diff options
authorRichard Berger <>2022-07-25 15:41:24 -0600
committerGitHub <>2022-07-25 23:41:24 +0200
commit7be0dac36b13b7399061b97ca43274feeff761c6 (patch)
parent885a7a197903239c86c3de710cdcbaa91f5c19c5 (diff)
new package: singularity-eos (#31500)
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/singularity-eos/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/singularity-eos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1ce8539ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/singularity-eos/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+import os
+from spack.package import *
+class SingularityEos(CMakePackage, CudaPackage):
+ """Singularity-EOS: A collection of closure models and tools useful for
+ multiphysics codes."""
+ homepage = ""
+ git = ""
+ url = ""
+ maintainers = ['rbberger']
+ version("main", branch="main")
+ version('1.6.1', sha256='c6d92dfecf9689ffe2df615791c039f7e527e9f47799a862e26fa4e3420fe5d7')
+ # build with kokkos, kokkos-kernels for offloading support
+ variant("kokkos", default=False, description="Enable kokkos")
+ variant("kokkos-kernels", default=False, description="Enable kokkos-kernals for linear algebra")
+ variant("openmp", default=False, description="Enable openmp")
+ # for compatibility with downstream projects
+ variant("mpi", default=False, description="Build with MPI support")
+ # build converters for sesame, stellarcollapse eos's
+ variant("build_extra", description="Build converters", values=any_combination_of("sesame", "stellarcollapse").with_default("none"))
+ # build tests
+ variant("tests", default=False, description="Build tests")
+ # build the Fortran interface
+ variant("fortran", default=True, description="Enable building fortran interface")
+ # build the Python bindings
+ variant("python", default=False, description="Enable building Python bindings")
+ # build the documentation
+ variant("doc", default=False, description="Sphinx Documentation Support")
+ # include depedencies for automatic code formatting (i.e. clang-format)
+ variant("format", default=False, description="Clang-Format Support")
+ variant("eospac", default=True, description="Pull in EOSPAC")
+ # building/testing/docs
+ depends_on("cmake@3.14:")
+ depends_on("catch2@2.13.7", when="+tests")
+ depends_on("python@3:", when="+python")
+# depends_on("py-h5py", when="+tests build_extra=stellarcollapse")
+ depends_on("py-sphinx", when="+doc")
+ depends_on("py-sphinx-rtd-theme@0.4.3", when="+doc")
+ depends_on("py-sphinx-multiversion", when="+doc")
+ depends_on('llvm@12.0.0+clang', when='+format')
+ # linear algebra when not using GPUs
+ depends_on("eigen@3.3.8", when="~cuda")
+ depends_on("eospac", when="+eospac")
+ depends_on("spiner")
+ depends_on("spiner +kokkos", when="+kokkos")
+ depends_on("mpark-variant")
+ depends_on("mpark-variant",
+ patches=patch("",
+ sha256="7b3eaa52b5ab23dc45fbfb456528e36742e04b838a5df859eca96c4e8274bb38"),
+ when="+cuda")
+ # set up kokkos offloading dependencies
+ for _flag in ("~cuda", "+cuda", "~openmp", "+openmp"):
+ depends_on("kokkos@3.2: ~shared" + _flag, when="+kokkos" + _flag)
+ depends_on("kokkos-kernels@3.2:" + _flag, when="+kokkos-kernels" + _flag)
+ depends_on("spiner" + _flag, when="+kokkos" + _flag)
+ # specfic specs when using GPU/cuda offloading
+ depends_on("kokkos +wrapper+cuda_lambda+cuda_relocatable_device_code", when="+cuda+kokkos")
+ # fix for older spacks
+ if spack.version.Version(spack.spack_version) >= spack.version.Version("0.17"):
+ depends_on("kokkos-kernels ~shared", when="+kokkos-kernels")
+ for _flag in list(CudaPackage.cuda_arch_values):
+ depends_on("kokkos cuda_arch=" + _flag, when="+cuda+kokkos cuda_arch=" + _flag)
+ depends_on("kokkos-kernels cuda_arch=" + _flag, when="+cuda+kokkos cuda_arch=" + _flag)
+ depends_on("spiner cuda_arch=" + _flag, when="+cuda+kokkos cuda_arch=" + _flag)
+ conflicts("cuda_arch=none", when="+cuda", msg="CUDA architecture is required")
+ # NOTE: we can do depends_on("libfoo cppflags='-fPIC -O2'") for compiler options
+ # these are mirrored in the cmake configuration
+ conflicts("+cuda", when="~kokkos")
+ conflicts("+openmp", when="~kokkos")
+ conflicts("+kokkos-kernels", when="~kokkos")
+ # NOTE: these are set so that dependencies in downstream projects share
+ # common MPI dependence
+ for _flag in ("~mpi", "+mpi"):
+ depends_on("hdf5~cxx+hl" + _flag, when=_flag)
+ depends_on("py-h5py" + _flag, when="+tests build_extra=stellarcollapse " + _flag)
+# depends_on("hdf5+hl" + _flag, when=_flag)
+ depends_on("py-h5py" + _flag, when=_flag)
+ depends_on("kokkos-nvcc-wrapper" + _flag, when="+cuda+kokkos" + _flag)
+ def cmake_args(self):
+ args = [
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_USE_CUDA", "cuda"),
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_USE_KOKKOS", "kokkos"),
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_USE_KOKKOSKERNELS", "kokkos-kernels"),
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_USE_FORTRAN", "fortran"),
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_BUILD_CLOSURE", "fortran"),
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_BUILD_PYTHON", "python"),
+ self.define_from_variant("SINGULARITY_BUILD_TESTS", "tests"),
+ "sesame" in self.spec.variants["build_extra"]),
+ ("sesame" in self.spec.variants["build_extra"] and
+ "tests" in self.spec)),
+ "stellarcollapse" in self.spec.variants["build_extra"]),
+ ("stellarcollapse" in self.spec.variants["build_extra"] and
+ "tests" in self.spec)),
+ ("python" in self.spec and "tests" in self.spec)),
+ self.define("SINGULARITY_USE_HDF5", "^hdf5" in self.spec),
+ self.define("SINGULARITY_USE_EOSPAC", "^eospac" in self.spec)
+ ]
+ if '+kokkos+cuda' in self.spec:
+ args.append(self.define("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER",
+ self.spec["kokkos"].kokkos_cxx))
+ return args
+ # specify the name of the auto-generated cmake cache config
+ @property
+ def cmake_config_fname(self):
+ return "singularity-eos_spackconfig.cmake"
+ # generate the pre-configured cmake cache file that reflects the spec options
+ # NOTE: this file isn't replaced if the same spec is already installed -
+ # you may need to uninstall the old spec first
+ @run_after('cmake')
+ def generate_cmake_configuration(self):
+ config_fname = self.cmake_config_fname
+ cmake_config = self.cmake_args()
+ with working_dir("cmake-gen", create=True):
+ with open(config_fname, "w") as cmc:
+ for arg in cmake_config:
+ kt, v = arg.replace("-D", "").split("=")
+ k, t = kt.split(":")
+ cmc.write("set({} \"{}\" CACHE {} \"\" FORCE)\n".format(k, v, t))
+ install(config_fname, join_path(prefix, config_fname))
+ # run when loaded
+ # NOTE: to use:
+ def setup_run_environment(self, env):
+ os.path.join(self.prefix, self.cmake_config_fname))
+ if os.path.isdir(self.prefix.lib64):
+ lib_dir = self.prefix.lib64
+ else:
+ lib_dir = self.prefix.lib
+ if '+python' in self.spec:
+ python_version = self.spec['python'].version.up_to(2)
+ python_inst_dir = join_path(lib_dir,
+ 'python{0}'.format(python_version),
+ 'site-packages')
+ env.prepend_path('PYTHONPATH', python_inst_dir)