nesprávná.\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:267
-+#: ../rarp.c:270
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: %s: unknown hardware type.\n"
--msgstr "rarp: hardwarov� typ %s nen� zn�m.\n"
-+msgstr "rarp: hardwarový typ %s není znám.\n"
--#: ../route.c:79
-+#: ../route.c:80
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>] List kernel routing tables\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Pou�it�: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>] Zobraz� sm�rovac� tabulky v "
-+"Použití: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>] Zobrazí směrovací tabulky v "
--#: ../route.c:80
-+#: ../route.c:81
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ... Modify routing table for AF.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ... Zm�n� sm�rovac� tabulku pro "
-+" route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ... Změní směrovací tabulku pro "
- "AF.\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../route.c:82
-+#: ../route.c:83
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " route {-h|--help} [<AF>] Detailed usage syntax for "
- "specified AF.\n"
- msgstr ""
--" route {-h|--help [<AF>] N�pov�da pro pou�it� s AF.\n"
-+" route {-h|--help [<AF>] Nápověda pro použití s AF.\n"
--#: ../route.c:83
-+#: ../route.c:84
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " route {-V|--version} Display version/author and "
- "exit.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--" route {-V|--version} Vyp��e ozna�en� verze a autora\n"
-+" route {-V|--version} Vypíše označení verze a autora\n"
- " programu.\n"
-+#: ../route.c:92
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"
-+msgstr " <AF>=Použijte „-A <af>“ nebo „--<af>“. Implicitní: %s\n"
- #: ../plipconfig.c:66
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] interface\n"
--msgstr "Pou�it�: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] rozhran�\n"
-+msgstr "Použití: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] rozhraní\n"
- #: ../plipconfig.c:67
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [nibble NN] [trigger NN]\n"
- msgstr " [nibble NN] [trigger NN]\n"
- #: ../plipconfig.c:68
-+#, c-format
- msgid " plipconfig -V | --version\n"
- msgstr " plipconfig -V | --version\n"
-@@ -1338,25 +1371,30 @@ msgstr " plipconfig -V | --version\n"
- msgid "%s\tnibble %lu trigger %lu\n"
- msgstr "%s\tnibble %lu trigger %lu\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:79
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:85
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [ NAME ]\n"
--msgstr "Pou�it�: iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [ JM�NO ]\n"
-+msgstr "Použití: iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [ JMÉNO ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:80
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:86
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " [ mode { ipip | gre | sit } ] [ remote ADDR ] [ local ADDR ]\n"
- msgstr ""
--" [ mode { ipip | gre | sit } ] [ vzd�len� ADR ] [ m�stn� ADR ]\n"
-+" [ mode { ipip | gre | sit } ] [ vzdálená ADR ] [ místní ADR ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:81
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:87
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KEY ] [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
--msgstr " [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KL�� ] [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
-+msgstr " [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KLÍČ ] [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:82
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:88
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ dev PHYS_DEV ]\n"
--msgstr " [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ dev ZA��ZEN� ]\n"
-+msgstr " [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ dev ZAŘÍZENÍ ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:83
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:89
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " iptunnel -V | --version\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -1364,1068 +1402,1781 @@ msgstr ""
- " iptunnel -V | --version\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:84
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:90
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Where: NAME := STRING\n"
--msgstr "Kde: JM�NO := �ET�ZEC\n"
-+msgstr "Kde: JMÉNO := ŘETĚZEC\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:85
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:91
-+#, c-format
- msgid " ADDR := { IP_ADDRESS | any }\n"
- msgstr " ADR := { IP-ADRESA | any }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:86
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:92
-+#, c-format
- msgid " TOS := { NUMBER | inherit }\n"
--msgstr " TOS := { ��SLO | inherit }\n"
-+msgstr " TOS := { ČÍSLO | inherit }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:87
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:93
-+#, c-format
- msgid " TTL := { 1..255 | inherit }\n"
- msgstr " TTL := { 1..255 | inherit }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:88
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:94
-+#, c-format
- msgid " KEY := { DOTTED_QUAD | NUMBER }\n"
--msgstr " KL�� := { DOTTED_QUAD | ��SLO }\n"
-+msgstr " KLÍČ := { DOTTED_QUAD | ČÍSLO }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:326
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:332
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Keys are not allowed with ipip and sit.\n"
--msgstr "S ipip a sit nejsou kl��e povoleny.\n"
-+msgstr "S ipip a sit nejsou klíče povoleny.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:346
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:352
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Broadcast tunnel requires a source address.\n"
--msgstr "Tunel se v�esm�rov�m vys�l�n�m vy�aduje zdrojovou adresu.\n"
-+msgstr "Tunel se všesměrovým vysíláním vyžaduje zdrojovou adresu.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:361
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:367
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ttl != 0 and noptmudisc are incompatible\n"
--msgstr "ttl != 0 a noptmudisc se navz�jem vylu�uj�\n"
-+msgstr "ttl != 0 a noptmudisc se navzájem vylučují\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:373
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:379
-+#, c-format
- msgid "cannot determine tunnel mode (ipip, gre or sit)\n"
--msgstr "re�im tunelu (ipip, gre �i sit) nelze zjistit\n"
-+msgstr "režim tunelu (ipip, gre či sit) nelze zjistit\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:411
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:417
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: %s/ip remote %s local %s "
--msgstr "%s: %s/ip vzd�len� %s m�stn� %s "
-+msgstr "%s: %s/ip vzdálený %s místní %s "
--#: ../iptunnel.c:415
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:421
- msgid "unknown"
--msgstr "Nezn�m."
-+msgstr "Neznám."
--#: ../iptunnel.c:447
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:453
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Drop packets out of sequence.\n"
--msgstr " Zahazuje pakety mimo po�ad�.\n"
-+msgstr " Zahazuje pakety mimo pořadí.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:449
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:455
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Checksum in received packet is required.\n"
--msgstr " P�ij�man� pakety mus� m�t kontroln� sou�et.\n"
-+msgstr " Přijímané pakety musí mít kontrolní součet.\n"
- # ???
--#: ../iptunnel.c:451
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:457
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Sequence packets on output.\n"
--msgstr " �ad� odchoz� pakety.\n"
-+msgstr " Řadí odchozí pakety.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:453
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:459
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Checksum output packets.\n"
--msgstr " Odchoz� pakety budou m�t kontroln� sou�et.\n"
-+msgstr " Odchozí pakety budou mít kontrolní součet.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:481
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:487
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Wrong format of /proc/net/dev. Sorry.\n"
--msgstr "Lituji, form�t /proc/net/dev je chybn�.\n"
-+msgstr "Lituji, formát /proc/net/dev je chybný.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:494
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:500
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get type of [%s]\n"
--msgstr "Typ [%s] se nepoda�ilo zjistit.\n"
-+msgstr "Typ [%s] se nepodařilo zjistit.\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:510
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:516
-+#, c-format
- msgid "RX: Packets Bytes Errors CsumErrs OutOfSeq Mcasts\n"
--msgstr "RX: Pakety Bajty Chyby CsumChyb MimoPo� Mcasts\n"
-+msgstr "RX: Pakety Bajty Chyby CsumChyb MimoPoř Mcasts\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:513
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:519
-+#, c-format
- msgid "TX: Packets Bytes Errors DeadLoop NoRoute NoBufs\n"
- msgstr "TX: Pakety Bajty Chyby DeadLoop NoRoute NoBufs\n"
--#: ../statistics.c:45
-+#: ../statistics.c:48
- msgid "ICMP input histogram:"
--msgstr "histogram ICMP vstupu:"
-+msgstr "Histogram ICMP vstupu:"
--#: ../statistics.c:46
-+#: ../statistics.c:49
- msgid "ICMP output histogram:"
--msgstr "histogram ICMP v�stupu:"
-+msgstr "Histogram ICMP výstupu:"
-+#: ../statistics.c:66
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Forwarding is %s"
-+msgstr "Předávání je %s"
-+#: ../statistics.c:67
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Default TTL is %u"
-+msgstr "Implicitní TTL je %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:68 ../statistics.c:89
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u total packets received"
-+msgstr "Celkem přijatých paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:69 ../statistics.c:90
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u with invalid headers"
-+msgstr "S nesprávnými hlavičkami: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:70 ../statistics.c:93
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u with invalid addresses"
-+msgstr "S nesprávnými adresami: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:71 ../statistics.c:98
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u forwarded"
-+msgstr "Přeposláno: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:72 ../statistics.c:94
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u with unknown protocol"
-+msgstr "S neznámým protokolem: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:73 ../statistics.c:96
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u incoming packets discarded"
-+msgstr "Počet zahozených příchozích paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:74 ../statistics.c:97
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u incoming packets delivered"
-+msgstr "Počet doručených příchozích paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:75 ../statistics.c:99
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u requests sent out"
-+msgstr "Počet požadavků na odeslání: %u"
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:76 ../statistics.c:100
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u outgoing packets dropped"
-+msgstr "Počet zahozených odchozích paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:77 ../statistics.c:101
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u dropped because of missing route"
-+msgstr "Zahozeno kvůli chybějící cestě: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:78 ../statistics.c:102
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u fragments dropped after timeout"
-+msgstr "Počet fragmentů zahozených po vypršení času: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:79 ../statistics.c:103
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u reassemblies required"
-+msgstr "Počet nutných znovusestavení: %u"
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:80 ../statistics.c:104
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets reassembled ok"
-+msgstr "Počet v pořádku znovu sestavených paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:81 ../statistics.c:105
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packet reassembles failed"
-+msgstr "Počet paketů, jež se nepodařilo znovu sestavit: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:82 ../statistics.c:106
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u fragments received ok"
-+msgstr "Počet v pořádku přijatých fragmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:83 ../statistics.c:107
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u fragments failed"
-+msgstr "Počet chybných fragmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:84 ../statistics.c:108
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u fragments created"
-+msgstr "Počet vytvořených fragmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:91
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u with packets too big"
-+msgstr "Počet příliš velkých packetů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:92
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u incoming packets with no route"
-+msgstr "Počet příchozích paketů bez odpovídající cesty: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:95
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u with truncated packets"
-+msgstr "Počet zkrácených packetů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:109
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u incoming multicast packets"
-+msgstr "Počet příchozích multicastových paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:110
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u outgoing multicast packets"
-+msgstr "Počet odchozích multicastových paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:115 ../statistics.c:145
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP messages received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých ICMP zpráv: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:116 ../statistics.c:146
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u input ICMP message failed."
-+msgstr "Počet chybných příchozích ICMP zpráv: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:117 ../statistics.c:130 ../statistics.c:147
-+#: ../statistics.c:162
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "destination unreachable: %u"
-+msgstr "Adresát nedostupný: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:118
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timeout in transit: %u"
-+msgstr "Vypršel čas při přenosu: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:119 ../statistics.c:132
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "wrong parameters: %u"
-+msgstr "Chybné parametry: %u"
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:120
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "source quenches: %u"
-+msgstr "Zahlcení zdroje: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:121 ../statistics.c:160 ../statistics.c:175
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "redirects: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet přesměrování: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:122 ../statistics.c:151 ../statistics.c:166
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "echo requests: %u"
-+msgstr "Žádost o echo: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:123 ../statistics.c:136 ../statistics.c:152
-+#: ../statistics.c:167
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "echo replies: %u"
-+msgstr "Odpověď na žádost o echo: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:124
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timestamp request: %u"
-+msgstr "Žádost o čas: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:125
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timestamp reply: %u"
-+msgstr "Odpověď na žádost o čas: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:126
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "address mask request: %u"
-+msgstr "Žádost o masku podsítě: %u"
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:127 ../statistics.c:140
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "address mask replies: %u"
-+msgstr "Odpověď na žádost o masku podsítě: %u"
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:128 ../statistics.c:161
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP messages sent"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných ICMP zpráv: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:129
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP messages failed"
-+msgstr "Počet chybných ICMP zpráv: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:131
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "time exceeded: %u"
-+msgstr "Vypršení životnosti: %u"
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:133
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "source quench: %u"
-+msgstr "Zahlcení zdroje: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:134
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "redirect: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet přesměrování: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:135
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "echo request: %u"
-+msgstr "Žádost o echo: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:137
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timestamp requests: %u"
-+msgstr "žádost o čas: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:138
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timestamp replies: %u"
-+msgstr "Odpověď na žádost o čas: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:139
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "address mask requests: %u"
-+msgstr "Žádost o masku podsítě: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:148 ../statistics.c:163
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "packets too big: %u"
-+msgstr "Příliš velkých packetů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:149
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "received ICMPv6 time exceeded: %u"
-+msgstr "Přijato ICMPv6 vypršení životnosti: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:150 ../statistics.c:165
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "parameter problem: %u"
-+msgstr "Problém s parametrem: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:153 ../statistics.c:168
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "group member queries: %u"
-+msgstr "Dotazů na členství ve skupině: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:154 ../statistics.c:169
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "group member responses: %u"
-+msgstr "Odpovědí na členství ve skupině: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:155 ../statistics.c:170
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "group member reductions: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet snížení členů skupiny: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:156 ../statistics.c:171
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "router solicits: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet výzev směrovači: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:157 ../statistics.c:172
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "router advertisement: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet oznámení směrovače: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:158
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "neighbour solicits: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet výzev sousedovi: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:159
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "neighbour advertisement: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet oznámení souseda: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:164
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "sent ICMPv6 time exceeded: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných ICMPv6 vypršení životnosti: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:173
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "neighbor solicits: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet výzev sousedovi: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:174
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "neighbor advertisements: %u"
-+msgstr "Počet oznámení souseda: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:180
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "RTO algorithm is %s"
-+msgstr "RTO algoritmus je %s"
-+#: ../statistics.c:184
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u active connections openings"
-+msgstr "Počet aktivně navázaných spojení: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:185
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u passive connection openings"
-+msgstr "Počet pasivně navázaných spojení: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:186
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u failed connection attempts"
-+msgstr "Počet neúspěšných pokusů o spojení: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:187
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u connection resets received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých resetů spojení: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:188
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u connections established"
-+msgstr "Počet navázaných spojení: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:189
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u segments received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých segmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:190
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u segments send out"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných segmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:191
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u segments retransmited"
-+msgstr "Počet přenesených segmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:192
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u bad segments received."
-+msgstr "Počet chybných příchozích segmentů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:193
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u resets sent"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných resetů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:198 ../statistics.c:206
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:199 ../statistics.c:207
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets to unknown port received."
-+msgstr "Počet paketů přijatých pro neznámý port: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:200 ../statistics.c:208
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packet receive errors"
-+msgstr "Počet chyb při příjmu paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:201 ../statistics.c:209
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets sent"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných paketů: %u"
-+#: ../statistics.c:214
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u SYN cookies sent"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných SYN cookies: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:63
-+#: ../statistics.c:215
- #, c-format
--msgid "Forwarding is %s"
--msgstr "P�ed�v�n� je %s"
-+msgid "%u SYN cookies received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých SYN cookies: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:64
-+#: ../statistics.c:216
- #, c-format
--msgid "Default TTL is %d"
--msgstr "Implicitn� TTL je %d"
-+msgid "%u invalid SYN cookies received"
-+msgstr "Počet chybných příchozích SYN cookies: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:65
-+#: ../statistics.c:218
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d total packets received"
--msgstr "celkem p�ijmut�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"
-+msgstr "Počet resetů přijatých pro sokety v zárodečném stavu SYN_PŘÍCH: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:66
-+#: ../statistics.c:220
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d with invalid headers"
--msgstr "s nespr�vn�mi hlavi�kami: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet packetů odstraněných z přijímací fronty kvůli přetečení bufferu "
-+"socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:67
-+#. obsolete: 2.2.0 doesn't do that anymore
-+#: ../statistics.c:223
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d with invalid addresses"
--msgstr "s nespr�vn�mi adresami: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets pruned from receive queue"
-+msgstr "Počet packetů odstraněných z přijímací fronty: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:68
-+#: ../statistics.c:224
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d forwarded"
--msgstr "p�ed�no: %d"
-+msgid ""
-+"%u packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of socket buffer overrun"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet packetů zahozených z fronty mimo-pořadí kvůli přetečení bufferu "
-+"socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:69
-+#: ../statistics.c:226
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d with unknown protocol"
--msgstr "s nezn�m�m protokolem: %d"
-+msgid "%u ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-window"
-+msgstr "Počet ICMP packetů zahozených, protože byly mimo okno: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:70
-+#: ../statistics.c:228
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d incoming packets discarded"
--msgstr "po�et zahozen�ch p��choz�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u ICMP packets dropped because socket was locked"
-+msgstr "Počet ICMP packetů zahozených kvůli zamčenému socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:71
-+#: ../statistics.c:230
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d incoming packets delivered"
--msgstr "po�et doru�en�ch p��choz�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet TCP socketů, které ukončily fázi time-wait uvnitř rychlého časovače: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:72
-+#: ../statistics.c:231
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d requests sent out"
--msgstr "po�et odeslan�ch po�adavk�: %d"
-+msgid "%u time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet socketů ve fázi time-wait, které byly znovu použity díky časovému "
-+"razítku: %u"
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:73
-+#: ../statistics.c:232
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d outgoing packets dropped"
--msgstr "po�et zahozen�ch odchoz�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet TCP socketů, které ukončily fázi time-wait uvnitř pomalého časovače: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:74
-+#: ../statistics.c:233
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d dropped because of missing route"
--msgstr "zahozeno kv�li chyb�j�c� cest�: %d"
-+msgid "%u passive connections rejected because of time stamp"
-+msgstr "Počet odmítnutých pasivních spojení kvůli časovému razítku: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:75
-+#: ../statistics.c:235
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d fragments dropped after timeout"
--msgstr "po�et fragment� zahozen�ch po vypr�en� �asu: %d"
-+msgid "%u active connections rejected because of time stamp"
-+msgstr "Počet odmítnutých aktivních spojení kvůli časovému razítku: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:76
-+#: ../statistics.c:237
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d reassemblies required"
--msgstr "po�et nutn�ch znovusestaven�: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets rejects in established connections because of timestamp"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet odmítnutých packetů uvnitř navázaného spojení kvůli časovému razítku: %"
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:77
-+#: ../statistics.c:239
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packets reassembled ok"
--msgstr "po�et v po��dku znovu sestaven�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u delayed acks sent"
-+msgstr "Počet odeslaných zpožděných potvrzení: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:78
-+#: ../statistics.c:240
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packet reassembles failed"
--msgstr "po�et paket�, je� se nepoda�ilo znovu sestavit: %d"
-+msgid "%u delayed acks further delayed because of locked socket"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet zpožděných potvrzení dále pozdržených kvůli zamčenému socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:79
-+#: ../statistics.c:242
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d fragments received ok"
--msgstr "po�et v po��dku p�ijmut�ch fragment�: %d"
-+msgid "Quick ack mode was activated %u times"
-+msgstr "Počet aktivovaní rychlého potvrzovacího režimu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:80
-+#: ../statistics.c:243
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d fragments failed"
--msgstr "po�et chybn�ch fragment�: %d"
-+msgid "%u times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"
-+msgstr "Počet přetečení naslouchací fronty socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:81
-+#: ../statistics.c:245
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d fragments created"
--msgstr "po�et vytvo�en�ch fragment�: %d"
-+msgid "%u SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped"
-+msgstr "Počet zahozených SYN packetů určených naslouchajícímu socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:86
-+#: ../statistics.c:246
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d ICMP messages received"
--msgstr "po�et p�ijmut�ch ICMP zpr�v: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."
-+msgstr "Počet packetů přímo zařazených do předfronty recvmsg: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:87
-+#: ../statistics.c:248
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d input ICMP message failed."
--msgstr "po�et chybn�ch p��choz�ch ICMP zpr�v: %d"
-+msgid "%u bytes directly in process context from backlog"
-+msgstr "Počet bajtů předaných přímo z backlogu do kontextu procesu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:88 ../statistics.c:101
-+#: ../statistics.c:249
- #, c-format
--msgid "destination unreachable: %d"
--msgstr "adres�t nedostupn�: %d"
-+msgid "%u bytes directly received in process context from prequeue"
-+msgstr "Počet bajtů přímo přijatých do kontextu procesu z předfronty: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:89
-+#: ../statistics.c:251
- #, c-format
--msgid "timeout in transit: %d"
--msgstr "vypr�el �as p�i p�enosu: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets dropped from prequeue"
-+msgstr "Počet paketů odstraněných z předfronty: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:90 ../statistics.c:103
-+#: ../statistics.c:252
- #, c-format
--msgid "wrong parameters: %d"
--msgstr "chybn� parametry: %d"
-+msgid "%u packet headers predicted"
-+msgstr "Počet předpovězených hlaviček packetů: %u"
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:91
-+#: ../statistics.c:253
- #, c-format
--msgid "source quenchs: %d"
--msgstr "��zen� toku dat: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets header predicted and directly queued to user"
-+msgstr "Počet hlaviček packetů předpovězených a přímo předaných uživateli: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:92
-+#: ../statistics.c:255
- #, c-format
--msgid "redirects: %d"
--msgstr "zm�na cesty: %d"
-+msgid "Ran %u times out of system memory during packet sending"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát systému došla paměť při odesílání packetu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:93
-+#: ../statistics.c:257
- #, c-format
--msgid "echo requests: %d"
--msgstr "��dost o echo: %d"
-+msgid "%u acknowledgments not containing data payload received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých potvrzení neobsahující data: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:94 ../statistics.c:107
-+#: ../statistics.c:258
- #, c-format
--msgid "echo replies: %d"
--msgstr "odpov�� na ��dost o echo: %d"
-+msgid "%u predicted acknowledgments"
-+msgstr "Počet předpovězených potvrzení: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:95
-+#: ../statistics.c:259
- #, c-format
--msgid "timestamp request: %d"
--msgstr "��dost o �as: %d"
-+msgid "%u times recovered from packet loss due to fast retransmit"
-+msgstr "Počet zotavení ze ztráty packetu kvůli rychle opakovanému odeslání: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:96
-+#: ../statistics.c:260
- #, c-format
--msgid "timestamp reply: %d"
--msgstr "odpov�� na ��dost o �as: %d"
-+msgid "%u times recovered from packet loss by selective acknowledgements"
-+msgstr "Počet zotavení ze ztráty packetu pomocí vyběrových potvrzení: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:97
-+#: ../statistics.c:261
- #, c-format
--msgid "address mask request: %d"
--msgstr "��dost o masku pods�t�: %d"
-+msgid "%u bad SACK blocks received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých chybných SACK bloků: %u"
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:98
--msgid "address mask replies"
--msgstr "odpov�di na ��dost o masku pods�t�"
-+#: ../statistics.c:262
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using FACK"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát byla nalezena změna pořadí pomocí FACK: %u"
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:99
-+#: ../statistics.c:263
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d ICMP messages sent"
--msgstr "po�et odeslan�ch ICMP zpr�v: %d"
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using SACK"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát byla nalezena změna pořadí pomocí SACK: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:100
-+#: ../statistics.c:264
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d ICMP messages failed"
--msgstr "po�et chybn�ch ICMP zpr�v: %d"
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using time stamp"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát byla nalezena změna pořadí pomocí časového razítka: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:102
-+#: ../statistics.c:265
- #, c-format
--msgid "time exceeded: %d"
--msgstr "vypr�en� �ivotnosti: %d"
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using reno fast retransmit"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Kolikrát byla nalezena změna pořadí kvůli rychlému znovuodeslání Reno: %u"
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:104
-+#: ../statistics.c:266
- #, c-format
--msgid "source quench: %d"
--msgstr "��zen� toku dat: %d"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows fully recovered without slow start"
-+msgstr "Počet plných zotavení ze zahlcení okna bez pomalého startu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:105
-+#: ../statistics.c:267
- #, c-format
--msgid "redirect: %d"
--msgstr "zm�na cesty: %d"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows partially recovered using Hoe heuristic"
-+msgstr "Počet částečných zotavení ze zahlcení okna pomocí heuristiky Hoe: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:106
-+#: ../statistics.c:268
- #, c-format
--msgid "echo request: %d"
--msgstr "��dost o echo: %d"
-+msgid "%u congestion window recovered without slow start using DSACK"
-+msgstr "Počet zotavení ze zahlceného okna bez pomalého startu pomocí DSACK: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:108
-+#: ../statistics.c:269
- #, c-format
--msgid "timestamp requests: %d"
--msgstr "��dost o �as: %d"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows recovered without slow start after partial ack"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet zotavení ze zahlcení okna bez pomalého startu po částečném potvrzení: %"
--#: ../statistics.c:109
-+#: ../statistics.c:270
- #, c-format
--msgid "timestamp replies: %d"
--msgstr "odpov�� na ��dost o �as: %d"
-+msgid "%u retransmits lost"
-+msgstr "Počet ztracených opakovaných odeslání: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:110
-+#: ../statistics.c:271
- #, c-format
--msgid "address mask requests: %d"
--msgstr "��dost o masku pods�t�: %d"
-+msgid "%u timeouts after reno fast retransmit"
-+msgstr "Počet vypršení času po rychlém opakovaném odeslání Reno: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:111
-+#: ../statistics.c:272
- #, c-format
--msgid "address mask replies: %d"
--msgstr "odpov�� na ��dost o masku pods�t�: %d"
-+msgid "%u timeouts after SACK recovery"
-+msgstr "Počet vypršení času po zotavení pomocí SACK: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:116
-+#: ../statistics.c:273
- #, c-format
--msgid "RTO algorithm is %s"
--msgstr "RTO algoritmus je %s"
-+msgid "%u timeouts in loss state"
-+msgstr "Počet vypršení času ve stavu ztráty: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:120
-+#: ../statistics.c:274
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d active connections openings"
--msgstr "po�et aktivn� nav�zan�ch spojen�: %d"
-+msgid "%u fast retransmits"
-+msgstr "Počet rychlých opakování odeslání: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:121
-+#: ../statistics.c:275
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d passive connection openings"
--msgstr "po�et pasivn� nav�zan�ch spojen�: %d"
-+msgid "%u forward retransmits"
-+msgstr "Počet dopředných opakovaných odeslání: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:122
-+#: ../statistics.c:276
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d failed connection attempts"
--msgstr "po�et ne�sp�n�ch pokus� o spojen�: %d"
-+msgid "%u retransmits in slow start"
-+msgstr "Počet opakovaných odeslání v pomalém startu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:123
-+#: ../statistics.c:277
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d connection resets received"
--msgstr "po�et p�ijmut�ch reset�: %d"
-+msgid "%u other TCP timeouts"
-+msgstr "Počet jiných vypršení časovače TCP: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:124
-+#: ../statistics.c:278
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d connections established"
--msgstr "po�et nav�zan�ch spojen�: %d"
-+msgid "%u reno fast retransmits failed"
-+msgstr "Počet selhání rychlých opakovaných odeslání Reno: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:125
-+#: ../statistics.c:279
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d segments received"
--msgstr "po�et p�ijmut�ch segment�: %d"
-+msgid "%u SACK retransmits failed"
-+msgstr "Počet selhání opakovaných odeslání SACK: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:126
-+#: ../statistics.c:280
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d segments send out"
--msgstr "po�et odeslan�ch segment�: %d"
-+msgid "%u times receiver scheduled too late for direct processing"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát byl přijímač naplánován příliš pozdě na přímé zpracovaní: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:127
-+#: ../statistics.c:281
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d segments retransmited"
--msgstr "po�et p�enesen�ch segment�: %d"
-+msgid "%u packets collapsed in receive queue due to low socket buffer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet packetů sloučených v přijímací frontě kvůli malému bufferu socketu: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:128
-+#: ../statistics.c:282
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d bad segments received."
--msgstr "po�et chybn�ch p��choz�ch segment�: %d."
-+msgid "%u DSACKs sent for old packets"
-+msgstr "Počet packetů DSACK odeslaných kvůli starým packetům: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:129
-+#: ../statistics.c:283
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d resets sent"
--msgstr "po�et odeslan�ch reset�: %d"
-+msgid "%u DSACKs sent for out of order packets"
-+msgstr "Počet packetů DSCACK odeslaných kvůli packetům mimo pořadí: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:134
-+#: ../statistics.c:284
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packets received"
--msgstr "po�et p�ijmut�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u DSACKs received"
-+msgstr "Počet přijatých paketů DSACK: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:135
-+#: ../statistics.c:285
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packets to unknown port received."
--msgstr "po�et paket� p�ijmut�ch pro nezn�m� port: %d."
-+msgid "%u DSACKs for out of order packets received"
-+msgstr "Počet packetů DSACK přijatých kvůli packetům mimo pořadí: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:136
-+#: ../statistics.c:286
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packet receive errors"
--msgstr "po�et chyb p�i p��jmu paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u connections reset due to unexpected SYN"
-+msgstr "Počet resetů spojení kvůli neočekávanému SYN: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:137
-+#: ../statistics.c:287
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packets sent"
--msgstr "po�et odeslan�ch paket�: %d"
-+msgid "%u connections reset due to unexpected data"
-+msgstr "Počet resetů spojení kvůli neočekávaným datům: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:142
-+#: ../statistics.c:288
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d SYN cookies sent"
--msgstr "po�et odeslan�ch SYN cookies: %d"
-+msgid "%u connections reset due to early user close"
-+msgstr "Počet resetů spojení kvůli časnému uzavření uživatelem: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:143
-+#: ../statistics.c:289
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d SYN cookies received"
--msgstr "po�et p�ijmut�ch SYN cookies: %d"
-+msgid "%u connections aborted due to memory pressure"
-+msgstr "Počet zrušených spojení kvůli paměťové tísni: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:144
-+#: ../statistics.c:290
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d invalid SYN cookies received"
--msgstr "po�et chybn�ch p��choz�ch SYN cookies: %d"
-+msgid "%u connections aborted due to timeout"
-+msgstr "Počet zrušených spojení kvůli vypršení časovače: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:146
-+#: ../statistics.c:291
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"
--msgstr "po�et reset� p�ijmut�ch pro sokety ve stavu SYN_P��CH: %d"
-+msgid "%u connections aborted after user close in linger timeout"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Počet zrušených spojení po té, co je uživatel uzavřel ve fázi dožití: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:148
-+#: ../statistics.c:292
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun"
--msgstr "po�et paket� odstran�n�ch z fronty kv�li p�ete�en� bufferu soketu: %d"
-+msgid "%u times unabled to send RST due to no memory"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát nebylo možné odeslat RST kvůli nedostatku paměti: %u"
--#. obsolete: 2.2.0 doesn't do that anymore
--#: ../statistics.c:151
-+#: ../statistics.c:293
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d packets pruned from out-of-order queue"
--msgstr "po�et paket� odstran�n�ch z fronty mimo-po�ad�: %d"
-+msgid "TCP ran low on memory %u times"
-+msgstr "Kolikrát TCP zpomalilo kvůli paměti: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:152
-+#: ../statistics.c:294
- #, c-format
--msgid ""
--"%d packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of socket buffer overrun"
--msgstr ""
--"po�et paket� zahozen�ch z fronty mimo-po�ad� kv�li p�ete�en� bufferu soketu: "
-+msgid "%u TCP data loss events"
-+msgstr "Počet ztrát dat TCP: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:154
-+#: ../statistics.c:295
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-window"
--msgstr "po�et ICMP paket� zahozen�ch, proto�e byly mimo-okno: %d"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows recovered without slow start by DSACK"
-+msgstr "Počet zotavení ze zahlcení okna bez pomalého startu pomocí DSACK: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:156
-+#: ../statistics.c:297
- #, c-format
--msgid "%d ICMP packets dropped because socket was locked"
--msgstr "po�et ICMP paket� zahozen�ch kv�li zam�en�mu soketu: %d"
-+msgid "%u classic Reno fast retransmits failed"
-+msgstr "Počet selhání klasického rychlého opakovaného odeslání Reno: %u"
--#: ../statistics.c:222
-+#: ../statistics.c:373
- msgid "enabled"
- msgstr "zapnuto"
--#: ../statistics.c:222
-+#: ../statistics.c:373
- msgid "disabled"
- msgstr "vypnuto"
--#: ../statistics.c:272
-+#: ../statistics.c:511 ../statistics.c:555
-+msgid "cannot open /proc/net/snmp"
-+msgstr "/proc/net/snmp nelze otevřít"
-+#: ../statistics.c:516
- #, c-format
--msgid "unknown title %s\n"
--msgstr "titulek %s je nezn�m�\n"
-+msgid "Problem while parsing /proc/net/snmp\n"
-+msgstr "Potíže při při zpracování /proc/net/snmp\n"
--#: ../statistics.c:298
--msgid "error parsing /proc/net/snmp"
--msgstr "chyba p�i zpracov�n� /proc/net/snmp"
-+#: ../statistics.c:527
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Problem while parsing /proc/net/netstat\n"
-+msgstr "Potíže při při zpracování /proc/net/netstat\n"
--#: ../statistics.c:311
--msgid "cannot open /proc/net/snmp"
--msgstr "/proc/net/snmp nelze otev��t"
-+#: ../statistics.c:545
-+msgid "cannot open /proc/net/snmp6"
-+msgstr "/proc/net/snmp6 nelze otevřít"
- #: ../lib/activate.c:69
- #, c-format
- msgid "Hardware type `%s' not supported.\n"
--msgstr "Hardwarov� typ `%s' nen� podporov�n.\n"
-+msgstr "Hardwarový typ „%s“ není podporován.\n"
- #: ../lib/activate.c:73
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot change line discipline to `%s'.\n"
--msgstr "Linkovou discipl�nu nelze na `%s' zm�nit.\n"
-+msgstr "Linkovou disciplínu nelze na „%s“ změnit.\n"
--#: ../lib/af.c:145 ../lib/hw.c:148
-+#: ../lib/af.c:157 ../lib/hw.c:166
- msgid "UNSPEC"
--msgstr "NEZN�M"
-+msgstr "NEZNÁM"
--#: ../lib/af.c:147
-+#: ../lib/af.c:159
- msgid "UNIX Domain"
--msgstr "Dom�na UNIX"
-+msgstr "Doména UNIX"
--#: ../lib/af.c:150
-+#: ../lib/af.c:162
- msgid "DARPA Internet"
- msgstr "DARPA Internet"
--#: ../lib/af.c:153
-+#: ../lib/af.c:165
- msgid "IPv6"
- msgstr "IPv6"
--#: ../lib/af.c:156 ../lib/hw.c:169
-+#: ../lib/af.c:168 ../lib/hw.c:187
- msgid "AMPR AX.25"
- msgstr "AMPR AX.25"
--#: ../lib/af.c:159 ../lib/hw.c:175
-+#: ../lib/af.c:171 ../lib/hw.c:193
- msgid "AMPR NET/ROM"
- msgstr "AMPR NET/ROM"
--#: ../lib/af.c:162
-+#: ../lib/af.c:174
- msgid "Novell IPX"
- msgstr "Novell IPX"
--#: ../lib/af.c:165
-+#: ../lib/af.c:177
- msgid "Appletalk DDP"
- msgstr "Appletalk DDP"
--#: ../lib/af.c:168 ../lib/hw.c:207
-+#: ../lib/af.c:180 ../lib/hw.c:228
- msgid "Econet"
- msgstr "Econet"
--#: ../lib/af.c:171 ../lib/hw.c:172
-+#: ../lib/af.c:183
-+msgid "CCITT X.25"
-+msgstr "CCITT X.25"
-+#: ../lib/af.c:186 ../lib/hw.c:190
- msgid "AMPR ROSE"
- msgstr "AMPR ROSE"
--#: ../lib/af.c:174 ../lib/hw.c:160
-+#: ../lib/af.c:189 ../lib/hw.c:178
- msgid "Ash"
- msgstr "Ash"
--#: ../lib/af.c:232
-+#: ../lib/af.c:247
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Please don't supply more than one address family.\n"
--msgstr "Nezad�vejte v�ce ne� jednu t��du adres.\n"
-+msgstr "Nezadávejte více než jednu třídu adres.\n"
--#: ../lib/af.c:293
-+#: ../lib/af.c:308
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Too much address family arguments.\n"
--msgstr "Bylo zad�no p��li� mnoho t��d adres.\n"
-+msgstr "Bylo zadáno příliš mnoho tříd adres.\n"
--#: ../lib/af.c:304
-+#: ../lib/af.c:319
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unknown address family `%s'.\n"
--msgstr "T��da adres `%s' nen� zn�ma.\n"
--#: ../lib/arcnet.c:53 ../lib/ax25.c:75 ../lib/ddp.c:50 ../lib/econet.c:52
--#: ../lib/fddi.c:67 ../lib/hippi.c:68 ../lib/inet.c:244 ../lib/inet.c:259
--#: ../lib/inet6.c:129 ../lib/ipx.c:81 ../lib/netrom.c:78 ../lib/rose.c:71
--#: ../lib/rose.c:126 ../lib/unix.c:56 ../lib/unix.c:76
--msgid "[NONE SET]"
--msgstr "[NENASTAVENO]"
-+msgstr "Třída adres `%s' není známa.\n"
--#: ../lib/arcnet.c:81 ../lib/arcnet.c:96
-+#: ../lib/arcnet.c:70 ../lib/arcnet.c:85
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_arcnet(%s): invalid arcnet address!\n"
--msgstr "in_arcnet(%s): chybn� arcnet adresa!\n"
-+msgstr "in_arcnet(%s): chybná arcnet adresa!\n"
--#: ../lib/arcnet.c:108
-+#: ../lib/arcnet.c:97
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_arcnet(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"
--msgstr "in_arcnet(%s): nadbyte�n� : ignorov�no!\n"
-+msgstr "in_arcnet(%s): nadbytečné : ignorováno!\n"
--#: ../lib/arcnet.c:120
-+#: ../lib/arcnet.c:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_arcnet(%s): trailing junk!\n"
--msgstr "in_arcnet(%s): nadbyte�n� znaky!\n"
-+msgstr "in_arcnet(%s): nadbytečné znaky!\n"
- #: ../lib/ash.c:81
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Malformed Ash address"
--msgstr "Chybn� Ash adresa"
-+msgstr "Chybná Ash adresa"
-+#: ../lib/ax25.c:75 ../lib/ddp.c:50 ../lib/econet.c:52 ../lib/inet.c:244
-+#: ../lib/inet.c:259 ../lib/inet6.c:145 ../lib/ipx.c:81 ../lib/netrom.c:78
-+#: ../lib/rose.c:71 ../lib/unix.c:56 ../lib/unix.c:76
-+msgid "[NONE SET]"
-+msgstr "[NENASTAVENO]"
- #: ../lib/ax25.c:97 ../lib/netrom.c:100
- msgid "Invalid callsign"
--msgstr "Nespr�vn� volac� znak"
-+msgstr "Nesprávný volací znak"
- #: ../lib/ax25.c:110 ../lib/netrom.c:113
- msgid "Callsign too long"
--msgstr "Volac� znak je p��li� dlouh�."
-+msgstr "Volací znak je příliš dlouhý."
- #: ../lib/ax25_gr.c:47
-+#, c-format
- msgid "AX.25 not configured in this system.\n"
--msgstr "AX.25 nen� na tomto syst�mu nakonfigurov�no.\n"
-+msgstr "AX.25 není na tomto systému nakonfigurováno.\n"
- #: ../lib/ax25_gr.c:50
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel AX.25 routing table\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka v j�dru pro AX.25\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulka v jádru pro AX.25\n"
- #. xxx
- #: ../lib/ax25_gr.c:51 ../lib/rose_gr.c:55
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Destination Iface Use\n"
--msgstr "Adres�t Rozhran� U�it�\n"
--#: ../lib/ddp_gr.c:21
--msgid "Routing table for `ddp' not yet supported.\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka pro `ddp' nen� zat�m podporov�na.\n"
-+msgstr "Adresát Rozhraní Užití\n"
- #: ../lib/ether.c:74 ../lib/ether.c:91
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!\n"
--msgstr "in_ether(%s): chybn� ethernetov� adresa!\n"
-+msgstr "in_ether(%s): chybná ethernetová adresa!\n"
- #: ../lib/ether.c:105
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_ether(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"
--msgstr "in_ether(%s): nadbyte�n� : ignorov�no!\n"
-+msgstr "in_ether(%s): nadbytečné : ignorováno!\n"
- #: ../lib/ether.c:117
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_ether(%s): trailing junk!\n"
--msgstr "in_ether(%s): nadbyte�n� znaky!\n"
-+msgstr "in_ether(%s): nadbytečné znaky!\n"
--#: ../lib/fddi.c:95 ../lib/fddi.c:110
-+#: ../lib/fddi.c:84 ../lib/fddi.c:99
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_fddi(%s): invalid fddi address!\n"
--msgstr "in_fddi(%s): chybn� fddi adresa!\n"
-+msgstr "in_fddi(%s): chybná fddi adresa!\n"
--#: ../lib/fddi.c:122
-+#: ../lib/fddi.c:111
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_fddi(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"
--msgstr "in_fddi(%s): nadbyte�n� : ignorov�no!\n"
-+msgstr "in_fddi(%s): nadbytečné : ignorováno!\n"
--#: ../lib/fddi.c:134
-+#: ../lib/fddi.c:123
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_fddi(%s): trailing junk!\n"
--msgstr "in_fddi(%s): nadbyte�n� znaky!\n"
-+msgstr "in_fddi(%s): nadbytečné znaky!\n"
--#: ../lib/getroute.c:97 ../lib/setroute.c:76
-+#: ../lib/getroute.c:101 ../lib/setroute.c:80
- #, c-format
- msgid "Address family `%s' not supported.\n"
--msgstr "T��da adres `%s' nen� podporov�na.\n"
-+msgstr "Třída adres `%s' není podporována.\n"
--#: ../lib/getroute.c:103 ../lib/setroute.c:80
-+#: ../lib/getroute.c:107 ../lib/setroute.c:84
- #, c-format
- msgid "No routing for address family `%s'.\n"
--msgstr "Pro t��du adres `%s' nen� ��dn� sm�rov�n�.\n"
-+msgstr "Pro třídu adres `%s' není žádné směrování.\n"
--#: ../lib/hippi.c:96 ../lib/hippi.c:111
-+#: ../lib/hippi.c:84 ../lib/hippi.c:99
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_hippi(%s): invalid hippi address!\n"
--msgstr "in_hippi(%s): chybn� hippi adresa!\n"
-+msgstr "in_hippi(%s): chybná hippi adresa!\n"
--#: ../lib/hippi.c:123
-+#: ../lib/hippi.c:111
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_hippi(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"
--msgstr "in_hippi(%s): nadbyte�n� : ignorov�no!\n"
-+msgstr "in_hippi(%s): nadbytečné : ignorováno!\n"
--#: ../lib/hippi.c:134
-+#: ../lib/hippi.c:122
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_hippi(%s): trailing junk!\n"
--msgstr "in_hippi(%s): nadbyte�n� znaky!\n"
-+msgstr "in_hippi(%s): nadbytečné znaky!\n"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:147
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:165
- msgid "Local Loopback"
--msgstr "M�stn� smy�ka"
-+msgstr "Místní smyčka"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:150
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:168
- msgid "Serial Line IP"
--msgstr "IP po s�riov� lince"
-+msgstr "IP po sériové lince"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:151
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:169
- msgid "VJ Serial Line IP"
--msgstr "Vj IP po s�riov� lince"
-+msgstr "VJ IP po sériové lince"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:152
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:170
- msgid "6-bit Serial Line IP"
--msgstr "6bitov� IP po s�riov� lince"
-+msgstr "6bitový IP po sériové lince"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:153
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:171
- msgid "VJ 6-bit Serial Line IP"
--msgstr "6bitov� VJ IP po s�riov� lince"
-+msgstr "6bitový VJ IP po sériové lince"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:154
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:172
- msgid "Adaptive Serial Line IP"
--msgstr "Adaptivn� IP po s�riov� lince"
-+msgstr "Adaptivní IP po sériové lince"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:157
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:175
- msgid "Ethernet"
- msgstr "Ethernet"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:163
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:181
- msgid "Fiber Distributed Data Interface"
- msgstr "Fiber Distributed Data Interface"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:166
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:184
- msgid "HIPPI"
- msgstr "HIPPI"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:178
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:196
-+msgid "generic X.25"
-+msgstr "obecné X.25"
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:199
- msgid "IPIP Tunnel"
- msgstr "IPIP Tunnel"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:181
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:202
- msgid "Point-to-Point Protocol"
--msgstr "Point-to-Point Protokol"
-+msgstr "Dvoubodový protokol"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:184
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:205
- msgid "(Cisco)-HDLC"
- msgstr "(Cisco)-HDLC"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:185
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:206
- msgid "LAPB"
- msgstr "LAPB"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:188
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:209
- msgid "ARCnet"
- msgstr "ARCnet"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:191
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:212
- msgid "Frame Relay DLCI"
- msgstr "Frame Relay DLCI"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:192
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:213
- msgid "Frame Relay Access Device"
--msgstr "P��stupov� za��zen� Frame Relay"
-+msgstr "Přístupové zařízení Frame Relay"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:195
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:216
- msgid "IPv6-in-IPv4"
- msgstr "IPv6-in-IPv4"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:198
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:219
- msgid "IrLAP"
- msgstr "IrLAP"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:201
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:222
- msgid "16/4 Mbps Token Ring"
- msgstr "Token Ring 16/4 Mb/s"
--#: ../lib/hw.c:203
--#, fuzzy
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:224
- msgid "16/4 Mbps Token Ring (New)"
--msgstr "Token Ring 16/4 Mb/s"
-+msgstr "Token Ring 16/4 Mb/s (Nový)"
--#: ../lib/inet.c:153 ../lib/inet6.c:79
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:231
-+msgid "InfiniBand"
-+msgstr "InfiniBand"
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:234
-+msgid "Generic EUI-64"
-+msgstr "Obecné EUI-64"
-+#: ../lib/inet.c:153 ../lib/inet6.c:94
- #, c-format
- msgid "rresolve: unsupport address family %d !\n"
--msgstr "rresolve: t��da adres %d nen� podporov�na!\n"
-+msgstr "rresolve: třída adres %d není podporována!\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:79
-+#: ../lib/inet6.c:147
-+msgid "[UNKNOWN]"
-+msgstr "[NEZNÁMÝ]"
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:71
-+#, c-format
- msgid "INET6 (IPv6) not configured in this system.\n"
--msgstr "INET6 (IPv6) nen� na tomto syst�mu nakonfigurov�no.\n"
-+msgstr "INET6 (IPv6) není na tomto systému nakonfigurováno.\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:82
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:76
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Kernel IPv6 routing cache\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací cache v jádru pro IPv6\n"
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:78
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IPv6 routing table\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka v j�dru pro IPv6\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulka v jádru pro IPv6\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:84
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:80
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Destination Next Hop "
--" Flags Metric Ref Use Iface\n"
-+"Destination Next Hop Flag Met Ref Use "
- msgstr ""
--"Adres�t Dal�� Sm�rova� "
--" P��zn Metrika Odkaz U�it Rozhran�\n"
-+"Adresát Další směrovač Příz Met Odk Užt "
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:158
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:174
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IPv6 Neighbour Cache\n"
--msgstr "Cache soused� v j�dru pro IPv6\n"
-+msgstr "Cache sousedů v jádru pro IPv6\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:161
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:177
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags "
- "Ref State\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Soused HW Adresa Rozhran� P��zn "
-+"Soused HW Adresa Rozhraní Přízn "
- "Odkazy Stav\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:165
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:181
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags "
- "Ref State Stale(sec) Delete(sec)\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Soused HW Adresa Rozhran� "
--"P��znaky Odkazy Stav Pro�l�(sec) Smazat(sec)\n"
-+"Soused HW Adresa Rozhraní "
-+"Příznaky Odkazy Stav Prošlý(sec) Smazat(sec)\n"
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:46
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: inet6_route [-vF] del Target\n"
--msgstr "Pou�it�: inet6_route [-vF] del C�l\n"
-+msgstr "Použití: inet6_route [-vF] del Cíl\n"
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:47
-+#, c-format
- msgid " inet6_route [-vF] add Target [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]\n"
--msgstr " inet6_route [-vF] add C�l [gw Gw] [metrika M] [[dev] If]\n"
-+msgstr " inet6_route [-vF] add Cíl [gw Gw] [metrika M] [[dev] If]\n"
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:48
-+#, c-format
- msgid " inet6_route [-FC] flush NOT supported\n"
--msgstr " inet6_route [-FC] flush NEN� podporov�no\n"
-+msgstr " inet6_route [-FC] flush NENÍ podporováno\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:182
-+#: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:188
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Flushing `inet6' routing table not supported\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulku `inet6' nelze vyprazd�ovat\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulku `inet6' nelze vyprazdňovat\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:50 ../lib/inet_gr.c:220
-+#, c-format
- msgid "INET (IPv4) not configured in this system.\n"
--msgstr "INET (IPv4) nen� na tomto syst�mu nakonfigurov�no.\n"
-+msgstr "INET (IPv4) není na tomto systému nakonfigurováno.\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:53
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IP routing table\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka v j�dru pro IP\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulka v jádru pro IP\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:56
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Adres�t Br�na Maska P��zn Metrik Odkaz U�t "
-+"Adresát Brána Maska Přízn Metrik Odkazů Užt "
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:59
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Adres�t Br�na Maska P��zn MSS Okno irtt "
-+"Adresát Brána Maska Přízn MSS Okno irtt "
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:62
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface MSS Window irtt\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Adres�t Br�na Maska P��zn Metrik Odkazy U�t "
--"Rozhran� MSS Okno irtt\n"
-+"Adresát Brána Maska Přízn Metrik Odkazy Užt "
-+"Rozhraní MSS Okno irtt\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:237
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IP routing cache\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� cache v j�dru pro IP\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací cache v jádru pro IP\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:258
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Odes�latel Adres�t Maska P��zn Metrik Odkazy U�t "
-+"Odesílatel Adresát Maska Přízn Metrik Odkazy Užt "
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:261
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags MSS Window irtt "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Odes�latel Adres�t Maska P��zn MSS Okno irtt "
-+"Odesílatel Adresát Maska Přízn MSS Okno irtt "
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:266
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface MSS Window irtt HH Arp\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Odes�latel Adres�t Maska P��zn Metrik Odkazy U�t "
--"Rozhran� MSS Okno irtt HH Arp\n"
-+"Odesílatel Adresát Maska Přízn Metrik Odkazy Užt "
-+"Rozhraní MSS Okno irtt HH Arp\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:290
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface MSS Window irtt TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Odes�latel Adres�t Maska P��zn Metrik Odkazy U�t "
--"Rozhran� MSS Okno irtt TOS HHOdk HHAktu�l Zvl�tC�l\n"
-+"Odesílatel Adresát Maska Přízn Metrik Odkazy Užt "
-+"Rozhraní MSS Okno irtt TOS HHOdk HHAktuál ZvláštCíl\n"
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:50
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:51
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M] "
- "[[dev] If]\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Pou�it�: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} C�l[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metrika M] "
-+"Použití: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} Cíl[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metrika M] "
- "[[dev] If]\n"
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:51
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:52
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M]\n"
- msgstr ""
--" inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} C�l[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metrika M]\n"
-+" inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Cíl[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metrika M]\n"
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:52
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:53
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " [netmask N] [mss Mss] [window W] [irtt I]\n"
- msgstr ""
- " [netmask N] [mss Mss] [window W] [irtt I]\n"
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:53
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:54
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]\n"
- msgstr " [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]\n"
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:54
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:55
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [metric M] reject\n"
- msgstr ""
--" inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} C�l/[prefix] [metrika M] reject\n"
-+" inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Cíl/[prefix] [metrika M] reject\n"
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:55
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:56
-+#, c-format
- msgid " inet_route [-FC] flush NOT supported\n"
--msgstr " inet_route [-FC] flush NEN� podporov�no\n"
-+msgstr " inet_route [-FC] flush NENÍ podporováno\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:158
- #, c-format
- msgid "route: %s: cannot use a NETWORK as gateway!\n"
--msgstr "route: %s: s�� nelze pou��t jako br�nu!\n"
-+msgstr "route: %s: síť nelze použít jako bránu!\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:174
--#, fuzzy
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: Invalid MSS/MTU.\n"
--msgstr "route: Nespr�vn� NSS.\n"
-+msgstr "route: Neplatné MSS/MTU.\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:187
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: Invalid window.\n"
--msgstr "route: Nespr�vn� okno.\n"
-+msgstr "route: Nesprávné okno.\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:203
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: Invalid initial rtt.\n"
--msgstr "route: Nespr�vn� zahajovac� rtt.\n"
-+msgstr "route: Nesprávné zahajovací rtt.\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:261
- #, c-format
- msgid "route: netmask %.8x doesn't make sense with host route\n"
--msgstr "route: s��ov� maska %.8x ned�v� smysl, kdy� c�lem je cesty po��ta�\n"
-+msgstr "route: síťová maska %.8x nedává smysl, když cílem je cesty počítač\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:265
- #, c-format
- msgid "route: bogus netmask %s\n"
--msgstr "route: s��ov� maska %s je nespr�vn�\n"
-+msgstr "route: síťová maska %s je nesprávná\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:270
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: netmask doesn't match route address\n"
--msgstr "route: s��ov� maska nevyhovuje adrese cesty\n"
-+msgstr "route: síťová maska nevyhovuje adrese cesty\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:306
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Flushing `inet' routing table not supported\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� cache `inet' nelze vyprazd�ovat\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací cache `inet' nelze vyprazdňovat\n"
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:310
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Modifying `inet' routing cache not supported\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� cache `inet' nelze m�nit\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací cache `inet' nelze měnit\n"
--#: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:52
--msgid "IPX not configured in this system.\n"
--msgstr "IPX nen� na tomto syst�mu nakonfigurov�no.\n"
-+#: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:53
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "IPX routing not in file %s or %s found.\n"
-+msgstr "Směrování IPX nenalezeno v souboru %s nebo %s.\n"
--#: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:56
-+#: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:62
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IPX routing table\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka v j�dru pro IPX\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulka v jádru pro IPX\n"
- #. xxx
--#: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:57
-+#: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:63
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Destination Router Net Router Node\n"
--msgstr "C�l Sm�rova� S�� Sm�rova� Uzel\n"
-+msgstr "Cíl Směrovač Síť Směrovač Uzel\n"
- #: ../lib/ipx_sr.c:33
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IPX: this needs to be written\n"
--msgstr "IPX: toto je t�eba ulo�it\n"
-+msgstr "IPX: toto je třeba uložit\n"
--#: ../lib/masq_info.c:197
-+#: ../lib/masq_info.c:198
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IP masquerading entries\n"
--msgstr "IP maskovac� polo�ky\n"
-+msgstr "IP maskovací položky\n"
--#: ../lib/masq_info.c:200
-+#: ../lib/masq_info.c:201
-+#, c-format
- msgid "prot expire source destination ports\n"
--msgstr "prot �ivot zdroj c�l porty\n"
-+msgstr "prot život zdroj cíl porty\n"
--#: ../lib/masq_info.c:203
-+#: ../lib/masq_info.c:204
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"prot expire initseq delta prevd source destination "
--" ports\n"
-+"prot expire initseq delta prevd source "
-+"destination ports\n"
- msgstr ""
--"prot �ivot zahajsek delta p�edchd zdroj c�l "
--" porty\n"
-+"prot život zahajsek delta předchd zdroj "
-+"cíl porty\n"
- #: ../lib/netrom_gr.c:48
-+#, c-format
- msgid "NET/ROM not configured in this system.\n"
--msgstr "NET/ROM nen� na tomto syst�mu nakonfigurov�no.\n"
-+msgstr "NET/ROM není na tomto systému nakonfigurováno.\n"
- #: ../lib/netrom_gr.c:51
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel NET/ROM routing table\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka v j�dru pro NET/ROM\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulka v jádru pro NET/ROM\n"
- #: ../lib/netrom_gr.c:52
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Destination Mnemonic Quality Neighbour Iface\n"
--msgstr "C�l Mnemonika Kvalita Soused Rozhran�\n"
-+msgstr "Cíl Mnemonika Kvalita Soused Rozhraní\n"
- #: ../lib/netrom_sr.c:34
-+#, c-format
- msgid "netrom usage\n"
--msgstr "pou�it� netrom\n"
-+msgstr "použití netrom\n"
- #: ../lib/netrom_sr.c:44
-+#, c-format
- msgid "NET/ROM: this needs to be written\n"
--msgstr "NET/ROM: toto je pot�eba ulo�it\n"
-+msgstr "NET/ROM: toto je potřeba uložit\n"
- #: ../lib/ppp.c:44
-+#, c-format
- msgid "You cannot start PPP with this program.\n"
--msgstr "T�mto programem nelze PPP spustit.\n"
-+msgstr "Tímto programem nelze PPP spustit.\n"
- #: ../lib/ppp_ac.c:38
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Sorry, use pppd!\n"
--msgstr "Lituji, pou�ijte pppd!\n"
-+msgstr "Lituji, použijte pppd!\n"
- #: ../lib/rose.c:87
- msgid "Node address must be ten digits"
--msgstr "Adresa uzlu mus� m�t 10 ��slic"
-+msgstr "Adresa uzlu musí mít 10 číslic"
- #: ../lib/rose_gr.c:51
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ROSE not configured in this system.\n"
--msgstr "ROSE nen� na tomto syst�mu nakonfigurov�no.\n"
-+msgstr "ROSE není na tomto systému nakonfigurováno.\n"
- #: ../lib/rose_gr.c:54
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel ROSE routing table\n"
--msgstr "Sm�rovac� tabulka v j�dru pro ROSE\n"
-+msgstr "Směrovací tabulka v jádru pro ROSE\n"
--#: ../lib/tr.c:70 ../lib/tr.c:85
-+#: ../lib/tr.c:86 ../lib/tr.c:101
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!\n"
--msgstr "in_tr(%s): nespr�vn� token ring adresa!\n"
-+msgstr "in_tr(%s): nesprávná token ring adresa!\n"
--#: ../lib/tr.c:97
-+#: ../lib/tr.c:113
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_tr(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"
--msgstr "in_tr(%s): nadbyte�n�: ignorov�no!\n"
-+msgstr "in_tr(%s): nadbytečné: ignorováno!\n"
--#: ../lib/tr.c:109
-+#: ../lib/tr.c:125
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_tr(%s): trailing junk!\n"
--msgstr "in_tr(%s): nadbyte�n� znaky!\n"
-+msgstr "in_tr(%s): nadbytečné znaky!\n"
--#: ../lib/interface.c:124
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:176
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning: no inet socket available: %s\n"
--msgstr "varov�n�: nen� dostupn� ��dn� inet soket: %s\n"
-+msgstr "varování: není dostupný žádný inet soket: %s\n"
--#: ../lib/interface.c:270
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:325
- #, c-format
- msgid "Warning: cannot open %s (%s). Limited output.\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Pozor: %s nelze otevřít (%s). Výstup omezen.\n"
- #. Give better error message for this case.
--#: ../lib/interface.c:504
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:571
- msgid "Device not found"
--msgstr "Za��zen� nebylo nalezeno"
-+msgstr "Zařízení nebylo nalezeno"
--#: ../lib/interface.c:508
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:575
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: error fetching interface information: %s\n"
--msgstr "%s: chyba p�i z�sk�v�n� informac� o rozhran� %s\n"
-+msgstr "%s: chyba při získávání informací o rozhraní %s\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:608
-+msgid " - no statistics available -"
-+msgstr " - statistická data nejsou dostupná -"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:612
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "[NO FLAGS]"
-+msgstr "[ŽÁDNÉ PŘÍZNAKY]"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:694
-+msgid "UP,"
-+msgstr "AKTIVOVÁNO,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:696
-+msgid "BROADCAST,"
-+msgstr "VŠESMĚR,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:698
-+msgid "DEBUG,"
-+msgstr "LADĚNÍ,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:700
-+msgid "LOOPBACK,"
-+msgstr "SMYČKA,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:702
-+msgid "POINTOPOINT,"
-+msgstr "DVOUBODOVÉ,"
-+# ??
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:704
-+msgid "NOTRAILERS,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:706
-+msgid "RUNNING,"
-+msgstr "BĚŽÍ,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:708
-+msgid "NOARP,"
-+msgstr "NEARP,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:710
-+msgid "PROMISC,"
-+msgstr "PROMISK,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:712
-+msgid "ALLMULTI,"
-+msgstr "ALLMULTI,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:714
-+msgid "SLAVE,"
-+msgstr "PODŘÍZENÝ,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:716
-+msgid "MASTER,"
-+msgstr "NADŘÍZENÝ,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:718
-+msgid "MULTICAST,"
-+msgstr "MULTICAST,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:721
-+msgid "DYNAMIC,"
-+msgstr "DYNAMIC,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:730
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%s: %s mtu %d metric %d"
-+msgstr "%s: %s mtu %d metrika %d"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:734
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " outfill %d keepalive %d"
-+msgstr " outfill %d keepalive %d"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:743 ../lib/interface.c:841
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s %s"
-+msgstr " %s %s"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:745
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " netmask %s"
-+msgstr " síťová_maska %s"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:747
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " broadcast %s"
-+msgstr " všesměr %s"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:750
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " destination %s"
-+msgstr " cíl %s"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:769
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s %s prefixlen %d"
-+msgstr " %s %s délka_prefixu %d"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:773
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " scopeid 0x%x"
-+msgstr " scopeid 0x%x"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:777
-+msgid "compat,"
-+msgstr "kompat,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:781
-+msgid "global,"
-+msgstr "globální,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:783
-+msgid "link,"
-+msgstr "linka,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:785
-+msgid "site,"
-+msgstr "oblast,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:787
-+msgid "host,"
-+msgstr "stroj,"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:805
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s Ethernet-II %s\n"
-+msgstr " %s Ethernet-II %s\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:808
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s Ethernet-SNAP %s\n"
-+msgstr " %s Ethernet-SNAP %s\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:811
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s Ethernet802.2 %s\n"
-+msgstr " %s Ethernet802.2 %s\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:814
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s Ethernet802.3 %s\n"
-+msgstr " %s Ethernet802.3 %s\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:824 ../lib/interface.c:833
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s %s\n"
-+msgstr " %s %s\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:843
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " %s"
-+msgstr " %s"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:845
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " txqueuelen %d"
-+msgstr " délka_odchozí_fronty %d"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:850
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " media %s"
-+msgstr " médium %s"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:852
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "autoselect"
-+msgstr "automatika"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:903
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "RX packets %llu bytes %llu (%lu.%lu %s)\n"
-+msgstr "RX packetů %llu bajtů %llu (%lu,%lu %s)\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:909
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "RX compressed:%lu\n"
-+msgstr "RX komprimováno %lu\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:912
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "RX errors %lu dropped %lu overruns %lu frame %lu\n"
-+msgstr "RX chyb %lu zahozeno %lu přetečení %lu rámců %lu\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:918
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "TX packets %llu bytes %llu (%lu.%lu %s)\n"
-+msgstr "TX packetů %llu bajtů %llu (%lu,%lu %s)\n"
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:924
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "TX compressed %lu\n"
-+msgstr "TX komprimováno %lu\n"
-+# carrier?
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:927
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "TX errors %lu dropped %lu overruns %lu carrier %lu collisions %lu\n"
-+msgstr "TX chyb %lu zahozeno %lu přetečení %lu přenos %lu kolizí %lu\n"
--#: ../lib/sockets.c:59
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:937
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "interrupt %d "
-+msgstr "přerušení %d "
-+#. Only print devices using it for
-+#. I/O maps
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:940
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "base 0x%x "
-+msgstr "základ 0x%x "
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:942
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "memory 0x%lx-%lx "
-+msgstr "paměť 0x%lx–%lx "
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:945
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " dma 0x%x"
-+msgstr " DMA 0x%x"
-+#: ../lib/sockets.c:63
-+#, c-format
- msgid "No usable address families found.\n"
--msgstr "Nebyla nalezena ��dn� pou�iteln� t��da adres.\n"
-+msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná použitelná třída adres.\n"
- #: ../lib/util-ank.c:229
- #, c-format
- msgid "ip: %s is invalid inet address\n"
--msgstr "ip: %s nen� platnou inet adresou\n"
-+msgstr "ip: %s není platnou inet adresou\n"
- #: ../lib/util-ank.c:238
- #, c-format
- msgid "ip: %s is invalid inet prefix\n"
--msgstr "ip: %s nen� platn�m inet prefixem\n"
-+msgstr "ip: %s není platným inet prefixem\n"
- #: ../lib/util-ank.c:248
- #, c-format
- msgid "ip: %s is invalid IPv4 address\n"
--msgstr "ip: %s nen� platnou IPv4 adresou\n"
-+msgstr "ip: %s není platnou IPv4 adresou\n"
- #: ../lib/util-ank.c:256
- #, c-format
- msgid "ip: argument is wrong: %s\n"
--msgstr "ip: argument %s je nespr�vn�\n"
-+msgstr "ip: argument %s je nesprávný\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:56
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:61
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING\n"
--msgstr " Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADR dev �ET�ZEC\n"
-+msgstr " Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADR dev ŘETĚZEC\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:57
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:62
-+#, c-format
- msgid " ipmaddr show [ dev STRING ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"
--msgstr " ipmaddr show [ dev �ET�ZEC ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"
-+msgstr " ipmaddr show [ dev ŘETĚZEC ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:58
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:63
-+#, c-format
- msgid " ipmaddr -V | -version\n"
- msgstr " ipmaddr -V | -version\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:258
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:263
- #, c-format
- msgid "family %d "
--msgstr "t��da %d "
-+msgstr "třída %d "
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:267
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:272
- #, c-format
- msgid " users %d"
--msgstr " u�ivatel� %d"
-+msgstr " uživatelé %d"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:353
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:361
- msgid "Cannot create socket"
--msgstr "Soket nelze vytvo�it"
-+msgstr "Soket nelze vytvořit"
- #: ../slattach.c:180
- #, c-format
- msgid "slattach: /dev/%s already locked!\n"
--msgstr "slattach: za��zen� /dev/%s je ji� zam�eno!\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: zařízení /dev/%s je již zamčeno!\n"
- #: ../slattach.c:186
- #, c-format
-@@ -2433,80 +3184,169 @@ msgid "slattach: tty_lock: (%s): %s\n"
- msgstr "slattach: tty_lock: (%s): %s\n"
- #: ../slattach.c:192
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: cannot write PID file\n"
- msgstr "slattach: do PID souboru nelze zapisovat\n"
- #: ../slattach.c:202
- #, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_lock: UUCP user %s unknown!\n"
--msgstr "slattach: tty_lock: u�ivatel UUCP %s nen� zn�m!\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: tty_lock: uživatel UUCP %s není znám!\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:430
-+#: ../slattach.c:432
- #, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_hangup(DROP): %s\n"
- msgstr "slattach: tty_hangup(DROP): %s\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:437
-+#: ../slattach.c:439
- #, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_hangup(RAISE): %s\n"
- msgstr "slattach: tty_hangup(RAISE): %s\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:486
-+#: ../slattach.c:470
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "slattach: tty name too long\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: název TTY je příliš dlouhý\n"
-+#: ../slattach.c:500
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot get current state!\n"
--msgstr "slattach: tty_open: aktu�ln� stav nelze zjistit!\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: tty_open: aktuální stav nelze zjistit!\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:493
-+#: ../slattach.c:507
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot get current line disc!\n"
--msgstr "slattach: tty_open: aktu�ln� linkovou discipl�nu nelze zjistit!\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: tty_open: aktuální linkovou disciplínu nelze zjistit!\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:501
-+#: ../slattach.c:515
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot set RAW mode!\n"
--msgstr "slattach: tty_open: re�im RAW nelze nastavit!\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: tty_open: režim RAW nelze nastavit!\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:508
-+#: ../slattach.c:522
- #, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot set %s bps!\n"
- msgstr "slattach: tty_open: %s bps nelze nastavit!\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:518
-+#: ../slattach.c:532
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot set 8N1 mode!\n"
--msgstr "slattach: tty_open: re�im 8N1 nelze nastavit!\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: tty_open: režim 8N1 nelze nastavit!\n"
-+#: ../slattach.c:674
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "slattach: setvbuf(stdout,0,_IOLBF,0) : %s\n"
-+msgstr "slattach: setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IOLBF, 0): %s\n"
--#: ../slattach.c:686
-+#: ../slattach.c:706
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s started"
--msgstr "protokol %s spu�t�n"
-+msgstr "protokol %s spuštěn"
--#: ../slattach.c:687
-+#: ../slattach.c:707
- #, c-format
- msgid " on %s"
- msgstr " na %s"
--#: ../slattach.c:688
-+#: ../slattach.c:708
- #, c-format
- msgid " interface %s\n"
--msgstr " rozhran� %s\n"
-+msgstr " rozhraní %s\n"
-+#~ msgid ""
-+#~ " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub "
-+#~ "<-''-\n"
-+#~ msgstr ""
-+#~ " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <soubor> <hwadr> [síťmask <čís>] <-''-\n"
-+#~ msgid "%-9.9s Link encap:%s "
-+#~ msgstr "%-9.9s Zapouzdření:%s "
-+#~ msgid "HWaddr %s "
-+#~ msgstr "HWadr %s "
-+#~ msgid "Media:%s"
-+#~ msgstr "Médium:%s"
-+#~ msgid "(auto)"
-+#~ msgstr "(auto)"
-+#~ msgid " P-t-P:%s "
-+#~ msgstr " P-t-P:%s "
-+# V ostatních katalozích se překládá Broadcast -> všesměrové vysílání.
-+# Tudiž bcast -> Všesměr :)
-+#~ msgid " Bcast:%s "
-+#~ msgstr " Všesměr:%s "
-+#~ msgid " Mask:%s\n"
-+#~ msgstr "Maska:%s\n"
-+#~ msgid " Scope:"
-+#~ msgstr " Rozsah:"
-+#~ msgid "Unknown"
-+#~ msgstr "Neznám."
-+#~ msgid " EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:%s\n"
-+#~ msgstr " EtherTalk Phase 2 adr:%s\n"
-+#~ msgid " econet addr:%s\n"
-+#~ msgstr " econet adr:%s\n"
-+# Hic sunt leones ...
-+#~ msgid "[NO FLAGS] "
-+#~ msgstr "[ŽÁDNÉ PŘÍZNAKY]"
-+#~ msgid " MTU:%d Metric:%d"
-+#~ msgstr " MTU:%d Metrika:%d"
-+#~ msgid " compressed:%lu\n"
-+#~ msgstr " komprimováno:%lu\n"
-+#~ msgid " collisions:%lu "
-+#~ msgstr " kolizí:%lu "
-+#~ msgid "DMA chan:%x "
-+#~ msgstr "Kanál DMA:%x "
-+#~ msgid "%s: unknown interface: %s\n"
-+#~ msgstr "%s: rozhraní %s není známo\n"
-+#~ msgid "address mask replies"
-+#~ msgstr "odpovědi na žádost o masku podsítě"
-+#~ msgid "unknown title %s\n"
-+#~ msgstr "titulek %s je neznámý\n"
-+#~ msgid "Routing table for `ddp' not yet supported.\n"
-+#~ msgstr "Směrovací tabulka pro `ddp' není zatím podporována.\n"
-+#~ msgid "IPX not configured in this system.\n"
-+#~ msgstr "IPX není na tomto systému nakonfigurováno.\n"
- #~ msgid ""
--#~ " This comand can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname. You can\n"
-+#~ " This comand can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname. You "
-+#~ "can\n"
- #~ msgstr ""
--#~ " Tento program zji��uje a nastavuje jm�no po��ta�e �i NIS dom�ny. M��e "
--#~ "tak�\n"
-+#~ " Tento program zjišťuje a nastavuje jméno počítače či NIS domény. Může "
-+#~ "také\n"
- #~ msgid ""
- #~ " also read the DNS domain or the FQDN (fully qualified domain name).\n"
--#~ msgstr " zjistit DNS dom�nu �i kanonick� jm�no po��ta�e.\n"
-+#~ msgstr " zjistit DNS doménu či kanonické jméno počítače.\n"
- #~ msgid ""
- #~ " Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the\n"
- #~ msgstr ""
--#~ " Pokud nepou��v�te bind �i NIS pro vyhled�v�n� jmen po��ta��, pak m��ete\n"
-+#~ " Pokud nepoužíváte bind či NIS pro vyhledávání jmen počítačů, pak "
-+#~ "můžete\n"
- #~ msgid ""
- #~ " FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and the DNS domain name (which is\n"
- #~ msgstr ""
--#~ " zm�nit kanonick� jm�no po��ta�e a jm�no DNS dom�ny (je sou��st� "
--#~ "kanonick�ho\n"
-+#~ " změnit kanonické jméno počítače a jméno DNS domény (je součástí "
-+#~ "kanonického\n"
- #~ msgid " part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.\n"
--#~ msgstr " jm�na po��ta�e) v souboru /etc/hosts.\n"
-+#~ msgstr " jména počítače) v souboru /etc/hosts.\n"
-diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
-index f884dd9..9f8f679 100644
---- a/po/de.po
-+++ b/po/de.po
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--# $Id: de.po,v 1.10 2000/08/01 03:19:48 ecki Exp $
-+# $Id: de.po,v 1.11 2003/10/25 21:15:09 ecki Exp $
- # German translation for net-tools 1.51
- # Copyright (C) 1999 Ralf B�chle <>
- msgid ""
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Last-Translator: Ralf B�chle <>\n"
- "Language-Team:\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso8859-1\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- #: ../arp.c:110 ../arp.c:269
-@@ -59,12 +59,16 @@ msgid "arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr "arp: Kann Eintrag auf Zeile %u von Etherdatei %s nicht setzen!\n"
- #: ../arp.c:437
--msgid "Address\t\t\tHWtype\tHWaddress\t Flags Mask\t\t Iface\n"
--msgstr "Adresse\t\t\tHWTyp\tHWAdresse\t Flags Maske\t\t Iface\n"
-+msgid ""
-+"Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Adresse HW-Typ HW-Adresse Flags Maske "
- #: ../arp.c:467
- msgid "(incomplete)"
--msgstr "(unvolls�ndig)"
-+msgstr "(unvollst�ndig)"
- #: ../arp.c:484
- #, c-format
-diff --git a/po/et_EE.po b/po/et_EE.po
-index d748410..827406d 100644
---- a/po/et_EE.po
-+++ b/po/et_EE.po
-@@ -1,66 +1,65 @@
- # Estonian translations for net-tools
--# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
--# Meelis Roos <>, 1999.
-+# Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+# Meelis Roos <>, 1999-2001.
- #
--#, fuzzy
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
--"Project-Id-Version: net-tools 1.58\n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-02-15 21:28+0200\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-02-15 18:00+0300\n"
-+"Project-Id-Version: net-tools 1.60\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-04-16 20:24+0200\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-04-16 20:30+0200\n"
- "Last-Translator: Meelis Roos <>\n"
- "Language-Team: Estonian <>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
--#: ../arp.c:110 ../arp.c:269
-+#: ../arp.c:111 ../arp.c:270
- msgid "arp: need host name\n"
- msgstr "arp: puudub hosti nimi\n"
--#: ../arp.c:207 ../arp.c:221
-+#: ../arp.c:208 ../arp.c:222
- #, c-format
- msgid "No ARP entry for %s\n"
- msgstr "%s jaoks pole ARP kirjet\n"
--#: ../arp.c:239
-+#: ../arp.c:240
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cant get HW-Address for `%s': %s.\n"
- msgstr "arp: ei saa riistvaralist aadressi `%s' jaoks: %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:243
-+#: ../arp.c:244
- msgid "arp: protocol type mismatch.\n"
- msgstr "arp: vale protokolli t��p\n"
--#: ../arp.c:252
-+#: ../arp.c:253
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: device `%s' has HW address %s `%s'.\n"
- msgstr "arp: seadmel `%s' on riistvaraline aadress %s `%s'\n"
--#: ../arp.c:282
-+#: ../arp.c:283
- msgid "arp: need hardware address\n"
- msgstr "arp: puudub riistvaraline aadress\n"
--#: ../arp.c:290
-+#: ../arp.c:291
- msgid "arp: invalid hardware address\n"
- msgstr "arp: vigane riistvaraline aadress\n"
--#: ../arp.c:387
-+#: ../arp.c:388
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cannot open etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr "arp: ei saa avada faili %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:403
-+#: ../arp.c:404
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: format error on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr "arp: formaadiviga real %u failis %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:416
-+#: ../arp.c:417
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr "arp: ei saa kehtestada ARP kirjet real %u failis %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:437
-+#: ../arp.c:438
- msgid ""
- "Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask "
- "Iface\n"
-@@ -68,45 +67,45 @@ msgstr ""
- "Aadress HWt��p HWaadress Lipud Mask "
- "Liides\n"
--#: ../arp.c:467
-+#: ../arp.c:468
- msgid "(incomplete)"
- msgstr "(mittet�ielik)"
--#: ../arp.c:484
-+#: ../arp.c:485
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s (%s) at "
- msgstr "%s (%s) aadressil "
--#: ../arp.c:490
-+#: ../arp.c:491
- msgid "<incomplete> "
- msgstr "<mittet�ielik>"
--#: ../arp.c:496
-+#: ../arp.c:497
- #, c-format
- msgid "netmask %s "
- msgstr "v�rgumask %s "
--#: ../arp.c:513
-+#: ../arp.c:514
- #, c-format
- msgid "on %s\n"
- msgstr "liides %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:592
-+#: ../arp.c:593
- #, c-format
- msgid "Entries: %d\tSkipped: %d\tFound: %d\n"
- msgstr "ARP kirjeid kokku: %s\tignoreerisin: %d\tleidsin: %d\n"
--#: ../arp.c:596
-+#: ../arp.c:597
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s (%s) -- no entry\n"
- msgstr "%s (%s) -- pole kirjet\n"
--#: ../arp.c:598
-+#: ../arp.c:599
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: in %d entries no match found.\n"
- msgstr "arp: ei leidnud %d kirje hulgast sobivat\n"
--#: ../arp.c:613
-+#: ../arp.c:614
- msgid ""
- "Usage:\n"
- " arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<hostname>] <-Display ARP "
-@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "ARP cache vaatamine:\n"
- " arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<hosti nimi>]\n"
--#: ../arp.c:614
-+#: ../arp.c:615
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <hostname> [pub][nopub] <-Delete ARP "
- "entry\n"
-@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "ARP kirje kustutamine:\n"
- " arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <hosti nimi> [pub] [nopub]\n"
--#: ../arp.c:615
-+#: ../arp.c:616
- msgid ""
- " arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from "
- "file\n"
-@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "ARP kirjete lisamine failist:\n"
- " arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<failinimi>]\n"
--#: ../arp.c:616
-+#: ../arp.c:617
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [temp][nopub] <-Add "
- "entry\n"
-@@ -140,14 +139,14 @@ msgstr ""
- "ARP kirje lisamine:\n"
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hosti nimi> <hwaddr> [temp] [nopub]\n"
--#: ../arp.c:617
-+#: ../arp.c:618
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub "
- "<-''-\n"
- msgstr ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hosti nimi> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub\n"
--#: ../arp.c:618
-+#: ../arp.c:619
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <hostname> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub "
- "<-''-\n"
-@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ msgstr ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <hosti nimi> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../arp.c:620
-+#: ../arp.c:621
- msgid ""
- " -a display (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) "
- "style\n"
-@@ -164,37 +163,37 @@ msgstr ""
- " -a n�ita k�iki hoste alternatiivsel (BSD) "
- "kujul\n"
--#: ../arp.c:621
-+#: ../arp.c:622
- msgid " -s, --set set a new ARP entry\n"
- msgstr " -s, --set uue ARP kirje seadmine\n"
--#: ../arp.c:622
-+#: ../arp.c:623
- msgid " -d, --delete delete a specified entry\n"
- msgstr " -d, --delete m��ratud kirje kustutamine\n"
--#: ../arp.c:623 ../netstat.c:1485 ../route.c:85
-+#: ../arp.c:624 ../netstat.c:1490 ../route.c:86
- msgid " -v, --verbose be verbose\n"
- msgstr " -v, --verbose jutukas v�ljund\n"
--#: ../arp.c:624
-+#: ../arp.c:625 ../netstat.c:1491 ../route.c:87
- msgid " -n, --numeric don't resolve names\n"
- msgstr " -n, --numeric mitte lahendada nimesid\n"
--#: ../arp.c:625
-+#: ../arp.c:626
- msgid ""
- " -i, --device specify network interface (e.g. eth0)\n"
- msgstr ""
- " -i, --device v�rguliidese t�psustamine (n�iteks eth0)\n"
--#: ../arp.c:626
-+#: ../arp.c:627
- msgid " -D, --use-device read <hwaddr> from given device\n"
- msgstr " -D, --use-device lugeda <hwaddr> vastavalt liideselt\n"
--#: ../arp.c:627
-+#: ../arp.c:628
- msgid " -A, -p, --protocol specify protocol family\n"
- msgstr " -A, -p, --protocol protokollipere m��ramine\n"
--#: ../arp.c:628
-+#: ../arp.c:629
- msgid ""
- " -f, --file read new entries from file or from "
- "/etc/ethers\n"
-@@ -204,125 +203,125 @@ msgstr ""
- "/etc/ethers'st\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../arp.c:630 ../rarp.c:181
-+#: ../arp.c:631 ../rarp.c:182
- #, c-format
- msgid " <HW>=Use '-H <hw>' to specify hardware address type. Default: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
- " <HW>=kasutage '-H <hw>' riistvaralise aadressi m��ramiseks.\n"
- " Vaikimisi: %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:631 ../rarp.c:182
-+#: ../arp.c:632 ../rarp.c:183
- msgid " List of possible hardware types (which support ARP):\n"
- msgstr " V�imalike ARP-i toetavate riistvara t��pide nimekiri:\n"
--#: ../arp.c:664 ../arp.c:749
-+#: ../arp.c:666 ../arp.c:751
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: hardware type not supported!\n"
- msgstr "arp: riistvara t��pi %s ei toetata\n"
--#: ../arp.c:668
-+#: ../arp.c:670
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: address family not supported!\n"
- msgstr "arp: aadressiperekonda %s ei toetata\n"
--#: ../arp.c:703
-+#: ../arp.c:705
- msgid "arp: -N not yet supported.\n"
- msgstr "arp: -N toetust pole veel\n"
--#: ../arp.c:713
-+#: ../arp.c:715
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: unknown address family.\n"
- msgstr "arp: tundmatu aadressiperekond %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:722
-+#: ../arp.c:724
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: unknown hardware type.\n"
- msgstr "arp: tundmatu riistvara t��p %s\n"
--#: ../arp.c:741
-+#: ../arp.c:743
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: kernel only supports 'inet'.\n"
- msgstr "arp: tuumas on ainult 'inet' aadressiperekonna toetus\n"
--#: ../arp.c:754
-+#: ../arp.c:756
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: hardware type without ARP support.\n"
- msgstr "arp: riistvara t��bil %s pole ARP toetust\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:69
-+#: ../hostname.c:70
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting nodename to `%s'\n"
- msgstr "Sean s�lme nimeks `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:74
-+#: ../hostname.c:75
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the node name\n"
- msgstr "%s: ainult root saab s�lme nime muuta\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:77 ../hostname.c:97 ../hostname.c:116
-+#: ../hostname.c:78 ../hostname.c:98 ../hostname.c:117
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: name too long\n"
- msgstr "%s: nimi on liiga pikk\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:89
-+#: ../hostname.c:90
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting hostname to `%s'\n"
- msgstr "Sean hosti nimeks `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:94
-+#: ../hostname.c:95
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the host name\n"
- msgstr "%s: ainult root saab hosti nime muuta\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:108
-+#: ../hostname.c:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting domainname to `%s'\n"
- msgstr "Sean domeeni nimeks `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:113
-+#: ../hostname.c:114
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the domain name\n"
- msgstr "%s: ainult root saab domeeni nime muuta\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:131
-+#: ../hostname.c:132
- #, c-format
- msgid "Resolving `%s' ...\n"
- msgstr "Lahendan `%s' ...\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:137
-+#: ../hostname.c:138
- #, c-format
- msgid "Result: h_name=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "Tulemus: h_name=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:142
-+#: ../hostname.c:143
- #, c-format
- msgid "Result: h_aliases=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "Tulemus: h_aliases=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:147
-+#: ../hostname.c:148
- #, c-format
- msgid "Result: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "Tulemus: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:209
-+#: ../hostname.c:210
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: can't open `%s'\n"
- msgstr "%s: ei saa avada faili `%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:223
-+#: ../hostname.c:224
- msgid "Usage: hostname [-v] {hostname|-F file} set hostname (from file)\n"
- msgstr ""
- "Kasutamine:\n"
- " hostname [-v] {hosti nimi|-F fail} hosti nime seadmine (ka "
- "failist)\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:224
-+#: ../hostname.c:225
- msgid ""
- " domainname [-v] {nisdomain|-F file} set NIS domainname (from file)\n"
- msgstr ""
- " domainname [-v] {nisdomeen|-F fail} NIS domeeni nime seadmine\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:226
-+#: ../hostname.c:227
- msgid ""
- " nodename [-v] {nodename|-F file} set DECnet node name (from "
- "file)\n"
-@@ -330,18 +329,18 @@ msgstr ""
- " nodename [-v] {nodename|-F fail} DECneti v�rgus�lme nime "
- "seadmine\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:228
-+#: ../hostname.c:229
- msgid " hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] display formatted name\n"
- msgstr ""
- " hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] nime n�itamine antud formaadis\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:229
-+#: ../hostname.c:230
- msgid ""
- " hostname [-v] display hostname\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr " hostname [-v] hosti nime n�itamine\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:230
-+#: ../hostname.c:231
- msgid ""
- " hostname -V|--version|-h|--help print info and exit\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -350,7 +349,7 @@ msgstr ""
- " hostname -h|--help seesama abiinfo\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:231
-+#: ../hostname.c:232
- msgid ""
- " dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -358,36 +357,36 @@ msgstr ""
- " dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:232
-+#: ../hostname.c:233
- msgid " -s, --short short host name\n"
- msgstr " -s, --short l�hike hosti nimi\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:233
-+#: ../hostname.c:234
- msgid " -a, --alias alias names\n"
- msgstr " -a, --alias alias-nimed\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:234
-+#: ../hostname.c:235
- msgid " -i, --ip-address addresses for the hostname\n"
- msgstr " -i, --ip-address hosti IP aadressid\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:235
-+#: ../hostname.c:236
- msgid " -f, --fqdn, --long long host name (FQDN)\n"
- msgstr ""
- " -f, --fqdn, --long pikk hosti nimi (FQDN - t�ielik s�steeminimi)\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:236
-+#: ../hostname.c:237
- msgid " -d, --domain DNS domain name\n"
- msgstr " -d, --domain DNS domeeni nimi\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:237
-+#: ../hostname.c:238
- msgid " -y, --yp, --nis NIS/YP domainname\n"
- msgstr " -y, --yp, --nis NIS/YP domeeni nimi\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:239
-+#: ../hostname.c:240
- msgid " -n, --node DECnet node name\n"
- msgstr " -n, --node DECneti v�rgus�lme nimi\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:241
-+#: ../hostname.c:242
- msgid ""
- " -F, --file read hostname or NIS domainname from given file\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -395,7 +394,7 @@ msgstr ""
- " -F, --file lugeda hosti v�i NIS domeeni nimi failist\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:243
-+#: ../hostname.c:244
- msgid ""
- " This command can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname. You can\n"
- " also read the DNS domain or the FQDN (fully qualified domain name).\n"
-@@ -409,12 +408,12 @@ msgstr ""
- " t�ielikku s�steeminime (FQDN) ja DNS domeeni nime (mis on t�ieliku nime\n"
- " osa) muuta failist /etc/hosts.\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:338
-+#: ../hostname.c:340
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: You can't change the DNS domain name with this command\n"
- msgstr "%s: selle k�suga ei saa muuta DNS domeeni nime\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:339
-+#: ../hostname.c:341
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the DNS\n"
-@@ -422,26 +421,26 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- "Kui Te EI kasuta bind'i ega NIS'i nimede lahendamiseks, saate DNS domeeni\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:340
-+#: ../hostname.c:342
- msgid "domain name (which is part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.\n"
- msgstr "(mis on t�ieliku nime osa) nime muuta failist /etc/hosts.\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:357
-+#: ../hostname.c:359
- #, c-format
- msgid "gethostname()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "gethostname()=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:374
-+#: ../hostname.c:376
- #, c-format
- msgid "getdomainname()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "getdomainname()=`%s'\n"
--#: ../hostname.c:389
-+#: ../hostname.c:391
- #, c-format
- msgid "getnodename()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr "getnodename()=`%s'\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:110
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:108
- msgid ""
- "Flg\n"
-@@ -449,16 +448,16 @@ msgstr ""
- "Lip\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:132 ../ifconfig.c:164
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:130 ../ifconfig.c:162
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: unknown interface: %s\n"
- msgstr "ifconfig: tundmatu liides %s: %s\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:156 ../ifconfig.c:740 ../ifconfig.c:831 ../ifconfig.c:937
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:154 ../ifconfig.c:734 ../ifconfig.c:825 ../ifconfig.c:936
- msgid "No support for INET on this system.\n"
- msgstr "Antud s�steem ei toeta INET aadressiperekonda\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:179
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:177
- msgid ""
- "Usage:\n"
- " ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"
-@@ -466,51 +465,51 @@ msgstr ""
- "Kasutamine:\n"
- " ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] [-s] <liides> [[<AF>] <aadress>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:181
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:179
- msgid " [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
- msgstr " [add <aadress>[/<prefiksi pikkus>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:182
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:180
- msgid " [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
- msgstr " [del <aadress>[/<prefiksi pikkus>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:183
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:181
- msgid " [[-]broadcast [<address>]] [[-]pointopoint [<address>]]\n"
- msgstr " [[-]broadcast [<aadress>]] [[-]pointopoint [<aadress>]]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:184
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:182
- msgid " [netmask <address>] [dstaddr <address>] [tunnel <address>]\n"
- msgstr " [netmask <aadress>] [dstaddr <aadress>] [tunnel <aadress>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:187
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:185
- msgid " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
- msgstr " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:189
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:187
- msgid " [hw <HW> <address>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
- msgstr " [hw <HW> <aadress>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:190
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:188
- msgid " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
- msgstr " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:191
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:189
- msgid " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
- msgstr " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:192
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:190
- msgid " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <type>]\n"
- msgstr " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <t��p>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:194
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:192
- msgid " [txqueuelen <NN>]\n"
- msgstr " [txqueuelen <NN>]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:197
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:195
- msgid " [[-]dynamic]\n"
- msgstr " [[-]dynamic]\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:199
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:197
- msgid ""
- " [up|down] ...\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -518,73 +517,86 @@ msgstr ""
- " [up|down] ...\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:201
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:199
- msgid " <HW>=Hardware Type.\n"
- msgstr " <HW>=riistvara t��p\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:202
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:200
- msgid " List of possible hardware types:\n"
- msgstr " V�imalike riistvara t��pide nimekiri:\n"
- #. 1 = ARPable
--#: ../ifconfig.c:204
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:202
- #, c-format
- msgid " <AF>=Address family. Default: %s\n"
- msgstr " <AF>=aadressiperekond, vaikimisi %s\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:205
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:203
- msgid " List of possible address families:\n"
- msgstr " V�imalike aadressiperekondade nimekiri:\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:361
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:278
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: option `%s' not recognised.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:280 ../ifconfig.c:925
-+msgid "ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:355
- msgid "Unknown media type.\n"
- msgstr "Tundmatu meedia t��p\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:653
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:647
- #, c-format
- msgid "hw address type `%s' has no handler to set address. failed.\n"
- msgstr ""
- "riistvara aadressi t��bil `%s' pole k�sitlejat aadressi seadmiseks - eba�nn\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:662
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:656
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: invalid %s address.\n"
- msgstr "%s: vigane %s aadress\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:706 ../ifconfig.c:796 ../ifconfig.c:882
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:700 ../ifconfig.c:790 ../ifconfig.c:876
- msgid "No support for INET6 on this system.\n"
- msgstr "Antud s�steem ei toeta INET6 aadressiperekonda\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:749 ../ifconfig.c:840
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:743 ../ifconfig.c:834
- #, c-format
- msgid "Interface %s not initialized\n"
- msgstr "Liides %s pole initsialiseeritud\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:761 ../ifconfig.c:851
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:755 ../ifconfig.c:845
- msgid "Bad address.\n"
- msgstr "Vigane aadress\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:854
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:848
- msgid "Address deletion not supported on this system.\n"
- msgstr "Antud s�steem ei toeta aadresside kustutamist\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:947
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:920
-+msgid "ifconfig: Cannot set address for this protocol family.\n"
-+msgstr "Ei oska seada aadresse selle aadressiperekonna jaoks\n"
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:946
- msgid "No support for ECONET on this system.\n"
- msgstr "Antud s�steem ei toeta ECONET aadressiperekonda\n"
--#: ../ifconfig.c:955
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:954
- #, c-format
- msgid "Don't know how to set addresses for family %d.\n"
- msgstr "Ei oska seada aadresse aadressiperekonna %d jaoks\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:429
-+#: ../netstat.c:430
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "(No info could be read for \"-p\": geteuid()=%d but you should be root.)\n"
- msgstr ""
- "(\"-p\" jaoks ei saanud infot lugeda: geteuid()=%d, aga vaja oleks root'u)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:433
-+#: ../netstat.c:434
- msgid ""
- "(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info\n"
- " will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)\n"
-@@ -592,27 +604,27 @@ msgstr ""
- "(M�nesid protsesse ei saanud identifitseerida, teiste kasutajate\n"
- "info lugemiseks peab olema root)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:440 ../netstat.c:1171 ../netstat.c:1248
-+#: ../netstat.c:441 ../netstat.c:1176 ../netstat.c:1253
- msgid "LISTENING"
- msgstr "LISTENING"
--#: ../netstat.c:441
-+#: ../netstat.c:442
- msgid "CONN SENT"
- msgstr "CONN SENT"
--#: ../netstat.c:442 ../netstat.c:1250
-+#: ../netstat.c:443 ../netstat.c:1255
- msgid "DISC SENT"
- msgstr "DISC SENT"
--#: ../netstat.c:443 ../netstat.c:510 ../netstat.c:889 ../netstat.c:1251
-+#: ../netstat.c:444 ../netstat.c:511 ../netstat.c:894 ../netstat.c:1256
- msgstr "ESTABLISHED"
--#: ../netstat.c:465
-+#: ../netstat.c:466
- msgid "Active NET/ROM sockets\n"
- msgstr "Aktiivsed NET/ROM soklid\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:466
-+#: ../netstat.c:467
- msgid ""
- "User Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q "
- "Recv-Q\n"
-@@ -620,182 +632,182 @@ msgstr ""
- "Kasutaja Sihtpunkt L�htepunkt Liides Olek Vr/Vs SaatJrk "
- "VvJrk\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:476 ../netstat.c:1290
-+#: ../netstat.c:477 ../netstat.c:1295
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem reading data from %s\n"
- msgstr "Probleem andmete lugemisel failist %s\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:511
-+#: ../netstat.c:512
- msgid "SYN_SENT"
- msgstr "SYN_SENT"
--#: ../netstat.c:512
-+#: ../netstat.c:513
- msgid "SYN_RECV"
- msgstr "SYN_RECV"
--#: ../netstat.c:513
-+#: ../netstat.c:514
- msgid "FIN_WAIT1"
- msgstr "FIN_WAIT1"
--#: ../netstat.c:514
-+#: ../netstat.c:515
- msgid "FIN_WAIT2"
- msgstr "FIN_WAIT2"
--#: ../netstat.c:515
-+#: ../netstat.c:516
- msgid "TIME_WAIT"
- msgstr "TIME_WAIT"
--#: ../netstat.c:516
-+#: ../netstat.c:517
- msgid "CLOSE"
- msgstr "CLOSE"
--#: ../netstat.c:517
-+#: ../netstat.c:518
- msgid "CLOSE_WAIT"
- msgstr "CLOSE_WAIT"
--#: ../netstat.c:518
-+#: ../netstat.c:519
- msgid "LAST_ACK"
- msgstr "LAST_ACK"
--#: ../netstat.c:519
-+#: ../netstat.c:520
- msgid "LISTEN"
- msgstr "LISTEN"
--#: ../netstat.c:520
-+#: ../netstat.c:521
- msgid "CLOSING"
- msgstr "CLOSING"
--#: ../netstat.c:587
-+#: ../netstat.c:592
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus igmp6 line %d.\n"
- msgstr "Hoiatus - sain imeliku igmp6 rea (nr. %d)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:592 ../netstat.c:630 ../netstat.c:751 ../netstat.c:883
--#: ../netstat.c:1014 ../netstat.c:1019
-+#: ../netstat.c:597 ../netstat.c:635 ../netstat.c:756 ../netstat.c:888
-+#: ../netstat.c:1019 ../netstat.c:1024
- #, c-format
- msgid "netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"
- msgstr "netstat: aadressiperekonda %d ei toetata\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:605 ../netstat.c:610 ../netstat.c:618 ../netstat.c:625
-+#: ../netstat.c:610 ../netstat.c:615 ../netstat.c:623 ../netstat.c:630
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus igmp line %d.\n"
- msgstr "Hoiatus - sain imeliku igmp rea (nr. %d)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:668
-+#: ../netstat.c:673
- msgid "Active X.25 sockets\n"
- msgstr "Aktiivsed X.25 soklid\n"
- #. IMHO, Vr/Vs is not very usefull --SF
--#: ../netstat.c:670
-+#: ../netstat.c:675
- msgid ""
- "Dest Source Device LCI State Vr/Vs Send-Q "
- "Recv-Q\n"
- msgstr ""
- "Sihtpunkt L�htepunkt Liides LCI Olek Vr/Vs SaatJrk VvJrk\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:747
-+#: ../netstat.c:752
- msgid "warning, got bogus tcp line.\n"
- msgstr "Hoiatus - sain imeliku tcp rea\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:788 ../netstat.c:938 ../netstat.c:1057
-+#: ../netstat.c:793 ../netstat.c:943 ../netstat.c:1062
- #, c-format
- msgid "off (0.00/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "eik�i ((0.00/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:792
-+#: ../netstat.c:797
- #, c-format
- msgid "on (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "k�ib (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:797
-+#: ../netstat.c:802
- #, c-format
- msgid "keepalive (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "keepalive (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:802
-+#: ../netstat.c:807
- #, c-format
- msgid "timewait (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "timewait (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:807 ../netstat.c:947 ../netstat.c:1067
-+#: ../netstat.c:812 ../netstat.c:952 ../netstat.c:1072
- #, c-format
- msgid "unkn-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "eitea-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:879
-+#: ../netstat.c:884
- msgid "warning, got bogus udp line.\n"
- msgstr "Hoiatus - sain imeliku udp rea\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:897 ../netstat.c:1157 ../netstat.c:1190
-+#: ../netstat.c:902 ../netstat.c:1162 ../netstat.c:1195
- msgid "UNKNOWN"
- msgstr "TUNDMATU"
--#: ../netstat.c:943 ../netstat.c:1062
-+#: ../netstat.c:948 ../netstat.c:1067
- #, c-format
- msgid "on%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr "k�ib-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1028
-+#: ../netstat.c:1033
- msgid "warning, got bogus raw line.\n"
- msgstr "Hoiatus - sain imeliku raw rea\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1110
-+#: ../netstat.c:1115
- msgid "warning, got bogus unix line.\n"
- msgstr "Hoiatus - sain imeliku unix rea\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1137
-+#: ../netstat.c:1142
- msgid "STREAM"
- msgstr "STREAM"
--#: ../netstat.c:1141
-+#: ../netstat.c:1146
- msgid "DGRAM"
- msgstr "DGRAM"
--#: ../netstat.c:1145
-+#: ../netstat.c:1150
- msgid "RAW"
- msgstr "RAW"
--#: ../netstat.c:1149
-+#: ../netstat.c:1154
- msgid "RDM"
- msgstr "RDM"
--#: ../netstat.c:1153
-+#: ../netstat.c:1158
- msgid "SEQPACKET"
- msgstr "SEQPACKET"
--#: ../netstat.c:1162
-+#: ../netstat.c:1167
- msgid "FREE"
- msgstr "VABA"
--#: ../netstat.c:1178
-+#: ../netstat.c:1183
- msgid "CONNECTING"
- msgstr "�HENDUMAS"
--#: ../netstat.c:1182
-+#: ../netstat.c:1187
- msgid "CONNECTED"
- msgstr "�HENDATUD"
--#: ../netstat.c:1186
-+#: ../netstat.c:1191
--#: ../netstat.c:1217
-+#: ../netstat.c:1222
- msgid "Active UNIX domain sockets "
- msgstr "Aktiivsed UNIX domeeni soklid "
--#: ../netstat.c:1219 ../netstat.c:1729
-+#: ../netstat.c:1224 ../netstat.c:1735
- msgid "(servers and established)"
- msgstr "(serverid ja �hendatud)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1222 ../netstat.c:1732
-+#: ../netstat.c:1227 ../netstat.c:1738
- msgid "(only servers)"
- msgstr "(ainult serverid)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1224 ../netstat.c:1734
-+#: ../netstat.c:1229 ../netstat.c:1740
- msgid "(w/o servers)"
- msgstr "(ilma serveriteta)"
--#: ../netstat.c:1227
-+#: ../netstat.c:1232
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node"
-@@ -803,32 +815,32 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- "Proto Mitu Lipud T��p Olek I-kirje "
--#: ../netstat.c:1229
-+#: ../netstat.c:1234
- msgid " Path\n"
- msgstr "Tee\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1249
-+#: ../netstat.c:1254
- msgid "SABM SENT"
- msgstr "SABM SENT"
--#: ../netstat.c:1252
-+#: ../netstat.c:1257
- msgid "RECOVERY"
- msgstr "RECOVERY"
--#: ../netstat.c:1266
-+#: ../netstat.c:1271
- msgid "Active AX.25 sockets\n"
- msgstr "Aktiivsed AX.25 soklid\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1267
-+#: ../netstat.c:1272
- msgid "Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-Q\n"
- msgstr "Sihtpunkt L�htepunkt Liides Olek Vr/Vs SaatJrk VvJrk\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1310
-+#: ../netstat.c:1315
- #, c-format
- msgid "problem reading data from %s\n"
- msgstr "Probleem andmete lugemisel failist %s\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1361
-+#: ../netstat.c:1366
- msgid ""
- "Active IPX sockets\n"
- "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address "
-@@ -838,23 +850,23 @@ msgstr ""
- "Proto VvJrk SaatJrk Kohalik aadress V�line aadress "
- "Olek "
--#: ../netstat.c:1363
-+#: ../netstat.c:1368
- msgid " User"
- msgstr " Kasutaja"
--#: ../netstat.c:1397
-+#: ../netstat.c:1402
- msgid "ESTAB"
- msgstr "ESTAB"
--#: ../netstat.c:1405
-+#: ../netstat.c:1410
- msgid "UNK."
- msgstr "UNK."
--#: ../netstat.c:1443
-+#: ../netstat.c:1448
- msgid "Kernel Interface table\n"
- msgstr "Tuuma liideste tabel\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1447
-+#: ../netstat.c:1452
- msgid ""
- "Flg\n"
-@@ -862,11 +874,11 @@ msgstr ""
- "Lip\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1451
-+#: ../netstat.c:1456
- msgid "missing interface information"
- msgstr "Puudulik informatsioon liideste kohta"
--#: ../netstat.c:1474
-+#: ../netstat.c:1479
- msgid ""
- "usage: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat "
- "{-V|--version|-h|--help}\n"
-@@ -874,11 +886,11 @@ msgstr ""
- "Kasutamine: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r\n"
- " netstat {-V|--version|-h|--help}\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1475
-+#: ../netstat.c:1480
- msgid " netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]\n"
- msgstr " netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Sokkel> ...]\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1476
-+#: ../netstat.c:1481
- msgid ""
- " netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -886,25 +898,25 @@ msgstr ""
- " netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1478
-+#: ../netstat.c:1483
- msgid " -r, --route display routing table\n"
- msgstr " -r, --route ruutingutabeli n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1479
-+#: ../netstat.c:1484
- msgid " -i, --interfaces display interface table\n"
- msgstr " -i, --interfaces liideste tabeli n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1480
-+#: ../netstat.c:1485
- msgid " -g, --groups display multicast group memberships\n"
- msgstr " -g, --groups multiedastuse gruppide n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1481
-+#: ../netstat.c:1486
- msgid ""
- " -s, --statistics display networking statistics (like SNMP)\n"
- msgstr ""
- " -s, --statistics v�rgu statistika n�itamine (SNMP stiilis)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1483
-+#: ../netstat.c:1488
- msgid ""
- " -M, --masquerade display masqueraded connections\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -912,36 +924,32 @@ msgstr ""
- " -M, --masquerade maskeeritavate �henduste n�itamine\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1486 ../route.c:86
--msgid " -n, --numeric dont resolve names\n"
--msgstr " -n, --numeric mitte lahendada numbreid nimedeks\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1487
--msgid " --numeric-hosts dont resolve host names\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1492
-+msgid " --numeric-hosts don't resolve host names\n"
- msgstr " --numeric-hosts mitte lahendada hostinimesid\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1488
--msgid " --numeric-ports dont resolve port names\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1493
-+msgid " --numeric-ports don't resolve port names\n"
- msgstr " --numeric-ports mitte lahendada pordinimesid\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1489
--msgid " --numeric-users dont resolve user names\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1494
-+msgid " --numeric-users don't resolve user names\n"
- msgstr " --numeric-users mitte lahendada kasutajanimesid\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1490
-+#: ../netstat.c:1495
- msgid " -N, --symbolic resolve hardware names\n"
- msgstr " -N, --symbolic lahendada riistvara aadressid\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1491 ../route.c:87
-+#: ../netstat.c:1496 ../route.c:88
- msgid " -e, --extend display other/more information\n"
- msgstr " -e, --extend muu info/lisainfo n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1492
-+#: ../netstat.c:1497
- msgid " -p, --programs display PID/Program name for sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
- " -p, --programs soklite kohta PID/protsessi nime n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1493
-+#: ../netstat.c:1498
- msgid ""
- " -c, --continuous continuous listing\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -949,22 +957,22 @@ msgstr ""
- " -c, --continuous pidevalt uuenev nimekiri\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1494
-+#: ../netstat.c:1499
- msgid " -l, --listening display listening server sockets\n"
- msgstr " -l, --listening kuulavate serversoklite n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1495
-+#: ../netstat.c:1500
- msgid ""
- " -a, --all, --listening display all sockets (default: connected)\n"
- msgstr ""
- " -a, --all, --listening k�igi soklite n�itamine (vaikimisi "
- "�hendatud)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1496
-+#: ../netstat.c:1501
- msgid " -o, --timers display timers\n"
- msgstr " -o, --timers taimerite n�itamine\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1497 ../route.c:88
-+#: ../netstat.c:1502 ../route.c:89
- msgid ""
- " -F, --fib display Forwarding Information Base "
- "(default)\n"
-@@ -972,7 +980,7 @@ msgstr ""
- " -F, --fib �ldiste ruutingutabelite n�itamine "
- "(vaikimisi)\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1498 ../route.c:89
-+#: ../netstat.c:1503 ../route.c:90
- msgid ""
- " -C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -981,7 +989,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "n�itamine\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1500
-+#: ../netstat.c:1505
- msgid ""
- " <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx "
- "--netrom\n"
-@@ -989,20 +997,19 @@ msgstr ""
- " <Sokkel>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx "
- "--netrom\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1501 ../route.c:91
--#, c-format
--msgid " <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>' Default: %s\n"
--msgstr " <AF>=kasutage '-A <af>' v�i '--<af>' vaikimisi: %s\n"
-+#: ../netstat.c:1506 ../route.c:92
-+msgid " <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"
-+msgstr " <AF>=kasutage '-A <af>' v�i '--<af>'; vaikimisi: %s\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1502 ../route.c:92
-+#: ../netstat.c:1507 ../route.c:93
- msgid " List of possible address families (which support routing):\n"
- msgstr " V�imalike ruutingu toetavate aadressiperekondade nimekiri:\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1726
-+#: ../netstat.c:1732
- msgid "Active Internet connections "
- msgstr "Aktiivsed interneti�hendused "
--#: ../netstat.c:1736
-+#: ../netstat.c:1742
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State "
-@@ -1012,77 +1019,77 @@ msgstr ""
- "Proto VvJrk SaatJrk Kohalik aadress V�line aadress Olek "
- " "
--#: ../netstat.c:1738
-+#: ../netstat.c:1744
- msgid " User Inode "
- msgstr " Kasutaja I-kirje "
--#: ../netstat.c:1741
-+#: ../netstat.c:1747
- msgid " Timer"
- msgstr " Taimer"
--#: ../netstat.c:1771
-+#: ../netstat.c:1777
- msgid "IPv4 Group Memberships\n"
- msgstr "IPv4 grupikuuluvused\n"
--#: ../netstat.c:1772
-+#: ../netstat.c:1778
- msgid "Interface RefCnt Group\n"
- msgstr "Liides Mitu Grupp\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:43
-+#: ../rarp.c:44
- msgid "This kernel does not support RARP.\n"
- msgstr "rarp: tuum ei toeta RARP'i\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:82
-+#: ../rarp.c:83
- #, c-format
- msgid "no RARP entry for %s.\n"
- msgstr "rarp: %s jaoks pole RARP kirjet\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:95
-+#: ../rarp.c:96
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: bad hardware address\n"
- msgstr "rarp: vigane riistvaraline aadress %s\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:127
-+#: ../rarp.c:128
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: cannot open file %s:%s.\n"
- msgstr "rarp: ei saa avada faili %s:%s\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:139
-+#: ../rarp.c:140
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: format error at %s:%u\n"
- msgstr "rarp: vorminguviga failis %s real %u\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:143 ../rarp.c:287
-+#: ../rarp.c:144 ../rarp.c:289
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: %s: unknown host\n"
- msgstr "rarp: tundmatu host %s\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:146
-+#: ../rarp.c:147
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: cannot set entry from %s:%u\n"
- msgstr "rarp: ei saa kehtestada kirjet failist %s realt %u\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:175
-+#: ../rarp.c:176
- msgid "Usage: rarp -a list entries in cache.\n"
- msgstr ""
- "Kasutamine:\n"
- " rarp -a puhvris olevate kirjete vaatamine\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:176
-+#: ../rarp.c:177
- msgid " rarp -d <hostname> delete entry from cache.\n"
- msgstr " rarp -d <hosti nimi> kirje kustutamine puhvrist\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:177
-+#: ../rarp.c:178
- msgid " rarp [<HW>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> add entry to cache.\n"
- msgstr " rarp [<HW>] -s <hosti nimi> <hwaddr> kirje lisamine puhvrisse\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:178
-+#: ../rarp.c:179
- msgid ""
- " rarp -f add entries from /etc/ethers.\n"
- msgstr ""
- " rarp -f kirjete lisamine failist /etc/ethers\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:179
-+#: ../rarp.c:180
- msgid ""
- " rarp -V display program version.\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -1090,24 +1097,24 @@ msgstr ""
- " rarp -V programmi versiooni n�itamine\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:236
-+#: ../rarp.c:238
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: illegal option mix.\n"
- msgstr "%s: lubamatu v�tmete kombinatsioon\n"
--#: ../rarp.c:267
-+#: ../rarp.c:269
- #, c-format
- msgid "rarp: %s: unknown hardware type.\n"
- msgstr "rarp: tundmatu riistvara t��p %s\n"
--#: ../route.c:79
-+#: ../route.c:80
- msgid ""
- "Usage: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>] List kernel routing tables\n"
- msgstr ""
- "Kasutamine:\n"
- " route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>] Tuuma ruutingutabeli n�itamine\n"
--#: ../route.c:80
-+#: ../route.c:81
- msgid ""
- " route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ... Modify routing table for AF.\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -1115,7 +1122,7 @@ msgstr ""
- " route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ... Tuuma ruutingutabeli muutmine\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../route.c:82
-+#: ../route.c:83
- msgid ""
- " route {-h|--help} [<AF>] Detailed usage syntax for "
- "specified AF.\n"
-@@ -1123,7 +1130,7 @@ msgstr ""
- " route {-h|--help} [<AF>] Detailne s�ntaks perekonna AF "
- "jaoks\n"
--#: ../route.c:83
-+#: ../route.c:84
- msgid ""
- " route {-V|--version} Display version/author and "
- "exit.\n"
-@@ -1149,25 +1156,25 @@ msgstr " plipconfig -V | --version\n"
- msgid "%s\tnibble %lu trigger %lu\n"
- msgstr "%s\tnibble %lu trigger %lu\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:84
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:85
- msgid "Usage: iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [ NAME ]\n"
- msgstr "Kasutamine: iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [ NIMI ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:85
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:86
- msgid ""
- " [ mode { ipip | gre | sit } ] [ remote ADDR ] [ local ADDR ]\n"
- msgstr ""
- " [ mode { ipip | gre | sit } ] [ remote AADR ] [ local AADR ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:86
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:87
- msgid " [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KEY ] [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
- msgstr " [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KEY ] [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:87
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:88
- msgid " [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ dev PHYS_DEV ]\n"
- msgstr " [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ dev LIIDES ]\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:88
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:89
- msgid ""
- " iptunnel -V | --version\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -1175,83 +1182,83 @@ msgstr ""
- " iptunnel -V | --version\n"
- "\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:89
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:90
- msgid "Where: NAME := STRING\n"
- msgstr "Kus: NIMI := STRING\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:90
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:91
- msgid " ADDR := { IP_ADDRESS | any }\n"
- msgstr " AADR := { IP_AADRESS | any }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:91
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:92
- msgid " TOS := { NUMBER | inherit }\n"
- msgstr " TOS := { ARV | inherit }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:92
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:93
- msgid " TTL := { 1..255 | inherit }\n"
- msgstr " TTL := { 1..255 | inherit }\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:93
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:94
- msgid " KEY := { DOTTED_QUAD | NUMBER }\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../iptunnel.c:331
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:332
- msgid "Keys are not allowed with ipip and sit.\n"
- msgstr "ipip ja sit juures ei ole v�tmed lubatud\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:351
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:352
- msgid "Broadcast tunnel requires a source address.\n"
- msgstr "Leviedastusega tunnel vajab l�hteaadressi\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:366
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:367
- msgid "ttl != 0 and noptmudisc are incompatible\n"
- msgstr "ttl != 0 ning noptmudisc ei sobi kokku\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:378
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:379
- msgid "cannot determine tunnel mode (ipip, gre or sit)\n"
- msgstr "Ei suuda m��rata tunneli moodi (ipip, gre v�i sit)\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:416
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:417
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: %s/ip remote %s local %s "
- msgstr "%s: %s/ip teises otsas %s siin %s "
--#: ../iptunnel.c:420
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:421
- msgid "unknown"
- msgstr "tundmatu"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:452
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:453
- msgid " Drop packets out of sequence.\n"
- msgstr " J�rjekorrav�lised paketid visatakse minema\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:454
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:455
- msgid " Checksum in received packet is required.\n"
- msgstr " Vastuv�etavates pakettides on kontrollsumma kohustuslik\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:456
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:457
- msgid " Sequence packets on output.\n"
- msgstr " V�ljuvad paketid varustatakse j�rjekorranumbritega\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:458
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:459
- msgid " Checksum output packets.\n"
- msgstr " V�ljuvad paketid varustatakse kontrollsummaga\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:486
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:487
- msgid "Wrong format of /proc/net/dev. Sorry.\n"
- msgstr "/proc/net/dev on vales formaadis. Vale tuuma versioon?\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:499
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:500
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get type of [%s]\n"
- msgstr "Ei suutnud kindlaks teha liidese %s t��pi\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:515
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:516
- msgid "RX: Packets Bytes Errors CsumErrs OutOfSeq Mcasts\n"
- msgstr "RX: Pakette Baite Vigu KSumVigu JrkVigu Levipakette\n"
--#: ../iptunnel.c:518
-+#: ../iptunnel.c:519
- msgid "TX: Packets Bytes Errors DeadLoop NoRoute NoBufs\n"
- msgstr "TX: Pakette Baite Vigu DeadLoop EiRuudi M�luOtsas\n"
-@@ -1972,15 +1979,15 @@ msgstr "rresolve: toetuseta aadressiperekond %d\n"
- msgid "[UNKNOWN]"
- msgstr "[TUNDMATU]"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:79
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:71
- msgid "INET6 (IPv6) not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr "INET6 (IPv6) pole antud s�steemis konfigureeritud\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:82
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:74
- msgid "Kernel IPv6 routing table\n"
- msgstr "Tuuma IPv6 ruutingutabel\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:84
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:76
- msgid ""
- "Destination Next Hop "
- " Flags Metric Ref Use Iface\n"
-@@ -1988,11 +1995,11 @@ msgstr ""
- "Sihtpunkt J�rgmine samm "
- " Lipud Meetr Mitu Kasut Liides\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:158
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:150
- msgid "Kernel IPv6 Neighbour Cache\n"
- msgstr "Tuuma IPv6 naabrite puhver\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:161
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:153
- msgid ""
- "Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags "
- "Ref State\n"
-@@ -2000,7 +2007,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Naaber HW Aadress Liides Lipud "
- "Mitu Olek\n"
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:165
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:157
- msgid ""
- "Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags "
- "Ref State Stale(sec) Delete(sec)\n"
-@@ -2538,29 +2545,29 @@ msgstr "iptunnel: %s on vigane IPv4 aadress\n"
- msgid "ip: argument is wrong: %s\n"
- msgstr "iptunnel: vale argument %s\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:58
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:61
- msgid "Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING\n"
- msgstr "Kasutamine: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIAADR dev STRING\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:59
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:62
- msgid " ipmaddr show [ dev STRING ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"
- msgstr " ipmaddr show [ dev STRING ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:60
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:63
- msgid " ipmaddr -V | -version\n"
- msgstr " ipmaddr -V | -version\n"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:260
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:263
- #, c-format
- msgid "family %d "
- msgstr "perekond %d "
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:269
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:272
- #, c-format
- msgid " users %d"
- msgstr " kasutajaid %d"
--#: ../ipmaddr.c:355
-+#: ../ipmaddr.c:358
- msgid "Cannot create socket"
- msgstr "Ei saa avada soklit"
-diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
-index e8e7542..e4e8245 100644
---- a/po/fr.po
-+++ b/po/fr.po
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Last-Translator: J.M.Vansteene <>\n"
- "Language-Team:\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso8859-1\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- #: ../arp.c:110 ../arp.c:269
-@@ -59,8 +59,12 @@ msgid "arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr "arp: ne peut d�finir l'entr�e en ligne %u du fichier ether %s !\n"
- #: ../arp.c:437
--msgid "Address\t\t\tHWtype\tHWaddress\t Flags Mask\t\t Iface\n"
--msgstr "Adresse\t\t\tTypeMap\tAdresseMat\t Indicateurs\t\t Iface\n"
-+msgid ""
-+"Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Adresse TypeMap AdresseMat Indicateurs "
- #: ../arp.c:467
- msgid "(incomplete)"
-diff --git a/po/net-tools.pot b/po/net-tools.pot
-index 0231aac..cdeccc9 100644
---- a/po/net-tools.pot
-+++ b/po/net-tools.pot
-@@ -1,263 +1,285 @@
--# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
- #
- #, fuzzy
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-04-15 15:40+0100\n"
-+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-05-16 05:18+0200\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
- "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
- "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
--"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\n"
-+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
--#: ../arp.c:111 ../arp.c:270
-+#: ../arp.c:111 ../arp.c:276
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: need host name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:208 ../arp.c:222
-+#: ../arp.c:213 ../arp.c:228
- #, c-format
- msgid "No ARP entry for %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:240
-+#: ../arp.c:246
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cant get HW-Address for `%s': %s.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:244
-+#: ../arp.c:250
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: protocol type mismatch.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:253
-+#: ../arp.c:259
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: device `%s' has HW address %s `%s'.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:283
-+#: ../arp.c:289
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: need hardware address\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:291
-+#: ../arp.c:297
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: invalid hardware address\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:388
-+#: ../arp.c:394
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cannot open etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:404
-+#: ../arp.c:410
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: format error on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:417
-+#: ../arp.c:423
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:438
-+#: ../arp.c:444
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:468
-+#: ../arp.c:472
-+msgid "<from_interface>"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../arp.c:474
- msgid "(incomplete)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:485
-+#: ../arp.c:491
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s (%s) at "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:491
-+#: ../arp.c:497
-+#, c-format
- msgid "<incomplete> "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:497
-+#: ../arp.c:503
- #, c-format
- msgid "netmask %s "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:514
-+#: ../arp.c:520
- #, c-format
- msgid "on %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:593
-+#: ../arp.c:599
- #, c-format
- msgid "Entries: %d\tSkipped: %d\tFound: %d\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:597
-+#: ../arp.c:603
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s (%s) -- no entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:599
-+#: ../arp.c:605
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: in %d entries no match found.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:614
-+#: ../arp.c:620
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage:\n"
- " arp [-vn] [<HW>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<hostname>] <-Display ARP "
- "cache\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:615
-+#: ../arp.c:621
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [-i <if>] -d <hostname> [pub][nopub] <-Delete ARP "
- "entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:616
-+#: ../arp.c:622
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from "
-+" arp [-vnD] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -f [<filename>] <-Add entry from "
- "file\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:617
-+#: ../arp.c:623
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [temp][nopub] <-Add "
- "entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:618
--msgid ""
--" arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub "
--msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:619
-+#: ../arp.c:624
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " arp [-v] [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <hostname> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub "
- "<-''-\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:621
-+#: ../arp.c:626
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -a display (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) "
- "style\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:622
-+#: ../arp.c:627
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -s, --set set a new ARP entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:623
-+#: ../arp.c:628
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -d, --delete delete a specified entry\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:624 ../netstat.c:1490 ../route.c:86
-+#: ../arp.c:629 ../netstat.c:1503 ../route.c:86
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -v, --verbose be verbose\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:625 ../netstat.c:1491 ../route.c:87
-+#: ../arp.c:630 ../netstat.c:1504 ../route.c:87
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -n, --numeric don't resolve names\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:626
-+#: ../arp.c:631
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -i, --device specify network interface (e.g. eth0)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:627
-+#: ../arp.c:632
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -D, --use-device read <hwaddr> from given device\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:628
-+#: ../arp.c:633
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -A, -p, --protocol specify protocol family\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:629
-+#: ../arp.c:634
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" -f, --file read new entries from file or from "
-+" -f, --file read new entries from file or from /etc/"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:631 ../rarp.c:182
-+#: ../arp.c:636 ../rarp.c:182
- #, c-format
- msgid " <HW>=Use '-H <hw>' to specify hardware address type. Default: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:632 ../rarp.c:183
-+#: ../arp.c:637 ../rarp.c:183
-+#, c-format
- msgid " List of possible hardware types (which support ARP):\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:666 ../arp.c:751
-+#: ../arp.c:671 ../arp.c:756
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: hardware type not supported!\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:670
-+#: ../arp.c:675
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: address family not supported!\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:705
-+#: ../arp.c:710
-+#, c-format
- msgid "arp: -N not yet supported.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:715
-+#: ../arp.c:720
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: unknown address family.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:724
-+#: ../arp.c:729
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: unknown hardware type.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:743
-+#: ../arp.c:748
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: kernel only supports 'inet'.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../arp.c:756
-+#: ../arp.c:761
- #, c-format
- msgid "arp: %s: hardware type without ARP support.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:70
-+#: ../hostname.c:71
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting nodename to `%s'\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:75
-+#: ../hostname.c:76
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the node name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:78 ../hostname.c:98 ../hostname.c:117
-+#: ../hostname.c:79 ../hostname.c:100 ../hostname.c:118
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: name too long\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:90
-+#: ../hostname.c:92
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting hostname to `%s'\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:95
-+#: ../hostname.c:97
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the host name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:109
-+#: ../hostname.c:110
- #, c-format
- msgid "Setting domainname to `%s'\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:114
-+#: ../hostname.c:115
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: you must be root to change the domain name\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -282,83 +304,99 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "Result: h_addr_list=`%s'\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:210
-+#: ../hostname.c:209
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: can't open `%s'\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:224
-+#: ../hostname.c:223
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: hostname [-v] {hostname|-F file} set hostname (from file)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:225
-+#: ../hostname.c:224
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " domainname [-v] {nisdomain|-F file} set NIS domainname (from file)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:227
-+#: ../hostname.c:226
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " nodename [-v] {nodename|-F file} set DECnet node name (from "
- "file)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:229
-+#: ../hostname.c:228
-+#, c-format
- msgid " hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] display formatted name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:230
-+#: ../hostname.c:229
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " hostname [-v] display hostname\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:231
-+#: ../hostname.c:230
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " hostname -V|--version|-h|--help print info and exit\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:232
-+#: ../hostname.c:231
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:233
-+#: ../hostname.c:232
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -s, --short short host name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:234
-+#: ../hostname.c:233
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -a, --alias alias names\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:235
-+#: ../hostname.c:234
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -i, --ip-address addresses for the hostname\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:236
-+#: ../hostname.c:235
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -f, --fqdn, --long long host name (FQDN)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:237
-+#: ../hostname.c:236
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -d, --domain DNS domain name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:238
-+#: ../hostname.c:237
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -y, --yp, --nis NIS/YP domainname\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:240
-+#: ../hostname.c:239
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -n, --node DECnet node name\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:242
-+#: ../hostname.c:241
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -F, --file read hostname or NIS domainname from given file\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../hostname.c:244
-+#: ../hostname.c:243
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " This command can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname. You can\n"
- " also read the DNS domain or the FQDN (fully qualified domain name).\n"
-@@ -373,12 +411,14 @@ msgid "%s: You can't change the DNS domain name with this command\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../hostname.c:341
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the DNS\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../hostname.c:342
-+#, c-format
- msgid "domain name (which is part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -397,557 +437,697 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "getnodename()=`%s'\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:108
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:107 ../netstat.c:1465
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Flg\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:130 ../ifconfig.c:162
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:129 ../ifconfig.c:161
- #, c-format
--msgid "%s: unknown interface: %s\n"
-+msgid "%s: ERROR while getting interface flags: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:154 ../ifconfig.c:734 ../ifconfig.c:825 ../ifconfig.c:936
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:153 ../ifconfig.c:185 ../ifconfig.c:791 ../ifconfig.c:884
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:997
-+#, c-format
- msgid "No support for INET on this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:177
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:193
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%s: ERROR while testing interface flags: %s\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:202
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage:\n"
--" ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"
-+" ifconfig [-a] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:179
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:204
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:180
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:205
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:181
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:206
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [[-]broadcast [<address>]] [[-]pointopoint [<address>]]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:182
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:207
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [netmask <address>] [dstaddr <address>] [tunnel <address>]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:185
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:210
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:187
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:212
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [hw <HW> <address>] [metric <NN>] [mtu <NN>]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:188
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:213
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:189
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:214
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [multicast] [[-]promisc]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:190
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:215
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [mem_start <NN>] [io_addr <NN>] [irq <NN>] [media <type>]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:192
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:217
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [txqueuelen <NN>]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:195
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:220
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [[-]dynamic]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:197
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:222
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " [up|down] ...\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:199
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:224
-+#, c-format
- msgid " <HW>=Hardware Type.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:200
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:225
-+#, c-format
- msgid " List of possible hardware types:\n"
- msgstr ""
- #. 1 = ARPable
--#: ../ifconfig.c:202
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:227
- #, c-format
- msgid " <AF>=Address family. Default: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:203
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:228
-+#, c-format
- msgid " List of possible address families:\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:278
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:304
- #, c-format
- msgid "ifconfig: option `%s' not recognised.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:280 ../ifconfig.c:925
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:306 ../ifconfig.c:987
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:355
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:381
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Unknown media type.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:647
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:418
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Warning: Interface %s still in promisc mode... maybe other application is "
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:430
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in MULTICAST mode.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:442
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in ALLMULTI mode.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:466
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in DYNAMIC mode.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:524
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in BROADCAST mode.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:535
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for broadcast\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:560
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for dstaddr\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:583
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for netmask\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:662
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Warning: Interface %s still in POINTOPOINT mode.\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:673
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for pointopoint\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:697
- #, c-format
- msgid "hw address type `%s' has no handler to set address. failed.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:656
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:706
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: invalid %s address.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:700 ../ifconfig.c:790 ../ifconfig.c:876
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:746
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: Error resolving '%s' for add\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:757 ../ifconfig.c:847 ../ifconfig.c:935
-+#, c-format
- msgid "No support for INET6 on this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:743 ../ifconfig.c:834
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:800 ../ifconfig.c:893
- #, c-format
- msgid "Interface %s not initialized\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:755 ../ifconfig.c:845
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:812 ../ifconfig.c:904
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Bad address.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:848
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:907
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Address deletion not supported on this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:920
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:979
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ifconfig: Cannot set address for this protocol family.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:946
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:986
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "ifconfig: error resolving '%s' to set address for af=%s\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1007
-+#, c-format
- msgid "No support for ECONET on this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../ifconfig.c:954
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1015
- #, c-format
- msgid "Don't know how to set addresses for family %d.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:430
-+#: ../ifconfig.c:1050
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "WARNING: at least one error occured. (%d)\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../netstat.c:434
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "(No info could be read for \"-p\": geteuid()=%d but you should be root.)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:434
-+#: ../netstat.c:438
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info\n"
- " will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:441 ../netstat.c:1176 ../netstat.c:1253
-+#: ../netstat.c:445 ../netstat.c:1189 ../netstat.c:1266
- msgid "LISTENING"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:442
-+#: ../netstat.c:446
- msgid "CONN SENT"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:443 ../netstat.c:1255
-+#: ../netstat.c:447 ../netstat.c:1268
- msgid "DISC SENT"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:444 ../netstat.c:511 ../netstat.c:894 ../netstat.c:1256
-+#: ../netstat.c:448 ../netstat.c:515 ../netstat.c:904 ../netstat.c:1269
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:466
-+#: ../netstat.c:470
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active NET/ROM sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:467
-+#: ../netstat.c:471
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"User Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q "
-+"User Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:477 ../netstat.c:1295
-+#: ../netstat.c:481 ../netstat.c:1308
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem reading data from %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:512
-+#: ../netstat.c:516
- msgid "SYN_SENT"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:513
-+#: ../netstat.c:517
- msgid "SYN_RECV"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:514
-+#: ../netstat.c:518
- msgid "FIN_WAIT1"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:515
-+#: ../netstat.c:519
- msgid "FIN_WAIT2"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:516
-+#: ../netstat.c:520
- msgid "TIME_WAIT"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:517
-+#: ../netstat.c:521
- msgid "CLOSE"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:518
-+#: ../netstat.c:522
- msgid "CLOSE_WAIT"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:519
-+#: ../netstat.c:523
- msgid "LAST_ACK"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:520
-+#: ../netstat.c:524
- msgid "LISTEN"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:521
-+#: ../netstat.c:525
- msgid "CLOSING"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:592
-+#: ../netstat.c:596
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus igmp6 line %d.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:597 ../netstat.c:635 ../netstat.c:756 ../netstat.c:888
--#: ../netstat.c:1019 ../netstat.c:1024
-+#: ../netstat.c:601 ../netstat.c:639 ../netstat.c:763 ../netstat.c:898
-+#: ../netstat.c:1032 ../netstat.c:1037
- #, c-format
- msgid "netstat: unsupported address family %d !\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:610 ../netstat.c:615 ../netstat.c:623 ../netstat.c:630
-+#: ../netstat.c:614 ../netstat.c:619 ../netstat.c:627 ../netstat.c:634
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus igmp line %d.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:673
-+#: ../netstat.c:677
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active X.25 sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
- #. IMHO, Vr/Vs is not very usefull --SF
--#: ../netstat.c:675
-+#: ../netstat.c:679
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Dest Source Device LCI State Vr/Vs Send-Q "
-+"Dest Source Device LCI State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:752
-+#: ../netstat.c:759
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus tcp line.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:793 ../netstat.c:943 ../netstat.c:1062
-+#: ../netstat.c:800 ../netstat.c:953 ../netstat.c:1075
- #, c-format
- msgid "off (0.00/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:797
-+#: ../netstat.c:804
- #, c-format
- msgid "on (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:802
-+#: ../netstat.c:809
- #, c-format
- msgid "keepalive (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:807
-+#: ../netstat.c:814
- #, c-format
- msgid "timewait (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:812 ../netstat.c:952 ../netstat.c:1072
-+#: ../netstat.c:819 ../netstat.c:962 ../netstat.c:1085
- #, c-format
- msgid "unkn-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:884
-+#: ../netstat.c:894
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus udp line.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:902 ../netstat.c:1162 ../netstat.c:1195
-+#: ../netstat.c:912 ../netstat.c:1175 ../netstat.c:1208
- msgid "UNKNOWN"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:948 ../netstat.c:1067
-+#: ../netstat.c:958 ../netstat.c:1080
- #, c-format
- msgid "on%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1033
-+#: ../netstat.c:1046
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus raw line.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1115
-+#: ../netstat.c:1128
-+#, c-format
- msgid "warning, got bogus unix line.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1142
-+#: ../netstat.c:1155
- msgid "STREAM"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1146
-+#: ../netstat.c:1159
- msgid "DGRAM"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1150
-+#: ../netstat.c:1163
- msgid "RAW"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1154
-+#: ../netstat.c:1167
- msgid "RDM"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1158
-+#: ../netstat.c:1171
- msgid "SEQPACKET"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1167
-+#: ../netstat.c:1180
- msgid "FREE"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1183
-+#: ../netstat.c:1196
- msgid "CONNECTING"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1187
-+#: ../netstat.c:1200
- msgid "CONNECTED"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1191
-+#: ../netstat.c:1204
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1222
-+#: ../netstat.c:1235
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active UNIX domain sockets "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1224 ../netstat.c:1735
-+#: ../netstat.c:1237 ../netstat.c:1756
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(servers and established)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1227 ../netstat.c:1738
-+#: ../netstat.c:1240 ../netstat.c:1759
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(only servers)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1229 ../netstat.c:1740
-+#: ../netstat.c:1242 ../netstat.c:1761
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(w/o servers)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1232
-+#: ../netstat.c:1245
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1234
-+#: ../netstat.c:1247
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Path\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1254
-+#: ../netstat.c:1267
- msgid "SABM SENT"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1257
-+#: ../netstat.c:1270
- msgid "RECOVERY"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1271
-+#: ../netstat.c:1284
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active AX.25 sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1272
-+#: ../netstat.c:1285
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Dest Source Device State Vr/Vs Send-Q Recv-Q\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1315
-+#: ../netstat.c:1328
- #, c-format
- msgid "problem reading data from %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1366
-+#: ../netstat.c:1379
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Active IPX sockets\n"
- "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address "
- "State"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1368
-+#: ../netstat.c:1381
-+#, c-format
- msgid " User"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1402
-+#: ../netstat.c:1415
- msgid "ESTAB"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1410
-+#: ../netstat.c:1423
- msgid "UNK."
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1448
-+#: ../netstat.c:1461
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel Interface table\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1452
--msgid ""
--msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1456
-+#: ../netstat.c:1469
- msgid "missing interface information"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1479
-+#: ../netstat.c:1492
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"usage: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat "
-+"usage: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r netstat {-V|--version|-h|--"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1480
-+#: ../netstat.c:1493
-+#, c-format
- msgid " netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1481
-+#: ../netstat.c:1494
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1483
-+#: ../netstat.c:1496
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -r, --route display routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1484
-+#: ../netstat.c:1497
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -i, --interfaces display interface table\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1485
-+#: ../netstat.c:1498
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -g, --groups display multicast group memberships\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1486
-+#: ../netstat.c:1499
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -s, --statistics display networking statistics (like SNMP)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1488
-+#: ../netstat.c:1501
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -M, --masquerade display masqueraded connections\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1492
-+#: ../netstat.c:1505
-+#, c-format
- msgid " --numeric-hosts don't resolve host names\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1493
-+#: ../netstat.c:1506
-+#, c-format
- msgid " --numeric-ports don't resolve port names\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1494
-+#: ../netstat.c:1507
-+#, c-format
- msgid " --numeric-users don't resolve user names\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1495
-+#: ../netstat.c:1508
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -N, --symbolic resolve hardware names\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1496 ../route.c:88
-+#: ../netstat.c:1509 ../route.c:88
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -e, --extend display other/more information\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1497
-+#: ../netstat.c:1510
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -p, --programs display PID/Program name for sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1498
-+#: ../netstat.c:1511
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -c, --continuous continuous listing\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1499
-+#: ../netstat.c:1512
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -l, --listening display listening server sockets\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1500
-+#: ../netstat.c:1513
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -a, --all, --listening display all sockets (default: connected)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1501
-+#: ../netstat.c:1514
-+#, c-format
- msgid " -o, --timers display timers\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1502 ../route.c:89
-+#: ../netstat.c:1515 ../route.c:89
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -F, --fib display Forwarding Information Base "
- "(default)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1503 ../route.c:90
-+#: ../netstat.c:1516 ../route.c:90
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " -C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1505
-+#: ../netstat.c:1518
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--" <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx "
-+" <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx --"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1506 ../route.c:92
-+#: ../netstat.c:1519
- #, c-format
--msgid " <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"
-+msgid " <AF>=Use '-6|-4' or '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1507 ../route.c:93
-+#: ../netstat.c:1520 ../route.c:93
-+#, c-format
- msgid " List of possible address families (which support routing):\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1732
-+#: ../netstat.c:1753
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Active Internet connections "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1742
-+#: ../netstat.c:1763
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
--"Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State "
--" "
-+"Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address "
-+"State "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1744
-+#: ../netstat.c:1765
-+#, c-format
- msgid " User Inode "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1747
-+#: ../netstat.c:1768
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Timer"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1777
-+#: ../netstat.c:1798
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IPv4 Group Memberships\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../netstat.c:1778
-+#: ../netstat.c:1799
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Interface RefCnt Group\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -986,23 +1166,28 @@ msgid "rarp: cannot set entry from %s:%u\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../rarp.c:176
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: rarp -a list entries in cache.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../rarp.c:177
-+#, c-format
- msgid " rarp -d <hostname> delete entry from cache.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../rarp.c:178
-+#, c-format
- msgid " rarp [<HW>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr> add entry to cache.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../rarp.c:179
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " rarp -f add entries from /etc/ethers.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../rarp.c:180
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " rarp -V display program version.\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -1019,38 +1204,50 @@ msgid "rarp: %s: unknown hardware type.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../route.c:80
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>] List kernel routing tables\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../route.c:81
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ... Modify routing table for AF.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../route.c:83
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " route {-h|--help} [<AF>] Detailed usage syntax for "
- "specified AF.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../route.c:84
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " route {-V|--version} Display version/author and "
- "exit.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
-+#: ../route.c:92
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"
-+msgstr ""
- #: ../plipconfig.c:66
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] interface\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../plipconfig.c:67
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [nibble NN] [trigger NN]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../plipconfig.c:68
-+#, c-format
- msgid " plipconfig -V | --version\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1060,61 +1257,75 @@ msgid "%s\tnibble %lu trigger %lu\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:85
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [ NAME ]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:86
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " [ mode { ipip | gre | sit } ] [ remote ADDR ] [ local ADDR ]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:87
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KEY ] [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:88
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ dev PHYS_DEV ]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:89
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " iptunnel -V | --version\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:90
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Where: NAME := STRING\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:91
-+#, c-format
- msgid " ADDR := { IP_ADDRESS | any }\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:92
-+#, c-format
- msgid " TOS := { NUMBER | inherit }\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:93
-+#, c-format
- msgid " TTL := { 1..255 | inherit }\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:94
-+#, c-format
- msgid " KEY := { DOTTED_QUAD | NUMBER }\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:332
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Keys are not allowed with ipip and sit.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:352
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Broadcast tunnel requires a source address.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:367
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ttl != 0 and noptmudisc are incompatible\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:379
-+#, c-format
- msgid "cannot determine tunnel mode (ipip, gre or sit)\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1128,22 +1339,27 @@ msgid "unknown"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:453
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Drop packets out of sequence.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:455
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Checksum in received packet is required.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:457
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Sequence packets on output.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:459
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Checksum output packets.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:487
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Wrong format of /proc/net/dev. Sorry.\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1153,10 +1369,12 @@ msgid "Failed to get type of [%s]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:516
-+#, c-format
- msgid "RX: Packets Bytes Errors CsumErrs OutOfSeq Mcasts\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../iptunnel.c:519
-+#, c-format
- msgid "TX: Packets Bytes Errors DeadLoop NoRoute NoBufs\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1323,287 +1541,487 @@ msgstr ""
- #: ../statistics.c:99
- #, c-format
--msgid "address mask request: %u"
-+msgid "address mask request: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:100 ../statistics.c:113
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "address mask replies: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:101
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP messages sent"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:102
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP messages failed"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:104
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "time exceeded: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. ?
-+#: ../statistics.c:106
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "source quench: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:107
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "redirect: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:108
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "echo request: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:110
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timestamp requests: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:111
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "timestamp replies: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:112
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "address mask requests: %u"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:118
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "RTO algorithm is %s"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:122
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u active connections openings"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:123
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u passive connection openings"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:124
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u failed connection attempts"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:125
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u connection resets received"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:126
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u connections established"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:127
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u segments received"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:128
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u segments send out"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:129
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u segments retransmited"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:130
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u bad segments received."
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:131
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u resets sent"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:136
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets received"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:137
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets to unknown port received."
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:138
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packet receive errors"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:139
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets sent"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:144
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u SYN cookies sent"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:145
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u SYN cookies received"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:146
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u invalid SYN cookies received"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:148
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:150
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. obsolete: 2.2.0 doesn't do that anymore
-+#: ../statistics.c:153
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets pruned from receive queue"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:154
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"%u packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of socket buffer overrun"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:156
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-window"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:158
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u ICMP packets dropped because socket was locked"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:160
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:161
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:162
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:163
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u passive connections rejected because of time stamp"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:165
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u active connections rejected because of time stamp"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../statistics.c:167
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%u packets rejects in established connections because of timestamp"
- msgstr ""
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:100 ../statistics.c:113
-+#: ../statistics.c:169
- #, c-format
--msgid "address mask replies: %u"
-+msgid "%u delayed acks sent"
- msgstr ""
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:101
-+#: ../statistics.c:170
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u ICMP messages sent"
-+msgid "%u delayed acks further delayed because of locked socket"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:102
-+#: ../statistics.c:172
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u ICMP messages failed"
-+msgid "Quick ack mode was activated %u times"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:104
-+#: ../statistics.c:173
- #, c-format
--msgid "time exceeded: %u"
-+msgid "%u times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"
- msgstr ""
--#. ?
--#: ../statistics.c:106
-+#: ../statistics.c:175
- #, c-format
--msgid "source quench: %u"
-+msgid "%u SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:107
-+#: ../statistics.c:176
- #, c-format
--msgid "redirect: %u"
-+msgid "%u packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:108
-+#: ../statistics.c:178
- #, c-format
--msgid "echo request: %u"
-+msgid "%u bytes directly in process context from backlog"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:110
-+#: ../statistics.c:179
- #, c-format
--msgid "timestamp requests: %u"
-+msgid "%u bytes directly received in process context from prequeue"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:111
-+#: ../statistics.c:181
- #, c-format
--msgid "timestamp replies: %u"
-+msgid "%u packets dropped from prequeue"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:112
-+#: ../statistics.c:182
- #, c-format
--msgid "address mask requests: %u"
-+msgid "%u packet headers predicted"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:118
-+#: ../statistics.c:183
- #, c-format
--msgid "RTO algorithm is %s"
-+msgid "%u packets header predicted and directly queued to user"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:122
-+#: ../statistics.c:185
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u active connections openings"
-+msgid "Ran %u times out of system memory during packet sending"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:123
-+#: ../statistics.c:187
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u passive connection openings"
-+msgid "%u acknowledgments not containing data payload received"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:124
-+#: ../statistics.c:188
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u failed connection attempts"
-+msgid "%u predicted acknowledgments"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:125
-+#: ../statistics.c:189
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u connection resets received"
-+msgid "%u times recovered from packet loss due to fast retransmit"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:126
-+#: ../statistics.c:190
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u connections established"
-+msgid "%u times recovered from packet loss by selective acknowledgements"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:127
-+#: ../statistics.c:191
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u segments received"
-+msgid "%u bad SACK blocks received"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:128
-+#: ../statistics.c:192
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u segments send out"
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using FACK"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:129
-+#: ../statistics.c:193
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u segments retransmited"
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using SACK"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:130
-+#: ../statistics.c:194
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u bad segments received."
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using time stamp"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:131
-+#: ../statistics.c:195
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u resets sent"
-+msgid "Detected reordering %u times using reno fast retransmit"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:136
-+#: ../statistics.c:196
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets received"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows fully recovered without slow start"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:137
-+#: ../statistics.c:197
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets to unknown port received."
-+msgid "%u congestion windows partially recovered using Hoe heuristic"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:138
-+#: ../statistics.c:198
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packet receive errors"
-+msgid "%u congestion window recovered without slow start using DSACK"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:139
-+#: ../statistics.c:199
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets sent"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows recovered without slow start after partial ack"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:144
-+#: ../statistics.c:200
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u SYN cookies sent"
-+msgid "%u retransmits lost"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:145
-+#: ../statistics.c:201
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u SYN cookies received"
-+msgid "%u timeouts after reno fast retransmit"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:146
-+#: ../statistics.c:202
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u invalid SYN cookies received"
-+msgid "%u timeouts after SACK recovery"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:148
-+#: ../statistics.c:203
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"
-+msgid "%u timeouts in loss state"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:150
-+#: ../statistics.c:204
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun"
-+msgid "%u fast retransmits"
- msgstr ""
--#. obsolete: 2.2.0 doesn't do that anymore
--#: ../statistics.c:153
-+#: ../statistics.c:205
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets pruned from receive queue"
-+msgid "%u forward retransmits"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:154
-+#: ../statistics.c:206
- #, c-format
--msgid ""
--"%u packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of socket buffer overrun"
-+msgid "%u retransmits in slow start"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:156
-+#: ../statistics.c:207
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-window"
-+msgid "%u other TCP timeouts"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:158
-+#: ../statistics.c:208
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u ICMP packets dropped because socket was locked"
-+msgid "%u reno fast retransmits failed"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:160
-+#: ../statistics.c:209
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"
-+msgid "%u SACK retransmits failed"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:161
-+#: ../statistics.c:210
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"
-+msgid "%u times receiver scheduled too late for direct processing"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:162
-+#: ../statistics.c:211
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"
-+msgid "%u packets collapsed in receive queue due to low socket buffer"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:163
-+#: ../statistics.c:212
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u passive connections rejected because of time stamp"
-+msgid "%u DSACKs sent for old packets"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:165
-+#: ../statistics.c:213
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u active connections rejected because of time stamp"
-+msgid "%u DSACKs sent for out of order packets"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:167
-+#: ../statistics.c:214
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets rejects in established connections because of timestamp"
-+msgid "%u DSACKs received"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:169
-+#: ../statistics.c:215
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u delayed acks sent"
-+msgid "%u DSACKs for out of order packets received"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:170
-+#: ../statistics.c:216
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u delayed acks further delayed because of locked socket"
-+msgid "%u connections reset due to unexpected SYN"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:172
-+#: ../statistics.c:217
- #, c-format
--msgid "Quick ack mode was activated %u times"
-+msgid "%u connections reset due to unexpected data"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:173
-+#: ../statistics.c:218
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"
-+msgid "%u connections reset due to early user close"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:175
-+#: ../statistics.c:219
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u SYNs to LISTEN sockets ignored"
-+msgid "%u connections aborted due to memory pressure"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:176
-+#: ../statistics.c:220
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."
-+msgid "%u connections aborted due to timeout"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:178
-+#: ../statistics.c:221
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets directly received from backlog"
-+msgid "%u connections aborted after user close in linger timeout"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:180
-+#: ../statistics.c:222
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets directly received from prequeue"
-+msgid "%u times unabled to send RST due to no memory"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:182
-+#: ../statistics.c:223
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets dropped from prequeue"
-+msgid "TCP ran low on memory %u times"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:183
-+#: ../statistics.c:224
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets header predicted"
-+msgid "%u TCP data loss events"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:184
-+#: ../statistics.c:225
- #, c-format
--msgid "%u packets header predicted and directly queued to user"
-+msgid "%u congestion windows recovered without slow start by DSACK"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:186
-+#: ../statistics.c:227
- #, c-format
--msgid "Ran %u times out of system memory during packet sending"
-+msgid "%u classic Reno fast retransmits failed"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:253
-+#: ../statistics.c:294
- msgid "enabled"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:253
-+#: ../statistics.c:294
- msgid "disabled"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:336
-+#: ../statistics.c:377
- msgid "error parsing /proc/net/snmp"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../statistics.c:349
-+#: ../statistics.c:390
- msgid "cannot open /proc/net/snmp"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1617,7 +2035,7 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "Cannot change line discipline to `%s'.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/af.c:153 ../lib/hw.c:156
-+#: ../lib/af.c:153 ../lib/hw.c:161
- msgid "UNSPEC"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1633,11 +2051,11 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "IPv6"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/af.c:164 ../lib/hw.c:177
-+#: ../lib/af.c:164 ../lib/hw.c:182
- msgid "AMPR AX.25"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/af.c:167 ../lib/hw.c:183
-+#: ../lib/af.c:167 ../lib/hw.c:188
- msgid "AMPR NET/ROM"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1649,7 +2067,7 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "Appletalk DDP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/af.c:176 ../lib/hw.c:218
-+#: ../lib/af.c:176 ../lib/hw.c:223
- msgid "Econet"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1657,19 +2075,21 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "CCITT X.25"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/af.c:182 ../lib/hw.c:180
-+#: ../lib/af.c:182 ../lib/hw.c:185
- msgid "AMPR ROSE"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/af.c:185 ../lib/hw.c:168
-+#: ../lib/af.c:185 ../lib/hw.c:173
- msgid "Ash"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/af.c:243
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Please don't supply more than one address family.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/af.c:304
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Too much address family arguments.\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1694,11 +2114,12 @@ msgid "in_arcnet(%s): trailing junk!\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ash.c:81
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Malformed Ash address"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ax25.c:75 ../lib/ddp.c:50 ../lib/econet.c:52 ../lib/inet.c:244
--#: ../lib/inet.c:259 ../lib/inet6.c:129 ../lib/ipx.c:81 ../lib/netrom.c:78
-+#: ../lib/inet.c:259 ../lib/inet6.c:145 ../lib/ipx.c:81 ../lib/netrom.c:78
- #: ../lib/rose.c:71 ../lib/unix.c:56 ../lib/unix.c:76
- msgid "[NONE SET]"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -1712,22 +2133,21 @@ msgid "Callsign too long"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ax25_gr.c:47
-+#, c-format
- msgid "AX.25 not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ax25_gr.c:50
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel AX.25 routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
- #. xxx
- #: ../lib/ax25_gr.c:51 ../lib/rose_gr.c:55
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Destination Iface Use\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/ddp_gr.c:21
--msgid "Routing table for `ddp' not yet supported.\n"
--msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ether.c:74 ../lib/ether.c:91
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!\n"
-@@ -1783,225 +2203,260 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "in_hippi(%s): trailing junk!\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:155
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:160
- msgid "Local Loopback"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:158
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:163
- msgid "Serial Line IP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:159
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:164
- msgid "VJ Serial Line IP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:160
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:165
- msgid "6-bit Serial Line IP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:161
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:166
- msgid "VJ 6-bit Serial Line IP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:162
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:167
- msgid "Adaptive Serial Line IP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:165
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:170
- msgid "Ethernet"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:171
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:176
- msgid "Fiber Distributed Data Interface"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:174
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:179
- msgid "HIPPI"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:186
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:191
- msgid "generic X.25"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:189
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:194
- msgid "IPIP Tunnel"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:192
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:197
- msgid "Point-to-Point Protocol"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:195
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:200
- msgid "(Cisco)-HDLC"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:196
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:201
- msgid "LAPB"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:199
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:204
- msgid "ARCnet"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:202
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:207
- msgid "Frame Relay DLCI"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:203
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:208
- msgid "Frame Relay Access Device"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:206
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:211
- msgid "IPv6-in-IPv4"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:209
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:214
- msgid "IrLAP"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:212
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:217
- msgid "16/4 Mbps Token Ring"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/hw.c:214
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:219
- msgid "16/4 Mbps Token Ring (New)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet.c:153 ../lib/inet6.c:79
-+#: ../lib/hw.c:226
-+msgid "Generic EUI-64"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../lib/inet.c:153 ../lib/inet6.c:94
- #, c-format
- msgid "rresolve: unsupport address family %d !\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet6.c:131
-+#: ../lib/inet6.c:147
- msgid "[UNKNOWN]"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:71
-+#, c-format
- msgid "INET6 (IPv6) not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:74
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:76
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Kernel IPv6 routing cache\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:78
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IPv6 routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:76
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:80
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Destination Next Hop "
--" Flags Metric Ref Use Iface\n"
-+"Destination Next Hop Flag Met Ref Use "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:150
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:174
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IPv6 Neighbour Cache\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:153
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:177
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags "
- "Ref State\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:157
-+#: ../lib/inet6_gr.c:181
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags "
- "Ref State Stale(sec) Delete(sec)\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:46
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: inet6_route [-vF] del Target\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:47
-+#, c-format
- msgid " inet6_route [-vF] add Target [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:48
-+#, c-format
- msgid " inet6_route [-FC] flush NOT supported\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet6_sr.c:188
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Flushing `inet6' routing table not supported\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:50 ../lib/inet_gr.c:220
-+#, c-format
- msgid "INET (IPv4) not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:53
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IP routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:56
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:59
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:62
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface MSS Window irtt\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:237
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IP routing cache\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:258
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:261
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags MSS Window irtt "
- "Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:266
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface MSS Window irtt HH Arp\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_gr.c:290
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Source Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use "
- "Iface MSS Window irtt TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:50
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:51
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M] "
- "[[dev] If]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:51
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:52
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:52
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:53
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " [netmask N] [mss Mss] [window W] [irtt I]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:53
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:54
-+#, c-format
- msgid " [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:54
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:55
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- " inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [metric M] reject\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:55
-+#: ../lib/inet_sr.c:56
-+#, c-format
- msgid " inet_route [-FC] flush NOT supported\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2011,14 +2466,17 @@ msgid "route: %s: cannot use a NETWORK as gateway!\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:174
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: Invalid MSS/MTU.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:187
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: Invalid window.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:203
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: Invalid initial rtt.\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2033,73 +2491,90 @@ msgid "route: bogus netmask %s\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:270
-+#, c-format
- msgid "route: netmask doesn't match route address\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:306
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Flushing `inet' routing table not supported\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/inet_sr.c:310
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Modifying `inet' routing cache not supported\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:52
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IPX not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:56
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel IPX routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
- #. xxx
- #: ../lib/ipx_gr.c:57
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Destination Router Net Router Node\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ipx_sr.c:33
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IPX: this needs to be written\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/masq_info.c:198
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IP masquerading entries\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/masq_info.c:201
-+#, c-format
- msgid "prot expire source destination ports\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/masq_info.c:204
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
--"prot expire initseq delta prevd source destination "
--" ports\n"
-+"prot expire initseq delta prevd source "
-+"destination ports\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/netrom_gr.c:48
-+#, c-format
- msgid "NET/ROM not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/netrom_gr.c:51
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel NET/ROM routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/netrom_gr.c:52
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Destination Mnemonic Quality Neighbour Iface\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/netrom_sr.c:34
-+#, c-format
- msgid "netrom usage\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/netrom_sr.c:44
-+#, c-format
- msgid "NET/ROM: this needs to be written\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ppp.c:44
-+#, c-format
- msgid "You cannot start PPP with this program.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/ppp_ac.c:38
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Sorry, use pppd!\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2108,287 +2583,314 @@ msgid "Node address must be ten digits"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/rose_gr.c:51
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ROSE not configured in this system.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/rose_gr.c:54
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Kernel ROSE routing table\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/tr.c:70 ../lib/tr.c:85
-+#: ../lib/tr.c:86 ../lib/tr.c:101
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/tr.c:97
-+#: ../lib/tr.c:113
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_tr(%s): trailing : ignored!\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/tr.c:109
-+#: ../lib/tr.c:125
- #, c-format
- msgid "in_tr(%s): trailing junk!\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:164
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:174
- #, c-format
- msgid "warning: no inet socket available: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:316
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:323
- #, c-format
- msgid "Warning: cannot open %s (%s). Limited output.\n"
- msgstr ""
- #. Give better error message for this case.
--#: ../lib/interface.c:556
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:570
- msgid "Device not found"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:560
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:574
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: error fetching interface information: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:593
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:607
- msgid " - no statistics available -"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:597
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:611
-+#, c-format
- msgid "[NO FLAGS]"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:673
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:687
- #, c-format
- msgid "%-9.9s Link encap:%s "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:678
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:692
- #, c-format
- msgid "HWaddr %s "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:681
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:695
- #, c-format
- msgid "Media:%s"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:683
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:697
-+#, c-format
- msgid "(auto)"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:690
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:704
- #, c-format
- msgid " %s addr:%s "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:693
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:707
- #, c-format
- msgid " P-t-P:%s "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:696
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:710
- #, c-format
- msgid " Bcast:%s "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:698
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:712
- #, c-format
- msgid " Mask:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:715
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:729
- #, c-format
- msgid " inet6 addr: %s/%d"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:717
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:731
-+#, c-format
- msgid " Scope:"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:720
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:734
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Global"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:723
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:737
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Link"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:726
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:740
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Site"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:729
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:743
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Compat"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:732
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:746
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Host"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:735
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:749
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Unknown"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:750
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:764
- #, c-format
- msgid " IPX/Ethernet II addr:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:753
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:767
- #, c-format
- msgid " IPX/Ethernet SNAP addr:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:756
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:770
- #, c-format
- msgid " IPX/Ethernet 802.2 addr:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:759
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:773
- #, c-format
- msgid " IPX/Ethernet 802.3 addr:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:769
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:783
- #, c-format
- msgid " EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:778
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:792
- #, c-format
- msgid " econet addr:%s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:785
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:799
-+#, c-format
- msgid "[NO FLAGS] "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:787
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:801
-+#, c-format
- msgid "UP "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:789
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:803
-+#, c-format
- msgid "BROADCAST "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:791
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:805
-+#, c-format
- msgid "DEBUG "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:793
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:807
-+#, c-format
- msgid "LOOPBACK "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:795
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:809
-+#, c-format
- msgid "POINTOPOINT "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:797
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:811
-+#, c-format
- msgid "NOTRAILERS "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:799
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:813
-+#, c-format
- msgid "RUNNING "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:801
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:815
-+#, c-format
- msgid "NOARP "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:803
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:817
-+#, c-format
- msgid "PROMISC "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:805
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:819
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ALLMULTI "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:807
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:821
-+#, c-format
- msgid "SLAVE "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:809
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:823
-+#, c-format
- msgid "MASTER "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:811
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:825
-+#, c-format
- msgid "MULTICAST "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:814
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:828
-+#, c-format
- msgid "DYNAMIC "
- msgstr ""
- #. DONT FORGET TO ADD THE FLAGS IN ife_print_short
--#: ../lib/interface.c:817
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:831
- #, c-format
- msgid " MTU:%d Metric:%d"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:821
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:835
- #, c-format
- msgid " Outfill:%d Keepalive:%d"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:835
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:849
- #, c-format
- msgid "RX packets:%llu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:840
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:854
- #, c-format
- msgid " compressed:%lu\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:852
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:894
- #, c-format
- msgid "TX packets:%llu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:856
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:898
- #, c-format
- msgid " collisions:%lu "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:858
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:900
- #, c-format
- msgid "compressed:%lu "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:860
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:902
- #, c-format
- msgid "txqueuelen:%d "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:862
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:904
- #, c-format
- msgid "RX bytes:%llu (%lu.%lu %s) TX bytes:%llu (%lu.%lu %s)\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:873
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:915
- #, c-format
- msgid "Interrupt:%d "
- msgstr ""
- #. Only print devices using it for
- #. I/O maps
--#: ../lib/interface.c:876
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:918
- #, c-format
- msgid "Base address:0x%x "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:878
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:920
- #, c-format
- msgid "Memory:%lx-%lx "
- msgstr ""
--#: ../lib/interface.c:881
-+#: ../lib/interface.c:923
- #, c-format
- msgid "DMA chan:%x "
- msgstr ""
- #: ../lib/sockets.c:63
-+#, c-format
- msgid "No usable address families found.\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2413,14 +2915,17 @@ msgid "ip: argument is wrong: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../ipmaddr.c:61
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../ipmaddr.c:62
-+#, c-format
- msgid " ipmaddr show [ dev STRING ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../ipmaddr.c:63
-+#, c-format
- msgid " ipmaddr -V | -version\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2449,6 +2954,7 @@ msgid "slattach: tty_lock: (%s): %s\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../slattach.c:192
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: cannot write PID file\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2468,18 +2974,22 @@ msgid "slattach: tty_hangup(RAISE): %s\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../slattach.c:468
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty name too long\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../slattach.c:498
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot get current state!\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../slattach.c:505
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot get current line disc!\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../slattach.c:513
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot set RAW mode!\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -2489,6 +2999,7 @@ msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot set %s bps!\n"
- msgstr ""
- #: ../slattach.c:530
-+#, c-format
- msgid "slattach: tty_open: cannot set 8N1 mode!\n"
- msgstr ""
-diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
-index 7c5dd37..17f1e5a 100644
---- a/po/pt_BR.po
-+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- # Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- # Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>, 2000.
- #
--# $Id: pt_BR.po,v 1.7 2000/02/13 22:28:11 ralf Exp $
-+# $Id: pt_BR.po,v 1.8 2006/12/14 23:36:24 ecki Exp $
- # Brazilian portuguese translation for net-tools 1.54
- # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- # Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>, 1998-2000
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "PO-Revision-Date: 1999-03-01 02:38+0100\n"
- "Last-Translator: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO8859-9\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-9\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- #: ../arp.c:110 ../arp.c:269
-@@ -64,8 +64,12 @@ msgid "arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !\n"
- msgstr "arp: n�o foi poss�vel configurar a linha %u do arquivo etherfile %s!\n"
- #: ../arp.c:437
--msgid "Address\t\t\tHWtype\tHWaddress\t Flags Mask\t\t Iface\n"
--msgstr "Endere�o\t\tTipoHW\tEndere�oHW\t Flags Mascara\t\t Iface\n"
-+msgid ""
-+"Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Endere�o TipoHW Endere�oHW Flags Mascara "
- #: ../arp.c:467
- msgid "(incomplete)"
-@@ -2361,17 +2365,15 @@ msgstr "aten
- msgid "Warning: cannot open %s (%s). Limited output.\n"
- msgstr "Aten��o: n�o foi poss�vel abrir %s (%s). Sa�da limitada.\n"
--#. Give better error message for this case.
-+#. better translation?
- #: ../lib/interface.c:504
- msgid "Device not found"
--msgstr "%s: dispositivo n�o encontrado"
-+msgstr "dispositivo n�o encontrado"
- #: ../lib/interface.c:508
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: error fetching interface information: %s\n"
--msgstr ""
--"%s: erro obtendo informa��es da interface: %s\n"
-+msgstr "%s: erro obtendo informa��es da interface: %s\n"
- #: ../lib/sockets.c:59
- msgid "No usable address families found.\n"
-diff --git a/rarp.c b/rarp.c
-index aab05b3..ab8f710 100644
---- a/rarp.c
-+++ b/rarp.c
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- * that maintains the kernel's RARP cache. It is derived
- * from Fred N. van Kempen's arp command.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: rarp.c,v 1.6 2001/04/08 17:05:05 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: rarp.c,v 1.9 2007/12/02 02:19:52 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Usage: rarp -d hostname Delete entry
- * rarp -s hostname ethernet_address Add entry
-@@ -40,10 +40,11 @@
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "version.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
-+#include "proc.h"
- static char no_rarp_message[] = N_("This kernel does not support RARP.\n");
--static char version_string[] = RELEASE "\nrarp 1.03 (2001-04-04)\n";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE;
- static struct hwtype *hardware = NULL;
-@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ static int rarp_file(int fd, const char *name)
- static int display_cache(void)
- {
-- FILE *fd = fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_RARP, "r");
-+ FILE *fd = proc_fopen(_PATH_PROCNET_RARP);
- char buffer[256];
- if (fd == NULL) {
- if (errno == ENOENT)
-@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- case 'h':
- usage();
- case 'V':
-- fprintf(stderr, version_string);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", Release);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- break;
- case 'v':
-diff --git a/route.c b/route.c
-index f8c2bc3..4eaed49 100644
---- a/route.c
-+++ b/route.c
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * route This file contains an implementation of the command
- * that manages the IP routing table in the kernel.
- *
-- * Version: $Id: route.c,v 1.9 2001/04/15 14:41:17 pb Exp $
-+ * Version: $Id: route.c,v 1.10 2002/07/30 05:24:20 ecki Exp $
- *
- * Maintainer: Bernd 'eckes' Eckenfels, <>
- *
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- * (derived from FvK's 'route.c 1.70 01/04/94')
- *
- * Modifications:
-- * Johannes Stille: for Net-2Debugged by
-+ * Johannes Stille: for Net-2Debugged by
- * <>
- * Linus Torvalds: Misc Changes
- * Alan Cox: add the new mtu/window stuff
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- * {1.80} Bernd Eckenfels: reject, metric, irtt, 1.2.x support.
- * {1.81} Bernd Eckenfels: reject routes need a dummy device
- *960127 {1.82} Bernd Eckenfels: 'mod' and 'dyn' 'reinstate' added
-- *960129 {1.83} Bernd Eckenfels: resolve and getsock now in lib/,
-+ *960129 {1.83} Bernd Eckenfels: resolve and getsock now in lib/,
- * REJECT displays '-' as gatway.
- *960202 {1.84} Bernd Eckenfels: net-features support added
- *960203 {1.85} Bernd Eckenfels: "#ifdef' in '#if' for net-features
-@@ -60,20 +60,21 @@
- #include "intl.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
- #include "version.h"
-+#include "util.h"
- #define DFLT_AF "inet"
- #include "lib/net-features.h" /* needs some of the system includes above! */
--char *Release = RELEASE, *Version = "route 1.98 (2001-04-15)";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE;
--int opt_n = 0; /* numerical output flag */
--int opt_v = 0; /* debugging output flag */
--int opt_e = 1; /* 1,2,3=type of routetable */
--int opt_fc = 0; /* routing cache/FIB */
--int opt_h = 0; /* help selected */
--struct aftype *ap; /* current address family */
-+int opt_n = 0; // numerical output FLAG_NUM | FLAG_SYM
-+int opt_v = 0; // debugging output flag
-+int opt_e = 1; // 1,2,3=type of routetable
-+int opt_fc = 0; // routing cache/FIB
-+int opt_h = 0; // help selected
-+struct aftype *ap; // selected address family
- static void usage(void)
- {
-@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ static void usage(void)
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -F, --fib display Forwarding Information Base (default)\n"));
- fprintf(stderr, _(" -C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB\n\n"));
-- fprintf(stderr, _(" <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"), DFLT_AF);
-+ fprintf(stderr, _(" <AF>=Use -4, -6, '-A <af>' or '--<af>'; default: %s\n"), DFLT_AF);
- fprintf(stderr, _(" List of possible address families (which support routing):\n"));
- print_aflist(1); /* 1 = routeable */
- exit(E_USAGE);
-@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ static void usage(void)
- static void version(void)
- {
-- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Features);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", Release, Features);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
-@@ -135,14 +136,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- /* getopts and -net wont work :-/ */
- for (tmp = argv; *tmp; tmp++) {
-- if (!strcmp(*tmp, "-net"))
-- strcpy(*tmp, "#net");
-- else if (!strcmp(*tmp, "-host"))
-- strcpy(*tmp, "#host");
-+ if (!strcmp(*tmp, "-net") || !strcmp(*tmp, "-host"))
-+ (*tmp)[0]='#';
- }
- /* Fetch the command-line arguments. */
-- while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "A:eCFhnNVv?", longopts, &lop)) != EOF)
-+ while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "A:eCFhnN64Vv?", longopts, &lop)) != EOF)
- switch (i) {
- case -1:
- break;
-@@ -176,6 +175,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if ((i = aftrans_opt(optarg)))
- exit(i);
- break;
-+ case '6':
-+ if ((i = aftrans_opt("inet6")))
-+ exit(i);
-+ break;
-+ case '4':
-+ if ((i = aftrans_opt("inet")))
-+ exit(i);
-+ break;
- case 'V':
- version();
- case 'h':
-diff --git a/slattach.c b/slattach.c
-index cedae1b..5c81584 100644
---- a/slattach.c
-+++ b/slattach.c
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
-@@ -62,26 +62,27 @@
- #include "util.h"
- #ifndef _PATH_LOCKD
--#define _PATH_LOCKD "/var/lock" /* lock files */
-+#define _PATH_LOCKD "/var/lock" /* lock files */
- #endif
- #ifndef _UID_UUCP
--#define _UID_UUCP "uucp" /* owns locks */
-+#define _UID_UUCP "uucp" /* owns locks */
-+#ifndef _PATH_DEVPTMX
-+#define _PATH_DEVPTMX "/dev/ptmx" /* pseudo-terminal master */
- #endif
- #define DEF_PROTO "cslip"
--const char *Release = RELEASE,
-- *Version = "@(#) slattach 1.21 (1999-11-21)",
-- *Signature = "net-tools, Fred N. van Kempen et al.";
-+static char *Release = RELEASE, *Signature = "Fred N. van Kempen et al.";
- struct {
- const char *speed;
- int code;
- } tty_speeds[] = { /* table of usable baud rates */
-- { "50", B50 }, { "75", B75 },
-+ { "50", B50 }, { "75", B75 },
- { "110", B110 }, { "300", B300 },
- { "600", B600 }, { "1200", B1200 },
- { "2400", B2400 }, { "4800", B4800 },
-@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ struct termios tty_saved, /* saved TTY device state */
- int tty_sdisc, /* saved TTY line discipline */
- tty_ldisc, /* current TTY line discipline */
- tty_fd = -1; /* TTY file descriptor */
-+char * path_pts = NULL; /* slave pseudo-terminal device */
- int opt_c = 0; /* "command" to run at exit */
- int opt_e = 0; /* "activate only" flag */
- int opt_h = 0; /* "hangup" on carrier loss */
-@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ int opt_h = 0; /* "hangup" on carrier loss */
- int opt_k = 0; /* "keepalive" value */
- #endif
- int opt_l = 0; /* "lock it" flag */
--int opt_L = 0; /* clocal flag */
-+int opt_L = 0; /* 3-wire mode flag */
- int opt_m = 0; /* "set RAW mode" flag */
- int opt_n = 0; /* "set No Mesg" flag */
-@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ tty_already_locked(char *nam)
- /* that lock. */
- i = fscanf(fd, "%d", &pid);
- (void) fclose(fd);
- if (i != 1) /* Lock file format's wrong! Kill't */
- return(0);
-@@ -195,15 +197,18 @@ tty_lock(char *path, int mode)
- return(-1);
- }
-- (void) close(fd);
- /* Make sure UUCP owns the lockfile. Required by some packages. */
- if ((pw = getpwnam(_UID_UUCP)) == NULL) {
- if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr, _("slattach: tty_lock: UUCP user %s unknown!\n"),
-+ (void) close(fd);
- return(0); /* keep the lock anyway */
- }
-- (void) chown(saved_path, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid);
-+ if (fchown(fd, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid))
-+ /* keep the lock anyway */;
-+ (void) close(fd);
- saved_lock = 1;
- } else { /* unlock */
- if (saved_lock != 1) return(0);
-@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@ tty_set_parity(struct termios *tty, char *parity)
- switch(toupper(*parity)) {
- case 'N':
- tty->c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD);
-- break;
-+ break;
- case 'O':
- tty->c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD);
-@@ -342,9 +347,11 @@ tty_set_raw(struct termios *tty)
- tty->c_oflag = (0); /* output flags */
- tty->c_lflag = (0); /* local flags */
- speed = (tty->c_cflag & CBAUD); /* save current speed */
-- tty->c_cflag = (CRTSCTS | HUPCL | CREAD); /* UART flags */
-- if (opt_L)
-+ tty->c_cflag = (HUPCL | CREAD); /* UART flags */
-+ if (opt_L)
- tty->c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
-+ else
-+ tty->c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
- tty->c_cflag |= speed; /* restore speed */
- return(0);
- }
-@@ -410,7 +417,7 @@ static int
- tty_get_name(char *name)
- {
- if (ioctl(tty_fd, SIOCGIFNAME, name) < 0) {
-- if (opt_q == 0)
-+ if (opt_q == 0)
- perror("tty_get_name");
- return(-errno);
- }
-@@ -464,7 +471,7 @@ tty_open(char *name, const char *speed)
- if (name != NULL) {
- if (name[0] != '/') {
- if (strlen(name + 6) > sizeof(pathbuf)) {
-- if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr,
-+ if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr,
- _("slattach: tty name too long\n"));
- return (-1);
- }
-@@ -488,7 +495,28 @@ tty_open(char *name, const char *speed)
- return(-errno);
- }
- tty_fd = fd;
-- if (opt_d) printf("slattach: tty_open: %s (fd=%d) ", path_open, fd);
-+ if (opt_d) printf("slattach: tty_open: %s (fd=%d)\n", path_open, fd);
-+ if (!strcmp(path_open, _PATH_DEVPTMX)) {
-+ if (opt_d) printf("slattach: tty_open: trying to grantpt and unlockpt\n");
-+ if (grantpt(fd) < 0) {
-+ if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr,
-+ "slattach: tty_open: grantpt: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ return(-errno);
-+ }
-+ if (unlockpt(fd) < 0) {
-+ if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr,
-+ "slattach: tty_open: unlockpt: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ return(-errno);
-+ }
-+ path_pts = ptsname(fd);
-+ if (path_pts == NULL) {
-+ if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr,
-+ "slattach: tty_open: ptsname: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ return(-errno);
-+ }
-+ if (opt_d) printf("slattach: tty_open: %s: slave pseudo-terminal is %s\n",
-+ path_open, path_pts);
-+ }
- } else {
- tty_fd = 0;
- }
-@@ -504,7 +532,7 @@ tty_open(char *name, const char *speed)
- if (tty_get_disc(&tty_sdisc) < 0) {
- if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr, _("slattach: tty_open: cannot get current line disc!\n"));
- return(-errno);
-- }
-+ }
- tty_ldisc = tty_sdisc;
- /* Put this terminal line in a 8-bit transparent mode. */
-@@ -565,15 +593,15 @@ usage(void)
- "[-c cmd] [-s speed] [-p protocol] tty | -\n"
- " slattach -V | --version\n";
-- fprintf(stderr, usage_msg);
-- exit(1);
-+ fputs(usage_msg, stderr);
-+ exit(E_USAGE);
- }
--static void
-+static void
- version(void)
- {
-- printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", Release, Version, Signature);
-+ printf("%s\n%s\n", Release, Signature);
- exit(E_VERSION);
- }
-@@ -581,7 +609,7 @@ version(void)
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
-- char path_buf[128];
-+ char path_buf[128] = "";
- char *path_dev;
- char buff[128];
- const char *speed = NULL;
-@@ -593,7 +621,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
- };
-- strcpy(path_buf, "");
- path_dev = path_buf;
- /* Scan command line for any arguments. */
-@@ -667,7 +694,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- usage();
- }
- if (setvbuf(stdout,0,_IOLBF,0)) {
- if (opt_q == 0) fprintf(stderr, _("slattach: setvbuf(stdout,0,_IOLBF,0) : %s\n"),
- strerror(errno));
-@@ -703,6 +730,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- if (tty_get_name(buff)) { return(3); }
- printf(_("%s started"), proto);
- if (path_dev != NULL) printf(_(" on %s"), path_dev);
-+ if (path_pts != NULL) printf(_(" ptsname %s"), path_pts);
- printf(_(" interface %s\n"), buff);
- }
-@@ -738,7 +766,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- tty_close();
- if(extcmd) /* external command on exit */
-- system(extcmd);
-+ exit(system(extcmd));
- }
- exit(0);
- }
-diff --git a/statistics.c b/statistics.c
-index a878df8..fe8ee4e 100644
---- a/statistics.c
-+++ b/statistics.c
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- /*
-- * Copyright 1997,1999,2000 Andi Kleen. Subject to the GPL.
-- * $Id: statistics.c,v 1.14 2001/02/02 18:01:23 pb Exp $
-- * 19980630 - i18n - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
-- * 19981113 - i18n fixes - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
-- * 19990101 - added net/netstat, -t, -u, -w supprt - Bernd Eckenfels
-+ * Copyright 1997,1999,2000 Andi Kleen. Subject to the GPL.
-+ * $Id: statistics.c,v 1.23 2010-10-29 19:24:36 ecki Exp $
-+ * 19980630 - i18n - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
-+ * 19981113 - i18n fixes - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
-+ * 19990101 - added net/netstat, -t, -u, -w supprt - Bernd Eckenfels
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "intl.h"
-+#include "proc.h"
- /* #define WARN 1 */
-@@ -35,26 +36,26 @@ struct entry {
- enum State type;
- };
--struct statedesc {
-+struct statedesc {
- int indent;
-- char *title;
-+ char *title;
--struct statedesc states[] = {
-+struct statedesc states[] = {
- [number] = { 4, NULL },
-- [opt_number] = { 4, NULL },
-+ [opt_number] = { 4, NULL },
- [i_forward] = { 4, NULL },
- [i_inp_icmp] = { 8, N_("ICMP input histogram:") },
- [i_outp_icmp] = { 8, N_("ICMP output histogram:") },
- [MaxState] = {0},
- static enum State state;
- #define I_STATIC (1<<16) /* static configuration option. */
- #define I_TITLE (1<<17)
- * XXX check against the snmp mib rfc.
- *
- * Don't mark the first field as translatable! It's a snmp MIB standard.
-@@ -63,54 +64,115 @@ static enum State state;
- struct entry Iptab[] =
- {
- {"Forwarding", N_("Forwarding is %s"), i_forward | I_STATIC},
-- {"DefaultTTL", N_("Default TTL is %u"), number | I_STATIC},
-- {"InReceives", N_("%u total packets received"), number},
-- {"InHdrErrors", N_("%u with invalid headers"), opt_number},
-- {"InAddrErrors", N_("%u with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
-- {"ForwDatagrams", N_("%u forwarded"), number},
-- {"InUnknownProtos", N_("%u with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
-- {"InDiscards", N_("%u incoming packets discarded"), number},
-- {"InDelivers", N_("%u incoming packets delivered"), number},
-- {"OutRequests", N_("%u requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
-- {"OutDiscards", N_("%u outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
-- {"OutNoRoutes", N_("%u dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
-- {"ReasmTimeout", N_("%u fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
-- {"ReasmReqds", N_("%u reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
-- {"ReasmOKs", N_("%u packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
-- {"ReasmFails", N_("%u packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
-- {"FragOKs", N_("%u fragments received ok"), opt_number},
-- {"FragFails", N_("%u fragments failed"), opt_number},
-- {"FragCreates", N_("%u fragments created"), opt_number}
-+ {"DefaultTTL", N_("Default TTL is %llu"), number | I_STATIC},
-+ {"InReceives", N_("%llu total packets received"), number},
-+ {"InHdrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid headers"), opt_number},
-+ {"InAddrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
-+ {"ForwDatagrams", N_("%llu forwarded"), number},
-+ {"InUnknownProtos", N_("%llu with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
-+ {"InDiscards", N_("%llu incoming packets discarded"), number},
-+ {"InDelivers", N_("%llu incoming packets delivered"), number},
-+ {"OutRequests", N_("%llu requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
-+ {"OutDiscards", N_("%llu outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
-+ {"OutNoRoutes", N_("%llu dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
-+ {"ReasmTimeout", N_("%llu fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
-+ {"ReasmReqds", N_("%llu reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
-+ {"ReasmOKs", N_("%llu packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
-+ {"ReasmFails", N_("%llu packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
-+ {"FragOKs", N_("%llu fragments received ok"), opt_number},
-+ {"FragFails", N_("%llu fragments failed"), opt_number},
-+ {"FragCreates", N_("%llu fragments created"), opt_number}
-+struct entry Ip6tab[] =
-+ {"Ip6InReceives", N_("%llu total packets received"), number},
-+ {"Ip6InHdrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid headers"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InTooBigErrors", N_("%llu with packets too big"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InNoRoutes", N_("%llu incoming packets with no route"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InAddrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InUnknownProtos", N_("%llu with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InTruncatedPkts", N_("%llu with truncated packets"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InDiscards", N_("%llu incoming packets discarded"), number},
-+ {"Ip6InDelivers", N_("%llu incoming packets delivered"), number},
-+ {"Ip6OutForwDatagrams", N_("%llu forwarded"), number},
-+ {"Ip6OutRequests", N_("%llu requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
-+ {"Ip6OutDiscards", N_("%llu outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6OutNoRoutes", N_("%llu dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6ReasmTimeout", N_("%llu fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6ReasmReqds", N_("%llu reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
-+ {"Ip6ReasmOKs", N_("%llu packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6ReasmFails", N_("%llu packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6FragOKs", N_("%llu fragments received ok"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6FragFails", N_("%llu fragments failed"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6FragCreates", N_("%llu fragments created"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6InMcastPkts", N_("%llu incoming multicast packets"), opt_number},
-+ {"Ip6OutMcastPkts", N_("%llu outgoing multicast packets"), opt_number}
- };
- struct entry Icmptab[] =
- {
-- {"InMsgs", N_("%u ICMP messages received"), number},
-- {"InErrors", N_("%u input ICMP message failed."), number},
-- {"InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InTimeExcds", N_("timeout in transit: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-- {"InSrcQuenchs", N_("source quenches: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InRedirects", N_("redirects: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InEchos", N_("echo requests: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InTimestamps", N_("timestamp request: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InTimestampReps", N_("timestamp reply: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"InAddrMasks", N_("address mask request: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-- {"InAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-- {"OutMsgs", N_("%u ICMP messages sent"), number},
-- {"OutErrors", N_("%u ICMP messages failed"), number},
-- {"OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutTimeExcds", N_("time exceeded: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-- {"OutSrcQuenchs", N_("source quench: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutRedirects", N_("redirect: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutEchos", N_("echo request: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutTimestamps", N_("timestamp requests: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutTimestampReps", N_("timestamp replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutAddrMasks", N_("address mask requests: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-- {"OutAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages received"), number},
-+ {"InErrors", N_("%llu input ICMP message failed."), number},
-+ {"InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InTimeExcds", N_("timeout in transit: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-+ {"InSrcQuenchs", N_("source quenches: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InRedirects", N_("redirects: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InEchos", N_("echo requests: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InTimestamps", N_("timestamp request: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InTimestampReps", N_("timestamp reply: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"InAddrMasks", N_("address mask request: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-+ {"InAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-+ {"OutMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages sent"), number},
-+ {"OutErrors", N_("%llu ICMP messages failed"), number},
-+ {"OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutTimeExcds", N_("time exceeded: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
-+ {"OutSrcQuenchs", N_("source quench: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutRedirects", N_("redirect: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutEchos", N_("echo request: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutTimestamps", N_("timestamp requests: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutTimestampReps", N_("timestamp replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutAddrMasks", N_("address mask requests: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"OutAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+struct entry Icmp6tab[] =
-+ {"Icmp6InMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages received"), number},
-+ {"Icmp6InErrors", N_("%llu input ICMP message failed."), number},
-+ {"Icmp6InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InPktTooBigs", N_("packets too big: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InTimeExcds", N_("received ICMPv6 time exceeded: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InParmProblems", N_("parameter problem: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InEchos", N_("echo requests: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InEchoReplies", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InGroupMembQueries", N_("group member queries: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InGroupMembResponses", N_("group member responses: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InGroupMembReductions", N_("group member reductions: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InRouterSolicits", N_("router solicits: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InRouterAdvertisements", N_("router advertisement: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InNeighborSolicits", N_("neighbour solicits: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InNeighborAdvertisements", N_("neighbour advertisement: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6InRedirects", N_("redirects: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages sent"), number},
-+ {"Icmp6OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutPktTooBigs", N_("packets too big: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutTimeExcds", N_("sent ICMPv6 time exceeded: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutParmProblems", N_("parameter problem: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutEchos", N_("echo requests: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutEchoReplies", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutGroupMembQueries", N_("group member queries: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutGroupMembResponses", N_("group member responses: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutGroupMembReductions", N_("group member reductions: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutRouterSolicits", N_("router solicits: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutRouterAdvertisements ", N_("router advertisement: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutNeighborSolicits", N_("neighbor solicits: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutNeighborAdvertisements", N_("neighbor advertisements: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
-+ {"Icmp6OutRedirects", N_("redirects: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
- };
- struct entry Tcptab[] =
-@@ -119,79 +181,129 @@ struct entry Tcptab[] =
- {"RtoMin", "", number},
- {"RtoMax", "", number},
- {"MaxConn", "", number},
-- {"ActiveOpens", N_("%u active connections openings"), number},
-- {"PassiveOpens", N_("%u passive connection openings"), number},
-- {"AttemptFails", N_("%u failed connection attempts"), number},
-- {"EstabResets", N_("%u connection resets received"), number},
-- {"CurrEstab", N_("%u connections established"), number},
-- {"InSegs", N_("%u segments received"), number},
-- {"OutSegs", N_("%u segments send out"), number},
-- {"RetransSegs", N_("%u segments retransmited"), number},
-- {"InErrs", N_("%u bad segments received."), number},
-- {"OutRsts", N_("%u resets sent"), number},
-+ {"ActiveOpens", N_("%llu active connections openings"), number},
-+ {"PassiveOpens", N_("%llu passive connection openings"), number},
-+ {"AttemptFails", N_("%llu failed connection attempts"), number},
-+ {"EstabResets", N_("%llu connection resets received"), number},
-+ {"CurrEstab", N_("%llu connections established"), number},
-+ {"InSegs", N_("%llu segments received"), number},
-+ {"OutSegs", N_("%llu segments send out"), number},
-+ {"RetransSegs", N_("%llu segments retransmited"), number},
-+ {"InErrs", N_("%llu bad segments received."), number},
-+ {"OutRsts", N_("%llu resets sent"), number},
- };
- struct entry Udptab[] =
- {
-- {"InDatagrams", N_("%u packets received"), number},
-- {"NoPorts", N_("%u packets to unknown port received."), number},
-- {"InErrors", N_("%u packet receive errors"), number},
-- {"OutDatagrams", N_("%u packets sent"), number},
-+ {"InDatagrams", N_("%llu packets received"), number},
-+ {"NoPorts", N_("%llu packets to unknown port received."), number},
-+ {"InErrors", N_("%llu packet receive errors"), number},
-+ {"OutDatagrams", N_("%llu packets sent"), number},
-+ {"RcvbufErrors", N_("%llu receive buffer errors"), number},
-+ {"SndbufErrors", N_("%llu send buffer errors"), number},
-+ };
-+struct entry Udp6tab[] =
-+ {"Udp6InDatagrams", N_("%llu packets received"), number},
-+ {"Udp6NoPorts", N_("%llu packets to unknown port received."), number},
-+ {"Udp6InErrors", N_("%llu packet receive errors"), number},
-+ {"Udp6OutDatagrams", N_("%llu packets sent"), number},
- };
- struct entry Tcpexttab[] =
- {
-- {"SyncookiesSent", N_("%u SYN cookies sent"), opt_number},
-- {"SyncookiesRecv", N_("%u SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
-- {"SyncookiesFailed", N_("%u invalid SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
-- { "EmbryonicRsts", N_("%u resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"),
-- opt_number },
-- { "PruneCalled", N_("%u packets pruned from receive queue because of socket"
-- " buffer overrun"), opt_number },
-+ {"SyncookiesSent", N_("%llu SYN cookies sent"), opt_number},
-+ {"SyncookiesRecv", N_("%llu SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
-+ {"SyncookiesFailed", N_("%llu invalid SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
-+ { "EmbryonicRsts", N_("%llu resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"),
-+ opt_number },
-+ { "PruneCalled", N_("%llu packets pruned from receive queue because of socket"
-+ " buffer overrun"), opt_number },
- /* obsolete: 2.2.0 doesn't do that anymore */
-- { "RcvPruned", N_("%u packets pruned from receive queue"), opt_number },
-- { "OfoPruned", N_("%u packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of"
-- " socket buffer overrun"), opt_number },
-- { "OutOfWindowIcmps", N_("%u ICMP packets dropped because they were "
-- "out-of-window"), opt_number },
-- { "LockDroppedIcmps", N_("%u ICMP packets dropped because"
-+ { "RcvPruned", N_("%llu packets pruned from receive queue"), opt_number },
-+ { "OfoPruned", N_("%llu packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of"
-+ " socket buffer overrun"), opt_number },
-+ { "OutOfWindowIcmps", N_("%llu ICMP packets dropped because they were "
-+ "out-of-window"), opt_number },
-+ { "LockDroppedIcmps", N_("%llu ICMP packets dropped because"
- " socket was locked"), opt_number },
-- { "TW", N_("%u TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"), opt_number },
-- { "TWRecycled", N_("%u time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"), opt_number },
-- { "TWKilled", N_("%u TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"), opt_number },
-- { "PAWSPassive", N_("%u passive connections rejected because of"
-+ { "TW", N_("%llu TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"), opt_number },
-+ { "TWRecycled", N_("%llu time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"), opt_number },
-+ { "TWKilled", N_("%llu TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"), opt_number },
-+ { "PAWSPassive", N_("%llu passive connections rejected because of"
- " time stamp"), opt_number },
-- { "PAWSActive", N_("%u active connections rejected because of "
-+ { "PAWSActive", N_("%llu active connections rejected because of "
- "time stamp"), opt_number },
-- { "PAWSEstab", N_("%u packets rejects in established connections because of"
-+ { "PAWSEstab", N_("%llu packets rejects in established connections because of"
- " timestamp"), opt_number },
-- { "DelayedACKs", N_("%u delayed acks sent"), opt_number },
-- { "DelayedACKLocked", N_("%u delayed acks further delayed because of"
-+ { "DelayedACKs", N_("%llu delayed acks sent"), opt_number },
-+ { "DelayedACKLocked", N_("%llu delayed acks further delayed because of"
- " locked socket"), opt_number },
-- { "DelayedACKLost", N_("Quick ack mode was activated %u times"), opt_number },
-- { "ListenOverflows", N_("%u times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"),
-+ { "DelayedACKLost", N_("Quick ack mode was activated %llu times"), opt_number },
-+ { "ListenOverflows", N_("%llu times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"),
- opt_number },
-- { "ListenDrops", N_("%u SYNs to LISTEN sockets ignored"), opt_number },
-- { "TCPPrequeued", N_("%u packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."),
-+ { "ListenDrops", N_("%llu SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPPrequeued", N_("%llu packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."),
- opt_number },
-- { "TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog", N_("%u packets directly received"
-- " from backlog"), opt_number },
-- { "TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue", N_("%u packets directly received"
-- " from prequeue"), opt_number },
-- { "TCPPrequeueDropped", N_("%u packets dropped from prequeue"), opt_number },
-- { "TCPHPHits", N_("%u packets header predicted"), number },
-- { "TCPHPHitsToUser", N_("%u packets header predicted and "
-+ { "TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog", N_("%llu bytes directly in process context from backlog"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue", N_("%llu bytes directly received in process context from prequeue"),
-+ opt_number },
-+ { "TCPPrequeueDropped", N_("%llu packets dropped from prequeue"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPHPHits", N_("%llu packet headers predicted"), number },
-+ { "TCPHPHitsToUser", N_("%llu packets header predicted and "
- "directly queued to user"), opt_number },
-- { "SockMallocOOM", N_("Ran %u times out of system memory during "
-- "packet sending"), opt_number },
-+ { "SockMallocOOM", N_("Ran %llu times out of system memory during "
-+ "packet sending"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPPureAcks", N_("%llu acknowledgments not containing data payload received"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPHPAcks", N_("%llu predicted acknowledgments"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPRenoRecovery", N_("%llu times recovered from packet loss due to fast retransmit"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSackRecovery", N_("%llu times recovered from packet loss by selective acknowledgements"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSACKReneging", N_("%llu bad SACK blocks received"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPFACKReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using FACK"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSACKReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using SACK"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPTSReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using time stamp"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPRenoReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using reno fast retransmit"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPFullUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows fully recovered without slow start"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPPartialUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows partially recovered using Hoe heuristic"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDSackUndo", N_("%llu congestion window recovered without slow start using DSACK"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPLossUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows recovered without slow start after partial ack"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPLostRetransmits", N_("%llu retransmits lost"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPRenoFailures", N_("%llu timeouts after reno fast retransmit"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSackFailures", N_("%llu timeouts after SACK recovery"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPLossFailures", N_("%llu timeouts in loss state"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPFastRetrans", N_("%llu fast retransmits"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPForwardRetrans", N_("%llu forward retransmits"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSlowStartRetrans", N_("%llu retransmits in slow start"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPTimeouts", N_("%llu other TCP timeouts"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPRenoRecoveryFailed", N_("%llu reno fast retransmits failed"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSackRecoveryFail", N_("%llu SACK retransmits failed"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPSchedulerFailed", N_("%llu times receiver scheduled too late for direct processing"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPRcvCollapsed", N_("%llu packets collapsed in receive queue due to low socket buffer"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDSACKOldSent", N_("%llu DSACKs sent for old packets"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDSACKOfoSent", N_("%llu DSACKs sent for out of order packets"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDSACKRecv", N_("%llu DSACKs received"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDSACKOfoRecv", N_("%llu DSACKs for out of order packets received"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortOnSyn", N_("%llu connections reset due to unexpected SYN"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortOnData", N_("%llu connections reset due to unexpected data"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortOnClose", N_("%llu connections reset due to early user close"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortOnMemory", N_("%llu connections aborted due to memory pressure"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortOnTimeout", N_("%llu connections aborted due to timeout"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortOnLinger", N_("%llu connections aborted after user close in linger timeout"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPAbortFailed", N_("%llu times unable to send RST due to no memory"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPMemoryPressures", N_("TCP ran low on memory %llu times"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPLoss", N_("%llu TCP data loss events"), opt_number },
-+ { "TCPDSACKUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows recovered without slow start by DSACK"),
-+ opt_number },
-+ { "TCPRenoRecoveryFail", N_("%llu classic Reno fast retransmits failed"), opt_number },
- };
- struct tabtab {
- char *title;
- struct entry *tab;
- size_t size;
-- int *flag;
-+ int *flag;
- };
- struct tabtab snmptabs[] =
-@@ -204,6 +316,15 @@ struct tabtab snmptabs[] =
- {NULL}
- };
-+struct tabtab snmp6tabs[] =
-+ {"Ip6", Ip6tab, sizeof(Ip6tab), &f_raw},
-+ {"Icmp6", Icmp6tab, sizeof(Icmp6tab), &f_raw},
-+ {"Udp6", Udp6tab, sizeof(Udp6tab), &f_udp},
-+ {"Tcp6", Tcptab, sizeof(Tcptab), &f_tcp},
-+ {NULL}
- /* XXX IGMP */
- int cmpentries(const void *a, const void *b)
-@@ -211,18 +332,19 @@ int cmpentries(const void *a, const void *b)
- return strcmp(((struct entry *) a)->title, ((struct entry *) b)->title);
- }
--void printval(struct tabtab *tab, char *title, int val)
-+void printval(struct tabtab *tab, char *title, unsigned long long val)
- {
- struct entry *ent = NULL, key;
- int type;
- char buf[512];
- key.title = title;
-- if (tab->tab)
-+ if (tab->tab)
- ent = bsearch(&key, tab->tab, tab->size / sizeof(struct entry),
- sizeof(struct entry), cmpentries);
- if (!ent) { /* try our best */
-- printf("%*s%s: %d\n", states[state].indent, "", title, val);
-+ if (val)
-+ printf("%*s%s: %llu\n", states[state].indent, "", title, val);
- return;
- }
- type = ent->type;
-@@ -242,7 +364,7 @@ void printval(struct tabtab *tab, char *title, int val)
- buf[0] = '\0';
- switch (type) {
- case opt_number:
-- if (val == 0)
-+ if (val == 0)
- break;
- case number:
-@@ -272,7 +394,7 @@ struct tabtab *newtable(struct tabtab *tabs, char *title)
- {
- struct tabtab *t;
- static struct tabtab dummytab;
- for (t = tabs; t->title; t++) {
- if (!strcmp(title, t->title)) {
- if (*(t->flag))
-@@ -281,22 +403,25 @@ struct tabtab *newtable(struct tabtab *tabs, char *title)
- return t;
- }
- }
-- if (!f_unknown)
-- return NULL;
-+ if (!f_unknown)
-+ return NULL;
- printf("%s:\n", _(title));
- dummytab.title = title;
-- dummytab.flag = &f_unknown;
-+ dummytab.flag = &f_unknown;
- return &dummytab;
- }
--void process_fd(FILE *f)
-+int process_fd(FILE *f, int all, char *filter)
- {
-- char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
-+ char buf1[2048], buf2[2048];
- char *sp, *np, *p;
- while (fgets(buf1, sizeof buf1, f)) {
- int endflag;
- struct tabtab *tab;
-+ if (buf1[0] == '\n') // skip empty first line in 2.6 kernels
-+ continue;
- if (!fgets(buf2, sizeof buf2, f))
- break;
- sp = strchr(buf1, ':');
-@@ -305,6 +430,10 @@ void process_fd(FILE *f)
- goto formaterr;
- *sp = '\0';
-+ if (!all)
-+ if (strncmp(buf1, filter, strlen(filter)))
-+ continue;
- tab = newtable(snmptabs, buf1);
- if (tab == NULL) {
- printf("unknown %s\n", buf1);
-@@ -315,8 +444,8 @@ void process_fd(FILE *f)
- endflag = 0;
- while (!endflag) {
-- sp += strspn(sp, " \t\n");
-- np += strspn(np, " \t\n");
-+ sp += strspn(sp, " \t\n");
-+ np += strspn(np, " \t\n");
- /*if (*np == '\0') goto formaterr; */
- p = sp+strcspn(sp, " \t\n");
-@@ -324,51 +453,116 @@ void process_fd(FILE *f)
- endflag = 1;
- *p = '\0';
-- if (*sp != '\0' && *(tab->flag))
-- printval(tab, sp, strtoul(np, &np, 10));
-+ if (*sp != '\0' && *(tab->flag))
-+ printval(tab, sp, strtoull(np, &np, 10));
- sp = p + 1;
- }
- }
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- formaterr:
-- perror(_("error parsing /proc/net/snmp"));
-- return;
-+ return -1;
- }
-+void cpytitle(char *original, char *new)
-+ char *ptr = original;
-+ while(*ptr != '6' && *ptr != '\0') {
-+ *new = *ptr;
-+ new++;
-+ ptr++;
-+ }
-+ *new = *ptr;
-+ new++;
-+ *new = '\0';
-+void process6_fd(FILE *f)
-+ char buf1[1024],buf2[50],buf3[1024];
-+ unsigned long long val;
-+ struct tabtab *tab = NULL;
-+ int cpflg = 0;
-+ while (fgets(buf1, sizeof buf1, f)) {
-+ sscanf(buf1, "%s %llu", buf2, &val);
-+ if(!cpflg) {
-+ cpytitle(buf2, buf3);
-+ tab = newtable(snmp6tabs, buf3);
-+ cpflg = 1;
-+ }
-+ if(!strstr(buf2, buf3)) {
-+ cpytitle(buf2, buf3);
-+ tab = newtable(snmp6tabs, buf3);
-+ }
-+ if (*(tab->flag))
-+ printval(tab, buf2, val);
-+ }
- void parsesnmp(int flag_raw, int flag_tcp, int flag_udp)
- {
- FILE *f;
- f_raw = flag_raw; f_tcp = flag_tcp; f_udp = flag_udp;
-- f = fopen("/proc/net/snmp", "r");
-+ f = proc_fopen("/proc/net/snmp");
- if (!f) {
- perror(_("cannot open /proc/net/snmp"));
- return;
- }
-- process_fd(f);
-+ if (process_fd(f, 1, NULL) < 0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Problem while parsing /proc/net/snmp\n"));
- if (ferror(f))
- perror("/proc/net/snmp");
- fclose(f);
-- f = fopen("/proc/net/netstat", "r");
-+ f = proc_fopen("/proc/net/netstat");
- if (f) {
-- process_fd(f);
-+ if (process_fd(f, 1, NULL) <0)
-+ fprintf(stderr, _("Problem while parsing /proc/net/netstat\n"));
- if (ferror(f))
- perror("/proc/net/netstat");
- fclose(f);
- }
- return;
- }
-+void parsesnmp6(int flag_raw, int flag_tcp, int flag_udp)
-+ FILE *f;
-+ f_raw = flag_raw; f_tcp = flag_tcp; f_udp = flag_udp;
-+ f = fopen("/proc/net/snmp6", "r");
-+ if (!f) {
-+ perror(_("cannot open /proc/net/snmp6"));
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ process6_fd(f);
-+ if (ferror(f))
-+ perror("/proc/net/snmp6");
-+ fclose(f);
-+ f = fopen("/proc/net/snmp", "r");
-+ if (!f) {
-+ perror(_("cannot open /proc/net/snmp"));
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ process_fd(f, 0, "Tcp");
-+ if (ferror(f))
-+ perror("/proc/net/snmp");
-+ fclose(f);
- void inittab(void)
- {
-@@ -379,3 +573,13 @@ void inittab(void)
- qsort(t->tab, t->size / sizeof(struct entry),
- sizeof(struct entry), cmpentries);
- }
-+void inittab6(void)
-+ struct tabtab *t;
-+ for (t = snmp6tabs; t->title; t++)
-+ qsort(t->tab, t->size / sizeof(struct entry),
-+ sizeof(struct entry), cmpentries);
diff --git a/system/net-tools/musl-fixes.patch b/system/net-tools/musl-fixes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d6170ca9..000000000
--- a/system/net-tools/musl-fixes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lib/inet6_gr.c b/lib/inet6_gr.c
-index 72b4a66..2361809 100644
---- a/lib/inet6_gr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet6_gr.c
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
--#ifndef __GLIBC__
-+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6_ROUTE_H
- #include <netinet6/ipv6_route.h> /* glibc doesn't have this */
- #endif
- #include "version.h"
-diff --git a/lib/inet6_sr.c b/lib/inet6_sr.c
-index 1ad9510..96dbd5f 100644
---- a/lib/inet6_sr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet6_sr.c
-@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
--#ifdef __GLIBC__
--#include <net/route.h>
-+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6_ROUTE_H
- #include <netinet6/ipv6_route.h> /* glibc does not have this */
-+#include <net/route.h>
- #endif
- #include "version.h"
- #include "net-support.h"
-diff --git a/lib/inet_sr.c b/lib/inet_sr.c
-index 1a876ae..6a26a76 100644
---- a/lib/inet_sr.c
-+++ b/lib/inet_sr.c
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#include <asm-generic/param.h>
- #include "version.h"
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
-diff --git a/lib/util-ank.c b/lib/util-ank.c
-index b077f35..4ee59f6 100644
---- a/lib/util-ank.c
-+++ b/lib/util-ank.c
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- * Rani Assaf <> 980929: resolve addresses
- */
-+#include <limits.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-diff --git a/mii-tool.c b/mii-tool.c
-index 1cfecc2..fbc3b34 100644
---- a/mii-tool.c
-+++ b/mii-tool.c
-@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <linux/sockios.h>
--#ifndef __GLIBC__
--#include <linux/if_arp.h>
--#include <linux/if_ether.h>
- #include <linux/mii.h>
- #include <linux/sockios.h>
- #include "version.h"
-diff --git a/netstat.c b/netstat.c
-index d0c364f..8453f18 100644
---- a/netstat.c
-+++ b/netstat.c
-@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
-+#include <asm-generic/param.h>
- #include "net-support.h"
- #include "pathnames.h"
-diff --git a/slattach.c b/slattach.c
-index 5c81584..3ccde28 100644
---- a/slattach.c
-+++ b/slattach.c
-@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
-+#include <termios.h>
- #include <linux/if_slip.h>
- #if defined(__GLIBC__)