path: root/lib/spack/spack/
blob: 501ace29b1886eb01b04494f8671dd7997b77158 (plain) (tree)

































































































# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
# This file is part of Spack.
# Created by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
# LLNL-CODE-647188
# For details, see
# Please also see the LICENSE file for our notice and the LGPL.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as
# published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This module contains all routines related to setting up the package
build environment.  All of this is set up by just before
install() is called.

There are two parts to the build environment:

1. Python build environment (i.e. install() method)

   This is how things are set up when install() is called.  Spack
   takes advantage of each package being in its own module by adding a
   bunch of command-like functions (like configure(), make(), etc.) in
   the package's module scope.  Ths allows package writers to call
   them all directly in Package.install() without writing 'self.'
   everywhere.  No, this isn't Pythonic.  Yes, it makes the code more
   readable and more like the shell script from which someone is
   likely porting.

2. Build execution environment

   This is the set of environment variables, like PATH, CC, CXX,
   etc. that control the build.  There are also a number of
   environment variables used to pass information (like RPATHs and
   other information about dependencies) to Spack's compiler wrappers.
   All of these env vars are also set up here.

Skimming this module is a nice way to get acquainted with the types of
calls you can make from within the install() function.
import os
import sys
import multiprocessing
import traceback
import inspect
import shutil

import llnl.util.tty as tty
import spack
from llnl.util.filesystem import *
from spack.environment import EnvironmentModifications, validate
from spack.util.environment import *
from spack.util.executable import Executable, which

# This can be set by the user to globally disable parallel builds.

# These environment variables are set by
# set_build_environment_variables and used to pass parameters to
# Spack's compiler wrappers.

# Platform-specific library suffix.
dso_suffix = 'dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'so'

class MakeExecutable(Executable):
    """Special callable executable object for make so the user can
       specify parallel or not on a per-invocation basis.  Using
       'parallel' as a kwarg will override whatever the package's
       global setting is, so you can either default to true or false
       and override particular calls.

       Note that if the SPACK_NO_PARALLEL_MAKE env var is set it overrides

    def __init__(self, name, jobs):
        super(MakeExecutable, self).__init__(name) = jobs

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        disable = env_flag(SPACK_NO_PARALLEL_MAKE)
        parallel = not disable and kwargs.get('parallel', > 1)

        if parallel:
            jobs = "-j%d" %
            args = (jobs,) + args

        return super(MakeExecutable, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)

def load_module(mod):
    """Takes a module name and removes modules until it is possible to
    load that module. It then loads the provided module. Depends on the
    modulecmd implementation of modules used in cray and lmod.
    # Create an executable of the module command that will output python code
    modulecmd = which('modulecmd')

    # Read the module and remove any conflicting modules
    # We do this without checking that they are already installed
    # for ease of programming because unloading a module that is not
    # loaded does nothing.
    text = modulecmd('show', mod, output=str, error=str).split()
    for i, word in enumerate(text):
        if word == 'conflict':
            exec(compile(modulecmd('unload', text[i + 1], output=str,
                                   error=str), '<string>', 'exec'))
    # Load the module now that there are no conflicts
    load = modulecmd('load', mod, output=str, error=str)
    exec(compile(load, '<string>', 'exec'))

def get_path_from_module(mod):
    """Inspects a TCL module for entries that indicate the absolute path
    at which the library supported by said module can be found.
    # Create a modulecmd executable
    modulecmd = which('modulecmd')

    # Read the module
    text = modulecmd('show', mod, output=str, error=str).split('\n')
    # If it lists its package directory, return that
    for line in text:
        if line.find(mod.upper() + '_DIR') >= 0:
            words = line.split()
            return words[2]

    # If it lists a -rpath instruction, use that
    for line in text:
        rpath = line.find('-rpath/')
        if rpath >= 0:
            return line[rpath + 6:line.find('/lib')]

    # If it lists a -L instruction, use that
    for line in text:
        L = line.find('-L/')
        if L >= 0:
            return line[L + 2:line.find('/lib')]

    # If it sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH, use that
    for line in text:
        if line.find('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') >= 0:
            words = line.split()
            path = words[2]
            return path[:path.find('/lib')]
    # Unable to find module path
    return None

def set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, env):
    compiler = pkg.compiler
    flags = pkg.spec.compiler_flags

    # Set compiler variables used by CMake and autotools
    assert all(key in compiler.link_paths for key in (
        'cc', 'cxx', 'f77', 'fc'))

    # Populate an object with the list of environment modifications
    # and return it
    # TODO : add additional kwargs for better diagnostics, like requestor,
    # ttyout, ttyerr, etc.
    link_dir = spack.build_env_path

    # Set SPACK compiler variables so that our wrapper knows what to call
        env.set('CC', join_path(link_dir, compiler.link_paths['cc']))
    if compiler.cxx:
        env.set('SPACK_CXX', compiler.cxx)
        env.set('CXX', join_path(link_dir, compiler.link_paths['cxx']))
    if compiler.f77:
        env.set('SPACK_F77', compiler.f77)
        env.set('F77', join_path(link_dir, compiler.link_paths['f77']))
    if compiler.fc:
        env.set('SPACK_FC',  compiler.fc)
        env.set('FC', join_path(link_dir, compiler.link_paths['fc']))

    # Set SPACK compiler rpath flags so that our wrapper knows what to use
    env.set('SPACK_CC_RPATH_ARG',  compiler.cc_rpath_arg)
    env.set('SPACK_CXX_RPATH_ARG', compiler.cxx_rpath_arg)
    env.set('SPACK_F77_RPATH_ARG', compiler.f77_rpath_arg)
    env.set('SPACK_FC_RPATH_ARG',  compiler.fc_rpath_arg)

    # Add every valid compiler flag to the environment, prefixed with "SPACK_"
    for flag in spack.spec.FlagMap.valid_compiler_flags():
        # Concreteness guarantees key safety here
        if flags[flag] != []:
            env.set('SPACK_' + flag.upper(), ' '.join(f for f in flags[flag]))

    env.set('SPACK_COMPILER_SPEC', str(pkg.spec.compiler))

    for mod in compiler.modules:

    compiler.setup_custom_environment(pkg, env)

    return env

def set_build_environment_variables(pkg, env, dirty=False):
    This ensures a clean install environment when we build packages.

    dirty -- skip unsetting the user's environment settings.
    # Add spack build environment path with compiler wrappers first in
    # the path. We add both spack.env_path, which includes default
    # wrappers (cc, c++, f77, f90), AND a subdirectory containing
    # compiler-specific symlinks.  The latter ensures that builds that
    # are sensitive to the *name* of the compiler see the right name
    # when we're building with the wrappers.
    # Conflicts on case-insensitive systems (like "CC" and "cc") are
    # handled by putting one in the <build_env_path>/case-insensitive
    # directory.  Add that to the path too.
    env_paths = []
    compiler_specific = join_path(spack.build_env_path,
    for item in [spack.build_env_path, compiler_specific]:
        ci = join_path(item, 'case-insensitive')
        if os.path.isdir(ci):

    env_paths = filter_system_paths(env_paths)

    for item in reversed(env_paths):
        env.prepend_path('PATH', item)
    env.set_path(SPACK_ENV_PATH, env_paths)

    # Prefixes of all of the package's dependencies go in SPACK_DEPENDENCIES
    dep_prefixes = [d.prefix for d in
                    pkg.spec.traverse(root=False, deptype=('build', 'link'))]
    dep_prefixes = filter_system_paths(dep_prefixes)
    env.set_path(SPACK_DEPENDENCIES, dep_prefixes)

    # These variables control compiler wrapper behavior
    env.set_path(SPACK_RPATH_DEPS, filter_system_paths([
        d.prefix for d in get_rpath_deps(pkg)]))
    env.set_path(SPACK_LINK_DEPS, filter_system_paths([
        d.prefix for d in pkg.spec.traverse(root=False, deptype=('link'))]))

    # Add dependencies to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
    env.set_path('CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH', dep_prefixes)

    # Install prefix
    env.set(SPACK_PREFIX, pkg.prefix)

    # Install root prefix

    # Stuff in here sanitizes the build environemnt to eliminate
    # anything the user has set that may interfere.
    if not dirty:
        # Remove these vars from the environment during build because they
        # can affect how some packages find libraries.  We want to make
        # sure that builds never pull in unintended external dependencies.

        # Remove any macports installs from the PATH.  The macports ld can
        # cause conflicts with the built-in linker on el capitan.  Solves
        # assembler issues, e.g.:
        #    suffix or operands invalid for `movq'"
        path = get_path('PATH')
        for p in path:
            if '/macports/' in p:
                env.remove_path('PATH', p)

    # Set environment variables if specified for
    # the given compiler
    compiler = pkg.compiler
    environment = compiler.environment
    if 'set' in environment:
        env_to_set = environment['set']
        for key, value in env_to_set.iteritems():
            env.set('SPACK_ENV_SET_%s' % key, value)
            env.set('%s' % key, value)
        # Let shell know which variables to set
        env_variables = ":".join(env_to_set.keys())
        env.set('SPACK_ENV_TO_SET', env_variables)

    if compiler.extra_rpaths:
        extra_rpaths = ':'.join(compiler.extra_rpaths)
        env.set('SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS', extra_rpaths)

    # Add bin directories from dependencies to the PATH for the build.
    bin_dirs = reversed(filter(os.path.isdir, [
        '%s/bin' % d.prefix for d in pkg.spec.dependencies(deptype='build')]))
    bin_dirs = filter_system_bin_paths(bin_dirs)
    for item in bin_dirs:
        env.prepend_path('PATH', item)

    # Working directory for the spack command itself, for debug logs.
    if spack.debug:
        env.set(SPACK_DEBUG, 'TRUE')
    env.set(SPACK_SHORT_SPEC, pkg.spec.short_spec)
    env.set(SPACK_DEBUG_LOG_DIR, spack.spack_working_dir)

    # Add any pkgconfig directories to PKG_CONFIG_PATH
    for pre in dep_prefixes:
        for directory in ('lib', 'lib64', 'share'):
            pcdir = join_path(pre, directory, 'pkgconfig')
            if os.path.isdir(pcdir):
                env.prepend_path('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', pcdir)


    return env

def set_module_variables_for_package(pkg, module):
    """Populate the module scope of install() with some useful functions.
       This makes things easier for package writers.
    # number of jobs spack will build with.
    jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    if not pkg.parallel:
        jobs = 1
    elif pkg.make_jobs:
        jobs = pkg.make_jobs

    m = module
    m.make_jobs = jobs

    # TODO: make these build deps that can be installed if not found.
    m.make = MakeExecutable('make', jobs)
    m.gmake = MakeExecutable('gmake', jobs)
    m.scons = MakeExecutable('scons', jobs)

    # easy shortcut to os.environ
    m.env = os.environ

    # Find the configure script in the archive path
    # Don't use which for this; we want to find it in the current dir.
    m.configure = Executable('./configure')

    m.cmake = Executable('cmake')
    m.ctest = Executable('ctest')

    # Standard CMake arguments
    m.std_cmake_args = spack.CMakePackage._std_args(pkg)

    # Put spack compiler paths in module scope.
    link_dir = spack.build_env_path
    m.spack_cc = join_path(link_dir, pkg.compiler.link_paths['cc'])
    m.spack_cxx = join_path(link_dir, pkg.compiler.link_paths['cxx'])
    m.spack_f77 = join_path(link_dir, pkg.compiler.link_paths['f77'])
    m.spack_fc = join_path(link_dir, pkg.compiler.link_paths['fc'])

    # Emulate some shell commands for convenience
    m.pwd = os.getcwd = os.chdir
    m.mkdir = os.mkdir
    m.makedirs = os.makedirs
    m.remove = os.remove
    m.removedirs = os.removedirs
    m.symlink = os.symlink

    m.mkdirp = mkdirp
    m.install = install
    m.install_tree = install_tree
    m.rmtree = shutil.rmtree
    m.move = shutil.move

    # Useful directories within the prefix are encapsulated in
    # a Prefix object.
    m.prefix = pkg.prefix

    # Platform-specific library suffix.
    m.dso_suffix = dso_suffix

def get_rpath_deps(pkg):
    """Return immediate or transitive RPATHs depending on the package."""
    if pkg.transitive_rpaths:
        return [d for d in pkg.spec.traverse(root=False, deptype=('link'))]
        return pkg.spec.dependencies(deptype='link')

def get_rpaths(pkg):
    """Get a list of all the rpaths for a package."""
    rpaths = [pkg.prefix.lib, pkg.prefix.lib64]
    deps = get_rpath_deps(pkg)
    rpaths.extend(d.prefix.lib for d in deps
                  if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.lib))
    rpaths.extend(d.prefix.lib64 for d in deps
                  if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.lib64))
    # Second module is our compiler mod name. We use that to get rpaths from
    # module show output.
    if pkg.compiler.modules and len(pkg.compiler.modules) > 1:
    return rpaths

def get_std_cmake_args(cmake_pkg):
    # standard CMake arguments
    ret = ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % cmake_pkg.prefix,
    if platform.mac_ver()[0]:

    # Set up CMake rpath
    ret.append('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=%s' % ":".join(get_rpaths(cmake_pkg)))

    return ret

def parent_class_modules(cls):
    Get list of super class modules that are all descend from spack.Package
    if not issubclass(cls, spack.Package) or issubclass(spack.Package, cls):
        return []
    result = []
    module = sys.modules.get(cls.__module__)
    if module:
        result = [module]
    for c in cls.__bases__:
    return result

def load_external_modules(pkg):
    """ traverse the spec list and find any specs that have external modules.
    for dep in list(pkg.spec.traverse()):
        if dep.external_module:

def setup_package(pkg, dirty=False):
    """Execute all environment setup routines."""
    spack_env = EnvironmentModifications()
    run_env = EnvironmentModifications()

    # Before proceeding, ensure that specs and packages are consistent
    # This is a confusing behavior due to how packages are
    # constructed.  `setup_dependent_package` may set attributes on
    # specs in the DAG for use by other packages' install
    # method. However, spec.package will look up a package via
    # spack.repo, which defensively copies specs into packages.  This
    # code ensures that all packages in the DAG have pieces of the
    # same spec object at build time.
    # This is safe for the build process, b/c the build process is a
    # throwaway environment, but it is kind of dirty.
    # TODO: Think about how to avoid this fix and do something cleaner.
    for s in pkg.spec.traverse():
        s.package.spec = s

    set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env)
    set_build_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env, dirty)
    pkg.architecture.platform.setup_platform_environment(pkg, spack_env)
    # traverse in postorder so package can use vars from its dependencies
    spec = pkg.spec
    for dspec in pkg.spec.traverse(order='post', root=False, deptype='build'):
        # If a user makes their own package repo, e.g.
        # spack.repos.mystuff.libelf.Libelf, and they inherit from
        # an existing class like spack.repos.original.libelf.Libelf,
        # then set the module variables for both classes so the
        # parent class can still use them if it gets called.
        spkg = dspec.package
        modules = parent_class_modules(spkg.__class__)
        for mod in modules:
            set_module_variables_for_package(spkg, mod)
        set_module_variables_for_package(spkg, spkg.module)

        # Allow dependencies to modify the module
        dpkg = dspec.package
        dpkg.setup_dependent_package(pkg.module, spec)
        dpkg.setup_dependent_environment(spack_env, run_env, spec)

    set_module_variables_for_package(pkg, pkg.module)
    pkg.setup_environment(spack_env, run_env)

    # Make sure nothing's strange about the Spack environment.
    validate(spack_env, tty.warn)

def fork(pkg, function, dirty=False):
    """Fork a child process to do part of a spack build.

    :param pkg: pkg whose environemnt we should set up the forked process for.
    :param function: arg-less function to run in the child process.
    :param dirty: If True, do NOT clean the environment before building.


       def child_fun():
           # do stuff
       build_env.fork(pkg, child_fun)

    Forked processes are run with the build environment set up by
    spack.build_environment.  This allows package authors to have
    full control over the environment, etc. without affecting
    other builds that might be executed in the same spack call.

    If something goes wrong, the child process is expected to print
    the error and the parent process will exit with error as
    well. If things go well, the child exits and the parent
    carries on.

    def child_execution(child_connection, input_stream):
            setup_package(pkg, dirty=dirty)
            # catch ANYTHING that goes wrong in the child process
            exc_type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()

            # Need to unwind the traceback in the child because traceback
            # objects can't be sent to the parent.
            tb_string = traceback.format_exc()

            # build up some context from the offending package so we can
            # show that, too.
            package_context = get_package_context(tb)

            build_log = None
            if hasattr(pkg, 'log_path'):
                build_log = pkg.log_path

            # make a pickleable exception to send to parent.
            msg = "%s: %s" % (str(exc_type.__name__), str(exc))

            ce = ChildError(msg, tb_string, build_log, package_context)


    parent_connection, child_connection = multiprocessing.Pipe()
        # Forward sys.stdin to be able to activate / deactivate
        # verbosity pressing a key at run-time
        input_stream = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()))
        p = multiprocessing.Process(
            args=(child_connection, input_stream)
        # Close the input stream in the parent process
    child_exc = parent_connection.recv()

    if child_exc is not None:
        raise child_exc

def get_package_context(traceback):
    """Return some context for an error message when the build fails.

    traceback -- A traceback from some exception raised during install.

    This function inspects the stack to find where we failed in the
    package file, and it adds detailed context to the long_message
    from there.

    def make_stack(tb, stack=None):
        """Tracebacks come out of the system in caller -> callee order.  Return
        an array in callee -> caller order so we can traverse it."""
        if stack is None:
            stack = []
        if tb is not None:
            make_stack(tb.tb_next, stack)
        return stack

    stack = make_stack(traceback)

    for tb in stack:
        frame = tb.tb_frame
        if 'self' in frame.f_locals:
            # Find the first proper subclass of spack.PackageBase.
            obj = frame.f_locals['self']
            if isinstance(obj, spack.PackageBase):

    # we found obj, the Package implementation we care about.
    # point out the location in the install method where we failed.
    lines = []
    lines.append("%s:%d, in %s:" % (
        inspect.getfile(frame.f_code), frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name

    # Build a message showing context in the install method.
    sourcelines, start = inspect.getsourcelines(frame)
    for i, line in enumerate(sourcelines):
        mark = ">> " if start + i == frame.f_lineno else "   "
        lines.append("  %s%-5d%s" % (mark, start + i, line.rstrip()))

    return lines

class InstallError(spack.error.SpackError):
    """Raised by packages when a package fails to install"""

class ChildError(spack.error.SpackError):
    """Special exception class for wrapping exceptions from child processes
       in Spack's build environment.

    The main features of a ChildError are:

    1. They're serializable, so when a child build fails, we can send one
       of these to the parent and let the parent report what happened.

    2. They have a ``traceback`` field containing a traceback generated
       on the child immediately after failure.  Spack will print this on
       failure in lieu of trying to run sys.excepthook on the parent
       process, so users will see the correct stack trace from a child.

    3. They also contain package_context, which shows source code context
       in the Package implementation where the error happened.  To get
       this, Spack searches the stack trace for the deepest frame where
       ``self`` is in scope and is an instance of PackageBase.  This will
       generally find a useful spot in the ```` file.

    The long_message of a ChildError displays all this stuff to the user,
    and SpackError handles displaying the special traceback if we're in
    debug mode with spack -d.

    def __init__(self, msg, traceback_string, build_log, package_context):
        super(ChildError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.traceback = traceback_string
        self.build_log = build_log
        self.package_context = package_context

    def long_message(self):
        msg = self._long_message if self._long_message else ''

        if self.package_context:
            if msg:
                msg += "\n\n"
            msg += '\n'.join(self.package_context)

        if msg:
            msg += "\n\n"

        if self.build_log:
            msg += "See build log for details:\n"
            msg += "  %s" % self.build_log

        return msg

    def __reduce__(self):
        """__reduce__ is used to serialize (pickle) ChildErrors.

        Return a function to reconstruct a ChildError, along with the
        salient properties we'll need.
        return _make_child_error, (

def _make_child_error(msg, traceback, build_log, package_context):
    """Used by __reduce__ in ChildError to reconstruct pickled errors."""
    return ChildError(msg, traceback, build_log, package_context)