diff options
2 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/pypy-bootstrap/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/pypy-bootstrap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be10d920ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/pypy-bootstrap/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+import platform
+from spack.package import *
+class PypyBootstrap(Package):
+ """Binary build of PyPy 2 for bootstrapping source build of PyPy 3."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ maintainers("adamjstewart")
+ if platform.system() == "Linux":
+ if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
+ version(
+ "2.7-v7.3.12", "1a61a2574b79466f606010f2999a2b995bd96cd085f91a78ebdd3d5c2c40e81d"
+ )
+ elif platform.machine() == "aarch64":
+ version(
+ "2.7-v7.3.12", "e04dcb6286a7b4724ec3f0e50d3cc1ba8583301dd1658c06d7f37599e4201c59"
+ )
+ elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ if platform.machine() == "arm64":
+ version(
+ "2.7-v7.3.12", "6b747aa076ae8597e49603c5dec4ca5935a1a0a132d7404a559be96a260d9bf7"
+ )
+ elif platform.machine() == "x86_64":
+ version(
+ "2.7-v7.3.12", "6e89ffdd15537ce4ffce3145b65ee57c2e9c952892bd95b934012d2f009f503b"
+ )
+ elif platform.system() == "Windows":
+ version("2.7-v7.3.12", "84cd3b98812d47a1ddb36f3417cc96b3dbdfa32c2b4e16438f205e1253f7ccea")
+ def url_for_version(self, version):
+ url = "{}-{}.{}"
+ ext = "tar.bz2"
+ if platform.system() == "Linux":
+ if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
+ arch = "linux64"
+ elif platform.machine() == "aarch64":
+ arch = "aarch64"
+ elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ arch = "macos_" + platform.machine()
+ elif platform.system() == "Windows":
+ arch = "win64"
+ ext = "zip"
+ return url.format(version, arch, ext)
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ install_tree(".", prefix)
+ @property
+ def command(self):
+ return Executable(self.prefix.bin.pypy)
+ def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dependent_spec):
+ module.pypy = self.command
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/pypy/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/pypy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df57199054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/pypy/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class Pypy(Package):
+ """A fast, compliant alternative implementation of Python."""
+ homepage = ""
+ url = ""
+ hg = ""
+ maintainers("adamjstewart")
+ version(
+ "3.10-v7.3.12", sha256="86e4e4eacc36046c6182f43018796537fe33a60e1d2a2cc6b8e7f91a5dcb3e42"
+ )
+ variant("ctypes", default=True, description="Build ctypes module")
+ variant("zlib", default=True, description="Build zlib module")
+ variant("bz2", default=True, description="Build bz2 module")
+ variant("pyexpat", default=True, description="Build pyexpat module")
+ variant("sqlite3", default=True, description="Build sqlite3 module")
+ variant("ssl", default=True, description="Build ssl module")
+ variant("curses", default=True, description="Build curses module")
+ variant("dbm", default=True, description="Build dbm module")
+ variant("tkinter", default=False, description="Build tkinter module")
+ variant("lzma", default=True, description="Build lzma module")
+ #
+ depends_on("pypy-bootstrap", type="build") # any Python 2 executable
+ # depends_on("py-cffi", type="build") # only for CPython
+ depends_on("libffi", when="+ctypes")
+ depends_on("pkgconfig", when="+ctypes", type="build")
+ depends_on("zlib", when="+zlib")
+ depends_on("bzip2", when="+bz2")
+ depends_on("expat", when="+pyexpat")
+ depends_on("sqlite", when="+sqlite3")
+ depends_on("openssl", when="+ssl")
+ depends_on("ncurses", when="+curses")
+ depends_on("gdbm", when="+dbm")
+ depends_on("tcl", when="+tkinter")
+ depends_on("tk", when="+tkinter")
+ depends_on("libx11", when="+tkinter")
+ depends_on("xz", when="+lzma")
+ # TODO: add testing
+ #
+ # depends_on("bdw-gc@7.4:", type="test")
+ # depends_on("openssl", type="test")
+ # depends_on("py-pycparser", type="test")
+ # depends_on("py-hypothesis", type="test")
+ phases = ["translate", "build", "package", "install"]
+ @property
+ def build_directory(self):
+ return join_path(self.stage.source_path, "pypy", "goal")
+ def patch(self):
+ # Fix detection of tcl/tk
+ tklib_build = FileFilter(join_path("lib_pypy", "_tkinter", ""))
+ if "+tkinter" in self.spec:
+ incs = self.spec["tcl"].headers + self.spec["tk"].headers
+ libs = self.spec["tcl"].libs + self.spec["tk"].libs
+ tklib_build.filter("incdirs = .*", f"incdirs = {incs.directories}")
+ tklib_build.filter("linklibs = .*", f"linklibs = {libs.names}")
+ tklib_build.filter("libdirs = .*", f"libdirs = {libs.directories}")
+ def setup_build_environment(self, env):
+ #
+ env.set("PYPY_USESSION_DIR", self.stage.source_path)
+ env.prepend_path("PYTHONPATH", self.stage.source_path)
+ def translate_args(self):
+ args = ["--opt=jit", "--shared", "--make-jobs", str(make_jobs), ""]
+ variant_to_flag = {
+ "ctypes": "_cffi_backend",
+ "bz2": "bz2",
+ "zlib": "zlib",
+ "pyexpat": "pyexpat",
+ }
+ for variant, flag in variant_to_flag.items():
+ if f"+{variant}" in self.spec:
+ args.append(f"--withmod-{flag}")
+ else:
+ args.append(f"--withoutmod-{flag}")
+ return args
+ def translate(self, spec, prefix):
+ #
+ rpython = join_path(self.stage.source_path, "rpython", "bin", "rpython")
+ with working_dir(self.build_directory):
+ pypy(rpython, *self.translate_args())
+ def build_args(self):
+ modules = ["audioop", "syslog", "grp", "resource", "_posixshmem"]
+ if "+ctypes" in self.spec:
+ modules.extend(["_ctypes._ctypes_cffi", "_pypy_util_cffi_inner"])
+ if "+ssl" in self.spec:
+ modules.extend(["_blake2", "_ssl", "_sha3"])
+ if "+sqlite3" in self.spec:
+ modules.append("sqlite3")
+ if "+tkinter" in self.spec:
+ modules.append("_tkinter")
+ if "+curses" in self.spec:
+ modules.append("curses")
+ if "+dbm" in self.spec:
+ modules.append("_gdbm")
+ if "+lzma" in self.spec:
+ modules.append("lzma")
+ return ["--only=" + ",".join(modules)]
+ def build(self, spec, prefix):
+ #
+ build_cffi_imports = join_path(
+ self.stage.source_path, "lib_pypy", "pypy_tools", ""
+ )
+ pypy_c = Executable(join_path(self.build_directory, f"pypy{self.version.up_to(2)}-c"))
+ with working_dir(self.build_directory):
+ pypy_c(build_cffi_imports, *self.build_args())
+ def package_args(self):
+ args = [
+ f"--builddir={self.build_directory}",
+ "--no-embedded-dependencies",
+ "--no-make-portable",
+ ]
+ variant_to_flag = {
+ "dbm": "_gdbm",
+ "ssl": "_ssl",
+ "curses": "curses",
+ "lzma": "lzma",
+ "sqlite3": "sqlite3",
+ "tkinter": "_tkinter",
+ "ctypes": "cffi",
+ }
+ for variant, flag in variant_to_flag.items():
+ if f"~{variant}" in self.spec:
+ args.append(f"--without-{flag}")
+ return args
+ def package(self, spec, prefix):
+ #
+ package = join_path(self.stage.source_path, "pypy", "tool", "release", "")
+ pypy(package, *self.package_args())
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ #
+ with working_dir(join_path(self.build_directory, "pypy-nightly")):
+ install_tree("bin", prefix.bin)
+ install_tree("include", prefix.include)
+ install_tree("lib", prefix.lib)