path: root/lib/spack/spack/detection/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/spack/spack/detection/')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/detection/ b/lib/spack/spack/detection/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f33040f292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/detection/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+"""Create and run mock e2e tests for package detection."""
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import pathlib
+import tempfile
+from typing import Any, Deque, Dict, Generator, List, NamedTuple, Tuple
+import jinja2
+from llnl.util import filesystem
+import spack.repo
+import spack.spec
+from spack.util import spack_yaml
+from .path import by_path
+class MockExecutables(NamedTuple):
+ """Mock executables to be used in detection tests"""
+ #: Relative paths for mock executables to be created
+ executables: List[str]
+ #: Shell script for the mock executable
+ script: str
+class ExpectedTestResult(NamedTuple):
+ """Data structure to model assertions on detection tests"""
+ #: Spec to be detected
+ spec: str
+class DetectionTest(NamedTuple):
+ """Data structure to construct detection tests by PATH inspection.
+ Packages may have a YAML file containing the description of one or more detection tests
+ to be performed. Each test creates a few mock executable scripts in a temporary folder,
+ and checks that detection by PATH gives the expected results.
+ """
+ pkg_name: str
+ layout: List[MockExecutables]
+ results: List[ExpectedTestResult]
+class Runner:
+ """Runs an external detection test"""
+ def __init__(self, *, test: DetectionTest, repository: spack.repo.RepoPath) -> None:
+ self.test = test
+ self.repository = repository
+ self.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ def execute(self) -> List[spack.spec.Spec]:
+ """Executes a test and returns the specs that have been detected.
+ This function sets-up a test in a temporary directory, according to the prescriptions
+ in the test layout, then performs a detection by executables and returns the specs that
+ have been detected.
+ """
+ with self._mock_layout() as path_hints:
+ entries = by_path([self.test.pkg_name], path_hints=path_hints)
+ _, unqualified_name = spack.repo.partition_package_name(self.test.pkg_name)
+ specs = set(x.spec for x in entries[unqualified_name])
+ return list(specs)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def _mock_layout(self) -> Generator[List[str], None, None]:
+ hints = set()
+ try:
+ for entry in self.test.layout:
+ exes = self._create_executable_scripts(entry)
+ for mock_executable in exes:
+ hints.add(str(mock_executable.parent))
+ yield list(hints)
+ finally:
+ self.tmpdir.cleanup()
+ def _create_executable_scripts(self, mock_executables: MockExecutables) -> List[pathlib.Path]:
+ relative_paths = mock_executables.executables
+ script = mock_executables.script
+ script_template = jinja2.Template("#!/bin/bash\n{{ script }}\n")
+ result = []
+ for mock_exe_path in relative_paths:
+ rel_path = pathlib.Path(mock_exe_path)
+ abs_path = pathlib.Path( / rel_path
+ abs_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ abs_path.write_text(script_template.render(script=script))
+ filesystem.set_executable(abs_path)
+ result.append(abs_path)
+ return result
+ @property
+ def expected_specs(self) -> List[spack.spec.Spec]:
+ return [spack.spec.Spec(r.spec) for r in self.test.results]
+def detection_tests(pkg_name: str, repository: spack.repo.RepoPath) -> List[Runner]:
+ """Returns a list of test runners for a given package.
+ Currently, detection tests are specified in a YAML file, called ``detection_test.yaml``,
+ alongside the ```` file.
+ This function reads that file to create a bunch of ``Runner`` objects.
+ Args:
+ pkg_name: name of the package to test
+ repository: repository where the package lives
+ """
+ result = []
+ detection_tests_content = read_detection_tests(pkg_name, repository)
+ tests_by_path = detection_tests_content.get("paths", [])
+ for single_test_data in tests_by_path:
+ mock_executables = []
+ for layout in single_test_data["layout"]:
+ mock_executables.append(
+ MockExecutables(executables=layout["executables"], script=layout["script"])
+ )
+ expected_results = []
+ for assertion in single_test_data["results"]:
+ expected_results.append(ExpectedTestResult(spec=assertion["spec"]))
+ current_test = DetectionTest(
+ pkg_name=pkg_name, layout=mock_executables, results=expected_results
+ )
+ result.append(Runner(test=current_test, repository=repository))
+ return result
+def read_detection_tests(pkg_name: str, repository: spack.repo.RepoPath) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Returns the normalized content of the detection_tests.yaml associated with the package
+ passed in input.
+ The content is merged with that of any package that is transitively included using the
+ "includes" attribute.
+ Args:
+ pkg_name: name of the package to test
+ repository: repository in which to search for packages
+ """
+ content_stack, seen = [], set()
+ included_packages: Deque[str] = collections.deque()
+ root_detection_yaml, result = _detection_tests_yaml(pkg_name, repository)
+ included_packages.extend(result.get("includes", []))
+ seen |= set(result.get("includes", []))
+ while included_packages:
+ current_package = included_packages.popleft()
+ try:
+ current_detection_yaml, content = _detection_tests_yaml(current_package, repository)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ msg = (
+ f"cannot read the detection tests from the '{current_package}' package, "
+ f"included by {root_detection_yaml}"
+ )
+ raise FileNotFoundError(msg + f"\n\n\t{e}\n")
+ content_stack.append((current_package, content))
+ included_packages.extend(x for x in content.get("includes", []) if x not in seen)
+ seen |= set(content.get("includes", []))
+ result.setdefault("paths", [])
+ for pkg_name, content in content_stack:
+ result["paths"].extend(content.get("paths", []))
+ return result
+def _detection_tests_yaml(
+ pkg_name: str, repository: spack.repo.RepoPath
+) -> Tuple[pathlib.Path, Dict[str, Any]]:
+ pkg_dir = pathlib.Path(repository.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name)).parent
+ detection_tests_yaml = pkg_dir / "detection_test.yaml"
+ with open(str(detection_tests_yaml)) as f:
+ content = spack_yaml.load(f)
+ return detection_tests_yaml, content