path: root/lib
diff options
authorPeter Scheibel <>2020-03-23 18:10:44 -0700
committerGitHub <>2020-03-23 18:10:44 -0700
commit82830684381b8bbd6c4b95a3cfee03f616e74d51 (patch)
tree5dde6eff4877a19a55ce8cce1f495f87b8a0c371 /lib
parent7b486fd84dfca220b1415fa2956a8c4bc32dc470 (diff)
Bugfix: remove unit tests that install real packages (#15646)
Our unit tests run many times. Any unit test which actually installs a package (which involves fetching code on the internet) is a severe bug because it runs an installation many times (i.e. re-downloading the same package for each version of Python that we run unit tests for). This reverts commit 25893f1, which added tests that install real packages.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca7609942..0000000000
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-This test checks creating and install buildcaches
-import os
-import py
-import pytest
-import argparse
-import platform
-import spack.repo
-import spack.binary_distribution as bindist
-import spack.cmd.buildcache as buildcache
-import spack.cmd.compiler as compiler
-import spack.cmd.repo as repocmd
-import spack.cmd.install as install
-import spack.cmd.uninstall as uninstall
-import spack.cmd.mirror as mirror
-from spack.spec import Spec
-from spack.directory_layout import YamlDirectoryLayout
-def_install_path_scheme = '${ARCHITECTURE}/${COMPILERNAME}-${COMPILERVER}/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}-${HASH}' # noqa: E501
-ndef_install_path_scheme = '${PACKAGE}/${VERSION}/${ARCHITECTURE}-${COMPILERNAME}-${COMPILERVER}-${HASH}' # noqa: E501
-mirror_path_def = None
-mirror_path_rel = None
-def cache_directory(tmpdir):
- old_cache_path = spack.caches.fetch_cache
- tmpdir.ensure('fetch_cache', dir=True)
- fsc = spack.fetch_strategy.FsCache(str(tmpdir.join('fetch_cache')))
- spack.config.caches = fsc
- yield spack.config.caches
- tmpdir.join('fetch_cache').remove()
- spack.config.caches = old_cache_path
-def session_mirror_def(tmpdir_factory):
- dir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('mirror')
- global mirror_path_rel
- mirror_path_rel = dir
- dir.ensure('build_cache', dir=True)
- yield dir
- dir.join('build_cache').remove()
-def mirror_directory_def(session_mirror_def):
- yield str(session_mirror_def)
-def session_mirror_rel(tmpdir_factory):
- dir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('mirror')
- global mirror_path_rel
- mirror_path_rel = dir
- dir.ensure('build_cache', dir=True)
- yield dir
- dir.join('build_cache').remove()
-def mirror_directory_rel(session_mirror_rel):
- yield(session_mirror_rel)
-def config_directory(tmpdir_factory):
- tmpdir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('test_configs')
- # restore some sane defaults for packages and config
- config_path = py.path.local(spack.paths.etc_path)
- modules_yaml = config_path.join('spack', 'defaults', 'modules.yaml')
- os_modules_yaml = config_path.join('spack', 'defaults', '%s' %
- platform.system().lower(),
- 'modules.yaml')
- packages_yaml = config_path.join('spack', 'defaults', 'packages.yaml')
- config_yaml = config_path.join('spack', 'defaults', 'config.yaml')
- repos_yaml = config_path.join('spack', 'defaults', 'repos.yaml')
- tmpdir.ensure('site', dir=True)
- tmpdir.ensure('user', dir=True)
- tmpdir.ensure('site/%s' % platform.system().lower(), dir=True)
- modules_yaml.copy(tmpdir.join('site', 'modules.yaml'))
- os_modules_yaml.copy(tmpdir.join('site/%s' % platform.system().lower(),
- 'modules.yaml'))
- packages_yaml.copy(tmpdir.join('site', 'packages.yaml'))
- config_yaml.copy(tmpdir.join('site', 'config.yaml'))
- repos_yaml.copy(tmpdir.join('site', 'repos.yaml'))
- yield tmpdir
- tmpdir.remove()
-def default_config(tmpdir_factory, config_directory, monkeypatch):
- mutable_dir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('mutable_config').join('tmp')
- config_directory.copy(mutable_dir)
- cfg = spack.config.Configuration(
- *[spack.config.ConfigScope(name, str(mutable_dir))
- for name in ['site/%s' % platform.system().lower(),
- 'site', 'user']])
- monkeypatch.setattr(spack.config, 'config', cfg)
- # This is essential, otherwise the cache will create weird side effects
- # that will compromise subsequent tests if compilers.yaml is modified
- monkeypatch.setattr(spack.compilers, '_cache_config_file', [])
- njobs = spack.config.get('config:build_jobs')
- if not njobs:
- spack.config.set('config:build_jobs', 4, scope='user')
- extensions = spack.config.get('config:template_dirs')
- if not extensions:
- spack.config.set('config:template_dirs',
- [os.path.join(spack.paths.share_path, 'templates')],
- scope='user')
- mutable_dir.ensure('build_stage', dir=True)
- build_stage = spack.config.get('config:build_stage')
- if not build_stage:
- spack.config.set('config:build_stage',
- [str(mutable_dir.join('build_stage'))], scope='user')
- timeout = spack.config.get('config:connect_timeout')
- if not timeout:
- spack.config.set('config:connect_timeout', 10, scope='user')
- print(spack.config.config)
- yield spack.config.config
- mutable_dir.remove()
-def install_dir_default_layout(tmpdir):
- """Hooks a fake install directory with a default layout"""
- real_store =
- real_layout =
- ='opt')))
- = YamlDirectoryLayout(str(tmpdir.join('opt')),
- path_scheme=def_install_path_scheme) # noqa: E501
- yield
- tmpdir.join('opt').remove()
- = real_store
- = real_layout
-def install_dir_non_default_layout(tmpdir):
- """Hooks a fake install directory with a non-default layout"""
- real_store =
- real_layout =
- ='opt')))
- = YamlDirectoryLayout(str(tmpdir.join('opt')),
- path_scheme=ndef_install_path_scheme) # noqa: E501
- yield
- tmpdir.join('opt').remove()
- = real_store
- = real_layout
-def config_setup():
- cparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- compiler.setup_parser(cparser)
- cargs = cparser.parse_args(['add', '--scope', 'site'])
- compiler.compiler(cparser, cargs)
- cargs = cparser.parse_args(['list', '--scope', 'site'])
- compiler.compiler(cparser, cargs)
- rparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- repocmd.setup_parser(rparser)
- rargs = rparser.parse_args(['add', spack.paths.packages_path])
- repocmd.repo(rparser, rargs)
- # Set some spec name used globally
- zspec = Spec('zlib')
- zspec.concretize()
- espec = Spec('environment-modules')
- espec.concretize()
- pspec = Spec('patchelf')
- pspec.concretize()
- yield espec, zspec, pspec
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('default_config', 'cache_directory',
- 'install_dir_default_layout')
-def test_default_rpaths_create_install_default_layout(tmpdir,
- mirror_directory_def,
- config_setup,
- mock_stage):
- """
- Test the creation and installation of buildcaches with default rpaths
- into the default directory layout scheme.
- """
- tspec, zspec, pspec = config_setup
- # Install patchelf needed for relocate in linux test environment
- # Install some packages with dependent packages
- iparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- install.setup_parser(iparser)
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- iargs = iparser.parse_args(['--no-cache',])
- install.install(iparser, iargs)
- iargs = iparser.parse_args(['--no-cache',])
- install.install(iparser, iargs)
- global mirror_path_def
- mirror_path_def = mirror_directory_def
- mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- mirror.setup_parser(mparser)
- margs = mparser.parse_args(
- ['add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-def', 'file://%s' % mirror_path_def])
- mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
- margs = mparser.parse_args(['list'])
- mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
- # setup argument parser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- buildcache.setup_parser(parser)
- # Set default buildcache args
- create_args = ['create', '-a', '-u', '-d', str(mirror_path_def),
- install_args = ['install', '-a', '-u',]
- # Create a buildache of patchelf
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- args = parser.parse_args(['create', '-a', '-u', '-d',
- str(mirror_path_def),
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # Create a buildache
- args = parser.parse_args(create_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # Test force overwrite create buildcache
- create_args.insert(create_args.index('-a'), '-f')
- args = parser.parse_args(create_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # list the buildcaches in the mirror
- args = parser.parse_args(['list', '-f', '-l', '-v'])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # Uninstall the package and deps
- uparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- uninstall.setup_parser(uparser)
- uargs = uparser.parse_args(['-y', '--dependents',])
- uninstall.uninstall(uparser, uargs)
- # test install
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # This gives warning that spec is already installed
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # test overwrite install
- install_args.insert(install_args.index('-a'), '-f')
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- args = parser.parse_args(['keys', '-f'])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- args = parser.parse_args(['list'])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- args = parser.parse_args(['list', '-f'])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- args = parser.parse_args(['list', '-l', '-v'])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- bindist._cached_specs = set()
- spack.stage.purge()
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('default_config', 'cache_directory',
- 'install_dir_non_default_layout')
-def test_default_rpaths_install_nondefault_layout(tmpdir, config_setup,
- mock_stage):
- """
- Test the creation and installation of buildcaches with default rpaths
- into the non-default directory layout scheme.
- """
- tspec, zspec, pspec = config_setup
- global mirror_path_def
- mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- mirror.setup_parser(mparser)
- margs = mparser.parse_args(
- ['add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-def', 'file://%s' % mirror_path_def])
- mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
- # setup argument parser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- buildcache.setup_parser(parser)
- # Set default buildcache args
- install_args = ['install', '-a', '-u',]
- # Install patchelf needed for relocate in linux test environment
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- args = parser.parse_args(['install', '-a', '-u',])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # Install some packages with dependent packages
- # test install in non-default install path scheme
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # test force install in non-default install path scheme
- install_args.insert(install_args.index('-a'), '-f')
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- bindist._cached_specs = set()
- spack.stage.purge()
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('default_config', 'cache_directory',
- 'install_dir_default_layout')
-def test_relative_rpaths_create_default_layout(tmpdir, mirror_directory_rel,
- config_setup, mock_stage):
- """
- Test the creation and installation of buildcaches with relative
- rpaths into the default directory layout scheme.
- """
- tspec, zspec, pspec = config_setup
- global mirror_path_rel
- global mirror_path_def
- mirror_path_rel = mirror_directory_rel
- mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- mirror.setup_parser(mparser)
- margs = mparser.parse_args(
- ['add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-def', 'file://%s' % mirror_path_def])
- mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
- # setup argument parser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- buildcache.setup_parser(parser)
- # install patchelf buildcache on linux
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- args = parser.parse_args(['install', '-a', '-u',])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # set default buildcache args
- create_args = ['create', '-a', '-u', '-r', '-d',
- str(mirror_path_rel),
- install_args = ['install', '-a', '-u',
- # Create a buildache of patchelf
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- args = parser.parse_args(['create', '-a', '-u', '-d',
- str(mirror_path_rel),])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # install buildcache created with default rpaths
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # create build cache with relatived rpaths
- args = parser.parse_args(create_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # Uninstall the package and deps
- uparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- uninstall.setup_parser(uparser)
- uargs = uparser.parse_args(['-y', '--dependents',])
- uninstall.uninstall(uparser, uargs)
- bindist._cached_specs = set()
- spack.stage.purge()
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('default_config', 'cache_directory',
- 'install_dir_default_layout')
-def test_relative_rpaths_install_default_layout(tmpdir, config_setup,
- mock_stage):
- """
- Test the creation and installation of buildcaches with relative
- rpaths into the default directory layout scheme.
- """
- tspec, zspec, pspec = config_setup
- global mirror_path_rel
- mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- mirror.setup_parser(mparser)
- margs = mparser.parse_args(
- ['add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-rel', 'file://%s' % mirror_path_rel])
- mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
- # setup argument parser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- buildcache.setup_parser(parser)
- # install patchelf buildcache on linux
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- args = parser.parse_args(['install', '-a', '-u',])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # set default buildcache args
- install_args = ['install', '-a', '-u',
- # install buildcache created with relativized rpaths
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # This gives warning that spec is already installed
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # Uninstall the package and deps
- uparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- uninstall.setup_parser(uparser)
- uargs = uparser.parse_args(['-y', '--dependents',])
- uninstall.uninstall(uparser, uargs)
- # install build cache
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # test overwrite install
- install_args.insert(install_args.index('-a'), '-f')
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- bindist._cached_specs = set()
- spack.stage.purge()
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures('default_config', 'cache_directory',
- 'install_dir_non_default_layout')
-def test_relative_rpaths_install_nondefault(tmpdir, config_setup,
- mock_stage):
- """
- Test the installation of buildcaches with relativized rpaths
- into the non-default directory layout scheme.
- """
- tspec, zspec, pspec = config_setup
- global mirror_path_rel
- mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- mirror.setup_parser(mparser)
- margs = mparser.parse_args(
- ['add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-rel', 'file://%s' % mirror_path_rel])
- mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
- # setup argument parser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- buildcache.setup_parser(parser)
- # Set default buildcache args
- install_args = ['install', '-a', '-u',]
- # Install patchelf needed for relocate in linux test environment
- if platform.system().lower() != 'darwin':
- args = parser.parse_args(['install', '-a', '-u',])
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- # test install in non-default install path scheme and relative path
- args = parser.parse_args(install_args)
- buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)
- bindist._cached_specs = set()
- spack.stage.purge()