path: root/lib/spack/spack/
blob: 29e335d65e7ad1b22e08d2f4fce337acdbb2d7a1 (plain) (tree)






































































# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Parser for spec literals

Here is the EBNF grammar for a spec::

    spec          = [name] [node_options] { ^[edge_properties] node } |
                    [name] [node_options] hash |

    node          =  name [node_options] |
                     [name] [node_options] hash |

    node_options    = [@(version_list|version_pair)] [%compiler] { variant }
    edge_properties = [ { bool_variant | key_value } ]

    hash          = / id
    filename      = (.|/|[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*/)([a-zA-Z0-9-_./]*)(.json|.yaml)

    name          = id | namespace id
    namespace     = { id . }

    variant       = bool_variant | key_value | propagated_bv | propagated_kv
    bool_variant  =  +id |  ~id |  -id
    propagated_bv = ++id | ~~id | --id
    key_value     =  id=id |  id=quoted_id
    propagated_kv = id==id | id==quoted_id

    compiler      = id [@version_list]

    version_pair  = git_version=vid
    version_list  = (version|version_range) [ { , (version|version_range)} ]
    version_range = vid:vid | vid: | :vid | :
    version       = vid

    git_version   = git.(vid) | git_hash
    git_hash      = [A-Fa-f0-9]{40}

    quoted_id     = " id_with_ws " | ' id_with_ws '
    id_with_ws    = [a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z_0-9-.\\s]*
    vid           = [a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z_0-9-.]*
    id            = [a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z_0-9-]*

Identifiers using the <name>=<value> command, such as architectures and
compiler flags, require a space before the name.

There is one context-sensitive part: ids in versions may contain '.', while
other ids may not.

There is one ambiguity: since '-' is allowed in an id, you need to put
whitespace space before -variant for it to be tokenized properly.  You can
either use whitespace, or you can just use ~variant since it means the same
thing.  Spack uses ~variant in directory names and in the canonical form of
specs to avoid ambiguity.  Both are provided because ~ can cause shell
expansion when it is the first character in an id typed on the command line.
import enum
import json
import pathlib
import re
import sys
from typing import Iterator, List, Match, Optional

from llnl.util.tty import color

import spack.deptypes
import spack.error
import spack.spec
import spack.version

IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == "win32"
#: Valid name for specs and variants. Here we are not using
#: the previous "w[\w.-]*" since that would match most
#: characters that can be part of a word in any language
IDENTIFIER = r"(?:[a-zA-Z_0-9][a-zA-Z_0-9\-]*)"
GIT_HASH = r"(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{40})"
#: Git refs include branch names, and can contain "." and "/"
GIT_REF = r"(?:[a-zA-Z_0-9][a-zA-Z_0-9./\-]*)"
GIT_VERSION_PATTERN = rf"(?:(?:git\.(?:{GIT_REF}))|(?:{GIT_HASH}))"

NAME = r"[a-zA-Z_0-9][a-zA-Z_0-9\-.]*"

HASH = r"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+"

#: A filename starts either with a "." or a "/" or a "{name}/,
# or on Windows, a drive letter followed by a colon and "\"
# or "." or {name}\
WINDOWS_FILENAME = r"(?:\.|[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\\|[a-zA-Z]:\\)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.\\]*)(?:\.json|\.yaml)"
UNIX_FILENAME = r"(?:\.|\/|[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\/)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.\/]*)(?:\.json|\.yaml)"
if not IS_WINDOWS:

#: These are legal values that *can* be parsed bare, without quotes on the command line.
VALUE = r"(?:[a-zA-Z_0-9\-+\*.,:=\~\/\\]+)"

#: Variant/flag values that match this can be left unquoted in Spack output
NO_QUOTES_NEEDED = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9,/_.-]+$")

#: Quoted values can be *anything* in between quotes, including escaped quotes.
QUOTED_VALUE = r"(?:'(?:[^']|(?<=\\)')*'|\"(?:[^\"]|(?<=\\)\")*\")"

VERSION = r"=?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z_0-9\-\.]*\b)"
VERSION_RANGE = rf"(?:(?:{VERSION})?:(?:{VERSION}(?!\s*=))?)"

#: Regex with groups to use for splitting (optionally propagated) key-value pairs
SPLIT_KVP = re.compile(rf"^({NAME})(==?)(.*)$")

#: Regex to strip quotes. Group 2 will be the unquoted string.
STRIP_QUOTES = re.compile(r"^(['\"])(.*)\1$")

def strip_quotes_and_unescape(string: str) -> str:
    """Remove surrounding single or double quotes from string, if present."""
    match = STRIP_QUOTES.match(string)
    if not match:
        return string

    # replace any escaped quotes with bare quotes
    quote, result = match.groups()
    return result.replace(rf"\{quote}", quote)

def quote_if_needed(value: str) -> str:
    """Add quotes around the value if it requires quotes.

    This will add quotes around the value unless it matches ``NO_QUOTES_NEEDED``.

    This adds:
    * single quotes by default
    * double quotes around any value that contains single quotes

    If double quotes are used, we json-escpae the string. That is, we escape ``\\``,
    ``"``, and control codes.

    if NO_QUOTES_NEEDED.match(value):
        return value

    return json.dumps(value) if "'" in value else f"'{value}'"

class TokenBase(enum.Enum):
    """Base class for an enum type with a regex value"""

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        # See
        value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
        obj = object.__new__(cls)
        obj._value_ = value
        return obj

    def __init__(self, regex):
        self.regex = regex

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self._name_}"

class TokenType(TokenBase):
    """Enumeration of the different token kinds in the spec grammar.

    Order of declaration is extremely important, since text containing specs is parsed with a
    single regex obtained by ``"|".join(...)`` of all the regex in the order of declaration.

    # Dependency
    START_EDGE_PROPERTIES = r"(?:\^\[)"
    END_EDGE_PROPERTIES = r"(?:\])"
    DEPENDENCY = r"(?:\^)"
    # Version
    VERSION = rf"(?:@\s*(?:{VERSION_LIST}))"
    # Variants
    PROPAGATED_BOOL_VARIANT = rf"(?:(?:\+\+|~~|--)\s*{NAME})"
    BOOL_VARIANT = rf"(?:[~+-]\s*{NAME})"
    # Compilers
    COMPILER_AND_VERSION = rf"(?:%\s*(?:{NAME})(?:[\s]*)@\s*(?:{VERSION_LIST}))"
    COMPILER = rf"(?:%\s*(?:{NAME}))"
    FILENAME = rf"(?:{FILENAME})"
    # Package name
    # DAG hash
    DAG_HASH = rf"(?:/(?:{HASH}))"
    # White spaces
    WS = r"(?:\s+)"

class ErrorTokenType(TokenBase):
    """Enum with regexes for error analysis"""

    # Unexpected character
    UNEXPECTED = r"(?:.[\s]*)"

class Token:
    """Represents tokens; generated from input by lexer and fed to parse()."""

    __slots__ = "kind", "value", "start", "end"

    def __init__(
        self, kind: TokenBase, value: str, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None
        self.kind = kind
        self.value = value
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"({self.kind}, {self.value})"

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.kind == other.kind) and (self.value == other.value)

#: List of all the regexes used to match spec parts, in order of precedence
TOKEN_REGEXES = [rf"(?P<{token}>{token.regex})" for token in TokenType]
#: List of all valid regexes followed by error analysis regexes
    rf"(?P<{token}>{token.regex})" for token in ErrorTokenType
#: Regex to scan a valid text
ALL_TOKENS = re.compile("|".join(TOKEN_REGEXES))
#: Regex to analyze an invalid text

def tokenize(text: str) -> Iterator[Token]:
    """Return a token generator from the text passed as input.

        SpecTokenizationError: if we can't tokenize anymore, but didn't reach the
            end of the input text.
    scanner = ALL_TOKENS.scanner(text)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    match: Optional[Match] = None
    for match in iter(scanner.match, None):
        # The following two assertions are to help mypy
        msg = (
            "unexpected value encountered during parsing. Please submit a bug report "
        assert match is not None, msg
        assert match.lastgroup is not None, msg
        yield Token(
            TokenType.__members__[match.lastgroup],, match.start(), match.end()

    if match is None and not text:
        # We just got an empty string

    if match is None or match.end() != len(text):
        scanner = ANALYSIS_REGEX.scanner(text)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        matches = [m for m in iter(scanner.match, None)]  # type: ignore[var-annotated]
        raise SpecTokenizationError(matches, text)

class TokenContext:
    """Token context passed around by parsers"""

    __slots__ = "token_stream", "current_token", "next_token"

    def __init__(self, token_stream: Iterator[Token]):
        self.token_stream = token_stream
        self.current_token = None
        self.next_token = None

    def advance(self):
        """Advance one token"""
        self.current_token, self.next_token = self.next_token, next(self.token_stream, None)

    def accept(self, kind: TokenType):
        """If the next token is of the specified kind, advance the stream and return True.
        Otherwise return False.
        if self.next_token and self.next_token.kind == kind:
            return True
        return False

    def expect(self, *kinds: TokenType):
        return self.next_token and self.next_token.kind in kinds

class SpecParser:
    """Parse text into specs"""

    __slots__ = "literal_str", "ctx"

    def __init__(self, literal_str: str):
        self.literal_str = literal_str
        self.ctx = TokenContext(filter(lambda x: x.kind != TokenType.WS, tokenize(literal_str)))

    def tokens(self) -> List[Token]:
        """Return the entire list of token from the initial text. White spaces are
        filtered out.
        return list(filter(lambda x: x.kind != TokenType.WS, tokenize(self.literal_str)))

    def next_spec(
        self, initial_spec: Optional["spack.spec.Spec"] = None
    ) -> Optional["spack.spec.Spec"]:
        """Return the next spec parsed from text.

            initial_spec: object where to parse the spec. If None a new one
                will be created.

            The spec that was parsed
        if not self.ctx.next_token:
            return initial_spec

        initial_spec = initial_spec or spack.spec.Spec()
        root_spec = SpecNodeParser(self.ctx).parse(initial_spec)
        while True:
            if self.ctx.accept(TokenType.START_EDGE_PROPERTIES):
                edge_properties = EdgeAttributeParser(self.ctx, self.literal_str).parse()
                edge_properties.setdefault("depflag", 0)
                edge_properties.setdefault("virtuals", ())
                dependency = self._parse_node(root_spec)
                root_spec._add_dependency(dependency, **edge_properties)

            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.DEPENDENCY):
                dependency = self._parse_node(root_spec)
                root_spec._add_dependency(dependency, depflag=0, virtuals=())


        return root_spec

    def _parse_node(self, root_spec):
        dependency = SpecNodeParser(self.ctx).parse()
        if dependency is None:
            msg = (
                "the dependency sigil and any optional edge attributes must be followed by a "
                "package name or a node attribute (version, variant, etc.)"
            raise SpecParsingError(msg, self.ctx.current_token, self.literal_str)
        if root_spec.concrete:
            raise spack.spec.RedundantSpecError(root_spec, "^" + str(dependency))
        return dependency

    def all_specs(self) -> List["spack.spec.Spec"]:
        """Return all the specs that remain to be parsed"""
        return list(iter(self.next_spec, None))

class SpecNodeParser:
    """Parse a single spec node from a stream of tokens"""

    __slots__ = "ctx", "has_compiler", "has_version"

    def __init__(self, ctx):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.has_compiler = False
        self.has_version = False

    def parse(
        self, initial_spec: Optional["spack.spec.Spec"] = None
    ) -> Optional["spack.spec.Spec"]:
        """Parse a single spec node from a stream of tokens

            initial_spec: object to be constructed

            The object passed as argument
        if not self.ctx.next_token or self.ctx.expect(TokenType.DEPENDENCY):
            return initial_spec

        initial_spec = initial_spec or spack.spec.Spec()

        # If we start with a package name we have a named spec, we cannot
        # accept another package name afterwards in a node
        if self.ctx.accept(TokenType.UNQUALIFIED_PACKAGE_NAME):
   = self.ctx.current_token.value

        elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.FULLY_QUALIFIED_PACKAGE_NAME):
            parts = self.ctx.current_token.value.split(".")
            name = parts[-1]
            namespace = ".".join(parts[:-1])
   = name
            initial_spec.namespace = namespace

        elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.FILENAME):
            return FileParser(self.ctx).parse(initial_spec)

        while True:
            if self.ctx.accept(TokenType.COMPILER):
                if self.has_compiler:
                    raise spack.spec.DuplicateCompilerSpecError(
                        f"{initial_spec} cannot have multiple compilers"

                compiler_name = self.ctx.current_token.value[1:]
                initial_spec.compiler = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(compiler_name.strip(), ":")
                self.has_compiler = True

            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.COMPILER_AND_VERSION):
                if self.has_compiler:
                    raise spack.spec.DuplicateCompilerSpecError(
                        f"{initial_spec} cannot have multiple compilers"

                compiler_name, compiler_version = self.ctx.current_token.value[1:].split("@")
                initial_spec.compiler = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(
                    compiler_name.strip(), compiler_version
                self.has_compiler = True

            elif (
                or self.ctx.accept(TokenType.GIT_VERSION)
                or self.ctx.accept(TokenType.VERSION)
                if self.has_version:
                    raise spack.spec.MultipleVersionError(
                        f"{initial_spec} cannot have multiple versions"
                initial_spec.versions = spack.version.VersionList(
                self.has_version = True

            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.BOOL_VARIANT):
                variant_value = self.ctx.current_token.value[0] == "+"
                    self.ctx.current_token.value[1:].strip(), variant_value, propagate=False

            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.PROPAGATED_BOOL_VARIANT):
                variant_value = self.ctx.current_token.value[0:2] == "++"
                    self.ctx.current_token.value[2:].strip(), variant_value, propagate=True

            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.KEY_VALUE_PAIR):
                match = SPLIT_KVP.match(self.ctx.current_token.value)
                assert match, "SPLIT_KVP and KEY_VALUE_PAIR do not agree."

                name, delim, value = match.groups()
                initial_spec._add_flag(name, strip_quotes_and_unescape(value), propagate=False)

            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.PROPAGATED_KEY_VALUE_PAIR):
                match = SPLIT_KVP.match(self.ctx.current_token.value)
                assert match, "SPLIT_KVP and PROPAGATED_KEY_VALUE_PAIR do not agree."

                name, delim, value = match.groups()
                initial_spec._add_flag(name, strip_quotes_and_unescape(value), propagate=True)

            elif self.ctx.expect(TokenType.DAG_HASH):
                if initial_spec.abstract_hash:
                initial_spec.abstract_hash = self.ctx.current_token.value[1:]


        return initial_spec

class FileParser:
    """Parse a single spec from a JSON or YAML file"""

    __slots__ = ("ctx",)

    def __init__(self, ctx):
        self.ctx = ctx

    def parse(self, initial_spec: "spack.spec.Spec") -> "spack.spec.Spec":
        """Parse a spec tree from a specfile.

            initial_spec: object where to parse the spec

            The initial_spec passed as argument, once constructed
        file = pathlib.Path(self.ctx.current_token.value)

        if not file.exists():
            raise spack.spec.NoSuchSpecFileError(f"No such spec file: '{file}'")

        with"r", encoding="utf-8") as stream:
            if str(file).endswith(".json"):
                spec_from_file = spack.spec.Spec.from_json(stream)
                spec_from_file = spack.spec.Spec.from_yaml(stream)
        return initial_spec

class EdgeAttributeParser:
    __slots__ = "ctx", "literal_str"

    def __init__(self, ctx, literal_str):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.literal_str = literal_str

    def parse(self):
        attributes = {}
        while True:
            if self.ctx.accept(TokenType.KEY_VALUE_PAIR):
                name, value = self.ctx.current_token.value.split("=", maxsplit=1)
                name = name.strip("'\" ")
                value = value.strip("'\" ").split(",")
                attributes[name] = value
                if name not in ("deptypes", "virtuals"):
                    msg = (
                        "the only edge attributes that are currently accepted "
                        'are "deptypes" and "virtuals"'
                    raise SpecParsingError(msg, self.ctx.current_token, self.literal_str)
            # TODO: Add code to accept bool variants here as soon as use variants are implemented
            elif self.ctx.accept(TokenType.END_EDGE_PROPERTIES):
                msg = "unexpected token in edge attributes"
                raise SpecParsingError(msg, self.ctx.next_token, self.literal_str)

        # Turn deptypes=... to depflag representation
        if "deptypes" in attributes:
            deptype_string = attributes.pop("deptypes")
            attributes["depflag"] = spack.deptypes.canonicalize(deptype_string)
        return attributes

def parse(text: str) -> List["spack.spec.Spec"]:
    """Parse text into a list of strings

        text (str): text to be parsed

        List of specs
    return SpecParser(text).all_specs()

def parse_one_or_raise(
    text: str, initial_spec: Optional["spack.spec.Spec"] = None
) -> "spack.spec.Spec":
    """Parse exactly one spec from text and return it, or raise

        text (str): text to be parsed
        initial_spec: buffer where to parse the spec. If None a new one will be created.
    stripped_text = text.strip()
    parser = SpecParser(stripped_text)
    result = parser.next_spec(initial_spec)
    last_token = parser.ctx.current_token

    if last_token is not None and last_token.end != len(stripped_text):
        message = "a single spec was requested, but parsed more than one:"
        message += f"\n{text}"
        if last_token is not None:
            underline = f"\n{' ' * last_token.end}{'^' * (len(text) - last_token.end)}"
            message += color.colorize(f"@*r{{{underline}}}")
        raise ValueError(message)

    if result is None:
        message = "a single spec was requested, but none was parsed:"
        message += f"\n{text}"
        raise ValueError(message)

    return result

class SpecSyntaxError(Exception):
    """Base class for Spec syntax errors"""

class SpecTokenizationError(SpecSyntaxError):
    """Syntax error in a spec string"""

    def __init__(self, matches, text):
        message = "unexpected tokens in the spec string\n"
        message += f"{text}"

        underline = "\n"
        for match in matches:
            if match.lastgroup == str(ErrorTokenType.UNEXPECTED):
                underline += f"{'^' * (match.end() - match.start())}"
            underline += f"{' ' * (match.end() - match.start())}"

        message += color.colorize(f"@*r{{{underline}}}")

class SpecParsingError(SpecSyntaxError):
    """Error when parsing tokens"""

    def __init__(self, message, token, text):
        message += f"\n{text}"
        underline = f"\n{' '*token.start}{'^'*(token.end - token.start)}"
        message += color.colorize(f"@*r{{{underline}}}")