path: root/lib/spack/spack/modules/
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authorMassimiliano Culpo <>2017-09-19 21:34:20 +0200
committerbecker33 <>2017-09-19 12:34:20 -0700
commitb1d129e68199a94b6210af0a6d8e2aa5b4df576e (patch)
tree6e908253c13ba3e3a538a5fb731f7df15cdcbe46 /lib/spack/spack/modules/
parent081403f2805f77ba6a1e555cf99b2034062428e2 (diff)
Modulefiles generated with a template engine (#3183)
* Module files now are generated using a template engine refers #2902 #3173 jinja2 has been hooked into Spack. The python module `` has been splitted into several modules under the python package `spack/modules`. Unit tests stressing module file generation have been refactored accordingly. The module file generator for Lmod has been extended to multi-providers and deeper hierarchies. * Improved the support for templates in module files. Added an entry in `config.yaml` (`template_dirs`) to list all the directories where Spack could find templates for `jinja2`. Module file generators have a simple override mechanism to override template selection ('modules.yaml' beats '' beats 'default'). * Added jinja2 and MarkupSafe to vendored packages. * Spec.concretize() sets mutual spec-package references The correct place to set the mutual references between spec and package objects at the end of concretization. After a call to concretize we should now be ensured that spec is the same object as spec.package.spec. Code in `` that was performing the same operation has been turned into an assertion to be defensive on the new behavior. * Improved code and data layout for modules and related tests. Common fixtures related to module file generation have been extracted in ``. All the mock configurations for module files have been extracted from python code and have been put into their own yaml file. Added a `context_property` decorator for the template engine, to make it easy to define dictionaries out of properties. The default for `verbose` in `modules.yaml` is now False instead of True. * Extendable module file contexts + short description from docstring The contexts that are used in conjunction with `jinja2` templates to generate module files can now be extended from and modules.yaml. Module files generators now infer the short description from docstring (and as you may expect it's the first paragraph) * 'module refresh' regenerates all modules by default `module refresh` without `--module-type` specified tries to regenerate all known module types. The same holds true for `module rm` Configure options used at build time are extracted and written into the module files where possible. * Fixed python3 compatibility, tests for Lmod and Tcl. Added test for exceptional paths of execution when generating Lmod module files. Fixed a few compatibility issues with python3. Fixed a bug in Tcl with naming_scheme and autoload + unit tests * Updated module file tutorial docs. Fixed a few typos in docstrings. The reference section for module files has been reorganized. The idea is to have only three topics at the highest level: - shell support + spack load/unload use/unuse - module file generation (a.k.a. APIs + modules.yaml) - module file maintenance (spack module refresh/rm) Module file generation will cover the entries in modules.yaml Also: - Licenses have been updated to include NOTICE and extended to 2017 - docstrings have been reformatted according to Google style * Removed redundant arguments to RPackage and WafPackage. All the callbacks in `RPackage` and `WafPackage` that are not build phases have been modified not to accept a `spec` and a `prefix` argument. This permits to leverage the common `configure_args` signature to insert by default the configuration arguments into the generated module files. I think it's preferable to handling those packages differently than `AutotoolsPackage`. Besides only one package seems to override one of these methods. * Fixed broken indentation + improved resiliency of refresh Fixed broken indentation in `spack module refresh` (probably a rebase gone silently wrong?). Filter the writers for blacklisted specs before searching for name clashes. An error with a single writer will not stop regeneration, but instead will print a warning and continue the command.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/spack/modules/')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/modules/ b/lib/spack/spack/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34e968c1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
+# Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
+# This file is part of Spack.
+# Created by Todd Gamblin,, All rights reserved.
+# LLNL-CODE-647188
+# For details, see
+# Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os.path
+import llnl.util.lang as lang
+import spack.compilers
+import spack.spec
+import spack.error
+import itertools
+import collections
+import spack.tengine as tengine
+from .common import BaseConfiguration, BaseFileLayout
+from .common import BaseContext, BaseModuleFileWriter, configuration
+#: LMOD specific part of the configuration
+configuration = configuration.get('lmod', {})
+#: Caches the configuration {spec_hash: configuration}
+configuration_registry = {}
+def make_configuration(spec):
+ """Returns the lmod configuration for spec"""
+ key = spec.dag_hash()
+ try:
+ return configuration_registry[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return configuration_registry.setdefault(key, LmodConfiguration(spec))
+def make_layout(spec):
+ """Returns the layout information for spec """
+ conf = make_configuration(spec)
+ return LmodFileLayout(conf)
+def make_context(spec):
+ """Returns the context information for spec"""
+ conf = make_configuration(spec)
+ return LmodContext(conf)
+class LmodConfiguration(BaseConfiguration):
+ """Configuration class for lmod module files."""
+ @property
+ def core_compilers(self):
+ """Returns the list of "Core" compilers
+ Raises:
+ CoreCompilersNotFoundError: if the key was not
+ specified in the configuration file or the sequence
+ is empty
+ """
+ value = configuration.get('core_compilers')
+ if value is None:
+ msg = "'core_compilers' key not found in configuration file"
+ raise CoreCompilersNotFoundError(msg)
+ if not value:
+ msg = "'core_compilers' list cannot be empty"
+ raise CoreCompilersNotFoundError(msg)
+ return value
+ @property
+ def hierarchy_tokens(self):
+ """Returns the list of tokens that are part of the modulefile
+ hierarchy. 'compiler' is always present.
+ """
+ tokens = configuration.get('hierarchy', [])
+ # Check if all the tokens in the hierarchy are virtual specs.
+ # If not warn the user and raise an error.
+ not_virtual = [t for t in tokens if not spack.spec.Spec.is_virtual(t)]
+ if not_virtual:
+ msg = "Non-virtual specs in 'hierarchy' list for lmod: {0}\n"
+ msg += "Please check the 'modules.yaml' configuration files"
+ msg.format(', '.join(not_virtual))
+ raise NonVirtualInHierarchyError(msg)
+ # Append 'compiler' which is always implied
+ tokens.append('compiler')
+ # Deduplicate tokens in case duplicates have been coded
+ tokens = list(lang.dedupe(tokens))
+ return tokens
+ @property
+ def requires(self):
+ """Returns a dictionary mapping all the requirements of this spec
+ to the actual provider. 'compiler' is always present among the
+ requirements.
+ """
+ # Keep track of the requirements that this package has in terms
+ # of virtual packages that participate in the hierarchical structure
+ requirements = {'compiler': self.spec.compiler}
+ # For each virtual dependency in the hierarchy
+ for x in self.hierarchy_tokens:
+ # If I depend on it
+ if x in self.spec and not self.spec.package.provides(x):
+ requirements[x] = self.spec[x] # record the actual provider
+ return requirements
+ @property
+ def provides(self):
+ """Returns a dictionary mapping all the services provided by this
+ spec to the spec itself.
+ """
+ provides = {}
+ # Treat the 'compiler' case in a special way, as compilers are not
+ # virtual dependencies in spack
+ # If it is in the list of supported compilers family -> compiler
+ if in spack.compilers.supported_compilers():
+ provides['compiler'] = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(str(self.spec))
+ # Special case for llvm
+ if == 'llvm':
+ provides['compiler'] = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(str(self.spec))
+ provides['compiler'].name = 'clang'
+ # All the other tokens in the hierarchy must be virtual dependencies
+ for x in self.hierarchy_tokens:
+ if self.spec.package.provides(x):
+ provides[x] = self.spec[x]
+ return provides
+ @property
+ def available(self):
+ """Returns a dictionary of the services that are currently
+ available.
+ """
+ available = {}
+ # What is available is what I require plus what I provide.
+ # 'compiler' is the only key that may be overridden.
+ available.update(self.requires)
+ available.update(self.provides)
+ return available
+ @property
+ def missing(self):
+ """Returns the list of tokens that are not available."""
+ return [x for x in self.hierarchy_tokens if x not in self.available]
+class LmodFileLayout(BaseFileLayout):
+ """File layout for lmod module files."""
+ #: file extension of lua module files
+ extension = 'lua'
+ @property
+ def arch_dirname(self):
+ """Returns the root folder for THIS architecture"""
+ arch_folder = str(self.spec.architecture)
+ return os.path.join(
+ self.dirname(), # root for lmod module files
+ arch_folder, # architecture relative path
+ )
+ @property
+ def filename(self):
+ """Returns the filename for the current module file"""
+ # Get the list of requirements and build an **ordered**
+ # list of the path parts
+ requires = self.conf.requires
+ hierarchy = self.conf.hierarchy_tokens
+ path_parts = lambda x: self.token_to_path(x, requires[x])
+ parts = [path_parts(x) for x in hierarchy if x in requires]
+ # My relative path if just a join of all the parts
+ hierarchy_name = os.path.join(*parts)
+ # Compute the absolute path
+ fullname = os.path.join(
+ self.arch_dirname, # root for lmod files on this architecture
+ hierarchy_name, # relative path
+ '.'.join([self.use_name, self.extension]) # file name
+ )
+ return fullname
+ @property
+ def use_name(self):
+ """Returns the 'use' name of the module i.e. the name you have to type
+ to console to use it.
+ """
+ # Package name and version
+ base = os.path.join("${PACKAGE}", "${VERSION}")
+ name_parts = [self.spec.format(base)]
+ # The remaining elements are filename suffixes
+ name_parts.extend(self.conf.suffixes)
+ return '-'.join(name_parts)
+ def token_to_path(self, name, value):
+ """Transforms a hierarchy token into the corresponding path part.
+ Args:
+ name (str): name of the service in the hierarchy
+ value: actual provider of the service
+ Returns:
+ str: part of the path associated with the service
+ """
+ # General format for the path part
+ path_part_fmt = os.path.join('{}', '{token.version}')
+ # If we are dealing with a core compiler, return 'Core'
+ core_compilers = self.conf.core_compilers
+ if name == 'compiler' and str(value) in core_compilers:
+ return 'Core'
+ # CompilerSpec does not have an hash, as we are not allowed to
+ # use different flavors of the same compiler
+ if name == 'compiler':
+ return path_part_fmt.format(token=value)
+ # In case the hierarchy token refers to a virtual provider
+ # we need to append an hash to the version to distinguish
+ # among flavors of the same library (e.g. openblas~openmp vs.
+ # openblas+openmp)
+ path = path_part_fmt.format(token=value)
+ path = '-'.join([path, value.dag_hash(length=7)])
+ return path
+ @property
+ def available_path_parts(self):
+ """List of path parts that are currently available. Needed to
+ construct the file name.
+ """
+ # List of available services
+ available = self.conf.available
+ # List of services that are part of the hierarchy
+ hierarchy = self.conf.hierarchy_tokens
+ # List of items that are both in the hierarchy and available
+ l = [x for x in hierarchy if x in available]
+ # Tokenize each part
+ parts = [self.token_to_path(x, available[x]) for x in l]
+ return parts
+ @property
+ def unlocked_paths(self):
+ """Returns a dictionary mapping conditions to a list of unlocked
+ paths.
+ The paths that are unconditionally unlocked are under the
+ key 'None'. The other keys represent the list of services you need
+ loaded to unlock the corresponding paths.
+ """
+ unlocked = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ # Get the list of services we require and we provide
+ requires_key = list(self.conf.requires)
+ provides_key = list(self.conf.provides)
+ # A compiler is always required. To avoid duplication pop the
+ # 'compiler' item from required if we also **provide** one
+ if 'compiler' in provides_key:
+ requires_key.remove('compiler')
+ # Compute the unique combinations of the services we provide
+ combinations = []
+ for ii in range(len(provides_key)):
+ combinations += itertools.combinations(provides_key, ii + 1)
+ # Attach the services required to each combination
+ to_be_processed = [x + tuple(requires_key) for x in combinations]
+ # Compute the paths that are unconditionally added
+ # and append them to the dictionary (key = None)
+ available_combination = []
+ for item in to_be_processed:
+ hierarchy = self.conf.hierarchy_tokens
+ available = self.conf.available
+ l = [x for x in hierarchy if x in item]
+ available_combination.append(tuple(l))
+ parts = [self.token_to_path(x, available[x]) for x in l]
+ unlocked[None].append(tuple([self.arch_dirname] + parts))
+ # Deduplicate the list
+ unlocked[None] = list(lang.dedupe(unlocked[None]))
+ # Compute the combination of missing requirements: this will lead to
+ # paths that are unlocked conditionally
+ missing = self.conf.missing
+ missing_combinations = []
+ for ii in range(len(missing)):
+ missing_combinations += itertools.combinations(missing, ii + 1)
+ # Attach the services required to each combination
+ for m in missing_combinations:
+ to_be_processed = [m + x for x in available_combination]
+ for item in to_be_processed:
+ hierarchy = self.conf.hierarchy_tokens
+ available = self.conf.available
+ token2path = lambda x: self.token_to_path(x, available[x])
+ l = [x for x in hierarchy if x in item]
+ parts = []
+ for x in l:
+ value = token2path(x) if x in available else x
+ parts.append(value)
+ unlocked[m].append(tuple([self.arch_dirname] + parts))
+ # Deduplicate the list
+ unlocked[m] = list(lang.dedupe(unlocked[m]))
+ return unlocked
+class LmodContext(BaseContext):
+ """Context class for lmod module files."""
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def has_modulepath_modifications(self):
+ """True if this module modifies MODULEPATH, False otherwise."""
+ return bool(self.conf.provides)
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def has_conditional_modifications(self):
+ """True if this module modifies MODULEPATH conditionally to the
+ presence of other services in the environment, False otherwise.
+ """
+ # In general we have conditional modifications if we have modifications
+ # and we are not providing **only** a compiler
+ provides = self.conf.provides
+ provide_compiler_only = 'compiler' in provides and len(provides) == 1
+ has_modifications = self.has_modulepath_modifications
+ return has_modifications and not provide_compiler_only
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def name_part(self):
+ """Name of this provider."""
+ return
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def version_part(self):
+ """Version of this provider."""
+ s = self.spec
+ return '-'.join([str(s.version), s.dag_hash(length=7)])
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def provides(self):
+ """Returns the dictionary of provided services."""
+ return self.conf.provides
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def missing(self):
+ """Returns a list of missing services."""
+ return self.conf.missing
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def unlocked_paths(self):
+ """Returns the list of paths that are unlocked unconditionally."""
+ l = make_layout(self.spec)
+ return [os.path.join(*parts) for parts in l.unlocked_paths[None]]
+ @tengine.context_property
+ def conditionally_unlocked_paths(self):
+ """Returns the list of paths that are unlocked conditionally.
+ Each item in the list is a tuple with the structure (condition, path).
+ """
+ l = make_layout(self.spec)
+ value = []
+ conditional_paths = l.unlocked_paths
+ conditional_paths.pop(None)
+ for services_needed, list_of_path_parts in conditional_paths.items():
+ condition = ' and '.join([x + '_name' for x in services_needed])
+ for parts in list_of_path_parts:
+ def manipulate_path(token):
+ if token in self.conf.hierarchy_tokens:
+ return '{0}_name, {0}_version'.format(token)
+ return '"' + token + '"'
+ path = ', '.join([manipulate_path(x) for x in parts])
+ value.append((condition, path))
+ return value
+class LmodModulefileWriter(BaseModuleFileWriter):
+ """Writer class for lmod module files."""
+ default_template = os.path.join('modules', 'modulefile.lua')
+class CoreCompilersNotFoundError(spack.error.SpackError, KeyError):
+ """Error raised if the key 'core_compilers' has not been specified
+ in the configuration file.
+ """
+class NonVirtualInHierarchyError(spack.error.SpackError, TypeError):
+ """Error raised if non-virtual specs are used as hierarchy tokens in
+ the lmod section of 'modules.yaml'.
+ """