blob: a6952b48e8a6b453d5c3e2b8e5ac0bb8814c750c (
plain) (
#!/bin/sh -e
HERE=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}));
cd ${HERE};
rm -f gen_*;
# Transparent monochrome (B on W, W on B) SVGs from master.
# Target: color
# Optionally apply color transformations here.
cp polyguin.svg polyguin_color.svg
# Target: black
# Convert color SVG to black SVG and maintain transparency.
cp polyguin.svg polyguin_black.svg
grep fill: polyguin.svg \
| grep -v fill:none \
| grep -E -o '\#[a-f0-9]*\w' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| cut -d\# -f2 \
| while read k; do
sed -i polyguin_black.svg \
-e 's@'"$k"'@__BLACK_'"$k"'__@g' \
done \
grep fill: polyguin.svg \
| grep -v fill:none \
| grep -E -o '\#[a-f0-9]*\w' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| cut -d\# -f2 \
| sed 's/.\{2\}/& /g' \
| awk '{ print "0x"$1,"0x"$2,"0x"$3, ($1 $2 $3) }' \
| awk --non-decimal-data '{ print $4, (1 - (($1 + $2 + $3) / (3 * 256))) }' \
| while read a b; do
sed -i polyguin_black.svg \
-e '/'"$a"'/ s@-opacity:1@-opacity:'"$b"'@g' \
-e '/'"$a"'/ s@__BLACK_[a-f0-9]*__@000000@g' \
done \
# Target: white
# Convert color SVG to white SVG and maintain transparency.
cp polyguin.svg polyguin_white.svg
grep fill: polyguin.svg \
| grep -v fill:none \
| grep -E -o '\#[a-f0-9]*\w' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| cut -d\# -f2 \
| while read k; do
sed -i polyguin_white.svg \
-e 's@'"$k"'@__WHITE_'"$k"'__@g' \
done \
grep fill: polyguin.svg \
| grep -v fill:none \
| grep -E -o '\#[a-f0-9]*\w' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| cut -d\# -f2 \
| sed 's/.\{2\}/& /g' \
| awk '{ print "0x"$1,"0x"$2,"0x"$3, ($1 $2 $3) }' \
| awk --non-decimal-data '{ print $4, (($1 + $2 + $3) / (3 * 256)) }' \
| while read a b; do
sed -i polyguin_white.svg \
-e '/'"$a"'/ s@-opacity:1@-opacity:'"$b"'@g' \
-e '/'"$a"'/ s@__WHITE_[a-f0-9]*__@ffffff@g' \
done \
docker run -v$(pwd):/x -w/x --rm -i alpine:3.14 <<'EOF'
apk add graphicsmagick imagemagick;
# SVG master --> scaled PNGs for composition onto logo template.
# SVG --> PNG for master logo icon.
# x28 is GitLab
# x54 is Website
# x200 is SPI project page
# x900 is WordPress theme
# This runs inside Docker because of ImageMagick bugs and GM is
# the only free software I can find that doesn't screw this up.
for c in color black white; do
for r in x28 x54 x200 x900; do
gm convert -trim -density 600 -resize ${r} -background none polyguin_${c}.svg gen_polyguin_${c}_${r}.png;
magick convert -auto-level -brightness-contrast -5x+25 gen_polyguin_${c}_${r}.png gen_polyguin_${c}_${r}.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polyguin_${c}_${r}.png;
done # r
done # c
# PSD master --> scaled PNGs for composition onto logo template.
# PSD --> PNG for master logo icon.
# x28 is GitLab
# x54 is Website
# x200 is SPI project page
# x900 is WordPress theme
# GM does not support PSD anymore!
find . -type f -name "*.psd" | cut -d'/' -f2 | while read k; do
for r in x28 x54 x200 x900; do
magick convert -resize ${r} "${k}[0]" "gen_${k%*.psd}_${r}.png";
chown 1000:1000 "gen_${k%*.psd}_${r}.png";
# SVG + PSD template composition.
# Contrast suffers a bit but these are great on image backgrounds.
for c in color black white; do
for r in x28 x54 x200 x900; do
# transparent black polyguin
gm composite gen_polyguin_${c}_${r}.png gen_polylogo_template_black_${r}.png gen_polylogo_black_${c}_${r}.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polylogo_black_${c}_${r}.png;
# transparent white polyguin
gm composite gen_polyguin_${c}_${r}.png gen_polylogo_template_white_${r}.png gen_polylogo_white_${c}_${r}.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polylogo_white_${c}_${r}.png;
done # r
done # c
# These have better contrast and are suited for solid backgrounds.
# FIXME: improve contrast.
for r in x28 x54 x200 x900; do
# solid black color --> grayscale polyguin
magick convert -colorspace Gray gen_polylogo_black_color_${r}.png gen_polylogo_black_mono_${r}.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polylogo_black_mono_${r}.png;
# solid white color --> grayscale polyguin
magick convert -colorspace Gray gen_polylogo_white_color_${r}.png gen_polylogo_white_mono_${r}.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polylogo_black_mono_${r}.png;
done # r
# Favicon generation.
# 32x32 is GitLab
# Website uses native SVG
magick convert -background none -gravity center -resize 32x32 -extent 32x32 polyguin_color.svg icons/gen_polyguin_color_favicon.ico;
chown 1000:1000 icons/gen_polyguin_color_favicon.ico;
# Other custom outputs.
# GitLab group/project avatar is 96x96 square. MUST be square.
magick convert -background none -gravity center -resize 96x96 -extent 96x96 polyguin_color.svg gen_polyguin_color_avatar.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polyguin_color_avatar.png;
# WordPress theme screenshot is 1200x900. MUST be this.
magick convert -background none -gravity center -resize 1200x900 -extent 1200x900 gen_polylogo_black_color_x900.png gen_polyguin_color_wordpress.png;
chown 1000:1000 gen_polyguin_color_wordpress.png;