path: root/var
diff options
authorTimothy Brown <>2021-10-14 23:04:14 -0600
committerGitHub <>2021-10-15 07:04:14 +0200
commit7ccdae523324a0e0ad63d2e7456c4c815b8ac71f (patch)
treed8bec7d827b982a13e5b8ae6970c134bbce7fe2d /var
parentea453db674b08b85f0f03bd47363453832bd21fb (diff)
Removing NCEP Post (ncep-post). (#26749)
UPP and ncep-post are the same package, so this PR removes the duplication. ncep-post was originally named after the upstream repo that now changed its name to UPP.
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 399 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncep-post/cmake_findnetcdf.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncep-post/cmake_findnetcdf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 880660f05c..0000000000
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncep-post/cmake_findnetcdf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
---- a/CMakeModules/Modules/FindNetCDF.cmake 2021-07-26 07:16:22.760999830 -0600
-+++ b/CMakeModules/Modules/FindNetCDF.cmake 2021-05-21 09:22:26.000000000 -0600
-@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
-+# (C) Copyright 2011- ECMWF.
-+# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
-+# which can be obtained at
-+# In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
-+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor
-+# does it submit to any jurisdiction.
-+# Try to find NetCDF includes and library.
-+# Supports static and shared libaries and allows each component to be found in sepearte prefixes.
-+# This module defines
-+# - NetCDF_FOUND - System has NetCDF
-+# - NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS - the NetCDF include directories
-+# - NetCDF_VERSION - the version of NetCDF
-+# - NetCDF_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE - the netcdf-config executable if found
-+# - NetCDF_PARALLEL - Boolean True if NetCDF4 has parallel IO support via hdf5 and/or pnetcdf
-+# - NetCDF_HAS_PNETCDF - Boolean True if NetCDF4 has pnetcdf support
-+# Deprecated Defines
-+# - NetCDF_LIBRARIES - [Deprecated] Use NetCDF::NetCDF_<LANG> targets instead.
-+# Following components are available:
-+# - C - C interface to NetCDF (netcdf)
-+# - CXX - CXX4 interface to NetCDF (netcdf_c++4)
-+# - Fortran - Fortran interface to NetCDF (netcdff)
-+# For each component the following are defined:
-+# - NetCDF_<comp>_FOUND - whether the component is found
-+# - NetCDF_<comp>_LIBRARIES - the libraries for the component
-+# - NetCDF_<comp>_LIBRARY_SHARED - Boolean is true if libraries for component are shared
-+# - NetCDF_<comp>_INCLUDE_DIRS - the include directories for specified component
-+# - NetCDF::NetCDF_<comp> - target of component to be used with target_link_libraries()
-+# The following paths will be searched in order if set in CMake (first priority) or environment (second priority)
-+# - NetCDF_ROOT - root of NetCDF installation
-+# - NetCDF_PATH - root of NetCDF installation
-+# The search process begins with locating NetCDF Include headers. If these are in a non-standard location,
-+# set one of the following CMake or environment variables to point to the location:
-+# Notes:
-+# - Use "NetCDF::NetCDF_<LANG>" targets only. NetCDF_LIBRARIES exists for backwards compatibility and should not be used.
-+# - These targets have all the knowledge of include directories and library search directories, and a single
-+# call to target_link_libraries will provide all these transitive properties to your target. Normally all that is
-+# needed to build and link against NetCDF is, e.g.:
-+# target_link_libraries(my_c_tgt PUBLIC NetCDF::NetCDF_C)
-+# - "NetCDF" is always the preferred naming for this package, its targets, variables, and environment variables
-+# - For compatibility, some variables are also set/checked using alternate names NetCDF4, NETCDF, or NETCDF4
-+# - Environments relying on these older environment variable names should move to using a "NetCDF_ROOT" environment variable
-+# - Preferred component capitalization follows the CMake LANGUAGES variables: i.e., C, Fortran, CXX
-+# - For compatibility, alternate capitalizations are supported but should not be used.
-+# - If no components are defined, all components will be searched
-+list( APPEND _possible_components C CXX Fortran )
-+## Include names for each component
-+set( NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_NAME netcdf.h )
-+set( NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_NAME netcdf )
-+set( NetCDF_Fortran_INCLUDE_NAME netcdf.mod )
-+## Library names for each component
-+set( NetCDF_C_LIBRARY_NAME netcdf )
-+set( NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY_NAME netcdf_c++4 )
-+set( NetCDF_Fortran_LIBRARY_NAME netcdff )
-+## Enumerate search components
-+foreach( _comp ${_possible_components} )
-+ string( TOUPPER "${_comp}" _COMP )
-+ set( _arg_${_COMP} ${_comp} )
-+ set( _name_${_COMP} ${_comp} )
-+set( _search_components C)
-+ string( TOUPPER "${_comp}" _COMP )
-+ set( _arg_${_COMP} ${_comp} )
-+ list( APPEND _search_components ${_name_${_COMP}} )
-+ if( NOT _name_${_COMP} )
-+ message(SEND_ERROR "Find${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}: COMPONENT ${_comp} is not a valid component. Valid components: ${_possible_components}" )
-+ endif()
-+list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _search_components )
-+## Search hints for finding include directories and libraries
-+foreach( _comp IN ITEMS "_" "_C_" "_Fortran_" "_CXX_" )
-+ foreach( _name IN ITEMS NetCDF4 NetCDF NETCDF4 NETCDF )
-+ foreach( _var IN ITEMS ROOT PATH )
-+ list(APPEND _search_hints ${${_name}${_comp}${_var}} $ENV{${_name}${_comp}${_var}} )
-+ list(APPEND _include_search_hints
-+ ${${_name}${_comp}INCLUDE_DIR} $ENV{${_name}${_comp}INCLUDE_DIR}
-+ ${${_name}${_comp}INCLUDE_DIRS} $ENV{${_name}${_comp}INCLUDE_DIRS} )
-+ endforeach()
-+ endforeach()
-+#Old-school HPC module env variable names
-+foreach( _name IN ITEMS NetCDF4 NetCDF NETCDF4 NETCDF )
-+ foreach( _comp IN ITEMS "_C" "_Fortran" "_CXX" )
-+ list(APPEND _search_hints ${${_name}} $ENV{${_name}})
-+ list(APPEND _search_hints ${${_name}${_comp}} $ENV{${_name}${_comp}})
-+ endforeach()
-+## Find headers for each component
-+foreach( _comp IN LISTS _search_components )
-+ if(NOT ${PROJECT_NAME}_NetCDF_${_comp}_FOUND)
-+ list(APPEND _new_search_components ${_comp})
-+ endif()
-+ find_file(NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE
-+ NAMES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_NAME}
-+ DOC "NetCDF ${_comp} include directory"
-+ HINTS ${_include_search_hints} ${_search_hints}
-+ PATH_SUFFIXES include include/netcdf
-+ )
-+ mark_as_advanced(NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE)
-+ message(DEBUG "NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE: ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE}")
-+ if( NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE )
-+ get_filename_component(NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE} ABSOLUTE)
-+ get_filename_component(NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIR ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_FILE} DIRECTORY)
-+ endif()
-+set(NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS "${NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS}" CACHE STRING "NetCDF Include directory paths" FORCE)
-+## Find n*-config executables for search components
-+foreach( _comp IN LISTS _search_components )
-+ if( _comp MATCHES "^(C)$" )
-+ set(_conf "c")
-+ elseif( _comp MATCHES "^(Fortran)$" )
-+ set(_conf "f")
-+ elseif( _comp MATCHES "^(CXX)$" )
-+ set(_conf "cxx4")
-+ endif()
-+ find_program( NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE
-+ NAMES n${_conf}-config
-+ HINTS ${NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${_include_search_hints} ${_search_hints}
-+ PATH_SUFFIXES bin Bin ../bin ../../bin
-+ DOC "NetCDF n${_conf}-config helper" )
-+ message(DEBUG "NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE: ${NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}")
-+set(_C_libs_flag --libs)
-+set(_Fortran_libs_flag --flibs)
-+set(_CXX_libs_flag --libs)
-+set(_C_includes_flag --includedir)
-+set(_Fortran_includes_flag --includedir)
-+set(_CXX_includes_flag --includedir)
-+function(netcdf_config exec flag output_var)
-+ set(${output_var} False PARENT_SCOPE)
-+ if( exec )
-+ execute_process( COMMAND ${exec} ${flag} RESULT_VARIABLE _ret OUTPUT_VARIABLE _val)
-+ if( _ret EQUAL 0 )
-+ string( STRIP ${_val} _val )
-+ set( ${output_var} ${_val} PARENT_SCOPE )
-+ endif()
-+ endif()
-+## Detect additional package properties
-+netcdf_config(${NetCDF_C_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --has-parallel4 _val)
-+if( NOT _val MATCHES "^(yes|no)$" )
-+ netcdf_config(${NetCDF_C_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --has-parallel _val)
-+if( _val MATCHES "^(yes)$" )
-+ set(NetCDF_PARALLEL TRUE CACHE STRING "NetCDF has parallel IO capability via pnetcdf or hdf5." FORCE)
-+ set(NetCDF_PARALLEL FALSE CACHE STRING "NetCDF has no parallel IO capability." FORCE)
-+ find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
-+## Find libraries for each component
-+foreach( _comp IN LISTS _search_components )
-+ string( TOUPPER "${_comp}" _COMP )
-+ find_library( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY
-+ NAMES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_NAME}
-+ DOC "NetCDF ${_comp} library"
-+ HINTS ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${_search_hints}
-+ PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ../lib64 ../lib ../../lib64 ../../lib )
-+ mark_as_advanced( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY )
-+ get_filename_component(NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} ABSOLUTE)
-+ set(NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} CACHE STRING "NetCDF ${_comp} library" FORCE)
-+ message(DEBUG "NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY: ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY}")
-+ if( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY )
-+ if( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY MATCHES ".a$" )
-+ set( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_SHARED FALSE )
-+ set( _library_type STATIC)
-+ else()
-+ list( APPEND NetCDF_LIBRARIES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} )
-+ set( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_SHARED TRUE )
-+ set( _library_type SHARED)
-+ endif()
-+ endif()
-+ #Use nc-config to set per-component LIBRARIES variable if possible
-+ netcdf_config( ${NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ${_${_comp}_libs_flag} _val )
-+ if( _val )
-+ set( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARIES ${_val} )
-+ if(NOT NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_SHARED AND NOT NetCDF_${_comp}_FOUND) #Static targets should use nc_config to get a proper link line with all necessary static targets.
-+ endif()
-+ else()
-+ set( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARIES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} )
-+ if(NOT NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_SHARED)
-+ message(SEND_ERROR "Unable to properly find NetCDF. Found static libraries at: ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} but could not run nc-config: ${NetCDF_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}")
-+ endif()
-+ endif()
-+ #Use nc-config to set per-component INCLUDE_DIRS variable if possible
-+ netcdf_config( ${NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ${_${_comp}_includes_flag} _val )
-+ if( _val )
-+ string( REPLACE " " ";" _val ${_val} )
-+ set( NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${_val} )
-+ else()
-+ set( NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIR} )
-+ endif()
-+ if( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARIES AND NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS )
-+ if (NOT TARGET NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp})
-+ add_library(NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp} ${_library_type} IMPORTED)
-+ set_target_properties(NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp} PROPERTIES
-+ if( NOT _comp MATCHES "^(C)$" )
-+ target_link_libraries(NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp} INTERFACE NetCDF::NetCDF_C)
-+ endif()
-+ if(MPI_${_comp}_FOUND)
-+ target_link_libraries(NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp} INTERFACE MPI::MPI_${_comp})
-+ endif()
-+ endif()
-+ endif()
-+## Find version via netcdf-config if possible
-+ netcdf_config( ${NetCDF_C_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --version _vers )
-+ if( _vers )
-+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".* ((([0-9]+)\\.)+([0-9]+)).*" "\\1" NetCDF_VERSION "${_vers}" )
-+ endif()
-+ else()
-+ foreach( _dir IN LISTS NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS)
-+ if( EXISTS "${_dir}/netcdf_meta.h" )
-+ file(STRINGS "${_dir}/netcdf_meta.h" _netcdf_version_lines
-+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_MAJOR *\([0-9]*\).*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_major "${_netcdf_version_lines}")
-+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_MINOR *\([0-9]*\).*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_minor "${_netcdf_version_lines}")
-+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_PATCH *\([0-9]*\).*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_patch "${_netcdf_version_lines}")
-+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_NOTE *\"\([^\"]*\)\".*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_note "${_netcdf_version_lines}")
-+ set(NetCDF_VERSION "${_netcdf_version_major}.${_netcdf_version_minor}.${_netcdf_version_patch}${_netcdf_version_note}")
-+ unset(_netcdf_version_major)
-+ unset(_netcdf_version_minor)
-+ unset(_netcdf_version_patch)
-+ unset(_netcdf_version_note)
-+ unset(_netcdf_version_lines)
-+ endif()
-+ endforeach()
-+ endif()
-+endif ()
-+## Finalize find_package
-+if(NOT NetCDF_FOUND OR _new_search_components)
-+ find_package_handle_standard_args( ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}
-+foreach( _comp IN LISTS _search_components )
-+ if( NetCDF_${_comp}_FOUND )
-+ #Record found components to avoid duplication in NetCDF_LIBRARIES for static libraries
-+ set(NetCDF_${_comp}_FOUND ${NetCDF_${_comp}_FOUND} CACHE BOOL "NetCDF ${_comp} Found" FORCE)
-+ #Set a per-package, per-component found variable to communicate between multiple calls to find_package()
-+ set(${PROJECT_NAME}_NetCDF_${_comp}_FOUND True)
-+ endif()
-+ message( STATUS "Find${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME} defines targets:" )
-+ message( STATUS " - NetCDF_VERSION [${NetCDF_VERSION}]")
-+ message( STATUS " - NetCDF_PARALLEL [${NetCDF_PARALLEL}]")
-+ foreach( _comp IN LISTS _new_search_components )
-+ string( TOUPPER "${_comp}" _COMP )
-+ message( STATUS " - NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE [${NetCDF_${_comp}_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}]")
-+ if( ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_${_arg_${_COMP}}_FOUND )
-+ get_filename_component(_root ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIR}/.. ABSOLUTE)
-+ if( NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY_SHARED )
-+ message( STATUS " - NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp} [SHARED] [Root: ${_root}] Lib: ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} ")
-+ else()
-+ message( STATUS " - NetCDF::NetCDF_${_comp} [STATIC] [Root: ${_root}] Lib: ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARY} ")
-+ endif()
-+ endif()
-+ endforeach()
-+ set( ${_prefix}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_LIBRARIES ${NetCDF_LIBRARIES})
-+ set( ${_prefix}_VERSION ${NetCDF_VERSION} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_FOUND ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FOUND} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_PARALLEL ${NetCDF_PARALLEL} )
-+ foreach( _comp ${_search_components} )
-+ string( TOUPPER "${_comp}" _COMP )
-+ set( _arg_comp ${_arg_${_COMP}} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_comp}_FOUND ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_${_arg_comp}_FOUND} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_COMP}_FOUND ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_${_arg_comp}_FOUND} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_arg_comp}_FOUND ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_${_arg_comp}_FOUND} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_comp}_LIBRARIES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARIES} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_COMP}_LIBRARIES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARIES} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_arg_comp}_LIBRARIES ${NetCDF_${_comp}_LIBRARIES} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_COMP}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
-+ set( ${_prefix}_${_arg_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NetCDF_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
-+ endforeach()
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncep-post/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncep-post/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd82899fad..0000000000
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncep-post/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
-# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
-from spack import *
-class NcepPost(CMakePackage):
- """The NCEP Post Processor is a software package designed
- to generate useful products from raw model output."""
- homepage = ""
- url = ""
- maintainers = ['t-brown']
- version('10.0.8', sha256='b3b27d03250450159a8261c499d57168bdd833790c1c80c854d081fe37aaab47')
- variant('wrf-io', default=True, description='Enable WRF I/O.')
- depends_on('bacio')
- depends_on('crtm')
- depends_on('g2')
- depends_on('g2tmpl')
- depends_on('gfsio')
- depends_on('ip')
- depends_on('jasper')
- depends_on('libpng')
- depends_on('mpi')
- depends_on('netcdf-c')
- depends_on('netcdf-fortran')
- depends_on('nemsio')
- depends_on('sfcio')
- depends_on('sigio')
- depends_on('sp')
- depends_on('w3emc')
- depends_on('w3nco')
- depends_on('w3nco')
- depends_on('wrf-io', when='+wrf-io')
- depends_on('zlib')
- patch('cmake_findnetcdf.patch')
- def cmake_args(self):
- args = []
- if '+wrf-io' in self.spec:
- args.append('-DBUILD_WITH_WRFIO:BOOL=ON')
- return args