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							<h1 class="font-weight-light">Desktop or HPC cluster?<br />You're in good hands.</h1>
							<a class="button button-lg button-radius button-white-3 margin-top-30" href="#about">Learn More</a>
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						<h3 class="font-weight-light margin-bottom-20">Faith has no place in computing.<br />Have total confidence.</h3>
						<p>Adélie Linux respects your time and investments. That's why we're based on a rock-solid runtime library and focused on bringing an efficient operating system to your hardware, whether it's from 1995 or 2025.</p>
                        <br />
                        <p>Our developers are within immediate reach to help tackle your biggest challenges, from kernel to browser, or motherboard to microcode.</p>
						<a class="button button-lg button-radius button-dark margin-top-30" href="#blastoff" id="about">Get Started With Adélie</a>
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						<h6 class="font-weight-medium font-small uppercase">Refined</h6>
						<p>Desktop is a first-class citizen, and we're out to prove that you don't need to compromise.<br />There's no need to be a command-line jockey.</p>
                        <br />
                        <p>We don't provide half-baked desktop software, and our daemons don't need to be fought.</p>
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						<h6 class="font-weight-medium font-small uppercase">Reliable</h6>
						<p>We work side-by-side with kernel engineers, the musl libc project, and adjacent communities to create an environment that conforms to global operating system standards.</p>
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						<h6 class="font-weight-medium font-small uppercase">Ready</h6>
                        <p>We support your hardware, not just containers.</p>
                        <br />
						<p>All of our software has been carefully tested on all of our supported platforms to ensure that you always enjoy the best possible experience.</p>
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					<h1 class="font-weight-light">Ready to try Adélie?</h1>
					<a class="button button-lg button-radius button-white-3 margin-top-20" href="/download">Download</a>
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