path: root/user
diff options
authorA. Wilcox <>2024-11-22 15:07:17 -0600
committerA. Wilcox <>2024-11-29 04:55:32 -0600
commit72699bd7edad7dd007ebfa74a19881537f0e9cc0 (patch)
treebfe51a0d6522b90b98864e97819f2ea291cb09a4 /user
parentf41957bedabd2290eeb23af57c1775a6671fb1d1 (diff)
user/spirv-tools: Patch for cross-endian shaders
This integrates a patch that is currently sitting upstream in review. Adding this patch corrects the tools to work on cross-endian binaries, i.e. a big-endian system can handle little-endian shaders, and vis versa. See-also:
Diffstat (limited to 'user')
2 files changed, 287 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/user/spirv-tools/APKBUILD b/user/spirv-tools/APKBUILD
index b98a68a43..874d2de0a 100644
--- a/user/spirv-tools/APKBUILD
+++ b/user/spirv-tools/APKBUILD
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ depends_dev="spirv-headers"
makedepends="$depends_dev cmake python3"
- remove-copyright-check-test.patch"
+ endian.patch
+ remove-copyright-check-test.patch
+ "
build() {
@@ -42,4 +44,5 @@ package() {
sha512sums="804e2a076025a9afde2d7b0b6950fa7b7289b9aa911348b10aad45cc3515116b7484e886d49b524315f75e8d1a2009c2f26310352c154d1b23a58864e8535324 spirv-tools-2024.3.tar.gz
+d31f1650a9f1d35b4ee95eddd6bd6aceb3490591e269f283b71589cfd3ca69b77467cabf659fdc42ee96433092434137a3be55c69b60b7edbcc40d5ed76357b1 endian.patch
a04f1a4d60d6206cbbd5e97dda58ca05689835520617dfe7bdfe29d66ab987f68080fbee85c039aecab554e01d94b16a99acfc2ffd29d9ef5861d3dd2e2dccb1 remove-copyright-check-test.patch"
diff --git a/user/spirv-tools/endian.patch b/user/spirv-tools/endian.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82a2812ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/spirv-tools/endian.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+From 4826b6eabc6102e49562c48effcabb7b87ceb041 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Devillers <>
+Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 11:33:17 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/6] remove dead code dealing with operand endianness
+ source/binary.cpp | 21 ++++++---------------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/source/binary.cpp b/source/binary.cpp
+index 207d4a9b37..b1e1922445 100644
+--- a/source/binary.cpp
++++ b/source/binary.cpp
+@@ -440,10 +440,6 @@ spv_result_t Parser::parseOperand(size_t inst_offset,
+ const uint32_t word = peek();
+- // Do the words in this operand have to be converted to native endianness?
+- // True for all but literal strings.
+- bool convert_operand_endianness = true;
+ switch (type) {
+ if (!word)
+@@ -752,17 +748,12 @@ spv_result_t Parser::parseOperand(size_t inst_offset,
+ if (_.requires_endian_conversion) {
+ // Copy instruction words. Translate to native endianness as needed.
+- if (convert_operand_endianness) {
+- const spv_endianness_t endianness = _.endian;
+- std::transform(_.words + _.word_index, _.words + index_after_operand,
+- std::back_inserter(*words),
+- [endianness](const uint32_t raw_word) {
+- return spvFixWord(raw_word, endianness);
+- });
+- } else {
+- words->insert(words->end(), _.words + _.word_index,
+- _.words + index_after_operand);
+- }
++ const spv_endianness_t endianness = _.endian;
++ std::transform(_.words + _.word_index, _.words + index_after_operand,
++ std::back_inserter(*words),
++ [endianness](const uint32_t raw_word) {
++ return spvFixWord(raw_word, endianness);
++ });
+ }
+ // Advance past the operand.
+From 39a63f822f0d1d93cabba4f4f3d980bc6ec1737b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Devillers <>
+Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 11:50:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/6] perform endianness conversion eagerly
+ source/binary.cpp | 13 +++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/source/binary.cpp b/source/binary.cpp
+index b1e1922445..d46dbc1d9e 100644
+--- a/source/binary.cpp
++++ b/source/binary.cpp
+@@ -207,6 +207,10 @@ class Parser {
+ operands.reserve(25);
+ endian_converted_words.reserve(25);
+ expected_operands.reserve(25);
++ native_words = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(num_words);
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++)
++ native_words[i] = spvFixWord(words[i], endian);
+ }
+ State() : State(0, 0, nullptr) {}
+ const uint32_t* words; // Words in the binary SPIR-V module.
+@@ -218,6 +222,7 @@ class Parser {
+ // Is the SPIR-V binary in a different endianness from the host native
+ // endianness?
+ bool requires_endian_conversion;
++ std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> native_words;
+ // Maps a result ID to its type ID. By convention:
+ // - a result ID that is a type definition maps to itself.
+@@ -748,12 +753,8 @@ spv_result_t Parser::parseOperand(size_t inst_offset,
+ if (_.requires_endian_conversion) {
+ // Copy instruction words. Translate to native endianness as needed.
+- const spv_endianness_t endianness = _.endian;
+- std::transform(_.words + _.word_index, _.words + index_after_operand,
+- std::back_inserter(*words),
+- [endianness](const uint32_t raw_word) {
+- return spvFixWord(raw_word, endianness);
+- });
++ words->insert(words->end(), _.native_words.get() + _.word_index,
++ _.native_words.get() + index_after_operand);
+ }
+ // Advance past the operand.
+From e6005633e64f4dac33aa2c4de42fe6bd3fb648ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Devillers <>
+Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 11:51:37 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/6] fix string literals when file has non-native endianness
+ source/binary.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/source/binary.cpp b/source/binary.cpp
+index d46dbc1d9e..34cb608abe 100644
+--- a/source/binary.cpp
++++ b/source/binary.cpp
+@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ spv_result_t Parser::parseOperand(size_t inst_offset,
+ const size_t max_words = _.num_words - _.word_index;
+ std::string string =
+- spvtools::utils::MakeString(_.words + _.word_index, max_words, false);
++ spvtools::utils::MakeString(_.native_words.get() + _.word_index, max_words, false);
+ if (string.length() == max_words * 4)
+ return exhaustedInputDiagnostic(inst_offset, opcode, type);
+From 3ccc744e814609fe63b755e37240e03cf07e2f2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Devillers <>
+Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 12:24:16 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 4/6] don't convert endianness if not required
+ source/binary.cpp | 7 +++----
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/source/binary.cpp b/source/binary.cpp
+index 34cb608abe..69bd082598 100644
+--- a/source/binary.cpp
++++ b/source/binary.cpp
+@@ -207,10 +207,6 @@ class Parser {
+ operands.reserve(25);
+ endian_converted_words.reserve(25);
+ expected_operands.reserve(25);
+- native_words = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(num_words);
+- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++)
+- native_words[i] = spvFixWord(words[i], endian);
+ }
+ State() : State(0, 0, nullptr) {}
+ const uint32_t* words; // Words in the binary SPIR-V module.
+@@ -267,6 +263,9 @@ spv_result_t Parser::parseModule() {
+ << _.words[0] << "'.";
+ }
+ _.requires_endian_conversion = !spvIsHostEndian(_.endian);
++ _.native_words = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(_.num_words);
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < _.num_words; i++)
++ _.native_words[i] = _.requires_endian_conversion ? spvFixWord(_.words[i], _.endian) : _.words[i];
+ // Process the header.
+ spv_header_t header;
+From 74df3cf1b49c9ae296ebbb16cf8e2e7b45584454 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Devillers <>
+Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 12:42:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 5/6] use native_words as a cache for spvFixWord
+ source/binary.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/source/binary.cpp b/source/binary.cpp
+index 69bd082598..01322be0af 100644
+--- a/source/binary.cpp
++++ b/source/binary.cpp
+@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class Parser {
+ // Returns the endian-corrected word at the given position.
+ uint32_t peekAt(size_t index) const {
+ assert(index < _.num_words);
+- return spvFixWord(_.words[index], _.endian);
++ return _.native_words[index];
+ }
+ // Data members
+From 458eb86f866b489e93d17eee12f76207b93dd60d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Devillers <>
+Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 16:59:06 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 6/6] simplify and fix mismatched endian string parsing for
+ extract_source.cpp
+ tools/objdump/extract_source.cpp | 58 ++++----------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/objdump/extract_source.cpp b/tools/objdump/extract_source.cpp
+index 02959525c6..a179c722a0 100644
+--- a/tools/objdump/extract_source.cpp
++++ b/tools/objdump/extract_source.cpp
+@@ -23,45 +23,12 @@
+ #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+ #include "spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp"
+ #include "tools/util/cli_consumer.h"
++#include "source/binary.h"
+ namespace {
+ constexpr auto kDefaultEnvironment = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_6;
+-// Extract a string literal from a given range.
+-// Copies all the characters from `begin` to the first '\0' it encounters, while
+-// removing escape patterns.
+-// Not finding a '\0' before reaching `end` fails the extraction.
+-// Returns `true` if the extraction succeeded.
+-// `output` value is undefined if false is returned.
+-spv_result_t ExtractStringLiteral(const spv_position_t& loc, const char* begin,
+- const char* end, std::string* output) {
+- size_t sourceLength = std::distance(begin, end);
+- std::string escapedString;
+- escapedString.resize(sourceLength);
+- size_t writeIndex = 0;
+- size_t readIndex = 0;
+- for (; readIndex < sourceLength; writeIndex++, readIndex++) {
+- const char read = begin[readIndex];
+- if (read == '\0') {
+- escapedString.resize(writeIndex);
+- output->append(escapedString);
+- return SPV_SUCCESS;
+- }
+- if (read == '\\') {
+- ++readIndex;
+- }
+- escapedString[writeIndex] = begin[readIndex];
+- }
+- spvtools::Error(spvtools::utils::CLIMessageConsumer, "", loc,
+- "Missing NULL terminator for literal string.");
+ spv_result_t extractOpString(const spv_position_t& loc,
+ const spv_parsed_instruction_t& instruction,
+ std::string* output) {
+@@ -73,12 +40,8 @@ spv_result_t extractOpString(const spv_position_t& loc,
+ }
+- const auto& operand = instruction.operands[1];
+- const char* stringBegin =
+- reinterpret_cast<const char*>(instruction.words + operand.offset);
+- const char* stringEnd = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
+- instruction.words + operand.offset + operand.num_words);
+- return ExtractStringLiteral(loc, stringBegin, stringEnd, output);
++ *output = spvDecodeLiteralStringOperand(instruction, 1);
++ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ spv_result_t extractOpSourceContinued(
+@@ -92,12 +55,8 @@ spv_result_t extractOpSourceContinued(
+ }
+- const auto& operand = instruction.operands[0];
+- const char* stringBegin =
+- reinterpret_cast<const char*>(instruction.words + operand.offset);
+- const char* stringEnd = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
+- instruction.words + operand.offset + operand.num_words);
+- return ExtractStringLiteral(loc, stringBegin, stringEnd, output);
++ *output = *output + spvDecodeLiteralStringOperand(instruction, 0);
++ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ spv_result_t extractOpSource(const spv_position_t& loc,
+@@ -123,11 +82,8 @@ spv_result_t extractOpSource(const spv_position_t& loc,
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+ }
+- const char* stringBegin =
+- reinterpret_cast<const char*>(instruction.words + 4);
+- const char* stringEnd =
+- reinterpret_cast<const char*>(instruction.words + instruction.num_words);
+- return ExtractStringLiteral(loc, stringBegin, stringEnd, code);
++ *code = spvDecodeLiteralStringOperand(instruction, 3);
++ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ } // namespace