path: root/var
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vep-cache/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vep-cache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e84426a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/vep-cache/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class VepCache(Package):
+ """Separate installation and management for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (vep)"""
+ homepage = ""
+ maintainers("teaguesterling")
+ # This is a dummy value to get spack to resolve resources, which are not downloaded
+ # when has_code = False
+ has_code = False
+ license("Apache-2.0", checked_by="teaguesterling")
+ vep_versions = ["112", "111", "110"]
+ depends_on("vep", type="build")
+ for major in vep_versions:
+ version(major)
+ depends_on(f"vep@{major}", type="build", when=f"@{major}+match_vep_version")
+ vep_assembly_sources = ["ensembl", "refseq", "merged"]
+ # This is an incomplete list
+ vep_species = {
+ "bos_taurus": ["UMD3.1"],
+ "danio_rerio": ["GRCz11"],
+ "homo_sapiens": ["GRCh38", "GRCh37"],
+ "mus_musculus": ["GRCm38"],
+ "rattus_norvegicus": ["Rnor_6.0"],
+ }
+ variant("match_vep_version", default=True, description="Match cache and software version")
+ variant("env", default=True, description="Setup VEP environment variables for this cache")
+ # Cache configuration options
+ variant("fasta", default=True, description="Add FASTA files to the cache")
+ variant("indexed", default=True, description="Use indexed cache")
+ variant(
+ "assembly_source",
+ values=vep_assembly_sources,
+ default="ensembl",
+ description="What reference genome source",
+ )
+ variant(
+ "species",
+ values=vep_species.keys(),
+ default="homo_sapiens",
+ description="Which species to download the cache for (only one at a time)",
+ )
+ variant(
+ "assembly",
+ values=["latest"]
+ + [
+ conditional(*assemblies, when=f"species={species}")
+ for species, assemblies in vep_species.items()
+ ],
+ default="latest",
+ multi=False,
+ description="Which assembly of genome to use (only needed for homo sapiens)",
+ )
+ def cache_from_spec(self, spec):
+ variants = spec.variants
+ indexed = spec.satisfies("+indexed")
+ cache_type = variants["assembly_source"].value
+ species = variants["species"].value
+ assembly = variants["assembly"].value
+ assembly = self.vep_species[species][0] if assembly == "latest" else assembly
+ return indexed, cache_type, species, assembly
+ def vep_cache_config(self, base):
+ spec = self.spec
+ cache_version = spec.version.up_to(1)
+ indexed, cache_type, species, assembly = self.cache_from_spec(spec)
+ user_root = join_path(base, "share", "vep")
+ root = user_root # Should this be VEP install dir?
+ suffix = "" if cache_type == "ensembl" else f"_{cache_type}"
+ species_cache = f"{species}{suffix}"
+ if species == "homo_sapiens":
+ cache_dir = join_path(species, f"{cache_version}_{assembly}")
+ else:
+ cache_dir = join_path(species, f"{cache_version}")
+ return {
+ "root": root,
+ "user_root": user_root,
+ "version": f"{cache_version}",
+ "type": f"{cache_type}",
+ "species": species,
+ "cache_species": species_cache,
+ "assembly": f"{assembly}",
+ "indexed": indexed,
+ "dir": cache_dir,
+ "full_path": join_path(root, cache_dir),
+ }
+ def setup_run_environment(self, env):
+ if self.spec.satisfies("+env"):
+ cache = self.vep_cache_config(self.home)
+ env.set("VEP_OFFLINE", "1")
+ env.set("VEP_CACHE", "1")
+ env.set("VEP_DIR", cache["user_root"])
+ env.set("VEP_SPECIES", cache["species"])
+ env.set("VEP_CACHE_VERSION", cache["version"])
+ if cache["assembly"] is not None:
+ env.set("VEP_ASSEMBLY", cache["assembly"])
+ if cache["type"] == "refseq":
+ env.set("VEP_REFSEQ", "1")
+ if cache["type"] == "merged":
+ env.set("VEP_MERGED", "1")
+ if self.spec.satisfies("+fasta"):
+ pass
+ def cache_installer_args(self):
+ cache = self.vep_cache_config(self.prefix)
+ args = [
+ cache["full_path"],
+ cache["version"],
+ "--SPECIES",
+ cache["cache_species"],
+ ]
+ if cache["species"] == "homo_sapiens":
+ args += ["--ASSEMBLY", cache["assembly"]]
+ return args
+ def installer_args(self):
+ auto = "cf" if self.spec.satisfies("+fasta") else "c"
+ args = ["--AUTO", auto, "--NO_UPDATE", "--NO_TEST"]
+ args += self.cache_installer_args()
+ return args
+ def install_with_installer(self):
+ vep = self.spec["vep"].package
+ installer = which(vep.vep_installer_path)
+ installer(*self.installer_args())
+ def install(self, spec, prefix):
+ cache = self.vep_cache_config(self.prefix)
+ mkdirp(cache["full_path"])
+ self.install_with_installer()