path: root/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/charmpp/
blob: fe867153a5c0431290e812fdf8b9496549d0d1db (plain) (tree)

























































# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import os
import platform
import shutil
import sys

from spack import *

class Charmpp(Package):
    """Charm++ is a parallel programming framework in C++ supported by
    an adaptive runtime system, which enhances user productivity and
    allows programs to run portably from small multicore computers
    (your laptop) to the largest supercomputers."""

    homepage = ""
    url      = ""
    git      = ""

    maintainers = ["matthiasdiener"]

    version("main", branch="main")

    version('7.0.0', sha256='9c247b421bb157bdf9bc0ced3e25738c7a1dc1f7ec57b7943a7faf97f7e4fb2e')
    version('6.10.2', sha256='7abb4cace8aebdfbb8006eac03eb766897c009cfb919da0d0a33f74c3b4e6deb')
    version('6.10.1', sha256='ab96198105daabbb8c8bdf370f87b0523521ce502c656cb6cd5b89f69a2c70a8')
    version('6.10.0', sha256='7c526a78aa0c202b7f0418b345138e7dc40496f0bb7b9e301e0381980450b25c')
    version("6.9.0", sha256="85ed660e46eeb7a6fc6b32deab08226f647c244241948f6b592ebcd2b6050cbd")
    version("6.8.2", sha256="08e6001b0e9cd00ebde179f76098767149bf7e454f29028fb9a8bfb55778698e")
    version("6.8.1", sha256="bf39666bb9f8bad1cd17dafa3cdf35c7ef64dfaeda835cf66ae530b7baab7583")
    version("6.8.0", sha256="deca68622932ea0c677aa764d6d24cd169a2fd99c06e7d7b6947c0f18ec2f8f3")
    version("6.7.1", sha256="744a093874fbac03b6ae8be3ce434eff46b2ee778561e860802ed578e0810fdf")
    version("6.7.0", sha256="6b0d8215a180c90cf6ee33ff39f66726934df34aaeeed59650dd3a0cc54d0c87")
    version("6.6.1", sha256="2aa16fd3015dce0a0932ab5253578a72ddbcb889bc0d23584c42b28446915467")
    version("6.6.0", sha256="c916010f2d4cc2c6bd30ea19764839d0298fb56d1696d8ff08d9fa9a61dfb1c9")
    version("6.5.1", sha256="68aa43e2a6e476e116a7e80e385c25c6ac6497807348025505ba8bfa256ed34a")

    # Support OpenMPI; see
    # <>
    # Patch is no longer needed in versions 6.8.0+
    patch("mpi.patch", when="@:6.7.1")

    # Patch for AOCC
    patch('charm_6.7.1_aocc.patch', when="@6.7.1 %aocc", level=1)
    patch('charm_6.8.2_aocc.patch', when="@6.8.2 %aocc", level=3)

    # support Fujitsu compiler
    patch("fj.patch", when="%fj")

    # support NVIDIA compilers
    patch("nvhpc.patch", when="%nvhpc")

    # Ignore compiler warnings while configuring
    patch("strictpass.patch", when="@:6.8.2")

    # Build targets
    # "target" is reserved, so we have to use something else.
        # AMPI also builds charm++, LIBS also builds AMPI and charm++
        values=("charm++", "AMPI", "LIBS", "ChaNGa"),
        description="Specify the target to build"

    # Communication mechanisms (choose exactly one)
    # - Default to 'multicore' on macOS because that's probably the right choice
    #   for a personal machine.
    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        backend_default = "multicore"
        backend_default = "netlrts"
        values=("mpi", "multicore", "netlrts", "verbs", "gni",
                "ucx", "ofi", "pami", "pamilrts"),
        description="Set the backend to use"

    # Process management interface
        values=("none", "simplepmi", "slurmpmi", "slurmpmi2", "pmix"),
        description="The ucx/ofi/gni backends need PMI to run!"

    # Other options
    variant("papi", default=False, description="Enable PAPI integration")
    variant("syncft", default=False, description="Compile with Charm++ fault tolerance support")
    variant("smp", default=True,
                "Enable SMP parallelism (does not work with +multicore)"))
    variant("tcp", default=False,
            description="Use TCP as transport mechanism (requires +net)")
    variant("omp", default=False, description="Support for the integrated LLVM OpenMP runtime")
    variant("pthreads", default=False, description="Compile with pthreads Converse threads")
    variant("cuda", default=False, description="Enable CUDA toolkit")

    variant("shared", default=True, description="Enable shared link support")
    variant("production", default=True, description="Build charm++ with all optimizations")
    variant("tracing", default=False, description="Enable tracing modules")

    # Versions 7.0.0+ use CMake by default when it's available. It's more
    # robust.
    depends_on('cmake@3.4:', when='@7.0.0:', type='build')

    depends_on("mpi", when="backend=mpi")
    depends_on("papi", when="+papi")
    depends_on("cuda", when="+cuda")

    depends_on("ucx", when="backend=ucx")
    depends_on("slurm@:17-11-9-2", when="pmi=slurmpmi")
    depends_on("slurm@17-11-9-2:", when="pmi=slurmpmi2")

    # FIXME : As of now spack's OpenMPI recipe does not have a PMIx variant
    # But if users have external installs of OpenMPI with PMIx support, this
    # will allow them to build charm++ with it.
    depends_on("openmpi", when="pmi=pmix")

    depends_on("mpi", when="pmi=simplepmi")
    depends_on("mpi", when="pmi=slurmpmi")
    depends_on("mpi", when="pmi=slurmpmi2")

    # Git versions of Charm++ require automake and autoconf
    depends_on("automake", when="@develop")
    depends_on("autoconf", when="@develop")

    conflicts("~tracing", "+papi")

    conflicts("backend=multicore", "+smp")
    conflicts("backend=ucx", when="@:6.9")

    # Shared-lib builds with GCC are broken on macOS:
    conflicts("+shared", when="platform=darwin %gcc")

    # Charm++ versions below 7.0.0 have build issues on macOS, mainly due to the
    # pre-7.0.0 `VERSION` file conflicting with other version files on the
    # system: Specifically, it
    # conflicts with LLVM's `<version>` header that was added in llvm@7.0.0 to
    # comply with the C++20 standard:
    # The conflict only occurs
    # on case-insensitive file systems, as typically used on macOS machines.
    conflicts("@:6", when="platform=darwin %apple-clang@7:")
    conflicts("@:6", when="platform=darwin %clang@7:")

    def charmarch(self):
        plat = sys.platform

        if plat.startswith("linux"):
            plat = "linux"
        elif plat.startswith("win"):
            plat = "win"
        elif plat.startswith("cnl"):
            plat = "cnl"
        elif plat.startswith("cnk"):
            plat = "cnk"

        mach = platform.machine()

        if mach.startswith("ppc"):
            mach = "ppc"
        elif mach.startswith("arm"):
            mach = "arm"

        comm = self.spec.variants['backend'].value

        # Define Charm++ version names for various (plat, mach, comm)
        # combinations. Note that not all combinations are supported.
        versions = {
            ("darwin",  "x86_64",   "mpi"):         "mpi-darwin-x86_64",
            ("darwin",  "x86_64",   "multicore"):   "multicore-darwin-x86_64",
            ("darwin",  "x86_64",   "netlrts"):     "netlrts-darwin-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "x86_64",   "mpi"):         "mpi-linux-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "x86_64",   "multicore"):   "multicore-linux-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "x86_64",   "netlrts"):     "netlrts-linux-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "x86_64",   "verbs"):       "verbs-linux-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "x86_64",   "ofi"):         "ofi-linux-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "x86_64",   "ucx"):         "ucx-linux-x86_64",
            ("linux",   "ppc",      "mpi"):         "mpi-linux-ppc",
            ("linux",   "ppc",      "multicore"):   "multicore-linux-ppc",
            ("linux",   "ppc",      "netlrts"):     "netlrts-linux-ppc",
            ("linux",   "ppc",      "pami"):        "pami-linux-ppc64le",
            ("linux",   "ppc",      "verbs"):       "verbs-linux-ppc64le",
            ("linux",   "arm",      "netlrts"):     "netlrts-linux-arm7",
            ("linux",   "arm",      "multicore"):   "multicore-arm7",
            ("linux",   "aarch64",  "netlrts"):     "netlrts-linux-arm8",
            ("linux",   "aarch64",  "multicore"):   "multicore-arm8",
            ("win",     "x86_64",   "mpi"):         "mpi-win-x86_64",
            ("win",     "x86_64",   "multicore"):   "multicore-win-x86_64",
            ("win",     "x86_64",   "netlrts"):     "netlrts-win-x86_64",
            ("cnl",     "x86_64",   "gni"):         "gni-crayxc",
            ("cnl",     "x86_64",   "mpi"):         "mpi-crayxc",

        # Some versions were renamed/removed in 6.11
        if self.spec.version < Version("6.11.0"):
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "mpi"):       "mpi-linux"})
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "multicore"):
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "netlrts"):   "netlrts-linux"})
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "uth"):       "uth-linux"})
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "mpi"):       "mpi-linux-i386"})
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "multicore"):
            versions.update({("linux", "i386", "netlrts"):

        if (plat, mach, comm) not in versions:
            raise InstallError(
                "The communication mechanism %s is not supported "
                "on a %s platform with a %s CPU" %
                (comm, plat, mach))

        return versions[(plat, mach, comm)]

    # FIXME: backend=mpi also provides mpi, but spack does not support
    # depends_on("mpi") and provides("mpi") in the same package currently.
    # for b in ['multicore', 'netlrts', 'verbs', 'gni', 'ofi', 'pami',
    #          'pamilrts']:
    #    provides('mpi@2', when='@6.7.1:
    #            build-target=AMPI backend={0}'.format(b))
    #    provides('mpi@2', when='@6.7.1:
    #            build-target=LIBS backend={0}'.format(b))

    def install(self, spec, prefix):

        if not("backend=mpi" in self.spec) or \
           not("backend=netlrts" in self.spec):
            if ("+pthreads" in self.spec):
                raise InstallError("The pthreads option is only\
                                    available on the Netlrts and MPI \
                                    network layers.")

        if ("backend=ucx" in self.spec) or \
           ("backend=ofi" in self.spec) or \
           ("backend=gni" in self.spec):
            if ("pmi=none" in self.spec):
                raise InstallError("The UCX/OFI/GNI backends need \
                                    PMI to run. Please add pmi=... \
                                    Note that PMIx is the preferred \

        if ("pmi=simplepmi" in self.spec) or \
           ("pmi=slurmpmi" in self.spec) or \
           ("pmi=slurmpmi2" in self.spec):
            if ("^openmpi" in self.spec):
                raise InstallError("To use any process management \
                                    interface other than PMIx, \
                                    a non OpenMPI based MPI must be \
                                    present on the system")

        target = spec.variants["build-target"].value
        builddir = prefix

        # We assume that Spack's compiler wrappers make this work. If
        # not, then we need to query the compiler vendor from Spack
        # here.
        options = [

        if '@:6.8.2 %aocc' not in spec:

        options.append("-j%d" % make_jobs)
        options.append("--destination=%s" % builddir)

        if "pmi=slurmpmi" in spec:
        if "pmi=slurmpmi2" in spec:
        if "pmi=pmix" in spec:
            options.extend(["--basedir=%s" % spec["openmpi"].prefix])

        if 'backend=mpi' in spec:
            # in intelmpi <prefix>/include and <prefix>/lib fails so --basedir
            # cannot be used
                for incdir in spec["mpi"].headers.directories
                for libdir in spec["mpi"].libs.directories

        if "backend=ucx" in spec:
            options.extend(["--basedir=%s" % spec["ucx"].prefix])
        if "+papi" in spec:
            options.extend(["papi", "--basedir=%s" % spec["papi"].prefix])
        if "+smp" in spec:
        if "+tcp" in spec:
            if 'backend=netlrts' not in spec:
                # This is a Charm++ limitation; it would lead to a
                # build error
                raise InstallError(
                    "The +tcp variant requires "
                    "the backend=netlrts communication mechanism")
        if "+omp" in spec:
        if "+pthreads" in spec:
        if "+cuda" in spec:

        if "+shared" in spec:
        if "+production" in spec:
        if "+tracing" in spec:

        # Call "make" via the build script
        # Note: This builds Charm++ in the "tmp" subdirectory of the
        # install directory. Maybe we could set up a symbolic link
        # back to the build tree to prevent this? Alternatively, we
        # could dissect the build script; the build instructions say
        # this wouldn't be difficult.
        build = Executable(join_path(".", "build"))
        build(target, self.charmarch, *options)

        # Charm++'s install script does not copy files, it only creates
        # symbolic links. Fix this.
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(builddir):
            for filename in filenames:
                filepath = join_path(dirpath, filename)
                if os.path.islink(filepath):
                    tmppath = filepath + ".tmp"
                    # Skip dangling symbolic links
                        copy(filepath, tmppath)
                        os.rename(tmppath, filepath)
                    except (IOError, OSError):

        tmp_path = join_path(builddir, "tmp")
        if not os.path.islink(tmp_path):

        if self.spec.satisfies('@6.9.99'):
            # A broken 'doc' link in the prefix can break the build.
            # Remove it and replace it if it is broken.
            except OSError:

    def check_build(self):
        make('-C', join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'tests'),
             'test', 'TESTOPTS=++local', parallel=False)

    def setup_dependent_build_environment(self, env, dependent_spec):
        env.set('MPICC',  self.prefix.bin.ampicc)
        env.set('MPICXX', self.prefix.bin.ampicxx)
        env.set('MPIF77', self.prefix.bin.ampif77)
        env.set('MPIF90', self.prefix.bin.ampif90)

    def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dependent_spec):
        self.spec.mpicc     = self.prefix.bin.ampicc
        self.spec.mpicxx    = self.prefix.bin.ampicxx
        self.spec.mpifc     = self.prefix.bin.ampif90
        self.spec.mpif77    = self.prefix.bin.ampif77
        self.spec.charmarch = self.charmarch