diff options
11 files changed, 288 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/llnl/util/ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
index c3e67f205d..8449c4ca8c 100644
--- a/lib/spack/llnl/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/llnl/util/
@@ -84,20 +84,6 @@ def index_by(objects, *funcs):
return result
-def caller_locals():
- """This will return the locals of the *parent* of the caller.
- This allows a function to insert variables into its caller's
- scope. Yes, this is some black magic, and yes it's useful
- for implementing things like depends_on and provides.
- """
- # Passing zero here skips line context for speed.
- stack = inspect.stack(0)
- try:
- return stack[2][0].f_locals
- finally:
- del stack
def attr_setdefault(obj, name, value):
"""Like dict.setdefault, but for objects."""
if not hasattr(obj, name):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 00734d5533..2f947335a8 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from llnl.util import lang
import spack.build_environment
+import spack.multimethod
#: Builder classes, as registered by the "builder" decorator
@@ -295,7 +296,11 @@ class PhaseCallbacksMeta(type):
return _decorator
-class BuilderMeta(PhaseCallbacksMeta, type( # type: ignore
+class BuilderMeta(
+ PhaseCallbacksMeta,
+ spack.multimethod.MultiMethodMeta,
+ type(, # type: ignore
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index d3d0d7ec48..55b040e68a 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ The available directives are:
import collections
-import functools
import os.path
import re
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import llnl.util.lang
import llnl.util.tty.color
@@ -48,6 +47,7 @@ import spack.url
import spack.util.crypto
import spack.variant
from spack.dependency import Dependency
+from spack.directives_meta import DirectiveError, DirectiveMeta
from spack.fetch_strategy import from_kwargs
from spack.resource import Resource
from spack.version import (
@@ -80,22 +80,6 @@ __all__ = [
-#: These are variant names used by Spack internally; packages can't use them
-reserved_names = [
- "arch",
- "architecture",
- "dev_path",
- "namespace",
- "operating_system",
- "os",
- "patches",
- "platform",
- "target",
-#: Names of possible directives. This list is mostly populated using the @directive decorator.
-#: Some directives leverage others and in that case are not automatically added.
-directive_names = ["build_system"]
_patch_order_index = 0
@@ -155,219 +139,6 @@ def _make_when_spec(value: WhenType) -> Optional["spack.spec.Spec"]:
return spack.spec.Spec(value)
-class DirectiveMeta(type):
- """Flushes the directives that were temporarily stored in the staging
- area into the package.
- """
- # Set of all known directives
- _directive_dict_names: Set[str] = set()
- _directives_to_be_executed: List[str] = []
- _when_constraints_from_context: List[str] = []
- _default_args: List[dict] = []
- def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
- # Initialize the attribute containing the list of directives
- # to be executed. Here we go reversed because we want to execute
- # commands:
- # 1. in the order they were defined
- # 2. following the MRO
- attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"] = []
- for base in reversed(bases):
- try:
- directive_from_base = base._directives_to_be_executed
- attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"].extend(directive_from_base)
- except AttributeError:
- # The base class didn't have the required attribute.
- # Continue searching
- pass
- # De-duplicates directives from base classes
- attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"] = [
- x for x in llnl.util.lang.dedupe(attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"])
- ]
- # Move things to be executed from module scope (where they
- # are collected first) to class scope
- if DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed:
- attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"].extend(
- DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed
- )
- DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed = []
- return super(DirectiveMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)
- def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
- # The instance is being initialized: if it is a package we must ensure
- # that the directives are called to set it up.
- if "spack.pkg" in cls.__module__:
- # Ensure the presence of the dictionaries associated with the directives.
- # All dictionaries are defaultdicts that create lists for missing keys.
- for d in DirectiveMeta._directive_dict_names:
- setattr(cls, d, {})
- # Lazily execute directives
- for directive in cls._directives_to_be_executed:
- directive(cls)
- # Ignore any directives executed *within* top-level
- # directives by clearing out the queue they're appended to
- DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed = []
- super(DirectiveMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr_dict)
- @staticmethod
- def push_to_context(when_spec):
- """Add a spec to the context constraints."""
- DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context.append(when_spec)
- @staticmethod
- def pop_from_context():
- """Pop the last constraint from the context"""
- return DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context.pop()
- @staticmethod
- def push_default_args(default_args):
- """Push default arguments"""
- DirectiveMeta._default_args.append(default_args)
- @staticmethod
- def pop_default_args():
- """Pop default arguments"""
- return DirectiveMeta._default_args.pop()
- @staticmethod
- def directive(dicts=None):
- """Decorator for Spack directives.
- Spack directives allow you to modify a package while it is being
- defined, e.g. to add version or dependency information. Directives
- are one of the key pieces of Spack's package "language", which is
- embedded in python.
- Here's an example directive:
- .. code-block:: python
- @directive(dicts='versions')
- version(pkg, ...):
- ...
- This directive allows you write:
- .. code-block:: python
- class Foo(Package):
- version(...)
- The ``@directive`` decorator handles a couple things for you:
- 1. Adds the class scope (pkg) as an initial parameter when
- called, like a class method would. This allows you to modify
- a package from within a directive, while the package is still
- being defined.
- 2. It automatically adds a dictionary called "versions" to the
- package so that you can refer to pkg.versions.
- The ``(dicts='versions')`` part ensures that ALL packages in Spack
- will have a ``versions`` attribute after they're constructed, and
- that if no directive actually modified it, it will just be an
- empty dict.
- This is just a modular way to add storage attributes to the
- Package class, and it's how Spack gets information from the
- packages to the core.
- """
- global directive_names
- if isinstance(dicts, str):
- dicts = (dicts,)
- if not isinstance(dicts,
- message = "dicts arg must be list, tuple, or string. Found {0}"
- raise TypeError(message.format(type(dicts)))
- # Add the dictionary names if not already there
- DirectiveMeta._directive_dict_names |= set(dicts)
- # This decorator just returns the directive functions
- def _decorator(decorated_function):
- directive_names.append(decorated_function.__name__)
- @functools.wraps(decorated_function)
- def _wrapper(*args, **_kwargs):
- # First merge default args with kwargs
- kwargs = dict()
- for default_args in DirectiveMeta._default_args:
- kwargs.update(default_args)
- kwargs.update(_kwargs)
- # Inject when arguments from the context
- if DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context:
- # Check that directives not yet supporting the when= argument
- # are not used inside the context manager
- if decorated_function.__name__ == "version":
- msg = (
- 'directive "{0}" cannot be used within a "when"'
- ' context since it does not support a "when=" '
- "argument"
- )
- msg = msg.format(decorated_function.__name__)
- raise DirectiveError(msg)
- when_constraints = [
- spack.spec.Spec(x) for x in DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context
- ]
- if kwargs.get("when"):
- when_constraints.append(spack.spec.Spec(kwargs["when"]))
- when_spec = spack.spec.merge_abstract_anonymous_specs(*when_constraints)
- kwargs["when"] = when_spec
- # If any of the arguments are executors returned by a
- # directive passed as an argument, don't execute them
- # lazily. Instead, let the called directive handle them.
- # This allows nested directive calls in packages. The
- # caller can return the directive if it should be queued.
- def remove_directives(arg):
- directives = DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed
- if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
- # Descend into args that are lists or tuples
- for a in arg:
- remove_directives(a)
- else:
- # Remove directives args from the exec queue
- remove = next((d for d in directives if d is arg), None)
- if remove is not None:
- directives.remove(remove)
- # Nasty, but it's the best way I can think of to avoid
- # side effects if directive results are passed as args
- remove_directives(args)
- remove_directives(list(kwargs.values()))
- # A directive returns either something that is callable on a
- # package or a sequence of them
- result = decorated_function(*args, **kwargs)
- # if it is not a sequence make it so
- values = result
- if not isinstance(values,
- values = (values,)
- DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed.extend(values)
- # wrapped function returns same result as original so
- # that we can nest directives
- return result
- return _wrapper
- return _decorator
SubmoduleCallback = Callable[["spack.package_base.PackageBase"], Union[str, List[str], bool]]
directive = DirectiveMeta.directive
@@ -846,7 +617,7 @@ def variant(
msg += " @*r{{[{0}, variant '{1}']}}"
return llnl.util.tty.color.colorize(msg.format(, name))
- if name in reserved_names:
+ if name in spack.variant.reserved_names:
def _raise_reserved_name(pkg):
msg = "The name '%s' is reserved by Spack" % name
@@ -1110,10 +881,6 @@ def _language(lang_spec_str: str, *, when: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None):
return _execute_languages
-class DirectiveError(spack.error.SpackError):
- """This is raised when something is wrong with a package directive."""
class DependencyError(DirectiveError):
"""This is raised when a dependency specification is invalid."""
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0768a40664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+import functools
+from typing import List, Set
+import llnl.util.lang
+import spack.error
+import spack.spec
+#: Names of possible directives. This list is mostly populated using the @directive decorator.
+#: Some directives leverage others and in that case are not automatically added.
+directive_names = ["build_system"]
+class DirectiveMeta(type):
+ """Flushes the directives that were temporarily stored in the staging
+ area into the package.
+ """
+ # Set of all known directives
+ _directive_dict_names: Set[str] = set()
+ _directives_to_be_executed: List[str] = []
+ _when_constraints_from_context: List[str] = []
+ _default_args: List[dict] = []
+ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
+ # Initialize the attribute containing the list of directives
+ # to be executed. Here we go reversed because we want to execute
+ # commands:
+ # 1. in the order they were defined
+ # 2. following the MRO
+ attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"] = []
+ for base in reversed(bases):
+ try:
+ directive_from_base = base._directives_to_be_executed
+ attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"].extend(directive_from_base)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # The base class didn't have the required attribute.
+ # Continue searching
+ pass
+ # De-duplicates directives from base classes
+ attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"] = [
+ x for x in llnl.util.lang.dedupe(attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"])
+ ]
+ # Move things to be executed from module scope (where they
+ # are collected first) to class scope
+ if DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed:
+ attr_dict["_directives_to_be_executed"].extend(
+ DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed
+ )
+ DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed = []
+ return super(DirectiveMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
+ # The instance is being initialized: if it is a package we must ensure
+ # that the directives are called to set it up.
+ if "spack.pkg" in cls.__module__:
+ # Ensure the presence of the dictionaries associated with the directives.
+ # All dictionaries are defaultdicts that create lists for missing keys.
+ for d in DirectiveMeta._directive_dict_names:
+ setattr(cls, d, {})
+ # Lazily execute directives
+ for directive in cls._directives_to_be_executed:
+ directive(cls)
+ # Ignore any directives executed *within* top-level
+ # directives by clearing out the queue they're appended to
+ DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed = []
+ super(DirectiveMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr_dict)
+ @staticmethod
+ def push_to_context(when_spec):
+ """Add a spec to the context constraints."""
+ DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context.append(when_spec)
+ @staticmethod
+ def pop_from_context():
+ """Pop the last constraint from the context"""
+ return DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context.pop()
+ @staticmethod
+ def push_default_args(default_args):
+ """Push default arguments"""
+ DirectiveMeta._default_args.append(default_args)
+ @staticmethod
+ def pop_default_args():
+ """Pop default arguments"""
+ return DirectiveMeta._default_args.pop()
+ @staticmethod
+ def directive(dicts=None):
+ """Decorator for Spack directives.
+ Spack directives allow you to modify a package while it is being
+ defined, e.g. to add version or dependency information. Directives
+ are one of the key pieces of Spack's package "language", which is
+ embedded in python.
+ Here's an example directive:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ @directive(dicts='versions')
+ version(pkg, ...):
+ ...
+ This directive allows you write:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ class Foo(Package):
+ version(...)
+ The ``@directive`` decorator handles a couple things for you:
+ 1. Adds the class scope (pkg) as an initial parameter when
+ called, like a class method would. This allows you to modify
+ a package from within a directive, while the package is still
+ being defined.
+ 2. It automatically adds a dictionary called "versions" to the
+ package so that you can refer to pkg.versions.
+ The ``(dicts='versions')`` part ensures that ALL packages in Spack
+ will have a ``versions`` attribute after they're constructed, and
+ that if no directive actually modified it, it will just be an
+ empty dict.
+ This is just a modular way to add storage attributes to the
+ Package class, and it's how Spack gets information from the
+ packages to the core.
+ """
+ global directive_names
+ if isinstance(dicts, str):
+ dicts = (dicts,)
+ if not isinstance(dicts,
+ message = "dicts arg must be list, tuple, or string. Found {0}"
+ raise TypeError(message.format(type(dicts)))
+ # Add the dictionary names if not already there
+ DirectiveMeta._directive_dict_names |= set(dicts)
+ # This decorator just returns the directive functions
+ def _decorator(decorated_function):
+ directive_names.append(decorated_function.__name__)
+ @functools.wraps(decorated_function)
+ def _wrapper(*args, **_kwargs):
+ # First merge default args with kwargs
+ kwargs = dict()
+ for default_args in DirectiveMeta._default_args:
+ kwargs.update(default_args)
+ kwargs.update(_kwargs)
+ # Inject when arguments from the context
+ if DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context:
+ # Check that directives not yet supporting the when= argument
+ # are not used inside the context manager
+ if decorated_function.__name__ == "version":
+ msg = (
+ 'directive "{0}" cannot be used within a "when"'
+ ' context since it does not support a "when=" '
+ "argument"
+ )
+ msg = msg.format(decorated_function.__name__)
+ raise DirectiveError(msg)
+ when_constraints = [
+ spack.spec.Spec(x) for x in DirectiveMeta._when_constraints_from_context
+ ]
+ if kwargs.get("when"):
+ when_constraints.append(spack.spec.Spec(kwargs["when"]))
+ when_spec = spack.spec.merge_abstract_anonymous_specs(*when_constraints)
+ kwargs["when"] = when_spec
+ # If any of the arguments are executors returned by a
+ # directive passed as an argument, don't execute them
+ # lazily. Instead, let the called directive handle them.
+ # This allows nested directive calls in packages. The
+ # caller can return the directive if it should be queued.
+ def remove_directives(arg):
+ directives = DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed
+ if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
+ # Descend into args that are lists or tuples
+ for a in arg:
+ remove_directives(a)
+ else:
+ # Remove directives args from the exec queue
+ remove = next((d for d in directives if d is arg), None)
+ if remove is not None:
+ directives.remove(remove)
+ # Nasty, but it's the best way I can think of to avoid
+ # side effects if directive results are passed as args
+ remove_directives(args)
+ remove_directives(list(kwargs.values()))
+ # A directive returns either something that is callable on a
+ # package or a sequence of them
+ result = decorated_function(*args, **kwargs)
+ # if it is not a sequence make it so
+ values = result
+ if not isinstance(values,
+ values = (values,)
+ DirectiveMeta._directives_to_be_executed.extend(values)
+ # wrapped function returns same result as original so
+ # that we can nest directives
+ return result
+ return _wrapper
+ return _decorator
+class DirectiveError(spack.error.SpackError):
+ """This is raised when something is wrong with a package directive."""
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 4c21da3c91..b245c6fc1b 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ import functools
import inspect
from contextlib import contextmanager
-from llnl.util.lang import caller_locals
-import spack.directives
+import spack.directives_meta
import spack.error
-from spack.spec import Spec
+import spack.spec
class MultiMethodMeta(type):
@@ -165,9 +163,9 @@ class when:
condition (str): condition to be met
if isinstance(condition, bool):
- self.spec = Spec() if condition else None
+ self.spec = spack.spec.Spec() if condition else None
- self.spec = Spec(condition)
+ self.spec = spack.spec.Spec(condition)
def __call__(self, method):
"""This annotation lets packages declare multiple versions of
@@ -229,11 +227,9 @@ class when:
platform-specific versions. There's not much we can do to get
around this because of the way decorators work.
- # In Python 2, Get the first definition of the method in the
- # calling scope by looking at the caller's locals. In Python 3,
- # we handle this using MultiMethodMeta.__prepare__.
- if MultiMethodMeta._locals is None:
- MultiMethodMeta._locals = caller_locals()
+ assert (
+ MultiMethodMeta._locals is not None
+ ), "cannot use multimethod, missing MultiMethodMeta metaclass?"
# Create a multimethod with this name if there is not one already
original_method = MultiMethodMeta._locals.get(method.__name__)
@@ -266,17 +262,17 @@ class when:
and add their constraint to whatever may be already present in the directive
`when=` argument.
- spack.directives.DirectiveMeta.push_to_context(str(self.spec))
+ spack.directives_meta.DirectiveMeta.push_to_context(str(self.spec))
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- spack.directives.DirectiveMeta.pop_from_context()
+ spack.directives_meta.DirectiveMeta.pop_from_context()
def default_args(**kwargs):
- spack.directives.DirectiveMeta.push_default_args(kwargs)
+ spack.directives_meta.DirectiveMeta.push_default_args(kwargs)
- spack.directives.DirectiveMeta.pop_default_args()
+ spack.directives_meta.DirectiveMeta.pop_default_args()
class MultiMethodError(spack.error.SpackError):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/solver/ b/lib/spack/spack/solver/
index b3f1248ce7..8a1933b749 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/solver/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/solver/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import spack.compilers
import spack.config
import spack.config as sc
import spack.deptypes as dt
-import spack.directives
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.error
import spack.package_base
@@ -1878,8 +1877,7 @@ class SpackSolverSetup:
# validate variant value only if spec not concrete
if not spec.concrete:
- reserved_names = spack.directives.reserved_names
- if not spec.virtual and vname not in reserved_names:
+ if not spec.virtual and vname not in spack.variant.reserved_names:
pkg_cls = self.pkg_class(
variant_def, _ = pkg_cls.variants[vname]
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index eddbbf934c..19242bc06a 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ class Spec:
Known flags currently include "arch"
- if propagate and name in spack.directives.reserved_names:
+ if propagate and name in vt.reserved_names:
raise UnsupportedPropagationError(
f"Propagation with '==' is not supported for '{name}'."
@@ -2935,9 +2935,7 @@ class Spec:
pkg_variants = pkg_cls.variants
# reserved names are variants that may be set on any package
# but are not necessarily recorded by the package's class
- not_existing = set(spec.variants) - (
- set(pkg_variants) | set(spack.directives.reserved_names)
- )
+ not_existing = set(spec.variants) - (set(pkg_variants) | set(vt.reserved_names))
if not_existing:
raise vt.UnknownVariantError(spec, not_existing)
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/util/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/util/
index b613c6630d..5a0251b2d0 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/util/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import os
import pytest
import spack.directives
+import spack.directives_meta
import spack.paths
import spack.repo
import spack.util.package_hash as ph
@@ -211,13 +212,13 @@ class HasManyDirectives:
- directives="\n".join(" %s()" % name for name in spack.directives.directive_names)
+ directives="\n".join(" %s()" % name for name in spack.directives_meta.directive_names)
def test_remove_all_directives():
"""Ensure all directives are removed from packages before hashing."""
- for name in spack.directives.directive_names:
+ for name in spack.directives_meta.directive_names:
assert name in many_directives
tree = ast.parse(many_directives)
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ def test_remove_all_directives():
tree = ph.RemoveDirectives(spec).visit(tree)
unparsed = unparse(tree, py_ver_consistent=True)
- for name in spack.directives.directive_names:
+ for name in spack.directives_meta.directive_names:
assert name not in unparsed
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/util/ b/lib/spack/spack/util/
index a0552b13cc..7a4fd39115 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/util/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/util/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import ast
-import spack.directives
+import spack.directives_meta
import spack.error
import spack.package_base
import spack.repo
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class RemoveDirectives(ast.NodeTransformer):
and isinstance(node.value, ast.Call)
and isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name)
- and in spack.directives.directive_names
+ and in spack.directives_meta.directive_names
else node
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index bb4138116f..71a31aa914 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -17,10 +17,22 @@ import llnl.util.lang as lang
import llnl.util.tty.color
from llnl.string import comma_or
-import spack.directives
import spack.error as error
import spack.parser
+#: These are variant names used by Spack internally; packages can't use them
+reserved_names = [
+ "arch",
+ "architecture",
+ "dev_path",
+ "namespace",
+ "operating_system",
+ "os",
+ "patches",
+ "platform",
+ "target",
special_variant_values = [None, "none", "*"]
@@ -679,7 +691,7 @@ def substitute_abstract_variants(spec):
# in $spack/lib/spack/spack/
failed = []
for name, v in spec.variants.items():
- if name in spack.directives.reserved_names:
+ if name in reserved_names:
if name == "dev_path":
new_variant = SingleValuedVariant(name, v._original_value)
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/icu4c/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/icu4c/
index 3cb4eb1d98..97f89cfc29 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/icu4c/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/icu4c/
@@ -76,18 +76,15 @@ class Icu4c(AutotoolsPackage, MSBuildPackage):
return (None, flags, None)
-class BuildEnvironment:
- # Need to make sure that locale is UTF-8 in order to process source
- # files in UTF-8.
+class AutotoolsBuilder(spack.build_systems.autotools.AutotoolsBuilder):
+ configure_directory = "source"
+ # Need to make sure that locale is UTF-8 in order to process source files in UTF-8.
def setup_build_environment(self, env):
env.set("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8")
-class AutotoolsBuilder(spack.build_systems.autotools.AutotoolsBuilder, BuildEnvironment):
- configure_directory = "source"
def configure_args(self):
args = []
@@ -104,7 +101,12 @@ class AutotoolsBuilder(spack.build_systems.autotools.AutotoolsBuilder, BuildEnvi
return args
-class MSBuildBuilder(spack.build_systems.msbuild.MSBuildBuilder, BuildEnvironment):
+class MSBuildBuilder(spack.build_systems.msbuild.MSBuildBuilder):
+ # Need to make sure that locale is UTF-8 in order to process source files in UTF-8.
+ @when("@59:")
+ def setup_build_environment(self, env):
+ env.set("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8")
def msbuild_args(self):
return [