diff options
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/siesta/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/siesta/
index 62dbfe920e..e70f2f9617 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/siesta/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/siesta/
@@ -5,16 +5,40 @@
import os
+import shutil
+from spack.build_systems import cmake
from spack.package import *
-class Siesta(MakefilePackage):
+class Siesta(MakefilePackage, CMakePackage):
"""SIESTA performs electronic structure calculations and ab initio molecular
dynamics simulations of molecules and solids.
+ build_system(
+ conditional("cmake", when="@5:"), conditional("makefile", when="@:4"), default="cmake"
+ )
homepage = ""
+ git = ""
+ version(
+ "5.0.1",
+ url="",
+ sha256="800a22a831c1d36c6f5fe4aa9c49ee510cbd49a0b2f87b3c8bf3edb6ebd0193a",
+ )
+ version(
+ "5.0.0",
+ url="",
+ sha256="0b40c341dfd47e99e7e191189600bbcaadb0f9af03977fefed6a69836bd523e4",
+ )
+ version(
+ "4.1.5",
+ url="",
+ sha256="adc88619bf7e17fca2c67ecdcdae1f07ec4b3caf3541c0edf12964c8c330edc9",
+ )
@@ -30,17 +54,43 @@ class Siesta(MakefilePackage):
- depends_on("c", type="build") # generated
- depends_on("fortran", type="build") # generated
patch("configure.patch", when="@:4.0")
- depends_on("mpi")
+ variant("mpi", default=True, description="Builds with mpi support")
+ variant("openmp", default=True, description="Enables OpenMP support")
+ variant("netcdf", default=False, description="Compile with Netcdf")
+ variant("metis", default=False, description="Activate Metis as a possible ordering library")
+ variant("elpa", default=False, description="Use ELPA")
+ variant("mumps", default=False, description="Compile with support for MUMPS solvers")
+ variant("pexsi", default=False, description="Compile with PEXSI")
+ variant(
+ "cray",
+ default=False,
+ description="Enable specific cray settings for using cray-hdf5"
+ " and cray-netcdf modulefiles",
+ )
+ variant("debug", default=False, description="Build in debug mode")
+ variant(
+ "build_type",
+ default="Release",
+ description="The build type to build",
+ values=("Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "check"),
+ )
+ depends_on("mpi", when="+mpi")
- depends_on("scalapack")
+ depends_on("scalapack", when="+mpi")
+ depends_on("cray-libsci+openmp", when="^[virtuals=cray-libsci] cray-libsci")
+ depends_on("metis@5:", when="+metis")
+ depends_on("elpa", when="+elpa")
+ depends_on("mumps", when="+mumps")
+ depends_on("pexsi", when="+pexsi")
+ with when("build_system=cmake"):
+ depends_on("cmake@3.20:", type="build")
def flag_handler(self, name, flags):
if "%gcc@10:" in self.spec and name == "fflags":
@@ -49,49 +99,210 @@ class Siesta(MakefilePackage):
def edit(self, spec, prefix):
sh = which("sh")
- configure_args = [
- "--enable-mpi",
- "--with-blas=%s" % spec["blas"].libs,
- "--with-lapack=%s" % spec["lapack"].libs,
- # need to include BLAS below because Intel MKL's
- # BLACS depends on BLAS, otherwise the compiler
- # test fails
- "--with-blacs=%s" % (spec["scalapack"].libs + spec["blas"].libs),
- "--with-scalapack=%s" % spec["scalapack"].libs,
- "--with-netcdf=%s" % (spec["netcdf-fortran"].libs + spec["netcdf-c"].libs),
- # need to specify MPIFC explicitly below, otherwise
- # Intel's mpiifort is not found
- "MPIFC=%s" % spec["mpi"].mpifc,
- ]
- if self.spec.satisfies("%gcc"):
- configure_args.append("FCFLAGS=-ffree-line-length-0")
- for d in ["Obj", "Obj_trans"]:
- with working_dir(d, create=True):
- sh("../Src/configure", *configure_args)
- if spec.satisfies("@:4.0%intel"):
- with open("arch.make", "a") as f:
- f.write("\natom.o: atom.F\n")
- f.write("\t$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) -O1")
- f.write("$(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $<")
+ if "+cray" in spec:
+ netcdff_prefix = os.environ.get("NETCDF_DIR", "")
+ hdf5_prefix = os.environ.get("HDF5_DIR", "")
+ if spec.satisfies("@:4.0.2 +mpi"):
+ configure_args = [
+ "--enable-mpi",
+ "--with-blas=%s" % spec["blas"].libs,
+ "--with-lapack=%s" % spec["lapack"].libs,
+ # need to include BLAS below because Intel MKL's
+ # BLACS depends on BLAS, otherwise the compiler
+ # test fails
+ "--with-blacs=%s" % (spec["scalapack"].libs + spec["blas"].libs),
+ "--with-scalapack=%s" % spec["scalapack"].libs,
+ # need to specify MPIFC explicitly below, otherwise
+ # Intel's mpiifort is not found
+ "MPIFC=%s" % spec["mpi"].mpifc,
+ ]
+ if "+cray" in spec:
+ configure_args += ["--with-netcdf={0}/lib/".format(netcdff_prefix)]
+ else:
+ configure_args += [
+ "--with-netcdf=%s" % (spec["netcdf-fortran"].libs + spec["netcdf-c"].libs)
+ ]
+ if self.spec.satisfies("%gcc"):
+ if "+cray" in spec:
+ configure_args.append(
+ "FCFLAGS=-ffree-line-length-0 -I{0}/include".format(netcdff_prefix)
+ )
+ else:
+ configure_args.append("FCFLAGS=-ffree-line-length-0")
+ for d in ["Obj", "Obj_trans"]:
+ with working_dir(d, create=True):
+ sh("../Src/configure", *configure_args)
+ if spec.satisfies("@:4.0%intel"):
+ with open("arch.make", "a") as f:
+ f.write("\natom.o: atom.F\n")
+ f.write("\t$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) -O1")
+ f.write("$(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $<")
+ sh("../Src/")
+ elif self.spec.satisfies("@:4.1.5"):
+ with working_dir("Obj", create=True):
+ if spec.satisfies("@:4.1.5%gcc"):
+ shutil.copy("./gfortran.make", "./arch.make")
+ libs_arg = []
+ fppflags_arg = []
+ arch_make = FileFilter("./arch.make")
+ arch_make.filter(
+ "FFLAGS = .*",
+ "FFLAGS = {0}".format(
+ "-O2 -fPIC -ftree-vectorize -fallow-argument-mismatch"
+ ),
+ )
+ if "+debug" in spec:
+ arch_make.filter("FFLAGS_DEBUG=.*", "FFLAGS_DEBUG= -g -O1")
+ if "^cray-libsci" in spec:
+ libs_arg.append("-L{0}/lib -lsci_gnu".format(spec["cray-libsci"].prefix))
+ with open("arch.make", "a") as f:
+ if "+mpi" in spec:
+ arch_make.filter("CC = .*", "CC = {0}".format(spec["mpi"].mpicc))
+ arch_make.filter("FC = .*", "FC = {0}".format(spec["mpi"].mpifc))
+ if "^cray-libsci" in spec:
+ libs_arg.append("-lsci_gnu_mpi")
+ f.write("MPI_INTERFACE = libmpi_f90.a\n")
+ f.write("MPI_INCLUDE = .\n")
+ f.write("LIBS += " + spec["scalapack"].libs.ld_flags + "\n")
+ fppflags_arg.append("-DMPI ")
+ if "+openmp" in spec:
+ f.write("FFLAGS += -fopenmp\n")
+ f.write("LIBS += -fopenmp\n")
+ if "+netcdf" in spec:
+ if "+cray" in spec:
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf".format(netcdff_prefix)
+ )
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0}/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5".format(hdf5_prefix)
+ )
+ else:
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf".format(
+ spec["netcdf-fortran"].prefix
+ )
+ )
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0}/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5".format(spec["hdf5"].prefix)
+ )
+ if "+metis" in spec:
+ libs_arg.append("-L{0} -lmetis".format(self.spec["metis"].prefix.lib))
+ fppflags_arg.append("-DSIESTA__METIS ")
+ if "elpa" in spec:
+ elpa = spec["elpa"]
+ elpa_suffix = "_openmp" if "+openmp" in elpa else ""
+ elpa_incdir = elpa.headers.directories[0]
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0} -lelpa{1}".format(self.spec["elpa"].prefix.lib, elpa_suffix)
+ )
+ fppflags_arg.append(
+ "-DSIESTA__ELPA -I{0}".format(join_path(elpa_incdir, "modules"))
+ )
+ if "mumps" in spec:
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0} -lmumps_common -lzmumps".format(
+ self.spec["mumps"].prefix.lib
+ )
+ )
+ fppflags_arg.append("-DSIESTA__MUMPS ")
+ if "+pexsi" in spec:
+ libs_arg.append(
+ "-L{0} -lpexsi_linux".format(self.spec["pexsi"].prefix.lib)
+ )
+ fppflags_arg.append("-DSIESTA__PEXSI ")
+ f.write("INCFLAGS += -I{0}/include".format(self.spec["pexsi"].prefix))
+ arch_make.filter("^LIBS =.*", "LIBS = {0}".format(" ".join(libs_arg)))
+ f.write("FPPFLAGS = {0}".format(" ".join(fppflags_arg)))
def build(self, spec, prefix):
with working_dir("Obj"):
- with working_dir("Obj_trans"):
- make("transiesta", parallel=False)
- with working_dir("Util"):
- sh = which("sh")
- sh("")
+ if spec.satisfies("@:4.0.2"):
+ with working_dir("Obj_trans"):
+ make("transiesta", parallel=False)
+ with working_dir("Util"):
+ sh = which("sh")
+ sh("")
def install(self, spec, prefix):
with working_dir("Obj"):
install("siesta", prefix.bin)
- with working_dir("Obj_trans"):
- install("transiesta", prefix.bin)
+ if spec.satisfies("@:4.0.2"):
+ with working_dir("Obj_trans"):
+ install("transiesta", prefix.bin)
for root, _, files in os.walk("Util"):
for fname in files:
fname = join_path(root, fname)
if os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
install(fname, prefix.bin)
+class CMakeBuilder(cmake.CMakeBuilder):
+ """Use the new CMake build system to build siesta@5.0.0:."""
+ def cmake_args(self):
+ spec = self.spec
+ args = []
+ args += ["-DBLAS_LIBRARIES={0}".format(self.spec["blas"].libs.link_flags)]
+ args += ["-DLAPACK_LIBRARIES={0}".format(self.spec["lapack"].libs.link_flags)]
+ if "+mpi" in spec:
+ args += [
+ "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%s" % spec["mpi"].mpicc,
+ "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%s" % spec["mpi"].mpicxx,
+ "-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=%s" % spec["mpi"].mpifc,
+ ]
+ args += ["-DSIESTA_WITH_MPI=ON"]
+ args += ["-DSCALAPACK_LIBRARY={0}".format(spec["scalapack"].libs.joined(";"))]
+ if "+openmp" in spec:
+ if "+cray" in spec:
+ args += ["-DFortran_FLAGS=-fopenmp"]
+ if "build_type=Debug" in spec:
+ args += [
+ "-DFortran_FLAGS=-Og -g -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace"
+ " -Warray-bounds -Wunused -Wuninitialized"
+ ]
+ else:
+ args += ["-DFortran_FLAGS=-O2 -fPIC -ftree-vectorize -fallow-argument-mismatch"]
+ if "+netcdf" in spec:
+ if "+cray" in spec:
+ args += ["-DNetCDF_PATH={0}".format(os.environ.get("NETCDF_DIR", ""))]
+ else:
+ args += ["-DNetCDF_PATH={0}".format(spec["netcdf-fortran"].prefix)]
+ if "+elpa" in spec:
+ args += ["-DSIESTA_WITH_ELPA=ON"]
+ if "+mumps" in spec:
+ args += ["-DSIESTA__MUMPS=ON"]
+ args += [
+ "-DSIESTA_LINKER_FLAGS=-L{0} -lmumps_common -lzmumps".format(
+ self.spec["mumps"].prefix.lib
+ )
+ ]
+ if "+metis" in spec:
+ args += ["-DSIESTA__METIS=ON"]
+ args += ["-DSIESTA_LINKER_FLAGS=-L{0} -lmetis".format(self.spec["metis"].prefix.lib)]
+ return args