path: root/lib/spack/spack/cmd/
blob: 48326868aecce917dba22db121ae086298130946 (plain) (tree)



































































































































# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import re

import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.filesystem import mkdirp

import spack.util.web
import spack.repo
import spack.stage
from spack.spec import Spec
from spack.util.editor import editor
from spack.util.executable import which, ProcessError
from spack.util.naming import mod_to_class
from spack.util.naming import simplify_name, valid_fully_qualified_module_name
from spack.url import UndetectableNameError, UndetectableVersionError
from spack.url import parse_name, parse_version

description = "create a new package file"
section = "packaging"
level = "short"

package_template = '''\
# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you submit this package back to Spack as a pull request,
# please first remove this boilerplate and all FIXME comments.
# This is a template package file for Spack.  We've put "FIXME"
# next to all the things you'll want to change. Once you've handled
# them, you can save this file and test your package like this:
#     spack install {name}
# You can edit this file again by typing:
#     spack edit {name}
# See the Spack documentation for more information on packaging.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

from spack import *

class {class_name}({base_class_name}):
    """FIXME: Put a proper description of your package here."""

    # FIXME: Add a proper url for your package's homepage here.
    homepage = ""

    # FIXME: Add a list of GitHub accounts to
    # notify when the package is updated.
    # maintainers = ['github_user1', 'github_user2']




class BundlePackageTemplate(object):
    Provides the default values to be used for a bundle package file template.

    base_class_name = 'BundlePackage'

    dependencies = """\
    # FIXME: Add dependencies if required.
    # depends_on('foo')"""

    url_def = "    # There is no URL since there is no code to download."
    body_def = "    # There is no need for install() since there is no code."

    def __init__(self, name, versions):       = name
        self.class_name = mod_to_class(name)
        self.versions   = versions

    def write(self, pkg_path):
        """Writes the new package file."""

        # Write out a template for the file
        with open(pkg_path, "w") as pkg_file:

class PackageTemplate(BundlePackageTemplate):
    """Provides the default values to be used for the package file template"""

    base_class_name = 'Package'

    body_def = """\
    def install(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Unknown build system

    url_line = """    url      = \"{url}\""""

    def __init__(self, name, url, versions):
        super(PackageTemplate, self).__init__(name, versions)

        self.url_def = self.url_line.format(url=url)

class AutotoolsPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for Autotools-based packages
    that *do* come with a ``configure`` script"""

    base_class_name = 'AutotoolsPackage'

    body_def = """\
    def configure_args(self):
        # FIXME: Add arguments other than --prefix
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

class AutoreconfPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for Autotools-based packages
    that *do not* come with a ``configure`` script"""

    base_class_name = 'AutotoolsPackage'

    dependencies = """\
    depends_on('autoconf', type='build')
    depends_on('automake', type='build')
    depends_on('libtool',  type='build')
    depends_on('m4',       type='build')

    # FIXME: Add additional dependencies if required.
    # depends_on('foo')"""

    body_def = """\
    def autoreconf(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Modify the autoreconf method as necessary
        autoreconf('--install', '--verbose', '--force')

    def configure_args(self):
        # FIXME: Add arguments other than --prefix
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

class CMakePackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for CMake-based packages"""

    base_class_name = 'CMakePackage'

    body_def = """\
    def cmake_args(self):
        # FIXME: Add arguments other than
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

class MesonPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for meson-based packages"""

    base_class_name = 'MesonPackage'

    body_def = """\
    def meson_args(self):
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

class QMakePackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for QMake-based packages"""

    base_class_name = 'QMakePackage'

    body_def = """\
    def qmake_args(self):
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

class SconsPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for SCons-based packages"""

    base_class_name = 'SConsPackage'

    body_def = """\
    def build_args(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Add arguments to pass to build.
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

class WafPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate override for Waf-based packages"""

    base_class_name = 'WafPackage'

    body_def = """\
    # FIXME: Override configure_args(), build_args(),
    # or install_args() if necessary."""

class BazelPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for Bazel-based packages"""

    dependencies = """\
    # FIXME: Add additional dependencies if required.
    depends_on('bazel', type='build')"""

    body_def = """\
    def install(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Add logic to build and install here.

class PythonPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for python extensions"""
    base_class_name = 'PythonPackage'

    dependencies = """\
    # FIXME: Add dependencies if required. Only add the python dependency
    # if you need specific versions. A generic python dependency is
    # added implicity by the PythonPackage class.
    # depends_on('python@2.X:2.Y,3.Z:', type=('build', 'run'))
    # depends_on('py-setuptools', type='build')
    # depends_on('py-foo',        type=('build', 'run'))"""

    body_def = """\
    def build_args(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Add arguments other than --prefix
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        # If the user provided `--name py-numpy`, don't rename it py-py-numpy
        if not name.startswith('py-'):
            # Make it more obvious that we are renaming the package
            tty.msg("Changing package name from {0} to py-{0}".format(name))
            name = 'py-{0}'.format(name)

        super(PythonPackageTemplate, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)

class RPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for R extensions"""
    base_class_name = 'RPackage'

    dependencies = """\
    # FIXME: Add dependencies if required.
    # depends_on('r-foo', type=('build', 'run'))"""

    body_def = """\
    def configure_args(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Add arguments to pass to install via --configure-args
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        # If the user provided `--name r-rcpp`, don't rename it r-r-rcpp
        if not name.startswith('r-'):
            # Make it more obvious that we are renaming the package
            tty.msg("Changing package name from {0} to r-{0}".format(name))
            name = 'r-{0}'.format(name)

        super(RPackageTemplate, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)

class PerlmakePackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for Perl extensions
    that come with a Makefile.PL"""
    base_class_name = 'PerlPackage'

    dependencies = """\
    # FIXME: Add dependencies if required:
    # depends_on('perl-foo', type=('build', 'run'))"""

    body_def = """\
    def configure_args(self):
        # FIXME: Add non-standard arguments
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        # If the user provided `--name perl-cpp`, don't rename it perl-perl-cpp
        if not name.startswith('perl-'):
            # Make it more obvious that we are renaming the package
            tty.msg("Changing package name from {0} to perl-{0}".format(name))
            name = 'perl-{0}'.format(name)

        super(PerlmakePackageTemplate, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)

class PerlbuildPackageTemplate(PerlmakePackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for Perl extensions
    that come with a Build.PL instead of a Makefile.PL"""
    dependencies = """\
    depends_on('perl-module-build', type='build')

    # FIXME: Add additional dependencies if required:
    # depends_on('perl-foo', type=('build', 'run'))"""

class OctavePackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for octave packages"""

    base_class_name = 'OctavePackage'

    dependencies = """\

    # FIXME: Add additional dependencies if required.
    # depends_on('octave-foo', type=('build', 'run'))"""

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        # If the user provided `--name octave-splines`, don't rename it
        # octave-octave-splines
        if not name.startswith('octave-'):
            # Make it more obvious that we are renaming the package
            tty.msg("Changing package name from {0} to octave-{0}".format(name))  # noqa
            name = 'octave-{0}'.format(name)

        super(OctavePackageTemplate, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)

class MakefilePackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for Makefile packages"""

    base_class_name = 'MakefilePackage'

    body_def = """\
    def edit(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Edit the Makefile if necessary
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        # makefile = FileFilter('Makefile')
        # makefile.filter('CC = .*', 'CC = cc')"""

class IntelPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for licensed Intel software"""

    base_class_name = 'IntelPackage'

    body_def = """\
    # FIXME: Override `setup_environment` if necessary."""

class SIPPackageTemplate(PackageTemplate):
    """Provides appropriate overrides for SIP packages."""

    base_class_name = 'SIPPackage'

    body_def = """\
    def configure_args(self, spec, prefix):
        # FIXME: Add arguments other than --bindir and --destdir
        # FIXME: If not needed delete this function
        args = []
        return args"""

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        # If the user provided `--name py-pyqt4`, don't rename it py-py-pyqt4
        if not name.startswith('py-'):
            # Make it more obvious that we are renaming the package
            tty.msg("Changing package name from {0} to py-{0}".format(name))
            name = 'py-{0}'.format(name)

        super(SIPPackageTemplate, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)

templates = {
    'autotools':  AutotoolsPackageTemplate,
    'autoreconf': AutoreconfPackageTemplate,
    'cmake':      CMakePackageTemplate,
    'bundle':     BundlePackageTemplate,
    'qmake':      QMakePackageTemplate,
    'scons':      SconsPackageTemplate,
    'waf':        WafPackageTemplate,
    'bazel':      BazelPackageTemplate,
    'python':     PythonPackageTemplate,
    'r':          RPackageTemplate,
    'perlmake':   PerlmakePackageTemplate,
    'perlbuild':  PerlbuildPackageTemplate,
    'octave':     OctavePackageTemplate,
    'makefile':   MakefilePackageTemplate,
    'intel':      IntelPackageTemplate,
    'meson':      MesonPackageTemplate,
    'sip':        SIPPackageTemplate,
    'generic':    PackageTemplate,

def setup_parser(subparser):
        'url', nargs='?',
        help="url of package archive")
        '--keep-stage', action='store_true',
        help="don't clean up staging area when command completes")
        '-n', '--name',
        help="name of the package to create")
        '-t', '--template', metavar='TEMPLATE',
        help="build system template to use. options: %(choices)s")
        '-r', '--repo',
        help="path to a repository where the package should be created")
        '-N', '--namespace',
        help="specify a namespace for the package. must be the namespace of "
        "a repository registered with Spack")
        '-f', '--force', action='store_true',
        help="overwrite any existing package file with the same name")
        '--skip-editor', action='store_true',
        help="skip the edit session for the package (e.g., automation)")
        '-b', '--batch', action='store_true',
        help="don't ask which versions to checksum")

class BuildSystemGuesser:
    """An instance of BuildSystemGuesser provides a callable object to be used
    during ``spack create``. By passing this object to ``spack checksum``, we
    can take a peek at the fetched tarball and discern the build system it uses

    def __init__(self):
        """Sets the default build system."""
        self.build_system = 'generic'

    def __call__(self, stage, url):
        """Try to guess the type of build system used by a project based on
        the contents of its archive or the URL it was downloaded from."""

        # Most octave extensions are hosted on Octave-Forge:
        # They all have the same base URL.
        if url is not None and '' in url:
            self.build_system = 'octave'

        # A list of clues that give us an idea of the build system a package
        # uses. If the regular expression matches a file contained in the
        # archive, the corresponding build system is assumed.
        # NOTE: Order is important here. If a package supports multiple
        # build systems, we choose the first match in this list.
        clues = [
            (r'/CMakeLists\.txt$',    'cmake'),
            (r'/NAMESPACE$',          'r'),
            (r'/configure$',          'autotools'),
            (r'/configure\.(in|ac)$', 'autoreconf'),
            (r'/Makefile\.am$',       'autoreconf'),
            (r'/SConstruct$',         'scons'),
            (r'/waf$',                'waf'),
            (r'/setup\.py$',          'python'),
            (r'/WORKSPACE$',          'bazel'),
            (r'/Build\.PL$',          'perlbuild'),
            (r'/Makefile\.PL$',       'perlmake'),
            (r'/.*\.pro$',            'qmake'),
            (r'/(GNU)?[Mm]akefile$',  'makefile'),
            (r'/DESCRIPTION$',        'octave'),
            (r'/meson\.build$',       'meson'),
            (r'/configure\.py$',      'sip'),

        # Peek inside the compressed file.
        if stage.archive_file.endswith('.zip'):
                unzip  = which('unzip')
                output = unzip('-lq', stage.archive_file, output=str)
            except ProcessError:
                output = ''
                tar    = which('tar')
                output = tar('--exclude=*/*/*', '-tf',
                             stage.archive_file, output=str)
            except ProcessError:
                output = ''
        lines = output.split('\n')

        # Determine the build system based on the files contained
        # in the archive.
        for pattern, bs in clues:
            if any(, line) for line in lines):
                self.build_system = bs

def get_name(args):
    """Get the name of the package based on the supplied arguments.

    If a name was provided, always use that. Otherwise, if a URL was
    provided, extract the name from that. Otherwise, use a default.

        args (param argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to
            ``spack create``

        str: The name of the package

    # Default package name
    name = 'example'

    if is not None:
        # Use a user-supplied name if one is present
        name =
        if len( > 0:
            tty.msg("Using specified package name: '{0}'".format(name))
            tty.die("A package name must be provided when using the option.")
    elif args.url is not None:
        # Try to guess the package name based on the URL
            name = parse_name(args.url)
            if name != args.url:
                desc = 'URL'
                desc = 'package name'
            tty.msg("This looks like a {0} for {1}".format(desc, name))
        except UndetectableNameError:
            tty.die("Couldn't guess a name for this package.",
                    "  Please report this bug. In the meantime, try running:",
                    "  `spack create --name <name> <url>`")

    name = simplify_name(name)

    if not valid_fully_qualified_module_name(name):
        tty.die("Package name can only contain a-z, 0-9, and '-'")

    return name

def get_url(args):
    """Get the URL to use.

    Use a default URL if none is provided.

        args (argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to ``spack create``

        str: The URL of the package

    # Default URL
    url = ''

    if args.url:
        # Use a user-supplied URL if one is present
        url = args.url

    return url

def get_versions(args, name):
    """Returns a list of versions and hashes for a package.

    Also returns a BuildSystemGuesser object.

    Returns default values if no URL is provided.

        args (argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to ``spack create``
        name (str): The name of the package

        str and BuildSystemGuesser: Versions and hashes, and a
            BuildSystemGuesser object

    # Default version with hash
    hashed_versions = """\
    # FIXME: Add proper versions and checksums here.
    # version('1.2.3', '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')"""

    # Default version without hash
    unhashed_versions = """\
    # FIXME: Add proper versions here.
    # version('1.2.4')"""

    # Default guesser
    guesser = BuildSystemGuesser()

    if args.url is not None and args.template != 'bundle':
        # Find available versions
            url_dict = spack.util.web.find_versions_of_archive(args.url)
        except UndetectableVersionError:
            # Use fake versions
            tty.warn("Couldn't detect version in: {0}".format(args.url))
            return hashed_versions, guesser

        if not url_dict:
            # If no versions were found, revert to what the user provided
            version = parse_version(args.url)
            url_dict = {version: args.url}

        versions = spack.stage.get_checksums_for_versions(
            url_dict, name, first_stage_function=guesser,
            batch=(args.batch or len(url_dict) == 1))
        versions = unhashed_versions

    return versions, guesser

def get_build_system(args, guesser):
    """Determine the build system template.

    If a template is specified, always use that. Otherwise, if a URL
    is provided, download the tarball and peek inside to guess what
    build system it uses. Otherwise, use a generic template by default.

        args (argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to ``spack create``
        guesser (BuildSystemGuesser): The first_stage_function given to
            ``spack checksum`` which records the build system it detects

        str: The name of the build system template to use
    # Default template
    template = 'generic'

    if args.template is not None:
        # Use a user-supplied template if one is present
        template = args.template
        tty.msg("Using specified package template: '{0}'".format(template))
    elif args.url is not None:
        # Use whatever build system the guesser detected
        template = guesser.build_system
        if template == 'generic':
            tty.warn("Unable to detect a build system. "
                     "Using a generic package template.")
            msg = "This package looks like it uses the {0} build system"

    return template

def get_repository(args, name):
    """Returns a Repo object that will allow us to determine the path where
    the new package file should be created.

        args (argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to ``spack create``
        name (str): The name of the package to create

        Repo: A Repo object capable of determining the path to the package file
    spec = Spec(name)
    # Figure out namespace for spec
    if spec.namespace and args.namespace and spec.namespace != args.namespace:
        tty.die("Namespaces '{0}' and '{1}' do not match.".format(
            spec.namespace, args.namespace))

    if not spec.namespace and args.namespace:
        spec.namespace = args.namespace

    # Figure out where the new package should live
    repo_path = args.repo
    if repo_path is not None:
        repo = spack.repo.Repo(repo_path)
        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != repo.namespace:
            tty.die("Can't create package with namespace {0} in repo with "
                    "namespace {1}".format(spec.namespace, repo.namespace))
        if spec.namespace:
            repo = spack.repo.path.get_repo(spec.namespace, None)
            if not repo:
                tty.die("Unknown namespace: '{0}'".format(spec.namespace))
            repo = spack.repo.path.first_repo()

    # Set the namespace on the spec if it's not there already
    if not spec.namespace:
        spec.namespace = repo.namespace

    return repo

def create(parser, args):
    # Gather information about the package to be created
    name = get_name(args)
    url = get_url(args)
    versions, guesser = get_versions(args, name)
    build_system = get_build_system(args, guesser)

    # Create the package template object
    constr_args = {'name': name, 'versions': versions}
    package_class = templates[build_system]
    if package_class != BundlePackageTemplate:
        constr_args['url'] = url
    package = package_class(**constr_args)
    tty.msg("Created template for {0} package".format(

    # Create a directory for the new package
    repo = get_repository(args, name)
    pkg_path = repo.filename_for_package_name(
    if os.path.exists(pkg_path) and not args.force:
        tty.die('{0} already exists.'.format(pkg_path),
                '  Try running `spack create --force` to overwrite it.')

    # Write the new package file
    tty.msg("Created package file: {0}".format(pkg_path))

    # Optionally open up the new package file in your $EDITOR
    if not args.skip_editor: